Hypertension and

Jeremy Slivnick, MDa, Brent C. Lampert, DOb,*

KEYWORDS   Heart failure  LVH  HFpEF  HFrEF  Heart failure drug therapy

KEY POINTS  Hypertension leads to heart failure through pathologic left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and dia- stolic dysfunction. A subset of these patients ultimately develops systolic heart failure owing to ischemia, genetic polymorphisms, or other insults to the cardiac myocytes.  LVH represents the inciting event in the development of heart failure owing to hypertension.  Early screening and intervention are keys to preventing hypertensive heart failure. Even after the onset of LVH, prompt initiation of therapy may still lead to reversal of remodeling.  Once heart failure develops, the outlook declines significantly. Treatment should be in accordance with current guidelines for heart failure.

INTRODUCTION PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Hypertension is the leading risk factor for numerous In the most widely accepted model of hyperten- cardiovascular diseases, including , coronary sive heart failure, chronic pressure overload leads artery disease, atrial fibrillation, and peripheral to the development of left ventricular hypertrophy vascular disease. In particular, hypertension con- (LVH). Progressive hypertrophy and fibrotic tributes significantly to the incidence of heart fail- changes in the heart lead to progressive diastolic ure, a condition responsible for 1 in 9 annual dysfunction ultimately leading to elevated left- deaths in the United States and approximately sided filling pressures and diastolic heart failure. $30.7 billion in annual health care costs.1,2 Hyper- Eventually, a subset of patients progresses to sys- tension is highly prevalent in the heart failure popu- tolic dysfunction in the presence of chronic volume lation. In the Framingham study, 91% of patients and pressure overload.6 with new heart failure had underlying hyperten- Multiple mechanisms appear to contribute to this sion.3 History of hypertension has also been noted disease progression. Chronic pressure overload ap- in up to 70% of patients in the PARADIGM-HF trial.4 pears to lead to alterations in gene expression Hypertension appears to have a dose-dependent resulting in both myocyte hypertrophy and alter- impact on heart failure incidence.5 In all, hyperten- ations in the extracellular matrix. At the myocyte sion is the single greatest risk factor for heart failure level, increased microtubule density initially leads at a population level, owing to its high prevalence.3 to improved contractility and left ventricular mass.7 Hypertension is also a leading cause of myocardial In the later stages, derangements within the car- infarction, the second greatest risk factor. Hyper- diac myocyte lead to impaired relaxation and tensive heart disease is therefore a major concern increased stiffness. Abnormal calcium handling, to anyone caring for heart failure patients. microtubule disarray, and hyperphosphorylation of

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose. Funding sources: No research funding was used in this research. Relevant disclosures: None. a Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, 473 West 12th Avenue, Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; b Heart Transplantation and Mechanical Circulatory Support, Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, 473 West 12th Avenue, Suite 200, Columbus, OH 43210, USA * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected]

Heart Failure Clin - (2019) -–- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hfc.2019.06.007

1551-7136/19/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. heartfailure.theclinics.com 2 Slivnick & Lampert

