Package ‘psychonetrics’ February 23, 2021 Type Package Title Structural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory Network Analysis Version 0.9 Author Sacha Epskamp Maintainer Sacha Epskamp <
[email protected]> Description Multi-group (dynamical) structural equation models in combination with confirmatory net- work models from cross-sectional, time-series and panel data <doi:10.31234/>. Al- lows for confirmatory testing and fit as well as exploratory model search. License GPL-2 LinkingTo Rcpp (>= 0.11.3), RcppArmadillo, pbv, roptim Depends R (>= 3.5) Imports methods, qgraph, numDeriv, dplyr, abind, Matrix, lavaan, corpcor, glasso, mgcv, optimx, VCA, pbapply, parallel, magrittr, IsingSampler, tidyr, psych, GA, combinat Suggests psychTools, semPlot, graphicalVAR, metaSEM, mvtnorm, ggplot2 ByteCompile true URL BugReports StagedInstall true NeedsCompilation yes Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2021-02-23 14:30:02 UTC R topics documented: psychonetrics-package . .3 bifactor . .5 bootstrap . .6 1 2 R topics documented: changedata . .6 compare . .7 covML............................................8 dlvm1 . .9 duplicationMatrix . 15 emergencystart . 16 esa.............................................. 16 factorscores . 17 fit .............................................. 18 fixpar . 19 generate . 20 getmatrix . 20 getVCOV . 21 groupequal . 22 Ising . 23 Jonas . 26 latentgrowth . 27 lvm ............................................. 28 meta_varcov . 39 MIs ............................................