Conducted by: Randall L. Wor~an, Ph.D., University of Guam, Guam Cooperative Extension Thomas K. Pinhey, Ph.D., University of Guam, Micronesian Area Research Center Michael P. Perez, Ph.D. California State University- Fullerton, Department of Sociology

Acknowledgments: We want to express our utmost gratitude to the team of people who made this research possible. Dr. Nerissa Bretania-Shafer, Administrator, Research, Planning & Evaluation at the Department of Education. Our team of research assistants and office staff, supervised by Mrs. Elaine T. Cepeda, Community Resource Development, consisted of Ms. Veronica Edirveerasingam, Mr. Thomas Taisipic, Ms. Yvonne Singeo, Ms. Clarissa Diego San Nicolas and llr. Robert Untalan. We also thank the staff, faculty and administrators of the participating middle schools: Sr. Mary McAuley Paulino, Principal and Mrs. Maria Crisostomo, Nurse, Bishop Baumgartner Memorial School; Mrs. Elizabeth Manibusan, Principal and Mrs. Leone Bernado, Counselor, Middle School; Mr. Murray Cooper, Principal, and Heidi Britain, Secretary/Registrar, Guam Adventist Academy; Mr. Ed Dunn, Principal, Mrs. Carol Darlow, Nurse and Mrs. Mirlle Ellsworth, Reading/Language Arts Teacher, Inarajan Middle School; Mr. Johnny Rivera, Principal and Mrs. Mercy Mendiola, Counselor, Agueda I. Johnston Middle School; Mr. Robert Crisostomo, Principal and Mrs. Celia Delos Reyes, Nurse, F. B. Leon Guerrero Middle School; Mrs. Maria Rios, Principal, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School; Mr. Joseph Diego, Principal and Ms. Marie Acosta, Assistant Principal, Oceanview Middle School; Mr. Miguel San Nicolas, Principal and Mr. Web Smith, Assistant Principal, Jose L.G. Rios Middle School; Sr. Doris San Agustin, Principal and Mrs. Elizabeth San Nicolas, Vice PI'incipal - Student Affairs, Saint Anthony School; Sr. Lourdes Pangelinan, Principal and Mr. William Paulino, Assistant Principal, Saint Francis School; Dr. Dale Jenkins, Headmaster- Upper School and Mrs. Imelda Santos, Headmaster­ Lower School, St. John's Episcopal School; Mr. Paul Pineda, Counselor, St. Paul Christian School; Sr. Jeanette Marie Pangelinan, Principal, Santa Barbara School; Sr. Mary Juan Camacho, Principal and Mrs. Maria San Agustin, Nurse, San Vicente School; Mrs. Andrenina McManus, Principal, Southern Christian Academy; Mr. James Mendiola, Principal/Pastor, Temple Baptist School; Mrs. Lois Beans, Principal, Trinitv Christian Academy; Mr. Ulric Mark, Principal, Mrs. Cathy Aguon, Clerk Typist III and Ms. Tammy San Nicolas, Clerk Typist III, L.P. Untalan Middle School.

Several photographs appear courtesy of Mr. Manny Crisostomo (Publisher) and Latte magazine [v.2, no.l, April1996). Used with written permission.

This study was supported in part through Work Request No. WR0200006 and the MOU Study of High School Students: Safe Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Grant under Grant No. S186A60121-96A, FY 1996 SDFSCAG Program, U.S. Department of Education. DISCLAIMER: The views and interpretations contained within this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of the U.S. Department of Education, the University of Guam or the Office of the Governor of Guam.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts ofMay 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Jeff D. T. Barcinas, Dean/Director, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Guam Cooperative Extension, University of Guam, UOG station, Mangilao, Guam 96923.

The programs of the University of Guam Cooperative Extension are open to all regardless of race, age, color, national origin, religion, sex or disability. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section Page

Introduction Inquiries and access procedure 1 Costs 1 Requirements 1

Survey Questionnaire 3

Frequency Tables 11

SPSS Code Book 45

DATA Diskette Back cover Introduction

A copy of the raw data file may be requested for use in research or educational teaching. Making data available for secondary analyses will optimize the creation of relevant knowledge by cooperating professionals. Guam human service and public agencies can benefit from the devoted time and motivated interests of all professionals able to produce valid fmdings advancing knowledge about health and service related issues on our island. The more research based facts available from the widest range of research applications, the more public officials can make truly informed decisions improving public services and policy.


1. For more detailed information and inquiries, contact:

Dr. Randall L. Workman Community Resource Development Guam Cooperative Extension College of Agriculture and Life Sciences University of Guam, Mangilao, GU 96923 Ph: (671) 735-2050 Fax: (671) 734-1244 Email: [email protected]

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The University's Community Resource Development does not have any specific payment schedule, yet. Collaborative projects or research studies may require a negotiated agreement and/ or work order request involving the coverage of costs. At minimum you will need to supply the following for receipt of requested data sets: (a) Appropriate number of blank disks with sufficient data storage capacity. (b) Self-addressed envelope with sufficient U.S. postage for mailing requested material to your location.


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2. All products and manuscripts resulting from the use of data sets should contain data source ackowledgment and bibliographic citation. Certain data sets may require specific reference to their source of grant funding support. The following general acknowledgment is suggested:

I (a) "The data analyzed for this [report/paper] were provided courtesy of Guam Cooperative Extension's Community Resource Development Program, University of Guam, and were collected as part of a study supported through Government of Guam Work Request No. WR0200006 and the MOU Study of High School Students: Safe Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Grant under Grant No. S186A60121-96A, FY 1996 SDFSCAG Program, U.S. Department of Education.•

(b) Manuscripts using this data me should contain the following citation:

Workman, Randall L., Pinhey, Thomas K., and Perez, Michael P. (1998). (Substance Use and Perceptions ofViolence in Guam Middle Schools]. Machine-readable raw data me. Community Resource Development, Guam Cooperative Extension: University of Guam.

3. Community Resource Development requests all users of its data sets to submit at least two (2) copies of any materials or media produced that present or reference fmdings from their data analyses to the University of Guam, with one each going to:

The Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Librruy University of Guam UOG Station Mangilao, GU 96923

The Robert F. Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center University of Guam UOG Station Mangilao, GU 96923

2 Survey Questionnaire [Note: The Survey Questionnaire which follows has been altered from the version originally administered to the middle school students who participated in this study. Revisions have been limited to font, font size, alignment of text and removal of coding tools to reflect the format of this report. A copy of the original Survey Questionnaire will be made available upon request.) SECTION I: Background Information

I. To begin, we want to ask about your general view of the kinds of health problems - physical or mental - that may have been troubling you during the past week. Right now, would you say your health is excellent, good, fair or poan Excellent...... •. I 0 Good ...... 20 Fair ...... 30 Poor...... •.. 40

2. Would you say that you have recently enjoyed good mental and physical health, or have you had some problems during the past week? Good mental and physical health .••••.•..••....•.. 10 Physical health problems only .....••••••...•...... 20 Mental health problems only ...... •••••••••.•...... 30 Both physical and mental health problem ...... 40

3. Are you a male or a female? Male ...... IO Female...... 20

4. How old are you? PrintAGE: ______

S. Where was your place of birth (e.g., island, state, or country)?

Print name of place: ------

6. How would you describe yourself? (Check all that apply.) 10 African-American 60 Filipino 11 0 Marshallese 20 Caucasian 70 Hispanic 120 Palauan 30 Chamorro sO Japanese 130 Pohnpeian 40 Chinese 90 Kosmean 140 Vietnamese sO Chuukese toO Korean ISO Yapese 160 Others (please specify):------

7. With whom do you live most or all of the time (i.e., where you eat and sleep)? (Fill 1 box that BEST describes your residence, but you may fi112 boxes if you divide time near equally between two residences.) tO Both parents 60 Alone 20 Mother only 70 Grandparent(s) 30 Father only sO Other relatives (e.g., uncle, aunt, nino) 40 Mother & stepfather 90 Unrelated adults (e.g., foster family, legal guardian) sO Father & stepmother toO Friends 110 Otl1ers (specify) ------

