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an eye on New York Architecture a publication of the American Institute of Architects New York Chapter 1735 N»w York Avt., vol. 57, no. 5, January 1995 WBihInBton, D.C. 20006 JAN 1 3 1995 ©Arnold Newman The only surviving architects in Arnold Newman's classic photograph of the architects of Lincoln Center—Philip Johnson and Max Abramovitz — were featured speakers in the Architectural League's ''Masters of Architecture" lecture series (see Profiles, page 6). Johnson designed the New York State Theater on the left; Abramovitz designed Philharmonic Hall on the right (his late partner, Wallace Harrison, was responsible for the Metropolitan Opera House in the middle). From left to right: (standing) Edward Matthews, Philip Johnson, Jo Meilziner, Wallace Harrison, Pietro Belluschi, (sunken) John D. Rockefeller 3rd, Eero Saarinen, Gordon Bunshaft, Max Abramovitz Inside: STREETSCAPE GALLERIES TOURIST PULSE Custom House Rem Koolhaas Aaron Betsky Madeline Indian Museum OMA at MoMA on Rotterdam Schwartzman 4 11 13 14 • OCULUS A OPEN OCULUS Volume 57, Number 5, Jonuary 1995 The American Institute of A Letter from informed about the architecture Editor: Jayne Mcrkcl Architects New York Chapter being designed, displayed, dis• Managing Editor: Gregory Wcssncr cussed, and published in New Copy Editor: Noel Millca is grateful to the following for the Editor: News Editor: Matthew Barhydt York, bur to interest the rest of the their sponsorship of Oculus: I remenilici, Pulse Editor: Kaiherine K. Chia world in what we all care about so Contributing Editor: Wendy Moonan when I first passionately. Production Editing/Art Direction: Turner Construction Company became McRoberts Mitchell Visual Communicati<»n.s SiaH" Photographer: Dorothy Alexander Jaros Boum & Bolles interested in Of///wj will coiuinue to iiwite art history, architects whose works are being Notional Reprographics, Inc. going into a severely criticized to write American Institute of Architects Tishmon Realty & Construction Co., Inc. New York Chapter gallery ai tiic Rebuttals. We will ask members of 200 Lexington Avenue Boston the New York architectural com• New York, New York 10016 BENEFACTOR Jdyne Mcrkcl 212-683-0023 Museum of munity to provide Off the Cuff Corporate Interiors Contracting, Inc. Fine Arts comments on projects and issues and finding my flivorite painting that people are talking about. And, Board of Directors 1995 Cosentini Associates missing. Others had been Marilyn Taylor, AIA. Presidrtii D. Waldner Co., Inc. of coiu-se, the magazine will keep Jerry A. Davis. l AlA, rearranged. I was so annoyed that I readLM s abreast of what is happen• Empire Office Equipment, Inc. Prrsident-Electll'int Vice President liardly looked at the ones put in ing Around the Chapter without Michael F. Doyle, AIA. Vice President Jan Kcane. AIA, Vice President F. J. Sciame Construction their places. It had simply never interference of the editorial staff. Edward Mills. AIA. Vice President Furniture Consultants, Inc. occurred to me that the works in a Linda Yowcll, AIA, Secretary I feel extraordinarily lucky to have Robert Buford, Jr., AIA, Treasurer Gordon H. Smith Corporation museum would change. inhetited a publication that CiCofTrcy Doban, AIA, Director Lehr Construction Drew Greenwald, AIA. Director Later, I came to realize that I and Suzanne Stephens and Peter Slatin Jcrtrey Murphy. AIA, Director Notional Reprographics e\'erybody else have the same reac• made lively, independent, interest• Raymond Plumey, AIA, Director Ysrael Selnuk, P.C. tion to the streets we walk down, ing, and informed. With die staff John Tarantino. AIA. Director the stores where we shop, the and writers the)' assembled and James D'Agostino. Public Director Patricia Forero, Associate AIA, PATRON restaurants where we eat, and the new people who will be appearing Associate Director Ceromi Associates magazines we read. So as you see all the time, I hope to bring you a changes in Oru/m 'm the upcoming magazine you will rush to read. Carol C'lark, lixecutitr Director Chorrette Corporation (ext. 13) months, you will probably feel out But we will need your help. Our Marcy Stanley. Assistant Director C. P. Construction of sorts from time to time — staff is small and lean. Plciuse let us (ext. 15) DVL Consulting Engineers though only temporarily, I hope. know in uniting— one page at Hanscomb One of the things I want to do is most, a paragraph is ideal — about Oculus Committee develop a slightly more consistent commissions you receive, awards Carol Clark John A. Van Deusen Associates Jan Keane. AL\ format with rouglily the same fea• you win, projects you complete, Thornton Tomosetti Engineers Lester Korzilius, AIA tures in the same locations every articles we have written, and build• Barbara Nadel, AIA Susanne O'Keefe, AIA mondi, so that you can go directly ings and places you have seen that SPONSOR Harley Swedler, AIA lo what you like most. But it will you find interesting