K.K. CHAKRAVORTY Director of Census Operations Chandigarh 1971 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS OF CHANDIGARH . (All the Census Publications of this Union Territory will bear Series Number lS)

Part I General Report

Part II-l\ ., General Population Tables Combined Volume Published PartII-B \ . . Economic Tables

Part II-C(i) &(ii) Social and Cultural Tables and Fertility I Tables ~Combined Volume Published Part V-A Special Tables-on_Scheduled Castes J

Part I1-D Migration Tables Present Volume

Part III .' Establishment Report and Tables Published

Part IV . . Housing Report and Tables Published

Part VI-A Town Directory (Please see X-A Part A) Part VI-B Special Survey Reports on Selected Towns

Part VIII-A Administration Report on Enumeration Published (for official use)

Part IX Census Atlas Published

*Part X Part X-A Village and Town Directory Published Part X-B Village/Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract Part X·C District Census Tables, Tables on Village Directory and Primary Published Cansus Abstract Data and Administrative, ------,------Welfare and Development statistics. *A Publication of the Chandigarh Admini~tratiQn. The history of Chandigarh, the city beautiful, begins with the partition of the Indian Sub-Continent. Lahore the historic capital of undivided Punjab, having gone to Pakistan tile need for a new capital for East Punjab arose. For a while the Government of East Punjab functioned at JulJundur. Thereafter as a make shift arran· gement Simla became the Seat of Government. However, t/sese places were not found suitable for a per­ manent Seat of Government. Several claims were put and finally the present site was chosen for the capital city due to its natural surroundings viz., Patiali Rao on the West, Sukhna Choe on the east, the monsoon rivers and Shivalik Hills on the north-east, wlJich make for a check on the haphazard growth oj the city. The other reasons Jor selecting this site were healthy climate, fertile land for growing trees,fruits and vegetables plentiful supply of water and availability of building materials like stone, sand and cement. The city was named after "Chandi", the Goddess of Chivalry. The holy shrine of Goddess 'Chandi' is located on Chandigarh-Kalka Road at a distance oj about 12 kilometres in the State of Haryana.

2. Initially the plan of Chandigarh was entrusted to Mr. Albert Mayar and Whittlesey of New York, Architects and Planners. At a later stage Monsieur Le Corbusier, a Swiss born French Architect of world fame and the chief collaborator of U.N. Buildings at New York, was associated in this work along with Monsieur Pierre Jeannert, his close associate in many of his great works of Architecture and Planning, Mr. Maxwell Fry, the acknowledged leader of modern Architecture in england and Miss Jane B. Drew, the best known women Architect in England. The present master plan of Chandigarh in execution is the outcome of the combined efforts of these experts. 3. The city haJ received wide acclaim as it represents the Jirst major attempt at planning of a complete city which will function as a self-sufficient community. The basic planning unit of the city is the Sector. Each Sector is planned to be a self-contained unit providing for residential accommodation, a shopping centre, educatio."al and medical facilities, place of worship, open space, etc. The industrial area is to the east while the capital complex is to the north. 4. The city waS formaly declared open by the Firsi President of India, Dr. Rajindra Parsad on tfh october, 1953.

'the present volume deals with the migration data (or the Union Territory of Chandigarh. Miara. tion data of Chandigarh, the city beautiful, will no doubt make for a fascinating study; but at this time the scope of the study would seem limited in that data are available for two censuses only, viz.; 1961 and 1971.

Following the all India pattern, data have been presented in this volume for rural and urban areas separately. The six tables presented here are explained in the fly leaves which precede each tablt.

I take this opportunity of thanking IllY colleagues in 'he Directorate of Census Operations of the Union Territory of Ohandigarh, who undertook the onerous task of preparing these tables. To Shri M.L. Sharma are due my special thanks for the draft he gave me.

Last but not least, I thank the Controller, Printing and Stationery Department. Chandigarh Adminis­ tration and his oolleagues for taking interest in printing this volume.

Ko.K.. CHAKRAVORTY New Delhi, Basant Panchami, 1 February, 1979.

CONTENTS Page Introductory Note : i to iv Statement I Percentage to total migrants to total population in Union 2 Territory Chandigarh according to birth place. Statement II Percentage of total migrants to total population in 3 Union Territory Chandigarh according to place of last residence. Statement III Migration to and from the neighbouring states by birth 3 place. Annexure : Questions on migration in various censuses 5iooo 1881. 4 Fly-leaf to table D-I 5 Table D-I Population classified by place of birth. 6-8

Fly-leaf to table D-ll 9 Table D-II Migrants classified by place of last residence and duration 10-21 of residence in place of enumeration. Appendix to table D-II Migrants by state oflast residence and age for 22-33 duration of residence of 0-9 years (Males and Females)

Fly-leaf to table D-IH 35 Table D-tII Migrants to urban units (including agglomeration 36-83 having 100,000 and above population classified by place, broad age-groups, edvcational levels and in case of workers by occupational divisions. Fly-leaf to table D-IV 85 Table D-IV Population of urban units (including agglomeration) 86-87 having 100,000 and above population classified by place of last residence and duration of residence. Fly-leaf to table D-V 89 Table D-V Migrant workers and non-workers according to main activi­ 90-109 ties classified by place of last residence. Fly-leaf to table VI III Table D-VI Migrants classified by place of last residence, age-group. Ip-129 duration of residence and marital statl1s.

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"o ~ ~ ..OJ ..'"" :s:: to- j .., .. i5 ; .,. o o ~ o a E ____ -======Ji Introductory Note

The present volume incorporates da~a ~n to birth place till 1961. In the 1971 census, migration revealed by the 1971 census WhICh m­ for the first time data on last residence migration cidentally happened to ~e the first ~nsus of ,the were collected in addition to data on birth place Union Territory of Chandlgarh after Its constItu­ migration. The various questions on migration tion in 1966. The subje(:t of migration has assumed have been shown in Annexure given at the end importance since the second world ,war: The of this note. complexity of problems posed by mIgratIon of population goes on increasing year after year due The question on migration included in the to multiple factors.. :rhe study of ~ocial and de~lO­ schedules d\,\ring 1961 and 1971 censuses are repro­ graphic processes IS mcomplete wIthout a detaIled duced below : study of migration in its varied aspects such as extent, direction, selectivity, motivation and adjust­ Census Questionnaires ments etc. However, at detailed discussion of these is proposed to be undertaken separately in 1961 1971 the main report. 4. (a) Birth place 7. Birth place The term migration connotes the change of residence from one geographical unit to another. (b) Born Rural/Urban Four migration streams can be identified, namely (c) Duration of (a) place of birth (i) rural to rural (ii) rural to' urban (iii) urban residence if born (b) Rural/Urban to rural and Civ) urban to urban, In the elsewhere (c) District present volume migration data are presented Cd) State/Country by the following broad categories (i) Migration within the state/union territory of enumeration 5. (a) Nationality (ii) Migration from other statesfUnion Territories but within India and (iii) Migration from other 8. Last residence countries. In the first two cases break up by rural and urban sectors has also been presented. No (a) Place of last residence such break up has, however, been given for (b) Rural/Urban external migration i.e. inmigration from other (c) District countries. (d) State/Country

The political and social upheavals; natural 9. Duration of residence calamities like floods, famines, earthquakes, epide­ at the villages or mics and opening of new areas for industries and town of enumeration. colonisation greatly stimulate the process of migration. During the second world war the The answers recorded according to the above development of industrial and urban centres saw questions were tabulated as per list of tables given large scale migration within the country. The below. partition of the sub continent in 1947 caused great exodus of population both ways. The factors 1961 like employment, education, marriage etc. also con­ tribute to the process of migration. Chadigarh, the Table D-I Non-Indian Nationals. city beautiful, was built to serve as the capital of Punjab (East) due to loss of Lahore, the capital of Table D-II Place of birth undivided Punjab. The subsequent merger of Pepsu states with Punjab brought in its wake many Go­ Table D-III Migrants classified by place of birth vernment officials alongwith families from Patiala and duration of residence in the place of to Chandigarh. The University, Government enumeration. college of Engineering, 'Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science and other insitutions have large Table D.IV Migrants to cities classified by number of students on their roll from out side. sex, broad age groups, educational levels Many refugees from Pakistan, who could not and in case of workers also by occupa­ settle down elsewhere made Chandigarh as the tional divisions and groups. permanent abode. The place of inmigration in this territory was so brisk that its population Table D-V Cities showing population born increased by 114.59 per cent during the last locally migrants from rural areas and mig­ decade 1961--1971. rants from other towns and cities

In India, data on migration has been collected Table D-VI Distribution of industrial categories by Census ever since the first synchronous census of workers and non-workers by place of Wl\S belq ill the ye~T 1881. Thesl( dat" were 1'~ll\teq birth, 2

1971 district of enumeration. During 1961 completed years of residence were taken into account. In Table 0-1 Population classified by place of birth. 1971 Census, however, the period of the existing continuous residence in the village or town where Table D-II Migrants classified by place of last the person is enumerated was recorded in com­ .residence and duration of residence in place pleted years even for those persons who were of enumeration. born at the place of enmeration. The coverage Table 0-111 Migrants to urban units (including of question On migration-last place or residence in agglomerations) having 100,000 and above 1971 Census has been made in a more detailed manner, then in 1961 by including details of persons population classified by sex, broad age who were eligible as migrants according to last groups educational levels and in case of workers by occupational divisions. residence but not so by birth place. Table D-IV Population of urban units (including Some of the terms used in this volume are agglomerations) having 100,000 and above defined below :- population classified by place of last resi­ dence and duration of residence. 1. Migrant-Is a person who has moved from one politically defined area to another similar area. Table O-V Migrants workers and non-workers In India such areas are generally a village in rural according to main activities classified by area and a town in urban sector. place of last residence. 2. Birth Place Migrant.-If at the tbpe of Table O-VI Migrants classified by place of last census enumeration there is a change in the usual residence, age-groups, duration of residence place of residence of an individual with reference Bnd marital status. to his/her birth place, he/she is defined as a migrant in accordance with birth place concept. It may however, be noted that though six tables were compiled on migration in 1961 none gave data 3. Last Residence Migrant.-If at the time of separately for Chadigarh. This territory then census enumeration a change in the usual place of constituted part of Ambala district which was in residence of -an individual is noted with reference Punjab. 1961 Census tables on migration were to his/her previous usual residence, he/she is. term~ not recast for Chandigarh. Hence no data are ed as a migrant in accordance with last reSIdence available for Chandigarh for 1961 Census. The concept. tables presented in tbis volume are preceded by a 4. In-Migrant.-A person who crosses the flyleaf for each. boundaries of a village/town for t~e p';1rpose .of residing at the place of enumeratIOn IS an 1D~ . There are some perceptible changes in migra­ migrant. tion data of 1961 and 1971 Census. In 1971 Census a place was treated as urban if that was so 5. Out-migrant.-If a person moves out from at . the time of migration from the place of usual the place of enumeration (vi~lage/town) to another reSidence of birth place. But in 1961 position was politically defined area (vIllage/town) for. usual not so because a place was treated as urban if it was residence, he Of she is termed as an out-mIgrant. so at the time of enumeration. The rural/urban ~tatus of a place was taken at the time of migration Migration according to the Birth Place In 1971 whereas it was treated as it was at the time of 1961 enumeration. Also variation in regard to The following statement shoWS the extent ?f duration of residence is quite noticeable, for a birth place migration by rural and urban areas 1O person born in another village or town/city of the this territory.

STATEMENT I Percentage of total migrants to total population in Union Territory Chandigarh according to Birth place

Migrants Unc1assl- Chandlgarh Union Tel'fltory Total Migrants Migrants Hable migrants within U.T. from other from Chandlgarh states{U.T.s. outside In India IndIa

-.._. __...._----- ..-..---.--~~~ ------6 1 2- 3 4 5 ------0·02 Total 76·01 1 ·31 62·40 12 ·28 Rural 46·97 4·52 40·30 2·15 0·02 Urban 79·04 0'98 64·70 13·34 Migration according to the last residence has been presented in the statement 11 given be10w! The distribution of last residence migration STATEMENT n Percentage of total migrants to total popUlation in Union Territory Chandigarh according to the place of last residence

Chandigarb Union Territory Total Migrants Migrants Migrants Unclasslfl- Migrants within D.T. from other from outside able Chandlgarh States, UTs. India In India

------...... ---2 3 4 5 6 Total 76·28 1 ·47 73·41 1 '36 0'04 Rural 46·08 6·29 38·72 0·72 0,35 Urban 79'43 0'96 77'03 1 ·43 0'01

A comparative study of statements I and II employees abound. They come from different shows that extent of birth place migration and the parts of the country for employment. Besides last place of migration is quite higb in this territory. the educational and technical institutions have This is attributable to the existence of sizeable attracted students from outside. urban sector where private and Government STATEMENT III Migration to and from the neighbouring states by birth place

Name of the neighbouring Persons born in U. T. Cnandigarh Persons born in other States of States and enumerated in other States of Jndia but enumerated in India Chandjgarh V. T.

- - - .~ ------_._------~ ---.------2 ------3 Punjab 9,200 71,693 Haryana 3,820 26,751 Himachal Pradesh 1,445 15.475 ANNEXURE

Questions on migration in various censuses since 1881

1881 Census 1951 Census Q. 9. Place of birth. 2 (a) Nationality. Q. 5. Birth place. 1891 Census Q. 6. Displaced persons. Q. 10. Bi!-th district or c,Ountry. 1961 Censns 1901 Census Q. 4(a) Birth place. Q. 12. Birth place. Q. 4(b) Whether born in rural or urban Q. 4(c) Duration of residence, if born else­ 1911 Census where. Q. 12: District, Province or country in which Q. Sea) Nationality. born. 1971 Census 1921 Census Q. 7(a) Place of birth. Q. 12. Birth district. Q. 7(b) Rural/Urban. Q. 7(c) District. 1931 Census Q. 7(d) State/Country. Q. 13. Birth district (or country). Q. 8(a) Place of last residence. Q. 8(b) Rural/Urban. Q. 8(c) District. 1941 Census Q. 8(d) State/Country. Q. 17. Were you born in this district 1 If Q. 9. Duration of residence at the village or not" in what district. town of enumeration. TABLE D-I

Population classified by place or birtb Fly-Leaf

This table consists of the main table and its account has been presented of places of birth. appendix. The former has been included here The broad groups give the distribution by : A­ whereas the latter has been ommitted as it deals Born in India, B-Born in countries in Asia beyond with persons born in other districts of the State India (including U.S.S.R.), C-Countries in and enumerated in the district of enumeration. Europe (excluding U.S.S.R.), D-Countries But since in the case of Chandigarh there is no in Africa, E-Countries in two Americas, F­ other district as this Union Territory is a single Countries in Oceania and G-Unclassifiable. As district territory appendix to the main table was far as numerical strength is concerned those born not compiled. in India are more important. Hence a detailed account of such of the persons has 'been presented The main table corresponds to table D-IV by : I-Within the State of enumeration and of 1951 Census and table D·II of 1961 Census II-States in India beyond the State of 'enumera­ with minor changes. 'tion. It would also be seen that while giving figures by countries only important countries The table classifies population by place of have been shown whereas other countries have birth cross classified by place of enumeration. been grouped under 'Elsewhere' under each The place of enumeration has been divided into continent. total, rural and urban areas with further break­ down into persons, males and females. The It may also be noted that figures of Assam birth places have been broadly subdivided into include that of Mizo district which now rural/urban/unclassifiable. A further detailed constitutes the Union Territory of Mizoram. b D-I POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF BIRTH

Rurall Enumerated in Rural or Urhan areas of Chandigarh Union Territory Birth place UrbanI --. Voclassi- Tlltal Rural Urban fiable p M F P M F P M F ------.. ------1 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 ----11

Total Population • 251,251 1''',0lI0 110,111 24,311 14,444 9,861 232.,940 132,0J.6 loo,3e4 92,'1.17 A. Bol'llllllnall R 55,894 ~,3R3 21,585 12,8.11 8,i83 70,711. 44,871 26,'700 U 131,250 71,415 59,765 2,066 1,241 819 129,1114 70,238 UDtI. 2,082 58,946 1,245 837 216' 54 161 1,s.6 1,191 675 I. WithlB tbe St.lf~ R 14,936 10,183 4,753 U,740 9,354 4,386 1,196 829 49,309 367 of En_erltio. U 26,614 22,695 217 131 86 49,092 26,483 22,609 Undo 347 33 540 301 33 814 S40 174 (a) -Born in place () f R 12,891 1l,937 3.954 12,891 8,931 3,954 Enumeration U 48,831 '26,340 22,491 48,831 26,340 UncI. .. 22.4~i

(b) Born Elsewhere R 2.045 1,246 799 849 417 432 1,196 829 478 217 367 in district of tJ 214 204 131 86 261 143 118 Enumeration Uncl. 847 540 307 33 33 814 540 214 (c) BPrn in ather R diStricts or the U .. ' State UncI.

II, States In India R 77,341 46,711 30,630 ',765 3,468 4,297 49,510 43,2.43 26,333 beyooollie Stute U 81,94] 44,811 371Y10 1,8411 1,116 733 80,092 43,755 36,331 1,2]5 70s of ElIl1lIIeration UncI. 530 183 54 129 1,052 651 401 (a) Statts

1. Aodhra Pradesh R 157 76 81 10 5 5 147 71 76 U 283 146 137 8 B 275 138 137 UncL 18 10 S 2 2 16 10 6 2. ·Assam R 38 20 18 2 1 36 IS IS U 1J5 18 51 4- ~ 1 131 75 56 UDeI. l:! 5 1 12 5 7 3. Bihar R 359 232 127 28 17 11 33) 215 116 U 474 267 207 11 8 .) 463 259 204 Und. 24 11 13 2 7. 22 9 13 4, Gujarat R 62 33 29 1 1 61 33 28 U 241 104 137 4 2 2 217 102 135 Uoel 20 !l 11 1 1 19 9 10 S, HiUyaoa R 13,31SJ 7,394 5,9'25 1,711 606 1,105 11,608 6,788 4,820 U 13,306 1,396 5,910 425 230 195 12,881 7,166 5,715 Uncl, 126 62 64 26 26 100 62 38 6, Himachal R 1.984 5,519 2,405 21J7 205 92 7,681 S,3J4 2,:m Pradesb U 7,380 4,284 3,096 121 82 45 7,253 4,20! 3,051 Unct 111 74 37 S 5 106 74 32

7. Ja.mmu~ R 447 333 114 26 2:' 3 421 3H1 111 Kashmir U 1,278 61:i <603 28 17 n l,2.5D 65S 592 Unci. 34 22 12 1 1 33 21 12 8. Kerala R 370 215 155 10 9 1 360 206 154 U m 2S1 252 13 11 2 S2() 270 250 UncI. 42 28 14 42 28 14 9. Madhya Pradesh R 154 89 65 30 17 13 124 72 52 U 621 307 314 15 5 to 606 302 304 UncI. 23 14 9 23 14 9

Unci, Mean. Unc:lasSiftable -Includes Mizo District, now constituted as Union Tcn:itory of "Mizoram". 7


Rurall Enumerated in Rural or Urban areas of Chan.digarh Union Territory Birth place UrbanI Unc1assi- Total Rural Urban fiable p M F P M F P M F I 2 --3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ~------.. ------_- to. Maharashtra R 202 120 82 10 5 5 192 115 77 U 1.226 619 607 26 16 10 1,200 603 597 Unci. 15 8 7 15 8 7

11. Manipur R 11 5 6 11 5 6 U 9 7 2 9 7 2 UncI.

12. Meghalaya R U 12 3 9 12 3 9 UncI.

13. Mysore R 69 41 28 5 4 1 64 37 27 U 338 167 171 6 2 4 332 165 167 UncI. 7 2 5 7 2 5

14. Nagaland R U 2 1 1 2 1 UncI. 1 1 1 1

15. Orissa R 48 29 19 2 2 46 29 17 U 122 69 53 1 1 121 68 53 UncI. 10 6 4 10 6 4 16. punjab R 34,524 18,945 15,579 4,243 1,622 2,621 30,281 17,323 12,958 U 36,808 19,834 16,974 519 241 278 36,289 19,593 16,696 UncI. 361 167 194 82 3 79 279 164 115 17. Rajasthan R 2,557 1,541 1,016 167 98 69 2,390 1,443 947 U 1,585 867 718 22 13 9 1,563 854 709 Unci. 49 31 18 3 1 2 46 30 16 18. Sikkim R

U " UncI. 9 4 5 9 4 5 19. Tamil Nadu R 160 85 75 33 21 12 127 64 63 U 973 508 465 21 14 7 952 494 458 UncI. 10 3 7 3 1 2 7 2 5 20. Tripura R 1 1 1 1 U 2 1 1 2 1 1 UncI.

21. R 16,607 11,832 4,775 1,182 830 352 15,425 11,002 4,423 U 10,324 6,158 4,166 558 442 116 9,766 5,716 4,050 UncI. 300 202 98 24 12 12 276 190 86 22. West Bengal R 139 72 67 7 3 4 132 69 63 U 954 483 471 5 3 2 949 480 469 UncI. 18 8 10 18 8 10

(b) Union lerritorie.l 1. Andaman & R 3 3 3 3 Nicobar Islands U 18 13 5 18 13 5 UncI. 4 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 2. Arunachal R Pradesh U 1 1 1 1 UncI. 2 1 1 2 1 1

3. Dadra & Nagar R 2 2 Haveli U UncI.

4. Delhi R 123 62 61 123 62 61 U 5,283 2,589 2,694 56 18 38 5,227 2,571 2,656 UncI. 38 35 3 33 33 5 2 3 8


Enumerated in Rural or Urban areas of Chandigarh Union Territory Rural/ ______.__ __ ~ ______~~ ____~,~--- Birth place Urbani Total Rural Urban Uhclassi- fiabJe ~ ______---...___.~----~- P M F p M F p M F

____...._._ _ _..____ -..._..._.,...... -t----I' __.....,.._,._..,...... ,.~_------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------~------5. Goa,Daman & R 3 2 1 3 2 1 Diu U 25 12 13 25 12 13 UncI. 1 1 1 1 6. Laccadive, Mini- R coy & Aminidivi U Islands UncI.

7. Pondicherry R 1 1 U 8 2 6 8 2 6 Uncl. B. Born in countries in Asia beyond India (Including U.S.S.R.) 30,903 17,123 13,780 S24 321 203 30,379 16,802 13,577 1. Afghanistan 22 13 9 22 13 9 2. Burma 290 150 140 4 2 2 286 148 138 3. Ceylon 13 8 5 13 8 5 4. China 2 2 2 2 5. Nepal 366 280 86 34 22 12 332 258 74 6. Pakistan 29,968 16,525 13,443 486 297 189 29,482 16,228 13,254 7. MalaYsia 66 50 16 66 50 16 8. U.S.S.R. 17 10 7 17 10 7 9. Elsewhere 159 87 72 159 87 72 C. Countries in Europe 114 55 59 114 5S 59 (EXcluding U.S.S.R.) 1. U.K. (Including 87 41 46 87 41 46 N. Ireland) 2. Ireland 2 2 2 2 3. Elsewhere 25 12 13 25 12 13 D. Countries in Africa 495 lIS 1.77 495 218 277

1. Kenya 93 46 47 93 46 47 2. Mauritiaus 26 19 7 26 19 1 3. Mozambique 4. Union of South Africa 5. Elsewhere 376 153 223 376 153 223 E. Countries In two Americas 70 31 39 70 31 39 1. Canada 18 8 10 18 8 10 2. U.S.A. 45 21 24 45 21 24 3. Elsewhere 7 2 5 7 2 5 F. Countries in Oceania 14 9 5 14 9 5 1. Australia 6 2 4 6 2 4 2. New Zeal and 3. Elsewhere 8 7 8 7 1 G. UncIassifiable 46 20 26 46 20 26 'fABLE n·t! Migrants ciassified by place of lllst ... esidence and duratioB of resideRce iii ·place of enomeratioll Fly·leaf

The table bears partial resemblance with (a) elsewhere in district of enumeration ; table D-II! of 1961 Census. In the 1961 Census the cross-classification was given between (b) in other districts of state of enumera­ 'Duration of residence at the place of enumeration' tion; and 'Place of Birth'. However, in the 1971 Census version the cross-classification of migrants has (ii) States in India beyond the state of been presented by place of last residence and enumeration: duration of residence in place of enumeration. It may be pertinent to point out here that during B. Countries in Asia beyond India (includ~ 1971 Census, data on last residence was attempted ing U.S.S.R.) ; for the first time. Hence cross-classification has C. Countries in Europe (excluding U.S.S.R.) been presented in a modified form. During 1961 Census, study of migration was made by place D. Countries in Africa; of birth alone. During 1971 Census it has been E. Countries in two Americas. made through twin aspects (i) last residence and (ii) place of birth. Thus 1971 Census approach F. Countries in Oceania, and for study of migration in a way is more broad based. G. Unclassifiable.

The table gives valuable data on the short The migrants have further been distributed term migration especially on Rural/Urban migra­ according to their duration of residence in place tion. It has been prepared at Union Territory of enumeration. Duration has been classified level by duration of residence in place of enumera­ into the following six ranges : (i) Less than 1 tion further classified by rural, urban and unclassi­ year (ii) 1-4 years' (iii) 5-9 years (iv) 10-19 fiable. The term Unclassifiable has been used years and (v) 20+ years and (vi) Period not stated. for those cases where rural/urban character of Figures under each of these groups present further locality could not be ascertained. The migration sub-division by males and females. On compari­ data relating to place of last residence have been son with the 1961 Census version it would be classified under the following seven groups :- noticed that age groups have undergone slight variation. It may. however, be noted that figures A. Last residence elsewhere in India ; of Assam include Mizo district now constituted as Union Territory of Mizoram. (i) Within the state of enumeration but out­ side the place of enumeration ; APPENDIX

Migrants by state of last residence and age for duration of residence of O~9 years-Males/females

This appendix has been introduced for the­ the place of enumeration. The age-groups are : first time. Herein figures have been presented 0-2 years, 3-7 years, 8-12 years, 13-17 years, for th)se migrants whose duration of residence 18--22·years .....•...... upto 68-72 years and at the place of enumeration is between 0-9 years. 73 + years. Those whose age was not stated The persons with longer duration, however, have have been grouped separately. been left out. This presents figures for males and females separately. Further this gives distribu­ It may, however. be noted that these data do tion of migrants by last residence by States/Union not include those whose place of last residence 'Territories with break down by rural and urban was unclassifiable. The Assam figures include areas. A separate column has been provided figures for ·Mizoram also which has been consti­ for those whose last residence was recorded as tuted as Union Territory of Mizoram. Also the any place outside India. These data are cross figures relating to Sikkim have not been shown .classified by various age-groups of the migrants in the appendix as the rural/urban break up of the with break down into rural and urban areas at data was-not available.



Duration of Last Residence -_------Total migrants Less than 1 year Rural/ -~~-~ ------Urban P M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Total 196,226 112,092 84,134 12,895 9,002

A. Last residence elsewhere iD India Rural Rural 7,927 3,226 4,701 690 328 Urban 2,920 1,926 994 500 206 Unclassiflable 94 51 43 19 3 Rural Urban 54,867 33,618 21,249 4,418 2,752 Urban 125,335 70,300 55,035 6,906 5,484 Unclasaifiable 1,476 979 497 134 63 I. Within the state of enumeration but out- side tbe place of enumeration Rural Rural 982 404 578 72 54 urban 535 373 162 145 51 UnclassiCiable 11 11 4 Rural urban 1,298 828 470 42 29 Urban 355 204 151 30 20 Unclassiflable 593 397 196 36 13

(a) Else where in district of enumeration Rural Rural 982 404 578 72 54 Urban 535 373 162 145 51 Unclassifiable 11 11 4 Rural Urban 1,298 828 470 42 29 Urban 355 204 151 30 20 Unclassifiable 593 397 196 36 13

(b) In other districts of state of enum~ration Rural Rural Urban Unclassifiable

Rural Urban Urban Unclassfiable II. States in India beyond tbe state of enumeration Rural Rural 6,945 2,822 4,t1.3 618 274 Urban 2,385 1,553 832 355 155 UnclaSsifiable 83 40 43 15 3

Rural Urban 53,569 32,790 20,779 4,376 2,723 Urban 124,980 70,096 54,884 6,876 5,464 Unclassifiable 883 582 301 98 50

(a) StateS 2 1. Andhra Pradesh Rural Rural 11 7 4 3 Urban 5 5 Unclassifiable 2 2 2 Rural Urban 51 22 29 10 11 Urban 353 174 179 42 48 Unclassifiable 4 2 2

2. "Assam Rural Rural 11 7 4 1 Urban 16 14 2 3 Unclassifiable 1 1

Rural Urban 70 44 26 14 10 Urban 526 347 179 99 56 Unclassifiable 56 37 19 11 7 3. Bihar Rural Rural 19 13 6 6 3 Urban 10 7 3 4 3 Unclassifiable 2 2 2

Rural Urban 187 116 71 28 23 Urban' 494 278 216 45 38 Unclassifiable 25 8 17 3 6

Note.-.*Includes Mizo district- now constituted as Union Territory of Mizoram. 11


Union Territory residence in place of enumeration 1-4 Years 5-9 Years 1()'_19 Years 20+ Years Period not stated

~-- -~- M F M F M F M F M F ~----- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 --- 38,102 27,832 25,926 19,932 29,339 21,009 2,051 1,572 3,779 1,787 1,057 991 536 593 370 913 315 1,090 258 786 854 334 285 180 175 102 57 61 55 111 18 4 8 3 3 1 2 2 1 30 10,628 6,680 8,356 5,438 8,335 5,126 790 762 1,091 491 24,724 19,240 16,142 13,267 19,837 15,396 577 445 2,114 1,203 337 161 238 122 151 89 14 9 105 53 117 98 20 59 22 91 69 99 104 177 139 62 33 16 47 14 9 4 15 4 2 1 115 83 84 52 342 175 180 106 65 15 74 40 32 36 37 36 11 8 20 11 106 61 98 46 72 43 11 6 74 27 117 98 20 59 22 91 69 99 104 177 139 62 33 16 47 14 9 4 15 4 2 1 115 83 84 52 342 175 180 106 65 25 74 40 32· 36 37 36 11 8 20 11 lO6 61 98 46 72 43 11 6 74 27

940 893 516 534 348 821 246 991 154 609 715 272 252 164 118 88 48 57 55 96 14 4 6 3 3 1 1 2 1 30 10,513 6,597 8,272 5,386 7,993 4,951 610 656 1,026 466 24,650 19,200 16,110 13,231 19,800 15,360 566 437 2,094 1,192 231 100 140 76 79 46 3 3 31 16

3 1 2 3

9 10 3 4 1 3 98 98 26 21 7 8 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 6 1 5 1 1 20 11 5 .. 2 3 3 2 190 86 40 24 12 8 6 5 17 6 7 5 1 1 1 3 1 4 .. 2 2 1

38 29 30 9 n 9 6 1 121 98 64 52 37 21 11 7 2 3 2 1 2 2 4 12' D·II MIGRANTS CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE AND DUIl'ATI<>N' ChaDdlgarb

Duration of Total Migrants Less than 1 year

Last Residence Rurall --~-- Urban P M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 .--- 4, Gujarat Rural Rural 1 1 Urban 2 2 Unclassifiable 1 1 Rural Urban 39 21 18 6 5 Urban 320 163 157 32 41 Unclassifiable 15 9 6 4 5 S. Haryana Rural Rural 1,641 546 1,095 114 60 Urban 595 334 261 96 41 Unclassifiable 25 6 19 1 Rural Urban 10,216 5,800 4,416 679 485 Urban 23,046 12,919 10,127 1,257 932 Unclassifiable 99 72 27 12 3 6. Himachal Pradesh Rural Rural 210 123 87 52 17 Urban 113 69 (4 17 9 Unclassifiable

Rural Urban 5,390 3,634 1,756 525 344 Urban 16,751 9,139 7,018 563 363 U nclassifia.ble 82 54 28 9 1 7. Jammu & Kashmir Rural Rural 37 22 15 1 5 Urban 42 31 11 12 3 Unclassifiable 5 5 2 Rural Urban 294 239 55 53 10 Urban 1,517 896 621 168 111 Unclassifiaple 31 25 6 4 1 8. Kerala Rural Rural 8 7 1 3 1 Urban 12 10 2 5 1 Unclassifiable

Rural Urban 131 65 66 ]8 18 Urban 253 115 138 22 43 Unel assifiable IS 10 5 1 1 9. Madhya Pradesh Rural Rural 36 22 14 10 4 Ut-ban 26 17 9 3 4 U nclassifiable

Rural Urban 113 66 47 17 11 Urban 833 483 350 77 43 Unclassifiable 23 13 10 2 1 10 Maharashtra Rural Rural 7 7 3 Urban 60 47 13 13 8 Unclassifiable 2 2 1 Rural Urban 110 58 52 18 16 Urban 1,883 1,039 844 201 176 Unclassifiable 13 7 6 1 11. ManipuT RUlal Rural Urban Unclassifiable

Rural Urban 5 2 3 Urban 8 4 4 Unclassifiable 12. Megbalya Rural Rural Urban Unclassifiable

Rural urban Urban 54 28 26 g 8 Unclassifiable :13 OF ltESIi>£NCE IN PLACE OF·ENUMERATION-conid. URleD Territory relildeDCe III place or CDumcra HOD ------1-4 Years S-9 Years 10-19 Years 20+ Years Period not stated ------_ ..------M F M F M F M F ------M F ------...... ------.--- 8 9 10 11 12 ------13 14 15' 16 17 ------.... ------.. ---

2 ., 1 10 7 1 1 3 .. I 5 85 79 23 17 12 10 1 10 10 2 2 1 1

155 195 148 175 56 211 46 315 27 1~9 100 81 83 S6 28 27 16 13 11 43 3 1 1 19 1,863 1,413 1,506 1,135 1,376 1,055 183 209 193 119 4,917 3,879 3,352 2,723 2,868 2,246 128 103 397 244 21 14 23 4 14 3 2 3 25 26 27 10 15 8 3 12 1 14 27 11 9 14 13 5 1 3 2 2

1,285 562 800 41B 906 380 39 20 79 32 1,906 1,2812 1,484 l,oti8 5,432 4 ..134 88 55 266 116 18 7 13 11 10 6 4 3 2 2 13 6 .. 2 11 7 6 I 2 1 1 1

67 15 70 t6 39 12 1 ., 9 2 475 318 133 101 94 73 1 1 25 17 14 3 6 2 1 1 ., 1 2 3 1 2 ,.

33 36 10 8 3 1 1 3 58 63 21 20 11 . 8 3 4 6 2 1 2 1 1 9 4 3 3 .. . . 1 11 4 1 1 1 1

25 20 11 5 10 8 2 1 2 264 187 81' ·76 45 39 3 13 4 8 6 3 2 1 1 .. ., 3 18 1 12 3 4 .. 1 1 21 21 8 5 6 8 4 1 1 1 477 387 202 177 121 84 5 2 33 18 4 4 1 2 1

2 2 .. 1 3 2 1 2

...... 15 12 4 6 1 14


Duration of Total Migrants Less than 1 year Last Residence Rurall Urban P M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 ., 13. Mysorc Rural Rural 2 1 1 1 Urban 7 3 4 2 Unclassifiable

Rural Urban 27 14 13 3 3 Urban 600 336 264 69 47 Unclassifiable 4 3 1 14. Nagaland Rural Rural urban Unclassifiable

Rural Urban 7 7 1 Urban 23 20 3 5 Unc1assifiable 7 6 1 1 IS. Orissa Rural Rural 2 .. 2 1 urban 1 1 Unclassifiable

Rural Urban 33 18 15 3 5 urban 132 77 55 16 11 Unc\assifiab\e 13 9 4 1 16. Punja'b Rural Rural 3,821 1,338 2,483 190 133 Urban 686 384 302 99 44 Unclasslfiable 25 4 21 1 1 Rural Urban 2],446 12,023 9,423 1,292 1,068 Urban 52,083 28,700 23,383 2,207 1,918 Unclasslflable 210 124 86 10 11 17. Rajasthan Rural Rural 152 86 66 56 Urban 40 27 13 12 5 Unclass\fia ble Rural Urban 2,181 1,313 868 170 98 Urban 1,915 1,090 825 139 121 Unclasslfla ble 38 26 12 2 1 18, Sikkim Rural Rural Urban U nclassifiable Rural Urban Urban " Unclassflable 14 11 3 S 19. Tamil Nadu Rural Rural 9 4 5 2 3 Urban 17 10 7 Unclasslffable 2 2 Rural Urban 41 17 24 3 5 Urban 1,261 704 557 101 120 Unclasslfiablc 3 3 1 20. TriPura Rural Rural Urban Unclasslflable Rural Urban ...... Urban 2 1 1 1 Unclasslflable 21. Uttar Pradesh Rural Rural 970 632 338 166 43 Urban 640 524 116 76 26 Unclasslflable 10 10 1 Rural Urban 12,977 9,179 3,798 1,502 592 Urban 11,SS1 6,783 4,768 944 6&5 Unclasslffable 206 148 S8 25 10 OF RESIDENCE IN PLACE OF ENUMERATION-Contd. Union Territory r0sldence In place of enumeration 1-4 Years------$-9 Years 10-19 Years 20 +Years Period not stated M F M F M F M F M F 8 9 )0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

.. " 1 2 1

6 9 3 2 ., 1 195 161 57 45 6 5 9 6 3 1

., 4 ., 2 . , .. .. 6 1 7 1 1 1 1 5 1

1 ,.