S. What is your religious preference (e.g., Protestant, Roman Catholic, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim, attend the Indian Temple, or something different). 0 My religious preference is------0 None, no preference

4 9. About how often do you attend religious services? More than once a week ...... 40 Once a week ...... •...•...... 30 1 to 3 times a month ...... 20 Less than once a month ...... ••... 10 Never ...... •... oO lOa. Do you ever talk about your problems with an adult family member? And if yes, to whom? (Check all boxes that apply) oO None, no adult-----~ skip to Section II 10 Mother 60 Older brother/sister 20 Father 70 Other relative (e.g., uncle, aunt, nino) 30 Stepmother 80 Unrelated adult (e.g., foster family, legal guardian, teacher, coach) 40 Stepfather 90 Priest/minister (i.e., person of the church) SO Grandparent oO Other (list here)------

lOb. How frequently do you talk about problems with these adults? Nearly alwaysfweekly ...... 10 Sometimes/monthly ...... 20 Hardly everfyearly ...... 30 Never ...... 40

SECTION II: Smoking and Tobacco Use This section asks questions about your use of tobacco.

II. Suppose next week when you are with people you know, one of them gives you a cigarette, would you smoke it? Defmitely yes ...... •..... 10 Maybe yes ...... •...... 20 Maybe not...... •...... 30 Definitely not ...... 40 Don't know ...... •...... sO

12. Sometimes people are offered a chance to smoke a tobacco cigarette. How old were you the first time you were offered tobacco to smoke? AGE: (leave blank if you have never been offered tobacco).

13. When did you first smoke a tobacco cigarette, even just a puff? 10 I had my first smoke at AGE: ____ oO I have never used tobacco. ---~ skip to SECTION m

14. If vou have smoked tobacco cigarettes, how long has it been since you last smoked a tobacco cigarette? (Check one box tlu1t BEST states the last time.) Within the last 24 hours...... 1 0 Within the last 7 days ...... 20 Within t11e last month ...... 30 Within the last 6 months ...... 40 Within the last year ...... sO More than one year ago ...... 60

5 15. Do you smoke more frequently during the first hours in the morning after waking? Never smoked ...... ••..... 00 Yes ...... 10 No ...... •..•...... •..••••...• 20

16. Have you ever used any of these types of tobacco? Never smoked ...... •...... oO Chewing tobacco ...... 10 Yes 20 No Cigars ...... 10 Yes 20No Pipes ... ; ...... 10 Yes 20No

SECTION Ill: Alcohol Use This set of questions asks about your use of alcohol.

17. Suppose next week, when you are with people you know, one of them gives you a beer or wine or some other drink with alcohol in it. would you drink it? Definitely yes ...... 10 Maybe yes ...... 20 Maybe not ...... 30 Definitely not ...... 40 Don't know ...... 50

18. Sometimes people are offered a chance to drink beer or other alcoholic drinks. How old were you t11e first time you were offered beer, wine, wine coolers, liquor or any other drink with alcohol in it? AGE: ____ Qeave blank if you have never been offered alcohol).

19. How old were you when you first drank beer, wine, liquor or any other alcoholic drink? oO I have not really begun to drink alcohol -----~ skip to SECTION IV 10 YES, I had my first drink at AGE: ----

20. How old were you the frrst time you got drunk or high on alcohol? 10 1 first got drunk at AGE ___ 20 I have never been drunk.

21. How many dlinks containing alcohol do you have on a tvpical day or evening when you are drinking? 10 1 or 2 drinks 40 7 or 8 drinks 20 3 or 4 drinks 50 9 or 10 drinks 30 5 or 6 drinks 60 More than 10 drinks

22. How many days during the past 30 days did you have at least one drink containing alcohol? None (0 days) ...... oO 1 or 2 days ...... 10 3 to 4 days ...... 20 5 to 6 days ...... 30 7 to 8 days ...... •..•.... 40 9 to 10 days ...... 50 More than 10 days ...... 60

6 SECTION IV: Village The next set of questions ls about your vlllage or neighborhood.

23. How often have you seen or heard about any of the following things happening among your extended family or in your village area during the past year? Please circle the appropriate number.

------·ic;ia··--4-tiine~--- Never Once times or more (I) (2) (3) (4)

Neighborhood or village meetings 1 2 3 4

Robbery at gun point 2 3 4

Someone breaking into a house 1 2 3 4

Someone kiiled by a car 2 3 4

Someone killed by a person 2 3 4

Someone painting graffiti 2 3 4

Someone being beaten up 2 3 4

Fighting at a fiesta 2 3 4

Young people participating in youth clubs in the village 2 3 4

A man beating a woman 2 3 4

A woman beating a man 1 2 3 4

Someone selling or buying drugs 1 2 3 4

People playing sports or games outdoors 2 3 4

Gambling in a home 2 3 4

Someone stealing a car 2 3 4

Someone breaking into a car 2 3 4

People talking or meeting about a neighborhood watch program 2 3 4

Someone abandoning a car in the boonies 2 3 4

People carrying guns 2 3 4

People carrying knives 2 3 4

People helping other people in the neighborhood or village 2 3 4 ------· SECTION V: Marijuana Use This section asks questions about marijuana use.

24. Suppose next week when you are with people that you know, one of them gives you some marijuana to smoke, would you try it? Definitely yes ...... 10 Maybe yes ...... 20 Maybe not ...... 30 Definitely not ...... 40 Don't know ...... 50

7 25. Sometimes people are offered a chance to try smoking marijuana. How old were you the first time you were offered marliuana? AGE: (leave blank if you have never been offered marijuana).

26. How old were you when you first smoked marijuana? oO 1 have never tried marijuana -----~ skip to SECTION VI 10 YES, I first tried marijuana at AGE: ____

27. How old were you the first time you got high on mariJuana? 10 I firSt got high at AGE ----- 20 I have never been high on marijuana.

28. When was the last time you smoked marijuana? Within 24 hours ...... •...... 10 Within last 7 days ...... •...... •.•.... 20 Within last month ...... •....••.•.... 30 Within last 6 months .•...... ••••.•.. 40 Within last year...... •...•.•...... •••••.•••. 50 More than one year ago ...... ••••.... 60

SECTION VI: Ice This section asks about your use of ice.

29. Suppose that next week when you are with people you know, one of them gives you ice to smoke (or shoot), would you try it? Definitely yes ...... ••...... 10 Maybe yes ...... •.•..... 20 Maybe not ...... ••.•..•. 30 Definitely not ...... •••..... 40 Don't know ...... 50

30. Sometimes people are offered a chance to try smoking or shooting ice. How old were you the first time you were offered ice? AGE: (leave blank if you have never been offered ice to try).

3 I. How old were you when you first used ice? oO I have never tried ice. ---~ sldp to SECTION vn 10 1 fu-st tried ice at AGE: ____

32. When was the last time you smoked or used ice? Within 24 hours ...... •...•... 10 Within last 7 days ...••...... •.•.•.... 20 Within last month ..•••.•...... •••....• 30 Within last 6 months ...... ••...... 40 Within last year...... ••.•.•.•.•. 50 More than one year ago ..•...... •..•.•.. 60

33. Have you seen a person 'shoot-up' or 'bang' ice? 10 Yes 20 No

34. Have you seen people 'share the same needle when "banging'? 10 Yes 20 No

8 SECTION VII: Other Substances This section asks about your use or other substances.

35. In your life, have you ever tried any of the following drugs? YES NO Cocaine...... 10 20 Crack (cocaine in rock or chunk form) ...... 10 20 Heroin ...... 10 20 LSD, Peyote, mescaline, PCP or any other hallucinogens ...... 10 20 Inhalants (liquids, sprays & gases that people sniff or inhale to get high) ...... 10 20

36. Have you ever used any of the following drugs to get high on your own, or used more than was prescribed by a doctor? YES NO Analgesics (pain killers) ...... 10 20 Tranquilizers (Librium, Valium or Xanax) ...... 10 20 Stimulants (amphetamines, Preludin or "uppersj ...... 10 20 Sedatives (barbituates, sleeping pills, Seconal or "downers") ...... 10 20

37. Have you ever used a needle and syringe to shoot dope (e.g., smack or crack, cocaine, heroin or other)? 10 Yes 20 No

38. If yes, have you ever used a needle or syringe AFTER someone else used it (i.e., shared a set of 'works}? 10 Yes 20 No SECTION VIII: School This section asks questions about you and your school.

