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The app is available for Android (on Google Play) and iOS devices (in App Store). For more information and to download the app, go to the Championship’s official web site www.wqt2021.si/app or use your smartphone to scan the QR code. PARALYMPIC WORLD QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT

Official Bulletin

3 - 5 June 2021, Laško, Slovenia

Issued by: NPC Slovenia Authors: Matija Krnc, Tanja Cerkvenik, Drago Perko Translation: Mateja Pintar Pustovrh Photo: Žiga Zupan / Sportida, Vid Ponikvar / Sportida, Thermana Laško, Shutterstock Design: Dejan Šmid / Output, vizualne komunikacije Print: Para, d.o.o. Edition: 600 copies HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL

Once again, new milestones are being set in Slovenia with the organization of the World Qualification Tournament for the Tokyo 2021 Paralympic Games, the first ever such competition for para table tennis players in history for ITTF. Thermana Laško is providing excellent culinary experiences and top-quality accommodation for the 17th year in a row now, giving para athletes optimal conditions for achieving their best athletic results. More and more the municipality of Laško has become a sports centre, friendly and adapted to all types of the disabled in all kinds of ways. Laško’s local community has been creating proper conditions for setting infrastructure building stones, needed by different types of the disabled for their free access to the environment in which they live and move with the help of their orthopaedic aids. Such infrastructure and environment give us a good basis for organizing major sporting events and a chance to carry out top-quality international training camps. In 2021, a new tennis court is being build in the near proximity to the Tri Lilije venue, which will actually become a multi-purpose venue, adapted to the needs of para athletes. It was a great joy to receive the news in 2019 that we were selected to take on the responsibility of organizing the first ever para table tennis qualification tournament for the Tokyo 2021 Paralympic Games. This competition will also be unique due to it taking place during the COVID 19 pandemic, which dictates extremely difficult conditions for organizers of sporting events. Despite the very strict health and safety requirements that need to be followed, we will do our best to provide the athletes with an athletic spec- tacle that has not been seen in the world for almost two years now. Of course, ITTF’s confidence in us is based on the trust that has been built in all the previous years by our organizing committee and the volunteers, who are a crucial part of each successful or- ganisation. Let me take this opportunity to sincerely thank all the participants for taking on all the challenges and joining us on this bumpy ride through the obstacles to come. I am certain that the values of para sports, like courage, dedication, inspiration and equality, are not empty words, but values that have actually developed among out para table tennis players, who will be proud to represent Slovenia and compete for Slovenia to be represented at the Tokyo 2021 Paralympic Games in table tennis, as well Damijan Lazar, President of NPC Slovenia


After an interminable period without any international Para table tennis event, it is an absolute pleasure for me to return to Lasko for the Paralympic World Qualification Tournament. We are living in turbulent times worldwide that make event planning very complicated and yet, we have been able to bring you this tournament where the last spot for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games is at play. Clearly, none of this would have been possible without the countless efforts and already proven proficiency of the National Paralympic Committee of Slovenia and the Slovenian Table Tennis Association. I want to thank Mr. Lazar and Mr. Hribar for their commitment in a moment where the easy way out would have been to give up. Slovenia has already hosted top events such as the European Championships 2017 and World Championships 2018 so I cannot think of a better place to hold this important tournament in this difficult period. We have 3 days of full excitement ahead of us. This is a tournament without precedent in Para table tennis, there will not be any silver or bronze medals here. Nothing less than a ticket to Tokyo for the winners is offered so each match will be a final. My retina still has recent imprints of the amazing moments when many athletes got their slots in the five continental championships in 2019 and I cannot wait to share the excitement of those who will finally get to qualify for the event that will be, for many of them, the pinnacle of their careers. I wish good luck to the players and I encourage them to serve the world the best spectacle possible. Also, I kindly ask all participants to put their best efforts to follow the guidance from the organizing committee and stay safe during these days. Table tennis. For all. For life.

Pablo Pérez Head of Para table tennis - ITTF


After having successfully carried out the European and World para table tennis championships, the organizers in Slovenia were entrusted by the ITTF PTT with holding not only another Slovenia Open, but also the Paralympic qualifications. Unfortunately, the Covid19 situation has, like last year, forced almost all competitions to be cancelled or postponed. It looks like 2021 will be no different. Despite all the difficulties, we have decided to carry out the qualifications, but to postpone the second competition, the Slovenia Open, to autumn. So let me warmly welcome all the participants to yet another top-profile table tennis event, held in Slovenia, the qualification tournament in Laško for the Paralympic tickets. While some athletes have already secured their spots at the Games in Tokyo with successful performances and positions on the world ranking lists, others will now be trying to do so at the tournament in Laško. Like always, the competition will be organized by the Sports Federation for the Disabled of Slovenia – Slovenian Paralympic Committee (NPC Slovenia) and the Slovenian Table Tennis Association (STTA), and I am certain that this excellent cooperation will be visible in carrying out this event once again. STTA and NPC Slovenia will be doing their best to make you all feel well during the qualification tournament and to see you happily return to competitions in Slovenia. I wish all the players best of luck and to successfully secure their place at the Tokyo Paralympics. Mag. Marjan Hribar, President of Slovenian Table Tennis Association

