SSTAR 2019 Complexities of Connection in Sex and Relationships: From Technology to Touch

The Hyatt Regency Toronto Toronto, Ontario May 2-5 2019

Continuing Medical Education credit is provided through joint providership with The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. SSTAR EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 2018-2019

President 2019 Scientific Program Co-Chair Kathryn Hall, PhD Morag Yule, PhD, CPsych

Past President Membership Officer Daniel Watter, EdD Amy Rosenberg, LCSW

President-Elect Communications Chair Sophie Bergeron, PhD Serena Corsini-Munt, PhD

Secretary – Treasurer Officer Student/ECP Representative Anne Katz, PhD, RN, FAAN Emma Dargie, PhD

Continuing Education Officer Junior Student Representative Elizabeth Grill, PsyD Fannie Carrier Emond, PhD candidate

2019 Scientific Program Chair 2019 Local Program Co-Chairs Tuuli Kukkonen, PhD, CPsych James Cantor, PhD, CPsych Morag Yule, PhD, CPsych


The use of social media is ubiquitous in today’s world and used properly, is an effective communications tool.

STARR speakers, please be aware that we have established a Twitter account for this year’s conference, @TheRealSSTAR, that some audience members may utilize to live-tweet content of various conference presentations. Live tweeting is a way for those not in attendance to gain presentation insight in real time and we encourage online interactions and engagement.

For those attendees tweeting, please remember to keep your content professional and appropriate to furthering the mission of SSTAR.

IN MEMORIA Linda Alperstein, MSW, LCSW ● Gina Ogden, PhD, LMFT ● Hollis Steer Brown, RN ● Brian Zamboni, PhD, LP


2019 Consumer Book Award 2019 Sandra R. Leiblum Student Research Award Recipient: Laurie Mintz, PhD: Becoming Cliterate: Why Recipient: Laura Vowels, PhD student, Department of Orgasm Equality Matters – And How to Get It Psychology at University of Southampton, UK

2019 Mentorship Award Recipient: Irving Binik, PhD

2018-2019 DONORS TO THE SANDRA R. LEIBLUM STUDENT FUND BETWEEN 8/29/18 - 3/27/19 Mark Ackerman Elizabeth Larson Lisa Anllo Rebecca Love Barbara Bartlik* Samantha Lutz Deborah Berry* Ann Manley* Audrey Brassard Wednesday Martin Chris Creatura Caroline Maykut “Your guide to Emma Dargie Jennifer McComb Cyndi Darnell* Hani Miletski transcendent sex.” Marie-Ève Daspe Wendy Miller* Eva Dillon* Laurie Mintz Marian Dunn Sharon Nathan —IAN KERNER, Merry Frons Ursula Ofman Mimi Gelb Anabel Perez-Gonzalez author of the Elisabeth Gordon Alicia Pinkston New York Times bestseller, Elizabeth Grill Claudia Piper She Comes First Sandra Guberman Natalie O. Rosen Kathryn Hall Lillian Rosenblatt Suki Hanfling Amy Rosenberg Anita Hoffer Marsha Rosenberg Jackie Huberman Bonnie Saks Meg Kaplan Caroline Russell Smith Erika Karp* Richard Siegel Sari Kessler* Portia Sipes* Caroline Klein LouAnn Smith Julie Kolzet* Amy Steinhauer REVEAL PRESS Joe Kort Sharna Striar AN IMPRINT OF NEW HARBINGER PUBLICATIONS Chris Kraft Christina Tobey www.newharbinger.com Richard Krueger Beverly Zagofsky

*Not a SSTAR member 2 44TH ANNUAL MEETING SSTAR 2019


Welcome to the new and improved SSTAR Annual Meeting. “Wait! This is the 44th Annual Meeting – how can it be new?” you ask. Here’s how:

We have several speakers who are new to the SSTAR stage. Among these newcomers are Trevor Hart (speaking about NEW therapeutic approaches for gay and bisexual men), Markie Twist (Digisexuality and Digiattachment are new to me!) and our NEW SSTAR member Laurie Mintz will help us all become more cliterate. What’s also new is Toronto. This vibrant, cosmopolitan, Canadian city is a new destination for SSTAR and our social program, arranged by James Cantor and Morag Yule, will help us sample some of what Toronto has to offer. Happily, our Scientific Chair, Tuuli Kukkonen, along with Morag Yule, have organized a program that matches the city for diversity and vibrancy. Research panels will again bring us NEW results and insights. Meredith Chivers will be presenting on a new self-report measure for responsive desire in women, Debbie Herbenick will be sharing some new perspectives on longitudinal data and while we have had panels, workshops and plenaries on gender transitioning, we gain a new perspective by examining the more controversial issue of detransitioning. Paper sessions focusing on child maltreatment, men’s sexual pain and infertility, among other topics, along with our data blitz sessions, will give us new data to inform our treatment decisions and research questions. New workshops, new ideas in our Poster session and new ethical issues to tackle are all part of the mix. We also have a NEW award to bestow: the inaugural SSTAR Mentorship Award is being given to Irv Binik of McGill University. Congratulations, Irv!

