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In Your Neighborhood Travel Power of the The love of Hva skal vi med det fremmede humble ordet idealer når vi har det gode American cars paperclip norske løgner? in Norway Read more on page 13 – Henrik Ibsen Read more on page 9 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 34 September 21, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com On high alert in Norway News Two Norwegian electricians, Reactions to working in a mobile basket in- specting a cable spanning the controversial anti- Nordfjord in western Norway, were forced to spend nearly 20 Muslim film leads hours in the basket, 90 meters above the water. When the bas- to increased ket got stuck on its way across security measures the fjord, due to technical fail- ure, a helicopter was called in, in Norway but the attempt to airlift the two to safety failed due to high winds. The next day the rescue St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n team lowered some more ropes Norwegian American Weekly down to the two men, enough for them to lower themselves Protests against the controver- down to rescue vessels below. sial film “Innocence of Muslims” Before they started, they were have raged in many parts of the instructed by alpinists over their mobile phone how to rap- world after excerpts of the film pel down. The two appeared to were shown on Egyptian televi- be in good shape. sion, and now a demonstration at (blog.norway.com/category/ the U.S. Embassy in Oslo has been news) announced. Oslo police said they intend to approve the application

Business Photo: JB Foundation A Norwegian court has upheld See > Alert, page 6 The U.S. Embassy in Oslo is on high alert with scheduled protests against recent anti-Muslim film. a ban on the display of tobacco products in stores, handing a de- feat to the Philip Morris compa- ny on Sept. 14. Norway, which We’re going digital! Dynamic leader for NHO has had a ban on cigarette and alcohol advertising since 1975, New digital platform available to all Most powerful in 2010 banned even the dis- businesswoman in play of tobacco products at their Weekly subscribers and advertisers point of sale. Shops must keep Norway to head cigarettes in unmarked cabinets or special vending machines biggest business with no visible logos. group (blog.norway.com/category/ business) St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n What’s inside? Norwegian American Weekly News 2 – 3 Kristin Skogen Lund was Business 4 named Director General of the Research & Education 5 Confederation of Norwegian En-

Opinion 6 – 7 See > leader, page 6 Photo: Wikimedia Commons Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Protect athletes’ health Obituaries & Religion 11 Norwegian Arts & Style 12 athletes show In Your Neighborhood 13 Norwegian Heritage 14 how travel stress Sports 15 Illustration: Norwegian American Weekly Staff can affect health

