TheSewanee News MARCH 1980

Symposium on Business

Perhaps the most neglected area of Southern history is its business history, and a remedy for that will begin with the First Annual Sewanee Economics Symposium April 3-5. The theme for the symposium is "Business in the New South: A Historical Perspec- tive." Marvin E. Goodstein, professor of economics and coordinator for the symposium, said Sewanee is taking a lead in the historical study because little research has been done in Southern business history (though southerners are interested in other aspects of their history), and because busi- ness history itself shows signs of expanding significantly. Panels are being formed with academic persons in economics, history, and business, business persons who have access to valu- able records, and archivists and librarians. Professor Goodstein said he expects the symposium will answer a need for more study in business history. Also, it is expected to generate additional interest in busi- ness history and generate coopera- tion between the business and university communities. Panels are being formed to discuss four aspects of business in the South—the early problems, the modern successes, the future, and a cooperative approach to preserving the records of Southern business. The panel chairmen include Jeremy Atack of the University of Illinois, Albert Niemi of the Uni- versity of Georgia, Fred Bateman of Indiana University and the University of the South, and Robert Lovett, curator of manuscripts and archives for Harvard Business School. Goodstein said he expects Professor Goodstein will chair executive of Vulcan Ma- banquet will begin at 6.30 at Sewa- Mr. sessions approximately 150 visitors. Busi- a concluding panel on unresolved terials Company. nee Inn. All symposium persons are being asked to questions. The symposium will begin with will be held in Guerry Auditorium. ness about their experiences and Among the businessmen attend- registration at the 's Com- A minimal registration fee is talk apply those to what they believe ing are W..T. Beebe, chairman of mon April 3. A reception will be necessary for admission. holds. the board of Delta Airlines, and held at the Common at 5 p.m. A the future Bernard A. Monaghan, chairman of the executive committee and chief News

Economics and at Purdue Univer- In a straw vote last semester, sity. A native of New Orleans, he the faculty voted overwhelmingly New Faculty Summer has B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from in favor of maintaining summer Tulane University and his M.A. is classes. The problem facing the from the University of North administration, however, is an in Study College Carolina. annual loss that was estimated last Dr. Cox is the author of a num- Despite declining enrollment and summer to be $12,680. Among new faculty in the second ber of books of criticism of modern annual deficits for the College Dean John Webb said the loss semester are Fred Bateman, Ken- literature including studies of Dylan Summer School, an administration of money may be the least import- nedy Distinguished Professor of Thomas and Joseph Conrad. He has proposal to end summer classes ant part of the problem, though Economics, and 'Wallace Fowlie", been co-editor of Critical Quarterly lias been set aside for at least one the "deficit" may be a symptom of Brown Foundation Fellow and pro- since 1959. He received his under- season. other trends. fessor of French. Charles Brian graduate and graduate degrees from On the recommendation of a "We have a situation in which Cox of the University of Manches- Pembroke College, the University faculty committee, classes will be students are either not as interested ter is Brown Foundation Fellow of Cambridge, and is presently held this summer to permit further in summer school as they once were and visiting professor of English. John Edward Taylor Professor of study of the proposal. or they can find cheaper summer Replacing Timothy Keith-Lucas English Literature at the University schools near their homes where during his sabbatical is Stephen C. of Manchester. they can also get jobs," he said. Wilhite, instructor in psychology. A Sewanee summer, with its Dr. Mazzini has a B.A. Since there has always been an from particularly small classes and Teaching part-time in the English school Holy Names College in Oakland, attempt to keep the summer department to fill in for sabbaticals outdoor opportunities, offers California, and a Ph.D. from the self-sustaining, declining revenue many of the traditional quali- of William Clarkson and Dale been answered by University of . She has usually Richardson is Carta Mazzini, assis- ties of the Mountain in super- formerly taught at Bradford College paring classes and faculty. English. lative. tant professor of alternative in Massachusetts, is the author of Dean Webb said the Dr. Fowlie recently retired College Summer School an article on Thoreau's poetry, and would be to establish a program from Duke University after 14 (June 15 to July 26) may be assisted in compiling bibliography that would be more attractive to years as James B. Duke Professor of particular interest to enter- for Lewis Leary's Articles on the wider public as well as to regu- ing college freshmen, whether of French. Educated at Harvard, he American Literature. She is the lar students. has also taught at Yale, the Univer- they plan to attend Sewanee wife of John McCarthy of the The concept is alive today in or another college in the fall, sity of Chicago, and Bennington political science department. the annual Sewanee Summer Semi- and non-Sewanee students College. Mr. Wilhite is a graduate of nar. Dean Webb also mentioned the like a change Dr. Bateman has been teaching who would of Emory University. He won a possibility of parallel programs, pace. at Indiana University since 1964 in Marshall Scholarship to study at such as a summer-long workshop Interested persons should the business economics department, Oxford, where he tutored part- in theatre arts to accompany the notify Frederick H. Croom, and is chairman of the department's time in psychology and is a Ph.D. Summer Music Center. associate professor of mathe- doctoral program. He is an editorial candidate. He is the author of matics and this year's summer board member of Business Horizons, several papers in psychological school director. The Business History Review, and journals. Professor Croom said the Review of Economic and Business policy of offering courses Research. He has been a visiting most in demand will again be lecturer at the London School of in effect. Therefore, prospec- Rhodes Rank tive students should write him of their interests as soon as Six Sewanee students were selected possible. in December for state interviews Freshman courses will be in the Rhodes Scholarship competi- offered in English, biology, tion, and while none went on for economics, history, math, phi- the finals this year, it is notable that losophy, psychology, political as many as six were interviewed at science, and religion. In addi- the state level. tion there will be offerings in These students include Steffany beginning drawing, mythology, Ellis of Chattanooga; Peggy Barr and astronomy, and a seminar of Huntsville, ; William in securities and investments. (Woody) Register of Evergreen, Aside from freshman and Alabama; Emily Fuhrer of Alexan- sophomore courses, upper di- dria, Louisiana; Minna Dennis of vision courses are expected to Atlanta, Georgia, arid Frank Grim- be provided in French, Span- ball of Charleston, South Carolina. ish, English, history, and or- For the period from 1945 to ganic chemistry. the present, the University ranks Sewanee will have its usual 12th nationally among all universi- recreational luxuries— ten- golf ties and colleges in total production nis, hiking, horseback riding, of Rhodes Scholars. No other and swimming. Regular social Southern institution has had more. gatherings faculty and stu- of Among liberal arts colleges, Se- dents are part the spice of of wanee ranks second nationally to

Sewanee. , Reed College in Oregon, and in The cost is $99 a semester rankings based on percentage of hour, plus $138 for room and enrollment, Sewanee ranks first in meals. $270 for the nation.

Wallace Fowlie, Brown Foundation Fellow and professor of French -

The growing importance of the much appreciated. She also noted Sewanee Mediaeval Colloquium College has that although the minimum age Bowl oeen drawing a capacity SSMC Nears attendance for enrollment is 12, the average iom this country and Canada, and student is of high school or col- about 20 papers will be presented, lege age. The college division Competition selected by a 24th screening committee Season grows larger each year as hope- from those submitted in advance. ful young professionals learn of Sewanee's College Bowl team took One seldom finds more intensity the exceptional training available. a thoroughly creditable fifth place and dedication among students In many places around the in the recent five-state Region V than appears during the Sewanee world, the name "Sewanee" Bowl Tournament Championships Summer Music Center. WUTS Plans means music, due to the Music in Charlotte, North Carolina. The five-week program for Center. The University of North Caro- orchestral instrumentalists, with Sewanee's student radio station, "We urge you to keep up with lina placed first among 21 other concerts scheduled each weekend, WUTS, has applied to the Federal the Music Center. Come and hear colleges and universities. Vander- will be held from June 21 through Communications Commission to us in the summer, and send us bilt was second and was followed July 27. increase its broadcasting power some fine young students," Miss by East Carolina University and Membership requires a mini- from 10 watts to 150 watts. McCrory said. Davidson. mum age of 12 and sufficient tech- This is part of an overall plan to Information pertaining to Sewanee, which took several nical ability to participate in en- upgrade the station's programming. the Music Center—application individual victories, was first beaten sembles and orchestras. There is no While currently able to reach forms, the String Camp, and the by East Carolina and was elimi- upper age limit. only as far as Cowan at the foot of concert series—may be obtained nated near the end of the com- Martha McCrory, director of the mountain in good weather, by writing the Sewanee Summer petition by the Vanderbilt team. the center for most of its 24 WUTS will penetrate Winchester Music Center in Sewanee or by Both Sewanee and Davidson, like seasons, has once again gathered and Monteagle if power is increased. calling Miss McCrory. other small colleges, found them- a group of outstanding faculty Mark Andrews, the station selves somewhat at a disadvantage members from throughout manager, said the FCC gave urgency the against graduate university teams nation. to WUTS plans when it ruled that which may include up to two The center will have three full as of this past January 1, no 10-watt Hospital graduate students. symphony orchestras: the Sewanee Head station would be able to apply for Sewanee's team was composed Symphony for advanced students, increased power. A ruling on the of Michael Albert, a senior music the Cumberland Orchestra for those Paul K. Hagan, Jr. is the new ad- application is not expected before from Sewanee; John Melton, with less previous experience, ministrator of Emerald-Hodgson next fall. and Hospital, appointed a senior , chemistry major from the Sewanee Festival Orchestra by the manage- WUTS meets the FCC program- for Tampa, Florida; Keith Sutton, a faculty, staff, and selected students. ment team of Southern Health ming requirements for an educa- junior biology major from Nash- All students become totally in- Services, Inc. tional station, but Andrews said ville, and Robert Ross, a senior volved with chamber music, orches- Mr. Hagan, a native of Chatta- the educational material will be biology major from Fort Thomas, tra work, private study, theory, nooga, comes to Sewanee from doubled or tripled within a year or Kentucky. and concerts. Fairburn, Georgia just south of two. More programs will be pro- In addition the SSMC String Atlanta, where he was administrator duced at the University, enhancing Camp will be held June 22 through of a new 120-bed nursing home. His good community relations at June 29 at the extensive experience also includes Sewanee. Sewanee Academy. The String Camp is open to very being administrator of Meriwether Mediaeval The station will continue to be young string students, ages 10 to 12. Memorial Hospital and Nursing operated by student volunteers. Alumni and friends of Sewanee Home in Warm Springs, Georgia. Colloquium are urged to inform talented He is a graduate of the Univer- young musicians in their areas sity of Tennessee at Chattanooga, about the Music Center. Miss where he majored in chemistry and "The Classical Heritage in the biology. a master's McCrory says such help will be He has degree Middle Ages" is the theme for this in health care administration from year's Sewanee Mediaeval Collo- Central Michigan University and quium, to be held April 11 and 12. did doctoral work at Walden Uni- Principal speakers are Marie- versity in Naples, Florida. Therese d'Alverny of Paris, James He and his wife, the former McEvoy of Belfast, George Stricevie Elizabeth Ann Pope, have three of Cincinnati, and Fred C. Robin- children. son of Yale University.

Mme. d'Alverny is emerita, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, and Centre Stimulating d'Etudes Superieures de Civilisa- I tion Medievaie, Poitiers. Her field is the history of philosophy and Seminar '80 science, and she will speak on the inheritance and development of The Sewanee Summer Seminar will cosmology and physica in the be continuing its popular combi- early Middle Ages. nation of study and recreation Mr. McEvoy is professor of again this summer. All ages of scholastic philosophy at the Queen's adults and children, alumni and University in Belfast. His talk will non-alumni, have enjoyed the be on medieval theories of friend- varied offerings of the week-long ship and their dependence on the program in summers past. classical tradition.

. Seminar director Edwin Stirling, Mr. Stricevie is professor of art associate professor of English, has history at the University of Cin- % another such event planned for cinnati and his talk will be in that July 13-19. The format, with a area. Mr. Robinson's field is Old lecture in the morning followed by English.

7jMtT^^<^>^TK coffee and discussion, lunch to- The cost of the week for tuition, program" brings together career a room in Malon gether in the dining hall, and outings Courts dormitory, Success women and high school students in or free time in the afternoons, will and meals at Gailor dining hall is "goal seminars." be the same as in previous years, $225. Room and board only, for The coordinators, Rose Mary having proved a most successful family members of seminar par- and Women Drake, a College senior, and Bar- mix of programmed and free time. ticipants who may wish just to bara Hall, the assistant to the Among regular University fac- vacation in Sewanee at the time, is chaplain, estimate that about 150 The "Sewanee gentleman" is as ulty on the staff is Gilbert Gilchrist, $140, and tuition only, for those alumnae are returning to Sewanee much a tradition at the University professor of political science, who with their own arrangements for for the conference. Ample time will as academic gowns and Gothic will wear two hats as a pundit on room and board, is $95. be provided for students and for- architecture. Now, after ten years the 1980 presidential elections and Free babysitting in the evenings mer students to meet and talk on of women on the Mountain, what also on securities and investments. is a feature, as is a lively free day a personal basis. about the "Sewanee lady"? Richard O'Connor, assistant profes- care program for children age three The coordinators say they are Who is she? What does she do? sor of anthropology, will present and. up. The children's program pleased at the way news of the How is she making a difference in "Humanizing the Social Sciences," has included in past years such conference has spread by word-of- our society? a discussion of how an anthro- entertainment as swimming, games, mouth as well as through various The Seventh Annual Sewanee pologist studies a culture by crafts, and visits to the University publications. Conference on Women will be participating in it. He will show stables and observatory. There will "People-'kept calling us on the dealing with these questions and anthropological films as part of his also be family outings in the phone," said Mrs. Hall. "They had providing a backdrop for a Sewanee presentation. afternoons. heard about it from a friend and reunion. Douglas Paschall, assistant pro- Possible leisure time activities wanted to know more." The conference, entitled fessor of English and associate are trips to local caves or a movie This year's conference promises "Women: Choosing Success," is dean of the College, will discuss in the evening; not to be missed are to be a real treat, with more variety being held the weekend of March "New Wine in Old (but Well- concerts of the Sewanee Summer and distinction among alumnae than 14-16 in conjunction with an Wrought) Urns," an examination Music Center which will be present- ever before—a real tribute to the alumnae weekend. of how new methods of literary ed on Saturdays and Sundays excellence of the graduates and Panel discussions will involve criticism have altered our under- during July. Exploration of the students of Sewanee. faculty, students, and alumnae in standing of some "classic" English surrounding mountains, reading, almost every occupation imaginable, poems. sports, or just resting are further from housekeeping to medicine to Harry Yeatman, professor of possibilities. bartending. biology, will give a talk called "The A $50 deposit, 80% refundable The keynote speaker will be Biologist and the Archeologist," until June 10, should accompany Elaine Musselman, a partner and accompanied by slides and artifacts, registration for the seminar, which managing director of the oldest to illuminate the lives of various can be accomplished by writing insurance company in Kentucky, American Indian cultures of the Dr. Edwin Stirling, Department of Harris and Company of Louisville. past. Assistant professor of history English, University of the South, She is also a partner in Skillmakers, Charles Perry's talk will be "England Sewanee, Tenn. 37375. in the Post-Imperial Age." He will Inc., whose "models and mentors examine England's decline as a world power with emphasis on implications for other countries. STRETCH The Sewanee News YOUR MIND AND YOUR MUSCLES

Latham W. Davis, Editor RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW Beeler Brush. C'68, Alumni Director Gale Link, Art Director * 5 popular professors Jean Tallec, Editorial Assistant on provocative contemporary topics

* Thoughtful and aware fallow students

Published quarterly by the Office of * Concerts Information Services for the UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH Including SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, * Free babysitting COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES SEWANEE ACADEMY * Recreation both organized and disorganized

Free distribution 24,500 * All the facilities of Second-class postage paid at Sewanee's campus Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 from library to tennis

The cover illustration is a silkscreen SEWANEE SUMMER SEMINAR print by Rosemary Paschall, art JULY 13-19 instructor at the Sewanee Academy. The print, including its elements room, board and tuition $225 used inside the issue, was designed by Mrs. Paschall especially for this WRITE. issue on women at Sewanee. Dr. Edwin Stirling University of the South

The photo on the contents page is Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 of Ann (Gari) Sellers, C'81, of Charlotte, North Carolina. On &Off the Mountain

Subject Was Failure The At alcohol/drug workshop. Endow us with courage that is born of His subject was failure. It's not the loyalty to all that is noble and worthy, usual topic for a well-known that scorns to compromise with vice and injustice and knows no fear Sewanee graduate, especially talent- when truth and right are in jeopardy. Guard us ed Kyle Rote, Jr., C'72. against flippancy and irreverence in the Kyle returned to Sewanee in sacred things of life. Grant us new ties of February and gave a talk to the friendship and new opportunities of Student Christian Fellowship and service. Kindle our hearts in fellowship the Fellowship of Christian Ath- with those of a cheerful countenance, and soften our hearts with sympathy for letes. The talk was his first at those who sorrow and suffer. Help us to Sewanee since his graduation, maintain the honor of the Corps un- though he has returned frequently, tarnished and unsullied and to show forth and the crowd filled the large in our lives the ideals of West Point in lounge of the Bishop's Common. doing our duty to Thee and to our Country. All of which we ask in the name Kyle recounted stories of his of the Great Friend and Master of men. own career, touching especially on the relativeness of failure and success, the struggle to maintain Alcohol and Drug Workshop perspective in the face of consider- About 60 persons who work with able adulation. students in private schools in Ten- If he had been living in Jeru- nessee participated in a five-day salem at the time of the crucifixion workshop held at Sewanee in De- of Jesus, Kyle admitted he would cember. .The very intense program, have thought, "Gee, he had a good led by specialists in their field, idea, too bad he failed." demonstrated techniques of inter- One of the most moving points vention and treatment of alcohol and of his talk was made as he spoke of drug abuse. Those techniques are his experience at Sewanee. Despite being highly acclaimed for their his visible success as an athlete and student, he said he made few lasting The workshop was sponsored the' University friendships. The reason, he said, by chaplaincy and funded was that he had known almost no by a grant from the Lynd- hurst Foundation one on a spiritual basis. of Chattanooga. He said he was pleased to see Peace Fellowship the efforts and activities of the chapter Student Christian Fellowship and A of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship the FCA. has been organized in The meeting broke up slowly Sewanee by Ellen Thompson, T'82, who is the first president. in the late hours, and Kyle. slipped away to Chattanooga and a flight home to Houston.

Cadet Prayer Mrs. Edmund Kirby-Smith has brought to our attention that the Doug Setters, dean of men, and new friends cadet prayer of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point was written by a Sewanee alumnus, the late Clayton E. Wheat, C'04, T*18. Chaplain Wheat was at West Point when Mr. Kirby-Smith was there in 1939, and he died in 1970. Because of the .Sewanee ties of Chaplain Wheat and the great influence of his prayer, we are publishing it here, believing it will be of interest and-eomfort to many.

O God, our Fkther, Thou searcher of Men's hearts, help us to draw near to Thee in sincerity and truth. May our religion be filled with gladness and may our worship of Thee be natural. Strengthen and increase our admira- tion for honest dealing and clean thinking, and suffer not our hatred of hypocrisy and pretence ever to diminish. Encourage us in our endeavor to live above the common level of life. Make us to choose the harder right instead of the

nd ne vith i half truth when the whole

Part of the workshop Outing Club adventure: Chisos Basin from Lost Mine Trail.

Tim Keith-Lucas and Phelps Gayle running the Santa Elena rockslide

Cameron, A'65, director Local wildlife^coyotes, road- Exterior Decorating have been at the turn of the cen : Doug students student programs, shared his runners and mule deer-^was The joke may still be fresh enough tury when a group of of the visitors. full- Whitewater expertise with the unafraid and delighted to tell: When the development known as Anchovies staged a all got through Even some loose horses wandered office moved into Thompson Hall, course, formal dinner on its top. All novice canoeists and through camp in the middle of some students, noticing the efforts appeared in tuxedos, the moon was the canyons safely, if not in total of San Santa Elena Canyon, bound for to improve the landscaping, planted full, and service, including wines dryness. Amy Waller, C'82, scout and their own inscrutable destination. a pair of plastic flamingos on the and cigars, was provided by a pulley Antonio was the advance rangers while The weather cooperated, with lawn—just in time for opening and hoist from the ground a hun- made friends with the warm sunny days and cool nights, convocation. dred feet below." waiting for the rest of the group to except for the one overnight on the The students probably never Unfortunately we do not have arrive. She and her truck also did river, tents left behind. It rained, realized how successful they had the room to describe here the yeoman duty ferrying drivers from disturbing campers' sleep with been with the joke. Shortly after demise of the Anchovies. Reprints canoe landing points back to the thoughts of flash floods (which the flamingos appeared, a complain- of the article may be purchased van and trailer. didn't materialize). Two people ing telephone call was received in at St. Luke's Book Store for $2. Impressive to the Tennesseans slept under overturned canoes; the the vice-chancellor's office, and (Add $1.09 for postage and were the distances- by highway and other eight slept under one ten- others, even students, stopped in to handling.) jeep road- the quiet, the clearness foot tarp, with feet in each other's bemoan the poor taste of the The second article, by Anita of the stars, and the distance from faces. Later a dip in the hot springs development office and administra- Goodstein, professor of history, is which far-away mountains are degrees was a welcome tion. Tell us Sewanee doesn't "Black History on the Nashville visible. The food—cooked by the at 104 diversion. sometimes take itself too seriously. Frontier." Professor Goodstein is campers on a Coleman stove- also currently writing an antebellum drew raves. "Why can't Gailor do The journey (four days of hard driving there back) was en- Historical Quarterly history of Nashville. The project this well with all their facilities?" and hanced by overnight stops at the The first 38 pages, not counting the is being sponsored by the National was the unanswered question. Potts, and cover, of the most recent Tennessee Endowment for the Humanities. Richard Parrott, C'82, will be homes of Cathy C'79, Fitts. overnight Historical Quarterly (winter 1979) long remembered for his chili and Joanna Another the beautifully restored contain two papers by Sewaneeans. Gone West his eight-foot amoeba; Henrietta was at mission- building of the Dio- The cover was a color photo- Ten Sewaneeites- students, faculty Croom, assistant professor of cesan in San Antonio, graph of Breslin Tower, the proper and staff— under the sponsorship biology, for passing the other Center thanks to the generosity of the send-off for "Sewanee Then and of the Sewanee Outing Club, canoes with her improvised sail, bishop and the intercession of - Now," a most interesting article by journeyed to ' Big Bend sophomores Eden Thrower and Amy's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Ben Chitty. National Park over Christmas Suzan Carlile for their unsinkability Clifford Waller. Further entertain- It is a recounting of a part of vacation. They took on the rapids despite repeated dunkings; Tim ment in San Antonio included Sewanee history familiar to many in the Rio Grande's Mariscal and Keith-Lucas, assistant professor of Mexican dinner, a visit to the of us. But Dr. Chitty has a way of Santa Elena Canyons in Outing psychology, for shooting the worst a Alamo, a walk along the Paseo del adding sparkling tidbits fished from Club canoes, camped out, climbed rapid backwards; Gale Link, direc- Rio, and an encounter with an the depths of the archives. mountains, and enjoyed the famous tor of information services, for unexpected street r While discussing Breslin Tower, cactus-and-rock scenery which was popular cornbread and spectacular he writes: "Breslin's best hour may new to all but one of the party. entanglement of her canoe in an overhanging tree, Joanna Fitts, C'83, for her cheerful and distinc- tive laugh, and Phelps (Tex) Gayle, C'82, for his animal crackers. gj WOMEN AT SEWANEE: ' TEN YEARS LATER

Any competent Bible thumper back to the full-time business of Gaston Bruton, the provost, know s what has been a miss about college. wrote a lengthy, detailed essay for "this other Eden, den ii- para disc Coeducation was on the minds the Sewanee this fortress built by nat ure herself News before his of many when the trustees s happy breed of men, this met in retirement in 1968, a lecture that little world...." There have been 1967, but no action was taken. contained a wealth of research data far too 'many ribs and e dearth of Gilbert Gilchrist, a faculty trustee and a challenge for the University. Eves! at the time, recalls that a lot of ". . .1 feel we need to ask, and politicking went on that year. to answer, a serious Happily this void has been filled question," Other factors began to play their with a bevy of courageous women, Mr. Bruton wrote. "Is it possible parts- as a matter principle, veritable magnolia buds with sepals of for a private liberal arts college, for of iron courage.... church leaders were concerned men only, not to grow in size, not about the exclusion of half the to accept government aid, to adopt Thus the era of women students church membership. There was a 10:1 student-teacher ratio, and to at Sewanee began under the watch- opposition on the Mountain, but survive? My answer is NO. The six ful, good-humored of pen Gene the great majority of the faculty implied limitations are too many." Ham, C'70 (Sewanee Purple Sep- favored cpeducation. The three limitations Bruton tember 26, 1969). Ham called it the In the year that followed, the said should be removed were "to "second reconstruction at Sewanee." debate intensified mostly behind remain a college for men, not to Others were less glib. The '60s the scenes. John Ransom, then grow, and to have a teacher for were full of disgusting issues and admissions director, personally every ten students." The essay is ideas- the draft and draft dodgers, solicited the regents and trustees still remembered on campus for the segregation and racial mixing, stu- about the need to admit women. effect it had. dent rights and student radicals. Such a move, he said, would not With a mixture of loyalties The subject of women at Sewanee only increase the applicant pool vying for attention like complain- was just a part of the gallimaufry, with eligible women but would ing dogs, minor events seemed to and some thought it was the vixen improve the chances of attracting carry weight: The dean of a Georgia to rouse the hounds. male students. women's college spoke on an EQB Printed elsewhere in this issue is a Cap and Gown editorial from 1883, providing evidence that co- education was rtot a newborn con- served as a trustee during the period 1965-70 and the cept on the Mountain in the '60s. most important decision the board was called upon to Still, if it was not an innocent makeIIduring this time was whether to admit women. Those who babe, no one seemed to pay it represented the faculty and most of the laymen were in favor much mind until 1967 when the of doing so. However, at the annual meeting of 1967, which possibility of women students was was my first experience with high ecclesiastical politics, the nudged into maturity by a few vice-chancellor and Bishop Juhan were strongly opposed to the hardy trustees who, in a manner of idea, and Bishop Juhan succeeded in defeating the motion by speaking, had their ears to the advising us that to do so would jeopardize a two million dollar ground. gift to Sewanee. Of course, this slowed all of us down consider- In those restless years, Sewa- ably but it made several trustees, including me, determined

nee 's pool of eligible college appli- to force the issue at the next annual meeting. cants had been shrinking, and the Consequently, in 1968, after we asked Bishop Juhan morale among the students (all whether the University had received the two million dollar males, of course) had become grant and a few other pertinent questions about it, we reversed increasingly gaunt. One can imagine the decision of 1967 and opened the doors to women students. that the siren voices of those other A good bit of spade work was done before the 1968 disruptive movements of the '60s meeting, and I recall working closely with Scott Bates of the were having their insidious and faculty and several others. We were elated at the outcome, seductive effects on the usually and from all I have been able to hear and read, it was the right sublimated Sewanee campus. Given decision. that, it might be assumed that this faddish chimera, the idea of women Thomas H. Pope at Sewanee, would evaporate when Newberry, South Carolina the war was over and students got panel and quieted some fears about in 1962 to increase the number of the impact coeducation would students "to 1,200 or 1,500-1,600 became a reality for me in 1969 and so did the have on traditions. including women." Yet for several Sewanee problems of a resentful male student body over the Vice-Chancellor Edward consecutive years the enrollment advent of women into University life. The demise of the all McCrady had been speaking for had not increased. male choir was heralded by many as the day of doom for some years of establishing a second Therefore, when the trustees Sewanee. Jokes and campus humor were meant for all male college at Sewanee. As 1968 ap- assembled on June 9, 1968, there ears and party weekend plans revolved around the arrival of the proached he began to see the was nothing to indicate the result bus from Sullins. second college, with a separate would be any different from what It was a time for young women to toughen up and campus, as a way of bringing it had been in 1967. Thomas H. remember Sewanee's past before becoming too critical of her women students to Sewanee while Pope, an attorney and trustee from present. On looking back, the years were great preparation for keeping the all-male tradition o'f Greenville, South Carolina, be- my future as a woman in business. It has been an easy transition the College of Arts and Sciences. came the floor leader of the pro- 1 from one male dominated environment to another! The concept, while attractive in the coeducation "faction" and girded light of European tradition and himself for a fight. But Scott Bates, Anna Durham Windrow, C'73 occasional Eastern precedents, a faculty trustee, remembers that Nashville, Tennessee never gained more than a toe-hold Pope was to be disappointed. The on the Mountain. bastions fell so quickly that most Mr. Bruton's paper recalled a everyone was taken by surprise. decision made by the University Debate was almost non-existent. The resolution was presented leveling process of American Social from committee by the Rev. James Institutions." R. (Knox) Brumby III, C'48, T'51. Ham, on the other hand, revel- After appropriate 'whereases," the ed in "Sewanee's eternal human ". final resolution stated, . .that the comedy." Lily white tablecloths, Women are no longer an afterthought at Sewanee. They Board of Trustees do empower and mopped floors, conversation, and now comprise over 40 percent of the student body. request the Board of Regents and "acceptable social usage" are still They major in almost every discipline, not just in English, the Vice-Chancellor to plan and rarities "at table," he wrote. biology, and foreign languages as one seer predicted in the fall provide for the admission of quali- "Gregarious curses shake of 1969. Their grade point average remains strong, although the fied women students in the fall of Gailor's baronial walls, and, hope- gap between the women's and men's averages has been 1969." fully, the blessed damsels are duly decreasing since the abolition in 1976 of an enforced admissions The administration had already impressed," he added. ratio. The most recent Dean's List once again includes a more cautioned that there was not The first dean of women was than proportionate percentage of women. Large numbers of enough time to prepare for women Elizabeth Morrow, a graduate of women go on to graduate and professional schools. Lawyers by 1969. The partial answer was to Queen's College and Columbia Uni- abound, with graduates from M.B.A. programs a close second. pare away at the number of women versity. Hers was a tumultuous There is less sureness about opportunities in the business world, students to be admitted the first tenure. A major conflict arose from perhaps because of the lack of an "old girl" network, arid the year, but the vice-chancellor a women's curfew, which was meant proportion of women among Sewanee's graduates entering stepped in. If Sewanee were going "to afford the girls privacy and pro- medical school remains far below the national average of 25 to accept women into the College tection." The steering committee of percent. of Arts and Sciences, it should students that resulted from the Women enthusiastically participate in every area of campus accept more than a token number- protest may have been the first evi- life. They no longer hesitate to run for top leadership positions. enough at least that the new stu- dence of women's political power The women's athletic program has expanded considerably dents would not feel totally at Sewanee. since its tentative beginning ten years ago, largely because ridiculous. Despite some problems it was a female athletes have insisted that they enjoy and are good at The number of requests for happy beginning. The Rt. Rev. sports, and that they deserve competent coaching, adequate applications doubled by the fall of Girault Jones, the former chancel- facilities, and equal support. 1968, 1,170 from men and 170 lor, recalls that the atmosphere on Sewanee's female students and graduates believe that they from women. The administration the campus changed abruptly "and can compete on an equal basis with men in the classroom. Yet became occupied with making a the feeling has been increasingly^^ the research of Elizabeth Tidball, Martina Homer, and most place for young ladies. There was positive." recently the Brown Study, indicate that women in coeducational no time, of course, to prepare "The women began to set some institutions tend to underestimate their abilities, to have lower separate campuses and dining halls. patterns we were losing in terms of aspirations than men. Unlike their counterparts at women's Benedict Hall was to be the first scholastic achievement," he said. colleges Sewanee students have relatively few female professors women's dormitory. Hoffman, Robert S. Lancaster, dean of and administrators to set an example for them. Sewanee can from necessity,, would become the the College in 1968 and himself op- guard against this tendency by making a conscious effort to first coed dorm, a bright little item posed to the admission of women provide more contact with female role models, continued not well publicized. before the trustees* decision, used opportunities for leadership, equally serious counseling about The Sewanee Purple, after an his elegance to assuage concern professional and graduate schools and prestige scholarships, initial article or two in 1968, took among traditionalists. an alumni network to find job openings, and representation on little notice of the pending invasion. Perhaps nothing would strength- the Alumni Association, Board of Trustees, and Board of The Vietnam War still had top en confidence and love for Sewanee Regents. billing and dreadful reviews. The more than the record of the stu- In their brief ten years on the Mountain, women have Purple's girl of the week photo dents, both male and female. A undeniably demonstrated that they too want and benefit from feature survived for a time but had visitor to the mountain last year the rare and precious kind of education that is only found at begun to take on an anachronistic was overheard asking a student a school like Sewanee, where classes are small, personal con- look like an Esquire centerfold. about the admission of women. tacts with professors are possible, and sound learning in the When fall 1969 arrived, 108 "I suppose all the old traditions liberal arts is valued. Let us continue to respond to the new young women were registered. are gone," the man said. trust we assumed ten years ago with care, enthusiasm, and Newspapers in Nashville and Chatta- "None that matter," the stu- concern. nooga took a quaint delight in the dent replied. event and submerged themselves Mary Susan Cushman in its meaning with about as much Dean of women, ease as a cat enters a pond. One Sewanee student was quoted that he feared Sewanee was "falling into the Some Questions Answered

A newcomer to Sewanee, especially There is great variety among the find it at Sewanee or expressed an innocent male, might not real- responses, and one cannot help but their experiences at Sewanee in ize that a revolution had recently detect subtle shifts in attitudes other terms. Many jotted down taken place or perhaps was even from earlier to later classes, indicat- criticisms that do not really pertain under way on this previously all- ing both changes in Sewanee and to the roles of women and men, male campus. relative changes in the outlooks and jabs at so called social elitism, for The proletariat in this struggle ambitions 'of the students. instance, and the seeming domina- of the genders—not the battle of "Male attitudes at that time tion of the "preppies," a collegiate t much as the emergence were widely divergent," wrote approximation of upper middle of an idea—are not the class-con- Emily Sheller Williams, C'72, about class WASPs. Even those most sciousness, bolshevik types full of those early years. "There were serious about their studies and doctrine and icy stares. those who heartily opposed our careers enjoyed writing such things One is impressed, to the con- presence and those who were posi- as, "I liked having more guys trary, with the unconsciousness, tively delighted by it." around than girls." the unassuming attitude about Molly Hull Bennett, C'72, said: Terrell James, C'77, wrote: femininity and sexual roles. If "At the beginning I think we were "I sometimes resented what seemed Sewanee's women are less confident disruptive to an extent, and a large to me the higher esteemed male or less intense than the men about amount of attention was directed camaraderie among fraternities, their studies, their careers, and toward us. But there was never any drinking clubs, ribbon societies; their futures, they do not show it. indication that the high standards between male peers, male students All this mean there does not of Sewanee were lowered on our and professors. At times I felt has not been a wringing of hands account, as I learned." excluded. Also at times I felt the and gnashing of teeth or the tears Said Christine Anne Bay, C'73: women students were not taken as that well up from coming face to "The first year or so, there was as seriously, perhaps because so many face with centuries of catabolic much pressure to be like a good were expected to marry and leave

male traditions. party weekend date as there was to their fields of study. But this is a A preliminary gearing up for excel academically. It was like criticism I have of our whole so- "Would you tell me, the Sewanee Women's Conference being in a fishbowl. Later both ciety, certainly not exclusively of this year included a mailing of classes and the social atmosphere Sewanee." please, which way I questionnaires to all alumnae. The became more comfortable." Ruth Mankin, C'78, said: "I ought to go from here?" conference planners wanted to "At first it was like being a remember one day sitting in class learn what it was like -to be a prom queen with lots of men and being addressed by the elderly though they gobbling me up (with their eyes legend him- "That depends a good woman at Sewanee, professor (a Sewanee already had suspicions. They also only)," wrote Barbara Lynn San- self) as 'gentlemen and girls'." She deal on where you want asked if the Sewanee experience ders, C'74. "Then I began to move also wrote: "I feel I was there made the alumnae more profession- toward a more comfortable place during a period of change, and I to get to, " said the Cat. ally ambitious and confident and for me once I was exposed to feel that the attitude of the women Cynthia better prepared for "life after women's liberation by changed dramatically. In 1974 ; Anita college." And they wanted to know Keyworthy, Agnes Wilcox, parties were never attended without al. being a how the alumnae would want Sewa- Goodstein, et Then a date; all the major offices were nee changed for their sisters or woman felt conflictual but power- held by males, but by my second daughters. ful." and third years, there was undoubt- If you were to expect jackdaw "We were too singled out, edly an awareness, an 'I'm mad answers a la Kate Millett, you constantly compared to the men," as hell....' approach." might be surprised. Even the most wrote Lorayne Hoover Corcoran, "I view my Sewanee experience offended alumnae reveal a sense of C'73. with ambivalence," wrote Ernie humor, and the vast majority give Mary Shelton, C75, saw events Siebold, C'79. "It was an excellent way to honest affection for Sewa- from a different angle: "I think the educational opportunity, but at the

nee, which they might as quickly women's attitude toward women same time I found that I really had accuse of too much coddling. The was more a problem than the to work hard, perhaps harder outside world may be harsher. sexism of male students and profes- than males in my classes, to be "Sewanee did not discriminate sors." taken seriously by the instructors detected against women as the business For each alumna who in the department of my major." world does," wrote Kathryn Bemal, discrimination, there were two or C'77. three who either said they did not Continued on next page 10

Susan Blackford, C'79, said: with great joy by the choir director "I often thought tnat anything for the expansion in repertoire initiated by women on campus was possible. (Some people regretted looked at condescendingly. The that our superlative male choir prevailing attitude was one of male would now have to compete in a

superiority. But as I became accus- much larger sphere.) The Order of

tomed to Sewanee, as I became Gownsmen quickly extended to more a part of the 'Sewanee exper- women students the same member- ience,* this feeling faded such that ship requirements as for men, by my senior year, I felt that although mutterings were heard in women on campus could 'nold the beginning that "gownsMEN" their own' in any area and in some was the word. What would they be ." cases could better the men called, and besides how could they A number of respondents able "uphold the traditions" of the to compare Sewanee to other place when they had not been here schools, whether women's colleges, long enough to know what the state universities, or small coed traditions were? The name was colleges, said Sewanee was their settled, both male and female mem- best experience. For many their bers are called gownsmen, and this experiences at Sewanee fortified year the Order elected a female them against the world they were president. facing. For others even the rutted Women quickly made their way Cap and Gown road through Sewanee was not into Phi Beta Kappa, which already co-editors Terri Griggs, left, and Leak Fendley, right, discuss layout with enough. had female members on a national Jim Mathes, photo editor, and Sue DeWalt, 1979 yearbook editor. "I think if graduates didn't basis. Of the other honor societies experience 'reality shock' on gradu- on campus, Omicron Delta Kappa ation, they missed the Sewanee did not take women members at experience," wrote Pan Ready first, though they do now; Blue Adams, C'73, apparently on behalf Key is still nationally all-male. The of males and females alike. University has not yet produced a There is a deeper problem ex- female Rhodes Scholar, though Perhaps the theme of this mini-essay should be "I told you pressed by Peggy Hudgins Burke, four of the six Sewanee students so!" Fortunately there are few people left to tell it to. C'73: "Women must learn they who participated in the state inter- Those students who staunchly defended Sewanee's tradition as views last must compete to succeed. Men December were women. a male enclave have long since graduated, and, I sincerely hope, seem to learn this sense of compe- Women have headed the Honor are married and blessed with daughters. The nay sayers within Council, tition from numerous sources- Discipline Committee, and the resident Sewanee community have long since been able- to sports, dating; fraternally and aca- Student Assembly, and have been forget their fears in the face of the obviously successful inte- demically. Women are too often elected twice as student trustees. gration of women into the student body. allowed to compete academically They have served as firefighters Women on campus have made a dramatic and only. varied They need sources of (passing the same strenuous tests important difference to the University. Despite declining competition. succeed To after as the men) and were crucial in enrollments in the seventies throughout the country, Sewanee college, even to survive, women getting the medical emergency tech- has not only been able to fill its dormitories, but also to fill must learn to gain this sense of nician program off the ground. them with men and women of relatively high academic poten- competition." Women were also early leaders in tial. Opening our doors to a second, equally large pool of the Ski and Outing Club, perhaps students has kept the college's reputation for excellence viable. in part because of a slow start in Occasionally, it is true, one hears a disparaging or defensive women's athletics. comment from those who ought to know better. "Girls do Chairpersons Several specifically-for-women well academically because they are brought up to be docile" groups have been organized—the or "If we put aside expenditures for football, we spend approx- Pink Ribbon Society was one of the imately the same amount on women's and men's athletics." first, and was followed by the & Gownsmen Both statements illustrate the success and the limitations White Ribbon. The Women's Inter- of coeducation at Sewanee far. "First so Women have demonstrated woman" to do this, "'first dorm Council is thriving under a their ability to meet the challenges of Sewanee as well as men woman" to do that-don't we get new constitution and structure, and do. like tired Some women, some men, are excellent scholars, of it! "I think we're past that is serving a vital function as a social athletes, activists in student organizations. But while we pride now," says Mary Susan Cushman, center. The four sororities that ourselves on the success with which women have competed dean of women. "Now we're just have come into existence on cam- and have been "integrated," we often ignore the extent to electing students." pus are without permanent quarters which the Sewanee world into which they have been "inte- Since the day in 1969 when or national affiliation at this time. grated" remains not so much a male world as an old-fashioned Judith Ward became the first coed In the days when Sewanee had world, a world in which to sign the tradition -en male and female achievements are crusted Air Force ROTC, the girl friends of matriculation measured one against the other, in which football is sacrosanct, book, women have cadets formed the Angel Flight, an in been infiltrating which the development of literary and scientific skills, social century-old male auxiliary to the ROTC; then girls bastions awareness, and professional ambition is viewed as more valid in the College. The Acad- signed up for ROTC themselves, emy had had for men than for women. These are attitudes that need to be coeds for a year by and now with the demise of ROTC then—they challenged so that we can serve women and men more effectively were here even before the Angel Flight has become the the in the eighties. uniforms vanished—and St. Women's Service League, sponsor- Luke's had women students in the ing various service projects like summer program for years before Anita S. Goodstein Women's Service League, sponsor- Professor of history, Sewanee enrolling their first full-time woman ing various service projects like student in 1971. But women were the annual used textbook sale. still a small minority. The current numbers—422 women to 567 men in the College—were still to come. At first the women were hesi- tant about getting into campus organizations. They were welcomed .

have gone down in popularity, Tallying while others have shot up, affected What were the real reasons for the admission of women? As possibly by both the enrollment is inevitable when a large number of people are involved, of women and the times. Fine arts motives varied from person to person. Some were principally the has had a disproportionate increase concerned with the academic quality of the student body. Changes in number of , as expected Others felt that a college owned by the Episcopal Church with the enrollment of women. should The admission of women in 1969 Perhaps not discriminate against the sex which represents a not so expected, math aroused some back-porch specula- majority of the Church's members. Still others thought the majors are over twice as numerous tion about how this would affect time would eventually come when our enrollment would as in 1968, and natural resources such things as enrollment, distribu- (formerly decline and were persuaded by the financial argument. Finally, forestry) has almost tion of majors, SAT scores, and five times many had become appalled at the mindless orgies our party as many majors. Psychol- weekends grade averages. ogy is down, as had become in the sixties and felt the quality and are history, po- tone Comparing figures is sometimes litical science, of social life would be improved by having women in the philosophy and too simplistic to prove very student body. much, physics. Latin is down but German but it can be interesting. Therefore All of these arguments were not only persuasive, they is up. Most other departments are we have made some comparisons were correct. While party weekends are currently by no means holding their own using figures from 1968 and tame, social life is far healthier and happier now. In academic There has been concern across 1978-79. affairs, women have certainly proved themselves in this tenth the country about the decrease in "Legacy" students (relatives of anniversary year by holding ten of the top twelve positions SAT scores over the past ten years. alumni) comprised during the past in academic standing in the graduating class. In actual scores, Sewanee's 551 year about the same percentage of verbal The Board of Trustees is sometimes criticized for being of 1978 was higher than freshmen, 72 out of 299 as opposed unresponsive. They themselves often feel they lack power and 1968's 547, while the math score to 48 of 209 in 1968. Though a consequence in University affairs. In the handling of the of 570 was lower than 1968's smaller percentage of these "leg- 593. However, relative admission of women, as in many other major cases such as to the acies" is being accepted (72.5 compulsory chapel and the military at the Academy, the Board national averages (the 1968 verbal clearly percent in 1978 versus 92.6 percent average of 463 fell to 429 in demonstrated both its significance and its wisdom as 1978; in note the difference in the ultimate authority in University decisions. 1968), the 1968 math average of 493 the acceptance rate for non-legacies fell to 467 in 1978), both scores -60.3 percent in 1978 and 82.0 showed substantial gains. Gilbert F. Gilchrist percent in 1968. Grade-point averages in the" Professor of political science, Sewanee Public and private schools College are up. It was 2.489 in furnished approximately the same 1968. Currently the average is number of freshmen in 1978 (154 2.756-2.691 for men and 2.847 from public, 145 from private). for women.

library and two small study rooms, In 1968 public school graduates Total enrollment this year is Council Is as well as three upstairs bedrooms were almost twice as numerous 989, including 421 women. The where students, including the as private school graduates. enrollment was 802 in 1968. house chairman, live. The WIDC Several new majors have been instituted since Some fields Social Hub gives parties at the Women's House, 1968. and individual students can also sign up use the house have When women students get together to to dinner with friends or faculty, give in Sewanee, chances are it is at a birthday parties, etc. There are function planned by the Women's usually four or five of these events MAJORS IN EACH FIELD Interdorm Council. There" are a week. intramural athletics, parties, lunches The social and program chair- 1979 1968 with educational and entertaining men have planned a variety of Men Women Total speakers, seminars, and the Women's activities. There are luncheons House where they can study or - every two weeks with speakers on American Studies 2 2 have dinner with friends. a variety of topics. There was a Asian Studies — 1 1 The Council is representative, money-raising spaghetti supper. with members elected by the stu- Biology / 20 15 35 33 One party attracted 400 people dents in a ratio of 1 to 25. There Chemistry 11 2 13 8 who overflowed the house into the are also representatives of the Comparative Literature - 2 2 yard. A rape seminar during second four sororities who come to meet- Economics 32 12 44 40 semester will include films and ings but do not vote. The president self-defense demonstrations. English 40 42 82 83 is elected in a campus-wide election. An effort to improve the Fine Arts 7 10 17 4 This semester she is Jennie Baker, furnishings at the house is still : 2 4 4 a junior history major from Ash- French 2 incomplete, and donations of I. land City, Tennessee. The main German 3 3 6 2 books, plants, and furniture would responsibility for activities falls on History 26 11 37 52 be appreciated. the chairmen for athletics, pro- Latin 1 — 1 2 grams, social events, and Women's Mathematics 17 8 25 11 House. Mediaeval Studies 1 - 1 Intramurals for women have in- 4 4 8 creased in the last four years from Music three (football, softball, volleyball) Natural Resources 13 11 24 5 (forestry) to include swimming, basketball, Philosophy 3 2 5 13 track and field, tennis, and racquet- Physics 6 1 7 13 ball. Probably two-thirds of the Political Science 33 16 49 75 women students participate in some Psychology 15 7 22 41 form of intramural athletics at Religion 4 11 15 1 some time during the year. - -The Women's House moved to Russian/Soviet Studies 1 1 larger quarters last year, and now Spanish 4 2 6 3 has living and dining rooms, kitchen, 12

believe that women at Sewanee are, to paraphrase of I Virginia Woolf, still working on finding "a room their own," and in some aspects it has been a more successful venture than in others. The first group of women admitted to Sewanee were aware of the problems that awaited them, and

I think that awareness helped them gain acceptance. The toughest challenge women faced then and which I believe we face now is attitudinal, though now our attitudes towards ourselves as well as the attitudes of others are what we must consider. One of my main concerns is the lack of role models for women students. Though I feel no prejudice against male professors or administrators, I believe many women would agree that more women professors, 'trustees, and regents are necessary if Sewanee can continue to claim to offer the full benefits of a liberal education to its women students. More support for women's activities, women's sports for example, would be helpful in contributing to the overall morale and self esteem of women students. Sewanee still has a tremendous amount to offer its women students, but I have come to realize that part of that offer is a challenge which involves hard work and commitment. I see a lot of growth and achievement among my fellow students, but I guess a healthy sense of restlessness keeps us aware of the challenges we still face.

Ramona L. Doyle, C'81 Mobile, Alabama Suzanne Drawner, a varsity freshman forward from Chevy Chase, , battles for a score in cage action this winter.

Women's Athletics: Gradual Changes

By Marian Taylor England. C*74 an interest in basketball intramurals The fall of 1973 witnessed the letic program has reflected the and in a tennis team. advent of field hockey and gym- varsity preferences of Sewanee stu- The first women students who The intramurals were composed nastics to the roster of varsity pro- women. Teams originated by arrived on campus in the fall of of dormitory teams and were grams. Shortly after, synchronized dent request rather than by admin- 1969 made their assault on the certainly not over-burdened with swimming, basketball and volleyball istrative decree. all male social and academic tra- organization. The tennis team had joined the list. In 1976, Mrs. Swasey hired Pam assistant. Mrs. ditions of a century . The academic an unenviable record and was taken The early women's teams were Lampley as her curriculum absorbed 108 women, to matches by the soccer coach's nurtured by helpful, volunteer Lampley took responsibility for the dress code added a clause for wife. However, the excellent indoor faculty coaches like Laurence women's basketball and tennis. This the Sewanee woman, and the men tennis courts were a natural lure Alvarez for volleyball and Kevin addition culminated a six year goal had dates other than on party to scholarly inclined women stu- Green for field hockey. Coach of having a coach, practice hours, weekend. dents who were also tennis players. Bryant believes the women's ath- and budget for each of the varsity Inevitably, the women students In 1971, Sewanee hired Mary had to confront the math and Jane Donnally to do a job of language requirements as well as the formidable proportions. The requirement for two hours credit Wimbledon veteran became dean in physical education. The first of women, assistant professor of women enrolled in bowling, swim- psychology and education, and ming, ballet, tennis, and horseback varsity tennis coach. The Chatta- riding. Women were added to the nooga Times described this as cheerleading squad for football and "a combination that would stump basketball seasons. most panels on 'What's My Line'." There was no provision for Sewanee women played four women's varsity sports, and the official varsity matches in the issue was not explored by women spring of 1972. students. Walter Bryant, director As more women were accepted of athletics, explained, "We didn't to Sewanee, there was more say 'Here are the varsity sports diversity of the women's interests. we've selected for women'; the idea The athletic department could not was to wait and see what programs remain an ivory tower as the stu- the women students wanted to dent ratio crept toward median develop." percentages. Women in general In 1970-71, the female enroll- began to value team sports, and ment increased to 169. The social the women who came to Sewanee barriers were not as traumatic. All wanted them. the women could consider alterna- Martha Swasey was hired in tives to afternoons spent in the 1972 as the first woman to have Cross country competition seems to create serious conversation dorm or library. They expressed full responsibility for the 291 coeds' among Mary Susan Cushman, left, dean o'f women; Pam Lampley, physical training, intramurals, and center, director of women's athletics, and Marian England, C'73, varsity athletics. women 's gymnastics coach. sports in the women's program. Sewanee had the foundation for a department of women's athletics for the .ieeds of its 400 coeds. The enrollment has stabilized at around"400 women, as a ratio of 40 percent women to 60 percent men. The number of varsity sports for women has stabilized at seven: volleyball, basketball, field hockey, cross country, gymnastics, syn- chronized swimming, and tennis. Currently, 70 women, as 18 percent of the women, are involved in the varsity program. Women's athletic director Pam Lampley would like to see a 2 percent gradual increase in this figure to a possible 25 percent participation

goal. Her view to the future is not a primary concern for the immedi- ate addition of more varsity sports, but rather a strengthening of the women's recruiting system. This would lend more depth to the team structures we currently field. Sewanee does not recruit women with an offer of scholarship aid on the basis of athletic ability. This Opinion Is Rapidly Changing distinction is one of the factors that classifies our level of The competition in our membership in following editorial appeared in the 1883 Cap and Gown. It was rediscovered by an the Association of Intercollegiate industrious coed, who also happens to be a Yankee. —Ed. Athletics for Women. The AIAW The North has provides a national and regional taught us many be content with a common els by lady writers that fill network for competition in things. William Lloyd Garrison school education. our bookshelves give evidence women's sports. The Tennessee and Mrs. Stowe once lectured And these are the mothers of an increasing activity of College Women's Sports Federation us on humanity. The lesson of our country upon whose thought which can have but provides the state level of com- was received with anger: we instruction depends the early one end. petition. repeat it now with gratitude. education of the rising genera- But a few years since a Sewanee is an active member of The great, busy, stirring North tion! Truth can never come young lady received the high- the Division III level of competition. possesses the most perfect from ignorance, and the bless- est honors in biology which a This year, the cross country team school systems in the world. ed days of childhood, when Huxley could bestow, and al- placed fourteenth in the nation, On educational systems she the eager mind is alive to every ready the feminine mind has speaks with authority. and the basketball team will host Let us impression, leave the child a begun to explore the depths of

listen and learn . There the mental blank. the TCWSF Division III tourna- But we carry metaphysics and poetical criti- question of coeducation is fast our advocacy ment. The volleyball and field of the principle cism. With these capacities deciding itself. The State can to its fullest limits. hockey teams host annual invita- Nature why shut them off, buried in not afford to support two intended tional tournaments, and Sewanee woman for man's seminaries, to send them out great institutions one for each intellectual equal. She should into a will be the site of the 1980 South- world of whose mind sex. Even a Michigan, wealthy sympathize em Aquatic Art Symposium. with his highest and life they are in utter igno- and well governed, can not thoughts. The dormitory intramural Yet the long centu- rance! In these same seminaries have two Ann Arbors. Both ries of false education have they program provides an alternative cannot receive the impe- sexes have the same mental made her his mental inferior. tus means of athletic competition. of mind or instructions aspirations, the ignorance of Painting, embroidery, music, which great colleges The women are rewarded by the will give. either is equally dangerous to are the limits of her fun of being on a team, but with a accom- A Gildersleeve or a Whitney the state, both have the same plishments; poetry and novel will not be buried within the less intense level of competition. inalienable rights, and both reading constitute her literary walls of a Vassar The dormitory teams have repre- College. equally maintain the state. attainments. Nothing but a false sentatives who help coordinate and Why then shall one be exclud- By nature eminently en- vicious public opinion restrains the competition in basketball, ed from the privileges of a dowed with that exquisite ap- fair votaries from the founts football, softball, volleyball, tennis, higher education? There is but preciation of the beautiful of learning. But with gladness swimming, and track. one conclusion; and recogniz- which makes the artist, the we see that this opinion is The women at Sewanee have ing it, college after college in poet, the musician—can she rapidly changing, and ere the had a unique opportunity to shape the North is throwing open its point to a proud name in this CAP AND has been an athletic program that expresses GOWN gates to the other sex. Even world of the beautiful? for numbered among the things their interests and talents. The here in the south, many state painting, poetry, and music that were but are not, hope success of the past decade indicates we institutions, recognizing the are one. Has she a Shelley, to announce that hundreds of an exciting future for women's a soundness of the position, Schubert, a Raphael? The fair enthusiasts throng the class athletics on the Mountain. have followed the same course. reason is plain. They have not rooms of Harvard, Yale, Co- But a sickly, misguided public had that severe intellectual lumbia, yea, even here at prim Mrs. England is a teacher and opinion, the result of romance training which alone makes Sewanee are gathering fossils coach in the department of and ignorance, deprives these high and exhaustive effort down the mountain steeps or athletics. wise regulations of all value. possible. But a new era is following Professor Nelson And those unable to bear the dawning. The numberless nov- through the stars. expenses of a seminary must FIRST FOR WOMEN

Following are a few firsts for women in the College of Arts and Sciences:

First speaker of the Delegate Assembly (Student Assembly) Nancy Bell, C'78

President of the Order of Gownsmen Sylvia Robertshaw, C'80

Student trustee Catherine Potts, C'79

President of the 'Honor Council Nancy Guerard Grimes, C'75

Chairman of the Discipline Committee Betsy Cox, C'77

Editor of the Sewanee Purple Virginia Ennett Graybiel, C'74

Judy Ward, C'73, signs the matriculation book, becoming the first College Editor of the Cap and Gown woman to be enrolled as a degree-seeking student in the Marcia McFadden, C'77 is the of Arts and Sciences. Porter Ware, the registrar at the time, in foreground. Valedictorian Linda Carol Mayes, C'73

First and Climbing Salutatorian Cornelia Hood, C'75

by Judith Ward, C'73 criticize effectively, that control Phi Beta Kappa and its exercise. Sara Lynne Stokes, C'72 In the fall of 1969, Judith Ward I attended the University of was spotlighted as the first woman Virginia School of Law and gradu- Ph.D. recipient to be admitted as a regular student ated in 1979. Readjustment to Sara Lynne Stokes, C'72 in the College. Judy went on to the academic life was difficult; receive her degree at Sewanee and the most difficult aspect was the writes here about the years since difference between the academic M.D. recipient graduation. community at the law school and Linda Carol Mayes, C'73 that at Sewanee. Virginia is a large Having considered law school but state university, the obvious dif- Law degree recipient not wanting to pursue any graduate ference. The enrollment at the law Deborah Selph, C'73 work immediately after graduation school was about the same as that

from Sewanee I became legislative of the entire College at Sewanee. I moved to Memphis upon As of October 1980, I will be assistant to the Honorable G. V. I had envisioned being on the graduation and am now in the practicing law with a 12-man (Sonny) Montgomery (D.-Miss.), beautiful and historic grounds de- middle of a one-year clerkship with (literally, man; again I will be U. S. Congressman from my home signed by Jefferson, but found a federal district judge here. The integrating!) firm in Memphis. town of Meridian. The job gave me that the law school had moved clerkship is a tremendous chance to I presently have a primary interest a wonderful opportunity to observe. to a new building over a mile away be exposed to many different areas in the field of wills, trusts, and After a year and a half in that had no charm or feeling of of substantive law, to observe trial estates, and will be practicing Congress, I wanted to pursue my history or tradition. practice, "and to get a feel for how business-oriented types of law. interest in law and found a job as a Although the quality of a judge goes about making decisions. legal assistant with a relatively teaching there was generally ex- small D. C. firm, Lane and Edson, cellent, the faculty members spent

P.C. I did legislative work at the very little time with students and

firm. As is typical of Washington seemed uninterested in knowing

law firms, it represented many them as people." Competition was clients in a lobbying capacity. This fierce; all the students had been showed me yet another side of the at the top of their undergraduate legislative process for another year classes, many of them in the Ivy and a half. League. The students were a great

During that time, I decided to group of people, but the placement take the plunge into law school. My system caused us all to be unduly

father is a lawyer, which I am sure preoccupied with job interviews the influenced my decision somewhat. last two years.

