CAROL IANNONE BftOADBENT TAX COUNSEL Ms. Donna R. Searcy MARK B. WEINBERG Secretary, F.C.C. 1919 M Street, N.W. RECEIVED Washington, D.C. 20554 JAN 1~. Dear Ms. Searcy: On behalf of the Board of Regents, state of Fl .. cm'7" Acting for and on behalf of the (Uni~~nElaelW sity), we are filing herewith, in triplicate on FCC Form 340, its application for a new noncommercial educational FM station on the frequency 90.9 MHz (Channel 215A) at Crystal River, Florida. University is the licensee of nonco..ercial educational FM station WUFT-FM, Gainesville, Florida, and proposes to operate the Crystal River station primarily as a satellite of Station WUFT-FM. The application also includes a statement pursuant to section 73.1125(a) (4) of the COBmission's rules demonstrating that good cause exists for operation of the proposed Crystal River station with its main studio to be located at the current studio facilities of the University's station WUFT-FM at Gaines­ ville, Florida. No fee i. required for this filing inasmuch as the applicant is a nonco...rcial educational broadcast licensee and will operate the proposed facility on a noncommercial educational basis. See Section 1.1112(c) of the rules. An application for funds is being filed with NTIA in connection with this application. A copy of that application is being filed with the Commission simultaneously herewith. Please address any questions concerning this application to this office. Respectfully sUbmitted,


By: U?~(JI Q. [l~ Robert A. Woods

cc: NTIA RAW/nmc _._--

RECEIVED Approv•• • v 0tJIl FCC 340 ~OOJ' 1 Exp,res ,1IJOtt4 IAU 14 \99-I•• ' ... n for illfoflll,t,on APP LI CAT ION FOR CONSTRUCT' ON PERM IT ~.. r.,.,.,"8 PI/O'iC ."..n -stiM,,, NONCOMMERC I AL EDUCATIONAL 'ROADCAST~lOSCOllSSlON (Carefulty read nstruc'lOns before filflg torm> Re,,," o~maAAY

For Onty


,. ~ Of ApphClnl B9ard 9f Regen:tS, send nollces Incl C()r'IYTU\iClt iOns '0 'lie fOllOwllg person State of Florida, Acting for and 0 " "" 1d0ress below: ~ behalf of the University of Henri Pensis, Station Manager Florida WUFT-FM

S,ree, Address or P.O. Bo)C S"ee, AddreSS or P.O. Bo)C 2206 Weimer Hall, Univ. of Florida 2206 WA;m~r Hall - Universi:v of Fli ZF COde CI'Y ISlI,e I ZF CoOe Cily IS'"e Gainesville FL 32611 na; . 11 e FL l?f\ll TelePhone No. f I"dl/~. " •• l.~./ Telephone No. Itllcll/~. j,•• t.~.1 (Q04) 392-5200

2. TlliS IPPhCI'lon IS for: DAM FM o Tv

(a) Cllinnel NO. or FreQuency Cily S,,,e (b) Prine ipal 215 Corrmunl1y Crystal River FL

(c) Clleck one of 'lie fOllowng bo)Ces:

[K] Appllcal10n for NEW S,Il10n

D MAJOR change In licensed 'ICIIII18Sj call S9": ._ _ _ __.

D MINOR change In licensed 'aCllII18S; CIII S9": _ __ _ _. •..__ D MAJOR modl'ocilion of conSlruCllOn permit: CIII Sign: .._....._ ....__.._..._ .. ..._ ......

File No. of conSlrUC'lOn permll:

D MINOR mod.foclllOn 0' conSlructiOn permil: CIII sign: _ .....__.._. ,

File NO. Of constrUC'iOn pemu1:

D AMENDMENT to pendng IPplieltlOn; IPpllcltlOn file ~er:

NOTE: "is nol necesSiry '0 use 'hiS folTl'\ '0 ImInCl I pre"iOusty filed IPPliC"iOn. ShoulO yOU 00 so, howe"er, pltlSe submn onty Sec"on I l!'ld 1hOse o,her por'lOns of 'lie form 'hll con,.In 'he mended nformatiOn.

