Five Advantages of a Newark Academy Education

A GUIDE for Parents

Grades 6-12


Five Advantages of a Newark Academy Education

Intellectual Power, Intellectual Play Sparks igniting young minds

Global Thinking, 360° Perspective Looking into the world, not over it

Each Valued, All Celebrated Individuality embraced creates a thriving community

Trust Given, Respect Returned Independence in thinking ­— concern for others in action

Inspiring Teachers, Memorable Mentors Compelling in class, caring beyond it

Afterword Five Advantages of a Newark Academy Education oneadvantage Intellectual Power, Intellectual Play

“Newark Academy teachers want you to challenge yourself academically, but they’re not afraid to say that they also want you to be happy.” —Janet Robusto, parent

At Newark Academy, the mind matters or,

more accurately, what matters is the development of the mind

through intellectual engagement. NA students are academically

successful, not because they’re pressured but because they’re

stretched. As students navigate their educational journey,

Newark Academy provides the roadside assistance they need.

Thought becomes their vehicle, hard work their fuel, greater

understanding their destination, and stress a hitchhiker best left

by the side of the road. Close-up

Tables Turned

Surrounding Newark Academy’s Hark- ness table, a class of seventh graders is energetically dissecting a Jack London story when poet, English teacher, and— for the moment—discussion facilitator Betsy LaPadula draws a link to a con- temporaneous piece of literature. “Only connect,” she quotes, borrowing a line from Howard’s End to broach the theme of human connection. It is a theme already on display.

The Harkness table is a conduit for connectedness, a table of process much more than a table of content. It is, as LaPadula describes, a “specially In another room, bubbling sixth graders These scenes, and others like them, shaped and beautifully crafted piece of stand behind a horseshoe of desks, play out every day in every grade and furniture that symbolizes the sense of tongues at the ready. This is Deb Tavares’ every subject throughout Newark common ground, of egalitarianism, of science class, and they have embarked on Academy. Whether sitting around a open dialogue (and open minds) that an experiment to determine the effects of Harkness table or standing around we wish to inculcate in our students.” licking versus sucking on the mass, tex– desks, clustered in small-group work or Around the table, students do not look ture, and color of Tootsie Pops. The young spread out along the woodland trail, NA to her as the sole authority figure. They scientists embrace the experiment with students get involved in, take control of, look to each other for insights and to seriousness of purpose as well as appetite, find joy in, and connect to the process themselves for inspiration. and their observations are rock solid. of learning. Close-up

This IB-lieve

Like AP, the International Baccalaureate Rigorous Newark Academy courses achieve balance in their lives. Success is comprises advanced courses that include many in the internationally evidenced by NA graduates who are well- can lead to college credit. Unlike its American cousin, IB can also be recognized International Baccalaureate prepared college students at competitive— pursued as a unified “diploma program” (IB) and nationally recognized Advanced and varied—institutions as well as thinking, offering a global focus, international Placement (AP) programs. But challenge discerning citizens of the world. recognition, deep assessments, and is also found in classes from Advanced Encouraging serious students doesn’t a class called Theory of Knowledge, which helps students make Acting to Vertebrate Zoology, Math 6 mean that students are always serious, interdisciplinary connections while Honors to English 12: Genius and Insanity, however. Fun and funny matter, too. tackling epistemological questions. and everything in between. This breadth Newark Academy knows that when Here’s what the Newark Academy of options enables NA’s intellectual focus students enjoy the learning process and community is saying about IB: to be adjusted to bright students with are engaged in it, they learn more. From “The holistic image of IB goes different needs and interests. energetic class discussions where students along with the holistic image of Newark Academy and fits the Students are encouraged not only to are “intellectually bouncing around,” as one ethos quite well.” delve deeply into subjects they know and delighted teacher described, to students’ –Chris Davis, student love, but also to explore the unfamiliar. And Morning Meeting presentations that get “IB was attractive in that even if it just as they are taught to pursue academics the whole school laughing, a dynamic wasn’t right for our kids, it would with purpose, so they are urged to pursue educational environment results from attract a caliber of students that interests beyond academics in order to nimble minds well tended. would be great to be with, be around, and be stimulating.” –Carolyn Simpson, parent “IB gives you a different perspective of the world and encourages you to travel, intellectually and literally, and to meet the ‘other.’” –Maria Teresa McNeilly-Anta, faculty Five Advantages of a Newark Academy Education twoadvantage Global Thinking, 360° Perspective

