MATH. SCAND. 105 (2009), 199–217



Abstract Motivated essentially by their potential for applications in a wide range of mathematical and physical problems, the Log-Sine integrals have been evaluated, in the existing literature on the subject, in many different ways. The main object of this paper is to show how nicely some general (m) π formulas analogous to the generalized Log-Sine Lsn 3 can be obtained by using the theory of Polylogarithms. Relevant connections of the results presented here with those obtained in earlier works are also indicated precisely.

1. Introduction and Preliminaries Motivated essentially by their potential for applications in a wide range of mathematical and physical problems, the Log-Sine integrals have been eval- uated, in the existing literature on the subject, in many different ways. Here, we mainly aim at showing how nicely some general formulas analogous to the (m) π generalized Log-Sine integral Lsn 3 can be obtained by using the theory of Polylogarithms. We also give remarks on some related results on this subject. For our purpose, we begin by recalling the following definitions and prop- erties, which will be needed in our investigation.

Definition 1. The Log-Sine integrals Lsn(θ) of order n are defined by (1.1) θ x n−1 Lsn(θ) :=− log 2 sin dx (n ∈ N \{1}; N :={1, 2, 3,...}); 0 2

(m) The generalized Log-Sine integrals Lsn (θ) of order n and index m are defined by θ n−m− (m) m x 1 (1.2) Lsn (θ) :=− x log 2 sin dx 0 2

Received July 14, 2008. 200 junesang choi, young joon cho and h. m. srivastava

Definition 2. The ζ(s) is defined by ⎧ ∞ ∞ ⎪ 1 1 1 ⎪ = (s) > 1 ⎨⎪ ns 1 − 2−s (2n − 1)s n=1 n=1 (1.3) ζ(s) := ⎪ ∞ n−1 ⎪ 1 (−1) ⎩⎪ (s) > 0; s = 1 . 1 − 21−s ns n=1

The Hurwitz (or generalized) Zeta function ζ(s,a) is defined by

∞ (1.4) ζ(s, a) := (k + a)−s (s) > 1; a = 0, −1, −2,... . k=0

From Definition 2 it is easy to observe that − 1 (1.5) ζ(s) = ζ(s,1) = 2s − 1 1 ζ s, = 1 + ζ(s,2). 2

Definition 3. The Dilogarithm function Li2(z) is defined by

∞ zn Li (z) := (|z|  1) 2 n2 (1.6) n=1 z ( − t) =− log 1 dt. 0 t

The function Lin(z) is defined by

∞ zk (z) = (|z|  ; n ∈ \{ }) Lin : kn 1 N 1 (1.7) k=1 z Lin−1(t) = dt (n ∈ N \{1, 2}). 0 t

Clearly, we have

(1.8) Lin(1) = ζ(n) (n ∈ N \{1}), in terms of the Riemann Zeta function ζ(s) in (1.3). log-sine integrals 201

Definition 4. The generalized Clausen function Cln(θ) is defined by ⎧ ∞ ⎪ sin kθ ⎪ (n is even) ⎨⎪ kn k=1 (1.9) Cln(θ) := ⎪ ∞ ⎪ cos kθ ⎪ n ⎩ kn ( is odd). k=1

The associated Clausen function Gln(θ) of order n is defined by ⎧ ∞ ⎪ cos kθ ⎪ (n is even) ⎨⎪ kn k=1 (1.10) Gln(θ) := ⎪ ∞ ⎪ sin kθ ⎪ n ⎩ kn ( is odd). k=1

It is noted that, only the special case when n = 2, the generalized Clausen function Cln(θ) satisfies the following relationship:

(1.11) Ls2(θ) = Cl2(θ) with the Log-Sine integral Lsn(θ) of order n = 2 defined by (1.1). The following well-known formulas are recorded (see [17, p. 334, Entry (50.5.16)] and [27, p. 98], respectively):

