Ellsworth American : December 26, 1856

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Ellsworth American : December 26, 1856 ^mcricat tfljc (01l0UJortl) The Law of ffowspapori. PUBLISHED BYRRY FRIDAY MORMXO BY 1. 8nb#eribon» who do not express notieo tei* contrary, are conaidcrod m wishing to •ontiniia 3ST. K. SAWYER. their ."iitacriptinna. 2. If subscribers order the disoontinnance at EDITOR AN'D PROPRIETOR. Micir papers, the publishor can oantinuu to fcnH them anti a Terms:—Two dollar? per annum; if paid ?tri arrearges arc paid. 3. If subscribers or to taka in advance one dollar and fifty cent". neglect reft**® their from the offio* to which arc di- Office on .Main Street, over J.’ll. Jordan? store papers they rected, they are held responsible till they settle Terms of their bill* ; and order tho papors discontinued. Advertising. 4. If any subscribers remove to another place A SQUARE IS 13 I.IIItS OF MtXIO.M. without informing the publishers, and the papers One square, or les?, three insertions, $1.23. aro sent to the former direction, they arc held re- Kaeh additional insertion, 23. ? sponsible. 5. One square ono year, C.00. j The courts have decided that refusing to A liberal discount made on long advertisement?. take a newspaper from the office, for removing and reaving it unuallcd for, is prixua facie evidence ef j'. M. PETTING ILL A “U)c£i»e in not (X)., Newspaper Advci Dccbs, tjear»; in not intentional fraud. tising Agents, are the authorised to reeeiv Stljougljto, Bwotljo.” agent-, advertisements and subscription for the Klhimrt JOB PRINTING Amrriran, at the same rate? n« at thi required Executed at this office with neatness and (•fliee, and their receipt? are regarded as dispatch payment! Posters, Shop-bills, Blanks, Circulars, Bill-Heat Their offices are at New \ «.rk, 122 Nassau street- |U)L It. NO. IS. I Programmes, By-Laws, Court Dockets Jtost on, 10 State street. ELLSWORTH. MAINE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1856. SI,50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE m Receipt.-, Envelopes, Labels, Cards, Ac. Ac. 1 a tell mine. you But this much I sank into a Just at this instant the I may say profound ‘Yes trust in God From Peterson’s Magazine. door which at once—there is sleep. firmly, and He will that’s been as havi 1 <£[je Itonj-irllrr. no occasion f >r t< In one of the narrow and [dren brought up you into the hall unclosed, and j you ill-lighter] exclaimed Karl an opens softly help you.' with en- Aunt Hapzibah and the ! knew the whole catecliism before 1 leap into the river. I am a a streets of Spirit*. yo a rich, very Sachsenhausen. in an attic ol thusiasm tall, white figure, indistinctly seen in From I»r. Baritctt'j rich which almost the BV MISS C E. FAIRFIELD. I was four old, both on AnRlo-Saion. man; and if are a betrayed years ye.’ the dim came things really asyoi lofty nhdjunsightly house, sat a emotion he felt. starlight, stealthily into | prot- You when I first came ‘Oh ! but aunt said wicked A represent, your will no know, Mag, pi Hap,’ Al, tho room. Leap from tho Main Brucko. daughter longei ty blomtine, about twenty of age, When came to years they the tavern, the to to have seen what w 3 j have to work, and .shall not this poky old place, 1 promised ;o ly, ‘you ought to was you. starve. : with her needle. ‘Oh! marcy us,’ said aunt Hapz.i- Ir or j busily employed The young man went in first to old past midnight—the lights The old man prepare advise you from time to time of e: did to-night. The spirits say a grea L allowed himself to Ik furniture of the room was my | ‘if he hain't come his own self.’— the stone which crosses the ; poor, but Mr. Schmidt for tho he wished bah, bridge river I part him Well I am to he ,s di dragged bis Inn clean ami tastefftl pericnces. going many edifying things. Why they She screamed and drew herscli nervous, Main at Frankfort were still along by companion. ; the girl's whole to act ; then ho fetched Bertha. few j It is as word. say that has a J burning, minutes, were seated at a table dress would not have good my everybody got spiritun into tho far corner of the and tho of they fetched many krout- I to describe tho ho felt ly up bed, though footsteps passengers had I in the impossible joy Wildfire Hall «.» a : hi it partner, somewhere, either in this worh tavern, with full before zers ; but article was as queer place cried, ‘Go