40 Years of Fishery Management in the Hawaii Archipelago
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40 Years of Fishery Management in the Hawaiʻi Archipelago Before 1976 and the FCMA Fisheries in Hawaii included foreign fleets that fished for a variety of species from seamount groundfish to black corals prior to 1976. Things changed with the introducon of the Fishery Conser- vaon and Management Act (Now Magnuson-Stevens Act or MSA) in 1976. The MSA created 8 Regional Fishery Management Councils and charged them with developing fishery management The Hawaiian Archipelago Pre‐1976 plans for conservaon, management and promoon of the naon’s fisheries. 1990 to 1999 2000 to 2009 2010 to 2016 1976 to 1989 Tunas were included as fish under MSA management and the 1996 Concerns about protected species regulate the pelagic fishery; Fisheries operate under increased pressure from more and larger Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) for lobsters, precious corals, Sustainable Fisheries Act amended MSA to include essenal fish MSA is amended again; and fisheries close in the NWHI due to the area closures, protected species migaon measures, ecosystem boomfish and seamount groundfish, and pelagic developed. habitat (EFH), bycatch and communies. proclamaon of the first marine naonal monument in 2006. consideraons and climate change concerns. Major management acons: Major management acons: 1992-Pelagic longline vessel exclusion zone Major management acons: ed Major management acons: 1986‐Boomfish and Seamount Groundfish around the MHI (50-75 nm) implemented to 2000-President Clinton establishes the 2008-Pelagic charter fishery control date 2010-Hawaii Fishery Ecosystem Plan approved; Pelagic fishery CDP eligibility requirements 1983‐Spiny Lobster FMP Developed FMP Developed 1991-Overfishing definions developed for prevent gear conflicts (Oct-Jan seasonal NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve prohib- amended; pelagic squid species added as a Minimum size limits, no-take of egg- boomfish, precious corals, crustaceans and reducon to 25 nm on windward shores of management unit implemented; Hawaii FEP CDP eligibility requirements and procedures for reviewing and Prohibit destrucve fishing techniques: ing commercial and recreaonal fishing approving plans implemented; Hancock Seamount Ecosystem Management Area established bearing females explosives, poisons, trawl nets and pelagic fisheries all MHI except Oahu); Control date for within the Reserve Preservaon Areas 2009-shallow-set longline set limit removed and moratorium extended Permit Areas boom-set gillnets 1996-MSA amended through the Sustaina- Hawaii handline fishery at seamount and 2001-Coral Reef Ecosystem FMP developed and loggerhead sea turtle hard cap in- Mandatory logbook and observers Moratorium placed on commercial ble Fisheries Act NOAA weather buoys established; tuna and transmied to NMFS creased 2011-ACLs and Accountability Measures established included as a management unit; longline Gear restricons to minimize monk seal harvest of seamount groundfish at 1999-SFA requires the idenficaon of 2002-CREFMP parally approved; NWHI Precious Corals FMP Essenal Fish Habitat, bycatch, and fishing exclusion zone applied to foreign vessels 2012-ACLs for Boomfish, Crustaceans, Precious Corals and Coral Reef Fisheries implemented interacons Hancock Seamounts regulaons rejected as being inconsistent or 2002-Gold coral harvest suspended at communies in the FMPs around the MHI 1985-Change in minimum size from Developed NWHI perming system duplicave with the NWHI CRER Makapuu Bed; Black coral minimum sizes 1993-longline gear markings required 2012-False killer whale migaon measures implemented under the Marine Mammal Protec- carapace length to tail width 1988-NWHI EEZ split into Mau and Boomfish and Seamount Groundfish FMP 2004-CRE FMP Final Rule implemented implemented; non-selecve fishing gear on Act, including the Southern Exclusion Zone and “weak” circle hooks 1994-Mandatory federal observers required 1986-Ban on lobster fishing within 20 nm Hoʻomalu Zones; Limited access system 1991‐Protected Species Study Zone 2002-Shark Finning Prohibion Act passed prohibited; minimum size restricons put on on longline vessels; VMS required for all of