titin protein have been implicated in this pathologic  Degree IV: Symptomatic heart failure with process.8,9 Increased collagen turnover owing to reduced ejection fraction enzymes called membranometalloproteases is also linked to increased fibrotic remodeling and These stages draw similarities from the Amer- ultimately the development of both diastolic and ican College of Cardiology/American Heart Asso- systolic dysfunction in hypertensive patients.10,11 ciation (ACC/AHA) stages in which those with The microvasculature may also play a role; stage A possess risk factors without overt disease; both microvascular resistance and reactivity are stage B patients have underlying structural heart impaired in hypertension and may contribute to disease, and stage C/D patients are those with the development of both systolic and diastolic heart overt, clinical heart failure. failure.12,13 LEFT VENTRICULAR HYPERTROPHY Increased neurohormonal stress also appears to play a powerful role in remodeling, and ultimately, Chronic pressure overload resulting in LVH appears 14 heart failure (Fig. 1). Elevated levels of renin to be the inciting event in the cascade ultimately and aldosterone have been implicated in the leading to hypertensive heart failure. Concentric 15,16 development of LVH and fibrotic remodeling. hypertrophy represents, at least initially, an attempt Polymorphisms in these pathways may be partially by the left ventricle to maintain wall stress in responsible for the variability in remodeling seen in response to elevated systemic pressures in accor- different patient populations. dance with Laplace’s law (Fig. 3). Classically, LVH was diagnosed by electrocardi- STAGES OF HYPERTENSIVE HEART FAILURE ography (ECG); however, although specific, ECG 18 Based on the pathophysiologic mechanisms criteria appear to lack sensitivity for this finding. described above, Messerli and colleagues6,17 pro- When more sensitive modalities such as cardiac MRI are used, the prevalence of LVH in the popu- posed the following stages in the evolution of 19 hypertensive heart disease (Fig. 2): lation ranges from 9% to 13%. The link between hypertension and the incidence  Degree I: Hypertension without LVH of LVH is well established and has been demon-  Degree II: Asymptomatic hypertension with strated using multiple imaging modalities, including LVH ECG, echocardiography, and cardiac MRI.20,21 Hy-  Degree III: Symptomatic heart failure with pre- pertension appears to result in LVH in a dose- served ejection fraction (HFpEF) dependent fashion with even prehypertensive

Fig. 1. Cellular pathways contributing to LVH in hypertensive heart disease. Both physical and neurohormonal stresses contribute to alterations in gene expression resulting in myocyte hypertrophy and pathologic remodel-

ing. LV, left ventricular; MVO2, Myocar- dial oxygen consumption. (From Shenasa M, Shenasa H. Hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, and sud- den cardiac death. Int J Cardiol 2017;237:61; with permission.) Hypertension and Heart Failure 3

Fig. 2. Stages of hypertensive heart disease. (From Messerli FH, Rimoldi SF, Bangalore S. The Transition From Hypertension to Heart Failure: Contemporary Update. JACC Heart Fail 2017;5(8):546; with permission.) patients at risk for remodeling.21–23 This correlation mass.21,25 Race appears to play a significant appears to be much stronger when ambulatory or role. On average, blacks have significantly higher workplace monitoring is used as left ventricular mass and are over twice as likely compared with physician’s office measurements.24 to develop LVH as their white counterparts.18,19 It should be noted that other factors besides These racial differences suggest the possible role blood pressure also modulate the development of genetics in the remodeling process. This is of LVH. Not all patients with hypertension develop supported by sibling studies from the Framing- LVH and not all LVH occur secondary to hyperten- ham cohort, which demonstrated a significant sion. In a review of major trials by Devereux and heritable component of hypertrophy in response colleagues,24 the prevalence of LVH among hyper- to hypertension.26 Last, classical cardiovascular tensive patients was only 23% to 48%. In addition, risk factors, such as diabetes, active smoking, LVH was seen in 0% to 10% of normal subjects. In and obesity, also significantly contribute to LVH regression models, hypertension only explained irrespective of blood pressure.21,27,28 Thus, this 50% to 68% of the variance in left ventricular process appears to be multifactorial in nature.

FROM REMODELING TO HEART FAILURE Although initially adaptive, LVH in response to hy- pertension ultimately becomes pathologic. There are clear differences in the pattern of hypertrophy in patients with LVH owing to hypertension when compared with those with physiologic hypertrophy, such as in athletes. In a study by Galderisi and col- Fig. 3. Law of Laplace. leagues,29 patients with hypertensive hypertrophy 4 Slivnick & Lampert

