KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 51 http://www.naenara.com.kp Grand Cross Order of Merit

Chairman Kim Jong Il received the Grand Cross Order of Merit of Central Africa from the President of the Central African Republic in July 1983.

52 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 Sweeping Victory

The national leader Kim Jong Un warmly welcomes the women footballers on their return home in August 2015.

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 1 Over 200 000 Pyongyangites turn out to offer hearty congratulations to the women footballers on their win at the EAFF Women’s East Asian Cup 2015.

2 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 KOREA TODAY Monthly Journal (711) Printed in English, Russian and Chinese


Sweeping Victory················································································································· 1

DPRK’s Healthcare System ··································································································· 5

Care for the People’s Health ·································································································· 7

Legal Guarantee of Socialist Healthcare················································································· 8

Benefits of Sanatoriums······································································································· 9

The Blessed Triplets···········································································································11

Foreign People Enjoying Good Fortune in Korea·····································································12

Telemedicine Energized ······································································································13

A Small Yet Big Factory······································································································14

The Sun Shines for Ever and Ever························································································16

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 3

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Is a

Juche-oriented Socialist State with Invincible Might ····················18

The Nature of Kim Jong Suk···················································· 22

On the occasion of the 70 th founding anniversary

of the Workers’ Party of Korea

Absolute Support and Trust of Masses ······································ 24

Front Cover: The emblem Hero Complex········································································ 26 and flag of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Young Scientists Win Special Prizes ········································· 28

Photo by Ra Phyong Ryol Korea Education Fund ···························································· 29

Talent Nurtured ···································································· 30

Erstwhile Wrestler ································································· 32

On the First Tour to Korea ······················································ 33

Mother of Heroes···································································· 34

A Musical Wonder Girl···························································· 35

The Road I Chose ··································································· 36

Traditional Dishes of Korea (3)················································· 38

Three Classics of Koryo Medicine ············································· 40

Myongrimdabbu, a Hundred-year-old

Veteran Commander······························································· 41 Back Cover: The terminal of Seventy Years of Occupation of South Korea by the US················ 42 the Pyongyang International Airport Root out Cause of War ···························································· 46 Photo by courtesy of the KCNA The Event of 140 Years Ago Declares ········································ 47

UN Needs Reform—Urgently··················································· 48 13502 ㄱ-58223

© The Foreign Language Address: Sochon-dong, Sosong District, Magazines 2015 Pyongyang, DPRK E-mail: [email protected]

4 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 DPRK’s Healthcare System

HE DEMOCRATIC The popular character is also ing to their wish, can temporarily T People’s Republic of Korea to be found in the complete, uni- retire from office following child- has a popular healthcare system versal free medical care system. birth while being provided with whereby the state takes full re- The free medical service is equally food as usual. sponsibility for people’s lives and offered to all the Korean people A prematurely-born baby or health. irrespective of age, sex, place of those born of a birth are put in The popular character of the abode, occupation and quality and the incubator until they weigh DPRK’s healthcare system finds quantity of labour done, and it four kilograms. A woman from expression in the fact that all includes all aspects of care for Hanggu District, Nampho City, things including production and people’s lives and health, includ- diagnosed as carrying quadru- construction are put at the service ing diagnosis, test, examination, plets in August 1984, was admit- of the people for their lives and treatment, operation, sick call, ted to the Pyongyang Maternity health and nothing is spared for patient’s transport, usage of fa- Hospital and delivered more than them. In the country people’s cilities, recuperation, assistance 50 days later. She and her chil- health is considered the most at childbirth, health checkup and dren were discharged in February important problem in building consultation, and vaccination. next year only after they all got factories, enterprises and cities Thanks to the beneficial system, healthy. and making parks and recreation the Korean people, with no idea of In the DPRK excellent facili- grounds. Even when it is in a what doctor’s fee and bill are like, ties and conditions are laid fully difficult economic condition or in receive treatment and improve enough to afford people free a strained situation, the popular their health. medical care any time and any- policies for the people’s lives and One day a local worker was where. Medical care centres are health are invariably imple- badly wounded in an accident. in good arrangement from the mented. In particular, the gov- First-aid service was given in the central down to the lowest ernment makes whatever invest- local hospital before he was echelon, including large-scale, ment needed for their lives. transferred to a central hospital general hospitals such as the The health problem comes in Pyongyang, where he got well Kim Il Sung University Pyongy- ahead of economic calculation, after 15-day-long treatment—all ang Medical College Teaching and any economic profits can free of charge. He was looked Hospital and Kim Man Yu Hospi- hardly match the people’s after by more than ten medics tal, many special hospitals like health— this is the invariable including an academician, Profes- the Pyongyang Ophthalmic Hos- standpoint of the Workers’ Party sors and Doctors of Medicine, pital, the South Hamgyong Pro- of Korea and the DPRK govern- with over 70 kinds of expensive vincial Dental Hospital and the ment. For instance, in June 1986 medicines, and had a transfusion Pyongyang Maternity Hospital, in Haeju City, South Hwanghae of 5.7 litres of blood. and other hospitals and polyclin- Province, a smeltery which had Children, pregnant women ics. Hospitals or polyclinics are to emitted a tiny amount of harmful and mothers of children enjoy be found in all places whether gas was blown off and a modern special benefits. Women have a they are towns, rural villages, one with no harmful gas was set maternity leave of 240 days. industrial districts, fishing vil- up thanks to a state measure. Mothers of more than four chil- lages or forestry workers’ villages, Ruled by the public health policy dren are paid a special subsidy with ri or dong as unit. Every of the Party and the state, fumes, the amount of which is deter- district or county has a people’s sewage and waste water are thor- mined by the number of children. hospital. A reasonable number of oughly purified. Mothers of three children, accord- medical workers are assigned to ►

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 5 ► work according to the number of population. Factories and enter- prises have their own hospitals or polyclinics, and collieries and ore mines have hospitals or polyclin- ics outside pits while pits have clinics or first-aid posts inside. Even deep-sea fishing fleets have their clinics. In recent years modern medi- cal establishments were built in the country, including the Breast Tumour Research Institute of the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital, the Ryugyong Dental Hospital and the Okryu Children’s Hospi- tal. Similar establishments are The multi-purpose X-ray room at the Breast Tumour Research Institute of the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital. going up now, too. Modern facto- ries to produce medicines and medical appliances, pharmaceuti- cal plants and special medical herb farms are in operation the country over, and every province has medical workers training cen- tres including medical colleges. The WPK and the govern- ment’s policy of preventive medi- cine, too, is expressive of the popular character of the DPRK’s healthcare system. A primary attention is paid to the effort to keep people from contracting dis- eases. Great efforts are directed to the work of ensuring the preven- tion of diseases and keeping sani- The Ryugyong Dental Hospital. tary living and working condi- tions, and the section doctor sys- and living conditions, living cus- infected. This is entirely attrib- tem and prevention-oriented tom and constitutional qualities. uted to the complete hygienic and medical services are ceaselessly In this way they bring medical anti-epidemic work of the DPRK improved. The section doctor sys- services like field treatment, government. tem has been in operation since medical examination and man- Under the beneficial health- the early 1960s. It puts doctors in agement of chronic patients closer care system, the Korean people’s charge of some residential areas to the local people. Today in the mortality and attack rate have and look after the local people. As DPRK, doctors go around looking decreased year by year while their a result of the developed section for patients—this is a common average life span has increased, doctor system, doctors in charge practice. and thus people’s wish for longev- visit families and working places Even when many countries ity is coming into reality. to prevent and treat diseases in suffered from bird’s flu, SARS and accordance with people’s working Ebola, none of the Koreans was Jo Song I

6 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 Care for the People’s Health

The System of Universal was announced in November tal hospital and its modern equip- Free Medical Care 1952. The introduction of such a ment and that it was necessary system in a hard war time when for the hospital to give practical NE DAY IN JANUARY every penny was needed for con- benefits to the workers and other O 1952 when the Fatherland ducting the war surpassed all sections of people. Liberation War was at its height, imagination of people. President Kim Il Sung sum- The Watchtower and moned a health official. On his For the Real Benefit Dressing Station table lay a document about the germ warfare perpetrated by the One day in June 1977 When the Rungna Wading enemy and the countermeasure Chairman Kim Jong Il met an Pool was under construction, the against it submitted by the offi- official of South Hamgyong Prov- national leader Kim Jong Un cials concerned sometime ago. ince and gave instructions to con- visited the place and personally The leader who had been looking struct a large up-to-date dental went up to the unsafe creaking over the paper for a long time hospital in Hamhung, a city top of the water slide not yet fully with a serious face asked the offi- thickly populated with working assembled and gave detailed in- cial how much the people were people. Then in the days of its structions that more diving plat- charged for the doctor’s fee. construction, he more than once forms and water tanks should be This unexpected question con- helped to find a way out of diffi- built at the wading pool, and that fused the official who had been culties in construction and sent a beach volleyball court, a basket- thinking the President would give experts to complete the building ball court and a volleyball court his views on the document. So he of the hospital in a superb way. should be constructed. At the remained dumb for a moment One day in February 1978 dusty construction site, he per- before he answered that the when he received a report from sonally drew pictures to show his workers and office clerks were the province that the workers of ideas to the constructors and given free medical care under the the Hungnam Fertilizer Complex kindly advised them to set up a social insurance programme of with bad teeth were given pri- photo-monitor over the water the state while the peasants and mary treatment, he was very slide to prevent an impetuous private merchants and industrial pleased. He said that with grow- slider from bumping against an- entrepreneurs were charged a ing age, people’s teeth would de- other from behind. very small fee for medical treat- cay, and that so intensive treat- Later, when the wading pool ment and the dependents of ment for one time was not was nearing completion, he vis- workers and office employees enough. With this he pointed out ited it again. Attentively looking were paying about 40 percent of that dental hospitals were indis- out over the scene— wide and the outpatient’s bill. pensable for the regular treat- open water pools, water slides, At this, the President said ment of the people with bad teeth. diving platforms, changing rooms, that the people were fighting for He emphasized the need to hasten a beach volleyball court, a basket- victory in the war at the front and the completion of the dental hos- ball court, artificial lawns, and so in the rear at the risk of their pital and gave instructions once on, he told the officials to set up a lives and that nothing should be again to fit it out with fine equip- watchtower and a dressing sta- spared for such patriotic self- ment. In about a year after that, tion to spot an accident and give sacrificing people. Then he pro- the South Hamgyong Provincial first-aid treatment without delay. posed to adopt a free medical ser- Dental Hospital was completed in Thanks to his tender care a vice system for the entire people. a modern style. When he visited watchtower and a dressing sta- As a result, the Cabinet decision the hospital later, he said that it tion were built. about the introduction of a uni- was useless only to give publicity versal free medical service system to the construction of a large den- Kang Hye Ok

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 7 Legal Guarantee of Socialist Healthcare

HE DEMOCRATIC 1953. theses for the disabled persons, T People’s Republic of Korea When the economy of the treatments and medicines. adopted the Public Health Law country gradually recovered from through Ordinance No. 5 of the the aftermath of war, the govern- Protection of health by Supreme People’s Assembly in ment introduced a complete and prophylactic medicine April 1980, and it was revised and universal free medical care in supplemented in 1999 and 2001. February 1960. And the Public Article 18, Chapter III of the Its adoption marked an important Health Law of the DPRK was Public Health Law stipulates that turning point in ensuring legal enacted in keeping with the de- the State shall regard it as the guarantee to consolidate the suc- veloping situation. main duty in its activity to take cesses achieved in the sector of measures to prevent the people public health in the country and Right to free medical care from being affected by disease and develop it onto a higher level. In direct efforts first and foremost Article 1, Chapter I of the law it Article 9, Chapter II of the to prophylaxis in public health stipulates that public health in Public Health Law reads that the work. the Democratic People’s Republic State shall provide every citizen The socialist medicine in Ko- of Korea is a worthy and honour- with the benefits of complete free rea is, in essence, prophylaxis, able work to protect the lives and medical service and that the in- and it is the main target of the promote the health of people, the dustrial workers, farm workers socialist medicine to prevent the masters of nature and society and and intellectuals and all the rest people from being affected by the most precious beings in the of citizens have the right to free disease and protect and promote world, and to enable all the work- medical treatment. the lives and health of the people. ing people to contribute actively In the DPRK all the working To this end, the State strengthens to the accomplishment of the so- people, including the industrial the hygienic and anti-epidemic cialist cause. workers, farm workers, soldiers efforts. and intellectuals have the right to First of all, health and other Medical care system free medical care irrespective of agencies, enterprises and organi- 55 years ago sex, age, residence and occupa- zations strengthen hygienic pub- tion, and the quantity and quality licity and education so that the In the DPRK the free medical of labour done while special State people participate voluntarily in service in which the State is benefits are directed to the chil- the hygienic work, protect and wholly responsible for taking care dren, pregnant women and nurs- look after their health in a scien- of the people’s health dates back a ing mothers. And it also satisfies tific way and thus prevent dis- long time ago. After liberation of the people’s demand for medical eases. And relevant measures are Korea from the military occupa- service to the full. taken to create and preserve hy- tion of the Japanese imperialists All sorts of medical services gienic and cultured living envi- (August 1945), the blue- and are free of charge such as outpa- ronment and provide safe working white-collar workers and their tient and inpatient treatments, conditions. The streets in Pyongy- dependants, when in need of sick calls, diagnoses, tests and ang and the local villages in Ko- medical service, were treated experiments, functional tests, rea are wonderfully facelifted, gratis from January 1947, based operations and foods at hospital, and the cultured ways in produc- on the law on social insurance. In and the State or cooperative or- tion and life are thoroughly es- 1952 when the Fatherland Lib- ganizations bear the travel ex- tablished in industrial establish- eration War was at its height, the penses to and from the places of ments while positive measures DPRK Cabinet Decision No. 203 recuperation. Moreover, such are taken to prevent pollution. titled “On Introducing Universal services are given gratis like Along with this, a dynamic cam- Free Medical Care System” was health checkups, health consulta- paign to afforest and landscape is adopted at the 22nd Plenary Meet- tions, preventive vaccinations, in full swing in all factories and ing of the DPRK Cabinet and its delivery of the pregnant women, working places, and the work is enforcement began on January 1, dental prostheses and other pros- going ahead to turn all production ►

8 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 Benefits of Sanatoriums

LL WORKING PEOPLE service for the people who had , Sambang A in Korea are entitled to the suffered injuries in the war was and Sogwang Temple areas of benefits of medical care in the set as an important task despite Kangwon Province were restored sanatoriums established in all the difficult postwar conditions of on an enlarged scale. This was parts of the country. Medical rehabilitation, and measures followed by the work of organizing treatment of people at sanatori- were taken for restoration of the spa prospecting teams and ex- ums was started soon after Korea old sanatoriums and construction ploring new hot spring and spa was liberated from Japanese of new ones. In June 1954 the areas. military occupation (August 15, Cabinet adopted a decision to The construction of new sana- 1945) by building them at spas rehabilitate or newly build sana- toriums was carried on simulta- and hot springs in North Ham- toriums and spa resorts, and the neously. In the process of explor- gyong, South Phyongan and work of rehabilitation and con- ing spas and hot springs all Kangwon provinces and other struction started on a full scale across the country, more meas- places. After victory in the Fa- the next month. The sanatoriums ures were taken to build sanato- therland Liberation War (June in Songchon of South Phyongan riums in the main spa areas with 1950–July 1953) against the US Province, Onchon and Kangso state investments and in the imperialist aggressors, medical of Nampho, Kyongsong of North provinces, cities and counties ►