Another primary factor was the I can't say that law school was

desire to know more about the a pleasant experience, but I certain- myriad of laws that control all our ly learned a great deal about the

lives, like it or not, which I had value of my Sewanee education. ample opportunity to see in opera- The school's size and its concern tion in Washington. for its students as individuals pro-

I remembered that knowledge vided me with far greater incentive

is power, and I wanted at least to work and sheer desire to learn, Jane M. Piggott, C'73, became the first woman student elected some power to change, or at least which is what formal education is homecoming queen at Sewanee. The year was 1 969. Her escort was all about. Logan Jackson, C'71. 15 College Sports

punted for a 37.4-yard average. Some key victories: 49-43 over The Tigers led all other confer- Southwestern, avenging an earlier ence teams by placing eight players loss; 80-79 over Millsaps; 62-50 on the All-CAC football squad. over Bryan, and 79-63 and 59-39 All-Conference defensive play- over Milligan. ers include John Hill; Paul Minor, junior linebacker, and Gary Roth- Wrestling well, junior lineman. On offense Despite lack of depth and matches are Mike Marchetti and John against large universities, the Saclarides, both senior linemen; wrestling team finished with a 4-4 Mallory Nimocks, junior tight end; record in dual-meet competition. Ricky Dale Harper, senior back, Tim Garrett, a freshman from and D. J. Reina, sophomore back. Nashville, placed second in the Southeastern Intercollegiate Wrest- ling Tournament, after defeating wrestlers from Auburn and Tennes- CAC Accepts see Tech. Chris Wilson, a Nashville sophomore, finished the season with a 7-1 dual-meet record. New Member Other team leaders included Lawson Glenn, Steve Blount, Tom Illinois College, a liberal arts college Jenkins, and Doug Williams. located in Jacksonville, Illinois, has joined the College Athletic Con- Swimming ference, increasing the number of The swimming team finished its members to six. season with a 5-5 record before Illinois College, founded in heading for the conference show- 1829, is a private four-year insti- down and qualifications for the tution with seven men's and six NCAA nationals. women's varsity athletic teams. It Co-captains Phil Hejl, a senior Les Peters makes a shot over a Millsaps is affiliated with the Presbyterian from Charlotte, North Carolina, opponent during varsity cage action. Church and the United Church of and Steve Raulston, a junior from Cnrist. Sewanee, provided much leader- Other conference members are squad has repeatedly defeated teams ship, Tim Walsh, a sophomore from Centre College of Kentucky, Prin- with more height and reserves. Oak Ridge, was a top swimmer in cipia College of Illinois, South- Cage Team The Tigers have also been aided the freestyle events. western at Memphis, Rpse-Hulman by the increased number of fans The team was exceptionally Institute of Indiana, and Sewanee. at home games. The recent contest strong in diving. The, leaders were Moving Up between Sewanee and Southwestern Illinois College will begin full Fred McLaughlin, a Nashville senior, competition in the conference saw the largest crowd in ten years and Leland Gentry, a junior from next fall. The men's basketball team, under at a Juhan Gymnasium basketball Chattanooga. second-year coach Jerry Waters and game. The invitation to join the con- ference was extended in a recent first-year assistant coach Rick Jones, Two seniors, Steve Mallonee Gymnastics meeting of the CAC directors. finished its season with a 14-10 and Philip Bums, lead the Tigers. The women's gymnastics team has During that meeting, Walter Bryant, record and a second place in the Mallonee, a senior from Chatta- shown marked improvement over Sewanee athletic director, was re- last despite having only five conference. nooga, is the team's leading scorer year elected chairman of the conference's members. The Tigers began their schedule with a 19.5 average, while he is administrative council. defeating six of their first nine also ranked in the top ten of This is the first season in which to opponents to equal their total num- Division III in free-throw percent- the squad has been able place four in each gymnastics ber of victories for the entire 1978- age. A junior guard, Bums is the women team has scored an 79 Tigers' inspiring floor leader and Winter Sports event. The average of 15 points a meet higher Waters gives credit for the tops the College Athletic Confer- than in 1979, with marked improve- improvement to a higher scoring ence in assists. ment in vaulting and the balance offense. The team has averaged Roundup beam. about 72 points a game, and with Still, victories are tough to get this new offensive punch, Waters Women's Basketball Hill Named because Sewanee has the only has not had to rely on the delaying The women's basketball squad has Division III gymnastics team in its tactics that aided last year's squad. done an astounding turn-around region of the Association for Inter- The Tigers face respected op- from a year ago when Sewanee had Ail-American collegiate Athletics for Women. ponents this season. Conference only three victories. Sewanee must either compete with rival Southwestern at Memphis is John Hill, a College senior from With a final game and the Division II colleges, which offer ranked number five in the nation Nashville, was named in December Division III State Tournament re- athletic scholarships, or travel to in Division III. Trevecca College, to the American Coaches Associa- maining, this season's record was schools outside the region. which fell to Sewanee 69-62, is tion Kodak All American team in 14-6. Coach Marian England attributes still rated the number two school Division III. Some extensive recruiting by the improvement of the team to the in their division of the NAIA, Hill was a punter and defensive head Coach Jim Lampley and greater experience of her gymnasts. Waters "always tries to instill back on Sewanee's squad that assistant Nancy Bowman has Because the peak development hard-nosed toughness into his finished with a 7-2 record and a brought in several new players. years are in the early teens or teams," and the scrappy, enthusi- three-way tie for the conference Four freshmen are starting and younger, some competitive experi- astic Tigers reflect his philosophy championship. join Stacey McKenzie, a Kingsport, ence before the age of 18 is almost in their play. Through sheer deter- During the season, Hill had Tennessee junior, who returns from essential. mination and a quick offense, the three interceptions, 49 tackles, and the 1978-79 squad. 16 Theology

within their community and in relationship to their people and Student Given their land." The Very Rev. Urban T. Holmes III, dean of the School Fellowship of Theology, concluded the lec- tures with his ideas on mission as The Fund for Theological Educa- .dreaming. According to Dean tion, which administers a variety Holmes, "There are in the human of scholarship programs regarded consciousness certain basic meta- as the most prestigious awards in phors which include a longing for the nation for seminary study, union with God. One approach to has awarded one of 36 North Amer- mission would be to equip the ican Ministerial Fellowships for people of God to engage the world 1979-80 to Ellen Thompson, a at the level of such meaning." junior in the School of Theology. The lecturers then participated The North American Ministerial in a panel discussion reflecting on Fellowships are open to men and the many aspects of mission in women under the age of 30 who today's church. The Rev. John M. are preparing to enter any seminary Gessell, professor of Christian accredited by the Association of ethics, served as moderator. Theological Schools. The intent of the program is to attract to the ordained ministry "intelligent, imaginative and thoughtful persons New Spring who are serious about the Church, its mission, and concerned for intellectual and spiritual vitality." Seminars its Ellen's interest in mission is what brought her to Sewanee. For Two clergy seminars are being the past few years she has been offered this spring under the joint actively engaged in outreach min- sponsorship of the seminary's Con- istries, serving as a lay assistant on tinuing Education Office and the the chaplain's staff at the federal Alumni Council. prison in Butner, North Carolina The first seminar, April 28 to and as a crisis counselor for the May 2, will be concerned with the women's service center in Chapel first volume of the new Church's Hill, North Carolina. A member of Teaching Series, Christian Believing. Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, The leaders will be the Very Rev. Ellen also took an active role in Urban T. Holmes, dean of the music, layreading, and singles School of Theology; Robert Hughes, Edna Evans, first woman faculty member in the School of Theology ministry programs in the parish. who teaches systematic theology She is an associate with the Com- in the seminary, and Frank Hart, munity of the Transfiguration and associate professor of physics in current concern in the life of the serves as Southeastern coordinator the College. Trip church. for the Episcopal Peace Fellowship. Kenya The central question of the This year the lectures provided Since coming to Sewanee, Ellen seminar will be: "How does the Edna Evans, assistant professor of a venture into the meaning of has been instrumental in organ- Church evangelize a world con- Christian education, homiletics and mission: what it is and how it is izing a supplementary New Testa- ditioned by technology and scien- evangelism in the School of The- accomplished. ment study program for the junior tific thought?" ology, is spending her sabbatical The Rev. Arnold Bush, T'62, class of the seminary. She works The following week, May 5-9, leave at St. Paul's Anglican Semi- rector of St. Anne's Episcopal with the Christian Social Relations the Rev. Sister Rachel Hosmer, nary in Kapsabet, Kenya. She is Church in Tifton, Georgia and program of All Saints' Chapel, a member of the Order of St. He- serving as visiting professor of associate in evangelism and renewal carries on a limited ministry of lena, and Patricia Killen, seminary Christian education and in an ad- for Province IV, described mission visitation at the Franklin County instructor in history of religions, visory capacity with curriculum as "growth in discipling." The Jail , and pursues her musical will lead a seminar on "Women in planning and development. Rev. Mr. Bush compared the local interest by playing the piano for the Church." The seminar will parish's implicit and functional St. Andrew's Chapel and substi- not be an examination of the theology of evangelism with recent tuting as organist at St. Luke's. ordination issue but a study of the learnings and theological presuppo- Ellen is not a postulant for Mission Topic effect that the participation of sitions that tend to produce growth , but hopes eventually women in the life of the Church at in discipleship. to be ordained to the diaconate. all levels has upon the thought and Marie Cirillo, rural developer, "We have not yet ordained women action of the Church. of Lectures Campbell-Claiborne coal fields in my diocese," she says, "but I (sponsored by the Roman Catholic am hopeful that the barriers will The annual Samuel Marshall Beattie Diocese of Nashville) explored the come down within the next few Lectures were held at the School meaning of mission as liberation. years. The support of the North of Theology on Tuesday andWed- For her, liberation in rural develop- American Fellowship program has nesday, February 12-13. These ment is "empowerment of people been a key factor in encouraging lectures were established as a gift me to go ahead and prepare for of Mrs. Beattie in memory of her the ministry." husband and with their purpose being the exploration of issues of versial issues of the century in the A 1974 report of the American If that were true, the attitude Doors Open Episcopal Church. Association of Theological Schools has apparently been shifting. Pro- Nothing in the constitution of said in part: "There was some evi- fessor Armentrout noted further: the University of the South pre- dence of lack of sensitivity on the "A majority of the faculty . , . sup- Gradually vented the admission of women as part of both students and faculty port the ordination of women to degree-seeking seminarians. There in comments made to and about the priesthood and are dedicated Women were taking courses for were a variety of obstacles to be women, and their whole position to improving their situation at St. in the School cleared, credit of Theology but nothing seemed to seemed to be decidedly peripheral." Luke's." for many years before they began interfere overtly.

to seek Master of Divinity and Dean George fvi. Alexander Licentiate in Theology degrees at expressed doubts that scholarship Sewanee. funds could be used because the The change began to rules specified that the recipients occur advent to Sewanee as a faculty member—part time at apparently as women decided they were to be men. The federal govern- the School My of Theology—coincides with the coming of would not be satisfied with pursu- ment took care of that problem, women to the College campus. Being a pioneer in any situation ing degrees in Christian education. however, with its own rulings on requires special skills and adjustments and this was no exception. Since Sewanee offers no such de- sex discrimination. Not everyone welcomed women to an exclusively male campus. gree and specializes particularly in The young women to follow Women had to believe in themselves and know for certain they had preparing candidates for the parish Julia May were not admitted for special gifts to bring. Time has proven this to be true, as ministry, there was almost no break another two years after she had much was learned by trial and error.

in the all-male tradition until the begun classes. Our first woman student at St. Luke's was certainly no Episcopal Church voted to alter To date ten women have re- "community of women," for she and I, now a full time profes- its own canons. ceived degrees from the seminary. sor, comprised the woman population. The struggle was to be Some have turned away from their competitive The first degree recipient at as a woman and not try to become another male Sewanee was Julia pursuit of ordination because of This is especially May, who ma- true in the ordained ministry. The women of triculated in 1971. Because other the pressures they have experienced. St. Luke's added to their ranks by twos and threes until, as a been attending Thirteen women are currently group, they petitioned women had classes, the dean to make as policy that 20 presence seeking degrees in the School of percent of the her was not particularly annual admissions be women. This was granted conspicuous. Her situation was Theology. and we were in. different and difficult because by The Rev. Donald Armentrout, Much harder to accomplish was a second women's room, entering the field of church minis- author of the recently published the use of "she" in lectures and notices, and acceptance by try she was not simply breaking history of the School of Theology, most of the male student body. Most of these struggles are now Sewanee traditions, she was becom- The litest for the Informed Priest, faits accomplis. Women have made for themselves a place in part of one of the most contro- traces in some detail in his book Sewanee, and will continue to add to the health and welfare of events surrounding the admission of this community. women. Edna Evans Assistant professor of Christian education, Sewanee

When my husband and 1 came to be interviewed when I applied to the School of Theology, the very kind seminary wife who picked us up after we were screened by the psychiatrist in Murfreesboro made a hasty tell-tale gesture as she showed us to the seminary's "Gospel Wagon." She was fast,

but I was faster, and I saw the warning message she tried to hide. Taped to the driver's visor was written in large block

letters: "SHE is the candidate!"

So I knew from the beginning that I would be odd. And

I am. But once we moved here with our four children we found

out that in some ways my husband is still more odd. Women in seminary were few but no longer new, but what sort of fish is it who leaves his career for the sake of a wife's call? People had to try to remember to say "spouses" instead of "wives," and some folks seemed to shrink and look the other way when we showed up at suppers with something HE had made.

It is still very hard to be a woman called to the priest- hood. My husband, thank God, is not only loving, strong, and supportive but blessed with an endless sense of humor, deep faith, and an ego of tempered steel. We have relied on all of these attributes as well as on my determination to fulfill what

I feel God requires of me. Our children have been very blithe about our oddity, and their support and laughter have some-

times been crucial. Because it is hurtful at times to be viewed

with suspicion and it is always draining to deal with stock

assumptions, it has been a wonderful surprise to find that we have functioned as a testimony to many of a happy and intimate family life lived in joyful response to the call of Christ.

Ramona Rose-Crossley, T'81 Putney, Vermont Catherine Barns, T81, of Durham, North Carolina studies in her apartment in St. Luke's Hall. Academy

two or three times a year. Drama productions benefit when male and female roles can be cast from the student body. Cheerleaders have en- livened athletic events, increasing enthusiasm for both boys' and girls' athletic competition. Girls have moved into leadership roles on equal terms with the boys. In both the academic years 1978-79 and 1979-80 the senior proctor, chosen by vote of all the proctors, has been female. The N. Hobson Wheless Award, the school's highest award for character, was presented to girls in 1975, 1976, and 1979. The spring of 1980 sees the Academy with 210 students, 114 boys

and 96 girls. Every available room in Gorgas Hall is occupied to accom- modate the 74 boarding girls enrolled. The transition from male-military to co-educational boarding school has been completed.

Eileen Degen has been a math instructor at the Sewanee Academy since September, 1968 and is the wife of Robert A. Degen, professor of economics at the College. Their daughters, Cathy, A'70, and Barbara, A'72, entered the Academy in 1968 with the first contingent of girls. They were both valedictorians of their respective classes.

One time I blessed out the Able to Excel student body for their immature behavior in stealing from their own

Frances Ashcraft Bridges, A'75, store. Itdidn'tmake sense to me for was the first female recipient of us to take away from our privileges. Honor students at Sewanee Academy in 1970 are congratulated by the N. Hobson Wheless Award, the I have some bad memories and Edward McCrady, then vice-chancellor. From left are Valerie Igarashi, highest honor that can be bestowed extremely good ones. But the A'72; Stephen Ikard, A'71;Em Chitty, A 1 73; Edward Thistlethwaite, on an Academy senior. The re- memories of Sewanee are so domi- A 72, and Catherine Degen, A '70. cipient is selected each spring by nant in my life, I know it was my the faculty, acting upon the recom- re-birth. First They Came Marching mendations of the student body. For some reason Nancy (Thoe) Frances writes here about her Russell called me "weirdo" and by Eileen Degen memories of Sewanee and her life "hey you" when I arrived. She since graduation. —Ed. didn't like me much at first because

In September, 1968, 35 girls attired in new uniforms of plaid skirts, I would not wear my hair out of white blouses and navy blazers with the SMA crest, entered the Sewanee by Frances Ashcraft Bridges, A'75 braids. I tell you, though, I would Military Academy as day students. The length of these skirts soon became not give up that friend for anything. I to Sewanee in part because a source of disagreement with the newly appointed dean of women. The came We still keep in touch. She called sight of the dean, armed with a yardstick, walking along a row of kneeling of the generations of my family me the day of my wedding, and we girls to measure skirt lengths was a novel one at the previously all-male that had attended, though none talked the phone off the wall. Tom school. were women. There was also my Fraser, another dear memory, intensive The Academy had opened its doors to female day students to fill a need of educational and called the night before my wedding, need created when St. Mary's School for Girls closed in June, 1968. The social development. Our schools in and we spoke of Sewanee. He a girls who attended the Military Academy were excluded from, or on the had gone through called from Alaska. Don't tell me periphery of, many aspects of school life. They were a small minority in a major change, and the unrest Sewanee friends aren't forever. male-oriented tradition. caused a void in educational oppor- school with a strong military, boarding and I don't know why I was "most part tunities. School government and student leadership operated as of the likely to go insane." Who is sane? group was not helped school began that first military structure. The pressure of being a minority When Any quality I have today that by hearing the Academy prayer for "manly virtues"! year there were, I believe, 32 of makes me successful in my jobs girls they could hold their own, us floor. I In the classroom the found that on one dormitory When is a quality Sewanee helped me de- could and the boys soon accepted the fact that the girls compete on graduated, there were 27. The velop. When I left Sewanee to go effect "girls equal terms in academics. Comments to the that cannot do turnover was great. on to college, I thought that college math" became less and less frequent. In 1970 the first (and it turned out I remember having to stay up would mean much more to me the last) female valedictorian of the Sewanee Military Academy was late to study just to keep up. and my development. Wrong! Col- honored at Commencement. She was followed at Sewanee Academy Since we had to turn out the lege smoothed some rough edges, graduations by female valedictorians in 1972, 1977, and 1979, and slights, I sometimes studied in the but Sewanee formed the base. salutatorians in 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979. The Cum Laude bathroom where the light was Funny memories: Our 32-woman Society, which honors academic achievement, has consistently elected a always on at night. corps attacked the boys' floor in disproportionate number of girls. I remember being able to go Gorgas one night. Got them with The military program was dropped in 1971 and the first eighteen out in the wilderness alone and water pistols. boarding girls arrived in the fall of 1972, being housed in the newly hike till I died. It was nice being I am the guilty one, along with renovated first floor of Gorgas Hall. The reception lounge in Gorgas soon able to hike without a trail. other members of TWAD, for the became a popular place for the girls and their guests from neighboring There were Cornelius, Wood bra raid. It was funny.

Quintard Hall to relax. The change from a male dominated military Duck, Tom Terry, Frank Thomas, Harmful at the time, I am sure, structure and tradition to a fully co -educational boarding school had Good Ole Judy Boatwright, Dragon but it was a victory for Sewanee begun. In the development of a new framework of government, objectives Lady, Mrs. Cook, and what seemed when the St. Andrew's entrance and activities, the girls have taken full part. to be another thousand top staff became purple. Who did it? The The life of the school has been enriched in many ways by the presence members. students know. of girls. Social affairs are more relaxed and easier to plan than in the days I remember being able to excel How about the time the deer when busloads of girls were "imported" for dances and special weekends because Sewanee would let me. came to play in the snow with us?

> 19

I have two jobs at present. and needlecraft by Dana Shepherd; Both I love. I am a speech, language, and home repairs and bridge by and hearing therapist for the South Phil White, to name but a few;

Panola Consolidated School District. Ralph Waldron is again presenting It is fun and a daily challenge, but nonverbal communication and not a source of money I will unexplained phenomena. eventually need for investing. In my The music listening room at other job, I am an independent duPont Library comes into use as distributor for Shaklee Corporation. do the University's tennis courts, My major at Mississippi Uni- golf course, and computer. The versity for Women was speech many natural areas on campus pathology, with concentration in provide an ideal setting for bird psychology and English. watching and field trips to study Yes, a few honors in college- local geology and folklore. graduation! Student Government Association senator, 1976 and 1977, judiciary, 1976-78; Honor Council, 1976-78 (president, 1978); Art Challenge Student Entertainment Committee Anne Lundin, and National Entertainment and an English instructor at the Academy, has Campus Activities Association rep- been selected to the Artists-in-the-Schools resentative, 1976 and 1977 (pres- Pro- gram sponsored ident, 1977); Student Interfaith by the Tennessee Arts Commission. Association, 1975-78; Inter- The program Residence-Hall Council president, is designed to stimulate 1976; House Council, 1976 and interest in the arts by bringing professionals Anne Lundin, Academy instructor in English, 1977; Gamma Beta Phi, Sigma in various helps Armond Ghazarian, A'80, with a paper. Tau Delta; Phi Tau Chi fields to work in school districts across the state. A poet and essayist, Mrs. Lundin St. Andrew's, Huntland, Lynch- has had her work published in the burg, and Unionville. Interim Hickory Athletics Term Old Review, the English Only the opening double-header Journal, International Poetry with Randolph School of Hunts- The Academy baseball Forum, and the Journal English team will of ville, Alabama will be outside that open a 12-game schedule April 5, Variety Teaching Techniques. She contin- district lineup. wearing white ues to teach creative new uniforms with writing and Coach Roger all The Academy's Master-Students purple Ross said 12 English pinstripes. one other course at the games will be played in April Term March 5-19, that in-between The Tigers will be shifting into Academy this semester. She hopes in between spring break and the two weeks which the curriculum a new district next year and will to broaden the audience of poetry district tournament, which opens goes wild, seems to be shaking play the members of that district by making it more of a public art May 1. down into the popular perennial in regular-season games this year— form. Ross said he expects courses, with just enough novelty Coach a large turnout for practice. The thrown in to keep students and lone returning starter will be faculty from going stale. Tom Cross. Sewanee will also have Getting off campus is always a junior varsity team this year a sure cure for that malady, and under David Snyder, the admis- this year there are several long sions director. trips planned. Steve McGahee is leading a ski trip to Colorado; John Both the boys' and girls' basketball Wendling is taking another group teams suffered losing seasons this to sample the assets of Chicago; year before beginning district play Tara Seeley is leading a group to in late February. spend two weeks in a special Sewanee will be moved out of program at Coventry Cathedral in the toughest district in the state England; Roger Ross is also taking next year, and with six lettermen a group to England, specifically to return -on the boys' squad, a London; and several enterprising brighter year appears to be in the students have mapped out their offing. own independent study for the interim term and following on into the spring break. For example, one girl is working in the art depart- ment at Tulane; another is working Enrollment in Missouri at a foster boys' home. Speed reading, typing, sewing, The Academy has an enrollment of bridge, math, word games, historical about 210 students, representing 19 studies and the like utilize class- states and 9 foreign countries, this rooms, and darkroom work, soft- Easter term. ball, badminton, lifesaving, David Snyder, admissions di- bicycling, and interior design each rector, said he was impressed with feature some part of the campus the academic quality and extra- and environs. curricular interests among the 18 Demonstrating the range of new enrollees. interests of the faculty beyond the The nine girls and nine boys classroom are mountain rescue are all boarding students and come and canoe repair, taught by Jim primarily from the Southern states. Scott; bowling and Vietnam cul- Academy interim term projects teach stuaems ture by Payne Breazeale, bicycling new skills. Here, Phil White's house repair class. — 20 Calendar


ART: ART: 26-27-SOC, Nantahala Whitewater raft- SPORTS: 1-7— Diana Camera Exhibition, Bairn- 1-30—Sculpture by Chris Robinson, ing & hiking, Dixie Div. Races 2-3— Baseball, Southwestern—home wick; Architectural drawings, Guerry Hal], student art work, 28— Tennis (M), Shorter College-there 3— Track, Emory-there Guerry Hail; student art work. Bishop's Common; Religious art 29— Baseball, Maryville— there 3-4— SOC Whitewater rafting, Ocoee Bishop's Common of Walter Drake, Bairnwick 30— Baseball, Lee College—there 19-May 1 -Sculpture by Chris Robinson, Golf, Centre Tournament—Danville, 5— Tennis.(M), Maryville-there Guerry Hall; student art work, DRAMA: Kentucky 6— Tennis (M), Austin Peay—there Bishop's Common; Religious art by 25-27—Purple Masque presents "Guys 7— SOC, Long's Mill hike & swim Walter Drake, Bairnwick and Dolls" ViAY 8-10—Baseball, CAC Tournament 8-10-Golf, NCAA—Pella, Iowa FILMS: FILMS: ART: 8-10-Tennis (M), CAC-Danville, Ky. 3— Experimental Film Club. Pickpocket 5— Entertainment Film Club, Dr. 7-25—Senior art work, Guerry Hall; Fac- 8-10—Tennis (W), Region II Tournament 6— Cinema Guild, The Silence Zhivago ulty spouses fabrics, Bishop's —Spartanburg, S.C. 7-8— Entertainment Film Club, Barefoot 10— Cinema Guild, Yojimbo Common; Paintings & drawings 9-10—Track, CAC-Centre College in the Park & The Out-of-Towners 11-12—Entertainment Film Club, One by Helen Vaughn, Bairnwick 17-20-Tennis (M), NCAA Div. 3 Cham- 10— Experimental Film Club, West Coast Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest pionships—Pomona, California experimental shorts 14— Experimental Film Club, Toby FILMS: 11— Entertainment Film Club, A Man Dammit 1— Cinema Guild, Madame Rosa JUNE for all Seasons 17— Cinema Guild, The Clowns 2-3— Entertainment Film Club, Thunder 17— Experimental Film Club, Dune & 21— Experimental Film Club, Zoms ball & The Spy Who Loved Me 11-14-Tennis (W), AIAW Nationals- Lemma 6— Entertainment Film Club, Heaven Salisbury, Maryland 22— Entertainment Film Club, Help! Can Wait 15July 26—College Summer School LECTURES: 28— Experimental Film Club, Sewanee 21-July 17—Sewanee Summer Music Center 11— EQB, Thomas Carlson Student Film Festival MUSIC: 22-29-SSMC String 17- Michael Harrah Wood Lecture, Camp 4— University Choir, Evensong 25-July 30—Joint Hugh Trevor-Roper LECTURES: Doctor of Ministry 8- St. Cecelia Guild Concert, Brahms 8— EQB, Jane Fort MUSIC: 22— EQB, Robert Hughes 2— University Choir, Evensong JULY OTHER: 10— Sewanee Chorale Concert MUSIC: 5-9- Clergy Seminar, "Women in the 13-19—Sewanee Summer Seminar 13— Concert Series, Dave Brubeck 6— University Choir, Evensong Church" 14— Midway College Chorale Concert 15— Concert Series, pianist Emanuel Ax 18— Academy Commencement 25— OTHER: OTHER: College & School of Theology Com- mencement 2— Academy Parents' Dinner 3-5— Sewanee Economics Symposium 8— Diocese of Tennessee Cursillo 11-12—Sewanee Mediaeval Colloquium 5-19— Academy Master-Students Term 14-25-Fellows-in-Residence 14-15—Sewanee Conference on Women 21-23—Regents' Meeting "Choosing Success" 24-26—Trustees' Meeting 19-April 2—Spring vacation 28-May 2—Clergy Seminar, "Christian Believing" SPORTS: 1— Tennis (M), Central College—home SPORTS: Tennis (W), Carson-Newman—home 3-4— Baseball, Hope College—home Basketball (W), TCWSF Division 3 5— Tennis (M), Hope College-home Track, David Lipscomb—there 2— Sewanee Outing Club (SOC), canoe/ SOC bike trip to Bluebell Island kayak trip to Obed or Little 5-6— SOC, Ocoee Races Letters River 7— Tennis (M), Marion College—home 7— Tennia (M), Butler—home 8— Baseball, Fisk—home Tennis (W), Georgia Southern- Tennis (W), Tenn. Wesleyan—there there 9— Baseball, Tennessee Temple—home Paddlewheeler Lancaster Speech Praised 8— Identified Tennis (M), Indiana State—home 11— Baseball, Union University—home Tennis (W), Shorter College & ll-12-Tennis(M), TIAC Tournament- In the Sewanee News, published Dean Lancaster's Founders' Day Emory U., Atlanta Nashville 8-9— SOC backpack, Foster Falls to 12— Track, Vanderbilt/Belmont/Milligan/ in December 1979, there was a address in the December News is Fiery Gizzard picture of the "Paddlewheeler the finest expression of the pur- 10 — Baseball, Covenant—home 12-14—Golf, Tenn. Intercollegiate Cham- Sewanee" which could not be poses of the University ever to Tennis (W), Maryville—home pionships Nashville — identified. come my way. May I suggest that 11— Tennis (M), Maryville—home 12-13-SOC, Tuckasegee Races This boat was the address be printed as a pam- 12— SOC caving trip 13— Tennis(W), ETSU-home owned by the 14— phlet for sale distribution. Baseball, Tenn. Temple—there 14— Tennis(W), Tennessee Tech—there F. B. Williams Cypress Company or other Tennis (W), Southwestern & 15— Baseball, Tenn. Wesleyan—home of Patterson, Louisiana, and was This brief account of the Milligan—home Tennis (M), Carson-Newman—there used to pull timber from the origin of the University of the 15 — Golf, Kentucky Wesleyan—home 16— Baseball, Fisk—there swamps to the saw mill. It traveled South should be interesting to Track, Vanderbilt—there Tennis(M), Emory—home only in the lagoons of Louisiana. visitors, and it is enlivened by the 17— Baseball, UT-Chattanooga—there 17— Baseball, Lee College—home 18- Tennis (W), U. of Ala.-Huntsville- Tennis (W), Maryville—there Messrs. H. P. and Kemper Williams Dean's personal philosophy, to 19— Track, Southwestern—there sent a few boys to Sewanee in the which I think most of us would 22-23-SOC, Tellico Races 19-20-SOC, Helen Races late teens and early twenties. I give thankful assent. Thus the 27-29-Golf, Carson-Newman Smoky 22— Tennis(M), Tenn. Wesleyan-home was one of those boys. address would give readers both Mountain Tournament 23— Baseball, Union University—there factual information and an un- 28-29—Track, Decathlon—Centre College SOC, bike trip 29-30—SOC, Nantahala Spring Races 23-26-Tennis (W), state tournament- Riley A. Aucoin, A'27 expected bonus of spiritual benefit. 31-April 1—Golf, Pine Harbor Intercol- Martin, Tenn. Austin, Texas At any rate, my thanks to the legiate—Pell City, Alabama 24— Baseball, Southwestern—there author and the News for this 24-25—Golf, Shorter Classic—Rome, Ga. quintessential piece of Sewaneeana. 25— Tennis (M), Tennessee Tech—there 26— Baseball, Maryville—home Track, TIAC—Austin Pcay Jesse M. Phillips, C*47 Menlo Park, California 21 Alumni Affairs

the Mountain we all felt by spend- Attendance at the Evensong Alabama was followed by a recep- Mountain ing that one afternoon together. services at most every church was tion and a tour of the capital the This is the first, and most assuredly greater than had been anticipated. next day. The choir sang on the not the last, of such gatherings. The service at Grace-St. Luke's circular staircase of the capitol We Afternoon wish all of you could have been Church in Memphis, which began building. there. the tour, was well received, and the An Evensong service at St. Sewanee Club reception and meet- Luke's Church in Birmingham, by Louis Rice, C'50 ing afterward provided an oppor- where the choir sang from a loft in President of the Associated Alumni tunity to stir enthusiasm for the rear, was also followed by a Homecoming Sewanee. Choir members stayed reception. Present to greet the choir I want to share with you what I feel the night in the homes of alumni was Bishop Furman C. Stough, to be one of the most relaxing, and and Sewanee friends. University chancellor. at the same time exhilarating, The choir sang at St. Andrew's experiences I've been involved with Plans Cathedral in Jackson, Mississippi in some time. In trying to convey Prepare yourself for homecoming where it was predicted that perhaps my enthusiasm for the tasks with 1980. It's being tapped as "Super 25 persons would attend Evensong. Sewanee Club which I and your other alumni Homecoming" by alumni officers, More than 100 were on hand for officers have been challenged, I and one of the major events, it is the performance. A pot luck dinner hope you will feel an equal chal- hoped, will be the honoring of was held after the service. During lenge from the great opportunities Activities Clara Shoemate {now Mrs. James the visit, the choir also sang at the we all have to support Robert Orlin), former manager of the Cathedral School. The Sewanee Club of Chattanooga Ayres and his administration on the Sewanee Inn and other restaurants In New Orleans the choir per- has reorganized under new pres- Mountain in their tasks. near Sewanee. formed in Christ Church Cathedral ident Lawson Whitaker, C'72, who On Saturday, January 26, we Louis Rice, president of the the morning after a special recep- replaces Edward N. (Ned) Boehm, met at Sewanee for a general orien- parish hall. Associated Alumni, terms it all as tion at the cathedral C'69. The first major event of the tation and discussion of expecta- the "golden decade celebration," Turtle soup was served at the well- year for the freshly reorganized tions and goals of each alumni taking in the classes of 1940 to attended reception. club is a cocktail party March 15 officer during his or her term. Uni- 1950 especially. Another warm reception was at Lawson Whitaker's home on versity officials and staff met with The hearsay is that Miss Clara given the choir following an Even- Signal Mountain. The other new us. This was the first opportunity is writing a book about her ex- song performance at Christ Caurch officers include W. Bradley Weeks, we had had to get together since periences at Sewanee, entitled For in Covington, Louisiana, a church C'71, vice-president, Dick Kopper, the general "guard change" back Purple Mountains Majesties. consecrated by Bishop Leonidas C'70, secretary, and Scott L. in October, so it was a welcome Polk. Probasco III, C"77, treasurer. Mem- event for all of us. The choir then sang at St. bers were also appointed to the Mr. Ayres and his staff patient- Christopher's Church in Pensacola, Sewanee awards committee, schol- ly filled us in on their general duties, Florida where a dinner was given arship committee, prospective their thoughts for the future, Admissions and for the choir. A large number of students committee, parents com- immediate. their plans for the alumni attended. Choir members mittee, and telephone committee. They free and candid with were also enjoyed an outing on the A special committee for seminary their to Position answers the questions we beach. alumni also was selected. asked, though we probed and in The College office of admissions is An Evensong service at St. The Central South Carolina some cases were critical. presently receiving applications John's Church in Montgomery, Club has elected Emest H. (Chip) Each alumni officer then went for the position of assistant director through an expression of his con- Continued on next page of admissions. cept of the job he was expected The person selected will begin to do during his term, how the work in mid-August and must be University could benefit from it, willing to travel extensively. Appli- and his plans to implement programs cations will be considered through under responsibility. In each his the month of March. case the University staff person or Inquiries and letters of appli- dinner... persons most closely involved with cation with resumes should be the alumni position questioned and addressed to Albert S. Gooch, Jr., suggested points for clarity and director of admissions, the College completeness. of Arts and Sciences, Sewanee, of our Saturday the As a result Tennessee 37375. c ¥ afternoon on the Mountain, your a G Associated Alumni, led by new Wa/ group of "spurred on" officers and assisted by a new alumni director, Alumni Assist Beeler Brush, can look forward Here every customer is our guest and friend; whether you ; with enthusiasm to some great new to us or a regular, we welcome you. and super plans for 1980 and 1981. College Choir As the programs and projects Our menus have been designed to satisfy the needs of all < unfold and take form, we are com- Thirty-five members of the Uni- friends. pletely confident Sewanee alumni versity choir completed a tour to blessings, and bring your friends and everywhere will start to feel a seven cities in January generating Enjoy yourself, with our let do the work. little of the renewed closeness to conspicuous enthusiasm for Se- family often. Relax, enjoy, and us wanee wherever they went. breakfast and lunch. The assistance of alumni and Dinner S3. 50 to S9.50. Also serving Sewanee clubs, particularly those in some cities, added to the suc- cess of the tour. 22

Ayres for the December 5 cage game Stanley, Jr., C'71 , its president for Vice-Chancellor Robert 1980. The reorganizational meeting was the honored guest of the between the Tigers and Oglethorpe Kappa Sigma was held January 4 in Columbia. Club of Columbus, Georgia when it University. Perhaps looking for an Arthur M. Schaefer, University met March 7 at the Green Island encore to its consecutive Dobbins Plans are being completed for provost, was a guest from the Moun- Country Club in Columbus. The Trophy years, the Atlanta Club a Kappa Sigma Star and Crescent tain as were several prospective meeting included supper. is planning a "humongous" event Banquet April 19 (party weekend) students. The other officers are Edward (Ned) Sloan and his later this year to draw clubs and at the Sewanee Inn, where reserva- Carey P. Burnett, C'73, vice-presi- wife were hosts for a gathering alumni from around the Southeast. tions have been made for the event. dent, Oliver I. Crawford, C'73, January 23 of the Sewanee Club of Cosmo Boyd has not yet given it Richard Winslow, C'65, of Se- secretary, and Robert T. Clarke Greenville. Refreshments were a name but promises it will be a wanee says the initial response to III, C'71, treasurer. served for Sewanee friends. thriller. inquiries has been good and a large The Nashville Club held its Then all the clubs of South The Middle Georgia Club held a attendance is expected. gala annual Christmas party De- Carolina planned a Sewanee party meeting February 13 in Macon to Further details, including in- cember 22 at the Cheekwood March 22 at the Wild wood Country greet Beeler Brush, the new alumni formation about area motel availa- Botanic Hall. Members not only Club in Columbia. A dance was director. bility, will be mailed to anyone enjoyed the company of many scheduled to follow the cocktail And the Sewanee Club of interested. alumni and friends from Middle party. Charlotte held a wine, soft drink, Information may be obtained Tennessee (including Sewanee) Montague L. (Cosmo) Boyd, and snacks party at the home of by writing Mr.Winslow in Sewanee but viewed the Trees of Christmas C'74, has taken over the wheel of Fred N. Mitchell, C'48, and his or Carl Bachman, 1437 Wessyngton display in the hall. the Atlanta Club from Jack Ste- wife January 11. Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30306. The Club of Coastal Carolina phenson, C49, He was elected at Finally, the Sewanee Club of held its annual Christmas party at the club's Founders' Day banquet Coastal Mississippi held its initial the Blacklock House in Charleston along with Morgan M. Robertson, organizational meeting January 28 December 19. Joseph D. Cushman, C'69, vice-president; Louis W. Rice, in Gulfport, followed by another chairman of the history department, C'50, secretary, and Robert T. meeting February 18. More details was speaker. Owen, C'60, treasurer. A large will be published in June. group of club members turned out

1956 BARBARA R. SPAULDING, A, is engaged to be married May 24 to Stephen JR., A, is JAMES K. CLAYTON, R. Price of Memphis. The ceremony will currently serving as judge of general Class Notes be in Paducah, Kentucky, Barbara's sessions court and juvenile court in hometown. She received her bachelor's Tennessee. is also Rutherford County, He degree last year from Vanderbilt University administrative officer for Tennessee and is currently a special education Military Academy, Tennessee Army Na- teacher in Memphis. In the interest of easier reading, we are changing tional Guard's OCS and NCOLS Program, holding the rank of major. the method of publishing class notes, providing separate sections for the Academy, School of 1958 Theology, and College. For alumni of two or three divisions, we try to remember to write JOHN P. CASE, JR., A, of Mobile, College notes for each section. Alabama reminds us he and his wife, Glynn, have three children; the eldest, a It is not the separation of alumni we have in daughter, is at the University of Alabama. mind. Rather the new method should keep 1921 everyone more alert to the weak points in our 1959 note gathering and provide more clarity in THE REV. MOULTRIE GUERRY, alumni communications. JACK W. MacKAY, JR., A, has re- C, recently sent a note remarking about Send us some news. cently subsidized a family of Vietnamese a much more recent graduate, BILL refugees who are living on his farm near WILLCOX, C'79,who is a photographer Columbus, Mississippi. with the Virginia Pilot in Norfolk. The Rev. Mr. Guerry, who was University 1960 chaplain from 1929 to 1938 and author- ed the book Men Who Made Sewanee, CRAIG A. DEPKEN, A, and his wife, has a granddaughter in the College— Geraldine, and three children have moved LEE GUERRY, C'80. from Atlanta to Lookout Mountain. Craig Academy still has his own engineering consulting 1923

1952 A. LANGSTON NELSON, C, was honored last fall for his service to Memo- 1948 rial Hospital in Nacogdoches, Texas EDWARD M. OVERTON, A, is sales WILLIAM G. McDANIEL, A, has where he has practiced medicine since KENTON COE, A, recently collabo- engineer for Mid Atlantic Instrumenta- entered a new law partnership, McDaniel, 1931. The occasion was the groundbreak- rated with filmmaker Ross Spears on a tion, Inc. of Baltimore. Mid Atlantic is Chorey and Taylor in Atlanta. ing for a hospital expansion attended by documentary of the life and genius of the distributor for Parker Hannifin Cor- Governor William P. Clements. New James Agee. The film premiered last poration and other instrumentation surgical suites in the hospital expansion October in Knoxville where Kenton's product manufacturers. Edward and his 1974 will be named in honor of Dr. Nelson. historical opera, Rachel, was also wife and three sons reside in Eldersburg, presented. Maryland. NANCY NICHOLSON FORRESTER, A, and her husband, BILL, A'73, have a 1926 1949 1955 nine-and-a-half-pound baby boy born in February. Bill, a 1977 graduate of West COLEMAN A. HARWELL, C, is

Point, is stationed at Fort Benning, apparently enjoying his retirement by JOHN E. JONES, A, vice-president JACKSON G. BEATTY, A, is prac- keeping up his writing skills. He has of engineering and research at Disston, ticing law in Tallahassee, Florida. He is recently authored and published "The Inc. in Danville, Virginia, has been married and has two children. Centennial History of Westminster Pres- appointed to the product safety advisory 1975 byterian Church" of Nashville. board of the Consumer Product Safety JEFF D. SLUDER, A, was married HERBERT T. SHIPPEN, C, has an Commission in Washington, D.C. John is last September to Whitten in increasing tribe: two great-granddaughters, a member of the Rotary Club, Chamber Pam Newport, Tennessee. Christian Cameron, born June 14, 1979, of Commerce, and is warden of Epiphany Shippen, born July 31. Episcopal Church. and Malissa Kay 23

Capt. Frank B. Kelso, C'55, has been selected for promotion to rear admiral. He is one of 37 persons named for promotion to admiral this year. Captain Kelso is presently head of the submarine nuclear program section in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. Formerly he commanded the USS Finback and the USS Bluefish, both submarines. He and his wife, Landess, and their four children reside in Spring- field, Virginia.

WALKER STANSELL, C, is in his JOSEPH L. ORR, C, has been 1961 sixth year of retirement, having served ALFRED M. WENDELL, JR., C appointed liaison officer in the Fort on the executive is chairman, president and chief staff of the Research Worth, Texas area by the U. S. Military THE REV. of Gable Institute of America until March 1974. ROBERT E. LIBBEY, C, Industries, Inc. in Ar Academy. He is a in writes T'69, is the new rector of St. Jude's He that he is doing nothing. He the Army Reserve. Church resides in Memphis, Tennessee. in Columbia, South Carolina, having moved from 1963 1954 Christ Church in 1928 Lancaster. BARRY H. THOMPSON, C, has TALBERT COOPER, JR., JAMES M. SEIDULE, C, is a C, has been been promoted to LEWIS C. colonel in the Air consultant in the citrus industry special- (SQUEAK) BURWELL, named headmaster of UMS Preparatory Force Medical Corps and appointed izing in unusual JR., C, chairman of Pinehurst Airlines, growing problems. He School in Mobile, Alabama. He was also director of the Medical Genetics Center holds a M.S. .n citriculture from the has moved the headquarters and opera- one of four charter members inducted at Kessler. The center tions of the was recently University of Florida and is directly all-freight airline from into the St. Andrew's (Tennessee) School Pinehurst, established and is the only such center responsible for the care and management North Carolina to Donaldson Athletic Hall of Fame February 9. For in the entire under of over Air Park in Greenville. the 3,000 acres of groves on the 19 years he taught and coached at Episco- DR. WARD RITCHIE, direction of the Air Force. Florida east coast. C, published pal High School in Alexandria, Virginia, a book recently entitled The Many Faces winning Virginia Prep League Coach of' Jake of Zeitlin. the Year awards in both football and track. He has since been assistant head- master at St. Andrew's and headmaster at George Walton Academy in Monroe, ROBERT S. LANCASTER, C, for- mer dean of the College and professor of HOSTAGE IN TEHRAN polltical_science, was married in January to Mrs. Elizabeth Gewin Craig, widow William of Francis Craig and for many years B. Royer, Jr., A'49, is one of more than 50 Americans taken duPont Library is missing a hostage director of the music listening room at by militants in the U. S. Embassy in Iran. This information has duPont Library. A quiet ceremony was 1955 issue of the Mountain been confirmed in Houston, the home of his mother, and by the held in St. Augustine's Chapel under Goat, which is needed for International Communications Agency (formerly the U. S. Information the direction of Bishop Girault Jones, binding. Joe David McBee, Agency) with which Royer is.employed. the former chancellor. head of the serials department, Bill is a Middle East specialist with many years of experience in that asks that anyone 1941 who would area. He was teaching English for the American-Iranian Society Center be willing to donate a copy in downtown Tehran at the time of his capture. THE REV. FRANK W. ROBERT, C, write him at duPont Library. The society is a privately funded organization established 25 years is rector of St. Ann's Church in Nash- The issue is vol. 30, no. 1, ago by Iranians and Americans interested in bringing the two countries ville. His daughter, MARY CHRISTO- (or old series vol. 6, no. 1), together. The center's main activity was to PHER, T'79, is the first woman to be teach English, and at the time 1955. ordained a deacon in the Diocese of of the embassy takeover, it had several thousand students. Tennessee. His younger daughter, According to a spokesman for the International Communications MARTHA DuBOSE, is junior a in the Agency, Royer and another American employe were at the center when College. the U. S. Embassy was captured. They did not go into hiding and were apparently arrested 1942 1955 later in the day and taken to the embassy. Mike Murphy, a former English professor at the University of Texas EUGENE N. (NICK) ZEIGLER, C, ARTHUR WORRALL, C, has just and a long-time friend of Royer, described him as intelligent, patient, and has been elected chairman of the South finished a book entitled Quakers in the resourceful and most likely to conduct himself well in the presence of Carolina Board of Corrections. He has Colonial Northeast. It is being published his captors. been a member of the board since 1974. by the University Press of New England "He was a great lover of local culture. He spent many, many hours Mr. Zeigler continues to practice law and should appear this month. in Florence. going to the local markets, visiting Islamic and pre-Islamic architectural 1958 sites," Mr. Murphy said. "He was fascinated and intrigued by that 1945 culture, by that marvelous geography." ELLIS, C, has been THOMAS H. Royer spent several years in Saudi Arabia, teaching and living in a KENNETH P. ADLER, C, is working appointed assistant director of the U. S. Peace Corps-like village. When the Saudi training program ended, Royer in the office of research at the Interna- Forest Service's Southeastern Forest became director of courses for the Saudi Arabia Institute of tional Communication Agency in Wash- Experiment Station at the University of Modern ington, D. C. He is chief of ftie West Florida, Gainesville. He will have responsi- Languages. European Unit in charge of influencing bility for continuing research in Georgia In 1967 he joined the U. S. Information Agency and was sent to the public opinion of that area favorably and Florida. Formerly assistant director Jidda, Saudi Arabia as assistant at the center there. He later became towards U. S. foreign policy. for planning and applications at the assistant cultural affairs officer and an English-teaching officer in Rabat Forest Service's Forest Products Labora- 1949 where he served until 1973. tory in Madison, Wisconsin, Tom holds At the Academy, Royer a degree in forestry from Sewanee, an reached the rank of sergeant first class, HARRY McPHERSON, JR., C, M.S. degree from Yale, and a Ph.D. from played on the tennis and track teams and was a member of the Cotillion recently served on the President's Com- Michigan. Club. mission on the Accident at Three Mile After his graduation he attended Rice University where he was a Island. He is a former deputy undersecre- 1960 member of the Canterbury Club, an Episcopal tary of the Army. student organization. He served in the Navy from 1951 to enrolled University STEWART W. ELLIOTT, C, and 1955, then at the 1952 his wife have a baby girl, Witney Heath, of Texas and received a bachelor's degree in June 1961. He was manager born October 18. They reside in Spartan- of the Co-op Bookstore on the Texas campus before being selected to C. JOSEPH HUGHES,. C, is an asso- burg, South Carolina. participate in the Saudi Arabian training program under which ciate with Norville, Randolph, & Shaw, Americans were allowed to teach in Saudi Arabian secondary schools. Inc. selling residential and commercial real estate in Birmingham, Alabama. 24

recently moved from Orlando to Winter THOMAS A. GASKIN, C, was recent- 1967 ERIC NEWMAN, C, married Lyris is living in Park, and Phil says he would like to ly appointed associate director of medical Bruce in August 1978 and Florida where he is an executive hear from alumni visiting the area. education at Baptist Medical Center, WILLIAM ALLISON, C, married Tampa, Austin, with the Standard Cigar Company, J. PRESTON (JIM) ESKEW, JR., Princeton. He is also clinical assistant pro- Sherry Smith December 8 in is and Rigoletto C, has been promoted to vice-president fessor of surgery at the University of Texas. Bill practices law in Austin and makers of Cuestra Rey University Eric his brother, BOBBY, in charge of domestic financial services Alabama in Birmingham. a member of the faculty of the Cigars. and with Guiterman Consultants, Inc., an WILLIAM D, TRAHAN, C, has just oT Texas School of Law. C'73, are very active in the Tampa international firm specializing in manage- Hnished a term as a coordinator of the A. MELTON (BUD) BLACK, NSF, Sewanee Club. ment, market analysis, and executive Energy Advocates, a group of Tulsa was recently elected second vice-president search consultation for financial insti- area businessmen who have been actively of the North Carolina Association of 1971 tutions. His new base is working for the revocation of price County Commissioners; he will move to will also pursue his as C, is free- City where he MBA controls on gas and oil production as the presidency in 1981 . Bud has served PHILIP ESCHBACH, a at . well as the "windfall profits tax." a Gaston County Commissioner since lance commercial photographer special- THE REV. CHRISTOPHER C. L. 1976. izing in travel. He and his wife recently returned from a two-month trip abroad, HANNUM, C, is now serving as rector of Christ involving assignments in Yugoslavia, Memorial Church in North Brook- If you think the notes in your Germany, France, and Greece. They field, Massachusetts. ,' class year are sparse, we agree NICHOLAS C. BABSON, C, is still with you. You can remedy in Chicago employed as assistant general that and stimulate action a- sales and marketing manager for exports mong classmates by sending us at Babson Brothers Company. He has of dairy a few tines about your activi- responsibility for the marketing farm equipment to Canada and Latin ties or family. Don't forget class newsletter, but your re- GEORGE K. EVANS, JR., and his member, material we publish wife, Christian, have announced the is read by friends in neigh- birth of a daughter, Catherine York, in partner in boring classes. Remember too September. George is a law the firm of Cansler, Lockhart, Parker, your old teachers. They like and Young in Charlotte, North Carolina. to what you've been up know Catherine's proud grandfather is to. And they probably won't GEORGE K. EVANS, SR., C'47.

believe it. J. ROBERT (BOB) HAGLER, C, is now living in the monastery of the Order of the Holy Cross and will take the vows in February. Recently Bob was in Chatta- 1964 nooga to conduct a "quiet morning" at Grace Church and to visit NED L. CULPEPPER, C, is WARREN BOEHM, C'69. president of Culpepper and Associates, VERNON HUGHES, C, attempted an Atlanta based management consulting to swim the English Channel last summer firm serving the computer software and but was stopped by the British Coast Guard because he did not have a stand-by HENRY C" DOZIER III, C, is the boat. Vernon, a former member of the father of a son, Henry C. Dozier IV. Navy's UDT/Seal Team, is part fish J. PHILIP (PHIL) FRONTIER, C, anyway and probably really didn't need is a manufacturer's representative in the boat. the furniture industry and writes he "moved into a new home in Dunwoody, Georgia. Joined St, Martin's-in-the-Fields Bruce Cleveland (Rodarmor, C'67) plays the lead role of William Episcopal Church. Wife, Judy; sons. Hollowell Magee in George M. Cohan's comedy Seven Keys J. WALDRUP BROWN, JR., C, and to Jack, age 12, and Jeffery, age 8, are all have daughter, Dorothy Baldpate at the Boal Barn Playhouse in Pennsylvania. well. Happy New Year." his wife. Sissy, a Bratton, born on November 28 in 1965 Hohenwald, Tennessee, where Waldrup continues in banking. C, was recently DEEP PLUNGE INTO ACTING ROBERT CASS, C, assistant profes- MOULTRIEBURNS, serve as University trustee sor and coordinator of the liberal arts elected to a from the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. management program at Virginia Wesley- Bruce Cleveland Rodarmor, C'67, has launched himself into an acting JR., C, is an * an College, has begun his Ph.D. studies MORGAN HALL, assistant vice-president in the commercial career (under the stage name of Bruce Cleveland) which has all the in urban services management at Old Dominion University. loan department with the Hibernia earmarks of success despite the crowded field: National Bank of New Orleans. HARVEY M. TEMPLETON III, C, Most recently he won the role of Rumpelstiltskin in the children's has been appointed assistant secretary play of that name at the Carriage House Experimental Theatre in and assistant general counsel 1970 of Bowater Huntington, Pennsylvania. Southern Paper Corporation. Harvey C, is reviewer for the Huntington Daily News wrote. "Bruce Cleveland came to Bowater in 1977 as attorney in DANIEL B. AHLPORT, A the company's legal department. Prior currently teaching English at Kenyon as Rumpelstiltskin turns in an exemplary performance. In collaboration Ohio. married to that, he was staff attorney at the College in Gambier, He was with director Jody Butte, he makes the gnome not a sly, laid-back villain, to Kathryn Newsome in September 1978 Tennessee Department of Transportation but a wild, peripatetic, unpredictable flash. Cleveland modulates the part in Nashville. and later that year received his Ph.D. well, transmogrifying from menacing cackle to full rage without missing from the University of North Carolina. ensuing acrobatics complete 1966 WILLIAM E. AUSTIN, JR., C, has a beat. His pyrotechnical entrance and recently become a circulation librarian the image of the Teutonic devil." for ham University Library at ROBERT M. McBRIDE, C, is general Ford Last summer he did the lead role in George M. Cohan's comedy Lincoln Center in New York City. Last sales manager of the Pole Division for Seven Days to Baldpate at the Boal Playhouse in Pennsylvania. McFarland Cascade. He and his wife summer he received an M.S. degree in In the spring he performed in Georges Feydeau's Le Dindon (Sauce Pamela have two children. They reside library science from Columbia University. for the Goose) and played the roles of Vaslav Nijinsky in The Circus in Puyallup, Washington. J. ROBERT (BOB) COCKRELL, C, Shaffer's DAVID BROOKS, JR., C, has received his medical degree from the Dancer and Harold Gorringe in Peter Black Comedy. added another girl to the family, Caro- University of South Carolina and is Bruce has studied acting with Uta Hagen, the creator of the role of presently interning at Johns Hopkins. line Rebecca, born last September 17. Martha in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, at HB Studios in New THE REV. RICHARD M. FLYNN, C, We have a note from PAUL T. York City. He has been lying low for the winter (home is Belleville, and his wife have a third child, Thomas GREEN, C, that he and his wife, Joan, - Pennsylvania) before beginning auditions this spring. Bradford, born December31 in Knoxville, have a son, Thomas John, born last July 13 in Augsburg, Germany. Paul has undergraduate at Sewanee, Tennessee. Richard is deacon-in-training Although he was involved in theatre as an at St. James' Church in Knoxville. recently been named director of the Bruce said his acting interests have blossomed since graduation. Sheridan Education Center in Augsburg. DR. WILLIAM (BILLY) WING- Those who know him may be surprised he has not been involved in FIELD, JR., C, left the staff of the THE REV. DAVIDSON T. LAN- musicals. He plays the guitar, electric bass, harmonica and drums Medical University of South Carolina in DERS, C, chairman of the Diocesan Task professionally and has sung blues, folk, rock, and original material in a July and is in private practice in internal Force on Hunger, is now rector of St. ColtiervUle, medicine in Mount Pleasant, South Andrew's Church in Tennes- -

WILLIAM L. IKARD, C, is currently the manager in charge of employee re- lations at the Samsonite Furniture Willi; nel Company in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. for the State 6f Tennessee.

ERLE J. NEWTON, C, is vice- MARY CLARKSON LEFLER, C, president of manufacturing for Transart and her husband, JACK, C'74, live

Industries in Kennesaw, Georgia. in Loudon, Tennessee where she is a WILLIAM A. PICKNEY, C, and high school teacher and mother of his wife have a son, Brian Joseph, born in

November, to go with their daughter, HOLLY HALL MASON, C, is Laura, now three. They reside in Decherd, married to THE REV. CHRISTOPHER Tennessee. P. MASON, C. They have two children, GARY T. POPE, C, has been named Christopher, Jr., 15 months, and a county attorney in Newberry, South daughter, Elizabeth Morgan, born No- Carolina. vember 24.

CATHERINE JARVIS SHAW, C, is LINDA MAYES, C, is a senior a clinical psychologist for the Air Force resident in pediatrics at Vanderbilt hospital at Tinker AFB near University Hospital, specializing in

City. Her husband is also a clinical neonatology. psychologist. NANCY CAVE SCOVILLE, C, and her husband GEORGE, C'75, are residing 1972 in San Antonio, Texas. JOHN R. STEWART, C, has been MARY LOU (MOLLY) HULL BEN- named office manager for the Nashville NETT, C, is still working with little office of Hensley-Schmidt, Inc. consult- theatre groups (between taking care of ing engineers. two children) near her newest home in WILLIAM A. SULLIVAN, C, was Aurora, Colorado and does some profes- married last July to Kristi Leigh McDon-

sional photography work. Husband, ald of Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is Catherine Sue Perry, C'75, crossed a lot has of mountains and plenty of WILLIAM, C'70, is an Air Force captain. currently employed as the administrative obstacles since leaving Sewanee, and because of them she may have MICHAEL LUMPKIN, C, is a student resident for Midway Hospital in St. Paul. settled on a career that suits her. at Virginia Theological Seminary. THOMAS GRIFFIN TAYLOR, C, is ROBERT J. MOORE, in The day after commencement in 1975, Catherine went to work THE REV. doing a residency orthopedic surgery C, is the associate rector of St. Christo- at Hermann Hospital in Houston, Texas. in Kaibab National Forest on the north rim of the Grand Canyon. She pher's Church in Houston, Texas. He received his M.D. degree in 1977 from worked for the U. S. Forest Service's engineering division, inspecting MARGARET ELIZABETH NOYES, the Southwestern Medical Branch of the road construction. ^ C, is a libram University of Texas in Dallas. His father, A year and a half later, she left that job and with Rachel Lynch, Waco, Texas. Dr. James G. Taylor, was honored last fall in Nacogdoches, Texas where he C'76, toured Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Upon returning 1973 delivered more than 4,000 babies during to the states, Catherine ran into Chris Garrison, C'77, and James (Red)

Anderson, C'77. They were headed for Peace Corps duty in Honduras. CAPT. S. SCOTT BAGLEY, C, is Their challenge to "come along" was too good to ignore. presently assigned to the office of the " For ten weeks, six hours a day, she was immersed in language Staff Judge Advocate at Cannon Air their hon in Bir nghan Force Base, New Mexico. ighborhood clinic, training, the beginning of a two-year assignment in Honduras that toCk CHRISTINE ANNE BAY, C, Is a teaches Sunday school, and is busy with her into the depths of the countryside. law student at the University of Florida their two children. Bob is the controller Her project involved an inventory of natural resources and a land- and expects to add a J.D. degree to her for Guin Heating and Plumbing Company. ownership survey for the Honduran government. For two to four weeks M.A. from Florida next August. Until clerk 1974 at a time, the team she was on, which included another Peace Corps recently she was working as a law for the Jacksonville firm of Zisser, volunteer, would be in the field (or the jungle). Robison and Spohrer. DAVID W. AIKEN, JR., C, is in his rivers On one trip the team hiked 40 kilometers and crossed 16 KATHLEEN HAND BETHEA, C, second year of residency in orthopedic in a single day. and BILL, C, make their home in Gulf- surgery at Ochsner Hospital in New "After the first two rivers, I gave up trying to keep my feet dry," port, Mississippi, where Bill practices law Orleans. she assists and participates in a ROBIN DAHLSTROM AUSTIN, C, Catherine said. and variety of community projects. is studying to be a registered nurse at Unused to women from America (especially Sewanee), the guides POLLY LEAVENGOOD BONDS, C, Florida Junior College. She and her Catherine and her female companion completed the were surprised is a student in data processing and is husband, THE REV. WILLIAM B. AUS- trip. residing with her husband, Larry, in TIN, C 71, are residing in Jacksonville Speaking of her supervisors, Catherine said: "They were not sure at Durham, North Carolina. JULIA BOWERS, C, is an administra- JOHN M. CAMP III, C, received his first whether we (the women) were willing to go into the wilderness, tive assistant for Clayton Brokerage in MBA from the University of Virginia and but we were more willing than the men." New York City. has taken a job with the Carnation Com- The team's task was to collect plants and flowers and prepare them RANDY BRYSON, C, and his wife pany as an assistant product manager. He to be sent to an agricultural school for collation. JUDY CAMERON BRYSON, C'76, have is residing in Manhattan Beach, California. They would meet local peasants, frequently to seek out persons recently moved to Chapel Hill, North REBECCA LOVE ELDER, C, and at Durham husband, PHILD?, C, are residing in who knew the trees and other plants. Their diet was peasant fare Carolina. He is teaching Academy and she is doing research at Fayetteville, Arkansas. such as rice, beans, and tortillas—occasionally meat or eggs and always UNC in biology at the Memorial Hospital. MARY T. ESCHBACH, C, is a stu- strong black coffee. They are interested in making contact dent of veterinary medicine at the Univer- Traveling the roughest country roads, they would visit villagers with other Sewanee people in the area. sity of Tennessee in Knoxville. STULTS FULLJAMES, C, who had not seen a vehicle in weeks. They reside, in Carrboro, North Carolina. SUSAN BURKE, C, and and her husband, Richard, live in San "People would run out to see and be more excited to see gringos," PEGGY HUDGINS her husband, STEVE, C, live in Green- Francisco, California, where she is a para- little shack, she said. "In the middle of nowhere we would find a assistant for Lillick, McHose, and ville, South Carolina where she is a legal and the place would sell Cokes." medical technologist at Pathology Asso- Charles law firm. "Sometimes a store would have a gas refrigerator and the drinks SUSAN DOUGLAS JONES, C, is teaching pre-school children in West would be cold. But usually they would be hot. Still it was a nice change JOSEPHINE (BETSY) COLLINS, the community Palm Beach, Florida where husband, she said. C, works as a counselor at from iodized water, which tastes terrible," Trinity mental health center in Richmond, MICHAEL, C'74, is serving Holy Catherine left Honduras, she studied for five months in Costa of When California. Church. Susan works in a variety Rica, taking courses in tropical dendrology, ecology, and land manage- LISA DUNGAN COMPTON, C, church activities, including the handbell and ment. Her sights had become set on a career in tropical ecology and and her husband, KEY, C'74, live in choir, regular choir, altar guild, where she works Sunday school. work in the tropics. Williamsburg, Virginia development office of the Colonial She returned home to Knoxville for the Christmas season and a short in the Williamsburg Foundation. breather before beginning graduate work in January at the University of Tennessee.

