About Broughton & Croxton December 2015 to February 2016 The Parish Magazine of Broughton and Croxton


The Parish Magazine of Broughton and Croxton Editor: Sara Humphries, 12 Martin Dale, Loggerheads, TF9 4DH Tel: 01630 673740 [email protected] Rector: Rev Jonathan Eades, 'The Rectory', Ashley, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 4LQ. Tel: 01630 672210, [email protected] Curate: Rev Doug Heming, Tel: 01630 672430 [email protected] Methodist Minister: Rev John Day, The Old Police House, Croxton Tel: 01630 620671 [email protected] Patrons of the Benefice: The Bishop of Lichfield The Vicar of Mr T. A. J. Hall Parish Links for Contributions: Croxton Church – Mrs Beryl Roe (01630 620248) Broughton Church – Mrs Jean Beasley (01785 850306) Croxton Chapel – Mrs Kath Bridgwood (01630 620601)

Your Magazine – Your Community A colour issue of the magazine is now available on the Broughton Church website at www.broughtonchurch.com.

Dear Readers I hope you will enjoy this latest edition of ABC and a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to it, from letter and article writers, to advertisers and the people who print it and those who distribute it. This season of peace and goodwill is tinged with sadness because of the ongoing refugee crisis; perhaps you could spare a moment in your busy schedules to spare a thought for those less fortunate and for the plight of so many ordinary and innocent people who have been displaced from their homes and lives.

On behalf of the ABC Committee we wish you all a very Happy Christmas and hope that the New Year brings everything you could wish for. Sara Humphries [Editor]

The deadline for the next issue of ABC is 6th February 2016

(Please continue to support this Magazine by giving your DONATIONS to any committee member – names and telephone numbers above or to the person who delivers your copy.

Disclaimer: The publishers of this magazine, accept no responsibility for the quality of the service provided by the advertisers and nor for the opinions expressed by contributors. Payments for Advertisements: Please make Cheques payable to ‘ABC Magazine’


Doug Hemming December 2015

I was asked to write a few words in this Magazine as I am due to leave the parishes here in early 2016 after having worked here since June 2012 as Curate in the Benefice of churches. So I have had a think about my time here and ministry amongst this community.

I have concluded that ‘time’ is of course a mysterious movement flowing only one way. As far as we know, everything that has a beginning has an end. But we know even though the past shapes the present, we cannot return to it. Memories whether faint or bright preserve a reflection of what has been but that is all. This could cause me to become quite sad about the prospect of moving on so I wondered how my Christian faith will help me if at all.

I concluded that the Christian faith calls us to understand ‘time’ in a fuller sense. Jesus in His instruction to remember Him in the breaking of bread revealed something different about how we should see ‘Time’. In that last supper between Jesus and His friends He called us to ‘remember’ Him, not in a two-dimensional tableaux such as we see in Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings but in a multi-dimensional expression of a real communion that can be shared across time and space.

Imagine Jesus’ words in the context of a world that has depth as well as length and breadth. For is this not really how the world is? Whilst the world seems still beneath our feet it is revolving and turning around the sun which is also moving as our galaxy rotates. So although we cannot see it, there is an amazing spiralling pattern in space- time. Perhaps Jesus saw something of what our astrophysicists are only seeing now through their telescopes when He introduced a communion through bread and wine for all believers throughout history.

I am moving on from the parishes here but I wonder whether the time I have spent with you will actually always be just around the corner of this spiral of time and space. Tucked out of sight from us but every bit as real in ‘the future’ as it is ‘now’. Nothing really lost or faded as it is in our memories, but rather all of time held in completeness by God as you or I might cup a rose in our hands.

The writer of the book of Hebrews in the Bible tells us that Jesus is the same ‘yesterday, today and forever’ (Hebrews 13v8) and is not limited by dimensions as we are. One writ- er puts it ‘Jesus as the Word of God was forming trees long before He was making tables as a carpenter in Nazareth.’ This is the essence of what we mean when we say Jesus is the Son of God. A human for whom life extends before and after His own humanity.

For us this can offer peace about the past if we believe God to show His love in this way. The Gospel writer Luke tells us ‘.. He is God not of the dead but of the living: for to Him all are alive’ (Luke 20v38). Jesus’ message then transcends our understanding of ‘time’ and fills all of history in an amazing way. For Him the past, even those whom we love but see no longer, are living and in relationship with Him. Cont’d overleaf


In a sense then my time here is indeed coming to an end. But I believe that nothing of it will ever be lost because in Jesus Christ the community and communion I have enjoyed remains forever. That should perhaps make us realise what a precious gift ‘time’ is both now and in a sense eternally. I wonder what we will do with the ‘time’ still gifted to us on this earth. My prayer for this community is summed up in a pray- er that we often use at funeral services:

‘Give us the wisdom and grace to use aright the time that is left to us here on earth, to turn to Christ and follow in his steps in the way that leads to everlasting life’. Amen Revd Doug Hemming VILLAGE NEWS HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST— SPONSORED RIDE, STRIDE AND DRIVE Thanks are due to Jesse Thompstone for cycling on 12th September and especially to his sponsors, resulting in £150 being raised for St Peter’s Broughton and a similar sum for the SHCT.

PLOUGHMAN’S LUNCH James and Louise Butter very kindly hosted a ploughman’s lunch on behalf of St Peter’s Broughton on 13 September. The weather was perfect and we managed to raise £1250 for the church. Special thanks to all who helped make this a such a memorable occasion, especially all who helped with the catering and a special mention to Jane Archer for her superb Coronation Chicken! Jane you’ve got a job for life with that recipe.

