Cathy Fu&Of Cranford Named Western Union Co* Junior Miss New City
Beoond Class Postage Paid ' Vol. XXXV. No. 47. 4 Sections, 30 Pages "tRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 196B Crsnford, N*w Jersey 07016 -if 15 CENTS UNITED FUND RESULTS TO DATE Cathy Fu&of Cranford Named ., , , - Division Clialrpian Goal Results to Date Diamond, Golden and Silver . .Homer Fisher . .$23,Ot5o.OO $25,041.62; Commercial Ellis Robinson . 9,500.00. 8,8T5.50 Western Union Co* Junior Miss Industry . .' Norman Roden 28,000.00 24,491.47 Cathy Fus"of;~2 Park Ter. was Schools William Martin 4;300.00 4,369.00 • chosen' Western Union County's John Fitzgerald Junipr Miss of 1969 Saturday night Municipal'Errip. , 700.0Q 505.00 at the third annual Junior Miss Clubs and ... The year-4nd holiday season Pageant sponsored by the Cran- Organizations C. Stevens, Jr. l,5Op.OO 1,023.00 will get. into, full, swing in ford Jaycees. The pageant was Residential Cranford this weekend with held at Cranford High School with • '(Inch Telethon) Carl Umland "31,000.00 26,561.44 the Chamber of Commerce " 12 -finalists from Westfie'ld, Berke- ley Heights, Murray Hill, Plain- $90,807.03 Christmas decorations in the field arid Cranford competing for shopping center scheduled to honors.. , begin glowing each flight/ starting this evening, and ard of Westfield, arrd second run- Santa: Glaus tlue;"to"arrijri^iiir ner-up was Pam Langston of Berke-. UNITED FUND RESIDENTIAL DRIVE town, Saturday morning. ley Heights. Most local 'stores, featuring __Miss JFus also placed first in Comparative Analysis Of 1968 gay holiday decorations' and new judging on youth fitness and crea- With Final Repprfs In 1967 •< stocks of items, suitable for holiday tive and performing arts^ Youth giying and entectaining, will be fitness consisted of all the con- District 1007 • Money Reo'd.
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