
TRI WULAN SARI 01620130049

A Thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Diplomacy Studies




This thesis entitled “ATTRACTING INCOMING JAPANESE TOURIST: THE FAILURE OF INDONESIA PUBLIC DIPLOMACY IN PROMOTING WONDERFUL INDONESIA AS A NATION BRANDING (2014-2016)” prepared and submitted by Tri Wulan Sari in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense.

Cikarang, Indonesia, May 23, 2017

Recommended and Acknowledge by,

Hendra Manurung, S.IP., MA.



I declare that this thesis, entitled “Attracting Incoming Japanese Tourist: The Failure of Indonesia Public Diplomacy in Promoting Wonderful Indonesia as a Nation Branding (2014-2016)” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree.

Cikarang, Indonesia, May, 2017

Tri Wulan Sari




The panel of examiners declare that the thesis entitled “Attracting Incoming Japanese Tourist: The Failure of Indonesia Public Diplomacy in Promoting Wonderful Indonesia as a Nation Branding (2014-2016)” that was submitted by Tri Wulan Sari majoring in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examination on May 23, 2017.

Dr. Phil. Rexa A. A. Wattimena, S.S., M.Hum Chair – Panel of Examiners

Riski M. Baskoro, S.Sos., MA Examiner

Hendra Manurung, SIP., MA Thesis Adviser



By : Tri Wulan Sari Adviser : Hendra Manurung, S.IP., MA and Riski M. Baskoro, S.Sos., MA


Indonesia tourism defines as a medium in implementing public diplomacy conducted by Indonesian Government. In public diplomacy, Indonesian Government through Indonesia Tourism Ministry delivers message directly and/or indirectly to Japanese in order to increase nation branding in the sector of tourism. The research question will be how Indonesia implemented its public diplomacy on attracting Japanese tourists during the time framework 2014 to 2016. The study is using the theory of Mark Leonard on public diplomacy and Simon Anholt on nation branding. Indonesian Government in this study is using Wonderful Indonesia as a tourism brand in attracting Japanese tourists. The increasing of level awareness towards Indonesia tourism nation branding could be gained by adapting Simon Anholt’s concepts. Anholt’s concept promotes a nation strategy in which Indonesia is implementing Marketing Framework, and then the substance is defined as Indonesia policy regarding tourism. The policy is reflected to the Law Number 10 Year 2009. Both strategy and substance are related each other to realize Wonderful Indonesia as a symbol of action. The branding of Wonderful Indonesia is seen as an effective way in order to attract foreign tourist especially Japanese tourist. The purpose of Wonderful Indonesia branding is to increase awareness of Indonesia tourism to international society, Japanese in particular. The increasing of nation branding leads into the increasing number of Japanese tourists in Indonesia.

Keywords: Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, Indonesia Tourism, Wonderful Indonesia, Indonesia, Japan



Oleh : Tri Wulan Sari Pembimbing : Hendra Manurung, S.IP., MA and Riski M. Baskoro, S.Sos., MA

Judul Penelitian: “MENARIK WISATAWAN JEPANG: KEGAGALAN DIPLOMASI PUBLIK INDONESIA DALAM MEMPROMOSIKAN WONDERFUL INDONESIA SEBAGAI NATION BRANDING (2014- 2016)” Pariwisata Indonesia didefinisikan sebagai media dalam langkah penerapan diplomasi publik yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. Dalam diplomasi publik, Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian Pariwisata menyampaikan pesan secara langsung dan/atau tidak langsung ke Negara Jepang untuk meningkatkan branding negara di sektor pariwisata. Sehingga penelitian ini akan menganalisis bagaimana Indonesia menerapkan diplomasi publiknya untuk menarik wisatawan Jepang dalam rangka waktu 2014 sampai 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Mark Leonard dalam pandangannya terhadap diplomasi publik dan Simon Anholt mengenai nation branding. pemerintah Indonesia dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Wonderful Indonesia sebagai merek pariwisata dalam menarik wisatawan Jepang. Meningkatnya tingkat kesadaran terhadap citra negara pariwisata Indonesia dapat diperoleh dengan mengadaptasi konsep Simon Anholt. Setelah menerapkan konsep Anholt, dapat ditunjukkan bahwa strategi bangsa Indonesia ialah menerapkan Kerangka Pemasaran, dan substansi yang dimaksud didefinisikan sebagai kebijakan Indonesia mengenai pariwisata. Kebijakan tersebut tercermin pada Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2009. Kedua strategi dan substansi tersebut saling terkait untuk mewujudkan Wonderful Indonesia sebagai simbol tindakan. Branding Wonderful Indonesia dipandang sebagai cara yang efektif untuk menarik wisatawan mancanegara terutama turis Jepang. Tujuan dari branding Wonderful Indonesia adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pariwisata Indonesia kepada masyarakat internasional, khususnya Jepang. Meningkatnya nation branding Indonesia dapat mempengaruhi jumlah turis Jepang di Indonesia.

Keywords: Diplomasi Publik, Nation Branding, Pariwisata Indonesia, Wonderful Indonesia, Indonesia, Japan



Bismillahirrohmanirrohim Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin

Great gratitude send to Allah SWT, for the gracious blessing in helping me finishing this thesis entitled: “Attracting Incoming Japanese Tourist: The Failure of Indonesia Public Diplomacy in Promoting Wonderful Indonesia as a Nation Branding (2014-2016)”. This thesis is as a requirement in accomplishing the degree of Bachelor in the Faculty of Humanities, President University, Indonesia. I would like to thank all of those below mentioned and unmentioned, who have contributed to this research.

First and foremost, thanks to my beloved parents, Brigjen Pol (P) Drs. H. Mohammad Nian Syafuddin, SH.M.Si and Hj. Arzaliea, for always praying and supporting me during the thesis writing. Without those, I will never finish the thesis. For my beloved sister Eka Puji Sukmasari, SH, my beloved brother in law Sandy Arifin, SH, my beloved brother Guntur Eka Putra Widya Dharma, A.Md, A.Md, and my beloved nephew Isra Maschel Arifin, Nasya Ashera Arifin, and Rafa Arnian Arifin. Thank you so much for your all support. I really love my family, and I am so proud of having you all!

Second to both of my advisors, to Mr. Hendra Manurung, S.IP., MA and Mr. Riski M. Baskoro, MA, I would like to send my biggest gratitude for your support in guiding and assisting me in this research making process. Thank you for being patient spending time and energy for me in teaching me with all my weakness. I will never forget how inspiring it is for me seeing how great both of my advisors are. From the deepest of my heart, once again I would like to send my unlimited gratitude to both of you. Last but not least, to all lecturers in President University for all the knowledge given to me. I will make sure to make it useful in the future.

Special thanks to my beloved Kae Riska Nurhayati, Rayang Dombret Amiriyanti, Mae Rahma Yustika Dewi, Jijiya Putri Dini Azizi, and as my third

vi advisor for not only helping me, but also supporting me finishing my thesis as soon as possible. Whenever I get stuck, these girls is always there finding a way for me to continue writing my research Maybe without these girls, I would probably have given up and this thesis will never be finished.

To my extraordinary girl group, Princess Disney: Juleha Rahmi Zuha Emdi, Cece Sindy Mega Rosita, Nci Mey Rika Melayana, Bocah Riani Septi Hertini, Sist Tumet Ulfa Dwinda Umar, Cae Nurfaesyah, Kae Riska Nurhayati, Rayang Dombret Amiriyanti, Mae Rahma Yustika Dewi, Jijiya Putri Dini Azizi. My girls who have been crazy with me for the whole 3,5 years. You guys cry whenever I cry, you laugh whenever I laugh, and that what is friendship all about. I hope this friendship last forever. Can’t wait to see us as the sexy young mommies walking down the street, holding hands with our handsome future husband who is carrying our baby strollers. Also thank you to my additional group members, my beloved Keluarga Cendana; Rama, Dwiki, Jeff, Abdul, Dustin, Pepeb, Dhani, and Jeky. You guys were entertaining when I felt down and also you guys must be the first person I was looking for, and you are always there for me. I hope all of us can be successful in the future. Amiin!

My best friend since kinder garden, Rizki Amalia Ramadhani, Terry Dio Istiawan, Rosita, and Resha Bayu. Thanks for always gave me thousands of kinds of motivation to lift up my spirit during my research. My Friends in Thesis Struggle: Dian, Nurul, Fenny, Rina, Winny, Fanny, Widya, Tiffany, Faza, Corry, Mila, Sefa, Nanda, Safira, Stefan, Romi, Ario, Sara, Rike and Afif. Finally, the researcher surrenders everything to Allah SWT and hopes it will be a useful thing for the researcher herself and for all to improve educational quality.

Cikarang, May 23, 2017

Tri Wulan Sari



THESIS ADVISER ...... i RECOMMENDATION LETTER ...... i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ...... ii PANEL OF EXAMINER ...... iii APPROVAL SHEET ...... iii ABSTRACT ...... iv ABSTRAK ...... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... vi CHAPTER I ...... 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 I.1 Background of The Study ...... 1 I.2 Problem Identification ...... 5 I.3 Statement of Problem ...... 6 I.4 Research Objective ...... 6 I.5 The Significant of The Study ...... 7 I.6 Theoretical Framework ...... 8 I.6.1 Public Diplomacy ...... 9 I.6.2 Nation Branding ...... 11 I.7 Scope and Limitation of Study ...... 16 I.8 Definition of Terms ...... 17 I.9 Research Methodology ...... 17 I.10 Thesis Structure ...... 18 Chapter I: Introduction...... 18 Chapter II: The Overview of “Wonderful Indonesia” ...... 18 Chapter III: Indonesia Public Diplomacy in Japan through its Tourism Destination ...... 19 Chapter IV: Attracting Incoming Japanese Tourist: The Failure of Indonesia Public Diplomacy in Promoting Wonderful Indonesia as a Nation Branding (2014-2016) ...... 19 Chapter V: Conclusion...... 19


CHAPTER II ...... 20 THE OVERVIEW OF “WONDERFUL INDONESIA” ...... 20 II.1 Actors of “Wonderful Indonesia” ...... 22 II.1.1 Indonesia Tourism Ministry ...... 23 II.1.2 Stakeholder ...... 33 II.1.3 Society ...... 39 CHAPTER III ...... 46 INDONESIA PUBLIC DIPLOMACY IN JAPAN THROUGH ITS TOURISM DESTINATION ...... 46 III.1 Indonesia – Japan Bilateral Cooperation on Tourism Sector ...... 47 III. 2 Indonesia Tourism Policy ...... 51 III.2.1 Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 Year 2009 ...... 52 III.2.2 Free Visa ...... 55 III.2.3 CAIT ...... 57 III.2.4 Cabotage Cruise ...... 59 III.3 Indonesia Tourism Development Planning ...... 60 III.3.1 RPJPN ...... 60 III.3.2 RIPPARNAS ...... 65 CHAPTER IV ...... 69 ATTRACTING INCOMING JAPANESE TOURIST: THE FAILURE OF INDONESIA PUBLIC DIPLOMACY IN PROMOTING WONDERFUL INDONESIA AS A NATION BRANDING ...... 69 VI.1 Strategy on Indonesia Marketing Framework ...... 75 VI.2 Substance on Attracting Japanese Tourists through Policy ...... 87 VI.3 Wonderful Indonesia Symbol Action ...... 91 VI.4 Increased Reputation from Incoming Tourists ...... 92 VI.5 Strength and Challenges of Indonesia Tourism Ministry ...... 94 CHAPTER V ...... 100 CONCLUSION ...... 100 BIBLIOGRPAHY ...... 102 APPENDIX ...... 108



Figure I.I The Logical Flow of Theoretical Framework…………………………..8 Figure I.2 Anholt’s Nation Branding Framework………………………………..14 Figure I.3 The Possible Relationship Between Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding………………………………………………………………………….15 Figure II.1 Logo of Visit Indonesia………………………………………………21 Figure II.2 Logo of Wonderful Indonesia………………………………………..21 Figure II.3 Structure Organization of Indonesia Tourism Ministry……………...24 Figure II.4 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Promoting Strategy…………………….27 Figure II.5 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Media Placement Strategy...... 30 Figure II.6 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Media Placement Strategy…………….31 Figure II.7 Structure Organization Deputy of Development International………32 Figure II.8 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Google………………………….33 Figure II.9 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in You Tube……………………….34 Figure II.10 Placement Wonderful Indonesia In Banner………………………...36 Figure II.11 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Poster………………………….37 Figure II.12 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Event…………………………..37 Figure II.13 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Family Trip……………………38 Figure II.14 Endorser…………………………………………………………….41 Figure II.15 Endorser…………………………………………………………….42 Figure III.1 Logical Flow of RIPPARNAS NO. 50 YEAR 2011………………..69 Figure IV.1 Anholt’s Nation Branding Framework……………………………...73 Figure IV.2 The Implementation of Anholt’s Concept towards Indonesia Tourism (Constructed by Researcher)………………………………………………….… 73 Figure IV.3 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Promotion Strategy…………………...78 Figure IV.4 Branding Wonderful Indonesia Placement………………………….80


Figure IV.5 Branding and Advertising Wonderful Indonesia Placement………..80 Figure IV.6 Selling Wonderful Indonesia Placement……………………………81 Figure IV.7 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Google………………………...83 Figure IV.8 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in You Tube……………………...83 Figure IV.9 Influencer Trip on Instagram……………………………………….85 Figure IV.10 Festival Wonderful Indonesia in Japan…………………………....91 Figure IV.11 Foreign Tourist Visit to Indonesia………………………………..92



Table II.1 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Marketing Framework………………….25 Table II.2 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Promotion Strategy……………………..29 Table II.3 The Overview of Wonderful Indonesia……………………………….45 Table III.1 RPJPN 2015-2019……………………………………………………65 Table IV. 1 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Marketing Framework………………..76



AIDA Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action ASEAN Association of South East Asia Nation BAS Branding or Public Relations, Advertising, Selling CAIT Clearance Approval for Indonesian territory DMC Destination Management Company DOT Destination, Origin, Tune JATA Japan Association of Travel Agents KSPN Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional (National Tourism Strategic Area) PDIP Pembangunan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata (Strategic Plan for Tourism Industry) POSE Paid Media, Owned Media, Social Media, Endorser RIPPARDA Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Daerah (Regional Tourism Development Master Plan) RIPPARNAS Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Nasional (National Tourism Development Master Plan) RPJMN Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (National Middle-Term Development Plan) RPJPN Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (National Long-Term Development Plan) U.S. United States VITO Visit Indonesia Tourism Officers UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization




I.1 Background of The Study

According Mark Leonard, public diplomacy is way to build relations by an understanding generally requirements, culture, society and also about the communication of perspective, provide good reason for the un-perception in International society, find out the field of government can get the same perspective.1 Public diplomacy also defines as the way of a country to attract public opinion or a leader opinion from other countries in order to achieve an aim of foreign policy.2

The one example country that implemented public diplomacy is Indonesia. The profile of Indonesia itself is, Indonesia as a fourth place in terms of countries with the largest population in this world which populated with around 225 million people. Indonesian geographically, has more than 17,508 islands as an archipelago country that located between Asia Ocean and Australian ocean and also between Pacific Ocean and Indies Ocean and in equatorial line.3

Besides that, Indonesia has nature, culture and manmade that can promote and attract foreign tourists visit to Indonesia. Indonesia can give the positive impact through the tourism. It is significant in order to develop and promote the country's image throughout the world. 4

1 Mark Leonard, with Catherine Stead and Conrad, Public Diplomacy,“The Foreign Policy Center”. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 2 Jarol B Manheim, 1990, Strategic Public Diplomacy: The Evolution of Influence, Oxford University Press, New York, p.4. 3 Portal Nasional Republik indonesia: Geografi Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 March 2017 from: 4 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Tourism in Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


Tourism is an action that involves a society in the country and gives a positive impact for the country and surrounding society.5 Tourism is entire an actions that related to the journey and has some actors that involved through the tourism which established as the demand of society and country, interaction between tourists with a local society, interaction each tourists, local government, and also entrepreneur.6

Tourism development in Indonesia has significant role in effort to encourage some events in the field of economic, enhance image of Indonesia, increase welfare of society, and provide expansion of job demand.7 The events of tourism offer a positive impact through the foreign exchange with a view from the number foreign tourists visit to Indonesia.

In line with explanation before, tourism also play significant role in order to promote nation identity and encourage society to proud of cultural wealth by introduced products in a country such as; arts, culture, properties, uniqueness of nature and sea, and also encourage society to preservation the natural environment and traditional cultural. Furthermore, tourism play a significant role in increasing foreign exchange by seek an increase number of tourist and increase average expanding by foreign tourists in Indonesia.8

The complexities of tourism industry influence Indonesia to form Ministry of Tourism that manages entire actions through the tourism. Indonesia Tourism Ministry has several Deputies that have function in order to promote the tourism toward foreign country.9

Indonesia has a logo of tourism which is Wonderful Indonesia. Wonderful Indonesia used in order to promote Indonesia tourism around the world and to

5 Indonesia Tourism. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 6 Antariksa, Basuki, 2005, Kebijakan Pembangunan Kepariwisataan: Pengembangan Kepariwisataan yang Berkelanjutan dan Perlindungan Kekayaan Intelektual. 7 Kementerian Pariwisata Repilik indonesia. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 8 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Laporan Akuntablitias Kinerja Kemeneterian Pariwisata (2015). Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 9 Kementerian Pariwisata Repiblik Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:

2 increase the awareness of foreign tourists and also to attract foreign tourists to visit Indonesia.10 According Indonesia Tourism Ministry, Wonderful Indonesia have fifth criteria such as; Wonderful Nature, Wonderful Culture, Wonderful People, Wonderful Food, and Wonderful Value for Money.11

Meanwhile, in other country also have logo through the tourism itself such as in Malaysia “Malaysia Truly Asia”, Singapore “Your Singapore”, Thailand “Amazing Thailand, Always Amaze You”, Philippines “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”, and also Vietnam “Vietnam, Timeless Charm”.12

Thus logo can use as a nation branding in order to develop and promote the country's image throughout the world. According to Simon Anholt, the importance of nation branding which can give impact to other country and the reputation of countries itself. Nation branding has purpose in order to enhance nation’s competitiveness, progress, prosperity, and good management in a country.13

Furthermore, Wonderful Indonesia as a tool of Indonesia Tourism Ministry on attracting Japanese Tourist visits to Indonesia. Based on the marketing concept in Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA), Indonesia Tourism Ministry consider the verification of effectiveness and promotion toward country focused on main market, including Japan need to increase. Therefore, since 2015 Indonesia Tourism Ministry increased the budget in the field of awareness and branding activities through “Wonderful Indonesia” with an allocation 50% from the total of budget.14

10 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm. 11 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Wonderful Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 12 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, at 3rd floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm. 13 Anholt, Simon (2011) "Beyond the Nation Brand: The Role of Image and Identity in International Relations," Exchange: The Journal of Public Diplomacy: Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 1. 14 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta


In accordance with explanation before, the purpose of Wonderful Indonesia is to increase awareness of Indonesia tourism in foreign country. Certainly, with the success of the proposed will give an impact on Japanese tourist visit to Indonesia.15

In April 1958, Indonesia builds bilateral relations with Japan.16 In June 2003, Indonesia and Japan also joint announcement cooperation through tourism.17 Both countries, related to the Indonesia and Japan government have purpose in order to strengthen the foundation of cooperation in various field, especially in the field of tourism also visitor of the leader and parliament from both countries are quite high.18

Indonesia tourism policy is reflected on: Tourism Law No. 10, the year 2009.19 Indonesia government has the vision in order to increasing the welfare and quantity of Indonesia through the tourism. There are several missions to implement the vision itself which are; encourage the development of region, can compete with other country, and develop the International tourism. The development of tourism will be focusing in the field of cultural, history, nature, and eco-tourism. Japan is the one country which targeted in development of Indonesia tourism destination.20

Supported by explanation before, in June 2015, H.E. Arief Yahya as Indonesian Tourism Ministry stated about the government policy in effort to promote tourism and facilitate foreign tourists visit to Indonesia. Arief Yahya also

Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central , 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 15 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, at 3rd floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm. 16 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 17 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 18 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, Jepang Merangkap Federasi Micronesia: Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia dengan Jepang. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 19 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Kebijakan: Rencana Induk. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 20 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Kebijakan Rencana Strategis Kepariwisataan. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:

4 stated a government policy based on Presidential Decree No.69 year 2015 about free visa for 45 countries to visit to Indonesia.21 Thus free visa for foreign tourists that visit to Indonesia in short period in order to do vacation. It can attract foreign tourists visit to Indonesia that can give positive impact in increasing the number of tourist that coming to Indonesia.22

In effort to increase a foreign tourist visit to Indonesia, Indonesia’s government established Visit Indonesia Tourism Officers (VITO) in foreign country, including Japan. 23 Indonesia has wonderful nature, culture, and destinations that give positive impact in effort to strengthen the tourism sector which makes society around the world wants to learn more about Indonesia tourism. That is why Indonesia government implements the public diplomacy in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” as a nation branding on attracting Japanese tourists’ period 2014 until 2016.

