U?~(JI Q. [L~ Robert A

U?~(JI Q. [L~ Robert A

LAw OFFICES SCHWARTZ. WOODS Be MILLER SUITE 300. THE DUPONT CIRCLE BUILDING 1350 CONNECTICUT AVENUE. N.W. ROBEftT A. WOODS ,,..­ CABLE: SWMLAW FACSIMILE (202) 833·2351 LAWRENCE M. t.Wi.i.'~\". 202·833.1700 STEVEN C- SCHA~ OF COUNSEL MALCOLM G. STEVENSON January 14, LOUIS SCHWARTZ CAROL IANNONE BftOADBENT TAX COUNSEL Ms. Donna R. Searcy MARK B. WEINBERG Secretary, F.C.C. 1919 M Street, N.W. RECEIVED Washington, D.C. 20554 JAN 1~. Dear Ms. Searcy: On behalf of the Board of Regents, state of Fl .. cm'7" Acting for and on behalf of the University of Florida (Uni~~nElaelW sity), we are filing herewith, in triplicate on FCC Form 340, its application for a new noncommercial educational FM station on the frequency 90.9 MHz (Channel 215A) at Crystal River, Florida. University is the licensee of nonco..ercial educational FM station WUFT-FM, Gainesville, Florida, and proposes to operate the Crystal River station primarily as a satellite of Station WUFT-FM. The application also includes a statement pursuant to section 73.1125(a) (4) of the COBmission's rules demonstrating that good cause exists for operation of the proposed Crystal River station with its main studio to be located at the current studio facilities of the University's station WUFT-FM at Gaines­ ville, Florida. No fee i. required for this filing inasmuch as the applicant is a nonco...rcial educational broadcast licensee and will operate the proposed facility on a noncommercial educational basis. See Section 1.1112(c) of the rules. An application for funds is being filed with NTIA in connection with this application. A copy of that application is being filed with the Commission simultaneously herewith. Please address any questions concerning this application to this office. Respectfully sUbmitted, SCHWARTZ, WOODS & MILLER By: U?~(JI Q. [l~ Robert A. Woods cc: NTIA RAW/nmc _._-- RECEIVED Approv•• • v 0tJIl FCC 340 ~OOJ' 1 Exp,res ,1IJOtt4 IAU 14 \99-I•• ' ... n for illfoflll,t,on APP LI CAT ION FOR CONSTRUCT' ON PERM IT ~.. r.,.,.,"8 PI/O'iC ."..n -stiM,,, NONCOMMERC I AL EDUCATIONAL 'ROADCAST~lOSCOllSSlON (Carefulty read nstruc'lOns before filflg torm> Re,,," o~maAAY For Onty Section I- GENERAL INFORMATION File No. 93OJ/ ]l/YJ/J ,. ~ Of ApphClnl B9ard 9f Regen:tS, send nollces Incl C()r'IYTU\iClt iOns '0 'lie fOllOwllg person State of Florida, Acting for and 0 " "" 1d0ress below: ~ behalf of the University of Henri Pensis, Station Manager Florida WUFT-FM S,ree, Address or P.O. Bo)C S"ee, AddreSS or P.O. Bo)C 2206 Weimer Hall, Univ. of Florida 2206 WA;m~r Hall - Universi:v of Fli ZF COde CI'Y ISlI,e I ZF CoOe Cily IS'"e Gainesville FL 32611 na; . 11 e FL l?f\ll TelePhone No. f I"dl/~. " •• l.~./ Telephone No. Itllcll/~. j,•• t.~.1 (Q04) 392-5200 2. TlliS IPPhCI'lon IS for: DAM FM o Tv (a) Cllinnel NO. or FreQuency Cily S,,,e (b) Prine ipal 215 Corrmunl1y Crystal River FL (c) Clleck one of 'lie fOllowng bo)Ces: [K] Appllcal10n for NEW S,Il10n D MAJOR change In licensed 'ICIIII18Sj call S9": ._ _ _ __. D MINOR change In licensed 'aCllII18S; CIII S9": _ __ _ _. •..