IN SPORTS: Swampcats earn SCISA 3A baseball title shot B1 PANORAMA Are you smarter than a 5th grader? St. Anne & St. Jude team SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 wins state Quiz Bowl C1 WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 2017 $1.00 SUMTER SCHOOL DISTRICT Trump to Committees, confusion Comey: lead to long board meeting You’re fired WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres- ident Trump abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey Chairman, vice Tuesday, dramatically ousting the nation’s top law enforce- ment official in the midst of an chairwoman try FBI investigation into whether Trump’s cam- to resolve issues paign had ties to Russia’s med- BY BRUCE MILLS dling in the elec-
[email protected] tion that sent him to the White Sumter School District Board of House. Trustees faced two contentious issues COMEY In a letter to Monday at its regular monthly meet- Comey, Trump ing, but board members seemed to re- said the firing solve both before another extended was necessary to restore “pub- meeting night was over at 11:20 p.m. lic trust and confidence” in the First, the larger issue involved finan- FBI. Comey has come under cial consultant Scott Allan and the intense scrutiny in recent chief financial officer search process months for his public com- that he was told previously by the ments on an investigation into board to take up and lead. Democrat Hillary Clinton’s When Allan discussed the search email practices, including a process with the trustees Monday pair of letters he sent to Con- night, he informed the board he had RICK CARPENTER / THE SUMTER ITEM gress on the matter in the clos- formed a selection committee of dis- Sumter School District Board Chairman the Rev.