"It is almost impossible to work in tropical ecology without advanced degrees," she said. "The field is becoming more competitive, especially as persons native to the tropical countries become trained." 26

The Rev. Robert W. Estill, GST60, DM '79, will be consecrated bishop coadjutor of the Dio- cese of North Carolina this month. Until recent- ly he was rector of the Church of St. Michael and All Angels in Dallas, Texas. At the time of his election at a special convention in November, delegates expressed surprise at the swift out- come, with the Rev. Mr. Estill falling only eight clerical votes short on the first ballot.

MARIANNE GAUNTT JUSTIN, C, KATHERINE O. McCARY, C, JEANNA FAUCETT CELESTE, C, 1977 and her husband WALTER, C'71, live in and her husband, Benjamin, live in lives in Rockville, Maryland with her C, is lease Chattanooga, Tennessee with their newly Richmond, Virginia. husband, John. She is a research analyst KATHRYN BERNAL, a analyst for Energy Reserves Group, Inc. arrived child. Marianne is a pension plan MARY V. MORTON, C, is complet- in criminal justice. consultant for Provident Life and Acci- ing her fourth year on the news staff of LUCIE BETHEA EARHART, C, and of Houston, Texas. dent Insurance Company. the Nashville Banner, currently covering her husband, PHILIP, C, are living in LAURA BARKER CARLSON, C, PAMELA VAN DOREN MILLER, police and court news. Metairie, Louisiana, where she works as lives in Sewanee with her husband, THOMAS, C'63. She is working part C, lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where The last we heard, JERRY and an assistant actuary. C, time in the financial aid office while she is a coordinator for Montgomery, CYNTHIA FOSTER OTWELL, C'75, JOANNE V. FILCHOCK, requirements for a teacher's Andrews, and Hannahs. were expecting their first child in expects to receive her M.D. degree in completing ALICE PARKER ROEHM, C. and February. They are now residing in May from the University of Tennessee certificate. WILLIAM CLINKSCALES, C, is her husband, Geoff, are residing in Lee Hall, Virginia. Jerry is a management in Memphis. working in Caracas, Decherd, Tennessee. She has a master's analyst for the Navy in Norfolk, and VICTORIA LOUISE GILLESPIE, currently residing and as regional manager for degree in comparative literature from Cindy is a computer specialist for Com- C, is working as a CPA in Pensacola, Venezuela the Equipment the University of North Carolina and is puter Sciences Corporation of Fort Florida. South America of Victor pursuing art in several media. Eustis. PATRICIA KINGTON JOHNSON, Company. C, ELISE GIVHAN SPAINHOUR, C, LAUREN LIBERMAN RECKNA- C, is a psychologist with the Dickson ELENA S. DAVENPORT, is and her husband, JOHN, C*73, are both GEL, C, and MARC, C"75, her husband, County Board of Education. She and her living in Chattanooga where she is an for Provident Life and Accident practicing law in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. live in Evanston, Illinois, where she is husband, ALAN JACK JOHNSON, C, are actuary KATHRYN KELLER TIMMONS, C, working on her doctoral dissertation. residing in Charlotte, Tennessee. Company. continues to study art in New York City TOM LIPSCOMB, C, and his wife JANE KITCHINGS FOSTER, C, is MARY SHELTON, C, is writing and administrative assistant for Children's where she and her husband, Randall, editing teaching material for handicapped ELIZABETH WILLIAMS LIPSCOMB, are the of a girl, Hospital in Birmingham, where her hus- make their home. persons for the National Media Materials C77, parents baby Sarah Holt, born December 27. is band, BILL, C'77, is a medical student. LUCY HARD1SON WOLTZ, C, is a Center for Severely Handicapped at Tom veterinary TIMOTHY M. GRAHAM, C, is an certified orthoptist for the Children's Vanderbilt University. in his third year in medicine at reside in ensign in the Navy and recently reported Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, CYNTHIA L. SPRATLEY, C, of Auburn. They Auburn, for duty with Attack Squadron 174, Ohio. Pensacola, Florida and her husband, Alabama. McCLURE, C, Cecil Field Naval Air Station, Jackson- Albert, are expecting their first child KATHIE GUNTER 1975 is an attorney in Atlanta. Her husband, ville, Florida. He joined the Navy in ' in April. Cindy is a ^computer analyst Jay, also practices law. April 1975. and" programmer for *the Monsanto P. HARRIS, C, sends a note- ELIZABETH YOUNG ADAMS, C, Company. ELIZABETH LAMB MILLS, C; is a JOAN w has working special education teacher in Bryson that she is living in the country in central been as a registered nurse ANNE THRASHER SWAIN, C, Texas (Fredericksburg) and selling real with the South Pittsburg (Tennessee) received her degree from Cumberland Middle School in Fountain Inn, South Municipal Hospital since receiving her Carolina. She is residing in Simpsonville, School of Law in 1978. She and her bachelor's degree in nursing from the and is an adult Sunday school coordinator. CAROL ADELAIDE HOLT, C, 'is husband, Albert, make their home in attending the University of Tennessee University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Birmingham. JANICE MORRISON PLUMMER, R..BEILER. in Memphis where she expects to receive DAVID C, already with PATRICIA MCLAUGHLIN TOHER, C, is working in research for the Univer- a bachelor's degree in urban planning, is a B.S. in medical technology next year. C, has been teachine seventh- and eighth- sity of Texas Health Center in San currently working on a master's degree VIRGINIA LEE HOOPER, C, lives grade English in Durham, North Carolina. Antonio, Texas. in historic preservation at Middle Tennes- in Houston, Texas where she is a paralegal She and her husband, Raymond, were In a recent letter, WILL I. RAMSEY, see State University in Murfreesboro. assistant with Liddell, Sapp, Zivley, and expecting their first child in February. JR., C, mentioned he is now associated ANDREA LANG CAMPBELL, C, MARGARET (MELISSA) WEA- with the Gainesville, Florida law firm of Brown. is leaving the Air Force this month with LISA ISAY, C, is news and public THERLY, C, is the office manager for Scruggs, Carmichael, Long, Tomlinson, the rank of lieutenant and is entering affairs director for WAOA and WFRI in Consumer Information Service in Char- Roscow, Pridgeon, Helpling and Young the University of Florida Law School. Opelika, Alabama. lottesville, Virginia. She is also a volunteer (a heck of a mouthful). He received his ROBERT T. COLEMAN III, C, JOHNStON, C, is living juvenile probation counselor for the law degree last June from the University VICTORIA is an attorney with Liberty Corporation Florida, she Juvenile Court in Charlottesville. of Florida College of Law and was ad- in West Palm Beach. where in Greenville, Soutli Carolina after taking is the anchorperson for LESLIE HOFFMAN WILLIAMS, C, mitted to the bar in October. He will WPTV. both Doctor of Jurisprudence and Master MELISSA W. C, is a is an assistant manager for a lumber and eventually be specializing in real property McCULLOUGH, of Business Administration degrees at for Darryl's iri Lexington, hardware store in Sheridan, Montana. She law, wills, and estate planning, among bartender 1891 the University of South Carolina. The Kentucky. She has recently been studying and her husband, Roger, make their home other things. firm is the holding corporation for in Virginia City. LT. (j.g.) JOHN K. ROSS, C, is at the University of Kentucky and Tran- Liberty Life Insurance Company. Bob serving the fire-control officer on the sylvania prior to entering graduate work is residing in Spartanburg, although we're 1976 USS O'Bannon, the Navy's newest in wildlife biology. told that for reason is some he spending destroyer. The ship is primarily designed CHARLES JOHN NABIT, C, fin- weekends in Columbia. JAMES STEPHEN (STEVE) ATCH- for anti-submarine warfare. Ross joined ished law school in the spring and took WILLIAM R. DANIELS, JR., C, off for Central and South America for ISON, C, and his wife, Carol, have a son, the Navy in January 1977. has a new law office, Wellenberger & the summer. He began work this fall in James Stephen, Jr., born last September. ANNE HUGHES SAYLE, C, and Daniels, in Monticello, Arkansas. the law offices of Verable, Baetjer and They make their home in Humble, Texas. her husband, Robert, operate a farm in MARY LUSTER DORTCH, C, is a Lake Cormorant, Mississippi. But Anne Howard in Baltimore, Maryland. He is HENRY (BRAD) BERG, C, married ] travel counselor for American Express residing in Richmond, Virginia. Stacy Ann York of Jacksonville, Florida still has time to pursue her art through Travel Service in New Orleans. portrait painting. They have child. S. LYNN SHARP, C, is a soil tech- on January 26. Brad is currently a one KATHERINE B. FORDYCE, C, is nician for the USDA Soil Conservation national account officer with the Atlantic EARL A. SHORES, C, is in his a law student at the University of Denver. Service in National Bank of Jacksonville. second year at Baldwin-Wallace College Asheville, North Carolina. GENE MECHLING HOGWOOD, C, in Berea, SARAH FRANCES SMITH, C, is a LUCIE BROYLES BOSTICK, C, and Ohio where he expects to and husband, STEPHEN, C'74, write teacher in Marietta, Georgia, and sings in her husband, MARK, C, and child are complete his MBA by October. He that the Sewanee contingent at the her church choir. making their home in Winter Haven, and his wife, Patricia, have three chil- Church of St. John the Divine in Houston Florida. dren: Ivan Le Barron, Yvette La Raie, NORMA SMITH, C, is a forester with is growing. Five are working with the GEORGIANA CHITKO BOWLER, and Christopher Errol. They're living the U. S. Forest Service and resides in EYC-Steve and Jean, ROBERT and in Elyria, Ohio. Perryville, Arkansas. C, and her husband, JOHN, C'75, live in DEBBIE CLARK, C'76, and TIMOTHY REBECCA R. SMITH, C, has been Chattanooga, where she works in city and LUCY YOUNG, C, graduated from SWAN, C'75. They also mentioned that regional planning. the University of Georgia with a bachelor's accepted at Peabody College, Vanderbilt JIM STEWART, C'74, is the father of a degree in fine arts in painting and drawing. in Nashville for graduate work in special baby girl. She taught for two years at Tallulah Falls education. She is studying for her master's. ELLEN WEST KILGORE, C, lives School in northeast Georgia and then with her husband, William, in Decatur, took off for Switzerland for six months Georgia where she is a secretary at before returning to Atlanta where she Georgia Regional Hospital. is living in a "lovely old house" in the Virginia -High land neighborhood. 27

The Rt. Rev. George N. Hunt III, C'53, has been elected the 11th bishop of the Diocese of Rhode Island. Until his election at a special convention in November, he was executive officer of the Diocese of California. A native of Louisville, Kentucky, Bishop Hunt holds degrees from the University of the South and Virginia Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Barbara Noel Plamp, have three children. His parish ministry has been in the Dioceses of Wyoming and California.

ROBERTS, C, has CHRISTINA ARCH taken a LOWRY, C, works as THE REV. EDWARD B. JORDAN, position with the House on the assistant to the director of special Committee T, has notified us his wife, Mae, died last Foreign Washington. recreation in A permanent fund to provide Winston-Salem, North July 5. He has recently returned to the Carolina. income to purchase library ma- KATHERINE MARIE ROGERS, active ministry at the Church of the C, is an administrative account specialist SUSAN LOYD, C, lives in Dallas, Advent in Enfield, terials has been established by North Carolina. for IBM in Indianapolis, Indiana. Texas where she teaches music at St. the friends of Blanton Miller. AUGUSTA M. SALEM, C, is study- John's Episcopal High School. 1964 Blanton, C'78, died in Novem- ing law at Vanderbilt University. ANN RAY McNAIR, C, lives in Nashville, ber following a fall near Proc- JOHN B. H. SCOVIL, JR., C, is in Tennessee with her husband, THE REV. PETER H. BECKWITH, Greenville, GREGORY, C'77, and is tor's Hall. Persons wishing to South Carolina with Ameri- a research assist- T, rector of St. John's Church in Worth- can Equipment Company of the Daniel ant for Northern Telecommunications. ington, Ohio, has an add to the Blanton Miller inactive reserve Construction Company. MARILYN WALKER, C, is teaching commission in the Navy Chaplain Corps Fund at duPont Library are ELIZABETH KELLY SHRINER, C, Spanish and is director of the drama as a lieutenant commander. He recently to is department at Forsyth encouraged send contribu- a research project assistant for the Country Day became the commanding officer of a tions to Tom Watson, Univer- International Fertility Research Program School in Lewisville, North Carolina. chaplain unit assigned to the Marine located at Research Triangle Park. She She is residing in Winston-Salem. Corps sity librarian. Reserve in Columbus, Ohio. and her husband, JOHN, C, reside in REBECCA HENSLEY WARTMAN, Durham, North Carolina. ' C, is a mental health associate for Penin- 1965

ELIZABETH S. STOGSDILL, C, is Psychiatric Hospital in Louisville,

Tenn . a graduate research assistant for the She ng plai > pur j THE REV. GEORGE E. HOME, JR., department of forestry, wildlife, and graduate work in psychology. She and her T, has recently moved to the SARAH P. SPRINGER, C, is finish- Church of fisheries at the University of Tennessee husband make their home in Knoxville. the Transfiguration in ing law school at the University of South Rome, Georgia, in Knoxville. from Carolina, Columbia. WESTMORE (BILL) WILLCOX, C, St. Dunstan's Church in Atlanta. MARIANNE WILKERSON, C, is a is a photographer for the Virginia Pilot JOSEPH C. WARD, C, is serving as a stock transfer agent in the trust depart- in Norfolk. 1966 boiler officer aboard the guided missile ment of City National Bank in Austin, destroyer U.S.S. Robison, based in San Texas. THE REV. Diego. Recently he completed a deploy- RICHARD HUGH EL- SUSAN WILKES, C, is completing WOOD, T, is now rector ment in the Indian Ocean and Western of the Church work toward a degree in industrial engin- of the Good Shepherd in Pacific. Humble, Texas. eering at Georgia Tech. Seminary He was at Christ Church in Tyler. 1978 LYNNE WILLIS, C, is employed in the planning and corporate finance 1967 JOHN BENET, C, writes from departments with Alabama Bancorpora-

i tion in Birmingham. THE REV. MARTIN J. CAMPBELL, Tampa, Florida that he is currently in C. STEVE VINSON, C, is now in T, vicar of St. Francis' Church in Bush- his third year of medical school at the THE RT. REV. JAMES DUNCAN, his second year at the Medical Univer- nell, Florida, is also supervisor of the University of South Florida. T, H'61, has recently retired as bishop sity of South Carolina in Charleston. civil division for the Office of State PATRICIA ANN BOSWELL, C, is a of the Diocese of Southeast Florida. Attorney in Florida's Fifth Judicial reading instructor with Learning Skills, Circuit. Inc. in Putney, Vermont, 1979 THE REV. W. JACKSON WILSON, LORRAINE A. BOWES, C, is a ROBIN BARTUSCH, C, has been T, has become vicar of St. Peter's Church statistician with the Harrison County THE REV. ARLEIGH W. LASSITER. at the for in Litchfield Park, Arizona. Family Court in Gulfport, Mississippi. studying National Center is rector of St. Luke's Church in Paralegal Training in Atlanta. She has also been working as a volunteer iwnee, Kansas. SUSAN BLACKFORD, C, is a 1969 child care worker in the Shelter Care secretary-receptionist for Building Facility and as a volunteer in probation. Owners and Managers Association Inter- THE REV. MARVIN EDGAR HOL- TEMPLE BROWN, C, is supervising national in Washington, D. C. She makes LEWELL, JR., GST, is still serving as an work on a tree farm in Covington, Louisi- THE REV. ROBERT M. G. LIBBY, her home in Alexandria, Virginia. Army chaplain in Bamberg, Germany. ana about 50 miles north of Orleans. New T, is rector of the Church of the Good BETH MEREDITH CANDLER, C, THE REV. ROBERT E. LIBBEY, MARGARET D. BRUMBY, C, is Samaritan in Orange Park, Florida. is now living in Sharpsburg, Georgia, and C'61, T, is the new rector at St. Jude's now residing in Tifton, Georgia. Her plans to enter Emory School of Nursing. Church in Columbia, South Carolina, daughter, Virginia Ann, is a year old. 1959 CATHERINE DIANE DAVIS, C, having moved from Christ Church in SALLY BURTON, C, is a graduate is now working on her master's degree in Lancaster. student of forest biometrics at VPI in THE VERY REV. BERTRAM NEL- public health at the University of South Blacksburg, Virginia. SON HERLONG, T, was installed last Carolina. 1970 SALLY ALICE CARTER, C, works November as the dean of the Cathedral C, is in the in JANET GOODMAN, freelance advertising in Austin, Texas. Church of St. Paul in Detroit, Michigan. civil engineering program at Georgia Tech. THE REV. C. ALEXANDER BAR- ANNE FRANCIS FLANAGAN, C, NANCY HALL, C, is pursuing a RON, JR., T, is now rector of St. Peter's lives in Houston, Texas, where she is a 1960 master's degree in psychology at Duke by the Sea in Charleston Heights, South financial trainee and shareholder repre- University in Durham, North Carolina. Carolina. sentative for Entrex, Inc. THE REV. JAMES E. RASNICK, T, SUSAN BUCKNER HOFFMAN, C, THE REV. DAVIDSON T. LAN- SHAWN A. HAMILTON, C, lives GST'68, U now rector of Holy Trinity is living in Mount Sterling, Kentucky. DERS, T, is rector of St. Andrew's Greeneville, Tennessee where she Church in West Palm Beach, Florida. SARAH MINDWELL JACKSON, C, Church in Collierville, Tennessee, having orks as a forester, Until recently he was canon to the Dio- is a new law student at the University recently moved from St. Luke's in PAUL F. KIMBALL, C, has recently cese of Southeast Florida. Kentucky in Lexington. Memphis. received an M.A. degree from the Univer- of sity of TAMARA LASTER, C, is a graduate Virginia. 1962 ELIZABETH McCLATCHEY student at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. BROWN, C, and husband, KEMPER, THE REV. ROBERT M. CLAYTOR, C'76, reside in Atlanta where she is an T, GST'76, was one of 30 Americans hydraulic technician for the U. S. Geo- representing the American Association of logical Survey. Pastoral Counselors at the First Interna- SUZY NEWTON, C, is employed in tional Congress on Pastoral Care and f he international department of Com- Counseling held at the University of merce Union Bank in Nashville. Edinburgh in Scotland last August. The

Rev. Mr. Claytor is institutional chaplain for the Diocese of Southwestern Virginia. 28

GOOD- 1979 1974 1976 THE REV. JAMES CALVIN LETT, T, has become an assistant in T, Advent in Tallahassee, THE REV. J. BLANEY PRIDGEN, THE REV. NORMAN R. BATY, T, THE REV. GLENN H. GOULD, the Church of the recently rector of St. Alban's Florida. %; has settled into Chapin, South Caro- writes that his son^Norman, has recently has become lina where he is deacon in charge of the Church in Lexington, South Carolina, THE REV. PAUL ALAN RASMUS, married and is lieufenant/chaplain in the Francis of Assisi; so has St. Jude's in Columbia. T, has recently moved to the Church of Church of St. Marines at Norfolk, Virginia. moving from MILES, Spirit in West Palm Beach, his wife, Gail. Among other projects, THE REV. PETER F. CASPARIAN, THE REV. THOMAS DEE the Holy St. Elizabeth's Church Gail made a stole of 100 percent white T, has been named chaplain at the Uni- T, is now serving Florida. Holdrege, Nebraska. Irish linen for newly consecrated Bishop versity of Kansas, Lawrence. in William A. Beckham of the Diocese of 1978 Upper South Carolina. 1975 1977 THE REV. PATRICK EDWARD REV. WARREN SCOTT THE REV. JOHN H. LACEY, T, THE GENEREUX, T, has recently moved to BLICK, T, has recently become rector former vicar of St. Augustine's Church in Trinity Church in Atmore, Alabama. of Trinity Church in DeRidder, Louisi- St. Petersburg, Florida, has been appoint- ana. He is also in charge of Polk Memorial ed vicar of St. John's Church in Brooks- ville, Florida. Deaths

PAUL STANLEY, A'09, October 12 R. E. (BOBBY) WORRALL, C'32, EDWIN S. COOMBS, JR., C'48, president of Ranier Brewing Company i nursing home in Paducah, Kentucky county court clerk of Davidson County ere he had been in failing health for (Nashville), Tennessee; January G while of Seattle, Washington; in August 1979 in in both vacationing in Tampa, Florida. An out- Bellevue, Washington. He served as standing athlete at Sewanee, Mr. Worrall World War II and the Korean War an Guard. ALFRED HENRY NOLLE, C'12, was a part-time official for the South- officer in the Navy and Coast He Carling retired dean of Southwest Texas State eastern Conference in the 1950s. He was was a divisional vice-president for becoming University, March 7, 1979 in San Marco a member of the Davidson County Court Brewing Company before Texas. The recipient of a master's degre until 1958 when he was appointed court associated with Ranier. from Sewanee, Mr. Nolle taught at the clerk. He held the post through five University of Missouri, then was dea of subsequent elections. LT. CMDR. BRUCE L. MILLER, Southwest Texas State from 1922 tc C'69, was lost at sea December 29 after 1959. In his service to the Church, he - THE REV. RICHARD STURGIS, ejecting from his A-6 Intruder aircraft. on the executive board of the Diocesi C'30, T'35, a retired priest and former The accident occurred during routine Kitty of West Texas. He was also one of th University trustee; July 13, 1979 in flight operations from the USS pioneers of the Alpha Chi society. Winnsboro, South Carolina. He served Hawk in the Indian Ocean. Among other Distinguished - churches In Texas, North Carolina, and awards, he received the South Carolina and had been a chaplain Flying Cross and three Navy Commenda- tour in in the Air Force. tion Medals during an initial 1972-74. He distinguished himself as a. THE REV. CHARLES W. ADAMS, test director for numerous electronic before returning to his of Seal Beach, California; September 28. warfare systems for second tour. He He was a Navy chaplain who served and attack squadron a Vicki, THE REV. EDMUND DARGAN ministered for many years at widely is survived by his wife, and two BUTT, C'48, T'26, GST'41, H'63, of scattered posts in California, Florida, daughters. Collierville, Tennessee, June 14, 1979. New Jersey, and elsewhere; He served parishes in Texas and North DAVID LOKEY, A'74, of Little Carolina, holding the post of chaplain WILLIAM ALLISON BUNTIN, JR., Rock, Arkansas; early last year in a to the Valle Crucis School from 1934 A'39, C'42, president and owner of skiing accident while competing for the to 1941 before moving to Tennessee. Buntin Land Company of Nashville; John Marshall U.S, Freestyle Ski Team. Following four years of service in and November 11. He was a captain in the hear Sewanee, the he joined faculty Army Air Corps during World War II. A memorial service for DAVID of Seabury-Western. He retired from LATANE MONTAGUE TAYLOR, C'82, teaching in 1964 and was vicar of St. JOHN S. MARSHALL, GST'42, WILLARD B. WAGNER, JR., C'44, was held in Ail Saints' Chapel January 21 Church in from Andrew's Collierville emeritus professor of philosophy in the a Houston attorney; November 10. Mr. after the discovery of his body on New 1970. 1965 to College and author of several books Wagner had been vice-president and Year's Day a few miles from Sewanee. defining the theology of the Episcopal general counsel of Superior Oil Company Taylor, a College freshman from Ashe- R. ROBERT OXENHAM) WOOD Church; November 5 in Sewanee. Profes- since 1974. He received a law degree ville, North Carolina, had been missing III, C'28, of Atlanta, a retired psycholo- sor Marshall came to Sewanee as pro- from the University of Texas and an since last April. At that time an extensive gist, November 27. He was active in the fessor of philosophy in 1946 after having MBA from Harvard. He served in the search failed to produce any clues to Sewanee Club of Atlanta and attended taught at Albion College in Michigan. He Navy and the Marine Corps diiring World his disappearance. He had apparently' homecoming in 1978 for his 50th reunion. had received his bachelor's degree from War II. been seen last when he had left a friend Pomona College in 1921 and his Ph.D. at a fraternity house late one evening. W. CHAUNCY BRYANT, C'29, from Boston University in 1926; He also RICHARD J. OVINGTON, C'47, His body was found in the wreckage of retired executive for Procter & Gamble; studied at Harvard, the University of Basel a training coordinator for the Civil Air his car, which had plunged off a moun- December 22 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. in Switzerland, Oxford, and the Russian Patrol; October 27 at Keesler AFB, tainous section of Interstate 24 south' Bryant started with Procter & Gamble University of Prague. One of his best- Mississippi. He served in the Navy during of Monteagle. in 1929, remaining with the company known books was the biography of World War II, transferring to the Air for some 40 years. During World War II, Richard Hooker, 16th-century Anglican Force and retiring as a lieutenant colonel he entered the Navy and participated in theologian. Professor Marshall also served in 1965. For 12 years he was on the the invasion Normandy, of commanding for a number of years as editor of the faculty of Air University and was widely a gun crew of 27 men aboard a Liberty Anglican Theological Review, published known for his work in interpersonal and at Sewanee. He retired in 1968. group communication and educational methodology and evaluation. THE REV. WILLIAM H. R. JACK- SON, T'31, of Roxboro, North Carolina; THE REV. PAUL L. C. SCHWARTZ, October 17. In addition to serving par- GST'47, who served parishes in Penn- ishes in North Carolina most of his sylvania and Virginia since attending career, he was an Army chaplain during Sewanee; March 18, 1978 in Courtland, World War II and was a chaplain for the North Carolina Prison Department from 1946 to 1967. 29

They Support Sewanee Best

Each year the University recognizes ATLANTA the parish churches which have con- tributed to the University a dollar ATLANTA-St. Luke's, St. Philip's Cathedral or more for each communicant. CARROLLTON-St. Margaret's For the calendar year 1979, COLUMBUS-St. Thomas' 261 churches have been designated FORT VALLEY-St. Andrew's Honor Roll Parishes and have re- GAINESVILLE-Grace ceived certificates of recognition. NEWNAN-St. Paul's SMYRNA-St. Jude's The total is an increase of 29 over WARNER ROBINS-AH Saints' the previous year. WINDER-St. Anthony's There are two church-related programs for the annual investment of Episcopalians in the University. CENTRAL FLORIDA Sewanee-in-the-Budget is the pro- BARTOW-Holy Trinity <^mm^" gram of general support of the EUSTIS-St. Thomas' entire University which encourages FORT MEADE-Christ parishes and dioceses to make LEESBURG-St. James' KENTUCKY annual budget grants at the rate of MERRITT ISLAND-St. Luke's MICHIGAN CITY-Calvary MULBERRY-St. Luke the Evangelist ROLLING FORK-Chapel one dollar for each communicant. BOWLING of the Cross ORLANDO—St. Mary ot the Angels, GREEN-Christ STARKVILLE-Resurrection The Theological Education St. Michael's FULTON-Trinity TUNICA-Epiphany Sunday Offering is a nationwide GILBERTSVILLE-St. WINTER SPRINGS-New Covenant Peter-of-the-Lake TUPELO-All Saints' annual offering from Episcopalians HARRODS CREEK-St. Francis-in-the- WATER VALLEY-Nativity Fields specifically in support of the CENTRAL GULF COAST YAZOO CITY-Trinity HOPKINSVILLE-Grace seminaries. Sewanee-in-the-Budget Alabama LOUISVILLE-Christ Church Cathedral, MISSOURI is the major source of financial CODEN—St. Mary's-by-the-Sea Emmanuel support for Sewanee from the Epis- MAGNOLIA SPRINGS-St. Paul's Chapel MADISONVILLE-St. Mary's SULLIVAN-St. John's MAYFIELD-St. copal Church. MOBILE—All Saints', Christ Martin's-in-the-Fields MURRAY-St. John's Dioceses which have contribu- NORTH CAROLINA ted a dollar amount above the Florida APALACHICOLA-Trinity DAVIDSON-St. Alban's number of their communicants are LEXINGTON CANTONMENT-St. Monica's GREENSBORO-Holy Trinity Alabama, Central Gulf Coast, and PENSACOLA-St. MONROE-St. Paul's Christopher's FORT THOMAS-SL Andrew's Tennessee. PORT ST. JOE-St. James' ROCKY MOUNT Good Shepherd HARRODSBURG—St. Philip's WINSTON-SALEM-St The Honor Roll Parishes are: VALPARAISO—St. Jude's LEXINGTON-Christ Paul's MIDDLEBORO-St Mary's DALLAS NORTHWEST TEXAS ALABAMA PARIS—St. Peter's

CORSICANA-St. ABILENE-Heavenly Rest AUBURN-Holy Trinity John's LOUISIANA DALLAS—All Saints', Christ, COLEMAN-St. Mark's BIRMINGHAM—Advent, Grace, St. Good Shepherd, St. Paul's QUANAH-Trlnity Luke's, St. Mary 'sKin-the- Highlands ALEXANDRIA-St. James', St. Timothy'c FORT WORTH—All Saints' SAN ANGELO—Good Shepherd CARLOWVILLE—St. Paul's BASTROP—Christ SULPHUR SNYDER-St. John's CHILDERSBURG-St. Mary's SPRINGS-St Philip's BATON ROUGE-St. James' FLORENCE—St. Bartholomew's TERRELL -Good Shepherd COVINGTON-Chrirt SOUTH CAROLINA GADSDEN-Holy Comforter FRANKLIN-St. Mary's EAST GREENSBORO-St. Paul's CAROLINA HAMMOND-Grace Memorial BEAUFORT-St. Helena's HUNTSVILLE-St. Stephen's, St. MER ROUGE-St. Andrew's HILTON HEAD ISLAND-S». Luke's Thomas' METAIRIE-St. Martin's MONCKS CORNER-Holy Family JASPER-St. Mary's MINDEN-St. John's PrNOPOLIS-Trinity OPELIKA—Emmanuel NEW IBERIA-Epiphany PELL CITY-St. Simon Peter's FLORIDA OPELOUSAS—Epiphany SOUTHEAST FLORIDA TUSCALOOSA-Christ Church PLAQUEMHJE—Holy Communion FEDERAL POINT—St. Paul's RAYVILLE-St. David's BELLE GLADE-St. John the Apostle ARKANSAS JACKSONVILLE—Good Shepherd, St. ROSEDALE-Nativity Mark's RUSTON-Redeemer MARATHON—St. Columba's MIAMI-St. Andrew's, St. Matthew the BATESVILLE-St. Paul's MELROSE-Trinity ST. JOSEPH-Christ Apostle FORREST CITY-Good Shepherd MICANOPY-Mediator SHREVEPORT-St. Mark's, St. Paul's MIAMI SPRINGS-All Angels' FORT SMITH-St. John's PONTE VEDRA BEACH-Christ TALLULAH-Trinity PALM BEACH-Bethesda-by-the-Sea HOPE-St. Mark's QUINCY-St. Paul's WINNSBORO—St. Columba's JONESBORO-St. Mark's STARKE-St. Mark's PALM BEACH GARDENS-St. Mark's LITTLE ROCK-Trinity Cathedral TALLAHASSEE-St. John's TEQUESTA-Good Shepherd MISSISSIPPI WEST MARIANNA-St. Andrew's WELAKA—Emmanuel PALM BEACH-Holy Trinity PARAGOULD-A11 Saints' CARROLLTON-Grace SOUTHWEST FLORIDA GEORGIA COLUMBIA-St. Stephen's COLUMBUS-St. Paul's BRADENTON-Christ ALBANY-St. Paul's CRYSTAL SPRINGS-Holy Trinity DUNEDIN-Good Shepherd AMERICUS—Calvary GREENWOOD-Nativity AUGUSTA— Shepherd, St. ENGLEWOOD-St. David's Good Paul's GRENADA—All Saints' DOUGLAS-St. NAPLES—Trinity-by-the-Cove Andrew's GULFPORT-St. Peter's-by-the-Sea JEKYLL PORT CHARLOTTE-St, James' ISLAND-St. Richard's INDIANOLA-St. Stephen's MOULTRIE-St. John's ST. PETERSBURG—St. Peter's Cathedral INVERNESS-All Saints' ST. SIMON'S ISLAND-Christ SARASOTA—Redeemer, St. Boniface's JACKSON-All Saints', St. James' SAVANNAH-Christ LAUREL—St. John's on next page THOMASVILLE-St. Thomas' LEXINGTON-St. Mary's Continued MERIDIAN-St. Paul's 30

TENNESSEE JOHNSON CITY-St. John's RUGBY-Christ GREEN VILLE-Christ Ja KINGSPORT-St. Paul's. St. Timothy's SEWANEE—Otey Memorial, St. GREENWOOD— Resurrection SIGNAL MOUNTAIN-St. Ti thy's RIDGEWAY—St. Stephen's ATHENS-St. Paul's KNOXVILLE—St. James', St. John's, SOMERVILLE-St. Thomas' SPARTANBURG—Advent, St.. Chi BATTLE CREEK-St. John the Baptist Tyson House Christ phcr's BOLIVAR-St. James' LaGRANGE-Immanuel SOUTH PITTSBURG— HILL—Grace BRIGHTON—Ravenscroft Chapel LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN—Good Shcph* SPRING UNION-Nativity BRISTOL-St. Columba's LOUDON-LENOIR CITY-Resurreetio TRACY CITY—Christ Andrew's W 1NCHESTER—Trinity CHATTANOOGA— St. Martin's, St. Mary MARYVILLE-St. WEST TEXAS the Virgin, St. Paul's, St. Thaddaeus' MASON-St. Paul's, Trinity Christopher's CLARKSVILLE-Trinity MEMPHIS—All Saints', Calvary , Emmai TEXAS BANDERA— St. COPPERHILL-St. Mark's uel, Grace-St. Luke's, Holy Com- EAGLE PASS-Redeemer COVINGTON-St. Matthew's munion, St. Elisabeth's, St. John's, SAN ANTONIO-Christ, Santa Fe COWAN-St. Agnes' St. Mary 's Cathedral VICTORIA-St. Francis' DYERSBURG-St. Mary's MORRISTOWN-A11 Saints' Christ, St. An- RICHMOND—Calvary ELIZABETHTON— St. Thomas' NASHVILLE-Advent, WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA St. Ann's, St. Bartholomew FAYETTEVILLE— St. Mary Magdalene drew's, CAROLINA FORT OGLETHORPE, G A.-Nativity St. George's, St. Matthias' UPPER SOUTH CASHIERS-Good Shepherd GALLATIN—Our Saviour NEWPORT-Annunciation FLAT ROCK-St. John's Grace GERMANTOWN-St. George's OAK RIDGE-St. Stephen's CAMDEN— MARION-St. John's John's, Trinity GREENEVILLE-St. James' PARIS—Grace COLUMBIA-St. MORGANTON-Grace CONGAREE-St. John's GRUETLI-St. Bernard's PULASKI-Messiah WAYNESVILLE-Grace EASTOVER-Zion JACKSON-St. Luke's ROSSVIEW-Grace Chapel GRANITEVILLE-St. Paul's Fundraiso

Deferred Gift Loose Gold

With the world gold rush on, you Aids Sewanee have probably made a mental note of various pieces of gold and silver and the mouth. Tne Rev. and Mrs. William D. about the house Undoubtedly are not Henderson have recently completed you anxious to rush out and sell fine their second of two unitrust agree- have other ments with the University of the family pieces. You may items, however, whose values are South totaling approximately raise eyebrows but $126,000. not likely to could have significance when Under the agreement, the Hen- which gathered together with similar items. dersons, who are retired, will interesting illustration is receive income for the remainder An that of Miss M. Ethel Bowden of of their lives. The gift was made in Chase, Maryland, the sister the form of 4,587 shares of Xerox Chevy Rev. Paul C'16, Corporation stock. of the late Bowden, The Rev. Mr. Henderson, T'58, T'19. Miss who holds an honorary Doctor of Some months ago, Bowden Divinity degree from Sewanee, was sent a letter to Marcus Oliver, and ex- an engineer with a Boston firm for director of annual giving, 36 years before he decided to enter plained that her late father, the an seminary. He received a master's Rev. Upton Beall Bowden, degree from the School of Theol- alumnus and former trustee, had ogy in 1958. once collected old silver and gold At the time of his recent re- from which he had had some tirement at the age of 90, he was communion silver made. Similarly parish missioner of St. John's and she had various pieces of jewelry Christ Episcopal Churches in Roan- and other items she would like to oke, Virginia. In that capacity he give to Sewanee, if they would be took the Church's ministry to the useful. sick, shut-ins, and aged in hospitals After a further exchange of and retirement homes, ready to letters, the gift was accepted. The go wherever he was needed at a collection consists of broken silver moment's notice. spoons, a gold buttonhole orna- Mr. and Mrs. Henderson are ment, a gold ring pendant, cuff leaving Roanoke to enter a retire- links, a Greek letter monogram pin, ment home in Chapel Hill, North gold ring bands, pencils, and more Carolina where he plans to continue than a dozen other items, including his work with the aged. a small University of the South seal pin.

The gift is of interest because

it represents sincere affection for Sewanee. It illustrates still another principle not lost on development officers like Mr. Oliver: that while 31

this small collection of pieces is The University plans to make not unusually valuable, it becomes the house available to the new dean so if joined by similar gifts from of the College, W. Brown Patterson, many other alumni and friends. CJhe <£ezvanee l^eyiew Jr., who will arrive at Sewanee Another note of interest about FOR WINTER this summer. the Bowden family: Miss Bowden is Mr. Beaumont is the recently the sister of the late Mrs. Margaret retired executive vice president and B. Marshall, who was also a long- Fiction by Leslie Noitms secretary of Tennessee Consoli- time friend of Sewanee. Their dated Coal Company. Mr. and Mrs. brother's widow, Mrs. Paul Bowden, Beaumont have recently moved to has currently Poetry lnj Laurence Lieherman, given more than Destin, Florida. .$100,000 to the School of Theol- Jox SlLKIN, AND OTHERS In accepting the gift, Vice- ogy, specifically to the Paul D. Chancellor Ayres expressed the Bowden Scholarship and Student Hardy and Yeats appreciation of the University for Aid Fund. this warm demonstration of love Essays bij Adrian Frazieh. James Hepburn, and support for Sewanee. and Samuel Hynes

Reviews by Gary Davenport and H. L. Weatherby Times Editor Bequests

Remembered R. B. Heilman and Spencer Brown: The State of Letters During the current fiscal year, the University has received approxi- Nick B. Williams, C'26, H'73, once mately $440,000 in bequests, Reviews by Calvin S. Brown, Edmund Fuller, listed his only hobby as fishing, ranging in size from $300 to more C. Hugh Holman, G. K. Hunter, Bruce Kinc, but his friends attested to the fact than $300,000. Douglas Paschall, C. J. Rawson, W. W. Robson, that he did not dip a line in water The largest was the bequest of Gerald Weales, and others for years. Despite the lack of time Z. Cartter Patten, who died in this astute newspaperman was ex- Chattanooga in 1948, leaving a life

tremely well read and had a con- interest ' to his daughter, Miss To: Sewanee Review, Sewanee, Tennessee, suming interest in every person and 37375 Dorothy Patten, now deceased. The every thing. School of Theology shared equally

Please send . copy (copies) of the winter 1980 issue of the That interest was the key to his Se- in the million-dollar estate with the wanee Review to: Diocese life and to his success as editor of of Tennessee and the Uni- the Los Angeles Times. versity of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Altogether he spent 41 years at Mr. Patten was one of the the Times, 14 of them as editor, South 's leading industrialists and and was honored frequently for his chairman of the board of Chatta- contributions to American jour- nooga Medicine Company. He was a nalism. civic leader and philanthropist. At the time of his death, the When awarded a Doctor of Civil Univer- $2.75 per copy (add $.50 extra per copy for mailing). Enclosed is my sity Board of Trustees passed a Law by the University of the South, check or money order (only prepaid orders filled). One-year subscrip- resolution which said in part: his citation noted that while Mr. tion: institutional $11; individual $9. ". . . Few Williams was editor of the Times, men have done more for the glory of God and the good of "the newspaper doubled its circu- men than this able, devout, lation, developed 17 overseas and devoted layman." bureaus, expanded its national A second gift of $80,105 was staff, and received an impressive Conservatory of Music. She served received from the estate of Nettie A. succession of Pulitzer Prizes. about six years as assistant to the Gift Honors Fitch of Winter Park, Florida. The "In short, Mr. Williams trans- dean of the School of Music at proceeds are formed the Los Angeles Times Florida State College for Women. to be used to defray expenses of students studying to be from a large-city daily into a major The Pooled Income Fund is one Mrs. Wakefield Episcopal clergy. national newspaper of the first of the deferred gift options of An unrestricted bequest was rank. He has, therefore, made a the University. Donors, and some- The Rev. Francis B. Wakefield, Jr., times received from the trust estate of substantial contribution to the their spouses, receive the C'23, T'26, has recently increased Elizabeth Brinkley Currier of maintenance of a vigorous free income from their gifts during their the University's Pooled Income lifetimes. Memphis who died in 1941, leaving press in the United States." Fund by a gift in memory of his a life interest to a friend in Switzer- The memory of this notable wife, Gladys Comforter Wakefield. land. The University received the alumnus has now been honored Mrs. Wakefield actively assisted appreciated sum of $23,303, a half by a recent $12,533 gift to the her husband throughout his min- interest in the estate. The other University from Mrs. Nick B. istry in Florida and at All Saints' Beaumont half was bequeathed to St. Mary's Williams, his widow. Church in Mobile, Alabama, where Cathedral in Memphis. During his lifetime, Nick he served for many years. Not only Williams was dedicated to strength- did she give private piano lessons, House ening private colleges and univer- but at the request of the vestries sities wherever he could because in each of the parishes her husband Mr. and Mrs. C. Houston Beaumont, of what they mean to the individual served, she directed the choirs. She long-time residents of the moun- and for what they mean to the was also the mother of their two tain, have given their Sewanee nation. For this reason, Mrs. Wil- children. home to the University. liams' gift is particularly appropriate. two-story residence, Bom in Apalachicola, Florida, The large Mrs. Wakefield received a bachelor's located at South Carolina and degree from Florida State College Oklahoma Avenues, was built in occupied the for Women in Tallahassee and was 1900 and was by family for many later graduated from the Cincinnati Frank W. Handy years in the first half of the century. CD 1

TheSewanee News The University of the South I Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 (ISSN 0037-3044)


1 News 5 On and Off the Mountain 7 Women at Sewanee: Ten Years Later 15 Sports 16 Theology 18 Academy 20 Calendar, Letters 21 Alumni Affairs 22 Class Notes 28 Deaths 29 Honor Roll Parishes 30 Fundraising TheSewanee News

Colloquium Research

"We heard it here first." Such was the comment of Robert Benson, associate professor of English, describing important original research presented at the recently concluded Sewanee Me- diaeval Colloquium. Several of the papers are to be published soon in substantially the same form in which they were read at Sewanee. Professor Benson called the col- loquium "the most stimulating

scholarly meeting I have ever attended. ... A real feather in Sewanee's cap." Marie-Therese d'Alverny of France, a principal speaker, spoke on cosmology in the early Middle Ages, and showed slides from little known manuscripts. Her talks carried out the theme "The Classical with 28 already signed up Heritage in the Middle Ages" by for next year versus 22 for last illustrating how many of the year. Dr. King said many of these elements in these manuscripts were patrons have no other connection drawn from the works of Pliny. with Sewanee, indeed may Fred Robinson of Yale Uni- never have heard of Sewanee except through versity, one of the featured lectur- the colloquium. ers, has been called the world's Next year's Mediaeval Collo- number one Old English scholar. quium will be on the topic of His lecture, "Links with the Past: "Medieval Monarchy: Scribe, Text and Author," showed Ideal and Reality," and will be on how the sound of the language April 10 and 11. affects the composition of the verse and its meaning, and enchant- ed a large crowd including about 60 students. His reading and translation of Commencement such English poetry as "Hwaet! We Five distinguished visitors received Gardena in Geardagum, beodcyninga Mediaeval Colloquium stars: Fred Robinson, top, Marie-Therese honorary degrees from the Uni- ." brym gefrunon. . (Beowulf, 8th d'Aluerny, bottom. versity of the South at Commence- century) was a revelation to those ment in May. not as well versed in the changes of from the 13th, 14th and 15th other than the annual meeting of Germaine Bree, Kenan Pro- pronunciation in the development centuries on Friday evening. After- the Medieval Academy (which fessor at Wake Forest University of our language. Benson said, wards "I the University chaplaincy rotates to different places), only and author of many books and have never heard Shakespeare read hosted a reception at the the Kalamazoo EQB conference can articles on French literature, was with such authority in the house in old honor of Dr. Edward B. match the Sewanee Colloquium's awarded a Doctor of Letters de- pronunciation." King, colloquium director. first-rate national reputation. gree; George Rufus Brown, retired Professor Robinson wrote after The mix of scholarly expertise "What's more," he wrote, "Sewa- Houston businessman, Doctor of the colloquium, "I hope- and sociability am now a warm was praised nee offers what Kalamazoo cannot Civil Law; Charles W. Duncan, Jr., less devotee of Sewanee," and by many participants. Mildred L. —an intimacy, a 'medieval environ- A'43, U.S. Secretary of Energy, praised the beauty of the campus Day of Birmingham-Southern said ment,' and above all, wonderful Doctor of Civil Law; Hugh Trevor- and the graciousness of the people. it for everyone: "The combination opportunities for upstarts to meet Roper, Regius Professor of Modern also He suggested that he has done of the foreign and renowned guests established scholars." History and Fellow of Oriel College, so much boosting of Sewanee with the gathering of scholars Dr. King said many people are Oxford, Doctor of Divinity; and since then that he deserves to be from all over the U.S.—in an finding it harder to attend meet- the Rev. Charles M. Wyatt-Brown, made an honorary alumnus. informal setting where everyone ings such as this because of the C'38, T'42, rector of Palmer In the intensive two days, 22 can talk face to face—generates an reduction of travel funds. He said Memorial Church in Houston, papers were presented, as well as intellectual excitement that none anyone interested in seeing the Doctor of Divinity. lectures by four distinguished of our institutions can do alone." colloquium continue can donate The baccalaureate sermon on visitors. The University's 16-member Robert Black of The Citadel $25 or. more and be listed among Saturday was preached by the Rt. Colloquium Can tic um entertained expressed an oft-heard sentiment patrons in the program. The list of with a concert of sacred music also, when he wrote Dr. King that, patrons, encouragingly, is increasing, Continued on next page News Commencement the same time fulfilling depart- (continued) to have an operating surplus of mental requirements. "I don't $60,000 as opposed to the large believe in anyone being brighter Rev. Richard B. Martin, GST'62, deficits experienced for several than .others," said. H'68, executive for mission and years. he "It's a ministries Episcopal matter of motivation." His refusal in the Church THBre are large drains on the Center in York to stick to one department got New City. University in other areas. Mr. All the usual commencement him in hot water a few times, both Alvarez said the utilities budget for activities were on tap, from the as student and teacher, until he 1980-81 is increasing $82,000. The outdoor brunch, which throughout settled at St. John's College with budget for utilities is up about its short history has enjoyed per- its non-departmental program. $200,000 over last year's actual fect weather, remarked, through ribbon utility costs. He "The more a place society parties, departmental recep- needs you the more eager they To get the necessary revenue, tions, carillon recitals and the are to get rid of you." the University must continue to Commencement Crafts Fair to He said the best thing about the rely heavily on gifts to Sewanee . Sewanee is formal dinner-dance and the con- and on income from endowment. "the presence of com- ferring of degrees and awards. munity in the midst of a beautiful But the University has less control Bachelor's degrees were expect- wilderness. Most colleges are not over these figures than over tuition. ed to be received by 209 seniors communities. They are communi- Increases for next year in Col- in the College. The School of ties to the degree they have serious lege tuition, room, and board Theology was to award 25 Master intellectual interests. I listen to charges from $5,520 to $6,050 of Divinity, one Licentiate students and faculty to see if they in will provide the University with an Theology, and six Doctor of are talking about football, or about additional $530,000. The increase Ministry degrees. the things they study and read. in the Academy comprehensive If they are eating, sleeping, and charge to $5450 will increase reve- talking about issues of intellectual nue $109,800 with substantially importance, then I they've the same enrollment. know been really motivated, they're on Although resident enrollment Charles Bell fire. And in that New Budget for the School respect, Sewanee of Theology is does very well." expected to decline slightly, reve- These and other academic dis- The University Board of Regents nue is expected to increase more ciplines contribute to his major has adopted a balanced budget of than $200,000 primarily because of venture, "Symbolic History: A $15,914,200 for the fiscal year that the continuing growth of Educa- Drama of Western Culture." begins July 1. tion for Ministry (Theological Edu- Encompassing man's view of Trustees The total is an increase of cation by Extension). himself and the world as expressed $2,155,300 over the current year's The University has resisted at in spirit, thought, and art, Mr. budget, reflecting the tremendous some sacrifice the tendency to Bell's audio-visual series takes the effects of inflation and several make large increases in tuition. Face Issues form of "a kind of poetic drama needs that cannot be postponed. "If you read U.S. News & in sound and light—the fabric and The balanced budget also is an World Report, " said Mr. Alvarez, Almost 100 trustees gathered April unfolding of the human soul in indication of the continuing finan- "you know our tuition and fees 24-25 for the board's annual the arts of the Christian West." cial stability at Sewanee, which are increasing less than others in meeting. The series also includes novels could not have been achieved with- our part of the country and certain- The overriding concern was the and poetry. out good management practices. ly less than colleges and universities uncertain economy and financial "Symbolic History" has been While some major projects are in other areas." health of the University. presented at the National Gallery, being postponed until significant College tuition, room, and Al Roberts, chairman of the and at Cambridge, Johns Hopkins, funding can be found, the Univer- board is being increased only 9.6 Board of Regents; the Rt. Rev. Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr, and most sity is moving ahead with other percent, while the inflation rate is Furman Stough, University chan- recently, Sewanee. Here, as part projects—minor renovations at 15 to 18 percent. cellor, and Vice-Chancellor Robert of the observance of Holy Week Gailor Hall, University Market, M. Ay res each spoke at length and Easter, the series shown ran and the Academy; completion of a about University finances and fund- from Early Christianity through compensation and job evaluation raising plans. the Renaissance. New Testament survey; the purchase of additional Mr. Ayres said the budget writers, Augustine, Dante, and hardware and software to go with New View figures would indicate Sewanee can Pascal were among the major the new University computer, and complete the fiscal year with a Christian authors represented. the purchase of additional equip- balanced budget. Significant capital A native of Greenville, Missis- ment at the University Press. of History is needed to offset the continuing sippi, Bell said he almost to Laurence Alvarez, coordinator went effect of inflation on the University Sewanee, of program planning and budgeting, Charles G. Bell, American Rhodes but the University didn't endowment. Scholar to Oxford in the late have a telescope at that time. "My noted that salary increases is a The trustees passed a resolution father wanted a major item in the new budget, but 1930s and now on the faculty of me to go to recognizing the outstanding work St. John's College, Southern school, and Virginia that the faculty and staff salaries Santa Fe, New had of Dean John Webb as he nears Mexico, the biggest telescope, so I remain well behind inflation. spent two weeks at want retirement this year after 34 years in there," he said. He studied physics, Another important item in the new Sewanee April, lecturing at the teaching and serving in the College College hoping to discover the whole truth budget is the renovation of Elliott and Academy under the deans' offices. sponsorship about the world, but Hall dormitory. of All Saints' Chapel an encounter In another resolution, the and the with Stringfellow Bare showed him One important improvement English-Speaking Union. Board of Trustees asked for more A former colleague of Albert the narrowness of the course of in University operations which is information to be supplied to it Einstein at Princeton, Mr. Bell study he was pursuing. "I found reflected in the new budget is the about the actions of the Board of has taught I couldn't understand the things turnaround in the financial con- in this country and at of Regents and annual report material several universities abroad and the world, the laws of stuff, until dition of Emerald-Hodgson Hos- before the trustees' meeting each has the I had found that pital. The hospital, which has been been recipient of Rockefel- out what beast year. called gaining strength for several months, ler, Ford, and Fulbright awards. man had been up to all with an infusion of new doctors His intellectual range embraces those years," he said. his and new management, is projected astronomy, physics, art, languages, He then began long program music, literature, and philosophy. of independent study while at viruses and the role played by! proteins in the process. | Miss Huffman, a senior biology major from Portsmouth, Virgin^, studied the relation between preda- tors and prey in a reservoir eco- system. \

She also investigated the impact: of power plants on aquatic systems.

Lytle Fund

Friends and former students of Andrew Lytle have begun an effort

' to establish a Lytle Fund at the University. The fund would have several purposes. Maria Kirby-Smith, the daugh- ter of Col. and Mrs. Edmund Kirby- Smith of Sewanee, has sculpted a bust of Mr. Lytle which has so impressed the author and others at

Sewanee that money is being sought to have the bust cast in bronze for a permanent display in duPont Library. Don DuPree of Sewanee, who is heading the project, said funds are also needed to Restoration of the Monarchy in commission Miss Kirby-Smith to do two resin-filled 1660 through the reign of George III. Students copies, one for the Lytle Two Sewanee professors, John Oak Ridge family and another for the Reishman and Dale Richardson, Fugitive-Agrarian Room at Vanderbilt will be tutors in the program. Pro- University. at Oxford The busts would cost fessor Reishman will give seminars Studies $1,500. on Another $1,000 is being sought This "The Literature of Thought and summer will see 29 Sewanee to establish a permanent Feeling," a study of representative Three students in the College book fund students at home in England foj: j at duPont. novels of Defoe, Fielding, Smollett, spent their second semester doing', a month where they taking' are Mr. DuPree said letters are Sterne, and Austen, research projects at Oak Ridge i the British Studies and on "Resto- at Oxford pro- being sent to persons who might be gram ration and Eighteenth Century National Laboratory in a program from July 13 to August 19 interested in contributing, Drama." Professor cosponsored by the Department but he at St. John's Richardson's College. believed an additional number of topic is "English of Energy and the Augustan Poetry Southern Col- j The program, for about 12$ interested persons may have been and Prose," a study of the major lege University Union, of which students, is sponsored i by the overlooked. All contributions will works of Dryden, Swift, and Pope Sewanee is a member. Southern College University Union, be gratefully accepted, in the Andy Arbuckle, Jim he said. a context of English literary Barfield, consortium of eight educational They should be marked for the and social history from 1660 to and Mary Huffman were among ; institutions, of which the Univer- Andrew Lytle fund and 1744. 16 students from five states picked sent to sity of the South is a member. Mr. DuPree or Beeler Brush, direc- Other seminars are in art for the four-month program. This year the theme of the tor of the Associated Alumni. history, economics, government, The students participating have program is "Britain in the Enlight- Mr. DuPree also said this fund history, literature, music history, an opportunity for research and enment." It will present a com- is not connected with the Million and social history. study in nuclear and engineering prehensive portrait of Britain in an Dollar Program, and persons who Students take two of these technology, advanced energy age of exceptional artistic and give tq the MDP each year should seminars, each twice a week, and systems, and the physical, bio- intellectual achievement, from the not consider a gift to the Lytle hear twice-daily lectures by distin- medical and environmental sciences. fund as a substitute for that gift. guished British authorities. In Their research is carried out under addition to attending lectures and the guidance of senior members seminars, students share morning of the ORNL staff. coffee with tutors and distinguished In addition to their research lecturers, such as Dr. A. L. Rowse assignments, students attend More Music TheSewanee News or Professor S. T. Bindoff, and dine weekly seminars and participate with them at "high table" in the in a three-day course on radio- this Summer medieval Hall of St. John's. active isotope techniques conduct- Latham W. Davis, Editor There is free time for reading, ed by Oak Ridge Associated Uni- A Sewanee summer has become Beeler Brush, C'68, Alumni Director sports, or afternoon tea, and versities. almost indistinguishable from the Gale Link, Art Director evenings for attending concerts, Arbuckle, a junior physics Sewanee Summer Music Center, Jean Tallec, Editorial Assistant plays, or visiting Oxford's historic major from Columbia, Tennessee, which begins its 24th season JUNE 1980 pubs. The schedule allows long used a computer and remote detec- June 21. VOL. 46, No. 2 weekends for exploring Oxford, tion instruments to analyze the The excellence of the center's London museums or theatres, near- temperature and rotation of plasma, students and faculty has made it Published quarterly by the Office of by points of interest like or gas in an extremely compressed one of the best training programs Information Services for the Blenheim UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH Palace or the Cotswolds, or even state. Plasma studies are being in the world for young instrumental- Including SCHOOL OP THEOLOGY, energetic trips to Cornwall or carried out as one method toward ists, and the faculty this year has COLLEGE OP ARTS AND SCIENCES, Scotland. Special visits to the uni- obtaining energy fairly cheaply. some extra international flavor. SEWANEE ACADEMY Barfield, versities of Cambridge and Bristol a senior biology major German-born pianist Andreas have also from Gainesville, Georgia, was in- Klein; violinist Yair Kless, a native Free distribution 24,500 been planned. vestigating carcinogenesis in mice, and resident of Israel, and Yoshiko Second-class postage paid at Sewanee, particularly in leukemia caused by Tennessee 37375 Continued on next page ;

Murakami, who began studying piano at the age of three in Japan, are a few of the outstanding per- formers who will be in residence for the five-week program. Martha McCrory, SSMC direc- tor, has attracted several new and excellent faculty members but expressed special satisfaction that nine of them are former Music Center students. Three concert orchestras will be formed from the 200 students and nearly 30 faculty members. Concerts will be held each weekend through the concluding gala con- cert festival which will begin July 24 and end July 27. The opening concert, June 22, will be a pops concert conducted by Amerigo Marino. The center will also welcome piano soloist William Ransom of Nashville, a recent graduate of the Juilliard School in New York and a former student of five summers at the Summer Music Center. Summer concert schedules are available, and interested persons are urged to write the office of the Sewanee Summer Music Center in Sewanee. Other visiting conductors for this summer's concerts include Henri Temianka, the internationally acclaimed conductor of the Cali- Sewanee Summer Seminar fornia Chamber Symphony; Joel Lazar, newly appointed music di- rector and conductor of the Tulsa Philharmonic; and Pamela Gearhart, conductor of the Ithaca College Seminar '80 Orchestra.

