Cathy Fu&Of Cranford Named Western Union Co* Junior Miss New City
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Beoond Class Postage Paid ' Vol. XXXV. No. 47. 4 Sections, 30 Pages "tRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 196B Crsnford, N*w Jersey 07016 -if 15 CENTS UNITED FUND RESULTS TO DATE Cathy Fu&of Cranford Named ., , , - Division Clialrpian Goal Results to Date Diamond, Golden and Silver . .Homer Fisher . .$23,Ot5o.OO $25,041.62; Commercial Ellis Robinson . 9,500.00. 8,8T5.50 Western Union Co* Junior Miss Industry . .' Norman Roden 28,000.00 24,491.47 Cathy Fus"of;~2 Park Ter. was Schools William Martin 4;300.00 4,369.00 • chosen' Western Union County's John Fitzgerald Junipr Miss of 1969 Saturday night Municipal'Errip. , 700.0Q 505.00 at the third annual Junior Miss Clubs and ... The year-4nd holiday season Pageant sponsored by the Cran- Organizations C. Stevens, Jr. l,5Op.OO 1,023.00 will get. into, full, swing in ford Jaycees. The pageant was Residential Cranford this weekend with held at Cranford High School with • '(Inch Telethon) Carl Umland "31,000.00 26,561.44 the Chamber of Commerce " 12 -finalists from Westfie'ld, Berke- ley Heights, Murray Hill, Plain- $90,807.03 Christmas decorations in the field arid Cranford competing for shopping center scheduled to honors.. , begin glowing each flight/ starting this evening, and ard of Westfield, arrd second run- Santa: Glaus tlue;"to"arrijri^iiir ner-up was Pam Langston of Berke-. UNITED FUND RESIDENTIAL DRIVE town, Saturday morning. ley Heights. Most local 'stores, featuring __Miss JFus also placed first in Comparative Analysis Of 1968 gay holiday decorations' and new judging on youth fitness and crea- With Final Repprfs In 1967 •< stocks of items, suitable for holiday tive and performing arts^ Youth giying and entectaining, will be fitness consisted of all the con- District 1007 • Money Reo'd. to Date Chairman open evenings fromv now. until testant participating in an inter- 1 ' $ 675.38 $ 695.50- *Mrs. Dora Kuzsma pretation of "Slaughter on Tenth 1,559:50 rj.burdifr In the annual project financed 5^—*-Johtreoborrr by the Chamber of Commerce and __ iy_Zach^DL carried out by the Jaycees, Santa f drming^arts^divisio«r-Miss. -Fits, 862.50 . 9Q8.50 t*Ted Watkins Glill lS~\accomplished pianist, played 762.00 ' 871.00 Mountain this Saturday and tour the town - selections^from lJ£ran_ Liszt's on^a fire-engine-to see-where-all- r ],81,L89i_ 1,495.00 > fcoss— "Etude7 . --•—~r~— -^__. the -children live. \ '--'•--••-•;:• ••'--. --- —^ Cathy is a member of the Music £EAN^ WI^ • ;A.t?the end of Santa's fire engine" r 9 17058;50~~~^~V1IQ23T5_( wheresh^^^^fc^!foMH^7SfiIy 7 " ifeer^nf:^ 6^hill^f^H She is ptesident-of the -Westfield Union County Junior Miss of 1969 at the third annual Junior Miss Pble^locatedAit the- taew-_MaBger_ 11 437.00 733.75==ES;*M7s7Ti Junior Music Club, secretary;of.tiie. PageantJieid_by..theJSranfprd^jjy^e^a^t^anfor6Vfligh School on building-adjacentrJtoJjtJh.e_.North^ Cranford High School Choir, was Saturday. With her, left to right, are PamXang^oirof^erkBley- -13— __£V,471.00. Mrs#.'John Oathout . X in the cast of the class play and has -Heights secondmnner-up»and Jackie Shepard ot Westfield, first 829.91 received the DARCiood Citizen- r 14 1,493.55 through pecember-2l.; ship^ Award. "runner-up. : 0 83^0 Mrs! William Gollfins When sh . Photo by Bergen Studio of Commerce and the Jaycees for *Dominicimar Ak M nHiflfirhiM^ifiDhdBarbuto h LIGHTING UP FOR HOLIDAYS IsidorJi. Gross, retiring? inviting me to Cranford," Santa "Jiafv^specific goal for the future president of the Chamber of Commerce, is shown oh ladder ready- Claus said this week in a message 1,883.50 ^ -Don AActiJelUs = is to be a musician. I have studied stmoo ,0.51 .fin -" Frank, Nassbe'rq .to throw.switch to jMuminate_the chamberlsJioUday^decoyations~in" sent to John ^.=RiU^ii Bfdf?r the_plano for nine years and Have Wilsonf co-chairmen for- the.Jaycee -5,053,00 --^ .50 — Richard Robey wTTn"foreground^ Joft~to flghfy arb Bernard S. r HbJd~ numeroUs-^opportUnities - to= ^ holiday project ~' teachfan^erform. Because I have *1968 Gifts Exceed 1967 •Wllloughby, decoration's committee chairman, and Township "I hope all the children in town enjoyed it so much, I'd like to work The Suburban Symphony Orchestra will present its second concert Engineer Patrick J. Grail, whose) department installed the will come out to chat with Santa for a bachelor of music degree in of the .season in Cranford High School at 8 p.m. ihis Sunday, featuring x decorations: . ' '• Claus and receive the special treats ed;ucation-and later~a~degfee-iin_ Kathleen S. Bride' of IBS Cranford Ave., harpist, as soloist, and Henry provided for them," Dr. Victor EL __irformance. When I have accomp- Bloch as conductor; : i Sabeh, president of the Jaycees, : lished this, I will~feel~fiatfilted-asTr ty^^aa'Uate^tMe^^ laid. : ':•.