Observations on Esteros El Coyote and La Bocana, Baja California Sur, Mexico, in September 1991
NOTES OBSERVATIONS ON ESTEROS EL COYOTE AND LA BOCANA, BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, MEXICO, IN SEPTEMBER 1991 GUSTAVO D. DANEMANN and ROBERTO CARMONA, Departamento de BiologiaMarina, UniversidadAut6noma de Baja CaliforniaSur, Apartado 19-B, La Paz, Baja CaliforniaSur 23000, M•xico The coastof the southernVizcaino Desert, Baja CalifomiaSur, includesthree lagoons:La Bocana,El Coyote, and San Ignacio(Figure 1). The avifaunaof La Bocanaand San Ignaciolagoons was first described by Huey (1927). Sincethen, the onlyornithological research in the area hasbeen by Reithermanand Storrer(1981), Danemann(1991), and Danemannand Guzmbn(1992), who studiedvarious aspects of the avifaunaof San IgnacioLagoon. No ornithologicalinformation from La Bocanaor El Coyotehas been publishedsince Huey's early account. In September1991 we surveyedEl Coyote and La Bocana lagoons,usually referred as "esteros."Here we summarizeobservations recorded during those surveys. El Coyote (alsoknown as La Escondida),located between 26ø48 ' and 26ø50' N, and 113ø24' and 113ø29' W, hastwo main armsthat reachdepths from 2 to 4 m and is separatedfrom the ocean by a narrow sand bar. The shorelineof the lagoon consistsof sandbeaches (along the bar), mud fiats, mangroves,and salt marshes. Mostof the lagoonis coveredby mangroveislands separated by narrowchannels. In the open areasof the lagoon,low tidesexpose large shoals.Human activitiesin El Coyoteinclude some commercial and sportfishing, mainly in the deeperchannels. EsteroLa Bocana,known to Huey (1927) as Pond Lagoon, is locatedbetween 26ø42' and 26ø47' N, and 113ø34' and 113ø42' W. It is a narrowlagoon separated from the oceanby a sandbar extendingnorthwest-southeast. Averaging 600 m, its widthranges from 150 to 1250 m. Thisestero holds some mangrove islands and salt marshes,and its shorelineincludes sand beachesalong the bar, and mud fiats, marshes,and mangrovesalong the mainlandcoast.
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