Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16
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Library of Congress Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 REPUTED PORTRAIT OF MARQUETTE From oil painting by unknown artist, discovered in Montreal in 1897 COLLECTIONS OF THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN EDITED BY REUBEN GOLD THWAITES Secretary and Superintendent of the Society VOL. XVI The French Regime in Wisconsin—I 1634–1727 WISCONSIN STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY MADISON PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY 1002 IN EXCHANGE Wis. His. Soc. Published by Authority of Law 2,500 COPIES PRINTED F576 W81 DEMOCRAT PRINTING CO., MADISON, STATE PRINTER CONTENTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 Library of Congress PAGE Reputed Portrait of Jacques Marquette, S.J. Frontispiece Officers of the Society ix Preface xi THE FRENCH REGIME IN WISCONSIN—I DOCUMENTS 1634: Jean Nicolet's Visit to Wisconsin 1 1640–60: Tribes And Tribal Wars about Green Bay 3 1653–55: First Iroquois Raid into Wisconsin. 10 1656–62: The Ottawas and Hurons flee to Wisconsin: Hostilities between them and the Sioux 14 1658–61: Radisson and Groseilliers in Wisconsin 21 1660–61: First Jesuit Mission among the Ottawas 21 1660–61: Ménard's Labors and Death 22 1662–72: Relations between the Wisconsin Tribes and the Sioux 25 1665: Allouez describes Lake Superior 31 1665–66: Perrot visits the Wisconsin Tribes, and induces them to become Allies of the French 32; 1665–67: Religious Beliefs and Superstitions of the Upper Algonkin Tribes. 50 Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 Library of Congress 1665–68: Allouez's Account of Various Tribes 55 1665–69: Allouez's Mission at Lake Superior 59 1670: Galinée and Dollier de Casson at Sault Ste. Marie 62 1670: Jesuit Missions among the Wisconsin Tribes 63 1670: Dablon's Account of Copper Mines at Lake Superior 72 1670: Chequamegon a Centre of Trade 77 1670–73: Jesuit Missions in the Lake Region; Trial Migrations 78 1673: Joliet and Marquette discover the Upper Mississippi 89 1673–76: Jesuit Missions to Ottawas and Wisconsin Tribes 92 1676–77: Allouez begins the Illinois Mission 96 iv 1677–79: Jesuit Missions to Ottawas and Wisconsin Tribes 97 1681–83: Fur Trade; Wisconsin Indians Atone to Jesuits for the Murder of their Servants 99 1682: Description of Wisconsin Rivers; Accusations Against Du Luth 105 1683: Affairs at Michillimackinac 110 1683: Jesuit Missions in the Northwest 113 1684: Indian Murderers punished by Du Luth 114 Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 Library of Congress 1686: Governor Denonville orders Du Luth to establish a Post at Detroit 125 1686: Account of Detroit Post 127 1687: English and Iroquois Intrigues among Northwestern Tribes 130 1687–89: Hostilities between French and Iroquois 132 1688–90: Disturbances among the Upper Tribes, which are quelled by Perrot 134 1689: Algonkin, Huron, and Iroquois Politics 142 1690–91: Perrot's Dealings with Wisconsin Tribes; He establishes a Fort on the Mississippi, near the Wisconsin 143 1695: Northwestern Indians at Quebec; Huron Intrigues 160 1697: Northwestern Indians at Quebec; Frontenac's Policy Toward them 166 1697: Le Sueur's Mines on the Mississippi 173 1698: Illicit Fur Trade; Participation therein of French Soldiers; Complaints against Le Sueur 174 1700: Le Sueur's Voyage up the Mississippi 177 1700: Louvigny punished for Illicit Trading with Iroquois 194 1700–02: Le Sueur's Fort on the Mississippi 194 1700: Treaty with Indian Tribes; Illicit Trading 200 1701: Cadillac's Detroit Colony; approved by Jesuits 204 Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 Library of Congress 1701: Michillimackinac and Detroit 206 1701: New Trading Posts to be established in the West 208 1702: Miamis Intrigue with English Traders 211 1702: Miamis unwilling to go to Detroit 213 1702: Evils attendant upon the Fur Trade; Demoralization of both French and Indians 214 1703: Hurons refuse to go to Detroit 217 1703: Importance of Post at Detroit 218 1703: Indian Intrigues; Detroit should be Abandoned 220 1703: Conference of Indian Envoys with Governor De Vaudreuil 221 1706: Illicit Trade; French Policy toward Indian Tribes 228 v 1706: Detroit attacked by Ottawas and Miamis; Jesuits pacify Michillimackinac Savages 232 1706: Intertribal Relations; French Policy 240 1707: Lotus XIV orders inspection of Western Posts 242 1707: Policy toward Indians; Illicit Trade 247 1707: Policy Toward Indian Tribes 349 1708: Rejection of Proposal to enroll Indians in Canadian Militia 250 Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 Library of Congress 1708: Summary of an Inspection of the Posts of Detroit and Michillimackinac, by D'Aigremont 251 1709: Decisions Regarding Northwestern Posts 260 1710: Disturbances