Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for the Monterey Bay Area the Associa on of Monterey Bay Area Governments August 2013
E V Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for the Monterey Bay Area The Associa on of Monterey Bay Area Governments August 2013 The prepara on of this document was funded by a grant awarded by the Monterey Bay Unifi ed Air Pollu on Control District (MUAPCD), as part of the AB2766 program. Project Staff Alan Romero, Monterey Bay Unifi ed Air Pollu on Control District (MBUAPCD) AMBAG Dawn Mathes, Monterey County Resource Management Agency (RMA) Paul Hierling, Planner Carl P. Holm, Monterey County RMA Cody Meyer, Planner Craig Spencer, Monterey County RMA Anais Schenk, Planner Mario Salazar, Monterey County RMA Jason Adelaars, GIS Michael Ricker, City of Salinas Ecology Ac on Veronica Lezama, San Benito Council of Piet Canin, Vice President, Transporta on Governments Group Tegan Speiser, Santa Cruz County RTC Emily Glanville, Program Specialist Michael Zeller, TAMC Monterey Bay Unifi ed Air James Wasserman, Zero Motorcycles, Plug- Pollu on Control District In America Alan Romero, Air Quality Planner III Megan Tolbert, CSU Monterey Bay EV Communi es Alliance Piet Canin, Ecology Ac on Richard Corcoran, PEV Owner Richard Schorske, CEO Teresa Buika, UC Santa Cruz Previous staff contributors Richard Schorske, EV Communi es Alliance John Doughty Randy Deshazo, Principal Planner Linda Meckel, Planner, Project Manager MBEVA Plug-In Electric Vehicle Coordina ng Council Sharon Sarris, Green Fuse Energy Kris Markey, Offi ce of Monterey County Supervisor Parker Andy Hartmann, Interna onal Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Cheryl Schmi , City of Santa Cruz For more informa on regarding this study, contact Anais Schenk at aschenk@ambag.org 2 E V Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for the Monterey Bay Area Execu ve Summary..............................................................................................................................................
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