ThePARIJournal A quarterly publication of the Ancient Cultures Institute Volume XIX, No. 1, Summer 2018 The Monolithic Monuments of Nakum, Guatemala Jarosław Źrałka In This Issue: Christophe Helmke Simon Martin The Monolithic Wiesław Koszkul Monuments of Juan Luis Velásquez Nakum, Guatemala by Introduction The Corpus of Monolithic Monuments Jarosław Źrałka Recent excavations conducted as part at Nakum Christophe Helmke of the Nakum Archaeological Project of Simon Martin Based on the initial exploration of the ar- Wiesław Koszkul the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, chaeological site of Nakum in the first half and Juan Luis Poland, and under direction of Jarosław of the twentieth century and especially Velásquez Źrałka, Wiesław Koszkul, and Juan Luis the archaeological work that has been PAGES 1-28 Velásquez have brought about the discov- conducted at the site, initially as part of ery of two new carved monuments, one the Triángulo Project of the Guatemalan dated to the Late Preclassic (c. 300 BC–AD Institute of Anthropology and History Marc Zender 250/300) and the other to the Terminal under the direction of Oscar Quintana Editor Classic (AD 800–900/950). We also con- and later Vilma Fialko (1988–2008), and
[email protected] ducted excavations around Stela D, parts more recently the Nakum Archaeological of which had already been discovered at Project (2006–present), we now have a Joel Skidmore the beginning of the twentieth century. In good understanding of the corpus of Associate Editor
[email protected] so doing, we found fragments of another monuments at the site. In order to better carved stela that for the most part had convey the results of these various projects been thought to pertain to Stela D on ac- The PARI Journal we tabulate the corpus below, presenting 202 Edgewood Avenue count of contextual proximity.