39. Do students break rules in your school? Frequently ...... 30 Sometimes ...... 20 Rarely ...... 10

40. When students break mles in your school, how seriously do the teachers and staff take that violation? Not very seriously 10 Somewhat seriously 20 Very seriously 30

41. What is your grade in school? 10 Freshman (9th grade) 30 Junior (11th grade) 20 Sophomore (lOth grade) 40 Senior (12th grade)

42. Is it easy for people who don't attend or belong in your school to enter the school? 10 Yes 20 No 43. Students often break mles because they know they can get away with it. 10 Yes 20 No 44. Teachers have a hard time controlling classes. 10 Yes 20 No 45. Drugs and alcohol are major contributors to violence at your school. 10 Yes 20 No 46. Kids who do not go to your school often cause problems in or around your school. 10 Yes 20 No

9 4 7. Teachers in this school only think of their students as numbers. 10 Yes 20 No

48. How often do you feel you receive personal attention from your teacher? All of the time ...... 40 Some of the time ...... •.•...... •••. 30 A few times 20 Hardly ever 10

49. Have you ever witnessed a physical fight at your school? 10 Yes 20 No

50. How many times in the last month (30 days) did you witness a physical fight at your school? Please Print Number: ____

51. How many times in the last month (30 days) did you get into a physical fight with someone? Please Print Nmnber: ____

52. Which school and community extra-curricular activities have you taken part in during this school year?

School newspaper or yearbook lDyes 20no

Student government lDyes 20no

Music, band, orchestra groups lOyes 20no

School athletic sport teams (cheer leaders, too) lDyes 20no

Organized sports outside school (e.g., soccer or baseball) lDyes 20 no

School clubs (e.g., Spanish club, computer club, etc) lDyes 20no

Dance, theatre or performing arts lOyes 20no

Boy or Girl Scouts lDyes 20no

Church youth clubs or church volunteer group lDyes 20no

Other clubs or volunteer services (list in space below) lDyes 20no

Worked in a relative's or my family's business lDyes 20no

Ern played part or full time by private business lOyes 20 no

Thank you for your cooperation! Please tum in your survey to the person monitoring this activity.

10 Frequency Tables

11 Frequency Tables: Listing Response Values for each Variable General Health

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Excellent 295 44.8 45.0 45.0 Good 299 45.4 45.6 90.7 Fair 55 8.3 8.4 99.1 Poor 6 .9 .9 100.0 Total 655 99.4 100.0 Missing System 4 .6 Total 659 100.0

Any Health Problems?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Good mental & physical 514 78.0 81.5 81.5 Physical problems only 71 10.8 11.3 92.7 Mental problems only 27 4.1 4.3 97.0 physical AND mental 19 2.9 3.0 100.0 Total 631 95.8 100.0 Missing System 28 4.2 Total 659 100.0

Gender of Respondent

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Male 317 48.1 48.3 48.3 Female 339 51.4 51.7 100.0 Total 656 99.5 100.0 Missing System 3 .5 Total 659 100.0

Age of Respondent

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 10 37 5.6 5.9 5.9 11 185 28.1 29.7 35.7 12 206 31.3 33.1 68.8 13 169 25.6 27.2 96.0 14 24 3.6 3.9 99.8 15 1 .2 .2 100.0 Total 622 94.4 100.0 Missing System 37 5.6 Total 659 100.0

12 Place of Birth

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Umted States of America 82 12.4 12.5 12.5 Other Asian Countries 5 .8 .8 13.3 Philippines 74 11.2 11.3 24.6 Korea (North/South) 5 .8 .8 25.4 Guam 444 67.4 67.9 93.3 Islands 2 .3 .3 93.6 Yap, Chuuk, , 97.1 23 3.5 3.5 3 .5 .5 97.6 {ROM) 1 .2 .2 97.7 Europe 8 1.2 1.2 98.9 South America 1 .2 .2 99.1 Seychelles 3 .5 .5 99.5 Mexico 1 .2 .2 99.7 Saudi Arabia 1 .2 .2 99.8 Canada 1 .2 .2 100.0 Total 654 99.2 100.0 Missing System 5 .8 Total 659 100.0

African American

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid African American 10 1.5 100.0 100.0 Missing System 649 98.5 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Caucasian 66 10.0 100.0 100.0 Missing System 593 90.0 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Chamorro 392 59.5 100.0 100.0 Missing System 267 40.5 Total 659 100.0

13 Chinese

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Chinese 23 3.5 100.0 100.0 Missing System 636 96.5 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Chuukese 20 3.0 100.0 100.0 Missing System 639 97.0 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Filipino 275 41.7 100.0 100.0 Missing System 384 58.3 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Hispanic 13 2.0 100.0 100.0 Missing System 646 98.0 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Japanese 32 4.9 100.0 100.0 Missing System 627 95.1 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Kosraean 2 .3 100.0 100.0 Missing System 657 99.7 Total 659 100.0

1-1 Korean

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Korean 12 1.8 100.0 100.0 Missing System 647 98.2 Total 659 100.0


Valid CUmulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Marshallese 1 .2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 658 99.8 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Palauan 10 1.5 100.0 100.0 Missing System 649 98.5 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Pohnpeian 6 .9 100.0 100.0 Missing System 653 99.1 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Vietnamese 2 .3 100.0 100.0 Missing System 657 99.7 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yapese 2 .3 100.0 100.0 Missing System 657 99.7 Total 659 100.0

15 Spanish

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Spanish 11 1.7 100.0 100.0 Missing System 648 98.3 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid English 2 .3 100.0 100.0 Missing System 657 99.7 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Irish 2 .3 100.0 100.0 Missing System 657 99.7 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid German 6 .9 100.0 100.0 Missing System 653 99.1 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Dutch 1 .2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 658 99.8 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Saipanese 1 2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 658 99.8 Total 659 100.0

16 Hawaiian

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Hawa1ian 4 .6 100.0 100.0 Missing System 655 99.4 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Samoan 1 .2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 658 99.8 Total 659 100.0

Native American

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Native American 7 1.1 100.0 100.0 Missing System 652 98.9 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Mexican 2 .3 100.0 100.0 Missing System 657 99.7 Total 659 100.0


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid American 3 .5 100.0 100.0 Missing System 656 99.5 Total 659 100.0

17 Other Ethnic Backgrounds

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Other ethnic background 1 .2 10.0 10.0 Seychelwa 1 .2 10.0 20.0 Portugese 2 .3 20.0 40.0 Indonesian 1 .2 10.0 50.0 European 1 .2 10.0 60.0 Puerto-Rican 1 .2 10.0 70.0 Thai 1 .2 10.0 80.0 Italian 2 .3 20.0 100.0 Total 10 1.5 100.0 Missing System 649 98.5 Total 659 100.0

Lives With Both Parents

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Both parents 435 66.0 100.0 100.0 Missing System 224 34.0 Total 659 100.0

Lives With Mother Only

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Mother only 106 16.1 100.0 100.0 Missing System 553 83.9 Total 659 100.0

Lives With Father Only

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Father only 13 20 100.0 100.0 Missing System 646 98.0 Total 659 100.0

Lives With Mother and Stepfather

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Mother & Stepfather 54 8.2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 605 91.8 Total 659 100.0