“Not only can I play the sports I love, interact with people who are welcoming, and take challeng- ing classes, but I’m meeting people from all over the world. I’m broadening my circle of friends with people who have been places that I haven’t been and had experiences that I haven’t had.” —Ahlia Bethea, Ninth Grade

If having a “global orientation” conjures images of learning about the world at large, then Newark Academy is a committed global orienteer. From the mission statement’s aim of creating “ethical, intellectual, and civic stewards in the global environment” to the many internationally minded programs that help achieve that goal, NA helps students navigate unfamiliar terrain with an eye to broadening their worldview. But the school also goes beyond this meaning of a global perspective. Here, going global means far more than studying a foreign language or even experiencing a different culture. NA students are taught to look at all topics, even those close to home, from different angles. Thanks to its location close to New York City, Newark Academy benefits from a cosmopolitan school community “I think the diverse student whose members expand one another’s population allows the horizons while expanding their own. The international heritage of many NA families students here at Newark (see “International Relations,” below) creates a Academy to have more rich educational environment that reflects the complex, multifaceted nature of today’s society. experience with what the world is really like. People need the experience of interacting with people of different cultures.”

—Kevin Chan, ninth grade

A bevy of programs also exposes students to different issues and ways of life. All ages enjoy the annual International Dinner and the Global Speaker Series, which brings experts on such topics as eradicating polio in India, directing plays in Romania, and living without academic freedom in Zimbabwe. In the upper grades, opportunities expand to include optional International Baccalaureate and off-campus semesters as well as a multi- week immersion experience in which every student takes part. True to form, however, even


International Relations In a typical year:

3% of students come from outside the U.S.

6% have dual citizenship.

15% have lived in other countries.

16% are fluent in a foreign language.

19% speak a foreign language at home.

29% have at least one parent born or raised abroad.

9 3 % have traveled outside the U.S. Close-up

A Long History of Looking Forward

Founded in 1774, Newark Academy is older than the United States, but its outlook is decidedly 21st century. The NA of today doesn’t resemble the all-boys’ school begun by an advisor to . Burned by the British and rebuilt in Newark in 1792, the Academy moved to Livingston in 1964 and became fully coed in the required immersion is tailored to student 1971. More recently, new facilities for interest, and participants can opt for a cultural the arts and athletics and a newly adopted master plan are helping to immersion abroad or a wilderness immersion ensure that NA’s bricks and mortar in the United States. Community service will continue to support its forward- similarly expands student understanding thinking, globally minded program of through individual projects and school- study. Equally striking, this venerable sponsored events, such as tutoring and an institution is neither stuffy nor elitist. “It’s not an old boy network,” explains annual field day for Newark schoolchildren. an administrator, “despite the fact In a typical year, NA students perform more that we’re one of the oldest schools than 12,000 hours of service. in the state, if not the country. The Within the curriculum, the Academy’s focus is less on where you come from global orientation is likewise varied, stretching and more on who you are and where you’re going.” This approach keeps beyond language and humanities courses. A the student body fresh, bright, and science teacher links the study of water to the energetic and the school looking to importance of potable water in developing the future while remaining proud of areas. Field trips and other experiential its past. learning opportunities get students to look at topics differently and to experience and experiment firsthand. The common thread is the development of an expanded, multifaceted perspective on the world and each student’s place in it.

“Newark Academy does a really good job of giving kids a solid foundation so they can manage that very fast-paced, very interconnected, very diverse world that they’re going to face.

—Leo Gordon, Alumni board of governors Five Advantages of a Newark Academy Education threeadvantage Each Valued, All Celebrated

“There’s a huge level of acceptance of different types of kids, and students admire them, even if they’re not into the same things. They admire them for what the other kid is into.” —Susan Andrzejewski, parent

Newark Academy makes a difference

in students’ lives by accepting, and valuing, the differences in

their lives… and then making those differences unimportant.