∞ 2n 2 B n (1.12)x· cot x = 1 + (−1)n 2 x2n (|x| <π) (2n)! n=1 and

( π)2n n+1 2 (1.13)ζ(2n) = (−1) B n (n ∈ N := N ∪ {0}), 2 · (2n)! 2 0 where Bn denotes the well-known Bernoulli numbers (see, e.g., [27, p. 59]). Now, through an eclectic review, we are showing how Log-Sine integrals (m) Lsn(θ) and the generalized Log-Sine integrals Lsn (θ) of order n and index m in Definition 1 have been evaluated in various ways by many mathematicians. The Log-Sine integrals Lsn(θ) in Definition 1 when the argument θ = π satisfy the following recurrence relation (see, e.g., [19, p. 218, Eq. (7.112)]; 202 junesang choi, young joon cho and h. m. srivastava see also [27, p. 119, Eq. (111)]): m (−1) −m (1.14) Lsm+ (π) = π 1 − 2 ζ(m+ 1) m! 2 m−1 k+1 (−1) k−m + 1 − 2 ζ(m− k + 1) Lsk+ (π) (m ∈ N), k! 1 k=2 where ζ(s) denotes the Riemann Zeta function given in (1.3). By mainly analyzing the generalized binomial theorem and the familiar Weierstrass canonical product form of the (z) (see [27, p. 1, Eq. (2)]), Shen [23, p. 1396, Eq. (19)] evaluated the Log-Sine integral Lsk+1(2π) as follows: ∞ 2π k 1 x k k! n (1.15) log 2 sin dx = (−1) σk (k, n ∈ N), 2π 2 2k 0 n k 2 n where σk are given, in terms of the Stirling numbers s(n, k) of the first kind (see, for details, [27, pp. 56–57]; see also [22]), by

k−1 n s(n, k − m) s(n, m) σk = . n! n! m=1 By using an idea analogous to that of Shen [23], Beumer [5] presented a recursion formula for π (−1)n−1 x n−1 D(n) := log sin dx (n ∈ N) 2 · (n − 1)! 0 2 in the following form:

2n−1 2n − k−1 n+1 2 1 2n (1.16) (−1) D(k)D(2n−k) = (−1) π B n (n ∈ N), (2n)! 2 k=1 where Bn are the Bernoulli numbers in (1.12) and (1.13), and π π D(1) = and D(2) = log 2. 2 2 More recently, Batir [4] presented integral representations, involving Log- Sine terms, for some series associated with k −1 k −2 2 k−n 2 k−n, k and k log-sine integrals 203 and for some closely-related series, by using a number of elementary properties of Polylogarithms. Lewin [19, pp. 102–103; p. 164] presented the following integral formulas: π 2 x (1.17) log 2 sin dx =−G 0 2 and π 2 x 35 1 (1.18) x log 2 sin dx = ζ(3) − πG, 0 2 32 2 where G denotes the Catalan constant defined by

∞ (−1)m (1.19)G:= =∼ 0.91596 55941 77219 015 .... (2m + 1)2 m=0 Several other authors have concentrated upon the problem of evaluation of (m) the Log-Sine integral Lsn(θ) and the generalized Log-Sine integral Lsn (θ) of order n and index m given in Definition 1 with the argument θ given by θ = π 3 . (Throughout this paper, we choose the principal branch of the function log z in case z is a complex variable.) In particular, van der Poorten [29] proved that π 3 x 7 (1.20) log2 2 sin dx = π 3 0 2 108 and π 3 x 17 (1.21) x log2 2 sin dx = π 4. 0 2 6480 Zucker [32] established the following two integral formulas: π 3 x 3 x 253 (1.22) log4 2 sin − x2 log2 2 sin dx = π 5 0 2 2 2 3240 and

π 3 3 x x x 313 (1.23) x log4 2 sin − log2 2 sin dx = π 6. 0 2 2 2 408240 π (m) π n Zhang and Williams [31] extensively investigated Ls 3 and Lsn 3 along with other integrals in order to present two general formulas (see [31, 204 junesang choi, young joon cho and h. m. srivastava p. 272, Eqs. (1.6) and (1.7)]), which include the integral formulas (1.20) to (1.23) as special cases. We choose to recall here one more explicit special case of the Zhang-Williams integral formulas as follows:

π 3 x 15 x (1.24) log6 2 sin − x2 log4 2 sin 2 4 2 0 15 x 77821 + x4 log2 2 sin dx = π 7. 16 2 26 · 36 · 7

Borwein et al. [7] expressed the central binomial sum:

∞ 1 S(k) := nk 2n n=1 n in an integral form as follows:

k−1 (−2) ( ) π (1.25) S(k) = Ls 1 (k ∈ N). (k − 2)! k 3

By doing so, they [7, Theorem 3.3] were able to evaluate the central binomial sums S(k) (k = 2,...,8) in terms of the multiple Clausen, Glaisher, and Zeta values.