18 Lives with Father and Stepmother

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Father & Stepmother 15 2.3 100.0 100.0 Missing System 644 97.7 Total 659 100.0

Lives Alone

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Alone 4 .6 100.0 100.0 Missing System 655 99.4 Total 659 100.0

Lives with Grandparent(s)

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Perc;:ent Percent Valid Grandparents 47 7.1 100.0 100.0 Missing System 612 92.9 Total 659 100.0

Lives With Other Relative(s)

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Other relatives 25 3.8 100.0 100.0 Missing System 634 96.2 Total 659 100.0

Lives With Unrelated Adult(s)

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Unrelated adults 4 .6 100.0 100.0 Missing System 655 99.4 Total 659 100.0

Lives With Friends

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Friends 2 .3 100.0 100.0 Missing System 657 99.7 Total 659 100.0

19 Lives With Others

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Others 1 .2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 658 99.8 Total 659 100.0

Religion Practiced?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Protestantism 25 3.8 3.9 3.9 Catholicism 467 70.9 73.0 76.9 Asian religions 4 .6 .6 77.5 No Preference 36 5.5 5.6 83.1 Other religions 9 1.4 1.4 84.5 Atheism/ Atheist 1 .2 .2 84.7 Christianity 80 12.1 12.5 97.2 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 4 .6 .6 97.8 Judaism 2 .3 .3 98.1 Chamorro 3 .5 .5 98.6 Seventh Day Adventist 4 .6 .6 99.2 Jehovah's Witness 4 .6 .6 99.8 Iglesia Ni Christo 1 .2 .2 100.0 Total 640 97.1 100.0 Missing System 19 2.9 Total 659 100.0

Attend Religious Services?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 74 11.2 11.5 11.5 Less than once a month 86 13.1 13.3 24.8 1 to 3 times a month 101 15.3 15.6 40.4 Once a week 274 41.6 42.4 82.8 More than once a week 111 16.8 17.2 100.0 Total 646 98.0 100.0 Missing System 13 2.0 Total 659 100.0

Talks With Adult?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 505 76.6 77.8 n.8 No 144 21.9 22.2 100.0 Total 649 98.5 100.0 Missing System 10 1.5 Total 659 100.0

20 Talks to Mother

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, Talks to Mother 345 52.4 100.0 100.0 Missing System 314 47.6 Total 659 100.0

Talks to Father

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, Talks to Father 187 28.4 100.0 100.0 Missing System 472 71.6 Total 659 100.0

Talks to Stepmother

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, Talks to Stepmother 11 1.7 100.0 100.0 Missing System 648 98.3 Total 659 100.0

Talks to Stepfather

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, Talks to Stepfather 12 1.8 100.0 100.0 Missing System 647 98.2 Total 659 100.0

Talks to Grandparent

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, Talks to Grandparent 67 10.2 100.0 100.0 Missing System 592 89.8 Total 659 100.0

Talks to Older Brother/Sister

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Yes, Talks to Older Valid 100.0 Brother/Sister 153 23.2 100.0 Missing System 506 76.8 Total 659 100.0

21 Talks to Other Relative

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Yes, Talks to Other Valid 100.0 100.0 Relative 97 14.7 Missing System 562 85.3 Total 659 100.0

Talks to Unrelated Adult

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Yes, Talks to Unrelated Valid 100.0 100.0 Adult 27 4.1 Missing System 632 95.9 Total 659 100.0

Talks to Priest

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Talks to Parishioners 6 .9 100.0 100.0 Missing System 653 99.1 Total 659 100.0

Talks to Friends

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, Talks to Friends 57 8.6 100.0 100.0 Missing System 602 91.4 Total 659 100.0

Talks With Adult How Frequently?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Nearly always/weekly 115 17.5 23.1 23.1 Sometimes/monthly 277 42.0 55.7 78.9 Hardly ever/yearly 96 14.6 19.3 98.2 Never 9 1.4 1.8 100.0 Total 497 75.4 100.0 Missing System 162 24.6 Total 659 100.0

22 Would Smoke If Offered?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Deflmtely yes 34 5.2 5.2 5.2 Maybe yes 59 9.0 9.0 14.2 Maybe not 37 5.6 5.6 19.8 Definitely not 479 72.7 73.1 93.0 Don't know 46 7.0 7.0 100.0 Total 655 99.4 100.0 Missing System 4 .6 Total 659 100.0

Age First Offered Tobacco

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 4 3 .5 1.2 1.2 5 10 1.5 4.1 5.3 6 14 2.1 5.7 11.0 7 14 2.1 5.7 16.7 8 33 5.0 13.5 30.2 9 32 4.9 13.1 43.3 10 47 7.1 19.2 62.4 11 53 8.0 21.6 84.1 12 33 5.0 13.5 97.6 13 5 .8 2.0 99.6 14 1 .2 .4 100.0 Total 245 37.2 100.0 Missing System 414 62.8 Total 659 100.0

Have Used Tobacco or Not?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, have smoked 219 33.2 37.2 37.2 No, never smoked 370 56.1 62.8 100.0 Total 589 89.4 100.0 Missing System 70 10.6 Total 659 100.0

23 Age First Smoked Tobacco

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 3 1 .2 .5 .5 4 3 .5 1.4 1.9 5 7 1.1 3.3 5.2 6 13 2.0 6.1 11.3 7 16 2.4 7.5 18.9 8 25 3.8 11.8 30.7 9 21 3.2 9.9 40.6 10 43 6.5 20.3 60.8 11 41 6.2 19.3 80.2 12 33 5.0 15.6 95.8 13 9 1.4 4.2 100.0 Total 212 32.2 100.0 Missing System 447 67.8 Total 659 100.0

Last Smoked Tobacco

' Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Within 24 hours 30 4.6 13.7 13.7 Within 7 days 16 2.4 7.3 21.0 Within last month 21 3.2 9.6 30.6 Within 6 months 26 3.9 11.9 42.5 Within last year 32 4.9 14.6 57.1 More than one year 94 14.3 42.9 100.0

Total 219 33.2 100.0 Missing System 440 66.8 Total 659 100.0

Smoke More in Morning

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 26 3.9 11.0 11.0 No 108 16.4 45.6 56.5 I dor.'t smoke regularly 103 15.6 43.5 100.0 Total 237 36.0 100.0 Missing System 422 64.0 Total 659 100.0


Ever Used Chewing Tobacco

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 24 3.6 10.2 10.2 No 212 32.2 89.8 100.0 Total 236 35.8 100.0 Missing System 423 64.2 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Cigars

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 37 5.6 15.7 15.7 No 198 30.0 84.3 100.0 Total 235 35.7 100.0 Missing System 424 64.3 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Pipes

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 14 2.1 6.1 6.1 No 216 32.8 93.9 100.0 Total 230 34.9 100.0 Missing System 429 65.1 Total 659 100.0

Would Drink If Offered?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Definitely yes 29 4.4 4.4 4.4 Maybe yes 80 12.1 12.3 16.7 Maybe not 48 7.3 7.4 24.1 Definitely not 424 64.3 65.0 89.1 Don't know 71 10.8 10.9 100.0 Total 652 98.9 100.0 Missing System 7 1.1 Total 659 100.0

25 Age First Offered Alcohol

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 2 3 .5 1.1 1.1 3 7 1.1 2.5 3.6 4 7 1.1 2.5 6.1 5 12 1.8 4.3 10.4 6 8 1.2 2.9 13.3 7 17 2.6 6.1 19.4 8 20 3.0 7.2 26.6 9 34 5.2 12.2 38.8 10 53 8.0 19.1 57.9 11 50 7.6 18.0 75.9 12 44 6.7 15.8 91.7 13 21 3.2 7.6 99.3 14 2 .3 .7 100.0 Total 278 42.2 100.0 Missing System 381 57.8 Total 659 100.0