I.2 Problem Identification

In order to promote Indonesia tourism on attracting Japanese tourists, Indonesia and Japan joint announcement on tourism cooperation in Tokyo on 23rd June 2003. 24 Indonesia has strong vision in effort to increase the number of tourists that will visit to Indonesia by promoting its tourism sector throughout the world. In order to attract Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia, Indonesia Tourism Ministry has the strategy in order to attract foreign tourists to visit Indonesia. In this thesis, the researcher will analyze the implementation of public diplomacy in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” as a nation branding on attracting Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia. This research aims to describe and to explain how

21 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Siaran Pers Menpar Arief Yahya Promosikan "Wonderful Indonesia" Melalui Fasilitas Bebas Visa Bagi Wisman. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 22 Indonesia Tourism Sector: Rising Foreign Exchange Earnings. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: rising-foreign-exchange-earnings/item7547# 23 Indonesia Tourism: Visit Indonesia 2008. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 24 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Joint Announcement on Tourism Cooperation between Japan and the Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


Indonesia optimizes their tourism performance as part of public diplomacy in promoting their country on attracting more visitors from overseas.

I.3 Statement of Problem

This research aims in provides an explanation of the implementation of public diplomacy in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” as a nation branding on attracting Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia period 2014 until 2016.

This research will shown the strategy of Indonesia Tourism Ministry toward Japan in effort to promote its tourism. Indonesia has the potential of nature, and culture, so that will be known to International community.25 Based on what have been stated above, the statement of this research is as follows:

Topic: This research is an analysis of Indonesia Public Diplomacy in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” as a nation branding on attracting Japanese tourists’ period 2014 until 2016.

Question: How did Indonesia implement its public diplomacy to attract incoming Japanese tourists through “Wonderful Indonesia” Promotion (2014 – 2016)?

I.4 Research Objective

The objective of this research is to understand the implementation of public diplomacy in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” as a nation branding on attracting Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia period 2014 until 2016, which will be explained in a descriptive manner. This implementation is significant for government policy in tourist sector and can be contribute the subsequently policy. Also in this research, it uses to find out what happened public diplomacy

25 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Peluncuran Wonderful Indonesia Program. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: pers/Pages/Peluncuran-Program-Wonderful-Indonesia-Year-2008- aspx


Indonesia in 2014 until 2016. Moreover, it also use to see the effort of Indonesia Tourism Ministry in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” toward Japan and to get knowledge on how Indonesia conducting its public diplomacy.

I.5 The Significant of The Study

The significances of the study in regard to the aforementioned topic above are: 1. To understand Indonesia Public Diplomacy implementation through “Wonderful Indonesia” on attracting Japanese tourists. 2. To enhance knowledge of Indonesia Public Diplomacy implementation in field of tourism toward Japan.


I.6 Theoretical Framework






Figure I.1 The Logical Flow of Theoretical Framework


I.6.1 Public Diplomacy

Many countries around the world used public diplomacy as their tools in conducting their International Relations. In order to achieve national interest, Indonesia use public diplomacy. In effort to pursue the national interest of tourism sector, Indonesia use public diplomacy. Indonesian has seen as the strategic country throughout the world for tourism sector because Indonesia has a wonderful nature, cultural diversity, and ethnic.26

According Mark Leonard, public diplomacy is way to build relations with understanding a common need, culture, society and also about the communication of perspective, give good reason for the un- perception in International society, find out the field of government can get the same perspective.27 Public diplomacy also defines as the way of a country to attract public opinion although the leader from other country in order to achieve an aim of foreign policy.28

Mark Leonard describes four goals of public diplomacy in 21st century, such as:

1. Increase a sense of awareness; change the image about their countries. 2. Increase a sense of appreciation, creating good perception to make an issue of public of the country. 3. Improve a relation with other countries, in the field of education, tourism, also the culture of their countries which can be adopted and can be understood. 4. Influencing a public behavior in effort to increase the support from society through the position of a country.29

26 Indonesia Tourism. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 27 Public Diplomacy, Mark Leonard with Catherine Stead and Conrad, “The Foreign Policy Center”. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 28 Jarol B Manheim, 1990, Strategic Public Diplomacy: The Evolution of Influence, Oxford University Press, New York, p 4. 29 Mark Leonard, with Catherine Stead and Conrad, Public Diplomacy,“The Foreign Policy Center”. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


Concept public diplomacy has two implication, first public as the object, which mean public in other state is object or purpose from state diplomacy. Second, public in domestic level follow the activity of state diplomacy or government and public as the subject.30

Edward R. Murrow as a diplomat also journalist established the public diplomacy academy in Tufts University, 1965. The name of that academy is Edward Murrow Center of Public Diplomacy. 31 As a conceptual, Gullion define a public diplomacy as follow:

“Public Diplomacy . . . deals with the influence of public attitudes on the formation and execution of foreign policies. It encompasses dimension of International relations beyond traditional diplomacy; the cultivation by government of public opinion in other countries; the interaction of private groups and interest in one country; with those of another; the reporting of foreign affairs and its impact on policy; communication between those whose job is communication as between diplomat and foreign correspondents; and the process of inter-cultural communication”.32

Through this public diplomacy, public opinion can play the role to support the state policy.33 One of the reasons of public involvement is based on the assumption that the government is not always be able to meet the challenges in the diplomatic issues that are increasingly complex nature of the first inherent characteristic of the government is rigid. In the Foreign Policy article 2002.34

Public diplomacy believes on two-way communication which means that Indonesia’s public diplomacy efforts to Japan should be as significant as Japan’s public diplomacy in Indonesia and vice versa. In public diplomacy, government always has control and significant role

30 Effendi, Tonny Dian, 2011, Diplomasi Publik Jepang Perkembangan dan Tantangan. Bogor.P.6 31 Public Diplomacy Association, “What is Public Diplomacy?” Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 32 Gullion (1965). Public Diplomacy: A Historical Overview. 33Daniell S. Papp (2007), Contemporary International Relations, Frameworks for Understanding. 34 Mark Leonard, with Catherine Stead and Conrad, Public Diplomacy,“The Foreign Policy Center”. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


towards public diplomacy activity.35 The existence of embassy in all over the world will facilitate the success of branding the nations.

Indonesia has been doing a lot of actions to support the good image which helped by the government to non-government, business, or global community. Indonesia and Japan relations have existed since the beginning of the independence of Indonesia. Hence, this study will analyze the implementation of Indonesia’s Public Diplomacy in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” as a nation branding on attracting Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia period 2014 until 2016.

In this thesis, the researcher focus on how the implementation of the Indonesia Tourism Ministry strategy in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” and eliminate the two process behind and after the implementation, which are the decision making process and the evaluation of the policy.36

I.6.2 Nation Branding

Simon Anholt is the one scholars of nation branding from several Eastern European countries and also he known as “father” of nation branding.37 Nation branding also emerged because of combination from political, cultural, sociological and historical approaches to identity. Here the definition of nation branding that refers to the strategy and tools for nation state38. In line with explanation before, nation branding also has four different sources such as: country origin, place or destination branding, public diplomacy and national identity in order to enhance

35 Mark Leonard, with Catherine Stead and Conrad, Public Diplomacy,“The Foreign Policy Center”. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 36 Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia di Tokyo, Jepang Merangkap Federasi Micronesia: Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia-Jepang. Retrieved from: 37 Szondi, Gyorgi. (2008), Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences, Discussion Paper in Diplomacy, Netherland Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, Netherland, p.2. 38 Szondi, Gyorgi. (2008), Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences, Discussion Paper in Diplomacy, Netherland Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, Netherland, p.4


nation’s competitiveness.39 In a simply way nation branding define as a concern applying branding and marketing communication to promote nation image.40

The other definition of nation branding from Gudjonsson (2005), he stated that nation branding related to the image promotion, place branding, and as the ultimate goal. In here government play a role as the initiatives of nation branding indirect involvement and influence.

“Nation branding occurs when a government or a private company uses its power to persuade whoever has the ability to change a nation’s image. Nation branding uses the tools of branding to alter or change the behavior, attitudes, identity or image of a nation in a positive way”.41

The conceptualized independently of nation branding can be define as the strategy of country in effort to achieve the reputation image through economic, politic, and social interest promotion at home and aboard. Nation branding can be successful if the brand is lived in a society. Anholt has the massage about the nation branding itself, as follows:

“Country branding occurs when public speaks to public; when a substantial proportion of the population of the country – not just civil servants and paid figureheads – gets behind the strategy and lives it out in their everyday dealings with the outside world”.42

Nowadays, nation branding is an significant concept throughout the world. Countries in this world should compete with others in the field of government of other nations, attention, consumers, donors, immigrants, respect and trust on investors, media and tourism. 43 As the power of country and has the good image can provides competitive advantages.

39 Anholt, Simon. (2002). Policy advisor, Superbrands: What is a Nation Brand? 40 Fan (2006:6). Nation Branding. 41 Szondi, Gyorgi. (2008), Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences, Discussion Paper in Diplomacy, Netherland Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, Netherland, p.5. 42 Ibid. 43 Anholt, Simon. (2002). Policy advisor, Superbrands: What is a Nation Brand?


Thus things are significant for countries on how they are seen by publics throughout the world; how their assets and liabilities, their achievements and failures, their people and products are represent their country image.44

Nation brand made communicable, forceful, substantial and useful. It is part of intellectual property that every nation possesses, on how to develop, exploit and protect they are the key for translating the insubstantial wealth of Indonesia into economic sustainable growth and International respect.45

Concept of nation branding is the simple concepts as the public perception of a country in six field such as; export, culture and heritage, government, investment and immigration, national competition, people and tourism.46 Thus six brand successes entering into practice and theory. Tourism is the one significant action in playing a role to support nation branding. In his book "Place, Identity, Image, and Reputation", he stated that countries are judged by what they do, not by what they say, as they have always been.47

Anholt explained that a state can present and give positive image throughout the world if the nation branding is effective and efficient. Nowadays media is the most crucial tools in create public opinion; through media can provide the accessibilities in access the information easier, and free in giving opinion. Based on Anholt's book, there are three main components over the success of nations branding as the concept which are: strategy, substance and symbolic actions. 48 Anholt’s nation branding framework in gaining a country’s nation brand can be seen in the figure below:

44 Anholt, Simon. (2002). What is a Nation Brand? Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from 45 Anholt, Simon. (2002). What is a Nation Brand? 46 Fan, Ying. (2010). Branding The Nation: Towards a better understanding. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 6(2), 97-108. 47 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 48 Ibid.



Figure I.2 Anholt’s Nation Branding Framework49

First, Simon Anholt defined the strategy in order to get nation branding which a nation is and where it stands today (both in reality and according to internal and external perceptions); through that knowledge, a nation will decide what they purpose and how to achieve that purpose.50 A nation should know their own identity before they present throughout the world, then they can decided their purpose and decided on how to achieve their purpose. Substance is the implementation of that strategy.51

The implementation based in the field of economic, culture, social, politic, new education, innovation, business, law, reformation, institution and policy are the substance that can bring to the development that desired. In the field of strategy and substance should have action that can effectively through the reputation of a nation52. Symbol action is the type of action that has strong communication in explains national stories.53

When all three of the components are met, a country’s reputation will be improved and the international level will recognize it as positive image. In the case of Indonesia’s public diplomacy in promoting brand tourism of Indonesia, it can be assumed that image is one of both countries’ national interests, which each government would like to address. In order to improve its reputation, Indonesia will conduct a sequence of nation branding concept. Theoretical framework may enable the researcher to

49 Anholt, Simon. (2004). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. 50 Anholt, Simon. (2002). Policy advisor, Superbrands: What is a Nation Brand? 51 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 52 Anholt, Simon. (2002). Policy advisor, Superbrands: What is a Nation Brand? 53 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan.


specify which key variables influence a phenomenon54, and will help the researcher to answer her research question

As well as Simon Anholt, Szondi also tried to differentiate between public diplomacy and nation branding. He stated that there are five differences between public diplomacy and nation branding.55

Figure I.3 The possible relationship between public diplomacy and nations branding56

In the first type, he stated that there are difference between public diplomacy and nation branding.57 In the second type, Szondi stated that public diplomacy is part of nation branding.58 In the third type, Szondi stated that nation branding is part of public diplomacy.59 In the fourth type, Szondi stated that between public diplomacy and nation branding sharing

54Asher, Herbert B. (1984). Theory-Building and Data Analysis in the Social Sciences. Knoxville TN: University of Tennessee Press. 55 Effendi, Tonny Dian, 2011, Diplomasi Publik Jepang Perkembangan dan Tantangan. Bogor..p.14 56 Szondi, Gyorgi. (2008). Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences. 57 Ibid. 58 Anholt, Simon, 2007, Competitive Identify. The New Brand Management for Nations, Cities, and Regions, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke. 59 See Peter Van Ham, 2011, “The Rise of Brand State – The Potmodern Politics of Image and Reputation” in Foreign Affairs. Vol.80, No.5.


the place and value.60 The last, in fifth type, Szondi stated that they are no difference between public diplomacy and nation branding.61

In the case of promoting Wonderful Indonesia as a country image, the researcher used type number three which is nation branding is part of public diplomacy because Indonesia has a choice in building identity, image, and role, which like norm and value, in the case of promoting Wonderful Indonesia. In line with explanation before, public diplomacy plays a greater role than nation branding. Public diplomacy protects the country and tried to fix a bad image of a country.

As a foundation, public diplomacy will powerfully integrate with nation branding in effort to influence foreign tourists directly to form a positive image in the field of tourism. Foreign policy making process is fundamental to help supporting nation branding to invite more investors and foreign tourists. Therefore, the researcher tries to analyze the concepts of nation branding as an instrument of Indonesia’s public diplomacy in promoting Wonderful Indonesia as a nation branding to attract Japanese tourist period 2014 until 2016.

I.7 Scope and Limitation of Study

The scope and limitations of this study is to identify the efforts of Indonesia Tourism Ministry strategy in order to attract Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia; the researcher will focus on the implementation of public diplomacy in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” as a nation branding on attracting Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia period 2014 until 2016 in effort to promote its tourism sector. The limitations of this research will be narrowed from 2014 until 2016.

60 See Jan Melissen (ed), 2005, The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke. 61 Ibid.


I.8 Definition of Terms

In order to make the research easier to be interpreted, the following terms will be defined in this research, as follow:

1. Policy - Series of concepts and principles are an outline and basic plan in the implementation of a job, leadership, and how to act done by governments and organizations.62

2. Strategy - Process of determining the plan's top leaders that focuses on long-term goals of the organization, along with the arranging in order to attempt these goals can be achieved.63

3. Tourism - The overall activities related to tourism which are multi- dimensional and multi-disciplinary appear as a manifestation of every people and country requirement, also interaction between tourist and local people, fellow tourist, government, local government, and employers.64

4. Wonderful Indonesia – The logo of Indonesia Tourism.65

I.9 Research Methodology

This study will adapt descriptive-analytical methodology in order to analyze the variables that construct the title, hence the discussion able to encompass the details of the topic. C.R. Kothari in Research Methodology: Method and Techniques (2nd Revised Edition) described: “Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of state of affairs as it exists at present. The main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables: he can only report what has happened or what is happening.” And “Analytical research, on the other hand, the researcher has to use facts or information

62 Antariksa, Basuki (2012), Kebijakan Pembangunan Kepariwisataan, p.6. 63 S, Surbhi. 2012. Difference between Strategy and Policy, p.30. 64 Antariksa, Basuki (2012), Kebijakan Pembangunan Kepariwisataan, p.16. 65 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


already available, and analyze thses to make a critical evaluation of the material.”66 In bringing the topic into discussion, this thesis will use empirical analysis on primary sources coming from Indonesian Government regarding to its tourism sector, interview, governmental websites, and several relevant studies of journals and books from various authors to support the theoretical framework.

I.10 Thesis Structure

Chapter I: Introduction

This chapter contains the background of Indonesia's in the implementation of public diplomacy in promoting “Wonderful Indonesia” as a nation branding on attracting Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia period 2014 until 2016 in the field of tourism, problem identification, statement of problem, research objective, significance of the study, conceptual framework, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms, and thesis structure. This chapter is aimed to give a glance of the main discussion to the readers. The researcher desires by reading this chapter, the readers could find out what topic is being discuss and why it should be discussed for further details. This chapter will help the reader to have a slightly understanding on the topic taken.

Chapter II: The Overview of “Wonderful Indonesia”

In this chapter, the researcher will give points to show the overview on how Indonesia Tourism Ministry promotes “Wonderful Indonesia”. The contains in this chapter are; background of “Wonderful Indonesia”, the actors of “Wonderful Indonesia”, structure organization, the strategy of Indonesia Tourism Ministry the strategy of International Tourism Marketing Development Deputy and also bilateral cooperation on tourism between Indonesia and Japan.

66 Kothari, C. R. (2004) Research Methodology: Method and Techniques (2nd Revised Edition). New Delhi: New Age International Ltd. pp.2-3.


Chapter III: Indonesia Public Diplomacy in Japan through its Tourism Destination

In this chapter the researcher will elaborate the Indonesia-Japan Bilateral Cooperation on Tourism Sector, Indonesia Tourism Policy, and Indonesia Tourism Development Planning.

Chapter IV: Attracting Incoming Japanese Tourist: The Failure of Indonesia Public Diplomacy in Promoting Wonderful Indonesia as a Nation Branding (2014-2016)

In this chapter the researcher will explain about the Attracting Incoming Japanese Tourist: The Failure of Indonesia Public Diplomacy in Promoting Wonderful Indonesia as a Nation Branding (2014-2016) based on the figure of nation branding concept which are strategy, substance, symbol action, and increased reputation.

Chapter V: Conclusion

This chapter will be the last part of the thesis, which would explain the thesis conclusions. In this chapter, to provide some additional information for future researchers who took the same topic as this research and give them some perspective of this study are expected to be also useful for anyone who reads this, especially for the improvement of the state itself.




Indonesia assumed that the world will be wonderful place when every society has opportunities to enjoy the “World of Wonderful”. 67 World of Wonderful in here means that Indonesia rich of culture, nature, and manmade that can promote thtoughout the world. Wonderful Indonesia is agreement of Indonesia Tourism Ministry throughout the world. Means of “Wonderful” is Indonesia rich of amazement, in the field of human although the nature, which can touch on mind and promise to the tourists that visit to Indonesia, can have new wonderful experience.68

Furthermore, Wonderful Indonesia established since 2007 that change the logo from Visit Indonesia become Wonderful Indonesia. Indonesia Tourism Ministry managed the brand of tourism in Indonesia which is “Wonderful Indonesia”.69 Beneath it all, the alteration of logo Wonderful Indonesia still have the same meaning which is in order to promote tourism of Indonesia throughout the world.70 In here, Indonesia Tourism Ministry emphasize that the alteration of logo contained in the tagline, from Visit Indonesia become Wonderful Indonesia. Here the difference between logo of visit Indonesia and Wonderful Indonesia:

67 Wonderful Indonesia. Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from: 68 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. , 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 69 Discover Wonderful Indonesia. Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from: 70 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm.