Laysan, all NWHI waters shallower developed for Hoʻomalu Zone with implemented 50 nm around the NWHI by Congress and amends MSA prohibing pink coral; proposed measures for the NWHI 2013-Gold Coral Moratorium extended Hawaii-based longline vessels than 10 fathoms, and all lagoons transferable permits and landing require- 1992‐Seamount groundfish moratorium at the retenon or landing of shark fins with- not approved because they were deter- 1999-Longline fishing closed by court order 2016-Boomfish EFH revised; NWHI marine naonal monument expanded to the enre EEZ 1987-Escape vents required in lobster ments; A protected species workshop is Hancock Seamount extended out their associated carcasses mined to be inconsistent with the NWHI in area north of NWHI to reduce interac- traps; slipper lobsters regulated with required 1998‐Seamount groundfish moratorium at 2003-Hawaii fishing communies amend- CRER ons with sea turtles minimum size and requirement to re- 1987‐Pelagics Fisheries FMP Developed Hancock Seamount extended; State of ment approved 2005-grandfather clause for black coral lease egg-bearing females; name change Inial Management Unit Species include Hawaii implements regulaons for the MHI Crustaceans FMP 2006-NWHI Marine Naonal Monument minimum size removed to Crustaceans FMP billfish, wahoo, mahimahi and oceanic (BRFAs, non-commercial bag limits, gear 1992-NWHI limited access program devel- declared by President Bush; commercial 2008‐Auau channel designated as a black 1983‐Precious Corals FMP Developed sharks restricons, vessel registry) oped (15 permits, minimum landing re- fishing in the NWHI within 50 miles to be coral bed with an associated quota; five- Management Areas Defined Dri gillnets prohibited and foreign 1999-Mau Zone limited entry program quirement, and maximum limit on number phased out in five years. MSA amended year moratorium placed on the harvest of Classified Known Precious Coral Beds longline fishing prohibited without a implemented (non-transferrable permits, of traps); annual harvest guideline devel- requiring Annual Catch Limits (ACLs) and gold coral oped for the fishery; a closed season from 1988-Corallium species included in man- permit or in closed areas landing requirements, protected species accountability measures Boomfish and Seamount Groundfish FMP January to June was implemented agement unit 1988-Midway Atoll Naonal Wildlife Refuge workshop, max vessel length); Community Pelagics FMP 2005-MHI EEZ boomfish control date Development Program implemented for 1994-NWHI minimum landings eliminated; designated 2000-longline area closures north of the issued; 20% of Mau Zone permits provided for CPUE target used to managed the fishery Hawaiian Islands are modified with re- 2007-Boomfish fishery in the MHI closed indigenous Hawaiian fishermen; adjusted stricons on each area; use of light scks is to address overfishing while a plan is devel- Pelagics FMP 1996-Changes made to annual harvest prohibited; line clippers and dip nets re- oped guideline; in-season adjustment procedures 1991-Federal permits and logbooks required quired 2008-A Total Allowable Catch limit is eliminated; minimum size limits and prohi- for longline fishery; 50 nm longline protect- 2001‐2006 Hawaii longline fishing re- implemented along federal non-commercial bion on harvest of egg-bearing females ed species zone around the NWHI imple- stricons and protected species migaon permits and bag limits, a closed season for eliminated due to the inability to return mented; framework for mandatory observer measures put in place including weighted deep-7 boomfish, and an established these lobsters safely to the boom without program put in place; mandatory VMS for branch lines, blue-dyed bait, strategic offal fishing year of September 1 to August 31. longline vessels in the EEZ implemented predaon discards (2002), circle hooks with mackerel Crustaceans FMP 1997-VMS required for NWHI crustacean bait (2004), set limits and 100% observer fishery 2008-deepwater shrimp added as a coverage in the shallow-set fishery (2004), management unit 1998-Bank-specific harvest guidelines and side seng (2006) implemented for Necker, Gardner Pinnacles, 2007-electronic logbook opon implement- Maro Reef, and all NWHI lobster fishing grounds combined .