Orthodox Church in America Diocese of the Midwest Fr. Mykola Rector Rectory: (815)1000 Barber725-4742 Lane, Joliet, Cell: IL (630)60435 559-5785 Bodnarchuk, Cell: (815) 474-3674 Deacon David Hanneman stnicholasjoliet.org
[email protected] https://m.facebook.com/stnicholasjoliet/SECOND SUNDAY OF PASCHA May 9, 2021 114 Year, Issue 19 Tone 1 Acts 5:12-20 (Epistle) John 20:19-31 (Gospel) A warm welcome to everyone joining us for worship. If you are without a spiritual home, please make OUR HOME, YOUR HOME. TODAY Antipascha, St. Thomas Sunday; Prophet Isaiah (8TH Christopher of Lycia, and with him Martyrs Callinika and Aquilina (ca. the Relics of St. Nicholas the WonderworkerMother's from Day; Myra to Bari ( c. B.C.); Martyr (6TH c.). 250); Translation of 9:40 am Third & Sixth Hours 1087); Ven. Shio of Georgia 10:00 am Divine Liturgy and General Memorial for Thomas (40 days), Fr. Yosyp Olga and All our departed relatives - LIVE Stream on St. Nicholas Facebook Page 11:20 pm Preparation for First Confession Gura Smishko, Saturday, May 15Haug 4:50 pm Ninth Hour 5:00 pm Great Vespers, - LIVE Stream on St. Nicholas Facebook Page Sunday, May 16 3RD Sunday of Pascha; Myrrhbearing Women; Novgorod ( 1537) and Laurence Ven.( Theodore the Sanctified, disciple of Ven. Pachomius the Great ( 368); Translation of the Relics of Ven. Ephraim, Abbot of Lucania (ca. 1545); Ven. Cassian ( 5TH 1548); Abbots of Vologda; St.9TH Alexander,New Martyr Archbishop Nicholas of of Metsovo Jerusalem (17 ( TH213-250); Martyrs Vitus, Modestus, and577). Crescentia, at 9:40 am Third & Sixth Hours303); Bl.