Issue32|Spring 2018 |

West Midlands CAMRABranchMagazineofthe Year 2017 Magazine of theHeart of branch of CAMRA Incorporating &Districtsub-branch andcovering x Stone x x x x andsurrounding areas

„ Eccleshall crawl | Page 18 „ Tributes to Mike andSally | Pages9,32 „ Beer Festival datesannounced | Page 11 „ CAMRAʼsbig decision | Page 24 andmuchmore... Carefully crafted print range

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Warwick Printing Company Ltd Caswell Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV31 1QD Tel: 01926 883355 Email: [email protected] Spring2018

WinnerofWestMidlands CAMRABranchMagazineofthe Year 2017 Welcome Ihavetobegin withthe sadnews that Mike Harker, well-knownand much-lovedstalwartof In this issue HeartofStaffordshire CAMRA, hasdied. It is fair to say thatMike’s dedication to CAMRAwas Chair’schat/Branch Diary 5 second to none,and without himthismagazine Puband Club news 6 wouldnot havegot backupoffthe ground.But most importantlywehavelostareally good mate. Remembering Mike 9 We payfulltributetoMike on page 9. 11th Beer &Cider Festival 11 We lost anotherfriendrecentlyinSally Lavender —it was only last issuethatIwrote aboutthe cider Brewery news 12 tastingsession Iattended that Sallyled. How Pubofthe Season 15 brilliant and engagingshe was. Mike andSally both putinsomuchtotheircommunities,and IzaakWaltonBrewhouse 16 have left us all thankfulfor having knownthem. Eccleshalltrail 18 We’re in Eccleshallthisissue,withaguide to the AWalkonthe Mild Side 21 sevendrinkingestablishments there, andthe new breweryjustdownthe road.We’ve also just Pubs on the101 23 announced the dates forour 11th annual Beer and Cider Festival—allthe genonpage11. CAMRAmembers weekend 24 Ihopethatyou enjoy reading .Your Uttoxeter&District news 26 feedbackiswelcome,asare ideasfor articles,help Potteries news 31 with advertising, distribution...and my puns are stillfeeble.[That’s notaspellingmistakeonthe Contactus/Contacting you 33 frontcover though.] ‘Doing the19’ 34 All the best, CAMRAmembership 35 Andy Murray [email protected]

Beer at Heart is publishedquarterly by HeartofStaffordshireCAMRA. Designed and edited by AndrewMurray. Opinions expressedare those of the authorand may not representthose of CAMRA, thelocal branch or editor.BeeratHeart is (c)CAMRALtd. PrintedbyWarwick Printing Nextcopydeadline: 12th MAY2018ADVERTISINGRATES ON PAGE 29

Issue32|Spring 2018 |

Chair's Chat Branch Diary Welcome to the first magazine of the new NB dates and venues are subject to change, year. Hopefully by the time you read this the so before making a special journey please worst of the winter will be over, it seems to check the diary on our website: have dragged on relentlessly. Also by now all the groundwork for Good Beer Guide 2019 will WHAT IS CAMRA be completed along with the selection of our MARCH various Pubs of the Year. THURSDAY 15th: ’RISING STAR’ AWARD An item close to my heart now that the PRESENTATION—the STAR INN, Penkridge, Railway in Norton Bridge has been closed for 8.30pm. All welcome. over 18 months is the role of the ‘Pubs at the Heart of the Community’. Research by Oxford THURSDAY29th: BEER FESTIVAL PLANNING MEETING—Bird in Hand, University shows that “people who regularly Stafford 8pm. All welcome. use a local pub have more close friends, are happier, are more trusting of others and feel APRIL more engaged with their community.” Reliable research also confirms that “sensible drinking THURSDAY 12th: SPRING PUB OF THE is good for you!” SEASON PRESENTATION - the RED LION, Bradley, 8.30pm. All welcome. I agree with both these statements. Rural communities like mine are becoming more TUESDAY 17th: BRANCH MEETING - ROYAL and more isolated, and Staffordshire County EXCHANGE, STONE, 8pm. All members Council’s decimation of subsidised bus services welcome. will be a further blow to villages and country THURSDAY 19th: BRANCH TRIP TO pubs, also having some effect on urban areas STAFFORD HOCKEY CLUB BEER FESTIVAL and facilities. Riverway, Stafford, 7pm. All welcome. So sit back with a pint and enjoy our award- FRIDAY 20th—SUNDAY 22nd: MEMBERS’ winning magazine.* WEEKEND & AGM—University of Warwick Neil Butler near . Chair, Heart of Staffordshire CAMRA MAY SATURDAY12th: BRANCH TRIP TO ’MILD IN MAY’ TRAIL, BIRMINGHAM - depart from Stafford station at 11.25am. All welcome.

JUNE TUESDAY 5th: BRANCH A.G.M. - SHREWSBURY ARMS, Stafford, 8pm. All members welcome. *Beer at Heart won ‘Best Branch Magazine’ at the CAMRA awards ceremony SUGGESTIONS FOR SOCIALS? Contact on 30th December. It is our second award in two years, following Best Newcomer in 2016.

Issue 32 | Spring 2018 | Pub and Club news STAFFORD round these parts, will take place from Good news: Slater’s application to open a Thursday 19th—Saturday 21st April. bar in Stafford has been approved and work The Princess Royal was in the local paper as has started on the premises. It’s next door planning permission was granted (for the to the Butler’s Bell. fourth time) to demolish it and build houses More good news: Titanic are opening a on the site. However, we are told that its café/bar in Baswich/Weeping Cross called future as a pub is secure for now. bod after its address in Bodmin Avenue. They are hoping to welcome their first KNIGHTON customers at the end of March. The Haberdashers Arms is hosting a gig by banjo man Dan Walsh on 6th April.