3. Is lh,s IPPIOCITlOn rnutlnl~ exclUSl\le wilh I renew,l IPPltcl1iOn) Dyes oa No

Call letters Con'YT'lUn,ly of LICense If Yes, S'ale: City StI,e


fCC "0 f.r""y 11112 Section II- LEGAL QUAli ,;AlIONS'T'e of App he anI

(XJ (a) goverrmental or pub'" educatIOnal agency. board or flSlihJIIOn

o (b) pr"""e nonprofit educltiOnal inStitution

o (c) 01l"er 1a,.~",1 £xtlibl No. 2. For IPPllClfltS 1(c) only, ducribl in an Exhibit the nalurl and IdUClliOna, purPOSI$ of t"- IPPliCant. _..-:7~__

3. For appliClnts l(c) IIlPlyng for I new noncomTllrCla1 edUCltiOnal tellviSiOn stltiOn only, describe 11'1 In Extlibl No. ElCtlltlit hOw thl IPpliclnt's offICers, directors and members of liS goverrmg bO.,d .,e broldly representltlve of Ihe edUCltlOna~ cullurll and civiC sesments of thl principal COI'I"IftIF\IIy to be served.

'l. Describe III In ElCtllDlt hOW thl proposed stltiOn will be used, in accordance wllh ., C.F.R. SectiOn I£lChibSI No. 73.503 or SectIOn 73.62', for Il'le advancement of an edUClllOnal progr.-n. ,

5. Is there Irty provisiOn contllf\ld n any by-laws, Irticlls of irieorporltiOn, p.,Inership .eement, Ch"'ter, 0 Yes [!] No STllute or oTher document whreh would restrict tl'le IPpliCant in Idvaneing an educatIOnal progr~ or complylf'lg with 1""1 COfTYTlISSIOn rule, polrey or provISIOn of ttle Con-rnuniCltiOns Act Of 1Sil34, IS mended'

If y,s, prOvlOe Plrtreulars III ,n ElChib't. Extliblt No.


6. (a) IS th, aDPilcan, III vI0la1l0n of th, proviSiOns of Section 310 of tl'll Con-rnuniClliOns Act of lSi134, D Yes iJ No as mlnd'd, rela',"g to inlerests of Illens Ind foreign goverrmenlS' (Se, instructiOn B to SectIOn II.)

(b) Will Iny fUndS, cred,ts or 011'1,· fll'\.ntlal aSSlStanc, for The constrUCTiOn, purcl'llse or operltiOn of Dyes GI No lhe Stlt,on(S) D' provlOed bV Ihens. foreign enTlt,es, domestiC Intlt..s controilld by " ..ns, or their agents'

If the answer 10 (b) above,s Yes, anach an ElChiblT giving full diSclOsure concerning thiS assistance. IExhibd No.

7. (I) Has an Idverse fll'\dlf'lg beln made or In Idverse flNl actiOn tlkln by "" COUl'1 or lCIminiStrltivl body 0 Yes IilJ No with resplct to th' IPPltcant or parties to thl IPpliClliOn in a cillil or crminal procelding, brought uncler th. provisiOns of In; law r."'eel to ttll folfOwing: ".", fllOnv; t'nlss medii relateel -,\tllrust or unflir Compl'itIOn; frlUClullnl statements to II'IOtl\er goverrmen1l1 unit; or diScrminltiOn?

(b) Is ttlerl now Plnd""" in Ir'i court or lCIminiS'rlt""l body tnt proceeding nOllling "" Of ttle matters 0 v. ~ No ref I rreel to in (I) abOv"

If tfl. answ.r to (I) ~/or (b) 1I>0ve is Ves, attach IS an EJCfIibif I fufl disclOsure of the pel'$ons and 'EIlttibI No. ] mattlrs irl\/Olved, includlllg an identifICatiOn of the court or ICIrM'istrltivl body and ttle proceeding (by dlles Incl fill l'l\I'I'\t)ers), I statement Of the facts uPon whiCh the proc.eding is or WIS blsed Or the nature of thl offense IllIged or corrtnittld, and I descriptiOn of the Current stltus or diSPositiOn of ttle matter. WhIr. thl reqUisite informatiOn hIS b.ln I",,,,r disclOsed in connectiOn with II'IOthtr IPPliCltlOn or IS rlQUirld by 47 U.S.C. SlctiOn USS

FCC UO (PI,. 21 FID'III'y "U Sec1ion II- LEGAL QUAL' 'CATIONS (Pig' 2)


e. Complete the fOllOWing Table with respect to all part..s to tillS appliCation:

(NOTE: H the IlPPilcan1 conslCSers that to furnISh complete informatIOn would pose en '6V'lasOnable burden, II f'Mi reQUIst thlt the C()nTl'\ISStOn wIlVe the stret terms of thIS requirement with appropriatl juStifiCationJ