7 7 5 1 3 1 1 34 27 10 lZ 13 4 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 381 423 248 310 236 569 170 637 113 411 164 80 62 53 38 47 19 36 2 42 2 4 3- 1 1 2 10 3,561 2,817 3,194 2,488 3,342 2,479 271 376 361 195 9,432 7,551 7,394 6,309 8,615 6,920 207 193 845 492 46 24 34 27 25 19 2 2 7 3 27 57 1 2 1 4 1 3 10 5 3 2 2 1 . 411 318 255 202 382 202 47 30 48 18 447 340 221 175 220 162 29 11 34 16 10 6 8 4 4 1 1 1

.. 5 3 1

1 2 1 9 5 1 2 2 8 14 4 3 2 .' .. , . .. 2 412 310 131 92 30 17 1 2 29 16 2

.. 1

327 178 68 27 33 29 26 23 12 38 323 60 52 18 30 4 6 2 37 6 7 1 1 3,076 1,260 2,337 1,068 1\883 782 61 19 320 77 2,841 2,063 1,568 1,112 1,183 763 54 36 193 109 60 15 40 12 18 10 1 5 10 i6 D-D MIGRANTS CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE AND DURATION

Duration or

Last Residence Total Migrant6 Less than 1 year Rurall ------Urban P M M F ------F 2 3 4 5 6 7

22, West Bengal Rural Rural 5 4 1 '3 Urban 16 12 4 3 UnclMstfiable

Rural Urban 111 60 51 21 12 Urban l,:m 754 579 161 127 Unclasslfia ble 16 11 5 5 1

(b) Union Territories I, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Rural Rural Urban Unclasstfiable

Rural Urban " " " " Urban 8 7 1 1 Unclasslflable 1 1 1

2, Arunachal Pr,adesh Rural Rural Urban Unclasslfiable

Rural Urban ' . .' Urban 7 7 , . 1 Unclassifiable 4 3 1 1

3, Dadra and Nagar Haveli Rural Rural Urban Unclaastftcable Rural Urban 3 3 1 Urban Uncla~slflable

4. Delhi Rural Rural 3 3 1 Urban 97 \ 58 39 10 9 Unclassifiable 8 8 7 Rural Urban 132 85 47 12 7 Urban 9,999 5,420 4,519 718 575 Unclassifiable 4 1 3 1 5. Goa, Daman and Diu Rural Rural Urban Unclassifiable Rural Urban 1 1 Urban 16 8 8 Unclasrfiable 6, Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Rural Rural Islands Urban Unclassifiable Rural Urban 3 2 1 Urban - Unclassiflable 7, Pondicberry Rural Rural Urban Unclassifiablo Rural Urban 1 1 Urban 6 4 '2 Unclassifiable B: Born In Countries In Asia beyond ludla Rural 176 109 67 8 '1 (including U.S.S.R.) Urbp 2.476 1,399 1,071 129 61 17

OF RESIDENCE IN PLACE OF ENUMERATION residence In place or enumcratlon

1-4 Years 5-9 Years 10-19 Years 20+Years Perfcd no1 51811 d ------M F M F M F M F ------M F 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ------.. 3 2 2 1 1 3

25 24 9 12 3 2 2 1 369 284 116 94 70 48 4 5 34 21 2 2 2 2 2

.. ", .. 5 1 1

. , .. 4 1 .. 1 2 1


2 ...... 24 12 11 14 8 2 2 1 3 1 1 39 21 20 10 13 8 .. 1 1 2,289 1,967 1,172 1,101 1,018 806 44 27 179 103 1 2

. . .. 1 .. 3 4 2 4 2

1 .. .. 3 1 1

U ... 3 1 ... 26 S 16 301 159 Z11 196 422 _1~ 12S 79 18


Duration of Total Migrants Less than 1 year Last Residence Rural! Urban P M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Afghanistan Rural ", Urban 12 3 9 2. Burma Rural 2 1 1 Urban 142 80 62 3 I 4 3. Ceylon Rural Urban 3 1 2 1 1 4. China Rural Urban 1 1 5. Nepal Rural 18 12 6 2 1 Urban 232 167 65 33 5 6. Pakistan Rural 155 95 60 6 8 Urban 1,882 ],024 858 51 45 7. Malaysia Rural " Urban 52 40 12 ]0 8. U.S.S.R. Rural " Urban 23 ]5 8 4 1 9. Elsewhere Rural 1 1 Urban 129 68 61 27 5 C. Countries In Europe (excluding U.S.S.R.) Rural urban 170 92 78 19 32 1. U.K. (including N. Ireland) Rural Urban 141 75 66 17 27 2. Ireland Rural Urban 3. Ehewhere Rural Urban 29 17 12 2 5 D. Countries in Africa Rural " Ul'ban 545 251 294 28 39 1. Kenya Rural Urban 96 48 48 8 8

2. Mauritius Rural " Urban 25 i9 6 6 3. Mozambique Rural Urban 4. Union of South Africa Rural Urban 63 45 18 2 2 S. Elsewhere Rural Urban 361 139 222 12 29 E. Countries ia two Americas Rural " Urban 123 65 58 24 21 1. Canada Rural ,. Urban 29 13 16 6 7

2. U.S.A. Rural ' , Urban 91 50 41 18 13 3. Elsewhere Rural .i Ur8an 3 f 1 .. _. ...,_ " · . ,. ., ,. 10 S 3 1 1 2

· . .. . . ,. . . . . 85 91 100 108 29 49 1 2 8 5 ...... 9 16 22 16 7 7 1 1 1 .. 12 6 1

· . .. . , .. . . 20 4 18 7 3 4 2 1

, · ...... " " . 44 6S 60 8S 19 38 2 4 3 .. " 20 25 9 6 7 4 5 2

. , , , " 6 7 2 1

,. " 14 18 8 6 6 2 4 2


Duration of Last Residence Rural! 'rotal Migrants Less than 1 year Urban ~- -. P M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 -~ -- F. COWltries In Oceania Rural urban 8 6 2 4 1. Australia Rural Urban 1 1

2. New Zealand Rural " Urban 1 1 3. Elsewhere Rural Urban 6 5 1 4 G. Unclassifiable Rural 85 58 27 10 1 Urban 24 12 12 6 2




Migrants by state of last residence and age for dUration

Chandigarb Union

Last residence Age-group R/U Andhra Pradesh *Assarn Bihar Gujarat

R U R U R U ----R U ---- I 2 3 4 5 -----6 7 --8 9 10 Ali ages R 7 5 S 14 13 6 U 22 166 39 329 96 230 17 140 0_2 R 1 1 U 2 12 2 i3 6 5 8 3_7 R 1 1 1 3 1 U 3 32 3 35 8 21 3 13 8_12 R 1 .. 1 .. U 1 12 1 21 4 23 3 16 13-17 R U 1 7 10 11 2S 11 18-22 R 1 U 2 14 1 7 30 33 1 i4 23-27 R 1 1 5 2 2 U 10 25 11 80 16 39 1 23 28-32 R 3 1 1 4 4 1 U 2 27 13 86 10 32 3 21 33-37 R 1 1 2 1 U 1 8 3 35 3 11 1 15 38_42 R 2 1 U 1.1 22 3 12 2 5 43-47 R 1 U 7 2 8 1 11 1 3 48-52 R 1 1 1 U 8 1 4 2 2 5 53-57 R 1 U 1 2 3 1 4

58_62 R U 1 1 2 6 1 1 63-67 R U 1 1 1 1 3 1 68-72 R U 2 1 73+ R U 1 1 Age not stated R U 23

OF RESIDENCE IN PLACE OF ENUMERATION of residence of 0-9 yeirs-Mliles Territory in Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra ------R U R U R U R U R U ------R U 11 12 13· -14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

417 279 104 53 12 29 5 10 22 15 4 43 4,048 9,526 2,610 3,953 190 776 61 101 S3 422 47 880 24 9 3 1 3 156 287 74 71 4 28 i4 10 2 16 2 38 54 28 13 4 3 2 1 6 464 808 164 245 2 66 8 12 4 43 5 85 47 35 6 1 1 5 .. 463 963 133 326 3 57 1 6 3 43 4 84 41 17 12 6 1 2 1 315 847 292 402 7 56 2 2 5 30 2 72 49 28 15 8 3 3 3 2 1 2 776 1,538 894 817 59 93 14 25 12 49 4 107 33 21 15 4 10 6 1 3 3 7 1 8 743 1,494 487 595 40 120 10 18 9 72 13 113 56 44 17 8 6 3 3 2 4 3 17 458 1,164 252 490 32 148 6 12 10 56 6 137 55 33 13 1 5 1 1 1 1 4 222 718 108 277 21 69 3 7 2 33 6 77

21 13 7 11 1 3 2 2 1 3 133 560 67 243 8 51 4 3 26 2 63 1 12 16 1 .. 1 " 95 311 46 160 4 29 1 3 2 18 2 35 13 15 2 6 .. 1 1 70 301 37 131 4 27 1 13 34 4 10 1 2 1 42 185 18 65 2 6 1 9 12 1 3 1 3 53 141 18 59 4 14 7 11 3 3 . i .. 19 59 11 30 5 1 3 8 3 3 .. 21 81 5 25 5 3 3 1 1 .. 1~ 69 4 16 2 1 1 1


~- 24



Migrants by state of last residence and age for duration

Chandigarh UnlOD

Last residence ------Age-group RlU Manipur -----Meghalaya Mysore -----Nagaland ----_Orissa R U R U R U R U R U 1 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ---32

All Ages R 1 3 1 U 2 4 27 12 321 5 18 15 60 0-2 R . . .. U 1 16 5 3-7 R .. 1 U 4 39 8 8-12 R 1 U 2 2 1 34 1 1 4 13-17 R U 1 1 1 19 2 3 2 18-22 R U 1 2 17 2 3 4 23-21 R 1 U 1 1 6 3 81 2 5 4 10 28-32 R ...... U 4 3 55 2 3 9 33-31 R .. U 1 25 5 9 38-42 R 1 U 3 14 1 43-47 R .. U 1 7 1 3 48-52 R 1 U 4 6 1 2 1 53-57 R .. U 1 6 2 58-62 R .. U 1 1 1 63-61 R U 68-72 R .. U 1 .. 73+ R U 1 Age not stated R U 25


D1X .f res.ideace of 0-9 years-Males-confd.

T~ry in Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Wesf Bengal R U R U R U R --U R U Ii U 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

,819 325 84 25 4 10 561 451 3 8 8,047 19,833 836 807 15 644 1 6,915 5,353 55 ~46 i 53 10 1 13 7 1 379 526 24 24 2 33 155 172 5 19 I 95 29 11 3 3 50 36 2 784 1,587 84 86 'j 52 422 475 6 63 100 .19 14 2 47 18 692 1,922 85 86 53 540 459 5 64 68 16 12 1 33 22 612 1,828 84 73 2 31 579 496 5 49 116 35 8 1 .. 1 81 97 1 1,645 3,016 132 117 1 57 1,718 867 3- 69 J..06 51 4 1 .. 90 78 2 2 1,493 2,896 122 119 2 I 160 1 1,350 838 10 96 IJ2 56 22 5 4 1 67 66 1 1,051 2,331 112 114 4 127 965 787 11 III 59 35 3 2 1 56 40 1 434 1,390 81 64 47 482 400 3 54 38 30 8 1 .. , 49 26 302 1,113 56 35 1 40 277 313 1 45 28 18 3 2 2 25 31 160 659 19 27 15 154 183 3 23 20 16 .. 2 .. 21 16 .. 1 166 575 17 24 15 111 161 1 23 6 3 3 7 9 93 377 4 18 7 57 65 1 11 8 S 2 10 3 .88 353 9 8 4 60 62 8 1 2 5 1 57 174 2 5 2 17 28 3

2 ,'. S 1 37 152 2 3 17 30 4. 'J .. 2 .. 54 134 3 4 1 11 17 1 4 26

n-U-MIGRANTS CLASSIFlED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE AND DURATION APPEND1X Migraots by state of last resideoce and age for daratioD Cbaodigarh UlIlloD

Last residence Age-grQup RfU Atldam a~ and Arunachal Pradesh Dadra and Nasar Nico bar Islands HaveIi R U R U R U 2 45 46 4i 48 49 SO All Ages R U 7 6 3 0-2 R U 3-7 R U 1 8-12 R U 1 13-17 R U 18-22 R U 1 23-27 R ., U 1 1 28-32 R U 3 1 33-37 R .. U 1 1 38-42 R .. U 1 43-47 R U 3 48-52 R U 1 '3-57 R U 58-62 R U

63~7 R U 68-72 R , . U ," 73-t R U " Ale not atate_d R. U "

Nole.- 1. This table will not take into account the slips in which the place of last residence is unc1assifiable. 2. *Includes Mizo district now constituted as Union Territory of Mizoram. 3. Figures relating to Sikkim have Dot blen shown in the body of the Appendix as the Rural/Urban break-up of the data is not available. 27 OF RESIDENCE IN PLACE OF ENUMERATION

of resicleDce of 0-9 years-Males-Concld. Territory


Delhi Goa, Daman L.M. & A Islands Pondicherry Outside and Diu India R U R U R U R U 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 4S 23 71 4,179 4 1 1 3 1,002 .. 9 .. 2 133 1 11 5 8 407 1 2 42 .. 2 5 403 68 4 5 365 71 1 9 2 11 640 1 165 3 11 11 546 165 1 4 4 13 545 1 127 4 1 5 337 96 1 2 2 4 264 63 2 2 3 148 43 .. .. 1 125 38 1 1 94 29 1 1 67 1 1 28

1 38 1 20 .. 27 17

39 19


Migrants by state of last resideace aDd age, for diII.a1ioD. ChandigarJa That_

Last Residence Age-group R/U Andhra Pradesh *Assam Bihar Gujarat ------R U R U R U R U 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

All age R 3 ., 4 1 4 3 U 25 167 21 166 61 188 13 137 0-2 R 1 " .. 1 U 3 8 1 14 6 10 1 12 3-7 R " ...... U 2 23 5 23 9 15 2 14 8-12 R 1 1 U 4 16 2 13 7 13 15 13-17 R .. 1 U 2 18 1 12 4 20 2 13 18-22 R 1 1 1 U 7 ' 28 3 21 19 30 4 14 23-27 R 1 2 1 1 U 4 29 6 34 10 32 1 22 28-32 R .. " . . 1 1 U 1 16 2 20 4 15 24 33-37 R .. U 11 15 14 1 11 38-42 R .. U 6 6 12 5 43-47 R U 5 4 1 4 2 48-52 R .. U 4 11 1 2 53-57 R U 1 6 2 58-62 R .. " .. U 1 1 1 4 1 63-67 R ...... U 1 1 1 1 68-72 R U 2

73+ R U 1 1 .. 1 1 Age not stated R U 29 OF RESI:gENCE IN PLACE OF ENUMERATION

of resldeace of 0-9 years-~maies-contd. Territoty io Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra R l:J R U R U R U R U R U 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

430 178 53 34 13 11 1 2 11 9 12 3,033 7,534 1,324 2,713 41 530 62 126 36 306 42 740 18 11 2 1 1 2 1 2 .. 1 133 219 71 54 3 23 8 15 4 13 3 33 36 33 5 2 2 3 ...... 2 371 788 132 240 4 56 2 10 5 28 5 80 37 23 3 1 3 1 361 824 80 290 4 63 5 3 31 4 78 34 14 7 4 3 1 282 771 130 304 2 46 1 4 3 27 79 151 36 14 9 1 2 1 2 4 2 3 650 1.229 '334 464 8 69 28 35 4 38 14 121

78 26 14 6 ~ .. 2 2 .. 4 543 1.239 268 398 9 101 17 38 5 53 7 119 31 Iii 5 5 2 3 · . 257 754 142 279 6 49 5 6 4 42 4 72 21 r 1 1 .. 1 1 112 407 39 178 35 6 3 28 52 9 7 1 1 .. 103 391 32 175 .i' 36 2 1 19 3 37 6 :4 .. 2 1 .. .. 1 . . 52 252 24 107 1 15 2 6 1 23 4 1 1 .. · . 51 243 22 83 1 10 1 11 18 4 1 1 .. 26 129 14 36 11 1 1 2 1 9 1 ...... , 46 125 15 41 3 1 1 1 3 7 ...... · . 20 50 5 30' 2 5 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 10 57 8 14 3 1 6 1 ...... 16 56 8 20 5 1 1 3 30 D.n MIGRANTS CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE AND DURATION


Migrants by state of last resideuce and age, for doratio.

Cbsndlgarh Union

Last residence Age-gro,:!p R/U Manipur Meghalaya Mysorc Nagaland Orissa R U R U R U R U R U --1 2 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 ------30 31 ~2 ---'------~~-- Ali aKet R .. 1 4 --- 2 U 3 4 2(j 12 253 2 13 50 0-2 R U 3 ii 3 3-7 R U 2 1 40 I 6 8-12 R 1 U 1 2 1 34 5 13-17 R 1 U 2 18 I 18-22 R I U 1 2 5 31 4 14 23-27 R 1 1 U 5 36 1 3 9 28-32 R 1 U 1 3 4 37 5 33-37 R U 1 4 24 2 38-42 R U 1 10 2 43-47 R U 1 3 1 5 1 1 48-52 R U 'j 2 53_57 R U 2 2 58-62 R .. U 1 2 1 63-67 R U 1 - 68-72 R U 1 73+ R U A,I. ~ ~tatc1 R U 'r 31 OF RESIDENCE IN PLACE OF ENUMERATION of residence of 0-9 Yflrs-Females-conrd. Territory in Punjab--- Rajasthan Tamil Nadu, Tripura Uttar Pradesh West Bengal R U R U R U R U R U R U __.Lo_ 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 IJ66 177 59 10 5 7' 248 104 1 4 Ci,373 15,778 618 636 11 S21 1 2,910 3,860 48 50s 40 8 2 1 1 12 6 325 480 16 31 1 34 156 159 3 26 93 17 13 2 1 28 8 70S 1,434 62 87 1 78 347 44S 8 65 75 16 9 1 1 28 13 1 579 1,683 46 63 60 291 408 8 47 67 12 5 1 1 1 21 6 1 542 1,578 52 64 29 203 335 43 267 33 6 1 1 1 44 21 1 1,287 2,411 151 118 10 89 662 630 8 74 193 41 5 1 1 37 26 1,389 2,665 103 94 3 95 573 732 8 71 55 17 9 1 1 31 12 2 570 1.682 74 66 1 66 324 390 9 66 36 'IS 4 2 1 8 4 239 899 31 37 32 119 211 1 39 11 12 4 1 1 15 4 175 793 30 2S 1 17 1 81 195 28 7 ) 8 1 116 525 13 is 7 34 77 1 15 13 1 5 ,. 126 557 22 14 6 36 98 1 11 3 1 3 1 1 '(; 70 322 7 7' 1 3 24 51 4 1 3 i14 331 9 7 2 3 34 69 1 1 1 2 1 33 158 1 3 16 19 3 1 1 .. 54 li5 1 2 i2 24 5 . .. ~ 3 1 .. 49 145 1 4 2 1 8 17 5 32 ]),,11 MIGRANTS CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST JlES7DENCE AND DUltAT!ON APPENDIX

Migrants by state of last residence aDd age, for duratiOn

Chandlgarh Uniob

Age-group R/U Last residence Andamanand Arunachal Pradesh Dadraand Nicobar Islands Nagar Haveli R U R U ,R u 1 ------2 45 46 47 48 49 50 ------All ages R U '" 0--2 R U 3-7 R U 8-12 R U 13-17 R U 18-22 R U 23-27 R U R U ,33-37 R U 38-42 R U 43-47 R U ,,' 48-52 R U 53-57 R U 58-62 R U 63--67 R U .. 68-72 R 'u 73+ R U Age not stated R U

Note.-l. This table will not take into account the slips in which the place of last residence is unclassifiable. 2. ·"Includes Mizo district, now constituted as Union Territory of Mizotam". 3. Figures relating to Sikldtn have not been shown 'in the body of the Appendix as the Rural(Urban break-up of the data is not available. 6F RESIDENCE IN PLACE OF ENUMERA nON of residence of 0-9 years-Females-concld.



Delhi Goa, Daman & L.M. and A. Islands Pondicherry Outside India Diu

---'--~ R U R U R u R u 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ------~ ~------~------3S .. 20 38 3,643 6 1 2 877 3 3 131 iii 5 1 4 391 1 44 5 359 48 4 4 340 69 5 3 8 543 2 134 3 7 3 637 1 154 4 3 9 451 98 3 2 208 68 2 2 178 57 2 109 34 1 2 88 60 1 51 1 38 1 66 28

1 36 18

26 6

29 5

TABLB D.III Micraats to urban units (including Agglomeration) baYillg 100,000 aDd aboTe population classified by sex, broad age-groups educational levels in case of workers by OccupatiOilal DivisioDs. Fly.leaf

This table corresponds to table D·IV of 1961 break down of this classification has been given of Oensus with which it shows marked difference of workers engaged as cultivators, agricultural labourers form and content. This table deals with migrants and according to occupational divisions such as: in relation to last residence unlike 1961 when 0-1 Professional, Technical and related workers, migrants Were related to birth place. The table 2 Administrative, Executive and Managetialworker. gives the distribution of migrants for Chandigarh 3 Clerical and related workers, 4 Sales workers, Urban Agglomeration constituting Chandigarh 5 Service workers, 6 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, City and Mani Majra town. Loggers, and related workers 7·8.9 Production and related workers, Transport equipment operators In this table distribution has been given of and labourers and X Workers not classified by oc· migrants into the urban areas of Chandigarh from cupations. Besides this distribution of non-workers all corners of the country and from outside India. has been given. All these data are shown by sex. The break down of these migrants is given by place of last residence in great detail. Those from within This table includ(.s figures for educa tional level the country have been shown by States and not classifiable. Outside India includes unclassifiable Union Territories. A further breakup has been foreign countries. FigureS pertaining to age·groups given by broad age·groups such as: (i) Total (ii) 0-14, 60+and age not stated are included in total. 15·29 years and (iii) 30·59 years. Those States/Union Territories for which data are nil have not been shown. The figures of Assam The details of last residence have been cross­ include figures of Mizo district now constituted as dassified by various educational levels. A further Union TeItitory of Mizoram.

35 36



Last residence and age-group Total TlIitcrate **Literate (with­ Migrants out e

---"'------M F -----1\1; F M F M .F M F 1 2 3 4 5 7 ...... ------....._--..__----10 11 -----....__..__.___...._....__...... t..-__ 6 8 9 All Occupations Total Total 106,722 78,:102 24,732 28,707 10,214 7,548 11,783 10,429 11,180 9,192 15-29 43,826 32,508 6,298 8,151 1,429 951 4,145 3,312 5,704 4,208 30-59 37,640 24,373 8,606 10,357 2,003 1,235 3,092 3,185 3,487 3,323 A. Itesldtd in India Total 104,897 76,781 24,404 28,254 10,063 7,434 11,592 10,250 n,046 9,037 15-29 43,180 31,956 6,215 8,086 1,404 940 4,095 3,274 5,647 4,156 30-59 36,823 23,682 8,464 10,1111 1,951 1,189 3,004 3,090 3,434 3,235 I. Within tbe state of Total 1,429 817 587 503 150 79 182 63 154 54 enumeration but outside 15-29 506 263 136 9S 22 15 79 28 78 32 tbe place of enumeration 30-59 609 330 294 264 54 11 50 16 59 15 I (a) Elsewhere in district Total 1,429 817 587 503 150 79 182 63 154 54 of enumeration 15-29 506 263 136 95 22 15 79 28 78 32 30-59 609 330 294 264 54 11 50 16 59 15 (b) In other districts Total of state of enumerat- 15-29 ion 30-59

II. States in India beyond Total 103,468 75,964 23,817 27,751 9,913 7,355 11,410 10,187 10,892 8,983 tbe state of enumeration 15-29 42,674 31,693 6,079 7,991 1,382 925 4,016 3,246 5,569 4,124 30-59 36,214 23,352 8,170 9,854 1,897 1,178 2,954 3,074 3,375 3,220 (a) States

1. Andhra Pradesh Total 198 210 51 64 24 20 7 24 5 23 15-29 72 100 6 15 3 3 11 3 15 30-59 58 42 4 10 3 1 6 1 4 2. *Assam Total 428 224 63 64 40 26 38 32 32 31 15-29 179 95 5 9 9 5 17 12 19 18 30-59 154 50 10 10 4 2 13 8 (j 10 3. Bihar Total 402 304 88 109 43 30 41 38 47 28 15-29 194 132 27 35 8 6 16 15 30 14 30-59 100 87 13 26 6 5 11 10 10 9 4. Gujarat Total 193 181 47 53 27 17 13 26 10 18 15-29 69 69 11 7 4 .. 3 6 3 11 30-59 62 47 9 10 3 4 2 7 3 4 5. Haryana Total 18,791 14,570 3,728 5,669 1,874 1,544 1,997 2,095 2,019 1,693 15-29 7,558 6,030 591 1,587 160 196 547 722 1,016 870 30-59 6,274 4,267 1,147 2,020 326 237 514 580 650 549 6. Himachal Pradesh Total 13,427 8,802 1,917 2,490 913 714 1,531 1,265 1,785 1,286 15-29 5,845 3,681 459 703 187 120 611 355 932 428 3D-59 5,392 3,324 827 1,090 255 175 457 502 583 624 7. Jammu & Kashmir Total 1,160 682 298 174 101 74 92 93 104 99 15-29 480 275 104 44 8 7 26 18 55 50 30--59 429 190 85 36 26 4 33 30 32 36 8. Kerala Total 190 209 47 39 14 14 15 9 13 13 15-29 91 137 2 2 4 2 7 4 9 11 30-59 44 25 4 3 2 1 6 3 2 2 9. Madhya Pradesh Total 562 407 88 92 70 48 62 50 53 42 15-29 218 169 14 23 8 4 24 9 19 17 30-59 183 126 16 26 10 9 15 19 19 14 31


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree ~--~~.---.....___,.",.._...... __ ------, Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agriculture, Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other & Veterinary, Secondary diploma or certi­ than technical than technical Technology & not equal ficate degree degree Dairying to degree not equal to degree --_.. _---- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

12 13 14 15 16 17 ]8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ---~------...._..._-....._-~-~-~------~-----..__------._------Non-Workers

32,166 15,602 99 309 841 753 10,636 3,108 3,085 1,142 1,057 4~ 516 175 2~ 2 381 1,289 4 2 19,460 11,344 44 96 448 544 4.477 2,281 997 800 479 23 230 102 13 .. 102 696 11,420 4,037 51 205 330 199 5,703 809 1.948 339 512 21 231 68 14 2 240 591 3 2 31,528 15,207 99 299 821 728 10,429 3,015 2,998 1,103 1,027 42 483 163 27 1 376 1,247 4 1 19,147 11,087 44 93 440 528 4,403 2,221 977 780 468 22 226 97 13 101 672 11,167 3,908 51 199 323 191 5,588 776 1,885 320 495 20 2~8 61 13 237 573 3 1 279 83 " 2 1 10 52 11 14 5 3 4 .. 3 7 158 68 " 1 9 24 7 4 5 2 2 .. 4 114 14 " 2 1 24 4 10 1 1 .. 2 3

279 83 2 1 10 52 11 14 5 3 4 .. 3 7 158 68 1 9 24 7 4 5 2 2 .. 4 114 14 '2 1 24 4 10 1 ] .. 2 3

31,249 15,124 99 297 820 718 10,377 3,004 2.984 1,098 1,024 42 479 163 27 1 373 1,240 4 1 18,989 11,019 44 93 439 519 4,379 2,214 973 775 466 22 224 97 13 .. 101 668 .. 11,053 3,894 51 197 323 190 5,564 772 1,875 320 494 20 207 61 13 1 235 570 3 1

65 62 3 18 11 7 4 5 12 35 50 3 8 3 2 2 2 10 29 10 10 8 5 2 3 2 1 1 202 53 6 24 9 8 4 5 .. 10 1 3 109 42 1 8 5 2 2 .. 7 1 2 90 11 4 .. 16 4 6 4 3 2 1 112 63 2 6 .. 30 22 18 5 10 .. 6 2 5 84 44 .. 2 .. 14 13 6 1 4 3 2 2 26 19 2 4 14 9 10 4 4 1 .. 3 58 44 20 15 9 5 5 2 3 34 32 1 .. 6 9 4 4 2 22 12 13 6 5 1 3 2 3 6,208 2,530 17 50 160 141 2,009 459 478 156 162 7 57 22 8 .. 73 204 1 .. 3,859 1,930 6 19 98 113 985 345 183 115 73 2 18 13 3 19 118 2,161 570 11 31 57 28 958 112 282 41 84 5 30 9 4 .. 49 85 1 4,596 2,170.17 57 81 105 ],983 378 445 129 87 7 23 12 48 189 1 .. 2,820 1,496 8 11 47 65 596 301 131 95 42 4 6 7 6 96 1,578 642 8 45 27 37 1,277 74 299 34 38 3 11 5 34 93 1 373 162 13 2 102 41 31 15 27 .. 14 2 4 19 210 106 7 2 43 28 10 9 13 .. 4 1 9 147 55 1 .. 5 54 13 20 6 14 .. 9 1 3 9

79 117 1 .. 2 2 9 10 4 2 3 .. 3 3 60 104 2 2 5 8 2 1 1 2 17 13 1 4 2 4 2 2 1

176 109 2 11 3 54 30 26 15 9 2 12 5 9 107 72 .. 1 3 3 24 ~8 8 10 4 1 7 5 .. 6 63 37 1 6 .. 28 11 17 5 3 1 5 .. 1 3 38 D-m MIGRANTS TO URBAN UNITS (INCLUDING AGGLOMERA nON) HAVING LEVELS AND IN CASE OF WORKERS Chandigarh Urban


Last re6idence and age group Total Illiterate "Literate (with· ~-~.___------Migrants out educational Primary Middle level)

-----~ ------_-.....__ ------~ ------M F M F M F M F M F -~ --~-----~-...__-._,__-~~~-.------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

10. Maharashtra Total 1,104 902 196 180 124 102 112 136 106 112 15-29 397 367 24 25 21 10 35 37 45 52 30-59 402 246 53 45 17 7 25 31 33 34 11. Manipur Total 6 7 2 2 15-29 3 4 30-39 2 1 12. MeghalYII Total 28 26 2 6 4 2 1 2 3 15-29 11 8 1 1 1 1 30-59 11 11 1 2 13. Mysore Total 353 278 48 66 44 32 16 41 22 41 15-29 139 100 2 9 2 2 14 10 20 30-59 105 74 2 10 2 2 1 5 4 14 14. Nagaland Total 33 4 5 7 2 6 15-29 14 1 4 1 3 30-59 16 1 1 6 2 15. Orissa Total 104 74 22 27 11 6 8 4 12 8 15-29 49 41 8 6 1 2 2 2 3 6 30-59 27 17 3 9 4 1 1 7 2 16. punjab Total 40,847 32,892 6,463 10,791 3,887 3,318 4,473 4,894 4,622 4,215 15-29 16.353 13,549 906 2,672 343 370 1,294 1.536 2.190 1,949 30-59 14.207 10,314 2,131 4,274 637 558 1,117 1,498 1,485 1,459 17. Rajasthan Total 2,429 1,705 1,322 1,198 266 105 209 93 134 74 15-29 949 741 437 495 56 20 89 32 78 34 30-59 885 541 532 410 72 12 53 20 41 26 18. Sikkim Total 11 3 15-29 6 2 30-59 4 1 1 19. Tamil Nadu Total 724 581 236 248 61 63 38 51 22 62 15-29 319 251 65 73 6 7 11 21 9 36 30-59 217 118 62 50 6 5 9 9 6 21 20. TriPura Total 1 15-29 30-59 1 21. Uttar Pradesh Total 16.110 8,624 8,157 5,273 1,659 656 2,054 686 1,304 565 15-29 1,375 3,779 3,239 2,085 484 122 1,114 298 854 292 30-59 5,386 2,314 2,990 1,458 393 90 520 150 334 172 22. West Bengal Total 825 635 144 142 109 86 91 67 58 83 15-29 290 242 25 16 19 5 22 21 27 37 30-59 302 184 40 41 12 7 25 13 15 33 (b) Union Territories

1. Andaman and Total 7 2 Nicobar Islands 15-29 2 30-59 4 2 1 2. Arunachal Pradesh Total 10 1 15-29 2 .' 30-59 8 1 1 1 39 ioo,ooo AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE-GROUPS EDUCA110NAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree, post-graduate degree

------~~------~- Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agriculture, Teaching Others or Higher Technical diploma degree other degree other than & Veterinary, Secondary diploma or than technical technical degree Technology and not equal Certificate degree Dairying to degree not equal to degree ------_.. ------'"'_-_-- _--__---- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ----~---_....._ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ------... ~------373 270 2 2 14 4 93 64 34 18 23 23 3 1 3 11 ., 202 178 1 1 5 4 35 44 5 12 7 16 1 1 3 156 92 1 1 9 54 20 29 6 15 7 2 3 8 2 4 1 · . .. . . 2 3 1 · . .. .. 1 " .. .. 13 7 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 7 1 .. 1 2 1 1 2 6 6 1 3 1 1 1 .. .. " 167 69 1 2 30 12 13 7 8 3 4 3 101 38 1 1 16 6 1 5 4 1 3 2 .. 65 31 1 14 6 11 2 4 2 1 1 1 10 1 .. 3 2 6 .. 1 ·. .. .. 3 1 .. 2 2 · . .. .. 25 20 1 7 5 4 1 3 11 1 2 20 17 1 5 5 1 1 8 1 1 4 3 2 2 2 3 1 14,008 6,774 44 143 390 399 4,785 1,248 1,:381 445 392 20 183 65 13 204 579 2 8,458 5,057 19 50212 289 2,113 951 472 303 184 11 88 41 9 65 320 4,975 1,609 22 89 150 106 2,488 291 837 141 174 9 69 20 4 117 259 1 1 334 151 1 15 77 42 29 2S 26 14 3 1 2 12 226 104 6 32 31 9 18 8 8 7 ., ., 96 46 1 6 40 11 20 7 17 5 3 1 2 5

7 2 2 .. " .. 5 2 2 1 1 · . .. ,. 301 120 7 1 32 20 13 8 8 6 3 5 195 97 3 1 17 14 5 4 3 5 2 2 102 19 4 14 6 8 4 5 1 1 3 ., 1 1 ., " 1 1 .. " .. 2,112 974 8 18 43 16 417 226 207 118 102 3 32 11 15 78 1,319 679 5 2 20 10 193 162 78 90 51 3 12 5 6 31 722 283 3 15 19 5 207 61 125 27 45 20 6 8 47 238 158 5 1 70 64 42 18 33 32 5 1 1 10 118 109 4 1 29 35 8 11 17 20 3 1 4 108 46 1 1 38 28 33 7 16 1 12 2 1 6