6 PARALYMPIC WORLD QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT DEAR COMPETITORS, ORGANIZATION TEAM AND SUPPORT STAFF, the time has come. At last! What a joy to finally welcome you again in Thermana Laško! There have been difficult times for all of us. Your arrival represents a beam of light, that reassures us, everything will soon be all right, everything will fall into place and that life will once again become slightly similar to the “old normal”. We’ve prepared thoroughly for your visit and we are convinced your needs will be met here with us. We will most certainly do our best to make you feel welcomed, to take care after your. Our “make you feel good mission” is of great importance and we will strive to do our best for your well-being. We believe our effort will be noticed. You’ve come here equipped with persistence, hard work and a clear desire to succeed – this defines you. The passion for success is a thread that connects every single one of you. Undoubtedly, as sportspeople with disabilities, you show great determination, which accompanied by optimism and good will has helped you turn life’s challenges to your advantage. Your hard work has paved your way to the World Championship for Sportspeople with Disabilities, where your goal is to do your best. This year the aim is even higher – to win the most desired ticket to Tokio. We wish you all the best and welcome you in Laško – the most beautiful and hospitable spa town in Slovenia. Good luck! Mojca Leskovar, President of the Management Board of Thermana d. d.


After the highly recognized organizations of the World and European para table tennis championships as well as the Thermana Laško Slovenia Opens, Sports Association for the Disabled of Slovenia – Slovenian Paralympic Committee (NPC Slovenia) has been awarded with the honour of hosting the Paralympic qualifications.

Table tennis is the para sport that has organizationally, as well. It all started with brought much pride and joy to Slovenia the first international tournament, the in the past. Most of all thanks to our Slovenia Open Thermana Laško, continued exceptional para athlete Mateja Pintar with the European championship in 2007, Pustovrh, who was the first Slovenian and in the last ten years, NPC Slovenia has woman to win a gold Paralympic medal become a trust-worthy partner, host of the at the Games in Athens in 2004. Her most prominent international competitions. successes continued at World and Slovenia Open Thermana Laško has European championships (along with become the focal point of the international her team partner Andreja Dolinar, both competition schedule, while NPC Slovenia joined for the team events also by hosted the European championships in Barabara Meglič). But along with these 2017 and the World championship SPINT successes, NPC Slovenia has been growing 2018 only a year later.

8 PARALYMPIC WORLD QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT 21 TICKETS COVID-19 TRAINING CAMPS And now we have been honoured once Laško has become a symbol for an more: between 3-5 June 2021, NPC excellent para-sports event that offers Slovenia will be the first in history to host a everything in one space. This has been para table tennis Paralympic qualification confirmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, tournament. The International Table Tennis as well. Laško hosted three ‘corona- Federation (ITTF) knows to value the know- camps’, offering exceptional conditions for how, dedication and experience exhibited a flawless, and most of all safe execution. by NPC Slovenia in the past through This is a good basis for the Paralympic carrying out high-level organizations of qualifications to be no different! “More Slovenia Opens as well as the European than anything we want to give the athletes and World para table tennis championships. the opportunity to travel, to show them The Paralympic qualification tournament that the virus has not taken over the world in Laško will be the last opportunity for completely, that it is possible to play, the (not yet qualified) players to secure practice,” Vecko stresses the importance their spots at the Tokyo events with one of of these COVID-19 camps in Slovenia. the 21 tickets (11 in men’s and 10 women’s In the last decade, NPC Slovenia has also categories) available. However, due to developed in the media, promotion and the current pandemic conditions, NPC technology fields. Television cameras, be Slovenia has decided to postpone the it those of the national or commercial TV 17th Slovenia Open Thermana Laško to stations, are no longer surprising, but rather late in the Autumn. “21 Tokyo tickets will loyal companions of the tournament and be available, 21 spots for the Games. The para sport competitions in Slovenia, with player who wins their class, qualifies for Laško being no exception. This year will be the Paralympics,” explains Gorazd Vecko, no different. But we have not been sleeping who oversights the sports aspect of the on our loreals. Since 2015, NPC Slovenia competition in Laško. “The qualifications has been providing web broadcasts, will be different, special due to the even the most demanding ones, and COVID-19 conditions. The players will be the competitions in Laško got a special restricted to their hotel rooms and the application that enables its users to follow venue. When they are done playing, they the broadcasts, live results, up-to-date will be going straight back to the hotel. It attractive photos and other information on will be a great challenge for all of us,” Vecko their smartphones. The application will be continues and provides some numbers. in use this year, as well. “Last year, when the qualifications were postponed, we had 250 entries. We BRAVELY STEPPING INTO BIG SHOES will have more than 200 from over 50 We are especially happy to see a new, countries this year, as well. It’s no wonder, young generation of para athletes slowly, though, since players want to go compete but surely developing in Slovenia. They are in Tokyo,” Vecko says and reminds us that stepping into big shoes of their successful no spectators will be allowed in the venue, predecessors. They will get their chance to but the public will be able to follow the prove themselves in Laško in the beginning tournament on a special application and of June, with the whole world watching! An NPC Slovenia’s official YouTube Channel. acknowledgement, an honour and at the same time a big responsibility!!

