Locality Profile

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Locality Profile Locality Profile Stonydelph June 2012 1 Contents Page 1. Executive Summary 4 2. Purpose of document 2.1. Why do we need a Locality Profile? 6 2.2. What is Locality Working? 6 3. Area Overview 3.1. Overview of Stonydelph 8 3.3. Demography 9 3.4. Deprivation 10 4. Statistical Overview 4.1. Introduction 11 4.2. Mapping and boundaries 12 4.3. Safer and stronger communities 13 4.4. Health 15 4.5. Housing 16 4.6. Children and young people 17 4.7. Economic development 18 5. Community Surveys 5.1. MEL research survey - May 2011 20 6. Service Provision 6.1. Local groups 23 6.1.1. Early years 23 6.1.2. Children 23 6.1.3. Young people 23 6.1.4. Older people 24 6.1.5. Community services and residents’ groups 24 6.2. Councillors 25 6.3. Crime prevention 26 6.4. Environmental maintenance 27 6.5. Housing 27 6.6. Shops 27 2 Stonydelph Locality Working Area 3 1. Executive Summary In the last 3 years, Stonydelph has benefited from the Tamworth Borough Council locality working initiative, resulting in improvements to service and relationships between the community and professional organizations. Although this has made a significant impact, the reversal of deep-rooted issues of multiple deprivation is ongoing. Theareastillsuffersfromarangeofdisadvantagesthatwillrequireamulti-agencyresponse inordertoaddresstheissueshighlightedinthisprofile.TamworthBoroughCouncil’sLocality Workinginitiativeisencouragingjointworkingactivitiestoimprovethedeliveryofservices andishelpingtodevelopeffectivepartnershipworkingwithincreasedresidentinput.In simpleterms,localityworkinghasbecomethetitlegiventoneighbourhoodlevelmulti- agencyactivitywhereresourcesarefocuseduponadefinedcommunityinordertoaddress issuesoflocalneedanddisadvantage. Thisprofilehighlightssomekeyissuesforthisareawhichinclude:- StonydelphEstimatedPopulation7850(StaffordshireObservatory2010) AccordingtotheIndexofDeprivation(IMD)2010,therearetwoLSOAsinStonydelphin the10-20%mostdeprivedLSOAsnationally.ForfurtherinformationontheIMD2010and thedifferentbandseachLSOAfallsintoforthedifferentdomainswhichmakeupthe Indexpleasefollowthelinkbelow: www.staffordshireobservatory.org.uk/IAS/dataviews/view?viewId=306 Stonydelphwardisinthetop30%ofwardsnationallyforteenagepregnancy,nearlythree quartersofthe1725childrenaged0-15childrenintheStonydelphwardin2010were livinginlowincomefamilies. Around20.3%oftheworkingagepopulationareclaimingbenefits,comparedto15.2%in thedistrictand12.8%inthecountyasawhole. In201127.6%(195)ofpupilsinStonydelphreceivedfreeschoolmealswhichisabove therateforTamworth(18.5%)andStaffordshire(13%).Thenumberofpupilsreceiving freeschoolmealsinStonydelphhasincreasedfrom152in2007to195in2011,a 28.3%increase. ThenumberofworklessfamiliesinStonydelphhasincreasedsince2005by14.6%, howeverthisrateisbelowthelevelacrossTamworthandStaffordshire.Lowincome familiesexperiencednochangeoverthesameperiod. TwoLSOAsintheStonydelphLocalityareafallintothe10-20%mostdeprivednationally intermsofmultipledeprivationandarerankedwithinthetop7mostdeprivedinthe borough.Theoverallcrimerateishigherthanforthedistrictasawhole107.4(95.3 TamworthBorough).TherearesignificantlyhighrecordingsforSeriousAcquisitiveCrime 25.9(16.1)andCriminalDamage28.6(21.1).Theareahasareputationforproblems associatedwithdrugs,whichhasbeenhighlightedinrecentcommunitysurveys. 4 Notable Positive Points Since2005thenumberofbenefitsclaimantsinStonydelphhasincreasedby6.5%whichis belowtheincreaseacrossTamworthandStaffordshire.Therehasbeena63.2%increasein JobSeekersAllowanceclaimantssince2005whichisbelowtheincreaseexperiencedin Tamworth(80.2%)andacrossStaffordshire(101.2%).DisabilityLivingAllowanceclaimants havealsoincreasedinStonydelphsince2005by3.3%,thisisalsobelowtheincrease experiencedacrossTamworthandStaffordshire. Factor Indicator Historical Recent Trend Source DWP/Officefor Employment ClaimantsofJob 585 665 NationalStatistics SeekersBenefits 171 Allcrimereported Staffordshire Crime 491(2009/10) June2011- Police June2011- December2012 December2012 %pupilswith5+ A*toCgrades BelgraveHigh Education 33% 40% SchoolSurveyof includingEnglish& 164Students Maths Numberof Employment 72 60 Census worklessfamilies %People Resident satisfiedwiththe MELLocality perceptions localareaasa 71 74 +3% Working placetolive Community Survey Key: Worsening Improving Littleimprovement 5 2. Purpose of Document 2.1. Why do we need a Locality Profile? This Locality Profile for Stonydelph is an overview of the issues, data and performance information for the area and highlights some of the challenges facing the local community. It also identifies the priorities for action which will guide the delivery of Locality Working (see below). It is a working document and a starting point to address local concerns. The Plan will be revised and refined as the project moves