The Summer Music Center is not only national, even inter- Still Open national in its appeal, but current- ly more students come from Another of the Sewanee Summer outside of Tennessee than live Seminars, which have been enjoyed in the state. Far from being a in past years by alumni, Episco- camp for youngsters, the center palians, or just people with an provides intensive training and is interest in continuing their learning, attracting a growing number of is set for July 13-19. college-age students. College Lectures this summer will be on credit is offered by the University anthropology, literary criticism of for SSMC study. English poems, the fall of the The training is for orchestral British empire, the 1980 presidential instrumentalists and includes reper- election, investments, and Ameri- toire, chamber music, and private can Indian artifacts. study. An important feature of Cost of $225 includes room, the Sewanee Center is that each board and tuition for the week. student has numerous opportuni- Rates are available for room and ties to perform before audiences board for family members ($140), in solo and as part of a chamber group. or for tuition only ($95) for those who have their own arrangements An adjunct to the Music Center for room and board. is the SSMC String Camp, which is There will again be an educa- beginning its fourth season this tional and entertaining month. The camp, held from June children's program, with evening babysitting 22 to June 29, is for elementary string students, ages 10-12. The provided. Family field trips and plenty of free time for relaxing, director this year is Henry Hamp- as ton of Nashville. well as concerts of the Sewanee Summer Music Center, will be options in addition to the lectures and discussions. Faculty of the seminar are Gilbert Gilchrist, professor of politi- Henri Temianka is one of the Sewanee Summer Music cal science; Richard O'Connor, Center's guest conductors again this year. assistant professor of anthropology Douglas Paschall, assistant professor Weinstein of the University of of English and associate dean of the Texas at Dallas. College; Harry Yeatman, professor Clarence of biology and Danhof of Sangamon ; Charles Perry, assis- State University discussed results tant professor of history. of research he Director has done on charac- of the Seminar is teristics of southern business Edwin Stirling, associate professor leaders. Education of English. showed up as an Inquiries may be sent important element in these leaders' to Dr. Stirling at the University. success. A $50 deposit is required for regis- A panel of business executives tration. then gave their opinions on what Faculty and students of the the future holds for southern Seminar eat together in the dining business. Henry C. Goodrich of hall, and all participants and their Birmingham, president of Southern families live in Malon Courts Hall. Natural Resources, said that whUe Some develop lasting friendships in the past southern industry has and have returned again and again been dependent on cheap labor and for the mix of intellectual stimu- natural resources, in the future we lation and physical relaxation. will see a rise in service industries such as banking, recreation, and energy production. Symposium W. T. Beebe, chairman of the board of Delta Airlines, was also k optimistic about the future, and Eye ^ said the South can be a "world Opening center." Noting that others had An auditorium full of business men, talked of corporate growth, he said historians, and economists gathered "We must do all we can to create at the University on April 4 and 5 an environment of growth for to examine the neglected field of the individual." Southern business history in the first Paul N. Howell of Houston, Sewanee Economics Symposium. president of the Howell Corpora- Conference coordinator Marvin tion, also put emphasis on the Goodstein, professor of economics, individual and called for a balance outlined the extensive scope of the between material and humanistic Economics conference, saying that previous Symposium: Bernard Monaghan, head of values. Vulcan Materials understanding of Southern business Company, looks into the future. How businessrecords are being history had the simplistic idea kept was the concern of a final panel that "First there was slavery, then He said students of South African: Jack Blicksilver of Georgia consisting of Herman Freu- there was reconstruction, then apartheid today would do well to denberger of Tulane University, , State University described the his- Edie there was Disney World." study the American South around! tory of a southern firm, Life of Hedlin of the National Histori- cal Publications Some new ways of looking at the time of the Civil War. He also Georgia, from its beginnings as a and Records Com- history were advanced. gave of mission, and Philip Mooney, Speakers in examples what he called . small local insurance company with of the panel ''The Early Problems'? "horizontal discrimination" in that; a capital of $400 to a multimillion manager archives services for tackled the assumption that the steel and tobacco workers were dollar corporation. More recent the Coca-Cola Company. Work South had been mostly black and cotton mill being done by these' panelists will economically back- \, population changes and relative.*' assure a continuing ward because workers ivere mostly white', i' supply of raw of its. emphasis on even income among regions of the United in the ' ' material for future Sewanee Eco- agriculture rather than manufac- same town. States were discussed ibyvBernara turing. '". nomics Symposiums. : Thomas Weiss of the University ;; of Kansas said that even in ante bellum days returns were greater in industry than In agriculture, but the Speakers attributed the lack of interest in industry on the part of the wealthy.planters to thefact that planters had Social status and, industrialists did not. Harold Woodman of Purdue University said when slavery was abolished northerners had certain ideas about how southerners would behave. "Southerners refused to act like they were supposed to," he said. Stanley Engerman of the Uni- versity of Rochester described the gradual switch from white to slave labor in the early tobacco business in terms of immigration patterns and the drying up of the source of indentured servants formerly used. Gavin Wright of the University of Michigan examined the question of whether industrial development by its nature wouid have ended Thomas Weiss addresses the Sewanee Economics Symposium slavery .and racial discrimination. New Officers

in College

Brent Minor of Charlotte, North Carolina has been elected speaker of the Student Assembly, and Lindsay Coates of Albuquerque, New Mexico has been elected president of the Order of Gowns- men for the 1980-81 academic year. Brent, an economics major, has served previously in the assembly

and on the Honor Council. He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega

fraternity, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Minor, Jr. of Charlotte. Of his new post he said, "Being a good speaker will require hard work, long hours, and a lot of innovation."

Lindsay is a former editor of the Sewanee Purple and has worked on the staff of the Mountain Goat.

She is a Wilkins Scholar, served on the proctor selection committee, Student trustees Bruce Dobie and and was recent chairman of the Caroline Hopper before the recent commencement committee. trustees' meeting A political science major, she attended the London School of Economics last fall and worked for a member of Parliament. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Coates. "I believe the function of the

Order of Gownsmen is to bring attention to pertinent issues and

The Sewanee Review, Sewanee, Tennessee, 37375

fcsunalnsayicvt aibli On &Off the Mm intain

Broadway in Sewanee One of the major events of this very hectic spring was a performance of the musical Guys and Dolls by the Purple Masque. Richard L. Homan, assistant professor of speech and theatre, directed the production. Tne leads were played by Bernie Ellis, Judy O'Brien, and Mike Marchetti, all students, and Ann Galvin Homan of Sewanee. Students and faculty members did outstanding jobs in supporting roles, and they left the audience standing at the end.

Wood Lecture The Michael Harrah Wood Lecture this spring was delivered by Hugh Help Day, May 7, brought out about 250 students to help clean up and beautify the Trevor-Roper, regius professor of campus. Here, Delta Tau Delta and Cleveland Hall combine force s to paint the Youth modern history and Fellow of Center. Below, Chi Psi cleans up Green's View. Oriel College, Oxford. The title of his lecture was "Hitler's German Sharp Pen Defends Tongue Back to the book: Less than knowledge nothing Revolution." Extra chairs had to As like it has been we approached press time this Words Can Say (Little, be gathered Brown and published anywhere else. News- at the last minute as spring, I stumbled across a special Company; the 224 pages; $8.95) should letters are usually departmental, audience grew to capacity in little book in St. Luke's Book be especially good reading to Convocation Hall. Sewa- not interdepartmental, because rival- Store. It was one of those rare nee alumni who can recall having ry often interferes. finds you might ferret away to the English papers figuratively (perhaps) backyard hammock or some seclu- ripped apart for allowing "eloquent" ded place reserved for the finest but meaningless phrases which pleasures. seemed to say so much but did The book is Less than Words not say anything, much less any- Can Say and is about the origin thing important. and use of language, ostensibly the There are also many of us who English language. It offers all sorts recall our undergraduate (and of intriguing anecdotes, curious and graduate) years elsewhere when we convincing speculations, satire, fancied it an art to say as little as admonitions, and suggestions, con- possible (for that is all we knew) in cerning the sad state of American as many words as possible. If it English. were done skillfully enough the The book would be delightful professor might actually believe no matter who had written it, but he was reading something signifi- the author is a Sewanee alumnus, cant (we thought) or in despair Richard Mitchell, C'47. Professor move on to a more concise paper Mitchell is teaching at Glassboro and give us the higher grade as a State College in New Jersey but is benefit of the doubt. making larger waves as editor of To Professor Mitchell, such a little four-page journal called the corruption is far more critical than Underground Grammarian and now a waste of paper and time for as an author of books. teachers and those who have to The Grammarian was started by read the work of bureaucrats. Professor MetcheU in 1976 when he The corruption of language, he decided he could stand no longer emphasizes, leads to clouded logic the flow of confusing and i illogical. ,, and muddled minds. Far more rhetoric that regularly crossed his than being a problem of the class- desk from administrators and room, it has become a national fellow academics, not to mention tragedy. Professor Mitchell's little the gibberish of the bureaucracy. book is a call to arms for those of The Grammarian, printed on an us who love the English language old letterpress in his basement, and those who love and depend pounces on fuzzy words and upon clear thinking. —L.D. thoughts with Menckenian delight and spares no one. New Newsletter We had a note about Mitchell An interdepartmental newsletter, and the Grammarian a year or two "Literature at Sewanee," has been ago when someone sent us a news- published for the first time this paper clipping about him. Then fall and is a collection of material recently People magazine published about all the literature programs of a short article about the "prof," the College. who, it noted, a Phi was Beta Jacqueline Schaefer, professor Fereydoun Hoveyda, former Iranian ambassador to the Kappa graduate of the University United Nations, spoke at Sewanee, of French, said such a newsletter is sponsored by the of the South. unique at Sewanee, and to her Student Forum, and drew a large crowd including several media representatives. Faculty Notes

The Rev. Charles Kiblinger, Univer- sity chaplain, will be returning to Sewanee in July after spending more than a semester in England. He has been studying the Gospel of St. John at Oxford and serving as vicar of a church in New Hinksey, Oxford.

William M. (Mac) Priestley, associ- ate professor of mathematics, had to cancel his Fulbright-Hays lec- tureship to the Soviet Union this spring due to the crisis in Afghanis- tan. He had been invited to lecture on his work in Markovian semi- groups on Noncommutative C* algebras. His introductory calculus text. Calculus: An Historical Ap- proach, published last year by

Springer-Verlag, is being used at Sewanee.

An article by William B. Guenther, chairman of the chemistry de- partment, titled "A New Method for Homogeneous Precipitation of Nickel," has been published by

Analytical Letters. The article is the result of research with students over the past five years to find a highly accurate method for the nickel in stainless steel analysis.

Robert Keele, professor of politi- Clay C. Ross, associate professor cal science, on sabbatical leave Among his other projects this past Alpha. The continuing study was of mathematics and director of solicited this past semester, has been exam- semester, Scott Bates, professor of by the fraternity's Task academic computing, is ending his ining and evaluating the formal and French, observed the centenary of Force on Hazing, which was formed sabbatical leave after studying and informal processes by which Ten- French poet Guillaume Apollinaire three years ago to tackle the teaching at the University of nessee judges are chosen. He is by delivering papers on the writer problem. Professor Peyser's article Missouri at Rolla. looking at the relative influences at Columbia University, the Uni- pinpoints several problem areas and of the governor, nominating com- versity of California at Santa explains recommendations accepted John Flynn, associate professor of mittees, political leaders, and Barbara, and the Modem Language by the task force. The thrust of history, will be ending his sabbati- electorate. Association meeting at San Fran- the study is to have the under- cal leave in Brussels this summer cisco. He was asked to give papers graduates themselves define hazing, where he has been studying the George Core, editor of the Sewanee in Belgium, Rome, Warsaw, and which they have done in very strict economic and political history of Review and associate professor of Paris but declined. Professor Bates terms. A Lambda Chi himself, 20th century Western Europe and English, Professor was among the writers is the compiler of the new critical Peyser has served the doing research for a paper dealing speaking this spring at a conference bibliography of Apollinaire in the Sewanee chapter and the national with the restoration of the gold of the Tennessee College Associa- organization in Cabeen Bibliography of Twentieth several capacities standard in Belgium in 1926. In tion and the Tennessee Committee and is currently a Century French Literature and the member of the the fall Professor Flynn will be for the Humanities. His topic was graduate scholarship author of the article on Apollinaire awards com- giving a paper titled, "The Split in "Tne Literary Marketplace and the mittee of in The Encyclopedia of Twentieth the Lambda Chi Alpha the National Liberal Caucus Over Southern Writer Today." Professor Educational Foundation. Century Literature to appear this the Military Budget Bill of 1971," Core is the editor of two books year. for a panel organized by the South- about Southern American literature, Dale and Leslie Richardson have em Historical Association dealing and his articles have appeared in a spent the Thomas Spaccarelli, assistant pro- semester in England, with institutional and party de- number of literary journals. At living fessor of Spanish, has been awarded in a cozy house in the ceme- velopments in Imperial Germany. present he is editing an edition of a summer stipend by the National tery wall at Highgate. Highgate John Crowe Ransom's letters and is laden with Endowment for the Humanities literary references. Timothy Keith-Lucas, assistant pro- writing a study of Malcolm Cowley. to finish his edition and study of Professor Richardson, chairman of fessor of psychology, has spent Other Tennessee writers participa- the English a medieval Spanish romance about department, has been the past semester on leave, working ting in tne conference were Wilma studying Charlemagne. Shakespeare and this in the animal behavior laboratory Dykeman, Madison Jones, Robert summer will be teaching in the at Duke University. Drake, and Richard Beale Davis. Charles Peyser, associate professor English Studies at Oxford program. of psychology, Mrs. was the author of Richardson, an instructor in William Clarkson, assistant profes- a recent article Italian, has on fraternity hazing, been studying Italian sor of English, has been on sab- based on a study helped in University College he conduct at the Uni- batical leave second semester, in among members of Lambda Chi versity of London. part studying Ezra Pound, Dante, and Italian literature in Florence, Italy. Three Decades of Change

His even temper and wry, spon- taneous sense of humor are famous on the Mountain, and nothing has happened this year in the dean's office to diminish that reputation. John M. Webb, who retires this summer, has spent the year quieting wrath and conjuring solu- tions as if he had always been dean "When chapel was required, Tues- of the College. The fact is, Dean day was a time everybody was Webb has spent most of his 34 expected to be in chapel to hear years at Sewanee in the dean's announcements. It was a time office. His titles and responsibilities when students heard from the there have changed so much he was deans and administrators. It helped prompted to say in a recent speech build morale." to the Alumni Council, "The Uni- The chapel service was a short- versity has finally decided what to ened version of Morning Prayer do with me." led by a clergyman and made a With Dean Webb's retirement, greater impression on the mind W. Brown Patterson, Jr., C'52, will than similar events Dean Webb re- become dean of the College. members at other schools. Dean Webb is a Nashville native The dean of men also saw more who came to Sewanee, which he students in his office, particularly had never before seen, in 1946. the students with attendance prob- He was "straight out of the Army," lems—often the same ones having five years of service, during which other problems. he had reached the rank of captain "It was a good way to get to of field artillery, fought in Europe, know everybody," he said. and spent five months in a prisoner- "The quality of academic of-war camp in Germany. work and the tone of the campus A large group of married stu- changed in the '60s. I think the dents were housed in the old students work harder,' i said. hotel, "with antediluvian wiring," "We don't have as many does con- in the Monteagle Assembly tent to get by with C-minus averages Grounds, while old barracks were and figure being that is what a gentleman renovated in Woodlands. he remained until being named the late '60s, would is supposed Some began ask reasons to do. to find places with dean of the College last year. for decisions. "That part of college faculty. is gone. Wallace Westfeldt and Dean Webb had a break as dean of The '50s and the restless Students have a consuming interest his wife stayed with the Webbs men when from 1964 to 1966 he '60s were overshadowed only in grades and point averages. There that year. was acting dean of the College. by the decade of the '70s and are students who in some respects Dean Webb was teaching both Recalling the students of his the admission of women. are over-achievers," history he 6aid. and political science in the early years at Sewanee, Dean Webb "Women students required Dean Webb said the faculty 1940s but soon was teaching says they a were bit older than quite a bit of thought history on the part compares favorably with the exclusively. Recently he typical college students. of the deans and faculty," Dean faculty of 30 years ago. The current recalled Walsh Hall before its "They were hungry," he said. Webb said in the tone renovation of an under- faculty may be more "energetic" as a "charming sort of "In many respects they were more statement. and have greater interests in re- barn." His office was on the third hard than working any we have had But he believes the changes search floor then, in and publications and in and he said the floor since. They played hard too. They the attitude of students were getting grants to carry on their slanted such that he had to brace did not particularly stand in awe of more significant in some respects work. Nevertheless, himself against in some respects his desk or he would their teachers." than the mere presence of women. they are also more available have rolled out the door. to Enrollment was running a bit "It is probably a coincidence, students. During the Korean War when under 500, and in the 1950s the but we began to treat undergradu- "We have not had the ROTC prevented what Sunday many feared ambition was to get above that ates more as young adults than night meetings, but the fact is there would be another exodus of stu- figure. as kids," he said. is much more to do now on Sun- dents, he was working his on "When hit it we 500, was as if The dean of men once had the day nights," he said. "There has dissertation. In 1954 he received we had broken a barrier," Dean responsibility to oversee chapel been some renewal of Sunday his Ph.D. from Duke University, Webb said. "The next year enroll- attendance and a restrictive policy night visits, but it takes a lot of where he had done his under- ment went -well above 500 and of class attendance. The process effort on the part of students and graduate work. (He had received continued to grow." of counting up days at the end faculty." an M.A. from Yale.) During this period most of of the the semester stirred up a fair Dean Webb will be remember- In 1955 Dean Webb became dormitories were being built. The amount of interest and all sorts ed acting by most working behind his dean of men during a Ful- burden on the dean of men con- of stories. desk in lower Walsh Hall or pre- bright Lecture trip of Robert Lan- tinued to grow. Although the system was elim- siding diplomatically before faculty caster. It was soon after that that Those times reminded Dean inated under growing pressure from meetings or in committees. He has Dean Webb also became the first Webb of his initial experience as students and faculty, Dean Webb associate director of admissions. been active too in the community dean of men: "The social life of recalls some of its distinct advan- Then in 1957, he became as president of the EQB Club and dean the campus was quite a surprise. tages. of Civic Association, as a member of men when Dean Lancaster be- I did not know if this was open "There is now practically no came dean of the College. He the County Court and the County rebellion or if it was normal." occasion when everyone comes held that position until 1974 when Draft Board, and as a member of He said the group entering together at one time," he said. he became associate the boards of Emerald-Hodgson dean, which college in the 1960s, especially Hospital and Franklin County Hospital. . 10

Poems by Richard Tillinghast

Drawings by Edward Carlos

The coal that tumbles out of his. hillside soils the air and brick houses in Nashville. Words burn in the rain there from the power of water that runs past his door. He looks at his watch and turns.-on the radio, The music reaches him, all the wayfrom Nashville. . He holds his glass of whiskey up to the light that is almost gone. Its color suits his thoughts.

The fiddles and autoharp fill up the dark room and push out through paint-blackened screens into black oaks that press against the house. His face hurts me. It doesn't look right. He goes against the grain of whiskey he has made himself, and rides the wire-song of a steel guitar through small towns, through the bug-crowded air of farm-crossings late at night.

The disembodied, high guitar-line swims in his nerves like a salmon up a flint-rock stream, falls like a hawk on blood. The whiskey bums and soothes. His tongue starts to move to the words of the song: trains and big woods and bottomless rivers, hard drinking, broken hearts, and death.

His blood knows whose song this is.

He's never swum in no bottomless river, or rode that night train to Memphis, or sat and stared at those thirteen unlucky bars. But he sees the moon rise, with the Rose of San Antone tattooed on it in blood. A waitress in Denver glides toward him with drinks on a tray. He stumbles, drunk, through strange woods by an airport

and walks out in San Francisco with a gun in his pocket. . .

The moon sets, over hills cold and unfamiliar. I shut off the radio, and hear the sea-roar of the freeway. Who is this man I have LOST COVE & THE ROSE OF SAN ANTONE dreamed up? I cork the bottle, and get up and lock the door.

Evening comes on. I put on a clean white shirt From The Knife and Other Poena, Wesleyan University Press, 1980. and feel how well it fits me. I pour bourbon, Copyright 1980 by Richard Tillinghast, with spring water from a plastic jug, and look out sliding glass doors at green suburban hills blurred with smog. Two watches lie on the table before me: one set for now, one telling time in 1938, their glass faces reflecting the round California sky.

The man I see through the eye of the second watch sits in a silence too deep for my nerves Richard Tillinghast, C'62, has been a visiting and stares out at twilight assistant professor in the College this past fading on trunks of pine and oak. academic year. He is leaving to take a two-year The black Model-A car rusts into the stream post in creative' writing at Harvard University that runs past his cabin in Lost Cove, Tennessee. and has also accepted a grant from the National He reaches for the whiskey on the table, Endowment for the Humanities to work this and his sleeve clears a path through pine-needles and dust. summer at the Harvard Library. The poems printed here, evocative in their imagery, were either written in Sewanee or about Sewanee. Mr. Tillighast is the author of one published book, Sleep Watch (Wesleyan University Press, 1969), and a ne(i» volume. The Knife and Other Poems, to be published later this year. His poems and critical essays have appeared in most of the leading literary magazines. —Ed. .

11 Rain roars on the broad oak leaves and wears away the limestone. I smell the mildewed bindings of books I bought as a student. How shabby, how pathetic they look now as they stand there on their shelves unread! Children are all that matters, you said last night, and I agreed. The children's play -song—repetitive, inane- keeps sounding in my head. I get up—last night's spirits alive this morning in my blood— and write these perishing words down in the voice of summer rain.

From The Knife and Other Poems, Wesleyan University Press 1980 Copyright 1980, by Richard Tillinghaat.


Summer i rin, and the voices of children 1 ' from another room. \ h Old friends from summers past, ^ we drink old whiskey and talk about ghosts. The rain ebbs, rattles the summer cottage roof, soaks the perished leaves in wooden gutters, then gusts and drowns our fond talk. It's really coming down, we chatter, as though rain sometimes rose. The power fails. We sit under darkness, under the heavy storm. Our children—frightened, laughing- run in to be beside us.

The weak lights surge on. We see each other's children newly. How they've grown! we prose UNTIL with conventional smiles, acceptingly commonplace, as they go back to playing. I wanted to get you a picture of the Yet growing is what a child does. room where the two of them sat always in the dimness And ourselves? of things: the windowseat clouded by a shorted lamp, the samovar You haven't changed a bit, thick with tea, outdated railway passes we not exactly lie, catnip mouse, books piled against the nailed-up meaning the shock is not so great door— as we'd expected. Those were some of the things. ItVthe tired look around the eyes, One of them would strike days off in bunches, always behind, remarking the flesh a little loose on the jaw. . "First day of winter," "President Harding bom, 1865." The other one Your oldest daughter's a senior at Yale. would sometimes weep over the spectacle, and check We're like our grandparents and our parents now, lists arranged for errands repeatedly begun. shocked by the present: A buggy without a horse to pull it? Sometimes when water trembled in the drains A man on the moon? and drugs or lack of supper burned the world's dust away, Girls at Yale? they saw things their way till the yellow day We say goodnight. I can hardly lift and wandered the elated gardens. But mostly my young son anymore the cat crumpled cellophane as I carry him to the car asleep. and someone went down for groceries.

The rain comes down, comes down, comes down. No mail came, no offers. Stories below, pedestrians One would think it would wear the earth away. inched their way antlike through snow that fanned You told us about a skeleton the vague streetlights with a flutter and stabbing stroke. you awoke seeing— No one came stamping through the door, up stairs the dawn light on the bone. and trembling corridors to where It wakes me this morning early. they sat smoking and dazzling the room with talk. But I'm sure it wasn t a ghost, you said in your sensible way. From Sleep Watch, Wesleyan University Press, 1969. It was just my terrible fear of death. Copyright 1969 by Richard Tillinghait. " " 12 Letters

Steamboat Sewanee For many of us in the days the issue was a valiantly defensive, 1967, Mr. Pope corrected himself before women were admitted to well-prepared effort, it could not in a recent letter: The Rev. M. Clark Baker, C'55, Sewanee, our return to the Moun- shroud the sad reality that there "If Bishop Juhan died on De- gave me the December issue of the tain in autumn began a period is little left for me to identify cember 31, 1967, then he certainly Sewanee News because of the of depression characterized by with the Sewanee that I knew. was not at the meeting of the picture of the steamer Sewanee the question, "What am I doing Would not a more honest Board of Trustees in 1968, and I that appeared on page four. here?" The fact that we knew the public relations approach be to am in error in referring to question- J am particularly interested in answers (the beauty of the place, emphasize something akin to Dr. ing h im. old steamboats of the Mississippi the love of the academic com- Gilchrist's assessment that there "I have a vivid recollection of and its tributaries because I do munity, etc.) did little to reduce is now a "healthier and happier" his statement to the 1967 meeting consulting work in this field for the strain of living in an unnatural social life at the University and of the Board of Trustees and until museums, as well as build models community. The unnatural aspect stop the pretense that Sewanee's I got your letter, I was sure that he of various river craft. extended far beyond social con- pre-1969 traditions are marching was present at the 1968 meeting. The Sewanee was a wooden sideration; in a seat of learning, the on as if nothing had happened? Apparently, the questions were hulled, steam powered, sternwheel absence of the viewpoints which I really gagged on the brief asked of the Vice-Chancellor and towboat built in 1904 at Patterson, our female colleagues were subse- word picture of the Sewanee not Bishop Juhan, and lam in error Louisiana. Her hull measured 116 quently to express was intolerable. student (male or female?) who in mentioning him in connection by 25 by 3.2 feet. She was orig- Those of us blessed with being at reportedly responded to the moun- with the 1968 meeting. inally owned by the F. B. Williams Sewanee during the historic transi- tain visitor's comment, "I suppose "The fact remains that he did Cypress Company of Patterson, tion had the truth of our former all the old traditions are gone, stop us in our tracks at the 1967 Louisiana, and later by R. D. lack borne out daily. It was a rich with the pompous reply, "None meeting, and since no gift had McKneely of Morgan City, Louisiana. and rewarding time, bright spring that matter." That had to be materialized by the next annual Evidently the boat spent time after a dreary winter. the arrogance of youth speaking meeting^ we were able to open towing sugar on the Ouachita William C. Bennett, C'70 because he/she certainly was not admission to women. River in 1932, and even came up Aurora, Colorado speaking for those of us who still the Ohio to Louisville, Kentucky, revere Sewanee's all-male past, in the same year with two barges Disheartened when the University was something of sugar. more distinctive than just another In the March issue of the Sewanee The boat finally bumed at On page eight of the March edition small, church-supported, coeduca- News, we published a story about a Patterson, Louisiana, on November of the Sewanee News an "editorial- tional institution. gift to the University from Mrs. 18,1932. ette" appeared by Mrs. Anna Sorry, but no sale. I shall Nick B. Williams of Laguna Beach, A cursory review of my files Thomas Durham Windrow, a class- remain unreconstructed. California. The gift was made in for 1904-1912 indicates that the mate of mine. In all candor the George W. Chumbley, C'53 honor of her husband. boat did not come to Memphis or piece was somewhat disheartening. Manchester, Tennessee The story went a step further above. I presume that this boat I remember the former Miss and made a special tribute to Mr. was mainly one that worked the Durham as a genteel figure, born Fine Work Williams' memory. Mr. Williams, backwaters Louisi- bayous and of and bred of the best Middle Ten- however, was not, nor is, just a ana during her 28 years of activity. nessee stock. I am terribly afraid / could not let this recent issue memory, to which the following " Jack E. Curtis she "toughened up far too much, (March 1980) go by without letter, written in answer to an Steamer Sprague Archives she has been careless in her choice commending you on the superb apology, can attest: Franklin, Tennessee of words. style and quality of the Sewanee I am sure Mrs. Windrow will News. It is truly first rate. Exaggerated Non-Issue concur with me when I say that in As an alumnus of nearly six 1969 I felt that the admission of years, I tell you I've never found / think that "other famous news- / appreciated cover article the in women to the College of Arts and greater enjoyment in reading a paperman" who once said "The the latest Sewanee on the News Sciences was a mistake. I have University publication. The organi- reports of my death are greatly impact of women on Sewanee. I since realized the wisdom of the zation, depth of reporting and exaggerated" was Mark Twain, was disappointed, though, to find timeliness the move. However, that is not to say of articles have though maybe it was Ambrose so little mention of the role played that I or the male student body reaffirmed my belief that the Bierce, whose death, if he died at by the students at Sewanee before was resentful, snobbish, or domi- Sewanee News shares with its all, has never been verified. Bierce, that historic September, " 1969. nating. Those times, ten years ago, student body "a healthy sense author of "The Devil's Dictionary Such references as are made con- were certainly marked by dis- of restlessness" about life at the and a Californiqn, headed south cern fringe attitudes and events: agreement and disharmony but University the South. of in 1 91 7 to report on Pancho Villa 's the desire to preserve the quality not by confrontation and dislike Speaking for all your readers, personal revolution in Mexico— of the men 's choir, riotous party as the tenor of Mrs. Windrow's keep up the fine work! and was heard from no more. weekends, etc. The that so fact piece would indicate. Thomas D. Woodbery, C'74 My wife Barbara has survived little mention including women of I regret the myopic tone of Fort Lauderdale, Florida the rumor that she had become a in the student body appeared in Mrs. Windrow's article in particular widow and I have been given a new the Sewanee Purple can be attribu- the remainder the piece and of Recalling '68 lease on life by my delight at being ted to the fact that it was a non on women at Sewanee in general. mourned so vigorously. Not every issue. Very few students thought Those of us who have been so close has that It was called to our attention that man chance. It is rewarding. it worth debating. could One to special events should exert And indeed are a statement published in the March if there contribu- have found more students willing ourselves to preserve them in a issue of the Sewanee News by tions in my memory, for God's sake to speak in favor of the food at pristine light for those who follow. Thomas H. Pope appeared to be keep them. There couldn't be Gailor Hall than opposed to the Joel Daves TV, Thomas C'73 incorrect. many—my class ('26) must average admission of women. I was present, Mobile, Alabama Mr. Pope said the Board of well into their seventies. as chapel sacristan, at Bishop — Trustees voted to admit women to All the best with Heaven still Jones' address to the trustees Gagged the College at its 1968 meeting waiting. before Commencement, 1968; he after asking Bishop Frank A. Juhan recognized in that address the The March 1980 issue of the about a large gift to the University. Nick Williams, C'26, H'73 compelling role of the students in Sewanee News should have been While the trustees could have Laguna Beach, California shaping the policy which was entitled "The Selling of the Femi- asked about being pursued. the gift before Bishop nization Sewanee. of " Although Juhan's death on December 31, a


The Professor's Image

by Richard A. O'Connor

Richard O'Connor has been an assistant profes- sor of anthropology at Sewanee for two years, coming to the University shortly after leaving Cornell. University where he received his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. His essay is drawn from his personal experiences as a student and teacher as well as his knowledge of anthropology. —Ed.

Having been a student for so many years, I suddenly find myself a teacher. Of course I know I am the same person. At least I think I am, but my students seem to see someone else. We pretty much agree on who I am phys- ically. I probably remembered more hair than they see; they probably make me a bit taller than I am. But we differ on who I am personally. Somehow the students flatten my many faceted self-image into a single simplified actor— professor. ; Certainly students know professors differ. They are hard or easy, dull or interesting, strict or "laid back," fair or unfair. No one knows exactly what elusive combination of these make a "good teacher," though they know what they like. Their labeling places me as a professor among other professors, but it also marks the boundaries of what they see in me. would be mystified at my being elected a I am less than a whole person. My good days representative of my generation. and my bad days come out as just another class. I am after all an anthropologist, someone The lectures that fill me with enthusiasm and who lives in our society by studying people Could it be any other way? It is for the ones that just fill class time somehow disappear outside of it, a stranger and friend to both Thai. Once I thought about teaching in a Thai into their notebooks as if they were all the same. worlds and even my own generation. But that university. An old Thai monk encouraged me, In class they are tired, as if I weren't. They student was right about what people saw in me. saying the students would like me very much. moan about staying up to 3 A.M., as if I hadn't Last summer when I returned to Thailand for They would listen eagerly, he told me, but of done the same to prepare for class. They com- further field research, I cut my hair and shaved course they would not believe me. I was not a plain about their papers, as if I weren't writing off my mustache. When I returned to Sewanee, Thai professor, I wasn't part of their personal one for a journal. True, they are always polite I found many of my students didnt know me. world. bright enough I any different? For the Thai, knowledge is ultimately and often alert. And they are . When I was a student, was to see flaws in my arguments and offer insights What did I know of my own professors? personal. Just as you can't be bom without I haven't seen. But their intelligence has a Thinking back, I can describe their appearance. parents, you can't leam without teachers. A

curious blind spot: they see me as little more I can match names with courses and classify student may master a lesson, but, like a than my role. them as hard or easy. I can even vaguely remem- child inherits a surname, it will never be his Their ignorance is not for want of interest. ber a few great lectures. But even then I knew alone. Students dwell on professors' idiosyncrasies. nothing about how they felt. If I sensed en- Of course it could not be this way in our They pass about anecdotes—things said or thusiasm or despair, it never surfaced into an culture. We are not willing or even able to erase done, bits of personal information. If these understanding I could hold on to, it disappeared the abstract knowledge we've learned and see reveal something about professors, they tell into pat categories and the flow of classes. only the people who taught it to us. Our society more about students. Most of the stories are I had done what my students have been doing has grown and prospered on the flow of im- tied to things said and done in class, as if this tome. personal information and it could hardly sustain were the totality of the professor's life. Other As students our first lesson had been a the shock of having it all personalized. stories try to place professors in some "distant" cultural one. We had learned to separate what So this cultural genius has a darker side. past. was taught from the person who taught it. It frees knowledge only to entrap us in imper- One student told me I was part of the '60s When Mrs. Swansen taught me to spell, she sonalism. Ultimately of course, like everyone revival. She said students liked to come to my didnt teach me Mrs. Swansen's spelling, she in every culture, we must make our world class because it was so much like the '60s— taught me spelling. human. a challenge. It I had long hair, I said controversial things. As a teacher I know it isn't that simple. Our culture, then, poses Perhaps they were right—I represented my Indeed, this ingrained cultural lesson contra- leaves us to personalize the impersonal, to first dehuman- generation as well as anyone else—but I winced dicts what I try to teach in anthropology. They clothe as human what we have move in that direction, at the way the personal and social turmoil think there is a finite world of disembodied ized. Places like Sewanee have to struggle to I'd known had been hollowed out to leave only facts; I know that the "facts" of anthropology but even here students a a facade, a great heroic age. Anyone who knew are infinite and that they make sense only see professors as more than actors cast in me then, indeed anyone who knows me now, through a personal perspective. flat and narrow light. 14 Theology

He is married to the former Mary Roberts, and they have two children in elementary school. The Craighills will arrive in Sewanee in mid-June. Seminar for Clergy

Seminary and College faculty mem- bers joined forces this spring to lead a well-attended clergy seminar entitled "Christian Believing." The Very Rev. Urban T. Holmes, dean of the School of Theology, was joined by the Rev. Robert D. Hughes, instructor of systematic theology, and Francis X. Hart, associate professor of physics in the College, in leading the workshop. In particular their subject dealt with the most effective ways for the Church to speak "where Peyton Craighill hedonism, narcissism, and pseudo- religion prevail." After his return to the U.S. book on the subject in the near The seminar was sponsored by from Taiwan in 1978, Mr. Craighill future. the Alumni Association and the Craighill in worked at the Office of World Mr. Craighill attended Yale Continuing Education Center. Mission at the Episcopal Church University and the Virginia Theo- Center in New York City. He logical Seminary. He has an STM New Post worked on the development of a degree from General Seminary and Policy Handbook on World Mission. a Ph.D. in liturgies from Princeton. The Rev. Peyton Craighill has been He plans to write a popularized elected to fill the newly created Latham Davlfl post of assistant dean for adminis- tration in the School of Theology.

The creation of this post is the result of management consultations and the re-evaluation and redistribu- tion of administrative duties throughout the School of Theology. Mr. Craighill's administrative duties will include management of the M.Div. curriculum, financial aid, deployment questions for graduates, housing, coordination of continuing education, the catalogue, CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) place- ments, and coordination of the secretarial staff. Mr. Craighill's faculty appoint- ment is as associate professor of mission. He has spent 21 years in ministry overseas and was for 17 years on the faculty of the Taiwan Theological College. Mr. Craighill sees "mission as a process and ministry as a means

by which that process is carried out." He hopes to enable students to begin to "understand that mission is not something 'over there' done to 'them' by 'us,' but as a natural outgrowth of the Great Commission set forth in the Acts of the Apostles." The Most Rev. Alastair Haggart, center, bishop of Edinburgh, pauses on the quadrangle with the Rt. Rev. John M. Allin, right, presiding bishop and former University chancellor, and the Rev. William McKeachie, acting University chaplain. Bishop Haggart spoke at Sunday chapel and conducted a confirmation service April 20. . Academy 15

Sixty-Nine Get Diplomas

Commencement at Sewanee Acad- emy, held May 18, was marked by baccalaureate services, an award ceremony, and a formal dinner- dance, featuring the traditional senior lead-out." Valedictorian Lisa Dixon of Bastrop, Louisiana, a Thespian and National Merit finalist, shared ium honors with co-salutatorians Lance Wheeler of Little Rock, Arkansas, a proctor and also Na- tional Merit finalist, and Philip Alter of Houston, Texas, a member of Cum Laude and several play lasts. Vice-Chancellor Robert M. Ayres addressed the graduates. The gala weekend started on Friday, May 16, when guests began arriving in early afternoon and registered in Hamilton Hall. The baccalaureate in All Saints' Chapel that evening was the first official event. A bonfire on the athletic field was planned for seniors, lowerclassmen, faculty and guests. Frank Larisey, C'77, takes advantage of the spring weather to lead his biology class on a Saturday was a busy day, field study around the campus. with parents conferring with faculty and holding their annual award his junior year. He also won In singles competition, Thyra meeting before attending the English and Spanish I awards. He Robinson took third, and Farish jcademic-activities-athletics awards has been accepted at Johns Hopkins Burns was fourth leremony. The headmaster and French Victory University. faculty hosted a reception for Baseball In parents afterwards. The formal its first year to be invited to the The Academy baseball squad fin- high school French linner dance was held in Cravens contest Joumee ished the season with a 5-7 record. Francaise at Middle Tennessee rlall that evening. State The Tigers took two victories University, the Sunday began with early Sports Title Academy placed each over Randolph School and four students in several categories :ommunion in All Saints', followed Unionville and a single victory over of competition. >y graduation exercises at 9:30 Tennis St. Andrew's. James Patrick of Sewanee, m. Graduates said goodbyes and Sewanee Academy took the first a second-year French student, took cattered to homes and futures. three singles places and the top Golf two doubles places to overwhelm a first in poetry and fourth in The Academy qualified three golf- all opponents in the state district dictation. ers for the region championships championships this spring. Tucker McCrady of Sewanee in district competition. The individual singles champion took second place in conversation, Merit Awards They are Jamie Perkins, a junior is Richard Campbell, a senior from dictation,, and poetry for first- from Jasper, Texas; Frank Wendling El Dorado, Arkansas. Taking year students, and Martha Ebey, Two Sewanee Academy seniors of Sewanee, and Drew Lytick of second and third were Forrest also of Sewanee, took third in lave been named finalists in the Fort Worth, Texas. Weatherly, an Anniston, Alabama both conversation and dictation National Merit Scholarship program. The regular season record was junior, and Bill Thrower, a junior of the same competition. Lisa Dixon of Bastrop, Louisi- 6-7. from Charleston, South Carolina. Johanna Granville of Tampa, »ia and Lance Wheeler of Little Campbell and Thrower took Florida, in second-year French, tack, Arkansas are among the the doubles title, while Weatherly was fifth in the spelling bee. 14,000 academically -talented final- and Mauricio Teran of Key Bis- Michel Rousseau, who has been sts competing for merit scholar- cayne, Florida took second. teaching French at the Academy ihips in 1980. Final team scores were the for four years and organized the Lisa is a member of the Academy, 24; Tullahoma, 3; Frank- effort at Middle Tennessee State, Thespian Society, outing club, lin County, 3, and St. Andrew's, 1. says he plans to enter his students and yearbook staff, and won the The girls' team finished in in national competition next year. citizenship medal her junior year. second place, two points behind Joumee Francaise is held annu- ^he has been offered a merit Tullahoma. Liz Curry, a junior ally at Middle Tennessee State Scholarship from Occidental Petro- from St. Petersburg, Florida, and University and involves competition eum Corporation, one of 4,300 Thyra Robinson, a junior from among students from Middle and >ffered to finalists. Hilton Head, won the doubles East Tennessee. Lance is a proctor and was championship. ; °-winner of the M. F. Jackson 16 College Sports

Tigers Win the Big Bell

Sewanee has captured the College Athletic Conference All-Sports Trophy for 1979-80, edging Rose- Hulman by five points on the final day of the conference spring cham- pionships May 10 at Centre College. Balance for the entire year was the key to overall victory. The Tigers picked up enough second and third places to go with a spring tennis champhionship and a first- place tie in football to capture the coveted bronze bell, symbol of CAC athletic supremacy. This is the first time Sewanee has had the bell since the Tigers shared the spotlight with Rose- Hulman in 1976. This is the first outright victory for Sewanee since Kevin Holland of Nashville tries to catch a runner stealing third in a tight battle with the CAC has been a five-team Southwestern late in the regular season. conference. In the final conference stand-

ings, Centre College, Southwestern, singles, losing in his final match. the tournament was Kevin Holland and Kentucky Wesleyan in dual and Principia follow in order after Phil Dunklin of Pine Bluff, Arkan- of Nashville, who collected seven matches. Among five tournament Sewanee and Rose-Hulman. sas also lost his final match in the hits in 11 times at bat. Mallory Sewanee finished fourth in the In the spring championships, number-two singles. Tim Johnson Nimocks of Forrest City, Arkansas nine-team State Intercollegiate the Tigers won the tennis tourna- of Athens, Alabama won his final batted an even .500 in 12 times Championships. ment, placed second in golf, tied two matches to register a 2-2 record. at bat. placed for third in baseball, and B. H. Palmer, the assistant John Hill, a senior from Nash- Track in track. fourth coach who led the men's team to ville, slugged a home run in his Robert Clemmer of El Cajon, Cal Centre while Coach Dickie Ander- last time at bat for Sewanee in the forma placed second in the pole son was leading the women's team narrow victory over Principia. vault and Kent Gay of Richmonj Sports to regional matches, said the Tigers Coach Sam Betz said the Tigers Virginia placed second in the trip: came together as a team for the were playing good ball on reaching jump as the Tiger track squad toi conference matches. He said the the tournament and could easily a fourth place in the conference tough regular-season schedule had have beaten Centre. They finished championships. Round-Up much to do with that. the season with an 8-18-1 record, Rose-Hulman took the teal Cento Tennis Sewanee finished the season the best mark in several years, and title and was followed by with 12-7 record, playing will Sewanee, and Southi The men's tennis team, with out- a mostly have several returning players. Principia, Division I and II teams. Five of the western. standing depth and team spirit, losses were to Division I teams. Golf Clemmer also ran in the 40fr blasted its way to the College Ath- Wichita, meter relay which finished thill letic Conference championship May Kevin Reed of Kansas shot Baseball in and in the 5 10 at Centre College. a 36-hole 151 for the runner-up the conference, After losing its first in and 1600-meter relay Sewanee was followed by Prin- two games spot in the conference golf tourna- meter dash the conference also ran in the 400 and 1600] cipia, Centre, Rose-Hulman, and tournament, the ment and led Sewanee to a second- Gay Southwestern. Tiger baseball squad fought back place finish. meter relays. for back-to-back victories coach for ft Neither Blane Brooks, a fresh- and a Centre College took the team John McPherson, worko man from Chattanooga, nor Scott third-place tie. championship, and Centre's top squad, complimented the The losses were 7-1 to golfer sank an Klots of C Jamison, a Columbia, Maryland Rose- j eight-foot putt on freshman runner Tim Hulman and 8-4 to Centre, the final took a fif sophomore, lost a match in winning the hole for the individual Ridge, Tennessee, who joint tournament champs. Then in title. Rose-Hulman, in run i the fourth and fifth singles titles. Southwestern, place the 800-meter the third Principia Brian Rogers of Gibson Island, game, Tim Tenhet, a and placed in order after some very strong conference Maryland won the number-six freshman from Clarksdale, Missis- Sewanee. runners. sippi, slugged Ulm singles, despite a 3-1 mark, by win- a three-run home The individual Sewanee golfers A pair of sprinters, Phil run, and Gentry p« ning the showdown match against Barden and Jim and their scores for the CAC were and Brian Rose, also were key Fleming seaso the player who had tied him. teamed on the mound to David Aucamp of Hollywood, formers during the regular lead the Tigers over Southwestern Florida, Sewanee finished off its vic- 158; Wayne Davis of Regular-season highlights 4-3. Tuscaloosa, over tories when the doubles team of Alabama, 162; Kevin elude victories in Atlanta Barden, a freshman Mill- Fox Co Steve Mallonee of Chattanooga and from of Opelika, Alabama and Wade Emory University and Berry bum, New Jersey, got the victory. Turner of schoo Jamison went undefeated and did Birmingham, each 163; lege, a pair of scholarship Then Fleming, a sophomore from and City, Tennessee 1] not lose a set. Jimmy White of Union Tigers also defeated Greenwich, Connecticut, the Tennessee, 173. pla» Mallonee, the only senior on went in a dual-team meet. They distance to win the final 3-2 victory During cha* the starting squad, finished with a the regular season, the fourth in the six-team state over Principia. Tigers defeated Carson-Newm' 3-1 record in the number-one Tennessee Temple, pionships won by The leading hitter overall for Marion College of Marion, Illinois, 17

The camp is being sponsored by the Nashville YMCA, the Nashville Striders, and Athletic Attic. Reser- vations can be made by phoning Bobby Martin at the Nashville YMCA, (615) 254-0631.


For the second consecutive year, Sewanee will host a summer volley- ball camp for players and coaches August 19-22. A staff of former U.S. team members and outstanding collegians will once again conduct the camp under the auspices of S & K Volley- ball Camps. The campers will be beginning and advanced players. They will be divided into groups according to ability and age, and each group will work under its own staff coach.

The camp director is Steve Suttich, a player for the powerful Olympic Club of San Francisco and a former All-American at UCLA. Laurence Alvarez, mathematics professor and Sewanee volleyball PhU Ulm, center, takes the baton from Robert Clemmer in the final leg of the 400-meter coach, is the site director. relay at the 1980 Tennessee Intercollegiate Championships. The cost is $140 for room, board, tuition, and insurance. Day campers will be charged a fee of Women's Tennis nee women's tennis 6-6 team to a Coach Dickie Anderson called $95. Interested persons may write Jackie Scott, a St. Petersburg, record against mostly Division I her one of the best Division III or telephone Professor Alvarez. Florida sophomore, led the Sewa- and II teams this spring. players around, but, partly because of sickness and partly because of a bad draw, Jackie did not place in the Region II tournament. Alumni Golf The Tigers did place second in the state this year. The number-two doubles team of Minna Dennis and Society Elizabeth Brailsford was partly Plans responsible. They lost only two If you are a regular on the links, set matches all season. your sights now for A pair of freshmen, Susan a golfing week- end being planned for next spring Chenault and Jane Tillman, are on the Mountain. expected to form a solid nucleus The history for next season. of the project is this: For the past two years the "Sewanee Football 1980 Golfing Society," in the form of alumni from Birmingham Illinois College Sept. 6 and varsity golfers at Sewanee, have at Hampden-Sydney Sept. 13 met in competition for the vicar's Millsaps Sept. 20 baffy. The friendly match for the Centre (Homecoming) Oct. 4 baffy, which was the idea of Warren Southwestern .\ ! Oct, 11 Belser, C'50, has for two years at Principia Oct. 18 been played in Birmingham and at Washington & Lee Oct. 25 Many years ago the residents of a certain village made ready for won by the alumni Rose-Hulman Nov. 1 a great feast of celebration. So that the occasion might be But this spring Warren called at St. Leo College Nov. 8 to say that too many of his marked with buoyant spirits, a huge cask was constructed. Each Birming- ham comrades had pulled up tame villager was to bring a bottle of wine to pour into the cask. and could not make the scheduled "If I fill bottle with water," my thought one villager, trip to Sewanee. "and pour it with the others into the barrel, it will not be Running Camp Foursome matches were sched- noticed." uled for the morning, and after

But at last, when the people were assembled and the The University will host the first lunch four-ball and singles matches were planned. Then a most import- wine cask was tapped, only water flowed forth. All the people annual Sewanee Distance Running Camp June 23-28. ant "aftermatch review of play" had had the same thought: "My contribution will not be The $125 fee pays for room, all was to be held on the terrace of the missed." meals, lectures, personalized in- Sewanee Inn. As you can imagine, this is a fable with more than struction, and other amenities. Far from daunted, Belser has passing meaning for the University's Million Dollar Program. As There are no age limits. rescheduled the third vicar's baffy for we reach the end of this year's drive, the message is clear: your Among the several outstanding match next spring and wants athletes who will speak will be to involve alumni far and wide. gift is needed, your gift is vital. Ed Leddy, two-time Irish Olympian Details, says Belser, will be an- and NCAA All-American. nounced later.

1 ROllS i 1

18 Alumni Affairs

getting active class agents and Contact Report: Los Angeles and San Contact Report: Jackson, Mississip about the University's use of metro- Francisco, California February 11, 1980 February 4,1980 Club Topic politan area campaigns. Albert Present: David Morse, C'72, Michad Present: Los Angeles—Jim Helms, C'49, Flannes, A'69, Jim Hagood, Gooch, admissions director, spoke C'7 Chuck Hamilton, C'51, Ralph Little, "I briefly discussed theorganizafo about the valuable and indispens- C'56 of a club and the importance able aid of alumni to the admissions San Francisco: D. B Murray, C'64 o|, for Alumni setting realistic goals and having! office. "Everyone at the meeting was ex- well-balanced (both age-wise About 40 alumni attended the Louis Rice and Dorothea Wolf, tremely enthusiastic and apprecia- am branch-wise) group of officers a spring Alumni Council meeting an associate in the placement tive that someone had come all that executive board. Every effort \ij April 18-19. office, spoke about gathering alumni way to talk with them. I think they be made to encourage Academy The gathering included both a assistance with placement of gradu- feel somewhat like step-children alumni and seminary alumni to dinner and a morning "shirt-sleeve" ates. Phil Whitaker, vice-president and that if someone could get out join the club." session, which concentrated on for bequests, spoke along with more often we could implement those programs felt were import- Sewanee Clubs. Herman West about the methods of we Contact Report: Louisville, Kentuch Louis Rice, C'50, president of achieving support in the form of ant. I have the same feeling about February 12, 1980 the Associated Alumni, presided deferred gifts to Sewanee. San Francisco." Present: Bill Butt, C'71, Jim Hill, C'H Edward O'Brien, C'77, Noel at the dinner and the work session, Latham Davis, public relations Ru Contact Report: Dallas, Texas C'74, Bob , C'72 which were both held at the Se- director, spoke about ways alumni February 5,1980 "I explained admissions was ! wanee Inn. can use his office to build interest Present: Dr. Keith Cox, C'61 group of individuals and not ju- John M. Webb, who is retiring in the clubs and how the alumni "We talked about the Ivy schools the admissions office. If a 1 as dean of the College, gave the can help Sewanee be more visible. and how well they handle their was not admitted, it was reallyi Inn dinner address at the Sewanee Beeler Brush, alumni director, graduates when it comes to job situation where the committee « filled where alumni and guests the reviewed some of the remarks placement. I told Keith our place- absolutely convinced that the dining infl main room. Dean Webb made previously, bringing out some ment service is in its infancy when vidual could not do the work, ani fascinated his audience with a re- details about the organization and compared to Princeton's, Harvard's, it was better to say 'no' ratha view of the changes, particularly function of a good Sewanee Club. or Yale's efforts but that we are than have a family go through tk the physical changes, in Sewanee The meeting was adjourned after conscious of the importance of expense and embarrassment ot over the past 30 years. a brief talk by Vice-Chancellor such a service." someone flunking out. I assured The Morgan Hall Trophy, award- Robert M. Ayres. them the University would never ed annually to the leading class Contact Report: Denver, Colorado intentionally do anything to han in percentage of alumni giving, February 6, 1980 Present: George Hopper, C'51, E. Rag- its relationship with its alumni." was presented by Morgan Hall land Dobbins, C'35 himself to Quintard Joyner, the Alumni "We discussed the idea of student Contact Report: Macon, Georgia class agent for 1920. Mr. Joyner recruitment and Mr. Hopper came February 13,1980

Present: David Lindholm, C'56, I was the guiding force in getting up with the idea of partial scholar- Harrison, C'68, Don Johnson, C'(! 15 of his 17 classmates to con- ships to any outstanding Denver Give Views Felder Frederick, C'6 tribute financially to Sewanee. The students who decided they wanted Trip" (which the Vice- "Only 22 percent of the alumr, class gave a total of $17,153 in "The to go to Sewanee." support the University financial) 1978-79. Chancellor jokingly compared to at this time. We need to make tha The Saturday morning session, the football team of 1899) was a Contact Report: Baton Rouge, Louisiana understand that if they dont star. also at the Inn, included short way for the new alumni director, February 7,1980 Present: Sandy Ant, CT3, Father David supporting Sewanee there is a ven presentations by about ten alumni Beeler Brush, to visit as many Coughlin, C'41, Ian Hipwell, C'70, real chance she'll disappear. Thali vice-presidents and staff members. alumni as possible throughout the Raymie Edmonds. A '46, Andrew not a scare tactic. It's a fact. Loo) The fast-moving program was United States to familiarize himself Gay, A '37, Bob HoUoway, C'36 at the ones we know that have spattered with humor (complete with those people in the various "Bob commented on the need to already disappeared: Peabody, tt with the standard rubber chicken regions who would be his contacts get things going and how it was University of Chattanooga. It coii hauled out by Allen Wallace, C'54) for the Sewanee Clubs. important to forget the demilitari- happen to Sewanee." and some solid suggestions about The purpose of his travels was zation of the Academy, the co- improving clubs. twofold: First, to encourage con- education of the College, and the Contact Report: Jacksonville, Floridi Louis Rice spoke about the tinued alumni support, and second, admittance of female priests." February 18, 1980 participation of alumni in meeting to find out firsthand what the Present: Rick Hart, C'65, Sam Moss, a variety of goals in alumni job University needed to do to help Contact Report: Houston, Texas C'67, Tom McKeithen, C'51, Bn< February 9, 1980 Berg, C'7 David Sutton, placement, admissions, and fund- its alumni. On the 21-day trip, 6, C6 Present: Boyd Parker, C'71 Hank Haynes, C'63, J, F. Bryan H raising. Beeler visited 26 cities and spoke "To date the Houston Club has C'65, Doug Milne, C'65 Jack Stephenson of Atlanta, to over 100 alumni and at one been a 'hand-me-down* affair. I "The question was raised as to alumni vice-president for regions, diocesan convention. suggested to Boyd that at his whether or not Sewanee was doin! discussed the numerous things The following excerpts from organizational meeting he ask his the right thing by excluding a basil Sewanee Club officers can do to his contact reports give a general vice-president to take a more business course. If over 75 percent build strong clubs. Payne Breazeale, overview of the alumni "psyche" active role. This should relieve of our graduates are going directly Academy liaison to the alumni which is both enlightening and Boyd of some of the responsibility. into the labor force, shouldn't we office, spoke about the value of encouraging. It is not always posi- Also I felt they should compare consider changing a little to suit tive, its negative bringing able and enthusiastic Acad- but side is con- f what had been done in the past the time? Showing people how emy alumni into the clubs. structive and informative. And no with some of the suggestions and write resumes and go through jot3 Allen Wallace, vice-president matter how it is viewed, there is, see what could be adapted. By interviews is fine, but is it enough for classes, and Lawrence Gibson, as Brush says, "little doubt as to doing this, they should come up director of resources for the whether or not our alumni care with a more structured organiza- development office, spoke about about this University. They care tion with more involvement and a great deal." less work for everyone involved." tact Report: Tampa, Florida February 18, 1980 sent. Eric Newman, C'70, Steve Massey; SS'70, Steve Reynolds, C'66, Tom Moore, C'62, John Ellis, C'56, Bob Newman, C'73, Tom Garner, C'62 explained that Sewanee had 45 cent of its student body on ne type of financial aid and that good student who wanted to ne to Sewanee shouldn't rule

out because, of cost." (Even -

>se paying full tuition were only lly paying 55 percent of the e cost, the University was paying

rest. In short, everyone was on ;olarship.)

itact Report: New York, New York February 21, 1980 ent: Deric Beil, C'69, Jack Wright, C'54, Frank Wakefield, C'51 e talked about building a sense pride in our alumni much like t of Harvard and Princeton. Some of the alumni and friends attending the recent gathering of the Chattanooga Sewanee >y do it through their great Club include, from left, Beeler Brush, C'68; Melody Bock, C'77; Bradley Weeks, C'71; se of class which manifests itself Lawson Whitaker, C'72; Mary Graves, and Gaston Raoul, C'78. heir tremendous reunions. Sewa-

is a fine University and it's The meeting was held at the of the College, Academy, and e her alumni started tooting home of Albert G. Neal and his School of Theology. horns." Club News wife, Margaret, with some 65 Although invitations were sent persons attending. Barbecue was ostscript of sorts: to alumni and' friends in South The Sewanee Club of Birmingham served. The group represented a Carolina, dependency of this University many persons from other had an early winter gathering for cross section of alumni from states also attended. James Y. its alumni is analogous to a prospective students at the home of students presently in the College Perry, support system: without their C'18, was the senior alumnus Bruce Dunbar, C'71, and his wife, to older graduates and included attending. tinned interest and financial Ida (Dickinson), C'73. Academy alumni and a retired The party was the brainstorm port, Sewanee is doomed. The The meeting was well attended. bishop. of Harold E. (Son) Trask, C'68, will be a great sorting out On hand were six past presidents, A good crowd also drove down who collaborated with Ernest H. iod for small private liberal arts Martin Tilson, Jr., C'74, Ivey from Thomasville, Georgia. Joe and (Chip) Stanley, C'71, to get the leges. In an article in the Wall Jackson, C'52, Bill Tynes, Jr., C'54, Mary Sue Cushman, members of party flying. '.el Journal by Erik Larson Dick Simmons, C'50, Bob Given, the College faculty, were also guests. To build attendance, all the ling with enrollment in the 80s, C'72, and Mike Poe, C'52, as well as The Spartanburg, South Carolina clubs of South Carolina helped ras predicted that "Nearly 200 some 30 prospective students. club held a cocktail party April 1 spread the word. The Charleston pols, mostly small liberal arts Steve Graham, chairman for to honor prospective students, Club sent an especially large eges, will starve to death." student recruitment, announced a alumni, and present students at the delegation led by its president, ely one of those will not be trip to Sewanee in the spring for University. The party was held at Edward (Bru) Izard, C'73. ranee. And yet there is no interested juniors. Various alumni the home of Susan, C'75, and Joe "Without the help of the irance of that. shared with the students their Tqwson, C'76. Associated Alumni office, and Now more than ever in her views* of Sewanee and answered - Clarke Blackman, C'70, club especially Ginger Maxwell, the year history, Sewanee needs questions. Among them were Chris president, presided and gave a party would have been impossible," alumni if she is to survive, Boehm, C'74; Jim Powell, C'72; progress report and report of plans said Stanley, president of the er again can we allow communi- Sarah Hand, C'78; Mike Graham, to the more than 40 persons attend- Sewanee Club of Central South ons between the office of C'76; Henry Smith, C'63; Alice ing. Beeler Brush, director of alum- Carolina. The committee formed nni affairs and the alumni to Rogers, C'74; Susan Weatherford ni affairs, thanked the club for in: Columbia to help with the !r. There must always be from Graham, C'76; Bruce Denson, C'72,, its interest and support of the party was a large help. time forward an open, con- and Margaret Stewart, C'75. University and commended it on its Financial sponsors of the party ous dialogue. Only if we are Jack D. Stephenson, Jr., C'70, first year of activity. were Clarke Blackman, C'70 (Spar- ed in our efforts and imbued president of the club, introduced. , J The Sewanee Club of Greater tanburg), Son Trask, C'68 (Colum- i honest concern will we move Jim HiU, assistant director ad- visit Stanley, C'71 (Columbia), of : Columbus, Georgia had a bia), Chip •ugh the 80s to become the missions, who spoke briefly about from Vice-Chancellor Robert Ayres, Tucker Jackson, C'70 (Columbia), iersity our founders envisioned. Sewanee and answered questions C'49, at its meeting March 7. Joe Swearingen, C'54 (Camden), dealing with what admissions is Forty-three persons attended Peter Dodds, C'70 (Charleston), looking for in students. the spring meeting at the Green Hugh McAngus, C'72 (Columbia), The Sewanee Club of Talla- Island Country Club. The vice- Bobby Clarke, C'71 (Columbia), hassee held an organizational meet- chancellor gave inspirational talks Haigh Porter, C'58 (Florence), Rob ing and elected Blucher B. Lines, at the meeting and at Trinity Chapman, C'73 (Spartanburg), Ray- C'71, president. The Rev. Knox Church that weekend. mond Sifly, C'67 (Orangeburg), Brumby, C'48, T'51, is vice-presi- A statewide party of the clubs Susan Pennell Towson, C'75 (Spar- dent, and the Rev. George Bedell, of South Carolina was held March tanburg), Moultrie Bums, C'69 C'50, is secretary-treasurer. 22 at the Wildwood Country Club in Columbia. Attending were 186 next page alumni, spouses, dates, and friends Continued on 20

(Camden), Bruce Hunt, C71 (Spar- tanburg), and Lucius Fishbume, C'71 (Walterboro). Joyner Given By the time the band (the Drifters) arrived at 9 p.m., guests needed a chipping wedge and a Hall Trophy stick of dynamite to get into the room. It would be difficult to imagine a The Sewanee Club of Chatta- harder working class agent than nooga held a spring cocktail party Quintard Joyner, C*20, who has March 15 at the Signal Mountain won, along with his classmates, the

home of its president, Lawson 1980 Morgan Hall Cup. Whitaker III, C'71. Other officers Mr. Joyner would be the first attending were Bradley Weeks, to remind us that he has the time C'71, vice-president, and Scott L. and the place to do the work from Probasco III, C'77, treasurer. his retirement home in Sewanee. Among the almost 30 alumni But he has achieved some notable and friends attending were John success in uniting his class.