OFFICIAL BULLETIN 9 OFFICIAL ORGANIZER CONTACT NUMBERS SPORTS FEDERATION FOR THE DISABLED Tanja Cerkvenik Slovenian Paralympic Committee +386 40 461 439 Cesta 24. junija 23 Gorazd Vecko 1231 Ljubljana - Črnuče +386 70 818 880 Slovenia Transport Phone: +386 1 5300 896 +386 41 661 192 Fax: +386 1 5300 894 Covid-19 info (Gregor) Website: www.zsis.si +386 40 589 232

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE President of OC and Event Manager Damijan LAZAR

Technical Director Gorazd VECKO STTA Representative Matija KRNC Assistant Tanja CERKVENIK Transport Aleš LETONJA Ball Boys and Girls Leader Sabina VECKO Covid-19 Related Questions Gregor Dolinar Public relations Drago PERKO Assistants Aleš Romih, Mitja Romih, Katarina Weber, Anja Šket, Darko Kojadinovič, Alex Vecko, Žiga Tanko, Marko Kelc, Katja Zdovc, Nataša Trobiš, Matevž Pezdir



Technical delegate International Umpires Tomas VARGA TD SVK BOLTE Polona SLO GAŠPERIČ Mitja SLO Referee KLANČAR Iztok SLO Tina CROTTA IR GRE KRMELJ Branko SLO



The Paralympic World Qualification Tournament will be organized by Slovenia Table Tennis Association and NPC Slovenia under the auspices and authority of the International Table Tennis Federation.


The following events will be played: • Men’s singles (class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) • Women’s singles (class 1-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)

Note 1: Female classes 1 and 2 will be combined regardless the number of athletes entered. Note 2: Rest of classes will be combined, starting with the lower classes, until there are at least 4 athletes in an event. Note 3: Remaining athletes of higher classes will be combined with lower classes if they don´t reach the minimum number of 4. Note 4: Combinations will be only done within these two groups of classes: 1-5 and 6-10. Note 5: If there are less than 4 athletes in any group of athletes (1-5, 6-10 or 11), that group event will not be held. By participating in Loterija Slovenije’s games in 2020, you have helped us support more than 500 Slovenian disability, humanitarian and sports organisations and projects.

loterija.si 12 PARALYMPIC WORLD QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT THANK YOU. By participating in Loterija Slovenije’s games in 2020, you have helped us support more than 500 Slovenian disability, humanitarian and sports organisations and projects.


The general schedule for the tournament will be as follows: Arrivals for players needing classification : 1st June 2021 Practice days: 1st – 2nd June 2021 Practice venue: Training hall – 10 competition tables Competition venue: Sports hall Tri Lilije – 10 competition tables Technical meeting: 2nd June 2021 at 9 p.m. in the Hotel Thermana Park Laško Competition days: 3rd – 5th June 2021 Departures: 6th June 2021


HOTEL THERMANA PARK LAŠKO **** SUPERIOR In order to reduce contacts, all guests will be divided into two groups, which will have meals at a certain time. Each guest will be informed of their meal schedule upon arrival. When guest will arrive in the dining room, they will also be assigned a table prepared for a maximum of 4 people. We ask kindly, if you can stick to your meal schedule. The exception to the change of meal schedule may be only due to the scheduled match within the time limit set for the person. All tables will be cleaned and disinfected after meal and group. Meals will be self-served, but our Hotel staff will put your chosen food on the plates.

1st GROUP 2nd GROUP BREAKFAST 7.00 – 8.30 8.30 – 10.00 LUNCH 12.00 – 13.30 13.30 – 15.00 DINNER 18.00 – 19.30 19.30 – 21.30

RIMSKE TERME WELLNESS SPA RESORT **** Breakfast: 7.00 – 10.00 Lunch: 12.00 – 15.00 Dinner: 18.00 – 21.30


Lidl Slovenia and Sports Federation for the Disabled of Slovenia - Slovenian Paralympic Committee have been building the recognition of Slovenian para-athletes together since 2016 and encouraging participation in sports activities among the young disabled through their ‘Become An Athlete’ programme, making sure NPC Slovenia’s mission continues to thrive. Lidl Slovenija d.o.o. k.d. | www.lidl.si k.d. d.o.o. Lidl Slovenija