► processes unmanned and germ- health agencies in the DPRK are Institute of the Pyongyang free. popular agencies that protect the Maternity Hospital, the Okryu Meanwhile, special attention lives and promote the health of Children’s Hospital and the Ryu- is paid to the effort to preserve the people, the masters of the gyong Dental Hospital in the environment and prevent pollu- State and society, so as to guar- Munsu area, helping improve the tion when they build houses and antee their happy life and satis- people’s health. factories; facilities for labour factory social activities. It is already known that a and environment protection, and In Korea, material and techni- large dental preventive hospital other sanitary installations are cal foundations are laid firmly to was built in the 1970s for the sake set up. Thanks to the enforcement provide people with practical of the workers in Hamhung, of the section doctor system the right to free medical treatment South Hamgyong Province. Clin- doctors in charge regularly take and its benefit. Medical service ics and hospitals are set inde- care of their people systematically bases including large and modern pendently in factories, enterprises in a responsible manner. Accord- comprehensive hospitals and dif- and mines. And first-aid stations ing to the prophylactic medical ferent kinds of special hospitals are placed inside the pits of service diseases are detected as and polyclinics are arranged in mines, and similar posts are also early as possible through regular good order— ranging from Py- to be found in the ocean fishing checkups and are cured through ongyang to local residential quar- fleets. The telemedicine system is thorough observation and corre- ters in all provinces. In Pyongy- in operation even in the terminal sponding treatment. ang many healthcare establish- people’s hospitals in counties Now the Korean people fondly ments promote the people’s which are ceaselessly supple- call their doctors “our doctors” health; the General Dental mented with modern medical because they look after their Hospital, the Pyongyang Oph- apparatuses. health sincerely. thalmic Hospital and the The State investment is made Thongilgori Fitness Centre are to unsparingly for the public health Material foundations be seen in Rangnang District; to provide hygienic living condi- for public health there are Kim Man Yu Hospital, tions and working environment to the Academy of Koryo Medicine, the people. Article 39, Chapter VI of the the Pyongyang Maternity Hospi- Public Health Law stipulates that tal, the Breast Tumour Research Sim Chol Yong

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 9 ► with social aids in conformity cultural recreation, treatment peration facilities for children with the actual local conditions, facilities and emergency ambu- increased and specialized medical while carrying out the work of lances, and buses are made aids for their recuperation im- converting the recuperation cen- available to those who come to proved. In the 1980s, children’s tres and rest homes to sanatori- and leave the sanatoriums that sanatoriums were built at the ums. As a result, many recupera- are far away from railway sta- new spa zones. tion centres and rest homes in- tions and to the inmates of dis- According to the Public Health cluding the Sambang rest home, abled soldiers’ sanatoriums. And Law adopted in April 1980, a the rest home in the Kwang- the state bears the costs of travels greater number of modern sana- myong spa area, the recuperation to the sanatoriums and back and toriums have been built in the spa centres in the Okhodong spa and grants a subsidy to their inmates and hot spring areas and at places Sokthang hot spring resorts were under the state social insurance of mild weather, the procedures of changed over to sanatoriums. system. While medical service for sending, receiving and discharg- Hotels and other public service recuperation is improved, chil- ing their inmates have been sim- facilities were set up in the hot dren are provided with a good plified, and the time of their stay spring and spa resorts and environment for recuperation. in sanatorium revised. So, 30 days outpatients’ departments were Paragraph 27 of Article 3 of the are allowed for invalids of com- opened at the sanatoriums for Law on Nursing and Upbringing mon diseases, 45 days for chronic the people coming to the health of Children enacted in April 1976 hepatitis and gynaecological dis- resorts without medical certifi- reads that the state shall set up ease, and 60 days for disabled cates to receive enough spa treat- good recuperation facilities for soldiers, and the sanatoriums ment. children’s health in the hot spring that deal with hepatitis and What is more, the sanatori- and spa areas and at scenic spots women’s diseases open seven ums are furnished with means of by the sea. Accordingly, recu- terms a year and common sanato-

Working people receive treatment in sanatoriums.

riums, ten or more terms. Today all the working people in Korea benefit from hundreds of sanatoriums including large state-run sanatoriums that deal with disorders of digestive organs, liver and cystic troubles, nervous and cardiovascular diseases and female disorders, and local sana- toriums.

Kim Yong Ok

10 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 The Blessed Triplets

A gold ring and a silver dagger.

N KOREA WHERE A date. The state sent a plane with were born, a boy was presented I popular health policy includ- a medical team aboard without with an ornamental silver knife ing the universal free medical delay and brought the triplets and a girl, a gold ring, and then service is in effect today, triplets and their mother to the Pyongy- in February 1991, all the triplets are born and brought up under ang Maternity Hospital. The born before May 1983, too, were the special care of the state. For news that a plane was sent out given the presents. The parents almost 70 years the state has for the sake of four lives in a re- of triplets are also given a silver paid deep attention to triplets. In mote mountain village deeply knife and a gold ring. July 1946, the year after the touched the hearts of people. But When triplets are released country’s liberation from the mili- such instances continued to hap- from the Pyongyang Maternity tary occupation of Japan, triplets pen after that, and today similar Hospital, they go to the nursery were born in the then Kangdong things have become commonplace homes in their relevant areas, not County of South Phyongan Prov- occurrences. their own home. There, they are ince. Even in the difficult, com- The pregnant women diag- brought up until they are four plex circumstances, the state nosed to be with triplets in pro- years old under the care of nurses showed deep concern for the trip- vincial, city or county people’s and doctors who are in charge of lets and the mother, sending a hospitals are taken to the Py- their health. physician and a nurse to attend ongyang Maternity Hospital for The birth and health care on them and supplying them with correct diagnosis, and when it is situation of the triplets are sur- nutrients, clothes and quilts. Af- confirmed, they are looked after veyed twice a year and necessary ter that, the system of the state until delivery with all cares. The measures are taken for their wel- taking the whole responsibility Pyongyang Maternity Hospital fare. Subsidies for their upbring- for the upbringing of triplets was has a specialized triplet depart- ing are granted, and textile fab- established in Korea and further ment staffed with tens of doctors rics to clothe them from cradle to improved. and nurses to take care of all marriage are supplied. The state Cars, trains and even triplets and quadruplets. Born in is always concerned about their planes are mobilized to bring the fullness of time or not, the growth, rears them in conformity triplets or expected triplets to triplets are placed in the incuba- with their hopes and talent and the Pyongyang Maternity Hospi- tors until they grow bigger than even arranges for their wedding tal, and they have all necessary normal babies and leave the feast. medical appliances and doctors hospital. The triplets brought up under on board. From olden times the Korean such a profound care are working In April 1983, a woman work- people have regarded an orna- hard for the country and the peo- ing in a farm in Kapsan County, mental silver knife and a gold ple, giving no end of joy to them. Ryanggang Province, gave birth ring as symbols of happiness. to triplets ahead of the expected After May 1983, in case triplets Jo Yong Il

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 11 Foreign People Enjoying Good Fortune in Korea

NDER THE BENEFICIAL SOCIALIST mother’s wish. U healthcare system of Korea where human lives When Jindallae was ten years old, she had a dear are deemed supreme, not only Koreans but many friend called Ruba, 9. Ruba was always in low spirits people from abroad get blessings. because of severe alopecia. Her parents had taken her to many countries to cure her of the disease, but Saebyol, a symbol of friendship in vain. Her trouble was diffuse alopecia and even her eyebrows fell out. It was regarded as incurable. Raul Garcia Albarez, a Cuban linguist, came to One day Jindallae said to Ruba, “If Chairman Korea with his lady in June 1988 and worked for two Kim Jong Il comes to know about you, he’ll surely years. They had a worry in their life. It was that they cure you of it.” And she wrote to the Chairman, had no child in their eight years of married life owing “Although I am living in happiness, my friend Ruba to the lady’s habitual abortion. Then, in 1990 when is suffering from alopecia. I beg you to arrange for their term of stay was coming to an end, the lady her cure and a happy life.” Kim Jong Il took meas- became pregnant and entered the Pyongyang Mater- ures for Ruba to be put into the Pyongyang Friend- nity Hospital. They had to leave Korea in three ship Hospital and sent highly efficacious medicines months, and they felt worried for fear of another and tonics to her. One month later thin hairs abortion. appeared on her scalp and after four months hairs When this was reported to Chairman came out all over her head, so that she took off the Kim Jong Il, he took steps to prolong their stay hat which she had been wearing for five years. After for the lady to be delivered of a baby safely in the nine months she was completely cured of the disease Pyongyang Maternity Hospital and have them and left the hospital. accorded the same treatment as before until they would leave for home. Hiba and Solmae A boy was born in November that year. With a deep sense of gratitude, they wrote a letter of thanks In May 1999 the wife of an official of the Syrian to the Chairman, in which they asked him to give a embassy in Pyongyang gave birth to a girl in the name to their baby. After reading the letter, Pyongyang Maternity Hospital and named her Hiba Kim Jong Il said that Saebyol (Morning Star) would in the sense that the girl was born under the deep be a good name for their boy, for the star could be care of Chairman Kim Jong Il. The Syrian word seen everywhere. With this, he sent suit materials, Hiba means a child given by Heaven. The mother baby clothes, quilting cloth, condensed milk and so Jaira who bore a girl weighing 3 600 grams ex- on as gifts to Saebyol. Saebyol’s mother who received pressed her thoughts in writing when she was leav- her baby’s name and gifts said, “I cannot find words ing the maternity hospital, “As a foreigner who has to express all my joy and good fortune. I’ll bring up given birth to a baby in Korea, I feel proud of my my son Saebyol so named by the great Chairman confinement in the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital, Kim Jong Il as a symbol of Cuba-Korea friendship.” the best medical institution in the world. Its doctors and nurses were so kind that I felt as if I had a baby Jindallae and Ruba in my parental home.” The wife of Gadir, an official of the Palestinian Jindallae is a daughter of Mustafa al Safarini, embassy in Pyongyang, was delivered of a child in the former Palestinian ambassador to Korea. His wife Pyongyang Maternity Hospital on February 16, 1994. Jasmin who was suffering from sterility gave birth In a letter of thanks she wrote to Kim Jong Il for the to a pretty girl in the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital kind nursing and all sorts of precious medicines and and wrote a letter of gratitude to Chairman tonics including honey she took in the hospital, she Kim Jong Il, asking him to name her baby. On begged him to name her child. The Chairman who read the letter gave the name of Solmae to the child. February 24, 1985, the Chairman gave the name of Jindallae (Azalea) to it in compliance with its Sim Yong Jin

12 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 Telemedicine Energized

HE HEALTH MANAGEMENT RESEARCH T Institute of the Ministry of Public Health has been going about the research work for introduction of telemedicine since 2008. First, it set Kim Man Yu Hospital, Mangyongdae District People’s Hospital in Pyongyang and North Phyongan Provincial People’s Hospital as models, where a telemedicine-based consultation system and a remote X-ray examination support system it devel- oped were introduced. Building on the success the institute continued its research and experiment at some central hospitals and provincial, city and county people’s hospitals. Finally in 2012 a national system of remote medical services including consul- tation, examination and X-ray examination was unanimously glad that their skills improved through established connecting all the central and local hos- telemedicine. pitals. Later the institute newly developed a tele- This system is contributing to emergency aid as medicine-based operation support system in 2013 well. In November 2013 a man fell unconscious due and introduced it to all hospitals across the country to a serious blow to the brain in an accident. He in three months. The WHO visited for confirmation was rushed to the People’s Hospital Kim Man Yu Hospital, Pyongyang Maternity Hospi- in . The hospital staff tal, the provincial people’s hospitals in Kangwon, turned to the telemedicine system to contact Kim North Phyongan and South Hamgyong provinces Man Yu Hospital in Pyongyang. Through detailed and the Yonthan County People’s Hospital in North discussion on how to deal with the blood pressure, Hwanghae Province. breathing, a wet brain, nutritional control of the Today you can get benefit from telemedicine any- patient and even possible development, they saved where in my country. For example, in August 2012 him from the jaws of death. In 2014 the telemedicine the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital saved a new-born system that links all provincial children's hospitals baby from a critical condition by complying with the was introduced to Okryu Children’s Hospital, thus request of the Kyongsong County People’s Hospital establishing the national children’s health manage- in North Hamgyong Province for telemedical aid. In ment system. Over a year the hospital gave ser- February 2014 it helped take an emergency measure vices—through telemedicine—to thousands of pa- to resuscitate an 81-year-old woman in Ryanggang tients at provincial children’s hospitals and city and Province who was in danger for a complication of county people’s hospitals. high blood pressure and a pulmonary edema. In July Telemedicine is also contributing to improving 2014 the South Hwanghae Provincial People’s Hos- the skills and proficiency of health workers. They pital had a long-distance consultation about a 100- acquire latest achievements of medical science and year-old case in Samchon County and, referring to technology and learn new methods of medical diag- her history, clinical symptoms and results of medical nosis and treatment. As telemedicine-based health examinations, suggested a special remedy, thus re- service is active, the number of cases sent to senior storing her health. hospitals is decreasing, so the patients’ physical and People can get surgical service as well through mental burden is reduced and better diagnosis and a telemedicine-based operation support system. In treatment are given. We will make closer studies June 2014 surgeons in Jongju City, North Phyongan to further develop the telemedicine-based health Province, successfully carried out a difficult opera- service. tion on a patient who was in coma due to a serious blow to the head through consultations with the able Son Chang Ho, chief of the neurosurgeons of the provincial people’s hospital. health information management office, The patient’s family were greatly happy while the the Health Management Research Institute doctors of the Jongju City People’s Hospital were of the Ministry of Public Health

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 13 A Small Yet Big Factory

HE PYONGYANG ELECTRONIC MEDICAL should be replaced boldly with up-to-date installa- T Appliance Factory, not a big one, has been pro- tions. This is imperative for producing more machine ducing medical appliances and instruments such as parts and supplying enough modern medical appli- X-ray diagnosis apparatuses, high-pressure steam ances to the local hospitals. Then, isn’t it possible to disinfectors, heavy-water machines and dry steriliz- solve this problem by our own efforts? There can be ers, supplying them to big and small hospitals across no marking time in our era of the knowledge-based the country for scores of years. This factory is under- economy. going a radical change in recent years. He went on thinking, answering his own ques- Several years ago, General Manager Thak Pyong tions, and finally came to decide on modernizing the Chol came to have a notion: Recently, the state has equipment of the factory by their own efforts. All the established a telemedicine system for all hospitals at engineers and workers of the factory rose in the work the county level and upwards to promote the people’s of modernizing the facilities in cooperation with sci- health. However, county hospitals are not equipped entists from the relevant scientific research insti- sufficiently with modern medical facilities, meeting tutes. They remodelled many lathes along CNC lines with many obstacles in medical treatment. It will be in one short year by pooling their strength and wis- absolutely impossible to solve this problem with the dom. In addition, the factory built up the ranks of existing equipment of the factory. The equipment skilled workers capable of working modern ma- chines. Scores of skilled workers and labourers were enrolled at an on-site study class formed by the medical appliance department of the Pharmaceutical College of Hamhung University of Chemical Engi- neering to improve their technical and practical qualifications on the scene of work. As a result, tens of workers joined the ranks of technical staff. Hun- ►

14 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 Electro-medical appliances produced at the factory.