had significantly lower global longitudinal strain medical intervention has been shown to alter and greater degrees of diastolic dysfunction than mortality in HFpEF and very few medications age-matched competitive athletes despite lower appear to alter the disease process at all. This high- mean left ventricular mass. As discussed above, lights the importance of the early detection and impairments in active myocyte relaxation and treatment of hypertension and LVH before onset extracellular fibrosis appear to contribute to the of HFpEF. process. In addition, left ventricular mass inversely correlates with cardiac index in hypertensive pa- HEART FAILURE WITH REDUCED EJECTION tients, which also argues against a physiologic FRACTION benefit to this pattern of hypertrophy.24 Regardless of how it occurs, once LVH de- Eventually, a subset of patients with longstanding velops, the risk of developing heart failure in- hypertension progresses to develop systolic creases dramatically.21,30 This remains true for dysfunction and clinical HFrEF. Unlike those who both HFpEF and heart failure with reduced ejection develop HFpEF, these patients appear to develop fraction (HFrEF), even when controlling for known disproportionate myocyte loss rather than hyper- heart failure risk factors, such as age, gender, trophy. Myocyte death leads to increased wall blood pressure, myocardial infarction, and dia- stress and the shift toward a dilated cardiomyopa- betes.30 This relationship appears to be dose thy phenotype.13 Interestingly, eccentric hypertro- dependent. In a study by de Simone and col- phy appears to be as common as concentric leagues,30 each 1% increase in left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with hypertension.39 The mass above the normal range on echocardiogram pattern of hypertrophy may be influenced, in was associated with a 1% increased incidence of part, by variable levels of pressure and volume heart failure after controlling for risk factors, such overload. Indeed, patients with eccentric hypertro- as prior myocardial infarction. Several studies phy have lower systolic blood pressure and sys- have shown that elevations in biomarkers, such temic vascular resistance than their concentric as N-terminal-prohormone brain natriuretic pep- counterparts.38 Those with eccentric hypertrophy tide (NT-proBNP) and troponin, may identify pa- are also more likely to develop HFrEF than those tients with LVH at higher risk of heart failure and with concentric hypertrophy.40 Conversely, in the death.31,32 same study, the pattern of hypertrophy did not appear to impact the risk of developing HFpEF. DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION The combination of LVH with elevated bio- markers, such as NT-proBNP and troponin, may Following left ventricular remodeling, ongoing identify a subgroup of patients at particularly pressure overload leads to diastolic dysfunction, high risk of developing symptomatic HFrEF as a finding that heralds the transition to symptomatic compared with HFpEF.32 This finding also sup- heart failure. At this stage, abnormalities in myo- ports the contribution of low-grade myocardial cyte relaxation and progressive extracellular injury in the development of systolic dysfunction. fibrosis lead to impaired ventricular filling. This Moreover, these biomarkers may identify higher- ultimately leads to elevation in left atrial pressure risk patients in whom intensified treatment may and dyspnea. As discussed above, this process prevent progression. is mediated by both pressure overload and neuro- Unlike in