Sport creates a better world. See more on boljsi-svet.si

LIDL parasportniki A5_bilten_MH.indd 1 19/05/2021 08:05 RULES

The event will be conducted in accordance with the current Laws of Table Tennis, the Regulations for International Competitions and specific Para TT directives. ELIGIBILITY The event is open to players who are eligible to represent their NPC in the Paralympic Games as per regulation 4.6.1. of ITTF Handbook 2020 and meet the criteria described in sections 11 and 12. It is also a requirement to be eligible according to the Tokyo 2020 Qualification Guide. CLASSIFICATION Classification will be offered only to athletes whose Sport Class Status is Review and have been previously appointed by the classification manager. Players who have been required for classification have to arrive to the hotel no later that 14:00 on 01/06/2021. For any doubts, please, contact [email protected] PARTICIPATION QUOTAS There is only one slot offered per class per gender, therefore, the maximum number of players per class per gender per NPC is one (1). If any NPC has already three (3) qualified athletes in one class and gender, no athlete from that class and gender will be allowed to enter. A player may only play in the class indicated on his or her international classification card unless, due to the low number of players, his or her class is combined with other classes.


All players entered must compete against any other participating player and by entering, agree to be bound by the ITTF Handbook 2020, ITTF Anti-Doping, Anti-Harassment and Classification rules, policies and procedures during the event. The entry forms contain an undertaking to be signed by a responsible official of the nominating NPC and the team member covering these matters and no entry will be accepted unless such an undertaking has been given. Similarly, it is the responsibility of the association, player or team member to ensure that he or she has adequate medical, travel and other appropriate insurance.

All athletes, coaches and supporting staff must observe the covid-19 protocols that are published at https://www.ittf.com/covid-19/ and can be amended from time to time.

TELEVISION, MOTION PICTURE AND INTERNET COVERAGE CONDITIONS By entering the event, all participants agree to abide by all ITTF rules and by the rules and regulations of the organizers. All associations, teams and individual players agree to be abided by the rulings of the ITTF and its agents in all matters concerning television coverage, video, internet streaming, motion picture coverage, and photographic coverage of any kind. Participants release all rights, or rights held by their agents or sponsors, in all matters relating to television and web streaming coverage, video and motion picture coverage, and photographic coverage of any kind; and hence accept such coverage during the event. Any participant, when called upon, must appear promptly to press conferences or medal presentations and follow the procedures set by the ITTF and the organizers.


SINGLES EVENTS The first stage will be played on a round-robin basis in groups of even numbered players but there shall not be less than 3 and not more than 5 players in a group and priority will be given to groups of 4 players. Pure snake system will be used. Should the competition schedule be very tight, the Competition Manager may decide to give priority to groups of 3 players. If there are 5 or fewer players, the event will be played as a round-robin without knock-out. Two players advance from each group to the second stage which will be played in a knock-out format. All matches are played best of 5 games. GENERAL The numbers of groups will be decided by the CM and the Referee in cooperation with the organizing committee. If the number of groups in an event is decided not to be a multiple of 2 (e.g. 2, 4 or 8, etc.), winners from the groups with the highest ranked seeded players shall have byes in the first round of the second stage, in ranking order. All matches will be played to the best of 5 games. This is a qualification tournament; therefore, no ranking points will be awarded to any player. The winner of each event will be awarded with a slot in the Paralympic Games in Tokyo 2021 in his or her class, regardless the combination of classes that the player was included in. There will be no medals for lower positions such as second, third, fourth, …

18 PARALYMPIC WORLD QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT SEEDING Seeding for all the events will be done according to the latest ITTF PTT ranking list at the time of the draws. TECHNICAL MEETING The technical meeting will be held on 02/06/2021 at 21:00 at Hotel Thermana Lasko Wellness Park. Only one (1) member per NPC will be allowed to attend the technical meeting. DRAWS The draw will be done on 02/06/2021 before the technical meeting and, during the meeting, the outcome of the draw will be delivered to team leaders. PERSONS ON THE BENCH The following persons on the bench are permitted: 1. One (1) seat for a coach on the playing field (behind the surrounds). 2. No other players or personnel may have access to the area behind the surrounds or the playing area. Special provisions and seating areas will be made for medical personnel. CLOTHING Please note that with effect from 1 January 2014, all players are expected to wear shirts with their name and 3 letters NPC code on the back of their playing shirts.

OFFICIAL BULLETIN 19 TRANSPORTATION The organizers will provide transportation for teams and officials from and to Lasko and Airport LJUBLJANA (Slovenia), Airport MARIBOR (Slovenia) or Airport GRAZ (Austria). For more informations contact [email protected]

GETTING TO THE COMPETITION VENUE Organizer will provide a shuttle between the hotels and venues. On competition days the shuttle will leave hotel every 15 minutes. For more detailed information, please check info boards.



