Peter Wright Mary Anderson Wright
PETER WRIGHT AND MARY ANDERSON A Family Record .....,..,.... 1Mi11,S A. WIIIOMT. Peter Wright and Sons Store Probably about 1845 · PETER WRIGHT AND MARY ANDERSON A Family Record. Genealogy of their descendants and of those of Cecelia Anderson, who married Daniel N call BJ ERNEST NEALL WRIGHT Pasadena, California 1947 Ullloprlnlld Ill U.&A. IDWAU>I BllOTHIIU, INC, ANN Aaaoa, MICHIGAN 1947 PRE.l-'ACE The 11 FAlrlILY RECORD OF J?E'l'ER :VRIGHT AND WIFE", a 1mall pamphlet printed presumably in 1877, forms the ba1is ot this record, A manu·soript copy brought down to 1915 was given me by my cousin, Lillie Wright. I have en• deavored to brirl6 this record up to date and have added some incidental matter, short records ot collateral brnnches ot the tamily and a brief war record, all of which seem pertinent and I trust of interest, Credit tor it's publication is due to the suggestion of my nephew, Francia 'N, Davia, who is paying a considernble part of the expense, I am indebted to my coulins, Joaephine Wright Heap, Hilda Ju1tioe and Margaret Acton Neall, tor auil• tanoe in oolleoting data, Pa1adena 1 Cal1t,, July 27, 1939 1'he SECOND PRINTING brings up to data our immediate family stati1tioal record, broadens our knowledge ot Nicholite history, issues further genealogy or Roser 'Nright 's descendants and puts on record the service records of our boys in the World ·:tar II. Besinning on paee 136. Pa.sadena., Calif',, 104'7 V TRAVELERS IN THE ORIEN'l' The pikes of Pennsylvania run Uphill and downhill in the eun, Bounded by fence and homemade wall Familiar and as usual.
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