4 1 1 1 1 .. 1 3 1 1 .. .. "


CkaDdigarh Urban


Lagt residence and agl! group Total Illiterate **Literate (with· Migrants out educational Primary Middle level)

_,.__...._-_-_ --..--_-- ~--.. ------"" ----- F ------F .. _------M F M F M M F M ------_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3. Dadra and Nagar Total 3 2 Haveli 15-29 2 1 30-59 4. Delhi Total 5,506 4,629 890 1,062 637 495 602 579 535 585 15-29 2,053 1,907 150 184 61 44 194 131 263 261 30-59 1,939 1,366 240 324 118 57 146 181 140 205 5. Goa, Daman & Diu Total 9 8 2 1 1 1 1 15-29 3 5 .. 1 30-59 4 1 1 1 1

6. Laccadive, Minicoy Total 2 1 and Amandvi Islands 15-29 1 30-59 7. Pondicherry Total 5 2 2 1 1 15-29 1 30-59 1 B. Outside India Total 1,825 1,521 328 453 151 114 191 179 134 155 15-29 646 552 83 65 25 11 50 38 57 52 30-59 817 691 142 239 52 46 88 95 53 88 Culti· Total Total 282 's 125 2 II 2 26 I 26 15-29 52 1 22 .,. 4 1 10 5 30-59 159 3 64 2 6 I 10 13 A. Resided in India Total 277 5 123 2 11 2 26 1 26 15-29 52 1 22 4 1 10 5 30-59 155 3 63 2 6 1 10 13 1 • Within the state of Total 40 29 2 3 6 enumeration but outside the 15-29 13 9 1 1 2 place of enumeration 30-59 19 15 1 3 (a) Elsewhere in district Total 40 29 2 3 6 of enumeration 15-29 13 9 1 1 2 30-59 19 15 1 3 (b) In other district s of Total state of enumeration 15-29 . 30-59 II. States in India beyond Total 237 5 94 2 9 2 23 1 20 the state of enumeration 15-29 39 1 13 3 1 9 3 30-59 136 3 48 2 5 1 10 10


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal l{l Qe@roo, posl-g;r.a,duate deeroo -~------_ M atricul ation NOll­ TechnIcal Graduate PoSt-graduate ------Engineering Medicine Agri. T~chins Of Higher lecbnical di!)loma degree otber degree other & culture Secondary diploma or Cerli- than lecbni- than technical Technology Veterinary not equal ficate Dot cal degree degree and to degree to degree Dairying

M F M F; M F F M F M F M F 12, !3 "14 15 "16 17 IS I!> 20 21 22 ~3 24" 25' 26 27 2B 29 30 31 ~------~------~~--~--~~-.---. ~

" .' .I, ~ 34 3 1 1 , ''''33 Z9 1 ',' :) '.' n f. " 2 ,oj ! " 0, ' .. , ,L 1 ., .. .. r .._ 'J' • --iI' . , , .. , .. , " .;'/' ~' . , . ' .. f .. D-IU MtGR.\NTS TO URBAN UNITS (INCLUpING AGGLO~RATiON) HAVI~ \. I LEVEtS AND IN CASE OF WO RKEliS

Ch ••tUgarh Urlau

Last Residence and age,group Total Illiterate ··Literate (with­ Migrants out edlica tiollal _------Primary Middle lev~l)

~ .. . ------M F ------M F ------M F ------M F ------M F ------,-~------,------_- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 --_.------_------_.-,------~----- 3. Haryana Total 44 21 2 4, 15-29 7 .. 1 2 l' 30-59 27 1 12 1 3

1 4. Hj~achal Pradesh I Total 28 14 I :._4 "'.1 2 ,1 5. ~ .. l 3 15-29 7 .. 3 .. ~ ,2, {" 1 \' ., I 30-59' 14 1 6 " ! 1 3'; 2

,.\ 5. Jammu & Kashmir Total 1 1 " ) 15-29 "i 30-59 1 1 ','., I 6, Madhya Pradesh Total 1 15-29 " 30-59 1 7. Maharashtra Total 3 1 15-29 1 ',' 1 30-59 2 ,',

S. ]:'unjab To~al t 135 2 I 52 q. 12 1 ':1 11 lS~29 16 7 . ,i" I 3 1 • ~ 30--59' 7fJ .. 1 26 ~ 6 4' ;~ 9, Rajasthan Total 1 1 15-29 1 1 30--59

~ 10. Uttar Pradesh T~ta1 14 1 S 1 2 1 ' 15-29 5 1 2 1 2 30-59 7 3 1 , 11. West Bengal Total 2 ,. j .,• 15-29 30-59 2 (b) Union Territ()f';es

1- D~)hi Total 5 1 15-29 1 , I 30-59 2 '., 1 I. B. Outside India Total 5 2. 1~29 .. , , 30-59 4 1 • Agricultural Total Total 160 1 99 i 2. 6 15 12 15-19 39 14 1 6 :1 30-59 103 1 64 1 3 6 8 A. Resided in India Total 151 1 94 1 6 14 10 '. 15-29 31 13 1 6 1 , 30;-59 1 60 1 3 6 8 ' " I. Within state of eIlumera- Total "41 1 34 1 1 3 1 tiOB btl~ outs!: the place 15:-29 10 .. i 9 ., 1 of eII~merat on 30-59 25 21 1 1 2. 43 100,_ AND ABOVE POPULATlQN CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE.GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree, or post-graduate degree _------.-----~ ------_- .. -'_------Matriculation Non­ Technical Graduate Post-grdauate Engineering Medicine Agri- Teaching Others orHigber technical diploma degree other degree other & culture, Secondary diploma or than technical than technical Technology Veterinary not Certi­ degree degree and equal to ficate Dairyins degree not equal to degree ------_-_ ------_-- _------M F M F M F M F M F M F M FM F M F MF ------~------12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. ~------__,___ -_ _--_-----_- _"-- --~------8 8 1 2 1 5 7 ;0 • .. 4 1 3

.. 1 1 ,. 1 1 33 20 1 3 1 " 21 17 1

4 2 1 ,. I.' 2 1 2 2

1 1 1 '1 1 , . 3 ., .. ' 3 . f -\ , Labourers' '1'" 17 7 3 1 5 1 t,: " oJ" ,i 12 ~ : 6 3 ,-:...... 1 '1 ,! 17 7' 3 ~.t\. 1 f·, 1 !.1~ 6 3 1

,.r ~ 'j " t" I: ~ 1 .: ~.:: 1] ., ~., I/"..... " ., :i '. f • 1 .. 1 " 44 D-UI MIGRANTS TO URBAN UNITS (INCLUDING AGGLOMlIlA110 N) H.t\l1NG LEVELS AND IN GASE OF WORKERS Chandigarh Urban

Last Residence and age-gr,oup Total Illiterate **Literate (with­ Educational Migrants out educational level) Primary Middle

------M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 _----- «.) Elsewhere in distril!t of Total 42 34 1 3' 2 enumeration 15-29 10 .. 9 1 30-59 25 1 21 1 1 2 (b) In other districts of Total 5tate of enumeration 15-29 30-'9 II. States in IDdia beyond the Total 110 60 4 11 8 ~tate of enumeration 15-29 27 14 1 5 1 30-59 74 39 3 5 6 (a) StQtes I 1. Bihar Total 2 15-29 1 30-59 1

2. Gujarat Total 1 " 1 15-29 30-59 1 3. Haryana Total 27 19 2 2 15-29 6 3 1 30-59 17 13 1 1 4. Himachal Pradesh Total 7 3 2 15-29 1 1 30-59 6 3 1 5. Maharashtra Total 2 15-29 30-59 1 6. Punjab Total 42 19 4 2 3 15-29 9 4 1 1 .. 30-59 30 12 3 1 3 7. Rajasthan Total 1 15-29 1 30-59 8. Uttar Pradesh Total 26 17 5 2 IS:'_29 9 6 2 1 30-59 16 11 2 1

(b) Union Territories 1. Delhi Total 2 1 15-29 .. 30-59 2 1 ... n. Outside India Total 8 1 5 1 1 2 15-29 2 1 1 30- 59 4 4 ", 0-1 ProfessiOOal,

Total Total 6,620 2,771 43 18 53, 9 80 19 160 64 15_29 2,440 1.~30 10 3 10 2 24 4 52 15 30-59 3,928' 1,332 30 15 36, 7 48 15 94 48 4S 100,0.00 AND,,ABO\{i POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AG1E.GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-gradu Engineering Medicine Agri- Teaching Others or Higher Technical diploma degree ate degree and culture, Secondary diploma or certifi- other than other than Technology Veterinary not equal cate not technical technical and to degree equal to degree degree Dairying degree ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ------12 13 14 15 ------16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 1

17 6 3 1 ., ", .. S , 1 ., 12 5 3 1

1 1 1 1

1 .. ... ~ 4 2 2 1 1 .. 1 1 1

10 3 .. j •• 2 1 .. 8 2 1

, .. 1 .. ,...... 1 1

1 ., 1 ,"

.. .. .' j Tecbnical and Related Workers 2,060 863 30 49 337 419 1,640 269 1,222 320 412 16 377 131 4 .. 201 592 1 2 904 468 12 23 174274 471 152 360 164 200 3 173 77 1 .. 49 2.45 .. 1.096 391 18 26 156 143 1,078 116 833 156 208 13 184 54 3 .. 144 346 2 46 D-m MIGRANTS TO· ;(fRB~ UNITS (INCLUDING AGGLOMERATION) HAVING LEVELS AND IN CASE OF WORKERS

Cbaodigarh Urban

Last Residencc and age-group Total Illiterate ··Litcrate (with. Educational Migrants out educational level) Primary Middle

------.- M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

0-1 Professional, Technical and A. Resided in India Total 6,461 2,672 42 17 53 9 79 19 157 61 15.-29 2,404 1,389 9 3 10 2 24 4 51 14 30-59 3,812 1,275 30 14 36 7 47 15 92 46 I. W Itkin the state of Total 49 16 2. 5 1 1 1 3 , .. eaumeratioD but ouulde 15-29 19 11 1 I I tbe place of enumeration 30,-59 28 5 1 5 1 2. (a) ElseWhere in district Total 49 ]6 2 5 1 1 3 of enumeration 15-29 19 11 1 1 1 30-59 28 5 1 5 1 2 (b) In other districts of Total state of enumeration 15-29 30-59 n. States in India beyond the Total 6,412 2,656 40 17 48 8 78 18 154 61 state of eDumeratlOll 15-29 2,385 1,378 8 3 10 2. 24 3 SO 14 30-59 3,784 1,270 29 14 31 6 47 IS 90 46 (a) States 1. Andhra Pradesh Total 26 5 15-29 16 2 30-59 10 3 ... 2. "'Assam Total 25 2 15-29 10 1 30-59 15 1 3. Bihar Total 28 7 1 15-29 15 1 1 30-59 11 6 4. Gujarat Total 11 2 15-29 4 1 30-59 7 1 5. Haryana Total 1,165 446 9 4 12 14 3 28 8 15-29 432 253 1 1 2 2 1 9 30-59 701 192 7 3 8 1 12 2 16 8 6. Himachal Pradesh Total 887 408 4 3 7 1 16 4 35 14 15-29 320 206 1 1 3 1 7 19 7 30-59 517 199 3 2 4 9 4 15 6 7. Jammu" Kashmir Total 95 15 2 3 2 15-29 31 5 30-59 62 1~ 1 '3 2 8. Kerala Total 13 12 15-29 3 11 .. 30-59 10 1 , 't-;! (• f 9. Madhya ,P,(adesd':· Total, 48 17 i 1 e I", 15_2g 20 .9 I. , 30-59 27 8 2 1 ., 100."0 J...AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE-GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY (j(\,;~PA1'IQNAL DIVISlq:NS AII·OIDeration

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post­ graduate degree

Matriculation Non­ Techni­ Gradiiate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agri­ Teachina: Others or Higher Techni. cal degree other degree other and culture, Secondary cal diploma than technical than technical Technology Veteri. diploma or degree degree nary and not Certifi­ Dairying equal to cate not degree equal to degree ---- -_------,----M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

---~,--- Related Workerl-c(l'!lq. 2,030 ·841 30 48 332 400 1,611 304 398 258 1,175 1~, 352 122 3 198 577 1 1 893 462 12 23 172 262 466 147 352 157 ,"195 3 170 ,74 1 49 238"' 1,078 375 18 25' 153 131 1,057 110 794 147 ,199 II 164 ~48 :2 142 3311 .. .; 1 14 3 1 4 12 1 5 3 2 3 J" •• 1 3 8 1 1 3 4 1 1 3 1 2 :2 6 2 1 7 4 1 1 1 1 14 3 1 4 12 1 5 3 2 3 '3 8 1 1 3 4 1 1 3 1 2 .. '2 6 2 1 7 4 1 1 1 1

I 'r " .. ~

, 2,016 838 30 48 331 396 1,599 257 1,170 301 396 15 349 1:21 3 " 197 574 ;,1 885 461 12 23 171 259 462 146 351 154 ' 194 'J 168 74 1 49 236 l 1,072 373 18 25 153 136 1,050 110 790 147 t 198 ~1. 163 '48 :1 " 141 337 1

, I

5 1 1 4 3 1 11 1 1 1 ] 2 1 3 .'_ I- •• ',' ' 10 1 .. 3 1 1 , 1 3 ',' 1 1 1 ... 11 t 1 1 2 2 2 8 ' 3 1 1 6 8 1 1 2 2 2 " ..

4 3 1 8 5 4 5 i~. 1 3 3 1 4 2 2 3 'j, .,. 1 3 1 3 2 1 'i ~l '\ .,,, 1 3 1 5 1 .', 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 'i ." '" l 410 '140 8 10 174 72 289 40 181 38 59 i9 37 "20 2 42 107 183 85 a 3 .42 52 92 23 57 22 20 1 11 13 1 9 ;2 220 S5 5 7 ·31 20 187 17 121 16 38 2 22 7. 1 33 54 ...

277 • 118 3 " ,25 58 316 42 138 41 30 '!I' 17 .. 7 19 112 129 '62 2 3 13 32 72 26 53 22 17 234 1 46 141 54 1 1 '11 26 214 16 80 19 13 2 10 3 ,16 66' t· 33 4 3 2 22 1 14 4 6 8 2 2 14 2 2 3 5 2 4 3 1 19 4 1 18 1 9 2 2 5 "",J 2 3 8 3 1 3 1 3 .1, " . 1 8 1 1 .', 1 .:12 ~ ~. 2 'j '3 .': 2 "'"I ••

14· 1 1 3 2 5 1 11 4 15 1,; 7 I 9 . 8 1 ., 2 2 1 4 13 '1- 3 l '3 t :: 6 1 .. ,3 2 7 4 ' 2 1"' 4 D-m MIGRANTS TO URBAN UNITS (INCLUDING AGGLOMERAT10N) HA VtNt: LEVELS AND IN CASE OF WORKERS

Cbandigarb" Urban

Last Residence and age-group Total Illiterate ··Literate (With­ Educational Migrants out educational level) Primary Middle

------~- M F -----M F M F M F M F

~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------0-1 professional, Techuicalllud

10. Maharashtra Total 85 27 1 1 15-29 31 9 30-59 52 18 1 1 1 .i

11. ~eghalaya Total 2 2 15-29 1 1 30-59 1 1

12. ~ysore Total 28 12 1 15-29 14 5 30-59 14 7 1 13. Nagaland Total 1 15-29 30-59 1 14. Orissa Total 15 3 15-29 12 2 30-59 3 1

15. Punjab Total 2,880 1,364 17 8 18 4 31 8 61 34 15-29 1,055 719 4 1 4 1 11 1 15 7 30-59 1,705 643 11' 1 12 3 15 7 39 27 16. Iq,jast]lan Total 84 24 1 1 1 15-29 39 12 1 30-59 43 12 1 1 1 11. Si!ddm Total 2 15-29 30-59 2

18. Tl!mil Nadu Total 44 11 15-29 23 4 30-59 21 6

f9. U~tar rradesh Total 450 125 7 3 6 19 3 15-29 197 58 2 1 3 ' 5 30-59 243 66 5 1 2 1 3 . " 13 3 20. West Bengal Total 101 18 1 15-29 .48 10 1 30-59 52 8 1 i !b) UniQn TerritDries 1: Andaman and Nicobar Total 2 1 is~nds 15-'29 2 30-59 1 2. Ar:upac~al Pradesh Total 3 15"':29 30-59 3 3. DeJl)i Total 415 155 2 . 5 3 2 4 1 15-29 112 69 1 30-59 284 86 2 3 1 2 2 1 49


AggID~eratioD ••• '-tl

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post graduate degree Graduate Post-graduate Teaching Matriculation Non- Techni- Engineering Medicine Agricul- Others or Higher,J Techni- cal dip- degree other degree other and ture, than technical Veteri- Secondary cal diplo- lorna or' than technical Technology rna not Certifi- degree degree nary equal cate not and to equal to Dairying degree degree .' ~- -~- -_--- M F M F M F M F M F M F F M F M F M F M 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Related Workers-contd. 5 17 4 7 19 3 'J .. , 17 9 4 1 17 3 .. 2 1 6 3 1 1 3 13 1 )" ...... 6 3 16 6 2 .. 10 6 2 11 2 3 4 1 3 .. 1 1 1 1 1 " .. .. 1 " .. .. 1 1 ...... 5 1 6 1 4 3 3 4 .. :_ .. 1 11 2 3 1 3 8 2 (1 " .. " 3 3 1 4 4 . 2 1 1

J :1 \. .1. " .. .. , .. 1 .. .. 1 2 1 9 1 2 2 1 2 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 562 5 '117 906 445 14 24 165 237 725 123 160 147 46 116 269 1 1 13 88 156 207 69 163 77 77 59 32 37 109 .. 385 253 5 381 5 1, 490 ,191 9 11 75 80 480 54 83 68 51 14 74 160, , 14 26 6 8 10 3 3 11 10 3 2 8 .. .. 2 3 2 5 6 4 17 4 3 4 11 .. 8 2 . 4 6 1 1 6 4 3 2 4: .. 1 1 ,.,.. " .. .. 1 ., 1 " " .. 3 20 4 2 6 2 8 1 3 5 1 2 2 2 ., 1 4 ", " .. 12 2 2 3 8 1 4 6 1 2 1 1 6 24 145 40 2' 6 17 5 82 ]4 99 16 38 26 9 1 3 35 7 37 11 21 9 4 2 11 75 21 1 6 4 13 66 25 1 5 11 2 44 6 61 5 16 17 5 3 3 15 2 3 1 10 C, 22 4 18 1 31 1 1 S 2 ]2 20 3 1 6 1 3 2 2 9 1 .. 8 2 17 2 6 1 11

1 1 1 .. 1 ' ;. " .. " 1 1

3 .. f' " .. ..·r '3 .." .. .. 14 1 7 31 111 .45 3 3 21 17 89 16 80 25 59 1 .~8 2 10 27 8 15 15 25 7 6 10 30 .18 1 6 8 1 7 21 75 P 2 1 15 7 60 8 63 10 34 1 19 :o..m MIGRANTS 1'0 URBAN UNITS (INCLUDING AGG.LOMERA.ll0N) HA vJNG. LEVELS AND IN CASE OF WORKERS Cbandigarb Urbl.

List Residence and age-group Total IlIi tera les ··Literate (With­ Educational Migrants out educational level) Pri~ary Middle 51



Level Technical degree or diploma FQual to'tlegree or post-graduate degree

Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-gradu­ Engineering Medicine Agri- Teaching Others or Higher Technical diploma degree ate degree and culture, Secondary diploma or Certifi­ other than other than Technology Veterinary not equal cate not technical technicar and to degree equal to degree degree Dairying --- degree M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Related Workers 1


30 22 1 5 19 29 11 47 16 14 1 25 9 1 .. 3 i5 .. 1 11 6 2 12 5 5 8 7 5 3 3 7 18 16 1 3 6 21 6 39 9 9 1 20 6 1 .. 2 8 .. 1 and Manitgerial Workers 804 8 iI 2 5'4 ., 705 12 440 33 lli9 1 29 5 5 .. 26 14 1 165 3 10 .. 94 4 53 ~7 1 7 2 .. .. 3 591 4 3 2 lI4 .. 582 8 377 i~ 111 .. 21 3 5 .. 23 i~ 1 .. 777 8 4 2 54 .. 690 12 432 31 i67 1 29 4 5 .. 25 162 3 10 .. 91 4 52 ,7 57 1 7 2 570 4 3 2 44 .. 571 8 370 23 110 .. 21 2 5 .. rl 6 4 1 1 1 1 '0••• 5 2 1 1 6 4 1 1 5 2

771 8 4 2 54 686 12 431 31 1 29 4 5 .. 24 14 1 161 3 10 .. 90 4 52 7 1 7 2 3 4 565 4 3 2 44 .. 569 8 369 23 .. 21 2 5 .. 21 10 1

1 2 1 .. 1 2 1

3 1 .. 2 ...... 3 1 .. 2

3 5 2 ...... 3 5 2 .... 1 3 1 1 1 1 .. 1 1 1 1 160 2 ,I 1 8 .. 131 66 6 7 1 .. 3 3 .. 29 1 3 .. 16 .. 14 2 ...... 122 1 1 1 '5 .. 112 1 50 '6 5 1 .. 3 3 52


Last Residence and ag~-group Total Illiterate "'*Literate (with­ Educational Migrants out educational level) Middle

------...------.- M F M F M F M F M F ------1 2 3 ------~~-----4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------~------.------... --.- 2-Administrativc, Executhe 6. Himachal Pradesh Total 287 12 12 7 13 14 15-29 49 5 3 2 2 3 30-59 226 7 9 5 9 10 7. Jammu & Kashmir Total 39 2 1 15-29 13 1 30-59 25 2 8. Kerala Total 5 15-29 2 30-59 3 9. Madhya Pradesh Total 20 1 1 15-29 6 1 1 30-59 13 10. Maharashtra Total 43 1 2 2 15-29 7 .. 1 1 30-59 35 1 1 1 1 11. Meghalaya Total 2 15-29 1 30-59 1 12. Mysore Total 4 15-29 30-59 3 13. Nagaland Total 1 15-29 .. 30-59 1

14. Orissa Total 7 3 15-29 .. 30-59 7 3 1 15. Punjab Total 1.154 33 29 28 32 74 15-29 200 10 3 3 10 15 30-59 897 23 16 22 21 1 56 16. Rajasthan Total 40 1 4 5 1 3 15-29 5 .. 1 1 .. 30-59 32 1 2 4 3 17. Tamil Nadu Total 2 15-29 30-59 2 18. Uttar Pradesh Total 141 3 11 8 10 12 15-29 33 1 3 1 2 5 30-59 103 1 7 6 8 6 19. West Bengal Total 31 2 15-29 5 1 30-59 25 1 53 100,000 AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED, BY SEX BORAD AGE·GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY , ()CCUPATID.NAL, , DIVISIONS


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree Matriculation Non- Techni- Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medi- Agri- Teaching Others or Higher Techni- cal degree other degree other and cine culture, SCCondary cal dip- diploma than technical than technical Technology Veteri- loma or degree degree nary & not Certifi- Daiyring equal catenot to degree equal to degree _------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30-- 31 and Managerial Workers 83 2 5 .. 86 2 53 5 10 1 2 1 1 .. 21 1 ...... 6 1 8 2 4 .. 1 . . 60 1 .. 1 5 .. 75 1 44 3 6 1 2 1 ..

10 5 .. 8 4 8 .~ . .. .. 3 2 .. 3 1 3 :r 7 3 .. 5 3 5 2 1 2 1 1 .. 1 2 4 6 4 1 2 1 1 1 3 .. .. 1 1 . . 3 3 4 1 1 1

10 3 .. 8 10 4 1 2 2 1 .. 2 ...... 7 2 .. 6 10 4 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 .. 2 1

.. 1 1 .. .. 1 1 1

355 1 27 .. 319 7 191 11 70 1 16 2 2 .. 10 10 79 1 4 .. 41 1 20 3 20 1 3 1 . . .. 2 3 252 1 23 ,. 266 6 168 8 50 12 1 2 .. 8 7 8 1 8 7 1 2 1 2 1 , i . i 2 ' i 5 's 6 " 1 . i . i

39 1 1 28 1 21 1 9 1 8 7 1 3 3 1 30 " 1 20 18 1 6 . i 12 1 9 5 2 1 2 1 " 10 . i " 7 4 2 54 ·D-tll MlGR.ANts TO {iRB}\N UNlTS (lNCLVDING AGGLOMERA nON) .ru. VING LEVELS AND lN CASE OF woiuOt'ks

Chilfidigaih urban

Total Illiterate **Literate (with­ Educational Migrants out educational Last Residence and age_groups levels) Primary Middle


I 2 ---3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (b) Union Territories 1. Andaman & Nicobar Total 1 Islands 15-29 .. 30-59 1 2. Arunachal Pradesh Total 15-29 30-59 1

3. Delhi Total 263 11 7 7 1 6 10 15-29 32 2 " 1 30-59 210 8 5 1 6 1 '4 7 B. Outside India Total 62 3 2 2 3 2 15-29 7 1 30-59 49 2 1 2 3 2 3.-Clerical and Related

Total Total 21,424 1,032 1,133 38 523 12 1,187 19 1,589 23 15-29 8,856 788 226 8 152 3 484 5. 745 8 30-59 12,399 241 881 29 359 7 688 14 827 15 A. Resided in India Total 21,137 1,010 1,119 37 518 12 1,164 19 1,566 22 15-29 8,765 773 223 8 151 3 476 5 736 8 30-59 12,208 234 871 28 355 7 673 14 813 14 I. Witbin the state of enumera Total 179 9 16 8 23 26 tion but outside the place 15-29 81 7 2 3 13 13 bf enuilleration 30-59 97 2 14 5 ", 10 13 (a) 'Elsewhere in districl Total 179 9 16 8 23 26 of enumeration 15-29 81 7 2 3 13 13 30-59 97 2 14 5 10 13 (b) In other districts of Total .9tate of enumerati(;m 15-29 30-59 n. States in India beyond Total 20,958 1,001 1,103 37 510 12 1,141 19 1,540 22 tbe state of eaumerntion 15-29 8,684 766 221 8 148 3 463 5 723 8 30-59 12,111 232 857 28 350 7 663 14 800 14 (0) States

1. Andhra Pradesh Total 17 2 3 1 1 15-29 6 2 2 .. .. 30-59 11 1 1 1 2. ·Assam Total iW 2 3 5 4 15-29 15 1 2 2 2 30-59 24 1 3 2

3. Bihar Total ~9 2 6 1 6 1 15-29 21 1 1 .. 3 1 30-59 28 1 5 1 3 4. Gujarat Total 13 1 1 15-29 1 .. 30-59 6 1 1 ss l00.00Q AND ABOVE PQPlJLAll,ON C~SD1EJ;)l BX SEX. J1RPAD. AGE-GB.OUPS, EDUCATIONAL BY OCC;~AT~ONAL D{Y.ISIONS


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

Matriculation. Non­ Te<;lmical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agricul­ Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other ture Secondary diploma or than technical than technical Vetari­ not equal Certi­ degree degree nary and to degree ficate Dairying not equal to degree -=-~ ---11--_- - __ _ . M F M R M F M F M F:M P M F ------.------M F M F If. 13 14 15 16 1_7 1,8 19 2Q 21 22 23 ~ 25 26.. 27 28 29 30' 3t --'------___"..~ .--,------.,.

',' 1 1

1 '"

77 2 3 72 57 6 18- 1 4 13 '3 7 4 1 6 I, 58 '2 ,. 60 50 4 12 1 3 27 2 ',' 15 8 2 1 1 '3 3 1 1 2,1 11 7 1 'j , i 'i •... Workers

10,840 630 35 ,6 153 18 1.988 206 776 37 103 5 1). .. 80 43 l' 5,034 53S IS ,5 93 14 l,793 161 247 28 36 1 8. 22 21 5,7~3 95; 20 1 60 4 3,182 115 527 9 66 4 3 58 22 'i 10,714 620, 35 ~ 150 17 4,907 198 766 36 101 50- 11 80 43 1 4,996 527' 15 5 91 14 1,766 155 245 27 35 1 8 ... 22 21 5,639 93, 20 1, 59 3 ~,128 43 519 9 65 4 3 58 II 'i 81 7 1 20 4 1 37 6 1 11 1 1 3 1 9 '/ 4 " 3 1 81 ~. 1 20 4 1 1 37 ',' 1 11 1 1 '~ " 43 1. ',' 9 3 1 "

10,63~ 613 3S (j ISO 16 4,887 1~8 762 36 100 5 1~ 80 42 1- 4,9S!l 521 15 .5 91 13 1,755 155 244 27 34 1 8 ... :U 21 S,S9(j 9,7. 20 ,1 59 3 3,119 43 516 9 65 4 3 58 21 1

a 2 1 3 , J 1 2 1 2

7 1 ~ , . '~ , 21 1 5 1 1 8 1 1 " ., 13 4 1 1 1 22 1 10 ·3 12 3 " 2 10 1 7 1 1 ," .7 1. 4 1 5 " 2 2 1 2 1 56 D-ltl MIGRANTS TO URBAN UNIts (INCLUDING AGGjJ{JMERATION) .HAVING LEVELS AND IN CASE OF WORKERS

Chandigarh Urban

Last Residence and a~~roup :. Total llliterate **Literatc (with- Migrants out educational Educational level) ------Middle

------.------M F M F M : F M F :, M F ------"'--'------,------_.----.. ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------3-Clerical and 5. Haryana Total 4,217 177 123 2 63 3 154 2 239 '2 15-29 2,071 144 36 ., 12 .. 71 1 117 1 30-59 2,119 31 84 1 49 2 80 1 119 'I 6. Himachal Pradesh Total 4,242 150 293 10 131 4 277 4 391 5 15-29 1,356 103 42 .. 30 1 99 177 2 30-59 2,8.37 46 242 10 97 2 174 4 210 3 7. Jammu & Kashmir Total 177 5 5 5 10 11 .. 15-29 87 4 4 .. 4 5 30-59 90 1 1 5 6 6 8. Kerala Tbtal 21 5 2 1 15-29 16 5 1 1 30-59 5 1 9. Madhya PJadesh Total 69 1, 3 5 2.:. 1 15-29- " ,. 11 ,. 30 .. 2 ~ .,' 3 30-59 39 1 1 2 1 t\ 10. Maharashtri Total 123 9 7 5 7 7 15-29 :.2- ., 2 )\: 1 52 5 ;. 30-59 69 4 5 ..,.', ~ 5 6 11. Manipur Total 1 .. 15-29 1 30-59

12. Meghalaya Total 4 .. :' 15-29 1 .. 30-59 3 13. Mysore Total 39 3 2 2 15-29 17 3 1 1 30-59 22 1 1 14. Nagaland Total 3 ~ ...... ,'.'. . " ,~ ~ .. 15-29 1 .. __ :.J{ ; .. r .. 30-59 2 ;r 1~. Orissa Total 9 1 1 15-29 4 1 30-59 5 1

16. Punjab Total 9,292 490 367 12 171 5 368 13 564 ,~ 15-29 3,744 382 39 1 48 2 117 4 223 2 30-59 5,480 108 322 11 120 3 244 9 332 7 17. Rajasthan Total 137 6 8 1 4 6 8' 15-29 73 5 2 1 3 " 4 4 30-59 62 1 5 1 2 3 18. Sikkim Total 2 .. .. 15-29 2 J. '" 30-59 ~7 iOO,800 AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE-GROiJpS EDUCATIONAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS Agglomeration

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree ------..-----_ "- Matriculation Non- Technical Graduaate Post.-graduate Engineering Medicine Agri- Teaching Others or Higher Techni· diploma degree other degree and culture, Secondary cal or than technical other than Technology Veterinary diploma Certifi- degree technical and not cate not degree Dairying equal to equal to degree degree ------_.. _- --- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

------~12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ------,-- Related Workers 2,427 118 5 3 32 4 1,012 32 123 5 20 1 16 6 1 1,289 103 1 3 19 4 467 25 46 3 7 1 5 4 .. 1,122 15 4 . . 13 .. 545 7 77 2 13 1 11 2 1 1,764 87 7 1 18 · . 1,139 32 185 3 17 20 4 704 68 1 1 9 .. 249 27 35 3 6 4 1 1.,037 19 6 9 .. 885 5 150 11 16 3

108 2 1 .. 3 .. 28 1 2 1 3 1 1 52 2 .. . . 3 .. 17 1 1 . . 1 .. 1 56 1 .. 11 1 1 2 1 14 4 1 .. 3 11 4 1 · . 3 .. 3 1 31 2 .. 20 6 17 1 .. 5 1 14 1 .. 15 5 69 3 1 1 · . 23 4 3 1 33 1 1 .. 12 3 1 .. 35 2 1 11 1 2 1 1 1 .. li, ..