Most importantly, we have many NEW MEMBERS! Please join me in welcoming them to SSTAR. We will formally welcome new SSTAR members at the cocktail reception preceding the poster session, but new members - we will informally welcome you throughout the conference. Introduce yourself during breaks! Pull up a chair at lunch! Brave the walk to the microphone during sessions! Your involvement is necessary for the growth and development of SSTAR. New members, new ideas, new insights and new experiences improve SSTAR so each year we can boldly proclaim that we are NEW and IMPROVED. Veteran and novice SSTAR members have been participating in our NEW MENTORSHIP program. Come meet your mentor at the early part of the cocktail hour. The mentorship program welcomes NEW applications from prospective mentors and mentees.

As a final note, SSTAR will welcome Sophie Bergeron as the new SSTAR President. SSTAR could not be in better hands. I am immensely grateful to Sophie who was an involved and active President-Elect. My two years as SSTAR President were truly rewarding because of Sophie, and all who served on the Executive Committee and the various subcommittees.

Welcome to Toronto and the 44th new and improved Annual Meeting.

Warm regards, Kathryn Hall, PhD President, Society for Sex Therapy and Research


The SSTAR 2019 Annual Meeting is fully accredited and approved toward continuing education credits for psychologists, sexologists, physicians, social workers, and marriage and family therapists. Participants of SSTAR meetings are responsible for knowing and adhering to their state-specific CE requirements. For questions or concerns about continuing education credits, please contact the SSTAR Continuing Education Officer, Elizabeth Grill, PsyD, at (646) 962-3314 or [email protected].

Continuing Medical Education credit is provided through joint providership with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

1. ACCME ACCREDITATION This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint providership of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Society for Sex Therapy and Research. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

AMA PRA CATEGORY 1 CREDIT(S)™ The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists designates this live activity for a maximum of 22 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

COLLEGE COGNATE CREDIT(S) The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists designates this live activity for a maximum of 22 Category 1 College Cognate Credits. The College has a reciprocity agreement with the AMA that allows AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ to be equivalent to College Cognate Credits.

DISCLOSURE OF FACULTY AND INDUSTRY RELATIONSHIPS In accordance with College policy, all faculty and planning committee members have signed a conflict of interest statement in which they have disclosed any financial interests or other relationships with industry relative to topics they will discuss at this program. At the beginning of the program, faculty members are required to disclose any such information to participants. Such disclosure allows you to better evaluate the objectivity of the information presented in lectures. Please report on your evaluation form any undisclosed conflict of interest you perceive.

2. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SEXUALITY EDUCATORS, COUNSELORS AND THERAPISTS (AASECT) SSTAR is an approved Individual Provider of Continuing Education credits. This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for up to 22 CE credits. These CE credits may be applied toward AASECT certification and renewal of certification. SSTAR (#05-101A).

3. AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (APA) SSTAR is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SSTAR maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This program qualifies for up to 22 CE credits.

4. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT (NYSED) Society for Sex Therapy and Research, (SSTAR) SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers, LMSW, LCSW in New York State, #0100. This program qualifies for up to 22 contact hours.

5. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS (NASW) SSTAR and the 2018 Annual Meeting are Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval # 886421320-4725) for 22 continuing education contact hours.

The breakdown of the number of credits is as follows: CME/CE Credits Thursday Workshop(s) up to 6 Friday Meeting up to 7 Saturday Meeting up to 6 Sunday Workshop up to 3 TOTAL up to 22

4 THURSDAY, MAY 2 2019

7:30 am - 5:00 pm Meeting Registration Colonnade Regency, Mezzanine Level

8:30 - 9:00 am Continental Breakfast (For registered Morning Workshop Attendees only) Regency F, Mezzanine Level PRECONFERENCE WORKSHOPS ADVANCED PRACTICE IN SPECIAL SUBJECTS

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Morning Workshop NEW Regency B, Mindfulness for Women’s Sexual Concerns: Feasibility, Efficacy, Mezzanine Level and Practicing Presenter: Lori Brotto, PhD

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Morning Workshop #1 Regency A, Sex Therapy Issues in Mainstream Therapy Practice: You Got This! Mezzanine Level Presenters: James Cantor, PhD, CPsych; Philip Jai Johnson, PhD, CPsych; Sabina Sarin, PhD, CPsych and Morag Yule, PhD, CPsych

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Morning Workshop #2 Regency C, Developmental Trauma and Sexual Dysfunction Mezzanine Level Presenter: David Scharff, MD

1:30 - 4:30 pm Afternoon Workshop #3 Regency B, When Pornography is an Issue: Working with Couples Mezzanine Level and Individuals Presenter: Marty Klein, PhD

1:30 - 4:30 pm Afternoon Workshop #4 Regency A, Working Effectively with Maladaptive Emotional Cycles in Mezzanine Level Couples Therapy Presenter: Uzma Rehman, PhD

THURSDAY EVENING ACTIVITIES Conference attendees are invited to view posters, meet the presenters, and vote on “Voters Choice.” Poster awards are a part of every SSTAR conference. Several awards will be selected by judges and announced at lunch on Saturday Please pick up your ballot and vote for the “Voters Choice” award while viewing the posters!