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e $1 = NOK 5.8042 Norwegian American Weekly updated 8/31/2012 In a special report for The In comparison Like the Norwegian American tion with our annual Business Is- Globe and Mail, exercise blogger 7/31/2012 6.0219 Weekly in print, but wish it was sue! This interactive platform will Alex Hutchinson illustrated how 3/3/2012 5.6122 available online? Look no further be available to all current print sub- the destination, not the flight, could – we are launching our digital edi- 8/31/2011 5.3512 See > Digital, page 7 See > health, page 15 Photo: Google Search 2 • september 21, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Sigrid begraves 19. september opera på båten Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne (16), som ble funnet død på Kolbotn i Akershus forrige Prinsesse er død For femte år på rad tar uke, bisettes fra Oppsal kirke onsdag. Det Hurtigruten med solister er talsmann for Sigrids familie, Geir Strand, Kong Harald i sorg over som til Dagbladet opplyser at Sigrid skal bi- søsterens bortgang og musikere fra den settes fra Oppsal kirke onsdag klokka 11.30. norske opera og ballett – Jeg tviler på at kirken er stor nok for alle som vil komme, vi får se hvordan det blir, på sin årlige operaseiling VG sier Strand. Sigrid Giskegjerde Schjetne langs kysten (16) forsvant på vei hjem fra en venninne natt til 5. august. Hun ble funnet drept og Kong Haralds eldste søster døde 82 år HurtiGruten innpakket i plast i et skogholt på Kolbotn i gammel. Det melder Slottet på sine hjem- Akershus fire uker senere. To menn, på 37 år mesider. Denne reisen har blitt et meget populært og 64 år, er siktet for drap eller medvirkning – Prinsesse Ragnhild døde i sitt hjem et- reisealternativ for musikkelskere. Også på til drap på Sigrid. ter en tids sykeleie, bekrefter kommunikas- årets operaseiling vil passasjerene våre få (NTB) jonssjef Marianne Hagen ved Slottet til VG oppleve et allsidig og spennende program, Nett. fremført av utvalgte solister med et høyt Kaster Vinmonopolet på dør Ifølge Slottets hjemmesider døde musikalsk nivå. Det er litt av et stjernelag Huseier har fått nok av statsbedriften etter prinsessen søndag morgen i Rio i Brasil – med solister som mønstrer på operaseilasen manglende husleiebetaling. Vinmonopolet 09.45 lokal tid. Hun har bodd i den brasil- med MS Trollfjord. er tradisjonelt en ettertraktet leietaker, både ianske byen i en årrekke med sin ektemann Foto: http://torilzachariassen.blogspot.com En ung prinsesse Ragnhild Alexandra. “Opera under polarhimmelen” er som et av hensyn til sikker betalingsevne og fordi Erling Lorentzen. lite jubileumsarrangement å regne, ettersom et pol sørger for jevn kundetrafikk til fordel «Hans Majestet Kongen har med stor det er femte året på rad, de populære opera- for andre butikker i nærheten. Men i Odda er sorg mottatt budskapet om at Prinsesse nprinsesse Märtha. Ragnhild ble ikke dron- cruisene arrangeres om bord på Hurtigruten. det blitt full skjæring mellom huseier Odda Ragnhild, fru Lorentzen, er gått bort», skriv- ning fordi kvinner ikke kunne bli tronføl- Publikum som har hatt gleden av å oppleve Sentrum AS og AS Vinmonopolet. Svein er Slottet. gere i Norge. – Jeg vet at kongefamilien har de stemningsfulle konsertene på tidligere Myklebust, som eier Odda Sentrum AS, har Fra slottsbalkongen flagges det nå på vært holdt løpende orientert om prinsesse seilaser, vil nok alle som en kunne samtykke sendt begjæring om tvangsfravikelse for å halv stang med sort flor. Ragnhilds helse de siste månedene. Hun få kastet ut statsbedriften. Bakgrunnen er i at solistene og konsertene om bord har Kongehuset opplyser også at prinsesse kunne ikke komme til Norge til den offisielle manglende husleiebetaling fra Vinmonopo- holdt et meget høyt kunstnerisk nivå. Ragnhild vil bli stedt til hvile ved Asker feiringen av kongeparets 75-årsdager i mai, let. Myklebust opplyser til Haugesunds Avis I samarbeid med våre resurser i Den og uteble også fra den private feiringen på at Vinmonopolet skylder en kvart million i kirke, mens bisettelsen vil finne sted i Slott- norske Opera, har vi til høstens seiling med Bygdøy Kongsgård, sier Totland. husleie – pluss morarenter. Utleieselskapet skapellet. Tidspunktet er ikke fastsatt ennå. oss et stjernelag med sangere, hver for seg har selv fått problemer med sine forplik- – Det er en svært trist melding vi har Som nygift dro prinsesse Ragnhild, fru med suksess fra så vel nasjonale som inter- telser på grunn av den manglende betalin- mottatt fra Rio i dag. Jeg har visst en stund Lorentzen, til Brasil med sin ektemann Er- nasjonale operascener. gen. Vinmonopolet har tidligere benektet at at Kongens eldste søster var ved dårlig helse. ling for å bli der noen få år, men ble boende. Solistene akkompagneres av pianistene de skylder huseier penger, men har senere Likevel reagerte jeg med både sjokk og Ragnhild og Erling Lorentzen har tre barn, med lengst fartstid om bord, Tore Dingstad innrømmet at så var tilfelle. Deretter ble sorg da det triste budskapet kom fra Brasil Haakon, Ingeborg og Ragnhild Alexandra. og Helge Evju. Begge med mange års erfar- det utestående beløpet betalt, og beklagelse tidligere i dag, sier kongeekspert Kjell Arne ing og bakgrunn fra Den norske Opera. kom fra høyeste hold. Av polets pressesjef Totland til VG Nett. English Synopsis: HM King Harald’s eldest sister, ble den manglende betalingen kalt en «over- Prinsessen ble født 9. juni 1930 og Princess Ragnhild, died at home in Rio de Janeiro, English Synopsis: This year, Hurtigruten will con- tinue it’s five-year tradition of an “opera cruise.” føringsfeil». Utleieselskapet Odda Sentrum var eldste datter av Kong Olav V og Kro- Brazil. She was 82 years old. har likevel fått nok, og vil altså ha ny lei- etaker inn i lokalene. I forgårs rykket AS Vinmonopolet inn en annonse i Hardanger Folkeblad, der det fremgår at man søker nytt han gir seg Vil styrke samarbeidet butikklokale på 400 kvadratmeter i Odda – «snarest». (VG) Etter sju år på Stortinget sier Sør-Koreas president Ola Borten Moe seg ferdig Arbeiderpartiet vil gi norske elever tre nye Lee Myung-bak og mattetimer som stortingspolitiker statsminister Jens Ap har regnet seg frem til at elevene Stoltenberg lover økt trenger tre timer mer matte i uka. Men de VG sliter med å skaffe gode mattelærere. – I samarbeid. Sør-Korea matematikk er ikke nivået blant elevene så I en pressemelding skriver Borten Moe kan snart passere Kina bra som vi skulle ønske. Kunnskapsnivået i at han ikke vil forplikte seg i fire nye år. som Norges viktigste matematikk er også for lavt hos den jevne – Etter nøye overveielse har jeg kom- matematikklærer, sier Aps fremste utdan- met frem til at jeg ikke vil forplikte meg til eksportmarked i Asia ningspolitiker, Marianne Aasen. Lederen 4 nye år på Stortinget den kommende stort- i Stortingets utdanningskomite sier partiet Foto: Yonhap News ingsperioden. Dette har vært en vanskelig VG bare er nødt til å gjøre noe. Hun har lenge Sør-Koreas president (t.h.) på pressekonferanse i avgjørelse for meg, sier oljestatsråden. Norge. sett at mange har vansker med å løse enkle Forsikringene om økt samarbeid mellom regne- og matematikkoppgaver. Dette un- Til tross for at han gir seg på Stortin- Sør-Korea og Norge kom på en pressekonfer- derbygges av de årlige undersøkelsene til get, så vil ikke Borten Moe si seg ferdig med om å bli observatør i Arktisk råd. President anse onsdag formiddag etter at de to lederne Norsk Matematikkråd, de siste eksamenene politikken. Lee håpet at dette vil skje på førstkommende fra videregående- og begynnerstudentenes – Jeg har et sterkt ønske om å bidra til hadde hatt en timelang samtale i statsminis- ministermøte i Arktisk råd våren 2013. matematikk-kunnskaper. På Aker Solutions at Senterpartiet skal gjøre et godt valg neste terboligen i Oslo. I talen til president Lee under middagen moderne realfagsenter til 70 millioner kro- høst, og til at regjeringen skal fortsette. Som President Lee Myung-bak forlot Norge på Akershus slott tirsdag kveld understreket ner, presenterer hun partiets matematikk- 1. nestleder i Senterpartiet og som statsråd onsdag formiddag, etter et to dager langt Stoltenberg at Norge og Sør-Korea allerede satsing i kommende valgperiode sammen vil jeg bruke all min tid på å arbeide for at vi besøk. På pressekonferansen sa han om for- samarbeider godt i Arktis. Sør-Korea op- med Jonas Gahr Støre. En annen Ap-tungve- sammen skal nå dette målet, sier Senterparti- holdet til Nord-Korea at Sør-Korea er beredt prettet en forskningsstasjon på Svalbard for kter, tidligere utdanningsminister Trond politikeren. til å møte den nordlige naboen til dialog når ti år siden. Giske, har sittet i programutvalget som har Partileder Liv Signe Navarsete sier til som helst. Norsk eksport til Sør-Korea har hittil i år kommet frem til mattesatsingen. Hovedgre- VG at tapet av Borten Moe vil bli et savn. Samarbeidet Norge-Sør Korea skal økes økt med over 70 prosent, opplyser nærings- pene er: Tre nye mattetimer i uken. To ekstra – Jeg har selv erfart den politiske ver- både innen handel, økonomi og politikk. organisasjonen Norsk Industri. timer i ungdomsskolen og en ekstra time i dien av å ha gjort noe annet enn bare å drive Før pressekonferansen var de to lederne til – Hvis trenden fortsetter, vil vareek- barneskolen; tøffere karakterkrav til fremti- med politikk. Jeg har derfor forståelse for stede ved undertegnelsen av to såkalte MoU, sporten være på nivå med rekordnivået fra dige mattelærere i lærerutdanningen (mini- det valget Ola har tatt, og jeg respekterer Memorandum of Understanding, som ut- 2009 med 13,8 milliarder kroner i eksport mum 4). Studenter med lavere karakterer det. Det vil være et savn for Senterpartiets trykker enighet mellom landene. Den ene fra fastlandsbedriftene, sier fagsjef i Norsk må bestå obligatorisk forkurs; kalkulatoren stortingsgruppe at Ola trer ut om ett år, sier handler om skipsbygging og skipsutvikling, Industri, Sindre Finnes, i en pressemelding skal ikke brukes før elevene mestrer grunn- Navarsete. mens den andre dreier seg om skipsfart. onsdag. leggende regneferdigheter; og ingeniører og – Norge verdsetter Sør-Koreas interesse realister skal finne det attraktivt å undervise for utviklingen i Arktis og Antarktis, under- English Synopsis: Norwegian Prime Minister Jens i skolen. English Synopsis: Ola Borten Moe, Minister for Oil Stoltenberg and South Korean President Lee Myung- streket Stoltenberg i møtet med pressen. Han (VG) and Energy, says he will not pursue another term in bak have vowed to strengthen the relationship be- Norwegian Parliament. forsikret at Norge støtter Sør-Koreas søknad tween their two countries. Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news September 21, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com More respect Statements from July 22 hearing will be Is the Norwegian flag Lost in translation? kept confidential Facebook censors Norwegian man because of name The Public Record Office has decided that used too casually? statements from politicians and government officials in the July 22 hearing will remain NRK confidential. The decision by Keeper of Public Records Ivar Fonnes entails that the public will not know what individuals such “The flag should never touch the ground” as the former police chief and members of is an important rule regarding the Norwegian parliament told the July 22 commission flag, and the same protocol is generally fol- during the hearing. According to Fonnes lowed for flags around the world. Many be- the testimonies are not complete, and not lieve that these rules are changing. suited for publication. He says that the When the soccer season started, the summaries could easily be misinterpreted Norwegian Guardsmen’s Association (veter- if analyzed individually, and that it could ans of military service and supporters of HM make future investigations more difficult The King’s Guard) raged against the NFF if witnesses fear that they can’t speak (National Soccer Association) for the scat- Photo: MyCE.com openly. Secretary-General Nils E. Øy in the tered Norwegian flags in the stands and on Norwegian man is blocked from his Facebook account because his last name doesn’t pass the “real Norwegian Association for Editors, however, the ground after the game between Norway name policy” filter. finds it meaningless to keep the hearing statements secret now that the commission and Croatia at the Ullevaal Stadium. NRK The reason was that the Norwegian Soc- has completed their work. Leaders of the cer Association (NFF) had put out flags on “Can I be the only one of Facebook's name that could be lost in translation into Conservative Party, the , the Left Wing Party and the Christians all seats to help encourage national pride. over 900 million users who has a name that English, watch out! You could soon be Democrats also support Øy. When the game was over, the national feel- is a little corny in English?” asks Norwegian banned from the social media website. Face- (Norway Post) ing seemed to be over as well, with the Nor- author Simon Stranger. book’s “real name policy” censors everyone If you are a Facebook user and have a See > Flags, page 15 See > Facebook, page 11 Oslo is world’s priciest city: study Oslo, Zurich and Tokyo are the world’s most expensive cities, but it is in the Swiss financial capital that residents enjoy the Visit from the Bishop On the stage strongest purchasing power, according to a Controversial play about study published Sept. 14. Workers in Oslo, Norway’s first permanent which according to the study is the world’s Anders Behring Breivik most expensive city, enjoy the fourth highest presiding bishop to wages on the planet. Zurich is also a winner coming to Oslo theater in terms of purchasing power, with the net open 25th annual Leiv hourly wage in the city buying the most Eriksson International VG goods and services, UBS said. “Workers in Zurich can buy an iPhone after 22 hours Festival in Minneapolis The controversial play “Manifesto work. In Manila, by contrast, it takes around 2083,” based on July 22 terrorist and anti- 20 times longer,” the bank pointed out. Le i v Er i k ss o n In t e r n a t i o n a l Fe s t i v a l Muslim extremist Anders Behring Breivik’s (The Local) Minneapolis, Minn. manifesto, will have its Norwegian premiere in late October. It was written by Danish play- Norway to compensate industry for wright Christian Lollike, and is performed as energy costs The Leiv Eriksson International Festival a monologue by actor Olaf Højgaard the role Norway will be one of the first countries (LEIF) is pleased to welcome the Church of of Breivik. in Europe to introduce a scheme aimed Norway’s first permanent presiding bishop, “On the basis of manifesto, the play at compensating its energy-intensive Helga Haugland Byfuglien, who opens the examines why and how a seemingly well- manufacturing industry for higher electricity 25th Annual Festival on Oct. 7 at the 11:00 functioning Norwegian man could turn into prices, the government said Sept. 11. a.m. worship service at Mindekirken, 924 the greatest mass murderer,” the playwright The proposal will help to keep Norway’s East 21st Street, Minneapolis, Minn. said in a release. traditional manufacturing industry afloat “It is a privilege to visit Mindekirken After a contentious debate, criticism and and discourage companies from fleeing to countries with less strict climate regulation. and participate in the 25th Leiv Eriksson delays, the Dramatikkens Hus in Oslo decid- The government estimates it will cost about International Festival,” said Bishop Byfug- ed to produce the play, scheduling its run for NOK 500 million (USD 86.5 million) a year, lien.” I look forward to learning more about Oct. 27 – 28. but that could rise to several billion kroner if the work of Mindekirken, its congregational Photo courtesy of LEIF The play will have its Danish premiere the cost of emissions permits increases. Bishop Helga Haugland Byfuglien, the Church of (Wall Street Journal) See > bishop, page 12 Norway’s first permanent presiding bishop. See > stage, page 15 We’re going digital! Try our new digital platform for the Weekly – All current subscribers have full access to our digital edition Contact us at [email protected] for online access Subscribe today! Print and digital: $59 for U.S., $79 in Canada, $179 in Norway and others Digital only: $47 – just $1 per issue, no matter where you live Questions? Call (800) 305-0217, email [email protected] or write to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • September 21, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Photos: Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves Cookstoves in developing countries depend on charcoal (left) or firewood for fuel, but it deteriorates air quality and uses finite resources. Norwegian start-up Green Development AS works to build inex- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, pensive, efficient cookstoves that use ethanol instead (right). commercial transactions and estate planning. Ra s m u s Fa l c k Oslo, Norway 2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Happiness is falling in love, having launched a share issue creating equity of children and starting a business, says a serial NOK 6 million (approximately USD 1 mil- entrepreneur moving his headquarters these lion) LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: days from Norway to Nairobi, Kenya. His Around 90 percent of African house- wife left a safe job as communications direc- holds use firewood and charcoal to prepare Certified Public Accountant Small businesses (206)789-5433 tor and is joining the start-up company. The food and boil water. The negative conse- Individuals couple is bringing their two kids along, aged quences of this are huge and well-document- 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 two and five years old. They are motivated ed – the use of charcoal and wood results in a by the challenge of creating a business, and terrible indoor climate smoke and poisonous at the same time they are helping others. gases. One of these is lung disease resulting In 2010, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary in the deaths of 2 million women and chil- Subscribe to the Weekly! Rodham Clinton launched the Global Alli- dren worldwide every year. ance for Clean Cookstoves, a new public / The World Bank has been working to Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] private initiative to create a thriving global find alternative solutions to the heavy use of market for clean and efficient household firewood and charcoal for the last decade. It cooking solutions that will save lives, im- has been concluded that the use of ethanol as prove livelihoods, empower women, and an energy source for food preparation would LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. combat climate change. In May, China joined be an extremely good solution. Ethanol can Sales and Service the alliance, and they will help the alliance be produced from agricultural waste from to meet its goal to ensure that 100 million the local environment leading to energy self- homes adopt clean and efficient stoves and sufficiency for local communities. fuels by 2020. The company will use carbon credits This is the challenge the Norwegian as a financial basis. The environmental au- entrepreneurs want to do something about. thorities in the individual countries have ap- Their company Green Development AS is a proved Green Development as the represen- Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK company operating in the area of renewable tative to roll out the use of ethanol stoves in phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 energy. The company was started in 2009 their respective countries of Kenya, Malawi, fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 and their main program is to replace the use Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia, Mozambique, of firewood and charcoal in African house- Madagascar and Nigeria. holds with a renewable solution that does not In each country Green Development pollute, lead to heavy deforestation, or cause will offer training in the use and servicing of [email protected] millions of deaths annually. Their solution stoves, distribution of stoves, and coordina- 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 is in the form of ethanol stoves and the lo- tion of and training in the production of etha- cal production of ethanol. They want to fi- nol. A driving force in the project is that the nance a large-scale roll-out of their business production of ethanol will happen at a local idea through carbon credits and implement level and generate revenues at a local level. Headed south for the winter? the stoves through partners. The target is 1 Green Development presented their pro- million ethanol stoves in East Africa within gram to the Norwegian Ambassadors in east five years, which is ambitious but also real- Africa in Oslo earlier this month at the an- Call us to have your address istic. Earlier this year, Green Development nual Ambassador meeting in Oslo. change automatically to your winter address so you don’t Business News & Notes miss a single issue of the Norwegian krone declines as inflation slows Norway central bank says house prices to Weekly! Norway’s krone was the biggest decliner rise further against the euro and the dollar after a report Borrowing costs for Norwegian households showed inflation unexpectedly slowed. The may drop further to fuel an already hot prop- Call Kelsey at (800) 305-0217 krone lost 0.8 percent to 7.3868 per euro and erty market while inflation is developing as 1 percent to 5.7809 per dollar on Sept. 10. It forecast, the central bank said on Sept. 13, or [email protected] to set fell against all the 16 other major currencies playing down expectations it may delay inter- up your snowbird account. tracked by Bloomberg. est rate hikes. (Norway Post) (Reuters) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research September 21, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Norwegian treasures at the UN Interview with David Chikvaidze, Director of the United Nations Library and League of Nations Archives in Geneva, Switzerland