HFpEF, defining how hypertension hormonal influences. causes systolic heart failure is more complex. It is Diastolic dysfunction is common in hypertensive clear that hypertension is a strong risk factor for patients with LVH and appears to precede changes the development of systolic dysfunction.41 In in systolic function.33–35 Increased left ventricular addition, there is evidence that systolic strain is mass is not just associated with echocardiographic abnormal in hypertensive patients; these abnormal- changes but clinical heart failure as well. It is there- ities in strain appear to be proportional to increases fore not surprising that hypertension is highly prev- in wall stress, suggesting a relationship between alent in patients with HFpEF in major clinical afterload and systolic performance.24,42,43 Howev- trials.36,37 In subanalysis of HFpEF patients from er, in epidemiologic studies, hypertension does the CHARM and I-PRESERVE trials, the presence not appear to be a common sole cause of HFrEF.44 of LVH was also associated with increased risk of In addition, there is a paucity of evidence of a major adverse events in this population.38 direct progression from HFpEF to HFrEF in these Once clinical HFpEF has manifested, there is patients. minimal hope for reversing the disease process. In a review, Borlaug and Redfield45 propose the Despite advances in treatment of HFrEF, therapeu- idea of a “second hit” leading to accelerated myo- tic options for HFpEF remain limited. At present, no cyte dysfunction in the background of hypertensive Hypertension and Heart Failure 5 remodeling. Hypertensive heart disease that pro- artery disease.3,49 Other mechanisms, such as gresses for a long time before a second hit may toxins, genetic factors, or environmental expo- closely resemble HFpEF. Such a second hit may sures, may be responsible for accelerated myocyte occur from myocardial infarction, medications loss leading to HFrEF. (eg, anthracyclines), toxins (eg, alcohol or cocaine), Decreased renin-angiotensin-aldosterone activ- or genetic polymorphisms. The longer that concen- ity and accelerated collagen breakdown have also tric hypertrophy develops before the onset of been linked to dilated hypertrophy in hypertensive HFrEF, the more a patient’s phenotype is likely to patients.50,51 Overall, the authors agree with the overlap HFpEF. Ischemia is by far the most com- concept that HFpEF represents the natural trajec- mon insult. In the Framingham cohort, 42% of hy- tory of uncontrolled hypertensive heart disease, pertensive heart failure patients had preceding with a second insult likely being required in order myocardial infarction.3 In addition, LVH and hyper- to develop HFrEF (Fig. 4). tension are potent risk factors for coronary artery Similar to HFpEF, once HFrEF develops in disease, creating a synergistic risk profile.46,47 In a patients with hypertensive heart disease, the prog- review article, Levy and colleagues48 propose nosis becomes markedly worse. Despite signifi- myocardial infarction as an obligate step in the inci- cant advances in therapy for systolic heart dence of systolic heart failure in their population. failure, the estimated 4-year survival for a patient This likely applies to many but not all patients. In with symptomatic New York Heart Association large observational studies, nearly half of patients (NYHA) class II–III heart failure is only 60%; sur- with hypertensive heart disease appear to progress vival is markedly worse for those with NYHA class to systolic dysfunction in the absence of coronary IV symptoms.52,53