► dreds of medical appliances such as ultrasonic abdo- neer Pak Chol Bom of the medical appliance work- men diagnosers, video endoscopes, electromyographs team said, “I am very proud that we have manufac- and electroencephalographs produced at the factory tured video endoscopes of our own type. Our endo- till last year have been supplied to county hospitals. scope is an apparatus capable of projecting moving Han Yong Ho, head of the electronic workteam, and stationary pictures, of partial enlargement, and said, “I have improved my technical and practical up-and-down, right-and-left and quick switchovers faculties in the study-while-working class and now which will be greatly helpful to the diagnosis of dis- I can operate eases and the promotion of people’s health.” any kinds of The general manager had this to say, “The medi- machines. I am cal instruments of our factory’s make have been determined to provided to county hospitals and highly appreciated produce more by their users. Our factory is not a big one, but we electronic medi- will strive to make it a big factory, widely known to cal apparatuses the whole country for its great contribution to the for the improve- promotion of public health by developing more medi- ment of the cal appliances of best quality.” people’s health in future.” Engi- Sim Hyon Jin

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 15 The Sun Shines for Ever and Ever

By Jiancarlo Elia Valori

(Continued from the last tive of the establishment and issue) fortune of the United States.’ These three are respected by the N THE 20TH CENTURY Americans like the God. But I mankind met another great Kim Il Sung is greater than the sun just like President three celebrities altogether. This Kim Il Sung, and it’s no other is rather a praise from the 20th than Kim Jong Il. century than a private apprecia- Anyone who is interested in tion. Kim Jong Il is a man of the the political situation around the type of Kim Il Sung who is the world must be aware of the fact greatest of the great personages that in the 1990s US President born in the 20th century. gift, which was a sculpture of my mother. The image was inscribed Clinton sent a letter of assurance Kim Jong Il is truly the greatest for implementation of the DPRK- man who is endowed with the with “Kim Jong Il. January USA Agreed Framework to sense of moral obligation unpar- 1997.” Holding the sculpture I Kim Jong Il, supreme leader of alleled to any of those that have was so excited that I couldn’t say the Democratic People’s Republic ever shown up in the world, in a word for a while. The vivid im- of Korea. This mega event that addition to the wonderful brain, age of my dear mother who was so happened in the relations be- courage and humanity of the simple and benevolent all the tween the two nations that are sun.” time was a true depiction. I’d still in armistice and hostile rela- Needless to say, I can’t give a never imagined that I’d get the tionship was the greatest topic full description of Kim Jong Il’s image of my mother in Pyongyang throughout the world. A senior immortal exploits in this article. on my birthday. I felt that fellow with an American institute But there’s one particular remark Kim Jong Il’s kind-heartedness contributed the following article I’d like to make here. It is that all was really the light that shone to a monthly journal, which reads his thinking, activities and prac- every corner of my mind. in part: tice are based on his loving care The DPRK leader kept con- “What kind of person is for and trust in human beings. stant trust in and care for anyone Kim Jong Il, who commands His slogan is to build a thriv- he had made a friend with. This I respect from the world? ing nation on the strength of trust was convinced of when he, on “He is the type of President and care; his policy is to put true January 27, 2010, congratulated Kim Il Sung—this is my answer. heart in your trust in people and me on my 70th birth anniversary And what kind of person is maintain it to the end; his motto by sending an official of the Kim Il Sung? That is a needless is that you have to have a great Workers’ Party of Korea to Italy question, I dare say. But if it calibre if you want to win the far away from Korea along with a needs to be answered, it would be world. Such a way of politics had floral basket and valuable gifts. good to remember what Carter influence on anyone that was his He knew well that I’d done what said after he met Kim Il Sung acquaintance. little I could to help the just cause as the first of the former US Now I’d like to mention a of the Korean people, and was presidents to talk to him. heart-warming story. In early kind enough to appreciate it. I ‘President Kim Il Sung is 1997 I visited the DPRK again. was overwhelmed with thankful- greater than the Three Presidents Remembering my 57th birthday, ness. My feeling of gratitude must of George Washington, Thomas His Excellency Kim Jong Il was be no match to that of the Korean Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln so kind that he arranged a party people. altogether, who were representa- in honour of me, and sent me a I’d like to make a small note ►

16 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 ► of it. Kim Jong Il inherited the Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il Kim Jong Il is still kept by His motto of President Kim Il Sung, will remain saviors of the pro- Excellency Kim Jong Un. which is “The People Are My gressive peoples the world over These days quite a few people God.” He believed in the people as and the sun of mankind. ask me how it is that the small in heaven and as his teacher, country of Korea attracts the while regarding himself as their 2 global interest and, in particular, son and servant. As he kept the I’d like to begin the second what kind of person the leader of people in his heart all the time, he part of my article by telling a the country is. I know they won- set “We serve the people!” the fantastic story. der how Korea is devoid of any slogan of the WPK and was al- Days ago I’d almost finished distrust in the ruler or discord ways on his way of field guidance. this article, when I, quite unex- between the government policy Overcoming all his physical pains pectedly, received a congratula- and the general public which are and difficulties with the feeling of tory message, a gift and a basket the plagues in the West. happiness that he was working of beautiful flowers from His One day I heard what the for the welfare of the people, he Excellency Kim Jong Un, the American Reverend Billy Graham was going the way of service for national leader of the Korean answered when he was asked by a the people even in the closing people, on my 75th birthday. I can journalist why he had failed to days of his life. Such a kind of hardly express all my emotional convey a bible to Korea. He said, national leader had never been impact I got at the moment. My “The bible tells of the God’s idea of known before. Roman acquaintances are all loving the human being. In the If the people are his heaven, surprised to learn such an un- country I learned it maintains then the sun in the heaven is usual event that the supreme human love as its constant gov- surely Kim Jong Il. The sun leader of a country showed a ernment policy. Free medical commands universal praise be- great kindness to an ordinary care, free education and the gov- cause its existence itself is great. foreigner. ernment’s responsibility for the This is probably the reason for Greeting in the New Year people’s food, clothing and hous- the fact that the World Congress 2015, I had mailed a congratula- ing—these are the national poli- of the Juche Idea held in Pyongy- tory message to Kim Jong Un to cies initiated and implemented by ang as a great international show my best wishes. To my President Kim Il Sung who re- meeting on the occasion of the surprise, the leader sent a WPK garded the people as his God. The centenary of the birth of official to the far-off country of Korean people hold him in respect President Kim Il Sung formally Italy in the West to congratulate as their God. For what would they declared that Kim Il Sung and me on my 75th birthday. I was told need the bible?” Kim Jong Il are the sun of Juche that he had said that he remem- By this he means Korea is the for all eternity. bered Valori who had been under land where even the God could The great leaders lie in state the special care of the Korean find no job. The statement of my in the Kumsusan Palace of the leaders and that he wished me mother, who was a devout be- Sun. I’m sure there is no other good health and happiness. Hear- liever in Europe, is consistent place in the world so sublime and ing the words I shed tears of with that of the American priest holy as the place of the sun. I’ve gratitude. I dare say it is the acme who was regarded as leader of the visited Pyongyang, the great of happiness and privilege no conservative Christians and a big abode of the sun, more than 30 one can ever have. shot in the world of religion. They times. Nobody asked me to go to The Korean vocabulary has were from different regions and the country. But my mind was the phrase “blessed life,” and I’m belonged to different nations. and is oriented to Pyongyang, the sure mine is a model of the They visited the Oriental country land of the great sun of Juche. blessed life. The great concern for at different times but they found The palace is rightfully the eter- me that started with the care of the same answer in the country. nal holy place of pilgrimage for President Kim Il Sung and con- the admirers of the sun. tinued with that of Chairman (To be continued)

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 17 The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Is a Juche-oriented Socialist State with Invincible Might

philosophy is permeated with the noble love for the HAIRMAN OF THE DEMOCRATIC people that is expressed in upholding the masses of the people as the most valuable and powerful beings People’s Republic of Korea National Defence C in the world, serving them faithfully and solving Commission Kim Jong Il released an immortal everything by relying on them. classic work entitled The Democratic People’s The dictum “The people are my God” is our Republic of Korea Is a Juche-oriented Socialist Party’s fundamental principle in State building and State with Invincible Might on September 5, the basis of all its lines and policies, as well as the 2008. Excerpts: starting point of the activities of the State. Every- thing in our Republic—the socialist system of the State and society, the Socialist Constitution and other State laws, as well as all the lines, policies and 2 activities of the Party and the State—is geared to defending and ensuring the independent rights and A great leader and a great party build a great interests of the masses. The basis of socialism is the nation. If a leader and a party are great, their coun- people. Our politics, which regards the interest of the try, even though it may be small and once backward, people as the foremost concern, is genuine socialist can become a developed and dignified, powerful one. politics and the politics of infinite love for and trust The greatness of a leader and a party is precisely in the people, that is, noble, benevolent politics. the greatness of their ideology and leadership. Our Every line and policy of our Party and the govern- Republic has been able to rise as a Juche-oriented ment of our Republic reflects the opinions and de- socialist State with invincible might because it is mands of the masses and is successfully imple- guided by the Juche idea that was authored by the mented by their voluntary zeal and struggle. In our great leader and because it embodies this idea fully country, promoting the people’s well-being is re- in State building and State activities under the garded as the supreme principle in the activities of leadership of our Party. the Party and the State, the slogan “We serve the The immortal Juche idea is a man-centred out- people!” is fully incorporated in State activities, and look on the world, and an ideology of independence; it the infringement of the people’s interests and lording is a great guiding ideology of our era that sheds sci- it over them by the abuse of authority and bureau- entific light on the way of championing and realizing cratic behaviour are never tolerated. Since the the independence of the masses and of the country masses of the people are regarded as the most valu- and nation. Our Republic, which incorporates the able beings, the State, the army, the public security great Juche idea in its State building and State ac- organ, many monumental edifices and various hon- tivities, is a people-centred socialist country in which orary titles are named after “people,” and this is a the people are regarded as God, an independent powerful symbol of the people-oriented character of socialist State with a strong Juche character and our State, our system and our politics. national identity, and an invincible socialist power Our people, who hold the position of masters of that prevails over any enemy, however formidable, the State and society in the embrace of the people- and overcomes every manner of trial and hardship by centred socialist country, are enjoying a worthwhile dint of Songun. and fulfilling life and performing their responsibili- Our Republic is a genuine people’s country, a ties and roles as such. Each of them takes part in the people-centred socialist State that upholds the exercise of State power and State administration masses of the people as the masters of the State and with equal rights and leads a valuable political life in society, and serves them. a particular political organization. The State bears Although the masses of the people are the driving responsibility for the people’s livelihood; all the peo- force of social history, it is not true to say that their ple study to their heart’s content, promote their position and role are always identical in any society health and enjoy a revolutionary cultural and rec- or country. Never before in history has there been a reational life that is full of optimism thanks to the country like our Republic that guarantees the posi- systems of free education and medical care and vari- tion and role of the masses at the highest level by ous other people-oriented policies. Now our Party embodying the doctrine “The people are my God,” and State, despite the strained conditions in which which was President Kim Il Sung’s dictum. This everything is in short supply, are concentrating all ►

18 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 ► their efforts on stabilizing and improving the peo- intervention in and hegemonic moves towards other ple’s livelihood, with their primary attention focused countries. It is preposterous to slander our Republic, on it, and stepping up the building of an economically which is the motherland of the people, and our soci- powerful socialist country so as to ensure in the near ety that is united single-heartedly, with such far- future that our people live a rich life with no reason fetched sophistry. It only serves to trigger the unani- for envying anyone in the world. The independent mous indignation of our people, and can never be and creative life our people are enjoying in the em- tolerated. brace of the Republic is a genuine human life, digni- This country of the great people, this people- fied, worthwhile and happy, which is something uni- centred socialism of our own style, which enjoys the maginable in a capitalist society. absolute support and trust and ardent love of the Our Party and our Republic are the most affec- masses, will forever add brilliance to its noble image tionate motherly party and motherly country that and dignity, overcoming every manner of trial. lead the people and take care of them with love and Our Republic is an independent socialist State trust, and their embrace constitutes the cradle of the that absolutely maintains its Juche character and genuine life and happiness of the people. For this thoroughly preserves its national identity in its de- reason, our people have sacrificed themselves in the velopment and activities. defence of their country, their motherland, and, The Juche character and national identity are the firmly united behind the Party, waged a heroic independence and lifeline of a country, a nation and struggle for its prosperity, invariably trusting and the masses of the people. The struggle of the masses following our Party and the government of the Re- for independence is waged with the country and public both in days of glory and in days of grim trials. nation as the unit, so the party, the government and The single-hearted unity of the whole society the masses of each country should conduct the revo- constitutes a priceless achievement in State building lution and construction independently and creatively that could only be made by our socialist country as masters. It is only when they hold fast to the under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, who Juche character and national identity and maintain was endowed with love for and trust in the people, the line of independence in the revolution and con- and of our Party, which faithfully carries forward his struction that they can defend the sovereignty of the ideas and will. This is the proud face of our society, country and nation, guarantee their independent the like of which cannot be witnessed elsewhere in development and realize the independence of the the world. Based on the relations of revolutionary masses successfully. comradeship, and the inseparable blood ties by Having put forward such original ideas on the which the Party and the leader boundlessly love and Juche character, the national identity and the line of care for the people and the latter absolutely trust independence for the first time in history, President and loyally support the former, the single-hearted Kim Il Sung blazed the trail for the independent unity of the leader, the Party and the masses was development of the Korean revolution and guaran- formed and has developed despite the complicated teed, by dint of his iron faith and will and seasoned and difficult circumstances and conditions, and the leadership, that the principle of Juche, the line of whole society has become a great harmonious family independence, was maintained consistently in the in which its members help and lead one another revolution and construction. True to his idea of State forward. Today our single-hearted unity has been building, our Party and State regarded preserving further strengthened at a new height of unity in the Juche character, the national identity and the which the entire Party, the whole army and all the line of independence as the fundamental principle in people are joined together rock-solid, centred on the accomplishing the cause of the masses’ independ- revolutionary leadership and based on one ideology ence, the cause of socialism, and strictly adhered to and faith, comradely love and revolutionary obliga- it, and thus built our country into a highly dignified tion. No force can break this great unity. Our single- and prestigious independent country, a socialist hearted unity is the fundamental guarantee of the State embodying noble love for the people and na- strength of the socialist system and social stability in tion. our country, the inexhaustible source of the invinci- We have solved all the problems arising in the ble might of our socialist motherland and the power- building and activities of the State and in the revo- ful driving force of the victorious advance of the lution and construction by our own efforts and in our revolution and the building of a thriving nation. own way on the principle of self-reliance, in accor- The US imperialists are most fearful of the dance with our ideology and faith, our determination single-hearted unity of our entire army and the and will and the actual situation in our country, and people behind the great Party, and resort to every in line with the interests of our revolution. By hold- conceivable scheme to break it. While persisting with ing fast to the principle of Juche, the principle of their aggressive military manoeuvres, the US impe- independence, in all fields of politics, the economy, rialists and their acolytes try to slander us under the military affairs, culture and external relations, we signboard of “human rights” and “democracy,” but have resolutely opposed great-power worship, dog- this is wild dream. The “defence of human rights” matism and all other ideas advocating dependence and “democracy” the imperialist reactionaries advo- on outside forces, and categorically rejected any form cate are nothing other than sophistry to hide their of intervention and pressure by the imperialist reac- ►

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 19 ► tionaries and other foreign forces. We are also doing revolution and construction under the leadership of everything we choose and decide in conformity with the great leader and the great Party, no form of in- our own ideology, demands and interests, regardless tervention or pressure from the imperialist reaction- of the existing theories or formulas, and despite what aries could cut any ice with us, no modern revision- others may say. Our Party long ago put forward the ism or other ideological trend towards opportunism slogan of “Let us live our own way!”; this is Juche, could make inroads into our country, and our people independence and self-reliance, and herein lie our have been able to cherish a uniquely high level of dignity, pride and honour. national pride, self-confidence, consciousness of na- President Kim Il Sung, based on the Juche tional independence and self-respect, and give fuller stand, shed a fresh, scientific light on the essence of play to the spirit of socialist patriotism. Our Repub- the issue of the nation and its position and role in lic, which has developed under the banner of the social development and, on the basis of this, linked Juche idea, is demonstrating its pride in being a class character with national identity, and the des- people-centred socialist country that fully embodies tiny of socialism with that of the nation; thus he class and revolutionary principles, and at the same made it possible to preserve the national character in time, a socialist State, independent, self-supporting the revolution and construction while maintaining and self-reliant in defence, strong in the Juche char- the class character and to open up a vista for achiev- acter and national identity, and the genuine mother- ing the prosperity of the nation while advancing the land of the whole nation. Our Juche-oriented social- socialist cause. ist motherland has stood firm amid the worldwide Our Party and State treasure and preserve the great political cataclysms, and will win victory after nation’s identity in the revolution and construction victory by following the road of development, the and in all fields of social life in line with President road of Juche, as ever. Kim Il Sung’s Juche-oriented idea and theory on The imperialist reactionaries are now slandering the issue of the nation. Since a man is a member of a our Republic, the motherland of Juche, claiming class and at the same time a member of a nation, he that it is “closed” and “isolated,” and are making embodies a national identity along with a class futile attempts to lead us to “reform” and character and entertains national demands along “openness.” Our country has never closed its doors, with class demands. If the national identity and and it maintains good relations with many coun- national demands are neglected and suppressed, it tries, home to billions of people, around the world, will be impossible to rally the broad sections of the based on mutual respect. As for reform, we reformed masses and other patriotic forces, build a truly inde- the outdated social system in a revolutionary fash- pendent and sovereign State, or successfully carry ion decades ago, and have been constantly creating out the cause of the masses’ independence, the cause the new and renovating what is old and backward. of socialism. In actual fact, the imperialists and reactionaries are Ours is a proud nation with a time-honoured hostile towards our country and are blockading it history of 5 000 years and a brilliant culture. Re- and trying to isolate it. The “reform” and “openness” flected in our people’s national identity are their they are advocating represent a move to destroy and nation’s resourcefulness, talents, firm character, put down our style of socialism. Such moves will patriotic spirit and outstanding cultural traditions. only worsen their relations with us and are doomed Our Party and State have made valuing and pre- to failure. serving the excellent and beautiful traditions of our Our Republic is an invincible socialist power that nation a major policy, and have fully implemented it. demonstrates its dignity by dint of Songun. While preserving the excellent features of our nation The history of the revolutionary activities of that have been handed down throughout its history, President Kim Il Sung and our Party is the history we are creating new excellent features of the nation of Songun-based revolutionary leadership, and our along with the advance of the times and the revolu- country and revolution have travelled a road covered tion; on the basis of this, we are educating the people with victory and glory by displaying their invincible in the Korean-nation first spirit, the spirit that our might under the banner of Songun. President leader, our Party, our ideology and our system are Kim Il Sung liberated the country by dint of Songun the best, and adding brilliance to the greatness of our and guaranteed its sovereignty, independence, pros- nation. perity and development by force of arms. True to his The socialist cause of Juche is a cause for realiz- Songun idea and line, our Party has, since long ago, ing the independence of the working class and other grasped military affairs and Party work as the key, working masses and at the same time a cause for and concentrated its efforts on strengthening our guaranteeing the independence of the country and revolutionary armed forces politically, ideologically, nation and achieving the nation’s prosperity. Our militarily and technically, thus laying a firm founda- Party and State have, while stepping up socialist tion for developing its Songun-based revolutionary construction, enriched the excellent qualities of the leadership at a new, higher stage. nation and added a new chapter of national prosper- The Songun-based revolutionary line, Songun ity to history. politics, that our Party is pursuing now, is a great Because we properly maintained the Juche char- revolutionary line of our era, the basic mode of so- acter and preserved the national identity of the cialist politics, that gives top priority to military ►