5:30 - 6:00 pm New Member Reception Regency DEF, Mezzanine Level

5:30 - 6:00 pm Mentor & Mentee Program Meet & Greet Regency DEF, Mezzanine Level

6:00 - 7:30 pm Welcome Reception Regency DEF, Mezzanine Level

7:30 on Student Social Event (Students & Early Career Professionals only) Regency DEF, Mezzanine Level

FRIDAY, MAY 3 2019

Data Blitzs are returning to SSTAR this year! A data blitz is a quick, concise, and exciting way to present cutting-edge research findings. Presenters will have exactly 5 minutes with 5 slides to present their research, followed by one question from the audience.

7:30 am - 4:00 pm Meeting Registration Colonnade Regency, Mezzanine Level 5 FRIDAY, MAY 3 2019 (CONT.)

7:30 - 8:00 am Continental Breakfast Regency F, Mezzanine Level

8:00 - 8:15 am Welcome Regency ABC, SSTAR President: Kathryn Hall, PhD Mezzanine Level Scientific Program Co-Chairs: Tuuli Kukkonen, PhD, CPsych and Morag Yule, PhD, CPsych Local Program Chairs: James Cantor, PhD, CPsych and Morag Yule, PhD, CPsych Continuing Education Officer: Elizabeth Grill, PsyD

8:15 - 9:15 am Plenary 1: Novel Sexual Therapies for Gay and Bisexual Men: Regency ABC, Research and Lessons for Clinical Practice Mezzanine Level Presenter: Trevor Hart, PhD, CPsych, Professor and Director, HIV Prevention Lab, Department of Psychology Ryerson University

9:15 - 10:00 am Research 1 Regency ABC, Mezzanine Level 1. Bremelanotide for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in the Reconnect Studies: Analysis of Baseline Arousal Subgroups. James Simon, MD 2. Desire Emerging from Arousal: Development and Validation of Self-Report Measure of Women’s Responsive Sexual Desire. Meredith L. Chivers, PhD, CPsych 3. Stress Management and Resiliency Training for Sexuality: An Online Randomized Controlled Trial for Women in Sexual Dysfunction and their Partners. Richa Sood, MD, MS



FRIDAY, MAY 3 2019 (CONT.)

10:00 - 10:15 am Break Regency F, Mezzanine Level

10:15 - 11:15 am Plenary 2: Sexual Pleasure, Intimacy and (Missed) Connection: Regency ABC, 10 Years of the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB) Mezzanine Level Presenter: Debby Herbenick, PhD, Professor at Indiana University School of Public Health

11:15 - 11:35 am Sandra R. Leiblum Student Research Award Presentation Regency ABC, 2019 Recipient: Laura Vowels, PhD student, Department of Psychology at Mezzanine Level University of Southampton, UK Strategies for Mitigating Sexual Desire Discrepancy in Relationships

11:35 am - 12:00 pm DATA BLITZ 1 Regency ABC, Mezzanine Level

DATA BLITZ 1 1. The Women’s Sexual Self-Schemas as Associative Networks: A Pilot Study. Jackie S. Huberman, MSc 2. Do Sexual Cues Attract or Distract? Attentional Biases to Sexual Cues in Men and Women. Samantha J. Dawson, PhD 3. Dealing with Feeling: Emotional Regulation Strategies and Sexual Well-Being. Justin P. Dubé, BSc 4. Towards a Roadmap to Sexual Pleasure Post Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Assessing the Physiological and Phenomenological Sensations of Orgasm in Women with SCI. Marina Gerard, MA PhD (c)

12:00 - 1:15 pm Lunch (on your own)

12:00 - 1:15 pm Lunch and Learn with the Experts* (for Grad Students and Post Docs Only) Regency E, Presenters: Kathryn Hall, PhD and David Scharff, MD Mezzanine Level *For student attendees preregistered only

1:20 - 2:20 pm Plenary 3: Re-Thinking Sex Addiction: Creating a Vision of Regency ABC, Sexual Health Mezzanine Level Presenters: Douglas Braun-Harvey, MA, MFT, CGP, CST, Harvey Institute, San Diego, CA and Michael Vigorito, LMFT, CGP, CST, Private Practice, Washington, DC

