Report Agenda Item 9 Leicestershire County
REPORT AGENDA ITEM 9 LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAYS FORUM FOR HARBOROUGH 7TH MARCH 2012 SCHOOL TRAVEL PLANS – UPDATE REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENT AND TRANSPORT Introduction 1. To update Members of the Forum on the delivery of School Travel Plans. Background 2. The County Council has been working with schools to develop travel plans through successive Local Transport Plans (LTP) since April 2000. School Travel Plans (STP) aim to reduce the number of cars arriving at the school gate, by supporting initiatives, with schools, to improve the safety and convenience of non-car travel. 3. The Leicestershire County Council Scrutiny Review Panel on Home to School Transport made a number of recommendations in 2010. These included continued support for STPs, walking buses and opportunities for Councillors to get more involved, helping schools in their patch. The Council under the Education and Inspections Act 2006 continues to have a duty, to promote sustainable travel to school. Progress to Date 4. 83.75% of schools currently have a STP in place (21/12/2011). The remaining schools which are developing or have yet to commit to developing a STP, are found in Appendix A . 5. The County Council has continued to encourage the review of STP and that schools share their reviews, with us. A STP Review template and supporting guidance for schools has been developed. They can get this from the County Council’s website. In the past year, 9 schools have completed a review of their STP. Approximately 40 more, in development, are listed in Appendix B . 6. Schools have and continue to be offered programmes that can support their work to encourage more sustainable travel: • Approximately 216 Advisory 20 m.p.h.
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