INSTRUCTIONS: If IlPPlant .. • c.-pcntlon .. an unlnc.-pcntl" •••oclatlon with 10 _ few.. d ..holel.... dock NICf..... holder. of memll...h. cerilfate. _ other oWMrIh. Int..ld.. fill out all co~. givitg 1111 informatiOn reQUISted IS to III offelrs, d"lctors and memblrs of govlrning bOll'd. '" Iddllion, givl 1111 informMiOn IS to .11 persons or IntllieS whO are the benefiCial or rlcord owners Of or lIave 1tlI riflt 10 v011 capl1al S10Ck, men"blrSII~ or ownersh~ Interlsts or are subscriblrs to SUCh Intlrlsts. H the IlPPIIc8M ~. tMn 10 d ..ho...... d" ...ecr...... ho...... of memb....hlp cerilfatl' .. other OWMrIh. Int d.. furniSh 1hl informatiOn 1$ 10 ottiCers. dirlctors, memblrs of governing board, and all persons or .ntllies whO arl tI'l benefiCial or record owners Of or tlIYI 111. rl(lllt 10 vall 1" or more of the CapillI stoe", memberShip or ownersllip lnterlSts••f' ,.! ,.·,.* "'i. • ~UAtIo...I ..lnc~.....,.~ _ 1nat1tUt_. fill OU1 cOUnns (I). (b). and (c) .tet II O' IN governing boIrGn ""r cIl.f .x.c~",.orilt.,('"""" .

Oirlctor or % of: Member Of OwnerSllip (0) or Govlrnitg ~ and ReSidence Offee Held Voting Stoe" (VS) or BOard AddressCes) MemberSllip M YES 1 NO (b) (e)

Charles R. Edwards, Sr. Chairman x P.O. Box 1480 Fort Myers, FL 33902

J. Clint Brown Vice-Chairman x Suite 1700 501 East Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33602

Dubose Ausley x P.O. Box 391 Tallahassee, FL 32302

Betty castor x Department of Education Pl-08, The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399

Alec P. Courtelis x 701 Brickell Avenue Suite 1400 Miami, FL 33131-2822

Robert A. Dressler x 321 Southeast 15 Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

FCC 340 ( 3) Felllu,' y 111112 Section II- LEGAL QUALlr ~ATIONS (Plge 2)


B. Complete 'he followlI"Ig TIDIe wilh resp.e, '0 all par,..s '0 tlliS applica'iOn:

(NOTE: If the 1PPllclnt '"a' '0 furnISh eemplete informa'iOn would poSt It' unr.asonable bll"'n, it ~ reQUls, Ihl' the C()fT"mIS$lOn WI",' III' Slnel 1.ITnS of tills r.qul'emen, willi IPpropr.,. ",stifiel1l0n.)

INSTRUCTIONS: H 1IPPllclnt II • corpontlon or .n unlneorp...t.cI ••••lItlon "'11th 10 .. f.w.. It_hold.... Itode .ubtcrlb.rI, hold.,.. of ""mIt••hlp certlfll:et.. or other oWMr1h1p 1nt...It.. fill OUI ,II coUnns. givWlg tile informatiOn r'QUlsted IS to III, " ...etors and of gov'rning board. ., IdditiOn, live the informatiOn IS to .n persons or .ntilllS whO art Ihe b.fIIfICiit or reeor" Owrllrs of or hlllt the right to YOt. ClPitll stock, ~rshc> or ownershc> Intlr.sts or are to SUCh Inter.Sts. H the ",'Il:ent more theft 10 etodrhohl.... etoc:lc ...... or holder. of member.hlp certlflcat.. or other owner.hlp 1nt It.. furniSh th. i'lformatiOn IS to offiCerS, "netors, of go~.rnll"lO bOlrd, IrICl III p.rsons or .ntities whO art the b.fIIfiCill or record Owrllrs of or h.... the r.gllt to vot, 1% or mort of the Capilli StOCk, mtrnbersllc> or ownersllc> i'll.r.sts. H .....nt II • ,OV.."""nb' .. public .dueatlonal ..,nc,. "owd or Inltltutlon. fill out COUTvls (a). (b). and (c) as to ," of th. fOv.mWlg board and Chief 'X'CutlV.

