Build Linux Kernel with Open64
Build Linux kernel with Open64 Qing Zhu1, Tao Wang2, Gang Yu1, Kun Ling2, Jian-xin Lai1 1Unix System Lab, Hewlett-Packard Company 2 State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology 1{qing.zhu2, yu.gang, jianxin.lai}, 2{wangtao2010, lingkun} Abstract architectures are principal and popular in IT industry, proving Open64 is an open source, optimizing compiler. The goal of the the success on these two platforms will impress more people on compiler is to be an alternative back-end of GCC. To improve Open64. Open64’s code quality, enhance GCC-compatibility and attrac- • Provide a good research platform to improve the kernel’s per- t more users to the Open64 community, it is important to build formance by advanced optimizations. Especially, to enable I- significant applications like Linux kernel with Open64. This paper PA/IPO (Inter-Procedure Analysis and Optimization) on kernel describes the work of building and running up Linux kernel with build, show how much performance improvement that IPA/IPO Open64. As an experience report, the general build, triage approach will give us on standard system software like operating system and tackling method for commonly issues on building kernel with kernel. non-gnu are discussed. Now, the officially maintained trunk on x8664 target and the Loongcc[1] branch on MIPS64 target In this paper, we make a summary of general practices in ker- have all successfully built up and run the Linux kernel. nel building process on different architectures. These approaches and experience may help other targets to conduct kernel building Keywords Open64, Linux kernel, Loongcc, X86-64, MIPS-64, and build other Open64 support platforms effectively.
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