20 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 ► affairs over all other affairs of State, that safeguards world, and our socialist country, Songun Korea, has the country, the revolution and socialism by risen as a world-class military power that no aggres- strengthening the Korean People’s Army to the sor dares to attack. maximum, and that builds up the driving force of the As a result of the Songun-based revolutionary revolution and pushes ahead with socialist construc- leadership, Songun politics, of the Party, the politico- tion with the army as the core, as the main force. ideological position of our Republic has been made With regard to the system of State administration, rock-solid, and great progress has been made on the we ensured that the authority of the National De- economic and cultural fronts. On the road of Songun fence Commission was strengthened and a system our army and people have successfully achieved was established whereby the Commission guides and great unity—oneness of ideology and work style on administers defence affairs overall, so that all work the pattern of the revolutionary spirit and the work in the revolution and construction was conducted style of the soldiers—and the politico-ideological strictly on the principle of giving precedence to mili- might of the country and the revolution has been tary affairs. Our Songun politics, because it is rooted enhanced beyond any comparison. in the Juche idea and fully embodies and encom- Under the Party’s Songun-based leadership the passes the Juche-oriented principles, strategy and army and the people have carried out all their un- tactics of the revolution and its methods and art of dertakings in socialist construction in a revolution- leadership, is the ever-victorious banner of our coun- ary and militant manner by forming an integral try and revolution and an all-powerful sword in the whole, and have in this way implemented grand revolution and construction. projects to transform the appearance of the country, The paramount strength of a nation rests with its build numerous monumental structures, develop military might. Our anti-imperialist, anti-US strug- science and technology by leaps and bounds, and gle is waged fiercely on all fronts of politics, the usher in a new golden age of culture and the arts of military, the economy, ideology and culture, and the the Songun era. main front that decides the destiny of the country Thanks to our Songun-based policy of national and nation is the anti-imperialist military front. The reunification and the concerted efforts of the nation, confrontation with the imperialist aggressive forces the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration (2000) is, in essence, a showdown of strength, and strength and the October 4 Declaration (2007) were adopted alone can make sense in relations with the imperial- and made public, and this opened up an epoch- ists. Without our own strength, our own powerful making phase in the reunification of the country. The self-defensive military might, we can neither win the national spirit for reunifying the country independ- fight against the imperialists, nor defend the Party ently has been raised to an unprecedented height in and the State, nor guarantee the safety of the people. the north, the south and abroad, and the movement This is the stark reality of today. for national reunification is developing as a nation- By dint of its Songun-based revolutionary lead- wide movement under the banner of “by our nation ership, Songun politics, our Party has strengthened itself.” and developed the Korean People’s Army as the army Our Songun politics, which stands against the of the Party and the leader, as the invincible revolu- imperialists’ policies of invasion and war and for the tionary armed forces, both in name and in reality. independence of the country and nation, arouses The monolithic leadership system of the Party, the great sympathy among the progressive peoples of the command system of the Supreme Commander and world and greatly contributes to global peace and the revolutionary military traits have been firmly estab- cause of mankind’s independence. Our Songun poli- lished in the People’s Army, and the entire army— tics and independent foreign policy have made it from the Supreme Commander down to the rank and possible to raise the prestige and influence of our file—now forms an integral whole based on revolu- Republic to an unprecedented level in the interna- tionary comradeship. All the men and officers of the tional arena and to develop its external relations People’s Army, cherishing an unshakable ideology rapidly. and faith, constitute an invincible armed force that Under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung has acquired a mastery of our style of strategy and and our Party the DPRK was built and developed tactics and is equipped with up-to-date military into a Juche-oriented socialist State with invincible hardware. Our Juche-oriented defence industry has might and achieved world-startling victories and become able to produce every type of powerful state- changes by overcoming every manner of historical of-the-art weaponry and military hardware and challenge. The glorious country of Kim Il Sung, means, and the spirit of giving importance to mili- socialist Korea, that shines with brilliance by dint of tary affairs has been established throughout society, Juche and Songun, is displaying its might as a great with the result that the work of arming all the people socialist country, and for this it is warmly loved and and fortifying the whole country is proceeding at a held aloft by our people as their great motherly higher phase. country, is highly regarded by all Koreans as the Thanks to the Songun politics, our Republic has pride and honour of the whole nation and as the frustrated all the challenges of the imperialist reac- fortress of national reunification, and is attracting tionaries and all their schemes to isolate and stifle it, the attention and admiration of people the world and demonstrated its invincible military might to the over. ‰

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 21 The Nature of Kim Jong Suk

The bust of the anti-Japanese war heroine Kim Jong Suk in the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Mt. Taesong.

RESIDENT KIM IL SUNG “Younger Daughter of the devoted herself to helping her P gave an emotional account House” neighbours and friends. of the anti-Japanese war heroine One day Kim Jong Suk went Kim Jong Suk during his life- Kim Jong Suk’s family moved to a nearby hill early in the time, which is to be found in his from Hoeryong, their native morning to pick edible herbs and reminiscences With the Century. place, to Beigou, Yanji County, returned home in the evening A quotation goes: China. with empty basket. Her mother “She (Kim Jong Suk) was As tenant all the family looked dubious. Kim Jong Suk afire with love for the people. worked hard but they were as told her mother what had hap- She thought her sacrifice for hard up for living as they had pened: When she was on her way others was not in the least waste- been in Hoeryong. Although they back home towards evening with ful.” were poverty-stricken, they al- the herbs she had picked, she The anti-Japanese war hero- ways lived in harmony. heard a baby crying in a hut at ine Kim Jong Suk threw herself Kim Jong Suk, though young, the foot of the hill. It sounded so in the strong current of the revo- worked in the field with her pitiable that she entered the hut, lution in her teens and devoted mother and elder brother in the only to find a young woman ill in all her life to her comrades and day time, and wove cloth with a bed with her baby crying while nation with noble human love loom together with her sister at trying to suck at her breasts that and benevolence, enduring all night. had run dry. Kim Jong Suk took hardships and ordeals. Despite her poor living she the baby onto her back and lulled ►

22 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 ► it to sleep. Then she prepared gaged in the underground revolu- armed struggle conducted ac- gruel with her herbs, and served tionary work in Taoquanli, tively under the strategic idea of it to the woman. She even Changbai County, China. Commander Kim Il Sung, cleaned the rest of the herbs for a One day she knew that a Kim Jong Suk encouraged and meal for the next morning. landlord in Liugecun banished led the guerrillas always in the Learning this, her neighbours his kitchen maid, a little girl who van of the marching column. praised her, saying that the was suffering from typhoid fever, By the time the unit reached younger daughter of Hoeryong to a hut in the mountains. It was Dunhua from Antu the guerillas House was kinder than grown- certain what would become of her ran out of even the parched-rice ups. Thereafter they fondly called if she was left alone, but nobody flour kept for emergency use. her “younger daughter of the extended a helping hand. Her Having had only water for meals Hoeryong House.” relatives, to say nothing of her for several days, they even had to neighbours, expressed great pity go round fallen trees, as they had Cake of Pine for her but none of them dared to no strength to climb them. Endodermis take care of her for fear of infec- In these circumstances tion. When Kim Jong Suk went to Kim Jong Suk never showed any One of the days when a the hut without hesitation, the signs of fatigue, helping the bloody fight for the life was going girl was almost dead. At the mis- young guerrillas. She trekked in in Chechangzi Guerrilla Zone, erable sight of the girl who was the lead carrying their knap- Kim Jong Suk felt sorry that she unconscious due to a high fever, sacks. When camping, she used had to give nothing but gruel to Kim Jong Suk pictured the peo- to patch up the clothes of young the guerillas for supper again. ple in the homeland who were guerrillas all night as quietly as That morning she had seen off writhing in agony. Later, on re- possible so as not to disturb them her fellow guerillas to a battle ceiving that news, some villagers in their sleep. against the Japanese “punitive came to the hut and their eyes One night when the unit was force” after they had gruel for were full of tears facing an in- camping after making their way breakfast. She searched her credible scene. Kim Jong Suk through the depth of snow and knapsack and found a small was feeding the girl gruel spoon- climbing over high mountains amount of wheat flour. Mulling ful by spoonful, holding her in Kim Jong Suk patched up the over how to serve the guerrillas her arms. clothes of the guerillas who had equally with the little amount of Kim Jong Suk smiled and fallen into deep sleep. When flour she decided to make cake by comforted them, saying, “Don’t Orion’s Belt set and even the stripping some bark from pine worry, and please go back. If we campfire burned up with the trees and mixing with the flour. are afraid to save a child at a risk a p p r o a c h o f th e d a w n , She climbed a mountain despite of our lives, how can we restore Kim Jong Suk found a young her state of emaciation. She the country and rescue our fellow guerrilla sleeping with his worn- broke down from dizziness sev- countrymen? I’m determined to out shoes on. She took the shoes eral times but stripped the bark, sacrifice my life for the sake of off his feet carefully and mended. thinking of her comrades who the people.” She remained in the After a fairly long time when the were enduring hunger. That eve- hut, looking after the girl until guerrillas woke up, they found ning the guerrillas were de- she got well. her dozing against the tent pole lighted to see the cake. So Later the villagers regarded with his mended shoes on her pleased to see them having their Kim Jong Suk as a “godsend” to lap. Looking at her the guerrillas supper with relish she brought the poor. got tearful and got out of the tent her share and gave it to them. quietly. Gist of a Nap Godsend These are some of many During the large-unit circling stories about her revolutionary Once Kim Jong Suk was en- operations in the anti-Japanese life. ‰

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 23 On the occasion of the 70 th founding anniversary of the Workers’ Party of Korea

Absolute Support and Trust of Masses

ODAY THE WORKERS’ PARTY OF KOREA Korea. This free compulsory education was aimed at T enjoys the absolute support and trust of the giving complete secondary general education to all broad masses of the people because it pays high re- the rising generation before they reach the working gard to their needs and interests, caring for their life age. It was partially effected from September 1972 and assuming the whole responsibility for their des- and completely went into force in September 1975, tiny under the slogans “We serve the people!” and based on the ripe requirements of the developing “Everything for the people, relying on them in every- revolution and the actual possibility for remodelling thing!” All the policies of the Party represent the the whole society along revolutionary, working-class people’s wishes and needs and all its activities are and intellectual lines by dynamically pushing ahead geared to the realization of their needs and interests. with the ideological, technical and cultural revolu- Kim Jong Un, First Secretary of the WPK, tions. frames all policies with the intention of building a The national leader Kim Jong Un set forth the thriving socialist nation in this land for the people to idea of radically improving the quality of secondary enjoy the happiest life in the world, true to the ideas general education in keeping with the requirements and cause of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman of the era of the knowledge-based economy and Kim Jong Il. The wishes and interests of the people wisely guided the enforcement of universal 12-year are clearly reflected in all the ideas and lines he set compulsory education. Thanks to his firm resolution forth, such as the problems of simultaneously carry- to put up the education of the rising generation as a ing on economic construction and upbuilding of nu- matter of the highest priority in the work of the clear forces, of enforcing universal 12-year compul- Party and the state, the state investments were con- sory education and adhering to the principle of giving centrated in the educational sphere and the ar- priority to convenience, aesthetic taste and opinion rangements for the introduction of 12-year compul- of the rising generation in construction. This is sory education were looked upon as an important quite evident in the case of enforcement of universal work of all nation, all people and all society. Follow- 12-year compulsory education. Originally, universal ing the ordinance on the introduction of universal 11-year compulsory education had been in force in 12-year compulsory education passed at the 6th ►

24 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 ► Session of the 12th Supreme People’s Assembly of the national leader Kim Jong Un. Considering the plan DPRK, education was started from the 2014-2015 he was sorry that the number of water slides was school year according to the programme of universal small and suggested more slides be fixed. A few days 12-year compulsory education, and the firm founda- later when he studied the supplemented plan, he was tion has been laid for enforcing it on a full scale in a very pleased, saying that the people would be de- few years. lighted when the water park was completed. Besides Meanwhile, Kim Jong Un gave important in- the water slides, he studied the formation plan of structions several times concerning the compilation the park for improvement as many as 113 times. of new school textbooks while giving detailed guid- Whenever he did it, his primary concern was if it ance to the work of improving the contents and would be favourite with the people. methods of education. The enforcement of 12-year On May 10, 2014 a merry sound of bugle rang out compulsory education is a good expression of the in Songdowon, a scenic spot in the east coast of Ko- WPK’s love for the people and the rising generation, rea; it signaled the start of the first-round camping the Party that gives absolute priority to the people’s at the Songdowon International Children’s Camp desire and interest. which was admirably rebuilt thanks to the WPK’s The WPK is steadily carrying on its policies so love for the younger generation. When the national that the people get real benefits. A typical policy is leader visited the camp in May 2013, he gave specific the one of giving first and foremost importance to instructions on the renovation of the camp, saying aesthetic needs, convenience and the children’s de- that the modernization of the camp was an impor- sire in construction. This serves as a thoroughgoing tant task to add lustre to the exploits of the President principle in the recent projects that give rise to and the Chairman. In 2014 alone he visited it several monumental structures befitting the Songun era. times and solved all the problems arising in the re- One day some officials working for the Munsu construction, saying that it might be the best camp in Water Park project submitted a formation plan to the the world and that they should spare no expense for ►

The Workers’ Party of Korea founding anniversary is significantly celebrated every year.