P. Guerry, C'49; James Cate, The Hall Trophy is awarded C'47, Lon B. (Doc) Gilbert, C'67; each year to the College class with Charles Holt, C'67, and Billy the highest percentage of giving. McKenzie, C'68. For the past fiscal year, 1 5 of the The Sewanee Club of Jackson, 17 members of the class of 1920 Mississippi held a wine and cheese gave to Sewanee. The class con- party March 29 at the home of tributed $17,153. David Morse, C'72, and his wife. In second place was the class The Houston Club held a of 1906, which has no class agent. "Dutch treat" gathering May 1 at Tied for third place were the classes George 's-on-Wash in gton. of 1944, with Willard B. Waggoner The Mobile Club held its annual serving as agent, and 1921, under spring meeting May 6 at the Athel- the leadership of Thomas E. Har- ston Club. New officers were grove. elected and by-laws adopted. Tied for fifth were the classes The Sewanee Club of Middle of 1947, led by James G. Cate, Georgia held an outdoor family and 1949, led by John P. Guerry. Quintard Joyner, C'20 left, accepts Hall gathering April 27 at Malatchie t the Cup for class leadership on behalf his class Farms. More on that later. of from O. Morgan Hall, C'39, T'46. The trophy was presented at the Council The Nashville Club held its Alumni meeting in April. annual spring gathering May 17 at the home of Robertson McDon- ald, A'46, C'50. Calendar Homecoming

Set your sights on Homecoming 1980, October 3-5. Reunions for several classes, COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL principally the classes of 1930 June 1 5-July 26 and 1955, will be held. But special plans are still being made for a gala celebration of all the classes SEWANEE SUMMER MUSIC CENTER in the decade of the '50s. June 21 -July 27 Clara Shumate is being invited and String Camp June 22-29 back to Sewanee for homecoming to be honored and to help celebrate. JOINT DOCTOR OF MINISTRY PROGRAM The Sewanee Tigers will battle Centre College on the gridiron. June 25-July 30 The Tigers are expected to be serious contenders for the confer- SEWANEE SUMMER SEMINAR ence title. July 13-19 In addition there will be the an- nual dinner/dance, Associated Alum- ni meeting, and alumni luncheon. Beeler Brush, alumni director, also reminds everyone that rooms are filling fast in nearby motels. The Sewanee Inn and the Holiday Inn are already full. So make your reservations. 21

Col. William Atkinson, A'21 , C'25, continues a highly successful career as president of the Class Notes Army-Navy Military Academy in Carlsbad, California, the only remaining military prep school on the West Coast. Col. Atkinson has been with the academy for 55 of its 70 years as a teacher, administrator, and now president. In a recent article published in the Los Angeles Times, he recalled the bleak years of the Viet- nam War when enrollment declined and Army- Navy was almost forced to close along We're looking for class notes. But the with

ily way we can get them is if you many other such institutions. Now the school send them to us. Just drop us a note has an enrollment of 290 boarding and 18 day what you are doing, about and let us students in both junior and senior high levels know about fellow alumni too. and is turning students away.

1923 1962 Academy THE REV. EDWARD B. GUERRY, THE REV. ROBERT F. KIRK- C, GST*52, presided as president of the PATRICK, JR., C, has become rector of Huguenot Society of South Carolina at the Church of the Good Shepherd in 1948 the organization's 95th anniversary meet- Covington, Georgia. He was formerly ing and commemoration of the landing with the Church of the Ascension in KENTON COE, A, was selected by of the first large group of Huguenots Clearwater, Florida. Tusculum College to receive the Samuel in Carolina in 1680. The celebration was EARL S. MEALINS, C, is a ship's Doak Award, the highest non-academic held April 12 in Charleston. captain in the Orient and due to return given by Tusculum College. stateside sometime in the fall. 1934 1349 1963 DR. SAM M. POWELL, C, retired The latest project for JACK JONES, as chief of pediatrics of the Jefferson EVANS E. HARRELL, C, is director ; to head a capital funds drive for a Health Foundation in 1979. Recently he of children's services at the Edgecombe- VMC.'A swimming pool in Danville, joined pediatric the department of the Nash Mental Health Center in Rocky Virginia. Jack, vice-president of research Norwood Clinic, an affiliate of the Mount, North Carolina. He administers a »nd engineering for Disston, Inc., has Carrawawy Methodist Medical Center staff of forty mental health professionals led several successful fund drives in in Birmingham, Alabama. in five programs serving children. His Danville. He and his wife, Phyllis, are wife Jan teaches at Atlantic Christian active in the Church of the Epiphany. 1940 College. They have one daughter, Waveriy, Of their three daughters, Betsy is a James I. Jones, C'53 who is five years old. ber of the track team at George THE REV. ALEXANDER DuBOSE Washington High School where she is a {SANDY) JUHAN, C, retired in February 1964 junior; Peggy is following a career in of 1979 as rector of Christ Episcopal 1953 medical technology, and Eleanor is a Church, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. THE REV. JAMES K. YEARY, C, in theatrical arts at VPI. Sandy received a Doctorate in Divinity The new Bishop-elect of Rhode T'69, has been appointed rector of St. from Virginia Theological Seminary in Island is the Mark's Church, LaGrange, Georgia. Mr. 1959 RT. REV. GEORGE N. 1975. At present he and his wife Alice HUNT III, C, executive officer of the Yeary was formerly vicar of St. Matthias' are wintering in Jacksonville Beach, Diocese of California. Church, Toccoa, Georgia. CARL F. LUCKEY, A, of Killen, Florida and spending their summers at JAMES I. JONES, C, has been named Alabama has written three successful Sewanee. vice-president of sales at United States 1965 books about things people collect. The Ceramic Tile Company, subsidiary of latest, Hummel Figurines—A Collectors 1949 M. III, is vice- Spar t ok, Inc. Before joining the com- SAM POWELL C, Identification and Value Guide, sold pany, Jones was director of merchan- presideni of the Riveroaks Bank and Trust than 16,000 copies in the first WILLIAM F. BRAME, C, recently dising at Biscayne Decorative Products. in Houston, Texas. ihree months after publication. The directed a production of Faure's Requiem SPENCER TOMB, C, is still at >ther books are Guide to Collector at St. Mary's Episcopal Church In Kinston, 1958 Kansas State University. In January he ^ints and Guide to Silver Silver- and North Carolina. was guest scholar at the National Institute late and their Makers, and they have Friends and parish ioners of the REV. for the Study of Biological Resources in acclaimed THE REV. CRAIG WALTER by the critics. L. HICKS, C, threw a surprise Xalapa, Mexico. This summer he will WILLIAM CASEY, C, was elected a senior vice- reception for him April 6 at the Church teach summer school at the University of 970 president of the Church Pension Fund at of the Resurrection in Texas. He has become a semi-serious Greenwood, South the meeting of the executive committee Carolina to help him celebrate the 25th (50 miles a week) runner so he can of the Board of Trustees on March 27, LrNDA REED JOHNSON, A, C'74, anniversary of his ordination. continue to eat whatever he likes and nd 1980. WILLIAM JOHNSON, C, are the not worry about getting fat. THE REV. DUFF GREEN, C, T'61, roud parents of a 7-pound, 11-ounce 1950 has been appointed rector of St. Paul's lughter, Jennifer Ann, bom February 1967 Episcopal Church in Columbus, Indiana. 4,1980. THE REV. HARLAND M. IRVIN, JR., C, has moved from Houston to 1960 DAVID E. BERENGUER, JR., C, Stafford, Texas. reports he is still in the Air Force and lost in the bowels- of the Pentagon. DAVID PHILLIPS ARNOLD, C, is JOHN HENRY LOONEY, A, C'78', RICHARD DOLBEER, C, joined 1951 with a Naval Ordnance Test Unit at >ing research toward his M.S. and Cape Canaveral. SPENCER TOMB, C'65, for some duck >.D. at the University of Stirling, hunting in Manhattan, Kansas this past THE REV. WILLIAM H. RALSTON, WILLIAM STEWART, C, has re- Gotland in plant physiology and ecology. duck season. With those two there is a JR., C, rector of St. John's Church, turned from a three-year assignment at good chance more bull than duck was Savannah, was awarded an honorary Okinawa, Japan and has been assigned to doctor of divinity degree December 7, the Academic Instructor School at Max- REV. J. FITZHUGH, 1979 during the Advent Convocation at well AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. THE WILLIAM the Episcopal Theological Seminary in JR., C, has recently moved from Panama Lubbock, Texas. :olles Lexington, Kentucky. The degree was 1961 City, Florida to given in "recognition of Father Ralston's JAMES R. HILL, C, is managing scholarship and his stalwart support of director for Harris and Company, an ALFRED M. WADDELL, JR., C, is Church insurance and risk management firm out the Episcopal in these troubled chairman, president, and chief executive times," said Bishop Moody, rector of Louisville, Kentucky. As of late poor of Gable Industries, Inc. in Ardmore, _ J. E. DEUPREE, C, turned 84 in of the seminary, who had ordained the Jim has had to travel the Caribbean and 'arch. Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Deupree walk every Savannah priest to both the diaconate other exotic areas writing policies to ay and busy themselves with chores and the priesthood. people who call him up. Some of us know '°und the house. They have 13 grand- how to live. nldren and eight great-grandchildren. '


Robert A. Holloway, C'36, of Baton Rouge, William B. Royer, Jr., A '49, one of the some 50 Louisiana is a recipient the Distinguished of American hostages held in Iran, has written his Service Award the National Association of of mother that his health is good and he was Realtors. It is the ultimate honor a realtor can allowed to talk with his roommates. This latest receive. An article about Mr. Holloway, pub- message, one of only three Mrs. Royer has lished in the Baton Rouge Sunday Advocate, received, was sent by way of Red Cross officials said; "At the state level, has Holloway been who visited the hostages April 14. Bill was called upon by governors since Sam Jones for teaching English at the Iranian Culture Center professional, legislative, and political reasons in Tehran when the U.S. Embassy was seized and has been recognized for his contributions last November. to the development in the industry in the state and for championing the cause of fair and adequate housing." He has been "Realtor of the Year" in both Baton Rouge and fx>uisiana.

CHARLIE HOLT, C, and his wife 1969 award-winners Myma Summers, Andrae 1975 Jackie are the proud parents of a son, Crouch, and the Imperials also helped Ryan Alexander Holt, born January 5, DOUG BAKER, C, recently moved lead the all-night rally. WILLIAM RUSSELL DANIELS, C, 1979. to Hartsvilie, South Carolina with his wife was married on July 5, 1979 to Sheere TIM STROHL, C, is vice-president of Cindy and their two children, Brian (7) 1973 Lynn Bunker. William continues to prac- staff services at the Second National Bank and Kimberly (4) to become a marketing tice law. They are living in Monticello, and Trust of Lexington, Kentucky, and research analyst with Sonoco Products CHRISTOPHER BLAKESLEE, C, is lives in a 170-year-old farmhouse with Company. a resident teacher at one of the two LEONIDAS POLK BILLS EMER- his wife Kay and three dogs and three THE REV. M. C. ELDRED, C, outdoor education schools in the country SON, JR., C, graduated from Maryland reports a son born cats. What else would you expect the on September 28, located 30 miles south of Evergreen with an M.S. in agricultural economics in Strohler to be doing? 1979, Nathan Michael David George Colorado in the Pike National Forest. 1977 and went to work Eldred. He for the Foreign MILES ABERNATHY WATKINS III, Wonder what "they call him? has round-the-clock duty teaching Agricultural Service of the U.S. Depart- C, married Jocelyn Tomkins on the Michael's parish of St. Joseph and St. sleep-in sixth-grade classes about the ment of Agriculture. He has written 22nd of December, 1979 in Birmingham, George on St. Joseph Island went from environment, natural sciences and conser- numerous articles a mission on foreign agriculture. Alabama. The couple will live in Los to self-supporting after 100 vation. The purpose of the school is to For 1980-82 he has been assigned to the Angeles, California. guide each student to develop his own U.S. Embassy in Madrid, Spain as a U.S. EUGENE W. PRUNTY, C, is teach- environmental ethic. ( agricultural attache. He and his wife 1968 ing creative writing and literature at BONNIE MARGARET FOOTE, C, Debra Lee have a four-year-old son, Seth V.P.I. Dr. Prunty received his Ph.D. married Pierre d'Auteuil Eric Lugosch' Whitner. WINFIELD S. from L.S.U. BENNETT, C, is on January 26, 1980 in All Saints' Chapel, EDWARD O. GOEHE, JR., C, re- currently working as a linguistic consult- Sewanee. cently left Taiwan and is now stationed ant for a machine translation project at 1970 PAM USRY FRANKLIN, C, married in the Philippines. His job keeps him the Linguistic Research Center at the Larry Franklin in 1970. They now have on the go. About six months out of the University of Texas, Austin. The year JAMES FARRIOR, C, judge of the three sons, Jack (8), Stuart (4), and year he is traveling to places like Korea, after receiving his Ph.D. in Germanic Lawrence County Court in Moulton, Joshua (2). Pam is a full-time medical Okinawa, Japan, languages Australia and New and linguistics at U.T., Win- Alabama, appeared to be taking advan- assistant to an internist in Decatur. Zealand. What time he has left he spends field was an instructor in beginning tage of the spring weather when he Recently Pam passed the Georgia Real with his wife, Hye Yong. German. He is also writing a series of moved a court session outside into Es^te Exam and has joined the Ruth DR. JAMES HANNIFIN, C, set up articles about Old High German syntax. April sunshine. Actually he did it because McCann Realty Company in Avondale practice at the DuBose Conference Cen- MERRITT BLAKESLEE, of cramped space inside C, and damage Estates. ter grounds in Monteagle on March 1. teaches French and English at the Detroit to his courtroom from a leaking roof. EDWARD D. (BRU) IZARD, C, has The residency was arranged through the Country Day School. Last spring he read While taking note of the event with a been promoted to assistant mortgage loan National Health Services Corps whose a paper at the Conference of Medieval photograph, the local newspaper said: officer of Home Federal Savings and program provides grants to medical Studies in Kalamazoo, and in August "It all seemed a bit unceremonious, but Loan Association. He and his wife, Jane, students on the stipulation that after flew to Germany to take it's certainly one part in the way to make sure jus- also have a baby girl, Jane Honour, graduation they serve two years in meeting of the International Arthurian tice will be done in the full light of day." born last December 11. medically underserved areas. Society. This past Christmas he presented GEORGE (PETE) PETERS, C, was PATRICIA (McLAUGHLIN) TO- a paper at the Modern Language Asso- 1971 married in March to Ann Hall of Bowdens, HER, C, and her husband John ciation in San Francisco. are the North Carolina. He is CRAIG presently working proud parents of a little girl, Patricia BLEDSOE, C, graduated TERRELL W. BEAN, C, has been for the Burroughs Corporation and will Alice, bom February 6, 1980 in Durham, this spring from the Air Force's Air promoted to lieutenant commander while finish his MBA at the University of North North Carolina. Command and Staff College. Recently serving at the Naval Regional Medical Carolina in December: he was appointed the Flying Representa- Center in San Diego, California. He joined DEBORAH SELPH, C, of Jackson, 1976 tive of the Airline Pilots Association's the Navy in December 1973. issippi was recently appointed assis- San Francisco Council of Flying Tiger WILLIAM S. BUTT, C, recently tant U.S. attorney for the Southern Line Pilots. gave up-a long and illustrious bachelor- THOMAS EARL DOSS III, C. was . District of Mississippi. married to Janice Ann Muni on WILLIAM R. ENNIS, C, is vice- hood. He and his new wife live in Louis- the 9th president of of February at the Cathedral Church of I Gonzales-Ennis, Inc., a ville where Bill works for Doe-Anderson 1974 St. Luke in Orlando, Florida. home-building business based in Palm Advertising Agency, and his wife works JOHN MENGE, C, Beach Gardens, Florida. for the new governor, Johnny Y. Brown. and his wife, JOEL K. BLAKESLEE, C, spent Julia, have a JOHN G. GRUBB, JR., C, joined baby boy, John Henry, born most of last year looking the law firm of for oil in April 20 in New Orleans. McDaniel Chorey and 1972 . . northern Montana and Nprth Da.kQta,. Taylor in , MICHAEL DENIS PAYNE, C, is a January 1980. i This fall he enrolled in the Santa Fe law student at Samford University in CARTER LAMBETH, C, is now a RICHARD L. HENDERSON, C, has Academy of Natural Medicine. He is Birmingham, Alabama. judge in North Carolina. He was appoint- been named retail advertising manager interested In holistic medicine and heal- H. ed by Governor Hunt to the 5th Judicial for the News and Observer and the GREENE (TREY) SMITH HI, C, infc without drugs. District. Keep that in mind next time Raleigh Times. Previously he was is a student in the Cumberland School adver- 1 THE REV. JONATHAN B.COFFEY, 1 you go through North Carolina. Do you tising manager of the Beaufort, South J of Law in' Birmingham, Alabama. JR., C, is now serving St. Alban's Church KEITH suppose he has any pull with the traffic Carolina Gazette and before that, an WILLIAM WEAVER, C, in Aubumdale, courts in Tennessee? advertising Florida. recently graduated from the University sales representative for the LINDA REED We have a note that ROBERT W. Raleigh newspapers. JOHNSON, A'70 C of Alabama Medical School. and JR., WILLIAM JOHNSON, C'73, are the MULDOON, C, has recently moved KEITH H. RIGGS, C, is now a proud parents of a 7-pound, 11-ounce from Ruxton, Maryland to Lauderhill captain in the Air Force and stationed 1977 Florida. daughter, Jennifer Ann, born February in Minot, North Dakota. is He the proud 14,1980. DR. CRAIG R. SMITH, C, assistant father of two baby girls. ANNE H. CAREY, C, is working as ROBERT L. ROSS, C, is finishing professor of medicine at the Johns KYLE ROTE, JR., C, was among the a draftsman for Gulf Oil in the Houston up at the University of Alabama Medical Hopkins Medical Institute, has been well-known persons leading an all-night area. In her spare time she serves as a named School and will soon move to Jackson- director of the division of internal Christian youth rally in April at Washing- volunteer with the St. Luke's Episcopal ville, Florida. medicine at Johns Hopkins. He has been ton's RFK Stadium. More than 50,000 Hospital in the emergency room and acting head since 1978, and was the were on hand for the warm-up for the helps on blood drives. In February she associate director when the division was next clay's "Washington for Jesus" rally, had an exhibit of her art work at St. formed as a part of the department of which drew many more thousands. Pat Stephen's Episcopal Church. medicine in 1977. Boone, author Nicky Cruz, and Grammy 23

wid W. Harwell, C'54, of Florence, South

irotina was sworn in as an associate justice the Supreme Court South f of Carolina in arch. He was elected by the State General ssembly over two other candidates. Justice Harwell, presiding judge of South arolina's 12th Judicial Circuit since 1973

n d a state representative before that, will zrve an eight-year term on the high court. Following the swearing-in ceremony, the j justice was introduced by his brother, tate Rep. Hicks Harwell, C'56.

NORMAN DUANE ERVIN, C, MILDRED (MISSY) WALTON, C, rried Deborah Fay Hartfield in Colum- is teaching at St. Agnes School in Alex-' Mississippi on June , 23, 1979. andria, Virginia, and finds her work is presently in the orman University very rewarding. [Texas Medical School. THOMAS H. WILLIAMS, C, and JESS BYRD HENDRICKS HI, C, TAMARA E. BROWN, C'81, were ceived an advanced degree in chemistry married at All Saints' Chapel in March i Iowa State University on February of 1979 and returned in March of 1980 1,1980. to Sewanee for their belated honeymoon. CAROL A. HOLT, C, will graduate Tommy is in medical school at U.T. jm the University of Tennessee Health Memphis and Tamara is a junior at iences program in 1981 with a degree Memphis State majoring in biology. medical technology. CAROLINE LILJENWALL, C, is an 1979 lerations manager in a tire retreading mpany in San Antonio, Texas. She GWENDOLYN (BITSY) ROGERS, rted out in bookkeeping, then moved C, is in the Cumberland School of Law in the tire service department. After Birmingham, Alabama. Iping set up new office and accounts, THOMAS P. SCARRITT, C, is moved on to the customer service in his third quarter of law school at partment. After that, they asked her Florida State, and plans to take a one take over the actual tire operation year leave of absence. During his leave rvice and retread). She graduated from he will study at the Institut d'Etudes ! retreading school and is now in Francaises at Tours, France, and arge of the entire tire operation where at the Universite des Sceinces Sociales trains and oversees everything. in Grenoble where he will be reading CAROLYN G. McCANN, C, is a international law. All of this was made ,edical student in the medical school possible by Tom's winning a Rotary the University of Alabama. Foundation Educational Award for ELIZABETH PALMER MILLER, C, International Understanding. Ultimately arried John Blair Hartman II on August Tom would like to become an interna- 1979 in Birmingham, Alabama. John tional lawyer. tends Union Theological Seminary and PETER C. STEFFEN, C, was admit- lizabeth works there. ted to the American Graduate School of ELLEN H. ROGERS, C, is a physical International Management in Glendale, erapist at the Spain Rehabilitation Arizona this spring. inter in Birmingham, Alabama. GEORGE WEAVER III, C, is a A PLANNED GIFT TO THE UNIVERSITY CAN: NORA FRANCES STONE, C, is computer programmer analyst dealing in iwly graduated from the University of computer software services for hospitals ssissippi Law School. She has accepted along the East Coast. * Increase your current income. position as clerk for the Mississilpi * Provide ate Supreme Court. an assured income to you and your loved ones for the rest of your lives. 78 * Reduce your current income taxes. Seminary * Unlock the RALPH F. HOWE, JR., C, plans to income in the capital gains on appreciated property. ier the seminary in the fall. * Reduce or eliminate your estate taxes. DAVID ERNEST JACKSON, C, is is second year of law school at the Iveraity 1939 of Tulsa. David is also work- You create a planned gift by transferring money, securities or in the legal department of the other property to the University which arranges the manage- >sok Pipe Line Company in Tulsa. THE REV. ALLEN B. CLARKSON, JOHN HENRY LOONEY, A'74, C, T, retired as the rector of the Church of ment of these assets and pays you or your designated ioing research toward his M.S. and the Good Shepherd in September of beneficiaries , an income for the rest D of your lives. . . arid then - at the University of Stirling, 1979. He had served as rector of that distributes the assets to the 'Hand in plant physiology and ecology. Augusta parish for 37 years. work of the University as you have JENNIFER RAY, C, and CINDY THE RT. REV JAMES L. DUNCAN, directed. JNA, C, work for Modern Salon T, H '61, recently retired bishopo^Squttop. lazine. east Florida, said he, «rijl continue -\ Jennifer is ,a feature editor ( \q heir work primarily as a parish priest, If you would like a copy of our folio showing Chicago office and Cindy is the serving how you can tern St. Philip's Church in Coral editor for their New York office. Gables. But benefit from a Planned Gift to the University of the South he added he would identify RUTH ROHDE, C, is an assistant himself with simply return the coupon below or call 'or for Flower and Garden magazine. any parish needing help and would assist Bishop Schofield LAWRENCE EDSEL STEWART, C, whenever he is needed, Herman West, Director of Deferred Giving hed and he will continue to be active with his second year in medical The University of the South, Sewanee, projects. Tn. 37375 °ol at the University of Virginia in community 615-598-5931 ext. 216 f. He has been elected president of class for next year. On May 31 he 1940 married to Mary Angela Herlong. Name Tel. No. THE REV. GEORGE P. LaBARRE, JR., T, will retire soon as rector of Trinity Church, Vero Beach, Florida. Address Street City State Zip

Continued on page 25 H



Robert C. Wilson, M'08, perhaps Sewanee's oldest alumnus, has lived the equivalent of two or three normal lives in terms of both years and accomplishments. When he entered the University medical school in 1907, he had already been practicing pharmacy in Georgia for ten years. He became something of a sensation at Sewanee, where he taught chemistry, served as a sort of advisor to his professors, and, as a sidelight, set a record in the 100-yard-dash. He was at Sewanee when B. Lawton Wiggins was vice-chancellor, near the peak of activity for many of the graduate programs. J. S. Cain was dean of the medical school. Mr. Wilson had classes under Dr. Reynold Kirby-Smith and had a room in the home of the widow of General Edmund Kirby-Smith. He continues to make his home near the University of Georgia campus where he was dean of pharmacy for 34 years, and he continues to take walks almost daily through his tree-shaded neighborhood. Next fall he will be 102 years old. Dean Wilson was bom in Sparta, Georgia in 1878, only ten years after classes began to be held at Sewanee. After high school he worked on the family farm, until hard times led him to work in a general store and then to full time work in a drug store. Following ten years of pharmacy practice, he became an instructor in 1907 in the fledgling pharmacy school at the University of Georgia. In 1915, having received his pharmacy degree from Sewanee and studied medicine at the University of Michigan, he became Georgia's second dean of pharmacy. The Georgia school experienced amazing growth under his leadership. He introduced the use of an entrance examination to help improve standards, and through his guidance, the school adopted in 1928 the Latham four-year program leading to the bachelor of science degree. D Robert C. Wilson, former dean His efforts in professional organizations and the state legislature of the School of Pharmacy at thi University Georgia, holds the led to significantly improved standards in the practice of pharmacy in of diploma he received from Sewam Georgia. in 1908. With him is his wife, Grace. He was elected president of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy in 1936 and chairman of the House of Delegates of the in those years, and Dean Wilson said that "as long as one of them wai American Pharmaceutical Association in 1937. In 1940 he was vice- playing, Sewanee had a championship team and won over Vanderbi president of the U. S. Pharmacopoeial Convention. He also fondly recalls Dr. Reynold Kirby-Smith as a tall, nice-lool Even after retiring as dean in 1949 at the age of 70, he remained personable fellow. active in his profession, teaching at Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Michigan. Dean Wilson's knowledge of pharmacy must have become well ta His book, Drugs and Pharmacy in the Life of Georgia, was published very rapidly around Thompson Hall. He recalls that when he asked in 1959. Kirby-Smith about taking his pharmacology class, the doctor said) Dean Wilson entered the medical school at Sewanee soon after "You come sit in my class, and if I make a mistake,! want you to col joining the faculty of Georgia not because of any professional require- to my house afterward, and we'll talk about it." ment but because he felt he needed a degree to teach and because Professor Cameron Piggott learned that Dean Wilson had studiej he could take classes at Sewanee during the summers. He had, in fact, chemistry at Georgia and soon had him teaching a class. been told by the University of Georgia chancellor to forget about But one of his favorite stories is about his final examination. i the idea of having a degree, that his experience was all he needed to teach. "I needed to leave e^arly, and I asked Dr. Cain if he would give mt! Dean Wilson was at Sewanee before most Sewanee alumni, living exam. He told me to coine to his house one night and we would take; and dead, were born, but he can recall some stories about the Mountain care of it. _ f as if they had happened yesterday. Sitting in the parlor of his "Well, I went to his house, and we talked and talked. Finally I saij comfortable Athens home, he spoke about acquaintances at the Univer- 'Maybe we had better get to the exam.' 'I'm not going to give you an sity whom most of us know only through history the books and archives. exam,' he said. 'You know as much pharmacy, as I do.' " I He recalled his first trip to Sewanee, stopping at Cowan to catch Soon afterward the -Pharmaceutical Association of Tennessee ms the Mountain Goat, the only practical means of transportation at the meeting at Sewanee, and Dean Wilson recalls that Vice-Chancellor' time. The medical school was in Thompson Hall (Old Chemical and Wiggins asked him to take the Tennessee pharmacy licensing examinati Philosophical Hall), and the dissecting lab was upstairs, many years, Dean Wilson protested t(iat he did not intend to practice in Tennessee, of course, before fire converted Thompson into a one-story building. but when the vice-chancellor said he had good reasons to ask and invft "And where did you get a body to dissect?" asked his wife, who Dean Wilson to attend the association banquet afterward, he agreed. sat on the sofa beside him. On the night of the banquet, Vice-Chancellor Wiggins, with test "From the cemetery," he answered. "I went out to the cemetery results in hand, had an ahnouncement: "Until today Vanderbilt has ha one night and got a skeleton to dissect." the distinction of having the graduate who scored the highest on the si Each student had a cadaver, and each of the cadavers kept on examination. As of today, Sewanee has that honor." Thompson's second floor had a nickname. The new pharmacy building at Georgia was named after Dean Wils There were 40 students in the medical school, Dean Wilson recalled, in 1978 after the Board of Regents of the University System of Georg all of whom rather blended with the general student population in waived its policy against naming buildings for living persons. Dean chapel, fraternities, and athletics. Wilson's pharmacy gown and hood, which he won at Sewanee, is p» He is especially fond of memories of people he met his two summers of the permanent display in that building. on the Mountain. But his diploma (Pharmaciae Graduati), printed entirely in Latin < "A granddaughter of General Kirby-Smith introduced me to all the inscribed with names like B. Lawton Wiggins, J. S. Cain, and A. H. NJ mountain trails," he said. still hangs with pride in his home. There were three Kirby-Smith boys who played football for Sewanee 25

Winton M. Blount III, C"66, has been named John R. Alexander, A'63, an associate editor of president and chief executive officer of Blount the Daily News in Greensboro, North Carolina, International Ltd.. the new worldwide construc- is one of fine national finalists for the Pulitzer tion group Blount, Inc., based of in Montgomery. Prize in editorial writing for 1980. John's Alabama. Mr. Blount, engaged in the construc- selection along with the Pulitzer nomination tion business for nearly 14 years, has been of the Daily News for local reporting arose from chairman and chief executive officer the of the murder of civil rights workers in Greensboro Wilmington, Delaware-based Benjamin F. Shaw several months ago and the continued con- Company since April 1977. He earlier served frontation of the Ku Klux Klan, the Commu- as president Mercury of Construction Corpora- nist Workers Party, and Nazi Party members tion, another Blount subsidiary, and was elected in that city. John's editorials addressed the a director Blount, of Inc. in 1979. Following issues of how a traditionally tolerant community his graduation from Sewanee, Mr. Blount like Greensboro could adjust to those events received a master's degree from the Wharton and protect the public safety without discarding School of Finance and Commerce at the Univer- the First Amendment. John said by phone from sity Pennsylvania. of the Daily News that he was taken completely by surprise by his Pulitzer nomination. The honor follows within a year, however, his being awarded the coveted Walker Stone Award from the Scripps-Howard Foundation.

Winton M. Blount III, C'66

15 1959 1971 1974

THE REV. DR. ERIC S. GREEN- THE REV. CHAM CANON, T, THE REV. D. D. KEZAR, T, was THE REV. JOHN W. GROFF, JR., IOD, T, retired December 31, 1979 as became the vicar of All Saints' Church, appointed rector of Christ Church, T, has recently had his book. The Myslic of Nashville's Christ Church, Paragould, Arkansas, on December 1, Bvadenton, Florida. Journey, published by Forward Move- sident of 15 years (member for 25) 1979. The rector of All Saints' Parish, THE REV. HARRY G. MALONEY, ment. The work deals with the spiritual- the diocesan Standing Committee Tupelo, since 1973, Mr. Canon was a T, has moved to Hawkinsville, Georgia ity of the Church. Mr. Groff is rector of man for 20 years of the diocese's member of the Diocesan Committee and where he is serving St. Luke's Church. the Church of the Epiphany in Gunters- mmittee on Constitution and Canons. former dean of the Tombigbee Convoca- Formerly he was at Christ Church in ville, Alabama. Greenwood represented Tennessee at tion. Since 1960 he has been a member Augusta. eral provincial synods, as deputy to of the board of directors of the DuBose THE REV. WILLIAM T. PATTEN 1975 ht General Conventions, and as sole Scholarship Fund at Sewanee and is T, is the vicar at the new mission con- rgy delegate to the 1963 worldwide currently chairman of its scholarship gregation of St. Alban's Church in THE REV. JOHN F. COMER, JR., in Congress in Toronto. committee. Hixson, Tennessee. St. Alban's was C'68, T, has moved from Sylacauga, THE REV. JOHN ORMOND, GST, founded as a parochial mission of St. Alabama to Birmingham. 46 was recently appointed rector of St. Peter's, Chattanooga. Mr. Patten has led THE REV. RICHARD LOUIS TAY- Paul's Episcopal Church in Wilmington, two other missions which quickly devel- LOR, T, is now residing in Angleton, THE RT. REV. CHARLES L. BUR- North Carolina. oped into parishes: Grace Church in Texas, having moved from Marianna, IEEN, T, recently was featured in an Paris, and Church of the Nativity in Arkansas. iv in The Episcopal Church. The 1960 Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. of the interview dealt with "Min- 1976 to the Armed Forces." y THE RT. REV. ROBERT W. 1972 ESTILL, GST, was consecrated bishop of THE REV WILLIAM H. CRIST, JR., North Carolina on March 15 in the Duke THE REV. TERRY COBB, T, is no T, has moved from San Antonio to University Chapel. The RT. REV. JOHN longer the rector of St. Agnes' Church, Edinburg, Texas. THE REV. JOHN P. CARTER, T, M. ALLIN, C'43, T'45, H'62, presiding Franklin, Kentucky, but will continue to THE REV. ROBERT R. McGEE, T'57, has been appointed associate bishop of the Episcopal Church, served act as vicar of St. Cyprian's Church in T, is serving Christ Episcopal Church in of St. John's Episcopal Church in as . Franklin. Raleigh, North Carolina, having moved -t City, Maryland. THE REV. JOSEPH N. RUTLAND, THE RT. REV. CALVIN O. SCHO- from the Church of the Incarnation in T, GST'61, has recently moved from FIELD, JR., GST, was invested as dio- Gaffney, South Carolina. S3 Seminole, Florida to Lake Alfred. cesan bishop of Southeast Florida on February 9, 1980. The 1977 THE REV. WILLIAM BRADLEY University's past chancellor, Episcopal presiding bishop IMBLE, T, recently retired from St. JOHN M. ALLIN, C43, T'45, H'62, THE REV. EDWARD M. GREGORY, rick's Mission, West Monroe, Louisiana. THE REV. CHARLES E. MABRY, was the celebrant at the Eucharist. Bishop T, was recently appointed chaplain of on WILLIAM BRADLEY TRIMBLE, T, vicar of the Church of the Good Schofield was formerly rector of St. Christchurch School in Christchurch, C'62, GST'69, is presently rector Shepherd, Columbus, Mississippi, since Andrew's Church, Miami, and was elected Virginia. ace-St. Luke's Church in Memphis. 1969, became vicar of St. John's Church, bishop on November 11, 1978. He was THE REV. PAUL A. RASMUS, T, Monroeville, Alabama, on January 1. consecrated March 23 of last year. was installed by Bishop Duncan on September 26, 1979 as rector of the Church of the Holy Spirit, West Palm THE VERY REV. WARREN 1973 Beach , Florida. YNES, T, dean of Christ Church 'THE VERY REV. RODERIC L. hedral, Houston, resigned January 1, MURRAY in, T, is dean of St. Andrew's The new priest-in -charge of the 1978 He had served as dean of the Cathedral in Jackson, Mississippi, moving Church of the Holy Apostles, Memphis, hedral since 1977. >in THE REV. ALLEN L. BATES, T, from his, parish,, St. Paul's, : Augusta; is THE REV! ROBERT E.' ALLEN, GST, Georgia. who since 1974 has been the vicar of was ordained this fall and will be serving as assistant rector at St. Luke's Church, THE REV. JAMES K. YEARY, Calvary Church in Osceola, Arkansas. North Little Rock, Arkansas. C'64, T, has been appointed rector of THE REV. WILLIAM S. MacINNIS, THE REV. WILLIAM L. SMITH, St. Mark's Church, LaGrange, Georgia. T, is rector of Trinity Church in Scotland is director of renewal evangelism Mr. Yeary was formerly vicar of St. Neck, North Carolina. He moved from 1979 church growth for the diocese of Matthias' Church, Toccoa, Georgia. Clearwater, South Carolina. "isylvania, with offices at St. Luke's THE REV. MARY ROBERT, T, REV. ROBIN T, is *ch THE MYERS, in Philadelphia. deacon-in-training at St. John's Church 1970 the new curate for St. Christopher's in Knoxville, has resigned in order to Church, Pensacola, Florida. give herself "time out" to test further THE REV. JOEL ROBBINS, T, THE REV. JOHN C. SCOTT, T, is her vocation to holy orders. She is continues an active and most successful now rector of Holy Cross Church, Jack- THE REV. WILLIAM HENDERSON, returning to Nashville to seek secular career as rector of St. Mary's Church sonville, Florida. resigned as missioner to the aging in Texarkana, Texas, never allowing the employment. Roanoke and will retire to North loss of his eyesight last year to slow °'ina with his wife. The Rev. Mr. his pace. Person is 89. ' ,

26 Deaths

WILLIAM C. GRAYSON, C'43, at his home in Washington, D.C. or Aprill5. He was special coordinator f0[ telecommunications for the Smithsonisj Institution. He had produced television series and films, several of which won major awards. He was a partner ipith hi|. brothers in breeding thoroughbred hora at a family farm in Upperville, Virgirj^ He was also involved in breeding and baridingidiWks at his farms m cooperate with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Bei He was a former president and chairman. of the board of the Audubon Naturalist

Society of the Central Atlantic States. He was a member of the Virginia Co& mission for the Arts, a director of CINE Rt. Rev, Milton Richardson Rt Rev. John Vander Horst and the Washington Film Council and)' member of the Committee of 100 for. the Federal City. He -also served on We have received word that LAW- We have received word boards and committees of many other RENCE that ROBERT G. LANG, C'31, ATO, of HAYNES, C'04, of Jacksonville, WILLIAM R. BRADFORD, C'23, of civic organizations. Greenville, North Carolina, died on Florida, has died. Alexandria, Louisiana, has died. February 2, 1979. JOHN A. KINNINGHAM, A'46,of FRANK N. GREEN, A'08, C'12, Cowan, Tennessee, died on DON A. HICKS, C'23, DTD, died on JOSEPH WILLIAMS Aprjl 3 died March in TABER, C'31, 3 Nashville. He had retired August 31, 1979 in Dallas, Texas. of Montgomery, Alabama, died on as a state superintendent for Southern THE RT. REV. JOHN November 30, 1979. VANJDE.. Bell Telephone He had been a state Company and was then WILLIAM HORST, H'55, SAE, retired bishop ol MARKLEY BELL, JR., of Alabama insurance examiner. inlthe real estate business. C'26, PGD, died January 27. He was Tennessee, died on April 19. He attendfd owner and president; St. Stephen's House, Oxford, and of Jack Bell Lumber DR. RANDOLPH C. CHARLES, Virginia i THE REV. WILLIS P. GERHART, Company in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Theological Seminary. He was ordained C33; died April 4 at "his home in C*14, T'15, H'47, retired rector of the a priest in 1939 and served churches Bennettsville, South Carolina. A surgeon, to Church of the Heavenly Rest, Abilene, Maryland, Georgia, and Pennsylvania ANNA GARNETT TORIAN OWENS, he was a member of various medical Texas, died on February 4 at his home in SS'27, before becoming rector of of Athens, Georgia, died March associations. His M.D. St. Paul's in Abilene. degree was from He had been at the Church of 16. She was a graduate of Sweet Chattanooga in 195ljHe was elected Briar the Medical University of South Carolina. the Heavenly Rest from 1920 to 1957, College. suffragan bishop in He was a University 19$6, coadjutor in and during trustee from 1965 that time oversaw a $400,000 1961, and diocesan later in 1961. He to 1972. He served as a Boy Scout leader building program. He was the first re- BRINKLEY retired in 1977. S. JSNOWDEN, C'27, for many years, was former cipient of the Abilene Exchange president of Club's SAE, of Collierville] Tennessee, died Marlboro Golden Deeds Award County Historical Society, for his generosity November 18, 1979.jHe served THE REV. GEORGE P. FRYSING- in the Rotary Club and Marlboro Tuberculosis to those less fortunate than he, and had 1930s ER, GST'57, of San Antonio, as an Episcopal missionary in Society, and died on was ' also been honored by active in the Jaycees, the local chapter Southern India and la^r lectured June 15, 1979. He was ordained a through- Arts Council and French - of the Daughters of the American Huguenot out the United Statles on behalf of perpetual deacon in 1^55, served at ; Revolution Society. Among survivors are his sons, for his contributions to the St. Matthew's Church ih Prosser, Wash- RANDOLPH, JR., C'69, and WINSTON community. He had served on the boards ington in C'70. 1959, and retired in 1963. of the Red Cross, YMCA, Tuberculosis CECIL H. GOSSETT, C'28, of Rad- Association, county chapter of Infantile ford, Virginia, died oh THE RT. REV. J. MILTON RICH' February 24. He EDWARD C. VOSS, Paralysis Board and the Abilene Fine C'33, died had been a farmer and merchant in ARDSON, H'61, bishop of Texas, die December 18, 1978 in Richmond, Vir- Arts Museum, of which : he was the first Cedar-Hill, Tennessee on March 24. He was a graduate of the and had served as ginia, where he president. He was a member had been owner of of the a U.S. Government tobacco inspector. University of Georgia, Ernory University' Exchange and Voss Advertising Company. Lions Clubs, and served as and Virginia .Theological Seminary. president of the Abilene Ministerial JAMES A. T. WOOD, C'28, KA, Ordained to the priesthood in 1939, he Alliance. MILES A. WATKINS, C'36, PDT, He organized the first Boy died served churches on March 16. He had raised of Birmingham, in Georgia until 1952 Scout troop in Abilene, died on March 13. He and he was the Aberdeen-Angus cattle when he was called as dean of Christ at his Wood served in the Navy first Abilene minister to broadcast in World War II, a Farms, Newport, Tennessee, and Church Cathedral in Houston. He was had earned an M.B.A. from Harvard School been named an honorary consecrated and installed as bishop in Tennessee of Business Administration, and was Colonel by Governor Gordon Browning. 1965. Bishop Richardson was chairman BURT W. chairman of Sterne, Agee and Leach, CHAPMAN, C'19, of of the board of trustees of Episcopal Inc., investment Fort Myers, Florida died on January brokers. 6. JOHN E. DAVITT, C'30, of Pom- Theological Seminary of the Southwest He had managed hospitals for 25 years pano Beach, Florida, died of and St. Stephen's Episcopal School, a heart DRURY A. FISHER, A'38, and later, managed hotels. He retired in Memphis attack on January 16. He was a retired president of St. Luke's Episcopal HospiUl, 1967. agent, died on March 17. He served in in the ' economist with the FHA in Memphis and national chaplain of Alpha Tau Sewanee Ambulance Unit. " Tennessee. Omega fraternity, which he had also HENRY R. MURPHY, A'39, C'43, DTD, served as president. He was a trustee of WILLIAM W. WHITFIELD, died August 16, 1977. A'19, DOUGLAS L. VAUGHAN, JR Baylor College of Medicine, the Church of Kitts, Kentucky, died August 12, 1979. A'30, C'34, retired University treasurer, Pension Fund, the Church Hymnal ROBERT C. MACON,' JR., C'41,' died on April 19. Born at Sewanee, he Corporation, Seabury Press, and the WILLIAM JOSEPH SAE, died on December 21 in San Diego. WALLACE JR was the grandson University of the South, others. of one of the plateau's He served in the among A*20, C'24, PDT, of Nashville, Marine Corps in World died pioneer settlers. After graduation from War II, attaining April 9. He was a partner the rank of captain, and in the family the College he was We have received employed in the later was in the machinery word that THE business of Norvell and Wallace, lumber supply business. treasurer's office and in 1941 was made REV. HARRY G. MALONEY, T'71, and building materials firm. He had business manager, leaving to enter the died March 20. He had served churches served as president of JAMES R. DAMERON, C'43, of his Sewanee class Navy in 1942. in Dawson, He served on flight duty Livingston, Texas, Augusta, and Hawkinsville, and as president of Big Brothers of died on January 13. in the Pacific, rising to the rank of Georgia. Before his ordination he had Nashville. Among survivors is his son lieutenant commander. He returned to served 30 years in the Marine Corps, ALLEN M. WALLACE, C'64. the University as assistant treasurer, then retiring with the rank of chief warrant served two years as manager of the officer. We have received word that ROB- University Supply Store before becoming ERT C. BARROW, C'21, KS, Columbia, treasurer in 1949. He retired in 1975. Ben W. Gibson, Jr., longtime Sewa- Tennessee realtor, is deceased. Among survivors is his son BEN, A'69 nee resident who worked with the C'73. College Board office here, died on i January 8. Among survivors are his son, BEN III, A'63, C'67, and daughter, MARGARET, A'73. 27 Undraiso

ATLANTA Sarah E. Hand, C'78 Nancy Bell, C'79 Jack L. Stephenson, C'49, Chairman Walter E. Henley, C'72 Bowman (Turlington) Burr, A'75 lumni Lead Montague Laffitte Boyd, C'74 Zachary T. Hutto, C'76 Albert E. Carpenter, Jr., A*60 E. Bruce Brooks, C'69 Philip Chappell Jackson III, C'79 John Corder, C'76 Eugene P. Chambers, C'53 Frank C. Jones, C'62 Thomas Cowan, C'74 Bayard Mcintosh Cole, C'33 James A. King, Jr., lampaign C'62 B. B. Cragon,Jr.,C74 Frances Dennis, C'76 Raymond S. Leathers, C'72 Charles J. DePaolo III, C'77 Dennis M. Hall, C'69 JohnM. McCary, C'75 never a William and Mary Jo Dortch, C'75, C'76 here may be time in the Thomas H. Horton, CM 5 Douglass McQueen, Jr., C'45 Phillip and Lucy Earhart, C'76, C'76 of the University of the South Edward R. Moore, A'57, C'61 Lamont Major, Jr., C'62 [e Dean B. Ellithorpe, C'68 Robert M. Murray, Jr., hen the level of alumni support C'56 Duncan Y. Manley, C'60 R. Tucker FitzHugh, A'60 Robert T. Owen, C'60 Claude B. NieUon, C'73 B more riding on it. Robert and Beth Friedrich, C'77, C'77 Louis W. Rice m, C'73 Fred G. Owen III, C'77 Recent statistics reveal that the Romualdo Gonzalez, A'66, C'70 Michael H. Foe, C'52. Gerald C. Johnson, A'66 ercentage of Sewanee alumni Robert L. Brannon , . Wiley C. Richardson, C'78 C'72 Harwood Koppel, C'63 anors does not stack up very well Joseph H. Brittain, Jr., C'63 Alice W.Rogers, C'74 L. Valentine Lee, Jr., C'40 Carl H. Cofer, Jr., C'57 C. Alan Ross, C'69 hen compared with several other Thomas F. Mauldin, Jr., C'71 Anne B. Cumming, C'78 Stephen A. Rowe, C'75 ighly regarded institutions. This George and Kathryn Noxon, C'77, C'77 R. Frederick Decosimo, C'74 Michael S. Shannon, C'74 James imparison places Sewanee at a B. Roberts, C'69 John S. Douglas, Jr., C'63 Richard E. Simmons III, C'76 James O. Sanders III, C'63 sadvantage in seeking large gifts Dan Edwards, Jr., Henley J. Smith III, C'77 C'70 Brian and Elizabeth Sullivan, C'77, C'77 ora foundations, corporations, Donald J. Ellis; C 70 James A. Steeves, C'67 George R. Sumner, A'59 Herbert L. Eustis HI, George M. Taylor III, C'76 id individuals, because in the C'71 Joseph H. Tucker HI, C'61 Clayton H. Farnham, C'61 Charles R. Walton, C'75 aluation process they want to Elizabeth V. Watt, C'77 Charles G. Fulton, Jr., C'75 Lynne Willis, C'78 John B. how well a school's Wilkinson, C'67 iow own William W. Wright, Jr., William Osceola Gordon, Jr., C'71 C'73 John and Frances Williams, C'76, C'76 mily supports the school. Sewa- Edwin I. Hatch, Jr., C'63 e has not been able to give them Joseph Bernard Haynes, C'62 JACKSONVILLE ery good answer to that question. Philip A. Holland, C'60 J. F. Bryan IV, C'65, Chairman Albert E. Honey, Jr., C'56 James H. Abernathy, Jr., C'66 In response to the perceived Richard B. Hughes, C'57 William D. Austin, A'46, C'52 Bequests to augment ed Sewanee's alumni Nolan C. Leake, C'68 H. Bradford Berg, C'76 ring program, local campaigns in Martha R. Lokey , C'76 William R. Boling, C'66 More than a half-million dollars, ur centers of Sewanee popula- J. Stuart McDaniel, C'64 Richard M. Hart, Jr., C'65 most of it restricted for endow- >ns—Jacksonville, Atlanta, Bir- Lauren and Helen McSwain, C'73, C'74 Thomas M. McKeithen, C'51 Graham S. Nicholson, C'76 Alfred Miller III, C'64 ment, has come to the University ingham, and New Orleans—have Richard H. Osgood in, C'76 William E. Scheu, C'67 through bequests from 12 persons «n launched in recent weeks. James K. Roberts, C'47 W. Arthur Spruill, Jr., C'53 since the beginning of this fiscal More familiarly known as Met- Morgan M. Robertson, C'69 year. ipoiitan Area Campaigns, these Donald S. Shapleigh, Jr., C'70 Frank M. Arnall, C'37 The most recent is a Frances H. Arnall, $75,000 cal drives feature the classic Smith, C'77 Joseph C'69 Bryan and Sarah Starr, C'68, C'74 JohnW. Ball, Jr., C'68 payment on a bequest of Gen. ilunteer organizations, headed by Charles P. Stephens, C'60 Henry B. Bonar, Jr., C'63 L. Kemper Williams, C'08, which cal chairmen. Team captains John P. Stewart, Jr., C'69 A. Stanley Bullock, Jr., T'61 will total $500,000 when com- e enlisted, and each captain in Sullivan, JohnW. Colby, Jr., C'68 Claude T. Jr., C'65 pleted. Gifts totaling $475,000 m enlists five or more alumni Alan R. Yates, C'72 James R. Cullipher HI, T'70 have been received by the Uni- Peter L. Bearing , C'68 ilunteers to work as solicitors on BIRMINGHAM Judson Freeman, Jr., C'65 versity from this estate. s team. Following the kickoff IH, George B. Elliott, C'51 , Chairman William A. Hamilton C'65 A total of $300,000 of this eeting where they are armed with W. Warren Belser, Jr., C'50 Caldwell (Hank) Haynes, C'63 bequest was restricted to the mpaign tools and information, John P. Ingle 111, C'64 Christopher Boehm, C'74 purchase of books for duPont cli volunteer solicits a number Bruce C. Dunbar, C'71 William T. Johnson, A'62, C'66 Library. Five trustees administer Robert P. Jones, C'67 fellow alumni for their pledges. Robert M. Given, C'72 the Kemper and Leila William H. M. Phillips, C'56 W. Sperry Lee, C'43 Williams Emphasis is on three-year Richard R. Randolph III, A'57, C'61 Donald P. MacLeod, Jr., C'62 Foundation for the two causes sdges of $100 a year and payment Richard E. Simmons, Jr., C'50 Elizabeth McCall, C'75 specified by Gen. Williams—the the first year's installment John E. Merchant, C'68 by Jack P. Stephenson, Jr., C'70 Episcopal Church and the Univer- ne 30, the Martin R. Tilson, Jr., C'74 Douglas J. Milne, C'66 end of Sewanee's sity MUler, C'71 of the South. cal year. William D. Tynes,Jr., C'54 Paul (Tem) Sheldon (Sandy) Morris, C'56 Other bequests, not previously In four cities 170 alumni William H. Barnes, C'49 Samuel G. Moss HI, C'67 published, have come from the lunteers are engaged in making Peyton D. Bibb, Jr., C'63 Frank W. Mumby IV, C'72 estates of Nancy Murphy of Bartow, ntact with over Douglass E. Myers, Jr., C'66 800 alumni William F. Bridgets, C'54 Florida; Louis LeMay of Dallas, Anne Bryson, C'74 Richard H. Powell, C'66 ospects on behalf of Sewanee. Texas; and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. John N. Corey, Jr., C'49 Gladstone Rogers, Jr., C'24, T'27 iriy reports from Birmingham Nation of Orlando, Florida. H. Brooks Cotten, C'43 Pay ton E. Scheppe, Jr., C'68 dicate a dramatic rise in percent- Sutton, The two largest benefactors John and Eulalie Davis, C'77, C'77 David P. C'66 e of alumni giving in that city, Champneys Taylor, Jr., C'67 Bruce S. Denson, C'72 John in the University's history have d the John M. Warren, C59 increased tempo of solicita- . H. Michael Graham, C'76 : been Mrs. Alfred I. duPont, who , , , Francis H. Yerkes, C'41 ins in the other cities promises Steven V. GraHari^ C73 gave approximately $7 million George D. Young, Jr., C'49, GST'56 bring equally good results during her lifetime, and the Ford fore June 30. NEW ORLEANS Foundation, which has given The commendable work of all M. Feild Gomila, C'61, Chairman approximately $3 million. ilunteers in Metropolitan Area Pred B. Baldwin, A'61 Gerald L. DeBlois, C'63 "npaigns contributes significantly Frederick DuM. DeVall III, C'60 the overall goal of increased Brooke S. Dickson, A'65 Rentage of alumni donors at the John A. Lawrence, C'67 ty time when maximum alumni Douglass R. Lore, C'64 PPort must be realized. Warren G. tott, C63 John H. Menge, C'76 The alumni volunteers who are David P. Milling, C'66 volved in these campaigns four Peter R. Phillips, Jr., C'66 Howard H. Russell, Jr., C'60 John H. Stlbbo, Jr., C'73 U) 2 a CO

F »i Wi Charles Nicholas - Memphis Commercial Appeal

TheSew^nee News The University of the South I Sewanee, Tennessee 3737S (ISSN 0037-3044)


1 News 7 On and Off the Mountain 8 Faculty Notes 9 Dean Webb Retires 10 Poems by Richard Tillinghast 12 Letters 13 The Professor's Image by Richard O'Connor 14 Theology 15 Academy 16 Sports 18 Alumni Affairs 21 Class Notes 26 Deaths 27 Fundraising .

TheSewanee News SEPTEMBER 1980

Broad Support Lifts Sewanee Past Goal

In addition to the unrestricted ber of alumni making gifts to Sewa- gifts, restricted gifts and bequests nee increased in each of the three for the year amounted to divisions—from 2,205 to 2,654, a $1,431,893. The grand total of very healthy 20 percent increase. restricted and unrestricted giving This kind of increase in the number was $2,820,268. of persons supporting Sewanee I renew the thanks of the Uni- should give us all renewed faith versity to the outstanding volunteer that there are enough people who leadership among regents, trustees, believe in what the University is alumni, parents, and other friends doing that we should not slacken the Universiy. of our efforts to make it as strong as I recall that last year, as before, we acknowledged in particular the This decade has not been kind support of the members of the to private colleges. During the time Chancellor's Society (those persons that the University of the South has making unrestricted gifts of at least maintained a good fiscal posture $10,000 in a single year). Our mem- upon a strong financial basis, other bership in this society at that time schools have not been as fortunate. was nineteen. For 1979-80, the One hundred and forty -one private membership has grown to twenty- colleges failed to survive the 1970's. five, an impressive increase of 32 In addition to those colleges that percent. closed their doors, the merging of William Whipple This growth indicates that there private schools into larger state-

are constituents of Sewanee who supported systems is not uncom- are coming to recognize the value mon. To maintain the indepen-

their commitment can have to the dence and strength of the Univer- • We had much to be thankful for at thus exceeding our goal of University and their capacity for sity of the South, we must appeal the conclusion of the fiscal year on $1,240,000. expressing that commitment. With- increasingly to our alumni and June 30. As a result of the commit- The momentum established out that kind of support, a univer- friends and, with their assistance, ment and generous support of the early in the fiscal year carried us sity like Sewanee cannot effectively expand our base of support. University's constituents, the well into the spring. Yet, as June 30 meet its needs in these years of We can look forward to a new Million Dollar Program exceeded approached, our goal seemed by no financial instability and uncertainty year with renewed enthusiasm, its goal for the sixth consecutive means certain. The good friends We owe a debt of gratitude to these knowing there are many others as year. It is almost impossible to of Sewanee— this and by I mean Chancellor's Society members, but deeply committed as we are to the overemphasize the significance of alumni, parents, loyal church I also should point out that we future of the University. this success, and it is our desire that people, and others with great love achieved our goal this year without For your enduring concern for all of you share in the feeling of for this place—rose to the occasion, the very large quarter-million or Sewanee, for your continuing com- acco mplishment. as they had throughout the year half-million dollar gifts which have mitment, and for your generous In surpassing its goal of unre- and many years before. bolstered the Million Dollar Pro- support, may I, once again, on stricted gifts and bequests, the Uni- This kind of devotion to the gram in past years. behalf of the faculty, students, versity is able to maintain that University must grow continually During the past year, the num- and administration, give you hearty basic financial strength it so des- more intense and broader in this ber of benefactors increased by thanks. perately needs. As a result of this new decade if Sewanee is to remain more than 500—to 4,401. The num- success, bolder steps are now financially strong. possible. For the year ending June The six-year record indicates 30, unrestricted contributions made the initial momentum: to Sewanee totaled $1,388,375, \0tw i\ w^jy^fi MDP Gifts Total

William U. Whipple 1974-75 $ 704,049 $153,910 $ 857,959 Development 1975-76 1,016,030 59,834 1,075,864 Vice-President for 1976-77 1,199,217 39,000 1,238,217 1977-78 1,408,530 27,730 1,436,260 1978-79 1,015,589 232,663 1,248,252 1979-80 1,224,428 163,947 1,388,375 News

He is completing work on his Ph.D. students from Hockaday School in The summer smorgasbord of Counselor at the Center for the Study of Dallas, six from Jacksonville Epis- events included the annual Tennes- Higher Education at the University copal High School, five from Moun- see convention of the teachers' of Virginia. tain Brook High School in Birming- sorority, Delta Kappa Gamma, Joins Staff He said he has been interested ham, and four from Heathwood Hall two camp sessions of the National in a position in student affairs at in Columbia, South Carolina. Cheerleaders Association, a work- The University has employed a full- a small college or university. He Of the three physics faculty shop of the National Association time professional counselor in turned down other offers to come at Hampden-Sydney College, two of Independent Schools, and answer to a long-existing need to Sewanee. have children attending Sewanee advanced classes of the Jean Spear among the students. this year. From Oxford, Mississippi, Ballet School.