HARVEST SUPPER The Harvest Supper held in Broughton Parish Room on 3rd October was again very well supported. All enjoyed a delicious pork meal, cooked by Sylvia Holland, and a variety of home made fruit pies. The entertainment this year was a selection of items performed by members of the Community Choir under the leadership of Martin Jones, ably assisted by Richard Hillman, and members of the WI. A very enjoyable evening was had by all.

LIVE & LOCAL We were treated to an extremely entertaining concert on 23 October in aid of Broughton Tennis Club by a group called Graffiti Classics, who certainly lived up to their advertising blurb as ‘a comedy cabaret string quartet playing exquisitely good music which doesn’t take itself at all seriously. They were wickedly funny and exhilarating with their all-singing, all-dancing comedy cabaret show. It was a classical concert, a gypsy-folk romp, an opera, stand-up comedy set and a brilliant dance show all rolled into one. Many thanks to Judy Thompstone and James and Louise Butter for organising this event. £370 was raised, which will be used to part- fund a much needed renovation of the two grass courts at Wetwood. 4

CHRISTMAS SERVICES IN THE ABC CHURCHES Christmas is the most wonderful time of year, when families, friends and communities come together to share gifts or drinks or meals or just plain old goodwill. Sometimes the true message of Christmas can be lost in all the busyness and festivities; that Jesus, the light of the world, was born!

Perhaps this year you could spare an hour to be reminded of what Christmas is really about and join us at one of our special Christmas services, we would be so pleased to see you. If transport is a problem, please contact one of the church wardens or the Chapel Secretary to try and arrange a lift.

11 am Sunday 6th December—St Peter’s Broughton, Christingle. This is a popular family service for children, who are presented with a Christingle orange and learn about the meaning of giving and sharing.

11 am Sunday 20th December—St Peter’s Broughton, Candlelit Carol Service—a service of carols and readings.

2.30 pm Sunday 20th December—St Paul’s Croxton, joint Carol Service with Croxton Independent Methodist Chapel—a service of carols and readings, at St Paul’s..

11.30 pm Thursday 24th December—St Peter’s Broughton, Midnight Mass

10 am Friday 25th December—St Paul’s Croxton, a joint Christmas Day Eucharist with Croxton Independent Methodist Chapel at St Paul’s.

11 am Sunday 27th December—Christmas readings and carols—joint service with Broughton at St Paul’s Croxton.


Croxton Parish - St Paul’s Church Wardens: Mrs Beryl Roe, Rowley House Farm, Croxton, 01630 620248 Mrs Margaret Griffiths, the Old Stores Wetwood, 01630 620228 Burials: 21st September—Eileen Elizabeth Weay [Betty] aged 89 years.

Sunday 29th November—Advent Service—11 am Sunday 20th December—Family Carol Service—2.30 pm jointly with Croxton Methodist Chapel at St Pauls Friday 25th December—Christmas Communion –10.00 am with Rev’d Jonathan Eades. Sunday 27th December—Christmas Readings and Prayers—11 am, jointly with St Peter’s Broughton at St Paul’s Croxton

Songs of Praise—First Sunday in the month Themes: December—Christmas readings January—Doors February—Surprised by love. Join us for tea or coffee and share your contribution. A warm welcome to everyone.

FIRESIDE CAROLS AT SUGNALL HALL By kind invitation of Dr David Jacques

FRIDAY DECEMBER 11TH AT 7.30 PM In aid of St Paul’s Church, Croxton £6.50 per ticket

Tickets from: Sheila Pye 01630 620 679 Margaret Griffiths 01630 620 228 Beryl Roe 01630 620 248


Broughton Where are the War Poets? Parish Room They who in folly or mere greed Enslaved religion, markets, laws, Available Borrow our language now and bid Us to speak up in freedom’s cause. for Hire

It is the logic of our times, Meetings, No subject for immortal verse— That we who lived by honest dreams Parties etc. Defend the bad against the worse. Booking Secretary Mrs C Palmer C Day-Lewis 01630 620314 Cotes Heath & Standon Building Services Baby and Toddler Group Brick Garages Come and join us for a friendly chat Chimney re-builds and a coffee [or two]. Juice and Toast for the toddlers Pointing Extensions We meet on a Wednesday 9.30 am till 3.00 pm at Roof re-tiling Cotes Heath and Standon Village Hall Brickwork Roof Repairs Lots of ride on toys and play house

Geoff Shanahan, LCGI For more information please contact Jan Barker 01630 620321 Tel: 01782 791196


Croxton Independent Methodist Church Secretary: Mr John Day—01630 620671 Times of services 11 am.

United Prayer Meetings

Services held on a Wednesday and commence at 4pm. December 9th Croxton St Pauls January 13th at Croxton Independent Methodist Church February 10th at Broughton St Peters

LENT BIBLE COURSE 16 The course is titled “The Psalms” prayers for today. The ancient poems we call Psalms were written when humans travelled at the speed of a camel – not at the speed of sound. But these songs have stood the test of time for they address many of the problems we still face violence, injustice, anger and bewilderment. Why do the wicked prosper? Where is God when we suffer? This course reflects on the psalms in general (and five in particular) The following meetings will take place on Wednesday at 7-30pm. All are welcome. January 27th at the home of Stella Day, Old Police House, Croxton February 3rd at the home of Judy Thompstone, Bromley Hall, Wetwood. February 17th at the home of Jean Beasley, Pool Cottage, Copmere. March 2nd at the home of Hilda Jones, Rose Cottage, Croxton. March 9th at the home of Kath Bridgwood, Folly Bungalow, Broughton. Do come along and take part.