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 25 ► the children, the treasure of the country. Under his Hero great concern the camp was renovated magnificently in less than half a year, comprising the International Friendship Children’s Hall, camping buildings, an indoor stadium, an indoor swimming pool, an outdoor HE RYONGSONG MACHINE COMPLEX was established in April 1946. At that time, it playground, an outdoor wading pool, an outdoor T was merely a small factory with some 200 em- archery ground, an aquarium, an aviary and a ployees. With the rapid industrial development of stuffed animals room. the country, the factory developed into a large- When Kim Jong Un visited the camp which was sized machine maker. near completion, he said with great satisfaction that Some of the landmark events of the complex all the buildings and facilities in the camp go well were the manufacture of a 3 000-ton press, a 6 000-ton press, a 10 000-ton press, and a 70m with the image of a civilized socialist country in gantry planing machine, which were all the prod- terms of their scale, content and architectural style, ucts of the wisdom and resources of the complex. that the national identity is preserved in all aspects The image got further elevated when it devel- and that the principle of giving priority to conven- oped an 8-metre turning lathe, a 12 000-KVA ience and aesthetic quality is implanted as required thermal power turbine, a 15 000-cubic-metre cen- by the Juche-oriented idea of architectural aesthet- trifugal blower, a 20-metre lathe and an 18-metre ics. He continued to say that the camp is an edifice, turning lathe. In recent years, it developed differ- the world’s one and only hotel and palace of the chil- ent kinds of compressors including the 3-cubic- dren which reflects the Party’s outlook on the rising metre piston compressor No. 1. For this reason, people call the complex the generation. He also said that although there had “mother factory of machines,” “exemplary factory been difficulties in the renovation of the camp, their of self-reliance,” “almighty factory,” “multipurpose efforts turned out worthwhile, and that if they toiled factory” and “powerful factory.” a year the country would make a 10 years’ progress. In the 1980s, the complex was given a task of He exclaimed it was very nice to see the camp reno- manufacturing a 10 000-ton press, whose parts vated and that he made revolution to taste that usually weighed tens or even hundreds of tons pleasure. each, and which needed tens of thousands of de- Like the Songdowon camp, many monumental signs when those of petty small parts were counted. Worse still, it had no experience in mak- structures that went up recently, including the ing such a big press before. However, exerting ► Okryu Children’s Hospital, the Mirim Riding Club, the Masikryong Ski Resort, the Yonphung Scientists Holiday Camp, the Pyongyang Baby Home and the Pyongyang Orphanage, are the crystallization of the national leader’s loving care. In his 2015 New Year Address Kim Jong Un said: “We should ensure that the people-first princi- ple runs through the whole of Party work as appro- priate for its nature as a motherly party to make the climate of respecting, loving and depending on them pervade it and Party work focus on improving their living standards.” True to his words, the officials of the WPK are making tireless efforts to improve the living stan- dard of the people while absolutely prioritizing their convenience. It is a matter of course that the people faithfully trust and follow the Party, with the con- viction that happiness and future are in store for them as they advance in the direction pointed by the Party. Kim Song Ok

26 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 Complex

► their meritorious spirit of doing anything that the country and the Workers’ Party of Korea wanted, the employees made the 10 000-ton press by building on the experience they had had in making 3 000- and 6 000-ton presses before. They also produced lots of equipment needed for the develop- ment of the national economy, thus exalting their honour as a powerful manufacturer. In December 2011, the complex The quality of casting improves. was awarded the title of Labour Hero, and this encouraged the workers and techni- separately. cians to a greater upsurge in production. Also, the technicians and workers of the complex Last year the complex was given a task of pro- produced lots of equipment and sent them to the ducing floodgate wheels needed for the construction East Pyongyang Thermal Power Station, the Py- of a set of power stations on the Chongchon River. By ongyang Thermal Power Complex, the Komdok conducting a mass technical innovation campaign Mining Complex and other enterprises, and manu- and introducing a new iron-casting method, they factured and installed geothermal compressors at wrought a miracle of making nearly 1 000 floodgate the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren’s Palace, the Py- wheels of six kinds in a matter of six months, not in ongyang Hydroponic Greenhouse and the Hamhung three years as usual. Water Park. When they were ordered to produce cog wheels Han Yong Hwan, deputy chief engineer of the for thermal power stations in June last, the workers complex, says, “As in the past, we will display our of the Songun iron foundry moulded castings in a honour as Hero Complex by speedily producing and short period by introducing a new method, different supplying facilities to major projects.” from the conventional one of making small castings Sim Yong Jin

Efforts are put in the processing of ordered equipment.

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 27 Young Scientists Win Special Prizes

EARS AGO THE establishment of the integrated ers. At last they successfully fit- Y Automation Research In- automation system which was to ted the new devices to the specific stitute under the State Academy reduce the time of production and conditions and solved problems to of Sciences was given a task to improve the quality of steel start the motor of the rolling mill give assistance to the project of plates. at a try. modernization of the hot rolling Young scientists in charge of Along with this, the research process in the Kim Chaek Iron the control system of a universal group solved many sci-tech prob- and Steel Complex. Many re- rolling mill—it was the first big lems including a digital control searchers volunteered to tackle task for them—developed a rea- system of the hot rolling process, this field work. Most of them were sonable operating program by a computer-aided intensive moni- in their 20s with short scientific introducing the operators’ work- toring system of the hot rolling research career or had just fin- ing methods, and put forward a process, a rolling mill operating ished college. The institute put great idea to decrease the number system and a production manage- big trust in them and formed a of passage of steel in the mill ment system of the hot rolling research team with those young while ensuring the quality. Once process. scientists as the main force and they remodelled a dynamotor of At the end of last year the hot experienced and able researchers the universal rolling mill with a rolling workshop began produc- as the backbone. big capacity into a converter, but tion of rolled steel based on the The team rushed to the spot running the rolling mill, they integrated automation system. and began to understand the lay- found that the mill’s speed was The successes scores of young out of the existing process. Ex- not high enough and that the new researchers made in the mod- changing their opinions and re- devices were interrupted some- ernization project won the special ferring to experiences of operators times. They knew it was because prize in the 25th national program and skilled hands, they completed of bad combination of the new contest and exhibition held in a general design of an integrated devices and existing facilities. Far October last year, and the inte- automation system of the rolling from disappointed, the team grated automation system of process in a short span of time pooled their wisdom to produce the hot rolling process won an- after painstaking efforts. They good ideas, consulting able re- other special prize in the 30th also finished designs of partial searchers—one of them was Jang national sci-tech festival held in systems, and buckled down to the Myong Chol—and skilled work- April last. Many people in-

cluding the employees of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex say in unison that they came to know young scientists’ ability through the develop- ment of the integrated automation system and gained a good view of the bright future of their coun- try’s sci-tech develop- ment.

Jo Yong Il

28 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 Korea Education Fund

OT LONG AGO A KOREA junior and senior middle schools N Today reporter had an inter- across the country four times a view with Chae Ryang Il, presi- year according to the refresher dent of the Korea Education plan. In addition, refresher train- Fund. Excerpts: ing is arranged for dentists and nursery school and kindergarten When was the Korea Educa- teachers in a planned way. In tion Fund established and what is 2013 there was an English course its mission? for the teachers of Kim Chaek The Korea Education Fund University of Technology. was established on January 26, What do you do for improve- 2005. As an NGO registered as a ment of the teaching environ- corporate body of the Democratic ment? People’s Republic of Korea, the Great attention has been paid fund has an important mission to to construction of schools and supplies, clothing, footwear, arti- render cooperation and support experiment and practice condi- cles for cultural use, foodstuffs for improvement of the quality of tions of schools. Between 2008 and so on. We provided the Won- education. Our work is important and 2014 a dozen schools were san Orphans’ Secondary School one as it is intended to carry out built in North and South Hwang- and other orphans’ schools with the policy of the Workers’ Party of hae provinces, Kangwon and sports and amusement facilities Korea and the DPRK government South Phyongan provinces; school including open-air apparatuses, that regard education of the rising buildings, dormitories, mess halls footballs and uniforms. We also generation as one of the funda- and wash-cum-bath rooms were preferentially sent foodstuffs, mental problems decisive of the rebuilt at the Hwangju Orphans' daily necessities, school things destiny of the country and spare Secondary School, Wonsan Or- and medicines for everyday use to nothing for education. phans' Secondary School and the schools in the typhoon- and Today our country is pushing Nampho Onchon Orphans' Pri- flood-stricken areas including ahead with the effort to enforce mary School. Solar heating Yangdok and Sinyang counties the universal 12-year compulsory greenhouses with a cyclic system and Komdok and Taehung areas. education in an all-round way and of production were built in col- What are you doing to build up radically improve the quality. leges of agriculture to improve the the capacity of the fund? Along with this, great efforts are conditions for practice of crop My fund has had several lec- directed to building up the mate- growing and animal husbandry. tures on cooperation under the rial and technical conditions for We successfully finished projects support of many organizations in better education, promoting in- including the cooperation for wa- the world, and they served us as ternational exchange and coop- ter sanitation in orphans’ primary good opportunities to improve our eration and creating model units and secondary schools in Wonsan capacity of project planning and for nationwide generalization in and the installation of the solar management. We also raise the the fields of teaching environment water-heater in the North Phyon- level of cooperation by exchanging and quality. gan Provincial Orphans’ Secon- opinions with many partners. I think the teachers’ qualifica- dary School. Practice rooms were Taking advantage of this oppor- tions are very important in im- established for carpentry, cook- tunity, I extend my heart-felt proving the teaching quality. How ery, sewing and driving in several thanks to the overseas Korean is this work going on? orphans’ secondary schools and compatriots and organizations of Our fund has positively senior middle schools. many countries such as the FMV- pushed ahead with the campaign How about your assistance DPRK, Switzerland, the Russkiy to improve the qualifications of regarding the supply of teaching Mir Foundation, the Bread for the teachers of different schools facilities and school things? the World, Germany, Friends in and colleges by strengthening We’ve worked hard to supply Education, Canada, the Light exchange and cooperation with computers, videos, projectors and Foundation, and the Maranatha NGOs, organizations and per- foreign language labs to many Foundation, for their sincere help sonal figures at home and abroad educational institutions in Py- to our children’s education and and overseas Korean compatriots. ongyang and other areas. And we living. The fund established the Pyongy- helped procure school things and We will continue to have posi- ang Teacher Training School in produce textbooks. To improve tive exchange and cooperation 2009. In the school equipped with the healthcare and living condi- with overseas Korean compatri- modern lecture rooms and welfare tions of the students, orphans’ ots, NGOs and organizations and facilities, English and computer schools and children’s hospitals of individual supporters around the courses are given to teachers of every province were given medical world. ‰

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 29 Talent Nurtured

HE PYONGYANG STU- efforts to train her as a promising the palace every afternoon. The T dents and Children’s Palace soloist of folk music. music-loving girl of high sensitiv- is a comprehensive extracurricu- When she was 12, she was in ity developed faster than others in lar education centre where chil- the second year of the then her circle. Learning folk songs dren are trained to become prom- Changjon Secondary School in suitable for her tone, she became ising scientists, artistes and ath- Central District. At the time she a leading soloist of the palace. letes. The instructors of the pal- once took part in the performance ace devote all their energy to the given by schoolchildren's artistic Little dancer training of the children, the fu- groups from all parts of the coun- ture of Korea and the king of the try, which was held in the Py- Kim Jin Ok is a striking little country. The palace is a great favourite with the children.

Promising singer Kim Song Hui

In a performance given by schoolchildren's artistic groups of the Pyongyang Students and Children’s Palace to celebrate the Day of the Sun (April 15), President Kim Il Sung’s birth- day, this year, a schoolgirl left a deep impression on the audience with her songs Mangyongdae Is ongyang Students and Children’s dancer. Her movement of making the Best, The Country of Man- Palace. After the performance, turns while beating the janggu is gyongdae and Mt. Paektu and the vocal instructor Choe came to a difficult movement even for the Mangyongdae Is in a Flower Gar- see the girl, for she had noticed experts, so it draws admiration of den. She is Kim Song Hui, a sec- the girl had tried to present a tone the audience. She has a great ond-year student of the Changjon unsuitable for her voice though sense of dancing, and people fall Senior Middle School in Central she sang well. She found that into an ecstasy of joy. In a concert District, Pyongyang. As a promis- Song Hui had not received proper “Love the Future” in celebration ing singer, she won first place in instruction to give life to her own of the 66th founding anniversary national schoolchildren’s solo tone. She decided to take charge of the Korean Children’s Union in contests several times. of the girl. June 2012, she danced a solo She has taken lessons from From that time on, Song Hui dance “Janggu dance” to the tune Choe Kwang Suk, a vocal instruc- took new basic lessons of vocal of the song Our Country Is the tor of the palace, who has made music from the vocal instructor in Best, receiving a great applause of ►

30 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 ► the audience. based one. In this course, Jin Ok ternoon a girl entered the training During her kindergarten days fully understood one by one the ground of the Taekwon-Do of the she had been called prodigy for basic knowledge of dance. At last palace. She was Won Ok, 10, who her good play of the kayagum, a her dance movements came up to lives in Jonjin-dong, Thongil Korean traditional musical in- a high level as her teacher Street, Rangnang District. Talk- strument. What made her a great wanted, and when her teacher ing to her, Nam Hui knew that little dancer? taught one she used to under- when she was anxious to learn One day Kim Hye Gyong, a stand two or three. Taekwon-Do, her parents would dancing instructor of the palace, Jin Ok’s dance was already not approve her decision because visited a kindergarten in Central introduced several times in per- of her thin physical shape. Soon District, Pyongyang. Hearing the formances held at home and in she met the girl’s parents and children singing, she entered the China and European countries, persuaded them to approve their music room and saw a little girl demonstrating the image of the daughter’s decision, saying that making wonderful rhythmic happy Korean children. the teachers’ duty is to develop in movements while playing the time children’s aptitudes and that kayagum. The rhythmic move- World championship at 14 she would bring her up as a suc- ments made her kayagum sounds cessful Taekwon-Doist. more beautiful. Fascinated by the The 11th Junior and 6th Vet- This was how Won Ok little girl’s wonderful movements, eran ITF Taekwon-Do World became a member of the palace’s Hye Gyong gazed at her for a good Championships were held in Taekwon-Do team and was devel- while. Dushanbe, Tajikistan in August oped as a promising Taekwon- One year later when Jin Ok last year. Won Ok took part in the Doist. She knew better how the entered primary school, Hye junior championships which was Korean nation’s traditional mar- Gyong visited her home to see her participated in by more than 300 tial arts Taekwon-Do had come parents. Since then the girl began young Taekwon-Doists from 26 and developed and how her an- to learn dancing involved in the countries and regions including cestors had worked to keep it folk dance team of the palace. In the DPRK, Russia, Ukraine and generation after generation. Now order to make the most of the Kazakhstan. She, a member of a decision settled in her mind to limited hours in the palace, Hye the Taekwon-Do team of the work hard to practice Taekwon- Gyong improved the girl’s practi- Pyongyang Students and Chil- Do. Going to school in the morn- cal education including the visual dren’s Palace, won a gold medal ing and training at the palace in aid-based one and multimedia- by defeating the Greek rival in the afternoon, she mastered the the women’s 46 kg individual basic knowledge, several pat- sparring in the division of 14-15 terns, rules and regulations of years of age. How could the Taekwon-Do. young girl have the DPRK She had won two gold medals national flag hoisted in the in the domestic competitions be- foreign country? fore winning a gold medal in the At first she was led into the world championships. Taekwon-Do world by her in- structor Kim Nam Hui. One af- Sim Yong Jin

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 31 Erstwhile Wrestler

champion of the country. chief secretary of the wrestling He was also conferred the league. Now he had to bear title of the DPRK Labour greater responsibility. Hero. Under his guidance twice In his flat in Kwang- world wrestling champion Yang bok Street, there is a sou- Kyong Il and world wrestling venir photograph which champion Yun Won Chol were he and other gold medal- produced. Yun Won Chol is the ists of the 25th Olympic country’s first champion of men’s Games had taken with Greco-Roman wrestling. In addi- President Kim Il Sung tion, So Sim Hyang and Jong Hak in celebration of the Jin took the top place in the 16th New Year of 1993. Look- and 17th Asian Games respec- A scene from the final of the 48 kg ing up at the photo, he tively. category event of men’s freestyle makes up his mind, For the achievement, he was wrestling at the 26th Olympic Games. “Listening to the ticking awarded a certificate of commen- of my watch the President dation of Chairman Kim Jong Il HEN THEY TALK ABOUT presented to me, I’ll always re- and elected a deputy to the W wrestlers, many of the main a victorious sportsman by Supreme People's Assembly in Koreans choose the topic about making strenuous efforts.” 2014. Kim Il. Then, what kind of trace Only when he has a high abil- did he leave in the wrestling Height of the awarding ity and lofty sportsmanship and world and what is he doing now? platform morality, can he be on the award- ing platform—this is his motto. Twice Olympic gold After his athletic career, he “The height of the awarding medalist enrolled in Kim Hyong Jik Uni- platform you get on means just versity of Education. In his uni- the height of your country’s dig- Born in Sosong District, Py- versity days he qualified as an nity. When all of us win gold ongyang, Kim Il began to learn excellent sports expert with ex- medals, our country’s dignity will wrestling in the then Pyongyang perience and theoretical qualities. get higher and higher,” he says. Namgyo Secondary School. The After graduation of the univer- With unabated enthusiasm and wrestling teacher spotted him sity, he became a full-time officer courage, he devotes his all to the who, though not tall and large in of the wrestling league of the development of the country’s build, was quick-witted, powerful Federation of Athletic Technology wrestling. and unusually enthusiastic, as a in 2001. In 2009 he was promoted promising wrestler. from deputy chief secretary to Rim Ok Later Kim Il got a strong foundation of wrestling in the Kim Il (centre), chief secretary of the wrestling league. Sosong District Juvenile Sports School and joined the Amnokgang Sports Team. As many people expected, he gained good experi- ence in some international com- petitions and won a gold medal in the 25th Olympic Games. The Pyongyang citizens greeted him with warm welcome along the 40- odd-km-long route. In 1992 he was awarded the two titles of Merited Athlete and People’s Athlete. In the 26th Olympic Games, too, he fully demonstrated his ability. It was the most difficult and impressive game to him, he recollected later. As a result, he became the first twice Olympic