Figure II.1 Logo of Visit Indonesia71

Figure II.2 Logo of Wonderful Indonesia72

The meaning of thus logo have fourth explanation such as; (a) Garuda as a symbol of the state that as the concept of shape of the logo in a modern processing, (b) the five lines of different colors symbols as the diversity of Indonesia, (c) the dynamic that happen in Indonesia as symbol and process from the colors of the logo and (d) shape of the logo and type of letters, enhanced in a modern way.73

The logo of Wonderful Indonesia symbolize by bird. Birds live in groups as symbolize of peace among others in the nature.74 Birds are the species with the largest population in Indonesia and became a symbol of the nation. Wing span

71 Visit Indonesia Year Logo Vector. Retrieved on 27 January 2017, from: 72 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Logo Wonderful Indonesia. Retrieved on 27 January 2017, from: %20Wonderful%20Indonesia%20Brand%20Guidelines(1).pdf 73 Visit Indonesia Tourism Officer. Retrieved on 27 January 2017, from: 74 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: The logo of Wonderful Indonesia. Retrieved on 27 January 2017, from: %20Wonderful%20Indonesia%20Brand%20Guidelines(1).pdf

21 which means openness, a desire for a review of fly away, across the border. That can recognize by all society that live in the nature of the universe.75

The bird logo has 5 different color components, each has their own meanings: first, Green: alignment, creativity, and natural friendliness. Second, purple: belief system, imagination, mental and unity of physical. Third, orange: innovation, openness, and spirit of rejuvenation. Fourth, blue: determination, peacefulness, and universality. And the last fifth, magenta: balance, common sense, and practical matters.76

Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy reposition the logo of Wonderful Indonesia into several some reconditioned such as; graphical elements, style, and the inclusion of website. The repositioning the logo of Wonderful Indonesia has purpose in order to strengthen the nation branding of Indonesia.77

Wonderful Indonesia have purpose in order to increased awareness of foreign tourist and to attract foreign tourists visit to Indonesia.78 In this chapter, the researcher will give points to show the overview on how Indonesia Tourism Ministry promotes Wonderful Indonesia.

II.1 Actors of “Wonderful Indonesia”

Branding of Wonderful Indonesia managed and responsible under Deputy of Development International Tourism Marketing, 79 however in utilizing and promoting Wonderful Indonesia through tourism (within guidelines of Indonesia

75 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik indonesia. The rationale logo of Wonderful indonesia. Retrieved on 27th January 2017, from: %20Wonderful%20Indonesia%20Brand%20Guidelines(1).pdf 76 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Retrieved on 27 January 2017, from: 77 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Kemenparekraf Mereposisi Logo Wonderful Indonesia. Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from: 78 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm. 79 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Wonderful Indonesia. Rerieved on 5 March 2017, from:


Tourism Ministry), can be applied through all stakeholders of tourism and people in Indonesia, in order to make foreign tourists aware of tourism in Indonesia and also to achieve targets of increasing the number of foreign tourists visit to Indonesia.80 In this chapter the researcher will divided into three group about the actors of Wonderful Indonesia, which are; Indonesia Tourism Ministry, stakeholders, and society.

II.1.1 Indonesia Tourism Ministry

Indonesia Tourism Ministry makes a policy about Indonesia tourism and also managed the entire things through the tourism in Indonesia. 81 Indonesia Tourism Ministry has several divisions in order to implement the duty and function through the tourism. In supported by explanation before, Deputy of International Tourism Marketing Development (Deputi Badan Pengembangan Pemasaran Pariwisata Mancanegara – BP3I) also implements in order to promote Indonesia tourism throughout the world.82

Indonesia Tourism Ministry has several functions which are: (a) first, formulation and determination of policies in destination development and tourism industry, development of international tourism marketing, development of archipelago tourism marketing, and development of institutional tourism, (b) second, coordination and synchronization of policies in the field of development destinations and tourism industry, development of international tourism marketing, development of archipelago tourism marketing, and development of institutional tourism, (c) third, implementation of the technical guidance and supervision over the implementation of government affairs in destination development and tourism

80 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 81 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Kedudukan, Tugas dan Fungsi Kementerian Pariwisata. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 82 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am.


industry, development of international tourism marketing, development of archipelago tourism marketing, and development of institutional tourism, (d) fourth, coaching and giving the administrative support in the Tourism Ministry area. Fifth, Indonesia Tourism Ministry has the responsibility in management of property or wealth of the country, and also supervises the execution of duties in Tourism Ministry area. 83 Here the structure organization of Indonesia Tourism Ministry:





Figure II.3 Structure Organization of Indonesia Tourism Ministry84

As the structure above has figured, Indonesian Government cooperates its international relations regarding tourism promotion through Deputy of International Tourism Marketing Development. Hence, the following explanation of this study will be more focus on Deputy of International Tourism Marketing Development in order to emphasize the function of this division as the main core of Indonesian tourism promotion.

83 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Kedudukan, Tugas, dan Fungsi Kementerian Pariwisata. Retrieved on 5 February 2017, fromL 84 Ibid: Struktur Organisasi Kementerian Pariwisata. Retrieved on 5 February 2017, from:


Generally, Indonesia Tourism Ministry have strategy in order to promote Wonderful Indonesia throughout the world, which is categorized as marketing framework that divided into three points such as; marketing, promotion and media. In marketing framework itself divided into several approaches such as in Marketing has Destination, Origin, Time (DOT), in Promotion has Branding or Public Relations, Advertising, Selling (BAS), and also in Media has Paid Media, Owned Media, Social Media, and Endorser (POSE).85 Here the researcher will explain more about important strategy based on Indonesia Tourism Ministry. Here the table of marketing framework based on Indonesia Tourism Ministry:


Table II.1 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Marketing Framework86

 DOT Based on marketing framework above, in this chapter the researcher will elaborate about those strategies of marketing according Indonesia Tourism Ministry. First, Destination, Origin, Time (DOT) is the one approaches that used by Indonesia Tourism Ministry. In destination

85 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 86 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:


have three points such as; attraction, accessibilities, and amenities. 87 Attraction in here means that supporter factors through the tourism sectors in order to attract foreign tourists visit to Indonesia. There are factors of attraction that foreign tourists want to visit Indonesia such as; natural resources and cultural resources.88 Next, in accessibilities means that tourism activities depends a lot in transportation and communication because of the distance and time that greatly affect of people desire to travel.89 The most important things in accessibilities is transport, in the field of the frequency of use, its speed can make the distance to be close.90 Then, in amenities means that all type of facilities to provide services for tourists in all requirements during stay or visit to a tourists destination, such as hotels, motels, restaurants, bars, discotheques, cafes, shopping center, and souvenir shop.91 Meanwhile, in origin divided into two categories such as foreign tourists (country of origin) and local tourists (province on origin).92 Origin in here means that foreign country focused on fifth market Asia Pacific such as; Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China and Japan.93 And the last but not least in time approaches it is means market seasonality (peak and off-peak seasons). Time in here means that foreign tourists arrival in Indonesia.94

87 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 88 Ibid. 89 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 90 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 91Ibid. 92 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 93 Ibid. 94 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


In the marketing strategy which is DOT, will attract foreign tourist by the Indonesia properties such as in natural or cultural tourism also depend on the accessibilities that can provide foreign tourists visit to some places in Indonesia through tourism and view the amenities of local society that also can attract foreign tourist visit to Indonesia. Foreign tourist visit to Indonesia have purpose in order to travel or doing some business, which held on peak season and off-peak season. Meanwhile, beside the foreign tourist, local tourist also can visit to Indonesia in order to trip or doing some business.

Figure II.4 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Promotion Strategy95

 BAS The marketing framework also has strategy which are categorized as promotion, those are; Branding, Advertising, and Selling (BAS). Branding has three categories such as; national branding, regional branding, and local branding. National branding “Wonderful Indonesia” in foreign country used through placement by website, social media, television, magazine, news paper, festival, and family trip.96 Furthermore advertising has three categories such as; by customer, by product, and by event. The promotion through media in Prime Market, promotion prime fifteen destination, and also publication in International

95 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 96 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


event and cross border event.97 In selling have three categories such as; travel mart, sales mission, and festival. Participation in tourism exhibition (travel) in prime market, sales mission in prime market and cooperation hardselling with airlines and wholesalers, and also held the Indonesia festival in foreign country cooperation with representative such as; Republic of Indonesia Embassy and Republic of Indonesia Consulate General. 98 See the table below for Branding, Advertising and Selling differentiation. BRANDING ADVERTISING SELLING (National Branding, (By Customer, By Product, (Travel Mart, Sales Mission, Regional Branding, Local By Event) Festivals) Branding) 1. Promotion through media 1. Participation in tourism exhibition 1. National Branding, which in Main Market such as; in Main Market such as; Australia, is Wonderful Indonesia in Australia, China, India, China, India, Japan, and Korea foreign country, be places Japan, and Korea 2. Sales Mission in Main market and on electronic media and 2. Publication through on hardselling cooperation with paper. International event and airlines and wholesalers 2. The publication of cross border event 3. Execute Indonesia Festival in Wonderful Indonesia foreign country cooperate with through the online media representative such as; Republic of such as; Google, Indonesia Embassy and Republic YouTube, Baidu and Trip of Indonesia Consulate General Advisor.

Table II.2 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Promotion Strategy99

Branding, Advertising and Selling, each has different portion of percentage in defining budget allocation. In the year of 2008 to 2014, Branding played role as 20% of total budget, Advertising 30% and Selling

97Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 98 Ibid. 99 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:


had the biggest budget allocation which is amounted to 50% from the total. While, in the year of 2015 the percentage of allocation has changed, it is since Indonesian Tourism Ministry was trying to more focus on the Branding. Branding is seen as the more effective way in tourism promotion in order to do diversification and focus on market in certain target countries, Japan for instance. Hence, Branding holds 50% from total budget allocation, while Advertising 20% and Selling 30%.100

Based on the explanation before, the total budget of promotion for branding Wonderful Indonesia, did not have the exactly of data. The researcher seen from Indonesia Tourism Ministry did not transparant about the budget itself. Moreover, according to Arief Yahya as Indonesia Tourism Minister, he stated that Indonesia tourism industry contributed highest than other industry such as; agriculture, automative manufacture and mining. Tourism contribute 10% for national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), that give positive impact in the field of foreign exchange which is around $1 million and tourism also contribute for labor which around 9,8 million job vacancies.101 In 2015, in the field of job vacancy the revenue of foreign exchanges around $12,578. Furthermore, the revenue of foreign exchange in generally around 144 billion rupiah, with the total number of labor around 11,4 million people, and also with the total number of foreign tourist that visit to Indonesia around 10 million tourist.102

 POSE As media approaches, the marketing framework has Paid Media, Owned Media, Social Media, and Endorser (POSE). Paid Media means

100 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 101 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Paparan Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Retrieved on 10 May 2017, from: df 102 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


that foreign media that invited to come to Indonesia for cover an event that held in Indonesia through the tourism such as; family trip, exhibition, and festival. Then result from that foreign media submitted to the Deputy of International Tourism Marketing in the office of Indonesia Tourism Ministry at 20th floor. 103 Then be processed into news and as the collection of activities through tourism that held in Indonesia. Paid in here means as; traditional advertising, paid search, also direct email and the target is prospects, for the example implementation of paid media such as; Google, YouTube, also CNN.104 Next, in Owned Media there are three categories such as; pre event, on event, and post event. In pre event, timing of promotion is the most important things, which is in International event need preparation for bimonthly before the day, in regional event need preparation for a month before the day, and also in the cross border event need preparation a week before the day.105 The examples of Owned Media such as; website, social channels, blog, signage, and sales guarantee, and the target is customers. The implementation of owned media approaches is

103 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm. 104 Ibid. 105 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 106 Ibid.


PAID Traditional advertising, paid search, direct mail Target: Prospect

OWNED CONVERGED SOCIAL Website, social MEDIA channels, blog, Word of mouth, signage, sales referrals, social collateral sharing Target: Customers Target: Advocates

Figure II.5 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Media Placement Strategy107

Figure II.6 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Media Placement Strategy108

Next, the implementation of social media such as; instagram, facebook, twitter, path, and blog in this globalized world have massive influence since it is accessible and can be reached easily by people all around the world. Social means the words of mouth, referrals, and social sharing, and also for the target is an advocate. 109 Last but not least,

107 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 108 Ibid. 109 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta


Endorser in here means that people appointed as a representative for promotion of country’s brand. For example, on 9th October 2015, Philip Kotler as father of world marketing appointed as brand ambassador for Wonderful Indonesia, in the ASEAN Marketing Summit.110

In line with explanation before, Deputy of International Tourism Marketing Development (Deputi Badan Pengembangan Pemasaran Pariwisata Mancanegara – BP3I), also cooperate in promoting Indonesia tourism throughout the world. In here BP3I also has several strategies in order to promote Indonesia tourism, in the field of stakeholder and society.

In the field of stakeholder they are several types such as; digital tourism (e-tourism), joint promo airlines, branding, and VITO. Meanwhile, in the field of society there are endorsers or influencer.

Here the structure organization of Deputy of International Tourism Marketing Development (Deputi Badan Pengembangan Pemasaran Pariwisata Mancanegara – BP3I):

Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 110 Ibid.






Figure II.7 Structure Organization Deputy of Development International Tourism Marketing111

II.1.2 Stakeholder Stakeholder is one of actors who plays role in the promotion implementation of Wonderful Indonesia along with Indonesian Tourism Ministry. The researcher will explain more about the; digital tourism (e- tourism), joint promo airlines, branding, and VITO.

 Digital Tourism (e-tourism) Digital tourism has several types such as; placement media online, social media advertisement, and mobile apps.112 Placement media online in here means that logo of Wonderful Indonesia placed on media online. In line with thus explanation, in social media advertisement means that the

111 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Struktur Organisasi Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Pemasaran Pariwisata Mancanegara. Retrieved on 5 February 2017, from: 112 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


logo of Wonderful Indonesia placed on social media such as; YouTube, Google, Trip Advisor, Baidu,, and e-trip.113 Through mobile apps, the application of Wonderful Indonesia that can downloaded by someone in their phone in order to knowing more information about Indonesia tourism. Thus strategies have purpose in order to make awareness of foreign tourists about Wonderful Indonesia and also can attract foreign tourists visit to Indonesia.114

Figure II.8 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Google115

Figure II.9 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in YouTube116

113 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 114 Ibid. 115 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:


 Joint Promo Airlines In joint promo airlines have fourth categorized such as; in-flight magazine, hardselling with airlines, cooperation with airlines, and also joint event. Tourism activities depend a lot on transportation and communication because of the distance and time that greatly affect the desire of someone to travel.117

Transportation facilitates the travel of tourists from the origin country of tourists into tourism destinations although travel in the territory of tourism destination related to the motivation of tourism arrival. In this point, Indonesia airlines cooperated with foreign country to flight directly from origin country of tourist into abroad.118

Joint promo Airlines as the one important strategy on attracting foreign tourists visit to Indonesia because it can facilitate foreign tourists visit to Indonesia such as direct flight or without transit in a country which from Tokyo to Jakarta and Osaka to Bali. In here Indonesia Tourism Ministry cooperate with some airlines such as; Air Asia, Garuda, and Jet Star. 119 Those airlines provide direct flight from a country to another country without transit.

 Branding Branding has several forms such as event publication (pre-event and on-event), arrangement of nation branding, festival, and family trip. Event publication in here means that the logo of Wonderful Indonesia

116 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 117 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 118 Ibid.. 119 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm.


placed on that event such as in banner, and poster. 120 Thus thing implemented before and during the event in abroad. Furthermore there are event, festival, and family trip in foreign country in order to promoting Wonderful Indonesia a logo of Indonesia tourism in abroad.121 Branding of Wonderful Indonesia is the one significant strategy coordinated by Indonesia Tourism Ministry that has purpose to attract foreign tourist regarding the Indonesia prosperities through the event, festival, family trip, and placement on banner and poster. Event and festival about Wonderful Indonesia, execute in several country to presenting the wealth of Indonesia. Furthermore, family trip activities that invites Media to visit several tourism destinations in Indonesia with the aim to introducing and promoting Indonesian tourism in the country of origin participant, and the results of the visit in the form of news about Indonesia tourism that will be published or aired on family trip media participants. Here the example of branding Wonderful Indonesia that placement on banner, poster, event, festival and family trip:

Figure II.10 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Banner122

120 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 121 Ibid. 122 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:


Figure II.11 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Poster123

Figure II.12 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Event124

123 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:


Figure II.13 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Family trip125

 VITO To increase the foreign tourist to visit to Indonesia, Indonesia Tourism Ministry established Visit Indonesia Tourism Officers (VITO) in foreign country.126 In line with explanation before, Experts of International Tourism Promotion or VITO is representative (point of contact) Indonesia Tourism Ministry in implementing activities of Indonesian tourism aboard, particularly in countries or regions where they are located, within the task is conducting the promotion of Indonesia in the field of fundraising analysis market data, sales promotion, public relations and distribution of tourism information.127 Experts of Foreign Tourism Promotion or Visit Indonesia Tourism Officers (VITO) is representative (point of contact) Indonesia Tourism Ministry128 in performing significant role to promote Indonesia tourism in

124 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 125 Ibid. 126 Indonesia Tourism: Visit Indonesia 2008. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 127 Ibid. 128 Visit Indonesia Tourism Office. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, fromL


foreign country, particularly in countries or regions where they are located, which the task are; conducting the promotion of Indonesia in the field of collecting and analyzing market data, sales promotion public relations, also the distribution of tourism information.129 In 2016, Indonesia Tourism Ministry designated 17 VITO from 14 countries that spread in three marker areas, such as; Southeast Asia region, Asia Pacific region and European Middle East region.130 Overall, the entire scope of VITO is divided into three main groups such as; (1) data of collection and analysis or market intelligence, which is included; market analysis, competitor analysis and global trend. (2) assisting the promotional facilitation, which includes; exhibition or trade and consumer show, festival, sales mission, and family trip. (3) conducting networking, media and public relations, which includes; placement of media such as print, electronic and online, connecting with local media, an author, and top influencer, media social such as; facebook, twitter, and instagram, build networking in the field of Airlines, Embassies, Association and Destination Management Company (DMC).131

II.1.3 Society

 Endorser or Influencer Endorser or Influencer has two categorized such as family trip artist, vlogger, blogger, and travel researchers. Branding of Wonderful Indonesia used artist as a representative for foreign country to promote Indonesia Tourism. Moreover, Indonesia society also can do the same things.132

129 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Menparekraf Menghadiri Rapat Koordinasi Dengan Visit Indonesia Tourism Officer (VITO). Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 130 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Siaran Pers VITO Country Managers Meeting 2014 Peran Penting VITO dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisman. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 131 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 132 Ibid.


In line with explanation before, on 9 October 2015, Philip Kotler as the Father of Marketing throughout the world, elected as the Brand Ambassador of Wonderful Indonesia in ASEAN Marketing Summit in Jakarta.133 Indonesia Tourism Ministry has "strategy" in order to boost branding of Wonderful Indonesia throughout the world. Arief Yahya as the Indonesia Tourism Ministry selected Professor Philip Kotler, marketing from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, United States (US), as a brand ambassador.134 Author of 55 books and business marketing was introduced to the public in the Ballroom of The Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta, in the event of The First ASEAN Marketing Summit, on Friday 9 October 2015. 135 Kotler also been actively encouraging the Komodo Island, Labuan Bajo, NTT in Chicago, USA, as a destination of international class, and included as the seven wonders of the world.

Figure II.14 Endorser136

133 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from: 134 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Brand Ambassador of Wonderful Indonesia. Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from: 135 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Menpar Arief Yahya Pilih Philip Kotler Jadi Ambassador Wonderful. Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from: 136 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am.


The next endorser, Nadya Hutagalung selected as host TV shows Indonesia “Wondernesia”. Super models from Australia and Indonesia, said she was happy and proud to be part of the team that promotes the wonderful of nature and culture of Indonesia throughout International world.137

Nadya Hutagalung is Indonesian role model who actively participates and fully dedicate in many events and projects in order to enhance people’s awareness in the field of environment and education. She was nominated to become The Most Responsible International Celebrity by International Award. Since she likes contributing herself in environment activities, she is receiving a mandate to become the host of Wondernesia. As a super model, she utilizes it to attract people from Indonesia although foreign to explore all the existing culture in the country. In TV shows Indonesia namely Wondernesia, she invites vlogger from foreign countries such as; Mae Tan from Singapore, Diana Huntley from China, and Luke Latty from Australia. 138 As today’s booming, vlogger known as a person who uploads a YouTube video regarding the some certain activities and it has massive influence towards internet users.