STONE Edison’s opened in the high street October last year, closed shortly after Christmas. There's a repossession notice in the window and the inside has been gutted. Pubs are a tough business right enough. Langtrys which has been closed for several months is undergoing a bit of a facelift. Freshly painted and seemingly some new windows and hanging baskets. Fingers crossed we may yet see a revival. Even more good news: the Star & Garter We have a new licensee at the Talbot – has extended its CAMRA discount: 15p off a welcome to Trudi & partner. Three handpulls half, 30p off a pint, all day every day! The (and maybe more to come) along with both offer applies to their real ciders too. Sky and BT Sport and pool. Live music on Even even more etc etc: real ale is coming Saturday nights and Trudi has lots of plans! back to No.7 Market Square. Joule’s have purchased Crown Wharf with The Spittal Brook closed unexpectedly the intention of putting a pub (taphouse in before Christmas and is still closed as we go their words) on it. It adjoins the canal and to press. The Bell in Haughton also was part of the original Joule’s brewery remains closed. The Tap & Spile re-opened complex. More on this in our next issue. in November but closed again in mid- In mid-February it was announced that the February. Darlaston Inn has been sold and would The Floodgate and the Bird in Hand are close on 1st March. We do not know at both looking for cribbage players. Apply present if it will continue to be a pub. within. BROCTON Stafford Hockey Club’s annual Beer and The Seven Stars finally reopened on 20th Cider Festival, usually the first of the year February and is serving three or four ales

6 | although the emphasis is as an upmarket Tenancies/leases etc. available include: dining venue. Star, (freehold) Swan, Forton (freehold) Rising Star Red Lion, Great Chatwell (retail PENKRIDGE Partnership, Marston’s) In recognition of the great work that Ali Crown, (lease) and Richard Heath have done at the Star Shrewsbury Arms, Kingstone Inn since taking over last Autumn, we’ll (freehold) be presenting them with our Rising Star Horse &Jockey, Penkridge (tenancy). award (appropriately enough) on Lamb, Stafford (tenancy) Thursday 15th March at 8.30pm. All Luck Penny, Stafford (lease) welcome to join the celebration. Spittal Brook, Stafford (tenancy) Tap & Spile, Stafford (lease) ANYPLACE Hare and Hounds, Stramshall Anypub (freehold) Landlords—your pub news could have Pheasant, Stone (lease) been here. Drop me a line with short snippets about your upcoming events, real ale promotions, beer festivals etc. AA Recommended, AA Pick of the Pubs, The Good Pub Guide’s Staffordshire Dining Pub of the Year. As recommended in: Les Routiers in Britain; Which? Guide. FREEHOUSE RememberingMike

We were much saddened by the loss of Mike Harker who passed away on Friday 12th January2018atthe ageof71. Mike’s last 12 months hadbeentough following afallinJanuary2017inwhich he sustainedafractured skull. He spentsix months in hospital and althoughhe appeared to be making good progress his health never fully recovered. Mike had been aCAMRA member since the seventiesand had attendedmany CAMRAnational AGMs over the yearsbut it was in 2006 thathestarted attending Over the last twelve months,understand- localbranchmeetingsand socials. ablywithall he’dbeen through,Mike wasn’thimself.The Mike thatwewill He re-joined the localbranchduringa remember was the jovial,talkative man transitionalperiodasin2007 thebranch (sometimesitwas hardtoget awordin amended itsconstitutionand changedits edgeways!), who caredabout real ale, cider name from Staffordand Stonebranchto and pubs. He was alwaysgoodcompany HeartofStaffordshire branchinaneffort to anddidn’ttakelifeorindeed himselftoo better represent ourgeographicalareaand seriously. broaden ourappeal to the membership. Thesechangesweresomething thatMike Outside of hisinvolvement with CAMRA supported andhelpedthe branch to he was also avolunteer forHospital Radio achieveashebelievedtheywould Staffordwherehedid twobreakfast shows regenerate and energisethe branch. aweek andinthe past had servedasa committeemember.Mikewas abig Elvis Following hisinitial election to thebranch fanand hadtwice visitedthe States to committeein2007 he subsequentlyheld make the pilgrimage to Graceland.His numerousposts includingSecretary (2007 knowledgeof‘50s,’60sand ’70s popular to 2012), Chair(2012 to 2014)and musicmade himauseful member of our Membership Secretary (2014to2017). He HoSpub quiz team. also servedfor ayearasCAMRA West Midlands RegionalDirector from March Mike has left us with fond memories of 2009.Atthe time of hisaccidenthewas time spentonnumerous socials, brewery branch Membership Secretary,Cider trips, beer festivalsand pubcrawls. Officerand SocialSecretary andhealso We aresureyou areupthere somewhere dealtwithpublicityand advertisingfor Mike,nodoubt enjoying adry cider.Weall Beer at Heart. Notonlydid we misshis miss youmate – rest in peace. company and attendanceatmeetingswe We offer oursympathiesand condolences also realised just howmuchworkhewas to hispartner Elaine and family. doingwithinthe branch. Dave Tomkinson