Ma r i t Fo ss e Geneva, Switzerland

Marit Fosse: You are the Director of wegians – very important figures but not of the United Nations Library in Geneva, the same caliber. There was Christian Lange built with funds from the U.S. Could you who was a great specialist in disarmament. tell us a little about its history? In 1932 the first international disarmament David Chikvaidze: This is a very good conference took place attended by 64 coun- and timely question, because on Sept. 10, we tries. Lange carried out a lot of work there celebrated the 85th anniversary of the gift as a member of the Norwegian delegation. from John D. Rockefeller Jr. to the League of Then he was made Chairman of the Naval Nations Library. The Library had already ex- Armament Committee, which was one of the isted since 1919 when, in 1927, Rockefeller key committees. In those days, naval arma- gave USD 2 million to endow a library that ment was basically strategic arms. Nuclear would serve as a center for international re- weapons had not yet been invented, and search and international understanding. there were no intercontinental bombers, so I have the privilege of directing the li- the world was ruled by countries that had brary donated by Rockefeller. When the large navies. Lange also received the Nobel League of Nations ceased to exist in 1946, Peace Prize in 1921. all the assets of the League were transferred Then there is another famous gentle- Photo: Marit Fosse to the United Nations. Nowadays, the Li- man, Carl Johan Hambro. He also had quite David Chikvaidze serves as Director of the United Nations Library and League of Nations Archives in brary continues to serve the objective that a lot of interesting jobs in the machinery of Geneva, Switzerland. In 1927, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. donated money to endow a library that would Rockefeller’s gift had set for the library of the League of Nations. For instance, he was serve as a center for international research and international understanding. the League of Nations. the President of the last session of the Gen- eral Assembly of the League of Nations and tire League of Nations archive needing to be The Nansen Archives were microfilmed MF: As a member of the League of Na- made the final closing speech. digitized. This is incredibly important so that with assistance from the Norwegian Fritt tions, could you tell us about Norway’s We have a Norwegian gem here in the readers who are interested in the history of Ord Foundation. Altogether 300 boxes in the contribution? Library which we value very much, and for multilateralism and in the work of the United Archives were microfilmed. Then, with the DC: While not being a founding member which we are very grateful to the Norwe- Nations can consult the documents from a assistance of the National Norwegian Ar- of the League of Nations, Norway joined in gian Government. In 1939 Norway gave to distance, without having to be on the prem- 1920, soon after its creation. If there was any the League an absolutely breathtaking mural ises in Geneva. See > library, page 6 need to make up this lost year, Norway made fresco called “Dreams of Peace” by Henrik it up in spades. The most famous Norwegian Sørensen, a Norwegian artist. It was very rel- is, of course, Fridtjof Nansen. He was not evant to the situation between the two wars – only a polar explorer and a scientist, but also looking back and but also towards the future. a committed internationalist. Many people It is located in our largest room which used become famous, but there are only a hand- to be our loans room. Music Education ful who leave something for eternity. Nansen was what I would call a “game changer,” MF: Does the painting need to be re- At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community a person who does things that nobody has stored? done before and who lays the foundations DC: The painting is in fact unfinished ensures challenge and support for every student for something that 60, 70 or 80 years later because Sørensen never had time to complete continues to develop. it, but nevertheless it’s still a masterpiece. Nansen was the first High Commission- When you have a painting like that, the er for Refugees. He was appointed in 1920, place where it is exhibited is very important. reappointed in 1921 and kept his job until The room itself is beautiful, but needs reno- his death in 1930. He first worked on the re- vation. We are doing our best according to turn of prisoners of war blocked around the the funding we have available from the Unit- world after World War I. Then he dealt with ed Nations regular budget. We do not have the refugees and managed to protect almost any extra-budgetary funds though. 500,000 people who were obliged to cross The U.N. Member States are in financial borders. At the time this was a huge number difficulty. They fund the U.N. through the of people. regular budget, and the Secretary-General For many refugees, their status is made wants to get the Regular Budget under con- worse by the fact that they do not have any trol. He has therefore indicated that it is un- papers. They are stateless and paperless peo- ethical to contact Member States asking for ple, so Nansen created what became known extra-budgetary funds. Upon my appoint- as the “Nansen Passport” in order to give ment to this position, I have been looking ac- these people an identity. We have a copy in tively for funding from private foundations, our League of Nations Museum. This was a individuals or even companies. document that prevented them from being Members of PLU’s University Symphony Orchestra prepare for a concert. sent back home. What Nansen created later MF: What exactly does the room need? formed the basis of what we know today as DC: Basically, it needs not only a fresh the United Nations High Commissioner for coat of paint but it also needs to be brought Refugees – an organization that takes care of up to modern standards. We need, for in- CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS a very large number of refugees in the world, stance, wi-fi and interpretation technology numbered in millions. For one person, come to be provided – everything that a modern to think of it, even for an entire organization, medium-sized conference room / event room Nansen’s contribution was a huge – a world- needs. Forgive me for acting like a salesper- PLU wide, cross-border, cross-disciplinary kind son here, but you did ask me about the refur- of historical contribution. Nansen received bishing! Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 the Nobel Peace Prize in 1922. Here I am talking to you about the needs There are a couple of other famous Nor- of physical restoration, when we have the en- On the EDGE 6 • September 21, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion < Library From page 5 A message from Managing Editor Christy Olsen Field Editor’s Notes Join the conversation! chives, these were then digitized producing over 300,000 images. However, the sad thing is that these images are still not accessible Exciting step for the Norwegian American Weekly! on the web, because we need funds to curate these images, to go through them, classify By Christy Olsen Field, Managing Editor them and put them on the website. There are three stages to any digitiza- It’s true – The Norwegian American pay when you can get the same information 1, 2013. This open access is important to tion process, then the curation of what you Weekly is going digital! online in real time, and for free? Some pub- me as the editor: I want you to try the digital have and putting it on the website. We have In the past few years, we have ex- lishers try to protect their content with pay version of the Weekly, and more than just 3,000 linear meters of archives, and we have perimented with new features and updated blocks – if you want to read the rest of the once. With delivery straight to your inbox design to keep the Norwegian American article, you must log in to their system and and readable on a number of devices, the digitized, at best, maybe one-tenth. There is Weekly relevant in today’s world. In 2009, pay a small fee. I don’t know about you, digital edition of the Norwegian American no money in the U.N. regular budget for this we changed to a 16-page format, prioritiz- but I haven’t wanted to read an article badly Weekly is now available at your fingertips. work, so we are trying to carry out a little of ing our content to bring our readers the best enough to go through a number of steps to If you don’t want to read the digital this work whenever we receive a donation. stories. In 2010 after our summer break, we set up a new account and punch in my cred- edition, that’s fine! Your subscription price Every two years, we receive interest rolled out our redesign with reorganized it card number. isn’t going up, and you will receive the from Rockefeller’s donation, which was sections and a more cohesive look. In 2011, Much of our content is original mate- Weekly with the same schedule and format. USD 149,000. We used it to digitize about we expanded our special issues to a 24-page rial written by our staff and 35+ contrib- For people who want to subscribe to the 62 linear meters of the archives. It is not dif- format with extra color and space for spe- uting editors across North America and Norwegian American Weekly in the digital ficult imagine what is needed for 3,000 me- cial articles and features. In 2012, we had Norway, and we want to keep it in the Nor- format only, it’s $47 for the year – just $1 ters! But it is our heritage – the intellectual the dream of taking the newspaper to a new wegian American Weekly. Since 2008, we per issue, regardless where you live in the memory of the world. level by publishing online. have published a few articles each week world. This is especially nice for our read- Going online has been in our minds on the Norway.com blog (http://blog.nor- ers who live outside of the U.S. or have MF: Do you think that the Norwegian and a conversation in staff meetings for the way.com), with links to subscribe. This dealt with frustrating delivery problems. government and Norwegians in general past year. With more than 5 million Norwe- has worked for us, but it’s just a piecemeal To access your digital account, all you are aware of the treasures in your posses- gian-Americans and Norwegian-Canadians version of the Weekly. One element of the need to do is email Subscriptions Managaer sion? in North America, our readership potential Weekly that makes it special is the unique Kelsey Larson at [email protected] with DC: The Norwegian Government and the has nearly unlimited growth possibilities. combination of articles and features – from your subscription information. We will give Norwegian National Archives have helped But to cultivate that growth, we need to ex- breaking news to favorite recipes. you your username and password to set up us very much in the past with the Nansen ar- pand our online presence and make it easier We also have the dilemma of print ver- your account, and your digital edition sub- chives. I have mentioned to the Norwegian for people to access the newspaper. sus digital: Can you provide the best reader scription will start with the Sept. 28 issue. Ambassador that I would like show him the In August, the opportunity “fell into experience by offering just one? I admit – I In these first few months, we need new plan of the loans room and Sørensen’s our laps” to launch the digital version of the prefer reading in print, even though I’m a your feedback! Click around in the issue fresco. He told me that he was planning to Norwegian American Weekly. We partnered tech-savvy 20-something. I like the tactile and see how the interactive content works. see it – and I’m sure he will. I do not think with PageSuite, a British digital publishing experience of holding a newspaper or book Tell us what you like, what isn’t working that Norway has forgotten us, but they might company that specializes in cross-platform in my hand, sharing the newspaper with for you, what you would like to see. We have other priorities. I personally have not digital access and interactive content. others, or just taking a break from all the take every comment to heart and see how asked Norway as a Member State to inter- The current online format that most technology in my life. But this new digi- we can improve your reader experience of vene because of what I mentioned earlier publications offer is publishing their articles tal version of the Weekly is pretty exciting, the Weekly. about Member States financing the United online for free. Though this approach is the and I can’t wait to share it with all of you. Tusen takk for your wonderful support, Nations through their dues, etc. most common, it’s not hard to see how free Starting with our Business Issue on and we hope you join us in celebrating this access to high-quality articles has contrib- Sept. 28, every current print subscriber will exciting step in the Norwegian American MF: If people would like to help save Nor- uted to the fall of print newspapers. Why have access to the digital version until June Weekly’s history! wegian heritage, what could they do? The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is DC: First of all, I would be very happy not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. to welcome anyone who would like to visit Geneva in general and the Palais in particu- lar. It is a fascinating place. I would love to < alert Mehtab Afsar, told NRK that many Muslims < Leader show people some of the treasures that we From page 1 From page 1 have here, including the original certificate see the film as bullying. of the Nansen Nobel Peace Prize. “Bullying is something that happens for the embassy demonstration, but would terprise (NHO), putting her in charge of lob- It would be wonderful if there were regularly, targeting specific individuals or also be in full force. bying for and securing business interests in some financial support, but just making it groups. We feel that it periodically directed An open group and an “event” on Face- Norway. known that we are the custodians of such in- against Muslims, and it is important for us all book have been created, which everyone is The 46-year-old will replace John G. teresting artifacts is satisfying in itself. It was to take a stand against the film,” says Afsar. invited to attend. Arfan Bhatti, a Norwegian- Bernander as of Nov. 1. She will resign as for this reason that, in 2009, the League of The Norwegian government has con- Pakistani radical, is one of several that are head of Telenor’s digital services and broad- Nations Archives were made part of UNES- demned the film and the violence. active on both sides, but it is still uncertain cast, the company said in a statement. CO’s World Heritage List. As a result of the recent events and un- who the initiator is. “The reason I’m joining NHO is because Apart from that, we also have a bona rest in the Middle East and North Africa, as Torstein Stefansen, of the joint opera- it presents a unique and exciting opportunity fide major library. The U.N. Library contin- well as in light of the possible protests, the tional unit of Oslo police, told NRK that in an organization I know well,” Skogen ues to serve staff members, Member States Oslo Police has increased security to protect there is an individual who has initiated the Lund, who has been president of the group and researchers, and has become the intel- the U.S. Embassy in Oslo, reports Norway demonstration. since April 2010, said in the statement. NHO lectual repository of knowledge institutional Post. “We received the request from an in- represents 21,000 Norwegian companies. memory of the UN system in Europe. It is Although Police Chief of Staff Johan dividual, whom we assume represents a “We congratulate Kristin Skogen Lund much more than a library, much more than Fredriksen does not want to give any details group,” said Stefansen to NRK. on her new assignment. In Telenor, we know an archive – it’s also a place which manages about which measures have been taken, he Police will grant the application for the Kristin as a dynamic leader with a strong in- the cultural activities of the United Nations tells NRK that they involve both mobile, sta- demonstration under normal conditions, but terest in society at large, making her the ideal European Office. More than 100 events a tionary, visible and invisible measures. will also be present at the demonstration candidate to head NHO,” says Jon Fredrik year take place here. Member States bring In addition to the international events, themselves. Baksaas, CEO and President of the Telenor their best talents – painters, musicians, danc- the PST (Norwegian Security Police) esti- “We will as usual engage in dialogue Group. ers – it is wonderful way of learning about mates what is necessary based on the cur- with the applicant until the demonstration is Skogen Lund was educated at the Uni- different cultures. rent conditions here in Norway, Fredriksen Walking out of the old, impressive build- held. We require the organizer to hire a set of explained. versity of Oregon, and has worked with Co- ing containing so much of our common his- separate guards, in relation to the number of The Local reports that Afghan President ca-Cola, Aftenposten, Scanpix and Telenor. tory, I nurture the hope that somewhere out participants they have outlined. In addition, Hamid Karzai has postponed a visit to Nor- The former director general of Aften- there there may be one, two or more gener- we have a presence of both uniformed and way fearing a violent backlash at home over posten, Norway’s biggest daily newspaper, ous souls. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get civilian police,” said Stefansen. an anti-Islam film that sparked riots which was named Norway’s most powerful woman a Nansen Room in the U.N. Library in Ge- The Islamic Council of Norway will killed the U.S. ambassador in Libya, officials by business magazine Kapital last year. In neva, where all his documents would be ac- hold a peaceful ceremony in Oslo, probably said on Sept. 13. 2010, she was named the 38th most powerful cessible to humanity through the web? at Youngstorget. The organization’s leader, woman in business by Fortune Magazine. Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. UPDATE norwegian american weekly September 21, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, August 1912.” (Kringen monument). It would 430 soldiers. The Norwegian lost only six. Managing Editor I look forward to the newspaper every seem obvious that the parcel had something A commemoration was held at Kringen Christy Olsen Field [email protected] week, especially if you have news from to do with the monument. Furthermore, the in August this year to mark the 400 year an- Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager Sørlandet in southern Norway. I come from parcel was to be opened Aug. 26. Why is that niversary of the battle. The participants in- . significant? Well, Aug. 26 marked 400 years volving among others Clan Sinclair from Kelsey Larson [email protected] Keep up with your important work to since the famous battle at Kringen near Otta Scotland, the Caledonian Society of Norway Assistant Layout Editor keep us informed about our old country. in Gudbrandsdalen (1612) and hence the and the Gudbrandsdalen Society from the Harry Svenkerud [email protected] monument. US. It was the members of this latter society Advertising Sincerely, For those who are interested, the monu- that made the largest contributed in 1908 to Call (800) 305-0217 Email: [email protected] Else Liebermann ment is still there. It is easily seen from the the building of the Kringenstøtten. Contributing Editors Brooklyn, N.Y. main road. The Scottish soldiers under the The opening of the parcel this year was Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. leadership of Captain Sinclair were on their obvious meant to remind us of the battle and Carla Danziger McLean, Va. way from Isfjorden near Åndalsnes to Swe- to acknowledged the enormous contribution Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. Dear Else, den to join the Swedish army. They had ar- by the Gudbrandsdalen Society. Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Thank you for your letter! With your rived by boat from Scotland to Isfjorden. From the parcel we got all the names of Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway suggestion, this is a great time for us to ex- Why they would march through Norway, the Gudrandsdalen’s contributors. It would Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. amine how we cover news from Norway in who was at war with Sweden is just one of be nice if the Weekly published their names Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. the Weekly. We recognize our news from those ridicules decisions that history is full and where in the U.S. they came from. In- Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Norway comes primarily from Oslo, and this off. Many Norwegians from Gudbrandsdalen formation about how the money was sent to Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. doesn’t give an accurate portrait of Norway. had been killed by the Swedes in a previous Kringen would be fascinating. Better still if Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. We strive to diversify our coverage of the battle at Kalmar. This was their chance to anyone from the Gudbrandsdalen Society Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Norwegian-American community, and we take revenge. An ambush was planned at the would send the Weekly a report of the com- Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. will do our best to be more inclusive in our narrowest part of the valley. Pillarguri (Guri) memoration, it would be wonderful. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Norway coverage. a young Norwegian girl was positioned on Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. a mountain top above Otta. At the same Sincerely, Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Thanks for your feedback! time, on the other side of the valley, a man John G. Brock-Utne, MD, PhD Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. Editor was seen riding backwards. This was done Stanford, Calif. David Moe Sun City, Calif. to provide a distraction for the Scots. When Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. the Scots where in the “perfect” position Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. Dear Editor, Guri sounded her long wooden horn (lur). Dear John, John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. I have with interest read the article about Logs and rocks came crashing down onto Thank you for your letter! We will get in Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway the mysterious parcel that was kept sealed the Scots and blocked the road both front touch with Gudbrandsdalslaget to see if we Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. for 100 years, near Otta in Norway. (NAW and back. Captain Sinclair was the first to be can get more information. CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives August 31, 2012 issue on page 12). killed by a silver bullet fired from a musket to make its news report fair and accurate. If you I fail to see that the content was such by Berdon Sejelstad. 450 Norwegian farm- Best, have a question or comment about news coverage a mystery. On the outside of the parcel it is ers attacked the 550 Scots. After 90 minutes Editor call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for clearly written the word “Kringenstøtten 26 the Scots surrendered, but with a loss about style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. < digital • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and From page 1 vice that supports Flash cess.” Be sure to include your subscription letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is • Can be downloaded as a PDF name and contact information, and we will not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions scribers starting Sept. 28. • Make bookmarks or create clip- send you your username and password. This and complaints about the opinions expressed by pings to mark articles to keep or is a one-time setup process, and every new the paper’s editorials should be directed to the The Norwegian American Weekly has publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published partnered with digital publisher PageSuite to share with others edition will be sent to your inbox on Friday weekly except the first week of the calendar year, bring our readers and advertisers a new way • Interactive content, including direct morning. the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks links to our advertisers, YouTube Prefer to subscribe to the digital edi- of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • to experience the newspaper. The digital edi- Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. tion features the same layout as the print ver- videos and more! tion only? That’s great! The annual digital NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription sion, but layered with hyperlinks and inter- • Access to our archives, starting with subscription cost is $47 for the year – just Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. active content. It’s the next step for the Nor- Sept. 7, 2012 $1 per issue, regardless of where you live wegian American Weekly to boost its online All current print subscribers will have in the world. Go to www.norwegianameri- SINCE MAY 17, 1889: access to the digital edition until June 1, canweekly.com to sign up for a digital-only Formerly Norway Times presence and reach out to new readers. Western Viking & Washington Posten Features of the Norwegian American 2013. At that point, subscribers can choose subscription. Weekly digital edition include: digital, print or both versions. To access your Individual issues can be purchased digi- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- digital account, email Subscriptions Man- tally for $1.50 per issue. Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, • Delivery straight to your inbox with Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven a link ager Kelsey Larson at [email protected] Questions? Please contact us at naw@ • Readable on any computer or de- with the subject line “Digital Edition Ac- norway.com. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • september 21, 2012 norwegian american weekly TasTe of Norway It’s fårikål day! Nordic delicacies “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” Fårikålens festdag, as they say in Norway, is tradi- tionally celebrated the last Thursday in September 6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com