100 m Supermarket Venues Pedestrian route Main Bus stop Hall


Thermana Laško



NOTICE If you decide to walk to/from competition hall, we would like to

kindly remind you to follow road rules. Rimske Toplice When crossing the road, please use pedestrian crossing. The passage under railway is marked.


HOTEL THERMANA PARK LAŠKO **** SUPERIOR The Hotel Thermana Park Laško complex a team of Indian experts we will help offers endless ways for the relaxation of you detoxify your body and bring you body and mind under one roof. You can closer to the eastern wisdom of health start your journey in the Thermal Water promotion. You will also find delight in our Drinking Hall, where a glass of the Laško cuisine. Indulge in gourmet delights in our thermal water will stimulate and revitalize À la carte or Hotel Restaurant or in the your body while improving your well-being. pleasant atmosphere of the Café with a You will find a wide range of inspiring great selection of drinks and desserts of water relaxations under the unique all kinds. glass dome of the Thermal Centre. The Wellness Spa Centre offers a wide range of massages, baths and other high-quality relaxation treatments and care services. Among them the Beer and Honey Wellness treatments that offer an unique experience in which you can indulge only in Laško, are certainly worth trying. In the Thermana&Veda Ayurveda Centre Laško that brings together

HOTEL THERMANA PARK LAŠKO **** SUPERIOR Zdraviliška cesta 6, 3270 Laško, Slovenia Reservations: +386 3 423 2100 Info number: +386 3 423 2000 www.thermana.si


HOTEL ZDRAVILIŠČE LAŠKO **** We take pride in our the history of improve your mobility. Find relaxation in the Hotel Zdravilišče Laško. We are the Sauna Centre, where the saunas have distinguished by more than 160 years of been enriched with special programs, or the Laško thermal springs use for health treat yourself to pampering in the Health purposes, and more than a 60 years long and Beauty Centre. Take care of your tradition of our medical rehabilitation health and visit guided and specially program. Today we represent a modern designed programs of physiotherapy and and high-quality center for medical and occupational therapy at the premises of wellness tourism with programs and the Medical Centre. services for health and well-being. The hotel is designed with no architectural barriers, for disabled guest. Moreover, a part of our rooms is completely adapted for people with mobility problems, who require the supervision and care of medical staff. Spend the day relaxing in thermal pools, where the Laško thermal water will enhance your strength and

HOTEL ZDRAVILIŠČE LAŠKO **** Zdraviliška cesta 4, 3270 Laško, Slovenia Reservations: +386 3 423 2100 Info number: +386 3 423 2000 www.thermana.si

24 PARALYMPIC WORLD QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT RIMSKE TERME WELLNESS SPA RESORT **** Rimske terme Wellness Spa Resort is A visit to the medical center is synonymous for a timeless elegance of recommended to all who have chronic ambient, high standard equipped suites, or acute joint pain, back problems, warm hospitality, superb cuisine and respiratory problems or are recovering unique wellness services. A pearl in the from an injury. A la carte restaurant oasis of the unspoiled nature in between Sofia offers a unique culinary experience, lush vegetation and surrounded by the which is rounded off by fine wines beneficial effects of the thermal springs. from Slovenia. Architecturally sophisticated whole of three four stars hotels, which offer 190 standard rooms and suites. The perfect destination for organizing a seminar, team building or gala event. Wellness Center Amalia offers unique house massages and rituals, land of saunas, fitness and cosmetics center, a hairdresser and a unique swimming pool designed in ancient Roman style.

RIMSKE TERME WELLNESS SPA RESORT **** Toplice 10, 3272 Rimske Toplice, Slovenia Reservations: 386 3 574 2011 www.rimske-terme.si A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THE BALL-BOYS AND -GIRLS!

Primary School Primož Trubar Laško, PS DEBRO Poženelova 26 3270 Laško Mentor: Mateja Skorja

26 PARALYMPIC WORLD QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT Primary School Primož Trubar Laško, PS DEBRO Poženelova 26 3270 Laško Mentor: Mateja Skorja