among Indians; Michillimackinac should be reoccupied 263 1710: Trading Licenses and Sale of Brandy 265 1712: Siege of Detroit by Wisconsin Indians 267 1712: Indian Affairs in the Lake Region 288 1712: Another Account of the Siege of Detroit 293 1713: Reestablishment of Michillimackinac 295 1713–14: Foxes are unruly and lawless; Should be destroyed; French Renegades 298 1714: Plans for Campaign against the Foxes 303 1714: Memoir on Detroit; Plea for Troops 307 1714–15: Intrigues of English and Iroquois among Western Tribes; Foxes slay Frenchmen 310 1715: Epidemic among Weas prevents them from aiding De Lignery; Should be removed to Chicago 322 1715: Military Preparations against Foxes; Traders and Voyageurs; Their Lawlessness; Restrictions on Trade; English seek to control Fur Trade; French should establish new Posts 327 Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 Library of Congress 1716: Plans for settling Difficulties with fox Indians; Lawlessness of Coureurs de Bois 338 1716: The Fox War; Lovigny's Expedition; Proceedings of Council thereon 341 1716: Indian Affairs in the West 345 1717: Louvigny pacifies Western Tribes, and recalls Coureurs de Bois; Posts established 346 1713: Description of Michillimackinac; Indian Tribes of that Region 350 1718: Memoir on the Savages of Canada as far as the Mississippi River, describing their Customs and Trade 363 1718: Conference of Western Indians with Governor Vaudreuil, at Montreal 377 vi 1719: French Garrison sent to Chequamegon; War between Illinois and Wisconsin Tribes; English Intrigues with Miamis 330 1719: Account of De Lignery for Expenses incurred by him 383 1720: Louvigny appointed Commandant-General in the Northwest 385 1720: Expenses of Fox War 386 1720: Fur Trade in Northwest; Restrictions needed; Evils of Intemperance among Savages; Policy to be pursed by French 387 1720: Expenses for inspecting the Upper Posts 391 1720–21: More Jesuits needed in Upper Country; Hostilities between Foxes and other Tribes; Miamis refuse to migrate 392 Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 Library of Congress 1721: Expenses incurred in the War with the Foxes 400 1721: Charlevoix visits Wisconsin; His Description of the Tribes 408 1722: Speeches of the Foxes at a Council held at the House of Monsieur de Montigny, in the presence of the Missionary, Sept.6, 1722 418 1723: Detroit Indians threaten the Foxes; Illicit Sale of Brandy at that Post 422 1723: Jesuit Missionaries needed among the Sioux 427 1723: Hostilities between Foxes and other Tribes; Policy of French toward them 428 1723: Foxes intrigue with the Abenakis 431 1723: Intertribal affairs; Licenses for Fur Trade; Their suppression 433 1724: War between Foxes and Chippewas; Fort to be established among Sioux 441 1724: Intertribal Wars; Importance of Post Ouiatanon 442 1724: De Lignery goes to Green Bay; Pacifies the Warring Tribes, except the Foxes and Illinois 444 1724: Foxes demand the restoration of their Captives among the Illinois; Lack of co- operation among French Commandants 446 1725: French Settlements in Illinois are menaced by the Foxes; Aid from France requested 450 1725: Opinions of Illinois Missionaries regarding Fox War 453 1725: Speech of the Illinois Indians, defending themselves, and accusing the Foxes 456 Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 Library of Congress 1726: De Lignery makes a Temporary Peace with Foxes; Policy of the French toward that Tribe 463 vii 1727: Foxes Promise to keep the Peace 468 1727: Extraordinary Expenses incurred by Western Commandats 470 1727: Answer to Complaints of Detroit Habitants against the Commandant's Monopoly of Fur Trade 471 1727: English Intrigues among the Western Tribes; Foxes disaffected; French will again wage War against them 476 ILLUSTRATIONS Reputed Portrait of Marque Frontispiece Combined Bronze Sun-Dial and Compass 64 Facsimile of Handwriting of Louis André, S.J. 66 Map of Lake Superior, from the “Jesuit Relation” of 1670–71 80 Facsimile of Handwriting of Claude Dablon, S.J. 84 Marquette's MS. Map, accompanying his Journal of 1673 88 Gætano Trentanove's Statue of Marquette 92 Marquette's unfinished Autograph Journal, 1674–75 (seven 96 pages) 96 The De Pere Monument to Allouez 104 Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Volume 16 Library of Congress La Hontan's Map of Mackinac Straits 136 Perrot's Ostensorium, 1686 142 Supposed Site of Perrot's Winter Quarters, 1635–86 154 Junction of Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers 180 La Pointe Village, Madelaine Island, Chequamegon Bay 380 INDEX 479 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY, 1902 PRESIDENT HON. ROBERT L. McCORMICK Hayward VICE-PRESIDENTS HON. JOHN B. CASSODAY Madison HON. LUCIUS C. COLMAN Lacrosse HON. EMIL BAENSCH Manitowoc HON. JAMES SUTHERLAND Janesville HON. WILLIAM F. VILAS Madison WILLIAM W.