__ D MAJOR modl'ocilion of conSlruCllOn permit: CIII Sign: .._....._ ....__.._..._ .. ..._ ...... File No. of conSlrUC'lOn permll: D MINOR mod.foclllOn 0' conSlructiOn permil: CIII sign: _ .....__.._. , File NO. Of constrUC'iOn pemu1: D AMENDMENT to pendng IPplieltlOn; IPpllcltlOn file ~er: NOTE: "is nol necesSiry '0 use 'hiS folTl'\ '0 ImInCl I pre"iOusty filed IPPliC"iOn. ShoulO yOU 00 so, howe"er, pltlSe submn onty Sec"on I l!'ld 1hOse o,her por'lOns of 'lie form 'hll con,.In 'he mended nformatiOn. 3. Is lh,s IPPIOCITlOn rnutlnl~ exclUSl\le wilh I renew,l IPPltcl1iOn) Dyes oa No Call letters Con'YT'lUn,ly of LICense If Yes, S'ale: City StI,e ~,. fCC "0 f.r""y 11112 Section II- LEGAL QUAli ,;AlIONS 1I.la'T'e of App he anI (XJ (a) goverrmental or pub'" educatIOnal agency. board or flSlihJIIOn o (b) pr"""e nonprofit educltiOnal inStitution o (c) 01l"er 1a,.~",1 £xtlibl No. 2. For IPPllClfltS 1(c) only, ducribl in an Exhibit the nalurl and IdUClliOna, purPOSI$ of t"- IPPliCant. _..-:7~__ 3. For appliClnts l(c) IIlPlyng for I new noncomTllrCla1 edUCltiOnal tellviSiOn stltiOn only, describe 11'1 In Extlibl No. ElCtlltlit hOw thl IPpliclnt's offICers, directors and members of liS goverrmg bO.,d .,e broldly representltlve of Ihe edUCltlOna~ cullurll and civiC sesments of thl principal COI'I"IftIF\IIy to be served. 'l. Describe III In ElCtllDlt hOW thl proposed stltiOn will be used, in accordance wllh ., C.F.R. SectiOn I£lChibSI No. 73.503 or SectIOn 73.62', for Il'le advancement of an edUClllOnal progr.-n. , 5. Is there Irty provisiOn contllf\ld n any by-laws, Irticlls of irieorporltiOn, p.,Inership .eement, Ch"'ter, 0 Yes [!] No STllute or oTher document whreh would restrict tl'le IPpliCant in Idvaneing an educatIOnal progr~ or complylf'lg with 1""1 COfTYTlISSIOn rule, polrey or provISIOn of ttle Con-rnuniCltiOns Act Of 1Sil34, IS mended' If y,s, prOvlOe Plrtreulars III ,n ElChib't. Extliblt No. CITIZENSHIP AND OTHER STATUTORY REOUIREMENTS 6. (a) IS th, aDPilcan, III vI0la1l0n of th, proviSiOns of Section 310 of tl'll Con-rnuniClliOns Act of lSi134, D Yes iJ No as mlnd'd, rela',"g to inlerests of Illens Ind foreign goverrmenlS' (Se, instructiOn B to SectIOn II.) (b) Will Iny fUndS, cred,ts or 011'1,· fll'\.ntlal aSSlStanc, for The constrUCTiOn, purcl'llse or operltiOn of Dyes GI No lhe Stlt,on(S) D' provlOed bV Ihens. foreign enTlt,es, domestiC Intlt..s controilld by " ..ns, or their agents' If the answer 10 (b) above,s Yes, anach an ElChiblT giving full diSclOsure concerning thiS assistance. IExhibd No. 7. (I) Has an Idverse fll'\dlf'lg beln made or In Idverse flNl actiOn tlkln by "" COUl'1 or lCIminiStrltivl body 0 Yes IilJ No with resplct to th' IPPltcant or parties to thl IPpliClliOn in a cillil or crminal procelding, brought uncler th. provisiOns of In; law r."'eel to ttll folfOwing: ".", fllOnv; t'nlss medii relateel -,\tllrust or unflir Compl'itIOn; frlUClullnl statements to II'IOtl\er goverrmen1l1 unit; or diScrminltiOn? (b) Is ttlerl now Plnd""" in Ir'i court or lCIminiS'rlt""l body tnt