Waack C Karl Waack C KARL VAHAHK Waart C Edo De Waart C

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Waack C Karl Waack C KARL VAHAHK Waart C Edo De Waart C Waack C Karl Waack C KARL VAHAHK Waart C Edo de Waart C AY-doh duh WAHAHRT Waart C Hendrikus Aloysius Petrus de Waart C henn-DREE-küss ah-LO-sihüss PEH-trüss duh WAHAHRT Wach auf C VAHK AHÔÔF (Awaken) C (anonymous poem set to music by Ludwig Spohr [LOOT-vihh SHPOHR] — also known as Louis Spohr [lôôee spawr]) Wach auf wach auf du deutsches land C Wach auf, wach auf, du deutsches Land C VAHK AHÔÔF, VAHK AHÔÔF, doo DOYT-shuss LAHNT C (excerpt from the Sacred Songbook of Wittenberg [VITT-tunn-pehrk] by Johann Walter [YO-hahn VAHL-tur]) Wachet auf ruft uns die stimme C Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme C VAH-kett AHÔÔF, RÔÔFT ôôns dee SHTIMM-muh C (Awake cries the voice of the watchman in the tower) C (title of a chorale and also the title given to a cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] containing the chorale by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK]) Wachs C Judith Wachs C JOO-duth WAHKSS Wachs C Paul Étienne Victor Wachs C pohl ay-teeenn veek-tawr vahkss Wachsmann C Klaus P. Wachsmann C KLAHÔÔSS (P.) VAHKSS-mahn C (known also as Klaus Philipp [FEE-lipp] Wachsmann) Wachtel C Theodor Wachtel C TAY-o-dohohr VAHK-tull Wachter C Eberhard Wächter C AY-bur-hart VEHH-tur Wachtmeister C Count Axel Raoul Wachtmeister C (Count) ACK-sell rahAHÔÔL VAHKT- mayss-tur Wackernagel C Philipp Wackernagel C FEE-lipp VAH-kur-nah-gull Wadsworth C Charles Wadsworth C CHAH-rullz WAHDZ-wurth Waechter C Eberhard Waechter C AY-bur-hart VEHH-tur Waefelghem C Louis van Waefelghem C lôôEE vunn WAH-fell-kemm Waelput C Hendrik Waelput C HENN-drick WAHL-püt Waelrant C Hubert Waelrant C HÜ-behrt WAHL-rahnt Waesberghe C Jos Smits van Waesberghe C YOHSS SMITTSS funn WAHSS-behr-kuh C (known also as Joseph Maria Antonius Franciscus [YOHOH-zeff mah-REE-ah ahn-TOH-nihüss frahn-SISS-küss] Smits van Waesberghe) Wagemans C Peter Jan Wagemans C PAY-ter YAHN WAH-keh-mahnss Wagenaar C Bernard Wagenaar C {BUR-nurd WA-guh-nur} BEHR-nart WAH-keh-nahahr Wagenaar C Johan Wagenaar C YO-hahn WAH-keh-nahahr Wagenmann C Josef Hermann Wagenmann C YOHOH-zeff HEHR-mahn VAH-gunn-mahn Wagenseil C Georg Christoph Wagenseil C GAY-awrk KRIH-stawf VAH-gunn-z§l Wagenseil C Johann Christoph Wagenseil C YO-hahn KRIH-stawf VAH-gunn-z§l Waghalter C Ignatz Waghalter C IGG-nahtss VAHK-hahl-tur Wagner C Cosima Wagner C ko-ZEE-mah VAHG-nur Wagner C E. Marherr-Wagner C (E.) MAR-hehr-VAHG-nur Wagner C Ekkehard Wagner C ECK-kuh-hart VAHG-nur Wagner C Georg Gottfried Wagner C GAY-awrk GAWT-freet VAHG-nur Wagner C Gerrit Anthonie Alexander Wagner C KEHR-ritt AHN-toh-nee ah-leck-SAHN- dur WAHK-nur Wagner C Gunter Wagner C GÔÔN-tur VAHG-nur Wagner C Heinrich Wagner C H¦N-rihh VAHG-nur Wagner C J. F. Wagner C (J. F.) VAHG-nur C (known also as Josef Franz Wagner [YOHOH- zeff FRAHNTSS VAHG-nur]) Wagner C Johanna Wagner C yo-HAHN-nah VAHG-nur Wagner C Joseph Frederick Wagner C JO-zuff FREH-duh-rick WAG-nur Wagner C Karl Jakob Wagner C KARL YAHAH-kawp VAHG-nur Wagner C Konrad Wagner C KAWN-raht VAHG-nur Wagner C Peter Wagner C PAY-tur VAHG-nur C (known also as Peter Joseph [YOHOH- zeff] Wagner) Wagner