Orector or % of: Mern:>.r of OwnerShc> CO) or Gov.ming Natne and OffICe Held Voting Stock (VS) or Board Addr.ssees) Memb,rShc> (11,1) YES I NO Cc) Cd)

Pat N. Groner x P.O. Box 17500 Suite 320, 2727 Nort EST. Pensacola, FL 32522-7500

Perla Hantman x 16181 West Troon Circle Miami Lakes, FL 33014

Cecil B. Keene x P.O. Box 13489 St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Jon C. Moyle x P.O. Box 3888 West Palm Beach, FL 33402

Thomas F. Petway, III x P.O. Drawer 10197 JackS9nvi1le, FL 32247-019

Carolyn K. Roberts x 1107 Southeast Seventh St. Ocala, FL 32671

Ross A. Wolf x Office of President University of Central F10r da Orlando, FL 328~

FCC 3.0 (Plge 31 FeDIUlr Y'.'2 Section II - LEGAL QUALI .CATIONS (Plge 3)

9. Ooes Ille IPPhc ant, or eny parly 1o Ihe IPplrcalfon. IIlVe a potitiOn '0 migl'IIe '0 fho o»q>ancled band (1605- 1705 kHZ) or a plrml1 or hcense lither il the .xiSting bend or expanded blOC! '"11 is ".Id trI combtl'lltlOn with Ihe AM facility propos.a 10 be modlfita'

If Yes, provide partICulars 15 an EXhibIt.

10. OOIS the applICant or any party to 'hiS IPPllCltiOn IIIVO, or "lVe '''oy hid, "'" Interest n:

(I> I broldCISt s'"iOn, or penatng brOldCIS' stltiOn IPPllCI1iOn boforo 'ho Con-miSsiOn' [i] v. 0 No

(b) I brOldClSt IPpflClliOn whICh hiS been dismlssea wilh pr.JUdIC. by 111' CorrYniSSlOn' 0". [X] No

(c) I brOadcast IPpllCltiOn whICh hiS been denitd by ,". Corm'llSliOn' o v. [XJ No

(a) a broadClst S"IlOn, the liCenu of whlClI has been reVOked' o v. [iJ No

(e) I broadClst IPphClliOn trI anv pending or concludea CorrYniSsiOn proceodll'lg whiC" Ief' unresohlea o v. [i] No chlrlcter ISSues agllfls1 'lie appllClnt'

If the anSwer to I"" of 'he QUISllons tn (.)-(e) above IS Yes, SIlte tn an EXhibit ,". fOllOwing IEJd\ibl No. information: See below (1) NlrT\t of Plrty hlVtng tnterest; (2) N,ture of trlterest or connectIOn. gflling altes; (3) CIII liners of S!lttons or file n\lT'ltler of applICatIOn or dOCket; and (4) LoclllOn. Applicant is the licensee of noncommercial educational Stations WUFT-FM and WUFT-TV, Gainesville, Florida, as well as low power Station W10BR, Gainesville, Florida.

FCC ,.0 (P'II' .l FlD'''''y 11112 I, ".


NOlt: If Ihls IPpllCITlon IS for I Chlr"\ge trI an op.rlllng facility, 00 NOT fill out tlliS S.ctiOn.

1. IS this IPpfICltlCm contingent uPOr"\ r'C'IPI of I grll'lt from the NatlONl T.ltcomnuniCllIons II'Id []i Yes 0 No Informal IOn AdmtrllSlrlllOn'

2. Is IhlS applicatIOn contingenl uPon r,c'IPI of a granl from I Cllaritlblt organllition, til. IPprOV11 of til. 0 Yes [i] No budgeI of I schOOl or unlV.rsity. or Ir"\ approprll1l0n from I S1l1., COlM'\tY, muniCipllity or oth.r pOlitiCal

sutldIVis iOn'

NOTE: If .Illl.r OuestiOns , or 2 IS answ.r.d """5," your IPPllcMiOn ClMOt be grIM.el ~11 .,1 Of the ,.Ctaart fY'CtS ar. CO/TY'I'\i1I.d or approprIlT.d. In the CIS' of granls from the NlfiONI T.ltcOl'I"IIU'iClliOns Ind Infom"Uon AClminiStrltiOn, no furtll.r IctiOn on your PII'T is r'Qutl'.d. If you r.1y on fY'Cts from I sourc. ap.clfied In QuestiOn 2, you mult .lIvla. the F.e.e. when the f""lIa w. commltt.1I or 1PPr....t.lI. TlliS Should b. ICc~IISII'el &v "".r wnenclment to your appliCatiOn, '" trIP lICit., S.gned '" til. swne manner as tilt origiNl appliCatiOn, Ind c"art;' iClenUfying Ih. applIClliOn to b. wnended.