2:20 - 3:20 pm Research 2 Regency ABC, Mezzanine Level 1. A Dyadic Longitudinal Study of Child Maltreatment and Sexual Well-Being in Adult Couple Relationships: The Buffering Effect of a Satisfying Relationship. Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel, PhD 2. Timed Intercourse: Sexual Functioning and Satisfaction in Couples Undergoing Infertility Treatment. Sawsane El Amiri, MA 3. Are Depressive Symptoms and Attachment Styles Associated with Observed and Perceived Partner Responsiveness in Couples Coping with Genito-Pelvic Pain? Myriam Bosisio, BSc 4. When the “Oohs” are Painful, Not Pleasurable: Exploring Gay, Bisexual, and Gender Queer Men’s Experiences with Anodyspareunia. Natalie Stratton, MA

3:20 - 3:35 pm Break Regency F, Mezzanine Level

7 3:35 - 4:35 pm Research 3 Regency ABC, Mezzanine Level 1. Gender Dysphoria, Gender Variance and Social Experiments of Nurture. Kenneth J. Zucker, PhD, CPsych 2. De-Transitioning: Improving Informed Consent. Stephen B. Levine, MD 3. De-Transitioning from a Status in Adulthood. Lisa Littman, MD, MPH 4. De-Transitioning in Somatic Intersexuality. Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg, Dr. rer.nat.


SOCIAL EXCURSION 5:30 pm Bus to Distillery District Tour leaves from Hyatt Regency Toronto Lobby

6:00 - 7:00 pm Walking and Tasting Tour through Distillery District Distillery District Tour starts at 30 Gristmill Lane, Toronto, ON

7:15 - 9:45 pm Cocktail and Dinner Reception at Mill Street Beer Hall Mill Street Beer Hall, 21 Tankhouse Lane, Distillery District, Toronto, ON

Bus to Distillery District departing from Hyatt Regency Toronto at 5:30 pm. Transportation will continue on back to the hotel at the end of the dinner. Casual attire. Dress for the weather, as the walking tour is outside. Dinner and one drink ticket included, followed by cash bar.


7:30 am - 12:00 pm Meeting Registration Colonnade Regency, Mezzanine Level

8:00 - 8:45 am SSTAR Member Breakfast and Business Meeting, Members Only Regency DEF, Mezzanine Level

8:00 - 8:45 am Continental Breakfast, Non Members Colonnade Regency, Mezzanine Level

8:45 - 8:50 am 2019 SSTAR Consumer Book Award Regency ABC, 2019 Recipient: Laurie Mintz, PhD Mezzanine Level Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters - And How to Get It

8:50 - 9:50 am Plenary 4: Becoming Cliterate: Cultural and Clinical Strategies Regency ABC, for Orgasm Equality Mezzanine Level Presenter: Laurie Mintz, PhD

9:50 - 10:10 pm Young Investigator Award Presentation from the Journal of Regency ABC, Sex & Marital Therapy Mezzanine Level 2019 Recipient: Taylor Kohut, PhD The Role of Religiosity in Adolescents' Compulsive Pornography Use: A Longitudinal Assessment

10:10 - 10:25 am Break Regency F, Mezzanine Level

8 10:25 - 11:10 am Research 4 Regency ABC, Mezzanine Level 1. Sexual Consent and Boundary Setting Among Men Who Have Sex With Men. Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, PhD 2. Is My Sex Life Ok? The Mediating Role of Sexual Anxiety in the Association Between Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Coercion Against Women. Marianne Girard, BA 3. Dyadic Associations Between Psychological Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Satisfaction. Caroline Dugal, BA

11:10 - 11:55 am ISSWSH Invited Presentation: Sexual Health: How Our Regulatory Regency ABC, Standards Adversely Impact Women Mezzanine Level Presenter: James Simon, MD

11:55 am - 1:15 pm Lunch (Open to All Attendees) Regency DEF, Poster Award Presentations Mezzanine Level

1:20 - 2:20 pm Plenary 5: The Digi of Things – Digiattachment and Digisexuality Regency ABC, Presenter: Markie L.C. Twist, PhD, LMFT, LMHC, CSE, Mezzanine Level University of Wisconsin - Stout

2:20 - 2:45 pm DATA BLITZ 2 Regency ABC, Mezzanine Level

DATA BLITZ 2 1. Sexual Distress Predicts Trajectories of Discrepant Desire in Committed Mixed-and Same-Sex Couples. Jean-Francois Jodouin, PhD 2. Psychological Needs Regulation: Explanatory Model of Women’s Sexual Desire with Insecure Men in Longterm Relationships. Daphnée Genesse, BSc 3. Sexual Satisfaction After Prostate Cancer: The Importance of Sexual Script Flexibility. Meghan K. McInnis, BScH 4. Factors Influencing Medical Students’ Low Self-Perceived Confidence in Dealing with Sexual Health Issues. Nikola Komlenac, PhD

