OperationalOperational AmplifiersAmplifiers && LinearLinear IntegratedIntegrated Circuits:Circuits: TheoryTheory andand ApplicationApplication // 3E3E James ! Fiore 2 OperationalOperational AmplifiersAmplifiers && LinearLinear IntegratedIntegrated Circuits:Circuits: TheoryTheory andand ApplicationApplication by James M. Fiore Version 3.2.6, 07 May 2021 3 This Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits: Theory and Application, by James M. Fiore is copyrighted under the terms of a Creative Commons license: This work is freely redistributable for non-commercial use, share-alike with attribution Device datasheets and other product information are copyright by their respective owners Published by James M. Fiore via dissidents ISBN13: 978-1796856897 For more information or feedback, contact: James Fiore, Professor Electrical Engineering Technology Mohawk Valley Community College 1101 Sherman Drive Utica, NY 13501
[email protected] For the latest revisions, related titles, and links to low cost print versions, go to: www.mvcc.edu/jfiore or my mirror sites www.dissidents.com and www.jimfiore.org YouTube Channel: Electronics with Professor Fiore Cover art, Canadian Shield II, by the author 4 #reface Welcome to the third edition of this text! The first edition was written circa 1990 and was published by West Publishing. The title was then purchased by Delmar/Thomson/Cengage some years later and a new edition was written around 2000 (although it was never tagged as a second edition). That version added a companion laboratory manual. In the early 2000s the text went from hard cover to soft cover, and in early 2016, Cengage decided to revert the copyright back to me, the original and singular author. Having already produced a number of OER (Open Educational Resource) titles including a microcontroller text using the Arduino platform and numerous laboratory manuals covering DC circuits, AC circuits, Python programming and discrete electronic devices, it was an obvious decision to go the same route with this book.