25th annual Leiv Eriksson International Festival October 7 – 14 Minneapolis, Minn.

Building a cultural bridge between the modern nordic countries and the u.S. since 1987 H I g HLIg H ts I ncLudE

Official visit by Norway’s Women’s Forum “Exploring our Nordic Roots” Presiding Bishop, The Rev. Dignity and Empowerment: Presented by the acclaimed Helga Haugland Byfuglien Women as the Keys to group from Norway Global Food Security Ensemble Arctica Photo: matprat.no and the 100th anniversary Concert of the norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis The satisfying, simple dish of fårikål (literally “mutton in cabbage”) warms the Norwegian soul. with special guests from orwayn

For details, contact Mindekirken, the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church Each year we bring you our classic fårikål recipe in the Norwegian American Weekly, Phone: (612) 874-0716 Email: [email protected] but this year we are going to offer a twist on this old classic. This fårikål dish (subtitled “fårikål with a wild touch”) adds juniper, to give it a wilder feel than the traditional ver- On the web: www.mindekirken.org/LEIF/LEIF.htm sion. Enjoy!

subscribe to the weekly! Call us: (800) 305-0217 or email: [email protected] Jegerkål (fårikål med viltpreg) The hunter’s lamb and cabbage stew The Little Viking Scandinavian GiftS 2 lbs. lamb on the bone (shoulder, shank or 2 Tbsp. salt neck). Ask your butcher what they recom- 2 Tbsp. whole black peppercorns a touch of Scandinavia in southern California mend for cheap cuts. 1 Tsp. caraway 1 large head cabbage 1 Tsp. juniper berries We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 2 Tbsp. butter or oil 1 1/2 cups water and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected]

Cut the cabbage into quarters and then cut into 3 – 4 wedges per quarter. Brown the meat and cabbage in a pan just slightly with the butter or oil. Layer the meat and cabbage in a large casserole pot. Sprinkle some spices between each layer and make sure the top layer is cabbage. Pour the water over it. Cover tightly and bring to a boil. Let simmer 2 – 3 hours or until the lamb is really tender and falling off the bone. Check the water level periodically and make sure your fårikål isn’t getting too dry.

What should I eat beets, leeks and sausage Dessert: with my fårikål? • Multekrem (Cloudberry Cream) • Tilslørte Bondepiker (Apples layered We’re glad you asked! Here are some with delicious whipped cream, cinna- Voice of Joy tips from Fårikålens Venner (Friends mon and brown sugar) From Karmøy, Norway of Fårikål). Visit their website at www. • Apple cake with cinnamon ice cream farikal.no to find out how to create these presents four free concerts in the Seattle area delicious recipes (NB: website in Nor- To drink: wegian). The best drink to accompany fårikål, October 6 at 7 p.m. October 7, October 7, 6 p.m. voted for by Norwegians? A delicious Rock of Ages Lutheran Aurora Church of the 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Appetizers: Scandinavian-brewed beer! Brethren Church Westgate Chapel Nazarene • Smoked salmon with scrambled eggs 316 N 70th St., 22901 Edmonds Way, 1900 N 175th St., • A trio of flatbreads! Find some differ- And of course, you should always eat Seattle, WA 98103 Edmonds, WA 98020 Shoreline, WA 98133 ent options at your local Scandinavian your fårikål accompied by boiled pota- import store. toes and flatbread! Questions? Contact Kari at [email protected] • Lefse wrapped around thinly sliced www.vOiceOfjOy.cOm norwegian american weekly September 21, 2012 • 9 Travel Let’s hit the open road! A conversation with Edel Hagane of AMCAR Lillestrøm, Home of the Midnight Cruisers

Photos courtesy of AMCAR Lillestrøm AMCAR Lillestrøm has approximately 250 members who are American car enthusiasts. The club members gather several times throughout the year for cruises, barbeques and celebrations. In 2013, the club is planning the ultimate American road trip: Celebrating the centennial of the Lincoln Highway, extending from Times Square in New York City to Lincoln Park in San Francisco.