C Richard Wagner C RIH-hart VAHG-nur C (known also as Wilhelm [VILL-hellm] Richard Wagner) Wagner C Roger Wagner C RAH-jur WAG-nur C (known also as Roger Francis [FRANNT- suss] Wagner) Wagner C Siegfried Wagner C ZEEK-freet VAHG-nur C (known also as Siegfried Helferich Richard [HELL-fuh-rihh RIH-hart] Wagner) Wagner C Sieglinde Wagner C zeek-LINN-tuh VAHG-nur Wagner C Wieland Wagner C VEE-lahnt VAHG-nur C (known also as Adolf Wieland Gottfried Wagner [AHAH-dawlf VEE-lahnt GAWT-freet VAHG-nur]) Wagner C Wolfgang Wagner C VAWLF-gahng VAHG-nur C (known also as Wolfgang Manfred Martin Wagner [VAWLF-gahng MAHN-frayt MAR-teen VAHG-nur]) Wagner regeny C Rudolf Wagner-Régeny C ROO-dawlf VAHG-nur-RAY-gheh-nee Wahlberg C Rune Wahlberg C RÜ-nuh VAL-bary’ Wailly C Paul de Wailly C pohl duh vahee-yee C (known also as Louis Auguste Paul Warnier de Wailly [lôôee o-güst pohl var-neeay duh vahee-yee]) Wainner C James Wainner C JAYMZ WAYN-nur Waisenhaus messe C Waisenhaus Messe C VAHIH-zunn-hahôôss MESS-suh C (Orphanage Mass) C (Mass set to music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY- ôôss MO-tsart]) Waissel C Matthäus Waissel C maht-TAY-ôôss VAHIHSS-sull C (known also as Matthäus Waisselius [vahihss-SAY-lihôôss]) Wakamatsu C Natsumi Wakamatsu C naht-soo-mee wah-kah-mahtss’ Wakasugi C Hiroshi Wakasugi C hee-lawsh’ wah-kah-soo-ghee Walacinski C Adam Walaci½ski C AH-dahm vah-lah-TSEE6-skee Walbrunn C Anton Beer-Walbrunn C AHN-tohohn BAYR-VAHL-brôôn Walcha C Helmut Walcha C HELL-moot VAHL-hah C (known also as Arthur Emil [AR-tur AY-meel] Helmut Walcha) Walcker C Eberhard Friedrich Walcker C AY-bur-hart FREET-rihh VAHL-kur Wald C Max Wald C MACKSS WAHLD Walde C Im Walde C imm VAHL-tuh C (In the Forest) C (song by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn]) Waldemar C VAL-duh-mah C (character in Gurrelieder [GÔÔR-ruh-lee-dur] — poems by Jens Peter Jacobsen [YENNSS PEE-tuh YAH-kawp-sunn]) entitled Songs of Gurre [GÔÔR- ruh], derived from an old Danish saga, set to music by Arnold Schoenberg [AR-nawlt SHÖN- pehrk]) Waldersee C Paul, Graf von Waldersee C PAHÔÔL, GRAHF fawn VAHL-tur-zay Walderth C Ignaz Walderth C IGG-nahtss VAHL-tehrt C (known also as Johann Ignaz Joseph Walderth [YO-hahn IGG-nahtss YOHOH-zeff VAHL-tehrt]) C (the last name is also spelled Walter [VAHL-tur] and Walther [VAHL-tur]) Waldesfahrt C VAHL-tuss-fahahrt C (Forest Journey) C (poem by Heinrich Heine [H¦N-rihh H¦-nuh] set to music by Richard Strauss [RIH-hart SHTRAHÔÔSS]) Waldesgesprach C Waldesgespräch C VAHL-tuss-guh-shprehh C (A Conversation in the Woods) C (poem by Joseph von Eichendorff [YOHOH-zeff fawn ¦-hunn-tawrf] set to music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn] in the song cycle Liederkreis [LEE-dur-kr§ss]) Waldesrauschen C VAHL-tuss-rahôô-shunn C (composition by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZ LISST]) Waldhornruf C VAHLT-hawrn-rôôf C song by Vincenz Lachner [FINN-tsenntss LAHK- nur]) Waldman C Frederic Waldman C {FREH-duh-rick WAHLD-munn} FRAY-duh-rick VAHLT-mahn Waldman C Yuval Waldman C YOO-vahl VAHLT-mahn Waldmann C Maria Waldmann C mah-REE-ah VAHLT-mahn Waldrop C Gideon W. Waldrop C GHIH-dee-unn W. WAHL-drahp C (known also as Gideon William [WILL-lihumm] Waldrop) Waldstein C Ferdinand Ernst Joseph