1ll ndcrson is a good technici an wiU1 a ful.l Sun also has a positive quality, and Woes Pee f{e play s with blasting aggresiveness. is a take-off on Bye, Bye Blues changes :, Which ~!~ ;nelodic ideas here, un fortunately, are that romps. on wax Another surprise is Klemmer's warmth conversations 11orist j~ rntlier stale. . j\br eu, a post-bopper , solos 10 a fiery, and melodic grace on Love . He plays this 1g satire rd-swinging manner on both tenor and fine old standard with imagination but re­ a Won. 113 praoo. He doesn't demonstrate much spect, sustaining an appropriate mood continued: ~~iginality, 'but his solos have momentum. throughout. Ballad playing of this caliber 1orn, he A good meat-and-potatoes album. is not what you'd expect, either, but there lCh hiin. -P ekar it is. trumpet• 'ith en~• Ocean is double-timed after the first eight. The rhythm section is very good frighte~ Willis Jackson here; it is also in fine fettle on Woes. e WOOd. TBLL IT . . .-Prcsdgc 74'12: / Cm,' 1 S10/1 ,/nf Y ou: 0111:. Mini J11le/1; Ut, A 1..a:q Ri ver· Made up of veteran stalwarts, it ys corn. lA',,i,111' ,~J,/J Sy111J1/)(my Sia; 1·,111ge rine; Ebb gives Klemmer the kind of support he de­ Js. The lfft1•· D/11• Galer; Su rtl Lovt . serves . .1t quite p:r sonncl: F rank Rob insoo , trumpet; Jackson . tenor snxophon c; Carl · W/jl_son, org no; Pamelhing some of the rock-and-r oll Instrumentals Cadill«e of tile 50s. Ja ckson's band I emiads me of good advantage on Sun and on his own ng qua]. the oroups Red Prysock and Rusty Bryant Will, a nice line. Jackson has a stunning ng quite Jind., tben. The arrangem ents are simple; arco solo on Wo es, and his fine tone and ,n Smile lb