Application Form




Daytime Telephone Number:

Evening Telephone Number:

Details of current study:

Details of music qualifications (e.g. B.Mus, Diplomas, etc.): Bernadette Programme as sumbitted on CD: Greevy

Any other information that you feel is relevant to this application: Bursary for Singers

Please return with your CDs and letter of recommendation by 2011 30 September, 2011 to: Learn & Explore, The National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace, 2 Thank you for your application. Guidelines and Application Form The National Concert Hall invites singers to apply for the Bernadette Greevy Bursary. One singer will be awarded the bursary of €5,000 by The National Concert Hall, in honour of Irish mezzo-soprano Dr Bernadette Greevy.

The winner of the Bernadette Greevy Bursary will give a recital at The National Concert Hall at the end of the following year, featuring a new Irish piece commissioned for the occasion.

About Dr Bernadette Greevy Guidelines Dubliner Bernadette Greevy was the first Irish winner of Harriet Cohen Entrants may be male or female. They must be resident or domiciled in International Music Award for Outstanding Artistry. Ireland, and in third-level education or equivalent. Further honours included: Each entrant will submit: • The Order of Merit of Malta • three copies of an audio CD with a programme of his or her choice • Honorary Doctorate of Music, National University of Ireland of not more than 15 minutes’ length • Honorary Doctorate of Music, Trinity College, Dublin • an application form with personal details and the details of his or • The Holy Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice her programme • a letter of recommendation from his or her teacher She was the founder and artistic director of the Anna Livia Dublin International by the 30 September, 2011 deadline. Opera Festival, and supported student singers through her masterclasses and work as Artist in Residence at the Dublin Institute of Technology. First-round entries will be judged during October, and finalists will be called back for a live audition in November. For this audition, each finalist will be She is remembered for wonderful performances and recordings of asked to prepare three pieces: and song; her recordings include Handel, Haydn, Bach and she was acclaimed in particular for her interpretation of Mahler. She also championed a Mahler song new Irish music, premiering works by Irish composers. a Handel aria a piece by a living Irish composer The winner of the bursary will receive €5,000, and return to The National Concert Hall at the end of the following year for the Bernadette Greevy Bursary Recital. Please note that previous winners are ineligable to re-enter.

Questions? Contact [email protected] for futher information. Additional application forms may be downloaded from