Hilda Jones, who knits blankets for OXFAM out of bits of left over wool, wants to thank the unknown benefactor who left a bag of wool in her conservatory. She and OXFAM are very grateful. It would be nice to know who she is.


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CROXTON & BROUGHTON GARDEN GUILD Meetings are held in Broughton Parish Room at 8 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month. New members are most welcome. Visitors are welcome; charge £2.00. For details contact Programme Secretary Mrs JUDY THOMPSTONE 01630 620225.

2016 20th January Annual Dinner [7.00 for 7.30] The Hinds Head, Norton in Hales 24th February Plantagogo “A passion for Heucheras”

WEBSITE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE’S ACTIVITIES http://www.ourbenefice.church

The Benefice has a new website supporting children and young people on their spiritual journey. Check it out for details of the various groups and activities.


Broughton Parish: St Peter’s Church www.broughtonchurch.com Wardens: Mr James Butter, Rudge Manor, Ashley. 01630 620479 Mrs Sara Humphries, 12 Martin Dale, Loggerheads. 01630 673740 PCC Secretary: Mrs Judith Thompstone, Bromley Hall, Wetwood. 01630 620225

Times of Services: 1st Sunday: 11 am Matins 2nd Sunday: 10 am Holy Communion 3rd Sunday: 11 am Matins 4th Sunday: 11 am Holy Communion 5th Sunday: As announced FROM THE ARCHIVES:

Interment of Ashes 9th November 2015—Agnes Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Breeze

Baptism 9th September 2015—Elsie Rose Gray CHRISTMAS CAROL SINGING Christmas Eve at 3pm Last year we had lots of fun spreading the Christmas cheer at Copsey Dale in Fairoak! Please join us where we will sing traditional carols and have mince pies and a Christmas drink!

Supporting Sir Graham Balfour High School’s Charity NEW YEAR’S DAY WALK Dust off those Christmas cobwebs and walk off those extra pounds piled on over the seasonal festivities! Join the hardy locals on a brisk walk through our beautiful countryside and help raise funds for Sir Graham Balfour High School’s Charity. Starting at 10 am at The Rudge, and finishing at The Rudge with a warming mug of home made soup and mince pies. Contact Ellen Butter for further details


CAROL SINGING Last year we raised an amazing amount to help Sir Graham Balfour’s school in Cambodia. To employ a teacher for a year it costs £1,000. Therefore my aim this year is to raise £500 in order to pay for a teacher’s wage. I know that if we work together as a community we can achieve this and I thank you in advance for your generosity.

To book us please call me on 07944 131 416 or email me: [email protected] SANCTUS at ST MARKS I have had the privilege to be able to get involved with Sanctus; a charity which support Asylum Seekers & Refugees. Over the past 3 months I have been attending meetings; conferences and their weekly drop in sessions and had a real insight into how we as a nation cope with Asylum Seekers & Refugees. As war begins to seize more nations in the Middle East, the are taking in more vulnerable people. However once they arrive in this country their nightmare does not end. They are ‘dispersed’ around the U.K to accommodation which is appalling. They cannot go to college to learn English until 6 months and are given £36.95 on a ‘payment card’ which is only accepted in certain shops. I am hoping to raise awareness across Staffordshire and show that the Asylum Seekers & Refugees need our love and support.

If you would like to donate any clothes or food or even become a volunteer please email me ([email protected]) or Sally Smith ([email protected]) or go to the Sanctus website: http:// www.sanctusstmarks.co.uk/ Thank you.


FLOWER FOLKLORE that the almond was the tree of life, an- Winter CROCUS other tells that it provided Aaron's rod, in Having talked about winter plants before, the Bible. like the holly and the The almond tree has been grown in Brit- ivy, I thought I would ain since the 16th century. Although the be a bit more fruit rarely ripens in this country, it does optimistic and look at have value in its spectacular flowers. It is some early spring known as a symbol of hope. It is also flowers. When the supposed to ensure business success, if crocuses start flower- you climb it. I think you would need to ing then we know ensure the success before climbing it! It spring isn't too far can also mean "indiscretion" because it away. Although it is not native to Brit- flowers so early, braving the last of the ain, it's grown all over the country, rarely winter weather. wild though, as it does from Portugal to Central Asia. There are many species WINDFLOWER [Anemone nemorosa] flowering from late winter to mid spring. ref RHS Flower Lore 3 Crocus sativus is the most useful as the The Windflower or Wood Anemone can flowers are used to produce saffron, saf- be found from February onwards in fron now being more expensive than gold woodland and is one of the prettiest wild in weight. flowers to find. It is believed to be a fairy Growing saffron was once a thriving in- flower, fairies supposedly painting the dustry in Britain, and is where the name pale crimson veins on the petals. A new Saffron Walden comes from. The flowers anemone "Wild Swan" will flower all were picked in October, and it took thou- through the summer and won the plant of sands to produce one ounce, being used the year at Chelsea three years ago. [It is for dye, also for flavouring cakes and available to buy cordials. The saffron crocus is native to from Hayloft plants Turkey and Greece. The ancient Greeks through the post or thought it had medicinal powers and internet]. would banish depression. Later monks Greek myth says grew it in their monastery herb gardens anemones came and distilled it into quite a powerful seda- from the blood of tive, only to be taken in moderation! This Adonis, the youth is where the flower meaning comes from, loved by Aphrodite, "Abuse not", and in Greek Myth the cro- who was gored by a bull whilst out hunt- cus sweetened the bed of Zeus and Hera! ing. Aphrodite was the goddess of love and so the windflower became associated ALMOND BLOSSOM ref. RHS with romantic love. The name anemone FLOWER LORE2 comes from the Greek "anemos" meaning The Almond tree is one of the first blos- wind. Zephyr, the West Wind, fell in love soms to flower in the new year. Its Latin with a nymph, but his jealous mistress name is Dulcis Flora turned the nymph into an anemone meaning sweet. In in order to stop the affair! Roman writer Greek myth Phyllys, Pliny says the windflower was named wife of Demophon, because it wouldn't open its petals until killed herself because the West Wind blows. she thought that her The wood anemone doesn't smell very husband had aban- nice, acquiring another name, Smell- doned her. The Gods took pity and turned foxes. However it was thought if a person her into an almond tree. One legend says picked the first windflower it would keep 12

them safe from the plague, if worn next to the skin. Also vinegar made from the leaves was supposed to be useful as a poultice. After the Snowdrop, the anemone is well worth looking out for in the spring, both these give me huge pleasure to find, even if it is only briefly that they can be appreciated