2:45 - 3:20 pm Research 5 Regency ABC, Mezzanine Level 1. The Keys to Couple Sexuality with Aging: Female-Male Sexual Equity and Good Enough Sex. Barry McCarthy, PhD 2. BESTCO: A Cross-Disciplinary Model of Sex Therapy Registration, Core Competencies and Ethics. Victoria Winterton, MD; Neil Lackey, Mth, RP, RMFT and Wendy Trainor, MSW, RSW

3:20 - 3:35 pm Break Regency F, Mezzanine Level 3:35 - 5:05 pm  Lost in the Reeds: Clinical Cases that Confound Regency ABC, Case Presenters: Kathryn Hall, PhD and Daniel Watter, EdD Mezzanine Level

5:05 - 5:20 pm The MAP Education & Research Foundation’s Sexual Tipping Point Award Regency ABC, Previous STP Award Winners can be found online at Mezzanine Level http://www.mapedfund.org/awards.

Farewell and Passing of the Torch to Morag Yule, PhD, CPsych, Scientific Chair 2020!

5:20 on Time to visit Toronto on your own! 9 SUNDAY, MAY 5 2019

8:00 - 9:00 am Meeting Registration Colonnade Regency, Mezzanine Level

8:30 - 9:00 am Continental Breakfast (for Ethics Course Attendees only) Colonnade Regency, Mezzanine Level

9:00 am - 12:00 pm Ethics Course Regency A, Ethical Dilemmas and Clinical Conundrums for Sex Therapists and Mezzanine Level Researchers in the “Me Too” Moment: Let’s Talk About Consent, Connection and Social Justice Presenters: Peggy J. Kleinplatz, PhD and Daniel Watter, EdD


1. Repercussions of Cumulative Childhood Trauma on Sexual Satisfaction, Sexual Difficulties and Relationship Satisfaction: A Dyadic Perspective. Presenters: Mathilde Baumann, BA; Marie-Ève Daspe, PhD; Natacha Godbout, PhD 2. How Does Identity Foster a Healthy Sexuality? A Dyadic Exploration of the Mediating Role of Sexual Self-Concept in the Link Between Attachment and Sex. Presenters: Noémie Beaulieu, BSc; Sawsane El Amiri, MA; Thalie Labonté, MSc; Sophie Bergeron, PhD; Audrey Brassard, PhD; Daphnée Genesse, BSc; Katherine Péloquin, PhD

3. Parental Support During Childhood, Emotion Dysregulation, and Sexual Well-Being from a Dyadic Perspective. Presenters: Noémie Bigras, MA; Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel, PhD; Sophie Bergeron, PhD

4. Sexual Motivation in Couples Coping with Low Sexual Desire: A Comparison to Control Couples. Presenters: Amanda Bockaj, BSc; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD; Amy Muise, PhD

5. Communication Patterns in Women with Provoked Vestibulodynia and Their Partners. Presenters: Katrina N. Bouchard; Samantha J. Dawson, PhD; Amanda J. Shelley; Caroline F. Pukall, PhD

6. Predictors of Engagement in Penetrative Sex in Women with Provoked Vestibulodynia. Presenters: Natalie Brown, BA; Bozena Zdaniuk, PhD; Lori Brotto, PhD

7. Proudly Paraphilic: Shame and Sexual Control in Online Paraphilic Communities. Presenters: Wilson Captein, BA; Irene López, PhD 8. Inhibitory Control in Male Students Reporting Sexually Coercive Behaviors. Presenters: Fannie Carrier Emond, PhD candidiate; Joanne-Lucine Rouleau, PhD; Kevin Nolet, PhD; Jean Gagnon, PhD

9. Partner Responses as a Mediator of the Associations Between Attachment and Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction in Couples Coping with Provoked Vestibulodynia. Presenters: Véronique Charbonneau-Lefebvre, PhD (c); Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel, PhD; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD; Sophie Bergeron, PhD

10. Spirituality: An Untapped Dimension of Caring for People Living with HIV. Presenter: Maxime Charest, MA 11. For Pleasure or Pressure? Comparing Intrinsic and Extrinsic Reasons for Sex in Couples Coping with FSIAD and Control Couples. Presenters: Serena Corsini-Munt, PhD; Amy Muise, PhD; Justin P. Dubé, BSc; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD 12. In the Mood for Sex? Associations Between Positive and Negative Mood and Couples’ Sexual Well-Being. Presenters: Samantha J. Dawson, PhD; Sophie Bergeron, PhD; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD

13. “Oh No, I Have to Go!”: The Relationships Between Urinary Incontinence and Sexual Function in Young Women. Presenters: Roo T.M. Deinstadt, MA; Emilie E. Gravel, PhD; Amy E. Webb, BSc Kin; Elke D. Reissing, PhD