2. Analogous Log-Sine Integrals

In this section, we will show how nicely some general formulas analogous (m) π to the generalized Log-Sine integral Lsn 3 can be obtained by using the theory of Polylogarithms. Indeed, by carrying out repeated integration by parts in (1.7) in conjunction with (1.6), we obtain

Lemma. z dt (2.1) Lin(z) − Lin(w) = Lin−1(t) w t n−2 (− )k−1 (− )n−1 z 1 k 1 n−1 = (log t) Lin−k(t) + (log t) log(1 − t) k! (n − 1)! t=w k=1 n−1 z (−1) n− dt + (log t) 1 (n ∈ N \ {1}), (n − 1)! w 1 − t log-sine integrals 205 where (and elsewhere in this paper) an empty sum is understood to be nil; in particular, (− )n−1 1 dt 1 n−1 ζ(n) = Lin(1) = (log t) (n − 1)! 0 1 − t (2.2) n−1 1 (−1) n−1 dt = log(1 − t) (n ∈ N \ {1}). (n − 1)! 0 t

By beginning with (2.2), we can deduce the following analogous Log-Sine integral formulas:

Theorem 1.

m (−1)k+1 2m π/3 x (2.3) (x − π)2k−1 log2m+1−2k 2 sin dx 22k−1 2k − 1 2 k=1 0 m− k 21 (−1)[k/2] π π = (2m)! Cl m+ −k (m ∈ N); k! 3 2 1 3 k=0

π m k+1 (−1) 2m 3 x (2.4) (x − π)2k log2m−2k 2 sin dx 22k 2k 2 k=0 0 m+ 1 π 2 1 = (−1)m 1 + 2m + 1 3 2m−1 k+1 k (−1)[ 2 ] π π + (2m)! Gl m+ −k (m ∈ N); k! 3 2 1 3 k=0

π m−1 k (−1) 2m − 1 3 x (2.5) (x − π)2k+1 log2m−2−2k 2 sin dx 22k+1 2k + 1 2 k=0 0 m 1 π 2 = (−1)m+1 1 + − 2(2m − 1)!ζ(2m) 2m 3 2m−2 k k (−1)[ 2 ] π π + (2m − 1)! Gl m−k (m ∈ N); k! 3 2 3 k=0 206 junesang choi, young joon cho and h. m. srivastava

π m−1 k (−1) 2m − 1 3 x (2.6) (x − π)2k log2m−1−2k 2 sin dx 22k 2k 2 k=0 0 2m−2 k−1 k (−1)[ 2 ] π π = (2m − 1)! Cl m−k (m ∈ N), k! 3 2 3 k=0 where Cln(θ) and Gln(θ) denote the generalized Clausen function and the associated Clausen function given in (1.9) and (1.10), respectively. Proof. Substituting t = u−1 in (2.2) yields e−iθ dt (2.7)(−1)n−1 (log t)n−1 1 1 − t iθ e dt 1 = (log t)n−1 + (iθ)n (0  θ  π). 1 1 − t n