Vicki Walker WI Report– Sept—Nov 2015

September was a very busy month, start- who still retains her membership after ing off at the monthly meeting on 10th moving to Ireland. Pat Cawthorn of Maer Sept. with line dancing. ‘Jems & Pearls’ & District WI read from the early led those of us who were keen to ‘have a Minutes and archives of her institute and go’ in various dance sequences. It was a introduced everybody to Rosamund fun evening for dancers and spectators Harrison of Maer Hall, whose name lives alike, enlivened by the raising of a glass on in the name of the Rosamund Harrison to toast the Queen as our longest-serving Group. Broughton, Maer & District, monarch. Ashley, Mucklestone, Aston and Willoughbridge, and Hales WIs are all Three days later on Sunday, 13th we held part of this Group, and Pat Cawthorn is a special service at Broughton Church to the present Group Co-ordinator. Sheila celebrate the Centenary of the Women’s Moulton spoke about County and Institute. Broughton members had national highlights of the Centenary year decorated the church with beautiful and the WI’s own Denman College. flower arrangements and festive bunting, Prayers of Intercession were led by Stella and a team of lady bellringers was in Day of Broughton, and a quote by the action before the service, thanks to Ruth first President of Broughton WI, Lucy Lloyd of Mucklestone whose inspiration Kynaston (néeYonge) which is still it was. Ruth herself and Liz Vallings relevant today was delivered by Ruth from Mucklestone and Sheila Moulton, Butter and Jean Beasley of Broughton. who is County Chairman and also a Half of the collection taken is to go to an member of Broughton, were half of the organisation actively supported by the team and three more ladies, thanks to a WI, Associated Country Women of the contact of Ros Langford’s, kindly made World. up the numbers. Revd. Jonathan Eades and Sara Humphries led the service, Jean See photographs on page 17. Beasley read the lesson, and the usual sermon was replaced by four separate After the service many of the congrega- addresses: Beryl Roe of Broughton tion went on to the home of James and spoke on the origins of the WI in Canada Louise Butter and enjoyed a Plough- and Wales and and the man’s Lunch in aid of Broughton inspirational women involved, Pam Church. Smith, President of Broughton, made special mention of various members The actual Centenary Day was on 16th whose loyalty and support had meant a Sept. when a party of Broughton ladies lot to her over the years, some sadly no dressed up to visit Whitmore Hall. The longer with us and one, Judy Tanner, owners, Christine and Guy


Cavenagh-Mainwaring, welcomed us and guide, and volunteers from the Foxfield then handed over to two guides, who Light Railway had a stall in the foyer gave us a most interesting tour of the selling railway memorabilia. The house and Elizabethan stables, with a morning speaker was Lydia Slack, who detailed history of the hall and the family had the audience in stitches with her over many generations. The Cavenagh- humorous take on her experiences at Mainwarings then joined us for a toast to different stages of her life growing up as the WI and an informal and friendly chat the daughter of a hill farmer in the Peak to round off the visit. With no time left District. Michael Portillo was also very to look round the grounds, we then well received, having a great rapport with crossed over the road for a scrumptious his audience, and telling about his family afternoon tea at the Whitmore Tearoom, background with a Spanish father and a a great end to a very memorable after- Scottish mother, his political career and noon. his life in television after politics. He cut a dashing figure on the platform in one of October was also pretty busy, with an his trademark bright red jackets. interesting talk by Pat Hall entitled ‘Life can be funny.’ She had a large collection Broughton had some success in the of letters and humorous anecdotes, which competitions, with Pam Trafford placed she dipped into and read out, keeping us 2nd for an original piece of writing laughing all the while. The competition beginning ‘16th September 1915, a date for a comical photo was won by Audrey to remember because…’ and Judy Hind. Thompstone also 2nd for a watercolour painting of a flower. The Autumn Council Meeting took place at the County Showground on 13th The last event of the month on 29th October and was attended by several October was a Rosamund Harrison group Broughton members. The stage had been meeting hosted by Ashley WI, when transformed into a railway station for the Frances Benton of Tears of the Dragon day in honour of the afternoon guest spoke on her Passion for Pearls, an speaker, Michael Portillo, famous for his informative and very entertaining talk on railway journeys with his Bradshaw’s the only living gemstone, natural ones


being very rare but cultivated ones now being widely available and more affordable. She talked about the science and myths surrounding pearls and passed round many samples for the audience to handle. She had brought with her a huge collection of different items of pearl jewellery to sell, and certain Broughton members obliged! There were two competitions, one for a piece of pearl jewellery, and the other for a written The Barn House ‘pearl of wisdom,’ and Broughton Fairoak, Nr Eccleshall members Lesley Archibald and Judy A fully furnished, four bedroom Thompstone were lucky enough to be awarded joint 3rd for their jewellery. detached house with two bathrooms, At the time of writing the November private garden, off road parking and meeting has yet to take place, when we double garage. Available for short will be ‘Making Earrings’ with Alison term lets, weekly and monthly, Fellows. ideally during school term time. Finally, congratulations to Ros Langford, Perfect for those between properties who was elected at the recent Board of or working in the area. Trustees as one of two Vice-Chairmen of For further information the Staffordshire Federation. Telephone :- 07974 572360 For photos and more information please Email:- [email protected] visit the website www.broughtonwomensinstitute.weebly.c om


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WI CENTENARY PHOTOGRAPHS The church looked stunning courtesy of members of WI members ….