TV show Wondernesia aims to introduce and promote the prosperities of Indonesia throughout the world, and the purpose in inviting those vloggers is line with goal of TV show which is going to introduce the existing culture in Indonesia to their own country. Nadya Hutagalung also introduces Bali, Lombok, Wakatobi and Raja Ampat to those vloggers.139

137 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Melalui ‘Wondernesia’, Nadya Hutagalung Berharap Indonesia Dikenal Dunia. Retrieved on 5 March 207, from: 138 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Wondernesia. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 139 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Nadya Hutagalung as Host in Wondernesia. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: df


Discovery as a tenant’s of documentary that has good quality that will be aired throughout the Asia-Pacific countries. In addition wondernesia presents a different look from the previous movie of Discovery. Nadya as host, play a role in introduce cultural festival, food even art of the unique and thrilling adventure in every step they explore the wealth of Indonesia.140

Figure II.15 Endorser141

Indonesia Tourism Ministry, observe the importance of tourism development in digital era, be effectively through social media which is Wonderful Noon. This activity in line with one of the three focuses Indonesia Tourism Ministry in 2017, namely 'Go Digital', Indonesia Tourism Ministry invites bloggers, vloggers and selebgram to continue to promote destinations in Indonesia through social media.142

The event expected to be a place for bloggers, vloggers, and selebgram collaborate with the Indonesia Tourism Ministry. To develop Digital Indonesian tourism through social media in order to achieve the

140 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Melalui ‘Wondernesia’, Nadya Hutagalung Berharap Indonesia Dikenal Dunia. Retrieved on 5 March 207, from: 141 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 142 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Kemenpar Ajak Aktivis Sosmed Promosi Wonderful Indonesia. Retrieved on 7 March 2017, from:


target of 20 million foreign tourists visits and 275 million domestic tourists in 2019.143

This activity involves travel, fashion and beauty bloggers and vloggers and celebrity of instagram (selebgram) by the number of thousands and even hundreds of thousands followers such as Indah Nada, Febrian, Ucita Pohan, Gemala Hanafi, Trinity, Rachel Godard. Indonesia tourism Ministry also invites Head of Legal and Public Communication Mr. M . Iqbal Alamsjah, and invited guests Tugu Hotels General Manager Mr. Andy Guy, CEO PT.Martina Berto. Mr. Bryan Tilaar, Corporate Marketing Manager Tauzia Group, Mrs. Tri Niarti and officials echelon 3 and 4 in the Bureau of Law and Public Communication.144

Wonderful Noon, expected to strengthen the good relations with the "digital activists" which previously some of them already actively helping Indonesia Tourism Ministry as an "endorser" in introducing to leading destinations through family trip activities.145

143 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Menanti Jempol Bloggers, Vlogger, Selebgram, di Wonderful Noon 2017. Retrieved on 7 March 2017, from: 144 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Kemenpar Ajak Aktivis Sosmed Promosi Wonderful Indonesia. Retrieved on 7 March 2017, from: 145 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Siaran Pers : Menanti Pesona Jempol Bloggers - Vloggers - Selegran di Wonderful Noon 2017. Retrieved on 7 March 2017, from:


NO ACTOR(s) STRATEGY FUNCTION/ROLE 1 INDONESIA a. DOT a. Destination: Attraction, Accessibilities, and TOURISM b. BAS Amenities. Origin: Foreign Tourist and Local MINISTRY c. POSE Tourists. Time: Peak and Off Peak Season (DEPUTY OF b. Branding: National Branding, Regional INTERNATION Branding, and Local Branding. Advertising: AL TOURISM by Customer, By Product, By Event. Selling: MARKETING Travel Mart, Sales Mission, Festival(s) DEVELOPMEN c. Paid Media: Traditional advertising, paid T) search, direct mail Target: Prospect. Owned Media: Website, social channels, blog, signage, sales collateral Target: Customers. Social Media: Word of mouth, referrals, social sharing Target: Advocates. Endorser or Influencer. 2 STAKEHOLDER a. Digital a. E-Tourism: Placement media online, Social Tourism media advertisement, Mobile application. (E- b. Joint Promo Airlines: in-flight magazine, Tourism) hardseling with airlines, joint event, direct b. Joint flight. Promo c. Branding: Publication events (pre and on), Airlines nation branding arrangement, festival, family c. Branding trip, poster, banner. d. VITO d. VITO: representative (point of contact) Indonesia Tourism Ministry in implementing activities of Indonesian tourism aboard, particularly in countries or regions where they are located, within the task is conducting the promotion of Indonesia in the field of fundraising analysis market data, sales


promotion, public relations and distribution of tourism information. 3 SOCIETY Endorser or Endorser or Influencer has two categorized Influencer such as family trip artist, vlogger, blogger, and travel writer. Branding of Wonderful Indonesia used artist as a representative for foreign country to promote Indonesia Tourism. Moreover, Indonesia society also can do the same things

Table II.3 The Overview of Wonderful Indonesia.




Public diplomacy is the significant way in order to build mutual understanding between Indonesia to another country. This thing focused on the role of society through diplomacy. 146 In public diplomacy, society deliver message in directly although indirectly to other society. those things not only to get comprehension about Indonesia, but also to increase level of International reliance through building relations with other country through tourism branding of Indonesia which is, Wonderful Indonesia.147

According to Mark Leonard public diplomacy is way to build relations by an understanding generally requirements, culture, society and also about the communication of perspective, provide good reason for the different perception in International society, find out the field of government can get the same perspective.148

Public diplomacy also defines as the way of a country to attract public opinion or a leader opinion from other countries in order to achieve an aim of foreign policy.149 Hence, Indonesian Tourism Ministry in this study is seen as the actor who coordinates the public diplomacy in order to build relations with international actors as an understanding and communication of perspective in terms of tourism realm. For specific case, Indonesia and Japan have bilateral relations in the field of tourism and this tourism activity attracts public opinion in international stage. Besides, it also affects so many other national economic

146 Mark Leonard (2002) : Public Diplomacy. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 147 Public Diplomacy: Discussion Paper in Diplomacy. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, fromL 148 Public Diplomacy, Mark Leonard with Catherine Stead and Conrad, “The Foreign Policy Center”. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 149 Jarol B Manheim, 1990, Strategic Public Diplomacy: The Evolution of Influence, Oxford University Press, New York, p.4.

46 growth causes. For example, by visiting Indonesia, Japan gives contribution in increasing Indonesia devise. Same goes to Japan, Indonesia tourists who visiting Japan could also be contributed to Japan’s devise. Thus, in this relationship, both countries gain mutual understanding and benefit.

Furthermore, public diplomacy has also implemented by the definition in which the government provides sponsor programs in the field of education, culture, and programs information, exchange residents, radio, and television.150 Those things have purpose in order to promote national interest of a country through understanding, informing, and influencing foreign society. In the end, the sponsor programs will become a medium of government efforts in order to publish and give the perspective regarding to country’s image in which this is all categorized as part of public diplomacy.

The impact of personal activity such as the popularity of culture, fashion, and sport, give the impact through foreign policy and national security and also trade, tourism and others national interest. 151 Here the bilateral cooperation between Japan and Indonesia through in the field of tourism sector.

III.1 Indonesia – Japan Bilateral Cooperation on Tourism Sector

In this chapter the researcher will elaborate the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan in the field of tourism. In April 1958, Indonesia builds bilateral relations with Japan.152 In June 2003, Indonesia

150Public Diplomacy: A Conceptual Framework –Joumane Chahine. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: acy_-_A_Conceptual_Framework_-_Joumane_Chahine.pdf 151 Public Diplomacy: Public Diplomacy Refers To Government Sponsored Program. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: PLOMACY+refers+to+government- sponsored+programs&source=bl&ots=YzTLRFDN4m&sig=AMpXl26ZYpLT- pEI2YU5tH2pxr8&hl=id&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=PUBLIC%20DIPLOMACY%20ref ers%20to%20government-sponsored%20programs&f=false 152 Ministry of Foreign Affaris Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


and Japan also joint announcement cooperation through tourism.153 Both countries, related to the Indonesia and Japan government have purpose in order to strengthen the foundation of cooperation in various field, especially in the field of tourism also visitor of the leader and parliament from both countries are quite high.154

In accordance with explanation before, there is an approach of joint announcement on tourism cooperation. That joint announcement cooperation as a foundation of tourism between both countries occurred since 2003 until now.155

In June 2003, H. E. Megawati Soekarnoputri as a President of Republic of Indonesia with H.E. I Gede Ardika as an Indonesia Culture and Tourism Ministry visited to Japan and met H.E. Chikage Oogi as a Japan Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry, with the purpose is to joint announcement on tourism cooperation between Japan and Indonesia.156

In joint announcement cooperation through tourism, have sixth points such as; first, mutual countries consider about the significant of cultural exchange, also tourism exchange that provide the collision for upcoming improvement in the field of culture, economy and social and

153 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 154 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, Jepang Merangkap Federasi Micronesia: Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia dengan Jepang. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 155 Interview with Mr. Wahyu Wicaksono as Head of Sub-Area Asia and Pasific Region, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia. Office of the Deputy International Relations Tourism, 3rd floor. Kimia Street. No.17. Cikini. On Monday, 27 February 2017, at 08:00am-09:00am. 156 Interview with Mr. Wahyu Wicaksono as Head of Sub-Area Asia and Pasific Region, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia. Office of the Deputy International Relations Tourism, 3rd floor. Kimia Street. No.17. Cikini. On Monday, 27 February 2017, at 08:00am-09:00am..


increased the good relations and mutual understanding between Indonesia and Japan.157

Second, mutual countries have goals in achieving economic growth through the promotion of travel and tourism and also joint their purpose to established constructive and cross-cultural relations.158

Third, Indonesia and Japan is trying to increase the number of foreign tourists visit to their countries by the promoting each countries. Both countries delivered society of public and private sector in order to promote each country. Both countries have human capacity building, in effort to deepen International friendship and mutual understanding between Indonesia and Japan.159

By increasing the number of foreign tourists visit, Japan could contribute to Indonesian national devise and leverage the tourism development within the country. Indonesian tourists could also increase Japan national income by its increased devise. The mutual benefit could be gained by promoting and having mutual understanding from each other between Indonesia and Japan.

Fourth, Indonesia and Japan has established Joint Announcement Cooperation which one of the issues is providing free visa applied by these two countries. This system is beneficial for both countries since it is going to make an easier way for tourists in visiting the country. In implementing that system, both countries have cooperated with relevant organization which is Immigration Directorate General.160

157 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, Jepang Merangkap Federasi Micronesia: Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia dengan Jepang. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 158 Ibid. 159 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, Jepang Merangkap Federasi Micronesia: Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia dengan Jepang. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 160 Ibid.


Fifth, mutual countries decided Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA) as a private sector that play significant role in effort to assured safety of tourist and restore the travel demands by delivered its survey mission to Bali twice after the Bali Bombing incident on 12th October 2002.161

Sixth, mutual countries conducting a human resources growth in the field of travel and tourist, in order to increased the number o foreign tourists that visit to their countries. Mutual countries ensured that every opportunity that faced will be use as promotion of tourism exchange for future development.162

According to Mark Leonard on public diplomacy, this study will recognize the Indonesia Tourism Ministry as an agent in building relations by understanding general requirements and having communication of perspective towards international society. Indonesia is trying to gain mutual understanding by cooperating with other countries, as well as tourism sector relations with Japan. The bilateral relation is created in order to pursue the mutual interest between both countries. Indonesia needs Japan in leveraging the tourism development, in terms of the incoming tourist’s number, tourism destinations, tourism infrastructure, and other crucial concerns related to the tourism itself. Same goes to Japan, Japanese Government is aiming the same certain goals as Indonesian Government has. This is what called as mutual interest.

Overall, public diplomacy itself is being pursued by Indonesian Government through Indonesia Tourism Ministry as the coordinator who plays role as main actor in conducting national promotion regarding tourism activities. The relations between Indonesia and Japan in tourism sector is seen as bilateral cooperation in which it is believed as a form of public diplomacy, in accordance with Mark Leonard theory. As the

161 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, Jepang Merangkap Federasi Micronesia: Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia dengan Jepang. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 162 Ibid.


implementation, Indonesian Government provides sponsor programs related to Indonesia tourism. This sponsor is expected to create a closer tie in building relations and increase public opinion towards Indonesia tourism so that it could attract incoming tourists. In the end, it will realize the implementation of country’s mutual understanding regarding to the public perspective in tourism sector.

Besides the cooperation occurred, some policies are applied in order to create rules and regulation regarding tourism. Hence, the following explanation will be figured Indonesia tourism policy.

III. 2 Indonesia Tourism Policy

According to Goeldner and Ritchie defines tourism policy as follow:

“Tourism policy can be defined as a set of regulation, rule and guide line, directive and development or promotion objective and strategies that provide a framework within which the collective and individual decision directly affecting long-term tourist development and the daily activities within a destination are taken”.163

In accordance with the explanation before, Paul S. Biederman on his book Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer, append social aspect through the tourism policy, as follow:

“A tourism policy defines the direction or course of actions that a particular country, region, locality, or an individual destination plans to take when developing or promoting tourism. The key principle for any tourism policy is that it should ensure that the nation, region or locality would benefit to the maximum extent possible from the economic and social contribution of tourism. The ultimate objective of tourism policy is to improve the progress of the nation (region or locality) and the lives of its culture”.164

Based on explanation above tourism policy are entire regulation, strategy, and target of development or promoting tourism as a guide to take decision in

163 Charles R. Goeldner, J. R. Brent Ritchie (2009:414). Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies. 164 Paul S. Biederman (2008). Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer.

51 short-term or long-term. These policy should provide the assurance that the main purposes is to create society who live in the tourism destinations, gain maximum advantage from the involvement of tourism in the field of social and economic in terms of furtherance, prosperity and quality of life.

III.2.1 Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 Year 2009

Indonesia tourism policy reflected in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 the Year 2009. The law consists of several provisions that related through tourism issue in Indonesia such as the principles of tourism operations, determination of regional tourist attraction, rights, obligations, and prohibitions for the visitors. 165 It consists of 17 chapters with 70 articles which generally explain all about tourism development in Indonesia.

In the first chapter, consist of general provision which is explanation through the tourism such as; what is tourism, tourism destination, business of tourism, tourism Ministry.166 In the second chapter, consist of principle, function, and purposes through the tourism. Purposes of tourism itself such as; to preserve environment, nature, and resources, develop a culture. Increase country image, and tighten relations between countries throughout the world.

In the third chapter, consist of implementation principle through tourism which is to uphold the human right, uphold the norm of religion and cultures, welfare of society, and to preserve the environment. 167 In the fourth chapter, consist of tourism development which is implemented based on developing tourism, consider in uniqueness, diversity, culture, nature and society requirement to travel.

In the fifth chapter, consist of strategy area that develop to participate in establish unity nation, and consider in the field of culture, social, religion of local

165 Government of Indonesia. (2009). Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 10 Tahun 2009 Tentang Keparwisataan.Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from 166 Government of Indonesia. (2009). Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 10 Tahun 2009 Tentang Keparwisataan.p.4. 167 Ibid.

52 society.168 In the sixth chapter, consist of tourism effort such as; attracting tourists area, accessibilities, food and beverage. 169 In the seventh chapter, consist of; rights, obligation, and interdiction. In line with explanation before, every society or tourists have rights to get opportunities through tourism, tourism business, deserve best service through tourism, and protection of individual rights.

In accordance with explanation before, as a government compulsory to set information, law protection, security through tourist, protect and preserve the tourism destination that can attract tourists visit to that place also every tourists that visit to destination area obligated to preserve the environment, respect o local society, tradition, culture, and local norms.

Furthermore, entire tourist prohibited to damage the environment or tourism attractiveness such as; prohibited to change the color, shape, damage the environment, and damage the species. In eight and nine chapter, consist of authority and coordination of government and local government. The authority of government and local government through the tourism such as; coordinate in tourism development, implement the international coordination based on law provision, protect the environment, supervised the tourism implementation and budget allocation through tourism.

In order to increase tourism implementation, government coordinate cross sector strategies based on policy, program and activities of tourism. Cross sector related to the immigration, security, transportation, and promotion.

In chapter tenth, consist of promotion institution Indonesia tourism. In this chapter government build some group in order to manage entire activities through promotion of tourism. Promotion of tourism reflected on law and policy, also has function to increase image of Indonesia tourism, increase the number of foreign tourism and foreign exchange, and research of business development. In the eleventh chapter, consist of industry consolidation Indonesia tourism. The function of industry consolidation Indonesia tourism, is to support development of

168 Government of Indonesia. (2009). Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 10 Tahun 2009 Tentang Keparwisataan.p.10. 169 Ibid.

53 comparative business tourism which has member; tourism entrepreneur, tourism association, and tourism profession.170

In the twelve chapters, consist of training of human resources, standardization, certification and labor. Government establishes human resources training through tourism reflected on tourism law. The standardization and certification related to the labor obligated to have standard competence and competence certification implement by institution that has been get license based on law. Tourism entrepreneur can employ foreign labor based on law and foreign labor should have recommendation for association organization of tourism professional worker.

In the thirteenth chapter, consist of budget. Tourism budgeting is shared of responsibility between; government, local government, entrepreneur, and society. Principle of efficiency, transparency, and public accountabilities are the implementation of tourism budgeting. Local government allocated half of income to preserve nature and culture.

In the fourteenth chapter, consist of administrative sanction which are; verbal and writing warning. In the fifteenth chapter, consist of punishment provision, entire tourists that damage the tourist area or environment has the punishment in the form of imprisonment and fines.

In the sixteenth chapter, consist of transition compulsory and the last chapter consist of occlusion. The implementation of this law which should have been set within the period of two years since the act was enacted.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2009, Indonesian Government shows seriousness in promoting its tourism to international stage by implementing its rules and regulations. According to the interview result with Indonesia Tourism Ministry officers, the seriousness of Indonesian Government is needed in order to increase awareness and atrract foreign tourist so that it could increase foreign incoming tourists which in the

170 Government of Indonesia. (2009). Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 10 Tahun 2009 Tentang Keparwisataan.p.31.

54 perspective of economy, it will lead to the increasing of national devise income. Besides, the more incoming tourists will create more competitiveness in tourism sector within the country. This competitiveness then leads into the development in the field of tourism, such as the concern of tourism infrastructures and facilitation in many tourism destinations in Indonesia that is going to be developed. For the domestic society, it could create the new job vacancy so that in the end it will decrease the number of unemployment in Indonesia.

Furthermore, that explanation above is seen as a form of public diplomacy in which Indonesia has objective to the mutual understanding in a significant way through tourism promotion. Indonesia is also pursuing national interest which is gaining nation branding. Thus, the result of the national interest when it has been achieved is the increasing of people’s awareness towards Indonesian tourism and its increasing number of incoming tourists.

Other policies are released is the Precedential Decree Republic of Indonesia Number 69 Year 2015 regarding Free Visa.

III.2.2 Free Visa

Free visa reflected on Presidential Decree Republic of Indonesia Number 69 Year 2015.171 Free visa has purpose to facilitate foreign tourist visit to Indonesia, give positive impact through national development and economic development.

“Visa policies are among the most important governmental policies influencing international tourism…… A great deal of progress has been made in travel facilitation, which contributes to the remarkable growth of the tourism sector”.172

Furthermore free visa consist of nine article, which is; first, foreigner capable visit to Indonesia in order to self development, recreation, understanding about uniqueness of culture in provisional term. 173 Second, free visa given to foreigner from certain country and

171 Presidential Decree Republic of Indonesia. (2015). Bebas Visa Kunjungan. 172 World Tourism Organization (UNWTO): Visa openness report 2014. 173Presidential Decree Republic of Indonesia. (2015). Bebas Visa Kunjungan. p 2.


government administrative region with regard to the principle of reciprocity and benefits. Third, foreigners extricable from obligation to have visitors’ visa visit to Indonesia in order to travel.174

Next, foreigners licensed to stay in Indonesia within 30 days. Fifth, based on law regulation, foreigners obligated to have visitor’s visa, in order to do an activities except to travel. Sixth, foreigners extricable from obligation to have visitor’s visa in order to do government duties, education, culture social, tourism, business, family, journalism, or just transit. Then, provision reference to immigration inspection based on Ministry Decree. Eight, since this Presidential Decree occurred, Presidential Decree Number. 18 Year 2003 about free visa concise visit has changed, last of Presidential Decree Number 43 Year 2011 about Three Alteration based provision of President Number. 18 Year 2003, then declared invalid. And the last this Presidential Decree implemented since June, 2015 in order to ascertainable from entire society.