Have Drank Alcohol?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, have drank alcohol 263 39.9 44.3 44.3 No, never drank alcohol 331 50.2 55.7 100.0 Total 594 90.1 100.0 Missing System 65 9.9 Total 659 100.0

Age First Drank

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 2 2 .3 .8 .8 3 6 .9 2.4 3.1 4 7 1.1 2.8 5.9 5 11 1.7 4.3 10.2 6 8 1.2 3.1 13.4 7 19 2.9 7.5 20.9 8 17 2.6 6.7 27.6 9 29 4.4 11.4 39.0 10 44 6.7 17.3 56.3 11 47 7.1 18.5 74.8 12 41 6.2 16.1 90.9 13 20 3.0 7.9 98.8 14 3 .5 1.2 100.0 Total 254 38.5 100.0 Missing System 405 61.5 Total 659 100.0

26 Ever Drunk on Alcohol?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, been drunk 61 9.3 22.3 22.3 No, never been drunk 212 32.2 77.7 100.0 Total 273 41.4 100.0 Missing System 386 58.6 Total 659 100.0

_Age First Drunk

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 7 1 .2 1.8 1.8 9 3 .5 5.4 7.1 10 8 1.2 14.3 21.4 11 11 1.7 19.6 41.1 12 21 3.2 37.5 78.6 13 10 1.5 17.9 96.4 14 2 .3 3.6 100.0 Total 56 8.5 100.0 Missing System 603 91.5 Total 659 100.0

Typical Number of Drinks

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 1 or 2 185 28.1 79.1 79.1 3 or4 23 3.5 9.8 88.9 5 or6 14 2.1 6.0 94.9 7 or 8 2 .3 .9 95.7 More than 10 10 1.5 4.3 100.0 Total 234 35.5 100.0 Missing System 425 64.5 Total 659 100.0

Drinks Past 30 Days

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid None 175 26.6 64.3 64.3 1 or 2 days 36 5.5 13.2 77.6 3 or 4 days 12 1.8 4.4 82.0 5 or 6 days 9 1.4 3.3 85.3 7 or 8 days 2 .3 .7 86.0 9 or 10 days 5 .8 1.8 87.9 More than 10 days 33 5.0 121 100.0 Total 272 41.3 100.0 Missing System 387 58.7 Total 659 100.0

27 -:;.. ~; Neighborhood or VIllage, ~eatings

Percent Valid Never 57.4 Onetime 14:3 2or 3times 11.1 4 times or more 68 ·: 10.3 Total 613 93.0 Missing System 46 7.0 ··. Total 659 '·100.0

·· Valid . , Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 446 67.7 Onetime 82 12.4 2 or 3 times 58 8.8 4 times or more 23 3.5 Total 609 92.4 Missing System 50 7.6 Total 659 100.0

Breaking into a Home

. Valid CUmulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent - Valid Never 311 47.2 ....::50.8 •. ?;:.·50.8 -.: ~ •....:- .. Onetime 173 26.3 . .::~.:28.3 ,,.~Y/!9.1 2 or 3 times 84 12.7 .l~t13.7 ~5! ·~92.8 4 times or more 44 6.7 ~:-~':.'100.0 Z:~-:;7.2 -:* . Total 612 92.9 ..::.;>100 0 ·#''.\~-~- ..~_ •. .. -~~> <· Missing System 47 7.1 ...... '.: Total 659 100.0 u

. Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Perc8nt Valid Never 354 53.7 ';.,.';.57.9 57.9 · , ... :.. n6 One time 120 18.2 .. :·:·19.6 : ·~! : • 2 or3 times n 11.7 ·, '12.6 90.2 4 times or more eo 9.1 ., . 9.8 100.0 Total 611 92.7 ·.100.0 System .. . .. Missing 48 7.3 .. - Total 659 100.0 .

28 Person Killed by Person

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 438 66.5 72.4 72.4 One time 90 13.7 14.9 87.3 2 or 3 times 41 6.2 6.8 94.0 4 times or more 36 5.5 6.0 100.0 Total 605 91.8 100.0 Missing System 54 8.2 Total 659 100.0

Person Painting Graffiti

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 276 41.9 45.2 45.2 One time 124 18.8 20.3 65.6 2 or 3 times 71 10.8 11.6 n.2 4 times or more 139 21.1 22.8 100.0 Total 610 92.6 100.0 Missing System 49 7.4 Total 659 100.0

Person Being Beaten up

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 243 36.9 39.9 39.9 One time 170 25.8 27.9 67.8 2 or 3 times 92 14.0 15.1 82.9 4 times or more 104 15.8 17.1 100.0 Total 609 92.4 100.0 Missing System 50 7.6 Total 659 100.0

Fighting at Fiesta

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 354 53.7 59.1 59.1 One time 117 17.8 19.5 78.6 2 or 3 times 52 7.9 8.7 87.3 4 times or more 76 11.5 12.7 100.0 Total 599 90.9 100.0 Missing System 60 9.1 Total 659 100.0

29 Youth in Village Clubs

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 344 52.2 56.6 56.6 One time 104 15.8 17.1 73.7 2 or 3 times 66 10.0 10.9 84.5 4 times or more 94 14.3 15.5 100.0 Total 608 92.3 100.0 Missing System 51 7.7 Total 659 100.0

Man Beating a Woman

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 371 56.3 60.5 60.5 One time 126 19.1 20.6 81.1 2 or 3 times 57 8.6 9.3 90.4 4 times or more 59 9.0 9.6 100.0 Total 613 93.0 100.0 Missing System 46 7.0 Total 659 100.0

Woman Beating a Man

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 504 76.5 83.2 83.2 Onetime 60 9.1 9.9 93.1 2 or 3 times 20 3.0 3.3 96.4 4 times or more 22 3.3 3.6 100.0 Total 606 92.0 100.0 Missing System 53 8.0 Total 659 100.0

Selling/Buying Drugs

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 364 55.2 60.0 60.0 One time 110 16.7 18.1 78.1 2 or 3 times 48 7.3 7.9 86.0 4 times or more 85 12.9 14.0 100.0 Total 607 92.1 100.0 Missing System 52 7.9 Total 659 100.0

30 Play Sports Outdoors

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 41 6.2 6.7 6.7 One time 69 10.5 11.3 17.9 2 or 3 times 74 112 121 30.0 4 times or more 429 65.1 70.0 100.0 Total 613 93.0 100.0 Missing System 46 7.0 Total 659 100.0

Gambling in a Home

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 319 48.4 526 52.6 One time 119 18.1 19.6 72.3 2 or 3 times 55 8.3 9.1 81.4 4 times or more 113 17.1 18.6 100.0 Total 606 92.0 100.0 Missing System 53 8.0 Total 659 100.0

Person Stealing a Car

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 425 64.5 69.2 69.2 One time 116 17.6 18.9 88.1 2 or 3 times 44 6.7 7.2 95.3 4 times or more 29 4.4 4.7 100.0 Total 614 93.2 100.0 Missing System 45 6.8 Total 659 100.0

Breaking In to Rob Car

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 449 68.1 74.7 74.7 Onetime 94 14.3 15.6 90.3 2 or 3 times 31 4.7 5.2 95.5 4 times or more 27 4.1 4.5 100.0 Total 601 91.2 100.0 Missing System 58 8.8 Total 659 100.0

3/ Meet About Watch Program

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 471 71.5 77.6 77.6 One time 76 11.5 12.5 90.1 2 or 3 times 35 5.3 5.8 95.9 4 times or more 25 3.8 4.1 100.0 Total 607 92.1 100.0 Missing System 52 7.9 Total 659 100.0

Abandoning Car in Boonies

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 460 69.8 75.5 75.5 Onetime 95 14.4 15.6 91.1 2 or 3 times 29 4.4 4.8 95.9 4 times or more 25 3.8 4.1 100.0 Total 609 92.4 100.0 Missing System 50 7.6 Total 659 100.0