3 1 1 .. 2 1 24 3 6 '.. 4 1 11 3 3 1 13 3 3 1 1 2 1 2 5 2 3 1 .. 2 1 1 5,022 307 17 1 75 10 2,285 91 341 20 34 2 9 37 22 2,270 267 9 .. 49 8 835 72 121 15 15 .. 7 11 11 -2,718 40 8 1 26 2 1,444 19 218 5 18 2 2 26 11 79 3 2 .. 22 2 4 4 47 2 1 .. 10 2 2 .. 32 1 1 .. 12 2 4 2 2 b-I11 MIGRANTS TO URBAN UNITS (INCLUDING AGGtOMtRATJON) itAVING LEVELS AND IN CASE OF WORKERS

Chandigarh Urban


Last Residence and age group Total "Literate (with­ Migrants out educational Primary Middle level)

------,----_- -- ~ _-_ ------. ---_--- M F M F M F M F M F ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ---...... ,-,.....~--- 19. Tamil Nadu Total 41' 6 ------5 3' '3 2 15-29 21 5 1 2 2 1 30-59 20 1 4 1 1 1 I 20. Tripura Total 1 15-29 1 30-59 21. Uttar Pradesh Total ],580 54 261 7 103 247 247 15-29 790 43 83 4 42 131 158 30-59 780 11 172 3 61 115 89 22. West Bengal Total 82 8 4 4 7 4 1 15-29 30 5 2 2 3 30-59 52 3 2 2 7 1 1 (b) Union Territories 1. Andaman & Nicobar Total 1 Islands 15-29 'j 30-59 1 2. Arunachal Pradesh Total 1 15-29 1 30-59

3. Dadra & Nagar Haveli Total ~ 2 1 15-29 2 1 30-59 4, Delhi Total 792 79 17 2 17 49 51 2 15-29 335 57 5 8 26 27 1 30-59 453 22 12 2 8 23 24 1 5. Goa, Daman & Diu Total 2 15-29 30-59 2

6, Pondicberry Total 1 15-29 30-59 1 B. Outside India Total 287 22 14 1 5 23 23 1 15-29 91 15 3 1 8 9 30-59 191 7 10 1 4 15 14 1 4-.Sales

Total Total 6,326 82 ll,38S 3S 466 2 937 5 1,097 8 ;15-29 2,799 36 459 9 125 1 407 4 566 4 30-59 3,100 41 736 21 286 1 463 1 484 4 A. Resided in India Total 6,124 78 1,342 32 443 2 901 5 1,072 8 15-29 2,741 35 453 9 122 1 402 4 559 4 30_59 2,979 39 709 19 267 1 439 1 468 4

I. Within the state of Total 87 4 35 3 4 13 1 9 enumeration but outside 15-29 39 1 13 S 1 6 the place of eDllDleration 30-59 43 3 18 3 4 8 3 (a) Elsewhere in district Total 87 4 35 3 4 13 9 of enumeration 15-29 39 1 13 5 6 30-59 43 3 18 3 4 8 3 S9


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree Or post-graduate degree

Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agri- Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other than and culture, Secondary diploma or than technical technical degree Technology Veteri- not equal Certi- degree nary and to degree ficate not Dairy- . equal to ing ------degJee ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F --M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 2 1 1 2 ---1 1 .. 13 2 1, 1 1 1 1 13 1 1 1

540 27 2 5 122 12 45 3 5 1 .. 2 4 292 24 2 2 .. 59 10 19 3 1 .. ., 1 2 246 3 3 1 62 2 26 4 1 .. 1 2 37 3 15 3 6 3 1 11 3 10 1 .. 1 .. 26 5 2 6 2 1

.. 1

1 1

417 49 3 8 181 20 38 3 8 3 3 172 38 2 4 75 14 14 3 2 1 243 11 1 4 105 6 24 6 3 2

.. ., 1 1

.. ~. 1 126 10 3 1 81 8 10 1 2 38 8 2 .. 21 6 2 1 1 84 2 1 1 54 2 8 1 Workers

1,964 29 1 27 358 3 61 21 6 .. 1 2 1,046 16 14 151 2 16 8 .. 1 .. .. 865 13 1 11 194 1 43 12 2 .. 1 2 1,902 28 1 26 348 3 59 21 6 1 2 14 " 1,017 15 .. 150 2 15 8 .. 1 .. " 835 13 1 10 191 1 42 12 2 .. 1 2 24 1 1 15 8 1 1 24 1 1 15 8 1 f 60


Chaodigarh Urban

Educational tast Residence and age-group Total II1iterate "'*titerate (with­ Migrants out educational Primary Middle level)

M F M F M F M F M F ----2 3 4 5 6 7--- 8 9 10 11 (b) In other districts of Total .. state of enumeration 15- 29 30-59 U. States in India beyond Total 6,037 74 1,307 29 439 2 888 4 1,063 8 the state of enumeration 15-29 2,702 34 440 9 122 1 397 3 553 4 30-59 2,936 36 691 16 263 1 431 1 465 4 (a) States 1. Andhra Pradesh Total 4 15-29 2 30_59 1 2. *Assam Total 9 2 15- 29 4 1 30-59 4 1 3. Bihar Total 27 2 2 10 3 15-29 15 1 5 3 30-59 10 1 1 1 5 4. Gujarat Total 17 10 15-29 6 6 30- 59 10 4 5. Haryana Total 1,534 12 312 4 131 251 2 285 15- 29 622 8 71 1 21 82 2 145 30- 59 801 4 193 3 92 144 130 6 Himachal Pradesh Total 601 11 130 3 43 89 106 15-29 331 5 56 1 16 58 64 30-59 232 5 61 1 21 25 38 . i 7. Jammu & Kashmir Total 64 33 4 9 3 15_29 27 18 4 1 30-59 34 13 3 5 .. 2 8. Kerala Total 5 1 15_29 3 1 30_59 2 1 1

9. Madhya Pradesh Total 27 3 2 1 3 1 8 15-29 14 1 1 2 1 4 3(L59 12 2 2 1 3 10. Maharasbtra Total 42 1 2 3 9 15-29 18 1 2 5 30_59 24 1 3 3 4 1 11. Manipur Total 15_29 30_59 1 1 12. Meghalaya Total 15_29 30-~9 1 61 10&,000 AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE-GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS AggJomeration

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

Matriculation Non· Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agricul- Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other than and tura, Veleri. Secondary diploma or than technical technical degree Technology nary & Dot equal Certi· degree Dairying to degree ficate not equal to degree ------_------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ------... ------_------12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ------.-24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1,878 28 1 26 .. 341 3 58 21 .. 6 1 2 1,002 15 ., 14 ., 150 2 15 8 .. 1 827 13 1 10 190 1 41 12 2 1 2

3 2 1 3 1 .. 2 2 1 2 9 1 5 1 3 1 4 1 . . .. 1 4 1 .. 475 3 6 . . 56 2 16 1 .. 1 269 2 4 25 2 4 1 .. 196 1 2 .. 31 12 1 192 7 4 .. 36 1 123 4 3 .. 11 . . 64 3 22 1 13 1 4 9 1 2 2

10 2 3 5 .. 2 5 2 1 14 1 ., S 5 . . .. 4 9 1 ., 4

1 .. 1 62


Chandigarh Urllan

Educational Last Residence and age·group Total Illiterate ••Literate (with· Migrants out educational primary Middle level

----- M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 --11

13. MYsore Total 2 15-29 30-59 2 1 14. Orissa Total 3 15-29 1 30-59 1 15. Punjab Total 2,284 31 395 12 146 324 2 448 5 15-29 942 13 96 2 38 132 1 211 3 30-59 1,182 16 236 8 90 172 1 212 2 16. Rajasthan Total 138 5 30 4 15 15 24 15-29 67 2 14 2 5 4- 13 30-59 62 3 13 2 9 'i 8 10 17. Tamil Nadu Total 7 3 15-29 3 30-59 2 1 18. Uttar Pradesh Total 832 3 333 2 67 134 118 15-29 451 1 159 1 30 87 75 30-59 329 2 135 1 31 43 42 19. West Bengal Total 31 1 7 2 3 15-29 10 1 3 1 30-59 21 4 2 (b) Union Territories 1 2 1. Delhi Total 409 5 44 2 24 49 51 15-29 186 3 15 1 7 24 29 30-59 206 1 24 14 23 20 B. Outside India Total 202 4 43 3 23 36 25 15-29 58 1 6 3 5 7 30-59 121 2 27 2 19 24 16

Total 5- Service Total 10,690 703 4,066 598 843 32 1,573 31 1,104 10 15-29 4,782 266 1,466 218 381 15 924 10 569 7 30-59 5,356 353 2,252 306 386 10 560 18 517 3 A. Resided In India Total 10,492 689 3,975 590 818 32 1,549 29 1,097 9 15-29 4,703 259 1,427 215 370 15 911 9 567 6 30-59 5,259 346 2,215 301 376 10 550 17 512 3 I. Within the state of enu .. Total 145 7 54 7 22 21 15 meratlon but outside tbe 15-29 50 1 16 1 7 9 4 place of enumeration 30-59 78 4 28 4 10 12 9

ll. States in India beyond Total 10,347 682 3,921 583 796 32 1,528 29 1,082 9 the state of ~tloD 15-29 4,653 258 1.411 214 363 15 902 9 563 6 30--59 5,181 342 2.187 297 366 10 538 17 503 3 63 100,000 AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE·GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS Agglomeration

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engine- Medicine Agricul- Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other than ering ture, Veteri- Secondary diploma or than technical technical degree and nary & not equal Certifi­ degree Techno- Dairying to degree cate not logy equal to degree ~---~ ~~- --- _-_------'----_-- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 .. 1 3 1 1

790 11 1 .. 7 .. 137 24 8 .. 2 .. 2 388 6 5 .. 66 5 1 " ...... 376 5 1 .. 2 .. 68 17 6 " ...... 2 45 6 2 1 ...... 29 1 1 16 5 1 2 1 .. 2 .0 •• 1 ..

145 1 .. .. 1 .. 24 3 4 .. 3 ...... 86 ...... 9 1 3 .. 1 58 1 1 .. 14 2 1 .. 2 12 1 .. 5 1 ...... 4 1 .. 2 ...... 8 3 1 ......

158 3 5 .. 63 9 6 ...... 75 2 2 .. 28 3 3 ., ...... 78 1 3 .. 35 6 3 ...... 62 1 1 ., 10 1 29 1 ...... 7 1 30 ...... 1 .. 3 1 Workers 2.471 19 6 1 34 1 396 6 109 2 71 ., 10 1 1 .. 6 1 .. .. 1,241 9 2 1 12 1 126 2 36 1 21 ., 2 1 .0 •• 2 1 .. .. 1,216 10 4 .. 10 1 266 4 73 1 49 .. 8 .. 1 .. 4 2,438 17 6 1 33 2 386 6 106 2 68 .. 9 1 1 .. 6 1,230 8 2 1 12 1 125 2 35 1 20 .. :2 1 :2 1,195 9 4 .. 20 1 257 4 71 1 47 .. 7.. 1 .. 4 29 3 1 11 2 1 18 1 29 3 1 11 2 1 18 1

2,409 17 6 1 33 2 383 6 105 2 68 .. 9 1 1 .. 6 1,219 8 1 1 12 1 113 2 34 1 20 .. :2 1 :2 1,171 9 4 .. 20 1 256 4 71 1 47 .. 7 .. 1 " 4 64 D·ltr MIGRANTS TO URBAN UNITS (INCLUDING AGGLOMERATiON) iIA VING LEVELS AND IN CASE OF WORKERS Challdigarh UrheD

Educational Last Residence and age group Total Illiterate **Literate (with­ Migrants out educational Primary Middle level) 65 106,000 AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE-GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY OC€UPATlONAL DIVISIONS


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agricul- Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other than and ture, Veteri. Secondary diploma or than technical technical degree Technology nary & nOt equal Certifi- degree Dairying to degree cate not equal to degree ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ------

1 27 .. . , .. 4 1 .. 1 · . 17 1 .. " · . · . · . 10 ...... 4 1 .. 1 . . 137 ...... 3 . . 13 3 1 .. .. ·. 82 .. . , .. .. 6 2 1 .. . . · . · . · . SS .. ., .. 3 7 1 12 ...... 4 1 .. ·. · . ·. 9 .. . , ...... 2 ...... · . · . · . 3 .. . , ...... 2 1 ...... · .

21 1 . , .. 3 1 1 .. · . · . 8 ...... 1 ...... · . 13 1 ...... 2 1 1 .. . . · . · . · . 381 1 1 .. 4 .. 40 2 16 1 5 .. 1 180 1 . , .. 4 .. 8 2 5 1 1 .. .. · . · . · . 1 199 1 ...... 30' 11 4 ...... · . 162 2 1 .. 2 .. 32 10 7 ...... · . .. 3 89 1 1 .. 1 .. 8 3 ...... · . " 72 1 .. .. 1 .. 24 7 4 .. . , . . .. · . 71 1 .. .. 17 4 6 .. 3 41 1 ...... 4 1 1 ...... · . 5 3 30 ...... 13 3 .. . . " · . 13 1 ., ...... 1 ...... , 7 1 ...... " .. .. " 6 ...... 1 ., . . .. · . 36 · ...... 4 2 ...... 20 · ...... 1 2 ...... 16 · . .. .. 3 92 1 .. 1 .. 15 3 3 . . 1 . . .. · . 41 1 ...... 6 1 . . 1 ...... 51 ...... 1 .. 9 3 2 .. . . · . 8 ...... , ...... 6 ...... 2 ...... 102 ., .. 10 2 ...... · . ., 64 . , · ...... 5 ...... 38 · . · . .. 5 1 2 .. ., ...... 3 · ...... , ...... 2 · ...... 1 · . · ...... , .. · ...... , . . . , .. .. ., ...... b-iII MiGRANTS TO URBAN UNITS (INCLUDING AGGLOMERATION) HAVING LEVELS AND IN CASE OF WORKERS

Cbandigarb Urban

Educational Last Residence and age group Total Illiterate **Literate (with­ Migrants out educational Primary Middle level)

r---- M F M F M F M F M F

2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

15. Punjab Total 2,550 149 825 122 167 8 403 9 367 15-29 959 46 210 34 58 3 192 4 161 30-59 1,469 80 542 68 99 2 191 5 196 16. Rajasthan Total 134 4 58 3 10 22 1 8 15-29 53 3 14 2 5 18 1 1 30-59 72 1 37 1 4 3 7 17. Sikkim Total 2 1 15-29 1 1 , 30-59 1

18. Tamil Nadu Total 241 5 8 3 3 5 3 15-29 150 2 4 2 3 2 1 30-59 89 2 4 2 2 19. Uttar Pradesh Total 2,875 277 1,661 261 241 5 411 6 15-29 1,367 163 2 120 663 112 126 2 272 2 123 2 30-59 1,319 141 872 135 88 2 108 3 38 20. West Bengal Total 117 12 20 6 13 4 8 10 15-29 56 3 9 2 7 1 5 " 6 30-59 51 7 9 3 2 2 1 4 (b) Union Territories 1. Andaman & Nicobar Total 1 Islands 15-29 30-59 1 , 2. Arunachal Pradesh Tot~l 1 15-29 .. 30-59 1

3, Delhi Total 502 22 131 14 43 2 76 15-29 219 41 1 5 51 2 19 2 54 23 1 30-,59 268 14 69 9 23 20 1 17 4. Goa, Daman & Diu Total 15-29 30-59 1 1 B. Outside India Total 198 14 91 8 25 24 2 15-29 79 7 1 7 39 3 11 13 1 2 1 30--.59 97 7 37 5 10 10 1 5 6._ Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Total 1,022 Total 11 695 5 79 108 49 2 15-29 429 6 250 2 38 63 33 30-59 557 1 4 416 2 39 41 16 1 Total ! 1,014 A. Resided in India 11 690 5 79 107 48 2 15...... 29 426 6 249 2 38 63 30-59 553 32 1 4 413 2 39 40 16 1 67

100,000 AND ABOVE POPULATION CIASSlFJED BY SEX :BROAD AGE·GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DMSIONS Agglomeration levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agri- Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other and culture, Secondary diploma or than technical than technical Technology Veterinary not equal Certifi- degree degree and to degree cate not Dairying equal to degree

M F M F M F M F ----M F M F M F M F M F M F

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

622 5 2 13 2 110 2 25 14 1 1 292 3 5 1 27 10 4 324 2 2 7 1 82 2 15 9 1 1 28 6 2 .:.... 13 2 15 4 2

1 195 2 3 19 3 2 128 10 1 1 66 2 3 9 2 1 308 1 51 18 16 1 1 3 145 1 24 7 .. 5 1 1 1 160 1 1 27 11 1 11 2 50 10 3 2 1 23 5 .. 1 .. 27 4 1 3 1 1

.. ',' 1

tt I' " 1 139 3 6 43 14 6 1 1 52 .. 2 14 .. 2 2 87 3 4 29 1 12 4 1 1. 1

33 2 1 10 3 3 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 21 1 9 2 2 1 Loggers and Related Workers 57 3 2 21 1 8 1 1 1 32 2 1 7 1 4 .. , . 1 24 1 1 14 4 1 1 56 3 2 21 1 8 1 1 1 31 2 1 1 1 4 1 24 1 1 14 4 1 1 'D-ID MtGR.AmS TO URBAN UNITS (iNCLUD1NG AGGLOMERA nON)' ·HAVING LEVELS l\ND IN CASE 'OF WORKERS

Chandigarh Urban

Last Residence and age-group Total Illiterate **Literate (with­ Educational Migrants out educational level) Primary Middle

-.....----_-_ M F F ----F M ----- M M ------_----F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 -~~--- T. Within the state of enu- Totat 36 25 3 4 3 meratioD but outside the 15-29 14 6 1 4 3 place of eumeration 30-59 20 17 2 (a) Elsewhere in district of Total 36 25 3 4 3 enumeration 15-29 14 6 1 4 3 30-59 20 17 2 (b) In other districts of state Total of enumer ation 15-29 30-59 U. Stat es in India beyond Total 978 11 665 5 76 103 45 2 the state of enumeration 15-29 412 6 243 2 37 59 29 1 30-59 533 4 396 2 37 40 16 1 (a) States 1. Bihar Total 1 1 15-29 .. ., 30-59 1 1 2. , Gujarat Total 2 2 15-29 1 1 30-59 1 1 3. Haryana Total 38 4 14 2 3 8 5 2 15-29 12 2 2 1 1 2 5 1 30-59 23 2 11 1 2 4 1 4. Himachal Pradesh Total 32 11 3 6 2 15-29 9 1 1 2 1 .... 30-59 20 8 "- 3 1 5. Jammu & Kashmir Total 3 1 1 15-29 30-59 3 1 1 6. Madhya Pradesh Total 4 2 2 2 15-29 2 " 30-59 2 2 7. Maharashtra Total 6 4 15-29 .- . , 30-59 5 3 8. Punjab Total 134 4 54 10 12 5 15-29 49 3 10 3 5 3 30-59 78 1 39 6 6 2 9. Rajasthan Total 5 4 1 15-29 1 1 30-59 4 4 10. Tamil Nadu Total 3 1 1 15-29 1 - , . , 30-59 2 1 1 69


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

Matriculation Non­ Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medi- p.gri- Teaching Others or Higher techni­ diploma degree other degree other and cine culture. Secondary cal or than technical than technical Technology Veteri- diploma Certifi­ degree degree nary not cate not and equal to equal to Dairying degree degree ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 .. 1 1 " 1

55 3 2 21 1 8 1 1 1 31 2 1 7 1 4 ...... 1 23 1 1 14 4 1 1

2 3 1 2 .. 3 1 1 6 3 3 1 3 2 1 1 1

1 1 1 38 3 2 9 3 1 21 2 1 3 2 1 17 1 1 6 1

1 1 70


Chandigarb Urban

Educational Last Residence ana age group Total TIIiterate **Literate (with­ ,------Migrants out educational Mk'dlc level)

------~~~ F ----- F M F M M M F M ----F ---- 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 ._---11 II. Uttar Pradesh Total 721 3 554 3 58 70 30 15-29 324 1 220 1 32 46 20 30-59 378 1 317 1 25 24 10 12, West Bengal Total 9 6 1 2 15-29 2 2 .. .. 30-59 7 4 1 2 (b) Union Territories

1. Delhi Total 20 13 1 15-29 11 7 1 .. 30-59 9 6 1 B. Outside India Total 8 5 1 1 15-29 3 1 1 30-59 4 3 1 7-8-9-Production and Related Workers,

Total Total 17,774 948 7,491 807 1,333 16 2,573 36 2,707 32 15-29 8,778 505 3,341 408 550 8 1,392 20 1,435 15 30--59 8,288 380 3,655 340 731 5 1,083 15 1,234 17 A. Resided in India Total 17,525 936 7,420 804 1,311 15 2,524 35 2,681 28 15-29 8,691 498 3,322 406 542 8 1,376 20 1,420 13 30-59 8,132 375 3,606 339 718 4 1,051 14 1,223 15 I. Within the state of enu- Total 425 7 251 7 34 40 41 meration but outside the 15-29 154 4 73 4 9 25 18 place of enumeration 30-59 245 3 157 3 23 15 22 (a) Elsewhere in district Total 425 7 251 7 34 40 41 of enumeration 15-29 154 4 73 4 9 25 18 30-59 245 3 157 3 23 15 22 (b) In other districts of Total state of enumeration 15-29 30-59 II. States in India beyond the Total 17,100 929 7,169 797 1,277 15 2,484 35 2,640 28 state of enumeration 15-29 8,537 494 3,249 402 533 8 1,351 20 1,402 13 30-59 7,887 372 3,449 336 695 4 1,036 14 1,ZOI 15 (0) States 1. Andhra Pradesh Total 15 3 2 2 15-29 8 2 .. 2 30-59 7 1 2 2. *Assam Total 35 7 6 7 6 15-29 16 1 3 2 5 30-59 18 5 3 5 1 3. Bihar Total 61 13 1 11 11 15-29 45 10 1 7 7 30-59 16 3 4 4 71 ioo,ooo AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE-GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS Agglomeration

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agri- Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other than and cilture, Secondary diploma or than technical technical Tech no- Veteri- not equal Certi­ degree degree logy nary to degree ficate and not Dairy­ equal to ing degree

M F M F M F M F M F M FMFM F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

6 2 1 4 1 1 1 1

1 3 1 1 2 .. 1 1 1 1

Transport equipment operators and Labvllrers

3,183 43 16 . , 109 5 248 6 48 1 59 1 1 5 1 1 1,814 42 12 83 4 110 5 14 1 24 1 .. 3 1 1,349 1 4 26 1 134 1 34 34 1 2 'i 3,119 40 16 106 5 241 6 46 1 54 1 1 5 1 1 1,790 39 12 81 4 110 5 13 1 22 1 3 1 1,310 1 4 2S 1 1~7 1 33 31 1 2 1 53 5 1 27 '2 25 2 1 53 5 1 27 2 25 2 1

3,066 40 16 .. 106 5 236 6 45 1 54 1 1 5 1 1 1,763 39 12 81 4 108 5 13 1 22 1 .. 3 1 1.285 1 4 2S 1 125 1 32 31 1 2 1


Chandigarh BrbaB


Dist Residence and age-group Total Illiterate "Literate (with­ Migrants out educational Primary Middle level)

----- M F M F M F ---M F -----M F ---- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

4. Gujarat Tot:!l 29 7 6 4 1 15-29 14 2 3 2 1 30-59 14 4 3 2 5. Haryana Total 2.134 100 682 76 151 1 311 10 382 5 15-29 966 50 226 34 50 1 147 5 201 2 30-59 1.059 41 382 33 91 148 5 175 3 6. Himachal Pradesh Total 1,488 10 292 2 99 2 266 413 2 15-29 683 3 96 38 1 128 193 30-59 782 6 186 1 59 1 129 1 219 2 7. Jammu & Kashmir Total 196 115 7 14 31 15-29 96 55 5 5 18 30-59 94 54 2 9 13 8. Kerala Total 29 3 15-29 21 .. 1 30-59 8 1 1 2 JI 9. Madhya Pradesh Total 78 3 15 2 5 13 1 16 15-29 31 2 6 1 2 5 1 6 30-59 45 1 8 1 3 7 10 10. Maharashtra Total 136 2 29 9 22 22 15-29 58 1 7 6 14 9 30-59 74 1 18 1 3 8 13 11. Mysorc Total 18 1 1 15-29 10 1 30-59 8 1 12. Nagaland Total 6 1 3 15-29 1 .. 30-59 5 1 3 1 13. Orissa Total 18 8 1 6 15-29 12 6 1 2 30-59 6 2 4 14. Punjab Total I 5.417 115 1,317 41 390 6 935 18 1,145 19 15-29 2.547 68 414 12 132 3 483 11 570 ·11 30-59 2.667 38 798 22 245 2 403 6 551 8 15. Rajasthan Total 1,214 375 919 374 96 93 53 15-29 554 202 391 202 42 51 37 30-59 574 151 452 150 49 1 37 16 16. Tamil Nadu Total 159 62 109 61 9 1 10 5 15-29 81 40 55 39 3 1 5 3 30-59 74 19 51 19 5 5 2 17. Utter Pradesh Total 5,211 232 3,441 220 398 3 641 3 401 2 15-29 3.048 114 1.916 107 218 2 431 2 276 30-59 1,959 101 1,356 97 166 194 1 121 2 18. West Bengal Total 123 28 13 26 11 15-29 49 9 7 14 5 30-59 73 19 6 12 6 10Q,P00 AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASBlilJiD BY SEX BROAD AGE-GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY OCC'U'PATIO'NAL DlVISIONS AulomcratiGll

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree Or post-graduate degree Matriculati~n- N-;~' - Techok~Gr;d;~---p;t-grad~;- En&ineering-M;di~i~-A"'irkul---Th;W;;--Othe;;- or Htgher technical diploma degree otlter degree other than and Tech- ture, , Secondary diploma or than technical technical degree nology VeterInary not equal Certifi- degree and to degree cate not Dairying equal to degree -M-; -M-P M--F-M--P- ~---F -M-P- -M"-p-M"-p-- M --P- M -~~ -l:Z-13~-l:516-0-18--~---20--2I---n-23-~-~-26-n--~--~-30:n------.-----~----.------.~------10 1 6 , , 4 1

532 6 1 ,,22 2 33 8 11 1 306 6 1 17 2 11 ~ 4 1 224 5 21 6 7 371 2 5 7 26 7 2 206 2 4 6 11 1 , , 165 1 1 1 14 6 2 28 1 13 15 1 22 1 1 19 1 3 'i

22 3 3 1 10 1 1 12 2 2 1 38 1 3 8 1 4 17 1 1 2 1 1 21 2 6 3 If) 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 5 1 1 1

3 3

1,438 23 4 .. 48 2 100 3 16 1 20 1" 3 838 23 3 37 2 1 1 54 3 5 1 10 1 1 1 590 1 11 45 11 9 2 'i 43 2 4 1 2 1 28 2 2 1 15 2 2 1 24 1 1 13 I 1 11 1 I 288 3 2 ., 10 21 1 3 5 1 187 2 2 8 7 1 2 1 " 100 1 2 14 3 3 30 1 9 2 3 11 2 1 18 1 7 2 2 '74 l>-ID MIGRANTS TO URBAN UNITS (ISCLUDING AGGLOMERA nON) HAVING LEVELS AND IN CASE OF WORKERS

Chandigarb Urban

Educational ------___ Last Residence and age-group Total Illiterate •• Literate (wi1h- Primary Micdle Migrants. out educational level)

-.-~- M F M F M F M F M F ~~-~- --- 2 3 4 'S 6 7 8 9 lO 11

(b) Union Territories 1. Andaman and Nicobar Total 1 Islands 15-29 " " 30-59 1 1

2. Arunachal Pradesh Total 1 1 15-29 30-59 1 1

3. Delhi Total 728 29 180 20 84 124 2 131 15-29 296 14 53 7 23 54 1 67 30-59 401 14 106 12 57 69 1 62

4. Goa, Daman & Diu Total 2 15-29 1 30-59 1

5, Laccadive, Minicoy & Total 1 AffiiJ?dlvi Islands 15-29 30-59 49 B. OutSide India Total 249 12 71 3 22 1 1 26 4 15-29 87 7 19 2 8 16 15 :1 30--59 156 5 49 1 13 1 32 1 11 2 X.-Workers

Total Total 848 48 297 31 45 1 86 2 107 2 15-29 356 19 113 12 16 44 48 2 30--59 458 27 163 17 26 1 37 2 57

A_ Resided in India Total 824 4S 289 29 42 1 84 2 107 :1 15-29 342 19 108 12 14 43 48 2 30--59 449 24 160 IS 2S 1 37 :1 57 2 1 I. Within the state of Total ]8 1 8 2 2 ~DIlme'ration but outside 15-29 6 1 1 1 1 1 'the place of enumeration 30-59 10 6 1 1 1 (a) Elsewhere in cistrict Total ]8 1 8 2 2 2 1 of enumeration 15-29 6 1 1 1 1 1 30--59 10 6 1 1 1 \ (b))u ~91er districts of Total stat~ of enumeration 15-29 30-59 ". I U. States'in India beyond Total 806 44 281 29 40 1 82 2 105 1 1 the state of eoumel'll- 15-29 336 18 107 12 13 43 47 I 1 ratioo 30-59 439 24 154 IS 24 1 36 2 56

(a) States 1. Andhra Pradesh Total 4 1 15-29 1 30-59 3 1 " 15 100,000 AND ABOVE POPULATION ClASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE-GROUPS EDUCATIONAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DIVISIONS Agglomeration

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to.degree Of ------post-graduate degree Matriculation Non­ Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agricul- Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other & ture, Secondary diploma orcerti­ than technical than technical Technology Veteri- not ficate degree degree nary and equal to not Dairy- degree equal to ing degree

------_------M F ----MF M F M F M F M F M F M F M F MF 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

168 5 1 6 25 2 5 4 73 5 1 6 14 1 3 2 92 11 1 2 ~ 1 1

64 3 3 7 2 5 24 3 2 1 2 39 1 7 1 3 Not C1a!l1lified Occupations

221 8 1 1 5 63 1 13 8 2 1 1 103 4 2 24 1 3 2 1 ., 118 4 1 1 3 38 10 5 1 1 215 7 1 1 5 59 1 12 8 2 1 1 101 4 0\ 2 21 1 2 2 1 .. 114 3 1 1 3 37 10 5 1 1 4 .. .. J 1 4 3 1

?ll 7 1 1 5 59 1 12 8 2 1 1 98 4 2 21 1 2 2 1 ., \113 3 1 1 J 37 10 5 1 1


ChaD.iprlt ,UrhD

Educational Last Residence and age· group Total Illiterate **LiteFftte{with- Migrants out educational Primary MiddJe level)

M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11

2. "'Assam Total 10 1 15-29 7 1 30-59 3

3. Bihar Total 3 2 15-29 3 2 30-59

4. Gujarat Total 1 15-29 1 30-59

5. ;Haryana Total 117 39 9 10 14 15-29 46 14 3 4 6 30-59 64 20 5 5 8

6. Himachal Pradesh Total 96 5 42 4 5 8 24 1 15-29 3~ 2 9 1 1 6 15 1 30-59 55 3 30 3 4 2 9

7. Jammu & Kashmir Total 9 1 1 1 1 15-29 2 1 30-59 6 '1 'i 8. Kerala Total 3 2 15-29 2 2 30-59 1

9. Madhya Pradesh Total 2 1 1 15-29 1 1 30-59 1 1

10. Maharashtra Total 18 1 1 15-29 8 1 30-59 10 1 1 11. Mysore Total 13 1 ., 15-29 10 1 30-59 3 .,

12. Nagaland Total 1 1 15-29 '1 30-59 " 13. Orissa Total 2 15-29 2 ·f 30-59

14. .Punja'b Total 253 21 75 13 11 36 2 43 15-29 90 3 23 2 3 .. 14 12 30-59 152 17 49 10 7 1 20 2 29 2 1 , 15. Rajasthan Total 13 2 11 15-29 5 1 3 1 1 30-59 6 1 ·6 1 77


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post,craduate degree ------Matricahtion Non­ Technica' Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agricul­ Teaching Others or Higber technical diploma degree other degree other than & ture, Secondary diploma or than technical technical degree Technology Veteri­ not equal Certifi­ degree nary to degree cate and not Dairy­ equal to ing degreu ------_--- _.---.------F M F M F M F M F M F MFMF M F M F ------.------11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ------,--~------. ------_. __

8 1 5 1 3 1 1 .. .' . 1 1

37 1 .. 5 2 18 .. 1 19 1 .. 4 2 11 1 .. 4 1 6 1 .. 5 4 1 4 1 1 .. 1 1 .. 3 1 J. 1 1 1 1 1- q =t

11 '1 1 .. 2 5 i .. 1 6 1 1 8 3 :1 5 3 ~ 3


'1 1

57 1 .. 22 1 4 3 1 31 .. .. 6 1 1 .. 26 1 1 1 .. 15 3 2 It 1 J '1 78


Chandigarh Urban

Educational Last Residence and age-group Total Illiterate **Literate (with­ Migrants out educational Primary Middle level)

------"_-- M F M F M F M F M F ------_._------1 2 3 5 6 9 11 ------_------_._------4 7 8 10

16. Tamil Nadu Total 14 2 1 1 15-29 9 1 1 " 30-59 4 1 17. Uttar Pradesh Total 181 10 98 8 7 16 13 15-29 91 9 53 7 5 11 9 30-59 86 1 41 1 2 5 4 18. West Bengal Total 8 1 15-29 2 30-59 6 1 (b) Union Territories 1. Arunachal Pradesh Total 1 15-29 1 '30-59 2. DeIhl Total 57 3 11 1 5 5 4 15-29 16 1 4 2 30-59 39 1 6 4 ~ 4 (B) Outside India Total 24 3 8 2 3 2 15-29 14 5 2 1 30-59 9 3 3 2 1 Non- Total Total 38,900 72,619 9,298 27,170 6,772 7,473 5,104 10,315 4,167 9,048 15-29 14,822 29,415 374 7,491 144 921 767 3,269 2,210 4,156 30-59 ~ 1,227 21,'915 283 9,623 65 1,202 9~ 3,119 121 3,233 A. Resided in India Total 38,277 71,256 9,212 26,736 6,701 7,360 5,053 10,139 4,122 8,902 15-29 14,553 28,955 366 7,431 144 910 760 3,232 2,189 4,108 30-59 1,161 21,327 276 9,396 62 1,157 91 3,026 118 3,,50 I. Within the state of en- Total 393 772 132 485 68 78 71 61 46 53 umeration but outside the 15-29 118 238 6 90 15 21 26 30 31 place of enumeration 30-59 33 312 17 253 3 10 2 16 3 15 (a) Elsewhere in district Total 393 172 132 485 68 78 71 61 46 53 of enumeration 15-29 118 238 6 90 15 21 26 '30 31 30-59 33 312 17 253 3 10 2 16 3 15 (b) In other districts of Total state of enumeration 15-29 30-59

II. States in India beyond Total 37,884 70,484 9,080 26,251 6,633 7,282 4,982 10,078 4,076 8,849 the state of enumeration 15-29 14,435 28,717 360 7,341 144 895 739 '3,206 2,159 4,077 30-59 1,128 21,015 259 9,143 59 1,147 89 3,010 115 3,135 (0) States

1. Andhra Pradesh Total 91 201 41 63 21 19 5 24 3 23 15-29 19 95 15 2 1 11 3 15 30-59 5 39 10 1 6 4

2. *Assam 'fotal 98 219 45 64 23 25 8 32 9 31 15-29 7 . 92 9 4 ). 12 2 18 :30-59 5" 48 10 2 8 10 79 100,000 AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY SEX BROAD AGE-GROUPS EDUCATiONAL BY OCCUPATIONAL DMSI0NS Agglomeration

Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engine- Medi· Agricul· Teaching Others or Higher techni- diploma degree other degree other than ering cine ture, Secondary calor than technical technical dgree and Veterinary diploma certifi­ degree Tech­ and Dot cate nology Dairying equal to not degree equal to degree ------. M F M F --_ M F M F M F MF MFMF M F M--- F ------12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 ------;:------

8 1 6 1 2 34 2 .. 10 3 9 2 .. 4 .. .. 2S 6 3 " 5 1 1 .. 1 1 .. .. 4 1 ..