out o'here, Jim mar- died for some time on its glasses every neat, and when he saw the throw her- Lamed, away young girl on the whole I rather like it. It is t n or the next, and that those that don’ ■ pavement them, and each as to us. — the fitted her as I knew it was all of when a examining curiously well, if it had cost hun- self in her father’s and cy always young man approached the arms, press him half-tumbled down mansio marry hero, will find their ii 1 , features of the other. dreds. Her lair ancient, i, companion Satan. into a lono wo- from the town with locks shaded a face to her heart. Coming poor, bridge hasty strides. and has been in the sini r ‘another sphere,' us they Refreshed an ! comforted the effect: a of they say family say.’ man's chamber this time : At the same time another by brightened by pair eyes of heavenly ‘O, father,’ said she, ‘what a dread- o’night go man, advanced : of the before the Revolution ; and there arc a ‘l’retty stuff for sperets to be telling wine, the old man thus :— which a away, T tell tou ; ain’t in wm towards him 1 began blue, bespoke peaceful mind and ful have I had —how I you my speritu- yewra, coming from | night uneasy immense elms and buttoi i- That shows to my mind, that ar< ’My History is soon told. I nm a mer soul. The of great many they al and needn't tho pure spirit order, modes* have been about you ; but thank I pardner, you pertend you Sachscnhauson, well-known super! can God, woods around which I hai c from Satan, for don't the liiblc tha | tile man ; but fortune never fnvnred and cleanliness it, suppose say be go aw-a-tj !' on the side of the ty, reigned in every thing j have ;’ and her face opposite river. The me. you again stood were do now for the: e in heaven neither nor art I hael no and I loved around her. Her brighten- just they ‘they marry this time the had reached two had not met, when the money myself, features were delicate, ed with a smile of Ky figure yet lattci ■ up joy. hundreds of You see it it in but are as the am and married a I could those of j years. is ju given marriage, the side of her bed, and out turned from his went poor girl. never .like one nobly born ; her eves ! She the bill, and stretching path, and toward! paid triumphantly the for I mu it begin business on own account. ! place ghost-seeing—but g°Is.’ its arm, laid it aunt the with the evident I my 1 betrayed sleeplessness and anxiety, and ! led him home. T- long bony upon parapet, intention took a accompanied not Aunt Hap protended to be as 1 very angry, situation which 1 lever and anon a rose anticipate. shoulder. This was more than of from the the book-keeper, deep sigh from the them, and said he had a few more kreut- Hap's leaping bridge into Main held Uncle Deacan Wildfire is a thi „ but we could all see she was until ! became useless Irom and maiden's breast. tall, pleased flesh and blood could ai d The man followed age, Suddenly, steps were zers in his ; she had better spinster bear; young him quickly | pocket go who a with the idea of a for i younger men were before me — heard on theological-looking individual, ‘spiritual partner,’ the unfortunate of ‘Jim' a laid hold of him. preferred i the staircase, and her face and them to eat. And then hitting ghost and light- get something dresses in a black and weai s »ho is cut to think she has I Thus my circ'Jins'ances were ed ways suit, terribly up knock which came near him his said -I always cir- up with joy ; she listened, and doubt should have seen this laying •Sir,' he, think you want tc j you darling girl, a white nockeloth, with a face as s s never married. She talks about the cumscribed, but domestic seemed to long the floor, she from drown my happiness overshadow her brow. Then how she buised and how she set length upon jumped yourself.’ was herself, the moral law but on s girls now-a-days terribly, and is just as 1 complete. wife was aii ot came a knock at the any time, Sundaj the bed and rushed him into our •You think My angel door, which made about it; tho man felt as if he past right, sir; but what is that I kindness young and as as th 0 hateful to the young men as she can be. love, and fondness, and her tremble so much that she “preparation” days long to V good pi- almost fall at her feet and her.— That about twelve you i ous, [Could worship law and the both.
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