Anson, 1 J by LINDA DEUTSCH Four April 19

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Anson, 1 J by LINDA DEUTSCH Four April 19 fpate Introduces Sports Complex SEEST0EY,PAGE12 Sunny, Pleasant Sunny and pleasant today. Clear and cool tonight. Sunny, FINAL pleasant again tomorrow. Bed Bank, Freehold Long Branch EDITION >foiiiiKiulli County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93 NO. 190 IlEDBANK,Ni,Tl)ESDAY,MARCH30,1971 TEN" CENTS •A' Manson, 1 J By LINDA DEUTSCH four April 19. Death sentences are automatically appealed to HaH of Justice saymgnewas "sick at heart." The courtroom was jammed when the jury returned wjtn LOS A*NGELES (AP) - tine of the jurors who decreed the state Supreme Court, and Deputy Dist Atty. Vincent Bug- Chief defense counsel Paul Fitzgerald told newsmen the its decisions on the sentence, which followed 10 hours of delib- the death penalty for Charles Manson and his three women liosi says he thinks the case will go to the U.S. Supreme women defendants had hoped they would be spared. In spite erations at the end of an eight week penalty trial. • codefendants in the Tate LaBianca murders says, "I wanted Court. of their witness-stand statements in which they expressed in- The slight, emaciated Manson, his once-long hair clipped to protect society." A prosecuting attorney says the verdict Manson and the women were not in the courtroom to differerence toward dying, Fitzgerald said: "They never in- nearly bald, began muttering as the decisions were handed "reflects community feelings." A defense attorney says it hear the jury's decision. The judge had banished them for dicated, that to me. They indicated a strong desirefor life." from the jury foreman to the court clerk for reading. doesn't help anything. shouting. One woman juror later told newsmen she felt sorry • After the verdict, Bngliost told newsmen he felt the deci- "Half of you in here ain't as good as I am," Manson said, Their comments came late yesterday after the jury's de- for the defendants because M their backgrounds, and another, sion "reflects community feelings," and was "unquestionably "I don't see how you can get by with this," he said, cision brought to an end the nine-month-long trial of Manson, asked if jurors saw any reasons they should have spared the the right verdict." "without letting us put on some kind of defense. You don't 36- Patricia Krenwinkel, 23; Leslie Van Houten, 21, and Susan girls, said somberly; "We tried desperately to find some." "I feel this case will undoubtedly reach the U.S. Supreme have no authority over me ... This is not the people's court- Atkins, 22. It was Manson, dark-eyed, leader of a roving hippie-style Court," he said; "It was no more easy and pleasurable for room." The judge ordered him removed. The same seven-man, five-women jury that convicted them "family," who scared jurors most, said juror Marie Mesmer; this jury to return this verdict than it was for me to ask for The three women, their once waist-length brown hair now of first degree murder and conspiracy last Jan. 25 chose the "He was the leader, the worst... I think he's a dan- cropped close to their heads, sat silently as the first sentence gas chamber penalty over the only alternative, life imprison- gerous influence on society, highly dangerous. In my verdict I •Fitzgerald, who defended Miss Krenwinkel and argued ; - death for Manson - was pronounced, then shouted and were ment. wanted to protect society." that the women were mentally ill from chronic use of LSD, removed. Appeal Is Automatic Defense attorneys, who had made impassioned pleas for said of the verdict: "I fail to see how it helps anything - this "You've all judged yourselves," said Miss Krenwinkel, Judge Charles Older has the power to reduce the death "the gift of life," appeared shaken by the verdicts. One wiped country, this society. The country that kills its problem chil- "and you will be judged!" penalty to life imprisonment when he formally sentences the his eyes as the sentences were read; another quickly fled the dren denies itself the access to insights, solutions." "It's gonna come down hard!" cried Miss Atkins. "Lock your doors. Protect your kids ... Remove yourself from the face of the earth; you're all fools." Miss Van Houten was led out after she muttered, "you've all just judged yourselves. Your system is just a game in all make money." ;The jury foreman wiped a tear from his eye and two Massacre Guilt Held for Galley women jurors appeared tearful as the death sentence for all four were read. , ByHABRYF.BOSENTHAL sharp. He did not flinch. • But jurors,- in talking later with newsmen, repeatedly re- FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) - Shaken by a But in his interview advance with • i ferred to the,seven killings as "butchery." verdict he didn't expect, Lt. William L. Calley the understanding it be held nntil after the Jr. returns to the courtroom'today for a life- verdict, he was philosophical about the chain or-death sentence that can be tempered only of events that brought him from combat sol- by a long string of reviewing authorities. dier to trial as a mass murderer. After his conviction yesterday of murdering "No one yet has tried to analyze the prob- 22 civilians at the South Vietnamese hamlet of lems, to my knowledge, that cuased not only My Lai, Calley spent the night in the stockade My Lai but the war in Vietnam itself. I am . - his first time in confinement since he was hopeful that My Lai will bring the meaning of charged 1% years ago. war to the surface not only to our nation, but He is the first American accused in the to all nations," he said. massacre; the first to be convicted. "My recommendation is that this nation 'A Small Tragedy' cannot afford to involve itself in war. Many "The thing that makes My Lai so unique, it people say war is hell who have never ex-( was a small tragedy in a small place," he said! perienced it, but it is more than hell for those in an interview with The Associated Press. people tied up in it." "For once, man was able to see all the hells of Latimer is permitted to present witnesses war at once." for "extenuation and mitigation" in the sen- In court this afternoon, Calley's 70-year-old tencing phase but doesn't plan to do so. lawyer pleads with the jury to spare the 27- Often a parent, close relative or friend will year-old bachelor lieutenant's life. The la- appear in the sentence phase to attest to the wyer, George Latimer of Salt Lake City, ear- defendant's character. lier had called Calley a pigeon, "the lowest of- Father Stays Away ficer on the totem pole in this whole busi- But Calley's father, a Navy veteran who ness." lives in Gainesville, Fla., has not been at the The jurors will be informed by Judge Eeid four-months-long trial of his only son among Kennedy that under military law tteir choice fdid is only between life In prison and death. Five "That's between the boy and his father," of the jurors must agree to a life sentence, all Latimer said. "It isn't my place to tell him to six for death. come." Calley's mother died of cancer in 1966, Should there not be five votes, for at least the year he joined the Army. life, the jury would be disbanded and another* Whatever the sentence, it will undergo auto- brought hi for the sentencing phase. matic review through a drawn-out procedure In Vietnam in September, 1969, a military that might take five years or more. court convicted Lt James B. Duffy of pre- If Calley exhausts military remedies he can AP Wlrephoto meditated murder, but lowered its finding go through federal courts to the Supreme- FOUND GUILTY — Lt. William Cdlley Jr., of Miami, Fla., was found when it learned the limited penalty choice. Court. And, finally, any death sentence must . guilty of premeditated murder of Vietnamese civilians yesterday by a six Duffy was reconvicted of involuntary man- be approved by the President of the United officer court martial panel. Behind Lt. Calley is a military policeman who slaughter, sentenced to six months in the States. The last execution imposed by an led Calley to the post stockade to await sentencing. stockade and fined $1,500. Army court-martial was in 1961. Takes It Standing The soldier convicted of rape was hanged at Whatever Calley may have felt, he showed the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Ft. Lea- none of it in court. A stocky man, 5-foot-J and venwortb, Kan., where Calley probably will be rapidly losing the bair that earned him the sent immediately after sentencing. Little Silver Shops nickname "Rusty,1* he stood ramrod straight Any sentence can be reduced by the con- as the verdict was intoned] in'a three-minute vening authority — the commandant of a des- proceudre. ignated Army base — for the secretary of the Center Plan Chilled His salute to the court's president was , Army. By PAUL KERN market and provide about 300 zens development built on Slayer Spared Death LITTLE SILVER - About parking spaces on the -seven, retired people who can no 175 residents laughed last acre tract that runs from longer care for a large house night at a proposal to con- Chui'ch Street to the shopping but wish to remain in Little struct a $1.5 million shopping center on the east side of > Silver.

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