Issue32|Spring 2018 |

2018 Festival announced Hello Everyone—with Christmas and New Alexandra Jayne joining us again after her Year celebrations now a distant memory, we successful slot last year and on Saturday start the ‘hard yards’ to plan this year’s Beer afternoon our regulars The Blackwell & Cider festival. This is my second year in Concert Band will get your feet tapping! the role of Festival Organiser and you I have an excellent team of volunteers certainly learn a lot from your previous working with me to make this festival experiences, but I am positive that we will happen, but we still need more – the more make this another successful festival. the merrier. We especially need helpers for We have decided to order 65+ beers, 30+ setup and takedown but every little helps, ciders and a range of country wines and even a few hours. bottled beers. We will start to advertise Please contact me at paul.hewitt100@ these via Twitter @Staffs Beer Festival and if you would like to get Facebook @staffordbeerfestival nearer the involved; I promise you we’re a friendly time. Please let us know if there are any bunch and there’s always a good beers you would like to see this year. atmosphere. We’ve chosen two charities: Hospital Radio To be a sponsor of the Festival, please Stafford, in remembrance of our dear friend contact Beer at Heart editor Andy Murray. Mike Harker, and Staffordshire Women’s Aid. Both are very worthy causes which will More updates from me in the next issue. benefit from your unspent beer tokens. Hope to see you at the Festival! In terms of entertainment we are very lucky Paul Hewitt, Festival Organiser, on Friday night to have the very talented Stafford Beer and Cider Festival 2018




Next organising meeting: Thurs 29th March, 8pm, Bird in Hand. All welcome

Issue 32 | Spring 2018 | Brewery news LYMESTONE of Stone main brewing but her Stray Cat STRUT is still available in all three pubs. A new brew of After a lull in brewing Stray Cat MILK 4.2% has been produced and over Christmas and is available in keg form, again in all three pubs New Year things are and for purchase to the free trade. picking up again. Neil Butler There is another Lymestone Brewery Liaison Officer (BLO) Wetherspoon contract from April onwards. During the downtime the opportunity was IZAAK WALTON BREWHOUSE taken to re-lay the brew room floor. The of Norton Bridge original hard quality tiles were coming loose [email protected] but have been salvaged as the majority are 01785 760780 in very good condition. At the end of The winter has been a time of consolidation January Brad had the second part of his and developing the brews. The beers are operations, so we wish him well. still readily available in Stone, Eccleshall Monthly beers will be: and parts of the Potteries. MAR – POUNAMU 4.2% Straw coloured for AMBER NYMPH is the core product, with the international rugby T.E.A. (Traditional English Ale) 5% ABV and APR – FLAGSTONE 4.2% Golden beer for St newly developed LAST DROP 5%. The latter George’s Day is a tasty Black Country-style mild with an MAY – SONOF STONEMAN4% Copper Irish-style creamy head. coloured weaker version of the winter beer An English Pale Ale at 4% is being tested JUNE – STONEWALLPENALTY % TBC, a ready for the Spring/Summer. beer for the World Cup At the time of my last visit at the end of This year the brewery celebrates 10 years in January a new conditioning room was being business with some special events including constructed within the unit; a jigsaw of a 10-10-10 Festival in March (10 beers, 10 pieces but a bargain. This will give more ciders, 10 gins). Brewery tours continue consistency with stored beers and every month, with a different charity ingredients, as the unit has large supported at each. temperature swings due to its roof Work has finally started on the beer garden construction. to be situated on the area of void land to the Hopefully by the time you read this these rear of the Borehole. This establishment was tasks will have been completed. voted Dog Friendly Business for the second year in 2017. Other accolades in 2017 include Neil Butler, Izaak Walton BLO Brewery of the Year for Taste of Staffordshire and a silver in the Brewery Read more about our newest brewery Tours category. and cover stars on pages 16 and 17 Meanwhile, Sarah is helping out with the

12 | SLATERʼSofStafford Seasonal Beers MAGNUM PI(A) came outinFebruaryso HazelfromSlater’s hopefully youmanagedtoget adropofit. writes: ournew craft We haveanother seasonal headingout in beer bar will be April—NINE DOGS—which is ourfirstrecipe openinginGaolgate Street, Staffordinthe using Galaxy hops. Thenamepayshomage Spring servingthe full rangeofSlater’s to the nine dogs that wereonboard the ales,aswellasguest ales in cask and keg. Titanic. This 4.9% ABV pale beer is hoppy and crispwithlight tonesofpassionfruit. Furtherdetailswillbemadeavailable via ourFacebook page (@slatersales)assoon CAMRAWest Midlands Regional Awards as we havethem. We picked up awards forPLUMPORTER, Ourpopular BITTERismakingabrief CHOCOLATE&VANILLA STOUTand MILD! reappearance alongside ORIGINAL,HIGH It wasagreatafternoon (asalways) andwe DUCK andanasyet un-namedbrewat aredelighted with ouraward haul!We’re 5.5%,brewed to abrand newrecipe. nowintoour 33rd year of brewingand we stillfeel overwhelmedwiththe support from Thenextbrewerytours areonMarch 2nd, ourlocal communities, thank youtoyou all! April6th and May11th,starting at 7.30pm. Veganfood Allofour pubs that serve food daily now TITANICofBurslem offer veganoptions. So,ifyou or afamily member or friend arevegan, or even if you Facebook:@titanicbrewery aren't butwould like to seehow delicious Twitter: @Titanic_Brewers thedishesare,please do askamember of staff formoreinfoand they will be able to Amy from Titanicwrites: Exciting timesahead! highlightwhich dishes on themenuare or canbeservedvegan. Over the next 6months, we will be openingTWO newTitanic premises.You BreweryTours canreadabout ourfirstevercafé/bar, in Ourfabulousbrewerytours areaspopular as WeepingCross,onpage6.Projectnumber ever!It’sagreatway to spendaSaturday twoisanother café/bar.Recently, we were afternoon andwewould be delighted to included in discussions about creating a welcome you - bar at StokeStation andIamverypleased events or call us on 01782823447. to say thatweare nowinthe processof getting thisoffthe ground!There’s stilla lotofworktodobeforewecan even get PEAKSTONESROCKofAlton ourhands dirtybut Iwanted to update youall with thisexcitingprospect. Keep an SUBMISSION wonthe Gold eyeonour socialmediapages forupdates. Awardinthe OldAle Strong Mild category at the West Midlands UTTOXETERBREWING COMPANY’snews CAMRAawards in December. canbefound on page 27 Congrats to Davidonthisfantasticaward.