Broughton Bunting

Bellringers in action Flowers by Lucy Gleave

Flowers by Ros Langford Sheila Moulton 17

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29th November 2015 11 am Advent Service—St Paul’s Croxton 6.30 pm Christingle—St John the Baptist Ashley

6th December 2015 11 am Christingle—St Peter’s Broughton 11 am Songs of Praise—Christmas Readings—St Paul’s Croxton

11th December 2015 7.30 pm Fireside Carols at Sugnall Hall

13th December 2015 9.30 am Toy service at John the Baptist Ashley

20th December 2015 11 am Candlelit Carol Service– St Peter’s Broughton 11.15 am Carol Service—St Mary’s Mucklestone 2.30 pm Carol Service—St Paul’s Croxton [jointly with Croxton Independent Methodists] at St Pauls. 6.30 pm Candlelit Carol Service—John the Baptist Ashley

24th December 2015 3 pm Open Air Carols at Copsey Dale, Fairoak [Broughton choir] 4 pm Nativity– John the Baptist Ashley 11.30 pm Midnight Mass—John the Baptist Ashley 11.30 pm Midnight Mass—St Peter’s Broughton 11.30 pm Midnight Mass—St Mary’s Mucklestone

25th December 2015  9.30 am Family Celebration—John the Baptist Ashley  10 am Christmas Day Communion—St Paul’s Croxton  11.15 am Holy Communion—St Mary’s Mucklestone

27th December 2015  11 am Christmas Readings—joint service with St Peters at St Paul’s Croxton.


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My Favourite Carol AWAY IN A MANGER Chosen By Mrs Pat Evans Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head. How to choose a favourite was very The stars in the bright sky difficult, you have all the old looked down where He lay, carols : Silent Night : While The little lord Jesus asleep on the hay. Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night : Once In Royal David’s The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes City : Good King Wenceslas. But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes. Perhaps some not so well known : I love Thee, Lord Jesus, Adam Lay Ybounden” : In Dulci look down from the sky. Jubilo : Little Donkey a Rutter And stay by my side till morning is nigh. favourite. But Christmas would never be the same without the Sweet bells they ring, “tiddlies” five year olds doing a they ring out the news today, rendition of “Away In A Manger” That Christ was born, with the inevitable tea towel head- was born on Christmas day, dress for the shepherds , when they Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay do the Nativity Play. Close by me for ever and love me, I pray.

Wishing you all a very happy Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care Christmas and I hope you get to And take us to Heaven to live with Thee there. sing your favourite.



The migrant crisis has touched and then the news items started to the hearts of many and when make some connections for us. calm waters came to the Conflict in Syria, Eritrea and Mediterranean this year we could Afghanistan etc. Yet it was a not have imagined what would point not given the greatest air unfold. The stories of mass time. A leadership contest soon transit in vessels never intended had the spotlight elsewhere. to make such journeys carrying far too many people. The news The events in Hungary, Austria of multiple drownings appalled and Germany soon clawed it most of us; and yet still they back; though some people were a come! little confused as to why these migrants were not at Calais. While this happened, the Previously Calais had the top governments of Europe seemed to billing for a migrant’s ‘must do’ have busied list. But the numbers themselves with other going there represent things to do. 1% of all the Greece’s deficit migrants in Europe problem became a and it seems that channel for people are wanting everyone’s attention, asylum elsewhere. and no wonder Europe stayed out of the migrant So as Europe runs to keep up issue, they had form in leaving it with events, the question for all to others. of us is rather uncomfortable “am I my brother’s keeper?” The line It seemed a while before the comes from Genesis 4, relating to media looked deeper into why Cain and Abel. “And it came these people were making the about when they were in the field, journey. We knew about the that Cain rose up against Abel his boats and disasters, we heard of brother and killed him. Then the the traffickers and we heard about Lord said to Cain, ‘where is Abel the tourist destinations that your brother?’ and he said, ‘I do suddenly didn’t seem so inviting. not know, am I my brother’s keeper’. God said ‘what have We all thought it was terrible and you done?’” It all came about we sort of knew who was coming


because of jealousy over an CHARITY APPEAL acceptable offering. Room at the inn? Small charity HOST is seeking friendly people who would Ms Merkel doesn’t think much to like to learn more about other the offerings of some in this crisis. countries and cultures and share their Europe’s total population is 740 home life with adult international students at UK universities. Young million. So far this year 700,000 adults from many countries would migrants have come. love to have a short homely break and discover the real life of this country. Are we responsible for our Host Kit Millington-Hore wrote brothers and sisters? The bible has “Meeting students from around the many examples of people who had world is hugely fulfilling and to flee famine or find exile; satisfying. Watching their pleasure as numerous instructions for caring you introduce them to our ways of for aliens and more than one living, particularly over Christmas, is conversation about people being extremely rewarding.” tested in the matter of caring for Visits can be for a day, weekend, or four days at Christmas. Offering a strangers. Christmas invitation to someone who would otherwise be alone on a Matthew 25: ‘I was a stranger and University campus can make a big you did not invite me in’ and difference. Invitations are urgently Hebrews 13 ‘Do not forget to needed from volunteer hosts, no entertain strangers as by doing so matter their age, or how far they live some have entertained angels’. Be from a university. To find out more, we Christians and a secular state, or to be put in touch with your local are we being tested? In Munich organiser, please visit they clapped to welcome migrants, www.hostuk.org or call 020 7739 in Stafford a group of people 6292. wrote to the Stafford Newsletter Kimberley Brough Deputy Chief Executive with a hint that some families HOST might come to Stafford Borough. I can now be contacted on [email protected] What does God expect in this T: 020 7739 6292 complex matter from the Church Unit K106, The Biscuit Factory, and the State? What does He Tower Bridge Business Complex require of each of us? 100 Clements Road, Southwark, London, SE16 4DG www.hostuk.org Rev’d John Day Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn



