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',; I i', • , ' , '1": eace- -u . , , \;, I.,,-i,,:!,' ", • mp aSls its ett ement-- , • • • I ,rEATIIER PRESEN'rs REPOHT SPANISH CHORAL MUSIC d {~~, II illd r'l,trrly 25 THE DAIL Y NEWS available al I;~~h IO~")' ;in dr~rccs, -. Vo.1 63. No. 202 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDlA THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 1956 Charles Hutton & Sons-- Cypriots Hanged, Troops I I n Machine G~ns On Prison Wall ! ritain annot ccept ana c~rrtl' .. \I' i-Thrcc : Ilr~tbh. ~nldici' II'ns killcd,. ! the executions and "lessen lhe at. l' ~ I' :. , " I s were E.u·llel· lhe Archbishop of Killlm mospherc of bitterness" on the is· "'ll' ft'r 11I,1"der in tel" actin/: head of thc Greek Ol'tho· Jan(1. • ;:1' i:)ln': :'(' llrili'h. ! dox C!lIIl'ch in Cypr.lls, said lhe AP,PI~'~I, 'TO GREECE :"[( "el": I.' t!,Clr deaths! executIOns would "\\'ulen lhe gap CYPriot organl~nllons appealed ' •. timc ',ll ~I tl'Il'lr lIal· betwcen the pcoplc of Cyprus nnd Ito the Grcck gov;rnmcnt to intcl"! . Ihc 111:,,,11(' II'alls of, the British gOI·crnment." I'cnc Immediately to prel'el!. what ,pri,,,:: ' The IIrcilbl1hop. In a public ap:: thcy c,llIcd the "judl~lal assas· elzure; en e S or · \\IIl' " :.,"'; h~' three peal (or rcpricl'~, said a reprlcl'e I sin~tlon" of the three condemned . :~~ir i,!I:I'.: .• " kept a' would "create. cO!lditlon~ morci men, ' , LONO'O:-l (AP)-Primc Minister He gravely said: , "By Egyptian law the com·, the next lime he has a quarrel,by land, sea and air of which you ,u!',1 ,r~c .
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