or appalling. Marilyn Taylor, AIA AFD Contract Furniture take a while to find just the right We would especially love to have AKF mix. During that time the maga• napkin sketches of projects just Chapter Staff and Services Gogick & Seiden zine will be redesigned, so even getting under way for On the William Gray - Membership (ext. 18) continuing features will look dif• Drawing Boards. Include a tele• Judith Rowe - ("onmiittce Programs Goldstein Brescia Goldin, Inc. (ext. 17) ferent. There will be Profiles of phone number so we can get back .Stephen .Suggs - Bookkeeper (ext. 19) Norton Lees Lighting architects in every issue, discus• to you for more information. Send Advertising (ext. 14) Peter Paige sions of buildings, urban designs, us black-and-white glossy pho• RSVP for Chapter Programs (ext. 16) and odicr changes In the tographs if you like, but only if ©1995 The American Institute of Archiiei is New York Chapter. All rights reserved. Streetscape, as well as projects that you can spare them. We may need Repr«)duction in whole or in part without Printing courtesy of: are On the Drawing Boards. to keep them on file aud lack the written permission is strictly prohibited. resources for returns. Remember, There will be articles about what is Oculus, publisheil icn times .i year. Septeml)er all deadlines for copy are die fif through Jtme. is a benefit of AIA New York Marsden Reproductions going on In the Galleries, At the ( h.i[5ier mcmlHrshi[). Publii membership is tcenth of the month, six weeks Podium, At the Bookstores, and $60. A year's subscription to Oculus is S40. before an issue appears (Jaruiary 15 30 East 33rd Street In the Schools. We shall continue For more information on professional ami for March), but the sooner we hear to tell you who desei-ves Kudos publii memberships, please call the Chapter New York, NY 10016 from you, the better. at 683-0023. ajid take the Pulse of emerging Advertise in Oculus! Rates arc riMsonable and 212-627-7336 architects. One new feature, readership is extensive. Contact the ('hapter Write soon. for more information. Architectural Tourist, has been appropriated from a similar one, The nation's Sincerely, "Architectural Traveler," that Any The views expressed in Oculus are not editor Cynthia Davidson initiated necessarily those of the Board of Directors most comprehensive at InlwulArchitect viXvin she was or staff of the AIA New York Chapter. With communications editor there. Our intention is not the exception of the moteriol oppearing under only to keep AIA members the title "Around the Chapter," this publication organization is produced by the Oculus editorial team. 2 AIA HEW YORK (HAPTEI OPEN OCULUS: NEWS NOTES Express, a Disney-esque fantasyland of Around Town: canned and boxed food notable for its CANstruction II pla)'fiilness. by Matthew Barhydt Had diere been an award for best irony, it would have gone to In a spirii of mock seriousness, awards 1 hornton- I'omasetti Engineers. At were presented on Novenilx^r 10 at almost eight feet tall, the replica of the the sea)nd annual CANstruction gigaiuic, twin Petromis l owers project competition to benefit Food for in Malaysia would have been more Survival, before an enthusiastic crowd impressive if one of the U)wers hadn't at the Decoration and Design been tilting towards the other. At least Building. Jurors included Kun it was only soup cans and cracker Andersen, editor-in-chief of Nno York Ixixes. magazine; Ix)iiis Oliver C]n)pp, etliror- in-chiel of Hoitse Beautijiil; Rosanne Haggerty, executive director of the Common (iround Community; Mel Around the Country: Hammock, president, Mel Hammock John Lautner & Company; Joseph B. Rose, chair• C^AN can CA]^, jurors'favorite, The Leaning Tower of Pizza. first honorable mention. Fox & Fotule man of the City Planning Polshek & Partners by Lester P. Korzilius, AIA Architects Commission; Edwin Schlossberg, of If architcxture were strictly the creation Edwin Sdilossberg, Inc.; and architea of spaces that uplift the human spirit, Roben A. M. Stern. From a field of John Lautner, FAIA, the California 24, die jurors gave avwds for "Best architect who died on Oaober 24 at Meal," "Stmcmral Ingenuity," "Best the age of 83, woiUd have had few Use of Labels," and the most coveted peers. In a career that spaimed 60 prize, "Jurors' Favorite." 'I"he nJes years, Lautner created a series of hoas- were simple: I-acli entrant was given a es with btith tremendous dynamism ten-by-ten-by-eight-foot space donat• and deep repose, in diis respea sur• ed by a showroom in the D&D passing even his mentor, Frank Lloyd Building; constmctions had to be Wright, for whom he worked from stnictumlly self-sup[X)rting; filled cans 1933 to 1939. He is perhaps best of any sizes with labels intact were to known for the Aran^ Residence in ' be the primary' building material, but Acapuico, Mexico, a project that accessory props were permitted; and embodies recurrent themes in his no adliesives other than Velcro or dou• work.