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HONOURING THE MEN FROM OUR AREA, KILLED IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR Continuing our series honouring the men who are named on our war memorials at Broughton and Croxton, this issue details John Hill, who is remembered with honour on the Croxton’s memorial.


 Full name: HILL John  Place and Date of Birth: Adbaston  Place of Residence: Villa Farm, Sugnall, Stafford  Parents: William Hill (1865) and  Martha Hill (nee Rushton (1865))  Rank: Gunner  Regiment: Royal Garrison Artillery  Service number: 123139  Age: 22  Date (and possible circumstances) of death: Died at home 19/01/1917  Commemorated at: Croxton (St Paul) Churchyard Extension  Grave Reference: South side of path  Family History:  William was a dairy farmer at Villa Farm Sugnall. Martha 1891, William Alfred 1892, John 1894, Ethel Mary 1898, Edith 1900, Margaret 1908


Military History: The Royal Garrison Artillery came into existence as a separate entity in June 1899. Artillery fighting in the infantry line was increasingly brought under fire the solution to this was the principle of “standing off” and engaging the enemy with indirect fire. In the quagmire of trench warfare it was realised that it was no place for artillery in the line with the infantry. Henceforth the artillery would be positioned well behind the line firing at unseen targets a co-ordinate on a map calculated with geometry and mathematics and using the bigger calibre guns. The RGA was often supported by the Royal Flying Corps who had

PRAYER FOR THE ROYAL REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY O Lord Jesus Christ, who dost everywhere lead thy people in the way of righteousness, vouchsafe so to lead the Royal Regiment of Artillery that wherever we serve, on land or sea or in the air, we may win the glory of doing thy will. Amen



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Eccleshall Bridge Club The Club meets two nights a week.

TUESDAY NIGHT This is the main club night at Offley Hay Village Hall. Please be seated by 7.15 for a 7.30 start. The cost is £2 per session. The play is good, and the atmosphere is friendly.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Church Rooms, Eccleshall. This is a very friendly session, especially designed for anyone who has had lessons and wants experience or a player who hasn't played for a while. Please be seated by 7.00 ready for a 7.15 start. The cost is £2 per session.

For more information please contact the Club Secretary Mary Dodkins on 01785 850345 3 MINUTE MEDITATION from LOYOLA PRESS a Jesuit Ministry Before you begin your retreat, pause for a few moments of silent meditation. Take a few deep breaths, relax, and recognise that you are in the loving presence of God, who is with you.

1 Peter 4:11 “Whoever preaches, let it be with the words of God; whoever serves, let it be with the strength that God supplies, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”

We can sometimes feel that the service we do for others is less because we feel so good when we do it. Peter reminds us to give credit where credit is due. God is the source of our good works. The good we do is a result of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is fine that we feel good about ourselves when we reach out to others. But we need to realise that the good we do comes through God’s gifts, Jesus’ example, and the Holy Spirit’s inspiration.

How can I be open to the action of God in my life?

How do I express my gratitude when I recognise God’s action in the lives of others?

Glory to you, God, who gives me all good things, and to Jesus, my teacher and source of my salvation, and to the Holy Spirit, my helper and my guide. Amen

If you would like to receive a daily 3 minute meditation via email, subscribe via www.loyolapress.com


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Benefice Prayer life

There are a wide range of services and meetings in the Benefice, specifically relating to prayer. All are welcome at any of these:-

United prayer meetings are held monthly on Wednesdays. They are held either at St Peter’s Broughton, St Pauls Croxton or The Independent Methodist Chapel at Croxton. Services start at 4pm— see page 8 for details Community Prayer Cell meetings take place monthly on Mondays at 7.30pm (at the home of Godfrey and Agnes Collins) Healing services: Tuesday mornings at 8am in the Chapter house at St John the Baptist, Ashley, where there is a short morning service followed by prayers for healing. Laying on of hands for healing takes place during / following the Eucharist on the first Sunday in the month at St John the Baptist at 9.30am. Prayer Chain pray daily for those in need, we meet as a group monthly and aim to have open meetings 2 to 3 times a year – if you would like prayers for yourself or know of someone else who would like praying for, please contact Anna direct. Lent Bible reflections; to take place on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm – see page 8 for details. The Benefice Prayer group organise spiritual walks around the local area, when time is spent in fellowship and reflection and time to pray and thank God for the wonders that surround us. The vicar is also available for home visits and there are other members of the ministry team who carry out pastoral visits and can celebrate a reserved sacrament Holy Communion.

There will be more information on individual groups in later editions, but if you are interested and would like to know more, or who to contact, please call Anna Mortimer on 01630 672804.



A man, his wife and newborn son Seek shelter in a foreign land From him who seeks to do them harm A sword-cut from a tyrant’s hand.

They are forewarned and flee in time To welcome or to be reviled? The man has skills to earn his bread The mother shields the precious child.