Furthermore, it is easily observed, by setting t = 1 − eix, that

iθ n− 1−e dt θ 1 x 1 (2.8) (log t)n−1 =−i i(x − π)+ log 2 sin dx 0 1 − t 0 2 2 or, equivalently, that

iθ 1−e dt θ 1 (2.9) (log t)n−1 =−i i(x − π) 1 − t 2 1 0 n−1 x n + log 2 sin dx + (−1) (n − 1)!ζ(n) (n ∈ N \ {1}) 2 in view of (2.2). In its special case when n = 2m + 1(m ∈ N) and w = 1, (2.1) yields z dt 2m (2.10) (log t) = (2m)!Li2m+1(z) − (2m)!ζ(2m + 1) 1 1 − t 2m−1 (− )k 1 k 2m +(2m)! (log z) Li m+ −k(z)−(log z) log(1−z) (m ∈ N). k! 2 1 k=1

i π Putting z = e 3 in (2.10) and using the following elementary identity:

i π −i π (2.11) 1 − e 3 = e 3 , log-sine integrals 207 we get π ei 3 dt π 2m+1 (2.12) (log t)2m = i(−1)m − (2m)! ζ(2m + 1) 1 1 − t 3 m− 21 k k (−1) π i π + (2m)! i Li m+ −k e 3 (m ∈ N). k! 3 2 1 k=0 We now separate the even and odd parts of the sum occurring in (2.12) and make use of (1.8) and (1.11). We thus obtain m− 21 k k (−1) π i π (2.13) i Li m+ −k e 3 k! 3 2 1 k=0 2m−1 (−1)[k/2] π k π = Cl m+ −k k! 3 2 1 3 k=0 m− k+ 21 1 k (−1)[ 2 ] π π + i Gl m+ −k . k! 3 2 1 3 k=0 Upon substituting from (2.13) into (2.12), and equating the real and imaginary parts on each side of the resulting equation, we obtain

i π e 3 dt (2.14)  (log t)2m =−(2m)!ζ(2m + 1) 1 1 − t 2m−1 (−1)[k/2] π k π + (2m)! Cl m+ −k (m ∈ N) k! 3 2 1 3 k=0 and π ei 3 dt π 2m+1 (2.15)  (log t)2m = (−1)m 1 1 − t 3 m− k+ 21 1 k (−1)[ 2 ] π π + (2m)! Gl m+ −k (m ∈ N). k! 3 2 1 3 k=0 n = m + m ∈ θ = π Setting 2 1( N) and 3 in (2.7), we have −i π e 3 dt (2.16) (log t)2m 1 1 − t i π e 3 m m+ m dt (−1) π 2 1 = (log t)2 + i(m∈ N). 1 1 − t 2m + 1 3 208 junesang choi, young joon cho and h. m. srivastava

n = m + m ∈ θ = π Also, by putting 2 1( N) and 3 in (2.9), and using (2.11), we obtain

−i π e 3 dt (2.17) (log t)2m =−(2m)!ζ(2m + 1) 1 − t 1 π 2m 3 1 x − i i(x − π)+ log 2 sin dx (m ∈ N). 0 2 2 Now, by using the binomial theorem, we find that

m 1 x 2 (2.18) i(x − π)+ log 2 sin 2 2 m k 2m x − π 2 x = (−1)k log2m−2k 2 sin 2k 2 2 k=0 m 2k−1 k+ 2m x − π m+ − k x + i (−1) 1 log2 1 2 2 sin (m ∈ N). 2k − 1 2 2 k=1 Substituting (2.18) into the integrand on the right-hand side of (2.17), and equating the real and imaginary parts of each side of the resulting equation, we obtain

−i π e 3 dt (2.19)  (log t)2m =−(2m)! ζ(2m + 1) 1 1 − t π m k+1 (−1) 2m 3 k− m+ − k x + (x − π)2 1 log2 1 2 2 sin dx (m ∈ N) 22k−1 2k − 1 2 k=1 0 and

−i π e 3 dt (2.20)  (log t)2m 1 1 − t π m k+1 (−1) 2m 3 k m− k x = (x − π)2 log2 2 2 sin dx (m ∈ N). 22k 2k 2 k=0 0 Finally, from (2.14), (2.15), (2.16), (2.19), and (2.20), we deduce the ana- logous Log-Sine integral formulas (2.3) and (2.4). Just as in our derivations of (2.3) and (2.4), if we set

i π n = 2m(m∈ N), z = e 3 and w = 1 log-sine integrals 209

θ = π in (2.1), and apply (2.7) and (2.9) with 3 , we obtain the other analog- ous Log-Sine integral formulas (2.5) and (2.6). This completes the proof of Theorem 1.

