TECHNICAL MEMO 1706C-1 DATE: July 24, 2017 TO: Ken Sun Prologis FROM: Margaret Berger, Principal Investigator RE: Cultural Resources Assessment for the Prologis Emerald Gateway Project, King County, Washington Log No.: 2017-06-04611 The attached short report form constitutes our final report for the above referenced project. Background research and field investigations did not identify any recorded or as yet unrecorded precontact cultural resources within the project. CRC completed historic property inventory forms for four structures that would be demolished. These buildings may be considered locally significant but they do not appear to meet historic register eligibility criteria. CRC recommends archaeological monitoring during ground disturbing activity should proposed project actions intersect native Holocene sediments. Please contact our office should you have any questions about our findings and/or recommendations. 1416 NW 46TH STREET, STE 105 PMB 346 SEATTLE, WA 98107 PHONE 206 855-9020 -
[email protected] CULTURAL RESOURCES REPORT COVER SHEET Author: Margaret Berger Title of Report: Cultural Resources Assessment for the Prologis Emerald Gateway Project, King County, Washington Date of Report: July 24, 2017 County(ies): King Section: 3 & 4 Township: 23 N Range: 4 E Quad: Seattle South, WA Acres: 62 PDF of report submitted (REQUIRED) Yes Historic Property Inventory Forms to be Approved Online? Yes No Archaeological Site(s)/Isolate(s) Found or Amended? Yes No TCP(s) found? Yes No Replace a draft? Yes No Satisfy a DAHP Archaeological Excavation Permit requirement? Yes # No Were Human Remains Found? Yes DAHP Case # No DAHP Archaeological Site #: • Submission of PDFs is required. • Please be sure that any PDF submitted to DAHP has its cover sheet, figures, graphics, appendices, attachments, correspondence, etc., compiled into one single PDF file.