Fig. 4. Proposed mechanism for the development of hypertensive heart failure. The natural progression of heart failure owing to hypertension is concentric hypertrophy leading to diastolic heart failure. A subset of patients will develop systolic heart failure, generally through a second insult leading to myocyte loss. (Modified from Borlaug BA, Redfield MM. Diastolic and systolic heart failure are distinct phenotypes within the heart failure spectrum. Circulation 2011;123(18).) 6 Slivnick & Lampert

ADVANCED HEART FAILURE WITH REDUCED blood pressure targets should be in accordance EJECTION FRACTION with the ACC/AHA Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC-8) guidelines.65 In patients with end-stage systolic heart failure In patients at elevated cardiovascular risk, owing to hypertension, blood pressure may para- strong consideration should be given for more doxically be low. In their review article, Messerli 6 stringent blood pressure control. The landmark and colleagues coin the term “decapitated SPRINT trial demonstrated a reduction in major hypertension” to refer to the lower mean blood adverse cardiac events with intensive blood pres- pressures frequently seen in hypertensive heart sure control (systolic blood pressure <120 mm Hg) failure patients with reduced EF. This finding of in hypertensive patients at increased cardiovascu- low blood pressure may confound the diagnosis lar risk.67 This benefit was accompanied by of hypertensive heart disease in patients with greater reductions in LVH and new heart failure HFrEF. Elevation in blood pressure after initiation incidence.68 In addition, a greater number of inten- of goal-directed medical therapy may be a clue sively treated patients had resolution of LVH, to underlying hypertensive heart disease. which fits with the observed dose-dependent Some have postulated a possible protective role relationship between blood pressure and LVH dis- of high blood pressure in patients with reduced cussed above. Based on these findings, the JNC-8 ejection fraction. This finding is supported by guidelines were updated to support a blood pres- the observation that lower pretreatment blood sure target of 130/90 mm Hg in patients at high pressure is associated with an increased risk for 54–56 cardiovascular risk (atherosclerotic cardiovascu- mortality. Improvements in blood pressure lar disease >10%), a recommendation that these may also herald clinical improvement in response 65 57,58 authors strongly support. to common heart failure therapies. However, Biomarkers may also be useful in identifying an at- it is unclear if this relationship is correlative or risk patient population that may benefit from more causative in nature, because lower pretreatment aggressive therapy. In the STOP-HF trial, patients blood pressures may identify sicker patients with with multiple risk factors for heart failure were a greater degree of left ventricular dysfunction. screened for risk using B-type natriuretic peptide This theoretic protective effect should by no (BNP).69 Those with elevated biomarkers underwent means be used as evidence to support with- echocardiography and were referred for collabora- holding guideline-directed medical therapy with tive care involving a cardiologist. Compared with antihypertensives, which represent the corner- a control population that was not screened, the stone of therapy in HFrEF. use of BNP screening showed a trend toward reduction in heart failure and asymptomatic left TREATMENT ventricular systolic dysfunction. Although it did not reach significance, this is an interesting proof-of- The most effective method of treating hypertensive concept study; further research is warranted, partic- heart failure is primary prevention before the onset ularly in patients with hypertension and LVH. of pathologic remodeling and heart failure. Treat- Once LVH has developed, aggressive efforts ment of blood pressure has been shown to reduce should be taken to control blood pressure in the LVH and reduce the risk of developing heart fail- hopes of halting or reversing the remodeling pro- ure.59 This benefit also appears to be dose depen- cess. Antihypertensive therapy has been shown dent.60 Multiple agents have shown benefit in large to lead to reduction in left ventricular mass by randomized trials. Thiazide , angiotensin- echocardiography, with corresponding reduction converting-enzyme inhibitors (ACEi), angiotensin- in risks of adverse events.70–73 ACEi, ARBs, and receptor blockers (ARB), and dihydropyridine CCBs appear to be most effective at reducing calcium channel blockers (CCB) appear to be the LVH.74 Once developed, the hypertrophy process most effective agents at reducing heart failure risk may take years to improve.75 Given the above as compared with other agents, such as alpha- SPRINT findings and the known associated with and beta-blockers.61–63 This is in line with current LVH, one wonders whether hypertensive patients hypertension guidelines that list these as first- with LVH would also benefit from more intensive line agents.64 In a large meta-analysis, thiazide di- blood pressure control in the absence of other in- uretics appeared to confer the lowest risk of heart dications. Further studies are needed to address failure of the 3 agents.65 In addition, in a Cochrane this important question. Review, ACEi/ARBs outperformed CCBs with Once heart failure has developed, treatment respect to heart failure endpoints.66 Thus, thiazides should be in accordance with available heart fail- are likely the ideal agent for