3. Remarks on Cln(θ) and Gln(θ) In view of Equations (2.3) to (2.6), we need to express the generalized Clausen function Cln(θ) and its associated Clausen function Gln(θ) as explicitly as possible, at least at the argument θ = π/3. To do this, we begin by rewriting the following known formula: ∞ ∞ cos(2πkx) sin(2πkx) (2πi)n−1 (3.1) + i = ζ (1 − n, x) kn kn (n − 1)! k=1 k=1 B (x) + (− )n−1ζ ( − n, − x) − πi n (

Srivastava et al. [28, Eq. (3.8) and Eq. (3.17)] presented the following formulas: π 1 −2n −2n (3.4) Cl n+ = (1 − 2 )(1 − 3 )ζ(2n + 1)(n∈ N) 2 1 3 2 and √ π 3 1 (3.5) Cl n = ζ 2n, 2 3 62n 3 1 n− n + ζ 2n, − 22 1(32 − 1)ζ(2n) (n ∈ N). 6 210 junesang choi, young joon cho and h. m. srivastava

Cvijovi´c and Klinowski [15, Eq. (10a)] proved formulas which can be spe- cialized in the following form:

q 2πp 1 k 1 + (−1)n 2kπp (3.6) Cln = ζ n, sin q qn q 2 q k=1 1 − (−1)n 2kπp + cos (n, q + 1 ∈ N \{1}; p ∈ Z), 2 q which, upon replacing n by 2n + 1 and 2n with p = 1 and q = 6, leads to (3.4) and (3.5), respectively. We are ready now to consider some explicit expressions of (2.3) to (2.6). Upon setting m = 1, 2, 3 in (2.4), and m = 2, 3 in (2.5), if we apply (3.2), we obtain the following explicit analogous Log-Sine integral formulas. Corollary 1. The following integral formulas hold true: π 3 x 7 (3.7) log2 2 sin dx = π 3, 0 2 108

π 3 x 403 (3.8) (x − π) log2 2 sin dx =− π 4, 4 4 0 2 2 · 3 · 5

π 3 3 x x 73 (3.9) (x − π)2 log2 2 sin −log4 2 sin dx = π 5, 4 4 0 2 2 2 2 · 3 · 5

π 3 x (3.10) 2 (x − π) log4 2 sin 2 0 x 39883 − (x − π)3 log2 2 sin dx =− π 6, 2 24 · 36 · 5 · 7 and π 3 x 15 x (3.11) log6 2 sin − (x − π)2 log4 2 sin 2 4 2 0 15 x 697 + (x − π)4 log2 2 sin dx = π 7. 16 2 26 · 36 · 7

It should be noted that the integral formulas (1.20) to (1.24) can easily be deduced from these last integral formulas (3.7) to (3.11) in Corollary 1. log-sine integrals 211

Upon setting m = 1, 2 in (2.3) and (2.6), if we apply (3.4) and (3.5), we obtain Corollary 2 below.

Corollary 2. The following integral formulas hold true:

π 3 x 2 (3.12) (x − π)log 2 sin dx = ζ(3) 2 3 0 √ √ 4 3 3π 1 1 − π 3 + ζ 2, + ζ 2, , 81 54 3 6

π 3 x 1 x (3.13) 2(x − π)log3 2 sin − (x − π)3 log 2 sin dx 0 2 2 2 √ √ 100 4π 2 8 3 3π 1 = ζ(5) − ζ(3) − π 5 + ζ 4, 9 9 243 162 3 √ 1 3π 3 1 1 + ζ 4, − ζ 2, + ζ 2, , 6 243 3 6

√ √ π 3 x 2 3 3 1 1 (3.14) log 2 sin dx = π 2 − ζ 2, + ζ 2, , 0 2 27 36 3 6 and π 3 x 3 x (3.15) log3 2 sin − (x − π)2 log 2 sin dx 0 2 4 2 √ √ 2 3 2π 3π 2 1 = π 4 + ζ(3) + ζ 2, 243 3 108 3 √ 1 3 1 1 + ζ 2, − ζ 4, + ζ 4, . 6 216 3 6