tiskan_oglas_korpo_148x210_ENG.indd 1 07/05/2021 09:27 LIST OF COMPETITORS

PTT ID Nat Sex Class Surname First name 2416 ALG M 10 BOUMEDOUHA Karim 3544 ARG M 1 EBERHARDT Fernando Emanuel 4748 ARG M 5 ROMERO Elias Isaac Esteban 19 ARG F 7 MUNOZ Giselle 4518 ARG M 7 KANIUKA Aleksy Nicolas 5611 ARM M 9 PETROSYAN Tigran 105 AUT M 3 KRAMMINGER Egon 3912 AUT F 4 KOLLER Heike Heide 5730 AUT M 7 SCHEIBER Christian 5731 AUT M 10 WIESENHOFER Gustav 2253 BEL M 5 BRANDS Bart 2293 BEL M 7 DESPINEUX Ben Ashok 188 BEL M 8 LEDOUX Marc Philippe 6183 BIH M 6 EMINOVIC Haris 232 BRA M 4 LOPEZ DE OLIVEIRA Ecildo 5680 BRA M 7 FONSECA Paulo Henrique 4107 BRA F 9 MARQUES PARINOS Jennyfer 883 BRA M 10 MASSAD Claudio 2196 CHI M 3 DIAZ ANGEL Alfonso Enrique 2209 CHI M 6 DETTONI Cristian 1152 CHI M 10 CASTRO SERRANO Gustavo Ignacio 3348 COL F 4 GUAPI GUZMAN Manuela 2993 COL M 7 VARGAS PIRAJAN Jose David 3309 COL M 8 HENAO QUINTERO Diego Alejandro 4904 CRC M 8 ROMAN CHINCHILLA Steven 2264 CRO F 3 DRETAR Helena 4942 CRO F 10 LUCIC Mirjana 374 CZE M 2 ZVOLANEK Martin 4278 CZE M 3 SVATOS Petr 5838 CZE M 4 NACHAZEL Filip 6096 CZE M 6 HNIZDO Petr 5301 CZE M 8 SPALEK Vit 6346 CZE M 9 CHMELA Tibor 5845 CZE F 11 MACUROVA Denisa 5173 DEN M 7 BRAMMER Henrik 5833 DEN F 10 NIELSEN Thea Amalie 3901 ESP M 2 TOLEDO Miguel Angel 455 ESP M 3 RODRIGUES-MARTINEZ Miguel 3678 ESP M 4 LOPEZ SAYAGO Francisco Javier 468 ESP M 6 SEOANE ALCAZAR Alberto 6016 FIN F 1 TAPOLA Aino Sirri Maaria 6017 FIN M 1 NATUNEN Timo Kalevi 2583 FIN M 9 MIETTINEN Esa 2442 FRA F 3 BERTRAND Fanny

28 PARALYMPIC WORLD QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT PTT ID Nat Sex Class Surname First name 4493 FRA M 3 NOEL Sylvain 3914 FRA M 4 DELARQUE Alexandre 5128 FRA M 8 BERTHIER Clement 5862 FRA M 9 DIDIER Lucas 567 FRA M 10 DE LA BOURDONNAYE Gilles 5440 FRA F 11 FERNEY Lea 5752 FRA M 11 IVALDI Timothe 589 GBR F 4 GILROY Susan 3111 GBR M 5 HUNTER SPIVEY Jack 4279 GBR F 6 PICKARD Felicity Lucy 4612 GBR M 6 PERRY Martin Robert 4846 GBR M 8 SHILTON Billy 3675 GBR M 9 THOMPSON Ashley Facey 3021 GBR M 10 DAYBELL Kim 4920 GER F 1 SOMMER Janina 4451 GER M 2 BUNTE Tim 720 GER M 3 GUERTLER Jan 6336 GER F 3 ANDREE Stephanie 4921 GER F 4 HENTIG Lisa Anna Maria 6340 GER M 4 ZUBER Maximilian 2323 GER M 5 DIDION Joerg 5851 GER M 6 MULLER Benedikt 764 GER M 7 WOLLMERT Jochen 6337 GER F 7 OLIV Tiziana 3644 GER M 8 WAGNER Joshua 4223 GER M 9 RUDDENKLAU Yannik Klaus 4594 GER F 9 KRAMM Lena 4595 GER F 10 REEG Marlene 6342 GER M 10 WAGNER Mio 5741 GER M 11 HARTIG Florian 5074 GRE M 6 CHATZIKYRIAKOS Marios Kanellis 4122 HUN F 7 MOLNAR Dora 837 HUN F 8 ARLOY Zsofia 865 HUN M 8 ZBORAI Gyula Istvan 874 HUN M 9 BERECZKI Dezso 3570 HUN F 10 BICSAK Bettina 4012 INA F 3 MUSLIM Osrita 885 INA M 4 ASTAN Adyos 5088 INA M 5 HARDIYANTO Tatok 5342 INA F 8 SUWARTI Suwarti 5802 INA M 9 KUSNANTO Kusnanto 4502 IRL M 3 JUDGE Colin 4284 IRQ M 2 AL SAEDI Ali 3858 IRQ M 4 AL SARRAJI Muntadher 4242 IRQ F 4 AL WAELI Rusul 6224 IRQ F 6 AL DAYYENI Najlah Imad Lafta