In July 2015, Indonesia Tourism Ministry, Arief Yahya optimist target 20 million foreign tourists will be achieve before 2019. He stated that potential the number of tourists around 1 million tourists per year. He targeted the number of tourists in 2015 is 4,12 million tourists, in 2016 is 5,16 million tourists, and in 2017 increase 6,45 million tourists. Two years later, expected increase in 208 is 8,06 million tourists and in 2019 is 10,8 million tourists.175

In accordance with explanation before, currently those Presidential Decree has alteration. Indonesia’s Visa Free Facility has given for Japan according to Presidential Decree Number 21 Year 2016 regarding “Short Visa Free Facilitation”. 176 Presidential Decree Number 21 Year 2016 about Alteration of Presidential Decree. Presidential Decree Number 104

174 Presidential Decree Republic of Indonesia. (2015). Bebas Visa Kunjungan.p 4. 175 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Target 20 Juta Wisman Optimis Tercapai Cepat Dengan Bebas Visa Kunjungan. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from 176 Presidential Decree Republic of Indonesia number 69/2015


Year 2015 about Free Visa, implemented on 2 March 2016. This Presidential Decree adding number of country free visa, totally the number of free visa country is 169 countries. Free visa policy expected can increase the number of foreign tourist visit to Indonesia.177

Another presidential decree has strengthen the Indonesia Tourism Ministry strategy. Presidential Decree Republic of Indonesia Number 105 Year 2015 regarding Foreign Yacht Visit to Indonesia plays role in upholding the rules and regulation related to yacht visit. It will be explained more below.


CAIT (Clearance Approval for Indonesian Territory), reflected on Presidential Decree Number 105 Year 2015 about “Visitor’s Foreigner Yacht to Indonesia”.178 These decrees consist of 14 articles which are: yacht is air transportation with foreign flag that used by tourist in order to travel or vied. Port of turn in or port of turnout is port that provision as placed for yacht in and out. Second, yacht also merchant marine, passenger and goods in order to travel admit for foreigners easily visit through immigration. Third, turn in and turn out of yacht based on port that provision in this Presidential Decree.179

Next, merchant marine or passengers permitted to stay based on provision of regulation law such as; free visa. Fifth, yacht and merchant marine obligated to quarantine inspection. Sixth, port inspection occurred in port of entry and out. Then, yacht, merchant marine, passengers, and goods that will turn out of port obligated to abreast the regulations.180

177Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 178 Presidential Decree Republic of Indonesia. (2015). Yacht Visitors in Indonesia.p.1. 179 Ibid.p.4. 180 Ibid.p 7.


Furthermore, yacht that executes tourism in Indonesia prohibited to commercialization or rented to others parties. Nine, in order of yacht’s welfare, Center Government develop observing system. Next, in order to increase the number of yacht visitors, Local Government supported facilitate of yacht.

In line with explanation before, government coordinate with related institutions in order to assured the effectiveness of this Presidential Decree implementation. Twelve, Ministry of Communication has Decree in order to constitute further law of regulation about yacht. Thirteen, since occur this Presidential Decree, Presidential Decree Number 79 Year 2017 about Yacht Visit to Indonesia has alteration into Presidential Decree Number 180 year 2014 about Alteration of Presidential Decree Number 79 Year 2011 about Yacht Visit to Indonesia (Paper of Republic of Indonesia Year 2014 Number 384) declared invalid. The last is, the regulation is reflected in this Presidential Decree in order to society knowing this regulation.181

Previously, yacht that visit to Indonesia obligated to arrange license or CAIT while two weeks. Related to that issue, arrangement of CAIT shortened into an hour, it has been practice by neighbor country.182

Furthermore, commitment of Joko Widodo as President of Republic Indonesia to prioritize through tourism as a leading sector proved in Presidential Decree Number 105 Year 2015 about Yacht Visit to Indonesia that abolition of CAIT and temporary import.183

According to Indonesia Tourism Ministry, Arief Yahya he stated that the Presidential Decree facilitate yacht visit to Indonesia in order to manage the document CIQP (Custom, Immigration, Quarantine, Port) in

181 Presidential Decree Republic of Indonesia. (2015). Yacht Visitors in Indonesia.p 14. 182 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Siaran Pers Menpar Optimis 3 Regulasi Baru Mewujudkan Pencapaian Target Wisman. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 183 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am


18 ports. This policy is expected can increase the number of yacht visitors to Indonesia In 2019 up to 5,000 yachts in 2019 hence foreign exchange USD 500 million.184

Indonesia Tourism Ministry, Arief Yahya, explained the promotion of marine tourism receive additional supported by establishing the Ministry of Communication Decree Number 121 Year 2015 about provision of facilitate through tourists utilize cruise with foreign flag. With this regulation of cabotage for foreign cruise invalid, the result foreign cruise permit to carry and drop of passengers at fifth ports in Indonesia such as; Tanjung Priok port in , Tanjung Perak port in East Java, Belawan port in North Sumatra, Soekarno-Hatta port in , dan Benoa port in Bali.185

III.2.4 Cabotage Cruise

Cabotage is principle which gives the right to operate commercially in a country through transport enterprise in that country exclusively.186 This means the cruise permit to carrying and dropping of passengers in Indonesia with Indonesia flag. Revocation of that principle, nowadays foreign cruise permit to carrying tourists in a country port in order to travel in fifth ports in Indonesia such as; Tanjung Priok port in North Jakarta, Tanjung Perak port in East Java, Belawan port in North Sumatra, Soekarno-Hatta port in Makassar, and Benoa port in Bali. This regulation offer positive impact for the future. Previously foreign tourist permit took a ride from neighbor country which is Singapore.187

184 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Siaran Pers Menpar Optimis 3 Regulasi Baru Mewujudkan Pencapaian Target Wisman. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 185 Ibid. 186 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 187 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Siaran Pers Menpar Optimis 3 Regulasi Baru Mewujudkan Pencapaian Target Wisman. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:


Besides implementing policy, Indonesian Government also has strategies specifically regarding to its tourism which will be presented through strategic planning and master plan below.

III.3 Indonesia Tourism Development Planning

This sub chapter will focus on National Long-term Development Plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional - RPJPN), 188 and National Tourism Development Master Plan (Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Nasional - RIPPARNAS).189 Those strategies are implemented by Indonesia Tourism Policy that has been deregulated by Arief Yahya as the Indonesia Tourism Ministry.190


RPJPN has four phase of strategic development plan which are; National Medium-term Development Plan 2005-2009, National Development Medium-term Plan 2010-2014, National Medium-term Development Plan 2015-2019, and National Medium-term Development Plan 2020-2024.191 In this chapter, the researcher will focusing on National Development Medium-term Plan 2010-2014 and National Medium-term Development Plan 2015-2019 because the limitation of this research will be narrowed from 2014 until 2016.

National Development Medium-term Plan 2010-2014 has vision, mission and program action. According to President Susilo Bambang Yudhiono the vision is “The Actualization of Indonesia that Prosperous,

188 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Rencana Strategis Pengembangan Destinasi Dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 – 2019. Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from: 189 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Rencana Induk, Pembangunan Kepariwisataan. Retrieved on 5 March 207, from: 190 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm. 191 Ibid.


Democracy, and Justice”.192 Prosperous means, in effort to increase the welfare of society through the economic sector based on the competitive, wealth of natural and human resources, and national culture. Democracy means, in effort to develop democratic society, cultured, uphold the responsibility of right. Next, justice means to create development that fair and apportionment in order to have win-win solution and against the poverty.193

The mission period 2010-2014 is the effort to achieve Indonesia vision year 2014. Mission period 2010-2014 directed to Indonesia actualized more welfare, secure, and peace also as the strengthen foundation for Indonesia that fair and democracy. The efforts of realization Indonesia vision year 2014, will explain in form government mission period 2010-2014 as follows:194

First, continued development to achieve prosperous Indonesia, related to the welfare of society, economic, food security, energy security, technology, and preserve environment. 195 Second, strengthening the democracy pillars which related to the culture, human rights, institutional capacity building and lead to the establishment of public order, Third, strengthening the fair dimension in all sectors which related to the reduction of income discrepancy and gap between regions and gender.

In effort to realizing the vision and mission of national development year 2009-2014 determine fifth main major agenda of national development year 2009-2014, such as; economic development and increasing welfare of society, enhancing good governance, enforcement pillar of democracy, law enforcement and anti-corruption also inclusive and equitable development.196

192 Government of Indonesia. (2010). Rencana Jangka Menengah Nasional 2010-2014. p.31. 193 Ibid. 194 Government of Indonesia. (2010). Rencana Jangka Menengah Nasional 2010-2014.p. 32. 195 Ibid.p. 33. 196 Government of Indonesia. (2010). Rencana Jangka Menengah Nasional 2010-2014.p.37.


Government's vision and mission year 2009-2014 require be formulating and explaining into a number of priority programs that can be easily implemented and measured levels of successes. Eleventh of National Priority has purposes related to the challenges that faced by the nation in the future. In addition beside the eleventh of national priority also has other priority which is in the fields of politics, law and security, in the economic field, and in the field of public welfare.

In line with explanation before, tourism sector included of public welfare sector, that expected can increase the number of local and foreign tourists visit to Indonesia. There were several efforts in order to promote through tourism such as; increase the quality of tourism which is transportation, increase the quality of tourism destination, apply a creative and effective advertisement.

Furthermore, Indonesia Tourism Ministry has arranged Destination Development Strategic Plan and Tourism Industry Year 2015- 2019 (Strategic Plan, Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata - PDIP 2015-2019) which the contains are; General Condition, Potential and Problems, Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives and Policy Direction and Destination Development Strategic Plan and Tourism Industry Year 2015- 2019 as an effort to provide information that is accountable and reliable related to the programs and actions in order to achieve a targets and goals of national tourism development 2015-2019.197

According to United Nations World Tourism Organizations (UNWTO), tourism plays a significant role to develop a country, increase prosperity for society, and also as a leading sector. Increasing of destination and investment tourism, make tourism as a key factor in export earnings, job creation, business development and infrastructure.198

197 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Rencana Strategis Pengembangan Destinasi Dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 – 2019. Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from: 198 Rencana Strategis: Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 -2019. p.4.


In line with explanation before, Indonesia has potential and problem through the tourism, in potential side Indonesia has; natural resources, tourism priorities, competitiveness price, human resources, welfare and security. Meanwhile, Indonesia also face the problem through tourism which are; tourism infrastructure, ICT infrastructure, cleanness, hygiene, accessibilities (connectivity, seat capacity, and direct flight), regulation (yacht, visa, excise tax).199

Furthermore in strategic plan also have vision, mission, purposes and strategic target. The vision of National Medium-term Development Plan 2015-2019 is “Actualizing Indonesia that Sovereign, Self, and Personality based on Mutual Assistance”.200

These are several efforts to achieve the vision through seventh of the National Development Mission 2015 -2019, such as: (a) create national security that capable to protect territorial sovereignty, sustain economic independence by prosecute maritime resources, and reflecting Indonesia's personality as an archipelago country, (b) create welfare society, equality, and democracy based on country law, (c) create foreign policy free-active and strengthen personality as a maritime country, (d) create quality of life through Indonesia society that high, advance, and prosperous, (e) create competitive nation, (f) create Indonesia as a maritime country that independent, advance, forceful, and based on national interest, the last is (g) create society personality through culture.201

Then, that vision was further described in Missions of RPJMN year 2015-2019 such as; (a) increase quality and quantity of tourism destination that competitiveness in International market, (b) create tourism industry that capable to implement national economic, so Indonesia can be independent, and developed with other Asian nation, (c) strategies of marketing through Indonesia tourism destination that effective, efficient,

199Rencana Strategis: Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 -2019.p.20. 200 Ibid.p.22. 201 Rencana Strategis: Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 -2019. p.4..


and responsible, intensive, innovative, and capable to achieve maximum productivity and the last is (d) develop tourism institution and manage tourism that capable to synergize tourism destination development, tourism marketing, and tourism industry as professional, effective, efficient, and achieve maximum productivity.202

The purpose of RPJMN 2015-2019 are to increase the quality and quantity of tourism destination that can compete in International market, realizing Tourism industry that capable to implement through national economic, implement the marketing tourism that effective, efficient and innovative also develop the tourism institution.203

Policy direction and development strategy of Destinations and Industry tourism reflected on Presidential Decree Number.2 Year 2015 about RPJMN Year 2015-2019, consist of: development tourism destination to increase the traction tourist area that can compete in a country and in a foreign country, development of tourism industry to increase the participation of local business through national tourism industry in order to increase diversity and compete in product and service through national tourism in entire tourism destination.204

NO PURPOSE TARGET Increase quality and quantity of  Increase the quality of infrastructure 1 Tourism Destination development and ecosystem tourism destination Create Tourism Industry that can  Increase the investment in the tourism 2 execute national economy sector  Increase the contribution of tourism through national labor

202 Rencana Strategis: Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 -2019.p. 24. 203 Ibid. 204 Rencana Strategis: Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 -2019.p. 28.


Marketing the Indonesia tourism  Increase the contribution through National 3 destination by using marketing Gross Domestic Product (Produk strategy in effective, efficient, Domestik Bruto – PDB) and responsible that intensive,  Increase the number of local tourists innovative, and interactive  Increase the number of foreign tourists  Increase the foreign exchange Develop tourism Institution and  Increase the capacity, competence and 4 manage the tourism that can professionalism of tourism labor execute Tourism Destination  Increase the quality of labor that Development, Tourism graduated from tourism higher education Marketing, and Tourism  Materialize organization and governance Industry as professional, based on requirement, job and function effective and efficient  Increase the quality of financial management performance.

Table III.1 RPJPN 2015-2019205


RIPPARNAS (Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Nasional) known as National Tourism Development Master Plan. Policy and strategy of destination development and tourism industry reflected on Law Number 10 Year 2009 regarding Tourism and Government Regulation Number 50 Year 2011 regarding RIPARNAS year 2010- 2025. 206 The national tourism development consists of four pillars of development, such as: (1) tourism destinations; (2) tourism Industry; (3) tourism marketing; and (4) tourism Institutional.207

205 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Rencana Strategis Kementerian Pariwisata 2015 - 2019. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 206 Rencana Strategis: Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 -2019. p. 27 207 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Menparekraf Berharap Indonesia Tourism Award Mendukung Implementasi RIPPARNAS. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:


In the context of policy and strategy of destination development and tourism industry, the development of national tourism destinations (Destinasi Pariwisata Nasional - DPN) such as: (a). develop DPN areas, (b) develop a tourist attractions; (c) develop tourism accessibility; (d) develop public infrastructure, public facilities and tourism facilities; (e) society empowerment through tourism; and (f) develop tourism investment.208

Reflected on the policy and strategy of tourism destination development is integrated and systematic in efforts of all components through tourism destinations in order to create and improve quality of product and service that capable to make tourists easily to actuate through tourism destination.209

Meanwhile in national tourism industry development such as: (a) strengthen the structure of tourism industry; (b) increase the competitiveness of tourism product; (c) develop a tourism business partnership; (d) create business integrity; and (e) develop the environmental responsibility.

In accordance with the policy and strategy of the tourism industry development is an integrated and systematic in efforts to enhance the tourism industry structure, improving the competitiveness of tourism products, strengthening the tourism business partnership, create business integrity, and development of environmental responsibility.210

Furthermore, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif - Menparekraf), explained the vision of tourism, that focus to create Indonesia as direction tourism destination throughout the world, competitive, and sustainable. In effort to achieve these vision is increase competitiveness tourism product, develop

208 Rencana Strategis: Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 -2019. p. 27 209Ibid. 210 Rencana Strategis: Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 2015 -2019. p.4.


competitiveness, integrated and sustainable promotion also institution and human resources development.211

There are three main factors that has priorities through Indonesia tourism development in the future, such as develop tourists destination, develop culture tourism, nature tourism and ecotourism, recreation and sport tourism, cruises, culinary, shopping, health and wellness tourism, convention tourism, and MICE (meeting, incentive, exhibitions and events).212

In accordance with RIPPARNAS, Menparekraf emphasize the significant of cross sector coordination in order to develop tourism, especially with local government, consider that development tourism have been in region. Expected, entire region can develop tourism sector, capable to commence tourism development with determine Regional Tourism Development Master Plan (Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Daerah - RIPPARDA) that refer to RIPPARNAS. Nationally, destination development will be focussed on 16 National Tourism Strategic Area (Kawasan Strategis Pariwisata Nasional (KSPN), which is related to the rural tourism, society recreation center, tourism market, creative zone, tourists attraction and also cooperate and partnership.213

211 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 212 Ibid. 213 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: SIARAN PERS: Menparekraf Buka Sosialisasi Rencana Induk Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Nasional (RIPPARNAS) Tahun 2010-2025. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:



TOURISM TOURISM TOURISM TOURISM DESTINATION: INDUSTRY: MARKETING: INSTITUTION: 1.Tourism structure 1. Tourism 1. Attraction Indsurty marketing 1. Government development tourism 2. Tourism product organizations, local development competitiveness 2. Tourism image government, private, 3. Tourism business development and community 2. Infrastructure development development partnership 3. Tourism 4. Business marketing 2. Human resource 3. Provide public development facilities credibility partnership development 5. Responsibility to 3. Regulations and 4. Provide tourism operational facilities the natural & socio- 4. Tourism cultural promotion mechanism in the 5. Society environment development field tourism empowerment development

Create and Strengthen the Create, Develop increase the tourism industry communicate, tourism quality of structure, deliver organizations, tourism enhance the tourism tourism human products and competitiveness products and resources to services also of tourism manage support and the products, relations with Improve the development of strengthen tourists to quality of tourists through tourism business develop the management tourism partnerships, tourism of all and organize destinations creating business stakeholders tourism credibility, and developing activities environmental inTourism Destination responsibility

Figure III.1 Logical flow of RIPPARNAS NO.50 YEAR 2011214

214 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: RIPPARNAS. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:




Public diplomacy according to Mark Leonard, defines as a way to build relations by an understanding generally requirements, culture, society and also about the communication of perspective, provide good reason for the different perception in International society, to figure out how to create same perspective among governments.215 Public diplomacy also aims to attract public opinion or a leader opinion from other countries in achieving the goal of foreign policy.216

Indonesia tourism ministry is trying to increase the reputation of Indonesia by promoting Indonesia tourism throughout the world. 217 Indonesian Tourism Ministry in this study is seen as the actor who coordinates the public diplomacy through the branding of Wonderful Indonesia. It is conducted in order to build relations with international actors as an understanding and communication of perspective in terms of tourism realm. For specific case, Indonesia and Japan have bilateral relations in the field of tourism and this tourism activity attracts public opinion in international stage.

Public diplomacy has many forms of implementation, for instance, the government provides sponsor programs in the field of education, culture, and programs information, exchange residents, radio, and television. Those sponsor

215 Public Diplomacy, Mark Leonard with Catherine Stead and Conrad, “The Foreign Policy Center”. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 216 Jarol B Manheim, 1990, Strategic Public Diplomacy: The Evolution of Influence, Oxford University Press, New York, pg 4. 217 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 May 2017, from:

69 programs purposes to promote national interest of a country through understanding, informing, and influencing foreign society. 218

Indonesia government uses public diplomacy as a tool to communicate with foreign audience in order to achieve national interest and foreign goals.219 In this study, Indonesian Government through Wonderful Indonesia is trying to attract public awareness and create some perspectives on how people in international stage seeing Indonesia as a country that should be visited. Furthermore, the image brought by international stage from the implementation of Wonderful Indonesia could be categorized as nation branding. Wonderful Indonesia is brand of Indonesia in which promoting the country in order to attract foreign tourists, Japanese tourists particularly, coming to the country. This nation branding gained by Indonesian Government is part of public diplomacy effort.