Issue32|Spring 2018 |

Pubofthe Season TheWoolpack,Weston

We presented ourWinterPotSaward to the Woolpack in Weston on acold Thursday in January. TheWoolpack is aquintessential English villagepub in aquintessential English village – it’s beside the village green forgoodness’ sake. Last year thepub was in thedoldrums andlocalsweresufficientlyconcerned to apply foranAssetofCommunity Value listing(ACV—which was granted)but fearshavebeen allayed by thearrivalofnew managerKelly, ManagerKelly andstaff presentedwiththe trophy who has broughtstabilityand andcertificate by branch chairNeilButlerwho as consistentqualitytothe pub. Food is usualisnot lookingatthe camera! servedall day everyday andfive beers from the Marston’srange areoffered – Ringwood Boondoggle is theirbest- WOOLPACK INN seller. TheGreen,Weston, StaffordST180JH Tel: 01889 270238 Facebook:@woolpackwestonpub

OpeningTimes 11-11 Mon-Thu; 11-MidnightFri &Sat; 11.30-11 Sun Mealsserved12-10 (12-9Sun)

OurSpring Pubofthe Season will be the Acosypub in winter (think oakbeams, low RedLionatBradley.We’re presenting ceiling, areal fire),avisitonawarm, sunny the awardatthe pubonThursday12th day is highly recommended also – andwhy Aprilat8.30pm.All welcome. notvisit thenearby Saracen’sHead,the HollyBush in Salt,and Hixon’stwo inns As this magazine goes to press, our the BankHouse andthe GreenMan membersare beingasked to vote for whilstyou’re there? thepubsand clubsofthe year 2017. Full resultsinthe next issueofBeer at Heart. Andy Murray

Issue32|Spring 2018 | Izaak Walton Brewhouse Meet the new addition to the cast

For quite a few years we were used to having just two breweries in the Heart of Staffordshire area: Slater’s and Lymestone. Then in the Autumn of 2016 Uttoxeter Brewing Company appeared on the scene, and happily we now have another new brewery to report on (and seek out their ales!). Last year, in the obscure setting of Cold Norton – the sort of place nothing ever happens – something was happening. Izaak Walton Brewhouse (taking its name from the famous author of The Compleat Angler, who resided in nearby Andy and Bernard pulling pints of Izaak’s Shallowford) was slowly taking shape, brews at the Little George, Eccleshall getting ready to unveil its wares on an unsuspecting public. Amber Nymph 4.5%, easy drinking, rich The idea grew from a conversation golden ale using only British hops and the between three friends Andy Cadwallader, best malt we could buy. Phil Littlehales and Bernard Ramsay, all Traditional English Ale (T.E.A.), 5% a motorcycling and real ale enthusiasts. As more complex ale moving towards a Andy told me, “we were chatting about our copper colour, full-bodied and tasty. Again, favourite things in Phil’s motorcycle shop using only fine British hops and malts. one day a couple of years back. Bernard had come across a brewery plant that was The Last Drop, 5%, dark ale, a simple for sale, and we thought long and hard refreshing Midlands-style Mild with a hint about buying it. I have worked in and of dark Stout. around the brewery world and had always Andy says “the dark is a wonderful sight in fancied a chance to brew my own beer.” the glass, as black and white as could be, The friends took the plunge and spent a again all British ingredients.” year working hard installing and testing, They’re following this with a new spring finally registering the brewery in October Pale Ale called One Last Cast, which 2017. Their first products went out in should be ready by the time you read this. November 2017, supplying local pubs in They also plan to branch out somewhat to Eccleshall, the Potteries and Stone. take in some American hops, using the Andy says “our aim was to produce three Pale recipe as a base. distinct beers, all of them traditional Andy credits Bernard with getting the English style ales.” The core range is: plant up and running (“he’s a technical

16 | Fr on genius”). Philspecialises in marketing and tc

producttesting (thatsoundslike aplum ov

job) and also puts hisexcellent business er knowledgetogood use.Philstill runshis ph bike business but puts in as many hoursas ot he caninthe brewery, while Andy and ot Bernard work at thebreweryfulltime. ak en

Andy thanked allthe localpubsthathave in

giventheir beersanoutlet, paying King the particular credittothe King Armsand the Little George in Eccleshall: “theyare both

fabboozersinverydifferent waysand have sA

offered us excellent support andguidance. rm

We drinkinthe pubs we supply and with s, theircustomers, amassivethankstoall the Ec good folk who havebeen drinking ourale.” cl es

Andy sumsitupnicely: “Whatcould be ha better: beer,bikes andgood friends.” Let’s ll alldrink to that. Some brewkit: (above)big andlittle Andy Murray kettles;(top) chillerand hopback An Eccleshall Crawl It’s been quite some time since anything about Eccleshall appeared in this journal – time to put that right. Here’s our Branch Chair Neil Butler’s guide to the town’s watering holes