Gabriel, Count von Waldstein und Wartenberg zu Dux C FEHR-tee-nahnt EHRNST YOHOH-zeff GAHP-reeayl, (Count) fawn VAHLT-sht§n ôônt VAR-tunn-pehrk tsoo DOOKSS Waldstein C VAHLT-sht§n C (Piano Sonate No. 21 in C Major by Ludwig van Beethoven [LOOT-vihh funn BAYAY-toh-funn]) Waldtaube C VALT-tahôô-buh C (Forest Dove) C (character in Gurrelieder [GÔÔR-ruh-lee- dur] — poems by Jens Peter Jacobsen [YENNSS PEE-tuh YAH-kawp-sunn] entitled Songs of Gurre [GÔÔR-ruh], derived from an old Danish saga, set to music by Arnold Schoenberg [AR- nawlt SHÖN-pehrk]) Waldteufel C Émile Waldteufel C ay-meel VAHLT-toy-fuhl C (known also as Charles-Émile Waldteufel [sharl-ay-meel VAHLT-toy-fuhl]) Walewski C Boles»aw Wallek-Walewski C baw-LESS-wahf VAHL-leck-vah-LEFF-skee Walker C Nina Walker C NEE-nah WAW-kur Walkure C Die Walküre C dee vahl-KÜ-ruh C (an opera, with music and libretto by Richard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur]) Walkuren C Walküren C vahl-KÜ-runn C (Valkyries [val-KIH-reez] — anglicized) C (mythical maidens of Odin who choose the heroes to be slain in battle and who conduct their souls into the hall of Odin — characters in the opera Die Walküre [dee VAHL-kü-ruh], music and libretto by Richard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur]) Walkurenritt C Walkürenritt C vahl-KÜ-runn-ritt C (The Ride of the Valkyries [val-KIH- reez] — anglicized version of Walküren [vahl-KÜ-runn]) C (excerpt from the opera Die Walküre [dee vahl-KÜ-ruh], music and libretto by Richard Wagner [RIH-hart VAHG-nur]) Wallaschek C Richard Wallaschek C RIH-hart VAHL-lah-sheck Wallat C Hans Wallat C HAHNSS VAHL-laht Wallberg C Heinz Wallberg C H¦NTSS VAHL-pehrk Wallek walewski C Boles»aw Wallek-Walewski C baw-LESS-wahf VAHL-leck-vah-LEFF- skee Wallenstein C Alfred Wallenstein C AL-frudd WAWL-lunn-st§n Wallenstein C Martin Wallenstein C MAR-teen VAHL-lunn-sht§n Wallerstein C Anton Wallerstein C AHN-tohohn VAHL-lur-sht§n Wallerstein C Lothar Wallerstein C {LO-thur WAHL-lur-st§n} LAW-tar VAHL-lur-sht§n Wallez C Gus Wallez C GUSS wahl-LEZZ Wallfisch C Raphael Wallfisch C RAY-f’l WAHL-fihsh Wallin C Peter Wallin C PEEEH-ter vahl-LEEN Walliser C Christoph Thomas Walliser C KRIH-stawf TOH-mahss VAHL-lih-zur Wallnofer C Adolf Wallnöfer C AHAH-dawlf VAHL-nö-fur Wally C La Wally C lah VAHL-lee C (an opera, with music by Alfredo Catalani [ahl-FRAY- doh kah-tah-LAH-nee]; libretto by Luigi Illica [looEE-jee eel-LEE-kah] after Wilhelmina Von Hillern [vill-hell-MEE-nah fawn HILL-lern]) Walmisley C Thomas Attwood Walmisley C TAH-muss ATT-wôôd WAWMZ-lee Walmisley C Thomas Forbes Walmisley C TAH-muss FAWRBZ WAWMZ-lee Walpurgis C Maria Antonia Walpurgis C mah-REE-ah ahn-TOH-nihah vahl-PÔÔR-ghiss Walpurgisnacht C vahl-PÔÔR-ghiss-nahkt C (vocal duet by Johanness Brahms [yo-HAHN- nuss {BRAHMZ} BRAHAHMSS]) Walshe C Jennifer Walshe C JENN-nuh-fur WAWLSH Walter C Anton Walter C AHN-tohohn VAHL-tur Walter C Bruno Walter C {BROO-no WAWL-tur} BROO-no VAHL-tur C (known also as Bruno Walter Schlesinger [BROO-no VAHL-tur SHLAY-sihng-ur]) Walter C David Edgar Walter C DAY-vudd EDD-gur WAWL-tur Walter C Fried Walter C FREET VAHL-tur Walter C Friedrich Wilhelm Walter C FREET-rihh VILL-hellm VAHL-tur Walter C Georg A.
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