32 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 On the First Tour to Korea

Everything Is Incredible

edge I didn’t really know what to sider myself a very well travelled expect at all when I first came to person but coming to the DPRK the DPRK. has been truly a unique experi- But when I arrived at the ence. DPRK finally I was very pleas- antly surprised by the things I Haynes Oliver Alexander (UK) saw—the natural sceneries are the 38th Batch of the very beautiful, and in Pyongyang British Tourists the architectural monuments and DON’T KNOW VERY MUCH the whole society are incredibly I about Korea. The reason why unique. A lot of tour guides have we come is purely out of curiosity. asked me what the Western per- As a result of my lack of knowl- ception of their country is. I con-

I’m Really Happy

seen a scenery like that before in how big the city is and all the my life and it was just a magnifi- places, especially the tall Tower cent mountain. That day we also of the Juche Idea. Another thing went to the International Friend- that was very unique and I’ve ship Exhibition House. It was a never seen was the children’s very interesting experience to performance. To see young chil- look at all the different gifts pre- dren performing in very profes- sented to the DPRK leaders in sional way was great. The singing one house. I very much enjoyed was very different from what I seeing the gifts from my own had heard. I was impressed. ’M REALLY HAPPY I country of Norway in that house. I could see so many different We also drove down to Kae- Myhrvold Fride (Norway) places, here, in Korea. We went song which was a big city. And the 38th Batch of to Mt. Myohyang and there we then we had several city tours to the British Tourists saw one of the greatest temples. look at Pyongyang. I think that The scenery there may be the was what I enjoyed the most be- best I have ever seen. I’ve never cause I was very impressed by

Unique Tastes

HE KOREAN FOOD HAS cious. The beers are unique. Kim- T a very unique taste which I chi is also very good. I really hope have never experienced before. I’ll in the future be able to have The dish, which is gray mullet more Korean foods. soup, was very, very good. Even the food that I can find back Lobmeyr Arthur (Austria) home tastes quite unique and is the 38th Batch of also very good. I’m very lucky to the British Tourists have a tour guide who shows the national food in the best places and helps to get the best Korean food. Korean noodle is also deli-

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 33 Mother of Heroes

HOE OK AE, A C resident in Munsin- dong No. 1, Tongdaewon District, Pyongyang, is winning respect and admiration of the people as mother of two sons who are Labour Heroes of the Democratic Peo- ple’s Republic of Korea. Choe was a designer at the Pyongyang Urban Planning and Designing Research Institute from The first son The second son her girlhood until she Sa Song Il. Sa Song Guk. retired. Her husband too was a designer who was always busy and often went childhood). He distinguished himself in his first task, on a business trip. But her concern for the children and rendered service to the construction of hundreds was particularly noteworthy. Though she returned of large and small bridges across the country which home late, she checked the homework of her chidren are suited to the local conditions and bring much and washed and ironed their school uniforms before profits. He took charge of designing and building laying them by their bedside. When they went on a work of the modernization of the Ryuldong Junior picnic, she prepared delicious foods for them and Middle School in Tongdaewon District, Pyongyang, often said, “Share your foods with your friends, and which he graduated 20 years ago. When the teaching don’t mind others’ foods even if they are humble.” staff expressed thanks, he said, “Well, this is my Her husband died from a sudden illness in his alma mater.” The title of Merited Designer was con- forties. Whenever the mass media introduced the ferred on him when he was 33, and the title of DPRK Taean Heavy Machine Complex and the Kumsong Labour Hero when he was 38. Tractor Factory, she was wont to tell her children, The second son Sa Song Guk also sent good news. “Your father designed those factories. Though he He has been in service for 25 years, and has worked died, his merit is still going down. I think the value of as company commander at a post for a dozen years. man is not to be decided by how long he lives, but by He was awarded the title of DPRK Labour Hero at how he lives.” the 4th Conference of the Company Commanders and One day before her second son’s graduation from Political Instructors of the Korean People’s Army. At school, she sat knee to knee with her three children the conference Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un and said to the youngest child as follows: “Your sister said that he had discovered patriots and meritorious and brother are university students, and I hope you officers as precious as pearl and jewel, who had de- will join the army. The epitome of patriotism is to voted their all to the strengthening of companies, stand guard for the country.” and that the Central Committee of the Workers’ The day before the youngest son’s leaving home Party of Korea had decided to highly appreciate for military service Choe took her children to the them. Then he personally awarded the medals of Chollima Street, the Pyongyang Wheat Flour Proc- DPRK Labour Hero. essing Factory and the Pyongyang Condiment Fac- Seeing the souvenir photo of her second son tory which are associated with her husband’s efforts, standing arm in arm with the Supreme Commander, telling them about the worth of and pride in creation. Choe told, “The day when your brother became a The image of Choe working hard for the country Hero I thought you would be proud of your brother. rather than her own family even in the period of the But I never imagined you would be a Hero yourself. Arduous March, the most difficult period of the na- Now I’ll try my best to do good things for the country tion, cultivated in them the attitude of strenuous which has given me the pride of being mother of two thinking and quest, a sense of justice and an upright Heroes.” manner. Now her first son is 44 and her second 42, and Her elder son Sa Song Il became a designer of the they are putting their heart and soul in their work. Pyongyang Urban Planning and Designing Research Institute after university (it was his dream from his Rim Ok

34 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 A Musical Wonder Girl

N HER WAY HOME FROM Yong showed her talent in musi- umbrella! Now, the words and O work several years ago vo- cal creation, too, besides singing tune of a new song came across cal music teacher Pae Hye Nam of and playing the piano. She ex- my mind. Immediately I wrote the Kumsong School happened to pressed her thoughts and feelings them down word by word in my hear a little girl singing a song. in words and tune. When Hye music book. In the evening I Her clear voice, tremorous and Nam received the first musical played the tune on the piano be- correct tune convinced Hye Nam score of her composition evincing fore my parents to their great who had reared many children of a child’s heart, she was reminded joy.” musical talent that she had an of her class teacher showing her The medical treatment at the aptitude for vocal music. She felt a composition written by her in a Okryu Children’s Hospital and a desire to take on and train her. class. There was a passage in it, her life at the reconstructed So, after she left the kindergar- which said, “The national leader Songdowon International Chil- ten, Jon Song Yong was admitted Kim Jong Un loves the children dren’s Camp gave her creative to the Kumsong School. very much and gives them the inspirations. Her creative ability Hye Nam took charge of her. best things. How I envied the to find new factors in natural Endowed with unusual concen- children of the Kyongsang Kin- things and social affairs brought tration and absolute pitch, Song dergarten who sang in the no end of songs like a gushing Yong could easily grasp the presence of the leader when he spring. Song Yong made a collec- teacher’s intentions and quickly visited the kindergarten! How tion of songs, The Bosom of Our understood what she taught. To happy I should be if I could sing a Leader Is Best, with eight pieces her a single word was sufficient. song before the leader!” of music she had composed and When she was a second-year pu- She was growing in discre- presented it to the national pil, she sang solo in a school con- tion, too, along with musical abil- leader Kim Jong Un. cert and was believed to have a ity. Her diary has a passage like Wishing her a happy future, bright future as a folk singer. She this. “The weather was warm the leader recommended her specialized in vocal music while until the morning, but it began to songs to the students and chil- learning the piano. She had al- pour in the afternoon. As I watch- dren. In April this year Song ready taken piano lessons since ing the falling rain outside the Yong appeared on television and she was four and played a piano window, my mind went out to our sang the song of her own compo- solo in a children’s music broad- leader in spite of myself. I wonder sition The Bush Warbler on casting concert when she was six. where he is now. He must be far Mangyong Hill, bringing joy to ► Then, one day Hye Nam hap- away on the pened to hear a piano tune com- road of field ing from a classroom and was guidance. My greatly surprised to know it was heart yearns Song Yong who was playing it. for the dear She, a primary school girl, was leader. It is perfectly playing the piano solo really vexing. Let Us Study, which had been How happy I played by the leaving children in should be if my their graduation concert some heart could go time before, arranged in her own out and shield way. him from the As the days went by, Song rain like an

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 35 The Road I Chose

NE DAY SEVERAL O years ago when I was going around to find school-aged children I happened to know Un Yong who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and could not move herself. The seven-year-old girl was standing with the support of crutches, and I learned that she hadn’t enrolled in kindergarten, and even gave up going to school. That night I was obsessed with her image gazing at me until I turned around the corner. The next morning I went to see the headteacher of my school. I Ri Un Yong and her teacher Ri Kyong Sim. told him I wanted to take charge of Un Yong and help her go to should be prepared if I was to matical calculation. Rain or snow, school like normal children. Then choose to help her. After hearing I took her on my back and walked the headteacher, who was the age his words, I finally made up my four kilometres from her home to of my father, advised me to re- mind. the school every day. I was soaked consider it because I would be To begin with, I taught Un with perspiration, and more than married any of those days, which Yong how to hold a pencil and the once I got bruises on my knees as might make me unable to look ABC of the spoken and written I slipped on the snowy road. after her until she finished language. Sometimes I sat up far Sometimes I felt exhausted. I, school. “It’ll add to her sorrow,” into the night developing her however, was pleased to see the he said. And yet he told me how I ability to do elementary mathe- bright smile of the girl sitting in ►

► her friends, teachers, family and Kim Jong Nyo. growing up as a musician. As we many other people. At the school Pae Hye Nam who initiated are living in a good society my there were many discussions her into vocal music says. “Song daughter is flying high in the sky about training Song Yong into a Yong has musical talent by na- of hope.” musical composer. Piano, vocal ture. Teachers are striving to give Song Yong is now preparing a music and composition teachers her good training by united ef- new folk song book The Songs of are eager to win over Song Yong. forts.” Song Yong’s mother says, Mangyongdae. People place great But according to her own desire “There has never been a musician hopes on her, an 11-year-old girl. to keep to vocal music, she is now in our family. Her father is a The children all over the country bent on improving her singing driver and I was a traffic control- are waiting for her new songs. skills under the guidance of ler in my maidenhood. I am both the famous folk song teacher surprised and gratified to see her Rim Ok

36 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 ► the sunny classroom, free from all charge of technical affairs. He back—standing in the middle of worries. said the young girl had better the front row of the children. One Sunday of the rainy sea- begin with kinesitheraphy. I was When the signal of entrance was son a year later, I felt like having buoyed by his suggestion. given, the children marched for- a rest. But I thought of Un Yong The next day I took Un Yong ward to the rostrum, singing a who had been disappointed to out to do walking exercise holding song in chorus. The onlookers have a poor result in a math ex- her by the hands. When she held their breath, watching Un amination. This urged me to go to moved a step, she trembled with a Yong. She stepped forward see her. To my embarrassment, severe pain, falling down on the proudly up to the flag of the Chil- however, the stream had swollen spot before moving the second dren’s Union. Amidst the clapping up to my belly. Torrents of water step. “Stand up! If not, you’ll re- a red tie of the union was put seemed to swallow me. Gripped gret yourself all your life!” I cried around her neck. Then, to my with fear, I nearly turned back, out anxiously. Then she put all surprise, she dashed towards me, but when I remembered Un Yong her energy in raising herself and instead of her mother. The spec- who I knew would be expecting made another step. I had to exert tators shed tears of emotion, say- me I braced myself and began to more effort. I first went to the ing that I became her “mother” cross the stream. Holding a stick people’s hospital in the county after all my efforts without mak- in one hand I moved step by step. and then travelled to hospitals in ing any home of my own. When I got to her house, I was so other counties to get advices from In this way Un Yong regained exhausted that I had not the en- experienced doctors. I explored her cheerful life, and now is a ergy to say even a word. But when the deep mountains for medicinal pride of the school as an exem- I saw the girl greeting me gladly, I herbs. When the head of the plary member of the sub-branch felt completely refreshed. It was department of the cerebro- of the Children’s Union of the worth the trouble I took. neurological surgery of the Okryu school. She often says she will From the next school term Un Children’s Hospital volunteered become a teacher like me by Yong ranked among the top- to conduct an operation on her, I working hard. This fills my honour pupils, and she could solve didn’t hesitate to take her on my mind with happiness about my any difficult problems in maths back to the hospital. efforts. reference books. The operation took about five In May last I was chosen as a Her remarkable progress was hours. And the rehabilitation delegate to the 2nd National Con- the worth of my life. One of those treatment spanning several ference of Model Youth of Virtue days when I entered the class- months required much more and had an honour of addressing room after organizing an after- sweat and perseverance. But un- the conference. Inwardly, I said school sports activity I noticed her der the care of doctors and nurses loudly, “I thought I was making looking stonily through the win- of the hospital who took care of us my career by myself. But now I dow at other pupils playing in the as their family members we could know it is not true. As I’m under ground. The pitiful image of her return home with happy news in the great care of the benevolent hurt my heart. That day I re- the long run. national leader, our youthful days proached myself for feeling satis- Still vivid is my memory of the will remain honourable forever.” fied with teaching alone, and re- ceremony of children’s joining the solved to make her walk freely. Korean Children’s Union on the Ri Kyong Sim, The Okryu Children’s Hospital Day of the Shining Star last year. primary course teacher of the flashed into my mind first. Via The audience was surprised to see Kumsa Senior Middle School, telemedicine I met the vice direc- Un Yong—who had walked on Kumya County, tor of the hospital who was in crutches or been taken on others’ South Hamgyong Province

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 37 Traditional Dishes of Korea (3)

Haeju pibimbap. Songphyon.

about it is that the bracken needles. Big songphyon is one of must come from Mt. Suyang of the rice cakes often made by the Dishes of Hwanghae Haeju. The garnishings some- people of Hwanghae Province Province times include fried pork and with ordinary or glutinous rice. parsley. The dish is also called The method of making it is much WANGHAE PROVINCE Haeju kyoban. the same as those of other prov- H in the past covered today’s inces, but the people of this region North and South Hwanghae Big songphyon make rice cakes as big as a palm provinces. The region is less with plenty of stuffing, reflecting mountainous and has a vast Songphyon is a half-moon their generous nature. Wormwood plain area, so it was known shaped rice cake stuffed with and pine endodermis are often from of old as the granary of beans and flavoured with pine put in the rice flour before it is ► the country. This explains the generosity of the people in the Cold boiled West Sea foods. region. Their foods, simple but appealing without any special dressing, neither salty nor washy, are appetizing and al- ways served brimful. The local kimchi pickles are characterized by the use of the seeds of coriander and Korean pepper bush as spices.