1 1 t

20 2 . , 8 2 1 .. 1 .. 5 1 .. 3 1 1 .. 15 1 .. 5 1 1 .. 6 1 .. 4 1 2 .. 3 1 4 1 ., 1 workers 10,492 13,999 6 250 120 309 2,176 2,604 402 749 213 26 86 37 5 2 59 637 9,107 10,265 3 67 59 251 1,693 1,953 263 598 131 18 45 22 4 .. 22 424 390 3,518 .. 175 9 50 180 634 43 149 26 8 11 10 2 6 212 10,206 13,643 6 241 113 304 2,125 2,530 388 729 209 25 79 35 5 1 58 611 8,913 10,027 3 64 57 247 1,665 - 1,904 258 587 129 17 44 20 4 .. 21 4(lS 357 .3,409 .. 170 8 49 171 609 38 140 25 8 9 10 1 6 202 67 73 .. 2 5 6 10 1 2 1 . . 1 3 56 61 ...... 5 4 6 1 2 2 7 11 .. 2 1 4 1 67 73 .. 2 5 6 10 1 2 1 . . 1 3 56 61 .. S 4 6 1 2 2 7 11 .. 2 1 4 1

10,139 13,570 6 239 113 299 2,119 2,520 387 727 209 25 78 3S 5 1 57 608 fi,857 9,966 3 64 ~7 242 1,661 1,898 257 585 129 17 44 20 4 .. 21 406 350 3,398 .. 168 .. 8 49 170 605 38 140 25 8 9 10 1 6 201

13 59 .. 4 10 2 3 2 .. 10 47 .. 3 3 1 2 1 ., 2 10 .. 1 7 1 1 1

8 52 .. 1 2 7 3 1 .. 2 1 3 3 41 .. 1 4 1 .. 1 1 2 3 11 .. 2 3 3 1 80


Cha~b. UWhn


Last ResidenOt and age group 'Fatal Illiterate **Literate (with­ Migrants out educational Primary Middte level)

------,------,-- M F M F ------M F M P- M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. ~ 10 11

3. Bihar Total 157 292 44 108 29 30 14 36 16 27 15-29 55 129 3 35 6 1 13 9 13 30-59 6 79 1 26 5 10 9

4. Gujarat Total 81 174 26 53 18 16 9 25 6 18 15-29 21 67 7 1 6 1 11 30-59 2 44 10 4 7 1 4

5. Haryana Total 7,446 13,687 1,903 5,466 1,384 1,535 1,039 2,075 787 1,670 15-29 2,705 5,518 61 1,502 33 193 140 713 435 865 30-59 172 3,927 48 1,930 5 232 15 569 24 532

6. Himachal Pradesh Total 4,359 8,156 604 2,429 466 702 514 1,253 608 1,262 15-29 2,307 3,345 29 691 17 116 86 355 338 417 30-59 126 3,027 26 1,048 5 169 10 491 13 612

7. J;munu & Kashmir Total 3&1 658 98 172 67 74 36 93 36 99 15-29 130 264 1 43 2 7 3 18 19 50 30-59 19 178 3 36 4 1 30 36

8. Kerala Total 78 187 41 38 9 12 3 8 2 12 15-29 22 119 2 1 1 1 4 10 30-59 1 23 3 1 2 2

9. Madhya Pradesh Totai. 237 375 59 85 53 47 22 48 22 41 15-29 72 154 1 20 4 2 8 8 17 30-59 10 111 1 23 1 9 18 13 10. Maharashtra Total +51 853 119 171 88 101 57 135 52 109 15-29 139 349 5 23 4 10 6 36 24 52 30-59 22 218 3 41 6 1 31 31

11. Manipur Total 5 6 1 2 1 1 15-29 2 4 1 30-59 1

12. Meghalaya Total 10 24 2 6 4 2 1 1 3 15-29 2 7 1 1 1 1 30-59 2 10 2

13. Mysore Total .Ii27 259 44 63 40 32 16 41 14 40 15-29 14 91 9 2 .. 14 5 19 30-59 5 65 8 2 1 5 1 14

14. Nagaland Total 9 4 1 2 2 15-29 4 1 1 1 30-59 2 1

15. Orissa Total 44 68 10 26 6 6 7 4 3 7 15-29 15 37 6 2 1 2 5 30-59 3 15 8 1 1 1 2

16. Punjab Total 16,706 30,683 3,313 10,582 2,936 3,293 2,318 4,840 1,901 4,148 15-29 6,742 12,305 96 2,620 52 360 326 1,515 979 1,926 30-59 468 9,387 80 4,147 29 547 38 1,461 61 1,415

17. Rajasthan Total 662 1,288 286 813 136 103 68 92 37 74 15-29 150 516 11 287 1 20 8 31 22 34 30-59 30 371 12 255 5 10 2 20 2 26 81


Levels Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree

------Matriculation Non- Technical Graduate Post-graduate Engineering Medecine Agricul- TeaChing Others orHigber technical diploma degree other degree other than and ture, Veteri- Secondary diploma or than technical technical degree Technology nary and not Certi- degree Dairy- toequaI ficate not ing to degree equal to degree ------_-___. M ..... F M F M F M F M F M F --M F --M F M F M F _ -_-_ 12 13 14 IS -----16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

39 60 2 2 4 20 4 S 4 1 2 2 34 44 1 3 13 2 1 2 2 2 4 16 2 1 7 4 16 42 2 14 1 4 2 1 2 13 32 2 8 1 3 2 1 1 10 6 1 2 1,772 2,260 1 36 13 63 432 382 64 106 27 4 12 2 2 10 88 1,579 1.732 1 13 9 55 365 293 54 89 19 1 5 1 3 62 52 498 23 8 18 87 2 17 4 3 2 2 2 26 1,725 1,952 51 19 46 341 302 48 80 21 3 6 4 .. 7 72 1,538 1,358 7 14 33 238 247 31 68 12 2 3 3 1 48 27 564 .. 43 10 37 52 5 12 2 1 1 1 24 105 154 1 1 24 39 6 10 4 3 1 16 82 103 1 16 27 2 7 4 1 8 7 50 4 12 3 3 1 7 22 104 2 1 9 2 19 91 2 1 '1 2 1 13 2 57 105 1 3 1 13 29 2 11 3 1 3 1 5 45 71 -I 1 10 17 1 10 1 1 3 1 4 6 34 1 2 11 1 1 120 257 1 3 9 55 1 14 2 2 1 7 93 173 3 2 38 1 11 1 2 1 3 15 84 1 3 17 3 4 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 .. 2 1 .. 2 1 '6 1 1 1 12 61 1 1 11 7 1 2 8 33 1 1 6 5 2 3 28 S 2 1 ., 4 1 1 1 2 .' 1 1 1 1 11 19 .. 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 10 16 1 3 5 1 .. .. 1 3 1 4,737 5,978 5 116 52 148 1,055 1,020 213 253 96 13 44 16 2 34 276 4,149 4,502 2 36 23 122 872 804 145 207 57 9 26 8 2 13 196 153 1,369 .. 76 4 23 63 210 21 45 12 4 3 4 4 80 105 142 1 2 1 21 37 1 21 4 2 4 90 98 13 27 1 16 2 2 .. 3 5 43 1 3 10 5 1 1 fi'·m MJGR)\N1Syo URBAN UNITS (lNCWDlNG IA~ERATlON) HAlViNG LEVELS ~ IN CASJl Of WOltIERS

ChaD~ Vrbau

Educational T'()tal illiterate ."'Literate (with' ----....._------_-'-_ Migrants out eIilucational Primat:y Middle .level)

------],1 M P M F M F 'M F M F -:------_.,,, ------'. i 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7, oS '9 10 11 -~-----"'"""'I'------_... __ 18. Sikkim Total 3 '1"5-19 J 2 ?:O-~9 l 1 1 19. Tamil N«du Total 213 496 1.()9 180 48 62 18 $1 11 Q '1"5-19 3~ 205- 4 29 6 1 21 4 '36 3"O-~9 90, 2 30 5 9 21

20. Tril?ura Total 1 I •. r5-~9 .. ' '.. \~, . 3"0- 9 1

21. Uttar P~a,desh Total 4,07~ 7,916, 1,7~ 4',771 774 646 in 677 298 558 1'5-29 1,06 3,431 132 :L,~53 29 117 ·127 2,94 1:&2 290 3D-59 166 1,990 III 1,219 12 \ 87 ~8 1,\6 9 l67

22; We~t Bepgal Total 321 596 79 136 77 82 44 66 Q.7 '8:2 1'5-29 '223 2 15 1 3 3 2.1 010 17 '3U-S9. U 16~ 2 38 5 1,2 1 .32 (b) Union Territories ., . ~ ~ 1. Andaman '& Nic(1)ar Totar 1 f 1 Hlands 1'5-29 30-59 1 I •• 2. Arurt!lchaJ' Prade!>h Total 2 I 1"5-29 30-59 2 1. I 3. 'Dadta & N,agar l'laveli Total r .. 1'5-29 30-59 .. .• I \ .

4. 'Delh1, Total 2,313 '4",325" 48~ r,022 451 492 289 574 241 581 1'5-29 845 1',756 15 174 4 42 ' 32 f30 116 259 30-59 6? ,I!220. 10 300 2 56 3 \77 2 403

5. 'Goa,"Daman & DIn 'fotal' 8' 1 1 1 1 1"i-29 r 5' .. 1 ~0-59 I ). 1 6. T..acatlive, Minicoy, Total" r 8e Amitldivi Islands ~5-29 r' 30-59 . : . 7 . 'Pondl¢her~y 'rotal' 3 2' 2 I 15-29 r 30-59 . ; .. "'. , . I B. Outside India Total' . 623' 1',363" 86 ~34 71 113 51 176 45 \46 15-29 269 481r 8 60 11 "7 37 21 48 30-59 6' 60S 7 227 3 45 2 93 3 I~

Notes.C__ 1. "'*1ncludes figures for educational level not classifiable. 2. Outside India includes unclassifisble foreign countries. . 3. Figures pertairung to~ge-group -14, 60 + and Age not sta1¢ are in¢luded in total. 4. TAose states/Union errftories lor which data are nil have not been shown. $. "'Includes Mizo "district now constituted as Union Territory of Mizoram. 83



Levels Technical degree or diploma or equal to degree or post-graduate degree Matriculation Non­ Technical Graduate - Post-graduate Engineering Medicine Agricul- Teaching Others or Higher technical diploma degree other degree other than and ture, Secondary diploma or than technical technical degree Techno- Veterinary not equal Certi- degree logy and to degree ficate not Dairying equal to degree

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ------_------_.... --~------12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ------_---_... ------4 2 3 2 1

25 112 2 18 7 2 2 21 93 1 12 4 2 2 1 16 6 3

1 602 893 12 9 10 74 198 14 97 25 3 2 50 512 629 1 4 7 47 143 10 76 16 3 1 18 33 253 10 1 2 17 53 1 20 4 1 32 77 152 1 9 56 4 14 3 2 6 .. 61 104 1 6 32 2 9 2 2 .... 6 45 2 23 1 5 1 2 4 .. ..

· . .. .. 1 · . .. .. 1 1 · . .. ·. · . .. .. 1 1

· ...... 679 1,149 16 10 23 118 305 25 87 13 1 4 3 71 582 790 6 3 17 76 210 6 72 8 1 3 3 52 26 342 9 2 6 17 93 3 15 19 3 3 2 · . . . .. 2 2 2 · . .. .. · . .. · . · . .. · . · . .. · . · . .. · . 1 ...... 1 ...... · . .. ·. 286 356 9 7 5 51 74 14 20 4 1 7 2 .. 1 1 26 194 238 3 2 4 28 49 5 11 2 1 1 2 1 16 33 109 5 1 1 9 25 5 9 1 2 1 10

TABLE D-IV PopalatiOli of urban units (including agglomeration) bavlng 100,000 and above population classified by place of last residence and duration of residence

Fly-Leaf This table corresponds to table D-V of 1961 gives tJ;le extent of in-migration fro.m rural and urbatt Census. The 1961 Census version presented areas mto the urban agglomeration. data for cities whereas in the instant ~ble this .~as The migrants have been further classified into three been presented. for urban agg1omeratlo~s of cItIes following categories: (1) Within the district of enumer­ ~aving populatIon .10~,OOO . and .above. Smce there ation (2) Other districts within the state of enumera­ IS only one suc~ UUlt m . thIS terntory the break down tion (in case of Chandigarh this is not applicable has not been given by CIty. as Chandigarh is a single district Territory) and (3) Other states in India. In the case of migrants The data included in this table comprise the total from Sikkim this pattern is not applicable. Each population of the unit with break down by sex. The of the category has been further bifurcated by period data have been split up between non-migrants and of residence at the place of last residence vi~. (i) ~ss migrants. The non-mIgrants a!e mainly those who than 3 years and (ii) 3 years or more. In case penod are locally born. These also lDclude those persons of residence is unspecified it has been clubbed under who did not report any last residence. The migrants the category 3 years or more. have been classified into three categories viz. (i) last . resided in rural areas of India (ii) last resided in It may, however, be noted that returns whereIn other urban areas of India and (iii) last resided in place of last residence rural/urban is not reported rural or urban areas of Sikkim. It would thus be have been excluded. Also returns with unclassi­ seen that migrants from outside India have been fiable place of last residence have been excluded from excluded from the ambit of this table. The table the table. D-IV f$PULA110N OF URSAN UNITS (INCLOOIN(iJ AlGGLOMRllA'O(l)N) RESIDENCE AND

Last resided in rural areas of ..Sorial City/~n~lome­ Total population Non-Migrants No. ration (Djst~t) Within the district of C>ther distr~t within the enumeration and ) I state of-enumeration ..esident for and'l ..esideat for

Less than 3' years or Less than 3 years or 3 years more 3 years 'more

P M F .M F M F .M F M F M F 3 4 5 ,6 7 ,8 9 .10 11 12 U 14 15 -..- ~ 1 Chandisarh Urban ------agglomeration (Chandigarh) 228,133 129,844 98,289 25,915 22,002 158 93 670 377

Nqte.-l.. R~turn illl whicb place of last residence R\lral/Urban cla&sification ilo not reported )lave l>een excluded. 2. Return with 'Unc1assifiable' place of last residenoe have been excluded. 3. :p'ersons last resided 'outsioe India are excluded. 4. Unspecified period of residence in the City is included under column ~ 'Years or more. r s. T.he figures in cobunns.(j alld 7 include tho~e !persons who did not cep0J;t ao'y 'last Tesidemce' IiA VING 100,000 AND ABOVE POPULATION CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST DURATION OF RESIDENCE

India Last resided in other urban areas of India Last resided in rural ---,~- --,------, or urban areas of Other States in India and resident Within the dis­ Other district Other States in India and Sikkim and resident for trict of enumer­ within the state resident for for ation and resi­ of enumeration dent for and resident for ------Less than 3 years Less 3 years Less 3 years Less than 3 years Less than 3 years or 3 years or more than 3 or more than 3 or more 3 years or more 3 years more years years ._------_---__ ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M, F M F M F M F 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

11,388 6,781 21,402 13,998 94 53 110 98 .. 22,603 17,410 47,493 37,474 8 2 3 1

T~LB n-v Migrant workers and DOD-workers atcOrdiog to maiD activities classified by place of last residence Fly-Leaf

This table corresponds to table D-VI of 1961 table indicates the industrial categories at~acting Census. In the present table cross-classification of migrants and also tells us whether in the different workers and non-workers with break down by main industrial categories the flow of migrants is from the industrial categories and last residence bas been Rural to Urban areas or vice-versa. The data for last pr~$ented. In the 1961 Census, birth place concept residence have been presented under the following was .used. The concept of place of last residence has groups with further break down Rural, Urban and been introduced for the first time in the 1971 Census. unclassitiable ; A-Residence in India (I) Within the It will, thus be observed that in the 1971 Census for State of enumeration but outside the place of enumera­ studying the migration pattern a double approach tion. (a) Elsewhere in the district of enumeration has been adopted. It is widely admitted that last (b) In other districts of state of enumeration, (II) - residence approach is technically more sound. Hellce States in India beyond the State of enumeration ; a more liberal use has been made of this variable. B.-:countries in Asia beyond India (including ns.S.k.) C-Countries in Europe (excluding U.S.S.R.); D­ This table presents distribution of workers by Countries in Africa ; E-Countries in two Americas sex and by nine industrial categories such. as 1- F-Countries in Oceania and G-Unclassifiable. Cultivators, II-Agricultural labourers, III-Live­ The total of remaining countries in each continent stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and plantations is given against 'elsewhere' in the table. The data orchards and allied activities, IV-Mining and have been presented for the Union Territory and urban Quarrying, V-Manufacturing, Processing; Servicing agglomeration of Chandigarh with further breakup and repairs (a) Household industry (b) <>ther than by total and rural areas. In the 1961 census, )lowever, household industry (VI) Construction, . VII~Trade figures were shown by total/rural/urban areas. It and Commerce, . VIII-Transport, Storage and Com­ may also be noted that Assam figures include figures munications and IX-other services. Besides lhis, for Mizo district which has been constituted distribution has been given fot non-workers, This Union Territory of Mizoranl. I

89 90

D-v MIGRANTS WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDING TO MAIN Union Territory jUrban units (including 'jjgglomeration) WOR Last Rlli_1le Rural} Total ------Total I n III urbanI Migrants work<::rs Cultivators Agricultural Livestock, unclassi- labourt":rs Forestry, fj"hle Fishing, Hunting and Planta- tions,of- chards and allied activities ------~--" ------P M F M F M F ----M F M, F ------~------.-~------2 3 4' 5 6 7 .,8 9 10 11 12 .' , .1,3 -~------~------._- Chllndigarh Union Total Migrants 196,226' -112,092 84,134 71,639 5;76S 472. 11 301 3 364 8 A Resided id'india R (12,7,94 36,844 25,950 25,719 i,478 342' 8 185 2 217 3 U 128,255 72,226 56,029 43,790 ' 4,089 120 2 70 129 5 Un. 1',570 1,030 540 '773 3S . 3, , ,2 6 , f,- ~ .. " 2,280 . r Witlaio'the State of enumeration R 1-232t . 1,048 .819 25 67 " 65 1 .. . 8 t,ut orrtside the place of -enume- . U )190 S'l.1· ·313 345 9 20 6 ...... 5 '4 ~ . ~tiOD JJn. 604 40$ 196 330 20 2 1 4 " '!' , . ( a) Elsewhere in the district of 'R 2,280 ' 1,212 1,048 l~19 25 67 , 65 't 8' enumeration U 890 577 313 345 9 20 6 .•• ! 5 ' Un. 604 408 196 330' 20 2 1 4 (b) In other districts of state of R enumerat!on U Un.

I States In India beyond the state R 60,514 35,612 24,902 24,900 1,453 275 8 120 1 209 3 of enumeration U 127,365 71,649 55,716 43,445 4,080 100 2 64 124 5 Un. 966 622 344 443 15 1 1 2 ( a) States L Andhra Pradesh R 62 29 33 18 · . .. U 358 179 179 93 9 1 Un- 6 2 4 2 2. *Assam R 81 51 30 41 · . 3 U 542 361 181 271 4 Un, 57 38 19 37 1 3. Bihar R 206 129 77 95 2 1 U 504 285 219 159 10 1 Un. 27 10 17 6

4. Gujarat R 40 21 19 13 · . ., U 322 163 159 94 7 1 1 Un. 16 9 7 5

5. Haryana R 11,857 6,346 5,511 4,009 212 55 .. 31 17 1 U 23,641 13,253 10,388 7,893 678 16 1 8 12 1 Un. 124 78 46 50 3

6. Himachal Pradesh R 5,600 3,757 1,843 2,713 60 25 2 4 5 U 16,870 9,808 7,062 6464 585 5 4 7 Un. 82 54 28 • 39 2

7. Jammu & Kashmir R 331 261 70 234 3 U 1,559 927 632 572 20 1 1 Un. 36 30 6 23 1 8. g,erala R 139 72 67 41 6 U 265 }25 140 79 14 Un. 15 10 5 8 2

R=Rural U=urban Un.= Uaclassifiable 91

ACTIVITIES CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE bavin g 100,000 and above population and "Total/Urban" KERS IV V VI VII VIII IX X Mining and Manufacturing, Process­ Construc­ Trade Transport, Other Non­ Quarrying Ing, Servicing and Repairs tion and Storage and SelVice~ worker6 Commerce Communi­ --_------(a) (b) cations Household Other than Industry household Industry

------_---- M F M F M F M F M F ------14 15 16 17 23 ~------..--- Territory (Tot91)

11 1 3ZZ 51 9,704 184 3,649 486 10,999 226 3,332 67 42,485 4,731 40,453 78,366 6 1 122 11 4,376 63 2,314 390 3,632 32 1,507 3 13,018 955 11,125 24,472 5 186 19 5,085 116 1.257 94 6,943 Itl3 1,692 60 28,303 3,610 28,436 51,940 1 1 8S 15 1 110 2 56 1 494 30 257 505 21 123 2 53 1 86 .. 24 372 21 413 1,023 1 23 28 .. 40 2 6 216 7 232 304 2 31 4 1 47 2 11 228 17 78 176 21 123 2 53 86 24 372 21 413 1,023 t 23 28 .. 40 2 6 216 7 232 304 2 31 4 1 47 2 11 228 17 78 176

6 1 101 21 4,253 61 2,261 389 3,546 32 1,483 3 12,646 934 10,712 23,449 ~ 185 19 5,062 116 1,229 94 6,903 181 1,686 60 28,087 3,603 28,204 51,636 1 54 11 63 45 1 266 13 179 329

1 3 1 .. 12 11 33 1 13 1 5 3 69 9 86 170 2 4 2 35 ., 10 30 8 10 1 12 241 3 90 177 2 2 33 1 t 18

17 12 14 2 48 t 34 75 19 1 26 4 109 9 126 209 2 3 4 17 . . 4 .. 2 7 8 19 1 18 2 15 1 5 51 5 69 152 5 4 7 12 2 528 17 158 21 834 8 178 1 2,196 162 2,337 5,299 3 48 6 963 29 114 7 1,590 21 398 11 4,741 602 5,360 9,710 5 2 12 2 1 29 2 28 43 1 9 1 385 1 52 600 2 135 1 1,497 53 1,044 1,783 19 2 522 8 43 1 740 28 179 7 4,945 539 3,344 6,477 8 12 1 18 2 15 1\26 9 29 51 73 72 3 27 67 4 42 10 60 23 431 20 355 612 \";":" 1 3 t_. .., , .. 19 1 7'. 5 13 1 6 ..',1 22 5 31 61 20 1 2 10 'i 46 12 46 126 2 .~ 3 4, •• 0 .-..;: 3 3 2 2 92

D-V MIGRANTS WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDING TO MAIN I unloh Tenitory/Urban mlits (illdttdillg aglolDeratloa)

WORK Last Residence Rural -_ Urban Total Total I - II ---m Unclassi- Migrants workers Cultivatos Agricultural Livestock, fiable la"l)ollrel'S Forestry, fishing, hunting, and plant- ations, orchards and allied activities --..-....------P ~M F M F M F M F M F --__._.__...... ,__. 1 2 3 4 5 6 --7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 ,9. Madhya fradesb R 149 88 61 54 1 U 859 500 3~9' ,88 Jjl ii .: t 1 'i Un. 23 13 10 10 ..t

!l0. Maharashtra R 117 65 5~ 47 4 .. U 1,943 1,086 857 649 45 3 2 2 Un. 15 9, ,6 3

11~ Manipur R 5 2 3 U 8 4 4 " i 1 .~ Un. "1 ~ . ," 12. Meg~laya R U S4 28 26 18 2 Un- 13. Mysore R 15 14 13 1 29 t" ,.. U 607 339 26.~ tI3 18 ...." .. Un. 4. 3 3 14. Nagaland R 7 7 5 U 23 20 3 13 Un. 7 6 1 6 , , is. Orissa R 35 18 17 16 U 133 78 55 37 6 Un. 13 9 4 7 I , 16. Punjab R 25,267 13,361 11,906 8,430 387 176 5 41 1 30 U 52,769 29,084 23,685 16,788 1,843 55 1 24 32 'j Un. 235 128 107 75 3 1 1 17. Rajasthan R 2,333 1,399 934 1,115 335 1 1 U 1,955 1,117 838 1714 83 1 Un. 38 26 ,.J.2 18 18. Sikldm R U Un. i4 11 3 6 19. Tamil Nadu R 50 21 29' 12 U 1,278 714 564 506 85 ,Un. 5 5 4

20. TribtIra R r .. U 2 1 1 1 Un. I .• • 21. Uttar Pradesh R 13,947 9,g11 4;136 7,940 435 14 1 41 156 2 U 12,191 7.307 4,884 4,937 303 9 19 52 1 Un. 216. 158. 58 122 2 2 I 22. West Bengal R U.6. 64 I. 52 40 3 .. U 1,349 '166 583 469 36 •. 2 2 5 -Un. _. . 16"" -- -5 7 11 " .... - .. 93 ActtvIms CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST' RESIDENCE hvtu: 100,000 aad aboTe population aJMi "TotaJ/UrbaaH

BRS ,-----x IV V VI VII vm IX Non- Mining Manufacturing, Processing Constru­ Trade Transport, Other woriers 1I.nd Servicing and Repairs ction and storage and Services QUlUIying -"(a)-(i,)- COlUl1)er(;(l CommunI­ cations Household Other than industry household industry

M F M F M F M F ,------~-'--- 14 IS 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ------.--.----r 12 4 9 3 26 1 34 'i 1 43 11 1 41 'j 12 176 26 212 3fs 4 3 ',' 3 3 10 16 4 2 25 4 18 48 2 102 " 'IS 70 :5 24 1 429 35 '437 gIl I" 3 6 6 2 3 'i " I 3 3

!' ,,' 3 ( , 2 io 24

13 1 :2 13 is 186 '18 126 250 3 1 1 3 2 1 12 7 '3 1 , ~ 6

7 2 1 ," 6 :2 17 3 1 2 31 '6 41 '49 4 2 1 :2 4 .42 9 1,557 18 502 3 .l.182 10 559 1 4,341 3;40 4,931 11,519 58 6 1.il92 47 '281 10 2,830 76 637 30 10,912 1,670 1'-.296 21,842 13 3 14 14 29 3 . 53 104 2 6 263 l2 521 272 87 4 15• 225 41 284 ~~ 5 2 85 3 187 34 98 4 12 1 326 39 403 7)5 5 1 4 1 7 8 '12

1 :5 3 1 11 29 9 3 18 3 461 B2 479 1 :3

1 1 " 5 1 34 3 1,418 12 967 92 746 7 514 4.045 317 '1,811 3.?

0, 1 r .. 39 24 '1 ,49 1 '3 93 13 55 28 2fJ7 3~ 297 547 ," 2 S S 94 D-V MIGRANTS WOJl~EJlS AND .NON-WO~RS ACCORDING TO MItlN

Uwoo Territory/,Urbau units (il\CJudmg agg~Plerati.)

WOlpC Last Reside!lce Rural Urban Total Total ---_--I II m Undassi- Migrants workers Cultivators Agricultural Livestock. fiable laboUJ:&S Forestry. fishing, hunting, and plant- ations, orchards and allied ------_ activities P M F M F M F -----M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 , .£-- _' (b) Union Territories

i 1. Andaman and Nicobar R , . I.· .'. . ISlan~s' • U' 8 7 1 6 Un. 1 1 1 .. f' 2. Arunacpal Pradesh R ' .. .. U 7 ., 5 Un. 4 3 1 3 3. Dadia and Nag,a:r, Haveli. R 3 3 2 U Un: 4. Delh',; R 135 88 47 59 4 1 , U 10,096 5,418 4',618 3,169 300 7 1 11 Un. 12 9 " 3 9 5. Goa."paman and Diu R 1 1 1 I' U 16 8 8 4 Un: 6. L.MI and A.lslands R 3 2 1 2 " U Un: 1. Pondi~herry R 1 1 U' 6 ~ 2 2 -. ,. Un. \ B. 'CJu: iilrAS~IJJ.eY.Ond .'1oom 2,652 1,~8 '1144.. ,1,187 140 5 ~3 1 t1 Unci g U.S. .R.) I

1. Mgbanistan 12 3 9 1 1 '" ~.2: Burma \ 144 81 63 34 2 1 3. Ceylon 3 1 2 1 f4. China 1 1 1 5. Nepal 250 179 71 152 7 5 , 6. Pald~tab 2,037 1,119 918 967 129 4 '." '33 ·1 ·6 7. Malasia 52 40 12 4

~. U.S.S.R. '23 15 8 12 1t9. Elsey.'per,e 130 69 61 13 1 ," ," , r' , t.t c.: Count~'in Eurype (Excl •• 170 92 78 49 10 1 U.S.S. )

1. U.K. Including N.lJela~d }.41 95 66 37 9 1 ," I- " .. ," C' . l. 2. Ireland '., .. 3. Elsewhere' 29 17 12 12 1 95

~vn,ms ~I) .BY'PLA1CE:OF LAST RESIJ)IN~ .faa.fiq UO,4)OO and above PQp\llatiOD aDel "Total/Udtn"

ERS x IV V I VI VII VIII IX Non- Mining Manufacturing, Proc.essing Construc- Trade Transport, Other workers and Servicing and Repairs tion and storage and Services Quarruing Commerce Communi- (a) (b) cations Household Other than Industry household industry

M F M F M F M F M F ----M F M F M F ----- 14 15 , 16 17 18 19 20 ( 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 I 29 ~------

, , 11 's .. i. " i 1

's Z 3 'i 2 1

" 1 15 7 1 13 2 20 J~ 2§ .13 19 473 14 141 10 710 2S ,118 5 1,689 t46 ~~p9 4,318 1 8 3 1 ", 4 4 8 \ l' I " 1 t .. .. f '2 2 '2

12 10 143 5 50 1 294 8 72 3 567 llr 321 ., "t,oiN

,,' ,l I" I 2, 8 , .~ " " " ,} 3 1~ '~ ., 13 2 A'1 6l .. '" • .. ' .. " ,. ., 1 2 .. < J' " , ,I ,. I .j.f :.1. " I 'f tt, ·it J 1 " 19 f 3 1 , 19 6 '100 S' 27 64 I '. ' ..! • ,I 12 19 116 4 47 .259 8 58 3 1'32 103 l,?.2 789, I " ". , .. " '. , \ I " 1 3 36 12 ~ ~. 1 9 ) >. ~: ~:~ : .4 u. .,.. ., 2 3 2 ,. 8 1 54' 60

, ,', 10. 1 31 10 68, . ,. " :~~ I' f3 .\ 't. I 6 " 1 5 24 9 38 57

4 1 7 1 5 11 t9()

i>-V MIGRANTS WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDI!iG TO MAIN UniOd Territory/Urban units (including .agglomeration)

WOR Last Residence Rural, Urban, Total . Total I II III, Unc1assi- Migrants, Workers Cultivators _Agric,*l,Wll Livestock, fiable .. labourers Forestry, fishing, hunting and plantations, orchards and allied activities

P M F ----""'-M F -----M F ----M F -----M F ------1 2 3 4 5 6 - 7 8' 9 10 11 12 13------D. Countries in Africa 545 251 294 26 6 1 1. Kenya 96 48 48 3 1 1 2. Mauritius 25 19 6 3. MC!zambique , 4. Union of South Africa 63 45 18 5 5. Elsewhere 361 139 222 18 5 E. Countries in Two Americas 123 65 58 34 9 1. Canada 29 13 16 6 2 2. U.S.A. 91 50 41 28 7

3. El~where 3 2 1 F. Countries io Oceania S 6 2 • 1. A~iralia 1 1 2. New-Zealand 1 1 , 3. Elsewhere 6 5 1 G. Unclassffiable 109 70 39 61 1 1 11 1 Urbao

Tota~Migran~ 185,024 106,712 78,302 67,822 5,683 282 5 160 2 308 8

A. Resid~ in India R 54,867 33,618 21,249 23,577 1,423 188 3 103 1 183 3 I.' U 125,335 70,300 55,035 42,321 4,067 86 2 47 114 5 Uo. 1,476 979 497 722 35 3 2. 6 L Within the state of enumeration R 1,298 828 470 616 17 38 41 1 6 but outside the place ohnume- U 355 204 151 101 8 1 ration Uo. 593 397 196 319 20 2. 1 4 (a) . Eisewhe~e in the ~istrict of R 1,298 828 470 616 17 38.. I 41, 1 6 , enum:eration' . U 355 204 151 101 8: 1 Unc. 593 397 196 319 20 ~ 1 4 (b) In otl,ler districts of state of R ., enumeration ,. U , l {i,: Un. States in India beyond the R 53,569 32,790 22,961 1,406 150 62 177 3 q. ~,779 1 3 stat~ of eoumdtation i r U 124,980 70,096 54,884 42,2%0 ' 4,059 8'6 2 47 113 5 Un. 883 582 301 403 15 1 1 2 " ~.1


baving 100,000 and above .population .and "Total/Urban"

KERS ...... _----_ .... _ X l¥ V VI VII VIII IX Mining Manufacturing, Processing Construction Tracie Transport, Other Non- and Servicing and Repairs and storage Services workers Quarrying Commerce and (a) (b) Communi- Household Other than cations Industry household industry

------~------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

--14 15 Hj 17 18 19 20 2·1 22 23 24 25 26 ');J -28 ..29 ---_._------"'-_-'- --_..,__,-~-.__------5 1 7 1 12 5 225 288

1 45 47

19 6

1 1 3 40 18

3 1 6 8 4 121 217 1 33 9 31 49

6 2 7 14

1 27 7 22 34

2 1

I : 6 '2


,', 1 5 1

J.(l .,"';11 ., . 7 5 27 9 38

11 1 282 39 8,957 115 3)231 472 ®,734 ~24 31'657 67 40,800 4,690 38,900 72,619

6 1 113 18 3,831 S5 2,130 381 3,470 30 1,346 3 12,207 928 10,041 19,826 5 158 17 4,886 115 1,046 89 6,857 183 11590 60 i7,532 3,596 1.7~'919 50,968 2 1 85 15 1 110 2 56 1 443 30 257 462

21 104 1 43 63 17 283 15 212 453 1 16 3 17 2 63 6 1:031 145 2 31 4 1 47 2 III 217 17 78 176 21 104 43 63 17 283 15 212 453 1 16 3 17 2 63 6 llO~ 143 2 31 4 1 47 2 11 217 17 78 176


6 1 92 18 3,727 54 2,087 381 3,407 30 1,329 3 11,924 913 9,829 19,373 5 157 17 4,870 115 1,043 89 6,840 181 1,590 60 2,7469 3,590 27,87(; 60,82'S 1 64 11 63 45 1 226 13 179 286 ~s b-v MIGRANTS WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDING TO MAIN

Union Territory/Urban units (including agglomeration)

WOR Last Residence Rural, Urban, Total Total I II TIl Unclassi- Migrants workers Cultivators Agricutural Livestock, fiable labourers Forestry, fishing, hunting and plantations orchards and allied activities

------~ --- P M F M F M F M F M F

-~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 --7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (a) States

1. Andhra Pradesh R 51 22 29 13 1 U 353 174 179 92 '9 Un. 4 2 . 2 2 2. *Assam R 70 44 26 36 2 u 526 347 179 258 '4 Un. 56 37 19 36 1 3. Bihar R 187 116 71 87 2 1 1 U 494 278 216 154 10 1 Un. 25 8 17 4 4. Gujarat R 39 21 18 13 U 320 163 157 94 '7 1 1 Un. 15 9 6 5 5. Haryana R 10,216 5,800 4,416 3,654 210 32 20 11 1 U 23,046 12,919 10,127 7,647 670 12 .i 7 11 1 Un. 99 72 27 44 3 6. Himachal Pradesh R 5,390 3,634 1,756 2,620 59 24 1 3 3 U 16,757 9,739 7,018 6,409 585 4 4 6 Un. 82 54 28 39 2 7. Jammu and Kashmir R 294 239 55 213 3 U 1,517 896 621 548 20 1 1 Un. 31 25 6 18 1 8. Kerala R 131 65 66 34 6 U 253 115 138 70 14 Un. 15 10 5 8 2 9. Madhya Pradesh R 113 66 47 43 1 U 833 483 350 272 31 1 1 Un. 23 13 10 10 10. Maharashtra R 110 58 52 42 4 U 1,883 1,039 844 610 45 3 2 2 Un. 13 7 6 1 11. Manipur R 5 2 3 U 8 4 4 1 1 Un. 12. Meghalya R U 54 28 26 18 2 Un.

13. Myso'e R 27 14 13 12 1 U 600 336 264 211 18 Un. 4 3 1 3 14. N"galand R 7 7 5 U 23 20 3 13 Un. 7 6 1 6 99

ACTJVIUES cLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE baving 100,000 and above population and "Total/Urban"

KERS x IV V VI VII VIII IX Non" Mining Manufacturing, Processing, Construction Trade and Transport. Other workers and Servicing and Repairs Commerce) Storage Services Quarrying and (a) (b) Communi" Household Other than cations Industry household industry ------_._ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M_-_ F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~- _-_ _._..------_"-

3 1 8 9 29 'i 13 1 5 3 69 9 82 170 2 2 1 32 8 26 7 io 'i ii 229 3 89 175 2 2 32 1 1 18 17 9 14 2 43 1 29 69 19 1 24 4 106 9 124 206 1 2 1 4 17 4 2 7 8 18 'i 18 1 2 15 1 5 51 5 69 150 5 4 6 12 2 434 16 150 21 808 7 159 1 2,028 162 2,146 4 206 3 22 4 925 28 109 7 1,574 21 385 11 4,599 597 5,272 '457 5 2 12 2 1 23 2 28 9, 24 1 9 1 374 1 47 589 2 126 1 1,444 53 1,014 1 691 2 522 8 40 1 735 28 19 171 7 4,908 539 3,330 6,'433 26 8 12 1 18 2 15 8 29 49 73 54 3 26 52 3 40 10 60 22 411 20 348 601 1 3 14 1 7 5 8 1 5 21, 5 31 60 19 1 2 10 1 1 38 12 45 124 2 3 3 2 2 3 12 4 9 3 15 1 23 46 2 1 43 11 1 40 3 10 164 26 211 319 4 3 3 3 10 .. 14 4 2 22 4 16 4& 2 98 4 13 70 5 24 1 396 35 429 799 I 6 6 2 3 1 1 3 3

3 is 2 10 24

12 1 2 12 is 6 3 184 18 125 246 .'- 3 1 I 3 2 I 12 ':/ 3 .. 6 1 100


Union Territory/Urban Ubits (including agglomeration)

LastResid~ Rural, Urhait, Total I II JlI Unclassi­ Misronts (;ui!illat<)ts Agricllltut.al Liv.el!toc.k, fiable labott\'.l:rs Forestry, fishing, hunting, and plant­ ations, orcbards and allied activities ---~------PM._-----_ F M F M F M F M.fl 2 3 ._---_------,,__--_._----4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15. Orissa R 33 18 15 16 U 132 77 55 3"1 6 Un. B 9 4 7 16. Punjab R 21,446 12,023 9,425 1,574 368 8() 1 23 2Q U 52,083' 28,1()(J 23,,385 16,496 1,IGS 54 1 18 27 3 Un. 2l(J 124 86 11 3 1 1

17. Rajasthan R 2,181 1,313 868 1,056 334 1 '. U 1,915- J ,090 3:2:5 693 8S 1 Un 38 26 12 18 1'8. Si~m R U Un. 14 11 3 6 1~. Tamil Nadu R. 4J 17 24 9 .. U 1,261 :}04 557 5@0 S!)· Un. 3 3 2 ','

1 20: Tripura R ., U 2 1 1 Un.