proceeding nOllling "" Of ttle matters 0 v. ~ No ref I rreel to in (I) abOv" If tfl. answ.r to (I) ~/or (b) 1I>0ve is Ves, attach IS an EJCfIibif I fufl disclOsure of the pel'$ons and 'EIlttibI No. ] mattlrs irl\/Olved, includlllg an identifICatiOn of the court or ICIrM'istrltivl body and ttle proceeding (by dlles Incl fill l'l\I'I'\t)ers), I statement Of the facts uPon whiCh the proc.eding is or WIS blsed Or the nature of thl offense IllIged or corrtnittld, and I descriptiOn of the Current stltus or diSPositiOn of ttle matter. WhIr. thl reqUisite informatiOn hIS b.ln I",,,,r disclOsed in connectiOn with II'IOthtr IPPliCltlOn or IS rlQUirld by 47 U.S.C. SlctiOn USS<c) in thl CiS. of IdJUdiClted proceedings, the IPpliClnt neeel only provide: (i) In idlntlflCatlOn of thlt prlvlOUS SUbmiSsiOn by rlferlnce to ttll fill nuTtler in the clSe of In IIlPhCI1I()n. the Cill litters of Itle stlllOn regarding wtIiCh 'tie IPpliClliOn or SectiOn US5 informatIOn was f'lId, and the date of filing; Ind (Ii) I alSCrCltiOn Of thl currlnt StiluS or dISPositIOn of Ttle prevlOus~ reporred matler. FCC UO (PI,. 21 FID'III'y "U Sec1ion II- LEGAL QUAL' 'CATIONS (Pig' 2) PARTIES TO APPLICATION e. Complete the fOllOWing Table with respect to all part..s to tillS appliCation: (NOTE: H the IlPPilcan1 conslCSers that to furnISh complete informatIOn would pose en '6V'lasOnable burden, II f'Mi reQUIst thlt the C()nTl'\ISStOn wIlVe the stret terms of thIS requirement with appropriatl juStifiCationJ INSTRUCTIONS: If IlPPlant .. • c.-pcntlon .. an unlnc.-pcntl" •••oclatlon with 10 _ few.. d ..holel.... dock NICf..... holder. of memll...h. cerilfate. _ other oWMrIh. Int..ld.. fill out all co~. givitg 1111 informatiOn reQUISted IS to III offelrs, d"lctors and memblrs of govlrning bOll'd. '" Iddllion, givl 1111 informMiOn IS to .11 persons or IntllieS whO are the benefiCial or rlcord owners Of or lIave 1tlI riflt 10 v011 capl1al S10Ck, men"blrSII~ or ownersh~ Interlsts or are subscriblrs to SUCh Intlrlsts. H the IlPPIIc8M ~. tMn 10 d ..ho....... d" ...ecr.... .. ho...... of memb....hlp cerilfatl' .. other OWMrIh. Int d.. furniSh 1hl informatiOn 1$ 10 ottiCers. dirlctors, memblrs of governing board, and all persons or .ntllies whO arl tI'l benefiCial or record owners Of or tlIYI 111. rl(lllt 10 vall 1" or more of the CapillI stoe", memberShip or ownersllip lnterlSts••f' ,.! ,.·,.* "'i. • ~UAtIo...I ..lnc~.....,.~ _ 1nat1tUt_. fill OU1 cOUnns (I). (b). and (c) .tet II O' IN governing boIrGn ""r cIl.f .x.c~",.orilt.,('"""" . Oirlctor or % of: Member Of OwnerSllip (0) or Govlrnitg ~ and ReSidence Offee Held Voting Stoe" (VS) or BOard AddressCes) MemberSllip M YES 1 NO (b) (e) Charles R. Edwards, Sr. Chairman x P.O. Box 1480 Fort Myers, FL 33902 J. Clint Brown Vice-Chairman x Suite 1700 501 East Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33602 Dubose Ausley x P.O. Box 391 Tallahassee, FL 32302 Betty castor x Department of Education Pl-08, The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399 Alec P.

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