4. Further Remarks and Observations

We consider the following general integral: z x ( . ) (m) (z) = xm dx (m ∈ ). 4 1 Lsm+2 log 2 sin N0 0 2 212 junesang choi, young joon cho and h. m. srivastava

Applying integration by parts in (4.1), and using (1.12) and (1.13), we obtain z x zm+1 z zm+1 (4.2) xm log 2 sin dx = log 2 sin − 2 0 2 m + 1 2 (m + 1) ∞ 2zm+1 ζ(2k) z 2k + (|z| < 2π; m ∈ N). m + 1 m + 2k + 1 2π k=1 If the known formulas Eq. (2.16) in [11, p. 515] and Eq. (2.13) in [11, p. 514] are used, the infinite series in (4.2) can be expressed as finite series as follows Theorem 2. The following integral formulas hold true: z x z2m+1 z (4.3) x2m log 2 sin dx = log 2 sin 0 2 2m + 1 2 2m+1 (2π)2m+1 2m + 1 z + · ζ −k,1 − 2m + 1 k 2π k=0 m+ −k k z z 2 1 + (−1) ζ −k,1 + (|z| < 2π; m ∈ N ) 2π 2π 0 and z x z2m z (4.4) x2m−1 log 2 sin dx = log 2 sin 0 2 2m 2 2m (2π)2m 2m z + (−1)m+1(2m − 1)!ζ(2m + 1) + ζ −k,1 − 2m k 2π k=0 m−k k z z 2 + (−1) ζ −k,1 + (|z| < 2π; m ∈ N). 2π 2π

The special cases of (4.3) when m = 0 and (4.4) when m = 1 would, in light of some of the identities in [27, Chapter 2], readily yield, respectively, the integral formulas (4.5) and (4.6) below. Corollary 3. The following integral formulas hold true: (4.5) π 3 x 5 1 π log 2 sin dx = 2π ζ −1, − ζ −1, =−Cl2 0 2 6 6 3 5 π 2 =− log(2π)+ 2π log 6 3  7 2 6 log-sine integrals 213 and (4.6) π 2 3 x 2ζ(3) 2π 5 1 x log 2 sin dx = + ζ −1, − ζ −1, 0 2 3 3 6 6 2 2 5 2ζ(3) π 2π 2 = − log(2π)+ log 6 , 3 9 3  7 2 6 where 2 denotes the double Gamma function (cf. [2], [3]; see also [27, pp. 94– 96]).

It should be remaked in passing that, in view of Equations (3.3), and (4.3) to (4.6), closed-form expressions for the derivatives of ζ(s, a) at the negative integer s and rational a are needed, some of which were evaluated byAdamchik [1] and Miller and Adamchik [21]. It is also noted here that Srivastava et al. [28] studied extensively some definite integrals in conjunction with series involving the Zeta function such as in (4.2) whose closed-form evaluation has been an attractive and interesting research subject since a letter dated 1729 from Goldbach to Daniel Bernoulli (cf. [27, Chapter 3]; see also [9], [11], [12], [13], [16], [20], [24], and [25]). In case (3.3) is used, (4.3) and (4.4) are readily rewritten as Corollary 4 below.

Corollary 4. The following integral formulas hold true: z x (4.7) x2m log 2 sin dx 0 2 2m+2 k+ 1 (k+ ) (− ) [ 2 1 ] 1 2m+2−k = (2m)! Clk(z)z (|z| < 2π; m ∈ N ) (2m + 2 − k)! 0 k=2 and z x (4.8) x2m−1 log 2 sin dx = (−1)m+1(2m − 1)!ζ(2m + 1) 0 2 2m+1 k+ 1 (k+ ) (− ) [ 2 1 ] 1 2m+1−k + (2m − 1)! Clk(z)z (|z| < 2π; m ∈ N). (2m + 1 − k)! k=2

m = m = z = π Upon setting 1 in (4.7) and 2 in (4.8) with 3 , we can deduce Corollary 5 below. 214 junesang choi, young joon cho and h. m. srivastava