A sign at last—the king is dead They may return to native land And destiny will be fulfilled Christ’s name is written in the sand.

The story in St Matthew’s Gospel, Chapter 2, reminds us of the many displaced people today. MATTHEW 6:9 “This is how you are to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” Prayer is about putting all else aside, even for a minute, and turning the spot- light away from ourselves and onto God. It’s harder than it sounds. Jesus wanted his disciples to practise this kind of prayer. The Our Father is Jesus’ response to his disciples’ request to teach them how to pray. Prayer begins by acknowledging the presence of God. All else flows from that. When we are aware of God’s presence in the daily moments of life, our life is in balance.

BROUGHTON WI Meetings are held in Broughton Parish Room at 7.30 pm on the second Thursday of the month.  10th December: A Christmas Celebration. Competition: a handmade cracker.  14th January: Clothes— ‘Swishing and Swapping’, and a raffle of Christmas excess.  11th February: Our 95th Birthday ‘à la 1921’, entertainment by ‘The Pebbles’. Dress 1920s [optional]. New members are most welcome. Contact the President Mrs PAM SMITH 01630 620410 or the Secretary Mrs JUDY ROWLANDS 01785 280323


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FASTER BROADBAND for WETWOOD EXCHANGE AREA ~ Do you require faster broadband speeds ?

Properties in the Wetwood telephone exchange area are currently connected to the internet by the same copper wires which were originally installed to provide telephone connection to Wetwood exchange and thence to the rest of the national telephone network. A fibre optic cable will shortly be laid to connect Wetwood exchange to the national “Superfast” broadband network. The connection to a given property is effected by connecting the existing copper telephone wires from the property into a green roadside telephone cabinet which in turn is connected by fibre- optic cable to another green cabinet alongside it which is connected by fibre-optic cable to the exchange. Because all telephone lines in the Wetwood exchange area are termed “Exchange Only” lines (meaning that the lines from the exchange go via a combination of underground cables and overhead wires directly to the customer’s property), Open- reach have to install both types of green cabinet in such a location as to facilitate the connection of the green telephone cabinet to the existing distribution pole or poles (telegraph poles numbered DP followed by three digits). The new fibre-optic cabinets must have a power supply as well as being connected to Wetwood exchange by fibre-optic cable. Clearly each such installation is expensive and we do not yet know how many locations in the area Openreach will decide to serve. Nor do we know which properties will be able to be supplied with “superfast” broadband from


these cabinets. What is known is that broadband speed falls off quite rapidly as the length of the “final copper wires” increases (limiting “superfast” speeds to a maximum distance of about 1 kilometre from the telephone cabinet) ‘Superfast Staffordshire’ is the Staffordshire County Council project to bring “superfast” broadband to those areas of the county that are not covered by the commercial roll-out. Initial funding was over £27million (£7.44 million from Staffordshire County Council, £7.44 million from the Government through Broad- band Delivery UK (BDUK) and £12.47 million from BT (Openreach). BDUK have recently made a further £1.68 million available towards the Superfast Extension Programme. The project is about 50% complete. More information about the project and its progress can be found at http://www.superfaststaffordshire.co.uk where there is also a box to register to be kept informed. Some 60 exchanges in the county have been fibre enabled and over 300 cabinets had gone live as at 15th October. Eccleshall exchange has been enabled and an example of the new and existing green roadside cabinets can be seen on the main road to Eccleshall at Pershall (on the corner of the lane on the right hand side after passing Eccleshall Football Ground). Openreach advise “Register Interest - If your area comes up in our exploring solu- tion category, knowing there is a healthy demand in your area can really help.” Wetwood exchange area is in this category. It is therefore important that residents in the Wetwood exchange area who would upgrade to “superfast” broadband if it becomes available to them should register their interest with Openreach - to register interest go to: http://www.superfast-openreach.co.uk/expression-gen.aspx

A comprehensive report containing local maps and photographs of typical cabinet installations is available from Peter Davies at Stoneleghe, Croxton ST21 6NL – telephone No.: (01630) 620202 or email: [email protected]

The author has not researched the situation in Ashley exchange area. For information about the rollout of fibre broadband in Ashley exchange area, go to http://connectingshropshire.co.uk which states "We expect the first cabinets in the Ashley exchange area to be upgraded by the end of 2016."


PEACE FOR THE WORLD? I was going to include an article on the weakness; for we do not know how to meaning of Advent, but with the pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself mounting refugee crisis and the intercedes for us with sighs too deep for escalating hostilities around the world, words”. my thoughts turned to Peace, because I believe that until there is a lasting peace Even if you don't know the words to pray, in the Middle East, we won’t be seeing an know that your grief and compassion for end to the refugee crisis any time soon. the Paris victims speaks to the Father on The carnage in the Middle East and their behalf. John Bunyan noted that in various countries in Africa seem so far prayer it is better to have a heart without away from us in our quiet corner of rural words than words without a heart. Staffordshire, however, as I am writing this article, details are emerging about the Terry Anderson, a Christian journalist terrorist attacks in Paris; with the City of held hostage in Lebanon for seven years, Lights reeling from the darkness of terror. wrote of his experience: "We come French President Francois Hollande has closest to God at our lowest moments. It's declared a state of emergency after what easiest to hear God when you are stripped he calls "unprecedented terror attacks." of pride and arrogance, when you have At the time of writing 129 people are nothing to rely on except God. It's pretty confirmed dead and over 300 are being painful to get to that point, but when you treated in hospital, with 99 critically do, God's there." injured. Paris may be in darkness. However, the So called Islamic State have claimed God of the Bible redeems darkness. responsibility. These attacks indicate that Darkness may rule the night, but the terrorism against Western targets is Morning Star still shines and the King escalating and the nightmare has come a still reigns. little closer to home. In times like these, our Lord Jesus Christ The security services were caught wants us to hold onto the words he taught unawares as apparently there was no us, so now might be a good time to warning and they were not aware of remember them. chatter pointing to the Paris attacks Sara Humphries beforehand; we are all left to worry that other such attacks may be similarly Our Father which art in heaven, planned and go undetected. I suppose we Hallowed be thy name. can thank whistle-blowers such as Thy kingdom come. Edward Snowden for this, as the terrorists Thy will be done in earth, now know how to avoid leaving as it is in heaven. electronic footprints. By the time you Give us this day our daily bread. read this, who knows what further And forgive us our trespasses, atrocities have been committed? as we forgive those who trespass against us. The question arises, what can we do And lead us not into temptation, about this situation, and as a Christian I but deliver us from evil: believe we have pray and trust in the For thine is the kingdom, Holy Spirit to supply our words (Romans and the power, and the glory, 8:26) “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our forever and ever. Amen.


