^ —-- Against I MEXICO IS CLAIMED Yttfllt'l SOU U/Aztt” Reginald Denny £ and Matty in the Struggle with the SOURCE of SUPPLY \ 5 Red Sox
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'l HiittiHiiittiiitiiiiiiftimiiiimmiiiimiiimiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiiiit improved rapidly under Matty's lead- ership, landing fourth place in 1917 ■ FORMER IDOL and third place the following year, his last with the club. Mathewson responded to the call and B. 6. FANDOM of war at the close of the abbreviat- Tonight Friday 1 | ed season of 1918 and served with distinction overseas, lie returned to 2 SHOWS—7: an ard 9:25 1 E become a coach with the Giants, M ! PASSES AWAY j holding that post until 192n. when he II |became seriously ill from tho effects df being "gassed" during the war Mathewson Dies at THE : HAT HITS THE BUll’S I THURSDAY—FRIDAY AND SATURDAY E,Christy and faced a battle for his life witli j PICTURE I £ tuberculosis. £ f Saranac Lake, N. Y., of Double Affliction. Displaying the courage which won EYE FOR ENTERTAINMENT | him many diamond victories, Matty | INTERNATIONAL NEWS fought and won the battle for his f (Continued from £ rage On®.) Health during nearly three years of ———— S—— treatment at Saranac Lake, N. Y. S uut soon afterward was sent to the Frouounced practically cured, GREATER THAN “THE STORM” E'Giants in a deal by which the h^ r Me Bernard | returned to New York in the fall, E'Ueds secured Amos Rosie. FOX of 1922 to witness the world’s series B| Matty's first major league appear- SINGING of his old team-mates, the E.ance was In the role of relief pitcher |triumph NEWS Giants over the New York Yankees. "The P That I Love'- E in a game lost by the Giants Restored in health, Mathewson was S-olt the Gal that I E to Brooklyn. He had but indiffer- eager to gat back into the game and Loveci and ‘‘Take THE ont success as a pitcher and utility mQQE*Si> | when early in 1922, an old friend to the Boo" S plaj«er until 1902, when John Me- and Emil E. B Graw admirer, Fuchs, promi- succeeded Horace Fogel as nent New York attorney, engineered — B, manager of the Giants. “Rig Six" Prices 11), 20, the deal by which a New York syn- SIGNAL E.was playing firat base at the time dicate obtained control of the Boston 60c | btit McGraw 50, Leges E quickly recognized bis Braves from George W. Grant, "Big S pitching ability, and took him in Six” was purauaded to take the club 1 hand. Ilis strides toward greatness presidency. tower = dated from that period, I ; Becomes Executive. si Peats of pitching brilliance too “OUTDOOR PAJAMAS” Mathewson thus took his place numerous to catalogue filled Matty’s g among the few playing stars who Fathc Comedy S record during ihc dozen years in j'Mmi ... rose to executive power in tho game E which he ranked consistently among a list which included Charles Co- Starring E the most \ effective twirlers in the _ “ miskey, of the Chicago White So'x; major leagues, Clark Griffith, of Washington; Branch g Pennant Victories. \ VIRGINIA VALLI /I Rickey, of the St. Louis Cardinals; E He was a prominent factor In the John McOraw, of the New York Gi- E pennant victories of the Giants in U Supported by ants; Jimmy McAleer, A. G. Spald- g 1904, 1905. 1911, 1912 and 1913; he ing and John M. Ward. i E twirled two non-hit Himes, one ROCKLIFFE Christy Mathewson. baseball ex- WALLACE BEERY, FELLOWES, Eiagainst the St. Louis Cardinals, in perts agreed, possessed all of the and the second against the FRANKIE DARRO, HAYDEN STEVENSON E11901, attributes of a brilliant mounds- 3 Chicago Cubs, in 1905; ho held joint- as well as those of u grent AND OTHERS ly with “Cy" Young and Grover jman S j lathlete—natural skill, keen knowl- Cleveland A junction Alexander. major lea- ^ f g edge of tho sport, generalship and \ From the famous Eigue record of winning more than 30 story by ! coolness under fire. One of the £ games three seasons in a row; but most popular figures In the history WADSWORTH CAMP E his greatest achievement was in the I I of the game, among players and fans world’s series of 1905 when he pitcli- g ’alike, "Big Six" also was a hero E ed three shut-out victories against ;and idol to the army of youthful E the Philadelphia Americans, followers of tHo national pastime. ADDED ATTRACTION McGraw ranks Mathewson's feat in g “Matty was without a peer, eith- — 11lie 1905 series as the greatest in his er before or since the days he was JOE MURPHY and FAY TINCHER in ? E| memory. All five games in that at the heighth of his greatness," E series were shut-outs, Joe McGinnity 'declared McGraw at one time in pay- = ! twirling fourth victory for the Gi- ing tribute to the pitcher. 