Diversity in the community goes beyond the ethnic, racial,

religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds of its families to

“You want children to be in a place encompass students’ interests, strengths, personalities, and that offers more interests, where arts and athletics are celebrated, points of view. From hairstyles to learning styles, students are where it’s okay to dress this way or treated as individuals. There is no NA “type,” students say, no that way. All that is accepted and understood at NA. You don’t have need to conform. What all students do share is a sense of open- to fit a mold.” mindedness and a common knowledge that together they are —Kathleen Kleiber, parent and trustee Newark Academy. Close-up

A Tale of Two Schools… and One Academy

“We consider ourselves one all- inclusive community with separate experiences and identities for the Middle School and the Upper School.” —Joseph Ball, Humanities faculty

In its own brightly colored wing, the Newark Academy Middle School, for grades 6–8, is a hive of activity. Classrooms and the Common Room buzz with the energy of young teens, who, because of the Middle School’s intimate size, get to know each other well and quickly. Middle School teachers understand the needs of this age Horizons expand in grades 9–12. Though the size of Upper group and the demands to come, and they help students School classes remains small, averaging 13 students, grade assemble the building blocks of future success: intellectual size grows significantly, creating a broader social landscape. curiosity, independent thought, and effective time Curricular and extracurricular opportunities grow, too. Upper management. Though Middle School students take part in School students choose from more than 100 IB, AP, honors, all-school activities some of the time, they also have their and standard-level courses in the rigorous college-preparatory own additional Morning Meetings; their own teams, clubs, program as well as from options for leadership, travel, and performances, and newspaper; and their own opportunities social outreach. With increased maturity come greater to shine. expectations and responsibility but also greater independence and trust. Students routinely meet the high standards for both academics and personal behavior, developing character and preparing for adulthood.

Though not every school benefits from having upper and middle schoolers together in one building, for Newark Academy it is a great experience for both. Whether in the lunchroom, hallways, or Morning Meeting, older students befriend and look out for younger ones, serving as positive influences, creating a sense of family, and adding to NA’s identity as one school with one-school spirit.

“We meet kids where they are developmentally and take them to the next level, no matter what they are working on—academics, social and emotional growth, study habits, or learning to relax. Our goal is to keep adolescents moving forward while keeping them positive about what’s ahead.”

—Tom Ashburn, Middle School Principal “Kids here can be anything they want to be, and they can be a little bit of everything.”

—Noah Liff, eleventh grade

In addition to its significant international representation, Newark Academy has a broad definition of diversity that includes 25 percent students of color and 81 communities represented. Financial aid enables students of different socioeconomic groups to attend NA, but you won’t see students grouping themselves based on socioeconomics—or race or even activities. Friendships defy categorization because students defy categorization. An unusual, and delightful, benefit of having the Middle and Upper schools in the same building is the strong bonds between students of all ages. As one student says, “You become friends with everyone, someone from every grade.” “Students feel safe and comfortable being themselves,” describes a faculty member, “and because of that they do better. There is a place for everyone.” Just as it’s okay to be different, so it’s easy to do different things. Perhaps this is because, with 565 students in seven grades, NA is small enough that no one gets lost and big enough to offer plenty of opportunities. “Students are not pegged as a scholar or an athlete or a dancer or a trumpet player,” says a parent. “They can try all those things, and they’re encouraged to.” And at a school where dialogue is prized, divergent opinions are welcome. Another parent sums it up, “The kids are happy—all different kinds of kids.” Five Advantages of a Newark Academy Education fouradvantage Trust Given, Respect Returned

“Because students are treated like adults, they act like adults.” —pegeen galvin, dean of students

Ask any member of the Newark Academy

community about the school’s core values, and chances are the

answer will include the word “respect.” So much of what NA

is—and why it works—comes down to this simple concept.

Mutual respect is pervasive, among the student body, among

faculty colleagues, and between members of both groups,

who see in each other fellow learners and teachers. From

the Academy’s honor code to hallway courtesies, respect is

manifested daily. “At the end of class, the kids get up and say

thank you,” explains a teacher. “I’m almost tired of saying you’re

welcome.” “NA really fosters an atmosphere of respect, not only teachers toward students, but the students toward the students.”

—pat budziak, parent and trustee

Expectations for appropriate behavior are Just as independent thought is clear. Surrounded by others who value this encouraged inside the classroom, culture of integrity, students live up to those independent action is fostered outside. expectations. They tend to make good choices Students structure their own free time, and are given a fair amount of autonomy and learning to balance work and play. What self-determination as a result. Doing the right results are not only good grades and great thing becomes a means to an end and an end friendships, but also solid time management in itself. skills and a well-rounded experience.