Regarding to Japan, Indonesia has bilateral relations with Japan in the field of joint cooperation in tourism sector. By having joint announcement cooperation, it is expected to create advantages for both countries.220 Moreover, Indonesia has reach prosperity of nature, environment, culture, and manmade tourism that can promote to foreign country, especially Japan.221

In line with explanation before, nation branding refers to the strategy and tools for nation state. 222 According to Gyorgy Szondi, nation branding as a part

218 Public Diplomacy: A Conceptual Framework. Retrieved on 1 May 2017, from: acy_-_A_Conceptual_Framework_-_Joumane_Chahine.pdf 219 Jan Melissen. (2005). “The New Public Diplomacy, Soft Power in International Relations” New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from y.pdf 220 Joint Announcement Cooperation In The Field Tourism Sector. Retrieved on 1 May 2017, from: 221 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 222 Moilanen, T., and Rainisto, S. (2009). How to brand nations, cities and destinations. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from

70 of public diplomacy and it is the implementation of public diplomacy. 223 Furthermore, nation branding, is expected can fix up the bad images in foreign country. Supported by explanation before, nation branding can be implemented as a tool of communication in the field of diplomacy public. Nation branding can be utilized as a tool in pursuing foreign policy in order to create a faster response towards the awareness of national issue and position of country on a particular problem.224

Moreover, the other advantage of nation branding itself can help Indonesia tourism ministry focus on achieving the target of foreign tourist that visit to Indonesia. Arief Yahya as the Indonesia tourism ministry, targeted Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia in 2016 around 660,000 tourists and expected can be increase for following years.225

In line with explanation before, the researcher have done doing the interview with Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Stategy, Indonesia Tourism Minstry. She stated that the number of foreign tourist in general that visit to Indonesia in 2014 around 481,000 tourists, in 2015 increased by 525,000, and in 2016 decreased by 513,000. The decreasing of the total number of foreign tourist those visit to Indonesia happens because the internal condition of Indonesia itself. For example in terrorist issue, lately in Jakarta attacked by terrorist in , This could be an obstacle of foreign tourist come to Indonesia because it will on danger. Therefore, foreign tourist will feel insecure come to Indonesia.226

223 Szondi, Gyorgi. (2008). Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences. Netherlands Institute of International Relations: Clingendael. Retrieved from 224 Szondi, Gyorgi. (2008). Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences. Netherlands Institute of International Relations: Clingendael. Retrieved from 225 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Retrieved on 1 May 2017, from: 226 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am


Besides the internal factor, there is another factor that makes the Japanese tourist decreased to visit Indonesia which is in economic sector. In 2016, economy of Japan increase only 1%. Before that, in 2015 economy of Japan around 1,2%., that things decreae 0,2%. Furthermore, Japan government tries to increase the growth of economy by the export and private investment. In line with explanation before, the decreasing of Japan economic give the impact for Japanese tourists that can not to travel thoughout the world, Indonesia for instance.227

Supported by explanation before, Indonesia Tourism Minister expected the Japanese tourists who come to Indonesia in 2016 around 660,000 tourists. Furthermore, the number of Japanese tourists who come to Indonesia is not in line with the expectations of Indonesian Tourism Minister. This happens because of the lack of coordination of the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia with VITO in Japan. Supported by explanation before, the decreasing the number of Japanese tourists those visit to Indonesia in 2015 to 2016 is not very significant, only -2,3%.

Through this chapter, the researcher will emphasize that nation branding as part of public diplomacy.228 Based on Anholt’s concept, public diplomacy is implemented by considering its strategy, substance implementation, action and result of the effort. Thus, this chapter will use Anholt’s concept to analyze how Indonesia implemented its public diplomacy on attracting Japanese tourists through the marketing framework created by Indonesia Tourism Ministry. The figure of Anholt’s nation branding concept is presented below.

227 Ekonomi Jepang tumbuh 1% di tahun 2016. Retrieved on 30 May 2017, from: 228 Szondi, Gyorgi. (2008). Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding: Conceptual Similarities and Differences. Netherlands Institute of International Relations: Clingendael. Retrieved from



Figure IV.1 Anholt’s nation branding framework229

The figure above shows Simon Anholt nation branding framework which will explain about strategy, substance, symbol action, and increased reputation of a nation. First, Simon Anholt defines the strategy in order to get nation branding which a nation is and where it stands today (both in reality and according to internal and external perceptions); through that knowledge, a nation will decide what they purpose and how to achieve that purpose.230 A nation should know their own identity before they present throughout the world, then they can decided their purpose and decided on how to achieve their purpose. Substance is the implementation of that strategy.231

Indonesia Indonesia Increased Tourism Law Wonderful Indonesia Ministry Number Indonesia nation 10 Year Marketing branding Framewok 2009

Figure IV.2 The implementation of Anholt’s concept towards Indonesia tourism (constructed by researcher)

229 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from ,+Simon.+(2004).+Places:+Identity,+Image+and+Reputation&ots=M2Q74D9dCU&sig=VDdYPX HHDbAfP1YHvKzlOdU-Tw0#v=onepage&q=strategy&f=false 230 Anholt, Simon. (2002). Policy advisor, Superbrands: What is a Nation Brand? 231 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan.


According to the Anholt’s concept above, Indonesia Tourism Ministry has strategy to optimize the spreading of tourism promotion in getting attention and building nation branding through its marketing framework. The marketing framework consists of DOT (Destination, Origin, and Time), BAS (Branding, Advertising, Selling), POSE (Paid Media, Owned Media, Social Media, Endorser and/or influencer). It is created by Indonesia Tourism Ministry as several approaches concern on marketing, promotion and media.

Based on the Indonesia Marketing Framework that has been explained generally above, presents Indonesia tourism identity as a form of communication perspective through its effort of promotion to the international society and Japanese in particular. Recognizing the identity is crucial part before Indonesia is going to promote its national branding throughout Japan.

The implementation of the strategy is called as substance. In this study, the substance is more focus on the field of tourism policy. Regarding to tourism policy, Indonesian Government has implemented policy regarding to the principles, rules and regulation concerning on tourism sector which is The Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 Year 2009. It consists of 17 chapters explaining more about tourism purposes, principles, functions, preservation, strategy, tourism effort, promotion, industry, administrative sanction, and transition compulsory. Hence, the rules, regulation and principles that are contained in the chapters of the Law above show what Indonesian Government wants to achieve in the concern of tourism and how is it going to pursue any goals related to Indonesia and Japan tourism bilateral cooperation.

Strategy and substance are related to each other which aim to increase reputation of a nation. 232 Symbol action is the type of action that has strong communication in explains national stories.233 In this study, the symbol action refers to Wonderful Indonesia as strong branding that could become a tool of communication to attract international actors in the effort of increasing incoming tourist, particularly from Japan. Wonderful Indonesia is classified as an action to

232 Anholt, Simon. (2002). Policy advisor, Superbrands: What is a Nation Brand? 233 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

74 promote and present national stories such as maritime tourism, food, culture, entertainment, art, custom, technology, transportation, sports, adventure and other explorations.

When all three components above are met, a country’s reputation will be improved and the international actors will recognize it as positive image. Image is seen as the reputation that each government in this world would like to address. In order to improve its reputation, Indonesia will conduct a sequence of nation branding concept. The public opinion leads reputation. In this study, Indonesia tried to improve the reputation in tourism sector towards Japanese so that the Japanese are attracted in visiting Indonesia. The increasing reputation then will lead the increasing number of Japan tourists coming to Indonesia. Theoretical framework may enable the researcher to specify which key variables influence a phenomenon234, and will help the researcher to answer the research question.

VI.1 Strategy on Indonesia Marketing Framework

Regarding to Joseph Nye about the soft power, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) stated that every diplomat must sell Indonesia soft power marketing.235 Soft power is capability to attract the leader of country to make agreement. Soft power is a principle to establish preferences tends to be lined with inexplicable assets such as a delightful identity, culture, state values and organizations and policies that appeared as valid authority236Tourism is the one of tool soft power that used by Indonesia government in order to attract and increased awareness of foreign tourists to visit Indonesia. In line with explanation before, govervnement should have the strategy in order to promote Indonesia tourism.

234Asher, Herbert B. (1984). Theory-Building and Data Analysis in the Social Sciences. Knoxville TN: University of Tennessee Press. 235 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Foreign Policy, Vission, And Mission. Retrieved on 10 May 2017, from: 236 Joseph S.Nye, Jr. (1990). Soft Power. Retrieved on October 12th, 2016 from


In line with explanation before, according to Anholt’s concept, the strategy is needed to create an increasing of reputation in a nation.237 For Indonesia, the increasing of reputation means the increasing of nation branding. Through this sub chapter the researcher will analyze about important strategy based on Indonesia Tourism Ministry in order to attract foreign tourist visit to Indonesia. Through this point, the researcher will explain about the strategy of Marketing Framework created by Indonesia Tourism Ministry. The implementation based in the field of tourism is the substance that can bring to the development that desired. Here is the table of marketing framework based on Indonesia Tourism Ministry.

Marketing framework D O T Marketing (destination) (origin) (time) B A S (branding/public (advertising) (selling) Promotion relations) P O S +E Media (paid media) (owned media) (social media) (endorser)

Table IV.1 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Marketing Framework238

This issue focuses on Indonesia and Japan relation regarding tourism. So, in here the researcher will analyze how marketing framework that has been figured above executed by actors who play role in supporting Indonesia tourism, which are; Indonesia Tourism Ministry, stakeholder, and society.239

237 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from ,+Simon.+(2004).+Places:+Identity,+Image+and+Reputation&ots=M2Q74D9dCU&sig=VDdYPX HHDbAfP1YHvKzlOdU-Tw0#v=onepage&q=strategy&f=false 238 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 239 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am.


The strategy created by Indonesia Tourism Ministry can be seen in marketing framework. Marketing framework is divided into three part which are; marketing, promotion, and media. 240 First, in marketing strategy has DOT (Destination, Origin, and Time). In Destination itself, Indonesia tourism ministry tried to attract Japanese tourists to visit to Indonesia by providing the prosperities of cultural and natural resources seeing Indonesia as an archipelago country that has many potential islands and reliable tourism destinations.

Furthermore, Indonesia Tourism Ministry also concern about the accessibilities for Japanese tourists in order to reach the tourism destination by air transportation, land transportation, and sea transportation.241 In air transportation, Indonesia tourism ministry cooperates with airlines which are Garuda Indonesia, Air Asia, Esque, and Jet Star.242

In line with explanation before, the purpose of join with airlines is to facilitate Japanese tourist in the field of transportation, for example there is direct flight from Denpasar to Tokyo and vice versa, also Jakarta to Osaka and vice versa.243

Then in amenities Indonesia Tourism Ministry provides services for Japanese tourists in all requirements during stay or visit to a tourist’s destination, such as hotels, motels, restaurants, bars, discotheques, cafes, shopping center, and souvenir shop.244

240 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 2 May 2017, from: 241 Ibid. 242 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm. 243 Ibid. 244 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:


Meanwhile in the field of origin divided into two categories such as foreign tourist (country of origin) and local tourists (province on origin).245 Origin in here means that foreign country focused on fifth market Asia Pacific such as; Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China and Japan.246 And the last but not least in time approaches it is means market seasonality (peak and off-peak seasons). Time in here means that Japanese tourists arrival in Indonesia.247

In the marketing strategy which is DOT, will attract Japanese tourists by the Indonesia prosperities such as in natural or cultural tourism also depend on the accessibilities that can provide Japanese tourists visit to some places in Indonesia through tourism and view the amenities of local society that also can attract Japanese tourists in visiting Indonesia. Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia have purpose in order to travel or doing some business, which held on peak season and off-peak season. Meanwhile, beside the foreign tourist, local tourist also can visit to Indonesia in order to trip or doing some business.

Figure IV.2 Indonesia Tourism Ministry Promotion Strategy248 Furthermore, second strategy is BAS (Branding, Advertising, and Selling). In 2008 until 2014 branding play a role 20% through the promotion of tourism,

245 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 246 Ibid. 247 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 248 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: UPAYA PROMOSI POTENSI PARIWISATA INDONESIA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEREKONOMIAN NASIONAL. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:

78 advertising play a role 30% through the promotion of tourism, and selling play a role 50% through the promotion of tourism, but those percentage was changed in 2015 which is, branding play a role 50% through the promotion of tourism, advertising play a role 20% through the promotion of tourism, and selling play a role 30% through the promotion of tourism.249

Based on the explanation before, the total budget of promotion for branding Wonderful Indonesia, did not have the exactly of data. The researcher seen from Indonesia Tourism Ministry did not transparant about the budget itself. Moreover, according to Arief Yahya as Indonesia Tourism Minister, he stated that Indonesia tourism industry contributed highest than other industry such as; agriculture, automative manufacture and mining. Tourism contribute 10% for national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), that give positive impact in the field of foreign exchange which is around $1 million and tourism also contribute for labor which around 9,8 million job vacancies.250 In 2015, in the field of job vacancy the revenue of foreign exchanges around $12,578. Furthermore, the revenue of foreign exchange in generally around 144 billion rupiah, with the total number of labor around 11,4 million people, and also with the total number of foreign tourist that visit to Indonesia around 10 million tourist.251 So in here, the researcher did not know the exactly the total number of budget promotion for branding Wonderful Indonesia, because of lack of the data.

In line with explanation before, those percentage was changed because based on the marketing concept in awareness, interest, desire, action (AIDA), Indonesia tourism ministry consider the verification of effectiveness and promotion toward country focused on main market, including Japan need to

249 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 250 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Paparan Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Retrieved on 10 May 2017, from: df 251 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from:

79 increase. Therefore, since 2015 Indonesia Tourism Ministry increased the budget in the field of awareness and branding activities through “Wonderful Indonesia” with an allocation 50% from the total of budget.252

Furthermore, Indonesia tourism ministry focused on branding Wonderful Indonesia in Japan. Japanese tourists could see and aware the branding placement of Wonderful Indonesia in several placements such as website, social media, television, magazine, news paper, festival, and family trip.253

Accordance with explanation before, family trip from Japan that visit to Indonesia, contributes to introduce and promote Indonesian tourism to Japan society, and the results of the visit in the form of news about Indonesia tourism that will be published or aired on family trip media participants could gain benefit, so Japanese tourists also will know more the information of Indonesia through tourism.254

Moreover, Japanese tourists also will know the product and event that held by wonderful Indonesia in their country by the advertising of wonderful that publication in international event and cross border event. then for the selling itself, Indonesia tourism ministry held the tourism exhibition (travel) in prime market, sales mission in prime market and cooperation hardselling with airlines and wholesalers, and also held the Indonesia festival in Japan cooperate with VITO. Here the example placement of logo wonderful Indonesia based on bas strategy:

252 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 253 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 254 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm.


Figure IV.4 Branding Wonderful Indonesia placement255

Figure IV.5 Branding and advertising Wonderful Indonesia placement256

255 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 256 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am..


Figure IV.6 Selling Wonderful Indonesia placement257

Furthermore, the next strategy that implemented by Indonesia Tourism Ministry is POSE. The Deputy of International Tourism Marketing invites media from Japan in order to visit to Indonesia for an event of Wonderful Indonesia. The result of that event will be spread to all society in Japan, and also will be submitted to the Indonesia tourism ministry office. 258 Then be processed into news and as the files of activities through tourism that held in Indonesia, for the example implementation of paid media such as; Google, YouTube, also CNN.259

Next, marketing framework that is being implemented by Indonesia Tourism Ministry is Owned Media. It executes the promotion of Wonderful Indonesia in Japan by website, social channels, blog, signage, and sales guarantee. Promotion Wonderful Indonesia that held in Japan need preparation, in here owned media play a role in order to update all the information about that event

257 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 258 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm. 259 Ibid.

82 every time, before and after the event held. 260 The implementation of Owned Media approaches is

Next, an actor of Wonderful Indonesia is stakeholder. In here stakeholder also has the strategy in order to promote Wonderful Indonesia through Japan society. In stakeholder itself have several types such as; digital tourism (e- tourism), joint promo airlines, branding, and VITO. Meanwhile, in the field of society there are endorsers or influencer.

Digital tourism (e-tourism) in here is the placement of logo Wonderful Indonesia in media online, social media advertisement, and mobile apps.262 The purpose of the placement Wonderful Indonesia in social media advertisement is in order to increase awareness of Japan society and to attract Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia.. Japan society will know the placement of logo Wonderful Indonesia in YouTube, Google, trip advisor, Baidu,, and E-Trip.263

Moreover, Japan society also can download application of Wonderful Indonesia in their Smartphone in order to know more information about Indonesia tourism easier and also to make awareness of foreign tourist about Wonderful Indonesia and also can attract foreign tourist visit to Indonesia.264

260 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 261 Ibid. 262 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 263 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 264 Ibid.


Figure IV.7 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in Google265

Figure IV.8 Placement Wonderful Indonesia in YouTube266

Joint promo airlines strategy have purpose in order to facilitate Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia a lot of demand transportation depend on tourism activities because of the distance and time that greatly affect the desire of someone to travel.267

Transportation facilitates the travel of tourists from Japan into tourism destinations in Indonesia although travel in the territory of tourism destination related to the motivation of tourism arrival. In this point, Indonesia airlines cooperated with foreign country to flight directly from origin country of tourist into abroad.

Joint promo airlines as the one important strategy on attracting Foreign tourist visit to Indonesia because it can facilitate Japanese tourists visit to

265 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 266 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from: 267 Ibid.


Indonesia such as direct flight or without transit in a country which from Denpasar to Tokyo and vice versa, also Jakarta to Osaka and vice versa.268 In here Indonesia tourism ministry cooperate with some airlines such as; Air Asia, Garuda, And Jet Star.269 Those airlines provide direct flight from a country to another country without transit.

Furthermore, the next strategy is VITO. VITO is representative (point of contact) Indonesia tourism ministry in implementing activities of Indonesian tourism in Japan within the task is conducting the promotion of Indonesia in the field of fundraising analysis market data, sales promotion, public relations and distribution of tourism information.270

In line with explanation before, the task of VITO in Japan which is performing significant role in order to promote Indonesia tourism by branding of Wonderful Indonesia.271 VITO cooperate with Indonesia tourism ministry in order to held event, festival, and exhibition that related to the promoting branding of Wonderful Indonesia, also invite media to give more information about Wonderful Indonesia, see the progress of Indonesia tourism destination and also build networking in the field of airlines, embassies, association and Destination Management Company (DMC).272

Next strategy is endorser or influencer endorser or influencer has two categorized such as family trip artist, vlogger, blogger, and travel writers. Branding of Wonderful Indonesia is used by the society as a representative for

268 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 20th floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm. 269 Ibid. 270 Ibid. 271 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Menparekraf Menghadiri Rapat Koordinasi Dengan Visit Indonesia Tourism Officer (VITO). Retrieved on 2 May 2017, from: 272 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am

85 foreign country to promote Indonesia tourism. Moreover, Indonesia society also can do the same things.273

For example, as an influencer in trip jouney, the photographer took a night sky scenery from Flores, Indonesia. The photo below has uploaded to Instagram and it affects people in seeing Indonesia. It could give contribution in shaping public perspective. See the photo below.

Figure IV.9 Influencer trip on Instagram274

The influencer’s trip above is coming from Tokyo, his name is Masaya. He is an art director and photographer based on Tokyo. One of his pictures of those photos, he captures the one of wonderful Island in Flores, Indonesia. In his caption on that photo he said that, those stars he capture it using camera with low

273 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am. 274 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 10 March 2017, from:


ISO, and the result is not too rough also the stars not visible if seen by bare eyes.275

VI.2 Substance on Attracting Japanese Tourists through Policy

According to Anholt’s concept of nation branding, substance is the implementation of strategy.276 Indonesia Tourism Ministry has substance which refers to the policy reflected on Law Number 10 Year 2009. The policy is providing general requirements through tourism, the function, principle, and purposes, tourism development, right, obligation, and prohibition, coordination, and tourism promotion, principles of tourism operations, determination of regional tourist attraction, rights, obligations, and prohibitions for the visitors.277 It consists of 17 chapters with 70 articles which generally explain all about tourism development in Indonesia. 278

Based on Anholt’s concept, the substance refers to policy.279 Hence, the following explaination will be focused on tourism policy consists of rule and target of development or promoting tourism as a guide to take decision in short- term or long-term. These policy should provide the assurance that the main purposes is to create society who live in the tourism destinations, gain maximum advantage from the involvement of tourism in the field of social and economic in terms of furtherance, prosperity and quality of life.