2~. UttaroEradesb. R 12,971 g~i7» 3,198 7,43-5 411 10 14 142 2 .u 11,551 6,733 4,768 4.484 295 4 12 48 1 Un. 206 148 58 112 2 2 '22. West.Bengalr R 111 60 51 38 3 .u 1,333 '754 579 459 36 2 5 Un. ]6 11 5 7 til) Un\QlJ' Terriioties I. A®.aman & Nicobar 1slauds .R ., U 8 7 6 .. Un. 1 "~ 2. Anmachal Pradesh R U 7 7 .. 5 Un. 4 3 1 3 3. Dadra & Na~r Haveli R 3 3 :z U Un. 4• .Delhi R 132 85 47 56 4 1 U 9.99~ .5,420 4,579 3,136 300 5 1 II Un. 4 1 3 1 5. Goa, Daman and Diu R 1 1 .. U 16 8 S ,1 Un. 6. L.M. & A. Islands R 2 2 U Un. 7, Po1dicherry R 1 1 U () 4 '2 Bo. 101

ACTIVITIES CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE having 1'00,000 and above population and "Total/Urban"

KERS X ----.----_--_ ~_----.------...... ------IV V V v.n VIII IX Non- Mining Manufacturing, Processing Construction Trade and Transport, Other workers and Servicing and Repairs Commerce Strorage and Services I Communlca Hons Quarrying ----_...... (a) _----(b) Household Other than Industry household Industry _---...... _ --_- ----_ ---_M F -----M F M F M F ----M F M F M F M F --- ...... _ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ------_------7 2 1 6 2 15 .. 3 1 2 31 6 40 49 4 2 1 2 4 40 6 1,307 18 420 3 1,110 10 499 1 4,075 329 4,449 9,055 1 57 6 1,802 47 273 10 2,810 76 624 30 10,830 1,665 12,204 21,545 13 3 14 14 25 3 53 83 2 6 210 11 521 272 86 4 15 221 41 257 534 5 2 81 3 186 34 97 4 12 1 311 39 397 742 5 1 4. 1 7 8 12

.. 1 5 5 3 8 1 • 0 8 24 15 9 3 17 3 456 82 204 472 1 1 1

1 1

5 1 28 3 1,312 7 89.1 84 720 6 448 o. 3,865 307 1,744 3,387 23 2 689 8 237 23 601 12 164 5 2,706 244 2,299 4,473 1 8 2 7 25 68 I 36 56

1 • 0 .. 37 3 22 48J 1 3 93 12 55 3 27 261 33 295 543 2 5 4 5 0

00 1 5 1- I 1

5 2 3 1 2 1

1 12 7 , 2 1 13 . " 20 3 29 43 19 467 14 135 10, 706 25 118 5 1,674 246 2,284 4,279 1 3

1 . , 4 4' 8

1 1 1

1 2 2 2 " 102 D-V MIGRANTS WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDlNG TO MAIN Union Territory/Urban Units (b1elllding agglomeration)

WORK Last Residence Rural Urban Total Total I II m Unclassi. Migrants workers Cultivators Agricultural Uvestock, (fable labourers Forestry, fishing, bunting, and plant- ations, orchards andaUied _-_-activities p M F M F M F M F M F ...... _------...------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -- ..._",_ ___ B. Countries io Asia beyood ---~------India including U.S.S.R. 2,476 1,399 1,077 1,090 133 3 8 1 5 1. Afghanistan 12 3 9 1 1 2. Burma 142 80 62 33 2 3. Ceylon 3 2 4. China

5. Nepal 232 167 65 141 7 1 6. Pak:fstan 1,882 1,024 858 883 122 3 8 4 7. Malaysia 52 40 12 4 8. U.S.S.R. 23 15 8 12 9. Elsewhere 129 68 61 14 C. Countries ill Europe (£XCI U.S.S.R.) 170 9l 78 49 10 1 l- U.K. Ineld. N. Ireland 141 7S 66 37 9 1 2. Ireland

3. Elsewhere 29 17 12 12 1 D' Couatries in Mrica MS 251 294 26 6 1 1. Kenya 96 48 48 3 1 2. Mauritius 25 19 6 3. Mozambique 4. Union of South Mrlca 63 45 18 5 S. Elsewhere 361 139 222 18 5 E. COIIlltries In two Americas 1%3 CIS 58 34 9 1. Canada 29 13 16 6 2 2. U.S.A. 91 50 41 28 7

~. Elsewhere 3 2 1 F. COIIIltries in Oc:eaafa 8 6 2 L Australia 1 2. New-Zealand 1 1 3. msewhere 6 5 1 G. Uaclassifiable 2.4 1:Z 12 3

'Includes Mizo dIstrIcts, DOW COJJStituted as Union Territory of Mlzoram. 101 ACTIVITIES cLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE baling 100,000 and above population and "Total/Urban" ERS IV V VI VII VllI IX X Mining and Manufacturing, Processing Construction Trade Transport, Other Non- Quarrying Servicing and Repairs and Storage Services workers Commerce and (a) (b) Communi. Household Other than cations Industry Household Industry

,_~- ---- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

--14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 --29 ~....____

9 3 140 5 37 1 283 8 65 3 540 112 ,309 944 1 1 2 8 3 11 6 13 2 47 60 1 2 1 19 1 3 1 19 5 94 5 26 58 9 3 113 4 34 248 8 52 3 412 103 141 736 1 3 36 12 2 1 9 3 8 2 3 2 7 1 54 60 10 1 6 31 10 43 68 6 1 5 24 9 38 57

4 1 7 1 5 11 5 1 7 1 12 5 225 288 1 1 1 45 47 19 6

1 1 3 40 18 3 1 6 1 8 4 121 217 1 33 9 31 49 6 2 7 14 1 27 7 22 34 2 '1 6 2 1 1 5 1 1 2 .. 9 11 104 • , b-v MIGRANTS WORKERS AND NON-WO~RS ACCORDING TO MAIN tTtdOtI i'erritbl"Y1'{9rMllt "lilts ('ntHtding 'aggtb~ratitfn~J tiui1lg'

iJa'St Residence Rural! Total WOR- Urbani Migrants Total Unclassi- Workers ------I II III fiable Cultivators Agricultural Livestock, :Lahourers fores.u:y, isb'h1g., Hunting & Plantations, orchards. & allied ------activities------P M F M F M F M F M F ------I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J.l J2 .13 ~ltandig.rh lJliban 'Total "Migrants 185,024 106,722 78,302 67,822 5,683 282 5 160 '2- 308 8 A. Resided'in India R 54,867 33,618 21,249 23,571 1,423 188' 3 103 1 '183 3 U 125,335 70,300 55,035 42,321 4,067 86 2 47 114 5 Un. 1,476 979 497 722 35 3 .. 2 6 1'1. Within'the state of enumer~tioo a' 1,298 828 470' 616 17 38 .. 41 1 6 -, but outside tbe ,Place of U 355 204 151 101 8 .. .. 1 enumeration Un. S93 397 196 319 20 2 " . 1 4 (a) ElsewHere In district of R 1,298 828 470 616 17 38 .. 41 1 6 enumeration U 355 204 151 101 8 •• J . . .. 1 Un. 593 397 196 319 20 2 .. 1 4 II (b)'In other districts of state of R enumeration U Un. n. States in India beyond the R 53,569 32,790 i:z0.779 '22.961 1,406' 150 3 62 177 3 state of .enumeTlftioo U 124,980 70,096 54.884 42,220 4,059 86. 2 47 113 5 Do. 883 582 301 403 15 I' .. 1 2 (a) States l· Andl\Ja Pradesh R 51 22 29 13 1 U 353 174 179 92 9 Un. 4 2 2 2

2. *Ass~m R 70 44 26 36 2 .. U 526 347 179 258 4 Un. 56 37 19 36 1

Blha{ R 187 116 71 87 2 1 U 494 278 216 154 10 1 '" Un. 25 8 17 4 4. Gujarat R 39 21 18 13 .. . . U 320 163 157 94 7 1 1 9 Un. 15 I 6 5 $, Hary~ R 10,216 5,800 4,416 3,654 210 32 .. 20 11 1 U 23,046 12,919 '10,127 7,647 670 12 1 7 11 1 Un. 99 72 27 44 3

~. Hlmc.hal Pradesh R 5,390 3,634 1,756 2,620 59 24 1 3 3 U' 16,757 "9,739 '7,018 6,409 585 4 4 6 Un. 82 54 28 39 2 l ~. Jall1IJlU & Kashmir R 294 239 55 213 3 .. . . U· '1,517 896 621 548 20 I- .. 1 Un. 31 25 6 18 1 8. Keralf\ R 131 65 66 34 6 U· '1.53 115 138 70 14 Un. 15 10 5 8 2

~. MadlWa Prades? R 113 66 47 43 1 .. .. U 833 483 350 272 31' 1· 1 Un. 23 13 10 10 10~ ACTIVITIES CLASSIF'l'J;D BY PLACE .OF LAST RESIDENCE It(),~O and above population

KERS X IV V VI VII VIII IX Non- M.ining Manufacturing, ProceSSing, Construction Trade Transport, Other workers and Servicing and Repairs and storage Services Quarrying ------Commerce and (a) (b) Communi· Household Other than cations Industry household Industry ------_------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Agglomeration 11 1 282 39 8,957 175 ,3,231 472 10,734 224 3,057 67 40,800 4,690 38,900 72,619 6 1 113 18 3,831 55 2,130 381 3,470 30 1,346 3 12,207 928 '0.041 19,826 5 158 17 4,886 115 1,046 89 6,857 183 1,590 60 27,532 3,596 27,979 50,968 2 1 85 IS 1 no 2 56 1 443 30 257 462 21 104 1 43 63 ., 17 283 15 212 4S3 1 16 3 , . 17 2 .. 63 6 103 143 2. 31 4 1 47 2 11 217 17 78 176 21 104 43 63 .. 17 283 15 212 453 1 16 3 17 2 63 103 143 2 31 4 1 47 2. 11 217 i7 78 276

6 1 92 18 3,727 54 2,087 381 3,407 30 1,329 3 11,924 913 9,829 19,373 5 157 17 4,870 115 1,043 89 6,840 181 1,590 60 27,469 3,590 27,876 50,825 1 54 11 63 45 1 226 13 179 286

3- 1 8 9 29 1 13 1 5 3- 69 9 82 170 2 2 1 1 32 " 8 26 7 10 1 12 229 3- 89 175 2 2 32 1 1 18 17 9 14 Z 43 1 29 69 19 1 .. Z4 4 106 9 124 206 1 2 1 4 17 4 .. 2 7 8 18 1 18 1 2 15 1 5 51 5 69 150 ," 5 4 6 12 2 434 16 150 ~1 ~p8 7 159 1 2,028 162 2,146 4,206 :) 22 4 925 28 109 7 1,674 21 385 11 4,599 597 5,272 9,457 5 2 12 2 1 23 2 28 , 24 9 1 374 1 47 , .. 589 2 126 1 1,444 53 1,014 1,697 19 2. 522 8 40 ~ 735 28 171 7 4,908 539 3,330 6.433 8 12 1 18 2. 15 26 8 29 49 71 54 3 26 52 3 40 10 60 22 411 20 348 601 1 3 14 1 7 5 8 1 .. 5 ,. .. 21 5 31 60 19 1 2 10 1 1 3-8 12 45 124 2 '3 3 2. 2. 3 ,- 12 4 9 3 15 1 23 46 2 1 43 11 1 40 3 10 164 26 211 319 4 3 3 3 10 \b6

~ D-V MIGRANT WORKERS AND NON-WOkKERS ACCORDING TO MAiN Union Territory Urban units (including Agglomeration)

WORK Last residence Ruralj Total Total Urbanj Migrants workers I II III Unclassi. Cultivators Agricultural Livestock, fiable Labourers Forestry, Fishing Huntin~ and Plantations, orchords and allied activities ---_ ----_ P M F M F M F M F ----M F

----~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -~------...... ------~ 10. Maharashtra R 110 58 52 42 4 U 1,883 1,039 844 610 45 , 3 2 2 Un. 13 7 6 1 11. Manipur R 5 2 3 U 8 4 4 1 1 Un. ", 12. Meghalaya R U 54 28 26 18 2 Un.

13. Mysor~ R 27 14 13 12 1 U 600 336 264 211 18 Un. 4 3 1 3

14. Nagaland R 7 7 5 U 23 20 '3 13 Un. 7 6 1 6

15. Orissa R 33 18 15 16 U 132 77 55 37 '6 Un. 13 9 4 7

16. Punjab R 21,446 12,023 9,423 7,574 368 80 1 23 20 U 52,083 28,700 23,383 16,496 1,838 54 1 18 27 3 Un. 210 124 86 71 3 1 1

17. Rajasthan R 2,181 1,313 868 1,056 334 1 U 1,915 1,090 825 693 83 1 Un. 38 26 12 .18

18. Sikkim R U Un. 14 ii 3 '6

19. Tamil Nadu R 41 17 24 9 U 1,261 704 557 500 85 Un. 3 3 2

20. Tripura ,R U 2 1 1 1 Un.

21. Uttar Pradesh R 12,977 9,179 3,798 7,435 411 10 1 14 142 2 U 11,551 6,783 4,768 4,484 295 4 12 48 1 Un. 206 148 58 112 2 2

22. West Bengal R III 60 51 38 3 U 1,333 754 ;79 459 36 2 5 Un. 16 11 5 7 (b) Union Territories \. Andaman & Nicobar R Islanqs U 8 7 1 6 Un. 1 1 1 Z. Arunchal Pradesh R U 7 7 . i 5 Un. 4 3 3 .\ 107 ACTIVITIES CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE hliliag 108,000 and above population ERS ----_-._-_ IV V VI VU VIll IX X, Mining Manu facturing, Processing, Construction Trade Transport, Other Non- and Servicing and Repairs and storage and Services WOI~er$ Qua rrying------Commerce Communl- (a) (b) cations lIonsehold Other than IndustrY household Industry ------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ~---~~- ~------.._----...... - --14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ----_-....._ ------28 29 14 4 2 .i 22 4 16 48 2 98 4 13 70 5 24 396 35 429 799 1 6 6 2 3 'j 1 3 3.

'j IS '2 io 24

12 1 2 12 is '6 '3 184 18 125 246 3 1 1 3 2 'i 12 7 3 6 1 7 2 1 6 2 15 3 1 2 31 6 40 49 4 2 1 2 4 40 6 1,307 18 420 3 1,110 10 499 1 4,075 329 4,449 9,055. 1 57 6 1,802 47 273 10 2,810 76 624 30 10,830 1,665 12,204 21,545 13 3 14 14 25 3 53 83 2 6 210 11 521 272 86 4 15 221 41 257 534 5 2 81 3 186 34 97 4 12 1 311 39 397 742 5 1 4 1 7 8 12

1 5 5 3 1 8 8 24 15 9 3 17 3 456 82 204 472 1 1 i

1 1

5 1 28 3 1,312 7 891 84 720 6 448 3,865 307 1,744 3387 23 2 689 8 237 23 601 12 164 5 2,706 244 2,299 4'473 1 8 2 7 2S 68 1 36 "56 1 37 3 22 48 1 3 93 12 55 '3 27 261 33 295 543 2 5 4 5

. . .. 1 5 1 'i 1

5 2 3 1 108

D·V MIGRANT WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS ACCORDING TO MAIN Union Territory/Urban units( InclUding Aggli>meratioll)

WORK- Last residence Rural! Total Total --__ ._------UrbanI Migrants workers I 11 III Unc]assi- Cultivators Agricultural Livestock, fiabl'e Labourers forestry, fish iog, hunting and Planta tions Orchards and allied activities P M F -----M F ---M F ------M iF M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

3. Dadra & Nagar Haveli R 3 3' 2 U Un. 4. Delhi R 132 85 47 56 4 1 U 9,999 5,420 4,579 3,136 300 5 1 11 Un. 4 1 3 1 5. Goa, Datnan & Diu R 1 1 1 U 16 8 8 4 Un. 6. L.M. & A. Islands R 3 2 2 U Un. 7. Pondicherry R 1 1 U 6 4 2 2 Un. B. Countries in Asia beyond India (including U.S.S.R.) 2,476 1,399 1,077 1,090 133 3 8 1 5 1. Afghanistan 12 3 9 1 1 2. Burma 142 80 62 33 2 3. (;pylon 3 1 2 1 4. China 1 1 1 5. Nepal 232 167 65 141 7 .. 1 6. Pakistan 1,882 1,024 858 883 122 3 8 1 4 7. Malaysia 52 40 12 4 8. U.S.S.R. 23 15 8 12 9. Elsewhere 129 68 61 14 1 C. Countries in Europe (excluding U.S.S.R.) 170 92 78 49 10 1

1. U.K. (including N. Ireland~ 141 75 66 37 9 2. Ii:eland 3. Elsewhere 29 17 12 12 1 D. Countries in Mrica 545 251 294 26 6 1 1. Kenya 96 48 48 3 2. Mauritius 25 19 6 3. Mozambique 4. Union of South Africa 63 45 18 5 .. 5. Elsewhere 361 139 222 18 5 E. Countries in two Americas 123 65 58 34 9 L Canada 29 13 16 6 2 2. U.S.A. 91 50 41 28 7 3. Elsewhere 3 2 1 F. Countries in OceJllia 8 6 2 1. Australia 1 1 2. New Zealand 1 1 3. Elsewhere 6 5 1 G. Unclassifiablc Z4 12 12 3

*lncludes Mizo District, now constituted as Union Territory of Mizoram. 109

ACTMTIES CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE haying 100,000 and above population

ERS --_._------,:..__------_- IV V VI VII VIII Ix X Mining Manufacturing, Processing, Construction Trade and TransPort, Other Non. and Servicing and Repairs Commerce storage Servjces Workers Quarrying ------anci Communi- (a) (a) catious Household other than Industry household Industry

------,------M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F l4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29


1 12 7 1 13 2 .. 20 3 29 43 19 467 14 135 10 706 25 118 5 1,674 246 2,284 4,279 1 3 1 4 4 8

.. 1 2 2 2

9 3 140 5 37 1 283 8 6S 3 540 112 309 944 1 1 2 8 3 11 6 13 2 47 60 1 2 .. 1 .. . . 19 1 3 1 19 5 94 5 26 58 9 3 113 4 34 248 8 52 3 412 103 141 736 1 .. 3 36 12 2 1 9 .. 3 8 2 3 2 7 1 54 60

10 1 6 31 10 43 68 6 1 5 24 9 38 57 ...... 4 1 7 1 5 11 5 1 7 1 12 5 215 188 1 45 47 19 .. 6 1 " 1 " 3 40 18 3 1 6 1 8 4 121 217 33 9 31 49 .. 6 2 7 14 1 27 7 22 34 2 1 6 2 1 .. 1 5 1 1 2 9 11

TABLE D-VI 'Migrllhts ciass'tted by place of i.st resldence, ale-group, duration (){resjdeocc amci marital sf.tug, Fly-leaf

. !his is a new table in.troduced. fO.r th~ first both the urban units viz. Chandigarh and Mani Majra tIme dunng 1971 Census. In this table dlstnbu tIOn of town fa lling in this Union Territory. migrants cross-classified by place of last residence and place of enumeration has been presented. Distribu- The table presents break down of figures by rural/ tion of migrants by period of duration, marital status urban areas. For Union Territory Rural/Urban and age-groups is also given. The durations of resi- pertain to 'Place of enumeration, whereas in c~se of dence are; (1) Less than 1 year; (2) 1-9 years and Chandigarh Urban Agglomeration Rural/Urban per­ (3) 10 years and above. It may, however, be noted tains to 'Last residence of migrant'. that figures in all duration include those for whom period of duration of residence is not stated. Such In a few cases the last pl~ce of residence as returned of the cases have not been mentioned in the table. by the respondent could not be properly classified. The three marital status given are : (1) Never Married 1 hese cases were treated as unclassifiable place o'f last (NM); (2) Married (M) and (3) Divorced; Separated residence. While presenting the data, the figure for and Widowed (W & D). The various age-groups _unclassifiable last place of residence are included in given are: (1) 0-14, (2)' 15-19, (3) 20-24, (4), total for rural and urban, whereas for urban areas these 25-49 and (5) 50 and above. For 'age not stated' figures are also included in "Section B-Out side figures are depicted separately. Sexwise breakdown India". But in case of rural areas, these are included has also been given for each age-group separately. in total only. Due to the fact explained above, the rural total of Union Territory as shown in this table The place of last residence shows distribution into do not tally if it is added up sectionwise for places of the follwing categories :-A-Resided in India, I-Within last residence. the state of enumeration but outside place of enu­ meration, (a) Elsewhere in district of enumeration It may, however, be noted that an inter-table (b) other districts in the State of enumeration, (this check reveals a discrepancy between table D-VI and is not applicable in case of Chandigarh as it is a single table C-1I pertaining to Chandigarh rural in Age district territory), II-States in India beyond the state Group 15-19 for Widowed and Divorced males. of enumeration and; B-Ou tside India. It would be seen that whereas the figure for the a bove said category in Table D-VI is 3 it is only 1 The table presents figures for Union Territory! in table C-II. In fact figures in Table D-VI need not District/Urban units (including urban agglomerations) exceed the corresponding figures appearing in table having 100,000 and above population. In this C-II and that Migration data should be on the table district figures have not been shown lower side when compared with C-II table. Since separately as union territory and district figures are this discrepancy was noticed at quite a late stage identical. Also urban units have not been shown this could not be reconciled without having a separately as Chandigarh Agglomeration comprises recourse to the primary data.


Union Territory/District and Urban units (including

Duration of Place oflast residence Rural/ Age-group Sex UrQan ------~-All duration • Total NM M W&D

,-----~~------Chandigarh Union

Total Rural Total M 5,370 2,375 2,882 101 F 5,832 1,233 4,298 300 0-14 M 1,291 1,285 5 F 1,125 1,105 20

15-19 M 498 428 66 3 F 481 112 369 20-24 M 758 337 419 .. F 920 11 907 1 25-49 M 2,347 250 2,065 26 F 2,536 5 2,467 64 50+ M 476 75 327 72 F 770 535 235 A,N.S. M F

Urban Total M 106,722 50,189 54,829 1,493 F 78,302 29,526 45,622 3, 058

M 20,976 20,882 85 .. F 17,948 17,828 117 1 15-19 M 12,705 11,806 872 2 F 9,585 7,545 1,971 8 20-24 M 16,974 12,143 4,734 35 F 12,242 3,492 8,708 16 25-49 M 45,916 5,081 40,277 478 F 31,012 630 29,779 599 50+ M 10,147 277 8,859 977 F 7,513 29 5,047 2,434 A.N.S. M 4 .. 2 1 F 2 2 A. Resided in India Rural TotaJ M 5,203 2,347 2,758 90 F 5,738 1,230 4,nl 287 0-14 M 1.289 1,284 5 F 1,122 1,103 19 15-19 M 485 421 63 F 478 112 366

20-24 M 736 332 404 ., F 915 11 903 1 25--49 M 2,259 236 1,994 23 F 2.472 4 2,407 61 50+ M 434 74 292 67 F 751 526 225 A.N.S. M F tij


Agglomeration) haviDg 100,000 aod above population

residence and marital status ------1-9 years 10 years and above Less than 1 year ------M W&D Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D Total NM ------9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ------~---... ------.------Territory

1,227 569 650 8 2,801 1,217 1,501 66 1,016 333 657 lS 54S 197 347 4 2,123 640 1,456 '1.7 2,213 135 1,879 198 265 264 1 732 729 2 92 91 1 194 190 4 605 595 10 88 85 3

162 141 21 164 135 25 3 140 123 17 61 5 56 281 43 238 68 42 26 251 101 150 378 184 192 .. 106 42 64 132 2 130 536 2 533 1 120 5 114 504 61 442 1 1,326 121 1,184 16 471 55 406 9 146 145 1 621 611 10 1,412 3 1,367 42

45 2 36 7 201 48 104 47 207 22 169 16 15 12 3 80 6'f 16 525 369 156

11,668 6,590 4,908 137 61,227 31,795 28,732 590 30,374 9,899 19,687 731 8,454 3,435 4,680 327 45,64J 18,485 25,711 1,396 22,368 6,601 14,447 1,286 2,986 2,967 19 14,413 14,360 47 2,490 2,472 15 2,633 2,620 13 12,369 12,293 75 2,213 2,187 24 1 1,837 1,573 256 .. 6,802 6,308 482 1 3,618 3,493 118 1 1,088 514 563 1 5,135 3,918 1,183 6 3,113 2,930 160 1 2,251 1,504 731 5 10,883 7,867 2,961 18 3,293 2,471 799 10 1,671 242 1,424 3 8,298 1,932 6,340 10 1,940 1.242 687 3 3,867 516 3,308 35 24,903 3,147 21,499 213 15,959 1,335 14,387 216 2,278 53 2,179 46 16,552 325 15,923 301 11,788 238 11,305 244

727 30 594 97 4,224 113 3,742 357 5,014 128 4,368 504 784 6 501 277 3,287 17 2,190 1,079 .3,314 4 2,271 1,037 2 1

1,209 566 63S 8 '1.,758 1,202 1,489 60 922 329 571 21 537 197 336 4 2,105 • 638 1,440 27 2,169 135 1,846 188

265 264 1 731 729 2 92 91 1 194 190 4 602 593 9 88 85 3

161 141 20 152 128 23 140 123 17 60 5 55 280 43 237 67 42 25 249 101 148 362 179 183 .. 102 42 60 131 2 129 535 2 532 1 118 5 113

489 58 430 1 1,314 118 1,178 13 417 51 356 9 137 136 1 609 599 10 1,383 3 1,341 39

45 2 36 7 199 48 103 47 171 22 137 12 15 12 3 79 63 16 513 364 149 1M b-VI MIGRANTS CLASSIFlED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE, AGE-GROUP.

Union Territory/District/Urban Units (including

Duration of Place of last residence Rural I Age-group Sex Urban All duration --T~-I-----~M:----M---W~-

2 3 4 5 6 7 8. ._------~------

Urban Total M 104,897 49,549 53,685 1,456 F 76,781 29,147 44,594 2,946 0-14 M 20,812 20,718 85 .. F 17,803 17,683 117 1 , 15-19, M 12,563 11,667 869 2 F 9,446 7,415 1.963 8 20-24 M ·16,725 11,932 4,698 35 F 12,071 3,414 8,616 16 25-49 M 44,999 4,962 39,491 467 F 30,250 607 29,056 583 50+ M 9,794 270 8,540 951 F 7,209 26 4.. 842 2,338 A,N.S, M 4 2 F 2 2

I Within the State of enuqleratioll Rural Total M 788 399 373 15 Imt.outside the place of eoumeratiQl.) F 740 304 399 37

0-14 M 272 270 2 F 282 281 1 15--19 M 56 47 9 F 52 20 32 20-24 M 92 36 56 F 84 3 81 25-49 M 290 38 247 4 F 238 230 8 50+ M 78 8 59 11 F 84 55 29 A,N.S. 1\1 F

Urban Total M 1,429 523 822 72 F 817 218 'SlO 77 0-14 M 194 193 1 F 136 134 2 15-19 M 132 125 , 6 F 83 63 20

20-24 M 192 118 72 F 99 17 81 25--49 M 683 71 585 23 F 333 3 323 7 50+ M 227 16 158 49 F 166 1 94 70 A.N.S. M F 115 DURATIO'N OF RESIDENCE AND MARITAL STATUS

ARI_eratiOll) baving 100,000 and above population

re~idence and martial status

------_--Less than 1 year 1-9 years 10 years and above ------Total NM M W&D ------Total NM M W&D ------Total NM M W&D ------_.. _-- -_._------_.....-_------_-_--9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. 17 18· 19. 20

11,458 6,477 4,815 133 60,42S 31,438 28,303 ~77 29,704 9,781 19,155 712 8,299 3,389 4,579 319 44,908 18,219 25,281 1,361 21,827 6,550 14,013 1,230 2,953 2,934 19 14.301 14,248 47 2,485 2,467 15 .. 2,606 2,593 13 12,266 12,190 75 2,206 2,180 24 1

1,806 1,542 256 ., 6,725 6,234 479 1 3,598 3,473 118 1,074 504 559 I 5,036 3,824 1,179 6 3,089 2,906 160 2,210 1,469 725 5 10,745 7,749 2,943 18 3,235 2,424 788 10 1,658 240 1,413 3 8,192 1,875 6,292 10 1,902 1,227 664 3

3,781 502 3.239 32 24,556 3,097 21,205 211 15,548 1,292 14,025 210 2,204 47 2.111 46 16,240 314 15.626 297 11.461 233 10,992 235 708 30 576 96 4,096 110 3,628 346 4,838 125 4,209 491 757 5 483 269 3,174 16 2,109 1,048 3,169 4 2,173 990 2 1

221 108 110 3 315 164 145 6 148 35 106 6 lOS 54 48 3 235 115 117 3 208 34 155 19

67 66 122 122 1 1 52 51 112 112 27 27

19 14 5 17 16 1 13 10 3 8 2 6 14 2 12 12 7 5 41 18 23 30 9 21 17 6 11 21 1 20 38 1 37 15 15 86 9 77 ., 128 17 109 2 76 12 61 2 21 20 1 65 63 2 102 99 3

8 4 3 18 14 4 41 6 31 4 3 1 2 6 5 1 52 36 16

108 S9 44 1 509 233 262 12 6S3 165 430 56 62 24 34 4 318 120 183 13 374 52 264 58 34 34 116 116 22 22 16 16 85 84 22 21 1

11 10 1 44 42 1 59 56 3 6 4 2 42 28 14 28 26 2 11 9 2 72 45 26 81 48 33 16 2 14 58 7 50 11 5 6 38 2 34 245 28 209 8 318 31 ' 274 12 18 1 17 106 1 104 1 189 183 6 14 4 7 .. 32 2 2-6 4 172 8 120 44 6 1 1 4 27 14 12 124 72 52 ·116 D-VI MIGRANTS CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST RESIDENCE, AGE-GROUP,

Union Territory/District/Urban Units (inchHiiBg

Duration of Place of last residence Rurall Age-group Sex -_--. _-- ... _-_------Urban --- All duration Total NM M W&D ~ ------...1------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (a) Elsewhere in district of Rural Total M 788 399 373 15 enumeration F 740 304 399 37 0-14 M 272 270 2 F 282 281 1 15-19 M 56 47 9 F 52 20 32 20-24 M 92 36 56 F 84 3 81 25-49 M 290 38 247 4 F 238 230 8 50+ M 78 8 59 11 F 84 55 29 A.N.S. M F

Urban Total M 1,429 523 822 72 F 817 218 520 77 0-14 M 194 193 1 F 136 134 2 15-19 M 132 125 6 F 83 63 20 20-24 M 192 118 72 F 99 17 81 25-49 M 683 71 585 23 F 333 3 323 7 50+ M 227 16 158 49 F 166 1 94 70 A.N.S. M F

(b) In other districts of state of· Rural Total M enumeration F 0-14 M F 15-19 M F 20-24 M F 25-49 M F 50+ M F A.N.S. M F 117


Agglomeration) having 100,000 and above population

residence and marital status ------_._------Less than 1 year 1-9 years 10 years and above _------Total NM M W&D ------Total NM M ------_,------W&D ------Total NM ---_---M W&D 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ]9 20

211 108 110 3 31S 164 14S 6 148 35 106 6 lOS 54 48 3 235 115 117 3 208 34 155 19 67 66 1 122 ]22 1 1 52 51 1 112 11'2 27 27 19 14 5 17 16 1 13 ]0 3 8 2 6 ]4 2 12 ]2 7 5 41 18 23 30 9 7,t 17 6 11 21 1 20 38 1 37 15 15 86 9 77 .. 12~ 17 61 2 21 109 ~ 76 12 20 1 65 63 2 102 99 3 8 4 3 18 31 4 3 14 4 41 6 1 2 6 5 1 52 36 16

168 !)9 44 1 1;1)9 211 6!(1 do ~6 62 24 34 %6". 1". 16~ 4 .118 120 181 13 314 ~2 264 ~ 34 34 16 16 111', 111, 2'. 22 85 84 22 21 1 11 10 1 3 6 4 2 44 4" 1 5Q 56 42 28 14 28 26 2 11 9 2 33 16 2 14 72 4, 21; 82 48 58 7 50 11 5 6 38 2 34 24'; 274 12 18 1 17 28 2M R 318 31 183 106 1 104 1 18') 6 14 4 7 120 44 6 1 1 32 2 21i 4 172 8 4 27 14 12 124 72 ~2 118 D-VI MIGRANTS cLAssIFtEn BY PLACE bF LkST RESIDENCE, AGE-GROtJP,

UnioD Territory/District/UrbaD 'Units (includiDg

Duration of Plac;e of last resjdence Rural/ Age-group Sex -- Urban ------All duration

------,__---~------Total NM M W&D -~--1~-~------2----3---4--·------5----~--6------7------8- ----r------,,__------'Urban Total M . F 0-14 M F 15-19 M F

20-~4 M F 25--49 M F 50+ M F A.N.S. M F

II. States in lInlia beyond the . Rural Total. M 4,4.15 1,948 2,385 75 &tate of elJUDleration' , . F 4,998 926 3,822 250 0-14 M 1,017 1,014 3 F 840 822 18 15-19 M 429 374 54 F 426 92 334 20-24 M 644 296 348 F 831 8 822 1 25-49 M 1,9.69 198 1,747 19 F 2,234 4 2,177 53 50+ M 356 66 233 56 F 667 471 196 A.N.S M F

Urban Total M 103,468 49,026 52,863 1,384 F 75,964 28,929 44,074 2,869 0-14 M 20,618 20,525 84 F 17,667 17,549 115 1 15-19 M 12,431 11,542 863 2 F 9,363 7,352 1,943 8 20-24 M 16,533 11,814 4,626 35 F 11,972 3,397 8,535 16 25-49 M 44,316 4,891 38,906 444 F 29,911 604 28,733 576 50+ M 9,567 254 8,382 902 F 7,043 25 4,748 2,268 A.N.S. M 3 2 1 F 2 2 DURA::rION ·OF RESIDENCE AND .MARITAL STA'fUS

AaIoJQerat_) hllViDg HO.,OOO and above population

residence and marital status ------...... ------.-_------_ Less than 1 year 1-9 years 10 years and above ------Total NM M W&D ------Total NM M W&D ------Total NM M W&D ...... ------_9 10 11 _--12 13 14 15 16 ------~------_-

988 458 525 5 2,443 1,038 1,344 54 774 294 465 15 432 143 288 1 1,870 523 1,323 24 1,961 101 1,691 169 198 198 609 607 2 91 90 1 142 139 3 490 481 9 61 58 3 142 127 15 135 112 22 127 113 14 52 3 49 266 41 225 5'5 35 20 208 83 125 332 170 162 85 36 49 110 1 109 497 1 495 1 103 5 98 403 49 353 1,186 101 1,069 11 341 39 295 7 116 116 544 536 8 1,281 ~ 1,242 36 37 1 32 4 181 48 89 43 130 16 106 8 12 11 1 73 58 15 461 328 133