“Freedom” also extends to the selection of courses and programs of study. Students may choose the full IB diploma, individual IB or AP classes, or such electives as the Vietnam Experience and biotechnology. In math and language, students are placed not based simply on the grade they’re in but by “wherever they can achieve best,” says an administrator. And they are free to plumb their artistic side, “Students are trustworthy. They know that they’re channel their inner athlete, try something new, being held to a higher standard, and they want to and be who they are. live up to that.” NA students are proud of the trust and —Jennifer Blevins, Science faculty independence they earn. Parents are proud of the people they become. Close-up

Art for Art’s Sake

Some students choose Newark Academy for its strong arts program, in which they can further develop existing talents. Others choose NA and then, in its creative environment, discover their own artistic tendencies. A top-notch arts experience is on tap here, thanks to an experienced faculty of professional artists, more than 40 visual and performing arts courses, even more after-school and extracurricular options, and the superior facilities of the Elizabeth B. McGraw Arts Center, which contains studios, classrooms, a black-box theater, and gallery space. For more information on the arts program at Newark Academy, including the arts available, visit Close-up

Athletics: A Tradition of Excellence

Through the decades, Minuteman teams have enjoyed success at every level, and NA student-athletes have achieved remarkable distinctions—from a spot on the 2010 U.S. Women’s National Team in soccer to Davis Cup selections and the Olympics. Yet scores and trophies only tell part of the story. It is in the striving, the improving, the camaraderie, and the challenges that NA student-athletes come to define excellence for themselves.

In keeping with NA’s commitment to offer a balanced approach to life and learning, athletics begin in Middle School, where all students are required to participate in an interscholastic sport each season. In the Upper School, students may choose to join one or more of 23 varsity teams. NA’s coaches, facilities, and community of enthusiastic fans support the athletics program. The coaching staff includes former professional and collegiate level athletes who are committed to developing individual abilities while fielding competitive teams. Top-notch facilities allow for a sports festival–like atmosphere on the NA campus. A multi-use oversized gym is the centerpiece of the Simon Family Fieldhouse, which also includes a six-lane pool and the Danco Fitness Center. Other facilities include the Cetrulo Fitness Center, a dedicated wrestling gym, 10 outdoor courts, and eight athletic fields. For more information, visit Five Advantages of a Newark Academy Education fiveadvantage Inspiring Teachers, Memorable Mentors

“The teachers are the students’ partners. This empowers students, and as a result they feel really strong and confident when they leave here.” —Susan ratner, parent

Newark Academy teachers are exceptional—

in their experience, their education, and their ability to connect with

students. With an average of 18 years of teaching experience—

12 teaching at NA—faculty members are committed to the school and its

students. Teachers cite the positive atmosphere, academic freedom, great

relationships with bright students, and a “wealth of knowledge and skill,

excitement, friendliness, and willingness to share among our colleagues”

as the reasons they love teaching here. But these are also the reasons

why their teaching remains fresh and exciting despite their significant

longevity. Close-up

“NA gave my daughter the ability to do well at Princeton, particularly on the writing side. The older she gets, the more she appreciates the background that she got here.” —Pamela Huttenberg, trustee and parent

Comprehensive College prep

When students graduate from Newark Academy, they are totally ready for what lies ahead. The Academy’s experienced college guidance staff prepares students not just to navigate the application and decision-making process but to be empowered by it, not to get into the “best” college but the best college for them. Meanwhile, the school as a whole is preparing students for the advanced thinking, writing, communication skills, workload management, and independence that college requires. NA graduates do very well, both in the quality and fit of the institutions where they go and in their experiences when they get “One reason our students are so there. As one parent says, “I know people who have graduated from NA recently, and they think college is a breeze.” successful in the college search

In a recent four-year period, the greatest number of NA students process is that we ask them to opted to attend: be introspective about who they Amherst · Boston College · Brown · Bucknell · are and how they thrive and then Carleton · Carnegie-Mellon · Colgate · Columbia University · Connecticut College · Cornell · Dickinson · work with them to find colleges Duke · Emory · Franklin & Marshall · Georgetown · that match these traits.” George Washington · Indiana University · Lafayette · Lehigh · McGill · University of Miami · —Richard DiBianca, · Middlebury · NYU · Northwestern · Upper School Principal University of Pennsylvania · Princeton · University of Rochester · Rutgers · University of Southern California · University of St. Andrews · Stanford · Swarthmore · Tufts · Villanova · Washington University in St. Louis

But just as significant as the colleges that many Newark Academy students attend are the colleges that only a few choose. Recent NA graduates have also gone on to study at UC Berkeley and the Berklee College of Music; the University of Oxford, in Oxford, England, as well as Miami University, in Oxford, Ohio; Wellesley and Williams; Harvard and Harvey Mudd and Howard; and the Rhode Island School of Design. Students’ choices—from college to major to career—are as diverse as the individuals who make them, a reflection of the richness of the NA experience.