Regarding to the relation Indonesia and Japan, the first chapter could guide general provision of tourism destination for Japan tourist, business of tourism, and

275 Instagram Masaya. Retrieved on 2 May 2017, from: 276 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 277 Government of Indonesia. (2009). Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 10 Tahun 2009 Tentang Keparwisataan.Retrieved on 5 March 2017, from 278 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Undang-Undang Pariwisata. Retrieved on 3 May 2017, from: UUTentangKepariwisataannet1.pdf 279 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from ,+Simon.+(2004).+Places:+Identity,+Image+and+Reputation&ots=M2Q74D9dCU&sig=VDdYPX HHDbAfP1YHvKzlOdU-Tw0#v=onepage&q=strategy&f=false


Indonesia tourism ministry and relevant institutions. In the second chapter, it explains about the principle, function, and purposes of Indonesia in conducting tourism activities. Purposes of tourism itself such as; to preserve environment, nature, and resources, develop a culture in Indonesia. It could lead to the effort in increasing Indonesia image to Japan, and tighten relations between Indonesia and Japan.

The third chapter consists of implementation principle in order to uphold the human rights, uphold the norm of religion and cultures, welfare of society, and to preserve the environment.280 Hence, in Indonesia could preserve and develop its quality of tourism sector so that Japan tourists are more attracted to visit. The fourth chapter consists of tourism developments which are considering the uniqueness, diversity, culture, nature, and society requirement to travel.281This concern has been promoted through the existence of Wonderful Indonesia. The fifth chapter consists of strategy area of Indonesia that could develop to participate in establish culture and custom of local society.

The sixth chapter, consist of Indonesia tourism effort such as; attracting tourists area, accessibilities, food and beverage. It will facilitate Japan tourists that are coming to the country since it provides the easier way to enjoy the destinations and spots. In the seventh chapter, it consists of rights, obligation, and interdiction. In line with this chapter, every Japan tourist has rights to get opportunities through tourism, tourism business, deserve best service through tourism, and protection of individual rights. It stimulates Japan tourists to enjoy and visit Indonesia.

Indonesian Government is compulsory to set information, law protection, and security through tourist, protect and preserve towards Japan tourists. The good protection and development of Indonesia tourism destinations can attract tourists visit to that place. Every tourists coming from Japan can also be contributed to preserve the environment, respect the local society, tradition, culture, and local norms.

280 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Undang-Undang Pariwisata. Retrieved on 3 May 2017, from: UUTentangKepariwisataannet1.pdf. 281 Ibid.


Furthermore, in this Law, Indonesian Government could emphasize the tourist prohibition in any damage activities towards the environment or tourism attractiveness such as; prohibited to change the color, shape, damage the environment, and damage the species.282 In eight and nine chapter, consist of authority and coordination of government and local government. The authority of government and local government through the tourism such as; coordinate in tourism development, implement the international coordination based on law provision, protect the environment, supervised the tourism implementation and budget allocation through tourism towards the preparation in increasing number of Japan tourists.

In order to enhance the tourism related development, government coordinates together with cross sector strategies based on policy, program and activities of tourism. Cross sector related to the immigration, security, transportation, and promotion. It is easily facilitate Japan tourist to come visiting the country.

Chapter tenth consists of promotion institution Indonesia tourism. In this chapter government build some group in order to manage entire activities through promotion of tourism. Promotion of tourism reflected on law and policy, also has function to increase image of Indonesia tourism, increase the number of Japan tourists and devise as well as research of business development.

The eleventh chapter consists of industry consolidation Indonesia tourism. The function of industry consolidation Indonesia tourism is to support development of comparative business tourism particularly tourism entrepreneurs associated with Japan. In chapter twelve, consists of training in the field of human resources development, standardization, certification and labor. Indonesian Government establishes human resources training through tourism reflected on tourism law. The standardization and certification related to the labor obligated to have standard competence and competence certification implement by institution

282 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Undang-Undang Pariwisata. Retrieved on 3 May 2017, from: UUTentangKepariwisataannet1.pdf.

89 that has been get license based on law. Japan could rely on Indonesia in this effort of the development since Indonesian Government is trying to leverage its skills and knowledge of human resources as well as the society ability and capability.

The thirteenth chapter, consists of budget. Tourism budgeting is shared of responsibility between government, local government, entrepreneur, and society. The principle of efficiency, transparency, and public accountabilities are the implementation of tourism budgeting, it could gain more trust from Japan Government in increasing the belief on Indonesian Government when Indonesia tourism has come into significant factor influenced its national economic growth.

The fourteenth chapter consists of administrative sanction which are; verbal and writing warning.283 Hence, Japan Government could also be aware and prevent their tourists from making mistakes and break the rules. Next, the fifteenth chapter consists of punishment provision, the warning for the entire Japan tourists that damage the tourism destination has the punishment in the form of prison and/or fines.

The sixteenth chapter consists of transition compulsory from Indonesian Government towards Japan tourists in particular. The last but not least, chapter seventeen consists of conclusions which summarize all the tourism principles, rules and regulation. The implementation of this law which should have been set within the period of two years since the act was enacted.

The Law Number 10 Year 2009 is an implementation in developing Indonesia tourism as a realization of Indonesia Tourism Ministry Marketing Framework strategy. The implementation is focused on the field of tourism. In accordance with Anholt’s concept, this substance of policy Law Number 10 Year 2009 could bring the current situation into the development that desired.

283 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Undang-Undang Pariwisata. Retrieved on 3 May 2017, from: UUTentangKepariwisataannet1.pdf.


VI.3 Wonderful Indonesia Symbol Action

According to Anholt, symbol action is the type of action that has strong communication in explains national stories.284 In this issue the symbol action that used by Indonesia Tourism Ministry is branding of Wonderful Indonesia. Wonderful Indonesia as a tool of Indonesia Tourism Ministry on attracting Japanese tourists visits to Indonesia. Based on the marketing concept in Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA), Indonesia Tourism Ministry consider the verification of effectiveness and promotion toward country focused on main market, including Japan need to increase. Therefore, since 2015 Indonesia Tourism Ministry increased the budget in the field of awareness and branding activities through “Wonderful Indonesia” with an allocation 50% from the total of budget.285

In accordance with explanation before, the purpose of Wonderful Indonesia is to increase awareness of Indonesia tourism in foreign country. Certainly, with the success of the proposed will give an impact on Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia.286

Furthermore, there are several festival through the wonderful Indonesia that held in Japan such as; promotion of Wonderful Indonesia, One World Festival 2016 in Osaka, Promotion of Wonderful Indonesia Culinary in Tokyo, Promotion Wonderful Indonesia Industrial Gathering in Tokyo, Promotion Wonderful Indonesia, Indonesia Week Osaka in Osaka, and Promotion Wonderful Indonesia in Diplomatic reception in Tokyo. Here the table of festival Wonderful Indonesia held in Japan:

284 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 285 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 286 Interview with Ms. Entin Hartini as Assistant Deputy Director, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, at 3rd floor. On 17 February 2017, at 14:00pm.


Figure IV.10 Festival Wonderful Indonesia in Japan287

Wonderful Indonesia presents about Indonesia national stories. Indonesia could promote its thematic wonder experience. Nature wonders figures the sea and maritime tourism, including green area, mountain. It utilizes to communicate the wonderful nature of Indonesia. The sensory wonders figure the food, beverages, health, and entertainment. This wonder has implemented in order to communicate the human being and daily needs of people. Cultural wonder experience, it figures art, culture and heritage. It implements to communicate the wonderful tradition and culture activities of Indonesia. Modern wonders experiences, figures uptown life, technology and transportation. It communicates the wonderful the greatness, heritage, and development of Indonesia. The last but not least, adventurous wonders figure adventure, sport, and exploration. It implements to communicate the greatness of adventurous soul and the uniqueness of sport in Indonesia.

VI.4 Increased Reputation from Incoming Tourists

According to Anholt’s concept, the combination from strategy, substance, and symbol action can increase a country’s reputation which is Indonesia and give the positive image to the International level.288 In the issue of Indonesia’s public

287 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 288 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

92 diplomacy in promoting brand tourism of Indonesia, it can be assumed that image is one of countries’ national interests which government would like to enhance. In order to improve its reputation, Indonesia will conduct a sequence of nation branding concept.289

Based on the interview with Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Indonesia Tourism Ministry. The data of Japanese tourist who come to Indonesia in 2014 around 481,000 tourists in 2015 inreased by 525,000 tourists, and in 2016 decreased by 513,000 tourists. The decreasing of the total number of foreign tourist those visit to Indonesia happens because the internal condition of Indonesia itself. For example in terrorist issue, lately in Jakarta attacked by terrorist in Sarinah, This could be an obstacle of foreign tourist come to Indonesia because it will on danger. Therefore, foreign tourist will feel insecure come to Indonesia.290

Besides the internal factor, there is another factor that makes the Japanese tourist decreased to visit Indonesia which is in economic sector. In 2016, economy of Japan increase only 1%. Before that, in 2015 economy of Japan around 1,2%., that things decreae 0,2%. Furthermore, Japan government tries to increase the growth of economy by the export and private investment. In line with explanation before, the decreasing of Japan economic give the impact for Japanese tourists that can not to travel thoughout the world, Indonesia for instance.291

Overall, according to Anholt’s concept which is collaboration between Strategy, Substance, Symbol Action and the Increasing Reputation. The strategy that is being used is reflected on the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 Year 2009 regarding to principles, rules and regulation towards tourism. While, the substance refers to the Indonesia tourism marketing framework created by Indonesia Tourism Ministry which concerns on marketing, promotion and media.

289 Anholt, Simon. (2002). Policy advisor, Superbrands: What is a Nation Brand? 290 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 291 Ekonomi Jepang tumbuh 1% di tahun 2016. Retrieved on 30 May 2017, from:


Thus, the symbol action, this study is classifying this in introducing Indonesia public opinion in the field of tourism through Wonderful Indonesia. Many events and festivals have been conducted under the aim of Wonderful Indonesia. These components are related to each other so that in the end resulting the increasing of Indonesia reputation. Indonesia has proved the good reputation that led it into the increasing number of Japanese tourist year by year during time framework 2014 to 2016. In despite, the number of Japanese tourist decreased from 2015 to 2016, but the decreasing not to significant which is around 2,3%. So, the strategy that has been done by Indonesia Tourim Ministry can attract Japanese tourist to visit Indonesia, altought did not same with the expection of Arief Yahya as Indonesia Tourism Minister.

VI.5 Strength and Challenges of Indonesia Tourism Ministry

Before, the researcher explains about the challenge or weakness of Indonesia public diplomacy in order to promoe Wonderful Indonesia as nation branding, in this point the reseacrher will explain again about the strength of Indonesia public diplomacy. According to Mark Leonard, public diplomacy is a way to build relations with other countries, build mutual understanding as well as mutual interest. In simply way public diplomacy is a way to attract public or leader opinion in order to achieve foreign policy.292

Furthermore, Indonesia and Japan has already had bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism sector. Indonesia seen Japan as the strategic place that expected can attract Japanese tourist interest to visit Indonesia. Besides the bilateral relation, in Indonesia also have some investor come from Japan. From the investment itself, can give the positive impact through the foreign exchange and create job vacancy that can decrease the number of unemployment in Indonesia.293

292 Mark Leonard, with Catherine Stead and Conrad, Public Diplomacy,“The Foreign Policy Center”. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 293 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Rencana Strategis, Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 215-2019. Retrived on 30 May 2017, from:


Moreover, in order to attract and increased the awareness of foreign tourist, Japanese tourist for instance to visit Indonesia, Indonesia Tourism Ministry have strategies which are; marketing, promotion, and media. In marketing, Indonesia Tourism Minister concern about the destination, accessibillities, amenities, origin and time. In line with explanation before, Indonesia has a rich of culture, nature, and manmade that can promote tourism destination throughout the world. Indonesia Tourism Ministry also concern about the accessibillities which facilitate for Japanese tourist to visit Indonesia, for example by joint promo airliness. Indonesia Tourism Ministry cooperate with several airliness such as; Garuda Indonesia, Air Asia, and Jet Star. From those airliness facilitate for Japanese tourist who come to Indonesia with direct flight from Jakarta to Osaka and vice versa. Indonesia Tourism Ministry also facilitate Japanese tourist in probiding the amenities such as; hotel, restaurant, shopping center, and motels.294




VI.5.1 Logical Flow of The Failure Indonesia Public Diplomacy (constructed by researcher)

294 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am.


Based on the figure above, Indonesia Tourism Ministry have a challenges in order to promote Wonderful Indonesia as nation branding. The challenges or weakness of Indonesia Tourism Minstry which are, the failure of the policy itself, seen from the policy that has been running have the weakness and challenges that faced by Indoneisa Tourism Ministry. Thus policy give the negative impact which is, in attracting and increased the awareness of Japanese tourist who want to visit.

In line with explanation before, Indonesia Tourism Ministry also lack of coordination between Ministries from both countries, Visit Indonesia Tourism Officers (VITO), and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) that give the impact through the policy that not running well. Furthermore, in the field of tourism development there are several obstacle that face by Indonesia Tourism Ministry such as; climate change, natural disasters, unpreparedness of the society in the area that became the tourism destination or empowerment, society in the area of tourism destination have not been optimal because lack of facilities, infrastructure destination availablelity and connectivity of indonesia tourim destination and also low of value, toal number, growth of investment, and climate of business that is not conducive.295According to Arief Yahya as Indonesia Tourism Minister, in 2015, tourism as the easiest and inexpensive in contribute to the GDP, Foreign Exchange, and Labor. Here the figure bellow will elaborate more the explanation:

GROSS DOMESTIC •Tourism contributed 10% for National GDP PRODUCT (GDP) •Growth of National GDP increased by 6,9%

•Tourism foreign exchange around %1 million FOREIGN EXCHANGE •The total number of foreign exchange 144 billion rupiah

LABOR and •9,8 million job vacancies TOURIST •10 million tourist

VI.5.1 Figure of Tourism contributed to GDP, Foreign Exchange, and Labor (constrcuted by Indonesia Tourism Minister, Arief Yahya).296

295 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Rencana Strategis, Pengembangan Destinasi dan Industri Pariwisata Tahun 215-2019. Retrived on 30 May 2017, from: 296 Ibid.


Based on the explanation before, the total budget of promotion for branding Wonderful Indonesia, did not have the exactly of data. The researcher seen from Indonesia Tourism Ministry did not transparant about the budget itself. Moreover, according to Arief Yahya as Indonesia Tourism Minister, he stated that Indonesia tourism industry contributed highest than other industry such as; agriculture, automative manufacture and mining. Tourism contribute 10% for national Gross Domestic Product (GDP), that give positive impact in the field of foreign exchange which is around $1 million and tourism also contribute for labor which around 9,8 million job vacancies.297 In 2015, in the field of job vacancy the revenue of foreign exchanges around $12,578. Furthermore, the revenue of foreign exchange in generally around 144 billion rupiah, with the total number of labor around 11,4 million people, and also with the total number of foreign tourist that visit to Indonesia around 10 million tourist.298

Review again, according to Anholt’s concept, the combination from strategy, substance, and symbol action can increase a country’s reputation which is Indonesia and give the positive image to the International level.299 In the issue of Indonesia’s public diplomacy in promoting brand tourism of Indonesia, it can be assumed that image is one of countries’ national interests which government would like to enhance. In order to improve its reputation, Indonesia will conduct a sequence of nation branding concept.300 The figure bellow will present the number of incoming Japanese tourists to Indonesia during 2014 until 2016:

297 Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia: Paparan Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia. Retrieved on 10 May 2017, from: df 298 Upaya Promosi Potensi Pariwisata Indonesia Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Nasional. Retrieved on 1 March 2017, from: 299 Anholt, Simon. (2010). Places: Identity, Image and Reputation. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 300 Anholt, Simon. (2002). Policy advisor, Superbrands: What is a Nation Brand?


Japanese Tourist (in person) 530,000 520,000 510,000 500,000 490,000 Japanese Tourist (in person) 480,000 470,000 460,000 450,000 2014 2015 2016

VI.1.1 Graphics Japanese Tourist Visit to Indonesia.301

Based on the interview with Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Indonesia Tourism Ministry. The data of Japanese tourist who come to Indonesia in 2014 around 481,000 tourists, in 2015 inreased by 525,000 tourists, and in 2016 decreased by 513,000 tourists. The decreasing of the total number of foreign tourist those visit to Indonesia happens because the internal condition of Indonesia itself. For example in terrorist issue, lately in Jakarta attacked by terrorist in Sarinah, This could be an obstacle of foreign tourist come to Indonesia because it will on danger. Therefore, foreign tourist will feel insecure come to Indonesia.302

Besides the internal factor, there is another factor that makes the Japanese tourist decreased to visit Indonesia which is in economic sector. In 2016, economy of Japan increase only 1%. Before that, in 2015 economy of Japan around 1,2%., that things decreae 0,2%. Furthermore, Japan government tries to increase the growth of economy by the export and private investment. In line with explanation

301 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am 302 Interview with Ms. Cindy Desta as Staff of International Tourism Marketing Strategy, Ministry of Tourism Republic of Indonesia, Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, in Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street, No.17. Central Jakarta, 10110 at 3rd floor. On 27 February 2017, at 10:00am

98 before, the decreasing of Japan economic give the impact for Japanese tourists that can not to travel thoughout the world, Indonesia for instance.303

Furthermore, the suggestion from researcher to the Indonesia Tourism Ministry such as; first, Indonesia Tourism Ministry stiil need effort, progress, or strategy in order to attract foreign tourist to visit Indonesia, Japanese tourist for instance. Second, Indonesia Tourism Ministry must develop the tourism destination as the world class tourism that competive and sustainable to encourage the tourism destination. Those things support by two aspects such as increase the image of Indonesia tourism and create the total location of national tourism destination that can promote throughout the world, Japan for instance. Furthermore Indonesia Tourism Ministry must concern about the infrastructure itself that can facilitate Japanese tourist who come to Indonesia. Third, Indonesia Tourism Ministry must transparency through the promotion budget for branding of Wonderful Indonesia. From the transparency itself, Indonesia citizen will know the flow of revenue and spending for branding Indonesia Tourism.

In the end this research can be countinue for the future, related to the implementation of Indonesia public diplomacy and nation branding that possibiliity can be criticize because of the theory did not in line with the implementation.

303 Ekonomi Jepang tumbuh 1% di tahun 2016. Retrieved on 30 May 2017, from:




Indonesia tourism defines as a medium in implementing public diplomacy. In public diplomacy, Indonesian Government through Indonesia Tourism Ministry delivers message directly and/or indirectly to Japanese in order to increase nation branding in the sector of tourism. Indonesia Government in this study is using Wonderful Indonesia as a tourism brand in attracting Japanese tourists.

The increasing of level awareness towards Indonesia tourism could be gained by adapting Simon Anholt’s concepts. Anholt’s concept promotes a nation strategy in which Indonesia is implementing Marketing Framework, then the substance is defined as Indonesia policy regarding tourism. The policy is reflected to the Law Number 10 Year 2009. Both strategy and substance are related each other to realize Wonderful Indonesia as a symbol of action. Hence, the symbol of action will come into a result in increasing reputation. The increasing reputation means nation branding of Indonesia has increased. The increased nation branding will lead the increasing number of incoming tourists from Japan. Those strategies give the positive impact through the Indonesia tourism; proven by cultural events, exhibition, and sales mission that held in Japan, one of those event is in February, 2016 there is Promotion Wonderful Indonesia, One World Festival 2016 held in Osaka, Japan.

The branding of Wonderful Indonesia is seen as an effective way in order to attract foreign tourist especially Japanese tourist. Based on Indonesia Tourism Ministry, consider the verification of effectiveness and promotion toward country focused on main market, including Japan that need to increase. The purpose of Wonderful Indonesia is to increase awareness of Indonesia tourism in foreign country. Certainly, with the success of the proposed will give an impact on Japanese tourists visit to Indonesia.


The implementation of bilateral cooperation also occured, proved by a government policy based on Presidential Decree Number 69 Year 2015 about free visa for foreign country visit to Indonesia. It is expected to attract Japanese tourists interested in visiting Indonesia.

Overall the combination of strategy, substance, and symbol action can increase the reputation of Indonesia throughout the Japanese tourist. Furthermore by Wonderful Indonesia can promote country image and strengthen the implementation of Indonesia public diplomacy in the field of tourism sector. In supported by explanation before, Indonesia can promote its country through the tourism that proven by the number of Japanese tourists that visit to Indonesia is always increasing from year 2014 until 2016. In despite, the number of Japanese tourist decreased from 2015 to 2016, but the decreasing not to significant which is around 2,3%. So, the strategy that has been done by Indonesia Tourim Ministry can attract Japanese tourist to visit Indonesia, altought did not same with the expection of Arief Yahya as Indonesia Tourism Minister.