He is Richard D. Chapman, Sewanee got three new students chairman until recently of the including the daughter of the dean The College of the department of counseling services college of arts and sciences. Speakers at the State University of New The Charlotte (North Carolina) York at Morrisville. Latin School headmaster sent his Is Bulging son to Sewanee, Mr. Chapman will help relieve and the son of an at Chapel some of the very large demand for Ohio high school guidance counselor counseling which has been placed, The College of Arts and Sciences is a member of the class. "We also The University chaplaincy will to a great extent, on the chaplain's will be full again this fall, with have our share of valedictorians freshmen bring several distinguished persons office. The administration has for 323 entering from 30 and class presidents," said Gooch. to campus this year to speak and some time recognized the need states and two foreign countries. for meet with The average of College students. a counseling service in addition to Board Among them will be the Rt. the chaplaincy, but the move was scores is up by about 20 points Rev. Cornelius J. last Summer Wilson, bishop of delayed until the financial con- from year. Costa Rica; the Rev. The largest number of stu- Canon Peter dition of the University made it Berry, with Coventry Cathedral; feasible. dents, 19 percent, comes from James A. Joseph, a minister of the Mr. Chapman will provide more Tennessee, with Florida replacing Assortment United Church of Christ and under- professional counseling, primarily Alabama .as the state with the secretary of the interior, and the to students of the College and second largest group of students. A Sewanee summer doesn't begin Rev. John Stott, rector emeritus School of Theology, and will Georgia is third, followed "by to simmer down until just before of All Souls' Church, London, develop referral contacts. The Se- Texas and Alabama. There are the football team returns for England. wanee Academy uses another coun- 189 men and 134 women. One- fall practice in mid-August. Bishop Wilson, who will be selor on a part-time basis. third of the crass were "early The Summer Music Center attending a meeting of missionary The new counselor will also decision" entrants—they decided wowed residents and visitors with in Chattanooga, is sched- instruct student proctors in ways to on Sewanee as their first choice another string of dazzling concerts uled to preach at Evensong detect problems among their fellow a year ago. and guest artists in its five-week in All Saints' Chapel October 5. students, and he will assist others One reason for the full house season. Tune in for the silver anni- Canon Berry will be the on campus, such as the deans, who is that more students returned from versary next year! Also under the on Mountain October 14-16 to are drawn into counseling by the last year than were expected. Albert SSMC umbrella was the Chattanooga meet with the entire Community of the nature of their jobs. In addition to Gooch, director of admissions, Boys' Choir work week and the Cross of Nails in Sewanee, and he the counseling and testing work, he attributed this in part to an extra week-long String Camp for younger is expected to meet with a number will teach part time in the psychol- effort by the deans to keep stu- instrumentalists, both on the ogy department. dents, including setting up an Academy campus. of groups of students. Mr. Joseph will be visiting Mr. Chapman received a bache- advisory program with faculty who The Summer Seminar brought Sewanee during election week, No- lor's degree in government from are particularly good with freshmen. back many "old faithfuls" as well vember 5-9. He will be preaching Hamilton College in Clinton, New Dormitory upperclassmen also as some new faces for a mix of and meeting with faculty and stu- York in 1969 and completed his looked after freshmen better this deep discussions, camaraderie and dents as part of a program of the master's degree work in counseling past year, and "attrition here has outdoor relaxation. "It's a great Association of Episcopal Colleges psychology at Colgate University. never been bad compared to other group, but then they always are," to bring committed schools," he said. was the reaction of a returning Christians of diverse backgrounds Another reason for the climb in Seminar fan. Lectures on history, to the cam- puses. applications—the third best year in literary criticism, politics, anthro- Mr. Gooch's ten years in the pology and Indian arrowheads A graduate of Southern Uni- versity and Yale position—was that last year applica- were lively and entertaining as well Divinity School, tions had fallen off and as a result as informative. Mr. Joseph, a black, has published the admissions office worked harder A running camp sponsored by articles on corporate responsibility m Sewanee News and business ethics. this year. "We set foot in every the Nashville YMCA and Athletic He was vice- state east of the Mississippi," said Attic was held at the University president of Cummings Engine Mr. Gooch, "except Maine and and attended by about 30 dedica- Company in Indianapolis, Indiana Latham W. Davis, Editor before West Virginia ted runners from as far away as becoming undersecretary of Beeler Brush, C'68, Alumni Director and maybe Michigan, the interior. Gale Link, Art Director and visited half a dozen western Indiana. They spent part of their Jean Tallec, Editorial Assistant states." vacations running together, learning Mr. Stott will visit Sewanee November 9 He said the university "doesn't about physical fitness and nutrition, and preach at the Even- SEPTEMBER 1980 song service. have to accept anybody just and rubbing elbows with Olympians VOL. 46, No. 3 to fill Another speaker of note up," and still accepts about 50 to Ed Leddy and Dave Wottle. in the spring will be the Rev. H.C.N. Published quarterly by the Office of 60 percent of applicants. Right after commencement St. Information Williams, provost of Coventry Services for the Of seven applicants from Girls' Mary's Convent and Retreat Center UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH Cathedral. Preparatory School in Chattanooga, was the scene of a four-day Confer- Including SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY seven were accepted ence on World Missions co-sponsor- COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES and seven are SEWANEE ACADEMY enrolled. Baylor School, also in ed by the University and the Epis- Chattanooga, sent the largest per- copal Church Missionary Community. Fret- Dis ibutu i 24,000 centage of its graduates to the Uni- Speakers included the vice-chan- Second-class postage paid at versity of Tennessee and the second cellor and the dean and assistant Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 largest to Sewanee. There are six dean of the School of Theology. College

Society of America and the Ameri- New Dean can Association of Petroleum Geologists, and has published two W. Brown Patterson, C'52, Rhodes papers on the geology of Canyon- Scholar and former professor of lands National Park. history at Davidson College, has Sabbatical Replacements assumed his duties as dean of the Several College of Arts and Sciences. An new faculty will be filling in for professors who are on sab- interview with Dean Patterson is batical leave. Replacing published elsewhere in this issue. Warren Jacobson Continuing as associate dean as instructor in fine arts is James M. Via, a 1974 graduate is Douglas D. Paschall, C'66, of Bradley University received another Rhodes Scholar and assis- who tant professor of English. his M.S. from Illinois State Univer- sity in 1977. He has taught pho- tography at Illinois State and at More Summer Illinois Central College. James G. Hart will be assistant pro- fessor of history this fall and during Students the spring sabbatical of Charles Several bright students took advantage this summer of the opportunity to Perry. Professor Hart has M.A. and live, eat, sleep and breathe organic chemistry under the knowledgeable eye The College Summer School had a Ph.D. degrees from the University of Dr. David Camp, professor emeritus of chemistry, in his demanding healthy rise in enrollment this of Virginia in Russian history and honors course. Along with dinner at Dr. Camp's home or helping weed his year—up almost 50 percent to 79 has taught that subject both there famous vegetable garden went more organic chemistry. The students students. and at Randolph-Macon Woman's gained a sense of camaraderie as well as eight hours credit in chemistry. Because of the increase, College. He also taught classes in Here, Merritt Helvenston of Englewood, Colorado does a test in the lab. thoughts that the summer school Communist foreign and domestic might have to be closed have been policy at the U.S. Marine Corps set aside, at least for a while. the University of South Florida, Margaret E. Arenas will be assistant Command and Staff College at The director, Frederick Croom, an M.A. in Portuguese from Van- professor of Spanish, replacing Quantico, Virginia. He is the author associate professor of mathematics, derbilt, and a Ph.D. expected from Jane Fort. Mrs. Arenas has a B.S. of the article on "British Interven- placed emphasis on recruiting pros- Vanderbilt. He is a member of from the University of Wisconsin tion in the Caucasus" in the Mod- pective regular-term students and several professional and honor so- and an M.A. and pending Ph.D. em Encyclopedia of Russian and others wishing to get ahead or catch cieties, read a paper at the Ken- from the University of Maryland, Soviet History. up.: tucky Foreign Language Confer- where she has been instructor of ence; and was a teaching assistant Spanish and supervisor of the Rene P. Garay will be instructor in at South Florida and a teaching Language Media Center. She was Spanish, replacing Thomas Spacca- fellow at Vanderbilt. Mr. Garay teaching assistant and research New Faculty relli. Bom in Havana, Garay has a has translated the Bowdoin Method assistant at the University of Wis- B.A. from the University of New into Spanish for Webster's Inter- consin, and has also taught at Donald S. Schier, retired chairman Orleans, an M.A. in Spanish from national Tutoring Service. Howard Community College and of the French department at Carle- the University of Maryland's ton College, will be Brovtfn Founda- University College. She is a member tion Fellow and visiting professor of Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Delta Pi, of French for the fall semester. the Modern Language Association, He taught at Carleton for 34 years and the American Association of and served as a visiting professor at Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. the University of Wisconsin in 1964-65. He is the author of a book Ronald L. Taylor will be instructor on Louis-Betrand Castel and has in history as a replacement for edited two books, Nouveaux Dia- Harold Goldberg. Taylor received logues desmorts and The Continen- his B.A. from Drury College in tal Model, selected French critical 1965 and his M.A. from Cornell essays of the 17th century in University in 1974. He has taught English translation. He is a member at Cornell, Colgate University, and of several learned societies as well Skidmore College and is the author as Phi Beta Kappa. He received his of an article on "Chinese Forestry" bachelor's degree from the State in the Encyclopedia of China University of Iowa and his ad- Today. vanced degrees from Columbia University.

Donald B. Potter, Jr. joined the in in the faculty this fall as instructor Most of the 30 Sewanee students and professors participating We are in the midst of trans- campus. Accom- geology. He has replaced Marcus British Studies at Oxford program gather on the Oxford ferring our mailing list from kneeling Hoyer who joined the faculty in panying the students and leading seminars were John Reishman, an addressograph to a compu- of at right. While at Oxford, 1977. Mr. Potter is a graduate third from right, and Dale Richardson, standing ter. Because of this we antici- Williams College with an M.S. they lived and dined in the 15th century buildings of the College of St. pate that some of our readers Massachu- the eminent from the University of John the Baptist, where they heard daily lectures by most will receive two copies, while was setts. While at Massachusetts he British scholars. others may receive none. Please associate. a teaching assistant and bear with us. He is a member of the Geological A Dean for All Seasons

In early August W. Brown Patterson began "We are seeing a demand on the part of stu- courses. moving into the He said such a plan might also be con- College dean's office in lower dents and parents that higher education, which sidered for Sewanee. Walsh Hall. Except for the inevitable hauling is so expensive, have a tangible benefit. and There Of particular concern to Dean Patterson and shuffling of boxes of books, the change was are ways of getting at that problem. Having other faculty members quiet and dispassionate. Dean Patterson, himself is the demise of the alumni come back to talk about their experi- a Sewanee alumnus, traditional course requirements at many colleges is well steeped in the ences, having persons to counsel students about and universities. wherefores of the liberal arts campus. With his career plans, allowing students to get experience background as a Rhodes "There has been a tendency," he said, "to Scholar at Oxford, an outside the classroom are things we can do and let the curriculum ordained Episopal minister, and a history disintegrate into all sorts of pro- are doing better than in the past. little parts, with no attempt fessor at Davidson College, it is as if he had been made to determine "But I would not want to relate a college groomed for the job. which subjects are more basic than others. In curriculum to any particular set of career some He himself commented: "One reason schools there are no requirements outside I am choices," he said. "For one thing, the world is a student's major. happy to be at Sewanee is it gives me a chance Students have no common changing so fast. A curriculum that develops to use all my background and training." educational experience in those institutions. I particular skills may become out of date very Dean Patterson replaces John M. Webb, who am glad to see a movement back to requiring quickly." some became dean of the College his last year before study of the fundamental subjects and an Patterson said Sewanee is giving emphasis retirement, and Stephen E. attempt to make them a part of the experience Puckette, who ended to those courses that go to the heart of know- of his ten years as dean last year and spent a year each student." ledge in fundamental areas. The argument for of sabbatical leave teaching In coming to Sewanee, in the Ivory Coast. a Dean Patterson has basic curriculum is as good for subjects like This past year Dean Patterson has been set some broad priorities. English and history as for the sciences. doing research under a National Endowment "I have a real concern that education at "The ability to communicate, to deal with for the Humanities Fellowship selective institutions continue at the Newberry evidence, to be rigorous and to construct an argument is Library in Chicago. He had been a member and that Sewanee keep its standards high, especi- of valuable in many professions. the faculty at Davidson since ally at a time when educational standards 1963 and had been "We are assuming seem our students can go out to a full professor since 1976. In addition to being be faltering. I want our students, when they and get practical experience and additional an alumnus, go on to graduate schools Patterson was a Sewanee trustee training and into professions, if they wish. Not all college students from 1968 to 1971. to demonstrate that they have gotten the best are able to do that, but I believe our students education For a time his education seemed to be lead- anywhere. are those who will eventually be able to take ing him toward the parish "I have a concern that the Christian ministry. After leadership positions." faith be receiving bachelor's degrees at the an attractive option at Sewanee. We should be University of Dean Patterson has been the struck by the challenging South and Oxford and a master's degree at our students with the implications of similarities between Sewanee and Davidson. Harvard, he received a divinity degree from the Christianity, and we should counsel them in He said he would like to see closer relations Episcopal Theological School in the fundamental problems of life, Cambridge, between the two schools. for which the Massachusetts. He was ordained and served Christian faith has some answers. as He was closely involved This should be an in a number of associate minister in Massachusetts but went one of the particularly valuable aspects of educa- changes at Davidson, both in the college com- on to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard. tion at Sewanee. munity and in the curriculum. "The Ph.D. is primarily a teaching degree, "I am anxious that the faculty maintain "I wrote the plan for the conversion and I could have used of their it in seminary or college," Davidson scholarly skills and continue to investigate to coeducation, and saw it through he said. "Eventually, I the decided college teaching to problems they began to investigate as under- some happy results," he said. "Some was what I wanted for a of career. the graduates and graduate students. This work curriculum revision is not so happy. There "Basically I like should undergraduate programs be made public in a way that is appropri- have been problems with the quarter system. because they are not professional. ate, in the form The atmo- "There was of papers, addresses to con- sphere of a reduction in the faculty inquiry , the unbiased ferences, and unprejudiced teaching articles, or books—anything to show load at Davidson from 12 to 9 hours. investigation of the world I find most congenial. From what the world that this place is a vital and productive I have seen, I think this might be "The liberal arts college provides one of the intellectual community." justified at Sewanee." few environments in which students can wrestle Dean Dean Patterson also noted the value of with the most Patterson was involved in the success- fundamental problems of life. the students being able to meet ful development of a humanities faculty members That is really education course at in my book." Davidson, on an informal basis. While Sewanee combining history, literature, and has hardly suffered in its "I really count my intellectual religion in a two-year course. Team awakening defense of the liberal arts, teaching is Dean Patterson is from the time I came used. Students have the to the Mountain. I did not aware of the urgings, choice of taking the even among alumni, to in- know my talents until humanities course or a set of I began to meet and talk crease the number of separate required professional courses. with faculty members here and to respond to their teaching and example." Academy

The previous librarian, Joanne Enrollment Russell, who has moved from Sewa- nee, had been spending more than half of her time counseling, teach- Is "Solid" ing a class, and working with Acad- emy organizations. The Academy opened with 192 stu- Free of those responsibilities dents this fall. There were almost and clerical jobs in the library, Mr. twice as many inquiries as last Shaw will be able to give more time year and 30 percent more appli- to providing library services and cations. instruction to students. Taking over as admissions direc- Mr. Watson also said the Acad- tor is Anne Turlington, parent of emy library budget will be in- two Academy alumni and for eight creased and a new emphasis will be years principal of the Sewanee given to building the Academy Public School. David Snyder, pre- collection.

vious admissions director, is attend- ing seminary this fail. Snyder said prospective students (and their parents) are interested in State's Best

the fact that the Academy is a small Armond Ghazarian, school where they can get personal center forward for the attention. "Many students are Academy soccer team, was named coming from large public high the number one player in Leigh Burton, A'81, the state last year by the Tennessee schools where they were falling of Nashville, gets help from her family moving in the Soccer Coaches' through the cracks," he said. Here for school year. Association. students can talk to the headmaster Ghazarian scored 16 goals in his or academic senior season, during Dixie Con- dean—in the office or The best part, according to Mary McCutcheon, a graduate in the hall—or even go camping ference competition. The Iranian Alicia, was a two-week bike and of Hobart College, who with the headmaster came to native is a student this year at and be camping trip through Burgundy. Sewanee two years ago as a novice Indiana Tech University. stagehands with the academic dean. Now a senior, Alicia will share in the Both Community of St. Mary, admissions officers con- her experiences at an assembly for is teaching chemistry. sider the Academy's church connec- Academy students this fall so that Mary P. Priestley, C'72, a tion an important asset, though others who might be interested in Sewanee graduate in forestry, is Fall Sports church influence is subtle rather the program may become informed. teaching biology. than obvious. They said that the William D. Tugwell, C'67, is Sewanee ones who come to Sewanee for its Academy will host the teaching English. He did graduate State Christian environment are also Soccer Tournament beginning work at the University of North those who are looking for "an New Faculty October 31, but the Tigers have Carolina at Greensboro and has plenty education, not just books and of work ahead before defend- several years of teaching experience. ing their state tests." About half the students are title. The Academy has several new Episcopalians. Only five varsity players have faculty and staff members this year, returned Additional assets are the Acad- from the championship including a new admissions director team. emy's geographic location, outdoors Coach Phil White may be and a guidance counselor. A Merger wondering influence, and the opportunity to where his new champions Anne A. Turlington, for eight take courses in the College. will come from, but more than years principal of Sewanee Public once he has molded an inexperienced School, has replaced David Snyder with duPont group into a competitive squad. as the admissions director. Mr. Though the front line is gone, Snyder has entered the Southern The Academy library has this fall Living Abroad the defense has some veterans. Baptist Theological Seminary in been brought into the University They include Steve Poole of Hous- After studying three years of Louisville, Kentucky. Library System, and a full-time ton, Texas; Forrest Weatherly of French at Sewanee Academy, 17- Nancy V. Burns, a certified Academy librarian has been named. Anniston, Alabama; Rich Dower of year-old Alicia Wendling wanted to school psychologist with experience Richard N. Shaw, for three Palm Beach, Florida; Roy Flannagan go to France. She applied for and as a psychological services worker years librarian at Eastside High of Carbondale, Illinois, and Tom was selected to participate in the for the Nashville public schools, School in Taylors, South Caro- Cross of Sewanee. Experiment in International Living will be doing counseling with stu- lina, is the new librarian. He has program this past summer. dents. She holds degrees from bachelor's and master's degrees A strong group of returnees give a After a two-day orientation, Michigan University, Union Theo- respectively from Youngstown promising look to the volleyball the group of over one hundred stu- logical Seminary, Peabody College, State University and the University team under Coach Donna Wallace. dents flew to Brussels. They travel- and the University of Tennessee at of North Carolina. He has also The squad had a winning record ed bus Paris for a three-day Nashville. taught history and been an assistant by to last year. stay and lastly, they each went to Beverly B. Davis, a senior in varsity basketball coach. live with a French family. The the School of Theology, is teaching Tom Watson, the University New runners are needed for the "home stay" is the heart of the ethics. She has degrees from Georgia librarian, who is now responsible cross country team, but the girls program. State and Indiana Universities. for the Academy library operation, will have a boost from Johanna Alicia spent three weeks in Peter R. Kay has joined the said the change provides several Granville, who was seventh in last math department. He is a graduate Normandy living with a French year's regional meet. family that had four children. Early of Kenyon College and has attend- All technical services will be homesickness receded in the face of ed the National Outdoor Leader- provided by the staff at duPont sightseeing (the Bayeux tapestry, ship School and the Hurricane Library, while previously the Acad- Mont-Saint-Michel and a disco- Island Outward Bound School in emy librarian was entirely respon- theque) and gastronomy (French Maine. sible for ordering and processing pastries, cheese and chocolate). books. Theology

The study material tells the story of the people of God as a Fall Lectures continuous narrative from the Summer earliest times to the present, weav- on the Parish ing into that story the theological, liturgical, and ethical lessons of D. Min.

The School of Theology will cele- Christianity. It is an intensive Forty students participated in the brate St. Luke's Day and hold the study of the Judeo- Christian tra- Joint Doctor of Ministry program DuBose Lectures October 14-15 dition and a continuing reflection this summer in Sewanee and at in Sewanee. upon learning to live into the Vanderbilt University. The lectures are the occasion Kingdom of God. A group maybe The five-week Sewanee section for the annual meeting of seminary sponsored by a church, a diocese, consisted of courses in "The Old alumni. The St. Luke's Alumni or individuals. Testament Sage: A Model for Association will hold a breakfast Ministry," taught by Arthur Zan- and business meeting October 15. This year the Rev. John de Beer noni; "The History, Development The DuBose lecturer this year has joined the program as staff and Contemporary Relevance of will be the Rev. James F. Hopewell, trainer. He had been a contract the Early Church," by the Rev. professor of religion and the church trainer for EFM last year while Donald Armentrout; "The Daily at Candler School of Theology, living in Chicago. He is a priest of Office," by the Rev. Marion Hatch- Emory University. the Church of the Province of ett; "Spiritual Direction and Ana- Ordained to the priesthood in South Africa. James F. Hopewell lytical Psychology," by the Very 1954, the Rev. Dr. Hopewell has De Beer joins the Rev. William DuBose Lecturer Rev. Urban T. Holmes; and "Christ- been teaching most of his career H. Hethcock, director of field ology : Model of Christian Experi- and has published extensively on education and manager of training, ence," by the Rev. Charles Winters. the subject of theological education and his assistant, Barbara Stuart. The students participating in and how it relates to the church First EFM Flower Ross, who designed and the program are interested in con- in the United States and abroad. He led the mentor training program, tinuing their education and im- has also served churches in Africa left Sewanee at the end of the proving their professional skills. Graduates academic year but and America and is currently associ- may continue ated with the Church of the as a contract trainer. Epiphany in Atlanta. One of the first groups of graduates David Killen, who has been His three lectures—one on the in Education for Ministry, still manager of administration and evening of October 14 and two known to many as Theological Edu- publications, has assumed the new cation by Extension, had its "com- others on October 15—will be con- post of executive director of con- cerned with the "moods, hopes, mencement exercises" in June in tinuing and extension education. Orleans. outlooks, drama, and dislikes" of New The Rev. Dr. Winters has recent- The Very Rev. T. the parish. The title will be "Congre- Urban ly accepted a position as professor gations that Stories Tell." Holmes, dean of the seminary, of theology at the Catachetical and attended and personally awarded Pastor Institute of Loyola Uni- certificates. ] versity in New Orleans. This group was symbolic of New Students several groups around the country completing the initial four-year The School of Theology has 30 cycle of EFM. new students this year, and total | The School of Theology began enrollment is 74. the program in 1975 in response to The student body comes from a "rising laity," which was demand- a variety of backgrounds. Some ing more in theological training—in are recently out of college and Biblical study and lay ministry others are preparing for the ministry development—than the Church was after years in another career. then providing. So successful and They have come to Sewanee popular has the program become from jobs in the armed forces, real that enrollment has grown to estate, mental health, performing 3,700 in 63 dioceses and several arts, and natural resources, to name foreign countries. but a few. Among the new students "In my opinion, EFM is the are four women. Two of the enter- most significant lay renewal move- ing juniors have Ph.D.'s. ment in the Episcopal Church In addition there are four new today," said Dean Holmes. "The students from foreign countries- program has been successful in priests from Kenya, Uganda, Tan- many ways in drawing together zania, and Costa Rica who have people's experiences with God, been ordained but have come to Christian tradition, and ministry the United States for further train- in everyday life." ing as future leaders in their home The Rev. Charles Winters, the churches. The Conference on World Missions co-sponsored by the University in June The international students author and adapter of the pro- lent an international flavor to the Mountain. are supported here by grants in gram materials, has referred to its part from the School of Theology development as "bottling" the and in part from the national seminary curriculum. In small Episcopal Church, individual dio- group meetings or seminars, how- ceses, or parishes. ever, discussions are aimed at re- lating the lives of the students to the materials—at developing their own ministries. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S AND TRUSTEES' SOCIETY

Individuals who have contributed $1,000—$9,999 CHANCELLOR'S SOCIETY to the University of the South 1979-80 G A Mr. & Mrs. E. La' Gibson Rev. Herman Page Mr. Mrs. Frank Gillespie, Jr. & M. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Palmer Unrestricted in a single Mr. Mrs. Alfred Mr. gifts fiscal year totaling as much & T. Airth & Mrs. James V. Gillespie Dr. & Mrs. A. Michael Pardue Rt. Rev. as $10,000 constitute the basis of membership. & Mrs. John M. Allin Mr. & Mrs. Augustus T. Graydon Mrs. Aileen Wells Parks Anonymous Mr. Mrs. Paul (9) & J. Greeley Dr. & Mrs. Z. Cartter Patten Hon. Ellis G. Amall Mr. Mrs. F. & James Griswold, Jr. John W. Payne III Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ayres, Jr. C'49 Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Guerry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Peebles III Dr. Mrs. Evert & A. Bancker C'21 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Guerry Mr. & Mrs. Franklin D. Pendleton Mr. & Mrs. P. Clay Bailey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob F. Bryan HI Mrs. Phyllis Pennington Mr. & Mrs. C. Harwell Barber H Mr. & Mrs. James W. Perkins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ogden D. Carlton II C'32 Dr. & Mrs. Robert K. Barton Mr. & Mrs. O. Morga i Hall Earl V. Perry Mr. & Mrs. John H. Duncan A'45 Harry H. Baulch D. Philip Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. O. Scott Petty R. Crawford Bean John W. Hanley Mr. & Mrs. W. HoUis Fitch Louie M, Phillips C'26 Pete Mr. & Mrs. C. Houston Beaumont M. Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Phillips Mrs. Amelia B. Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Benedict Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Hargrove Abe Plough Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Berry Mr. & Mrs. R. Clyde Hargrove Mr. & Mrs. J. Burton Frierson. Jr. A'19, C'23 Dr. & Mrs. Lance C. Price Mrs. Maurice M. Binion Mrs. Reginald H. Hargrove Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Rev. Paul D. Goddard Puett The C'60 Percy C. Blackman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Harris Pat M. Greenwood C'28 Mr. & Mrs. W. Houston Blount Mr. & Mrs. Ray W. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Duncan E. Boeckman Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hassemer Andy Hill Hateley J. Quincey Mr. & Mrs. William M. Bomar Barlow Henderson The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Christoph Keller H'68 Mrs. Paul D. Bowden Rev. & Mrs. William H. Hethcock R Mr. Mrs. Robert J. Boylston Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. Allan C. King C'51 & Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Rice, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James H. Bratton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Roberts III Mr. & Mrs. C. Caldwell Marks C'42 Mr. & Mrs. Clinton G. Brown, Jr. Heyward , Jr. James D. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. John J. Moran Roy C. Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Horace G. Hill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. William K. Bruce Mr. & Mrs. Lewis H. Hill III Mr. & Mrs. W. Kyle Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon A. Morris C'56 Rote, W. Chauncy Bryant (d) Dr. & Mrs. Francis H. Holmes Charles H. Russell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Owen George N. Bullard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Hood J. C. Brown Burch George W. Hopper Mrs. Josephine Frost Spencer W/C'28 W. Thomas Burns II Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Howell Mr. & Mrs. M. Whitson Sadler Mr. & Mrs. William M. Spencer C'41 Franklin G. Burroughs Dr. & Mrs. Lacy H. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Samson Mr. & Mrs. Stanyarne Burrows, Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hynson Judge & Mrs. William Scanlan Posthumous gifts and gifts in memory of Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Scanlan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Schoolfield Charles M. Jackman II Mrs. Calvin Schwing Elizabeth Brinkley Currier Tom C. Campbell Dr. & Mrs. Harold P. Jackson Mrs. George W. Scudder, Jr. Jessie Ball duPont Mrs. W. C. Cartinhour Mr. & Mrs. John T. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Evans Shaw Mr. & Mrs. James G. Cate, Jr. Edwin M. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. James W. Shelter Alma S. Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Cheek Rt. Rev. William A. Jones Fred W. Shield Julia H. & Edward G. Nation Mr. & Mrs. Clement Chen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Jung, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Smith, Jr. Gen. & Mrs. L. Kemper Williams Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Chitty, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George M. Snellings, Jesse Franklin Cleveland K Jr. Katherine Greer Granville Cecil Woods & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Clifton Mrs. Edwin A. Keeble Eric Soesbe Milton C. Cobura William S. Keese, Jr. (d) Mrs. John H. Soper Mr. & Mrs. John S. Collier G. Allen Kimball Mr. & Mrs. William R. Stamler, Dr. & Mrs. M. Keith Cox Dr. & Mrs. Morse Kochtitzky Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rutherford R. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Koza Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Stevens Cravens II Mrs. Charles H. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. William M. Cravens Maj. & Mrs. Edmund B. Stewart Mrs. Edward J. Crawford, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Stoll, Jr. Frederick G. Currey Dr. & Mrs. William S. Stoney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George B. McC. Jr. Curry, Jr. Mrs. Arthur Lucas D M Joseph A. Davenport III Mr. & Mrs. Fleet F. Magee Mr. & Mrs. Ben M. Davis Rev. Aubrey C. Maxted Gerald L. DeBlois Jack H. Mayfield, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wade H. Dennis Mr. & Mrs. James L. C. McFaddin Mr. & Mrs. Julian R. deOvies Mr. & Mrs. Lee McGriff, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. R. Woodruff Deutsch Rev. William Noble McKeachie w Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Deutsch Robert D. McNeil Rev. Francis B. Wakefield, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. P. DuBose, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Mewhinney Mr. & Mrs. Irl R. Walker, Jr. Mrs. Arthur B. Dugan Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. J. Bransford Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Dungan Mr. & Mrs. A. Minis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dupree Dr. & Mrs. Fred N. Mitchell Allen H. Watkins Thomas P. Dupree, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Joe E. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Elbert Watson Mr. & Mrs. James H. Molloy Dr. Peter F. Watzek Mr. & Mrs. Horace Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry O. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Harold Eustis Mrs. Betty Morgan Mr. & Mrs. William C. Weaver III Mr. & Mrs. William B. Moser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lyman W. Webb John T. Munal Charles H. Wentz Mrs. William J. Fike Rev. Herbert S. Wentz Rev. & Mrs. W. Thomas Fitzgerald N Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. West Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Fooshee W. Michaux Nash Mr. & Mrs. William U. Whipple Mr. & Mrs. Dudley C. Fort Col. & Mrs. Arthur P. Nesbit Mr. & Mrs. Phil B. Whitaker, Jr. Robert W. Fort Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Newton, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Burroughs Mr. & Mrs. Lee S. Fountain, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Nichols, Jr. Whitson Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Fowler Mrs. Arthur A. Williams Col. & Mrs. Harry L. Fox O Dr. & Mrs. Nick B. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Ogilvie Mr. & Mrs. Edwin D. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Marcus L. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. John M. Winterbotham Sture G. Olsson Mrs. John W. Woods (d) = deceased Mr. 4 Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Orgil! Mr. & Mrs. Eben A. Wortham Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Osboume Dr. & Mrs. (d) Hubert B. Owens Photographs throughout the gift list are of the Summer Mr. & Mrs. Vertrees Young Seminar and are by Gale Link and Debbie Stirling. BISHOP QUINTARD SOCIETY OPERATION: TASK FORCE FOR COLLEGE Individuals who have contributed $500—$999 (Unrestricted Giving Only) to the University of the South Fiscal Year 1979-80

Year Name of Agent

Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Albrecht Dr 4 Mrs Peter S. Irving 1900 Mr. & Mrs. R. Thad Andress II 1901 C Anonymous (2) J 1902 C Mr. & Mrs. W. Klinton Arnold Re . 4 Mr s. Al Jenkins George B. Ramsay, Jr. 1903 t Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Avery, Jr. Mr &Mrs Mark T. John.on Mr. 4 Mrs. William G. Raoul 1904 c Mrs Peter E. Juge 1905 Mrs. Robert M. Ayres, Sr. Mr 4 Rev. 4 Mrs. J. Howard W. Rhys 3 Rei . & Mrs. Alexander D Juhan Mr. 4 Mrs. George P. Riley 1906 3 Mrs. Albert Roberts, Jr. 1907 3 Mr. & Mrs. Wogan S. Badcock, Jr. K Robert Roberts, Jr. 1908 1 Dr. Mrs William C. Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Scott F. Bailey 4 Kalmbach Mr. 4 Mrs. John W. Ross, Sr. 1909 1 Miss Elizabeth K. Bain 1910 1 Mr. & Mrs. George H. Barker Miss Catherine Keith 1911 Mr. & Mrs. James O. Bass Dr. & Mrs. Ferris F. Ketcham Mrs. Lawrence Saunders 1912 4 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bruce Bass Mr. 4 Mrs. William A. Kmbrough, Dr. 4 Mrs. Arthur M. Schaefer 1913 Mrs. Jr. Mr. & Robert E. Baulch, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. William E. Scheu, Jr. 1914 1 C. Ray Bel) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kinnett Mr. 4 Mrs. Ernest W. Schmid, Sr. 1915 5 Mr. Mrs. Rev. Mrs. & Bruce Blalack & Kenneth Kinnett Mr. & Mrs. V. Pierre Serodino, Jr. 1916 H. N. Tragitt, Jr. 9 Miss M. Ethel Bowden Rev. John McGill Krumm Mr. 4 Mrs. Arthur G. Seymour, 1917 10 Mr, & Mrs. Wayne Boyce Jr. 1918 Malcolm Fooshee 21

H. Payne Breazeale III Robert P. Shapard, Jr. 1919 James M. Avent 12 Thomas E. Britt Mr. & Mrs. Erwin D. Latimer III Mrs. Wiley H. Sharp, Jr. 1920 Quintard Joyner 13 1,835 Mr. & Mrs. Maurice V. Brooks Mr. 4 Mrs. Tandy G. Lewis Mr. 4 Mrs. Richard E. Simmons 1921 Thomas E. Hargrave 17 12,190 C. Beeler Brush Mrs. Richard L. Lodge Jr. 1922 27 800 Mr. & Mrs. Jacob F. Bryan IV Mr. 4 Mrs. Douglass R. Lore Hon. Bryan Simpson 1923 Maurice Moore 37 11,900 Moultrie B. Bums Mrs. Fred F. Lucas Mrs. Cecil Sims 1924 Ralph Kendall 32 125 Rev. 4 Mrs. S. Emmett Lucas, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Robert L. Slaten 1925 William Shaw 31 2,035 Dr. 4 Mrs. Henry W. Smith, Jr. 1926 W. Porter Ware 54 13,766 John C. Cavett M Mr. 4 Mrs. J. Morgan Soaper 1927 Charles E. Thomas 38 1,185 Rev. & Mrs. Robert G. Certain Rev. Mrs. & William S. Mann Mr. 4 Mrs. Milton V. Spencer 1928 John Crawford 52 13,758 Rt. Rev. Frank S. Cerveny Mr. & Mrs. M. Lee Marston Mr. 4 Mrs. Jack L. Stephenson 1929 William C. Schoolfield 72 27,526 Dr. C. Robert Clark Capt. Mrs. & Douglas A. Martz G. Archibald Sterling 1930 Roger Way 43 4,820 Mr. & Mrs. Ross B. II Mr. Mrs. Burreli Clark & O. McGee Mr. 4 Mrs. Edgar A. Stewart 1931 John M. Ezzell 73 4,926 Dr. Joseph Connolly, Sr. Miss Maury McGee Rt. Rev. 4 Mrs. Furman C. 1932 Julius French 75 11,375 William H. Coon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Milne Stough 1933 Charles E. Holmes 64 1,725 Mr. & Mrs. G. Dudley Cowley Mr. & Mrs. George P. Mitchell 1934 R. Morey Hart 50 5,058 Jackson Mr. Mrs. Cross & Edward Rutledge 1935 Edward Harrison 54 2,305 Warren W. Taylor 1936 James D. Gibson 54 4,775 Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Moore Rev. 4 Mrs. Humbert A. Thomas 1937 Augustus T. Graydon 54 4,003 Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Talbot Hon. & Mrs. M. Eugene Morris Mr. & Mrs. Joe H. Tucker, Jr. 1938 53 1,826 D'Alemberte Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Mullen, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Herman E. Turner 1939 Leslie McLaurin 65 6,217 Dr. & Mrs. Martin Dalton Howard R. Murphy William Mr. 4 Mrs. William D. Tynes, Jr. 1940 M. Edwards 62 1,518 Count Darling 1941 F. Newton Howden 66 13,330 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Darnall, Jr. N 1942 O. Morse Kochtitzky 74 15,150 Joel T. Daves IE Frank C. Nelms Mr. 4 Mrs. Mordelo L. Vincent, 1943 W. Sperry Lee 100 3,748 Rev. Lavan B. Davis Erie J. Newton 1944 73 1,100 Dr. Jane M. Day Francis C. Nixon (d) 1945 Roy Strainge 60 3,675 Carl Detering w 1946 51 110 Mr. & Mrs. E. Ragland Dobbins Mr. 4 Mrs. Rufus Wallingford 1947 James G. Cate, Jr. 81 4,378 Miss Mary Lois Dobbins Clarence Day Oakley, Jr. 1948 Fred Mr. 4 Mrs. James P. Wamer Mitchell 72 3,600 Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Dodd, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Roger M. Warner 1949 John P. Guerry 151 16,614 Howard G. Doiloff 1950 Dr. 4 Mrs. Roger A. Way Richard Doss 200 10,867 Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Drummond, Jr. Mrs. Marshall A. Webb 1951 George Hopper 162 25,936 Mr. & Mrs. R. Andrew Duncan Mr. 4 Mrs. Tommy H. Wilbanks 1952 R. Andrew Duncan 141 9,011 Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Wilkens 1953 Robert J. Boylston 135 8,428 E Mrs. Leonard W. Pritchett Jr. 1954 Leonard Wood 184 8,918 Mrs. L. Kirk Edwards Dr. 4 Mrs. J. Crayton Pruitt Mr. Mrs. 1955 Alexander McPherson 147 6,894 Mr. 4 G. Steven Wilkerson & Mrs. Philip Elder Very Rev. 4 Mrs. Joel W. Pugh II Mr. 4 Mrs. James L. 1956 Robert M. Murray 166 15,578 William Williams B. Elmore 1967 William Mr. 4 Mrs. Donald E. Wilson A. Kimbrough , Jr. 161 3,785 Mr. & Mrs. Roy T. Evans Mr. 4 Mrs. John A. Witherspoon 1958 Thomas Black 146 2,615 Dr. Emil F. Wright, Jr. 1959 Gary D. Steber 166 6,698 1960 Howard W. Harrison, Jr. 162 14,320 Mr. & Mrs. James D. Folbrc 1961 W. Thomas Bums 186 6,685 Mr. & Mrs. John R. Foster 1962 W. Landis Turner 148 4,025 Mr. & Mrs. Sollace M, Freeman 1963 Wallace R. Finkley 192 4,915 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Freyer TOP CLASSES 1964 Allen Wallace 206 7,306 IN OPERATION: TASK FORCE 1965 James Koger 223 4,039 By Percentage 1966 John Day Peake, Jr. 209 7,064 Mr. & Mrs. John Gass 1967 Peterson Cavert 247 6,306 Lt. Col. & Mrs. W. A. Gericke 1968 Thomas S. Rue 219 2,572 Rev. John M. G esse It 1969 Jesse L. Carrol), Jr. 251 5,126 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Goodson Class Agent % 1970 Eric Ison 262 Jr. 3,134 1903 W. Porter Ware 1971 Warner A. Stringer 111 269 2,181 Mr. A Mrs. John W. Greeter 50 1908 •• • 5 1972 Henry W. Lodge 223 4,022 Rev. & Mrs. William A. Griffin 1,000 1925 1973 Julian L. Du Val Cravens 31 2,490 Bibb HI 358 2,074 1935 1974 William John W. Spence 29 3,386 N. Coppedge 261 2,564 H 1911 W.Porter Ware 1975 Robert T. Coleman 312 2,029 Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Harrison 25 1976 Billy Joe Shelton 346 Jr. 1,946 1977 William DuBose IU 325 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Hedgcock COLLEGE 1,388 1978 Tommy Williams 328 Mr. & Mrs. Reginald H. 2,997 Class Agent 1979 Tara Seeley Helvenston % Dollars 318 1920 Quintard Rev. & Mrs. Charles A. Higgins Joyner 92 $ 1,835 1929 TOTALS 8,465466 1,912 Mr. 4 Mrs. Edward W. Hine WUliam C. Schoolfield 65 27,526 382,118 23 1928 Mr. 4 Mrs. Reese H. Horton John Crawford 54 13,768 1934 R. Morey Hart Mr. & Mrs. Raymond R. Howe, Jr. 48 5,058 1939 Leslie McLaurin Dr. 4 Mrs. William R. Hutchinson 46 6,217 IV Individuals who have contributed $100—$499 CENTURY CLUB to the University of the South

Dr. Warren M. Billings Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas H. Cobbs, Jr. Edward H. Darrach, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John P. Binnington Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Cobbs III Frederick K. Darragh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Abrams Ralph T. Birdsey Mr. 4 Mrs. John W. Caldwell Dr. & Mrs. William G. Cobey Rt. Rev. & Mrs. A. Donald Davies Mr. & Mrs. John A. Adair George B. Black Mrs. L. Hardwick Caldwell Emory Cocke (d) Mr. & Mrs. John Robert Davis Mr. Mrs. Jerry Mr. Mrs. Thomas A. Caldwell, & B. Adams & Thomas M. Black Jr. Carl H. Cofer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Latham S. Davis Mr. Rev. & Mrs. Martin L. Agnew, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Newell Blair & Mrs. Wentworth Caldwell, Rev. Cuthbert W. Colbourne Mr. & Mrs. Latham W. Davis Dr. Mrs. Wyatt III Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Hugh W. Agricola, & H. Blake Mr. & Mrs. John W. Colby Mr. & Mrs. Maclin P. Davis, Jr. Mr. Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Samuel R. Blount & Mrs. George R. Calhoun Mr. & Mrs. Bayard M. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Davis Mr. Mr. Mrs. Eugene E. Dr. David W. Aiken & Mrs. Christopher M. & Callaway Rev. Edwin C. Coleman Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Davis Dr. Ben F. Edwin B. Alderson, Jr. Boehm Cameron, Jr. Robert T. Coleman III Reed M. Dearing, Jr, Neill Dr. Mrs. Rt. Rev. & Mrs. George M. Boldrick, Jr. & David B. Camp Rev. & Mrs. E. Dudley Colhoun, Mr, & Mrs. Edmond T. de Bary Mr. & Mrs. William R. Boling Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Alexander Camp Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd J. Deenik Hon. Richard Thomas A. Ms. John Alexander, Jr. W. Boiling Camp & Karen A. Dr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Collins Joseph S. de Graffenreid Henry B. Bonar II Pitts Mr. & Mrs. Mason G. Alexander Very Rev. & Mrs. David B. Cdr. Everett J. Dennis Rev. Mrs. Dr. David E. Mr. & Mrs. H. Bennett Alford, Jr. & Samuel A. Boney Campbell Collins Bruce S. Denson Mr. & Mrs. Marshall M. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mrs. Carnot R. Allen Boon Campbell, Leighton H. Collins William W. Deupree, Jr. Miss Ezrene F. Bouchelle Jr. David S. Allen Mrs. Rupert M. Colmore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. DeVall III Armour C. Bowen, Jr. Mrs. Laura F. W. Campbell Rev. & Mrs. C. FitzSimons Dr. David C. Conner Mr. & Mrs. David E. Dewey Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Mr. & Mrs. Nat C. Campbell III Allison Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Dewey Mr. & Mrs. Montague L. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. William R. Campbell William P. Allison Lt. Col. & Mrs. Peyton E. Cook Charles M. DeWitt Dr. & Mrs. Lucien E. Brailsford Mr. & Mrs. John D. Canale HI Dr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Alvarez Rev. Richard R. Cook Rev. Canon & Mrs. James P. Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Braiy Rev. J. Daryl Canfill Paul S. Amos Rev. & Mrs. Willard L. Cook DeWolfe, Jr. Robert L. Brannon Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Cantrell, Halstead T. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Cooke, Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. Phillip W. DeWolfe John Bratton, Jr. Jr. Mr. & Mrs, Joseph R. Anderson George P. Cooper, Jr. Dr. William B. Dickens John G. Bratton Mr. & Mrs. W. Plack Carr, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vernon T. Anderson, Talbert Cooper, Jr. Brooke S. Dickson Jr. Mrs. Theodore D. Bratton Mr. & Mrs. Jesse L. Carroll Henry C. Cortes, Jr. Rt. Rev. R. Earl Dicus Col. Mrs. William D. Bratton Louis L. Carruthers Mr. & Mrs. Stafford E. Andrews & Dr. H. Brooks Cotton Mrs. R. Earl Dicus Ms. Margaret W. Brennecke Rev. H. Carson, Jr. Anonymous"(4) Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Barring Coughlin Dr. & Mrs. Fred F. Diegmann Mr. Mrs. Philip P. Mrs. James W. Brettmann Rev. J. Robert Carter, Jr. Dr. Mrs. & Ardery Mr. & Mrs, Robert J. Coven & Charles P. diUberti Benjamin Rev. Mrs. Craig Conrad P. Armbrecht II Brewster & W. Casey Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Dr. & Mrs. J. Homer Dimon HI Joseph Mr. Mrs. Drs. W. Mark & Nancy S. A. Bricker & Woodrow L. Cracchiolo Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Donaldson Charles Briggs Castleberry Armstrong L. Mrs. Kenneth F. Cramer Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Doss Dr. George A. Brine John A. Cater Alvan S. Arnall Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Crane, Jr. J. Andrew Douglas Mr. Mrs. Milton R. Britten Mr. & Mrs. Eric Catmur Joseph H. Arnall 4 Mrs. A. B. Cranwell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John S. Douglas, Jr. Mr. Mrs. Winston Broadfoot Rev. Walter W. Cawthorne Mr. & Mrs. G. Dewey Arnold, Jr. & Mr. 4 Mrs. DuVal G. Cravens, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Dowlen Mr. & Mrs. H. Frederick Brown, Dr. & Mrs. David A. Chadwick Rev. M. William Asger Mr. & Mrs. J. Fain Cravens Brian W. Dowling Mr. Rev. & Mrs. Herschel R. Atkinson Jr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Chambers, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Cole Downing Rev, J. Jr. Jr. Anthony Atwell, Sr. Robert Brown, Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Downs Mr. Mrs. Roland J. Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Atwood, Rt. Rev. James B. Brown & Champagne Walter J. Crawford, Jr. Walter H. Drane Sr. Rev. & Mrs. James R. Brumby III Mr. & Mrs. William G. Champlin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Crichton Mr. & Mrs. Kent G. Drummond Jr. Mrs. David C. Audibert Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Bryant, Jr, Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Criddle, Jr. David St. Pierre DuBose J. D. Picksley Cheek Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bryson, Mr. & Mrs, Edward S. Croft, Jr. William P. DuBose HI T. Cherry Jr. Robert Dr. William G. Crook Mrs. Wolcott K. Dudley Mr. & Mrs. Godfrey Cheshire, Jr. Mrs. Charles F. Baarcke Mr. & Mrs. James L. Budd Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Crosland Mrs. R. G. Dudney Rt. Rev. C. Judson Child, Jr. Mrs. Duggan Rev. & Mrs. Harry L. Babbit Mrs. Thomas E. Bugbee Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Crowe Hon. & Edmund B. Dr. & Mrs. John Chipman Dr. R. Huston Babcock Rev. & Mrs. William R. Buice Mr. & Mrs. Spencer L. Cullen Dr. & Mrs. E. D. Dumas Mr. & Mrs. O. Beirne Chisolm Brian W. Badenoch Rev. & Mrs. A. Stanley Bullock, Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Cureton Rt. Rev. & Mrs. James L. Duncan Thomas A. Clai borne Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Bailey, Jr. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Currier John H. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. James C. Clapp Maj. & Mrs. Otto C. Bailey Dr. & Mrs. Harold O. Bullock Rev. & Mrs. George Curt Dr. & Mrs. David G. Dye Mr. & Mrs. Joe R. Clark Mr. & Mrs. James C. Baird, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William R. Bullock Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Curtis Dr. David P. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Clark Dr. T. Dee Baker Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Charles L. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Cushman Mr. & Mrs. George G. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Milton C. Baldridge Burgreen Mrs. Dr. Dr. & Henri DeS. Clarke Joe W. Earnest Mr. & Mrs. I. Rhett Ball III C. Benton Burns Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Clarke W. Moultrie Ball Moultrie B. Bums, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Dabney Benjamin C. Eastwood Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Clicquennoi WilHam H. Daggett Mr. & Mrs. John L. Ebaugh, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William J. Ball Rev. & Mrs. Samuel M. Bums Dr. John M. Coats IV Daniell Jr. Mr. Mrs. John C. Charles D. Baringer Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Burr Rev. Hal S. . & Eby Mr. & Mrs. Clarence E. Cobbs Walter G. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Samuel G. Dargan Dan M. Edwards, Jr. Mrs. John H. Cobbs Mr. Mrs. Harry T. Edwards, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Bames Mr. & Mrs. Lewis C. Burwell, Jr. & Mr. & Mrs. William M. Barret Mr. & Mrs. John W. Buss B. Pumell Eggleston Dr. DuBose Egleston Mr. & Mrs. H. Grady Barrett, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William R. Ehlert Rev. Harold E. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. C. Morgan Eiland Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Barron, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Roy 0. Elam HI Rev. Robert F. Bartusch Rev. Canon & Mrs. David A. Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Bassett . Ellic tni Dr. & Mrs. A. Scott Bates Mrs. Douglas F. Elliott Mrs. Arch D. Batjer Mr. & Mrs. George B. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. John A. Batt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Ellis Mrs. Viola S. Baulch Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Ellis Rev. & Mrs. Olin G. Beall Stanhope E. Elmore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. I. Croom Beatty IV Mr. & Mrs. James A. Emory J. Guy Beatty, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Engsberg Mr. & Mrs. Bob Beckham Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Erschell, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. George C. Bedell Louis S. Estes Rev. Ernest F. Bel Dr. & Mrs. James T. Ettien Rev. & Mrs. Lee A. Belford Robert F. Evans John E. Bell Gene P. Eyler Mr. & Mrs. W. Warren Belser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ezzell Mr. & Mrs. Edmund F. Benchoff Mrs. Lester R. Bengel Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Maurice M. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Fanale Clayton H. Famham Frederick H. Benners Mrs. Darwin S. Fenner Dr. & Mrs. John J. Benton Mr. & Mrs. James H. Fenner Mr. & Mrs. James S. Berry Joseph E. Ferguson, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Cyril Best Mr. & Mrs. Ralph N. Ferguson Dr. & Mrs. David M, Beyer Dr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Finlay, Jr. Mr. Mrs. Julian L. Bibb III & Hon. & Mrs. Kirkman G. Finlay, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick T. Billings, Jr. Jr. ' 10 Mr. 4 Mrs. Henry Century Club (Continued) C. Hutso Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Leland Dr. Francis G. Middleton Robert C. Hynson Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Arnold L. Mignery Dr. & Mrs. John B. Liebler C. Russell Milem R. Tucker Fitz-Hugh Jerome G. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Blucher B. Lines Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Miller IH Mr. 4 Mis. Michael C. Flachmann Dr. Thomas B. Hall IH Dr. & Mrs. David A. Lockhart Dr. George John Miller Maj. & Mrs. W. Floyd Thomas Rev. 4 Mrs. Harold H. Hallock , Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Lodge Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Miller Dr. 4 Mrs. Thomas B. Flynn Mr. 4 Mrs. Charles D. Ham Palmer R. Long Mr. & Mrs. David P. Milling Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Fockele Mrs. Sara D. Ham Alexander P. Looney Mr. & Mrs. Hendree B. Milward Rt. Rev. 4 Mrs. William H. Mr. 4 Mis. George H. Hamler Mr. 4 Mrs. B. Ivey Jackson Mrs. Edna Loposer Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Mindlin Folwell Mr. 4 Mrs. James W. Hammond Harold E. Jackson Rev. J. Raymond Lord Lucian W. Minor J. B. Fooshee Burton B. Hanbury.Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. John R. James Jackson C. Lott Mr. & Mrs. L S. Mitchell HI Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Forehand , Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Arthur S. Hancock Philip C. Jackson Warren HI G. Lott Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Moisio Dr. 4 Mrs. Charles W. Foreman Mr. 4 Mrs. James A. Hand Mr. 4 Mrs. G. Robert Jackson Randolph D. Love Mr. & Mrs. James B. Montague Mr. 4 Mrs. Earl A. Forsythe Grayson P. Hanes Mrs. R. Walter Jaenicke Mr. Mrs. & Robert W. Love Mr. & Mrs. James W. Moody, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. J. Russell Frank Walter C. Hanger Henry D. Jamison, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Theodric E. Moor, Jr. Dr. David W. Frantz Mr. 4 Mis. William A. Hanger Rev. John L. Janeway IV Dr. & Mrs. Hope Henry Lumpkin A. Brown Moore Mf. 4 Mrs. P. W. Frazer Mr. 4 Mrs. Byrd Wells Hanley Mrs. James F. Jenkins Jr. Dr. Maurice A. Moore Mr. 4 Mrs. Felder J. Frederick HI Rev. 4 Mrs. Harry W. Hansen Peter Jenks Mr. & Mrs. Guy Lyman, Jr. Rev. Robert J. Moore Mr. 4 Mrs. Charles W. Mr. 4 Mrs. Shelby T. Harbison, Freeman Mr. 4 Mis. Alan J. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Howell J. Lynch Tom Moore HI Mr. & Mrs. Judson Freeman Jr. David C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. George L. Lyon, Jr. Rev. W. Joe Moore Mr. 4 Mrs. Judson Freeman, Jr. Rev. Durrie B. Hardin Mrs. Euell K. Johnson Rev. Arthur L. Lyon-Vaiden Mr. & Mrs. William W. Moore Mr. 4 Mrs. Roland Quintin T. Hardtner, Jr. S. Freeman Mr. 4 Mrs. Gregory M. Johnson Mrs. Arthur L. Lyon-Vaiden Ms. Mary H. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Freyer, Col. Robert P. Hare HI Mr. 4 Mrs. Victor S. Johnson, Jr. Mr, & Mrs. William C. Morrell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Hargrave Mr. 4 Mrs. John A. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. John C. Morris Mr. 4 Mrs. G. Archer Friersol Mrs. Shirley Harms John B. Johnston, Jr. M Dr. & Mrs. William H. Morse Mr. 4 Mrs. J. Philip Frontier Mr. 4 Mrs. William R. Harper, Jr. Summerfield K. Johnston, Sr. Mr. C. Robert Morton Mr. 4 Mrs. Richard Fulljan Mrs. Eugene O. Harris, & Mrs. Jerry L. Mabry C. Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas W. Johnston, Mr, & Mrs. John M. Morton Marion S. MacDowell Mrs. Frank S. Harris Sr. Rev. & Mrs. Gerard S. Moser Mr. Dr. Donald P. Macleod, Jr. 4 Mrs. Burwell C. Harrison Yerger Johnstone Frank W. Mumby IV Robert L. Gaines Rev. Mrs. Very Rev. Lynwood C. Magee 4 Edward H. Harrison George W. Jones, Jr. (d) Miss Catherine Miss Susan H. Magette L. Murdock Hugh E. Gardenier III Mr. 4 Mrs. Howard W. Harrison, George W. Jones IH Dr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Murfree Mr. 4 Mrs. Andrew W. Gardner Sr. & Mrs. Alexander Maitland III Rt. Rev. 4 Mrs. Girault M. Jones Rt. Rev. George M. Murray Peter J. Garland Mrs. John W. Harrison Mr. Mrs. Lamont Major, Jr. 4 Grier P. Jones Mrs. Raymond L. Murray Mr. Mrs. E. Rev. & Mrs. Thomas G. Garner Joseph E. Hart, Jr. Mr. Mrs. & Arthur Mallory III 4 Harry P. Jones Mr. Mrs. Robert M. Jr. John R. & Murray, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. R. Morey Hart Dr. Mrs. Malmo 4 J. Ackland Jones Edward E. Murrey, Jr. (d) Dr. Hart T. Mankin George G. Garratt Mr. 4 Mrs. Richard M. Hart, Jr. Rev. 4 Mrs. J. Monte Jones Y. C. Harris Myers Mr. 4 Mis. Charles P. Garrison Mr. Duncan Manley 4 Mrs. Keith M. Hartsfield Mrs. Jack W. Jones Miss Dr. John H. Iha May Myers Dr. 4 Mis. Thomas A. Gaskin HI Mr. 4 Mrs. Coleman A. Harwell Dr. 4 Mrs. Milnor Jones Marchand, Jr. Dr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. J. Carlisle Myers, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Currin R. Gass William B. Harwell Dr. R. O. Joplin & Frank B. Marsh Tedfred E. Myers Mr. Mrs. Margaret B. Marshall HI 4 Mrs. Ian F. Gaston Dr. 4 Mrs. William B. Harwell, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Quintard Joyner (d) Rt. Rev. 4 Mrs. W. Fred Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin F. Martin Gates, Jr. Edwin I. Hatch Robert Critchell Judd N Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Harvey S. M. Gearinger Dr. Edwin I. Hatch, Jr. Martin Mrs. Roger A, Edward C. Nash Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gentry, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Caldwell L. Haynes Martin K William B. Nauts, Jr. Dr. Mrs. Philip Rev. & Mrs. Samuel A. Mason 4 G. George Mr. Mrs. Joseph B. Dr. Thomas S. Kandul, Jr. 4 Haynes Mrs. Gertrude lor Glenn II. Massey, Jr. W. Nay Mr. (d) 4 Mrs. Ben W. Gibson, Jr. Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Ellis B. Joseph H. Hays Keener Thomas Neal Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Herbert S. Massey C. 4 James D. Gibson Robert Jr. Richard D. Keller B. Hays, Rev. John R. Neff Dr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. J. Stevadson Massey 4 Walter B. Gibson Mr. A Mrs. Holman Head C. Richard Kellermann Mrs. Young- M. Massey Rev. 4 Mrs. Benjamin H. Nelson, Charles B. Giesler Mr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kellermann & Edward W. Heath Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Giffin Mrs. Henry P. Matherne Donald W. Mr. 4 Mrs. Charles A. Heidbreder Rev. & Mrs. Joseph L. Kellermann Mr. & Mrs. John Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Giles Harold H. Lt. Gen. & Mrs. William E. A. Matthews Helm Miss Elspia Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Given Rev. John B. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Smith Hempstone, Jr. Kepher William Ms. Kimberley Sue Dr. & Mrs. I. Armistead Nelson M. Given, Jr. Rev. Mrs. William Dr. & Mrs. C. Briel Keppler Matthews. £ D. Henderson Paul M. Neville Hon. 4 Mrs. Edward L. Gladney, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Mauldin Mr. 4 Mrs. Kent S. Helming Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Kerr Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hubert A. Nicholson Jr. Edmund T. Mr. Mrs. William Henry IH & K. Kershner John H. Nicholson Mr. 4 Mrs. Charles S. Glass Grover C. Maxwell III Rt. Rev. 4 Mrs. Willis R. Rev. & Mrs. Charles E. Kiblinger Henton Mr. & Mrs. Alfred B. Nimocks, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Edgar C. Glenn, Dr. George R. Mayfield, Jr. Jr. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Mr. & Mrs. George A. Kimball, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas P. Noe, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Robert L. Owen F. McAden Glenn HI Dr. 4 Mrs. Lloyd R. Hershberger Dr. Edward B. King Mr. & Mrs. Hayes A. Noel, Jr. Burton D. Glover Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Gerald N. Rev. Arch M. Hewitt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James A. King, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Norton, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Harold L. Glover McAllister Dr. James Hey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. King, Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. William R. Nummy, Sr. Mr. Mrs. Norman E. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. 4 Glueck Philip Hicky II Mr. & Mrs. John G. Kirby McAllister Charles R. W. Duncan McArthur, Godchaux Mrs. James E. Hiers Col. & Mrs. Edmund Kirby -Smith Jr. Joe Mr. 4 Mrs. M. Feiid Gomita Mr. 4 Mrs. James David McBee W. Hill m Dr. Elizabeth W. K irby -Smith Mrs. James Oates Mr. Mrs. Albert Ralph H. C. 4 S. Gooch, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Henning Hilliard Mrs. Henry T. Kirby-Smith McBride H. K. Rev. & Mrs. H. King Oehmig Mr. 4 Mrs. Anthony C. Gooch David R. Hillier Mr. Mrs. McCain, Jr. & Reynold M. L. W. Oehmig Mr. & Mrs. Robert D, Gooch, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Clarence H. McCall H. Hillin Kirby-Smith , Jr. Mrs. Mary K. Oehmig Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr. Mr. Mrs. Joseph Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Wallace B. McCall 4 H. Hilsman HI & Mrs. Christopher P. Kirchen Eric Mr. Mrs. Rev. & Mrs. Oliver 4 Elmer C. Goodwin, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. John P. Hine Dr. & Mrs. William A. Kirkland W. Barnum C. Rt. Rev. Mr. 4 Mrs. Henry Oliver 4 Mrs. Harold Gosnell Mr. 4 Mrs. John C. Hodgkins Will P. Kirkman McCarty Dr. Dr. Dr. 4 Mrs. George E. Orr 4 Mrs. L. Barry Goss Mr. 4 Mrs. R. Holt Miss Florida J. Howard McClain Hogan Kissling Mr. Mrs. James Mrs. J. Brian & R. Eugene Orr M. Grater Mr. 4 Mrs. Stephen F. Mr. Mrs. McCormick Hogwood & Lowry F. Kline Mr. Mrs. Dr. 4 Mrs. C. Prentice Mr. Mrs. John & Prime Osborn IH Gray, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. C. Stokely Holland Capt. & Mrs. Wendell F. Kline & McCoy Mr. 4 Mrs. Park H. Owen, Jr. Rt. Rev. 4 Mrs. Duncan Gray Dr. & Mrs. J. Waring M. Dr. & Mrs. Warren F. Holland, Jr. John C. Klock McCrady Jr. Dr. Mrs. Robert T. Owen Fred T. Hollis Mr. & Mrs. Rolland M. Klose & J. Stuart McDaniel Mr. Mrs. William William G, Joseph A. Owens H 4 C. Gray II Mr. 4 Mrs. Frank W. Hollowell Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Kneisly McDaniel Rev. Bruce Green Hunter McDonald Dr. 4 Mrs. Wayne J. Holman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kranz, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Paul T. G. Simms Green Mr. 4 Mrs. Burnham B. Dr. Bruce M. Kuehnle McDowell III Holmes Dr. Lt. Col. 4 Mrs. Stephen D. Green Lt. Col. J. Russell McElroy, Thomas F. Paine, Jr. Very Rev. 4 Mrs. Urban T. Jr. Dr. Mr. Dr. 4 Mrs. Ernest P. Palmer 4 Mrs. Clifton E. Greer, Jr. Holmes & Mrs. William L. McElveen Dr. 4 Mrs. Thomas H. Greer, Drs. Marianne B. Dr. 4 Mrs. S. Donald Palmer Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Jack N. Holt Stanley P. Lachman & Harry B. Russell C. Gregg McEuen, Mr. 4 Mrs. WiUiam T. Parish, Jr. Col. 4 Mrs. William M. Hood J. Payton Lamb Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. Thomas N. E. Greville James L. C. McFaddin, Mr. 4 Mrs. Frank H. Parke Mr. 4 Mrs. Elbert Hooper Very Rev. & Mrs. Richard T. Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Donald W. Griffis Mr. & Mrs. Earl M. Mrs. Harry J. Parker H Mr. 4 Mrs. Homer Pettie Hopkins, Lambert McGowin Mr. 4 Mrs. Berkeley Grimball Mr. & Mrs. Lee Mr. 4 Mrs. J. D. Parker Dr. William A. Lambeth, Jr. McGriff III James W. Grisard Rev. & Mrs. John R. Dr. Thomas Parker Rev. 4 Mrs. Jack F. G. Hopper Edward L. Landers McGrory, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Richard Rev. Mr. 4 Mrs. Lester S. Pan- D. Grist Thomas H. Horton Dr. & Mrs. Duncan M. Lang Moultrie H. Mcintosh Thomas N. Grizzard Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Samuel E. Parr, Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. Marcus C. Hoyer Harry W. Langenberg M. McKeithen Dr. Ben H. Parrish William B. Guenther Dr. W. Shands McKeithen, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Pembroke S. Huckins Dr. W. Henry Langhome William P. McKenzie Dr. 4 Mrs. Douglas D. Paschall Mr. 4 Mrs. Robert S. Hudspeth Mr. & Mrs. S. LaRose Mrs. Hazel G. McKinley James E. Patching, Jr. Stanton E. Huey, Jr. Very Rev. & Mrs. John A. Mr. & Mrs. John Col. James E. Patching IH B. Hagler, Jr. C. Joseph Hughes Lawrence & Mrs. Leslie McLaurin, Jr. Raymond E. Hahn Dr. Mrs. David Dr. 4 Mrs. Manning M. Pattillo, Richard B. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Beverly R. Laws & F. McNeeley Jr. Miss Theora Pierce Hahn Harry C. McPherson, Jr. Stewart P. Hull Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leach, Jr. J. Conway Hail, Jr. (d) Douglass McQueen, Dr. 4 Mrs. John P. Patton Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hungerpiller Mr. & Mrs. Nolan C. Leake Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Stacy A. Haines, Mr. Mrs. Mr. 4 Mrs. William O. Patton, Jr. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce O. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Lear & John W. McWhirter, Jr. Winfield B. Hale, Jr. Joe Smith Dr. John G. Paty, Jr. Mr. 4 Mis. Charles W. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. W. Sperry Lee Mellon Charles W. Hall Robert Mrs. Francis C. Payne Dr. 4 Mis. William B. Hunt S. Mellon Mr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Madison P. Payne 4 Mrs. Dennis M. Hall C. Andrew Hunter Rev. & Mrs. Fred L. Meyer Rev. George J. Hall Robert J. Hurst (d) = deceased -• H. Russell, Jr. " Dr, William C. Stiefer, Jr. ! Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Peacock Dr. Howard Mr. & Mrs. John Day Peake, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Wilson G. Russell Mr. & Mrs, Mercer L. Stockell Mr. 4 Mrs. Frank D. Peebles, Jr. Col. & Mrs. John W. Russey T. Price Stone, Jr. John D. Peebles Carl B. Stoneham Mr. 4 Mrs. Bobby B. Stovall i Rev. & Mrs. Henry K. Perrin Mr. & Mrs. David C. Perry Rev. & Mrs. Edward L. Salmon, James R. Stow Arch Peteet, Jr. Jr. Frank G. Strachan Mr. 4 Mrs. Fred S. Stradley , Robert L. Peters HI Capt. Edward K. Sanders Stanley D. Petter Mr. Mrs. James 0. Sanders in Rev. Roy T. Strainge, Jr. j & L. Street Mr. & Mrs. James R. Pettey Rt. Rev. William E. Sanders James Stringer Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas P. Peyton III Mr. 4 Mrs. Royal K. Sanford Rev. 4 Mrs. Warner A. ponald T. W. Phelps Mr. 4 Mrs. William G. Sanford Jr. Dr. Mrs. John J. Stuart Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Phillips, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. H. Phillip Sasnett 4 Claude T. Sullivan, Jr. Peter R. Phillips, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. G. Flint Sawtelle Gerald H. Summers Mr. 4 Mrs. Robert D. Phillips C. Reed Sayles Joe B. Sylvan Lt. Col. H. Forrest Philson Claude M. Scarborough, Jr. James M. Pierce Milton P. Schaefer, Jr. Joseph N. Pierce Rev. & Mrs. William P. Scheel Mr. & Mrs. Thoburn Taggart, Jr. Mrs. Raymond C. Pierce Mr. 4 Mrs. Payton E. Scheppe, Jr Mr. 4 Mrs. Paul A. Tate Drs. Robert & Myra Pierce Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Paul T. Tate, Jr. Robert H. Pitner Schley, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Edwin H. Taylor Arthur W. Piatt Alfred C. Schmutzer, Jr. Charlie L. Teasley, Jr. Mrs. James K. Polk, Jr. D. Dudley Schwartz, Jr. Mr. Mrs. Alfred H. Tebault Rev. & Mrs. Thomas R. Polk Mrs. Daniel D. Schwartz 4 Mr. & Mrs. Harvey M. Templeton, George M. Pope Mrs. Edward B. Schwing, Jr. Jr. Thomas H. Pope, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Scott Dr. 4 Mrs. Richard B. Terry W. Haigh Porter John B. Scott, Jr. William E. Terry, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Fitzhugh K. Powell Wilson Searight Thomas A. Thibaut Dr. 4 Mrs. Sam M. Powell, Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. Peter J. Sehlinger, Jr. Charles E. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Powers E. Grenville Seibels II Mr. & Mrs. Frank Thomas, Jr. James M. Poyner Mr. & Mrs. Armistead I. Selden, Joseph M. Thomas II Mrs. Julius A. Pratt Jr. Robert W. Thomas, Sr. Frederick F. Preaus Dr. & Mrs. John R. Semmer Dr. Michael V. R. Thomason Drl 4 Mrs. Thomas H. Price George Q. Sewell 1 Mrs. G. Seymour Albin C. Thompson, Jr. Mr . 4 Mrs. Windsor M. Price Mr. & Arthur Col. 4 Mrs. Barry H. Thompson Dr! 4 Mrs. William M. Priestley Rev. & Mrs. William B. Sharp Dennis P. Thompson Scott L. Probasco III Dr. 4 Mrs. William J. Shasteen John B. Thornton, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. P. Lee Prout Mr. 4 Mrs. W- Joe Shaw, Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. Wendell Thrower Dr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Prunty William W. Shaw Drs. M. Elizabeth 4 Charles S. Hon. John W. Prunty Col. & Mrs. Joe H. Sheard Tidball Dr. 4 Mrs. S. Elliott Puckette, Jr. Mrs. William A. Shepherd, Jr. Martin R. Tilson, Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. Stephen E. Puckette Mr. & Mrs. John H. Sherman, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. R. Randall Timmons Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pugh Mr. 4 Mrs. Herbert T. Shippen .Mr. Mrs. Joe S. Tobias Rt. Rev. 4 Mrs. Lemuel B. Shirley 4 Mr. 4 Mrs. Joe S. Tobias, Jr. Miss Beatrice E. Shober , Allen R. Tomlinson III Mr. 4 Mrs. William F. Mrs. George A. Shook Charles E, Tomlinson Quesenberry, Jr. Mr. Si Mrs. William R. Shuffield John W.'Tonissen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William F. Jackson Cavett Sibley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Towson Quesenberry III Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Sigler Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas M. Trabue Mrs. Thomas M. Simpson James E. Wallace, Sr. Mr. St Mrs. T. Manly Whitener, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Horatio N. Tragitt, Jr. Mrs. James E. Sinclair Mrs. M. Hamilton Wallace Dr. St Mrs. Frederick R. Whitesell R Mr. 4 Mrs. William D. Trahan Bruce Racheter Millard G. Sinclair Dr. & Mrs. Rodger T. Wallace Mr. 4 Mrs. J. Brantley Wiley, Jr. Ensign Lisa Trimble Mr. & Mrs. Jesse D. Ragan J. Noland Singletary Mr. 4 Mrs. Webb L. Wallace Mr. St Mrs. Richard B. Wilkens III Mr. St Mrs. Milton J. Triplett Mr. 4 Mrs. Wynne Ragland Mr. 4 Mrs. William H. Skinner Mrs. Ellen W. Wallingford Miss Marianne Wilkerson Everett Tucker, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Heinrich J. Ramm Dr. 4 Mrs. Clyde Smith Dr. 4 Mrs. Norman S. Walsh Mr. St Mrs. R. M. Wilkes Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas J. Tucker James R. Rash, Jr. Rev. 4 Mrs. Colton M. Smith III Charles R. Walton Mr. 4 Mrs. Clarence W. Williams Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas M. Tucker Rev. Robert E. Ratelle Mr. & Mrs. G. Blackwell Smith, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Samuel B. Walton, Jr. Gary Williams Ms. Paulina M. Tull Miss Jennifer A. Ray Dr. George L. Smith, Jr. and Dr. Mr. 4 Mrs. E. John Ward II Mr. St Mrs. John T. Williams Mrs. Robert B. Tunstall Mr. 4 Mrs. Willie H. Read Nancy Doyle Mr. 4 Mrs. Everett J. Ward Dr. Leslie Johnson Williams Mr. 4 Mrs. Charles H. Turner III Joseph M. Rector III Dr. Josiah H. Smith Mr. 4 Mrs. G. Franklin Ward Mr. 4 Mrs. Pat Williams Rev. Claude S. Turner, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Carl F. Reid Mr: 4 Mrs. Lester H. Smith Mr. 4 Mrs. W. Porter Ware Mr. 4 Mrs. Silas Williams, Jr. John W. Turner Rev. & Mrs. Roddey Reid, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Lindsay C. Smith William J. Warfel Mr. 4 Mrs. William L. Williams Rev. 4 Mrs. Robert W. Turner III Dr. & Mrs. John V. Reishman Mrs. Mapheus Smith Dr. John S. Warner Mr. St Mrs. B. F. Williamson Mr. Si Mrs. Gordon R. Tyler Mr. 4 Mrs. George L. Reynolds Dr. S. Dion Smith Robert J. Warner, Jr. Mr. St Mrs. James P. Willis Miss Elizabeth Kee Tyndall Stephen H. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Porcher Smith Mr. 4 Mrs. Thad H. Waters, Jr. Miss Caroline Duval Wills Dr. 4 Mrs. Bayard S. Tynes Dr. Edmund Rhett, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. William H. Smith Dr. 4 Mrs. Ben E. Watson Mrs. Harry H. Winfield Mrs. David Tyrrell Mr. 4 Mrs. Robert P. Rhoads Rev. & Mrs. William L. Smith, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Edward W. Watson Dr. St Mrs. Breckenridge W. Wing Mr. 4 Mrs. David C. Tyrrell Louis W. Rice III Mr. & Mrs. Orland C. Smitherman Mr. 4 Mrs. Warren K. Watters Richard C. Winslow William S. Tyrrell Robert C. Rice, Jr. Frederick J. Smythe Roger A. Way, Jr. Rev. Charles L. Winters, Jr. Robert W. Rice Mr. 4 Mrs. Donald E. Snelling Mr. 4 Mrs. (d) Warren W. Way Mrs. John A. Witherspoon Mr. & Mrs. Rutledge John Rice Dr. H. Larned Snider u Mr. 4 Mrs. John F. Waymouth, Mr. 4 Mrs. Jess Y. Womack II Mr. 4 Mrs. Charles W. Richards Mr. 4 Mrs. William Kirk Snouffer, Sr. Mr. 4 Mrs. George T. Wood Mr. 4 Mrs. Mason F. Richards Jr. Dr. John F. Waymouth, Jr. John E. Wood III Mr. & Mrs. J. Brice Richardson Dr. Jerry Allison Snow Mr. 4 Mrs. Walter T. Weathers, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Leonard N. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Riggs Rev. Charles D. Snowden George Weaver HI Mrs. Thomas F. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Vanderbilt Erling Riis, Jr. Charles D. Snowden, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. H. Waring Webb Mr. St Mrs. G. Albert Woods Mr. & Mrs. F. Karl Van Devender Mr. & Mrs. James K. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. J. Bayard Snowden Mr. 4 Mrs. Morton M. Webb, Jr. John W. A. Woody, Jr. Mrs. Thomas C. Vaughan William E. Roberts Millard P. Snyder Rt. Rev. William G. Weinhauer Mr. 4 Mrs. Arthur J. Worrall Martin H. Vonnegut Jr. Worrell Morgan M. Robertson Gordon S. Sorrell, Jr. Mr. St Mrs. Aaron W. Welch, Rev. John C. Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Vonnegut Robert A. Robinson Frank A. Southard, Jr. Mrs. Harry L. Welch, Sr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Robert Worthington Mr. 4 Mrs. Albert P. Rollins Dr. Albert P. Spaar, Jr. W Dr. Richard B. Welch Dr. 4 Mrs. Taylor M. Wray Thomas A. Rose, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Speck Rev. St Mrs. Matthews Weller Mr. 4 Mrs. Gilbert G. Wright III George J. Wagner, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Harry A. Rosenthal Dr. 4 Mrs. George W. Speck Rev. St Mrs. D. Roderick Welles, Mr. 4 Mrs. Gordon E. P. Wright Mrs. WiUard B. Wagner, Jr. Charles Alan Ross Mr. 4 Mrs. John W. Spence Jr. Albert E. Wynne HI Mr. 4 Mrs. Francis B. Wakefield Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Ross Mr. 4 Mrs. J. Boyd Spencer Earl R. Wells III Dr. 4 Mrs. Clay C. Ross Mr. 4 Mrs. Harold T. Spoden Dr. 4 Mrs. John G. Wells Mr. & Mrs. Brooks L. Walker Paul D. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Victor P. Stanton Rev. 4 Mrs. Philip P. Werlein H. Powell Yates Mr. 4 Mrs. Frank M. Walker Wright H. Ross, Sr. Edward M. Steelman, Jr. Mr. St Mrs. Arthur L. West Dr. 4 Mrs. Harry C. Yeatman Dr. Gaylord T. Walker West IV Lt. Col. & Mrs. Jack A. Royster, Jack P. Stephenson, Jr. Mr. St Mrs. Edward H. Mr. 4 Mrs. John H. Yochem Mr. 4 Mrs. George R. P. Walker Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. John R. Stephenson Mrs. Fred Weyand Cdr. Christopher B. Young Dr. & Mrs. Howard S. Walker, Jr. Whaley Mr. & Mrs. Rollins S. Rubsamen Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Sterne Mr. 4 Mrs. Hugh B. Miss Lucille D. Young Jeffrey H. Walker Rev. 4 Mrs. H. Wheeler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Rue John H. Stibbs, Jr. Mr. St Mrs. Russell Mrs. Peter D. Young Julian Walker, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. W. G. Jr. William H. Rue, Jr. Fred G. Stickney Kyle Wheelus, Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. Roy Young, Mr. 4 Mrs. Stephen E. Walker Mr. 4 Mrs. P. A. Rushton James W. Whitaker Mr. 4 Mrs. John N. Wall, Jr. Edwin M. White Wallace Allen M. William White MEMORIALS