A lot has happened in Eccleshall over the that it was the end of the road as a licensed past few years, with various closures, premises have luckily been proved wrong. A alterations and changes of ownership or lot of work has been carried out within the management. After the last permanent constraints of its listed building status and closure (the Badger) there were six pubs in location in a conservation area. The main the town/village, now there are seven, not building has been extensively refurbished a bad average in the present climate. internally and externally, with most of the rear single storey projections demolished to Starting a tour clockwise at the Old form a better car park and patio area. The Smithy, a place that has not changed with Martin King and his team being very busy majority of the main building is now residential but the part that interests us the when I visited just before Christmas. The most is the former dining room, situated at restaurant was fully booked and the small drinking and seating area was also full. the road junction end of the building. This is the Little George, refitted in a modern Regular beers are Timothy Taylor Landlord style with real fire and new kitchen and and Greene King Abbot Ale. The third handpull is either Deuchars IPA or a guest. toilet block; the seats in the bay windows at the front are an ideal place to watch Eccleshall’s traffic chaos. Opening at 9.30am for coffee and cake or a light breakfast, other snacks are available throughout the day. All the beers are locally sourced, the house beer is to an original Bents recipe, which Adrian, the building’s owner, has acquired the rights to. The beer is brewed

This establishment is handy for the bus stop opposite, with the 14 bus serving either Stafford or Stone and Hanley in the opposite direction. Even closer to the bus stop is the Little George. Perhaps the biggest change is to the George The Little George Hotel. The property was finally sold by the Slater family after some time on the market by Lymestone, who occupy premises on the to a property developer. Fears at the time former Bents brewery site in Mount Road,

18 | Stone. Other regulars are Lymestone Ein Valley HPA is usually available. Stein and Amber Nymph or TEA from Izaak The full range of Joule’s beers are available at Walton Brewhouse in Norton Bridge. the Royal Oak. Fully refurbished a few years The Kings Arms is our next stop and again, ago, to the usual high Joule’s standard, with has suffered from a period of neglect and light oak panelling and stained glass windows. uncertainty, but the freehold has been Meals are available whilst at first floor level the purchased by a consortium of local former ballroom is now a meeting room for business people and its future looks very hire. Events include Eccleshall Folk Club and bright. Again, a full refurbishment has the Community Cinema. taken place inside and out, sympathetic to A new addition about two years ago is the its listed building status. Although the Merckx bar. A Belgian-style bar in a former pet shop with a good choice of Belgian beer on fonts and in bottles, together with various gins. Some interesting ecclesiastical furniture can be found here. A similar bar opened in Bridgnorth at the end of 2017 and there are organised coach exchange trips between the two. Finally we come to the Bell, which was being redecorated at the time of my visit, and had been decluttered, creating a more spacious The Kings Arms atmosphere. There are eight handpulls, with Abbot Ale, Sharps Doom Bar and Holdens majority of the ground floor is set up for Black Country Bitter on all the time, comple- dining, the original rear bar is retained with mented by a diverse selection of guest ales. By two serving counters and a small drinking the time this magazine is published food area to the right. Six handpulls are available should be available in the two dedicated dining selling a range of ales including regulars areas. Everything else is pretty much as before. Marston’s Pedigree, and Wainwright. The other four pulls are for seasonal and less mainstream beers, for example at the time of my visit Wadworth 6X, Castle Rock Springtime and Ilkley Rombald. During the last two months the first floor refurbishment has been completed, resulting in the availability of four ensuite bedrooms, which are a bit rare in this area. The Eagle is titled Eccleshall’s sports bar. Large screen televisions show every kind of Refurbished dining area in the Bell event. There is also a pool table, darts and musical entertainment, pub games and So there are a few good reasons for a day out in bingo. There are various snacks and early Eccleshall. In the surrounding area there is also evening is set aside for the Young Eccleshall the Star at Copmere, Cock Inn at Eagles, the local junior football club.Wye and the Labour in Vain at Yarnfield.

Issue 32 | Spring 2018 | 20 | Take aWalkonthe Mild Side As part of CAMRA's'Mild in May' availableonthe day! campaign ourregionhosts amildale trail This year's trailishostedbyBirmingham each year.Abranch bids to host the trail - branch on Saturday 12th May. there'soften acompetition - and folks descend on thevenue from allsix More detailslaterbut the startpoint is counties. Thehostbranchgetsanumber likely to be TheInn on the Green in Acocks of pubs - couldbeanything from tento Green at 11am. Five minutes walkfrom thirty - to agreetosellatleast onemildon AcocksGreen station. Getthe trainto theday andproducesamildtrail map. Birmingham NewStreet, ten minute walk There'snofixedroute or time,nor do you to Moor Street stationand afew minutes have to visitall thepubs! It is,asthe thence to Acocks Green. saying goes,agrand day out. Groupswillbeled to both CityCentreand Of course,there'sacampaigning aspect to theJewellery Quarterdestinations – this: we wanttopromote this finishing alltogetheratthe Wellingtonat unfashionable beer styleand persuade 5.30pm. pubs that it is worthstockingitand Therewillbefournew localmilds to drinkers thatitisanexcellent quaff.Itis ‘collect’throughoutthe day. interestingthatpunterselected Beowulf's Dark Raven mild as the champion beer of Make adateinyourdiary. theregionfor 2017.Bound to be some Phil Vickers

Ourcider and perry is made usingfreshly pressedjuice,naturally fermented and matured to give character andflavour. ContactNickon07958 310713 or email [email protected] Website:

HurstViewCider,Ivetsey Road, Wheaton Aston, Stafford ST19 9QP

Issue32|Spring 2018 |

Pubs on the 101: Newcastle town centre part 1

Picking up from the last issue, you are either on the 101 or still in the Castle Mona. On the bus you need to get off at the first stop past the Cherry Tree/Castle Mona, follow the direction of the bus and turn left down Refinery Street. When you reach the end, you will see on your right the very blue Boat & Horses. It’s a pleasant one-room pub where we drank a very palatable Abbot Ale alongside Doom Bar and draught Bass. On leaving the Boat & Horses look right and uphill against the flow of traffic and you should see the Black Friar. The Boat & Horses: he’s not kidding

from Marston’s and Titanic's Plum Porter. The food looked tempting with some good food/beer offers. But no time to eat - the weather’s getting nasty, must move on. Getting really cold now so cutting the day short we head for the Jolly Potter on Barracks Road,across the lights from the bus station. Built in the 19th century it is a proper two room pub, which comes with its own inquisitive but harmless dog. Take the subway to the Black Friar, which Good beers here - mine is Peakstones Black is on the end of Newcastle's High Street. Hole (nice and dark), but the surprise was Judging by the interior it looks like a rock an even better golden ale called New pub (is there any such thing?) [Try the Free- Resolution, alas with no brewery name on bird next time—Ed.], anyway after a very the pump clip. After a chat with the warm welcome we ordered a Black Sheep landlord I was informed that the beer was Bitter and Monty Python's Holy Grail. A actually brewed by the pub’s owners, PLAN third beer was available plus Old Rosie B brewery. Not really being a drinker of cider. The welcome might have been warm light (in ABV also) beers I was impressed by but the pub was cold, though to be fair the the flavour so much we missed the bus. barman was in the process of lighting a fire. So what can one do? Got it: a pint and half We gave our thanks, turned left out of the of New Resolution please landlord. door across the High Street and roadworks PS you don't have to do this in the winter to the Golden Lion. With market stalls like some. outside this was a busy place with drinkers and diners, the ales drank were Pedigree Paul Dykta

Issue 32 | Spring 2018 | GetinvolvedinCAMRA’s bigdecision

Members’ WeekendAGM &Conference is in Coventry 20th—22ndApril 2018 CAMRAmembers will congregate at the University of Warwick, near Coventry,on 21st Apriltomakeone of themost important decisions in the organisation’s history. Therecommendations which emergedfollowing the two-year RevitalisationProjectwillbedebatedand puttothe vote. TheNational Executive is seekingto amend CAMRA’sarticlesofassociation, which requires75% of those voting to approvethem.Someare non-contentious, e.g. “1.Tosecurethe long term futureof inherently inferior products. real ale, real cider andrealperry by increasingtheirquality,availabilityand From the surveys carriedout as part of the popularity.” RevitalisationProjectitisbynomeans certainthatthe proposalswillachieve the Themostcontentiousproposals are4and required75% of votes. 5, which seek to widen CAMRA’sremit to represent allpubgoersand drinkers of Thereisstill time to register to attend the beer,cider andperry “of anytype” as it AGM, just go to if wouldembrace what is oftencalled“craft youcan’tbethereinperson, it is possible keg” beer,muchofwhich does notmeet to cast avotebyproxy.Detailsofthiswill ourdefinition of real ale. be sent to youbyemail and with March’s What’s Brewing. TheNational Executive seeitasessential in order to be increase ourclout to protect Youwillfind tons more information at pubs (aswithout pubs thereisnorealale), and to appeal more to ayounger this website hasbeen setupbythe constituency, who areembracingthe new National Executive so it is very “pro”the craftbeers (andnot joiningCAMRA). They proposals. insist that“CAMRAshould remain the TheMembers’Weekendisalsoagreat Campaign forRealAle”and “CAMRA way to meet other CAMRAmembers from shouldpromote the virtuesofwell across theUKand participate in CAMRA’s produced, wellkept, cask-conditionedbeer day-to-day policy making processes. as thepinnacleofthe brewer’scraft”. Come alongand join the debate. Dissenterssay CAMRA’smessage will become dilutedand that craftkeg beersare Andy Murray

24 | THEGREYHOUND CAMRAbranchPub of the Season Winter2015/16

In the CAMRAGoodBeer Guideevery yearsince2005 8RealAlesavailable,including adarkbeer 30 gins availablewithchoiceofFever-Treetonics Quiz nights Tuesday andSunday (entry just £1 perteam) Sky &BTSports Card payments accepted

Opening times: 4pm—11:30pmMon-Thu 4pm—12midnightFri 12noon—12midnightSat 12noon—11pmSun

TheGreyhound County Road, Stafford ST16 2PUTel:01785 222432 Steveand Bonita look forwardtoyour visit District News Pub of the Season Winter 2017-18 The Tavern, Denstone

If you travel north from Uttoxeter towards Ashbourne and take a left turn after passing JCB HQ you will reach the small rural village of Denstone in the Churnet valley. The village is overlooked by the Weaver Hills, the southernmost part of the Peak District. Most drivers miss the village centre, on their way to a certain well-known theme park the other side of the neighbouring village of Alton, but it is well worth a detour. Of course, as with all proper villages, it has a pub at the heart of eter sub-branch‘s Winter Pub of the Season its community, in this case the Tavern, a 2017-18 award on Monday 29th January by 17th century pub with an open fire and Simon Ardron, chair of Uttoxeter and which still retains some original features. District sub-branch. Simon said: Like most rural pubs it attracts visitors “For a winter pub of the season we were on from nearby towns and villages by the the lookout not just for great beer but a quality of its food but this has not warm welcoming atmosphere, the sort of prevented it from being a proper local, place any self-respecting real ale drinker where villagers and visitors alike can enjoy would be glad to walk into on a cold winter’s a good pint. There are 4 cask ales regularly day. The Tavern, with its welcoming real fire on tap from the Marston’s stable, usually and quality well-kept beers is just what we including at least one from the Ringwood were looking for.” brewery. The latest award is just the latest in a series the Uttoxeter sub-branch have given the Tavern. It was winner of the 2015 Spring Pub of the Season and 2016 Pub of the Year. So if you are north of Uttoxeter and don’t feel like being thrown round in mid-air at 80 miles an hour, why not pop in to Denstone village and sample what the Tavern has to offer.