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

Norway’s fascination with American members with an interest in American cars, cember, they come together for a Christmas that another great American highway would culture ranges from music and movies, fast and membership grew quickly in the 1990s. cruising with the newer American cars in the celebrate its centennial in 2013. The Lincoln food to the U.S. presidential race. But did Today, the club has around 250 members, as club. Highway was America’s first transcontinen- you know there is an impressive collection many families have joined the club. The most popular event of the year is the tal highway, traversing the country between of vintage American cars? Members of AMCAR Lillestrøm range 4th of July Night Cruise. Over 3,000 Ameri- New York and San Francisco. Built in 1913, In Lillestrøm, a suburb 20 minutes in age from 30 to 75 years old, with an aver- can cars descend upon Lillestrøm, popula- there are a total of 14 states, 128 counties, northwest of Oslo, American car enthusiasts age in the mid-50s. The majority are men, tion of 14,000 residents. The event draws and over 700 cities, towns and villages formed AMCAR Lillestrøm, drawing partic- but in the recent past, there are several wom- between 10,000 – 15,000 spectators, many through which the highway passed at some ipants and visitors from all over Norway and en who have joined the club with their own of whom are dressed up in vintage clothing time in its history. Sweden for their cruising events and more. cars. The club has a wide range of brands, from the 1950s. AMCAR Lillestrøm decided to put to- Edel Hagane, who serves as secretary of from Cadillac to Dodge. The oldest two cars “In early September, we drive around gether a centennial tour in 2013, with the AMCAR Lillestrøm, shared her experience in the group are a 1932 Cadillac 370B V12 Øyeren, a large lake that extends through ambition of bringing over 100 classic cars with the club and the popularity of American and a 1932 Ford. several municipalities. We have about 60 from mainly the Scandinavian countries. cars in Norway. When asked why American cars appeal participating cars, and we have a big bar- “Today the tour has 84 confirmed cars “There has always been great interest to Norwegians, Hagane replied, “First and beque at the end. signed up and the goal of 100 seems within about U.S. States and American cars in our foremost, it is the memories of American In February, AMCAR Lillestrøm holds reach. The tour will start from New York district. It grew when we started our 4th of culture from a few decades back in time, as its annual festival with an American-inspired City’s Times Square on July 1, 2013, 100 July cruising at Lillestrøm Torv (square). some members have experienced and young- menu, music and dancing. years to the day since the founding of the For our first cruising in 1988, 150 American er members dream about. The size, shape Lincoln Highway Association. They will cars showed up in addition to the crowds of and powerful engine noise are a big inspira- Cruising Route 66 then spend 26 days on the road before arriv- people from the town and surrounding dis- tion factor.” Extending from Chicago to Santa Mon- ing in San Francisco on July 26. The idea of trict,” she said. ica, historic Route 66 evokes memories of bringing your own American car back to its The event has grown ever since, and Getting together the ultimate American road trip of a bygone native homeland and driving it for a month now more than 3,000 American cars partici- AMCAR Lillestrøm members gather on era. AMCAR Lillestrøm members are plan- on a historic U.S highway seems to be the pate in the 4th of July cruise, coming from a regular basis during the warm months of ning a trip for 2013 to share the experience most alluring idea to participants. We also all over Norway and neighboring Sweden. spring and summer, and occasionally in the together. estimate that 15 – 20 percent of the partici- Approximately 10,000 people come out to winter. “Some of us drove Route 66 in 2006 as pants have never been to the U.S before. This watch the spectacle. “In mid-May, we celebrate that the cars a part of an 80th anniversary tour of the road trip will enable them to experience the great “This year there were some representa- are driven out of the garage after a long organized by father-and-son duo Harry and variety of sights and people that America has tives from a Buick club in the U.S., just for hibernation during the winter. We gather Henning Kjensli from Lillestrøm. A total of to offer between its coasts,” said Hagane. our event. We will celebrate the 25th anni- around 40 – 50 cars if the weather permits. 17 classic American cars were shipped from For more information about AMCAR versary in 2013!” added Hagane. The club sets up a barbeque with a big grill Norway to Chicago for a three-week-long Lillestrøm, visit their website at www.am- and participants bring their own food or a tour of Route 66 all the way to Santa Moni- carlillestrom.no, or their Facebook page at Founded in 1988 picnic basket,” said Hagane. ca, Calif. The experience was so unique and www.facebook.com/amcarlillestrom. Infor- AMCAR Lillestrøm was founded Nov. On the second Wednesday of the month gratifying that they became determined to do mation is all in Norwegian, with plenty of 13, 1988, with 17 charter members. Hagane from May to September, the group gathers a similar trip in the future,” said Hagane. photos from the past few years. said the group worked together to recruit new for cruising the streets of Lillestrøm. In De- After some research they discovered

Photos courtesy of AMCAR Lillestrøm 10 • september 21, 2012 norwegian american weekly Roots & ConneCtions

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch Share some Saft!

Although Norwegian children water is delicious. can find black currents, red currents, But people can only eat so much jam drink a lot of pop (or soda, or soda In the summer and fall, when strawberries, blueberries, raspber- and pie and blueberry crumble … so pop … brus in Norwegian), one of berries and fruits are ripe, you have ries, plums or apples. It’s easy to what do you do with all those berries the most common drinks for children to figure out what to do with them find raspberries growing wild, and and that fruit? in Norway is saft. It is a bit like a after you pick them. In the coun- blueberries in the forest, and then fruit kool-aid and when mixed with tryside and in many backyards you you can just pick and pick and pick.

Make saft! You can also try this:

Saft is the concentrated juice of the berries of fruit 1. Wash, peel and slice the fruit or berries. If you are using berries of any mixed with sugar. In Nor- sort, use them whole. way we have special pots for making saft. There is 2. Put the fruit/berries in a pan on top of the stove with sugar. Add just a place for the berries in enough water to cover the fruit. Our saft maker has these measurements for the top in a pan with holes sugar or you can just taste it – it should be sweet like syrup. Some people in it, a place for the juice don’t use any water with the berries, but then you have to be really careful to collect in the bottom they don’t burn. under the pan with holes, and a hose for the con- 3. Boil for about 30 minutes (it should be like syrup). centrated fruit juice to run out of when it is 4. Put the berries and liquid into some sort of fine strainer. You can use done. cheesecloth, a pillowcase, or a fruit strainer (you can probably find some- It is easy to make saft. thing at the grocery store; I think people in the US still can!). Some people Just put the fruit and sugar in the pot in layers. squash the berries before putting them into the strainer. Place the saft cooker on a pan of steaming water. When the hot steam seeps into the pot above, the juice from the berries sort of melts out with the sugar, 5. When making the sweet syrup we call saft. We put it in bottles and jars, can it you are or freeze it, and use it all year. Put a little in a glass with some water and ready YUMMY! Or you can do it the easy way and just buy it at the store. to drink your saft, put a little Enjoy and Good luck! into a (Lykke til!) glass and fill with water. P.S. Since I have only made saft in a saft cooker, your feedback (should you accept this challenge) is appreciated! Remember too, if you try any of these activities from this column with your children or grandchildren, send in pictures to the Norwegian American Weekly – we’d love to see what you are doing!