14. Focused Genograms & Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment: Exploring Attachment Through the Intersystem Approach. Presenter: Rita deMaria, MS, PhD

15. Testing a Training Session on Perinatal Sexuality Among Healthcare Professionals and Paraprofessionals. Presenters: Catherine de Pierrepont, PhD; Audrey Brassard, PhD; Isabelle Lessard, BA; Anne-Sophie Gingras; Katherine Péloquin, PhD

16. When Sex Hurts: A Clinical Perspective of Care for Dyspareunia from a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist. Presenter: Cassie Dionne, MScPT

17. Techniques from Dance and Systemic Family Therapy for Couples’ Increased Embodiment and Power Awareness. Presenter: Sari Eckler Cooper, LCSW-R, CST

18. Psychosocial Variables and Sexual Dysfunctions in Men. Presenters: Joyeuse Nereah Felix, BA; Krystelle Shaughnessy, PhD 10 19. Communication Patterns in Women with Provoked Vestibulodynia and Their Partners. Presenters: Stephanie Gauvin, MSc; Caroline F. Pukall, PhD; Kelly Smith, PhD; Sue Chamberlain, PhD

20. Challenging Myths, Biases and Heteronormativity: Similarities and Differences in Sexuality Amongst Mixed-Sex and Same-Sex Couples. Presenters: Alice Girouard, BA; Jean-Francois Jodouin, PhD; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD; Sophie Bergeron, PhD

21. Sexual Communal Motivation in Couples Coping with Low Sexual Interest/Arousal: Associations with Sexual Well-Being and Sexual Goals. Presenters: Jacqueline Hogue, MA; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD; Amanda Bockaj, BSc; Emily A. Impett, PhD; Amy Muise, PhD

22. Links Between Emotion Regulation During Sex and Sexual and Relational Well-Being for Couples with Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder. Presenters: Rebecca Horne, MSc; Emily A. Impett, PhD; Amy Muise, PhD; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD

23. Development of a Self-Report Questionnaire of Genital Arousal Sensations and Perceptions: Intensity, Ideal Intensity, and Associated Affect. Presenters: Robyn Jackowich, MSc; Caroline F. Pukall, PhD

24. Anxiety Inhibits Sexual Arousal… or Does It? A Review of the Impact of Cognitive-Behavioral Components of Anxiety on Sexual Response. Presenters: Leanne Kane, BA; Samantha J. Dawson, PhD; Krystelle Shaughnessy, PhD; Elke D. Reissing, PhD; Allison J. Ouimet, PhD; Andrea R. Ashbaugh, PhD

25. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: Lifetime Sexual Victimization of Incarcerated Men in Ontario. Presenters: Kyle R. Lemay, BA, BSc; Raymond M. McKie, MSc; Drake Levere, MA; Chelsea D. Kiliminik, MSc; Chloe Pednault, MA; Alyna Reesor, MSc, CPsych, RMFT; Terry P. Humphreys, PhD

26. Are Sexual Fears During Pregnancy Related to the Sexual Function and the Dyadic Adjustment of Couples who are Expecting a First Child? Presenters: Isabelle Lessard, BA; Catherine de Pierrepont, PhD; Audrey Brassard, PhD; Katherine Bécotte, PhD (c); Viola Polomeno, RN, PhD

27. Orgasm Consistency and its Relationship to Self-Reported and Physiological Sexual Arousal. Presenters: Larah Maunder, MSc; Meredith L. Chivers, PhD, CPsych

28. “No Homo,” No More: The Rise of Gay Male/Straight Male Friendships. Presenters: Raymond M. McKie, MSc; Kyle R. Lemay, BA, BSc; Drake Levere, MA; Eric Russell, PhD; Marjorie Prokosch, PhD

29. Sexual Well-Being in Self-Identified Bisexual Individuals.Presenters: Sofia Melendez, Stephanie Gauvin, MSc; Caroline F. Pukall, PhD 30. Versus Sex of Your Partner: Associations with the Sexual Well-Being of Women in Long-Term Relationships. Presenters: Kathleen E. Merwin, BScH; Sophie Bergeron, PhD; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD

31. A Descriptive Analysis of Perceived Impact of Persistent Genital Arousal on Romantic Relationships. Presenters: Kayla M. Mooney, BSc; Robyn Jackowich, MSc; Caroline F. Pukall, PhD

32. “Not Tonight Honey:” Men’s Experiences of Saying No to Sex in Heterosexual Relationships. Presenter: Sarah Hunter Murray, PhD 33. Partner Yoga Practice for Couples: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Attachment, Body-Based, and Transpersonal Couple Connection Experiences. Presenter: Reesa Packard, MA, RP, PhD (ABD)