Person Carrying a Gun

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 335 50.8 54.9 54.9 One time 140 21.2 23.0 77.9 2 or 3 times 66 10.0 10.8 88.7 4 times or more 69 10.5 11.3 100.0 Total 610 92.6 100.0 Missing System 49 7.4 Total 659 100.0

Person Carrying a Knife

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 278 42.2 45.7 45.7 One time 137 20.8 22.5 68.3 2 or 3 times 73 11.1 12.0 80.3 4 times or more 120 18.2 19.7 100.0 Total 608 92.3 100.0 Missing System 51 7.7 Total 659 100.0 People Helping Others

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Never 103 15.6 16.6 16.6 One time 130 19.7 20.9 37.5 2 or 3 times 109 16.5 17.5 55.0 4 times or more 280 42.5 45.0 100.0 Total 622 94.4 100.0 Missing System 37 5.6 Total 659 100.0

Would Smoke If Offered?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Definitely yes 24 3.6 3.7 3.7 Maybe yes 42 6.4 6.5 10.2 Maybe not 22 3.3 3.4 13.6 Definitely not 527 80.0 81.3 94.9 Don't know 33 5.0 5.1 100.0 Total 648 98.3 100.0 Missing System 11 1.7 Total 659 100.0

Age First Offered Marijuana

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 7 3 .5 2.6 2.6 8 4 .6 3.5 6.1 9 5 .8 4.4 10.5 10 17 2.6 14.9 25.4 11 20 3.0 17.5 43.0 12 45 6.8 39.5 82.5 13 19 2.9 16.7 99.1 14 1 .2 .9 100.0 Total 114 17.3 100.0 Missing System 545 82.7 Total 659 100.0

Have Used Marijuana or Not?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, have smoked 77 11.7 13.1 13.1 No, never smoked 510 77.4 86.9 100.0 Total 587 89.1 100.0 Missing System 72 10.9 Total 659 100.0

33 Age First Smoked Marijuana

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 7 2 .3 27 2.7 8 2 .3 27 5.4 9 2 .3 27 8.1 10 7 1.1 9.5 17.6 11 11 1.7 14.9 32.4 12 31 4.7 41.9 74.3 13 1 .2 1.4 15.7 13 17 2.6 23.0 98.6 14 1 .2 1.4 100.0 Total 74 11.2 100.0 Missing System 585 88.8 Total 659 100.0

Ever High on Marijuana?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, been high 54 8.2 61.4 61.4 No, never high 34 5.2 38.6 100.0 Total 88 13.4 100.0 Missing System 571 86.6 Total 659 100.0

Age First High on Marijuana

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 7 1 .2 2.0 2.0 9 2 .3 4.0 6.0 10 3 .5 6.0 120 11 8 1.2 16.0 28.0 12 19 2.9 38.0 66.0 13 1 .2 20 68.0 13 15 2.3 30.0 98.0 14 1 .2 2.0 100.0 Total 50 7.6 100.0 Missing System 609 92.4 Total 659 100.0

3-1 Last Smoked Marijuana

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Within 24 hours 13 2.0 17.1 17.1 Within 7 days 5 .8 6.6 23.7 Within month 14 2.1 18.4 421 Within 6 months 15 23 19.7 61.8 Within a year 17 26 22.4 84.2 More than one year ago 12 1.8 15.8 100.0

Total 76 11.5 100.0 Missing System 583 88.5 Total 659 100.0

Would Smoke/Shoot If Offered?

Valid CUmulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Definitely yes 4 .6 .6 .6 Maybe yes 5 .8 .8 1.4 Maybe not 24 3.6 3.9 5.3 Definitlely not 569 86.3 91.3 96.6 Don't know 21 3.2 3.4 100.0 Total 623 94.5 100.0 Missing System 36 5.5 Total 659 100.0

Age First Offered Ice

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 8 1 .2 5.6 5.6 10 1 .2 5.6 11.1 11 4 .6 22.2 33.3 12 6 .9 33.3 66.7 13 4 .6 22.2 88.9 14 2 .3 11.1 100.0 Total 18 2.7 100.0 Missing System 641 97.3 Total 659 100.0

Have Used Ice or Not

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes, have used ice 6 .9 1.1 1.1 No, never used ice 553 83.9 98.9 100.0 Total 559 84.8 100.0 Missing System 100 15.2 Total 659 100.0

35 Age First Used Ice

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 8 1 .2 16.7 16.7 12 3 .5 50.0 66.7 13 1 .2 16.7 83.3 14 1 .2 16.7 100.0 Total 6 .9 100.0 Missing System 653 99.1 Total 659 100.0

Last Used Ice

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Within 24 hours 1 .2 14.3 14.3 Within last year 2 .3 28.6 42.9 More than one year ago 4 .6 57.1 100.0

Total 7 1.1 100.0 Missing System 652 98.9 Total 659 100.0

Seen Person Use Ice?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 48 7.3 61.5 61.5 No 30 4.6 38.5 100.0 Total 78 11.8 100.0 Missing System 581 88.2 Total 659 100.0

Sharing a Needle?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 21 3.2 28.4 28.4 No 53 8.0 71.6 100.0 Total 74 11.2 100.0 Missing System 585 88.8 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Cocaine?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 4 .6 .6 .6 No 620 94.1 99.4 100.0 Total 624 94.7 100.0 Missing System 35 5.3 Total 659 100.0

36 Ever Used Crack?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 4 .6 .6 .6 No 618 93.8 99.4 100.0 Total 622 94.4 100.0 Missing System 37 5.6 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Heroin?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 4 .6 .6 .6 No 617 93.6 99.4 100.0 Total 621 94.2 100.0 Missing System 38 5.8 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Other Hallucinogens?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 2 .3 .3 .3 No 616 93.5 99.7 100.0 Total 618 93.8 100.0 Missing System 41 6.2 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Inhalants?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 37 5.6 6.4 6.4 No 542 82.2 93.6 100.0 Total 579 87.9 100.0 Missing System 80 12.1 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Analgesics?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 42 6.4 6.7 6.7 No 581 88.2 93.3 100.0 Total 623 94.5 100.0 Missing System 36 5.5 Total 659 100.0

37 Ever Used Tranquilizers?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 4 .6 .6 .6 No 614 93.2 99.4 100.0 Total 618 93.8 100.0 Missing System 41 6.2 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Stimulants?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 7 1.1 1.1 1.1 No 611 92.7 98.9 100.0 Total 618 93.8 100.0 Missing System 41 6.2 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Sedatives?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 16 2.4 2.6 2.6 No 604 91.7 97.4 100.0 Total 620 94.1 100.0 Missing System 39 5.9 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Needle/Syringe for Dope?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 2 .3 .3 .3 No 630 95.6 99.7 100.0 Total 632 95.9 100.0 Missing System 27 4.1 Total 659 100.0

Ever Used Non-sterile Needle?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 1 .2 50.0 50.0 No 1 .2 50.0 100.0 Total 2 .3 100.0 Missing System 657 99.7 Total 659 100.0

38 Students Break Rules?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Rarely 102 15.5 16.0 16.0 Sometimes 307 46.6 48.2 64.2 Frequently 228 34.6 35.8 100.0 Total 637 96.7 100.0 Missing System 22 3.3 Total 659 100.0

Violations Taken Seriously?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Not very seriously 163 24.7 26.2 26.2 Somewhat seriously 283 42.9 45.4 71.6 Very seriously 177 26.9 28.4 100.0 Total 623 94.5 100.0 Missing System 36 5.5 Total 659 100.0

School Grade Level

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Gradelevel6 209 31.7 31.7 31.7 Gradelevel7 224 34.0 34.0 65.7 Grade level 8 226 34.3 34.3 100.0 Total 659 100.0 100.0

Easy to Enter School ?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 127 19.3 19.9 19.9 No 257 39.0 40.3 60.2 Sometimes 254 38.5 39.8 100.0 Total 638 96.8 100.0 Missing System 21 3.2 Total 659 100.0

Can Get Away With

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 138 20.9 21.5 21.5 No 147 22.3 22.9 44.3 Sometimes 358 54.3 55.7 100.0 Total 643 97.6 100.0 Missing System 16 2.4 Total 659 100.0

39 Hard to Control Class?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 167 25.3 25.9 25.9 No 87 13.2 13.5 39.4 Sometimes 391 59.3 60.6 100.0 Total 645 97.9 100.0 Missing System 14 2.1 Total 659 100.0

Drugs/Ale Contribute

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 196 29.7 31.2 31.2 No 305 46.3 48.6 79.8 Sometimes 127 19.3 20.2 100.0 Total 628 95.3 100.0 Missing System 31 4.7 Total 659 100.0

Outside Kids Cause Problems?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 158 24.0 24.9 24.9 No 264 40.1 41.6 66.5 Sometimes 213 32.3 33.5 100.0 Total 635 96.4 100.0 Missing System 24 3.6 Total 659 100.0

Teachers Don't Care?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 76 11.5 11.8 11.8 No 393 59.6 61.0 72.8 Sometimes 175 26.6 27.2 100.0 Total 644 97.7 100.0 Missing System 15 2.3 Total 659 100.0

.JO Teachers' Attention?