11,350 6,418 4,771 132 59,916 31,205 28,041 565 29,051 9,616 18,725 8,,237 3,365 4,545 315 44,590 18,099 25,098 1,348 21,453 6,498 13,749 1~~ 2,919 2,900 19 14,185 14,132 47 2,463 2,445 15 .. 2,590 2,577 13 12,181 12,106 74 2,184 2,159 23 1 1,795 1,532 255 6,681 6,192 478 1 3,539 3,417 115 1 1,068 500 557 1 4,994 3,796 1,165 6 3,061 2,880 158 1 2,199 1,460 723 5 10,673 7,704 2,917 18 3,153 2,376 755 10 1,642 238 1,399 3 8,134 1,868 6,242 10 1,891 1,222 658 3 3,743 500 3,205 31 24,311 3,069 20,996 203 15,230 1,261 13,751 198 2,186 46 2,094 46 16,134 313 15,522 296 11,272 233 10,809 229 694 26 569 96 4,064 108 3,602 342 4,666 117 4,089 447 751 4 482 265 3,147 16 2,095 1,036 3,045 4 2,101 938 2 120 n-VI MIGRANTS CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAsT RESIbENCE, AGE-GRObP, Union Territory/District/Urban Ullits (ine)udlng

Duration of Pace of last residence Rural/ Age- Sex All durat ion Urban group Total NM M W&D

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

B. Outside India Rural Total M 109 14 91 4 F 67 2 57 8 0-14 M 1 1 F 1 1 15-29 M 2 1 F 1 1 20-24 M 6 2 4 F 4 4 25-49 M 66 10 56 F 48 1 4S '2

50+ M 34 30 4 F 13 7 6 A.N.S. M F Urban Total M 1,825 640 1,144 37 F 1,521 379 1,028 112

0-14 M 164 164 F 145 145 15-19 M 142 139 3 F 139 130 8 20-24 M 249 211 36 F 171 78 92 25-49 M 917 119 786 11 F 762 23 723 16

50+ M 353 7 319 26 F 304 3 205 96 A.N.S. M F Chandigarb Urban

Total Total M 106,722 50,189 54,829 1,493 F 78,302 29.526 45,622 3,058 0-14 M 20,976 20,882 85 'lI!. F 17,948 17,828 117 1 15-19 M 12,705 11,806 872 2 F 9,585 7,545 1,971 8 20-24 M 16,974 12,143 4,734 3S F 12,242 3,492 8,708 16 25-49 M 45,916 5,081 40,277 478 F 31,012 630 29,779 599 50+ M 10,147 277 8,859 977 F 7,513 29 5,Ot7 2,434 A.N.S. M 4 2 1 F 2 2 DuRATION OF RESIDENCE AND MARITAL STATUS Agglomeration) baving 100,000 and above population residence and marital status Less than 1 year 1-9 years------...... ------10 years and above ------_._------Total NM M W & D Total NM M W & D Total NM M W&D

------~------,------9 10 11 ------,------12 13 14 ------15 16 17 18 19 20 8 2 6 15 6 9 81 1 76 4 9 9 11 1 10 31 25 6

" " 1 1

2 1

4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

8 2 6 9 3 6 45 44 ,. 8 8 8 8 22 20 2

34 30 4 8 4 4

210 113 93 4 802 357 429 13 670 118 532 19 155 46 101 8 733 266 430 35 541 51 434 56 33 33 112 112 5 5 27 27 103 103 7 7

31 31 77 74 3 20 20 14 10 4 99 94 4 24 24

41 35 6 138 ll8 18 58 47 11 13 2 11 106 57 48 38 15 23

86 14 69 3 347 50 294 2 411 43 362 6 74 6 68 312 11 297 4 327 5 313 9 19 , , 18 1 128 3 114 11 176 3 159 13 27 1 18 8 113 1 81 31 145 98 47


11,668 6,590 4,908 137 61,227 31,795 28,732 590 30,374 9,899 19,687 731 8,454 3,435 4,680 327 45,641 18,485 .25,711 1,396 22,368 6,601 14,447 1,286

2,986 2,967 19 14,413 14,360 47 2,490 2,472 15 2,633 2,620 13 12,369 12,293 75 2,213 2,187 24 1

1,837 1,573 256 6,802 6,308 482 1 3,618 3,493 118 1,088 514 563 1 5,135 3,918 1,183 6 3,113 2,930 160

2,251 1,504 731 5 10,883 7,867 2,961 18 3,293 2,471 799 - 10 1,671 242 1,424 3 8,298 1,932 6,340 10 1,940 1,242 681 3

3,867 516 3,308 35 24,903 3,147 21,499 213 15,959 1,335 14,387 216 2,278 53 2,179 46 16,552 325 15,923 301 11,788 238 11,305 244

727 30 594 97 4,224 113 3,742 357 5,014 128 4,368 504 784 6 501 277 3,287 17 2,190 1,079 3,314 4 2,271 1,037 2 1 " 122 ))..VI MIGRANTS CLASSIFIED BY PLACE OF LAST REStDENCE, AGE-GROUP,

Duration of ------Last residence Rural/ Age- Sex All duration Urban group ------Total NM M W&n ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 --~~-~-~-~~-~-~-~--~--~----~------Chandigarh urban

A. Resided in India Rural Total M 33.618 14.658 18.280 614 F 21.249 6.716 13.715 800 0-14 M 6,454 6,398 55 F 5.068 4,998 69 1 15-19 M 4,020 3,380 632 1 F 2,367 1,274 1,075 3

20-24 M 6.389 3.506 2.834 23 F 3,848 394 3,444 7 25-49 M 14,324 1,277 12,775 246 F 8,290 49 8,060 181

50+ M 2,431 97 1.984 344 F 1,676 1 1,067 608 A.N.S. M F

urban Total M 70,300 34.474 34,865 831 F 55.035 22.270 30,569 2,122 0-14 M 14,183 14,146 29 F 12,624 12,575 47

15-19 M 8,457 8,214 225 1 F 7,022 6,104 868 5 20-24 M 10,188 8.328 1,814 12 F 8,158 3,012 5,116 9 25-49 M 30,194 3,617 26,314 215 F 21,762 553 20,805 400 50+ M 7,275 169 6,481 602 F 5,467 24 3,733 1,708 A.N.S. M 3 2 1 F 2 2

I. Within state of enumeration but Rural Total M 828 265 499 61 outside place of enumeration F 470 106 310 54 0-14 M 85 84 F 64 63 15_19 M 76 71 5 F 38 31 7 20-24 M 106 61 43 F 59 12 47

25-49 M 397 38 341 17 F 201 195 6 50+ M 164 11 109 44 F 108 60 48 A.N.S. M F 1,23 DURATION OF RESIDENCE AND MARTIAL STATUS

res(d~nce and marital status ------.. - .. --- 1-9 years ------Less _..------than 1 year ---- 10 years and above Total NM_ M W&D ------.oor----Total NM M W&D Total ------_NM M W&D -_------_.... _ ------9 10 11 12 13 14 ------.-----15 16 17 18 19 20 Agglomeration

4,418 2,379 1,961 67 18,984 9,407 9,323 219 9,125 2,325 6,472 309 2,752 1,042 1,605 100 12,118 4,286 7,500 326 5,888 1,145 4,368 ~68 1,065 1,051 14 4,324 4,294 30 730 721 8 857 850 7 3,401 3,359 42 614 596 17 1 837 636 198 2,225 1,865 356 1 868 797 70 467 137 326 1,295 666 621 3 537 438 93 981 530 443 2 4,223 2,428 1,766 14 900 438 451 6 589 48 539 1 2,776 229 2,541 5 368 100 266 1 1.307 148 1,139 19 7,339 786 6.426 112 5.343 322 4.905 107 604 7 584 13 4,032 31 3,915 86 3,565 11 3,475 79 228 14 167 46 873 34 745 92 1,284 47 1,038 196 235 149 86 614 1 381 232 804 517 287

6,906 4,031 /2,792 66 4,0866 21,778 18,667 350 20,414 1,401 12,S76 400 5,484 2,324 2,937 216 32,507 13,836 17,610 1,022 15,841 5,381 9,518 855 1,853 1,848 5 9,869 9,847 16 1,735 1,726 7 1,732 1,726 6 8,799 8,765 33 1,577 1,570 6

956 895 56 , . 4,449 4,325 117 , . 2.719 2,667 46 1 601 363 231 1 3,702 3,136 541 3 2,543 2,459 67 \ 1,209 926 275 3 6,425 5,259 1,142 4 2,323 1,976 335 4 1,051 191 857 2 5,379 1,641 3,720 5 1,532 1,126 397 2 2,420 347 2.055 13 16,940 2,271 14,547 94 10,112 956 9.042 102 1,585 40 1,512 33 12,098 279 11,606 210 7,844 222 7,466 155 468 15 401 50 3,181 76 2,844 251 3,525 76 3,146 293 515 4 331 180 2,529 15 1,710 804 2,345 4 1,642 697 2

42 22 19 1 199 97 96 5 S22 121 347 52 29 11 16 2 135 59 72 4 281 29 204 48 13 13 54 54 8 8 .. 7 7 43 43 10 9 1 6 5 1 15 14 1 46 43 3 4 3 1 13 11 2 18 16 2 1 25 16 8 72 41 30 6 5 35 5 30 9 4 5 17 15 96 12 81 3 251 22 217 11 9 9 38 38 148 142 6 5 2 3 .. 9 1 6 2 145 7 97 41 3 1 2 6 2 4 96 54 42 124


------Duration of Last residence Rural! Age- Sex All duration Urban group ------Total NM M W&D ------2 J. 4 5 1 ------6 7 8 Cbandigarh Urltan

I. Within State of eRIUIleratioD but Urban Total M 204 128 75 1 outside place of enumeration F 151 53 92 6 0-14 M 62 62 F 38 37 15-19 M 29 29 F 18 14 4 20_ 24 M 34 28 6 F 14 1 13 25_49 M 60 7 53 F 61 1 59 1 50+ M 19 2 16 1 F 20 15 5 A.N.S. M F

('It'). Elsewhere in district 'of enumer.- Rur~ Tota ... M 828 265 499. 61 ration F 470 106 310 54 0---14 M 85 84 1 F 64 63 1

15-19 M 76 71 5 F 38 31 7 20-24 M 106 61 43 F 59 12 47 25--;49 M 397 38 341 17 F 201 195 6

50+ M 164 11 109 44 F 108 60 48 A.N.S. M F

Urban Total M 204 128 75 1 F 151 53 92 6 0---14 M 62 62 F 38 37 1 15-19 M 29 29 F '18 14 4 20-24 M 34 28 6 F 14 1 13 25-49 M 60 7 S3 F 61 1 59 1 50+ M 19 2 16 1 F 20 15 5 A.N.S. M F DURP\DON (')F RESlDENCE AND MARITAIr. STA'1fUS

re~iJen::e and marital status

L'!ss than 1 year 1-9 years 10 years and above- Total NM W&D Total NM M W&D Tolal NM M W&D

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 _------. .. ------. -- Aaicmleratitm 31 27 3 106 67 39' 48 21 26 1 20 8 12 76 29 46 1 44 10 38 4 17 17 34 34 .. 6 6 6 6 23 22 1 5 5 5 5 13 13 9 9 '1 1 10 6 4 5 5 4 4 19 16 3 3 2 6 6 7 1 6

3 . , 3 32 3 29 20 4 16 7 1 6 31 30 20 20 1 8 7 10 9 1 5 5 14 10 4

42 22 19 1 199 91 96 5 522 121 347 52 29 11 16 2 135 S9 72 4 281 29 204 48

13 ~ 13 54 54 8 8 7 7 43 43 10 9 1 6 5 1 15 14 1 46 43 3 4 3 1 13 11 2 18 16 2

1 1 ,. 25 16 8 72 41 30 6 1 5 35 5 30 9 4 5 17 1 15 96 12 81 3 251 22 217 11 9 9 38 38 148 142 6 5 2 3 9 6 2 145 7 97 41 3 1 2 6 2 4 96 54 42

30 27 3 106 67 39 .. 48 21 26 1 20 8 12 76 29 46 1 44 10 30 4

17 17 34 34 ., 6 6 6 6 23 22 1 5 5 5 5 13 13 9 9 1 1 10 ·6 4 5 5 4 4 19 16 3 3 2 6 6 7 1 6 3 .. 3 32 3 29 ., 20 4 16 7 1 6 31 -30 1 20 20 8 7 10 9 1 5 5 14 10 4


Duration of Last residence Rural/ Age All duration Urban group Sex ~---- Total NM M W&D

-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ..:....._

Chandigarb Urban b) III other districts of state of Rural Total M eRamer.tron F

0-14 M F 15-19 M F 20-24 M F .. , 25-49 M F 50+ M F A.N.S. M F Urban Total M .. F 0-14 M F 15-19 M F 20-24 M F

25-49 M F 50+ M F

A.N.S. M F II. States in India beyond the Rural Total M 32,790 14,393 17,781 553 state of enumeration .F 1.0,779 6,610 13,405 746 0-14 M 6,369 6,314 54 F 5,004 4,935 68 1 15-19 M 3,944 3,309 627 1 F 2,329 1,243 1,068 3

20-24 M 6,283 3,445 2,791 23 F 3,789 382 3,397 7

25-49 M 13,927 1,239 12,434 229 F 8,089 49 7,865 175

50+ M 2,267 86 1,875 300 F 1,568 1 1,007 560

A.N.S. M F DuRATION OF RESIDENCE AND MARTIAL STATUS residence and marital status

Less than J year 1-9 years ------10 years and above =------~~---- NM M W&D Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


4,376 2,357 1,942 66 18,785 9,310 9.227 214 8,603 2,204 6,12S 257 2,723 1,031 I,S89 98 11,983 4,227 7,428 322 5,607 1,116 4.164 320 1,052 1,038 14 4,270 4,240 30 722 713 8 850 843 7 3,358 3,316 42 604 587 16 1 831 631 197 2,210 1,851 355 1 822 754 67 463 134 325 1,282 655 619 3 519 422 91 980 529 443 2 4,198 2,412 1,758 14 828 397 421 6 583 47 534 1 2,741 224 2,511 5 359 96 261 1 1,290 147 1,124 18 7,243 774 6,345 109 5,092 300 4.688 96 595 7 575 13 3,994 31 3,877 86 .. 3,417 11 3,333 73 223 12 164 46 864 33 739 90 1,139 40 941 155 232 148 84 608 1 379 228 708 463 245 b-VI MIGRANTS CLASSIFIED BYIFLAGE.OF LAST RESIDE1'lCE, AGE-GROUP,

Duration of Last .residence Rural! Age-group Sex Urban All duration

Total NM M W&D --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -- Chandigarh Urban n. States in India peyond the Urban Total M 70,096 34,346 34,790 &30 State of enumeration F 54,884 22,217 30,477 2,116 0-14 M 14,121 14,084 29 F 12,586 12,538 46 15-19 M 8.428 8,185 225 1 F 7,004 6.090 864 5 20-24 M 10,154 8,300 1,808 12 F 8,144 3,011 5,103 9 25-49 M 30,134 3,610 26,261 215 F 21,701 552 20,746 399 50+ M 7,256 167 6,465 601 F 5,447 24 3,718 1,703 A.N.S. M 3 2 1 F 2 2

B. Outside India Total M 1,825 640 1,144 37 F 1,521 379 1,028 112 0-14 M 164 164 F 145 145

15-19 M 142 139 3 F 139 130 8 20-24 M 249 211 36 F 171 78 92

25-49 M 917 119 786 11 F 762 23 723 16 50+ M 353 7 319 26 F 304 3 205 96 A.N.S. M F

Note.- 1. Figures of unspecified marital Status are included in total. 2. All durations include figures for 'period not stated'. and as such will not tally with the total of figures under less than ··one year', 1-9 years and'10 years and above'. 3. Figures for unclassfiable Jast place of residence are included in totai for Rural and Urban. Where as for Urban these figures are included in Section 'B-Outside India' but in rural these are included in Total only. 4. NM stands for never married, M stands for married, W & D stands for widowed, divorced and separaled and A.N.S. stands for age not stated. 129 DURATION OF :RESIDENCE AND MARITAL STATUS

residence and marital------status Less than 1 year 1-9 yean 10 years and above ------~------Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D Total NM M W&D

------~------~------9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ------~ Agglomeration

6,876 4,004 2,789 66 40,760 21,711 18,628 350 20,366 7,380 12,550 2,925 216 32,431 13,807 17,564 15,797 399 5,464 2,316 1,021 5,371 9,548 851 1,836 1,831 5 9,835 9,813 16 1,729 1,720 7 1,726 1,720 6 8,776 8,743 32 1,572 1,565 6

951 890 56 4,436 4,312 117 2,710 2,658 46 1 600 362 231 1 3,692 3,130 537 3 2,538 2,454 67 1 1,205 922 275 3 6,406 5,243 1,139 4 2,320 1,974 334 4 1,045 191 851 2 5,372 1,640 3,714 5 1,532 1,126 397 2

2,417 347 2,052 13 16,908 2,268 14,518 94 10,092 952 9,026 102 1,578 39 1,506 33 12,067 279 11,576 209 7,824 222 7.446 155

467 14 401 50 3,173 75 2,837 251 3,515 76 3,137 292 515 4 331 180 2,524 15 1,705 804 2,331 4 1,632 693 2

210 113 93 4 802 357 429 13 670 118 532 19 IS5 46 101 8 733 266 430 3S 541 51 434 56 33 33 112 112 5 5 27 27 103 103 7 7

31 31 77 74 3 20 20 14 10 4 99 94 4 24 24

41 35 6 138 118 18 58 47 11 13 2 11 106 57 48 38 15 23

86 14 69 3 347 50 294 - 2 4U 43 362 6 74 6 68 312 11 297 4 327 5 313 9

19 18 1 128 3 114 11 176 3 159 13 27 1 18 8 113 1 81 31 145 98 47

36125 D.C.D.-Govt. Press U.T., Chd.



------Serial Name of the party Cat. of Name of the party Cat. of Serial No Agents No. A~ents------1------.------"3 1 ------.------2 2 3 BADEOGHAR AGRA ., (Reg.) Bhakat Brothers, S. B. Roy Road .. @est.) 1. National Book House, Jeoni Mandi BANGALORE Wedhwa and Co. , 45 Civil Lines (Reg.) 2. (Rest.) Bangalore Ptg. and Publishing Co., Pvt·., Ltd., 3. Barwari Lal Jain, publishers, Moti Katra .. Asa Ram Baldev Dass and Sons; Bagh 88, Mys!Jre Road, P. O. B. No'IS07 .. (Reg.) 4. (Rest.) Muzaffarpur . :rte~natJonal Book House P. Ltd., 4F, M. G. · (Resq oa .: (Reg.) 5. Jeewan Book Depot, Raja Mandi 42. AHMEDABAD M. ~. P. House, 87, 1st Cross Gandhinagaf (Reg.) Balgovind Booksellers, Gandhi Road (R.est.) 43. BalaJee Book Co., No.2 East Tank Bank 6. Road, Ramakrishanapura . 7. Chandra Kanta Chiman LalVora, 57-2 (R~st.) Gandhi Road, P. B. No. 163 .. (R,eg.) 44. S. S. Book Emporium, 118, Mount Joy Road, Hanumant Nagar €Reg.) 8. New Order Book Co., Gandhi Road, Ellis Bridge . (Reg.) 45. Standard Bo.ok Depot, Avenue Road (Reg.) 46. Ylchara Sahltya Ltd. Balepet (Reg.) 9. Sastu Kitab Ghar, Near Relief Talkies Patthar Kava, Relief Road . ., (Reg.) 47. Atma Store, 5th Cr{)ss Malleswaram . : (Reg.) Gujarat Law House, Near Municipal SWim- 48. Cqming Man, Residency Road Bangalore .. ~Rest.) 10. BANSDRONI '. ming Bath (Rest.) Mahajan Bros., Super Market Basement 49. Mis. Manoj Book Corner E·:O, l'iran_i 11. (Rest.) PaUay, 24 Paraganas ' (Reg.) Ashram Road, Navrangpura .. BAREILLY I2~ Himanshu Book Co., 10 Mission Market Nr. Gujarat College (Rest.) 50. Agarwal Bros, Bara Bazar (Reg.) (Rest.) Pathak Pustak Bhawan, Ram Narain Park' (R~st.) 13. Academic Book Centre, Bisket Gali 51\ BARODA .. .. 14. Dinesh Book House, Madalpur €Rest.) AHMEDNAGAR 52. New Medical Boo~ House, 540, Madenzampa V. T. Jorwekar Prop. General Stor~s Road '.. (Rest.) 15. (Rest.) 53. Chandrakant Mohan La! Shah Gaini Navi Path Ambegaokers Wada, R:aopura (Rest. ) AJMER /BHAGALPUR ' " .. 16. Book Land, 663, Madar Gate (Reg.) (~eg.) 54. Paper Stationery Stores, D. N. Sing Road (Reg.) 17. Rajputana Book House\ Station Road BARODA .. ALIGARH Friends Book House, Muslim University 55. Baroda Producti¥ity Council (Book Div.), 18. (Reg.) Baroda .. ( st.) Market ( 19. New Kitab Ghar, Mill Market · . (Rest.) 56. Hemdip Agencies, Madanzampa Road est.) Shalig Ram and Sons, 12, Madar Gate (Rest.) ANANTAPUR . 20. Sri Vani Stofes, Kamla Nagar 57. Rest.) Kitabistan, 17-A, Kamla Nehru Road (Reg.) BHOPAL 21. Lyall Book Depot, Moh. Din. Bldg., Sultania 22. Law Book Co., Sardar Patel Marg, P. B. 58. (!\cg.) Road .. (Reg.) 4 , Ram Narain Lal Beni Madho, 2A, Katra 59. Bhopal Sahitya Sadan, Publishers, Book- 23. sellers and Stationers, 37, Lalwani Press Road (Reg.) Universal Book Co., 20 M, G. Road . (Reg.) Road .. (Rest.) 24. BHUBANESHWAR 25. University Book Agency (of Lahore), E\gin Road (!\t:g.) 60. Prabhat K. Mahapatta, Bhubaneshwar Marg ~- '"""" .. (Reg.) AURANGABAD BHAVANAGAR 26. Marathwada Book Distributors, Aurangabad (Rest.) ALLAHABAD 61. ~~~dParsottal.1\ D)lss Gigaphal, M. G: 27. Bharat Law House, 15 Mahatma Gandhi .. CR.est.) l'vfarg ·. (Rest.) BOLPUR Chandra lok Prakashan, 73, Darbhe\lga 62. Bolpur Pustakalaya, Rabindra Sa"rai;P. O. 28. Bolpur Birbhum (W. B.) (Rest.) Golony · . ~R:~st.) BIJAPUR . . 29. Ram Narain Lal Beni Prasad, 2/ A~ l(atra Road · . (Rest.) 63. Sh. D. V. Deshpane, Recognised Law 30. MIS A. H. Wheeler and Co. Pvt: Ltq:~ Gity Booksel1er~ Prop. Vinod Book Depot Neat (Rest.) Shiralshetti Chowk ' (Rest.) Book Shop BELGHARIA 31. New Book House, 32, Tashkant Road (Reg.) 64. G;anthloka, 5/1, Ambica Mukherji Road AMBALA CANTT. 24 Parganas, W. B. .. (Rest.) Law Publishers, Sardar Patel Marg (Rest.) BIKANER 32. · . (Rest.) 33. English Book Depot, Ambala Can~t. (Reg.) 65. Bhadaoi Bros., Goga Gate .. 66. Gadodia Pustak Bhandar, Fed Bazar (Rest.) AMRITSAR BOMBAY' 34. Amar Nath and ~ons" Nea~ P. Q: Maji!h Mandi • (Reg.) 67. Charles Lambert and Co., 101, M. G. RO\(i (Reg.) Law Book Agency, G. T. Road, PutJighar (Reg.) 68. tooperators Book Depot 5/32, Ahmed . (Reg.) 35. Sailor Building Dadar ... 36. The Book Lovers, Retreat, Hall Bazar (Reg.) ANAND 69. <;:l!rrent Book House, Maruti Lane, Raghu- 37. Vijaya Stores, Station Road · . (ResL) nath Dadaji Street .. (Reg.) BALLABGARH 70. Current Technical Literature Co. P. Ltd., 38. Om Trade Well, Unchagaon Gate (Rest.) India House, 1st Floor .. (Reg.) (ii)

Serial Narn~ 0 f the plrty Cat . .of Serial Name of the party Cat. of No. Agents No'. Agents

2 3 1 2 3 71. C. Jamanadas and C. Booksellers, 146-C 111. New Script, 172/3, Rash Behari Ave- Princess Street (Reg.) nue .. (Reg.) 72. International Book House Ltd., 8 Ash Lane 112. Mukherjee Library, Gopi Mohan Datta Lane (Rest.) M. G. Road (Reg.) 113. S. Bhattacharya and Co. 49, DharmtaUa 73. Kothari Book Depot, King Edward Road .. ~Reg.) Street .. (Rest.) 74. Lakhani Book Depot, Girgaurn' .. (Reg.) 114. Scientific Book Agency, 103, Netaji 75. Minerva BookSho,P. 10.Kailash Parshan, Subhash Road .. (Rest.) 3rd Floor Nava' Chowk .. (Reg.) llS. P. D. Upadhyayya, 16, Munshi Sardaruddin 76. N. M. Tripathi P. Ltd Princess Street (Reg.) Lane .. (Reg.) 77. Lok Vhangmaya Griha Pv. Ltd. 190/B, 116. Universal Book Dist. 8/2, Hastings Street .. (Rest.) Khetwadi Main Road .. (Reg,) 117. N. M. Roy Chowdhury Co., P. Ltd., 78. World Literature, Pyare Singh Chug House] 72, M. G. Road (Rest.) Agra Road .. (Rest.) 118. Manisha Granthalaya P. Ltd., 4/3-B, 79. International Subscription Agency 69·A Bankim Chatterji Street .. (Rest.) Police Court Lane, BombaY-l . .(Rest.) 119. Sushanta Kr. De, 32/C, Gopal Boaral 80. Swastik Sales Co., Scientific and Techni- Street , .. (Rest.) Cal Booksellers P. B. 6007 •. (Rest.) 120. K. P. Bagchi, 286, B. B. Ganguli Street .. (Reg.) 81. M. & J. Seryices, 2-A, Bahri Building (Reg.) l2l. Overseas Publications 14 Hare Street .. (Rest.) 82. Popular Book Depot, Lamington Road I (Reg.) 122. A. G. Law Book Stall, 5/1-B, Gope Lane .. (Rest.) 83. Sunderdas Giari"Chand, 601, Gir_saum 123. Das Book Agency, 4, Seth Bagan Road . . (Rest.) Road, Near Princess Street (Reg.) 124. 1300k Corporation,l-Mangoe Lane, 84. Thacker and Co. Rampart Row (Reg.) C:llcutta .. (Rest.) 85. All India Jiook Supply Co., 342 ~alb~devi Road .. (Reg.) ~.HANOIGARH 86. Amalgamated Press, 41, Hamam Street .. (Rest.) 87. Asian Trading Co., 310, the Mirabalee P.M. 125. J~in Law AgencY, Shop No.5, Sector 22 (Reg.) 1505 (Rest.) 126. Mehta Bros, 1933, Sector 22-B .. (Reg.) 88. Secretary, Sales Tax Practitioner Associa­ 127. Rama News AgenCy, Booksellers, Sector tion Room No., 8 Palton Road (Reg.) 22-D .. (Reg.) 89. Usha Book Depot, 585, Chira Bazar (Reg.) 128. Universal Book Store, Sector 17-D (Reg.) 129. ,English Book Shop, 34. Sector 22-0 .. (Rest.) 90. S.S Taxation Publications, B/22, Sea Gaul 130. Jain General House, Shop No. 70-72 Apartment, 4-A, Bhula Bhai Desj Road (Rest.) (2), Sector 17-D '.. (Reg.) 91. Indian Book House Subscription AgenCY 131. Jain and Co., 1165, Sector lS-C (Reg.) Dr.D. N. Rd. .. (Rest.) 132. Manik Book Shop 70 -72, 5, Sector 92. Dha,n Lal Brothers, S. Gandhi Road .. (Reg.) 17-D .. (Rest.) 93. International Publications, P. B. 7170, Kurla (Rest.) 133. Naveen Book Agency SO -82, Sectot 94. International Book Links,Marine Lines (Rest.) 17-D ' (Rest.) 95. Bh

Serial Name of the party Cat. of Serial Name of the patty Cat. of No. Agents No. Agents.

3 1 2 • 3 ------_.-2 ------DELHI 180. Summer Bros., P. O. Birla'Lines (Rest.) 181. University Book House, 15, U. B. 149. Atma Ram and Sons, • Kashmere Gate (Reg.) Bangalow Road; lawahar Nagar (Rest.) 150. Bahri Bros., 243, Lajpat Rai Market .. (Reg.) 182. Om Law Book House, Civil Court 151. Bawa Harkishan Dass Bedi (Vijaya Compound (Reg.) General Agency Delhi) Ahata Kedara 183. Ashoka Book Agency. 2/29, Roop ChammaIliam road .. €Reg.) Nagar (Reg.) 152. Bookwells, 85. Sant Narankari Colony, 184. Educational Book Agency (India) 5-D, P.B. 1565, Delhi-ll0009 .. (Reg.) Kamla Nagar (Rest.) 185. D. K. Book Organisation, 74-D, Anand 153. Dhanwant Medical and Law Book House, Nagar (Reg.) 1522, Lajpat Rai l'4arket ., (Reg.) 186. Hindustan Book Agencies (India), 154. Federal Law Depot, Kashmere Gate (Reg.) 17-UB, Jawahar Nagar (Rest.) .." 155. Imperial Publlfiing Co., 3 Faiz Bazar, 187. Eagle Book Service, Ganeshpura (Rest,,) Daryaganj . .. (Reg.) 156. Indian Army Book Depot, 3, Ansari Road, 188. Krishna Law House, Tis Hazari (Reg.) DarYaganj ". f (Reg). 189. Raj Book Agency, A-99, Shivpuri .. (Reg.) 157. J. M. Jaina lind Bros., Mori"._<;iate (Reg.) 190. Indian Documentation Service, Ansari 158. Kitab Mahal{Wholesale Division) P. 1 road (Rest.) Ltd., 28, Faiz Bazar .. (Reg.) 159. K. L. Seth, Suppliers of Law and Com~er- 191. Kaushik Stationery. Padam Nagar (Rest.) cial and Technical Books, Shantinagar, Ganeshpura (Reg.) 192. Standard Bock Sellers, 402, Kucha 160. Metropolitan Book Co.. 1. Faiz (Chandni Chowk) BaJaqu. Dariba Kalan (Reg.) Bazar (Reg.) 161. Publication Centre, Subzi Mandi, Opp. 193. Modern Book Centre, Municipal F. No.8, Birla Mills (Reg.) Bangalow Marg, Delhi (Rest.) 162. Sat Narain and Sons,2, Shivaji Stadium, 194. Delhi Law House, Tis Hazari Court, Jain Mandir Road. New Delhi (Reg.) Civil Wings (Rest.)

163. Universal Book and Stationery Co.,16~ 195. Capital Law House, Viswas Nagar, Shahdra, (Rest.) Netaji Subhash Marg. (Reg.) DHANBAD 164. Unirversal Book Traders, 80, Gokhle Market (Reg.) 196. New Sketch Pres, Post Box 26 (Rest.) 165. Youngman and Co., Nai Sarak (Reg.) DHARWAR 166. Amar Hind Book Depot, Nai Sarak (Rest.) 197. Bharat Book Depot and Prakashan. 167. All India Educational Supply Co. Sri Sub hash Road (Rest.) Ram Buildings, Jawahar Nagar ' (Rest.) 168. B. Nath and Bros., 3808, CharkawaIan. 198. Akalwadf Book Depot, Vijay Road (Rest.) Chowri Bazar (Rest.) 169. Generat"Book Depot. 1691, Nai Sarak (Reg.) ERANAKULAM 170. Hindi Sahitya Sansar, 1543, Nai 199. Pai and Co., Broadway (Rest.) Sarak (Rest.) 171. Law Literature House, 2646. Bali­ ERODE maran (Rest.) 200. Kumaran Book Depot (Rest.) 172. Munshi Ram Manohar Lal, Oriental Booksellers and Publishers. P. B. No. FEROZEPUR CA NIT 1165,.Nai Sarak .. (Rest.) 173. Pfemler Book Co., Printers, Publishers and 201. English Book Depot, 78, Jhoke Road .. (Reg.) Booksellers, Nai Sarak (Reg.) 174. Overseas Book ~gency, 3810, David GAUHATI Street. Darya GanJ-110006 (Reg.) 202. United Publishers, Pan Bazar, Main road (Rest.) 175. Amir Book Depot, Nai Sarak (Rest.) 203. Ashok Publishing House, Murlidhar 176. Rajpal and Sons, Kashrneri Gate (Rest.) Sharma road (Rest.) 177. Saini Law Publishing Co., Daryaganj (Reg.) GAYA 178. Moti LaI Banarsi Dass, Bangalow Road, 204. sahitya Sadan, Gautam Budha Marg (Reg.) Jawahar Naiar (Reg.) 179. SlBgam Book Depot, Main Market, 205. Booknlans, Nagmatia Garrage, Swarajpuri Gupta Colony (Reg.) Road (Rest.) by)

Seriai Name of the par~y Cat. of ~f.ial Nam'C ohhe party Cat. of No. Agents o. Agents

1 4 _3_ 1 2 3 GOA HUBLI 206. Singhal's Book House, 'p.O.B. ~o. 70. 228. Pervaje's Book Depot, Station Road ., (Reg.) Near Church (Rest.) INDORE GURGAON I 229. WadhwA &CO'., 27, Mahatma Gandhi 207. Prabhu Book Service, Nai Subzi Mandi '(Rest.) Road · . (Reg.) GUNTUR 230. Madhya Pradesh Book 'Centre, 41~ Ahilyapura (Rest.) 208. Book Lovers P. Ltd., Arudelpet. Chowrasta (Reg.) 231. Modern Book House, Shiv 'vilas PalaCe (Reg.) GWALIOR 232. Swamp Bros., Khajuri Bazar (Reg.) 209. Loyal Book Depot, Pat~akar B~zar, , Lakskar (Reg.) 233. Vinay Pustak Bhandar · . '(Rest.) 210. Titer Bros., Sarafe (Rest.) JAIPURCITY 211. Anand Pustak Sadan. 32, Prem Nagar (Regular) 234. Bharat LawHouse, Booksellers .and 212. M.C. Daftari Prop. t-f.B. Jain and Bros. Publishers Opp. Pren Prakash "Cinema .. {Reg.) Book Sellers, Sarara, Lashkar (Rest.) 235. Popular Book Depot. Chaura Rasta . . (Reg.) 213. Grover Law House, Nr. High Court Gali (Rest.) \ I 236. Vani Mandir Swami, Mlnsingh Highway (Reg.) 214. Kitab Ghar, High Court Road (Rest.) 237. Raj Book & Subs. Agency, 16 Nehru 215. Adarsh Pustak Sadan 5/26, Bhau Ka Bazar (Rest.) Bazar (Regular) 238. Krishana Book Depot, Chaura Rasta .. (Rest.) GAZIABAD 239. Best Book Co., S.M.S. Highway (Rest.) 216. Jayana Book Agency, outside .S.D.Inter College, G.T. Road .. (Rest.) 240 . Kishore Book Depot, 'Sardar Pate) Marg (Reg.) 217. S. Gupta, 342, Ram Nagar (Reg.) 241. Rastogi BrothersTripatia Bazar, Jaipur (Rest.)