3. Til. applicant c.rtifllS, IS noted above, tllil suffiCienl nel liQuid .StlS are on hll'ld or tlllt ~ Yes 0 No suffiCient funds Ire avlilable from corrmltted sourc.s to construct II'lCl op.rll. the reQuest.d flCilitits for three mOnthS withOut ICldIt IOnal fundS.


Attach IS In EXhlD,I. I brltf desCription. trI rllfrlllV, form, Of th. ptanned prograrTYTlIng S.rviCe rellttng to (wlll'" No. t", ISSueS Of PubliC concern flctng III. prOPOsed servICe arel. 9

NOTE: No progrlrTl serVICe stltement need b' f"ed Where the orOPos.d statIOn's progra-nnir\g would be wholly ","structlOnl'" IS thaI type of progra-nntrlg IS d.ftneCl tn the inStructiOns 10 tllis SecllOn.


1. Doe, tilt .1PP1lc1N~OPO_t to ,.,.1Ov fte"'lQr.~r. full-ttnl.~s?DNA -:_QI:op..o~ed '11 statl.on l.S to uc: sa .1l.L.OI:: of pUl:>ll.C FM'S'tat'1.O'n WUFI', GaJ.neSVl. e, If VIS, 1tlt .pllelN must neW. In EED progrrn clAtci for h tht Itperlt. Brolclcnt EQUlI Err1)lO\ofntnt OPPO"~ Progrrn R.pon «FCC 3Q8- A). IrCTION VII - CERTFICATION 1. HIS or wll the .pliClN cQrI1:IIv wlh ttl. pwliC notlc. r'Qurement. of .7 C~A. Stctlon 73.358D?

2. TM WIIe- certlfie' thlt, h tilt c.. of In Nlwldull _lie.., M or "" .. not "*jlet to • cltnlll of ftclttll "Nfl. pc,nuem to SectIOn 1301 of .. Anli-DnlI MuM Act of 1", 21 us.c. 1.2, or. 11'1 ... c•• of • non-hcIi1ri11u11 _lIeent ee.... cOf'POl'llIOr\ PI"'N""'lp or other &lftOf'POtlltci ••0- Cllt~, no PIMY to tM 1PP1lc1t1On II ,wjlCt to • CItftiII of fHl'" btNfl. p",~ to thIt .tctlon. For 1tlt dtfhlllOn of I "PIMY'" for ttl... P"PO'.', IN .7 C~A 1.2002(b).

Tilt APPLCANt' hertby waivts "'" cllm to the USt of "'" plMiCuIIr fr'Quency _ IgInst tht rtgulltory power of tht Lkliltcl StlttS btc..t of thl prtviOus USt of the , whlth.r by lIe.ns. or ottltrwll., IflcI r'Quests In IUthorlritiOn h ICcordanct with thll applieltlOn. IS•• '-di.,. 'If ., u. l ",.i,.'i.,., Ad., '''f, .. ..MH.J

The APPLCANt' ICknowledgts thlt II' the Itlttrntnts mIdt h thiS .pliCltiOn IflcI Ittached ,xhblts ere considtrtd m"trill, IflcI that III ,)(f\blts ert I ""'trill plM htrtof IflcI neorpor"td h.rtin.

The APPLCANt' rtprtstnts that thiS appliCitiOn II not flied for tht P"POst of hlptding, obstructing, or dtllVing dlttrmhitlOn on "'" othtr appliCatiOn with whiCh n mIy b' h confliCt.

11'1 ICCordtnet with ., CF.R. SectiOn 1.e5, tht APPL,CANT tin I contft.IinD ob~iOn to lcIviSt the ComniSsiOn. ttlrough wntndmtnts, of "'" substantill ancl SignifiClnt changes h hformltiOn furniShed. J;. WUIUL FALIE ITATEMENTI MADE ON THIS fORM ARE PUNIIHAIU IV'WI AND/OR IMPRISONMENT CU.I. CODE, TITLE 11, IECTION '00'1, AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANV ITATION LICENtE OR CONITRUCTION PERMIT RJ.I. CODE. TITLE .7. IECTION '12"".. AND/OR FORFEITURE RJ.S. CODE. TITLE .7, SECTION loa). I C.rtify thlt tht statlments in thiS appliCation "'I trut end corrtct to thl btst of fT'i knowledgt end btlief, and .,1 madt in good faith.

