Landmark Kosovo Hotel Sits on ‘Usurped’ Land from Page 1 Aziz Sefedini, Former Director of Sefedini Said

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Landmark Kosovo Hotel Sits on ‘Usurped’ Land from Page 1 Aziz Sefedini, Former Director of Sefedini Said Opinion: On the Road to Dheu i Bardhë Jan 20 - Feb 2, 2012 Issue No. 80 Price € 1 NEWS SkiSki GuideGuide 20122012 Pacolli Helps Free Flying Lobbyist It’sIt’s timetime againagain toto dustdust ofof thosethose skiski clothesclothes andand headhead toto higherhigher altitudesaltitudes inin searchsearch ofof thethe perfectperfect piste,piste, oror spaspa resort.resort. PrishtinaPrishtina InsightInsight bringsbrings youyou aa guideguide toto thethe bestbest thethe regionregion hashas toto offer.offer. > page 3 NEWS EU Launches Kosovo Visa Liberalisation Dialogue > page 4 NEWS Greek Crisis Turns Albanian Thoughts See Page 7-10 Foto by: Snownjeri Kosova Snownjeri by: Foto to Home Landmark Kosovo Hotel Sits > page 5 NEIGHBOURHOOD Croatia EU Vote on ‘Usurped’ Land Uncertain Despite Businessmen Bedri Selmani and MP Shaip Muja, both former advisors to Hashim Thaci, are accused of usurping prime Govt Optimism real estate in Prishtina. Today, as well as Selmani’s nesses, told Prishtina Insight that of the site. “PAK has never pro- > page 6 By Parim Olluri and Tinka Kurti hotel, the site also hosts a restau- the Hotel Victory and Te Rrethi, duced a monitoring report on the rant and offices owned and occu- the Muja family business, have SOE Auto Prishtina because it has CULTURE otel Victory, with its rooftop pied by members of the Muja fam- illegally occupied the site since been usurped and was never com- model of the Statue of ily. 1999. As a result, no rent has been mercialized,” Kaloshi explained. Serb Police HLiberty, is one of the most They include Shaip Muja, a paid to PAK. It remains unclear when the familiar sights in Prishtina. A reg- deputy in parliament and until “SOE Auto Prishtina has been socially owned enterprise will be Squash Pioneer ular venue for government func- recently an advisor to Thaci. Muja usurped by two private companies privatised and how PAK intends to Artistic Squat tions, it hosted Prime Minister was elected to parliament in 2010 since 1999,” Ylli Kaloshi, the reclaim land that it says is illegal- Hashim Thaci’s launch of a “zero for Thaci’s Democratic Party of agency’s spokesperson, said, nam- ly occupied. > page 11 tolerance policy” against corrup- Kosovo, PDK, after stepping down ing the two as Hotel Victory and PAK must first await the out- tion in 2010. as the PM’s advisor. Te Rethi. come of its lawsuit filed against But an investigation by A number of businesses regis- The surface area owned by the the alleged usurpers. “The privati- Prishtina Insight has uncovered tered in the name of Muja and his socially owned enterprise, accord- zation of this enterprise depends evidence that the hotel lies on land brothers are based at the address, ing to PAK, is more than 1.5 on the proceedings of our lawsuit that owner Bedri Selmani seized according to the official business hectares and lies at the main in the Special Chamber of the Kosovo’s only English-language in the chaos of the immediate registry. roundabout at the entrance to Supreme Court of Kosovo,” the newspaper is available: post-war period and which The Privatisation Agency of Prishtina. agency spokesperson said. allegedly still belongs to a socially Kosovo, PAK, which is tasked with The agency has not carried out Delivered to owned enterprise. managing publicly owned busi- or produced a monitoring report continues page 2 Your Door Islam in Kosovo Proves no Bar Serbia Mulls Price of Extending From Newsstands to Alcohol Elections to Kosovo across Kosovo The average citizen of Kosovo drinks 13 Serbia's Ministry of Public Sent To litres of beer, one litre of wine and 150ml of Administration and Local Government is Your Inbox brandy, known as rakia, each year, accord- busy preparing electoral rolls. The job ing to analysis of official customs figures. must be done by March 7 when the country, While this remains well below Russian – according to election law, is to call parlia- From and Western European – standards, it is mentary and local elections, which then our partners significantly more than is drunk in most must be held no later than May 6. news countries in the Muslim... page 3 news But it remains unclear... page 4 see page 16 for more info is supported by: 2 Jan 20 - Feb 2, 2012 news Landmark Kosovo Hotel Sits on ‘Usurped’ Land from page 1 Aziz Sefedini, former director of Sefedini said. “But after a while, in Auto Prishtina, was dissatisfied June 1999, people started showing While Shaip Muja denies illegal- with the minister’s decision. up. ly occupying the site, maintaining Three years later, in 2002, in a “They took me once to Kolovica that his property lies outside the memo sent to Chief of Police of [a village outside Prishtina] where zone owned by Auto Prishtina, the UN authority in Kosovo, someone asked me questions like, Selmani refused to comment, say- UNMIK, Stephan Feller, he ‘Do you know Rrustem Mustafa ing he was abroad. detailed alleged legal violations and Zahir Pajaziti [KLA fighters], that had occurred. the people who liberated us?’ Seized 13 years ago: Sefedini said he had been “They asked me to sign a state- removed from his post as a compa- ment in which I admitted I was lib- The agency’s claim that Selmani ny director and Auto Prishtina’s erated by NATO and not by the is illegally occupying socially properties had been usurped. KLA?” Sefedini added. “Signing owned property has received con- According to him, Selmani had such statements was not advisable To the victor the spoils? Is Hotel Victory built on usurped land? firmation from documents in the registered part of the SOE Auto in 1999”. proving that his company, Doni “Behind Selmani are Hashim from PAK’s predecessor, the Prishtina as his own private prop- “Later I understood that my Export Import, paid 2,000 euro in Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Azem Syla, Kosovo Trust Agency, obtained by erty and had named it “Victory”. interrogator was Rrustem property tax per year for this prop- Rrustem Mutafa. How could any- Prishtina Insight. He also said that Shaip Muja had Mustafa,” Sefedini continued. erty. one otherwise usurp one-and-a- A KTA letter from 2004 to also built Te Rrethi, a 500-square- “I would also understand anoth- Although, according to the offi- half hectares in a prime Prishtina Selmani reads: “The KTA audit in metre restaurant, on the property er thing: In ‘99 a vicious war was cial business registry Doni Export location without having to pay a April 2004 of your relationship of SOE Auto Prishtina. being waged between the Llap and is registered under the name of dime for its use?” Selimi asked. with the Auto Prishtina SOE has Sefedini said he had come under Drenica regions over who would Naser Reshani. When asked about the accusa- not recognised the validity of the pressure to relinquish his directo- usurp Auto Prishtina.” “If I am a usurper, how come I tion, Mustafa denied any strong 05/04/2000 ‘Joint Venture rial position. Sefedini was referring to two paid municipal taxes year after connection to Selmani. The others Agreement’ and you have been “Selmani, then Thaci’s econom- key administrative zones of the year since 1999 and have received did not respond to Prishtina advised at once to reach a contrac- ic advisor, wanted to take over this KLA. Mustafa was then a senior no claim from any institution say- Insight’s questions. tual agreement.” This agreement, SOE and exerted pressure to have official for the Llap region. ing I occupied this property?” Selimi said he had had problems according to Selmani, gave him me removed,” Sefedini wrote on 30 Mustafa, who is currently a Vice Muja asked. with Selmani in the past. the right to use the site. September, 2002. President of the PDK, says Muja said properties lying out- Auto Prishtina was the sole Sefedini told Prishtina Insight “Selmani, who is himself an Sefedini may have confused him side the perimeter fence of the authorised dealer and service that he had sent a letter to Azem usurper, filed a lawsuit against me, with someone else. “I have no his- Hotel Victory are not owned by garage for German Magirus vehi- Syla back in 1999 expressing his alleging that I had usurped his tory with that man. I don’t know Auto Pristina. cles until 1991 when its activities discontent with the decisions enterprise’s property,” he recalled, him. Who knows how he confused “I’m no usurper because at no were terminated and all employ- issued by the Provisional adding. “I had thrown the investi- me up with someone else?” he point has there been any evidence ees were dismissed. It was also an Government of Kosovo. gator out because he was asked. that it is somebody else’s proper- authorized dealer and service “In November [1999], I wrote to Selmani’s own nephew.” Regarding the location on which ty,” he continued. garage for Zastava, Iveco and Opel Syla. I told him that my removal Prishtina Insight has seen a Hotel Victory was constructed, This evidence is disputed, how- vehicles. without a proper decision repre- copy of the lawsuit filed by Mustafa says he was not aware it ever, by PAK and appears to con- Currently, some 30 to 40 employ- sented a legal violation,” said Selmani at the Supreme Court was ever a socially owned proper- tradict information collected by ees receive salaries from Auto Sefedini, adding that he never claiming that the socially owned ty. “I don’t know of any usurpation Prishtina Insight. Prishtina, from revenues collected received a response to his official enterprise had broken a contract.
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