Order for the Worship of God
ORDER FOR THE WORSHIP OF GOD PRELUDE An Easter Celebration arr. Rayney I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Handel Victoria Provost, soprano WELCOME (Please sign and pass the Friendship Pad in your pew.) Jon Frost CHORAL INTROIT An Easter Symphony arr. Raush Joy dawns again on Easter Day, the sun shines out with brighter ray. Alleluia! All praise, O risen Lord, we give to Thee, who now again dost live; all praise. Alleluia. And God is All our own! CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing choirs of angels. Exult, all creation around God’s throne! Jesus Christ, our King is risen! People: Sound the trumpet of salvation! Rejoice O earth in shining splendor, radiant in the brightness of your King. Leader: Christ has conquered! Glory fills you! Darkness vanishes forever! Rejoice, O Church, Exult in glory! People: The Risen Savior shines upon us! Let this place resound with joy, echoing the mighty song of all God’s people. Leader: Christ is Risen! People: He is Risen indeed! HYMN (please stand if able) Jesus Christ is Risen Today Easter Hymn Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss, Alleluia! Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! Unto Christ, our heavenly King, Alleluia! Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sinners to redeem and save, Alleluia! But the pains which He endured, Alleluia! Our salvation have procured; Alleluia! Now above the sky He’s King, Alleluia! Where the angels ever sing, Alleluia! Sing we to our God above, Alleluia! Praise eternal as God’s love, Alleluia! Praise our God, ye heavenly host, Alleluia! Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Alleluia! UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION Jennie Clark Almighty God, in raising Jesus from the grave, You shattered the power of sin and death.
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