Corollary 5. The following integral formulas hold true: √ π 3 x 2 3 2π (4.9) x2 log 2 sin dx =− π 4 − ζ(3) 0 2 729 9 √ √ 3π 2 1 1 3 1 1 − ζ 2, + ζ 2, + ζ 4, + ζ 4, 324 3 6 648 3 6 and π √ 2 3 x 2 3 π 29 (4.10) x3 log 2 sin dx =− π 5 − ζ(3) − ζ(5) 0 2 243 9 9 √ √ 3π 3 1 1 3π 1 1 − ζ 2, + ζ 2, + ζ 4, + ζ 4, . 972 3 6 648 3 6

Definition 5. The Polygamma functions ψ(n)(z) (n ∈ N) are defined by dn+1 dn (4.11)ψ(n)(z) := {log (z)}= {ψ(z)} dzn+1 dzn (n ∈ ; z ∈ \ −; − ={ , − , − ,...}), N0 C Z0 Z0 : 0 1 2 which, in terms of the ζ(s,a) given in (1.4), can be written in the following form: ( . )ψ(n)(z) = (− )n+1n ζ(n+ ,z) (n∈ ; z ∈ \ −). 4 12 1 ! 1 N C Z0

By using (4.12), Shen’s procedure (see [23, pp. 1393–1394]) can be short- ened considerably and it may also be easier to apply it to other situations of a similar nature (see also [22] and [14]). For example, the integral formula (1.15) can be restated as follows: 2π x n (− )nn ( . ) 1 dx = 1 !a (n ∈ ), 4 13 log 2 sin n n N0 2π 0 2 2 where the coefficients an are given by −2z 1 − z ∞ 2 2 n √ = anz π(1 − z) n=0 or, equivalently, by the following simple recursion formula: n k a1 = 0 and (n + 1)an+1 = 2 an−k(2 − 1)ζ(k + 1)(n∈ N). k=1 log-sine integrals 215

Similarly, by making use of a known result [19, p. 230, Equation (7.160)], the following formulas can be obtained. Corollary 6. Each of the following results holds true:

π 3 π 2m+1 x (4.14)(−1)m x − log 2 sin dx 0 3 2 1 =− (2m + 1)! 1 − 2−2m−2 1 − 3−2m−2 ζ(2m + 3) 2 m k k π 2 ζ(2m + 3 − 2k) + (2m + 1)! (−1) (m ∈ N ), 3 (2k)! 0 k=0

π 2m+1 3 sin x 3m + 4 π 2m+3 (4.15) log dx = (−1)m+1 x + π m + 0 sin 3 2 3 3 m k+ k π 2 1 ζ(2m + 2 − 2k) + (2m + 2)! (−1) (m ∈ N ), 3 (2k + 1)! 0 k=0

π 3 π 2m x (4.16)(−1)m+1 x − log 2 sin dx 0 3 2 π 2m 1 3 sin x + log dx m + x + π 2 1 0 sin 3 m k− k π 2 1 ζ(2m + 3 − 2k) = (2m)! (−1) (m ∈ N), 3 (2k − 1)! k=1 and m π 2k ζ(2m + 2 − 2k) (4.17) (−1)k 3 (2k)! k=0 1 6m + 5 π 2m+2 = (−1)m 2 (2m + 2)! 3

1 − m− − m− + (1 − 2 2 1)(1 − 3 2 1)ζ(2m + 2)(m∈ N). 2

In their special cases when m = 0, the integral formulas (4.14) and (4.15) 216 junesang choi, young joon cho and h. m. srivastava yield, respectively, the following remarkably simple results: π 3 π x 2 (4.18) x − log 2 sin dx = ζ(3) 0 3 2 3 and π 3 3 sin x 5π (4.19) log dx = , x + π 0 sin 3 81 which is the corrected version of the second entry in [19, p. 230, Eq. (7.161)]. We note in conclusion that (4.18) is recorded in [19, p. 230] and can also be obtained from (4.5) and (4.6). Acknowledgements. The third-named author was supported, in part, by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under Grant OGP0007353.

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