Haeju pibimbap (rice with assorted mixture)

Haeju pibimbap is fried rice garnished with mung-bean sprouts, bracken, parsley, broad bellflower roots, sliced egg fry, and sprinkled with crumbled roast laver. What is peculiar

38 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 ► kneaded into dough. Soy beans, at a holiday feast the rice cake is fit and live long. This gave rise to mung beans, red beans and ju- coated with white sesame flour, the local custom of having mung- jubes rich in the province are used and at a memorial service it is bean jelly and mung-bean starch coated with black sesame flour. noodle in summer. as stuffing. The Sinwon area was well-known for its steamed rice cake. It is said Coriander kimchi pickles that visitors to the area would invariably have a taste of it before A peculiar thing in the kimchi leaving the place. pickles of Hwanghae Province is

that coriander leaves are used in Croaker soup making kimchi pickles. Mixture of

Croaker is largely caught off bitter-removed leaves of coriander the shores of the province and its and seasonings is put in between people love to have croaker soup. the leaves of celery cabbage. It is prepared by putting chops of Then, the unique aroma of cori- croaker, and its roe and milt in ander gives a special flavour to the salted boiling water. When the pickles to stimulate appetite. they are almost done, onion, gar- Seeds, young stalks and leaves of lic and crown daisy are put in to coriander are largely used as sea- be scalded lightly. The croaker sonings and spices. caught off Haeju was renowned for its good taste. The people of Yonan fermented fish this region make it a point to add crown daisy to the croaker soup. Yonan fermented rice-fruit Some of them like to put in hot punch is also one of the speciali- pepper paste according to their ties of Hwanghae Province. In eating habit. that shellfish goes into it, it is Paeksolgi. different from those of Hamgyong, Mung-bean jelly Kangwon, Kyongsang provinces Mesiruttok (steamed and other areas on the east coast rice cake) Mung-bean jelly is made by of Korea. It is made by mixing grinding husked mung beans into water-drained salted shellfish Mesiruttok is a well-known flour, which is put in a sack, add- with boiled rice, powdered malt, food in Hwanghae Province. It is ing water to it and straining out chestnuts, dates, pine nuts, ses- made of salted rice flour added dregs and then settling it before ame oil and salt before putting it with sugar and water and then pouring it in a cauldron to boil, in a pot to be fermented in four or steamed with sesame powder. It and finally, ladling it into flat five days. is mainly prepared in winter, bowls to set as it cools. The people The food culture is further especially for holiday and festival in Hwanghae Province believe developing in the Hwanghae pro- feasts. At a festival feast, it is that they should take mung-bean vincial areas based on the local served in a pile on the table. And foods at least once a year to keep specialities. ‰

Squid jelly and steamed lobster. Steamed medicinal pumpkin.

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 39 Three Classics of Koryo Medicine

OREA MADE A LEAP FORWARD IN K medical studies in the 15th–early 17th century. The medical professionals at that time made an analysis of books of Koryo medicine and published superior books based on the results of researches into Korean herbs and their application in treat- ment. The typical ones are Hyangyakjipsongbang, Uibangryuchwi and Tonguibogam. Hyangyakjipsongbang written by Ro Jung Rye (?–1452) and other medical men was released in 1433. This compendium of clinical medicine, consist- ing of 85 volumes, contains methods of treatment medicine, care of health, and even the theory of suited to the Koreans’ physical constitutions, the Kyongnak. methods established on the basis of all the successes Tonguibogam is a complete compendium of Ko- of the traditional Koryo medicine and remedial ex- rean medicine compiled by Ho Jun (1545–1615) in perience in using domestic materials until the early 1596–1610, based on his experience from his long 15th century. medical practice and hundreds of classical medical Divided into two parts of clinical treatment and books at home and abroad. This book was published Koryo pharmacy, the book gives a summary of each in 1613. This book describes different medical treat- disease and explains in easy language the cause, ments and prescriptions suitable to the customs of pathology, symptoms and curative means, and life and the structure of the human body of the Ko- methods of acupuncture and moxibustion. rean people. It consists of 25 volumes in total—two For polydipsia, for example, it gives a brief ac- volumes of catalogue, four of internal treatments, count of its pathogenesis and suggests more than four of surgical treatments, eleven of various reme- 100 treatment methods for the disease. The book dies of petty troubles, three of use of medicinal de- provides 10 706 prescriptions for 959 kinds of dis- coctions and one of acupuncture and moxibustion. eases and 1 479 methods of acupuncture and The part of internal treatments describes physio- moxibustion. It is distinguished by a greater amount logical functions of all the five viscera and six en- of treatments suggested, including folk remedies, trails and their diseases; that of surgical treatments than other Korean medical books. As it is the first addresses different diseases of skin, ear, nose, medical compendium compiled in Korea, its merit is mouth and eye; that of various remedies of petty still accepted. troubles indicates ways of medical examination, Uibangryuchwi is an encyclopedic collection of causes of diseases and symptoms and their prescrip- Koryo medicine compiled in 1445 by Ro Jung Rye tions of different diseases that were not mentioned and other medical men by summing up all the suc- in earlier parts; and gynaecological and paediatric cesses and experiences achieved in development of problems are also included. In the medicinal decoc- Koryo medicine until the early 15th century and re- tion part are introduced more than 1 400 kinds of ferring to over 150 Korean medical books. It was traditional medicines in general use in Korea and made up of 365 volumes at the time of compilation their effects, diseases for which these medicines are and went through three times of revision and efficacious, methods of gathering herbs for those amendment before it was published in 266 volumes medicines and processing them, and their habitats in 1477. Three volumes are dedicated to general and even local names underneath; the acupuncture introduction and the other 263 to particulars. and moxibustion part shows positions of needles and The part of general introduction comprehen- moxa cones and diseases which are easily cured sively describes methods of medical examination, through the treatments. prescription, dosages, traits which medical staffs This book is significant since it sees physical must keep, and general principles in treatment. The training and a regular routine of life as of funda- part of particulars is divided into 95 sections which mental importance and medical treatment as of sec- deal with all the diseases addressed in modern ondary importance. This book is still highly evalu- medicine—the internal medicine, surgery, ophthal- ated for its practical value as well as its scientific mology, dentistry, dermatology, gynaecology and contents. paediatrics and other problems—and describe their These books are called three classics of Koryo causes, symptoms and treatments (Koryo medicine, medicine or three compendiums of Oriental medi- acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, physical train- cine, of which Uibangryuchwi is considered the best. ing and diet). This work is similar to modern medi- cine in classification—principles of treatment, hu- Kim Un Thaek, man physiology, various diseases treated in clinical Kim Il Sung University

40 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 Myongrimdabbu, a Hundred-year-old Veteran Commander

YONGRIMDABBU (67– troops.” To his words the king surrounding them with deep M 179) was a minister of responded with a dry cough. The moats, building strong defences Koguryo, the first feudal state of other ministers guessed that his and leaving not a grain of cereals Korea which existed between opinion failed to gain the favour of in the fields, making the hungry 277 B.C. and A.D. 668. As a minis- the king. and tired enemy troops retreat ter, he distinguished himself in At this moment, Myon- helplessly. Then, large armed the fights against the foreign grimdabbu opened his mouth. He forces would be sent out to chase invaders. In 166 he became the said in a low but forceful voice, and cup up the enemy. The king prime minister of Koguryo and “Your Majesty, I consider it inad- and all the ministers gave their held the prerogative of supreme visable to go out and engage the approval to this plan of Myon- command over all armed forces. enemy head on.” “Why?” the king grimdabbu. In the fight against the asked in a consenting tone. Immediately the king took invading enemy troops in 172, he Myongrimdabbu answered, “The necessary measures and ordered fully demonstrated his mettle enemy’s land is vast and it has many army units to assault the and spirit as a military man. In a large population. They are enemy’s logistic units and cut off November 172 large enemy forces coming a long way in an assault their supply line. As a result, the intruded into Koguryo. The king on us with a huge force. So commanders and soldiers of the consulted the ministers for meas- there’s no breaking the brunt of enemy who had intruded deep ures to deliver the country out of their attack. It is often the case in into Koguryo had no other choice the crisis. Looking out over the war that the superior force but to retreat, hungry and frozen vassals, the king asked, “Large attacks and the inferior one with cold. As planned, Myon- enemy forces are invading our defends.” grimdabbu started in hot chase of country and which do you think With this, he explained his the routed enemy. It was impor- will be better, assuming the of- plan. The enemy was invading tant in this battle to wipe out the fensive or the defensive?” Many Koguryo with the design of all-out enemy to the last man to cut down of his ministers were whispering surprise attack. As the enemy had their strength never to try to and nodding in consultation many experiences in winning by make a comeback. He formed a among themselves. The king surprise attack rather than by pursuit unit with thousands of threw his eyes at Myon- long-drawn-out war using ingen- elite cavalrymen and led the van grimdabbu. However, the prime ious tactics, they thought it was of the battle to chase the running minister was absorbed in deep more advantageous to capture enemy, ordering his soldiers meditation, drooping his head. and subdue the king of Koguryo never to let the invaders escape Now a minister rose and gave with a vast territory to make the alive and to show the mettle of the his opinion, “Your Majesty, I other walled cities, fortresses and Koguryo people. think the enemy is making little feudal states surrender by them- At the time, he was aged 106, of us relying on their large num- selves. but he commanded the Koguryo bers. So I suggest meeting and In addition, they calculated army exterminating the fleeing driving them back. If we avoid that the problem of provisions for enemy. About this a history book fighting, the enemy will regard us their army would be easily solved says that the enemy forces suf- as cowards and frequently make because now, just after the har- fered a crushing defeat, so that inroads into our country in the vest time, the fields would be not even one horse went back future. In addition, we have the studded all over with stacks of home. The empty-earth and hold- advantage of steep mountains and grain crops. Therefore, it was as ing-out-the-fortresses tactics em- narrow paths, so ten thousand good as the enemy had left their ployed in combination with the enemy troops won’t be able to get fate to the strategy of surprise exterminatory war method by over our barrier guarded by just attack, and this meant that Myongrimdabbu in this battle one man. No matter how large the Koguryo’s key to victory lay in were widely used later by many enemy force may be, they will be frustrating this strategy of the famous patriotic army command- helpless to do anything against enemy. Now the best course was ers of Korea in the battles to de- us. So I think it the best policy to to employ the empty-earth and fend their country against foreign check them by sending out our holding-out-the-fortresses tactics, invaders. ‰

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 41 Seventy Years of Occupation of South Korea by the US

T IS 70 YEARS SINCE THE Product of an that time the US troops were en- I US occupied south Korea unjustifiable scheme gaged in battles in Okinawa more with the end of the Second World than 600 miles far away from War. The protracted stay of the On September 8, 1945 the US Korea. Flurried at this, US Presi- US forces in half of the Korean forces occupied south Korea mili- dent Truman, hoping to occupy territory while throwing their tarily under the excuse of the dis- even a half of the Korean terri- weight around is neither in com- armament of the Japanese army. tory, ordered army officers Dean pliance with the requirement The US had long been insatiable Rusk and Charles Bonstill on of the Koreans, nor is it for of the favorable geographical August 10, 1945 to draw in half peace and prosperity of south situation and natural resources of an hour a line across the penin- Korea. Korea. It saw the defeat of the sula to decide the areas to be put No other place on the planet Japanese imperialists as an op- in charge of the American and has been subjected to so long portunity to take hold of Korea as Soviet forces to accept surrender occupation of the US military. a whole. The Americans’ strategy of the Japanese military by the Over the years south Korea has was based on the understanding US and the Soviet Union. They been reduced to a colony of the that Asia would play a decisive argued over the division of the US, the democracy of society role in the global advance for the Korean peninsula until they stamped out scathingly and the 1 000 years to come and that the agreed to draw a line along the 38 time of antagonism, jealousy and vital link in Asian domination degree north latitude of Korea. confrontation between the north would be how to occupy the Ko- The main reason for this was to and the south of Korea has con- rean peninsula. put Kyongsong, the capital of the tinued. The US occupation gave But the situation changed Feudal Joson Dynasty, under the rise to the Korean war in the suddenly unfavorable to the US, jurisdiction of the US Military. 1950s. for the Japanese imperialists Also, attention was paid to the Seventy-year-long occupation were crumbling much earlier un- fact that Korea north of the 38th of south Korea by the US proves expectedly with the general offen- parallel had been controlled by that the US is not only the chief- sive of the Korean People’s Revo- the Japanese Kwantung Army tain of aggression, plunder and lutionary Army and the participa- while the south by the 17th field massacre but also the main factor tion of the former Soviet Union in army under the direct control of of the deteriorated situation of the war against Japan began on the general headquarters of the the Korean peninsula and the August 9, 1945, and the liberation Japanese Military. neighbourhood. of Korea becoming imminent. At Later, between August 10 and 15 the US drew up “General Or- The Municipal People’s Committee and the Workers’ der No. 1” which specified that Party of South Korea Seoul municipal headquarters are the north of Korea should be put forcibly disbanded by the US military government. in the charge of the Soviet forces and that the south should be con- trolled by the US and notified it to the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and Kuomintang’s China. On September 2, under the agreement and connivance of the Allied Nations, MacArthur, com- mander-in-chief of the US Forces in the Pacific, declared through radio aboard the USS Missouri which was in Yokohama Port in Tokyo Bay, Japan, that the US military would occupy Korea south of the 38th parallel. Soon, on September 8 the main force of the 24th Corps landed on Inchon bloodlessly aboard civilian boats, to say nothing of warships. By the end of October that year 70 000 US troops landed on Inchon, Mok- pho and Pusan and occupied the ►

42 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 A US military truck runs over a Secondary schoolchildren Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi south Korean in broad daylight. Son are run over to death by a US armoured car.

► whole of south Korea. and requirement of the Koreans her baby on her back was cold- As a result, the plan of the for establishment of a united de- bloodedly murdered by the GIs in “line of operational division” be- mocratic independent state, the Uijongbu in broad daylight after tween the Soviet Union and the US forcibly carried out a being gang-raped; a pregnant US or the question of the Korean “separate election” in south Ko- woman was kicked on her stom- division, which had never been rea on May 10, 1948, which led to ach and belly to death when she proposed or discussed in a num- the concoction of the pro-US resisted against a GI’s attempt to ber of negotiations over the mat- Syngman Rhee “government” in rape her; a woman named Yun ter of postwar Korea during the August that year. Kum I, a worker at a US military Second World War, was drafted It is needless to say that the base in Tongduchon, was raped and carried out by the US. Syngman Rhee regime played a and killed by a GI (The murderer Later, the US refused the So- role of an aggressive tool used to struck her on the head to uncon- viet proposal to withdraw both implement a war policy of the US sciousness, and put a bottle into the Soviet and the US forces from to stamp out the young DPRK her womb and an umbrella stick Korea simultaneously by the end that chose the road of democracy. into her anus before she was of 1948 and rejected the resolu- A famous American book dead); a US armoured vehicle ran tion of the 30th session of the UN wrote that “the Republic of Ko- over secondary schoolchildren General Assembly in 1975 on rea” which started functioning Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son dismantling the “UN Command” with Syngman Rhee as the zigzag on the roadside. in south Korea and pulling all “president” was actually no more The GIs’ ethos is that the foreign forces. The American oc- than a substantial extension of Korean nation is inferior to them. cupation of south Korea has been the American frame of occupation This caused them to shoot to on with no sign of cessation. and a stepping stone to attack death a wild-vegetables-picking China and Russia. Thereafter, girl calling her a “pheasant” and Aggressor in the Guise the US changed the south Korean a fire-wood-gathering countryman of “Liberator” regime with pro-US elements calling him a “roe deer.” Since the whenever it was in a crisis. It has occupation of Korea the number The excitement and jubilation plunged all sectors of south Korea of criminal incidents including of the people over the defeat of including politics, military affairs murders, burglaries and rapes the Japanese imperialists and and the economy still deeper into amounts to over 230 000. the liberation of Korea (August subjugation. The south Korean So the south Koreans say in 15, 1945) vanished like smoke in regime was the instrument owned unison that the atrocities of the south Korea as soon as the US by the US to carry out its Asian GIs remind them of what the troops set foot on south Korea strategy, and the south Korean American cannibals did, who took under the cloak of “liberator.” army was the cannon fodder of delight in killing Indians, and The US military forcibly dis- the US to carry out the military that south Korea is miserably banded the people’s committees strategy. And south Korea has deprived of the military sover- organized by the south Koreans been not only a supply base but eignty to the US. themselves, and outlawed the also a nuclear outpost to invade activities of all democratic parties the DPRK. Obstacle to Korean and social organizations by exe- The GIs in south Korea have Reunification cuting military administration revealed their murderous nature that is usually applied by a victor throughout their occupation of Having divided Korea into nation to a defeated nation. south Korea. Some examples can two, the US has brought immeas- Worse still, opposing the desire be enumerated: A woman with urable disasters and misfortunes ►

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 43 The GIs are mad about various military exercises.