3 ants while ’’Chief" Bender blank the j “Do had a greater variety of stuff “Andy’s Temptation” 3 Giants for the only triumph scored than any pitcher I ever knew or the Mackmen. 3,by handled," he continued, Ilis fast 3 Mathewson had the misfortune to ball was the equal of Walter John- 7:20 and 9:20 10-25-50, Loges 60 cents 3 lose two of the most important games sons' or Amos Busies’; his curves 3 of his career, the play-off contest rivalled Nap Rucker's; he had the 3 with the Chicago Cubs for the pen- ’fadeawuy’ down to perfection; and 5 nant of 1908 and the deciding game Matinee he utilized his knowledge of Sunday S of the world's series with the Bos- bats-, than (Captain- men wilh greater offect any E ton Red Sox in 1912. Breaks of the twirler in the game. Ho possessed S game played a big part In both de- 66The Reckless wonderful control, remarkable field- feats. of a Age” Misjudgment fly by “Cy" fin- 10-20-50-* | ing ability and was ono of the E Seymour, Giant was blam- outfielder, has ever Starring est sportsmen the game _ E ed for the defeat by the Cubs while — : i known.” £ a costly error by Fred Snodgrass E turned the tide the Giants ^_—-- against I MEXICO IS CLAIMED yttfllt'l SOU u/aZtt” Reginald Denny £ and Matty In the struggle with the SOURCE OF SUPPLY \ 5 Red Sox. iiininiiiiiiiiiniiHimniinumiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiininiiiHniin ! ■- Rival. ____ Matty’s Big LOS ANGELES, Oct. 8.—Mexico \ 1— Mordecai \ (Th rce-fingered) Brown, is fast coming to tho front as a of the Cubs, was Matty’H greatest ,M..i-f source of supply for raw products, rival on the mound and the two which are used by local industries, LET'S ALL GO had many stirring duels. Brown as a source of supply In off sea- L.-.-.-. .......!...--'"iimuiiiuimiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiuni:: was Matty's opponent when the lat- jand iiiiimiiiMiimii!n!i;;iiiimiiiiiii:ii;iii:;niii sons for fresh fruits and vegetable!) rjiMuumimmmiimmmmmnmmnH ter pitched his no-hit against To the Citizens game other food products, according Banquet the Cubs in 1905 but his jand ieneo tu i.itgii : hour force of inter- DAUGHIEL IS BORN. conquered to local shipping men, •-B New York rivul in tho famous 1908 est. Chief among the At Elks' Hall products imported "In it like A Alberta was Tonight play-off game. It was related that big story "The Signal daughter, Marie, from Mexico the last year during : M ra. of Al- ono season when the Giants and Attractions Tower," so,.: lirown, “lavish n.-vy born to Parker. wUa iwas fresh fish valuod at $322,822; Cubs were for first ami u great ca:.l of famous piny ira bert Parker, nt 5:3' o’clock yes- battling place second with a value (coffee ranking I)'- and afternoon nt St. Ann's Hos- President Taft, an ardent fan, bad his would superfluous, might terday of sugar third at $39,615, $205,080; oven irs are from Straw- GEO. B. RICE private car attached to the train detract from tho interest of pital. Tbc Park and fresh tomatoes fourth at $33,- At Theatres I' ci ntnil theme. The to make Point win re Mr Parker PLUMBING HEATING bearing tho New York team to Chi- way berry oper- I 930. 1 Is it as if cago ‘in order to see Mathewson and --—--■ tilts story real ito to play ates a farm. —- * and in life a Brown oppose each other in tho it were life real kit- a r~-„~ —’■■■ ■ chen should he a kitchen not a pal- if you want job of carpenter r- opening game of the series. BLUE FOXES FOB SALE "CAPTAIN APPLEJACK” a vork done uiacii sn- Sully'* Oddly enough, both of these pitch- Have averaged throe hundted and ace with stove in it. uy ntry, ARRIVES ON SCREEN. iter Shop Phone iu». aav. ers, closed their major league car- fifty per cent annual Increase from ‘urp, Those who to the tl entre to leers as players by opposing each oth- start with no losses from deaths ot go stnrH and those who attend to JONES' WIFE DRIVES 'er in a game on 4, 1915, eating. Price $100 each, any see September piy> DU ESENEfc RG. TO TIi’:i PUBLIC. see a great story, will find hath at SPEEDY iMathewson then was manager of Cin- number, f. o. b. Juneau. Special Arrival ot new nerv meter for the Coliseum Theatre beginning to- A Dueiicnborg motored Reamer cinnati, and the Bods won, 10 to 8, terms of payment, if desired, on locotiug impingernen's of nerves night when Fred Nihlo’s ‘'Strangers racing roadster, the first model of i both "old masters” being hit freely.