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[email protected] Published by: EVA International Media ltd Boswell Cottage, 19 South End, Croydon, London, CR0 1BE, UK Welcome to the Autumn 2019 edition of In this issue, we speak to Oman Aviation AirlineEditor’s Routes & Ground Services. ServicesNotes (page 24), Celebi Aviation (page Tel: +44 (0) 20 8253 4000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8603 7369 26), PrimeFlight (page 28), Airline Assistance This issue features a one-to-one interview Switzerland (page 30), GroundForce (page 32) www.evaintmedia.com with new Airport Services Association and Antigua Airport Services (page 33). Director General Fabio Gamba (page 4). He Printed by: took over at the helm of the association in In View from the Airports (page 34) we get The Manson Group Limited April and he shares his views on the industry the lowdown on what is happening at Miami St Albans, Hertfordshire, and his plans in the hot seat.