FRAT SPONSORS Wr:L.P My Feet up in My Coat
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' I . factor in Coordinated With Member of / College News Bureau / North Carolina Collegiate ...-and Service <intb· anil mturh Press Association '-- 'Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest Vol. XV, No. 7 WAKE FOREST, N.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1931 Ten Cents Per Copy ' Dean of Law ,, .. BAPTIST STUDENT Thoughtfulness Atten.dan.ce Upon Moot I RIVALRY BETWEEN ~------------------------~ ' ' Bursar Earnshaw recently r_e celved the following letter from a -·Cou-rt Is Compulsory ·---- LITERARY CLUBS OFFICERS NAMED graduate of Wake Forest who is R now practicing medicine in a dis· -----------------------------ffi .FOR COMING YEAR tant city: ..- Law Class Will Give Ccurt Ses · BECOMES ~niLDER "Dear Mr. Earnsltaw: sions Attention.~ Similar to· I am enclosing check for $10. · TWO STUDENTSI IN Th_at Given Lectures Conference Ends in Election of Advent of Competitive Athletic I lm(!W that I have paid up my Miss Kate· Allison, Meredith, and Social Fraternities Has subscription but will continue CASES AND JUDGES ARE ·President WRECK SATURDAY Lessened Interest sending .tllis amount until' further PROMISED BY DR. GULLEY notice; I may stop it in two montlis Oberholtzer Received D o u b I e ' BOTH ORGANIZATIONS I MANY"PROMINENT MEN and I may not stop it for a year. Purpose of Courts Is to Give Law Fracture of Skull; McManus I DOUBLED MEMBERSHIP APPEARED ON PROGRAM Use it for w1tat you wislt about the Has Scalp Wounds Student Workirlg Knowledge College. I feel tllat I owe tlle Col of Procedure in State Courts Dr. W. L. Poteat Recalls Time Meeting to be -J{eld in Chapel Hill lege much more than I will ever Alton V. Oberholtzer and E. W. Mr.· and an Opportunity for Practice Next Year; Dr. John L. HiJ.! pay it. As you probably know, Dr. When He Debated in Society Manus. stu'dents here, 'are in Watts' of Legal Principles ·. Makes Principal Address on Kitchin took me into the 1\Iedical Hospital . in Durham as the result of Halls Until Far Into Night; Had Sehool purely on a-'gamble and ~ow· severe injuries received last Saturday to Wrap Cold Feet in .Coat Sunday Program; Hershel Ford Attendance at Mo.ot Court -Will be that I am making some money I night when the motorcycle on which Presides they were riding collided with a mule placed on a basis similar to attendance wan~ to help the College in some Literary Societies have twice their and wagonon the Wake Forest-Durham at daily lectures, according to a de· way. former membership, but the rivalry The State B. S. U. Conference in highway near the Oak Grove High cision made .-by the Law school at a DR. N. Y. Gli'LLEY School. they once aroused on the campus died Durham last week-end culminated in With best regards, I am special meeting Wednesday morning. Veteran dean of the law school, has out with the advent of Social Fratern Word was received Wednesday by promised to back the law students in the . ele"ction of Miss Kate Allison of Very tnlly yours," Dean Bryan from the hospital that Beginning next Thursday night, at :ties and football competition, accord ' Meredith College as president for next tendance at t)lis weekly feature of law their movement to hold compulsory ing to Dr. W. L. Poteat. both boys were improving. moot court one night each:·week. y~ar. The conference will be held next Oberholtzer's received a double frac school work will be checked. Remembering the ancient glory or society life, Dr. Poteat says, "There year at Chapel Hill. ture of the skull and did not regain For the first time in several years, were nights when we debated until Other officers elected were: Sue Ray, consciousness until Sunday afternoon. a member of the faculty. has been NEW ~_MEN INSPECT. one a, m. in a room so cold I had to N. C. c., secretary; Nelly Sample, McManus received long scalp wounds. placea at the head of this phase of a He regained consciousness in about an law student's training. After a vote FRAT SPONSORS wr:l.p my feet up in my coat. Our de Chowan, reporter; vice presidents: hour after being taken to the hospitai. of the school to place attendance at bates concerned the past alone, since Malcolm Laxton, Appalachian, Carl COLLEGE LIBRARY Doctors at the hospital say that both Moot Court on same .basis as class we had no contemporary literature. Rogers, Mars Hill, Ben Campen, U.N.C., ---·-- boys probably will recover. attendance, Dr. Gulley _has promised With the extensive library you have FOR YEAR NAMED J. far better chance for development Edward Chamblee,Campbell, and Ro,se Seven' Groups Were Instructed in I They were on their way to the State to