Yolume Xxv. No. 9. Red Bank, N. J., Wednesday, August 27
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YOLUME XXV. NO. 9. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27. 1902. PAGES 1 TO 8. '" A BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED. office, of the New Jersey Southern rail- AUTOMOBILISTS KILLED, THREE AGED PEOPLE DIE road. Four years later be became secre- ARRESTED FOR LARCENY, Sirs. Mary JE, longatreet Was 88 tary to the chief engineer of the Rapid A FATAL ACCIDENT AT ELBERON years Old on Sunday. TWO OF THEM WERE ABOUT Transit subway commission at New ; 7 ALBERT VANBRUNT CHARGED YESTERDAY. Mrs.-Mary E. Lon gstreet of Oceanic EIGHTY YEARS OLD. York, but he continued to live at Long WITH STEALING. , was 83 years old on Sunday and the Branch. He held.this position with the An Automobile, Beyond the Control event; was celebrated with a family re- Mrs. Caroline Goodwin Cook Dies'subway commission until forced to give A Number of Articles Were Stolen of the Driver, Buns Off a lirldg union and dinner. Mrs, Longstreet has at the Age of 70 Years-Mrs. up on account of declining health. Mr. From John F. Meyer's Toolhouae "'- Spanning aMaiiroad and Pinnae eight children and all of them were Peter. Link Dies at the Age of 80 Terry was married three years ago to at Fair Haven aiul the Goods Thirty Feet to the Tracks Below. present at the celebration. The children Years-Other Deaths. - Miss Susie Jj. Creveling, who was a » Were Found in FanBrunt'sBarn. An automobile accident occurred at are Mrs. Edwin Lloyd, Mrs. Henry Rid Mrs. .Caroline Goodwin Cook^ widow teacher in the Long Branch public Albert YanBrunt of Fair Haven was Elberon yesterday afternoon in which die, Mrs. Etta Smith, Mrs. James E of John Cook; died at her home in Mid- schools. Mr. Terry was a member of St. arrested yesterday on two charges of two persom Ipst, their lives and another Bogle and George W. and Frankt Long- dletown township, near Red Bank, "at James's Episcopal church of Long larceny. One of the complaints was received injuries that will probablj street of Oceanic; Mrs. George Curtis half-past one o'clock' this morning. She Branch and of the Masonic lodge. made by John F. Meyer, a summer resi- prove fatal.. Frank J. Matthews, a Jer of Little Silver and Mrs. Jacob Buchanon was in her eightieth year; and death was dent of Fair Haven, and the..other was sey City banker and a summer residenl of Jersey City. • •-•.,.-. due to the infirmities of age. Up to last Edward F. VanDyke. made by Edward H. McCoy, Mr, Meyer's of Allenhurst, was instantly killed; Mrs. Mrs. Longstreet has twenty-seven fall she waB singularly active and vigor- Edward F. VariDyke, proprietor of brother-in-law. VanBrunt was taken to iJ. H. Cobb of Richmond, Virginia, died grandchildren and nine great-grandchil- ous for 'a woman of her years. Mrs. the Third avenue hotel at. Long Branch, Freehold jail this morning to await the .from her injuries afew hours later at th dren. Twenty of the grandchildren and Sarah F. Tompkins, one of Mrs. Cook's died on Friday. He was sick only a action of tbe grand jury. Long'Branch hospital, and Mrs. Lewi. three of the great-grandchildren formed daughters, diedlast November, and Mrs. little over a day. He was of robust ap- On Mr. Meyer's property is a small .Pizzini, also of Richmond, received in a part of Sunday's gathering. ^The Cook's health.and vigor then began to pearance and his sudden death was a building used as a sort of toolhouse. In juries from which she may not recover. three great-grandchildren present we>e fail. Her decline was. hastened by the great shock to his family and friends. it are kept bathing suits, hammocks, .Rev. Father Grant of New York and Josie Buchanon, son of Alfred Bu- death of two great-grandchildren this He was a sort of William T. VanDyke of tools, etc. On July 15th tbe building Rudolph Meyers, Mr. Matthews's chaf- chanon of'Jersey, City; David Louden- spring. She kept up and' about the Long Branch and both of his parents are was broken into and a hammock, two .feur, were also passengers in the ma sh lager, son ofJoseph Loudenshlager of house, however, until last week, when living. He leaves also five brothers and bathing suits, a saw and a lot of tools chine but they were not seriously hurt Asbury Park; and Margaret Lloyd, she was compelled to take' to her bed. two sisters. The brothers are George, were stolen. Several days afterward Mr. Matthews and party were on their daughter of O. F. Lloyd of New York. Her condition was not considered serious