Dave Scorer

The Tavern, College Road, Denstone, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire ST14 5HR Chris Podmore (above left), the landlord at Tel: 01889 590847 the Tavern was presented with the Uttox-

26 | UttoxeterBrewingCo. Abusytimefor thebrewery across the Christmasperiodsaw us post another record monthfor sales. In fact,aswepass ourtwelve monthanniversary it's stillhard to believehow much beer we havebrewed and distributed bearinginmindour current tiny brewing capacity. Massivethanksto everyone who has supported us, both landlordsand drinkers in thelocality. Special mentiontothe Horse&Dove in Uttoxetertownand the Dog &Partridge mash tun(pictured)was certainlyheavier Marchingtonfor helping us getestablished work than we've had to date! in the area. We werereally pleasedtosupply some firkinstothe Swan in Stone forthe firsttimejust before Christmasaswell. Thanksalsotothe support from CAMRAin both ourlocal Uttoxeterand Districtsub branch andHoS. Plans to increase ourcapacityand builda ‘propersize’ microbreweryinthe town continue to take shape. We hope to have newsabout new premises very soon.Aswe increase capacitywewillbeinstalling new, Thenextfew months will seeusfocused bigger brewing equipmentand with thatin on the expansion projectbut we'll be mindbothTom and Andy will be training working hardtokeep ourloyal customers up on techniques usedinlargerscale supplied with ourbeers.Ifeverythinggoes brewing.AspartofthatAndywas lucky to plan thesecondtwelve months of our enough to attend abrewday at The brewing life should certainlybeexciting. Cheers! Andy Ockleton Facebook:@UttoxeterBrewingCompany

Uttoxeter&District CAMRAmeets everymonth. OurAnnual General Meetingwill take placeonMonday9th Aprilatthe OldSwan, Uttoxeter, starting at 8pm. Forthose who liveout of thetown Outstanding Brewing CompanyinSalford in thereare otherpeopleand we maybe January.Brewing on their24bbl kitwas able to arrangetransport sharing. certainlyastepupfromwhat we're usedto Forfurtherdetails contactusvia but the experience gained was invaluable. Facebook or send an emailto Digging outhalfatonofgrain from the [email protected]

Issue32|Spring 2018 |

Advertisewith and reach2500+ real ale drinkersand pubgoersinthe heartofStaffordshire and beyond

Quarter page -£35 Half page -£55 Full page -£85 Book4issues andreceive a £5 discount perissue

TO BOOK EMAILANDY editor@heartofstaffordshirecamra. OR CALL 07814864 311 Next copy deadline: 12th MAY2018

Pottering around the Potteries

Despite winter coming in enshrouded by chairs”, whilst up a short flight of stairs to the darkness and being gripped in the acrid right is a more comfortable area, with sofas clutch of cold, a new year is meant to be a abounding. Two real ales are served from time for instituting a fresh start, a sign of hand-pumps, complemented by a good range optimism of better things to come; however, of canned and bottled beer. for the good CAMRA folk of the Potteries, Elsewhere in Newcastle, Thirsty Giraffe 2018 started as anything thus, with the opened its doors in the middle of December; devastating news that not one, but two of run along the lines of a microbar, this single- their local friends had passed away. After roomed pub houses a mixtures of stools, suffering from a nasty fall last year, Mike tables and chairs, plus a couple of rows of Harker succumbed to his illness and slipped away in January. I’m sure that there are other tributes to Mike elsewhere in this magazine; speaking from a personal point of view, it was with Mike that I first envisaged the idea of swapping short articles to include in the other’s branch magazine. I saw this as a way to keep the two branches in touch. I am pleased that this tradition has been maintained now that Andy is the esteemed editor of Beer at Heart. Then, a couple of weeks later, the shocking news broke that Sally Lavender had been taken; although Sally was mainly based comfortable bench seats along the back wall. around the Birmingham area, she had many The main interest, however, is the beer and friends in the Potteries branch and much here the Giraffe does not disappoint, with influence around these parts. Local CAMRA four ever-changing real ales on hand-pump, member Lorna Denny had known Sally since two bag-in-a-box real ciders, complemented schooldays and writes an affectionate and by a good range of British and foreign bottled moving tribute in the current Potter’s Bar; beer in the fridge, all watched over by the we in the Potteries raise a pint to the thirsty (and rather colourful) giraffe that sits memory of both Mike and Sally. atop the bar. Naturally, there is no better place to toast Up into the village of Penkhull, and The the memory of a member of CAMRA than in Manor Court Ale House opened its doors in a pub, and, happy to say, there have been a January; located next door to the noble few new pubs opening in the Potteries area Greyhound Inn, this is the second pub to be recently. In Newcastle, Mellards Bar opened opened by jovial John Rowlands, following on quietly last November; Mellards was once a from Johnys Micro Pub in . The famous DIY store in town and this smart, Manor Court is a comfortable little bar, with modern bar is housed in their old warehouse, most of the seating in the front area, located in Market Lane, the alleyway that encouraging customers to engage in connects Hassell Street to The Ironmarket. conversation. Beer-wise, there are two House Based on two levels, the bar is downstairs, real ales brewed by Staffordshire Brewery complete with some high, so-called “posing including the excellent Honeywall Stout, plus