For a complete list of colleges that recent NA graduates have attended, go to “Teaching here is like playing for the Yankees. The expectations are high, and people work hard to excel and to bring the best they can to their students.” —Scott Jacoby, arts faculty

An impressive 85 percent have advanced High-caliber teaching doesn’t end at “The line between teacher, degrees, and all teachers are expected to the classroom door. Faculty members student, and friend is earn a graduate degree within five years take an active interest in their students’ of arriving at NA. (To learn more about all-around success, serving as mentors as blurred—not in a bad way, individual faculty members and their well as instructors. Parents sing the praises in a positive way. I made educational background, visit of teachers who make an impact on young This ensures that teachers are true experts lives by sharing an outside interest or lifelong friendships with in their fields, able to impart a sophisticated sharing a joke, keeping tabs on a former teachers who pushed understanding of their subject matter. student, drawing a quiet child out, or Along with that experience comes taking extra time to help one student me, but who also offered enthusiasm. “There are times in my job that clear a hurdle or another pursue a passion. opportunities.” I am just absolutely invigorated and infused According to one mother, “Teachers convey with this energy that I can’t even describe,” to both parents and children that they love —maria teresa mcNeilly-Anta, says a teacher. An administrator adds, “It’s a teaching them.” foreign language very optimistic place. The faculty expect the faculty and alumna kids to do well.” Afterword

Like what you’ve seen so far? Want to learn more about Newark Academy? by the Numbers

Founded: We encourage you to: 1774 • Look through the supplement included with this book for more details Campus: about areas of particular interest to you. 68 acres • Check us out on the web at You’ll find all sorts of Grades: information about school programs as well as the admissions and 6-12 financial aid processes. Enrollment: • Come to an Open House, held Saturday mornings several times each 550-600 year. This year’s dates are listed on the website and in the supplement. Faculty: 92 • Arrange for a school tour, available any weekday morning. Tours (85% have advanced degrees) provide a good peek at Newark Academy in action, while a more in-

Average class size: depth look for you and your child is offered after application is made. 13 • Contact us any time. We’re happy to answer questions:

Students of color: 25%

Students receiving Financial aid: We invite you to get to know our 15%

Sports: school, our warm and diverse 57 teams, 15 sports, 80% participation Office of Admission community, and our special brand Newark Academy Clubs: of serious academics with a smile, 40+ 91 South Orange Avenue Livingston, NJ 07039 so that you can decide if the (973) 992-7000 advantages of a Newark Academy

education are right for your family. In a typical year:

Seniors taking at least one IB course: 95% This may be the beginning of a long relationship AP exams taken: 400 with Newark Academy, but it’s the end of the “Guide for Parents.” For the “Insider’s Guide for Students,” turn to the back of this book, Students receiving National Merit recognition: flip it upside down, and keep reading. 30%

Hours of community service: 12,000

“The students get really excited to show their school to new families. They just love being here, and that’s the sense that we got at the Open House.” –june murray, parent Turnaround Marketing Communications Text: Andrea Lehman Principal Photography: Michael Branscom Principal Photography: Lehman Andrea Text: Communications Marketing Turnaround A Test You Won’t Mind Taking For each of the following questions, choose the answer that is BEST FOR YOU:

1. Want to learn more about NA? (A) Check us out at (B) Check us out in person—at an Open House or on a campus tour. (C) Call or email us with your questions: 973.992.7000 or [email protected]. (D) All of the above (E) N/A

2. how would you describe yourself? (A) Intellectually curious (B) Open-minded (C) Motivated and involved (D) All of the above (E) N/A (defies description)

3. What are you looking for in a school? (A) Challenging academics (B) Great sports and arts (C) A place where wit and wisdom are honored (D) A place where everyone is respected (E) All of the above = NA!

Okay, so there are no wrong answers to these questions.

The real question is: Is NA the right school for you?

We hope you’ll get to know us a little better and discover the answer for yourself.

Office of Admission Newark Academy 91 South Orange Avenue STOP! Livingston, NJ 07039 You have reached the end of this section. (973) 992-7000 Do not turn the page. To read the “Guide for Parents,” turn to the back of this book, flip it upside down, and keep reading. STUDENT GUIDE

reason no. XXIX

Immerse yourself

Whether your thing is cultural or environmental exploration, the NA Immersion Experience Program is way cool. Starting with the class of 2013, every NA student will spend at least two to three weeks living in a different culture or the great outdoors. Go on a wilderness trek through national parks like the Grand Canyon or live with a family in Spain. Spend a whole summer in the Appalachian Mountains or a semester in Maine or the Bahamas. Whether you focus on improving your language skills, participating in a service project, or getting back to nature, there are lots of options to choose from. All you have to do is immerse yourself in the experience and soak it up.