personally see to it that a case is . B. S. U. Conference in Durham when prepared and a judge is secured each than we had in our days." Leigh Horton, E.C.T.C. the Use and locatiOn Of the accident occurred. According to week for the Moot Courts. - Is Custom for Organizations to A treasury of information about The personnel of the program in societies, Wake Forest, and, in fact, Bcoks witnesses, there was poor light on both Heretofore, little interest has, been Select a Beauty to Appear cluded Dr. Johll L. Hill, of the Baptist the motorcycle and the wagon. -They taken in Moot Court work except by the entire south, is Dr. Paschal whose ... in Howler articles in the Wake Forest College -. Sun~ay School"fjoard of Nashville, who Approx:hnately 200 new men have struck the mule which was pulling the a very few. For this reason, the wagon, killing the mule instantly. The amount of interest taken did not war· Bulletin contain muc;:h interesting de- was the principal speaker Sunday. examined, inspected, and studied the witnesses stated that both boys prob rant a faculty member's spending his Four out of the ten social fraterni- tail. Mr. c. A. Upchurch, of the Anti-Saloon library under instruction during the ably would have been killed had they time on it. With the dean of the Law Remembering the days when campus ties, three professional fraternities, tlle politics lived only in society elections, League of North Carolina, discussed past week, accordin~ to the general- not struck the, mule first. School personally taking charge, it is !Howler, and the band, have selected Dr. Poteat tells us that "The most ac the present prohibition situation. lilbrarian, Mrs. E. '],'. Crittenden. _ Oberholtzer is a sophomore this year. expected that a large number will take sponsors for the Howler beauty section. tive campaigns, leading to desperate . Rev. Charles B. Howard, a graduate The seven groups of new men under His home is in Fort Dodge, Iowa. active part in the work. McManus, a senior, is from Cabarrus, It has been the practice every year rivalry, held the college in their sway." of Wake Forest, led the devotional! Professors Jones, Quisenberry and N.C.. (Please turn to page two) for each organization on t~e campus rhe wine of society life is well mixed services throughout the meeting. "Vic- Aycock, and Mr. Hagler, averaging to select an attractive young lady to with water, "but," says Dr. Billy, "it is the finest thing in the world for a tory for Christ" was the theme of his around 30 men per group, were sho;wn DRAMATIC CLUB NOT TO INCREASE OF TEACHERS represent it in the beauty section of ~- talks. the different features of the library. man to rise on his hind legs and speak GIVJ: SCH~[)~L_I:D ~L:Ar .SEEN_ 1~)3UMIVI_E~ SCHO~l th~. col!l,lg!'l year book. to his public with logic and understand Rev.. Coy Muckle; a Wake' Forest'' This-1D.striictioii tncluded -an expiana~ .. ing. It has helped to form many promi graduate· ·\now president of Wingate tion of the reference, reserve, and Will Open Fall Season by Giving Optional Summer Attendance in Social Fraternities nent men in public, educational and College, spoke SaturdaY night on "DiVi- recreational books, and directions as Performdnce After Thanks- State Was Better Than Kappa Alpha: Miss Virginia Lang religious life." de,_nds Declared on Spiritual 'Invest- to .the correct way to use them.. Among the more prominent mem of Walstonburg, N. C. ' ments While in College." This was fol- Afterwards the men were shown the giving Holidays Usual Last Year bers of the Philomathesian Society in stack-room which has a capacity of Theta Kappa Nu: Miss Euphemia its former days are F. P. Hobgood, lowed by the message of the State pres- 70,000 v'olumes. Acco'rding to' the The Dramatic Club is relinquishing An actual increase in the number Bryan, Wake Forest, N. C. once President of Oxford College; Dr. ident. W. H. Ford, who spoke on "Mak- tal M. E · th · ca oguer, ISS wmg, ere lS now its hopes of preparing a play by No- of teachers enrolled during the past Delta Sigma Chi: Miss Polly God J. E. Brewer, President of Meredith ing Investments for .Future Dividends." more than 42,000 volumes present, and win, Raleigh, N. C. C:ollege; Dr. R. W. Weaver, President vember 14, announced Thomas Dysard session in North c;!arolina summer Dr. Louis D. NeWton, pastor of the the library committee looks forward Lambda Tau: Miss Anne Horne, of-- Mercer University; the great Druid Hills Baptist Church of Atlanta, to having 60,000 by the end of the at the Monday night meeting in the schools over the preceding year, despite Greenville, N. C. preacher of Savannah and Atlanta, delivered the principal address of Sat- year.