Richard Henry Allen, Jr. Rev. Jon Steven Hunt Dr. Jules C. Welch, Jr. James Newby Allison Harold Orr Jackson Rev. James Edson Wells, Jr. James Newby Allison, Jr. Rev. Robert Wayne Jackson Rev. Jonas Ewing White George Petway Anderson Otis Frazier Jeffries Robert Brinkley Wilkerson William Jefferies Apperson Rev. Edgar Paul Jowett Waldo Wilson, Sr. Charles Frederick Baarcke, Sr. Frank Hugh Kean, Jr. Roy Chester Winters Ernest Jarrett Beanland Edwin Augustus Keeble Mrs. J. Albert Woods Dr. George Penniman Bennett Harry Eubanks King, Jr. John Cook Worsham, Jr. Eugene Williams Black III Ernestine Desporte Lancaster William McBride Yandell, Jr. Rev. Franklyn Heemann Beverly Walter Landstreet, Jr. Rev. William Tate Young Nelson Trimble Levings Hopkins Payne Breazeale, Jr. Miller Woodson Ligon George Hodges Broach Berdell H. Long Mrs. Preston Brooks Charles William Loring-Clark Newton Albert Brown Jean Flagler Matthews Albert Stanley Burchard Richard Budden McAnulty Rev. Edmund Dargan Butt William Keith McCulloch, Jr. Harry Pulliam Cain James Francis McGuire Dessie Campbel) Ernest Albert McKay Rt. Rev. Robert Eskine James Tucker McKenzie, Jr. Campbell, OHC Eleanor H. McKinney Mary Maude Cardwell Henry Trammell McWilliams William McKenzie Carnal Patrick Kieran Meagher Chester Coles Chattin Bruce L. Miller John Howard Childress Guilford Wayne Millican Clay Kirkland Chiles Rev. Edward Moore Mize John Herbert Clark Ella Middieton Rutledge Moore William Chisolm Coleman Dr. Jeff Carter Moore, Jr. Arthur Corry Lemuel Yerger Morehead William Benjamin Craig Mason Thomas Morris Father Joseph Crookston Rogers Goodman Murray Rev. Wilford 0. Cross Henry Topping Nancrede Mrs. Brownlee 0. Currey, Sr. Donald Scott Nash Elizabeth Brinkley Currier Julia H. and Edward G. Nation CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS Mary Ware Smith Daniel William Lytle Nichol, Jr. William Davis Douglas, Jr. Allen Warren Palmer Haskell AND William DuBose, Jr. GROUPS Dr. Jacob Richard Pierce Claude Cobbs Dunn Charles Alexander Pollard Rev. Lindsay Opie Duval) Elizabeth A. Gettys Puckette H M. Leo Elliott, Jr. Lt. Col. Clarence Byron Roberts, Jack Daniel Distillery Aetna Life & Casualty Fdn. J. J. Haines & Company, Inc. Mrs. W. S. Farish Jr. The Akzona Foundation The Arthur Vining Davis Fdn. Harnico, Inc. Rev. Dwaine Wiley Filkins Heyward Bradford Roberts Delta ALCO Standard Foundation The Air Lines Foundation John Hancock Mutual Life Robert Braxton Flye, Jr. Rev. Samuel Davis Rudder Ins. American Airlines Digital Equipment Corp. Co. Stephen Allen Freeland Harry Runyon, Jr. American Association of The Domestic & Foreign Heathwood Hall Episcopal School Dr. William Young Gilliam Rev. Charles Capers Satterlee University Women Missionary Society Hebrew Evangelization Society, Jessie D. Goodstein Joseph Welch Scott American Express Foundation Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Dr. Thomas Payne Govan Richard Munger Shaeffer American Telephone & Fdn. Highlander/Wellington Student Dr. George Sellers Graham, Jr. Delie Shedd Telegraph Co. The Dow Chemical Company Organization Augustus Tompkins Graydon, Jr. Alex Barnes Shipley, Jr. Argosy Partners and Bond Street Dresser Industries, Inc. Houston Natural Gas Corp. David Burton Griffin Rev. Robert Judson Snell Partners Duck River Electric Membership The Henrietta Hardtner Mary L. Griggs Rev. John Harvey Soper Arthur Andersen & Co. Hutchinson Thomas Beverly Grizzard Fisher Luke Morgan South worth Fdn. ARO Employee Charities Trust The Dun & Bradstreet Corp. Fdn. Preston L. Hall Julia Spears Association for the Preservation Jessie Ball duPont Religious, Daniel Heyward Hamilton, Jr. Carl Stirling of Tennessee Antiquities Charitable & Educational INA Foundation George William Hamilton Very Rev. James Stirling Fund Independent Life William Mayo Harris Rev. Richard LeRoy Sturgis, Jr. & Accident Insurance Zadok Daniel Harrison Charles Thomas Swift Co. Beatrice Foods Company International Isaac Hayne Allan John Orley Tate Business Machines Benwood Foundation, Inc. Emerald -Hodgson Hospital Rev. Henry Wilson Havens, Jr. Christopher Dudley Thames Sarah Campbell Blaffer Fdn. Auxiliary International Harvester James Bowman Higginbotham Rev. Homer Neville Tinker Co. Fdn. The Blount Foundation, Inc. Ethyl Corporation Rev. Joel Woodrow Hirons Helen Hood Trane International Minerals & George N. Bullard Foundation Exposition Foundation, Inc. Chemical Corp. John Julian Hope, Jr. John Wagaman, Jr. Exxon Education Fdn. International Paper Co. Fdn James Robinson Hungerford Joseph Emest Walker, Jr. Exxon USA Foundation Mary Crockett Hunt William Hale Walker The Carlton Company J Carnation Company Foundation Jefferson-Pilot Corporation Carrier Corporation Fdn., Inc. The William Stamps Farish Fund The Jewish Chautauqua Society Carf incur Foundation Fenner Family Fund Johns-Manville Fund, Inc. The Chase Manhattan Bank Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Johnson & Higgins of Texas, Inc. Chubb & Son, Inc. Maryland The Jung Enterprises BEQUESTS Citibank First & Merchants National Bank 'The Citizens and Southern Fund First Mortgage Company, Inc. K The Louis W. Alston $134,000.00 Citizens and Southern First National Bank of Lake The Kellwood Foundation National Bank of S.C. Fdn. Providence The Elizabeth Brinkley Currier 23,303.52 Kidder, Peabody Fdn. The Coca-Cola Company The Ford Foundation Nettie Fitch 80,'l05'59 Cole-Hall Lumber Company, Inc. Ford Motor Company Fund Alma S. Hammond 40 104.56 College Entrance Examination The Fortnightly Club The Liberty Corporation Fdn. Sophia Home Hyatt 300.00 Fort Worth Iron & Metal Co., Lodge Manufacturing Company Columbia Gas System William David Jones 1 000.00 Service Louisville & Nashville Railroad Friends of duPont Library Will S. Keese, Jr 1,000.00 Columbia Gas Transmission Charles A. Frueauff Fdn., Inc. Lyndhurst Foundation Leon Lastinger 36,233.00 Amanda Buck Harding Lastinger 36,233.00 Commerce Union Bank M Louis LeMay Connecticut General Insurance Gale, 3,235.08 Smith & Company, Inc. Marathon Oil Foundation, Inc. The Garrett Nancy B. Murphy 2,921.32 Corp. Martin Marietta Corp. Connecticut Mutual Life General Dynamics Julia H. & Edward H. Nation 17,331.20 Maritz, Inc. The Continental Corporation General Electric Foundation Anna T. Owens The Maryland Company, Inc. 5 170.79 Fdn. General Shale Products Corp. Massachusetts Mutual Life Z. Cartter Patten 315|293.69 The Ins. Continental Group Fdn., GTE Products Corp. Co. Donnie Lula Roper Gulf 1 037.50 Oil Foundation of Delaware Mead Corporation Fdn. Cowan Fellowship Church Gulf Hattie Saussy 35,029.28 States Utilities Company The Medusa Foundation The Crescent Company Dorothy H. Treakle 1,000.00 Merck Company Foundation Crum & Forster Insurance Co. L. Kemper Williams 75,000.00 Metropolitan Life Foundation TICF (continued) TICF (continued) TICF (continued) TICF (continued) Corporations etc. (Continued) Beecham Laboratories General Telephone of the McKee Baking Company Mr. Mrs. Donald R. The J. M. Smucker Co. & Fdn., Southeast The Melrose Inc. Southern Central Midlantic National Bank Beeson, Jr. Company The Gilman Company, Inc. Merchants & Planters Bank Sperry Univac Milliken & Company The Benwood Fdn., Inc. B. F. Goodrich Company Merchants Bank (Cleveland) Mills & Lupton Supply Co. The Berkline Corporation Standard-Coosa-Thatcher Co. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mitchell-Powers Hardware D. M. Steward Mfg. Co, The Minor Foundation, Inc. L. M. Berry & Company Inc. Co. Fund Co., Stokely-Van Camp, Inc. Mobil Foundation, Inc. Billboard Publications, Inc. Great Lakes Research Corp. The R. L. Moore Fdn. Levi Strauss Foundation William Moenning & Son, Ltd. Mr. R. C. Bird, Jr. Greene County Bank Roy B. Moore, Inc. Corporation Monsanto Fund Bondurant Brothers Co. Sunbeam Gulf & Western Industries, Arthur N. Morris Fdn., Inc. W. C. Teas The Mony Trust Bowater Southern Paper Company, Inc. Morrison Molded Fiber Tennessee Mu Phi Epsilon Memorial Fdn. Corp. Armature & W. L. Hailey & Co., Inc. Glass Co. Electric Company Braid Electric Company Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hames Morrison Printing Co., Inc. Texas Gas Transmission Corp. N Bristol Metals, Inc. Hamilton Bank Mayer Myers Paper Co. 13-30 Corporation The National Life & Accident Buik Hall Company Hardwick Stove Co. , Inc. Nashville Bridge Company Thompson Green Insurance Company Burlington Industries Fdn. & Harris Foundation Nashville Clearing House Machinery Co. The NCR Foundation The Cain-Sloan Company Heritage Federal Sav. & Loan Tom's Foods, Ltd. Neely, Harwell & Company Mr. James A. Carlen Hillsdale Industries, Inc. Nashville Gas Company Tri Stale Armature & Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr. Memorial Caterpillar Tractor Co. Holiday Inns, Inc. Nashville Surgical Supply Electrical Works, Inc. Fdn. The CECO Corporation Holliston Mills, Inc. Co., Inc. TSC Industries, Inc. Central Soya Foundation Home Federal Savings & National Butane Gas Co, Inc. United American Bank (JC) Chapman Drug Company Loan Assn. Nesbitt Corporation United Cities Gas Company Chattanooga Glass Co. Hospital Affiliates Int'l NLT Corporation United Inns, Inc. Chattem, Inc. Chuck Hutton Chevrolet Co. North American Philips United Southern Bank Cities Service Foundation ICFA Valley Fidelity Bank & Trust Citizens Bank (Elizabethton) Ingram Industries, Inc. North American Royalties, Co. Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Co. City & County Bank of ITT Corporation Victory Van Lines Pennzoil Company Knox County Jay Garment Company, Inc. Olan Mills, Inc. Vinylex Corporation Pepsico Foundation, Inc. Clark & Clark Johns-Man ville Products Robert Orr-Sysco Food Vulcan Iron Works, Inc. Phi Delta Theta Fraternity The Coca-Cola Company Services Co. White Rose Rental Laundry Phillips Petroleum Company Colonial Pipeline Company Johnson & Galyon, Inc. Owens-Illinois Woodson & Bozeman, Inc. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Fdn. ConAgra, Inc. Johnson-Hilliard, Inc. Ronald G. Owens Real F. W. Woolworth Company George Snedes Poyner Fdn., Inc. Container Corp. of America Josten's American Yearbook Estate Price Waterhouse Fdn. Co croon & Black of Co. Park National Bank Texas Oil & Gas Corporation Provident Life & Accident Ins. Nashville, Inc. The Jostens Fdn., Inc. Parks-Belk Company Thomas & Howard Co. of Co. Mr. C. A. Craig H Keene Corporation T. U. Parks Construction Salisbury, Inc. Cutters Exchange, Inc. Kingsport Press, Inc. Company Jack Daniel Distillery R Kingsport Publishing Corp. J. C. Penney Co., Inc. U Research Corporation Dart Industries, Inc. K-Mart Corporation PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. UOP Foundation Roberts Charitable Trust Mr. Harry M. Daugherty, Jr. Knoxville Iron Company Pilot Oil Corporation Union Camp Corporation Mr. Charles B. Davis The Knoxville News-Sentinel Plantation Pipe Line Co. United States Fidelity and Davis-Newman, Inc. Co. Planters Bank (Maury City) Guaranty Co. St. Andrew's Women's Auxiliary Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Koppers Company Fdn. The Procter & Gamble Fund United Technologies St. Luke's Society DeFriece, Jr. Kraft, Inc. Purity Baking Company United Virginia Bank Fdn. St. Peter's Hospital Fdn., Inc. Deloitte Haskins & Sells The Krystal Company Red Kap Industries USIC Educational Foundation Salomon Brothers Fdn., Inc. The Delta Air Lines Fdn. Lannom Mfg. Co., Inc. Rentenbach Engineering Co. Sears-Roebuck Foundation DeSoto Hardwood Flooring Lincoln American Life Ins. Robertshaw Controls Co. 1979-60 Sewanee Academy Co., Inc. Co. Mr. & Mrs. James B, Valley Liquors Students Dixie Yams, Inc. Line Power Mfg. Corp. Robinson Village Wine & Spirits Shoppe Sewanee Crafts Fair Dobbs Houses, Inc. J. E. Lutz& Co., Inc. Rockwell International Vulcan Materials Company The Sewanee Garden Club R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. The Magnavox Company of Joe M. Rodgers & Assoc, Inc. Sewanee Woman's Club Dover Corp. /Elevator Div. Tennessee Rohm& Haas Tennessee, Inc. W Shenanigans Ducktown Banking Co. Mallory Battery Company Rudy's Farm Company Western Electric Company, Inc. Smoke House Restaurant & EasTex Packaging, Inc. Marathon Oil Fdn., Inc. St. Joe Container Company Lettie Pate Whitehead Fdn., Inc. Trading Post, Inc. Eaton Corporation Maremont Corporation Salant Corporation The Wickes Corporation Soltex Polymer Corp. Edmonds Brothers Martin Marietta Aluminum The S & H Foundation, Inc. V. R. Williams & Company Southeast Everglades Bank of Pencil Company Empire Sales Schering-Plough Fdn., Inc. Winston Leaf Tobacco Company Fort Lauderdale Forms, Inc. Ennis Business The Mason & Dixon Lines, School Calendar Company John M. Wolff Foundation Southern Natural Resources, Inc. Farrell Construction Co., Sealy. . , Southeast Woods-Greer Foundation Sperry & Hutchinson Co. Fdn., Service Merchandise Co, Inc. Federal Express Corp. Siler Brokerage Co., Inc. Springs Mills, Inc. Fidelity Federal Savings & The Xerox Foundation The Standard Oil Company Loan Assn. Stone & Webster, Inc. The Firestone Tire & The Ethan Stone Fund Rubber Co. Stones River Woman's Club First American Bank Strickland Paper Company, Inc. (Knoxville) The Algernon Sydney Sullivan First Farmers & Merchants Foundation National Bank First Citizens Bank of Cleveland The Teagle Foundation, Inc. First Federal Sav. & Loan Tech High Friendship Club (JC) Tennessee Independent Colleges The First National Bank of Fund: Jackson First National Bank ACF Foundation, Inc. (Tullahoma) Acme Boot Company, Inc. First Peoples Bank AFC Industries, Inc. (Jefferson City) A.G.T. Office Furniture Dist. First Tennessee Bank (JC) Air Products & Chemicals, - First Trust & Savings Bank Inc. Fischer Lime & Cement Co., Albers Drug Company Alcoa Foundation Flenniken Financial Services, Allen & O'Hara.Inc. Allied Mills, Inc. Foster & Creighton Co. Alton Box Board Charitable Franklin Clearing House Trust Galbraith Laboratories, Inc. Aluminum Co. of America Gary Company, Inc. American Air Filter Co. Inc. The General Foods Fund, Inc. American National Bank & General Metal Products Co. Trust Co. General Mills Foundation Anonymous General Portland, Inc. Arapahoe Chemicals, Inc. General Shale Products Avco Aerostructures Division Hop Bailey Company Barber & McMurry, Inc. OPERATION TASK FORCE FOR ACADEMY (Unrestricted Giving Only) Fiscal Year 1979-80

Year Name of Agent Class Donors

1900 W. Porter Ware 1 1901 1 1902 1 1903 2 1 1904 3

1905 1 1906 2 1907 2 1908 2 1 1909 3 1910 2 1911 4 • 1 1912 4 1913 6 1 1914 6 1916 6 1 1916 7 1 1917 13 2 1918 15 1 1919 13 2 1920 22 2 1921 33 4 OTHER INDIVIDUAL DONORS 1922 18 2 All who have contributed $1 to $99 1923 27 3 425 to the University the South 1924 DuVal Cravens 20 3 695 of 1925 16 5 2,490 1926 Louie M. Phillips 12 1 1,000 Mr. 1927 15 & Mrs. James B. Askew Very Rev. & Mrs. Allen L. Mr. Mrs. George 1928 17 3 & Albert Atkin. Bartlett Mrs. Edith CoI.-& 1929 14 U. Abbey Mrs. W. C. Atkinson Rev. & Mrs. Roy Clark Bascom Rev. & Mrs. Richard Taylor Mr. & Mrs. William D. 1930 J. Fain Cravens 22 4 Austin Miss Ruth P. Baskette Abbot William Edward Austin, Jr. 1931 18 1 Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Bass Mr. & Mrs. W. Lane Abernathy Mr. & Mrs. James 1932 17 2 M. Avent Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Bass, Jr. Rev. William R. Abstein II Miss Helen Marie Averett Bate 1933 Rutherford H. Cravens 16 James Fred man v Rev. Mrs. Stephen Mr. 1934 23 4 & W. & Mrs. Robert Atlee Ayres Dr. Robert L. Bates Ackerman Miss Vera 1935 John W. Spence 28 8 3,385 Patricia Ayres Rev. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Batkin Mr. & Mrs. Fred Acree, Jr. 1936 25 3 250 Rev. & Mrs. Norman R. Baty Miss Claire Elizabeth 1937 30 3 400 Adams Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Bauer 1938 33 4 Rev. James F. Adams Mr. ft Mrs. David E. Babbit Robert C. Bayman Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mr. 1939 39 1 Dozier Adams & Mrs. Harry L. Babbit, Jr. Hon. William O. Beach, Jr. Mr. Mrs. 1940 George Wood 45 8 & Stephen E. Adams Nicholas Carl Babson Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. M. Beacbam 1941 42 3 William B. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Herman E. Baggenstoss Mr. & Mrs. John Elliott Bear Dr. 1942 53 2 & Mrs. Charles R. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bagley Mrs. Donald Beard Dr. 1943 Allen W. Spearman 64 5 475 & Mrs. Kenneth Paul Adler Capt. & Mrs. Samuel Scott Bagley Mr. & Mrs. T. Lawrence Beasley Mr. Mrs. L. Mr. Mrs. Lawrence P. 1944 Charles H. Randall 83 3 2,200 & Samuel Agnew & Bahan, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. W. B. Rogers Beasley Mr. Jackson 1945 George F. Wheelock 84 9 12,300 & Mrs. Daniel Boone Ahlport W. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Jackson G. Beatty Dr. David 1946 Robertson McDonald 88 8 W. Aiken Mr. & Mrs. James P. Bailey Pierre Gustave Beauregard III 1947 68 5 Mrs. Susan Aiken Marcus W. Bailey Rev. & Mrs. Peter H. Beckwith Mr. 1948 Morton Langstaff 73 4 1,850 & Mrs. Robert O. Akin Miss Mary B. Bailey Dr. James Robert Beene 1949 57 6 340 Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Albritton Rev. & Mrs. Harry B. Bainbridge Miss Carol Beers Mrs. Craig 1950 68 3 185 Alderman Capt. & Mrs. C. Bruce Baird H. W. Beers, Jr. Mrs. 1961 62 3 625 Florence O. Alderman Dr. & Mrs. Charles O. Baird Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Behle 1952 Edward M. Overton 74 4 80 Mrs. Winter W. Alfriend Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Baird Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Belford Charles 1953 W. Farris McGee 76 2 125 R. Allen, Jr. Miss Julia N. Baird Ms. Kate F. Belknap Dr. 1954 Robert P. Hare IV 59 E.Stewart Allen Mr. & Mrs. C. Gene Baker Rev. & Mrs. Hugh O. Bell 1955 Stewart P. Walker James P. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Baker 68 11 1,649 Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Bell, Jr. - 1956 John John B. Allen Adams 81 5 425 Miss Elizabeth Susan Baker Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bell, Jr. Mr. Mrs. 1957 Thomas Grizzard 64 3 700 & John G. Allen Mr. & Mrs. T. B. Baker Ms. Mary E. Bell Ms. 1958 H. Fred Gough 80 3 225 Olivia T. Allen Rev. & Mrs. Leon C. Balch David McCabe Belote 1959 Mr. Mrs. William Louis Walker 82 5 1,170 & E. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Balfour III Rt. Rev. G. P. M. Belshaw 1960 Albert Carpenter, Jr. 75 8 Rev. Cecil L. Alligood Rev. & Mrs. John C. Ball Edmund McAlister Benchoff Rev. 1961 O. H. Eaton, Jr. 71 6 & Mrs. J. Hodge Aives, Jr. John Lawson Ball Mr. & Mrs. Cleveland K. Benedict Rev. 1962 Payne Breazeale TJJ 90 4 & Mrs. James T. Alves Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hampton Ball, Jr. John Imlay Benet Miss Bernice E. 1963 John R. Alexander 70 5 Anderson Rev. & Mrs. George Y. Ballentine, Dr. & Mrs. Sanders M. Benkwith Daniel 1964 Monte Skidmore 60 4 Anderson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bennett 1965 Brooke S. Dickson 84 8 Mr. & Mrs. David Patrick Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Balsley Ms. Rebecca Ann Bennett 1966 Rusty Morris 77 4 Anderson James Gentry Barden Capt. & Mrs. William C. Bennett 1967 Mr. Joseph E. Gardner 105 18 & Mrs. James Allen Anderson Mr. & Mrs. James C. Barfield Rev. & Mrs. W. Scott Bennett H 1968 James Robert T. Douglass 91 10 394 R. Anderson Timothy Knox Barger Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Benson r 1969 Barbara Mr. Mrs. & Henry Bedford 88 12 503 & Vernon Milton Mrs. Fred S. Barkalow Mrs. Greene Benton, Jr. 1970 John Gay 96 7 200 Anderson Rev. & Mrs. James M, Barnett Miss Elizabeth Anne Beovich 1971 B. Humphreys Miss Joan Elizabeth McGee 85 Andress Rev. & Mrs. Lyle S. Barnett Capt. ft Mrs. David E. Berenguer, 1972 Mr. Mrs. 87 4 & D. O. Andrews, Jr. Miss Penelope Brown Barnett Jr. 1973 John F. GiUespy Mark P. Andrews 74 4 Stephen Landrith Barnett Mr. ft Mrs. Henry Bradford Berg 1974 Tedfred Mrs. F. Myers HJ 70 3 S. Appleby Rev. & Mrs. David M. Barney Mr. & Mrs. Alan Bergeron 1976 Margaret Ashcraft Mr. & Mrs. Hart W. 71 8 Applegate Rev. & Mrs. R. James Barnhardt Dr. ft Mrs. Edmund Berkeley 1976 George 66 2 Ferguson Archer III John McFerran Barr II Rev. H. Gordon Bernard 1977 George Elliott, Jr. 76 3 Rev. & Mrs. Thomas L. Arledge Rev. & Mrs. John M. Barr III Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Berry, Jr. 1978 Elizabeth Baird 68 Jr. George Barnes Barrett 4 James C. Berry 1979 Symmes Culbertson Rev. & Mrs. Moss Armistead Mr. 61 1 & Mrs. Harold Theodore Ms. Beverly Bethany Mrs. Henry F. Arnold Barrett, Jr. TOTALS Mr. ft Mrs. Barron Bethea 3,479 270 Joseph M. Arnold, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. William P. Barrett Mr. ft Mrs. Ted B. Bevan Rev. & Mrs. John W. Arlington III Ms. Lydia J. Barrieau Dr. Charles A. Bickerstaff Rev. Leighton P. Arsnault Mr. ft Mrs. William R. Barron, Jr. Alan P. Biddle Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Arthur Harward M. Barry, Jr. Mr. ft Mrs. W. Harold Bigham Mr. ft Mrs. John D. Ashcraft Jr. Mr. ft Mrs. Alfred H. Bartlei Robert A. Binford 15

Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Binnicker Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Ewing Everett Rev. Edward W. Conklin Miss Paula J. Davis Rev. & Mrs. Robert Bruce Birdsey Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Brown Carru thers Walter 0. Conn Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. George W. Bishop III Dr. William O. Brown Harrold H. Carson Edwin Lee Conner Rev. Thomas C. Dayis, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. A. Melton Black Raymond Edgar Browne Miss Alice P. (Sally) Carter Mr. & Mrs. John B. Coogler Col. & Mrs. Walte R. Davis Ms. Elizabeth G. Black Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Edmond Lee Frank J. Carter Christopher Bertrand Cook Mr. & Mrs. G. Ricl.ard Day Mr. & Mrs. Fleming C. Blackburn Browning Rev. & Mrs. John Paul Carter Ms. Mary Eleanor Cook Dr. John Randolph M, Day Miss Susan Constant Blackford Gordon Barrett Broyles, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Porter Cose, Jr. Lt. Peyton Edwards Cook Dr. Mildred L. Day P. Clarke Blackman Kurt Frederick Bruckmeier Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Cass Robert Tayloe Jr. Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Robert C: Day, Jr. John Bladon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Warren F. Bruckmeier Mr. Mrs. Robert & H. Cass Wesley H. Cook Miss Nellie E. Deacon Mr. & Mrs. Edgar E. Blair Mr. & Mrs. T. M. Brumby IV Marshall Royal Cassedy, Jr. Mr. Mrs. & DeWitt L. Cooke Henry Ewing Dean III H. Blake III Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sayre Bruner Norman Mr. & Mrs. John P. Castteberry Rev. James Coffield Cooke James Dean III Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Blanchard R. C. Brunson John A. Cater, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Coombs Rev. & Mrs. Frank Pafrteison Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stockton Miss Cynthia E. Blanck Rev. & Mrs. Sam Marshall Catlin Miss Catherine Boyd Cooper Dearing.Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Blanton Brush Mrs. R. Abbie Caver ly Fowler Faine Cooper, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Edwrrd Oscar deBary Capt. & Mrs. Craig V. Bledsoe John Porcher Bryan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Thomas Dr. James E. Copenhaver Mr. & Mrs. Robe -t Frederick Mr. Mrs. Rev. & Mrs. Lee S. Block & Randall Dean Bryson Cesnick Mrs. Everette P. Coppedge Decosimo William Ms. Annie Buchanan A. Blount Robert B. Chadwick William N. Coppedge Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dcgen Mr. & Mrs. William H. Blount, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. T. Otto Buchel Mrs. Ruth Chamberlain Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Corbett Mr. & Mrs. Richard Menning Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Boardman Stratton Buck Rev. Stanford Hardin Chambers Richard J. Corbin Deimel Mr. & Mrs. F. Reid Buckley, Sr. Chaplain (Col.) W. A. Boardman Dr. John L. Chapin Mr. & Mrs. John Ellett Corder Miss Helen G. DeJarnette Rev. & Mrs. James C. Buckner Mr. & Mrs. Edward Norman Timothy D. Chapin David Pearson Cordts David C. DeLaney Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Buff Boehm Miss Pamela A. Chappell Mr. & Mrs. George E. Core Robin Christopher DeLaney Thomas H. Burchard Henry G. Boesch Rev. & Mrs. Randolph Charles Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Corne'iuu W. T. Delay HI Rev. Robert Latimer Burcheil Mr. & Mrs. Leslie E. Bogan, Jr. Mrs. Chester C. Chattin Aaron W. Cornwall Joseph Benjamin DeLozier 111 Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Burden Mr. & Mrs. Herbert C. Bohn Mr. & Mrs. Benbow P. Cheeseman David H. Cot'lson Gilbert B. Dempster Mr. & Mrs. Rufus Burger Capt. & Mrs. Robert W. Bole II Mr. & Mrs. Brainard Cheney Thomas C. Ci wui Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Denning Mr. Mrs. Ms. Erika E. Bollweg & Robert W. Burke Charles R. Chesnutt III Mrs. Robert E Cowart Miss Frances Earle Dennis Mrs. Pauline Leavengood Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Burke A. James H. Chickering II Felix Foster Cowey HI Ms. Minna H. Dennis . William J. Burnette Bonds Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Chillington WUHam H. P. Cowger Mr. & Mrs. James E. Denny Mr. Mrs. John R. & Eric G. Burns Mr. Mrs. ;''• Bondurant Charles Rickenbrode Outturn & Lynne S. Cowles Frederick B. Dent, Jrv Mr. Mrs. Harris Burns, Jr. Albert A. Bonholzer & John A. M. Chitty Mr. & Mrs. Don W. Cox Rev. Wade Gilbert Dent III Dr. & Mrs. F. P. Bordelon Harry A. Burns III Mr. & Mrs. C. Lynch Christian, ' Miss Lizanne Marie Cox Charles James DePablo HI J. James Trott Burns Henry Mr. & Mrs. Claude Borden . Jr. M. Coxe m Dr. & Mrs. Craig A. Depken

Rev. & Mrs. Paul D. Burns ' John B. Born Ms. Betsy Christoph Ms. Heidi Cracchiolo Mr & Mrs. Armand J. deRosset Ms. Laurie Boss Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Burrell-Sahl Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Roger H. Citley Blythe Bond Cragon, Jr. Cot. William G. deRosset Rev. & Mrs. Michael C. Boss Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Burroughs, Jr. Dr. T. Sterling Claiborne Rev. Canon Miller Murray Mr. & Mrs. James E. Deupree H. Stuart Bostick Thomas L. Burroughs Mrs. Elizabeth H. Clark Cragon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Devall, Miss Patricia Ann Eoswell Donald Holt Burton Mr. & Mrs. Guy A. Clark H. Craig Jr. H. Thomas Bosworth III Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Burton Mrs. Harry E. Clark George Bowdoin Craighill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earl H. Devanny in Miss Regina Bouchelle Miss Sally Steven Burton Mr. & Mrs. Harvey W. Clark Dr. James M. Crall Scott W. Devanny Col. & Mrs. Stuart Bowen Robert E. L. Burwell Mr. & Mrs. James P. Clark Miss Rebecca A. Cranwell Richard Dew Ms. Virginia N. Bowling Tommy Frank Bye James Pollard Clark, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Fain Cravens Miss Susanne L. Dewalt John Westh Bowman Mr. & Mrs. C. Richard Byrd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John D. Clark Mrs. J. Rorick Cravens Thomas Stuart DeWitt A. Shapleigh Boyd III John K. Clark Edward J. Crawford III Mr. & Mrs. Ward DeWitt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lester Boyd Dr. Ross Carlton Clark Dr. & Mrs. James G. Creveling, Mr. & Mrs. Theodric Dewoody III Rev. & Mrs. Robert J. Boyd, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Ben B. Cabell George Gunther Clarke, Jr. Jr. Mrs. Gordon Dickerson Samuel Boykin Ms. Beatrice D. Cadieux Mark C. Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Donelson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Dickerson John M. Boyle Ms. Nancy Caffey Dr. & Mrs. William E. Clarkson Crichton Miss Laura Day Dickinson William C. Bracken III Mr. & Mrs. J. Davis Calahan James K. Clayton, Jr. David G. Critchlow Ms. Karen A. Diehl Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Calame, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James W. Clayton Dr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Croom Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Dierkes Mr. & Mrs. Dan G. Bradley Dr. Hugh Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cleghorn Miss Cynthia A. Cross Capt. Jeffrey P. Dierkes Miss Evelyn Elizabeth Brailsford Mr. & Mrs. William Scott Caldwell John J. Clemens, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James T. Cross Mr. & Mrs. Matthew 0. Diggs Mr. & Mrs. David Huston Brain Mr. & Mrs. William S. Call Dr. & Mrs. William W. Clements, Mrs. Wilford 0. Cross William Purnell Diggs III Mrs. Martin J. Bram Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Callahan III Jr. Alyson Keith Crouch Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Dillard Mr. & Mrs. William F. Brame Capt. Timothy P. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Edward Clemmer, Jr. Byron E. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Dilworth Mr. & Mrs. John Sterling Rev. & Mrs. James G. Callaway Robert E. Clemmer William J. Crowley William Penn Dilworth III Bransford Mrs. Benjamin F. Cameron Rebecca Ann Clemons Mrs. W. Grady Crownover Rt. Rev. William A. Dimmick Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Branson Dr. & Mrs. Don F. Cameron Miss JoAnn Cleverdon W. Houston Crozier, Jr. Lawrence H. Dimmitt III Robert Britt Brantley Overton Winston Cameron Dr. Yerger H. Clifton Mrs. Carol Cubberley Rev. Charles J. Dobbins Mrs. Charles T. Brasfield Miss Anne W. Camp Dr. & Mrs. Wade M. Cline Rev. & Mrs. James R. Cullipher Lt. (jg) Thomas William Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Dy C. Bratina Mr. & Mrs. John M. Camp III William A. Clinkscales III Rev. & Mrs. Edmund L. Dohoney Mr. & Mrs. James R. Braugh Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Edward Camp David Hugh Close Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Culpepper Dr. Richard A. Dolbeer Ringland Kilpatrick Bray Lt. Andrea M. Lang Campbell Rev. & Mrs. E. B. Coarsey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Cumming Mr. 4 Mrs. Ben P. Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Brechin Mr. & Mrs. Archibald R. Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie 0. Cobb, Jr. William B. Cuningham Col. & Mrs. C. Eugene Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Jabe A. Breland II Campbell, Jr. Ms. Ruth Moore Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dreaper Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brentano Dammen Gant Campbell Rev. & Mrs. Samuel T. Cobb Cunningham III Rev. William S. Brettmann Mr. & Mrs. James E. Campbell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. C. Glenn Cobbs James F. Cunningham Miss Jeanne Marie Dortch Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Brewer III Rev. Martin John Campbell Ms. Kathryn E. Cobbs Mrs. Joseph S. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dortch, Jr. Dr. Lawrence F. Brewster Mr. & Mrs. Nat C. Campbell, Jr. Mrs. N. Hamner Cobbs Rev. Thomas H. Curran Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Doss, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. M. H. Breyfogle Mr. & Mrs. Sherrod R. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Cocke John M. Cutler, Jr. Miss Anna James Doswell Miss Deborah Kaye Bridges T. C. G-mpbell Dr. & Mrs. William T. Cocke HI Mr. & Mrs. Guy R. Dotson Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Bridges Thomas Heard Campbell Mrs. Arthur C. Cockett Thomas W. Doty III A. Douglas Allen Cabaniss Bridgforth Thomas R. Campbell, Jr. Dr. J. Robert Cockrell, Jr. Ms. Anita H. Dale Don John L. Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Wilbum W. Campbell Dr. & Mrs. Harry Howard Rev. & Mrs. Francis D. Daley John P. Douglas, Jr. Rev. P. C. Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Brinson John Bradley Canada, Jr. Cockrill, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Johnstone Charles Douglass Col. & Mrs. Albert S. Britt, Jr. Rev. Cham Canon Kenton S. Coe Dana, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Douglass, Dr. & Mrs. James M. Brittain James Campbell Cantrill III Miss Alexandra Colahan Mrs. Margaret L. Daniel Mrs. Jr. Dr. Robert W. Daniel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Brittain, Jr. Miss Constance Porter Cape Mr. & John Wilson Colby, III Mr. & Mrs. W. Russell Daniel, Jr. Marion Anderson Douglass Mrs. J. R. Brock Mr. & Mrs. Rushton T. Capers Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Cole Mr. Mrs. William F. Daniell Mr. & Mrs. Eliot H. Downing Vance L. Broemel Rev. & Mrs. Samuel Orr Capers Miss Nancy Jane Cole & Mrs. Frances Daniels Ms. Anne F. Downs Mr. & Mrs. Warren Davidson William J. Capo, Jr. Dr. Gordon Donald Coleman Mr. Mrs. William Daniels, George F. Doyle Jr. Broemel Dr. L. C. Cardinal Mr. & Mrs. Heyward H. Coleman & R. Jr. Ms. Suzanne E. Dansby Henry C. Dozier III Mr. & Mrs. Gene Alexander Miss Ruth Bowman Cardinal Miss Lisa Ann Coleman Mr. & Mrs. R. G. Dozier, Jr. Bromberg Miss Anne Hart Carey Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Coleman III Thomas H. Darden.Jr. Mrs. T. S. Darnall Ms. Rose Mary Drake Mr. & Mrs. David K. Brooks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dale Levan Carlberg, William Chisolm Coleman, Jr. Rev. Skardon D'Aubert Thomas N. Drake E. Bruce Brooks Jr. Edward Dudley Colhoun III Miss Elena Sue Davenport William Capell Duckworth Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Harold A. Carless Benjamin Raye Collier Christian Shannon Paty Daves Mr. & Mrs. Donal S. Dvnbar Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Brown George Carleton, Jr. Miss Doris K. Collins Joel Thomas Daves IV Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Louis Dunbar Dr. & Mrs. Charles G. Brown Rev. & Mrs. George L. Carlisle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Townsend Sanders Dr. & Mrs. Reginald F. Daves Edgar H. Duncan Hugh C. Brown Rev. Michael Emerson Carlisle Collins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Davidson Philip Irby Dunklin Mrs. John Neil Brown Robert Taylor Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. W. Ovid Collins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George F. Davis Don Keck DuPree Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm C. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Edward Carlos Mr. & Mrs. Jesse M. O. Colton Rev. Mrs. Alexander F. Mr. & Mrs. Goode P. Davis Ms. Harriet DuPree Newton A. Brown, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Wood B. Carper, Jr. & Mr. & Mrs. Jerry S. Davis Walter Thomas Durham Mr. Brown, Hon. Oliver P. Carriere Comfort & Mrs. Norborne A. Duryea L. David Condon Mr. & Mrs. John B. Davis Mrs. William D. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Garrison III Mr. & Mrs. Merle D. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Philip Porter Dyson Very Rev. & Mrs. Robert T. Gibson Miss Annie-Kate Gilbert H Cameron Pierce Haar Daniel James Gilchrist, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Hagan Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert F. Gilchrist J. Conway Hail, Jr. (d) E. Dean Gillespie, Jr. Thomas E. Haile Rev. & Mrs. R. W. Gillett Benjamin C. Haines Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gilliam William G. Hairston.Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ginestra Mrs. Henry Harrison Hale James Elywin Gipson Miss Betty Hall Mrs. Charles P. Gist, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Dwight Hall Miss Helen Frances Glass Mrs. J. Croswell Hall James Frederick Glass Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hall Mr. & Mrs. J. Weller Gleeson Mr. & Mrs. 0. Morgan Hall, Jr. Lawson Yarborough Glenn Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Hall Mr. & Mrs; Wayne B. Glenn Rev. & Mrs. Robert Hall Paul Marshall Glick B. Miss Susan Rebecca Hall Miss Leize Leman Glover Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hamil Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Goatley Ms. Elise A. Hamilton Rev. Edward Eastman Godden Rev. & Mrs. Jones Stewart Ms. Marie Louise Godfrey Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Goeltz Miss Kathleen W. Hamilton Dr. & Mrs. Harold J. Goldberg William A. Hamilton III Mrs. Albert Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. William Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Romualdo Gonzalez Hamilton II Drs. Marvin & Anita Goodstein Ms. Amy Lowe Hammack Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Goodwin Miss Sarah Elizabeth Hand Mr. & Mrs. Ray Allen Goodwin William T. Hankins, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Mark Dr. & Mrs. James F. Hannifin Goodwin III Rev. Ellwood Hannum Rev. Steirling G. Gordon E. Randolph Hansen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Osceola Gustaf Charles Hansen Donors of $1 to S99 (Continued) Gordon, Jr. Mrs. Elsie Proctor Hard Mrs. Cecil H. Gossett Mr. & Mrs. James B. Hardee, Jr. Mr. Mrs. David Mr. & Mrs. Norris 0. Gowder & Edward Fox James A. Hardison, Jr. Hector E. Graber E. Cress Fox Mrs. C. Edson Hardy Mrs, Helen I. Eagan Frank Jerome Failla, Jr. Kevin Lee Fox Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Grace, Jr. Reginald Henry Hargrove II Mr. Mrs. Philip & C. Earhart Eugene D. Fanale, Jr. Mr. Angus Woodward Graham HI & Mrs. Louis D. Francis Capt. & Mrs. William D. Rev. Mrs. F. Harkins & E. Eastburn Mr. & Mrs. John S. Fandrich Miss Davis W. Graham Susan M. Francisco Mr. & Mrs. William G. Harkins Mr. & Mrs. Oscar H. Eaton, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. John S. Fargher Ms. Tabitha K. Francisco Mr. & Mrs. Harry L. Graham Miss Laurel J. Harkness Ms. Martha Jane Eaves Warren M. Fans Mr. & Mrs. Henry Michael Mr. & Mrs. Jay Edward Frank James W. Harper Dr. & Mrs. Sherwood F. Ebey Rev. C. Thomas Farrar Graham Mr. & Mrs. John R. Franklin Miss Lanier Anne Harper Capt. William H. Eddy, Jr. Sidney C. Farrar Mr. & Mrs. Larry Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Steven V. Graham W. Joseph H. Harpole, Jr. JohnB. Edgar HI Miss Christin Leigh Edwin E. Grain IV Farrington Henry Harper Fraser Mr. Mrs. A. B. Edge, & Mrs. Anthony H. Harrigan Jr. Robert S. Fast Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Granberry Lee Fray HI Elliott McPherson Harrigan Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Edmunds Mr. Mrs. Dr. W. Spencer Fast Rev. & Mrs. Mason A. Frazell & Hatch D. S. Grandy Col. & Mrs. Gilbert G. Edson Mrs. Dorothy Hoback Harris Dr. & Mrs. Ward Page Fauik Miss Judith Lee Freeland J. Neely Grant, Jr. Mr. Mrs. Miss Joan Phillips Harris & Barry M. Edwards Miss Tracy Anne Feamster Rev. & Mrs. Robert B. Graves Rev. & Mrs. Arthur C. Freeman Mr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Bingham D. Edwards Mrs. & Tyndall Peacock Harris Mr. & Mrs. C. Ross Feezer Capt. & Mrs. Frank Alexander Christina Anne Caffey Gray Mrs. John C. Edwards Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Harrison Ms. Katherine B. Feild Freeman David W. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Edmund W. Egbert Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Harrison, Ms. Leah L. Fendley Fred Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gray M. Freeman IH Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Roy O. Elam, Jr. Rev. Miss Catherine M. Fenner John K. Jr. & Mrs. Melvin K. Gray Freeman, Rev. Mrs. Hendree G. Rev. & Mrs. R. B. Elberfeld, Jr. Mr. Mrs. & Harrison John William Ferguson III Mr. & Mrs. Julius G. French & Albert Green Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Elder Mr. & Mrs. N. Waldo Harrison John W. R. Ferguson Mr. Rev. & Mrs. Duff Green & Mrs. Robert Arnold Freyer Mr. Mrs. Rev. & Mrs. Michael C. Eldred Mr. & Orrin L. Harrison HI Miss Kathleen Renee Ferguson Carlton W. Fritz & Mrs. Frank Armstrong Emmett Scott Elledge Mrs. Teresa S. Harrison Miss Lisa Lynn Ferguson Miss Emily Ruth Fuhrer Mr. Mrs. W. Robert Richard Ellenberger Mr. & Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scott Dr. Edmund Maybank Fuller & Mrs. Harold L. Green Kevin C. EHer Robert P. Harry, Jr. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. John E. Fuller Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Green, Jr. Ms. Cynthia Street Elliott Dr. & Mrs. George C. Hart Edward Reed Finlay, Jr. Miss Susan A. Fuller Dr. & Mrs. Robert Holt Green George Bondurant Elliott, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George C. Hart, Jr. Henry Burnett Fishbume, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Christopher Edward Chesley Greene Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. George H. Hart, Jr. W. Elliott William Mueller Fisher Funk J. Elmo Greene Mr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hartford, & WiUiam H. Elliott- Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Fiske Dr. S. Ira Greene Jr. Street James Evans Fitts John Randolph Greer Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Joe~E. Hartley & Charles E. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. 0. P. Fitzgerald Mr. Cdr. & Mrs. William Gregg & Mrs. Wallace H. Gage Patrick Cooper Hartney CDR & Mrs. Charles E. Ellis, Jr. Mrs. P. H. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Gaillard Rev. Edward Meeks Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jackson Bruce F. E. Harvey Ellis Rev. William J. Fitzhugh Terrence D. Gallagher F. H. Gregory, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Harvey J. Ellis III Mr. & Mrs. J. DuRoss Fitzpatrick Mr. Mrs. Frank J. Greskovich HI & Michael D. Galligan Mrs. Michelle Rev. & Mrs. Marshall J. Ellis Anne Mauthe Dr. & Mrs. James M. Fitzsimons Herbert L. Ganter Mrs. Robert E. Gribbin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harvey T. Ellis Jr. Miss Paula Jo Garber Rev. & Mrs. R. Emmet Gribbin, Mr. & Mrs. R. Park Ellis Howze Haskell Miss Anne Francis Flanagan Joseph E. Jr. Gardner, Jr. Mrs. Nagel Haskin Miss Steffany G. Ellis Michael S. Flannes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gardner, Jr. Miss Louise M. Gridley Ms. Katherine Saleh Ben A. Haskouri Bowen Elmore Miss Victoria L. Fleetwood Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Mrs. Roland C. Gardner Griffin, Jr. Otto Frank Thomas F. Elston David Eugene Haslbauer, Jr. Fleming Clarence J. Garland, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Emerson Mrs. S. Robertson Hatch Mrs. John D. Fleming, Jr. R. Alex Garner Mr. & Mrs. George C. Griffin Robert W. Emerson Mrs. Margaret Folse Hauser John S. Fletcher Rev. David Garrett Mr. & Mrs. William Heyward David Stuart Engle Rev. & Mrs. Roscoe Conklin Rev. & Mrs. John Mr. Mrs. Grimball, Jr. M. Flynn & John T. Garrigues, Jr. Hauser, Rev. & Mrs. W. Thomas Engram Mr. Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Michael T. Flynn Mrs. Frank Garrison & Mrs. Robert Dale Grimes William Robert Ennis, Rt. Rev. & Mrs. Stanley F. Jr. Mark Fockele Miss James Weathers Grist Neva Carol Gaskins Hauser Parker F. Enwright Rev. H. Mrs. Edward F. Follett Willard Bryan Gates, Jr. Anton Griswold Mr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. E. & Ronald J. Enzweiler Mr. Rev. & Mrs. John A. & Mrs. Robert B. Folsom, Jr. James Foster Gavin, Jr. Griswold Charles R. Ernst, Hawkins Jr. Miss Bernice Ford Edward Edwin P. Grobe Kent Gay Charles Mr. & Mrs. Philip Innes Eschbach Mr. Mrs. L. Hawkins David Monroe Ford, Jr Rev. & Mrs. Raymond E. Gayle & Edward L. Groos III Rev. & Mrs. Paul M. Hawkins, Daniel W. Fort John Franklin Gelzer Rev. & Mrs. Charles Grover III Mr. & Mrs. Earl Essig William Jr. Dr. John P. Fort, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Patrick Genereux M. Grover HI Miss Edna Evans Mr. Rev. Clifford B. Hayes III & Mrs. Gilbert J. Fortier HI Mrs. T. R. Geoghegan & Mrs. Edward B. Guerry Mr. & Mrs. George Kimmons Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hayes III Rev. Frank V. D. Fortune Bernard F. George Miss Lee Bradford Guerry Evans, Jr. Rt. Rev. Emerson Paul Haynes M. Stratton Foster Dr. Carl Edward Georgi Rev. & Mrs. Moultrie Guerry Rev. Robert L. Evans Rev. John M. Haynes Radney M. Foster Merritt Mr. & Mrs, James Sanders Sidney Ghali A. Evans Mr. Thomas E. Haynes & Mrs. John Francis Fowler Rev. & Mrs. R. E. Giannini Guignard Mr. & Mrs. Donald Ray Everence Rev. Waties R. Haynsworth rv Boyd Bennett Gibbs Frank B. Gummey HI Miss Dorothy E. Everett Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Hays Mr. & Mrs. John W. Fowler Mrs. Gordia Rev. Reginald R. Gunn Mrs. K. Gibson Paul Lloyd Evett Miss Edward F. Hayward, Jr. Laura A. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gibson Mrs. Emily W. Corcoran Guterma Mr. & Mrs. Gordon O. Ewin Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Dr. & Mrs. Sanders Mrs. Charles B. Guy Heard Mr. Fowler, Jr. Laurance Kirby-Smith & Mrs. Andrew Ewing, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice K. Heartfield Ms. Carolyn W. Fox Gibson Mr. & Mrs. H. S. Meade Gwinn Dr. & Mrs. John Arthur Ewing John H. Heck Miss Martha T. Gibson Miss Jane Vance Gwinn Ms. Nancy A. Heck Mr. & Mrs. Nelson E. Gibson 17 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Wilfred Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hubbard Dr. * Mrs. Nick C. Jones Mr. Hedgcock, Jr. & Mrs. Raymond Swen Ms. Susan Elizabeth Maitland Thomas Brannon Hubbard III fji. & Mrs. Richard Allen Jones Mr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Taylor & Robert S. Heebner, Jr. Mrs. Malone, Jr. John Y. Huber III Robert Pepin Jones III Mr. Mr.-& Mrs. Howell T. Heflin & Mrs. Richard W. Leche, Jr. Frank Vincent Maner, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Harry Huckabay. Jr. Miss Rose Lynn Jones Christopher K. Hehmeyer Prof. & Mrs. Ivor Leclerc Rev. & Mrs. Frank B. Mangum Mr. & Mrs. Pembroke HurAms T. Ray Jones Phillip E. Hej! Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Ledbetter Miss Margaret Ruth Mankin Peter M. Huggins Rev. & Mrs. Edward Bruce Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ronald Hejna Clendon H. Lee, Jr. Robert Mann Mr. & Mrs. J. Marshall Hughes Miss Pamela D. Jordan Merritt C. Helvenston Harley Cook Lee Mr. & Mrs. William W. Manning Nat R. Hughes Thomas W.Jordan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. LeRoy Henderson Miss Kathleen Bondurant Lee Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Y. Marchand Rev. & Mrs E. Irwin Hulbert, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Paul H. Joslin Mrs. John L. Henderson Robert H. Lee Mr. & Mrs. R. Stanley Marks Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Hulett Mrs. Nancy R. Jost Mrs. Mary Moss Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Lee William Matthews Marks Howard B. Hull Ms. Suzanne I. Juge Mr. & Mrs. John Wall Hendry, W. M. Holman Lee Rt. Rev. & Mrs. C. Gresham Jr. David B. Hunt Christopher R. Julian Dr. Walter E. Henley II & Mrs. Edward J. Lefeber Marmion Rt. Rev. & Mrs. George N. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John B. Henneman Jack H. LeFler II Mrs. Edward A. Marshall Miss Margaret Anne Hunt Mrs. Dr. & Mrs. Standish Henning Mattie Howard Leftwich J. D. Marshall Robert C. Hunt Ms. Sondra B. Kahalley Mrs. Robert Henrey James V. LeLaurin Mr. & Mrs. John C. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. H. Miller Hunter, Jr. Miss Emma H. Keen Kevin Rev. George Kenneth G. Henry L. Lenahan David L. Martin III Mr. & Mrs. Lee O. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. George A. Kegley Mr. Matthew G. Henry, Jr. & Mrs. M. M. Leonard III Miss Elizabeth C. Martin Mr. & Mrs. T. Parkin C. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Gamett L. Keith Rev. & Mrs. John Robert Dr. & Mrs. Russell J. Leonard Rev. & Mrs. Franklin Martin Preston B. Huntley Dr. Timothy Keith-Lucas Herlocker Mr. & Mrs. Grant Meade LeRoux Hon. Harry C. Martin Ms. Carolyn Hurt Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kelly Louis A. Hermes Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James S. Martin Mrs. Samuel C. Hutcheson Michael S. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. 0. Wilson Herndon Mr. & Mrs. A. Bailey Lewis Louis F. Martin Henry H. Hutchinson III James 0. Kempson, Jr. Robert Stephen Herren Rev. & Mrs. Cotesworth Lewis Paul W. Martin, Jr. Ms. Harriet G. Hutson Rev. & Mrs. Ralph J. Kendall Miss Mr. & Mrs. Billy Herring Henrietta Meriam Lewis Mr. & Mrs. William K. Martin Hugh Mr. & Mrs. A. Dickson Hutto Mr. & Mrs. John W. Kendig Jay Lewis Mrs. Elizabeth Howell John Herring, Jr. C. Mask Mr. & Mrs. A. Gilbert Kennedy Miss Linwood E. Herrington Lanalee L. V. Lewis David Wilkie Mason Mr. & Mrs. F. B. Kennedy, Sr. Miss Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Hertzberg Laura E. Lewis & Mrs. Charles W. Matt Rev. & Mrs. Peter H. Igarashi Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Kennedy, Jr. Mr. Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Hess & Mrs. Malcolm Kingsley & Mrs. William C. Mauzy Mr. & Mrs. William Lanson Ikard Kenneth W. Kennon Lewis, Jr. George D. May Mr. & Mrs. Adrian L. Hewitt Rev. Coleman Inge Miss Leah Kerby Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Margerree D. Mayberry Mr. & Mrs. Batson L. Hewitt, & Robert J. Lewis Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David Unger Inge Mr. & Mrs. R. Lyle Key, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Libbey Dr. Linda C. Mayes Mrs. Batson L. Hewitt Miss Mildred M. Inge Capt. & Mrs. Charles L. Keyser Mr. Mr. & Mrs. T. L. Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Heye & Mrs. Marc L. Liberman Mayes William B. Inge III Miss Janet Ann Kibler Mr. & Mrs. Clay 0. Lichtenstein, W. Douglas Maynard Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Heyer John Harland Ingram, Jr. Dr. Joseph Allen Kicklighter Robert L. Mays, Jr. Mrs. Frank Sr. Hickerson Miss Cynthia Lorraine Irvin Guy Darsey Kidd Dr. & Mrs. William M. Lightfoot Dr. & Mrs. Earle F. Mazyck Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Hickman Lawrence Lennie Irvin Miss Elizabeth L. Kimbrough Franklin Liles, Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. McAUen Mr. Mrs. Preston T. Jr. & G. Hicky Rev. & Mrs. D. Holmes Irving Mr. & Mrs. Leftwich Dodge Mr. & Mrs. R. Stewart Lillard Mr. & Mrs. Courtenay W. Stephen Tyng Higgins Mr. Mrs. & George W. Irwin Kimbrough Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Lincoln McAlpin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hight Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Ison Ralph Clifford Kinnamon Prof. Erika Lindemann Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McBride Charles B. Hill Rev. & Mrs. Luther O. Ison Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kinney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Lindgren Miss Vinalrae McBride Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hill Todd M. Ison Rev. B. Wayne Kinyon J. David Lindholm Walter Scott McBroom, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Hillman, Jr. Richard Edson Israel Rev. Norman F. Kinzie Allen W. Lindsay, Jr. Miss Elizabeth P. McCall Rev. James M. Hindle Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Ivens Dr. & Mrs. John S. Kirby-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Frederick 0. Mr. & Mrs. Joel David McCall Henry James Hine Lindsley Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ivy, Jr. Miss Marshall Kirby-Smith Rev. & Mrs. Stiles B. Lines Mrs. Woodrow McCalla Rt. Rev. John E. Hines Miss Ruth Daly Ivy Dr. William W. Kirby-Smith Mrs. Gale Link Donald Lee McCammon Mr. & Mrs. W. Boyd Hinton, Jr. Dr. Samuel Edward Izard Dr. & Mrs. Fred K. Kirchner Michael Link Michael Shannon McCarroll Mr. & Mrs. Sam Hocking Rev. Richard Kirchhoffer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lipscomb Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. McCary, Henry Milton Hodgens II Very Rev. & Mrs. Terrell Kirk Herbert L. Jr. Mrs. John H. Hodges Little Ben Ivey Jackson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earle P. Kirkland Rev. & Mrs. W. Cherry Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McCloskey Mrs. Virginia C. Hodges David Ernest Jackson Miss Frances J. Kitchens Mr. & Mrs. A. Packard Lobeck Rev. & Mrs. M. Scott McClure Rev. & Mrs. Lewis Hodgkins Miss Florence J. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Kizer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. P. Lochridge Miss Marian McClure Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mitchell Paul Wayne Kneedler David Michael Lodge Dr. & Mrs. Edward McCrady Ms. Leslie Ann Hoffman-Williams Jackson III Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Knight Dr. & Mrs. Edward McCrady III Frederick V. Hoffmeyer Mr. & Mrs. John Richard Lodge, Lt. Col. & Mrs. Grover Emile Mr. & Mrs. R. Chandler Knox Miss Helen Tucker McCrady Mrs. Bradley B. Hogue, Sr. Jr. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. William N. Knox Mr. & Mrs. John McCrady Mr. & Mrs. James M. Holloway Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Loftus Miss Sarah M. Jackson Mrs. William Conway Koch Mr. & Mrs. James C. McCrea, Jr. Mrs. Lewis J. Holloway, Sheridan A. Logan Sr. Tucker Rodney Morse Weston Jackson Kochtitzky Miss Carrie Mr. & Mrs. William B. McCreary Mr. & Mrs. Lewis J. Holloway, Jr, L. Lokey Mrs. William H. R. Jackson Mrs. Inez W. Koger Miss Martha McCrory Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gordon Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Lokey, Jr. Herbert Louis Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gordon Kring Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Lawrence Holloway Miss Martha Rebecca Lokey Rev. & Mrs. William L. Jacobs John Charles Kroening McCulley Rev. & Mrs. M. Edgar Hollowell, Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Lombard Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fleetwood Miss Elizabeth Kay Kuhne George W. McDaniel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Long James III 1st Lt. & Mrs. Thomas Kuklish Mrs. I. Granger McDaniel Mr. Robert M. Long & Mrs. George A. Holt Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. James & Mrs. Ralph B. Kunz David Mrs. Angus McDonald Miss Sharon Thurston Lonnquest Anne Homich Rev. & Mrs. Wade B. Janeway Mr. & Mrs. Wylie McDougall Mrs. Roger Sherman Loom is Mr. & Mrs. J. Kimpton Honey Maj. & Mrs. Michael V. McGee Lt. Harry M. Jarred, Jr. John Henry H. Mr. Looney & Mrs. William C. Honey Dr. Mrs. John A. Jarrell, Jr. Rev. George P. LaBarre, Jr. Thomas Lane McGehee & Miss Dawn L. Lopez Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hooke Mrs. John E. Jarrell Mr. & Mrs. George LaBudde Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. McGoldrick LTC & Mr. & Mrs. James L. Lottinville Rev. & Mrs. Ronald H. Hooks McGrory Mr. Mrs. James .... Dr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Dr. Reynolds G. Jarvis & B. Lackey Emerson M. Lotzia William B. Hoole, Jr. David L. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carr Mcllhenny Mrs. Bess P. Jefferies Laigle Mr. & Mrs. James R. Love Dr. Wiley W. Hooper Ralph Craig Laine Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mcintosh, Rev. James B. Jeffrey Mrs. John B. Love John W. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O. Jenkins, Jr. Thomas K. Lamb, Jr. Mrs. Anne M. Lowry Jr. Dr. G. David Hopkins Mr. Mr. & Mrs. William S. Mclntyre Mrs. Sybil T. Jenkins & Mrs. George W. Lambrecht Ms. Christina H. Lowry Mr. & Mrs. George William Roderick Mclver III Thomas Taylor Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. Lampton Rev. & Mrs. Ogden R. Ludlow E. Hopkins II Mrs. Kingston Johns, Jr. Howell A. McKay Mr. & Lee White Lance, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Hirst Lumpkin Justin Alan Hopkins McKee Mr. & Mrs. Donald Miles Johnson Rev. Davidson T. Landers Michael Robertson Lumpkin Randolph Lowe Miss Caroline H. Hopper Mott McKeithen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Collins Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Landrum, Mr. & Mrs. David W. Lumpkins Thomas Miss Mary Lucille Atcheson McKenna, Jr. Hopper John 1 III Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lundin Thomas Rev. & Mrs. Charles K. Horn Miner Johnson Miss lone L. McKenzie Miss Margo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lang Mr. & Mrs. D. Leslie Lundquist, Rev. & Mrs. Peter Jr. Mrs. Jefferson D. McMahan M. Hom Richard E. Johnson, John H. Lapperre Sr. Col. & Mrs. Harold Jr. Mr. Mrs. Marshall E. McMahon A. Hornbarger Rev. Robert C. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Edward Larisey Mrs. John T. Lupton & Mr. Mrs. Edwin Bruce D. McMillan & W. Hornberger Robert Cleaves Johnson Rev. & Mrs. Patrick Carelton Dr. & Mrs. Frank Luton Mr. Mrs. John Rev. & Mrs. R. Alan McMillan & George Horner Mrs. W. P. Johnson Larkin Joe C. Luttrell Mrs. Joseph W. Horrox Mrs. R. Harvey Johnston Rev. Edward T. McNabb, Jr. Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James Nagle LaRoche Lt. Col. O. Wemple Lyle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Horsch Rev. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. in & Mrs. Arleigh Lassiter Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Lynch Mr. Mrs. C. McNamara & Manly Horton, Jr. Shannon Johnston Erwin David Latimer IV Nicholas Jay Lynn Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Robert E. McNeilly, & George I. Horton Mr. & Mrs. Bruce O. Jolly Dr. & Mrs. B. Gresh Lattimore, Jr. William Shelton Lyon-Vaiden Mr. & Capt. John A. Horton Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wade Jones Mrs. Thomas E. Lavender Jr. Addison Hosea III Rev. & Mrs. David G. Jones Miss Catherine A. Lawrence M Miss Anne-Cameron Hosea Mrs. Eugene Jones Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lawrence Miss Linda Leigh MacDonald Rev. & Mrs. Gary Wayne Houston Frank Charles Jones Lawrence Jr. Mark Wayne Thomas E. Macfie, Jr. Marion R. Houston J. Alex McPherson III Mrs. George O. Jones Carl D. Laws, Jr. David H. Maddison Mr. & Mrs. Carl McKinley Howard Mrs. John Earle Jones Jr. Robert Taylor McPherson II Mr. & Louis R. Lawson, Rear Adm. & Mrs. D. L. Madeira Mr. & Mrs. L. Vaughan Julian L. McPhill ips, Jr. Howard Dr. Kenneth R. Wilson Jones Mrs. C. H. Layman Mrs. Virginia Magee Mr. & Mrs. W. Alexander Howard Mrs. Marjorie M. Jones Rev. Mrs. William S. Lea Dr. & Mrs. Isaac McReynolds & Mr. & Mrs. Hugh I. Mainord Rev. F. Newton Howden Mr. & Mrs. Laurin McCallum Rev. & Mrs. Michael William G.W. Leach, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mainzer Ralph Finch Howe, Jr, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bagwell McSwain Mrs. Jack W. Howerton Leather bury, Jr. Donors of SI to $99 (Continued)