Valid Cumulative FreQuency Percent Percent Percent Valid Hardly ever 172 26.1 27.5 27.5 A few times 163 24.7 26.0 53.5 Some of the time 198 30.0 31.6 85.1 All of the time 93 14.1 14.9 100.0 Total 626 95.0 100.0 Missing System 33 5.0 Total 659 100.0

Witnessed Physical Fight?

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 441 66.9 68.3 68.3 No 205 31.1 31.7 100.0 Total 646 98.0 100.0 Missing System 13 2.0 Total 659 100.0

Fights Past 30 Days

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 0 240 36.4 44.0 44.0 1 105 15.9 19.3 63.3 2 71 10.8 13.0 76.3 3 49 7.4 9.0 85.3 4 22 3.3 4.0 89.4 5 19 2.9 3.5 92.8 6 4 .6 .7 93.6 7 4 .6 .7 94.3 8 2 .3 .4 94.7 9 2 .3 .4 95.0 10 8 1.2 1.5 96.5 11 1 .2 .2 96.7 12 2 .3 .4 97.1 13 1 .2 .2 97.2 14 2 .3 .4 97.6 15 1 .2 .2 97.8 16 1 .2 .2 98.0 18 1 .2 .2 98.2 20 3 .5 .6 98.7 26 3 .5 .6 99.3 30 2 .3 .4 99.6 31 1 .2 .2 99.8 42 1 .2 .2 100.0 Total 545 82.7 100.0 Missing System 114 17.3 Total 659 100.0

41 Times in Fight

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid 0 425 64.5 78.3 78.3 1 60 9.1 11.0 89.3 2 22 3.3 4.1 93.4 3 9 1.4 1.7 95.0 4 9 1.4 1.7 96.7 5 5 .8 .9 97.6 6 1 .2 .2 97.8 7 1 .2 .2 98.0 8 2 .3 .4 98.3 9 1 .2 .2 98.5 10 1 .2 .2 98.7 12 2 .3 .4 99.1 14 2 .3 .4 99.4 20 1 .2 .2 99.6 25 1 .2 .2 99.8 30 1 .2 .2 100.0 Total 543 82.4 100.0 Missing System 116 17.6 Total 659 100.0

School NewsNearbook

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 123 18.7 19.5 19.5 No 508 n.1 80.5 100.0 Total 631 95.8 100.0 Missing System 28 4.2 Total 659 100.0

Student Government

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 97 14.7 15.4 15.4 No 531 80.6 84.6 100.0 Total 628 95.3 100.0 Missing System 31 4.7 Total 659 100.0

Music, Band, Orchestra

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 285 43.2 45.4 45.4 No 343 52.0 54.6 100.0 Total 628 95.3 100.0 Missing System 31 4.7 Total 659 100.0

42 School Sports Teams

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 246 37.3 38.8 38.8 No 388 58.9 61.2 100.0 Total 634 96.2 100.0 Missing System 25 3.8 Total 659 100.0

Organized Sports Outside

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 218 33.1 34.5 34.5 No 413 627 65.5 100.0 Total 631 95.8 100.0 Missing System 28 4.2 Total 659 100.0

School Clubs

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 173 26.3 27.7 27.7 No 452 68.6 723 100.0 Total 625 94.8 100.0 Missing System 34 5.2 Total 659 100.0

Dance, Theater

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 203 30.8 32.2 32.2 No 428 64.9 67.8 100.0 Total 631 95.8 100.0 Missing System 28 4.2 Total 659 100.0.


Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 68 10.3 10.9 10.9 No 558 84.7 89.1 100.0 Total 626 95.0 100.0 Missing System 33 5.0 Total 659 100.0

43 Church YouthNolunteer Groups

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 136 20.6 21.9 21.9 No 486 73.7 78.1 100.0 Total 622 94.4 100.0 Missing System 37 5.6 Total 659 100.0

Other ClubsNolunteer Groups

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 91 13.8 15.6 15.6 No 493 74.8 84.4 100.0 Total 584 88.6 100.0 Missing System 75 11.4 Total 659 100.0

Worked In Relative's/Family's Business

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes 191 29.0 31.0 31.0 No 425 64.5 69.0 100.0 Total 616 93.5 100.0 Missing System 43 6.5 Total 659 100.0

Worked In Private Business

Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent Valid Yes ' 58 8.8 9.5 9.5 No 550 83.5 90.5 100.0 Total 608 92.3 100.0 Missing System 51 7.7 Total 659 100.0

44 SPSS Code Book

45 System Information

SYSFILE INFO: E:\MS Clean Data.sav

File Type: SPSS Data File

Creation Date: 29 Sep 98 Creation Time: 16:28:08

Label: Not Available

N of Cases: 659

Total # of Defined Variable Elements: 148 # of Named Variables: 148

Data Are Not Weighted

Data Are Compressed

File Has Same Byte Order as Host

File Contains Case Data

File Contains No Variable Sets

File Contains No Trends Date Information

File Contains No Multiple Response Definitions

File Contains No Data Entry for Windows Information

File Contains No TextSmart Information

File Is Compatible with SPSS Releases Prior to 7.5

46 Variable Information:


ID Survey ID Measurement level: Scale Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

REGIONID School ID Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 NORTH [Yigo, Dededo] 2 NORTHWEST Central [Tamuning] 3 CENTRAL[Barrigada, Mangilao, Mongmong-Toto-Maite, Aga Agana Hts, 3 CENTRAL cont [Sinajana, Ordot/Chalan Pago, Asan] 4 SOUTH CENTRAL [Piti, Yona] 5 SOUTHWEST [Agat, Santa Rita] 6 SOUTH [Talofofo, Inarajan, Merizo, Umatac]

HEALTH Physical & Mental Health Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Excellent 2 Good 3 Fair 4 Poor

HEALTH2 Physical and Mental Health Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Good 2 Physical only 3 Mental only 4 Both physical and mental

47 SEX Sex of Respondent Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Male 2 Female

AGE Age of Respondent Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

POB Place of Birth Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 USA 2 Asia 3 Philippines 4 South Korea 5 Guam 6 Palau 7 FSM 8 Other Pacific 9 CNMI 10 Marshalls 11 Europe 12 South America 13 Africa 14 Seychelles 15 Mexico 16 Saudi Arabia

AFRICAN african american

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 African american

CAUC caucasian

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Caucasian

48 CHAMORRO Chamorro

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 Chamorro


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Chinese


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 Chuukese


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 Filipino


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Hispanic


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 Japanese

49 KOSRAEAN Kosrean

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Kosraean


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 Korean

MARSHAL Marshalese

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 Marshalese


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Palauan

POHNPEIA Pohnpeian

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Pohnpeian

VIETNAM Vietnamese

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 Vietnamese

50 YAP ESE Yapese

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yapese

SPANISH spanish

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 spanish

ENGLISH english

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FS Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 english