William, Charles, Vincent and Flavill Mr. Meyer was told by a friend that a •way to Long Branch in an automobile Altogether there were 48 persons pres- until Friday. On Saturday she become VanDyke. The sisters are Mrs. E. B. hammock which looked like the one belonging to Mr. Matthews. The ma- ent at dinner." Tables were Bet under unconscious, in which state she remained Bonnell and Mrs. Lester House. that had been stolen, was on Charles •chine was of the French type and cost the trees.on the lawn. Twelve of the until her death this morning, wiu the Allen's porch. An investigation fol- 48,000. Mr. Matthews had had the ma- guests remained to tea. A number of exception of a very brief interval on JUrs. Lucy Harrington. lowed and Mr. Meyer learned that Mr. chine only a few days. He took a few persons called during the day to offer Sunday. Allen had obtained the hammock from congratulations, Mrs. Lucy Harrington died on Sunday - lessonB from Chaffeur Meyers and yes- Mrs. Cook was born at a hamlet known at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. VanBrunt. .terday he considered himself sufficiently A number,of pictures were taken of as the English Neighborhood, in tjhe Con Morford of Long Branch. She was A search warrant was issued and more master of the machine to take his friends the family and.of the dirrner scene by northern part of New Jersey, May 9tb, 94 years old and her death was due to a of the stolen property was found in on a spin. The chaffeur warned him George Davis of New York, who was one 1823i In 1848 she married John Cook of general breaking down of her henlth. VanBrunt's barn. VanBrunt's arrest .against such a course, but Mr. Matthews of the guests. One of the pictures was Jersey City. Tbe couple lived in Jersey Mrs. Harrington was a native of Con- followed. He acknowledged the theft • was determined. He took the lever and of Mrs. Longstreet and her children and City until the fall of 1867, when they necticut but she had lived with her when taken before Justice Sickles. He the chaffeur occupied a seat in the rear another was a picture of Mrs. Longstreet, bought a small farm in Middletpwn daughter at Long Branch for the past was put in the Red Bank lookup last »of the machine. her daughters and sons-in-law. township, near Red Bank, and afterward eighteen years. She is survived also by night. Being unable to procure bail, he , Mr. Matthews started off at a alow Mrs. Longstreet is remarkably active made that placet their home. Mr. Cook a son, Prescott Harrington of Rhode was committed to the county jail this •rate of speed but as Jie gained confidence for one of her years and she heartily en- died in November, 1888. Island, and a sister, Mrs. Angeline morning. .in himself he turned ou the power until joyed the celebration given in her honor. Mrs. Cook leaves three children; They Brown of Long Branch. the machine was making about fifteen are Miss Hannah A. Cook, who lives at AN EXCITING RUNAWAY. miles an hour. He did not even slow ST. JAMES'S ANNUAL FAIR. home; John EL Cook of Red Bank ; and Frances Roberts. Daniel H, Cook of Tmton Falls. She .up as he approached the bridge on Park Frances Roberts, youngest child of Charles Chandler Jumps Into the avenue at Elberon that crosses the tracks It in Note in Progress at the Club also leaves ten grandchildren and five Wagon and Stops the Horse. •of the New York and Long Branch rail- house on Monmouth street. great-grandchildren. Nathaniel H. Roberts of Atlantic High- Mrs. Cook united -with tbe Methodist lands, died on Friday of malarial dysen- A horse belonging to Mrs. Haslett, a road. Before reaching the bridge it was The annual fair for the benefit of St. tery, aged three years. The child was boarder at the Prospect house, ran away necessary to cross the tracks of the At- James's /church, Red Bank, was begun church before she was thirteen years of age, and she had been a consistent mem- sick only a few days. The funeral was on Thursday afternoon. There was no- lantic Coast trolley road. When a few on Monday night at the clubhouse on held on Sunday at tho house and was body in the wagon when tbe horse yards from the trolley tracks .a' pedes- Monmouth street. There are the usual at- ber of that church ever since. At the time of her death she was the oldest conducted by Rey. A. B. McLaurin, started. The horse' ran up Broad street. 'train was seen crossing the avenue. The tractions and the fair is being well pastor of tho Central Baptist church. The At tbe corner of Monmouth street machine swerved to the right to avoid patronized.