Willy Haave Big Bear City CA William C. Rasmussen Everett WA Karen Schulte Hillsborough CA Maynard Helseth Carpio ND 27. september Stanton M. Jorgens LaCrosse WI Walborg Holum Desoto TX Bodie Lunn Bellingham WA Finn Braathen Cicero IL Ingeborg (Rye) Paulson Harrisburg SD 23. september John Olson Bellingham WA Kenneth L. Lunn Bellingham WA 25. september Mrs. Don Bradley Helena MT Mrs. Albert Hendrickson DeLand FL Lois Haug Outlook Sask Canada Karen Olaussen Mound MN Oline Glugvatshaug Mosjøen Norway Martin G. Paulson Medford OR Claire Olsen Palm Coast FL Hansine Jorgenson Harvey ND John Ness Cottonwood WA Yvonne Natvig Pennock MN 21. september Bernice Omholt Dolin Mt. Vernon WA Anne Lise Lorentzen Staten Island NY Sig L. Olsen Juneau AK Frances Tellefsen Clarksville TN Eric Vangsnes Rockford, MI O. S. Krogstad Portland OR Bernice Hovland Hardy Bethesda MD Want to see your birthday in the Nilmar L. Molvik Maple Valley WA 26. september Mathilde Gjertsen Lacy WA Norwegian American Weekly? Ted Haug Outlook Sask Can Arlene Hoveland Chetek WI Lloyd R. Brye LaCrosse WI Richard Wood South Colby WA Hanna Svardal Seattle WA 24. september Marie Bergem Arnegard ND Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. 22. september Chelsea Klocke Decorah IA Ole Fluge Ålhus Norway com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one Jenny Benson Tacoma WA Ruth Peterson Tacoma WA Jean Dalthorp Bennett Mntlk Terrace WA month in advance. Jon Feste Tacoma WA Henry Markuson Watertown SD Gladys K. Stenberg McLeod MT NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Erling Ramnes Sem Norway Gjertine Storebø Hjortedal Spokane WA Paul Holum Desoto TX away? Please notify us. Rev. Gustav A. Eckhoff Milan MN Maiken Gehsmann Morristown NJ norwegian american weekly September 21, 2012 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Irene Alberta “Bertie” Kvinge October 27, 1924 – August 27, 2012 Toe hold theory My friend, Pete, likes to come up with to go about it or even how to start. Perhaps Irene Alberta “Bertie” mond’s Museum Guild, Edmonds Summer little theories to guide him through every- my friend’s “toe hold” theory can help. If Kvinge, born Oct. Market Committee, and Edmond’s Museum day life. He calls one of them the “Toe you desire to rebuild a life of faith, start 27, 1924, in London, Docent. Her hobbies were knitting, needle- Hold Theory.” He came up with this theory with the basics and get a “toe hold.” Be- England passed away point, photography, reading and traveling. after his father died and he returned to the gin by reading the Bible for a few minutes Aug. 27 at Evergreen She took a “Round the World in 90 Days” farm where he grew up to put his father’s each day. Then add a time of prayer and Hospice Center, in cruise January 2011. affairs in order. He thought he would stay meditation before bed time. As your spirit Kirkland, Wash. Bertie was preceded in death by her hus- in the farmhouse while he was there, but begins to awaken you may want to listen Bertie had an bands Hubert Lake and Ingvard Kvinge, her his father had been alone for many years to church services on the radio and watch amazing life starting brother Kenneth Stickland, and brother-in- and the place was a mess. In the kitchen, them on TV. The internet provides a won- with five years in the Women’s Royal Naval law John Kvinge. She is survived by her son dirty dishes were stacked everywhere and derful resource for religious information Service – stationed in Northern Ireland and Robert, grandchildren Melanie and James, he had no place to cook or eat. He decided and faith formation materials of all kinds. the Middle East. She married Hubert “Bert” and great-grandson Kayden, her niece Anne that he would start the clean-up process by Eventually, you may want to go back Lake in 1952, and immigrated to the U.S. in Gillies, North Vancouver, B.C.; brother- cleaning the kitchen table. It was a For- to attending church services and being part 1961. in-law Joachim Kvinge, Bergen, Norway; mica table with chrome legs and he spent a of a fellowship of believers. You may want In 1967 Bert passed away and Bertie sisters-in-law Karen Bjørnevik, Kristen good deal of time getting it perfectly clean. to attend for the first time on Christmas or worked for Safeco Insurance Company in Kvinge, Karin Valnigg of Norway; nephews He said once he had the table as an oasis Easter Sunday when there are so many Seattle, Wash. In 1973 she married Ingvard Owen (Kym) Kvinge, Mountlake Terrace, of cleanliness he had a “toe hold” because people at church that you can check things Kvinge and moved to Edmonds, Wash. In Wash.; Terje Kvinge, Lynnwood, Wash.; he now had a place he could put dishes & out without being noticed. Once you have 1996, she was awarded the MBE (the Most Arne Kvinge, Seattle, Wash.; and Jorn (Kim) other things as he cleaned them up. a “toe hold” the directions you can go Excellent Order of the British Empire) from Kvinge Olympia, Wash.; plus many family There are many times in life when we and the opportunities for spiritual growth Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Bucking- and friends in Norway and England. just need to get a “toe hold,” times when available to you are unlimited. Although ham Palace. Bertie was full of life, love, and thought- we need to get a start in a new direction you may not end up as an active member Bertie’s many activities consisted of DBE fulness. She will be missed by her many or- in life. For example, it may be that a per- of a congregation, you will give yourself (Daughters of the British Empire) where she ganizations, family, friends and her Edmonds son wants to restart their life of faith after the best chance of not drifting away again held every office at State and District levels, community. In lieu of flowers, please donate years of neglect. It is difficult to know how from a living faith. including National President 1992 – 1995. to Hospice Care Center (12822 124th Lane, In addition to DBE, she was a member of Kirkland WA 98034), The British Home (c/o Norse Home Volunteer Auxiliary (secretary Margaret Clark 10204 13th Ave S, Seattle / treasurer for 25 years), Norse Home Board WA 98168), Edmonds Historical Museum The Scandinavian Hour of Trustees. She was a member of the Sons of (PO Box 52, Edmonds WA 98020), or Norse Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Norway, Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle / Home (5311 Phinney Ave. N., Seattle WA Bergen Sister City Association, Norwegian 98103) in Bertie’s memory. Please share KKNW – 1150 AM Sailors and War Veterans Association, Brit- memories with her family and friends at ish Home in Calif., Edmonds Museum, Ed- www.becksfuneralhome.com. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Streaming live on the internet at: < facebook www.1150kknw.com From page 3 was certainly not!” Stranger and his family members aren’t alone – those with the Sámi name Anti have with a name could sound weird in English. Proud to bring you the also had trouble being accepted by Face- On Sept. 14, Stranger tried to log into Norwegian American Weekly book. Ellen Brita Anti Karasjok says that Facebook as usual, but he could not access many people who have this name add an “h” his account. or another “i” in the name, so they will be “I tried to enter my password and user- accepted by the social network. name again, and was then told that I was “Some words are censored automatical- temporarily banned from the service because ly and ‘Anti’ is one of them. I can now use it I did not use my real name,” said Stranger. because my boyfriend took action. Facebook But he does. His last name has always agreed to use mine, but most others with the been Stranger. His father, his mother and name must change it,” she said to NRK. several siblings have the same name. And Anyone with “Anti” as a last name must they are not the only family in Norway with arrange this individually with Facebook. this “unusual” name. “The name comes from the Finnish form “It's amazingly comic. And in fact ex- of Anders. There is nothing dangerous about tremely ill-timed, since I’ll have the launch it,” said a laughing Anti Karasjok. party for my new book this week,” he said. When NRK confronted Facebook with Stranger tried to correct the misunder- the strange “name ban” they got a positive standing by following Facebook’s procedures response within a few hours. on its help page, where it says that if you feel “Facebook has a ‘real name policy,’ and you have been incorrectly treated, you can apparently the names Stranger and Anti have submit a copy of valid identification. been blocked in Norway by mistake. Face- “I scanned my passport and sent it to book apologizes, and has changed that now. Picture your loved ones them,” said Stranger. It may take several minutes for the update to After two seconds, he received an auto- protected from life’s uncertainties. take effect,” said Facebook’s spokesman for generated reply which sent him back to the Face the future with confi dence knowing you’re prepared for life’s opportunities and challenges. Norway, Jan Fredriksson. same page that explains Facebook's name From volatile fi nancial markets to unexpected loss or disability, Thrivent Financial has helped “I am very happy. I would suggest that generations navigate life’s uncertainties for more than 100 years. We can help protect you, policy. they ask before they close an account next your family and your independence—no matter how you picture it. “That it is not possible to get a hold of time. There must be many more of us whose Find out more now at Thrivent.com/pictureit. someone in the Facebook system who can names are a bit weird in English. It would correct this, I can understand, but that I have be extremely ironic to have to use a fake ended up in a kind of ‘Kafka in Cyberspace’ name to create an account there,” said Simon situation when I try to correct it, is a bit com- Stranger to NRK. ical. Especially when at the end Facebook Thrivent Investment Management Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. asks the question: ‘Was this helpful?’ No! It 27575NAWA N7-12 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 531909 12 • September 21, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style More room for Ibsen Calendar of Events Norwegian real What’s going on in your neighborhood? estate mogul buys playwright Henrik California Sept. 23 to (718) 306-5660 to let us know Vikingfest how many people will be in your party. Ibsen’s last residence October 13 Santa Rosa, Calif. North Dakota to preserve its history Like Vikings? Come to Vikingfest, hosted Norsk Høstfest by Sons of Norway Freya Lodge #6-062 in September 25 – 29 Af t e n p o s t e n Santa Rosa, Calif., on Saturday, Oct. 13, 10 Minot, N.D. a.m. – 3 p.m. at Norway Hall, 617 West 9th Norsk Høstfest, North America’s largest Street in Santa Rosa. Vikingfest is Freya Scandinavian Festival, is proudly celebrat- Christian Ringnes, grandson of the Lodge’s annual celebration of Norwegian ing our 35th anniversary, starting on the founder of famous Norwegian brewery Ring- heritage and all things Norwegian: from evening of Tuesday, Sept. 25 with a con- es, has purchased Ibsen’s apartment building Viking era reenactments to modern art and cert and continuing through Saturday, Sept. in Arbinsgate 1 in Oslo. He wishes now that 29 with the full festival. Tens of thousands pottery, Nordic arts and crafts, traditional the building should be a living memorial in foods, heritage keepsakes, cultural displays of people attend the event annually to cel- honor of the great Norwegian playwright and demonstrations, and remembrance of ebrate and partake in Scandinavian cul- Henrik Ibsen. Leif Erikson. Free admission! For more ture and entertainment. Over 200 artisans, information, call (707) 778-8120 or visit craftsmen and chefs participate every year. Ringnes’ fear was that the apartment www.freyalodge.org. The experience is an eclectic array of the building, where Henrik Ibsen lived the last 11 years of his life, and Ibsen Museum is now Photo: Bilge Öner / Aktiv i Oslo contemporary and the traditional. The cui- Christian Ringnes in June 2012. MinnesotA sine, as well as the clothes, art and jewelry, located on the first floor, would be sold to a are authentic, fine quality and exquisitely private buyer and turned into apartments. Leiv Eriksson International Festival further use of the apartment building. Nordic. For details, visit www.hostfest. Real estate firm Victoria Eiendom AS, October 5 – 14 “We want to be a good landlord that com or call (701) 852-2368. where Ringnes is the largest shareholder, Minneapolis, Minn. facilitates the museum, creating an area Celebrating 25 years of the annual Leiv bought the apartment Sept. 13 for an undis- where it is possible to create something that Eriksson International Festival (LEIF) in Washington closed sum. The estimated value was NOK is greater than today. I think the museum is Minneapolis! This series of special events, Voice of Joy Concerts 85 million (USD 14.9 million), but Ringnes good today, but a bit small,” said Ringnes. concerts, discussions and celebrations October 6 – 7 told Aftenposten that he did not pay quite Highlights includes the 100th Anniver- Seattle, Edmonds and Shoreline, Wash. that much. He says that the lease will be extended sary Concert by the Norwegian Glee Club From Karmøy, Norway, Voice of Joy is “When it became known to me that the beyond the current date of 2016, but that the of Minneapolis, official visit by Norway’s coming to the greater Seattle area for four building would be sold freely, and one could public will now have to consider what will Presiding Bishop Helga Haugland Byfug- uplifting concerts. On Oct. 6 at 7 p.m., the envision a scenario where both the Ibsen happen to the apartment building. lien, public forum on global food security group will perform at Rock of Ages Luther- Museum had to move and Ibsen’s apartment “The building is solid, including a large and a special performance by Heritage, a an Brethren Church, 316 N 70th St., Seat- could be closed to all, I had to respond. It was backyard. My hope is that this may be a larg- highly acclaimed Norwegian ensemble. tle, WA 98103. Voice of Joy will perform at terribly expensive, but so be it,” he said. er, meditative space for Ibsen, where there is For a full calendar of events and details, two morning services on Oct. 7 at Westgate During the bidding process, he has also more room for both visitors and research. I visit tinyurl.com/LEIF2012 or call the Chapel (22901 Edmonds Way, Edmonds, been in talks with the Ibsen Museum, oper- think Henrik Ibsen deserves that much,” said Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church at WA 98020) at 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. The ated by the Norwegian Folk Museum, for Ringnes. (612) 874-0716. final concert is Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. at Aurora Church of the Nazarene, 1900 N 175th St., Nordmanns-Forbundet / Norwegians Shoreline, WA 98133. Free admission to all Worldwide Dinner and Annual Meeting < bishop concerts, and a good will offering will be served as a chaplain in the Borg Diocese. In October 11 taken. For more information, contact Kari From page 3 July 2010, she was elected LWF vice presi- Bloomington, Minn. at [email protected]. dent for the Nordic Region, and is, currently, Norwegians Worldwide invite you to their life, and the challenges it faces. a member of the Lutheran World Federa- annual meeting at the Minnesota Val- Nordic Festival “For generations Norway has enjoyed ley Country Club, 6300 Auto Club Road, October 13 a close cultural and political connection to tion Executive Committee. Previously, she Bloomington, MN 55438. Social hour be- Edgewood, Wash. the U.S. in large part due to the Norwegian worked as Secretary General of the Norwe- gins at 6 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7 The Daughters of Norway Embla Lodge immigration of the 19th century,” continued gian YMCA-YWCA. p.m. with a choice of pan-seared halibut or #2 presents their annual Nordic Festival Byfuglien. “Today we see the fruit of the im- While in Minneapolis, Bishop Byfug- roasted pork loin. The program will be pro- to celebrate Nordic heritage and cultural migrants as evidenced in Norwegian-Amer- lien will visit Luther Seminary and partici- vided by Hanne Aaberg, secretary-general traditions. This year’s festival will be Sat- ican communities. For me, visiting these ar- pate in Mindekirken’s Tuesday Open House. of Nordmanns-Forbundet and executive urday, Oct. 13, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., at Edge- eas will personally bring me great moments On Wednesday, Oct. 10, she will meet with director of the Norway-American Associa- mont Junior High School, 2300 110 Ave E., of learning, and I hope to further encourage Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson, Evangelical tion in Oslo. Entertainment will be provid- Edgewood, Wash. Admission is just $1 per the bond between our two nations.” Lutheran Church of America, in Chicago. ed by husband-and-wife duo Antonia and person, so come enjoy a day of traditional Bishop Byfuglien’s appointment as pre- She then flies to New York City to visit the Stanford Felix. Admission: $50 per person. music, arts, crafts and refreshments! For siding bishop by the Norwegian Ministry U.N. and the Norwegian Seaman’s Church. Please RSVP by Oct. 5 to (952) 925-4500 more information, contact Mardy at (253) of Church Affairs was a historic event in The Leiv Eriksson International Festival or [email protected]. 677-7700 or [email protected]. Norway. Until her installation, the presiding was formed in 1987 under the leadership of Pastor John Mauritzen, Mindekirken (The New York bishop was elected and not only oversaw the WISCONSIN business of the but also Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church in Oddbjørn Stakkeland in concert 22nd Annual Scandinavian Festival served as bishop of his or her diocese. The Minneapolis) and members of the Danish, September 30 October 6 office of permanent presiding bishop was Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Swedish Brooklyn, N.Y. New Berlin, Wis. established to eliminate the demands of the communities to establish an annual festival The Norwegian Christian Home Founda- New Berlin Mayor Jack Chiovatero has dual role. to celebrate Nordic cultural roots in the U.S. tion is proud to announce the concert of proclaimed Oct. 6 as “Scandinavian Festi- The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) The Leiv Eriksson International Festival Norwegiain pianist Oddbjørn Stakkeland val Day.” Join us in celebrating the cultures is brought to you, in part, by the following from Kvinesdal, Norway, on Sunday, Sept. of the Nordic countries at the 22nd Annual General Secretary, Rev. Martin Junge, wel- Nordic organizations: American Swedish In- 30 at 4 p.m. at the Norwegian Christian Scandinavian Festival at the Ronald Reagan comed Byfuglien’s appointment as the (Lu- stitute, Danish American Center, The Edvard Home and Health Center, 1250 67th Street Elementary School, 4225 S. Calhoun Road theran) Church of Norway’s first permanent Brooklyn, NY 11219. He will present a in New Berlin, WI (just west of Milwau- presiding bishop calling it “…a significant Grieg Society / Norway House, Finlandia marvelous program of selections from the kee). Doors are open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. step toward the acceptance of women’s Foundation, Icelandic American Associa- region of Vest-Agder, as well as composi- Admission is $7 for adults and $2 for kids gifts.” tion of Minnesota, Mindekirken, Nordmanns tions by Grieg, Chopin and Gershwin. Re- 4 – 12. Children under 4 are free. Parking is Bishop Byfuglien, a Bergen native, was Forbundet / Norwegians Worldwide, Oslo ception to follow. Admission is free with free! For information, call (262) 895-6419 educated at the Lutheran School of Theol- Center-US Foundation, Sons of Norway and a suggested free will donation. RSVP by or visit www.nordiccouncil.com. ogy in Oslo where she also earned her Mas- by private donations. ter of Theology. Prior to her appointment For more information and updates, Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 as presiding bishop, she was the Bishop of contact The Norwegian Lutheran Memo- rial Church,, (612) 874-0716, or go to www. to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Borg, which includes Østfold and Akershus Counties, and a parish pastor in theBorg and mindekirken.org/LEIF/LEIF.htm. Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Nidaros Dioceses. Bishop Byfuglien also norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us September 21, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Linking us together Neighborhood news Paperclip takes on Sharing snapshots of recent happenings new meaning for around the Norwegian-American community networking and building relationships among veterans