IRISH irish

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 irish

GERMAN german

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 german

DUTCH dutch

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 dutch

51 GUAMANIA guamanian

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 guamanian

SAIPANES saipanese

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 saipanese

HAWAIIAN hawaiian

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 hawaiian

SAMOAN samoan

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right Value Label

1 samoan

NATIVE native american

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 native american

MEXICAN mexican

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 mexican

52 AMERICAN american

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 american

OTHERETH Other Ethnic

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

0 Other ethnicity 1 Seychelwa 2 Portugese 3 Indonesian 4 European 5 Puerto-Rican 6 Thai 7 Italian

BOTH Both Parents

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Both parents

MOTHER Mother Only

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Mother only

FATHER Father Only

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Father only 9 No response

53 MOTHSTEP Mother & Stepfather

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Mother & stepfather

FATHSTEP Father & Stepmother

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Father & stepmother


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Alone

GRANDPAR Grandparents

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Grandparents

OTHERS Other Relatives

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Other relatives

UNRELATE Unrelated Adults

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Unrelated adults

54 FRIENDS Friends

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Friends

OTHERLIV Lives with Others

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Others 2 Sanctuary

RELIGION What is your Religion?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Protestant 2 Catholic 3 Asian Religions 4 No Preference 5 cult/cultural religious beliefs e.g palauan religion 6 Atheist 7 Christian 8 Mormon 9 Jewish 10 Chamorro 11 Seventh Day Adventist 12 Jehovah's Witness 13 Iglesia Ni Christo

ATTEND How often attend church?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

0 Never 1 Less than once a month 2 1 to 3 times a month 3 Once a week 4 More than once a week

55 TALKS Talk problems with adult?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

MOM Talks to Mom

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes

DAD Talks to Dad

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Talks to dad

STEPMOM Talks to Stepmom

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Talks to stepmom

STEP DAD Talks to step dad

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 stepdad

GRAPAREN Talks to grand

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F2 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Talks to gran

56 OLDBROSI Talks to older bro/sis

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Talks to older bro/sis

OTRELATI Talks to other realtive

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Talks to other relative

UNADULT Talks to unrelated adult

Measurement level: Ordinal

Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Talks to unrealted adult

PRIEST Talk to Priest

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Priest

OTHERPEO Talks to other people

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: DOTS Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 friends 2 parents' close friends

FREQUENT How Frequently?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Nearly always/weekly 2 Sometimes/monthly 3 Hardly ever/yearly 4 Never

57 SMOKE Would Smoke? Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Definitely yes 2 Maybe yes 3 Maybe not 4 Definitely not 5 Don't know

AGEOFFER Age first offered Tobacco?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

NEVER Never Smoked Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Smoked 2 Never Smoked

AGEFIRST Age first Smoked

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

LASTSMOK Last Smoked Tobacco

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Within 24 hours 2 Within 7 days 3 Within last month 4 Within 6 months 5 Within last year 6 More than one year

MORNING Smoke in Morning

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No 3 Never smoked

58 CHEW Used chewing Tobacco

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

CIGAR Used Cigar

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

PIPE Used Pipe

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

ALCOHOL Would drink?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Definitely yes 2 Maybe yes 3 Maybe not 4 Definitely not 5 Don't know

AGEALCO Age first offered Alcohol

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

NODRINK Never used Alcohol

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 Never used alcohol

59 FIRSTALC Age first drank Alcohol

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

EVERHI Ever Drunk?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

AGEHIGH Age first got drunk?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

MANYALC How many drinks?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 1 or 2 2 3 or 4 3 5 or 6 4 7 or 8 5 9 or 10 6 More than 10

PASTDAYS How many during past month?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

0 None 1 1 or 2 days 2 3 or 4 days 3 5 or 6 days 4 7 or 8 days 5 9 or 10 days 6 More than 10 days

60 VILLMEET Village Meeting

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

ROBBERY Robbery at gun Point

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

BREAK IN Break into Horne

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

CARKILL Killed by Car

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

61 PERSKILL Person kills Person?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

BEATUP Person Beaten

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

FIGHT Fight at Fiesta

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several(2-3) 4 4 or more

62 CLUBS Youth Clubs

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several(2-3) 4 4 or more

BEATWOM Man beats Woman

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

BEATMAN Woman beats Man

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

SELLDRUG Selling or Buying Drugs

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

63 SPORTS Sports Outdoors

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

GAMBLE Gambling in Horne

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

STEALCAR Stealing a Car

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

BREAKCAR Break into Car

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

64 WATCHPRO Watch Program

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

BOON CAR Aband car in Beanies

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

CARRYGUN Carrying a Gun

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

KNIVES Carrying Knives

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

65 HELPING People helping Others

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Never 2 One time 3 Several (2-3) 4 4 or more

MARIJUAN Would try marijuana?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Definitely yes 2 Maybe yes 3 Maybe not 4 Definitely not 5 Don't know

AGEOFFMJ * No label *

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

NEVMARIJ Have never used Marijuana

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes, tried 2 No, not tried

AGEMARIJ Age first tried Marijuana

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

MARIJHI Ever high on Marijuana

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

66 AGEMAHIG age high on marijuana

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

LASTMARI Last used Marijuana

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Within 24 hours 2 Within 7 days 3 Within month 4 Within 6 months 5 Within year 6 More than one year

ICE Would use Ice?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Definitely yes 2 Maybe yes 3 Maybe not 4 Definitlely no 5 Don't know

ICEOFFER Age first offered Ice

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

TRIED ICE Never tried Ice

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

AGEICE Has tried Ice

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes, tried ice 2 No, not tried ice

67 LASTICE Last time tried Ice?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Within 24 hours 2 Within last 7 days 3 Within last month 4 Within last 6 months 5 Within last year 6 More than one year ago

SHOOTICE Seen person shoot Ice?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

SHARENEE Seen needle Sharing?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

COCAINE Used Cocaine?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

CRACK Used Crack?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

68 HEROIN Used Heroin?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

LSD ETC Other Hallucinogens

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

INHALANT Used Inhalants?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

ANALGES Used Analgesics?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

TRANQUIL Used Tranquilizers?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

69 STIMULAN Used Stimulants?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

SEDATIVE Used Sedatives?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

NEEDLE Used Needle?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

NEED LEAF Shared Needle?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

BREAKRUL Do students break Rules?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Rarely 2 Sometimes 3 Frequently

70 SERIOUS How seriosly taken?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Not very 2 Somewhat 3 Very

GRADE What is your Grade?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Freshman 2 Sophomore 3 Junior 4 Senior 6 6th grade 7 7th grade 8 8th grade

ENTER Easy to enter School?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No 3 sometimes

GETAWAY Students get away breaking Rules?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No 3 sometimes

71 CON CLASS Hard to control Class?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No 3 sometimes

DRUGVIOL Drugs contribute to Violence?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No 3 sometimes

PROBLEMS Other kids cause Problems?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No 3 sometimes

NUMBERS Teachers see kids as Numbers?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No 3 sometimes

ATTENTIO Personal Attention from Teacher?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Hardly ever 2 A few times 3 Some of the time 4 All of the time

72 PHYSICAL Has seen physical Fight

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

NUMFIGHT Number fights Seen

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

GETFIGHT Number times in Fight?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

YEARNEWS Newspaper Yearbook

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

GOVERN Student Government

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

MUSIC Music, Band, Orchestra

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

73 TEAMS Teams

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

ORGSPORT Sports outside School?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

SCLUBS School Clubs

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

THEATER Dance, Theater Arts

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No


Measurement level: Ordinal Format: FB Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

74 CHURCH Church group Participation

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

VOLUNTEE Volunteer Groups?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

WORKFAM Worked for Family

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No

PRIVATE Worked for Private?

Measurement level: Ordinal Format: F8 Column Width: Unknown Alignment: Right

Value Label

1 Yes 2 No