OFFICIAL BULLETIN 29 PTT ID Nat Sex Class Surname First name 5636 IRQ M 10 SHAFEEQ Abdulrahman Hikmat 4210 ISR F 1 BRILL Chagit Yona 993 ISR M 3 BEN ASOR Shmuel 2420 ISR M 4 SIADA Shai 3683 ISR F 5 TABIB Caroline Odaia 1015 ISR M 8 GLIKMAN Zeev 3037 ITA M 2 CROSARA Federico 5283 ITA M 3 ORSI Matteo 5282 ITA M 6 PARENZAN Matteo 5185 ITA M 10 CORDUA Lorenzo 2811 JOR M 3 ABU JAME Osama 2814 JOR F 4 ELELIMAT Faten 1181 JPN M 2 MINAMI Nobuhiro 1186 JPN M 3 YOSHIDA Shinichi 5178 JPN F 3 CHADA Yukimi 5421 JPN M 4 SAITO Genki 1160 JPN F 5 BESSHO Kimie 5010 JPN M 5 DOI Kentaro 5451 JPN M 6 SHICHINO Kazuki 4483 JPN M 7 INOUE Masachika 5423 JPN F 8 TOMONO Yuri 3156 JPN M 10 KAKITA Nariaki 5430 JPN F 10 TAKEUCHI Nozomi 1178 JPN F 11 ITO Maki 5744 JPN M 11 KATO Koya 5498 KAZ F 7 ORYNBAYEVA Raushan 5469 KOR M 2 KANG Chang Young 6128 KOR M 3 JANG Yeongjin 6177 KOR M 4 KIM Gyujeong 1296 KOR M 5 KIM Ki-young 3819 KOR F 5 KANG Oejeong 6301 KOR F 6 MOON Sung Keum 6035 KOR M 7 LEE Young Min 3743 KOR F 9 KIM Kun-hea 2014 KOR F 11 SEO YangHee 5143 KOR M 11 KIM Chang Gi 6198 KSA F 1 ALMYRISL Maryam 4487 KUW M 3 ALQASEM Yaqoub 5203 MNE F 4 GURESIC Slobodanka 5019 MNE M 10 BAKIC Luka 4221 NED F 2 COBBEN Femke 5085 NED M 5 VAN GRUNSVEN Gerardus 4123 NED M 8 VAN AMERONGEN Andrianus Johannes 6374 NED F 8 VAN HOOF Frederique 3157 NED M 9 VAN DER ZANDEN Bart 1446 NGR M 5 SULE Nasiru

30 PARALYMPIC WORLD QUALIFICATION TOURNAMENT PTT ID Nat Sex Class Surname First name 2735 NGR F 5 OBIORA Chinenye 5171 NGR M 9 CHUKWUEMEKA Francis 5234 NOR M 4 VEGSUND Sebastian Brandal 5025 NOR F 6 TVEITEN Merethe 5274 NOR F 7 KORNELIUSSEN Nora 5033 NOR M 8 SALOMONSEN Steffen 3689 POL M 2 JAKIMCZUK Tomasz 3154 POL M 3 NALEPKA Maciej 2422 POL F 6 MARSZAL Katarzyna 6424 POL M 6 MANTURZ Piotr 5442 POL M 7 CHUDZICKI Maksym Hubert 1546 POL M 8 SKRZYNECKI Marcin 3582 POL F 8 JASTRZEBSKA Dajana 6425 POL M 9 ZIELINSKI Marcin 3698 POL M 10 MISZTAL Igor 4093 POL F 11 NOWACKA Dorota 5304 POL M 11 CHYBINSKI Marek 1579 ROU M 3 MAKSZIN Dacian 2530 ROU M 4 IFROSA Petru 2955 ROU F 6 CONSTANTIN Gabriela 4160 ROU F 10 TEPELEA Ioana- Monica 4391 RSA M 10 COGILL Theo 4744 RUS M 1 LAVROV Dmitry 4721 RUS M 2 NAZIROV Rasul 4723 RUS M 3 TOPORKOV Vladimir 5082 RUS F 4 VASILEVA Aleksandra 5479 RUS M 4 SOKOLOV Aleksandr 5480 RUS M 5 ISAKOV Grigorii 2545 RUS F 6 FATTAKHOVA Fatma 4924 RUS M 6 GABDULLIN Mars 3017 RUS M 7 SAMSONOV Alexei 3946 RUS M 8 IAKOVLEV Artem 4464 RUS F 8 LITVINENKO Elena 1662 RUS F 9 KOMLEVA / GORSHKALEVA Olga 2290 RUS M 9 NOZDRUNOV Iurii 1681 RUS M 10 LUKYANOV Pavel 4732 RUS F 11 GALKINA Maria 6147 RUS M 11 KUDRYAVTSEV Alexey 2772 SLO M 3 KANCLER Primoz 1691 SLO F 4 DOLINAR Andreja 5186 SLO M 7 TRTNIK Luka 6333 SLO M 8 BECIREVIC Alen 5658 SRB M 2 STOILJKOVIC Boris 5835 SRB M 3 CIRIC Mladen 2767 SRB F 4 POPADIC Zorica 4734 SRB F 5 UBOVIC Biljana