Issue 32 | Spring 2018 | 31 Sally Lavender

We at Heart of Staffordshire branch were also deeply saddened by the unexpected and untimely death of Sally, who lived in our neighbouring branch to the north. A flamboyant figure two guest beers from elsewhere in the and never seen without one of 'er big 'ats, country. Very much a gain for Penkhull. Sally was a familiar face at CAMRA events So be it in a new venue or an established and festivals around the country. Amongst pub, wherever you choose to toast friends other things she did taste training around lost, it is hoped that the good folk to the the region and at the BBC Food & Drink south of The Wall have a great Spring, safe in Show, so many of us benefitted from her the knowledge that winter is quite a bit away expertise in beer and cider. In recognition yet. she had recently been invited onto CAMRA's national cider committee. Martin Perry Sadly missed. Editor, Potters Bar Phil Vickers


Beers available Oblivion: ABV 5.5 Black Hole: ABV 4.8 Alton Abbey: ABV 4.5 Chained Oak: ABV 4.2 Churnet Valley IPA: ABV 4.3 Pugin’s Gold: ABV 4.0 Nemesis: ABV 3.8 Also seasonal beers

Why not visit Crossways micropub, Uoxeter Road, Blythe Bridge, to sample our beers

Sales enquiries: David Edwards Tel: 07891 350908 Email: [email protected] WWW.PEAKSTONESROCK.CO.UK ContactUs Contacting HeartofStaffordshire branch Branchofficersprior to AGMon5th June: You Branchcontact(temporary): Neil Butler We endeavourtocontact allour members regularlyvia emailwith Address: 21 St.Lukes Close, Norton Bridge, Stone, StaffsST150PD.Tel:07810 142664 detailsofsocials,meetings,beer festivalsand news items. Chair: Neil Butler should be readily Secretary: Phil Vickers available from your localrealale puband is published in PDFonthe Treasurer: Dave Tomkinson branch websitebut if youwould like to take outapostal subscription for Membership Secretary: KellyPorter £4 peryear(to covercosts)please contact theEditor. SocialSecretary: KellyPorter Find us on Facebook: HeartofStaffordshireCAMRA SocialMedia: Kelly Porter Uttoxeter&District CAMRA Cider Officer: Neil Butler Thank Yous: Chris Bedford, Neil Butler, Paul Public Affairs Officer: Paul Hewitt Dykta, Robert Flood,PaulHewitt, Andy Ockleton,MartinPerry,Kelly Beer at HeartEditor: Andrew Murray Porter,DaveScorer, Dave Tomkinson, Phil Vickers,Warwick Webmaster: Martin White Printing andall ouradvertisers. Articles, letters andsuggestions for Clubs Officer: Paul Dykta thenextissuegratefully received by theEditor. Thenextissueof Pubs Officer: FrankBryden will appear in June 2018. Young MembersOfficer: vacant Consumer information If youhaveany complaintsovershort If you’re interested in takingonarole,orjoining measures etc. andhavenosatisfactionfrom thecommittee in ageneral capacity, please the pubinquestionpleasecontact contactthe Secretary or come to ourAGM. Staffordshire TradingStandards: Uttoxeter&District sub-branch Tel: 0300 111 8045 Branchcontact&Chair: SimonArdron E: Email: [email protected] Post: Staffordshire County Council, Website: 2Staffordshire Place, StaffordST162DH

Issue32|Spring 2018 | 33 ‘Doing the 19’ or could it be 88? Ever picked up the Good Beer Guide and wondered if it is possible to visit every pub included in that year’s book? Well, as mentioned in the latest edition of Beer mag- azine, one Duncan Mackay completed the feat in 2015 and last year came within three pubs of visiting every entry in the 2017 GBG. What is more remarkable is that he lives in Scotland and a 1,100-mile round trip away from the most westerly pub in Cornwall. Mr Mackay’s feat got me thinking, especially after voting for my choices for next year’s The Brush GBG and finding a fair few pubs on the the Crows, Timothy Taylor Landlord as well shortlist I either hadn’t visited or not as Doom Bar – and we left with a bottle of frequented since the 1980s. Could we (i.e. Lymestone Cherry Stone to enjoy at home. Diana and I) visit all 19 of Heart of Staffordshire’s entries in the 2018 guide From Oulton, it was back to Stone to another before the next one is published? Could we of our 2018 GBG entries which we’d not visit all of the Staffordshire’s 88 GBG pubs, previously visited, the Royal Exchange.A or is that target taking things too far? recent branch Pub of the Season, there is a Back in September, we headed for Gnosall range of Titanic beers plus Everards Tiger and more specifically George and the and several guest beers including, on our Dragon, our branch’s 2016 Pub of the Year. visit, 4T’s IPA and Lytham Brewery’s Lytham We do like micropubs, so, without thinking Blonde. I particularly liked the beer board about it at the time, we moved one step which has each ale giving the brewery, name, closer to ‘doing the 19’. ABV, price and a sketch describing its name. To move closer to our target, recently I took Diana on a mystery trip and the first stop was the Brushmakers Arms in Oulton, a pub that fell into our ‘hadn’t visited’ category. It is very much a traditional local pub with two rooms and during our visit the oche was being set up for darts. Three ales were on offer including two from Thwaites and Castle Rock’s Snowhite. Of course, it would have been rude not to move a few paces down the hill to the Diana and the Rex’s helpful beer board Wheatsheaf. Very much a country pub and restaurant with a nice interior, we were So I make that 14 of our 19 entries visited and made most welcome with plenty of chatting around 30 of Staffordshire entries. We’ll keep at the bar. Not in the GBG, it does serve real you updated! ale – they had Lymestone Brewery’s Stone Chris Bedford

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