► to the Korean nation, trampling independence, peaceful reunifi- rea through a “special state- upon the Koreans’ desire for re- cation and great national unity. ment.” Due to the separatist pol- unification. They were the core of the state- icy and treacherous acts a great After Korea’s liberation on ment. The entire Korean nation obstacle came in the way to re- August 15, 1945 the US set up a rose up valiantly in the struggle unification of the country. regime by wirepulling a pro-US for the country’s reunification. With the beginning of the 2000s lackey, contrary to the desire and Scared at this, the US and the a historic inter-Korean summit efforts of the Korean people to south Korean regime advanced meeting was held in Pyongyang and avoid the division of their coun- the “two Koreas policy” to delay the June 15 Joint Declaration was try. In June 1950, its ambition for the reunification of Korea indefi- published. Years later the October 4 domination of the whole Korean nitely and perpetuate the divi- Declaration came after another peninsula triggered off the Ko- sion. At the instigation of the US, north-south summit. Now the at- rean war. The American moves the south Korean regime put up a mosphere of reconciliation, unity never ceased in the 1960s and separatist policy abandoning all and reunification settled in. Going 1970s to foil the efforts for one their commitments to the nation. against all those developments, the Korea. In 1972 a high-level The south Korean authorities not US launched an open campaign to north-south conference was held, only frustrated the conversation derail the reunification trend. It followed up by the adoption of the between the north and the south clung to a dirty policy of smearing historic North-South Joint State- held amid the expectation and the DPRK, frantically making ment which specifies the three concern of the Korean nation but propaganda about the DPRK’s main principles for the north also openly declared a policy of “nuclear problem.” It put another and the south to maintain— perpetuating the division of Ko- pro-US conservative junta in office ►

44 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 ► to stamp out all successes of the that the US is the culprit of Ko- none other than a crafty scheme June 15 reunification era. rea’s division, not “liberator,” and to strengthen its presence in The manoeuvres of the US to the culprit of the danger of a nu- south Korea in an attempt to per- interrupt reconciliation, unity clear war. The US’s move to com- petuate its military occupation and improvement of the north- pel the south Korean authorities and ratchet up aggression and south relationship are more fero- to fight against the fellow coun- war moves. cious this year. trymen while instigating constant The US often argues about On the occasion of the 70th hostility between the north and the need to make a certain party anniversary of national liberation the south is aimed at strengthen- obedient to UN resolutions, while from the Japanese military rule ing its military domination in and it shuns its obligation to the reso- the DPRK appealed early this around the Korean peninsula and lution on the withdrawal of the year to open up an avenue for in- making an excuse for realizing its US troops from south Korea, dependent reunification with the supremacy in the world, in Asia which was adopted at the 30th united efforts of the whole nation in particular. session of the UN General As- and took substantial measures As long as there is American sembly in 1975. Over its 70-year- from the beginning of the year. military occupation of south Ko- long occupation of south Korea it On the contrary, the US de- rea, it is inconceivable to achieve has inflicted all kinds of misfor- clared new “additional sanctions” development of inter-Korean rela- tunes and sufferings alone on the against the DPRK by means of tions, peace, reunification and south Korean people while block- the “presidential executive order” prosperity of the nation. It is the ing the Korean nation’s way to in early January and has perpe- will of the Korean nation to put reunification. trated various joint military exer- an end to military occupation of The Korean nation never cises with south Korea clamour- south Korea by the US, the cause wants the US’s military presence ing for “earlier destruction” of the of all their sufferings and pains. in south Korea, an illegal in- DPRK. These days voices demanding the truder. There is no longer a rea- The number of all sorts of withdrawal of the GIs from south son for the GIs’ presence in south DPRK-targeted war drills and Korea are growing louder in the Korea since the Cold War ended joint military exercises held in international community. To cope and there are declarations south Korea and its vicinities with this development the US is adopted by the north and the since the US’s military occupation turning to the policy of moving its south for independent reunifica- of south Korea amounts to 20 000, military bases, redeploying its tion, peace and prosperity. when the announced ones alone troops and making a US-south are summed up. The fact proves Korea combined division. This is Kim Hyon Ju

South Koreans go on a demonstration for withdrawal of the US troops.

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 45 Root out Cause of War

T HAS BEEN A UNANIMOUS DESIRE OF ALL The compatriots from all walks of life in the I the Koreans in the north and the south of the north and the south deepened their trust through Korean peninsula to stop fighting and pave a new reunification-oriented rallies and meetings of differ- way to reunification with their concerted efforts. ent sections, vividly demonstrating an image of the This desire, however, hasn’t yet come true owing to united nation. The spirit of mutual cooperation set- the anti-DPRK moves of the United States who are tled in the mind of the fellow countrymen to take escalating the tension in the peninsula. the place of confrontation, and the anti-US, inde- Despite the fervent desire for national reunifica- pendence- and reunification-favouring ethos of tion, the tragedy of division has continued for 70 aligning with the north became the major trend in years, and one of the main causes of it is the pro- south Korea, creating a structure of confrontation of vocative joint military war exercises waged annually the Korean nation against the US. It proved that by the US in south Korea. The uninterrupted war the maintenance and implementation of the June 15 drills become the root cause of the failure to improve Joint Declaration is the only way of the Korean na- inter-Korean relations and achieve national reunifi- tion to live and the way to achieve reunification, cation. peace and prosperity, and that, if not, they will en- The Korean peninsula is stuck in constant con- counter misfortune and disastrous war. frontation, tension and the danger of war, despite In the course of implementing the declaration the fact that the north and the south have common there have been many turns and twists owing to the principles and methods to be maintained in develop- challenge by the US and its obedient separatist ing relations and pushing reunification. There exist forces. The US is now directing the brunt of attack some inter-Korean agreements of crucial importance at the DPRK and strengthening large-scale anti- which correctly reflect the common desire and will of DPRK war drills in an attempt to realize its ambi- the nation and the actual conditions prevailing in tion of domination by keeping the Korean peninsula the peninsula, typically the July 4 North-South as a constantly hot spot. Joint Statement which clarifies the three principles In January last the DPRK called on the whole of national reunification—independence, peaceful nation to join efforts to open up a broad avenue to reunification and great national unity—and the independent reunification this year on the occasion June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the Oc- of the 70th anniversary of national liberation, and tober 4 Declaration which address all matters aris- took practical measures from the outset of the year. ing in developing inter-Korean relations and achiev- But inter-Korean relations lost every opportu- ing peace and prosperity under the idea of “By our nity for improvement due to the reckless war exer- nation itself.” If they had been translated into real- cises of the US against the DPRK. According to the ity, the relations between the north and the south data available the number of the north-targeted war would have made remarkable progress and the drills the US had with south Korea including Key peaceful reunification of Korea would have drawn Resolve, Foal Eagle, Ulji Freedom Guardian, Ssan- nearer. gyong and Max Thunder has reached 90 in the past The June 15 era of reunification, which is deeply a little over two years, and all those exercises were imprinted in the mind of the Koreans, is tangible conducted with the extreme provocative purposes of proof. When the June 15 Joint Declaration was “preemptive surprise attack,” “striking the original adopted in 2000, the whole world extended support bases” and “occupying Pyongyang.” The ceaseless to it. Minister-level talks and other negotiations of anti-DPRK hostile moves and war exercises are different branches held between the north and the serious obstacles in ensuring peace in the Korean south in order to implement the declaration became peninsula. the venue of solving practical issues of mutual con- The reality shows that the improvement of inter- cern in the spirit of trust and cooperation. Conse- Korean relations and peace in the Korean peninsula quently, the barrier of misunderstanding and mis- should be achieved by the concerted struggle of the trust was removed, and the severed railways and Korean nation against war moves of the aggressive roads were relinked along with the opening of air forces within and without. and sea routes. Kim Yong Un

46 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 The Event of 140 Years Ago Declares

EPTEMBER 20, 1875 (LUNAR AUGUST 21) nese imperialists. S is the day when the Japanese aggressors gave The Japanese imperialists committed criminal rise to the Unyo Incident. atrocities by adopting an unprecedented fascist rule After the “Japan-US Treaty of Peace and Amity” during the 40-year-long illegal occupation of the in 1854 Japan began to fall into the hands of the US whole Korea. Over the years they forcibly drafted and European capitalist countries. It was merci- over 8.4 million young and middle-aged men for war lessly plundered. To make up for the loss Japan supplies for the aggressive war or for slave labour, chose a brigandish policy of pillaging Korea. and kidnapped 200 000 Korean women as their Its preposterous intention was planted in the “comfort women.” Besides, they killed over a million decision to occupy Korea. It was adopted as a state innocent people. policy after “Meiji Restoration” in 1868. In the mid- Nevertheless, the insular nation shows no sign of 1870s the aggressive manoeuvre of Japan went over fundamental self-examination of their past crimes to open military provocations. Japanese warships and is desperately trying to shirk its responsibility, including the Unyo sailed about the East and South uttering shameful and cunning language such as seas of Korea, perpetrating espionage and military “There is no evidence” and “human traffic” about the display. criminal sex slavery. At that time Japan set it an immediate task to The present Japanese ruler is openly pursuing force Korea to sign an unequal “treaty,” and moved the rebirth of Japanese militarism while refusing to outrageously to find an excuse for this. admit the sex slavery, distorting history books, as- In September 1875 the Unyo illegally intruded serting its “dominium” over Tok Islets, attempting the coast of Korea again. It sailed up to the to revise the pacifist constitution, and working to Kanghwa Islet via the South Sea of Korea, perpe- make it possible to exercise “the right to collective trating the plumbing and the military display. The self-defense.” Kanghwa Islet which was not only the main gate- Therefore, demonstrations and rallies are taking way to the capital of the Feudal Joson Dynasty but place in many parts of the world to denounce and also a military fortress was the place even the Ko- reject the Japanese authorities’ acts of history dis- rean ships couldn’t approach freely without the per- tortion and rejection of past crimes. In many coun- mit of the government. But the aggression ship per- tries including the US important media are giving petrated acts of exploring a route off the Wolmi Is- much space to urge to the Japanese top executive to let. On September 20 it intruded up to the Chojijin examine his country’s past crimes. Battery which was the main military fortress in the The New York Times pointed out that the prob- West Sea of Korea that stood in defence of the capi- lems associated with the history should have al- tal city of Korea. When the garrisons of Chojijin ready been solved but that due to the Japanese showered fire the aggressors bombarded the battery ruler and the right wing they remain unresolved. —perhaps they had waited for this. They, however, Nevertheless, Japan is strengthening its political were defeated in this battle, but now attacked the oppression on Chongryon (Association of Korean unguarded area and massacred innocent inhabi- Residents in Japan) to purge and liquidate it while tants there and committed atrocities of destruction actively responding to the American hostile policy and plunder. towards the DPRK instead of feeling shameful for The Unyo Incident was an intentional military its past crimes. This is just a reminder of the Unyo provocation to get an excuse of the Korean invasion. Incident. This marked the beginning of Japan’s Korean Every sin brings its punishment with it. invasion with force of arms. Later Korea was re- To the Japanese authorities who try hard to real- duced to a colony as a result of the aggressive ize their old dream of “Greater East Asia Co- “Kanghwado Treaty” in 1876, the “Ulsa Five-Point prosperity Sphere,” the event of 140 years ago warn- Treaty” in 1905, the “Jongmi Seven-Point Treaty” in ingly declares: Korea today is not what it was 140 1907 and the “Treaty on Annexation of Korea by years ago. Japan” in 1910 which were all forced by the Japa- Kim Il Ryong

KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 47 UN Needs Reform—Urgently

EARLY 70 YEARS HAVE exercise, and broadmindedly DPRK by using all possible means N passed since the UN Char- stated that it was prepared to of “nuclear weapons,” “human ter came into effect through some have talks with the US if the US rights,” “cyber attack” and “free countries’ deliberation. However, wanted it. expression” is a state policy of the the demands of the UN Charter On the contrary, the US US administration, and an ap- have not yet been realized. Peace declared additional sanctions proach of the US, a permanent and security are the permanent against the DPRK and an all-out member of the UNSC that is said subject of the UN. Without peace confrontation policy that it would to “work for” the principle of mu- and security, you could hardly continue to conduct war drills tual respect for sovereignty. imagine the existence of mankind, aiming at “occupation of Pyongy- Many countries’ unanimous sustained development, protec- ang” to topple the DPRK. claim is that in order to ensure tion and promotion of human The DPRK government for- the UN’s pivotal role in interna- rights and the conservation of the mally brought to the UNSC the tional relations, the UN should be global eco-system. issue of discontinuing such exer- put on a democratic basis so as to Though it is charged with cises which endanger peace and avoid being ruled by certain na- maintenance of the international security in the Korean peninsula tions, and that the UN General peace and security, the UN Secu- and its vicinity, but it was ig- Assembly should be vested with a rity Council is now failing to be nored. However large the US-led greater power. The resolution on faithful to its mission, unfairly joint military exercises may be dismantling the United Nations conniving at the US’s highhand- and however aggressive and dan- Command in south Korea was set edness and arbitrariness, which is gerous their aim and nature may up long ago, and resolutions on a great obstacle to keeping peace be, the UNSC turns a deaf ear. ending the US’s blockade on Cuba and security. Even during the cold war, the have been adopted every year, but The Korean peninsula is a Eastern and Western blocks to no avail. This shows the urgent typical example. The world re- maintained a code of conduct, need to build up the UN General members some historical facts whereby they had a limited Assembly’s power. There are that the situation in the penin- number of military drills that voices for the need that the UN sula was strained to the breaking drew more than 40 000 troops General Assembly should be au- point. The cause was the US- each. Tens of years have passed thorized to supervise overall ac- south Korea joint military drills since the end of the cold war. But tivities of the UN and examine aiming at “occupation of Pyongy- in the Korean peninsula alone, ultimately the UNSC’s resolu- ang,” the capital city of the De- there are open war exercises in- tions on peace and security, in- mocratic People’s Republic of Ko- volving 500 000-strong force each cluding sanctions and use of rea. This year, in order to cele- every year. This fully shows that armed forces, for final approval. brate the 70th anniversary of Ko- the UNSC is disloyal to its re- The UN must be necessarily rea’s liberation from the Japanese sponsibility. reformed to become a complex military occupation the DPRK put The strained situation of the capable of ensuring fair and ob- forward broad-minded and rea- Korean peninsula has an impact jective operation, which will be sonable proposals to remove the on that of the Asia-Pacific region able to keep all countries’ sover- danger of war in the peninsula as a whole. War drills focusing on eignty and equality by the vote of and create a peaceful atmosphere, landing, long-distance nuclear not any certain nations but all the and made sincere efforts to bring bombing and commando opera- UN members. them into reality. It also ex- tions to occupy a foreign country’s The international community pressed its readiness to tempo- capital city can never be called urgently demands the reform of rarily suspend its nuclear test if “defensive.” Removing the ideol- the UNSC. the US stopped a joint military ogy, system and sovereignty of the Kim Il Bong

48 KOREA TODAY No. 9, 2015 The Sungnyong Temple

HE SUNGNYONG TEMPLE, LOCATED verely ravaged by the US imperialists’ barbarous T in Central District, Pyongyang, was built in bombings in the Korean war (June 1950–July 1953), 1429 to hold memorial services for King Tangun, the but was restored to the original state after the war. founder of Ancient Joson and founding father of the The main building measures four kan (12.88m) by Korean nation. Originally, it had been called Tan- three (9.17m). gun Temple, but later it was renamed Sungnyong The temple is halfway up the hill. Temple since it was used to hold memorial services One of its architectural characteristic is the even for not only King Tangun but also King Tongmyong, number of its frontal kan. In Korea’s architecture the founder of Koguryo. It was rebuilt in 1714. the frontal kan is usually in an odd number. But the The temple consisted of the main building, east Sungnyong Temple has four frontal kan, because as and west wings, front gate and small gates on both required by its mission to hold memorial services for sides. During Japanese military occupation (1905– two kings, two kan were dedicated to the alter for 1945), most of them were demolished except the King Tangun on the west and another two kan to main building and front gate. The temple was se- the alter for King Tongmyong on the east. Another feature is that the brackets of the building are too simplified for its size. The temple is an architectural heritage of the nation representing the art of construction of the Feudal Joson Dynasty. Located in the midtown area of Pyongyang, it adds to the national elegance of the city. Rim Ok

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