Moreover, the failure of Indonesia Tourism Ministry in promoting Wonderful Indonesia as a nation branding on attracting incoming Japanese tourists because of some factors, such as; the failure of policy, the budget promotion for branding Wonderful Indonesia is not transparent, lack of coordination, and lack of infrastructure.

Furthermore, the suggestion for Indonesia Tourism Ministry such as; Indonesia Tourism Ministry stiil need effort, progress, or strategy in order to attract foreign tourist to visit Indonesia, Japanese tourist for instance, Indonesia Tourism Ministry must concern about the infrastructure that can facilitate Japanese tourist who come to Indonesia, and also Indonesia Tourism Ministry must transparency through the promotion budget for branding of Wonderful Indonesia. From the transparency itself, Indonesia citizen will know the flow of revenue and spending for branding Indonesia Tourism.




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Date/Time: Friday, 17th February 2017, at 14:00pm-15:00pm. Place: Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia. Office of the Deputy for International Marketing, 21st floor. Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street. No.17. Central Jakarta 10110 Resource Person: Entin Hartini (Assistant Deputy Director) Interview by: Tri Wulan Sari

Hasil Interview dengan Asisten Deputi Pasar Internasional Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia

Ibu Entin: Pemasaran pariwisata mancanegara kita punya lima eselon II, pertama sekretaris deputi bidang pariwisata mancanegara asdep pengembangan pasar asia tenggara, yang ketiga asdep pengembangan pasar asia pasifik yang keempat asdep pengembangan pasar wilayah Eropa Timur Tengah dan Amerika (ETTA), kemudian asdep marketing komunikasi pemasaran pariwisata, jadi totalnya ada lima , eselon II di deputi pemasaran mancanegara. Yang disini ini kita di asdep wilayah asia pasifik. Jadi wilayah kerja kita mencangkup lima negara yaitu Korea, Jepang, Australia, India, kemudian yang satu lagi China. Jadi, lima negara, lima pasar tersebut dibawah asdep wilayah asia pasifik.

Wulan: Adakah penjelasan mengenai Wonderful Indonesia?

Ibu Entin: Branding pariwisata Indonesia diawali dengan terbentuknya Visit Indonesia pada tahun 2007, yang sudah tidak terpakai lagi dan berubah menjadi branding Wonderful Indonesia pada tahun 2008. Kementrian Pariwisata yang menyelenggarakan branding Wonderful Indonesia, hanya saja perbuhan dari logo. Tetapi sebenarnya logonya tidak berubah, karena logo dari Wonderful Indonesia diambil dari logo Visit Indonesia hanya saja taglinenya yang berbeda. Karena wonderful


Indonesia ingin mempromosikan bahwa Indonesia itu banyak sekali objek-objek wisata, atau produk dan destinasi maupun kekayan alam yg perlu di promosikan ke negara luar, sehingga tau Indonesia. Seperti “Truly Asia” merupakan logo branding pariwisata Malaysia, “Amazing Thailand” Thailand, kemudian “Incredible India” India. Mereka akan mengetahui bahwa sudah melihat logo “Incredible India”, serba merah membuat orang image nya udah akan mengingat bahwa jika muncul logo tersebut orang akan mengetahui India. jika “Wonderful Indonesia” orang aware dengan logo kita ini, metamorfosa dari burung garuda. Tujuannya sama yaitu untuk mempromosikan wisata Indonesia.

Wulan: Adakah struktur organisasi mengenai Wonderful Indonesia?

Ibu Entin: Jika berbicara mengenai struktur organisasi, kita akan membahas mengenai susunan organisasi dari Menteri sampai dengan Staff. Struktur organisasi Wonderful Indonesia tidak ada, kita hanya memiliki buku panduannya saja. Jadi, Wonderful Indonesia digunakan dalam kops surat, posisinya dimana seperti itu, digunakan di dalam iklan, posisinya dimana, ada aturan-aturannya yang tertera dalam buku panduan. Terdapat pula sejarahnya, mengapa harus berwarna merah, kuning dan sebagainya, hal tersebut terdapat jastifikasinya.

Wulan: Adakah program dari Wonderful Indonesia?

Ibu Entin: Program Wonderful Indonesia di bagian Asia Pasifik, ada kegiatan seperti pameran, festival, sales mision, ada famtrip. Untuk menarik wisatan mancanegara, untuk mempromosikan pariwisata Indonesia agar tertarik datang ke Indonesia. Mentargetkan kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara yang datang ke Indonesia sebesar 15juta. Dengan strategi promosi melalui event, pameran, seperti yang tadi sudah saya jelaskan. Jika program yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pariwisata yaitu


Kementerian Pariwisata dalam menjalankan program-pragramnya tidak pernah sendirian tentunya sangat membutuhkan pihak lain untuk membantu agar tujuan promosi pariwisata tercapai. Kita mempunyai partner kerja sebagai stake holders yang membantu mempromosikan pariwisata Indonesia, antara lain Perwakilan kita di Luar Negeri atau Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI), Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia (KJRI), Visit Indonesia Tourism Officer (VITO), dan Industri Pariwisata : Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI), Association of Indonesian Tours and Travel (ASITA) dan Asosiasi Pariwisata lainnya.

Kegiatan promosi pariwisata Indonesia di luar negeri, antara lain Pameran, Sales Mission, dan Festival. Dalam kegiatan tersebut selain sifatnya bisnis to bisnis juga diselingi dengan cultural performance yang menampilkan tarian-tarian tradisional Indonesia juga keragaman seni budaya Indonesia seperti carnival, seni musik, kuliner, membatik dll. Tentu saja promosi ini berlangsung diseluruh target market pemasaran pariwisata termasuk di Jepang.

Khusus untuk kegiatan Festival Pariwisata yang dilaksanakan di luar negeri, Kementerian Pariwisata sering mendukung KBRI/Perwakilan RI di Luar Negeri dan juga penyelenggara Festival disana. Kegiatan tersebut antara lain ; Demo masak dari Restoran Bumbu, dan Bali Bistro Coffee Indonesia yang antara lain menyajikan masakan nasi goreng rendang, bubur sumsum, sate lilit, berbagai macam keripik, berbagai macam minuman kopi, dan bermacam kue khas Indonesia. Berbagai makanan dan minuman tersebut langsung dibagikan kepada para pengunjung.

Wulan: Adakah strategi khusus untuk menarik wisatan mancanegara khususnya Jepang untuk datang ke Indonesia?

Ibu Entin: Untuk Jepang sama saja strateginya seperti yang telah saya jelaskan, ada juga promosi melalui event Japan Association of Travel Agents


(JATA), kemudian ada sales mison, kita mendukung festival di Jepang kemudian mengundang famtrip, mengundang media daei Jepang ke Indonesia untuk melakukan peliputan, setelah peliputan tersebut selesai mereka harus memberikan hasil liputannya. Misalkan kita undang media dari Jepang ke Bali, lalu media tersebut membuat liputan mengenai Bali. Jadi informasi Indonesia melalui famrip itu ada.

Wulan: Adakah kerjasama Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia dengan institusi atau organisasi terkait dalam hal pariwisata?

Ibu Entin: Kerjasama dalam hal trasportasi dengan Airlines, seperti dengan Air Asia, Garuda, dengan Esque, Jet Star. Kementerian Pariwisata bekerjasama dengan El John ....telah membuat Program Pemilihan Putri Pariwisata Indonesia setiap tahun, dimana pemenangnya yaitu Putri Pariwisata Indonesia mempunyai multi talent dinobatkan menjadi duta pariwisata Indonesia yang tugasnya adalah mempromosikan pariwisata di dalam negeri dan luar negeri.

Wulan: Adakah tantangan yang dihadapi dalam menarik wisatawan macanegara?

Ibu Entin: Asisten Deputi Pasar Asia Pasifik fokus terhadap marketing saja, tentunya tantangan yang dihadapi oleh Asdep Asia Pafisik yaitu pertama justru dari negara lain atau competitor. Competitor kita selama ini yaitu Malysia, Thailand, Singapore. Orang cenderung berbondong-bondong liburan ke negara tersebut, nah hal tersebut menjadi suatu tantangan bagi negara Indonesia, bagaimana untuk orang-orang tersebut tertarik ke Indonesia, nah tantangan itu kan kita harus dihadapi dengan cara kita memberikan, seperti di obyek wisata kita bangun infrastrukturnya, hotel-hotelnya, restorannya, kemudian fasilitas-fasilitas kita perbaiki, kemudian aksesibilitas kita permudah, misalkan kita adakan penerbangan langsung, seperti dari Mumbay ke Jakarta, Mumbay ke Bali hal tersebut dilakukan untuk mempermudah aksesnya, dari China ke Manado kemudian dari China ke Danau Toba,


hal tersebut merupakan salah satu untuk mempermudah aksesibilitas bagi para wisatawan mancanegara. Untuk Jepang, dari Osaka ke Denpasar, Osaka ke Jakarta, Free Visa juga merupakan salah satu kebijakan yang dibuat oleh Kemenpar agar mempermudah wisatawan mancanegara untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia, kepada 169 negara.

Wulan: Adakah visi dan misi dari Wonderful Indonesia?

Ibu Entin: Visi dan Misi dari Wonderful Indonesia tidak ada, karena memang tujuan kita adalah promosinya, sebagai brand image pariwisata Indonesia, agar kita dapat mempromosikan ke negara luar dan daoat diketahui orang, jadi, awareness campaign branding “Wonderful Indonesia” yang kita implementasikan dalam beberapa kegiatan, seperti pemasangan iklan, sales mission, festival, pameran, merupakan implementasi dari Wonderful Indonesia.

Wulan: Apakah Wonderful Indonesia menjadi salah satu faktor meningkatnya ketertarikan wisatan mancanegara Jepang untuk datang ke Indonesia?

Ibu Entin: Tujuan dari promosi Wonderful Indonesia adalah meningkatkan awareness citra pariwisara Indonesia di mancanegara. Tentunya dengan berhasilnya tujuan dimaksud akan berdampak pula terhadap ketertarikan wisatawan mancanegara termasuk Jepang untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia.

Ibu Entin: Tambahan mengenai Asdep Pengembangan Pemasaran Pariwisata Mancenagara merupakan Asdep yang membawahi promosi pariwisata yang menjadi acuan oleh Asdep-asdep wilayah lain. Jadi, kita mendapat rekomendasi dari asdep tersebut. Karena di asdep International Marketing Asia Pasifik hanya actionnya saja.

Jadi untuk kesimpulan mengenai Wonderful Indonesia yaitu, Branding Wonderful Indonesia telah diimplementasikan pada semua kegiatan promosi pariwisata Indonesia di mancanegara, baik melalui event :pameran dan sales mission , famtrip, festival, juga pemasangan

112 iklan di media konvensional maupun digital. Tujuannya selain awareness terhadap branding Wonderful Indonesia itu sendiri sehingga Indonesia akan lebih dikenal lagi dimancanegara.

Target kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara ke Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun meningkat dan ini berhasil dicapai , faktor yang mempengaruhi antara lain ; adanya perhelatan festival seni buda dan olahraga tingkat internasional di Indonesia. Deregulasi kebijakan Bebas Visa Kunjungan (BVK) untuk 169 negara. Perbaikan infrastruktur dan fasilitas destinasi wisata , deregulasi peraturan kunjungan kapal pesiar ke parairan Indonesia. Mempromosikan 10 destinasi prioritas, 10 destinasi branding dan masih mempromosikan destinasi wisata yang sudah dikenal.


Date/Time: Monday, 27th February 2017, at 08:00am-09:00am. Place: Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia. Office of the Deputy International Relations Tourism, 3rd floor. Kimia Street. No.17. Cikini. Central Jakarta 10320 Resource Person: Wahyu Wicaksono (Head of Sub-Area Asia and Pasific Region) Interview by: Tri Wulan Sari

Hasil Interview dengan Kepala Sub-Bidang Kawasan Asia dan Pasifik

Wulan: Adakah penjelasan mengenai Hubungan Bilateral Indonesia dengan Jepang?

Pak Wahyu: Untuk sejarah hubungan bilateral Indonesia dengan Jepang kami tidak ada, beberapakali kami mengajukan draft MoU kepada Jepang, tukar menukar dokumen memang cukup panjang, karena membutuhkan waktu lebih dari setahun. Lalu adanya persetujuan dari tahun 2000, karena di Jepang tidak mengenal MoU. MoU di Jepang selalu melibatkan parlement jadi prosesnya lebih panjang, sehingga diputuskan menjadi semacam “win win solution” untuk pendekatannya melalui joint announcement cooperation in tourism pada tahun 2003. Joint announcement yang sudah ada sejak tahun 2003 tersebut masih berlaku sampai saat ini. Lalu kelanjutan daripada joint announcement tersebut memang ada beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan lewat pemasaran, promosi bersama, pameran, festival, diadakannya di Jepang. Secara garis besar, MoU dibuat berdasarkan kebutuhan masing-masing pihak. Masing- masing pihak dalam hubungan bilateral Indonesia dengan Jepang memang lebih cenderung kepada pihak Indonesia, karena semakin banyaknya wisatawan Jepang yang datang ke Indonesia. Sehingga katakanlah bahwa Indonesia yang lebih membutuhkan adanya kerjasama bilateral bidang pariwisata antara Indonesia dengan Jepang. Kemajuan serta perkembangan hubungan bilateral


Indonesia dengan Jepang tiap tahun kita mengadakan kegiatan promosi bersama, penelitian tentang wisman Jepang di Indonesia, ada juga sukarelawan dari Jepang yaitu Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) khususnya yang mengajar tentang hasa Jepang di stakeholder kita contohnya tour guide dan sebagainya. Ada juga beberapa sukarelawan dari Jepang yang mengajar di sekolah-sekolah kita, ada sukarelawan Jepang yang melakukan kerjasama atau penempatan sukarelawan di dinas-dinas provinsi. Selama ini hanya baru ada Jepang ke Indonesia, jika dari Indonesia ke Jepang belum ada. Terakhir di Jepang sedang mengadakan wisata halal tourism, pihak Jepang beberapa kali menghubungi rekan-rekan di halal tourism ingin mengetahui tentang halal tourism. Hubungan bilateral Jepang dengan Indonesia berhubungan dengan Government to Government yaitu Kemenpar dan ASEAN Japan Center (AJC) untuk mengimplementasikannya yaitu dengan JICA seperti sukarelawan. Hubungan Kelembagaan Kepariwisataan (HKK) disini hanya membukakan pintunya saja bagi Jepang jika ingin menjalin kerjsama, tetapi ketika implementasinya terkait dengan pihak-pihak yang berhubungan.


Date/Time: Monday, 27th February 2017, at 10:00am-11:00am. Place: Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia. Office of the Deputy for International Marketing Tourism Strategy, 3rd floor. Sapta Pesona Building, Medan Merdeka Barat Street. No.17. Central Jakarta 10110 Resource Person: Cindy Riona Pasaribu (Staf Bidang Strategi Pemasaran Pariwisata Asia Pasifik) Interview by: Tri Wulan Sari

Hasil Interview dengan Staf Bidang Strategi Pemasaran Pariwisata Asia Pasifik

Ibu Cindy: Penilitian dilakukan kepada wisatawan mancenagara (wisman) ketika datang ke Indonesia. Kementerian Pariwisata (kemenpar) bekerjasama dengan BPS, imigrasi, angkasapura, dan Bank Indonesia (BI) karena berhubungan dengan devisa. Menggunakan sample wisman sudah tertera dengan presentase, jadi bukan seluruh wisman Jepang yang datang ke indonesia, mereka mayoritas berkujung ke Jakarta, Bali dihitung dalam presentase bukan jumlah, kemudian data kunjungan wisman real yang masuk melalui pintu imigrasi dan diolah oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), kemudian BPS meneruskan kepada kita.

Wulan: Adakah organisasi yang ditunjuk oleh Kementerian Pariwisata dalam hal untuk mengurus atau mengelola atau mempromosikan ‘Wonderful Indonesia”

Ibu Cindy: Branding Wonderful Indonesia dibawah pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Pemasaran Pariwisata Mancenagara, namun penggunaan dan promosi pariwisata menggunakan Wonderful Indonesia (sesuai pedoman Kemenpar) dapat dilakukan oleh seluruh stakeholders pariwisata dan masyarakat Indonesia, dalam lingkup dan tujuan untuk meningkatkan awareness dan mencapai target kunjungan wisaman ke Indonesia tahun 2017 sebesar 15 juta dan 2019 sebesar 20 juta.


Wulan: Adakah strategi Wonderful Indonesia atau Kementerian Pariwisata dalam menarik wisatawan mancanegara untuk datang ke Indonesia?

Ibu Cindy: Strategi pemasaran kita yaitu Destination, Origin, Time. Destinasi kita lebih kepada 10 destinasi. Destinasi yang siap untuk di promosikan baik secara infrastruktur, serta penilaian lainnya. Biasanya kita ada penilaian lainnya seperti aksesibilitas, amenitas, dan attraction. Destinasi ini terbai menjadi dua yaitu destination branding dan destination prioritas. Jika destination branding dibawah tanggung jawab Badan Pengembangan Pemasaran Pariwisata Mancenagara. Strategi DOT, BAS, POSE merupakan strategi yang dicanang oleh Pak Menteri Arief Yahya,. Jika strategi promotionnya yaitu branding, advertising, dan selling dimana perbandingannya branding 20%, advertising 30% dan selling 50%.

Wulan: Upaya apakah yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pariwisata untuk meningkatkan daya tarik wisman (khususnya Jepang), pada objek- objek wisata yang ada di Indonesia?

Ibu Cindy: Upaya yang dilakukan menyeluruh terhadap seluruh wisman bukan hanya Jepang yaiu dengan Branding, Advertising, dan Selling. Branding lebih ke awareness, social media, peningkata branding di 15 destinasi yaitu dengan dibuatnya logo di masing-masing destinasi utama. Jika di advertising promosi melalui media pasar utama, promosi di 15 destinasi utama, publikasi pada event-event internasional dan event cross border. Selling seperti partisipasi dalam pameran wisara di pasar utama, misi penjualan di pasar utama dan kerjasama hardselling dengan airlines dan wholesalers, melaksanakan Festival Indonesia di luar negeri bekerjsama dengan perwakilan KBRI/KJRI.

Wulan: Destinasi dan obejk-objek wiata apa sajakah yang paling dituju oleh wisman (khususnya wisman Jepang) bila berkunjung ke Indonesia?


Ibu Cindy: Sama halnya seperti sebelumnya disini kami menspesifikasikan secara general wisman yang datang ke Indonesia, jadi tidak hanya wisman Jepang tetapi seluruh wisman yang datang ke Indonesia. Selanjutnya terdapat tiga destinasi utama yang paling disenangi oleh wisman ketika berkunjung ke Indonesia yaitu Nature, Culture, dan Manmade.

Wulan: Adakah event, festival, budaya Indonesia yang ditampilkan di Jepang?

Ibu Cindy: Event yang biasa kita laksanakan yaitu sales mission, Kemenpar membawa tour-tour operator yang menjual inbound kita dari Jepang kita bawa ke beberapa tempat, seperti roadshow, kemudian mereka disana melaksanakan table top dengan tour operator disana. Jika exhibition, kita mendirikan booth di Jepang sesuai dengan tujuan kita yaitu seperti menawarkan jasa travel dari Jepang ke Indonesia. Kita juga membawa tour operator, seperti misalkan ada kantor Garuda di luar negeri membantu dalam mempromosikan pariwisata Indonesia.

Wulan: Apakah Wonderful Indonesia menjadi salah satu faktor meningkatnya ketertarikan wisman Jepang untuk datang ke Indonesia?

Ibu Cindy: Dalam konsep marketing Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action (AIDA), Kemenpar merasa keefektifisan diversifikasi dan promosi pada negara fokus pasar salah satunya Jepang perlu ditingkatkan. Oleh karena itu, sejak tahun 2015 lalu Kementerian Pariwisata meningkatkan budget untuk kegiatan awareness dan branding melalui “Wonderful Indonesia” dengan alokasi sebesar 50% dari anggaran. Jadi menjawab pertanyaan mba Wulan, tentu branding “WI” menjadi salah satu tools untuk menarik wisman Jepang ke Indonesia.