La rr i e Wa n b e rg Grand Forks, N.D.

A collegiate Veterans Project, called the The proposal applies the service learn- “Golden Paperclip,” has its symbolic roots in ing concept to document community sto- Norway with the 500+ students with military ries in short films to “bring to life” names service who are attending the University of highlighted in memorial parks from area or North Dakota (UND), while preparing for hometown communities in a “virtual parade” new civilian careers. visible via Web streaming on Veterans Day in The “roots” of the initiative to promote November and Memorial Day in May. Col- jobs for veterans originated in Norway over lege-age mentors can guide a regional high Photo courtesy of Brooklyn Norwegians 100 years ago and became a symbolic way school “film crew” to sustain documenting Above: At the annual Scandinavian Fest vens, Liz Kat, Christina Grady Tina, Herb for Norwegians to express their patriotism in local Veteran stories in an online network. in Budd Lake, N.J., members of the Face- and Helen Jacobsen, Anny Syvertsen, Berit non-verbal ways during a challenging time. “Warriors of the North,” a web portal, book group Brooklyn Norwegians were all Petersen. The “paperclip” story of patriotism dates is planned to coordinate job information and smiles for this group photo. From left: Ingrid Submitted by Contributing Editor Roy back to 1899, when the first patent registered Veteran stories of entrepreneurial e-com- Olsson Feingold, Lorraine Carlsen Knudson, Jorgensen, Hopewell Junction, N.Y. in Norway was the paperclip, which quickly merce (.com), networking among groups Arlene Tjornholm, Cindy Tjornholm Ste- became a universal business “connector” to (.net), and historical stories of missileers hold important papers together. During the (.org). The web portal will be organized and oppressive occupation of Norway by the managed by Dakota Heritage Institute, a reg- Right: At the Sons of Norway Leif Er- Nazis during World War II, the Norwegians istered non-profit association since 2010. ikson Lodge #1 in Seattle, Wash., Speak for organized themselves to wear a paperclip on Funding comes from multiple local Success classes will be offered, focusing their lapel or clothing as a silent statement of sources. Organizations in communities on the art of public speaking, presentations their patriotism to their country. help build the infrastructures, such as local and personal communication. Classes begin Today’s student proposal is to hand out American Legion Posts, museums with arti- Sept. 27. From left to right: Ronald Bailie two-inch golden paperclips to student veter- facts, historical societies for documents, and for Speak with Success, Bjarne Varnes, Pres- ans or service members and spouses who are heritage groups for cultural stories. To cover ident of Leif Erikson Lodge #1, Randi Au- seeking employment, and ask employers in training costs amounting to slightly more lie, Lodge Treasurer, signing agreement for support of hiring veterans to wear a three- than one credit hour of graduate tuition, local new course of study at Leif Erikson Lodge inch golden paperclip on their business attire, banks, credit unions, and corporate groups located on 57th Street in Ballard, Seattle’s cap brim or lapel, so the two can recognize are asked to sponsor a youth or Veteran in a traditionally Scandinavian neighborhood. each other in the coffee shops, on the street, volunteer “internship” of digital training in For more information, visit www.speak- or in community meetings. Entrepreneurial documenting film stories with smart phones. withsuccess.com or call (206) 406-7375. veterans can wear the larger paperclip to let Student organizations, such as the Photo submitted by Ronald Bailie.Full Service Agency With Experienced colleagues know that they are planning a Military Association of College Volunteers Norwegian Speaking Consultants! veteran-owned business. The symbol of the (MACV), are a natural source for hearing Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel paperclip can likewise be displayed in a store firsthand the stories of recent returnees in Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! window, in advertising, on a business card, their transition to career jobs. Their knowl- Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Specials to Scandinavia or on a web page. edge gained can be distributed via digital VERRAZANO TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean In Grand Forks, N.D. the project in- networks or communities of learners online, 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected][email protected] tends to test a grassroots, face-to-face way to especially to groups in high school or adult Call us for details! Call us for details! connect veterans to job opportunities in the education programs. Verrazano TraVel & leisure community through welcoming ways that in- On a broader scale, Dakota Heritage In- The Norwegian Christian Home1 (718) & Health 979-6641 Center’s Foundation vite acknowledgement and dialogue, which stitute is partnering with a specialized global presents a [email protected] by Norwegian pianist could lead to jobs. Many returnees are Na- reach organization that creates new ways to [email protected] tional Guard and Reservists who have been listen to the voices of veterans, using meth- deployed from area hometowns. Veterans ods of creating first-person stories and shar- Oddbjørn Stakkeland have a significantly higher unemployment ing them in effective, grassroots dialogues rate nationally than the general population – with communities at home and online. Sunday, September 30 vets since 2001 have an unemployment rate The Center for Digital Storytelling at 12.1 percent compared to 8.1 percent for (CDS) has collaborated with Dakota Heri- 4 p.m. non-veterans. Veterans from Gulf Wars have tage Institute (DHI), together with the UND service-connected disabilities at 26 percent, Center for Community Engagement, in ad- in the Arthur Nilsen Banquet Hall compared to 14 percent to all veterans. vancing community story building with “Veterans are 45 percent more likely to students and volunteers that developed a Norwegian Christian Home begin an entrepreneurial business than those project called “Story Mapping Dakota.” The and Health Care Center without military experience,” reported an project captures digital stories of patriots 1250 67th Street SBA study from 2011. Such start-ups grow and pioneers. On Sept. 10, CDS announced new jobs. the concept of “StoryLab” in five pilot pro- Brooklyn, NY 11219 To get the message out, a student film grams that will be launched nationwide. DHI crew of veterans will be trained to assist is planning a network of StoryLab sites in The program includes musical other veteran families in preparing one- to North Dakota this year. selections indigenous to the Norwegian three-minute visual, narrated “resumes” Joe Lambert, founder and director of region of Vest-Adger, as well as that tell an engaging story of their acquired CDS, caps the importance of veterans’ sto- compositions by Grieg, Chopin and skills and experience on a dedicated web- ries, “Last year I was with a group of vet- Gershwin. Reception to follow concert. site. What’s new about this is the application erans, talking about surviving while serv- of new media tools, like a smart phone or ing their country in some distant land—but iPad, that are used to capture, edit and dis- much more about surviving now in their Free admission! Free will offering will be accepted. tribute the personal story within a traditional hometowns, as homeless, as unemployed, as “hands-on” educational method known as Please RSVP to the Home by Sept. 23 by calling (718) 306-5660 “service learning.” See > Paperclips, page 14 14 • September 21, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner We still had each other NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Contributing editor Berit Mesarick shares her memories of a pivotal moment for the Norwegian resistance during World War II

With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, Be r i t T. Me s a r i c k “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. Williamsburg, Va. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss In early evening of Nov. 27, 1944, eight My father was the last to leave. He was og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing. members of the Oslogjengen (The Oslo barely out the door when he heard three loud Gang – Company Linge’s Oslo Detachment) explosions, and the building behind him was totally obliterated Kongens gate 11, a three- an instant fire. story building in downtown Oslo, housing The fire department had been prop- the Norwegian branch of Svenske Kullag- erly alerted and told all explosives had dis- er-fabriken (SKF) – a Swedish ball bearing charged, so it delayed its arrival to make sure company. The Norwegian resistance had the fire did what it was intended to do, de- learned the Germans were in negotiations stroy the ball bearings. to soon confiscate the building and the stock While all this was going on, my parents of ball bearings, the latter much needed for worried about me, because I was not home, their warfare. It became necessary to prevent but at ballet school somewhere else in Oslo. this take over, and a plan of operation was My father usually came to meet me so I completed without delay. would not walk home alone in the dark eve- The saboteurs arrived with 12 incendi- ning, but now he was unable to leave home ary bombs and three main charges, plus 400 and with no means to contact me. liters of gasoline to create the high tempera- I waited outside the school for a long ture needed to melt the steel ball bearings. time, but finally started out on my own. As The operation was 100 percent success- I walked home I noticed the evening sky ful, completely destroying the building and now having a strange reddish color, and its 50 (metric) tons of ball bearings with no I heard fire truck sirens. I wondered about 7 mils støvelen THE SEVEN-LEAGUE BOOT damage to the adjoining buildings except a that. Somewhere along the way I was glad Continued Continued few broken windows. to meet up with my mother, who in turn was Snart kom dei fram til løa på fjellet der Soon they arrived at the hay barn in the The building also had four privately oc- relieved to find me. She was talking about a trollet venta. Guten hadde trudd at prinsessa mountains where the troll was waiting. The cupied apartments. My parents, my brother fire, but I did not quite understand it until we skulle bli redd når ho såg trollet, men jenta let boy had thought that the princess would be and I lived in one of the apartments. As the came closer to home. Then I saw the build- seg ikkje skremma. frightened when she saw the troll, but the girl men dispersed throughout the building to set ing where we used to live, it was burning in – Ja, no kan eg endeleg fara vidare, sa did not scare. up the charges, the tenants, 14 in all, had any a fierce fire, a vision forever etched inmy trollet då han hadde fått på seg sjumilsstøv- – Aye, now I can finally travel on, said telephone lines cut and were given half an mind. lane. Sola hadde gått ned. the troll after he had put on the seven-league hour to get dressed and to pack some valu- Somewhat later, twice that evening, air – Kva ærend hadde du eigentleg, sa boots. The sun was gone! – What task were ables, food and clothing, They were all even- raid warnings sounded, and we now had guten. you trying to do? asked the boy. tually escorted to a dark hallway with an exit to enter bomb shelters in a building up the – Eg har ikkje fått sove på 300 år, sa trol- – I have not slept for 300 years, said the to the street, lined up single file, to remain street. After no more warnings, we could let, – og no har eg høyrt at det skal finnast ei troll, – and I’ve heard that there can be found slags rot i eit land langt borte, og at den som a type of root in a land far away, and he who there until all the saboteurs had left the build- finally leave the area to go somewhere to et av den rota, skal sova godt. eats from the root, will sleep well. ing, and they would then have less than two spend the night. The blazing fire was by now – Men du treng då ikkje dra den lange – But you don’t need to go on that long minutes to leave, one person at a time. Having reduced to a pile of bricks and charred wood, turen for å få sova, sa prinsessa. journey just to get sleep, said the princess. seen all the explosives and fuses throughout emitting smoke. My parents had saved one – Legg deg ned i høyet att, så skal eg – Lie down in the hay again, and I’ll sing the building and courtyard, the tenants wor- of my dolls, but otherwise lost everything syngja for deg, og då sovnar du heilt sikkert. for you; then you are bound to fall asleep. ried about getting out in time. The response they ever had. But we still had each other, Prinsessa la hovudet til trollet i fanget, The princess put the head of the troll in was: “You can trust us, you will get out alive, and that was the most important. og song dei fagraste og varaste voggeson- her lap, and sang the most beautiful and gen- but tomorrow we may be dead.” gane du kan tenkja deg. Og snart sov trollet tle of lullabies you could ever imagine. And så det dura i den vesle løa. soon the troll slept so heavily that the noise – Ja, det var noko til voggesong, sa boomed in the little barn. guten. Det var ikkje fritt for at han vart trøytt, – Aye, that sure was some lullaby, said Oslogjengen – The Oslo Gang han òg. the boy. And it certainly could not be denied Oslogjengen, the Oslo Gang, was Company Linge’s Oslo Detachment, a sabotage group – Berre legg hovudet ditt i fanget mitt, that he was tired as well. – Just put your head usually numbering 10 members, operating in the Oslo area during the last year of World War II. du òg, sa prinsessa. Og snart sov alle tre. in my lap, you too, said the princess. And Occasionally Max Manus and Gunnar “Kjakan” Sønsteby were part of this group. Company soon all three were asleep. Linge, a special Norwegian commando group was formed in 1941 under British guidance for the purpose of special operations in Norway during the German occupation. It became a pool of Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng talent for a variety of operations, including the heavy water sabotage at Rjukan in Telemark. In 10.NAW.TrollsPreOrder.20Aug2012_Layout 1 8/20/12 1:12 PM Page 1 all, 530 Norwegians served in Company Linge, whereof 57 lost their lives for the cause. Preorder for Christmas 2012! Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. www.astrimyastri.com