•;.•:••.> :•: •• :' ; - 1 fiitv. Miss Bride has The-Gham^m t Cathv plans to attend the New purchased 2,400 candy canfes for England Conservatory of Music been nlaving the harp since she was! h:H II n [ 111 r#» HI m i J 11 *A ««ri is i >« «• n 5 distribution' to children during next year. She also will be repre- 6. jrears old. "At Juilliard she is a pupil of the' internationally-recog- (Dbtectivte Stephen 0. {Schlapak of the Cranford ipolice Department The sound of music —• holiday musicV- 'will be senting this area iiv the New Jer- was featured as "Police Ofiicer of the Isfcue" in a recent issue of Police, ,_, his trip around town pni'Sat-' aay Juiiloi.Mi-a Pttgcont to harpist-composer. throughout the Cranford public school system between now arid urday, Santa Claus will leave from : ri : ay, ^jldn^ -Januayy-as. •'-""'. ' ir ''.'•'•''• .... .;. \£... ' .. '.-,4.v;-.-r'••••'.••'.•: •..''•' oil, January 17 and 18 at Newark •:";'•;••••'••••• * i the. fifirre i house and "travel the fol- StatfeC0U6ge^whichicwadleadOla Marcel grand j any. merit ta:natidnalfeomjpietiUoai!iitOTi.:; proglcamsTTlie series7 ^rda¥j^ . v * The-: first runper-up -fe ah out- awarded Miss Bride a scholarship Phief Matthew T.:Hflney, who Avenue Junior Hgh School, a holi- jfial Ayl^; MPde^ the railroad standing student at Westfield High for the pafet 6 years and she is now wrote in his nominating letter: day concert Monday at-Lincoui bridge; & Soijrth^Ave.i ;huTi right to School and has received the' DAK. at Juilliard With a new full scholar- "Detective Schlapak is an out- Heavy Rainfall School, and a holiday program last fttgft''! North Lehigh: Ave; and Good Citizenship Award. She also ship. standing .citizen and police officer. night at Livingston Avenue, School. go le'ft to Lincoln Aye., right;'to is am^mber of the NationaI>Honor' Two programs are sche'duled this Meeker Ave. and left to South Ave. Miss Bride will be soloist for He has been c^ted by my office fbjr Clogging Leaves Society- and participates in njanyri as far as Walnut Aye. outstanding police work and also coming week. A holiday concert, on v clubs. She plans to pursue a carr "Danses Sacre et Profane," by De- received citations from the, ,gov- Crf^d Monday at 7:30 p.m< in the auditor- " Down WaliS5.t^.16'Lincoln Aye.; : eer-m-foreign languages and-^will bussy,; and ""Concert; Piece for Harp ernng bodVattd;tiie grand jury.; The-two-inch-rainfall-yesterday, Sherman School, and a holi- turn right to Retford Ave., left on attend' .Middlebury College next and Orchestra," by Pierne. TheWith his background and reputa- coupledcoupleuldd** with clogging leavtyj inin day .y Retfordi Aye. .to^Lexington_Aye._ year. Miss Shepard, who is also a orchestra also_^vill play Beetho- tion, I feel Detective Schlapak is gutters and catch basinsbi , resulted p.m. in. the auditorium.of Walnut Santa will then turn left to North. member of the Twiiliug Squad, -deserving ot.this' great honor." in, flooding at some intersections in Avenue School. ;' ' Ave. to Orchard St, turn righTtp twirled to "A Taste of Honey," by ven's Cariolanus Overture, UpSs" Brookfiide PL to yillow.St. as far 62," and "Symphony No. 8 in G Other attributes which lea idthe township but caused no Herb Alpert, during the creative Detective Schlapak's selection for trouble, Township Engineer Pat- December -17 -^Cleveland- School, as West EHd PI. and lfeft tq,Sprujg-i: forming arts competition. Major, Opus 88," by Dvorak. field Ave. ' The ;.second runner-up7~lBiss this award made on a national basis rick J. Grail reported." ' 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., holiday con- : Tickets-are available-fromJMurjL "werer-cited-in-the—journaL^article_ cert; Bloomingdale School, 1:30' Tie will then. turn right down Langston, is also an outstanding ray Rose of 414 ^Orchard "St., Mr. Grall-said -that^althQUghJhe as: "Hi^ dedication, to.iamily,. bjs, Rahway River was swollen, there pTmT, holiday concert. •--———- student who- is involved in; many the Union Cbuttty Trust Co., Sub- participation in civifc activities and December 18 — .Roosevelt to Nprmandie P.I., to.Craig PL, and.. extra curricular activities. She r* KATHLEEN S. BRIDE urban-Trust Co. and Martin. J«wel- was no flooding caused by the river his dedication to the youth of the itself except at the intersection of School, 1:30 p.m., holiday concert, left at Orange Ave., to Manor Ave. r-anhnrd*-?a^ wit- ers,.:.Qr may, be purchased at the • community . his reputation Kensington 'Ave. and Riverside and Cranford High School, 8 p.m ..He will make a right turii to^.- Kforth -Union- Ave.,—to- Elizabethl- Members of -amoKg-his^colloagues-and. tne iSS asxoncexL, University.