Scrap Removed

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Parish Churches of Ashley, Broughton, Croxton and Mucklestone are hosting Benefice Breakfasts  Saturday 23 January 2016 Bob Bostelmann -Veterinary Tales  Saturday 19 March 2016 Steve Drew -Malawi

@ Hungersheath Farm Tea Room 9.00-11.00 am

All Welcome- Full English breakfast costs £7 per person (Lighter option of croissants available if pre- ordered). Please book a place with Noel Brown, tel. 01630 672851 [email protected]


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In these uncertain times there is such a comfort in returning to the familiar and time honoured language of the Book of Common Prayer, these two prayers have been said in Church of England morning services since at least 1549:

The Second Collect, for Peace O GOD, who art the author of peace and lover of concord, in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom: Defend us thy humble servants in all assaults of our enemies; that we, surely trusting in thy defence, may not fear the power of any adversaries; through the might of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Third Collect, for Grace O LORD, our heavenly Father, Almighty and everlasting God, who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day: Defend us in the same with thy mighty power; and grant that this day we fall into no sin, neither run into any kind of danger; but that all our doings may be ordered by thy governance, to do always that is righteous in thy sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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A tall tale courtesy of John Day …

A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary.

Every word out of the bird’s mouth was rude, obnox- ious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird’s attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to ‘clean up’ the bird’s vocabulary.

Finally John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even more rude. John, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed.

Then suddenly there was total silence … not a peep was heard for over a minute.

Fearing that he’d hurt the parrot, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto John’s out- stretched arm and said “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I’m sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behaviour.

John was stunned at the change in the bird’s attitude.

As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behaviour, the bird spoke up, very softly, “may I ask what the turkey did?”


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Category Name Page

Bed & Breakfast Brook House 16 Bridge Club Mary Dodkins 29 Building Services Geoff Shanahan 7 Car Dealer Hill & Swift 38 Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning Carpet Diem 16 Cattery Croxton Cattery 42 Chimney Sweep Ian Elkin 37 Cleaning Services Sue 15 Coffee Shop Courtyard Coffee 31 Concert Adbaston Community Concert 16 Decorator R L Nash 37 Electrician Mark Bradley 9 Feed Merchants Dollin & Morris 42 Fencing EFC Fencing 28 Fuel Merchant Staffordshire Fuels Ltd 39 Funeral Directors Haynes Funeral Directors 20 Garden Centre Mucklestone Nurseries 30 Garden Guild Croxton & Broughton 42 Gas Engineer Gas Service 34 Gas Engineer Swallow Gas Services 18 Jewellers Spencer The Jeweller 42 Memorial Stones Owens Memorial 40 Ploughman’s Lunch St Peter’s Broughton 19 Prayer Chain Benefice 41 Pre-School Cotes Heath & Standon Baby & Toddler Group 7 Property Matters Adrian Quoroll 24 Property Repairs Rob Unsworth 40 Restaurant Pins Kitchen 37 Restaurant The Star Inn 27 Scrap Remover & Logs George Dyke & Daughters 37 Service Station Croxton Service Station 38 Showstoppers Family activities 29 Solicitors Graham Withers & Co 31 Tennis Courts Wetwood Tennis Courts 9 Venue Hire Broughton Parish Room 7 Waste Management John Reeves 18


SERVICES – December to February 2016 Croxton St Peter’s St Paul’s Croxton Independent Broughton Methodist

11 am Holy 6th December 11 am Christingle 11 am Songs of Praise Communion 10 am Holy 11 am Holy 11 am Divine 13th December Communion Communion Worship 2.30 pm United Carol Service 20th December 11 am Carol Service at St Paul’s 11.30 pm Midnight 24th December No service Mass 10 am United Christmas Day Service 25th December No service at St Paul’s 11 am United Christmas Readings 11 am Divine 27th December at St Paul’s Worship 11 am Covenant 3rd January 11 am Matins 11 am Songs of Praise Service—Holy Communion 10 am Holy 11 am Holy 11 am Divine 10 January Communion Communion Worship 11 am United Family Worship 17th January 11 am Matins at the Chapel 11 am Holy 11 am Divine 24th January 11 am Matins Communion Worship 11 am Divine 31st January 11 am Matins 11 am Matins Worship 11 am Holy 7th February 11 am Matins 11 am Songs of Praise Communion 10 am Holy 11 am Holy 11 am Divine 14th February Communion Communion Worship

11 am United Family Worship 21st February 11 am Matins at the Chapel 11 am Holy 11 am Divine 28th February 11 am Matins Communion Worship