Norwegian Folk Tales, Fairy Tales < paperclips and Trolls: Tuss og Troll From page 13 are challenged to level the playing field in Volume 1 creating jobs for veterans. • 18 bilingual stories English & Norwegian emotionally and physically scarred, but also • Over 600 full colored illustrations Editor’s Note: Dr. Wanberg, COL (ret) • 192 pgs, hardcover, 7”x10”, Smyth sewn hopeful and resilient human beings. When • = $29.95 with FREE shipping in the USA the process of our story work was over, one USAR Medical Service Corps, is a retired pro- In 1944, Øyvind Dybvad had an inspiration for of them said to me, ‘I know it’s just a few fessor with 27 years of active military service a new cartoon series based on Norwegian stories, but it makes me feel like someone is and 50+ years as a college teacher. He received folk tales. The series received the resounding the Legion of Merit medal for meritorious name of Tuss og Troll [Gnomes and Trolls]. listening. And that I am not alone. We are not service with POWs and MIA families during Other than in 1947, this classic series has alone. That makes a huge difference to me.’ been published every year in Norway by Operation Homecoming during the Viet Nam When I start to wonder what could possibly Norsk Barneblad. Tuss og Troll is based on era. Recently, he received the UND “Public the collection of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen solve the world’s most intractable problems, and Jørgen Moe, as well as others. Illustrated Scholar 2010” award for work with the Cen- by Solveig Muren Sanden and Jens R. Nilssen. I remember this veteran.” (To view a short ter for Community Engagement. He volunteers Pre-order now for Christmas 2012 delivery film on Story Labs, see www.storycenter. as curator of the Dakota Heritage Institute, a Send a check to the address below org/storylab.) Made in America! N.D. nonprofit organization since 2010. View The Golden Paperclip project in North Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com samples at www.DakotaHeritageInstitute.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 Dakota reflects a Norwegian way of visually or www.StoriesFromTheHeartOfAmerica.com. 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] expressing one’s patriotism, when citizens norwegian american weekly September 21, 2012 • 15 Sports Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Nearing season’s end results Standings

9/14 Strømsgodset 4 – 0 Ålesund Tippeligaen PLD PTS Update on round 22 1. Strømsgodset IF 22 44 9/15 Molde 1 – 0 Haugesund of the Tippe League 2. Molde FK 22 44 9/16 Hønefoss 2 – 2 Viking 3. Rosenborg BK 22 43 9/16 Fredrikstad 2 – 1 Sogndal 4. Tromsø IL 22 34 Kj e l l Ol a v St r ø m s l i 5. SK Brann 22 33 9/16 Odd Grenland 1 – 2 Stabæk Trondheim, Norway 6. Viking FK 22 32 9/16 Sandnes Ulf 3 – 3 Brann 7. FK Haugesund 22 31 8. Vålerenga Fotball 22 31 July 27 was the last time Strømsgod- 9/16 Rosenborg 3 – 0 Vålerenga 9. Hønefoss BK 22 30 set collected three points in the league, but 9/17 Tromsø 5 – 1 Lillestrøm the team still holds the lead in the league in 10. Ålesunds FK 21 29 front of meeting with Ålesund. After a dif- 11. Odd Grenland 22 28 ficult period, with four games without a win, To read more about football in 12. Lillestrøm SK 22 25 the Drammen club finally found themselves Photo: Wikimedia Commons 13. Fredrikstad FK 21 21 Norway, visit again with a 4 – 0 victory against Ålesund. Strømsgodset IF is in the lead for first place in this www.uefa.com 14. Sandnes Ulf 22 21 Molde battled home a 1 – 0 victory year’s Tippe league. 15. Sogndal IL Fotball 22 20 against Haugesund and is now up on the same points as the league leader Strøms- 16. Stabæk Fotball 22 13 godset, but five goals weaker. However with the second hand. The substitute Ole Selnæs their victories so far this round, Molde and made ​​for an extraordinary finish for Rosen- Strømsgodset put pressure on Rosenborg, < flag borg when he curled a free kick into the up- respect. We believe that it is helping to cre- who faced Vålerenga at Lerkendal in Trond- From page 3 per corner in overtime. ate a good mood. The Norwegian flag is our heim and beat the Oslo club 3 – 0. Odd got a goal against in the encoun- wegian flags scattered all over the ground. pride at these matches.” Rade Prica made ​​two goals and sends ter against the bottom club Stabæk only af- The NFF does not seem to have been Although Engene believes that flag cul- Rosenborg in front against Vålerenga in the ter three minutes and managed never to rise bothered by the rebukes from the Norwegian ture and the rules are changing, he doesn’t first period. When VIF’s Papa Diamanka re- again. Stabæk wins 2 – 1 and sees a light in Guardsmen’s Association. After last week’s think it’s okay to treat the flag as it was after ceived his second yellow card and was sent the tunnel to save from relegation. game between the Norwegian women’s team this weekend’s soccer game. off, Rosenborg only controlled the game in and Belgium, the stands and spectator hill “There is little respect for the Norwe- were covered with red, white and blue. gian flag in the audience when they put it Sports News & Notes After World War II, the Norwegian flag down on the ground,” he said. “[But] the was seen as the symbol of Norway’s free- spectators did not request flags. If they had Rowing: Bronze for Norway in Italy Oslo on Sept. 15, in a qualifier for the Euro- dom. Norwegians were proud of the flag and brought their own, they might have behaved pean Championship in Sweden next year. Norway’s Nils Jacob Skulstad and Kjetil treated it with the utmost respect. differently,” he added. Elise Thorsnes gave Norway the lead Borch captured bronze in the men’s double Today the Norwegian flag is painted He is also not happy with the flags being after only four minutes, and this lasted until sculls in the European Rowing Championship across children’s faces, marked on sweaters thrown away by NFF. half-time.After the break, Isabell Herlovsen in Italy on Sept. 16. “There should be less use and less dis- and Marit Fiane Christensen added two goals and pants worn by the high-school age russ. (Norway Post) posal of the flag,” he said. for Norway, before Belgium struck back Flag expert Jan Oskar Engene believes that the Norwegian flag rules and the view of Women’s football: Norway – Belgium twice. (NRK) the flag have changed in recent years. Norway’s women defeated Belgium 3 – 2 in “We use it in other ways than before,” he said. NEW! Birkebeiner print < sick NFF still does not agree with the criti- 9.75x12” + generous border From page 1 the Norwegian team. cism they received from the Norwegian Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue The result: The incidence of illness on Guardsmen’s Association after the match • full-color, fade-proof make you sick, using the example of Norwe- the Norwegian team during the Vancouver between Norway and Croatia in June. They • quality paper • FREE shipping in gian athletes. Games was cut to less than one-third of its believe that the flags in the stands are un- sturdy mailing tube to When Norway's athlete delegation rate during the 2006 Olympics in Turin, ac- doubtedly positive. US 48 states • $15 each, USD only; boarded flights to Vancouver for the 2010 cording to a post-Olympic report published “There could of course have been some VISA/MasterCard Winter Olympic Games, they were given a in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. flags left there, but we have good procedures long list of instructions on how to avoid get- Only one medal contender was affected in for cleaning. They’re not a nuisance to any- Order from ting sick, from using hand sanitizer to cover- Vancouver, compared to six in Turin, and NORWAY ART one,” said the communications director for 1455 West Lake St, B-20 ing hotel carpets with plastic. Norway increased its gold-medal haul from the NFF, Mari Waagaard Thomassen. Minneapolis, MN 55408 Because staying healthy is a prerequi- two to nine. She believes that most people are happy call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or site to going for the gold, sport scientists are Hutchinson says you probably don’t to have the opportunity to wave the flag dur- email: [email protected] looking for how travel can affect risk factors need to go quite as far as the Norwegians, ing the matches. Why not order now for shipment to your home or business for getting sick. covering hotel carpets with plastic sheeting. “We treat the Norwegian flag Fullwith Servicegreat Agencyand With have Experiencedthis beautiful art waiting for you there?! Norwegian medical staff identified strat- But there are ways you can accelerate your Norwegian Speaking Consultants! egies that focused more on the destination, adjustment to the new environment, like Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! keeping the athletes away from risks – and using exercise to reset your body’s internal information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! even from each other – once they’d arrived. clocks. Combine that with catching up on Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Athletes who had a history of respiratory- missed sleep and minimizing germ exposure, VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n tract infections or a heavy competition and you’ll soon be ready to go for gold – or Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 schedule were even given single rooms in hit the beach. Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] the Olympic Village or in houses rented by Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) Find979-6641 the perfect gift from in < stage [email protected] online store, or if From page 3 Recently retired artistic director at the [email protected] Dramatikkens Hus and consultant for the you’re in the area, visit our piece, Kai Johnsen says he believes staging shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! at the Café Theatre in Copenhagen on Oct. E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 11, and is scheduled to run through mid-No- is important and justified. (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] vember. “I think it’s a kind of civic duty. We When the news of the play first came out now see a Europe in deep crisis with a lot of at the beginning of the year, it caused strong young and unemployed people who do not reactions among affected after 22 July, which know what to do with frustration and anger meant it was too early for a play. here. I, and many with me, are afraid that this The Huffington Post reports Danish law- could happen again. In this perspective, then, makers have harshly condemned the planned the question of early or too late may not be as SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMEN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! performance, but say they will not intervene, relevant,” says Johnsen said. 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