forward. Theprofileaimsistoencourageindividuals,organisations,agenciesandpartnerstowork togetherandhelpdeterminethelongertermpriorityactionsforthearea.Itisoneoffourplans tobedevelopedacrosstheTamwortharea;theothersfocusingontheneighbouringareasof Amington,BelgraveandStonydelph. Theinformationprovidedinthisprofilehasbeensourcedfromlocalstatisticaldata,residents, serviceprovidersandpeopleworkinginthearea.Theprofilewillbeusedtogainaninsightinto theneedsofStonydelphandwillhelptodirectactivitiesforimprovements. ItwillalsohelpwiththedevelopmentofActionPlanswhichwillidentifythewayforward, encouragingjointworkingbetweenavarietyofpeoplesuchasresidents,keyagencyworkers andlocalcouncilorstomakesurethateveryoneisclearaboutwhattodoandwhoisgoingto makeithappen. 2.2. What is Locality Working? Tamworth Borough Council plays an important role as a partner in the Local Strategic Partnership in helping to build strong communities across the borough. As part of this multi agency partnership, work has been focused at a community level through a Locality Working model. LocalityWorkingprovidesafocusedapproachtomulti-agencyworkingwithspecific communitiestoaddressissuesofdisadvantage,withtheaimofbringingtheseareasuptothe positionofthemajorityoftheBorough. InTamworththishasevolvedfromtheLearningtoDeliverProgramme,wherepartnersfrom acrossthe8DistrictsandCountyworkedtogetherinanefforttoimprovedeliveryofservicesat acommunitylevel LocalityWorkingisaninitiativeaimedataddressingdisadvantagewithindefinedcommunities. Asthenamesuggests,deliveryoperatesonaneighbourhoodlevel,involvinglocalpeople, agenciesandservices.Theoverallaimistoeffectkeychanges,tacklingissuesofgreatest concernandimprovethe“QualityofLife”ofresidentsinthearea. 6 StonydelphisoneoffourareasinTamworththathasbeenidentifiedforLocalityWorking. SimilarinitiativesareoperatinginAmington,BelgraveandGlascote.Stonydelphwaschosen becauseofanumberofstatisticalindicatorsincluding:- TheIndexofMultipleDeprivation(IMD),award-levelindexcommissionedbythe Governmentandmadeupfromsixkeyindicators,identifiedStonydelphasoneofthemost deprivedareasinTamworthaccordingtothe2007IMDsurvey.Significantareasof Stonydelphexperiencesahighlevelofmultipledeprivationrelatingto‘income’, ‘employment’,‘healthdeprivationanddisability’,‘educationskillsandtraining’and‘crime anddisorder’,thoughasignificantimpacthasrecentlybeenmadeinreducingthetotal crimeforthisarea. Morerecently,accordingtotheIndexofDeprivation(IMD)2010,thereisoneLSOAin Stonydelphinthe0-10%mostdeprivedLSOAsnationally. Improvementsarebeingmadeintheareawhichcouldbeanindicationthatareafocused interventionisworking.Byworkingtogetherlocally,actionsthatimprovepeople’slivescan beidentifiedandservicescanbetargetedwheretheyareneeded.TamworthBorough Councilisfullycommittedtodevelopinglocalityworkingasameanstobettermeetthe needsandaspirationsoflocalcommunities. 7 3. Area Overview 3.1. Area Overview of Stonydelph Itiscommonlyrecognisedbycommunityandpartnershiporganisationsthatthereare problemsassociatedwithcommunityengagementinthisarea.Thereishistoricalevidenceto suggestthatsomeresidentshavebecomedisheartenedbyshorttermprojects,“quickfixes” andpromisesthatarenevermetandthishasledtosuspicion,mistrustandunwillingnessto getinvolvedwithnewinitiatives.Throughsignificantinputtorestorefaithintheseinitiativeled bythecommunitydevelopmentofficer,supportedbyTamworthCouncilandpartneragencies havehadagoodlevelofsuccess. InApril2008,asurveycoveringjustunder20%ofhouseholdsintheStonydelphlocality workingareahighlightedthatthetopissuesforresidentswerelitterandtidinessofthearea; antisocialbehaviouroftenassociatedwithgroupsofyoungpeopledrinking,andnotenough provisionforyoungpeople.Sincethis,numeroussurveyshavebeenconductedandthese concernsremainhighpriorities.Thesetypesofproblemsarenotisolatedtothisareabut appeartobecommoninmanyareasacrossthecountry. ThefactthatStonydelphhasbeenthefocusforrecentandimprovementsandprojectshas gonesomewaytoengaginglargesegmentsofthecommunitytobecomeinvolvedwithits development.Althoughlocalityworkinghasgonesomewaytoaddresslocalneeds,area statisticsandsurveysidentifytheneedforfurtherintervention.Inparticular,asignificant proportionoflocalresidentshaveexpressedtheirconcernsaboutanti-socialbehaviour, rubbishandgroupsofyouthswithnothingtodo.Clearlytheseissuesdeservepriority attention.HistoricallyStonydelphhasasahotspotforAntiSocialBehaviour,thistrendis currentlyreversingwithprojectstargetingengagingyoungpeoplecombinedwithincreased communityPolicing,withdesignatedofficersstayingintheareaforsignificanttimewhichhas allowedresidentstogettoknowandworkcloserwiththem. Despiteitsproblems,thereisevidenceofastrong“senseofcommunity”amongstsome peopleandfromseveralsurveysitisclearthatmanypeoplelikelivingintheareaand commentontheopenspacesandfriendlyneighbours. Therehavealsobeenmanypositiveinitiatives,In2010TamworthCouncil’sParticipatory
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