OFFICIAL BULLETIN 31 PTT ID Nat Sex Class Surname First name 4947 SRB M 7 RADOVANOVIC Mihajlo 6331 SRB M 8 RADUKIC Aleksej 5096 SRI M 9 PITIYAGE DON SILVA Dinesh Deshappriya 2662 SUI M 1 KELLER Sylvio 3115 SUI M 6 KNEUSS Valentin 1336 SUI M 7 ROSENAST Thomas 4288 SVK M 1 KAMIEN Marian 5275 SVK M 4 TRAVNICEK Boris 1743 SVK M 7 JAMBOR Miroslav 1744 SVK M 8 CSEJTEY Richard 5077 SWE M 5 OLSSON David Karl 4193 SWE M 6 AZULAY Michael Robert Oskar 4855 SWE F 6 ENDRE Emelie 4857 SWE M 7 HANSSON Jonas 5436 SWE F 7 SAND Smilla Agnes Linnea 2776 SWE M 8 KARLSSON Linus 4858 SWE M 8 WESTERBERG Nicklas Thomas 5885 SWE F 10 HANDEN Anja 5753 THA M 2 CHUEAWONG Thirayu 3873 THA F 3 WARARITDAMRONGKUL Pattaravadee 5781 THA F 4 SRINGAM Wassana 5780 THA F 5 SRINGAM Panwas 5829 THA M 8 WANGPHONPHATHANASIRI Phisit 4708 THA M 10 SILLAPAKONG Bunpot 5526 THA M 11 PAENGJAI Narongsak 5528 THA F 11 SAYEYANG Wanna 3810 TPE F 4 LU Pi-chun 6033 TPE F 10 LIN Tzu Yu 6053 TPE M 10 SU Jin Sian 6273 TUN M 11 GHARSALLAH Karim 3043 TUR F 3 ALTINTAS Nergiz 3883 TUR M 4 VURAL Suleyman 5486 TUR F 4 OLUK Irem 4222 TUR M 5 CALISKAN Hamza 4448 TUR F 10 DEMIR Merve 5995 TUR F 11 ACER Ebru 6186 UKR M 7 RYBALCHENKO Kirill 5169 UKR M 8 MAI Ivan 5974 UKR F 9 SHYNKAROVA Iryna 1922 USA M 1 GODFREY Michael 6142 USA M 4 SCHNEIDER Edward Andrew 5616 USA M 10 VASQUEZ Jerry 2552 VEN M 3 QUIJADA OROZCO Roberto Antonio J.

List of competitors may change due to cancellations. For latest Players’ list visit wqt2021.si/participants.



9 8 8

7 6 6 6 5 4

1 Female players by class - 73 total by players Female

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

20 19 17 17 16

13 13 12 11

8 6 Male players by class - 152 total by players Male

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11






Respected worldwide as a leading name in classification of Para events, Dr. Juraj Stefak passed away on January 21 at the age of 69, following his long battle with cancer. Born in Trnava, Slovakia on February 7, 1951. Graduate of the Faculty of Medicine in Bratislava. His first contact with the disabled sport was in the eighties through a blind colleague, the Paralympian Jozef Buroš, who at that time was engaged in paracycling and cross-country skiing. Due to his medical education, he began to be invited to the competitions for the handicapped in Orava – the name of the area in Slovakia where he was living his whole life. His first official participation in an international event was his presence as a doctor in 1992 at ZPH Albertville (the last Czechoslovak expedition at Winter Paralympic Games). It was this participation that started his “career” in the Paralympic movement in Slovakia. He was a regular participant on the European Championships, World Championships as a doctor, interpreter, administrator. In 1994 he was again nominated as a head doctor of the team Slovakian, this time the first Slovak participation on the Paralympic Games in Lillehammer. It was at that time that Mrs. Hanková approached him to cooperate with handicapped volleyball players. In 1996, he was also elected to the NPC Executive Committee, where he served until 2018, which means that Juraj Štefák was a more than 22 - year - old official of the Slovak Paralympic Committee. His hard-working was also used during the long term organization of the Slovakia open international tournament in para table tennis. He attended many classification seminars and became a recognized international classifier. In 2009, he also became the head of the classifiers of the International Table Tennis Federation, for disabled players. At that time, he was also a member of the ITTF executive until 2017, when he decided not to run for the position of head of classifiers for health reasons. Last years he was working as a member of the NPC Disciplinary Body and at the same time as a doctor and senior classifier of the ITTF.

His events included: 1992 Allbertville – head doctor of the SVK team 2004 Athens – Chef de Mission 1994 Lillehamer – head doctor of the SVK team 2006 Torino – Deputy Chef de Mission 1996 Atlanta – head doctor of the SVK team 2008 Beijing – head doctor of the SVK team 1998 Nagano – head doctor of the SVK team 2010 Vancouver - head doctor of the SVK team 2000 Sydney - head doctor of the SVK team 2012 London – Chief Medical officer ITTF 2016 Rio de Janeiro – Classification officer

Ahead of the start of the event, the organizers of the Paralympic World Qualification Tournament will honour the life and work of the recently deceased Dr. Juraj Stefak with a minute of silence.