Document Pack Committee and Members’ Services Section Rd 3 Floor, Adelaide Exchange 24-26 Adelaide Street Belfast BT2 8GD
Document Pack Committee and Members’ Services Section rd 3 Floor, Adelaide Exchange 24-26 Adelaide Street Belfast BT2 8GD 26 th February, 2009 MEETING OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMMITTEE Dear Councillor, The above-named Committee will meet in the Council Chamber, 3rd Floor, Adelaide Exchange on Wednesday, 4th March, 2009 at 4.30 pm, for the transaction of the business noted below. You are requested to attend. Yours faithfully PETER McNANEY Chief Executive AGENDA: 1. Routine Matters (a) Apologies (b) Minutes Minutes of the meeting of 4 th February 2. Directorate (a) Media Coverage (Pages 1 - 4) 3. Building Control (a) Energy Performance Certificate Enforcement (Pages 5 - 8) (b) Building Control Convention 2009 (Pages 9 - 10) (c) Applications for the Erection of Dual-Language Street Signs (Pages 11 - 12) (d) Naming of Street (Pages 13 - 14) - 2 - 4. Environmental Health (a) Appointment to Local Government Emergency Management Group's Radiation Monitoring Co-ordinating Committee (Pages 15 - 18) (b) Employment of Hate Crime Officer (Pages 19 - 116) (c) Tackling Health Inequalities Conference (Pages 117 - 122) (d) Response Plan for Suicide Clusters (Pages 123 - 132) 5. Waste Management (a) Tender for the Collection and Recycling of Mixed Timber from Recycling Centres (Pages 133 - 134) (b) Acceptance of Clays and Soils at the Former Dargan Road Landfill Site (Pages 135 - 138) (c) Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Conference (Pages 139 - 144) Page 1 Agenda Item 2a Belfast City Council Report to: Health and Environmental Services Committee Subject: Media Coverage Date: 4th March, 2009 Reporting Officer: Mr William Francey, Director of Health & Environmental Services, ext 3260 Contact Officer: Ms Joanne Lowry, Media Relations Officer, ext 6270 Relevant Background Information Members agreed that a quarterly report on media coverage would be brought to committee to keep members up to date on current issues.
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