Nwnt of Apphcant Board of Regents, Title State of Florida, Acting for and on General Manager Behalf of the University of Florida Dltt s~~~ December 21, 1992 --- fCC NOTICE TO INDIVIDUALI MQUIRID IV 'THE PRIVACY ACT AND 'THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT Till lOfictItiln of ....-1 infcrmltiOn '..-ed in Ihll appliClliln II Nwiled bY 'Ill ~iCn Act of 183C. • ImIndld. Till Camnilliln w'" ... the inf."..iOn .,.cwidICI in INI farm 10 dIIlnftinI whllhIr .,... of t'" W1iC1lilln II in the '-Iie inI.... In 'lIChinO 1l1li dIIlflftinltion, .. ,.- IIw "".-cement Pll'1lIIII. • 1M)' III 1lI~ 10 rlf. ....1ClflI1 infcrmlliOn cOfOinld in t'" farm 10 anochlr goytrrrntnt tgIftCY. In .....ion, a" inftrmlliOn .,.o¥idICI in thll fann will III availlb.. f.- '-lie ",*,iOn. If infcmillion 'tcllMltCI on 'Ill fann iI N\II "'O¥idld. "'~inO of Itlt appliCation 1M)' III dtllylCl • lhe appliCation ny III rlllrned wlnour actilln Pll'SUInI to tilt ComnilSiOn's ru... YOII' r..,.,.. II requrlCl 10 oIIIIin lhe '1QUISIId Mahar.y.

'''lie repartinO IMrdln f. 11111 collectilln of infI'''''ion is ..inlttd to Yffy from 78 10 302 hoIrs 20 mirUtS wlh an a~... of 171 hoIrs 3e rniMatS .... rtlflO'll.. ThIS. ..inMtS inCludeS lhe tint f. rtvilwinO inStructiON. ....chinG Ixiltinll dIla 10000C.. lJIf"-inO and ""naining tflt .. ,...." and ~lI«inO and 't'tiewinll the colltcliln of infcrmlliOn. CcIn"r'IlIrU r....dinO thil bIIdtn ..inltt .- any OC"- lIIItet of thil collletion of WcrrnMion. inCludinll lUOOtSfiorS f. ,tducinO lhe IMrdtn, can III .tnt to the FICInI CcmnuniClliors Comnilsion. Infcnl'lllion RtsOlI'c. Ihncll, RoomtUS. Paperw.k R.ductiOn Project. Washinglon. D.C. 2OSS4. and to the Offic. of Manlgerntnt ancI Budget. Pap.-wcrk RlcluetiOn PrOject (30&0-0034), Wastlinglon. D.C. 20&03.

THE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REOUIRED IV Tl4E PRIVACV ACT OF '174, Pol. 11-17', DECEM'ER ", "7., , U.S.C. &128ft"), AND Tl4E PAPERWCJNc REDUCTION ACT OF '''0, P.L. 11-''', DECEMBER ", '"0, .4 U.S.C. 3&07.

FCC 3.0 (P.~e 23l FetHully 1.112 Feoirl' CommunlelUons Commission Approvecl Dy 0M8 WISflington. D.C. Z~fl. 3080-0'20 .,ROADCAST EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OP.."RTUNITY Expires 81'30183 MODEL PROGRAM REPORT


...,. of Applicant Board of Regents, Address Henri Pensis, Station Manage~ State of Florida, Acting for and on WUFT-FM behalf of the University of Florida 2206 Weimer Hall University of Florida Telephone llUnber (inClude area code) Gainesville, FL 32611 (904) 3925200

2. This form is being submitted in conjunction with:

Application for Construction Permit for New Station o Application for AsS9ment of License

Application ·for Transfer of Control (al Can letters (or channel runber of frequency) •• _ (b) COI"m'UIity of License (city and state) ••__•_ (C) service: o ANI 0 FM 0 TV 0 Other (Specify)