HYDERABAD JAIPUR 218. The Swaraj Book Depot. Lakdikapur .. (Reg.) 242. india Book House, Fatehpurika Darwaza (Rest.) 219. Bhasha Prakashan 22-5-69 Gharkaman .. '(Rest.) 243 . Dominion Law Deppt, Shah Bldg., S.M. Highway P.B. No. 23 (Rest.) 220. ,Book Syndicate, Devka Mahal, OpP .. Central Bank (Reg.) 244-. Pitaliya Pustak Bhillldar. 'Mishra RajaJika 'Rsata (Rest.) DEORIA. (Rest.) \ 245. University Book House, Choura Rasta 221. Madanial Radhakrishana. Deo~ia (U.P:) .. (Rest.) JAMMUTAWI HYDERABAD (Reg.) 1 { , ~...... I 246. Rainas News Agency, Dak Bungalow · . 222. Labour Law Publications, 873, Sultan Bazar (Reg.) JAMSHEDPUR 223. Asia Law House Opp. High Court .. (Regular) 247. Amar Kitab Ghar, Diagonal Road, 224. Book Links Corporation, Narayanagoda (Reg.) P;B. No. 78 '(Reg.) HARDWAR 248, -Gupta Stores, Dhatkidith (Reg.) 225. Seva Kunj, Kanshal Bhawan, Brahampuri (Res!.) 249. Sanyal Bros., Book sellers &·News Agents 26, Maim Road (Rest.) HATHRAS 250. 'Sokhey Trading Go., Diagonal Road (Rest.) 226. Jain Book Depot, Rohtak Wala Nohra, AgraRoad (Rest.) JAMNAGAR

227. Shri Ram Prakash Sharma, Hathras (Rest.) 251. 'Swadeshi Vastu Bhandar. Ratnabai"Masjid Road (Reg.) (v)

Serial Name of the party Cat. of Serlal Name of the party Cat. of No. Agents No. Agents ------2"------;------;------3

JEYPORE KURSEONG 252. Bhagbathi Pustak Bhandar, Main road .. (Rest.) 2R Ashoke Brothers, Darjeeling (Rest.) JHANSI LUCKNOW

253. Universal Law House, 186, Chander 275. Balkrishna Book Co., B-12-A, Nirala Shekhar Azad Road .. (Rest.) Nagar (Reg.) JODHPUR 276. British Book Depot, 84, Hazaratganj (Reg.) 254. Chopra Bros, Tripolia Bazar .. (Reg.) 277. Eastern Book Co., 34, Lalbagh Road .. (Reg.) 255. Dwarka Das Rathi, WhOlesale Books and News Agents (Reg.) 278. Ram Advani Hazaratganj, P. B. 154 (Reg.) 256. Kitab Ghar, Sojati Gate (Reg.) 279 Acquarium Supply Co., 213, Faizabad Road (Rest.) 257. Rajasthan Law House, High ~ourt road .. (Rest.) 280 Civil and Military Educational Stores, 106/B. JABAL PUR Sadar Bazar .. (Rest.) 258. Modern Book House, 286, Jawaharganj (Reg.) LUDHIANA 259. Popular Law House, Nr. Omti P.O. (Rest.) 280. Lyall Book Depot, Chaura Bazar (Reg.) 260. Paras Book Depot, 129, Cantt. (Rest.) 281. Mohindra Bros., Katcheri Road .. (Rest.) JULLUNDUR CITY 282. Nanda Stationery Bhandar, Pustak Bazar (Reg.) 261. Hazoorina Bros., Main Gate .. (Rest.) 283. The Pharmacy News, Pindi Street .. (Rest.) 262. University Publishers, Railway road .. (Rest.) MADRAS 263. Law Book Depot, Adda Basti, G.T. road (Rest.) 284. Account Test Institute, P.O. 760, Egmoregore (Reg.) JHUNJHUNU (RAJ.) 285. C. Subbaih Chetty & Co .. 62, Big Street, 264. Shashi Kumar Sharat Chandra .. (Reg.) Triplican . . (Reg.) KANPUR 286. K. Krishnamurty, Post Box 384 (Reg.)

265. Advani & Co., P. Box 100, The Mall .. (Reg.) 287. P. Vardhachary_&Co., 8 Linghi Chety Street (Reg.) 266. Sahitya Niketan, Sharadhanand Park (Reg.) 288. ·C. Sitaraman & Co., 33, RQyaNttach 267. Universal Book Stall, The Mall (Reg.) High Road .. (Reg.) 268. Gandhi Shanti Pratisthan Kendra, Civil 289. M. Sachechalam & Co., 14 Sankurama Lines (Rest;) Chetty.street (Rest.)

269. Law Book Emporium, 16/60, Civil Lines (Rest.) 290. Madras Book Ageflcy, 42, Tirumangalam Road (Rest.) ·KAPSAN 291. The Rex Trading Co., P.B. 5049,111, 270. Pal'kashan Parasaran, 1/90, Namdhar Niwas. Pedariar Koil Street .. (Rest.) Azad Marg .~. (Reg.) ~92. Mohan Pathioppagam & Book Depot, 3 KHURDA Pyecrafts Triplicane (Rest.) 271. Kitab Mahat, Khurda (Distt. Puri) .. (Rest.) 293 . Swamy Publishers, P.B. No. 2468 (Rest.) KOLHAPUR 294. Naresh Co., 3, Dr. Ranghachari RO.ld, Mytapore .. (Rest.) 272. Mahatashtra Grauth Bhandar. Mahadwar Road (Rest.) 295. Sangam Publishers, 11, S.C. Street .. (Rest.)

KUMTA MANIPUR 273. S.Y. Kamat, Book Sellers & Stationers 296. P.C. Jain & Co., Imphal .. (Rest.) (S.Kanura) .. (Reg.) (vi)

Serial Name of the party Cat. of Serial Name of the party Cat. of~ No. Agents No' AgentS -----_ ------... ------._------,------2 3 t 2 3

MANGALORE NADIAD 297. K. Bhoja Rao & Co., Kodial Bail .. (Rest.). 316. R.S. Desai, Station Road .. (Rest.) MADURA I NEW DELHI

298. Ezhil Enterprises, 116, Palce Road . , (Rest.) 317. " Arnrit Book Co., Connaught Circus .. (Reg.) MEERUT 318. Bhawani & Sons, S-P, Connaught Cirsus (Reg.) 299. Loyal Book Depot, Chhipi Tank .. (Reg.) 319. Central News Agency, 23/90 Connaught Circus •. , (Reg.) 300. Prakash Educational Stores. Subhash Bazar .. (Reg.) 320. English Book Stores, 7-L, Connaught Circus, P.B. No. 328 (Reg.) 30l. Bharat Educational Stores (Regd.) Chhipi Tank ., (Reg.) 321. Jain Book Agency, C/9, Prem House, Connaught Place (Reg.) 302. Nand Traders, Tyagi Market (Reg.) 322. Jayana Book Depot, P.B. No. 2505, Karol MORADABAD Bagh .. (Reg.)

303. Rama Book Depot, Station Road ., (Rest.) 323. Luxmi Book Store, 72, Janpath, P.O. Box 553 (Reg.) MHOWCANTT 324. Mehra Bros., 50-G, Kalkaji, New Delhi-19 (Reg.) 304. Oxford Book Depot, Main Street ., (Rest.) 325. Navyug Traders, Desh Bandhu Gupta MUZAFAR NAGAR Road, Dev Nagar

305. B.S. Jain & Co., 71. Abupura .. (Reg.). 326 . ~ew Book Depot, Latest Books, Periodicals Sty. P.B. 96 Connaught Place .. (Reg.) 306 .. Gargya & Co., 139. G. New Market .. (Rest.) 327. Oxford Book & Stationery Co., Scindia MUZAPARPUR House (Reg.) 307. Scientific & Educational Supply Syndicate (Rest.) 328. Peoples Publishsing House (P) Ltd., Rani Jhansi Road (Reg.) MYSORE 329. Ram Krishana & Sons (of Lahore) 16/B, 308. H. Vankatararniah & Sons, KrisbaJJanagar- gendra Circle .. (Reg.) Connaught Place (Reg.)

309. People Book House, Opp. Jagan Mohan 330. R.K. Publishers, 23, Beadonpura, Karol place ., (Reg.) Bagh (Reg.) 310. (Reg.) Geeta Book House, New State Circle 331. Sharma Bros., 17, New Market, Moti Nagar (Reg.) MANDSAUR " 311. Nahata Bros., Book sellers & Stationers .. (Rest.) 332. The Secretary, Indian M.E.T. Society Lodhi Eoad (Reg.) _t MUSSOURI 333. Suneja Book Centre, 24/90, Connaught ~ 312. Hind Traders, N.A.A. Centre, Dick Road. (Rest.) Place (Reg.) NAGPUR 334. United Book Agency, 19/1557, Naiwala. Karol Bagh (Reg.) 313. Western Book Depot, Residency Road (Reg.) 335. Hind Book House, 82, Janpath (Reg.)

336. Lakshmi Book Depot, 57, Ragarpura, 314. The Executive Secretary, Mineral Indus try Karol Bagh .. (Rest.) Association, Mineral House, Near All India Radio Square (Rest.) 337. N.C. Kansil & Co., 40 Model Basti, P.O. , ~.arol Bagh, New Delhi . (Rest.) NAINITAL 338. Ravindra Book Agency, 4D/50, Double" (Reg.) 315. Consal Book Depot, Bara Bazar ., (Reg.) Storey Lajpat Nagar (vii)

Serial Name of the party Cat. of Serial Name of th~ Paliy Ca(of No. Age.nts No. Agents ------,------1 2 3 .....;------1 2 3 NEW DELHI PONDICHERRY 339; Sant Ram Book-Sellers-16 New " (Rest.) 373. Honesty Book House, 9 Rue Duplix (Rest.) Municipal market, Lodhi Colony PUDUKKOTTAI 340; Subash Book Depot, Shop No. 111, Central 374. Meenakashi Pattippagam. 4142, East Main Market, Srinivaspuri (Rest.), Street. (Rest.) 375. P,N. Swaminathan & Co., Bazar Street, Mai~' 341. The Secy. Fedration of Association of Road. (Reg.) Small Industry of India, 23-B/2, Rohtak PUNALUR Road (Rest.) 376. M.l. Abraham (Kerla) (Rest.) RAJKOT 342. Educational & Commercial Agencies, 377. Mohan Lal Dossbhai Shah Booksellers & Subs, 5/151, Subhash Nagar faest.) & Advt. Agent, (Reg.) 378. Bp,upatrai Parasram Shah & Bros. B.B. Street' (Rest.) 343. Delhi Book Company. M/12, Connaught 379. Viney Book Depot, Govt. Qr. No.1 Behind Circus .. (Rest.) S.B.!. (Rest.) RAIPUR 344. Navrang, R.B.-7, Inderpuri .. (Rest.) 380. Pustak Prastisthan, Satj £azar .. (Rest.) RAJAHMUNDRY. 345. Commercial Contracts (India), Subash 381. Pachayat Aids, 10-7-40, Fort Gate (Rest.) Nagar (Rest.) RANCHI 382. Crown Book Depot, Upper Bazar (Reg.) 346. A. Khosla & Co., Anand, Niketan (Rest.) ROHTAK 383. National Book House, Civil Road (Rest.) 347. Books India Corporation, New Rohtak Road (Rest.) ROORKEE 384. Yashpal & Brothers, Station Road (Rest.) 348. S. Chand & Co., PI. Ltd., Ram Nagar (Rest.) REWARI 385. Tika Ram Singh Lal (Rest.) 349. Globe Publications, C-33, Nizamudin East (Rest.) SANGRUR , 386. Punjab Education Emporium, Dhurigate. . . (Rest.) 350. Scientific Instruments Stores, A-355, New 387. Gandhi Marg Darshan Pustakalya Sangrur (Pb.) (Rest.) Rajinder Nagar . . ~st.) SAUGAR 388. Yadav Book Stall, Publishers & Book Sellers .. (Rest.) 351. Jain Map & Book Agency, Karol Bagh . . (Reg.) SECUNDERABAD 389. Hindustan Diary Publishers, Market street (Reg.) 352. Hu'kam Chand & Sons, 3226, Ranjit Nagar (Rest.) 390. Minerva Book Centre, 8/78, New Alwal .. (Rest.) SIMLA 353. Star Publications Pvt. Wd., 4/5-B, Asaf 391. Minerva Book House, 46, The Mall (Rest.) Ali Road' .. (Rest.) SILLIGURI 354. Indian Publications Trading Corporation, 392. N.B. Modern Agencies, Hill Court Road. Rest(.) A-7, Nizamuddin East .. {Rest.) SIVAKASI 355. Sheel Trading Corporation, 5/5777, Sant Nari 393. Ganesh Stores, South Car Street (Rest·) Dass Marg. .. (Reg.) SHOLAPUR PALGHAT, , 394. Gajanan Book Stores, Main Road .. (Rest.) 356. ~upreme Trading Corporation, Harrison Cham- SURAT :ber. ' .. (Rest.) 395. Shri Gajanan Pustak1aya, Tower Road . (Reg.) 357. Jain Brothers, New Delhi (Rest.) 396. Gujarat Sub. Agency, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg 358. i EduCational Supplies Depot, Sultanpet. .(Rest.) Atwa Lines .. (Rest.) PATNA 397. B.P. Traders, Ghasia Building (Rest.) 359. Luxmi Trading Co., Padri Ki Haveli . . (Reg.) SOLAN ' 360. J.N. Agarwal & Co., Padri Ki Haveli. .. ,(Reg.) 398. Jain Magazine Agency, Ward 4/218 Rajgal'h 361. . Moti Lal Banarsi Dass & Co., Padri ~i Road . ., (Reg.) Haveli ., (Reg.) TIRUPATI 362. Today & Tommorow, Ashok Rajpath (Rest.) 399. Ravindra Book Centre, Balaji Colony (Rest.) 363. Books & Books, Ashok Rajpath. (Rest.) :rUTICORIN POONA 400. K. Thiagarajan, 51, French, Chapai Road (Rest.) 364. , Deccan Book stall, Deccan Gymkhana .. '(Reg.)' 401. Arasan Book Centre, 462, V.E. Road. (Rest.) 365. Imperial Book Depot, 266, M.G. Rohd .. (Reg.) TRICHINOPOLLY S.Krishnawswami & Co., 35 Subhash Chandra 366. Saraswat. 1321/1, J.M~ Road. {)pp. Modern 402. High School, Bombay-Poona road . (Reg.) Bose Road (Reg.) 367. International Book Service, Deccan .. TRIPURA Gymkhana . (Reg.) 401. G.R. Dutla & Co. Scientific Equipment 368. Rab Book Agency, Opp: Nathu 's Chaul near suppliers.. (Rest.) Appa Balwant Chowk. _ . . (Reg.) TlRUCHIRAPALL Y 369. Verma Book Centre, 649, Naryan Path .. (Rest.) 404. Sri Vidya . (Rest.) 370.~ Secy. Bharati Itihasa Samshodhala Mandir 1321, SHILLONG Sadashiv Path ' . (Rest.) 405. Allied Publications, 13, Oak Lands (Rest.) TRIVANDRUM 371. Vi'dya Commerce Hoiis~, 379-A, Sbahwar 406. International Book Depot, Main Road (Rest.) Path' (Rest.) 407. Rediar Press & Book Depot, P.B. No.4. (Rest.) 'PRAYAG 498. Bhagya Enterprises, M.G. Road .. (Rest.) 372. Om Publishing House, 842, Daraganj: .. (Rest.) 409. Sree Devi Book House, Chenthitta, Trivandrum (Rest.) (viii)

Serial Name of ~he pll ty Cat.o( Serial N.\me of th!l party Cat. of Agents No. Agents N,o. ------~------2 3 1 2 3 ---~------~ ------~------TEZPUR 418. Globe Book Centre P.O. Hindu University (Rest.) Jyoti prakashan Bhawan, Tezpur, Assam (Rest.) 419. Chaukhamba Visva Bhatrti, Chowk (Rest.) 410. VlJAYAWADA UDAIPUR (Rest.) 411. Book Centre, Maharana Bhopal CQllege (Rest.) 420. Viasallaandhra Publishing House 412. Jagdish & Co. (Rest.) V!ZEGAPATAM UJJAIN 421. Gupta Bros., Books Vizia Building Main 413. Rama Bros. 41, Mallipura (Rest.) Road. .. (Rest.) ULHASNAGAR 422. The Secretary, Andhra University General Co: (Rest.) 414. Raj Book service (Rest.) Opp. stores VELLoRS .. (Reg.) 415. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Gopal 4Z3. A. Ve dkatasubban, Law Booksellers. (Reg.) WARDHA Mandir Lane, P.B. No' 8 (Reg.) 416. Kohinoor Stores, University Road Lanka (Reg.) 424. Swarajeya Bhandar, Rathi Market 417. Viswavidyalaya prakasban, Chowk (Reg.) 1. Govt. oflndia, Kitab Mahal, Unit No.21, Emporia '1 Building, BaM Kharak Singh Marg. New t)dhi I

2. ~:t~:'f ~~~::4~::~. Depot, 8, K. S. Ro¥ Road, I Calcutta. (Phone No. 23-3813). I 3. Sales Counter, Publication Branch, Udhy;)g Bhawan~ 1 NeW Delhi. (Phon, No. 372081). ~ For Local Sales. 4. S:llcs Counter, publication Branch, C.B.~. Building, I N."W Ddhi. I 5. Govt. ofIndia, Beok Depot, Ground Floor, N~W \ C.G.O. Building, Marine Lin(s, Bomba~-fO. J S. &.R. AGENTS

1 . The Assistant Director, Extension Centre, Bhuli Road, 25. The O.I/S S.LS.O., Extension Centre ( Footwear) Dhanbad. Cl\lcutta-2, ' 2. The Assistant Director, Extension Centre, Santnagar, 26. The !J.ltS, S.I.S.I, Model Carpentary Workshop, Hyderbad-18 Puyah Nagar, f.O. Burnpur, 24 Pcaganas. 3. The Asstt. Director, Govt. of India, S.l.S., I Ministry of C&I, Extension Centre, Kapileshwar Road, 27. Publication Pivision, Sales Deppt, North Block, BeIgaum Nt;w Delhi. 4. The Asstt. Director, Exension Centre, Krishana Distt. 28. The Press officer, Orissa Sectt. Cuttack ( A.I) 29. the ~eg!strar of Companies, Andhra B~nk Bldg., 5. The Asstt. Director, Footwear, Extension Centre, 6 Lmgh. Chetty Street P.B,. 1530, Madra~. Polo ground No.1, Jodhpur 30. T~e R..eglstra~ of Comllanies, Assam, Manipur and 6. The Asstt. Director, Industrial Extension Centre, Tnpura, SbIllong. Nadiad (Guj). 31. The Registrar of Companies, Bibal', Journal Road, 7. The Develo!)umt, Commis,ioner, Small Scale Patna-l indmtlies, Udhyog Bhawan, New Delhi. 32. The Registrar of Companies, 162, Bridge Road, 8. The Dy. Director, Incharge. S.I.S.I. C/o Chief Civil Bangalore. Admn. Goa, Panaji. 33. Th~ Registrar of Companies, Eeverest, 100, Marine 9. The Director, Govt. of India Press, Hyderbad. Dnve, Bombay. 10. The Direcor, Indian Bureau of Mines, Government 34. The Registrar of Companies, Gujrat, State Samachar of India, Ministry of Steel, Mines and Fuel, Nagpur. Bldg. Ahmedabad. 11. The Director, S.I.S.I. Industrial Extension Centre, 35. Tlle Re~istrar of <;:Ompanises, Gwalio. (M.P.) Udhne-Surat. 36. The Registrar of Companies, H.No. 3·5837, Hyder 12. The Employment Officer, Employmnt Exchange, Dhar. Guda, llyderabad. Madhya Pradesh 37. Th~ Registrar of Companies, Kerala, 70, Feet Road, 13. The Employment Officer, Employment Exchange, Ernakulam. Gopal Bhawan, Morena. 38. The Registrar of Companies, M.G. Road, West Cott. 14. The Employment officer, Employment Exchange,Jbabu Building! P.O. Box 334, Kanpur. 15. The Head Clerk Government Book Depot, Ahmedabad. 39. The Registrar of Companies, Naryani Bldg. Braboume 16. The Head Clerk, Photzincographic Press, 5 Fillance Road, Calcutta. Road, Poona. 40. The Registrar of Companies, Orissa, Cuttack Chandi, 17. The O~ficer-in-Charge. Assam. Government B.D. Cuttack. Gauhatl. 41. The Registrar of Companies, Pondicherry. 18. The O.I/C Extension Centre, Club R03d, Mujafar­ 42. The Registrar of Companies, Punjab and Himachal pur Prapesb, Link Road, Jullundur City. 19. The O.I/C Extension Centre, Industrial Estate, 43. Tbe Reigatrar of Companies, Rajasthan allld Ajrner, Kokar, Ranchi. Sh. Kumta Prasad House, 1st Floor, 'C' Scheme 20. The O.l/c Extension State Information Centre, Hydera­ Ashok Margl Jaipur. bad. 44. The Registrar of Comp-anies, Sunlight Insurallce 21. The O.I/C S.LS.!. Extension Centre, Maida. Bldg., Ajmeri Gate, Extension, New Delhi. 22. The O.I/C. S.I.S.l Habra, Tabuluria,24 paraganas. 45. The registrar of Trade Unions, Kanpur.· 23. The O.I/C Univesity Employment Bureau, Lucknow 46. Soochna Sahita Depot (State Book Depot) 24. The O.ltC S.I.S.L Chrometanning Extension Centre, Lucknow. Tangra, 33/1, Nortb Topsia Road, Calcutta-46 (ix)

Serial Name of the party Serial Name of the party No. No. 1. 2 1 2

47. Supdt. Bhupendra State Press, Patiala. 83. The Director of Supplies Swroop Nagar, Kanpur. 48. Supdt. Government Press and Book Depot, Nagpur 49. Supdt. Government Press, Mount Road, Madras. 50. Supdt. Government State Stores and Pubs., P.O. 84. The Assistant Director (Admn.), Office ofthe DirectOr­ Gaulzorbagh, Patna. rate of Supplies and Disposal, Bombay. 51. Supdt. Government Printing and Stationery Depot, Rajasthan, Jaipur City 85. The Chief Controller of I & E, Ministry oflnternational 52. Supdt. Government Printing and Stationery, Rajkot. Trade, Madras. 53. Supdt. Government Printing and Stationery, Punjab., Chandigarh 54, 86. The Deputy Controller of Customs Custom HOUi!e Supdt. Government State Emporium, V.P. Rewa. Visakhapatnam. > , 55. Dy. Centroller, Printing and Stationery Office Himachal Pradesh, Simla. 56. 87. The Principal Officer, Marcantile Marino Deptt. Supdt. Printing and Stationery Allahabad, Uttar Calcutta. t Pradesh. 57. Supdt. Printing and Stationery, Madhya pradesh, 88. The Director S.1.8.1., Karan Nagar, Srinaiar. Gwalior 58. Supdt. Printing and Stationry, Charni, Road, Bombay 59. 89. The Director, Ilc, S.LS.I., 107, Industrial Estate Supdt., State Government Press, Bhopal Kanpur. ' 60. The Asstt. Director, Publicity and Information, Vidhao Sandha, Bangalore-1 61. 90. The Director of Inspection, New Marine Liue~ Supdt. Government Press, Trivandrum. Bomba.y-l. ' 62. Asstt. Information Officer, Press Information Bureau, Information Centre, Srinagar. The Deputy Chief Controller of Imports and Exports 63. Chief Controller of Imports and Exports, Panjim, 91. Goa. T.O. Road. Ernakulam. ' 64. Employment Officer, Employment E)(change ( Near Bus Stop) Sidhi ( M.P. ) 92. The A'Isistant Director, Government Stationery Book 65. The Director, Regional Meterological Centre, Alipur, Depot, Aurangaba:i. Calcutta 66. The Asstt. Director, State Information Centre, Hubli. 93. The Assistant Director, IIC, S.I.S.1., Club Road, 07. The Director of Supplies and Disposal, Department Hubli. Of. Supplies, 10, Mount Road, Madras·2 68. Drrector General of Supplies and Disposls, N.I.C. 94. The Employment Officer, Talchor. Bldg. New Delhi. 95. Tl?-e Director of Inspection, Directorate G. & S, 69. The Controller of Imports and Exports, Rajkot. Disposal, 1, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Calcutta. 70. The Inspector Dock Safety, MIl &'E Madras Harbour, 96. The Collector of Customs, New Custom House Madras. Bombay. ' 71. The Inspecting Asstt. Commissioner of Inbome Tax, 97. The Controller of Imports and Exports, Bangalore. Karala, Ernakulam. 98. The Admn. Officer, Tariff Commissioner, 101, Queens' 7J.. The Under Secretary, Rajya Sabha Sectt., Parliament Road, Bombay. House, New Delhi. 99. The Commissioner of Income Tax, PaHala. 73. C?ntroller of Imports and Exports, 7 porlland· Park, VIsakhapatnam. 100. The Director Ministry of I & SupplY, (Deptt. of Industry), Cuttack. 74. The Senior Inspector, Dock .safet~. Botwalla Chambers, Sir. P.M. Road, Bombay. 101. The Deputy Dirctor of Public Relations State Information Centre, Patna. 75. Controller of Imports and Exports, LB. 14-P, pondi­ cherry. 102. The Officer-in-charge, state Information Centre, Madras. 76. D~. Direct9r Incharge, S.I.S.L, Sahakar .Bhawan, Tflkon Baglcha, Rajkot. 103. The Assistant Director, 8.l.S.M.I. Road, Jaipur. 77. The Publicity and Liaison Officer, Forest; Research 104. The Collector of Customs, Madras. Institute and Colleges, Near Forest P.O. Dehraduo. 105. National Building Organisation, Nirman Bhawan New Delhi. ., 78. The Assistant Controller of Imports and. Exports, Government of India, Ministry of Commerce, New 106. The Controller of Co~munication, Bombay Region, Kandla. Bombay. 79. The Deputy Director (S.D.) Esplande East, Calcutta. 107. The Karnatak University, Dharwar. 80. The Drirector, Government of India, S.1.S.1."Minist ry 108. The Sardar patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar. of I & S, Industrial Areas B, Ludhiana. 109. Thl! Director of Industries and Commerce, Bangalore-l. 81. The Governm~nt Epigraphist for India. 110. The Principal Publiccations Officer, Standing 82. The Assistant Director, S.1.8.1. Extension'Centrel Commission for Scientific and Tech. Terminology Varanasi. U .G.C. Building, New Delhi. ' (x)

Serial Name of the party Serial Name of the party No. No. --~------~------1 2 2 111. The Officer I/c, Informaion Centre, Swai Ram Singh, 138. The Director of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu, 10, Road, Jaipur. Poes Garden, Madras-86. 112. The Director General of Civil Aviation, New 139. The Director of Census Operations, Tripura. Durga Delhi. Bari, West Compound, Agartala. 113. Controller of Aerodromes, Delhi.. 140. The Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh, 6 Park Road, Lucknow. 114. Controller of Aerodromes, Calcutta. 141. The Director of Census Operations, West Bengal, 20 115. Controller of Aerodromes, Bombay. British India'Street 10th Floor Calcutta-I. 116. Controller of Acrudronws, Madras. 141. The Director of Census Operations, Andamah and Nicobar hland, port Blair. 117. The Registrar, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. 143. The Director of Census Operations, Chandigarh, S.C.O.1S, Sector 26 Chandigarh. 118. The Land lind Development Officer, Ministry of Health and Family Planning, W. H. & D., Nirman 144. The Director of Census Operations, Dadra and Nagar Bhawan, New Delhi. Haveli, panaJi.

119. Acting. . Secreta.% Official Langua~e (Leg.) 145. The Director of CensuS. Operations, Delhi, 2 Under CommIsSIOn, Mlntstry of Law, Bhagwan Dass Road Hill Road, Delhi-6. New Delhi. ' 146. The Director of Census Operations, Goa, Daman and 120. Registrar General, India, 2/A, Mansingh" Road, New Diu, Dr. A. Borkar Road, Panaji. Delhi-ll. 147. The 'Director of Census Operations, L.M.&A. Islands, 121. The Director of CensuS Operations, Andhra pradesh, Kavaratti. Khusro Mlnzil, Hyderabad-4. 148. The .Director of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu and 122. The Director of Census Operations, Assam, G.S. Pondicherry, 10, Poes, Garden, Madra~. Road, Ulubari, Gauhati-7. 149. The Director of cnesus Operations, Union Territory Chan­ 123. The Direcotor of Census Operations, Bihar, Boring digarh, Chandkgarh. Canal Road, Patna. 150. The Director of Social Science Documentation Centre, New Delhi. 124. Tl~e Director of Census Operations, Gujarat, Ellis 151. The District Employment Officer, District, Employment Bndge, Ahmedabad<6. Exchange, Malappuram (Kerla State). 152. The Asstt. Collector (Headquarters) Custom and 125. The Director of Census Operations, Haryana, Central Excise Shillong. S.C.O. 19, Sector 26 Chandigarh. 153. The Asstt. Collector of Central Excise, LD.O.I Div, Vishakhaptnam. 126. The Director of Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh 154. The Hqrs. Asstt. Collector, Central Excise Hyderabad. Boswel, Simla-5. ' 155. The Public Relations Officcr~ Collector of Customs, New Customs House, Bombay-t. . 127. The Director of Census Operations Jammu and 156. The Divisional Officer, Collectorate of Central ExCIse Kas:lmir, 19 Karan Nagar, Srinagar. ' Integrated Division, Jabalpur. 157. The Asstt. Collector (Hqrs.) Collectorate of Central Excise, Madhya Pradesh & Vidarbha, Nagpur. 128. The Director of Census Operations KeraJa Kowdiar Avenue RJa1, Triv~ndrum-3.' , 158. The'Hqrs. Asstt. Collector of Central Excise, Guntut (A.P.) The Asstt. Collector of Central Excise, Ernakulam. 1 129. The Director of Census Operatons, Madhya Pradesh 159. Civil Lines, Bhopal-2. ' Div~sion' ErnakuIam, Cochin-ll. . 160. The' Asstt. Collector (Hqrs.) of Central EXCIse, Nungam­ ballam High Road, Madras-34. 130. The Director of' CensuS Operations, Mah~rashtr,' The Asstt. Collectorate of Centel Excise, Divisional Sportt Road, (BR). ' 161. Bomb~y-~ Officer, Ujjain . .- The Divisional Officer, Central Excise, Division Office 131. The Director of Census Qperations, Manivu'r, Imphal. 162...... ;. ' . Amravati . The' Asstt. Collector, Central Excise Division, Bhopal (M.P.) 132. T~e Dire.cto_r of Census O~i;atioris.Meghalaya, Mangri 163. The Asstt. Collector, Central Excise, M.O.D.I., New HIlls, Shlllong-3. 164. Delhi. The, Asstt. Collector of Central Excise, Int. Division, 131, The Director of Ce!,-sus Operation, Mysore, Basappa 165. crossRoad, Shantl Nagar, Bangalore-l, . Indore. 166. The Director of H.A.U. Book Shop, Nehru Library Building H.A.U., Hissar (Haryana). 134. The Director of Census Operations, Nagaland , Kohima 167. The Asstt. Collector, Central ElCcise and Customs, Dbubri. 135. The Director of Census Operations, orrisa, Chandni The Asstt. Collector, Central Exclse Cuttack (Orissa). Chowk, Cuttack-l. 168. 169. The Asstt. Collector, Central Excise, Varanasi (p.P.). 170. The Asstt. Collector, Central Excise and Customs. 136. The Director of Census Operat-ions, Punjab, Rourkela. . . S.C.O. 17, Sector 26, Chandigarh. 171. The Asstt. Collector (Hqrs.) Central Excise, New EXCIse Building. Churchgatc. BOIQPay-40Q0ZO.. ' 137- The Direct-orof Census, Operations Rajasthan.,Ram The, Asstt. Collector (HqJ,'S.) Cent~l Exc~e, ~hubaneswar bag Palace, Jaipur• 172. (Orissa.). ,.... I (xi)

Serial Nnme of the party Serial Name of tbe party No. No. 2 1 2

173. The Asstt. Collector (Hqrs.) Central Excise, Allahabad. 178. The Asstt. Cpllector (Hqrs.) Central Excise, ,Kanpur. 174-. The Asstt.· Collector (Hqts.) Customs and Central 179. The A'SStt. Collef!tor, Central Customs apd Excise, Jorha t Excise, Cochin ·11. . 175. The :Dy. Collector of Central ExCise, COiinbatore~18. 180. The Asstt. Collector (Hqrs.) CentraJ.. Excise, Patna CIO 176. The Asstt. Collector, Central Excise Division, Sitapur. , "I Collectorate. of ,Central Excise & ,CUstoms, Patna. 177. The Asstt. c.oll~tor of Central Excise! & 'Customs, 181. The Asstt. Collector of Cl.{stoms, Custom House, New Sambalpur. Kandla, LIST OF AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIQN AS ON 25-11-76 (RAILWAY BOOKSTALL HOLDERS).

1. Sf s A.fI. Wheeler and Co. 15 Elgin Road, M1ahabad. 13. BUCH AND ZEITACHRIFREN, M.B.H. I-IND 2. Sis Higginbothams and Co. Ltd., Mount road, Madras. EXPORT CROSSO UND, KONNISSI ONBUCH 3. SIs Gahlot Bros., K.E.M. Road, Bikaner. HANDLING INTERNATION ,vERLAGSA- USLIEFERUNDENU HAMBARG (GERMANY). (FOREIGN) , 14. Sis STORE NORDISKE VIDENSKABOGHANDEL, REMERSGADE 27 DK 1362 COPEN HANGEN 1. Sis. Education Enterprise Private' Ltd., Kathmandu (Nepal)' K: (DENMARK). 2. Sis Aktiebolgat,' C. E. Fritzes Kungl, Hovbokhandel 15. THE EX-LIBRIS, BUCHHAND. EISGELLS CHAFf. Fredsgation-2. Box 1656, stockholm 16 (Sweden), ' HARINNON OSWOLD & CO., K.G. FRANKFURT 3. Reise-M-ver Kohresverlage Stutt Gart. Post 730. MAIN (GERMANY). GutonJeerg strlee. 21, Struttgort Nr. 11245, Stuttgart, 16. DR. LUDWIG HANTASCHELE UNIYERSITATAS Dem (Germahy West.) BUCHHANDLUNG, 34·qO TTINGEN (GERMANY­ 4. SPS Book Centre, Lakshmi Mansion, 49, The Mall, 17. OTTO KOELITZ ANTIQUAIAT 624 KOENIGSTING Lahore (Pakistan). TAU NUS RERRNWALDSTR-6 (W. GERMANY). 5. Sis Draghi Ranchi International Booksellers, Via Cavour 18. ASIA LIBRARY SERVICE, 1841, 69th Avenyes, Calif T -9-11. 35000 Padova, ITALA Y ornia (U.S.A.). 6. SIS Wepf & Co. Booksellers, English Deptt. EISEN- 19. PUBLISHING AND DISTRIBUTING CO. LTD. MITRE GASSE 15 BASEL, SWITZERLAND. HOUSE,177 REGENT STREET -LONDON. W,I. 7. Otto HARRASSOWITZ, BUCHHANDIUNG AND 20. REISE-u-VERK EHRSYERLAG 7 STUTTGART­ UNTIQUARIAL,62oo WISEBADEN, TAUNUSTRAL v-AHINGEN, POST PAITH-80-0830. HOSIGWI· GERMANY.. ESSENSTR-25 (GERMANY). 8. Sis A.ASHER & Co. N.Y. KEIZERSGRACHT 526, 21. ARTHUR PROBSTHAIN ORIENTAL BOOK SELLERS AMSTERDAM. C. (HOLLAND). & PUBLISHER, 41 GREAT RUSSEL STREET 9. Sis SWTS & ZEITLINGER N.V. 471 & 487 KEIZER.­ (LONDON W.C.!;). SGRACHT AMSTRERDAM (HOLLAND). 22. INDEPENDENT PlJBLlSHING CO. 38 KENNINGTON 10. M.P. VON PIERS, RECHlTRACT 62, EINDHOVEN LANGE, LONDON S.E. II. (HOLLAND). 23. INTERCONTIENTAL MARKETING CORPORATION 11. H.K. LeWIS & CO., 136 GOWER STREET, LONDON TOKYO JAPAN W,C. 1. 24. FRITZER KUNGL HOYBOKHONDAL AB, STOCK­ 12. HERBERT WILLDON LYF., BOOKSELLERS & HCLEN, 16/SWEDEN. SUB AGENTS 161 BORO HIGH STREET, LONDON 25. Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Bhotihaity. Kathmandu. (Nepal). S.E.!. (ENGLAND). 26. Strechert Machillion Ine., 725. West field Avenue, New Jersy-08110.

36188/DCO-Govt Press. Chd.