34. Self-Expansion is Associated with Greater Relationship and Sexual Well-Being for Couples Coping with Low Sexual Desire. Presenters: Stephanie Raposo; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD; Amy Muise, PhD

35. A Descriptive and Longitudinal Analysis of Pain During Intercourse in Pregnancy. Presenters: Meghan A. Rossi, BSc; Kayla M. Mooney, BSc; Yitzchak M. Binik, PhD; Natalie O. Rosen, PhD

36. “Smell of Burning Rubber” - An Analysis of Messages in Sexual Health Advertisements. Presenters: Diana L. Scamolla, BA; Peggy J. Kleinplatz, PhD; Mark Schoen, PhD

37. ‘It Doesn’t Define Me:’ Women’s Strategies for Moving Beyond Sexual Trauma to Healthy Sexual Relationships. Presenters: Anita Shanker, BSc; Katarina Hoskins; Kristen Mark, PhD

38. Impact of Trait Mindfulness and a Brief Mindfulness Exercise on Self-Reported Genital Arousal Sensations and Perceptions. Presenters: Morgan Sterling; Robyn Jackowich, MSc; Caroline F. Pukall, PhD

39. Stroking It: Definitions and Perceived Motives for “Dick Pics.”Presenters: Hannah Stewart, BSc (Hons), BA (Hons); Emily A. Vogels, MS

40. The Role of Psychopathy and Pedophilic Sexual Arousal on Admission and Denial in Offenders Referred for Dangerous Offender Assessment. Presenters: Hannah Stewart, BSc (Hons), BA (Hons); J. Paul Fedoroff, PhD; John Bradford

41. PTSD and Sexual Functioning After Alcohol Use During Sexual Assault. Presenters: Sanne Wortel, MA; Stephanie Milan, PhD


ALL PARTICIPANTS: • Please sign-in daily on the Master Attendance Sheet by the Registration Desk. • Complete the online Program Evaluation within 2 weeks of Annual Meeting.


FOR PARTICIPANTS THAT HAVE MADE PAYMENT FOR CE/CME CREDITS: You must complete this Personal Attendance Record: • Check off the session(s) you actually attended for each day. • Fill in the total hours you actually attended for each day. • Fill in the COMBINED TOTAL hours of attendance for Annual Meeting on bottom. • Certify the accuracy of the form by providing your signature on the bottom. • Turn in your signed Personal Attendance Record at the Registration Desk. • CE/CME certificates will be emailed to you within 4-6 weeks of Annual Meeting.

TEAR HERE • For physicians: Please note if you are an ACOG Fellow.




Please check all that you have paid for to receive credit: AASECT ACOG APA NASW NYSED


Morning Workshop: Mindfulness for Women’s Sexual Concerns: Feasibility, Efficacy, and Practicing (Lori Brotto, PhD) 3

Morning Workshop: Sex Therapy Issues in Mainstream Therapy Practice: You Got This! (James Cantor, PhD, CPsych; 3 Philip Jai Johnson, PhD, CPsych; Sabina Sarin, PhD, CPsych; Morag Yule, PhD, CPsych) Morning Workshop: Developmental Trauma and Sexual Dysfunction (David Scharff, MD) 3

PERF Afternoon Workshop: When Pornography is an Issue: Working with Couples and Individuals (Marty Klein, PhD) 3

Afternoon Workshop: Working Effectively with Maladaptive Emotional Cycles in Couples Therapy (Uzma Rehman, PhD) 3

Maximum Possible = CE/CME: 6 Credit/Hours


Attended Friday, May 3 2019. Complexities of Connection in Sex and Relationships: From Technology to Touch speakers included: Novel Sexual Therapies for Gay and Bisexual Men: Research and Lessons for Clinical Practice (Trevor Hart, PhD, CPsych) Research 1 (James Simon, MD; Meredith L. Chivers, PhD, CPsych; Richa Sood, MD, MS) Sexual Pleasure, Intimacy and (Missed) Connection: 10 Years of the National Survey of Sexual Heath and Behavior (NSSHB) (Debby Herbenick, PhD) Sandra R. Leiblum Student Research Award (Laura Vowels, PhD student) Data Blitz 1 (Jackie S. Huberman, MSc; Samantha J. Dawson, PhD; Justin P. Dubé, BSc; Marina Gerard, MA, PhD (c)) Re-Thinking Sex Addiction: Creating a Vision of Sexual Health (Douglas Braun-Harvey, MA, MFT, CGP, CST; Michael Vigorito, LMFT, CGP, CST) Research 2 (Marie-Pier Vaillancourt-Morel, PhD; Sawsane El Amiri, MA; Myriam Bosisio, BSc; Natalie Stratton, MA) Research 3 (Kenneth J. Zucker, PhD, CPsych; Stephen B. Levine, MD; Lisa Littman, MD, MPH; Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg, Dr. rer.nat.)