Applicants seeking authority to construct a new cOl'Tm8rcia~ noncomnercial or internatIOnal broadcast station, applicants seeking autflOrity to Obtain assigrment of the construction permit or license of sueh a stltlon, and applicants seeking authority to acquire control of an entity hotellng such construction permit or license are required to afford equal emplo',ment opportunity to an qualified persons and to refrain from discrmlnltlOn in emptoo,ment and related benefils on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or sex. see section 73.2080 of the Corrmlssion's Rules. Pursuant to these requirements, an applicant who proposes to employ five or more full-nne etnployees must establish a progr~ designed to assure equal &mplO'tf'nent opportunlly for women and mlnorlly $P'0ups (",It Is, BlKks not of HiSpanic origin, Asianl or Pacific Islanders, American Indianl or A_kin NltNeS and Hispanics). ThiS is s\bmltted to the Conmission as the Model EEO Prognm. If minOrity group representltion in the lVI_ie labor force Is less than five percent (i'I the Iggregate), a progrrn for minOrity group members is not required. In sueh cases, a stlt.".nt so /n(/ieatlng must be set forth i'I the EEO model progr;m. However, a progr~ must be flied for women since they comprise a significant percentage of vi1ualti all area labor forces. If an applicant proposes to employ fewer than five full-tme employees, no EEO progr~ for women or minorities need be filed.

QuletellMa for • Model EEO PrOfl"8"' Mel • Model EEO Progrem ..e att.ched.

NOTE: Check appropriate box, sign the certification below and return to FCC:

[i] Station will erT1lloy fewer than 5 fuH-tm. employ.esi therefore no written progrrn is being submitted.

Station wiD employ 5 or more full-tm. employees. Our Model EEO Progrrn Is attached. (You must complete all o sections of this form.)

I certify thlt the statements made herein are true, complete, and correct to the best of rrtf knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.

Signed and dated this 21 s t day of Decembe r , 19~ ~ ~]g-== Signed --,- Title General Manager


FCC Form 31ltl-A Septemller ,gg1 «


The model EED progr.-n adopted bV the ComniSsion for construction pennit appliclnts, assignees and transfe,.es contains five sections designed to assist the appliCant in establishing an effective EEO progr~ for its station. The specifiC elements whiCh should be addressed are as follows:

L GENERAL POLICY The first section of the progr~ should contain a statement by the appliCant that it will afford equal emplo'tfl'ent opportunity in all personnel actions without regard to race, colOr, religion, national origin or sex, and that it has adopted an EEO progr~ whiCh is designed to ful~ utiliZe the skillS of qualified minorities and women in the relevant available labor force.


ThIS sectIOn clllS for the ,.". (If known) and title of the offiCial who will be designlted by the appliCll'lt to have responsl)lllty for rnpllrnenting the stltlOn's progrlm.

ilL POLICY DISSEMINATION The purpose of this sectIOn Is to disclOse the manner In whiCh the statIOn's EEO polley will be c~iCated to employees and prospectlile employees. The appllcll'lt" proVlrft should IrIdIc"e whether It: (Il Intends to uUllze an emplo¥'nent appllcltlOn fonn which contlN I notice informing job applicants that dlscrtninltiOn IS prohl)lted and th.t P.rsons who believe that they have b.en dlScrminlted IgIIlnst may notify approprllfe goverrmentll IgtncIeS; (b) will post I notice which Infol'ml job applicants and employees that the applicant IS an equal opportunity employer and that they mav notify appropriate goverrmentll IUthorltles If they belleve thlt they have been dlscrmlnlted IgIInst; and (c) will seek the cooperitlOn of labor unIOns, If represented It the stltlOn, In the rnpllrnentltlOn of Its EEO provlrft and In the inclusIOn of nondlScrl'nNtlOn provisIOns In unIOn contracts. The applicant Should IISO Sit forth ".,., other methods It proposes to utiliZe In conveying Its EEO policy (e.g.. orlentltlOn materialS, on-Ir announcements, station newsletter) to employees and prospective emplOyees.


The applicant should specify the recruitment sources and other techniques It proposes to use to attrlCt qualified minority and female job applicants. Not III of the categories of recruitment sources need be utIlIZed. The purpo.. of the liSting IS to IsslSt . the applicant In develOping specilllred referrll sources to establISh I pool of qualified minorities and women who Can be contlCted as job opportunities occur. Sources which subseqUlnt~ prove to be nonproductive Should not be relled on and new sources should be sought.