heart failure prevention ure guidelines.76 In patients with HFpEF, spirono- followed by ACEi/ARBs. For primary prevention, lactone and ACEi/ARBs can be considered for Hypertension and Heart Failure 7 the management of hypertension based on some in large clinical trials.88 One factor that compli- suggesting benefit at decreasing heart failure hos- cates this is the group’s heterogeneity, because pitalizations. Based on results from the SPRINT it appears to be composed of patients with stable trial, recent heart failure guidelines advocate for systolic function, HFrEF patients with recovering stringent blood pressure control with a blood pres- EF, and HFpEF patients in decline.89,90 Much of sure target of less than 130/80 mm Hg. the available data comes from subgroup analysis For patients in all stages of systolic heart failure, of major heart failure trials, which included patients ACEi/ARBs and beta-blockers represent the with HFmrEF. Based on subgroup analysis from cornerstone of antihypertensive therapy based the CHARM and TOPCAT trials, candesartan and on high-quality, randomized controlled data. The spironolactone appeared to reduce major adverse combination of these agents carries a class I indi- heart failure events in patients with HFmrEF.91,92 cation in patients with systolic dysfunction regard- Similar benefits were also seen with beta- less of NYHA class.77 The evidence for ACEi/ARB blockers based on meta-analyses in patients originated from several trials, most notably the with HFmrEF.93 Although there have been insuffi- SOLVD, CONSENSUS, Val-HEFT, and CHARM tri- cient data to provide strong guideline recommen- als.77–80 In these trials, ACEi/ARB were initiated at dations, it is the opinion of these authors that these lower doses and titrated to reach the maximum agents should be preferentially used based on the tolerated dose based on symptoms and renal evidence available. Further research is indicated function. Evidence for beta-blockers arose from to determine optimal management strategies in the COPERNICUS and MERIT-HF trials.81,82 As this population. with ACEi/ARBs, these agents were titrated to maximally tolerated dosages based on symptoms RISK FACTOR MODIFICATION and heart rate. For those with NYHA class II–IV who are maximally titrated on the above medica- In all stages of treatment, it is imperative to prevent tions and have acceptable renal function, the use coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease of aldosterone antagonists is a class I indication.83 is highly prevalent among hypertensive patients, and long-acting nitrates should also particularly those with LVH.47,48 In addition, as dis- be considered in African Americans with NYHA cussed above, myocardial infarction is likely the class III–IV heart failure already on an ACEi/ARB, most common accelerant to systolic heart failure beta-blocker, and a mineralocorticoid antago- in patients with hypertensive heart disease. This nist.84 More recently, with the publication of the should be accomplished by appropriate initiation PARADIGM-HF trial, angiotensin-neprilysin inhibi- of antiplatelet, lipid-lowering, and antihypertensive tors (ARNI) have been shown to reduce mortality medications in patients who have or are at risk for in patients with HFrEF and NYHA class II–III symp- developing coronary artery disease. Efforts to toms despite above agents.4 These promising address diabetes, obesity, sleep apnea, and salt data were reflected in the 2017 updated heart fail- intake may also help to prevent pathologic remod- ure guidelines, which assigned a class I recom- eling and reduce the future risk of heart failure.94–97 mendation for the use of ARNIs, ACEi, or ARBs 77 in this population. Given the success of ARNI in SUMMARY HFrEF, there are now ongoing trials evaluating the use of these agents in patients with HFpEF. Hypertensive heart disease describes a spectrum With regards to blood pressure targets, the most of illness spanning from uncontrolled hypertension recent ACC/AHA heart failure guidelines advocate to the ultimate development of heart failure. The for treating to achieve a blood pressure less than inciting event in hypertensive heart disease is the 130/80 mm Hg.77 However, as discussed above, development of LVH, a process that may be in most of the landmark systolic heart failure trials, reversible if recognized early and treated aggres- these medications were titrated to maximum toler- sively. LVH appears to be a pathologic process ated dosages rather than a blood pressure cutoff. ultimately leading to fibrosis, impaired left ventric- Recently, the concept of heart failure with mid- ular compliance, and ultimately, diastolic heart range EF (HFmrEF) has been increasingly recog- failure. A subset of patients ultimately develops nized and was described as its own distinct heart systolic heart failure, generally because of a sub- failure subset in the most recent European Society sequent insult leading to accelerated myocyte of Cardiology Heart Failure Guidelines.85 This loss. Once developed, heart failure owing to hy- group comprises nearly one-quarter of all heart pertension is often irreversible and results in signif- failure patients and suffers similar morbidity and icant morbidity and mortality. Once heart failure is mortality as patients with HFpEF and HFrEF.86,87 diagnosed, patients should be treated in accor- Despite this, HFmrEF is largely underrepresented dance with available heart failure guidelines. 8 Slivnick & Lampert

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