Possible = CE/CME: 7 Credit/Hours TOTAL Hours Attended


Attended Saturday, May 4 2019. Complexities of Connection in Sex and Relationships: From Technology to Touch speakers included: Becoming Cliterate: Cultural and Clinical Strategies for Orgasm Equality (Laurie Mintz, PhD) Young Investigator Award (Taylor Kohut, PhD) Research 4 (Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, PhD; Marianne Girard, BA; Caroline Dugal, BA) ISSWSH Invited Presentation: Sexual Health: How Our Regulatory Standards Adversely Impact Women (James Simon, MD) The Digi of Things – Digiattachment and Digisexuality (Markie L.C. Twist, PhD, LMFT, LMHC, CSE) Data Blitz 2 (Jean-Francois Jodouin, PhD; Daphnée Genesse, BSc; Meghan K. McInnis, BScH; Nikola Komlenac, PhD) Research 5 (Barry McCarthy, PhD; Victoria Winterton, MD; Neil Lackey, Mth, RP, RMFT; Wendy Trainor, MSW, RSW) TEAR HERE Lost in the Reeds: Clinical Cases That Cofound (Kathryn Hall, PhD; Daniel Watter, EdD) PERF Possible = CE/CME: 6 Credit/Hours TOTAL Hours Attended


Ethics Course: Ethical Dilemmas and Clincial Conundrums for Sex Therapists and Researchers in the “Me Too” Moment: Let’s Talk About Consent, Connection and Social Justice (Peggy J. Kleinplatz, PhD; Daniel Watter, EdD)

Possible = CE/CME: 3 Credit/Hours TOTAL Hours Attended


Total Hours Attended for Thursday, May 2: ______(Up to CE/CME: 6 Credits/Hours)

Total Hours Attended for Friday, May 3: ______(Up to CE/CME: 7 Credits/Hours)

Total Hours Attended for Saturday, May 4: ______(Up to CE/CME: 6 Credits/Hours)

Total Hours Attended for Sunday, May 5: ______(Up to CE/CME: 3 Credits/Hours)

COMBINED TOTAL HOURS: ______(Up to CE/CME: 22 Credits/Hours)



13 The Toronto Sexuality Centre is delighted to welcome the Society for Sex Therapy & Research to Toronto for 2019!

The Toronto Sexuality Centre is Toronto’s largest clinic for sex and couples’ therapy. The TSC provides state- of-the-art, empirically-supported, psychological services for the broad range of sexual behaviour issues, gender expressions, and couple and relationship conflicts. We accept referrals for couples and relationship conflicts, erectile disorder, premature ejaculation, sex addiction/, gender dysphoria and transition support, poly- and open relationship issues.

Therapies are available in one-on-one and couples’ formats. Poly- relationships can benefit from combinations of formats, tailored to specific relationship configurations.

Our clients include those working through infidelity; sexual pain problems; exploring BDSM, kink, and atypical sexualities; confronting potentially harmful sexual urges; low or lack of sexual desire; and understanding transgender spouses and family members.

The TSC is located centrally in downtown Toronto, easily accessible by car and public transit. Weekend and evening appointments are available.

Clients do not require a referral from a family doctor or other physician—Clients may refer themselves.

Toronto Sexuality Centre • 2 Carlton Street, Suite1820 • Toronto, Ontario M5B 1J3 Canada www.TorontoSexuality.ca • 416.766.8733 (o) 416.532.6003 (f) • [email protected] SANDRA R. LEIBLUM STUDENT FUND

Started as a tribute to Sandra R. Leiblum, PhD, a pioneering authority in sex therapy and SSTAR past president, the Leiblum Student Fund supports the next generation of researchers and leaders in sex therapy. Each year, the fund grants a small honorarium, travel and registration expenses to the winner of the Sandra R. Leiblum Student Research Award to present his or her winning research abstract at the SSTAR Annual Meeting.

The Leiblum Student Fund is supported by donations, which can be made by filling out the form found at the registration desk and returning it to the SSTAR Office. In addition, donations can be made via the SSTAR website (www.sstarnet.org) or members may add donations at the time of their dues renewal. A contribution to the fund is an excellent way to honor Sandra R. Leiblum’s legacy and the cause that was very dear to her – the education of students and support of their research.

All contributions to the Leiblum Student Fund are tax deductible in the United States and allowed by law and, in some circumstances, Canada. Donors will receive an acknowledgement letter from the SSTAR office and are recognized in the program of the SSTAR Annual Meeting.


SSTAR 2019 Fall Clinical Case Conference Friday, September 20 2019 | Millennium Broadway Hotel, Times Square, NY

SSTAR 2020 Annual Meeting April 23-26 2020 | InterContinental Hotel Chicago, Chicago, IL

Visit us at www.sstarnet.org