v. TRAINWO Trllning prOVIrnS .e not mandltory. ElCh applicant IS expected to decide, dep.ndlng upon Its own Indlvldull situatIOn, whether I 'rlining pro..-n IS f••I)" and WOUld asSISt In Its effort '0 here.e the avallIb.. pool of quafff..d mhorlty and femM applICants. Addlllonetti, the applicant may set forth ".,., other .slstanee II proposes to glve to students, SChoolS or colleges which IS designed to be of benefIC to minorities and women Inter.sted In entering the broldcatlng field. The beneficiary of such ISslStance ShOuld be lISted, IS well IS the fonn of ISslStanee, such • contrl)utJons to scholarships. participation In work study provlrnS, and the Ilk••



II will be our polICy to provide "",Jot,ment OPpOrt~ to .11 quallf..d Indlvldulll without regercl to their rICe. color, religion, ""1oN1 origin Qf' sex In III personnel ICtlOns including recruitment, 1VIluIt1On. ....ctlOn, promotIOn. campensltlOn, trllnlng and tennlnltlOn.

It wHI IISo be our polley to promote the relllzltlOn of equal If'r1)lo¥'nent opportunity through I posltlv., continuing prOVlrft of specific prlCtlces designed to ensure the full relllzition of equal 1f'r1)1O',fnent opponunlty withOut regard to race, color, r.lIglOn, national origin or sex.

To make thiS polICy e"ectlve, and to ensure conformance with the Rules and R.gulatlOns of the Federll Con"t'tU'lcltlOns ComnissiOn, we h~ adopted an Equal Emplo¥'nent Dpport~ity Progr~ which Includes 'he following elements:



To ISsure that IU members of the staff .e cognizant of our equal emplo¥'nent opportunity policy and their individual responsl)ilitles in carrying out this policy, the fOllowing comnunicltion efforts will be made: ...-:.

FCC ' ....A (Page 2) leptllllO.r 1l1tH Exhibit 7 NATURE AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES WUFT-FM is an educational, .non-commercial public radio station licensed to the state of Florida Board of Regents acting on behalf of the University of Florida. WOrT-FM serves two basic missions. It is the sole source for quality programming of an alternative nature. This programming consists of National Public Radio news, national and local publ ic affairs programming, jazz, folk and classical music, radio drama and new age music. wurT-FM provides a 24 hour a day, 365 day a week broadcast service. Our second mission comes about because of our relationship wi th the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications. This professionally staffed station provide. J&C students with the opportunity to gain experience as broadcasters. One hundred students a semester work with professionals in our news, progra~ng, operations and traffic offices to develop marketplace skills for future employment. The success of this combined mission was graphically illustrated this year when we won nine Associated Press Awards for stories that our students and staff produced for broadcast in our local news programs. We also won two regional awards for programs that were produced as a result of our community outreach. To top that off, we received the second highest Cume Share in the country, according to Arbitron, for the Fall of 1991. We have been on the air since 1982 and have been rated the top public radio station in the country for Metro Cume share five times in our history. We have produced news and cultural programming that has been syndicated by National Public Radio, American Public Radio and Florida Public Radio and have produced a large number of graduates that have gone on to successful, careers in broadcasting. These are our two missions and we have managed to successfully combine them throughout our ten year existence. We will continue to provide our listening community with the best public radio programmdng available and we will continue to provide our students wi th the best possible professional training experience in the country. bbibit 8


The new station will be used to correct a major reception prob­ Ie. that has occurred with the sign-on of a new 50,000 watt religious station in TarPOn Springs and will extend WUFT-FM's signal to currently unserved Citrus County (and portions of Hernando and Sumter Counties). Attached as Exhibit 8A is a copy of our CPB Expansion Grant proposal and the Letter of Award from CPB concerning the Planning Grant, which is the genesis for this application for a new pUblic PM station at Crystal River, Florida. Before the sign-on of station WCFE-PM on 88.9 MHz, we had no problems with our listeners being able to receive the WUFT-FM 89.1 MHz signal. Now they have great problems and are unable to receive our signal. Copies of illustrative complaint letters are included in the attached CPB Expansion Grant proposal (Exhibit C). That Proposal also includes maps showing pUblic radio coverage in Florida (Exhibit A). These maps demonstrate that Citrus County is the last significantly populated area that is unable to tune in a CPB-qualified pUblic radio signal. Our conSUlting engineers have determined that there is only one frequency left that will accommodate a pUblic radio station and that frequency is Channel 215. We are proposing to operate a 2,500 watt station that will primarily si.ulcast the signal that we originate in Gaines­ ville. We have worked out a tentative agreement for lease of a tower site. For further information concerning the program schedule and additional local origination capabilities, see Exhibit 9.