Reason No.

They Mean the World to Us “I like his style of teaching, because he never gives you the answer to a question. Students talk about their teachers He always answers a question with a question, and it makes for really good “I can always go to class and know I’ll conversation. I like that kind of learning.” have a smile on my face when I leave. I know I’m going to learn something, but 92 I’m going to have fun while learning it 92 and it’s going to stay with me.”

“As well as being a teacher, she’s a friend. I can talk to her about a lot of things.”

“There’s mutual respect between the “She lets the kids do a lot of interactive, teachersteachers andand WeWe carecare aboutabout whatwhat theythey hands-on activities. It helps a lot more say, and they care about what we say.” than just taking notes.” Reason No45.

fasciNAtion reason no. IVVe What NA students are: intelligent, inquisitive, inclusive, imaginative, independent, individualistic, interconnected, industrious, international, intellectual, immersed, interested, interesting, inspired, and full of integrity. What NA students aren’t: hung up on “I.” REASON NO At NA, no matter how many I’s you add 24) AP . together, you always end up with “WE.” +IB =NA

From artwork like this to music, drama, and dance, the sights and sounds of our creativity are everywhere at NA.


Reason No. NAday is Independence Day 5:00

We learn pretty quickly that students are trusted here and that living up to that trust has a lot of benefits. For one thing, NAtime in Upper School, free time is exactly that—free time. We At NA, the day doesn’t decide what to do and where to do it. We can hang out with end at 2:30 or 3 or friends or do our homework, and since we get a fair amount even at 6… if you don’t of work, we learn how to manage our time pretty quickly. Our want it to. There’s Is teachers encourage us to be independent in our thinking, too. plenty to do after It all gets us ready for college and even more independence. classes are over, and students love staying NATime at school and getting involved—in sports, musical groups, clubs, and plays—or just sticking around to cheer on friends who are involved in those things. In a typical week of after- school action, you can choose between watching or participating in more than 20 varsity and JV practices and games, rehearsing a play, singing in a choir, going to club meetings, using the pool or gym, attending a Student Council meeting or an art opening, tutoring local kids, and going to a dance—maybe even staying for an overnight playwriting festival. As one student said, “It’s a place where people want to be.” Reason No. 7/ 4 No Pain, No Drain

reason no. fifteen

Who said school has to be stressful to be good? At NA, we get a great education, but we have a great time, too. Sure we work hard, and teachers challenge us to do our best, but they also understand that having fun is important. As long as you try hard and make time for your work, they’re fine with whatever else you do. They want us to get involved in sports and clubs. They want us to talk to them outside of class, even if it’s just to tell a joke. And they want us to try things we haven’t done before, even if we don’t get them right away. It’s like they know we’re eventually going to succeed. “No pain, no gain” just doesn’t apply at NA. It’s really comfortable here. Reason No. 61

“The Clips” are the communication center of NA. It’s where the school, our teachers, and our friends can leave us messages—or even candy on special occasions. Of course we have other, more modern, ways to keep in touch, but nothing beats this clip board.

Reason No. 1774: Birth of a NAtion Reason No. 2000+: From NAtional to InterNAtional

“They’re all clever. Most people are fun and energetic and they’re interesting people to be around.” STUDENT GUIDE

Welcome to the NA nation, otherwise known as the NAtion. There are a ton of reasons why NA students love NA—some of which you can see in this guide—but there are plenty more. Just ask any of

us. We love to talk about this place and the serious but hilarious, diverse but equal, open-minded and close-knit school that we are. Can you see yourself in

our NAtion?


All of them. At NA, we come from different backgrounds, live in different

Which of these things places, like different things, and think is not like the other? A: different thoughts… and we’re proud Q: of it. “When I came here on my “What I tour, it was unlike other schools. The academics remember from when and the athletics were both I first came here is really great, and all the that the teachers kids were accepting and were really cool.” welcomed me into the school.” “I chose Newark Academy because I’m “In this school, artistically everyone gets inclined.” along with each other. Everyone fits together.”

“You come here to invent yourself as a person and learn.”

Reasons No. 143, 144, 145, 146, 147 FIRST IMPRESSIONS/LASTING IMPRESSIONS Why students chose NA Way More than Five Things You’ll Love about NA

An INsider’s GUIDE for Students

Grades 6-12