Franklin J. McVeigh Mr. & Mrs. John Whitman McWanc M. B. Medlock Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Meeks Mr. & Mrs. Olin T. Mefford, Jr. Olin Thompson Mefford III Dr. 4 Mrs. William P. Meleney Dr. Frank Tompkins Melton John Richmond Melton Mr. 4 Mrs. George R. Mende, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Menge Rev. & Mrs. John Edward Merchant Paul H. Merriman Mr. & Mrs. James A. Michle Miss Suzanne Mignery Mrs. Thomas P. Mikell, Sr. Miss Elizabeth Milazzo Mrs. Jack A. Milem, Jr. Ms. Susan Elizabeth Millard Mrs. Andrew J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Miller, Jr. Miss Rose Coleman Miller Thomas P. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Vemon E. Miller Miss Elizabeth Lamb Mills Mrs. Ellen Kent Milkaps "Mr. Mrs. L. Gardner Neely Charles B. W. Palmer Benjamin K Phipps Mr. & Mrs. John B. Milward & Neely Ms. Marianne E. Palmer Rev. Mrs William R. Pickets Mr. & Mrs. Charles Willard Minch Lemon G. & O. Palmer Brent Tucker Minor Mrs. W. Butler Neide Mr. & Mrs. T. David R. Pickens III W. W. Race Ms. Carole Nelson Mrs. Alma H, Panoost George W. Pickens Hi Dean Minor Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. Ragland , Jr. Nelson Misses Cheryl & Louise Parker Mrs. Pickering Lancelot C. Minor David Byme Mr. & Sam Dr. & Mrs. Oney Carstaffer Eugene H. Nelson David P. Parker Miss Eva-Marie Kirsten Pilcher Robert F. Mitchell, Jr. Raines Nelson David T. Parker Miss Susan Pile Ms. Sanford Mitchell John Andrew Nancy Miss Virginia Louise Raines Dr. & Mrs. Edward Parker Mrs. L. Pinkerton Miss Jane Ellen Mobley Miss Margaret E. Newhall Mr. & B. Lupton V. Rainwater Dr. George W. Parker TH Pinson Dr. & Mrs. Joe D. Mobley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Newman Matthew Hogarth Mrs. Caroline L. Rakestraw Dr. Harold Parker Rev. & Mrs. L. Noland Pipes, Jr. Lt. Col. & Mrs. Robeson S. Moise John Edmondson Newman Rev. William H. Ralston Mr. & Mrs. L. R. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Potter Molten Miss Leslie McAllister Newman Micha;l L. Pittman Paul H. Ramos Hodgson Parker IV Robert Charles Newman Dr. Telfair Rev. George S. Plattenburg Ms. Susan P. Ramsay Rev. & Mrs. Limuel G. Parks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. C. Robert Monnich Matthew Kerr Newton Ms. Margaret A. Plettinger Dr. & Mrs. George S. Ramseur Mrs. W. L. Parks Mr. & Mrs. John W. Monroe, Sr. Miss Suzy Newton Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Plummer, Mrs. Janet Ramsey Mrs. Kirk Parler Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Monroe Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nicholas Jr Thomas Howard Rand Michael Albert Parman Mrs. Frances K. Montgomery Miss Clare Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Poe Daniel W. Randle Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Parmelee Mrs. H. R. Moody Mrs. Suzanne P. Nichols Thom;is J. Poe Mrs. John B. Ransom Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Richard Steven Moody Mr. & Mrs. William C. Nichols Clyde Dietrich Ponder John B. Ransom HI Mr. & Mrs. S. E. Patrick Rev. Thomas Edward Moody Graham Seaford Nicholson John Wesley Pope Gaston Cesar Raoul Rev. & Mrs. W. T. Patten, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Vernon Moon, Gen. & Mrs. J. W. Nicholson Thorjas Harrington Pope III Dr. & Mrs. Monroe J. Rathbone, Rev. & Mrs. W. Brown Patterson Ms. Jr. Claude Beeland Nielsen tjjubica D. Popovich Jr. William Patterson Rev. David Clark Moore Miss Margaret Ann Nimocks B. John Robert Popper Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Sneade M. A. NevinPatton, Jr. Ms. Florence F. Moore G. Huxley Nixon, Jr. Brett E. Alexander Porter Rather Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Nevin Patton HI Glover Moore Miss Elizabeth A. Nobles Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Porter Stephen B. Raulston Claiborne W. Patty, Jr. Mrs. Julien K. Moore Mr. & Mrs. O. H. Norris, Sr. George Rogers Porter Mr. & Mrs. Theodore DuBose Mr. & Mrs. Norwood E. Paukert J. Craig Porter, Jr. Lloyd W. Moore U Rev. Robert H. Norris Raven el III Cdr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Northcutt Miss Lucy Paul Joseph Thornton Porter Misses Dorothy & Marion Rawson Michael Denis Payne Maibeth Jernigan Porter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Moorer Rev. & Mrs. Frederick B. Northup M'ss Cecil Y. Ray, Jr. Peabody Miss Carla D. Morehead Mr. & Mrs. David Charles Norton Mrs. Frances W. Mrs. Mary H. Howard Porter Ms. Jean Etta Raymond Wesley Pearigen Mr. & Mrs. Adlia Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Winston Robert Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Postlethwaite, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Sanders G. Read George F. Morgan Norvell Mrs. Anne Harris Pearson Miss Catherine Potts Ms. Kathleen L. Redfern Mr. & Mrs. Julian E. Morgan III Forrest Dickerson Nowlin William G. Pecau Mr. & Mrs. Robert Earl Potts Mrs. John E. Redwine James Joseph Morris Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Noyes III Jonathan W. Peck Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Lurle Powell Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Reed Rev. Mrs. Peck, Jr. Mrs. Mahala Bostick Morris & Jordan B. Col. & Mrs. Joseph H. Powell Rt. Rev. David B. Reed Maj. & Mrs. Robert W. Peel Mr. Mrs. Richard H. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bostick Morris & J. Kevin Reed Rev. John T. Morrow Mr. & Mrs. David Lee Oakley Dr. & Mrs. George Vernon Dr. Bruce J. P'Pool Mrs. Edwin H. Reeves Mr. & Mrs. David S. Morse Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Oberdorfer Pegram Charles F. Prather Lea A. Reiber Mr. & Mrs. Alexander H. Pegues Mrs. Harold Gary Preston Rev. & Mrs. Brinkley Morton Mrs. W. R. O'Brien Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Reid, Jr. Charles B. Morton, Jr. Samuel James Ogden, Jr. Felix Chisom Pelzer David L. Preuss Reuben H. Reid Dr. & Mrs. F. Rand Morton Rev. & Mrs. Dwight Ogier, Jr. Francis Joseph Pelzer IU Francis Price Brian M. Reinhardt Mr. & Mrs. John Watson Morton Mr. & Mrs. M. Wills Oglesby Richard Penn Rev. & Mrs. George Harry Price Mr. & Mrs. Melvin F. Reinhardt Mrs. M. Pennington Miss Mary Virginia Morton Miss Elizabeth Alice Olim B. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Levering Price Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Reyburn Ms. Rebecca Pennington Mrs. William J. Morton Henry Oliver, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Price Herbert L. Reynolds HI Mr. Mrs. C. Pennington Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Franklin Miss Lane Oliver & W. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Prieskorn Mr. & Mrs. James E. Reynolds, Miss Carol Gaines Pennock Moseley, Jr. Very Rev. Robert G. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. William G. Priest Jr. Christopher T. Moser Mr. & Mrs. S. K. Oliver, Jr. Capt. Albert Nobel Perkins Rev. Paul W. Pritchartt Dr. & Mrs. P. Rick Moses Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Olson Mr. & Mrs. John Ward Perkins Harry H. Pritchett III Miss Catherine S. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Samuel G. Mounger, H. B. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Norton Goodier Jr. Dr. Mrs. Charles R. Perry Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred K. Orr, Jr. & Pritchett III Dr. & Mrs. Brinley Rhys Rev. & Mrs. Maurice M. Moxley Charles Joseph On, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Coleman Robert Perry Mr. & Mrs. Anson Prosser Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Rice Mr. Mrs. Perry, John LayneMullican Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Orr & James Young Dr. & Mrs. Edwin K. Provost Mr. & Mrs. Maurel Newman Dr. & Mrs. Julius H. Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Carson Orr Sr. Miss Helen G. Pruitt Richard Rev. F. Stanford Frank Bivin Murchison Dr. Granger C. Osborne Persons IH John P. Pruitt Dr. Michael R. Richards Mr. Gary L. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Doyle Otwell, Jr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Perusse, Jr. Stephen Elliott Puckette HI Miss Caroline G. Richardson Mr. Mrs. George Belk Peters, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard B. Murphy Dr. & Mrs. James W. Overstreet & Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Coy Putman Rev. William P. Richardson, Jr. Mrs. Daniel B. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Overton, Mr. & Mrs. James H. Peters Miss Allyson Brooks Richmond deRosset Myers Ms. Robin Lynn Peters Jr. Dr. & Mrs. J. M. Riddell Mr. Mrs. Engelhard Peter C. Petroutson & Thomas Fred G. Owen III Dr. & Mrs. Merritt J. Quade Mr. & Mrs. John G. Riddick, Jr. Myers, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Beryl E. Pettus Dr. & Mrs. H. Malcolm Owen Cyrus P. Quadland Mr. & Mrs. Dean W. Riffe, Sr. Mr. Mrs. William Walker Pheil Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Owen & Rev. & Mrs. George H. Mr. & Mrs. Ward H. Ritchie Prank Anderson Philips N Quarterman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Ritter Hi Charles J. Nabit Mrs. Anne B. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. William E. Quarterman J. Daniel Roach Dr. Mrs. Walter Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Phillips & E. Nance Rev. Joseph L. Pace Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert K. Queitzsch Frank M. Robbins, Jr. Jesse M. Phillips Edward C. Nash, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John M. Packard, Jr, Ms. Mary Lavina Queitzsch Jon Robere Thomas C. Nash II Carlisle S. Page, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Phillips Mrs. John H. Quincey Dr. Eric W. Naylor Christopher B. Paine Thomas T. Phillips, Jr. R. Stanley Qui sen berry William Phillips Dr. &. Mrs. Wallace W. Neblett III Mr. & Mrs. George C. Paine II M. 19 Bri Donors of SI to S99 (Continued) Claude B.I . 3 Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Thomas Rev. & Mrs. Frank W. Robert Rev. & Mrs. Louis O'V. Thomas Rev. Mary Christopher Robert Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Thomas, Jr. Arch W. Roberts, Jr. Windsor P. Thomas, Jr. Rev & Mrs. Charles B. Roberts Mrs. Emest Thompson Dr. & Mrs. E. Graham Roberts Rev. & Mrs. Fred A. Thompson John S. Gtllespy Roberts, Jr. Mrs. H. C. Thompson Leonard H. Roberts Mis. J. Lewis Thompson, Jr. Stephen N. Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Oscar M. Thompson, Miss Sylvia Y. Robertshaw Jr. Gregg Robertson Ms. Evelyn C. Thomson Mrs. Hamilton M. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. James W. Thomte Mr. & Mrs. Charles Marvin John Hugh Thornton Robinson Mr. & Mrs. G. Stuart Thorp Mrs. Don E. Robinson William H. Thrower, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Guy C. Robinson Dr. & Mrs. O. Cromwell Tidwell J. Fred Robinson Dr. & Mrs. Rollie Tillman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. James T. Tilton Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Elmore Mr. & Mrs. William Conner Robson III Tino>l David L. Roche Mr. & Mrs. Edmond M. Tipton Mr. & Mrs. William F. Roeder, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. R. Tisdale Miss Alice W. Rogers 53S83W' Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Sumter Mr. & Mrs. Carlton W, Rogers Tisdale, Sri Miss Ellen Holme Rogers Dr. & Mrs. John L. Tison, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Granville Gladstone Dr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Toher Rogers, Jr. Mrs. Mark M.Tolley.Sr. Miss Tara Marie Seeley Miss Gwendolyn Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Brett W. Smith Lt. L. William Stewart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Eugene H. Kelly Seibels Miss Katherine Marie Rogers Mrs. Charles V. Smith Lawrence Edsel Stewart Tomlin Mr. Mrs. Robert Seibels Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Pendleton & Emmet David L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Marc H. Stewart Rev. & Mrs. R. Archer Torrey Rogers Mr. & Mrs. James M. Seidule Mr. & Mrs. Dorsey Green Smith Miss Margaret Louise Stewart Rev. & Mrs. Robert A. Tourigney Donald R. Seifert Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rohde, Jr. 111 Mrs. Marshall B. Stewart Gregory W. Townsend Paul Seifert Mrs. Sophie H. Rollins B. Mrs. Grace Ingersoll Smith T. Lawrence Stewart Mrs. Jeanne D. Townsend Edward B. Seifried Miss Sallie Lynn Roper Dr. & Mrs. Henley J. Smith, Jr. Lt. Col. & Mrs. William C. Miss Sally Sanders Townsend Dr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Seiters Billy F. Rose Dr. James Edward Smith Stewart Nelson T. Trabue, Jr. Miss Selden Very Rev. & Mrs. Lawrence Rose Karen M. James Tucker Smith Mrs. Jane R. Stibbs Thomas M. Trabue, Jr. Mrs. Olive T. Sellers Mr. & Mrs. William S. Rose, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joel Algernon Smith Rev. J. Douglas Stirling Bradley E. Trammell Miss Sessions Rev. & Mrs. Willis N. Rosenthal Kimberly Bob III Mr. & Mrs. William L. Stirling Harold Eugene Trask, Jr. Very Rev. & Mrs. Charles M. Mrs. Catharine T. Ross Mrs. John A. Smith James Lee Stockslager I la, I man B. Travis II Seymour, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Ross Mrs. Mary P. Smith William A. Si .,11 Ms. Judith W. Treanor Robert Ficklin Ross Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Seymour in Miss Norma Smith Miss Lisa K. Stolley Miss Marye Trezevant Seymour Mr. & Mrs. David H. Rotroff Dr. Digby G. Phillip A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Stone Milton C. Trichel, Jr. Shaffer Gary David Rowcliffe Rev. & Mrs. Harold P. Miss Rebecca Randolph Smith Ms. Nora Frances Stone Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Tritschler Stephen A. Rowe Mr. & Mrs. William M. Shane] Stephen Harold Smith Miss Martha Carol Stoney Mrs. William P. Trolinger, Jr. Castle Willis C. Royall Mr. & Mrs. Dunlap Wallace B. Smith Thomas F. Stover Mr. & Mrs. Dee Trostle Miss Ann Rubsamen Shannon Wendell L.Smith, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Stowe Rt. Rev. Andrew Yu-Yue Tsu Ralph H. Ruch Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Wilson Kidder Smith Samuel B. Strang, Jr. Miss Elizabeth S. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Stanley P. Ruddiman Shannonhouse William Randolph Smythe Miss Melanie Ann Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Tucker UI Jeffrey William Runge Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Shapleigh, Rev. Wilson West Sneed Mr. & Mrs. Warner A. Stringer III Ms. Josephine S. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Holton C. Rush Jr. James Brian Snider Timothy David Strohl Mr. & Mrs. Maximillian Tufts Mr. & Mrs. G. Price Russ, Jr. Hugh Farrell Sharper Mr. 4 Mrs. James W. Snodgrass Donald Davis Strother Albert Scott Tully Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Milner Rust Rev. & Mrs. William L. Sharkey Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Snow Mrs. Barbara H. Stuart Mr. & Mrs. William N. Tunnell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Sharp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin G. Snyder Miss Barbara Lawlor Stuart Vernon S. Tupper, Jr. Mrs. Luther F. Sharp Capt. James Marcel Snyder, Jr. Christopher V. Stuart Mrs. Bayly Turlington H. Sharp Mr. & Mrs. H. Philip Sadler, Jr. Mrs. Norma Mr. & Mrs. J. Morgan Soaper, Jr. Rev. Thomas M. Stubbs, Jr. Ms. Anne Cameron Turner S. Sharp Miss Amy Ross St. John Thomas John C. Solomon Stephen Emory Stults David Carleton Turner Joe Salem Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Sharp Mr. & Mrs. Marvin W. Sory Ms. Louise S. Sturgis George Jerome Turner Mr. & Mrs. Fred Emil Sales William W. Shaver III Mrs. Olyn P. Souter Mr. & Mrs. William A. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Turner Dr. Catherine J. Shaw Turner Paul Broward Salter, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. F. M. Southerland Prof. Lewis A. N. Sumberg Rev. & Mrs. Russell Irene Shaw Clinton L. Sanders Ms. O. Mrs. Melvin L. Southwick Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Summers Wade L. Turner Rev. Mrs. Benjamin H. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Palmer Sanders & Thomas D. Spaccarelli Mr. & Mrs. George Russell Mr. & Mrs. William Landis Shawhan, Jr. Michael L. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. John A. Spanogle, Jr. Sumner Mrs. C. Winston Sheehan, Steven W. Sanford Mr. 4 Rev. George H. Sparks, Jr. I. Eric Sundt William Richard Turner, Jr. Jr. Sutter, Sr. Miss Miriam P. Sanges Miss Mary C. Sparks Donald Evans Dr. William S. Turner in Miss Mary V. Shelton Mr. Mrs. Donald Evans Sutter Turpen Lt. C. Craig Sargent James Raymond Spears & Timothy Mark Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Shelton Jr. Turpin M. Garnett Saunders, Jr. David L. Speights Brian M. Miss Carole M. Shepherd Parks Sutton Twitty James W. Savage Mr. & Mrs. Doyle P. Spell David Mr. & Mrs. Weldon C. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sheppard Miss Alethea E. Swam, Bayard Shields Ty mis, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. James E. Savoy Mr. & Mrs. Albert V. Spratley Walter Sheppard Victor Dale Swift Tyrer Miss Elizabeth Howard Sayle Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. W. Duvall Spruill Mr. & Mrs. Miss Alison Jane H. Shields Mrs. C. Tyrrell Mrs. Robert Peel Sayle G. Rev. & Mrs. William A. Spruill, Jr. C. W. Swinford Mr. St W. Mrs. Harry W. Shipps Mrs. Maltby Sykes Jack W. Sayles Rev. & Ivy H. Squire Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. John N. Shockley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Scanling Peter Hafner Squire u Arnold Sholten III Mrs. Paul Keil Uhrig Mr. & Mrs. Fred N. Scanling William Miss Anne G. Stacker Mr. & A. Shores Rhett Taber Howard F. Ulton Mr. & Mrs. Davis Scarborough Mr. & Mrs. Earl Ronald G. Stagg Mr. & Mrs. A. Mrs. Donald C. Shoup Mrs. Jesse H. Tate, Jr. Charles W. Underwood, Jr. Thomas Pou Scarritt, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Martha P. Stallings Mr. & Sidney S. Tate Ms. Lisa E. Underwood Dr. & Mrs. James Paul Schetler Don A. Shriver Miss Tina Stain baugh Mr. 4 Mrs. Jr. Vincent E. Tateo Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilson Dr. Ernest Schmid Virgil Cox Shutze, Dr. Robert E. Stanford Mr. 4 Mrs. Sigler Doyle Underwood John E. Schmutzer Very Rev. James Markham Mrs. Ellinor R. Stanland Mr. & Mrs. R. Tatum Margaret Mary Urbano H.G.Schneider Mrs. Fred Sill Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Stanley, Jr. Charles Dean Taylor Miss Harvey Simmonds George Taylor III Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Urquhart Dr. Robert J. Schneider Mrs. Walker Stansell, Jr. M. William A. Simmonds Helen T. Taylor Rev. & Mrs. Robert Louis Utlaut Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Schnitker Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Marietta C. Staten Mrs. III Taylor Mrs. Thomas H. Uzzell Rev. & Mrs. Howard Allen Richard Earl Simmons Miss Rebecca L. Stealey Dr. & Mrs. James G. Schoech Mr. & Mrs. Sedgwick Lewis Alan Barnes Steber John C. R. Taylor in Laura Janette Taylor Rev. George H. Schroeter Simons Rev. Gary D. Steber Miss Singleton Taylor Miss Atlee Ann Valentine Melvin Scott Schulze Dr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Rev. & Mrs. Frederick Stecker IV Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Sirmans Mrs. G. Taylor Mrs. Joseph Van Buren Mrs. Mary Britton Schumacher James J. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Steele, Jr. Dr. & Thomas Alan Skaith Steilberg Ms. Anna Mary Teaff Dr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Vanderbilt Col. & Mrs. Paul B. Schuppener Mrs. Rev. & Mrs. Robert H. Mrs. Clement B. Sledge Mrs. John H Teas Rev. Herbert J. Vandort Kenneth M. Schuppert, Sr. Dr. & Rev. Edward L. Stein Mr. & Mrs. John Sloan Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Henri Temianka Rt. Rev. Albert W, Van Duzer Kenneth M. Schuppert, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John L. Mrs. Jeff D. Sluder Rt. Rev. A Mrs. Gray Temple Harris W. Van Hillo Rev. & Mrs, Wilbur R. Schutze Mr. & Talbot P. Stephens Dr. A Mrs. Glendon Smalley Stevens Timothy T. Tenhet Miss Beatrice Stephens Vann Mrs. Alfons F. Schwenk Peter J. Mr. & Mrs. J. Polk Smartt Mr. & Mrs. William E. Terry Rev. Tim E. Vann Roy Scott Harry B. Stewart M. Terwilligei Charles Van Sickle Rev. & Mrs. A. H. Smith, Jr. F. Stewart Rt. Rev. Robert E. Mr. ft Mrs. Rev. L. Scrantom Jeffrey ft Mrs. Elbert William A. Varnell Miss Alexandra J. S. Smith Mr. Mrs. John Douglas Stewart Mrs. S. L. Thetford Mr. ft Mrs. Mr. ft Mrs. Edward P. Seagram & Austin W. Smith Rev. & Mrs. James G. Theus Mrs. Harvey B. Searcy John P. Stewart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ben H. Smith, Jr. Mr. Mrs. John R. Stewart Charles Lloyd Thibaut Mr. ft Mrs. Robert B. Sean & Donors of SI to $99 (Continued) Mr. 4 Mrs. Frank Phillips White Benton DuBose Williamson Mr. 4 Mrs. Robert H. Wood Mr. Mrs. Howard White, Jr. J. Philson Williamson Dr. 4 Mrs. Robert H. Wood, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boynton Veal Mr. & Mrs. James Waterhouse 4 Rev. Mr. 4 Mrs. Jack P. White Ben Willis, Jr. Mrs. Sally Price Wood Dr. Henry B. Veatch Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. Watkins James R. White Miss Sara Lynne Willis Minor Edward Woodall III Timothy J. Veltom Dr. 4 Mrs. John Franklin Robert Y. White, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Addison K. Wills Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas Dee Mrs. Park Gibbs Vestal, Jr. Watkins III Stephen P. White III Mrs. Jesse E. Wills Woodbery III Last ie Paul Vincent, Jr, Mr. & Mrs. Miles Abernathy R. Wills II Mr. Mrs. B. W. Woodruff David Douglas Vineyard Watkins Mrs. Theresa S. White Mr. 4 Mrs. William 4 Donald K. Whiteman Ms. Susan Wilmeth Dr. 4 Mrs. Walter Thomas Charlie Stephen Vinson Daniel E. Watson Whitener III Ryall Wilson Woods, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Voorhees Miss Kathleen Louise Watson Claud Robert Mr. 4 Mrs. C. Mr. 4 Mrs. Eric James Whitesell Lt. Col. 4 Mrs. F. H. Wilson, Jr. Dr. 4 Mrs. J. W. Austin Woody Rufus Brown Watson, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Ellis R. White-Spunner Ms. Florence Lambert Wilson Charles M.Woolfolk, Jr. W Mr. & Mrs. Tom G. Watson Colwell C. Whitney Gregory James Wilson Lee James Woolman Mr. & Mrs. William B. Wadley Mr. 4 Mrs. Charles H. Watt III R. Bradford Whitney, Jr. James William Wilson, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. William Lester Ms. Jane M. Wagenknecht Dr. 4 Mrs. Charles H. Watt, Jr. Mr. Mrs. M. S. Wiggington Kathleen A. Wilson Woolverton Mrs. E. E. Wager, Jr. Miss Elizabeth Vance Watt & Mrs. James G. Wilcox A. Wilson Mr. 4 Mrs. Emmons H. Mr. 4 Mrs. Paul Waggoner Dr. & Mrs. Vance Watt L. Clarence Cicero Wiley, Jr. Ms. Leslie Wells Wilson Woolwine, Jr. Miss Dolores E. Wagner Mrs. Lucille C. Weaver James Bruce Wiley Ven. Richard W. Wilson Dr. Richard H. Workman Jeffrey J. Wagner Mrs. William C. Weaver, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Philip A. Wilheit Miss Susan Alexandra Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Wright, Jr. Dr. George N. Wagnon Dr. William Richard Weaver Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas T. Wilheit, Jr. W. Edward Wilson III Edward Truman Wright HI Mr. 4 Mrs. Stephen T. Waimey Dr. 4 Mrs. John M. Webb Miss Mary Susan Wilkes Rev. & Mrs. William Jackson Gordon T. P. Wright Ms. Irene D. Wainwright Mr. 4 Mrs. E. Bruce Wedge Thomas G. Wilkes Wilson Mrs. J. Howard Wright Michael S. Wakefield Mr. 4 Mrs. Harold J. Weekley Mr. 4 Mrs. Wray Wilkes Mr. 4 Mrs. H. L. Wiltsee Mr. 4 Mrs. Marvin H. Wright B. Vaughan Walker Mr. 4 Mrs. Walter Scott Welch III Ms. Edwina Paula Wilkinson Charles L. Wimberly Mr. 4 Mrs. William McDowell Rev. Joseph R Walker William D. Welch Carlisle B. Willard William Dale Winders Wright Rev. Richard N. Walkley Alexander W. Wellford Miss Margaret G. Willcox Mrs. Anna T. Durham Windrow Rev. Charles F. Wulf Mr. 4 Mrs. Robert E. Wallace LTC 4 Mrs. Hugh Wellford Mrs. Emily V. Sheller Williams Maj. 4 Mrs. James Kenneth Winer Ms. Amy Waller Ms. Gay C. Wells Dr. 4 Mrs. Bertram Wyatt- Rev. Hedley J. Williams Peter Martin Win field William Waller Mr. 4 Mrs. Edwin P. Welteck Brawn J. Homer Williams Charles M. Wingard Dr. 4 Mrs. Albert Walling II Mr. 4 Mrs. Cameron Joseph Mr. 4 Mrs. Hunter Wyatt-Brown, Timothy A. Walsh Welton Mr. 4 Mrs. J. Ross Williams Dr. William Wingfield, Jr. Jr. James Williams Joseph W. Winkelman Peter Rucker Walter James Guthrie Wenzel Kenan Mr. 4'Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John E. Williams III Very Rev. John B. Winn Miss Mildred Adams Walton Robert Carl Wenzel II R. Williams, Jr. Winters Ens. Joseph Collins Ward Halsey E. Werlein John Charles A. Toshimasa Yamamoto Lawrence K. Williams Miss Margaret R. Winters Miss Judith S. Ward Mr. & Mrs. J. Parham Werlein Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCord Yates Ms. Lisa Ann Williams Mr. Mrs. Thomas Reginald Thomas Carleton Ward Franklin LeRoy Wessinger, Jr. & Rev. James K. Yeary Paul F. Williams, Jr. Joe Ware Mr. 4 Mrs. Arthur A. West Wise II Francis H. Yerkes Very Rev. Paul F. Williams Mrs. David G. Wiseman Capt. & Mrs. William L Ware Mr. & Mrs. Olin West, Jr. Mr. & Ven. Fred G. Yerkes, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Walter Miles Warfield Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas Westbrook Rev. Robert C. Williams James W. Wishon, Jr. James G. Yoe Miss Mary E. Warner Mrs. Marjorie W. Wheat Dr. 4 Mrs. Robert Elwin Williams Mrs. Dorothea R. Wolf Rev. George D. Young, Jr. Thomas Hunt Williams Mrs. Theodore R. Wolf Robert J. Warner Mrs. Laura H. Whipple Mr. 4 Mrs. Sidney H. Young Thurman H. Williams, Jr. Mark W. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Edward Warren, Jr. Mr. 4 Mrs. Thomas Powell Mrs. Wendy Elizabeth Warden Mr. Mrs. Bernard W. Wolff Col. & Mrs. John L. Warren Whitaker, Jr. & Williams Wolff, Jr. Ch. Maj. James M. Warrington Rev. T. H. Whitcroft Mr. 4 Mrs. George T. Mr. 4 Mrs. William F. Williams Miss Frederica Wood Wiley A. Wasde n III Dr. Despina White

CHURCH SUPPORT REPORT Gifts from Owning Dioceses

ALABAMA (D) ATLANTA CENTRAL GULF COAST (D) KINSTON-St. Mary's NEW BERN-Christ ALPINE-Trinity ATHENS—Emmanuel, St. Gregory the Alabama WASHINGTON-St. Peter's AUBURN-Holy Trinity Great BON SECOUR—St. Peter's WILLIAMSTON-Advent BESSEMER—Trinity ATLANTA—Holy Innocents, St. Anne's, CHICKASAW-St. Michael's WILMINGTON-St. James' BIRMINGHAM—Advent, Ascension, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, St. Philip's CODEN—St. Mary's-by-the-Sea Grace, St. Andrew's, St. Luke's, Cathedral DOTHAN-Nativity FLORIDA (D) St. Mark's, St. Mary's-on-the-High- CLAYTON-St. James' ENTERPRISE—Epiphany COLUMBUS-HSt. Thomas', Trinity FAIRHOPE—St. James' CHATTAHOOCHEE-St. Mark's CULLMAN-Grace CONYERS-St. Simon's MAGNOLIA SPRINGS-St. Paul's Chapel FEDERAL POINT-St. Paul's DECATUR-St. John's DECATUR-Holy Trinity MOBILE—All Saints', St. John's FERNANDINA BEACH-St. Peter's DEMOPOLIS—Trinity FORT VALLEY-St. Andrew's JACKSONVILLE-Good Shepherd, FLORENCE—St. Bartholomew's, Trinity GAINESVILLE—Grace Florida Nativity, St. John's Cathedral, St. GADSDEN-Holy Comforter LaGRANGE-St. Mark's APALACHICOLA-Trinity Mark's, St. Paul's, St. Peter's GREENSBORO-St. Paul's MACON-Christ CANTONMENT-St. Monica's HUNTSVILLE—Nativity, St. Stephen's, MARIETTA—St. James' GULF BREEZE—St. Francis of Assisi MANDARIN-Our Saviour St. Thomas' PERRY—St. Christopher's LAGUNA BEACH-St. Thomas-by-the- MELROSE—Trinity JASPER-St. Mary's ROME—St. Peter's Sea PONTE VEDRA BEACH-Christ MONTGOMERY-Holy Comforter SMYRNA-St. Jude's PANAMA CITY-St. Andrew's QUINCY-St. Paul's OPELKA-Emmanuel WARNER ROBINS-AU Saints' PENSACOLA-St. Christopher's STARKE—St. Mark's PELL CITY-St. Simon Peter WEST POINT-St. John's PORT ST. JOE-St. James' TALLAHASSEE-St. John's TALLADEGA—St, Peter WINDER-St. Anthony's VALPARAISO-St. Jude's WELAKA—Emmanuel TUSCALOOSA-Canterbury Chapel, Christ CENTRAL FLORIDA (D) DALLAS (D) GEORGIA ARKANSAS (D) AVON PARK-Redeemer ADDISON-Holy Communion ALBANY-St. John's, St. Patrick's, St. BARTOW-Holy Trinity ARLINGTON—St. Mark's Paul's BATESVILLE-St. Paul's DAYTONA BEACH-Holy Trinity by CORSICANA-St. John's AMERICUS-Calvary EL DORADO-St. Mary's the Sea DALLAS-AU Saints', Christ, Good AUGUSTA-Christ, Good Shepherd, St. FORREST CITY-Good Shepherd FORT MEADE—Christ Shepherd, Incarnation, St. Christo- Alban's, St. Paul's FORT SMITH-St. Bartholomew's, St. KISSEMMEE-St. John's pher's, St. Luke's, St. Paul's, Trans- BAINBRIDGE-St. John's John's LAKE WALES—Good Shepherd figuration BRUNSWICK—St. Athanasius, St. Mark's JONESBORO-St. Mark's LEESBURG—St. James' FORT WORTH—All Saints', Trinity DOUGLAS-St. Andrew's LITTLE ROCK-Christ, St. Mark's, MELBOURNE—Holy Trinity KAUFMAN— Our Merciful Saviour JESUP-St. Paul's Trinity Cathedral MERRITT ISLAND-St. Luke's SULPHUR SPRINGS-St. Philip's MOULTRIE-St. John's MARIANNA-St. Andrew's (Courtenay) TERRELL-Good Shepherd QUITMAN-St. James' NEWPORT-St. Paul's MOUNT DORA-St. Edward's ST. SIMON'S ISLAND-Christ, Frederica PINE BLUFF-Orace MULBERRY-St. Luke the Evangelist EAST CAROLINA (D) SAVANNAH-Christ, St. Francis, St. WEST MEMPHIS-Holy Cross OCALA-St. Patrick's Matthew's, St. Michael's, St. Thomas' ORLANDO—St. Luke's Cathedral, St. EDENTON-St. Paul's THOMASVILLE-St. Thomas' Mary of the Angels, St. Michael's FAYETTEVILLE—Holy Trinity, St. TIFTON—St. Anne's SANFORD—Holy Cross VALDOSTA—Christ VERO BEACH-Trinity GREENVILLE-St. Paul's WAYNESBORC—St. Michael's WINTER PARK-A11 Saints' HERTFORD-Holy Trinity 21 KENTUCKY (D) GREENSBORO— Holy Trinity MIAMI—Resurrection, St. Matthew the CROSSVILLE-St. Raphael's HIGH POINT-St. Apostle Mary's DYERSBURG— St. Mary's BOWLING GREEN-Christ MONROE—St. Paul's MIAMI SPRINGS—All Angels' ELIZABETHTON-St. Thomas' FULTON-Trinity OXFORD-St. Stephen's PALM BEACH-Bethesda-by-the-Sea FAYETTEVILLE-St. Mary Magdalene GILBERTSVILLE-St. Peter-of-the- Lakes ROANOKE RAPIDS-A11 Saints' PERRINE-St. Faith's FORT OGLETHORPE-Nativity HARRODS CREEK-St. Francis-in-the- ROCKY MOUNT-Good Shepherd POMPANO BEACH-St. Martin-in-the- GALLATIN-Our Saviour Fields SCOTLAND NECK-Trinity Fields GERMANTOWN-St. George's HOPKINSVILLE-Grace WADESBORO—Calvary STUART-St. Mary's GREENEVILLE-St. LOUISVILLE— James' Christ Church Cathedral, WINSTON-SALEM-St. Paul's TEQUESTA-Good Shepherd HARR1MAN-St. Andrew's Emmanuel, St. Luke's Epis. Ch. WEST Home PALM BEACH-Holy Trinity HENDERSONVILLE-St. Joseph of MADISONVILLE—St. Mary's NORTHWEST TEXAS (D) Arimathea MAYFIELD-St. Martin's-in-the-Fields SOUTHWEST FLORIDA (D) JACKSON—St. Luke's MORGANFIELD-St. John's ABILENE—Heavenly Rest JOHNSON CITY-St. John's St. John's MURRAY— ANDREWS-St. Matthias' ARCADIA-St. Edmund the Martyr KINGSPORT-St. Paul's, PADUCAH-Grace St. Timothy's BIG SPRING-St. Mary the Virgin BRADENTON-Christ KNOXVILLE-Ascension, Good Samari- RUSSELLVILLE-Trinity Peter's BORGER-St. BROOKSVILLE—St. John's tan, Good Shepherd, St. James', St. COLEMAN-St. Mark's CAPE CORAL-Epiphany John's, Tyson House LEXINGTON (D) COLORADO CITY-AU Saints' CLEARWATER-Good Samaritan, St. LA GRANGE-Immanuel DALHART-St. James' LOOKOUT MTN.-Good Shepherd COVINGTON-Trinity LUBBOCK-St. Paul's-on-the-Plains DUNEDIN-Good Shepherd LOUDON • LENOIR CITY-Resurrection DANVILLE—Trinity MIDLAND—Holy Trinity, St. Nicholas' ENGLEWOOD—St. David's MADISON-St. James' the Less FORT THOMAS-St. Andrew's PAMPA-St. Matthew's FORT MYERS-St. Hilary's, St. Luke's MANCHESTER-St. Bede's HARRODSBURG-St. Philip's PLAINVIEW—St. Mark's INDIAN ROCKS BEACH-Calvary MARYVILLE-St. Andrew's LEXINGTON-Christ QUANAH-Trinity LARGO—St. Dunstan's MASON-St. Paul's, MIDDLESBORO— Trinity St. Mary's SNYDER-St. John's NAPLES—St. John's, Trinity-by-the-Cove MEMPHIS—Calvary, Emmanuel, Grace-St. PARIS—St. Peter's PORT CHARLOTTE-St. James' Luke's, Holy Communion, St. PRESTONVILLE-St. James' SOUTH (D) CAROLINA ST. PETERSBURG—St. Matthew's, St. Elisabeth's, St. John's, St. Mary's Peter's Cathedral Cathedral LOUISIANA (D) BARNWBLL-Holy Apostles SANIBEL ISLAND—St. Michael & All MILLINGTON-St. Anne's BEAUFORT-St. Helena's Angels MONTEAGLE-Holy Comforter BATON ROUGE-St. James', BENNETTSVILLE-St. Paul's Trinity SARASOTA-Redeemer, St. Boniface's MORRISTOWN-A11 Saints' BOGALUSA-St. Matthew's CHARLESTON-St. Michael's TAMPA-St. Mary's MURFREESBORO-St. Paul's COVINGTON-Christ EUTAWVILLE-Epiphany VENICE-St. Mark's NASHVILLE-Advent, Christ, St. FRANKLIN-St. Mary's FLORENCE—St. John's ZEPHYRHILLS-St. Elizabeth's Andrew's, St. Ann's, St. Bartholo- HAMMOND-Grace Memorial PORT MOTTE-St. Matthew's mew's, St. David's, St. George's, HOUMA—St. Matthew's HILTON HEAD ISLAND-St. Luke's TENNESSEE (D) St. Matthias', St. Philip's KENNER-St. John's MYRTLE BEACH-Trinity NEWPORT-The Annunciation METAIRIE-St. Martin's ORANGEBURG-Redeemer ATHENS-St. Paul's NORRIS-St. Francis' MORGAN CITY-Trinity PINOPOLIS-Trinity BATTLE CREEK-St. John the Baptist OAK RIDGE—St. Stephen's NEW ORLEANS—Annunciation, Christ ST. STEPHEN-St. Stephen's BOLIVAR-St. James' OLD HICKORY-St. John's Church Cathedral, St. Andrew's, SUMTER—Holy Comforter BRIGHTON—Ravenscroft PARIS—Grace Trinity BRISTOL—St. Columba's PULASKI-Messiah PLAQUEMINE—Holy Communion ROSSVIEW-Grace Chapel SOUTHEAST FLORIDA (D) CHATTANOOGA-Grace, St. Martin of ROSEDALE—Nativity RUGBY-Christ Tours, St. Paul's, St. Peter's, St. THIBODAUX-St. John's CORAL GABLES—St. Philip's, Venerab Thaddaeus', Thankful Memorial SEWANEE-Otey Memorial Bede CLARKSVILLE-Trinity SHELBYVILLE-Redeemer MISSISSIPPI (D) DELRAY BEACH-St. Paul's CLEVELAND-St. Luke's SHERWOOD-Epiphany SIGNAL MOUNTAIN-St. FORT LAUDERDALE—Intercession COLLIERVILLE—St. Andrew's Timothy's BAY ST. SOMERVILLE-St. LOUIS-Christ KEY BISCAYNE—St. Christopher's-by- COLUMBIA-St. Peter's Thomas' BILOXI-Redeemer SOUTH the-Sea COOKEVILLE—St. Michael's PITTSBURG-Christ CANTON-Grace LAKE WORTH-Holy Redeemer, St. COPPERHILL-St. Mark's SPRING HILL-Grace CARROLLTON-Grace Andrew's COWAN-St. Agnes' TRACY CITY-Christ CLARKSDALE-St. George's WINCHESTER-Trinity COLUMBIA-St, Stephen's COLUMBUS-St. Paul's Continued on next page COMO—Holy Innocents ENTERPRISE-St. Mary's CHURCH SUPPORT SUMMARY GREENVILLE-St. James' July 1, 1979-June 30, 1980 GREENWOOD—Nativity GRENADA-A11 Saints' GULPPORT—St. Feter's-by-the-Sea DIOCESE Communicants SITB TESO OTHER TOTAL HATTIESBURG—Trinity Alabama 16,906 $17,068 $2,416 $2,045 $21,529 INDIANOLA-St. Stephen's Arkansas 12,536 6,913 899 7,812 INVERNESS—All Saints* Atlanta 28,313 4,420 JACKSON-AH Saints', St. Andrew's 3,480 852 8,752 Cathedral, St. James* Central Florida 26,025 5,412 995 6,407 LAUREL—St. John's Central Gulf Coast 13,783 13,379 1,661 2,300 17,340 LELAND—St. John's Dallas 34,781 370 50 LEXINGTON-St. Mary's 11,953 12,373 MERIDIAN-Mediator, St. Paul's East Carolina 12,486 1,795 625 4,000 6,420 MICHIGAN CrTY—Calvary Florida 18,573 10,400 945 11,345 OCEAN SPRINGS-St. John's Georgia 12,302 6,298 1,065 2,000 9,363 OXFORD-St. Peter's ROLLING FORK-Chapel of the Cross Kentucky 9,822 4,399 487 4,886 STARKVILLE-Resurrection Lexington 6,617 4,654 261 4,915 SUMNER-Advent Louisiana 16,542 5,784 732 126 6,642 TUPELO—All Saints" WATER VALLEY-Nativity Mississippi 14,950 9,437 965 15 10,417 YAZOO CITY—Trinity Missouri 13,302 148 148 North Carolina 30,581 4,506 317 6,000 10,823 MISSOURI (D) Northwest Texas 8,561 3,950 955 293 5,198 South Carolina UNIVERSITY CITY-Holy Communion 18,379 2,564 2,023 4,587 Southeast Florida 32,390 6,932 1,205 1,100 9,237 NORTH CAROLINA (D) Southwest Florida 28,193 17,060 1,678 2,030 20,768 Tennessee 31,900 32,854 2,718 29,976 65,548 BURLINGTON—Holy Comforter CHAPEL HILL—Chapel of the Cross Texas 61,238 8,204 1,101 9,305 CHARLOTTE—All Saints', Christ, St. Upper S. C. 19,052 8,921 1,294 10,215 Martin's West Texas 22,717 4,206 810 5,016 DAVIDSON-St. Alban's Western Louisiana 13,109 7,642 818 175 8,635 Western N. C. 9,531 1,264 972 110 2,346 Outside Owning Dioceses 448 5,371 4,520 10,699

Grand Total $200,611 $34,523 $55,592 $290,726 Church Support (Continued)


AUSTIN-Good Shepherd BEAUMONT-St. Mark's, St. Stephen's BRENHAM-St. Peter's HOUSTON-Holy Spirit, Palmer Memo- rial, St. Alban's, St. Mark's, St.

KILGORE-St. Paul's MARSHALL-Trinity RICHMOND-Calvary TOMBALL—Good Shepherd TYLER-Christ WACO-St. Paul's


AIKEN-St. Thaddeus' CAMDEN-Grace CAYCE-AI1 Saints' CLEARWATER-St. John's-AII Saints' CLEMSON-Holy Trinity COLUMBIA-St. John's, St. Mary's, Trinity Cathedral CONGAREE-St. John's GRANITEVILLE-St. Paul's GREENVILLE-Christ, Redeemer, St.


RHODE ISLAND (D) = Diocese gave

HICKSVILLE-Holy Trinity EDGEWOOD-Transfiguration College Sports

Rick Jones, head soccer coach and last year's assistant basket- ball coach, is now head coach of the basketball Tigers. He was named to replace Jerry Waters, who resigned September 1 after two years at Sewanee to become head coach at the University of South Carolina at Spartanburg.

Turnaround in Soccer The optimism in Sewanee's soccer ranks this year has probably never been higher. The program had no- where to go but up last year when Rick Jones took over, and up is

exactly where he is taking it. Eighteen lettermen, including eight starters and three all-confer- ence players, are back from last season when the Tigers finished . Robert Clemmer beats a Bryan player to the ball with support from team- with a 3-1 record in the CAC mates Jed Carter, left, and Jim Caldwell, right. tournament and a second-place in the conference standings. The overall record was 4-10-2, rushing for 1,810 yards, and he said Moore. Mark Lawrence has been trans- but Coach Jones points out that gained 1,948 yards in total offenser- The outlook this year is actual- planted firmly in the defensive Sewanee was only a handful of running, passing, receiving and kick ly not too glum. The Tigers wel- backfield; so at quarterback are goals away from a winning season, and punt returning. For the past comed 64 prospects, including 28 Robert Holland, a Nashville junior, scoring 34 goals to 37 for the oppo- two years, he was named to the lettermen and seven transfers. who was coming on strong last sition. In only four home matches, All College Athletic Conference The experience is in the defense, year, and Tim Tenhet, a sophomore the Tigers won two and tied two. Football Team. which Coach Moore said is the real from Clarksdale, Mississippi. Sure They have eight home games this The Barron-Cravens Cup was strength of the team. Tackle Gary to get plenty of playing time at year. established last year as a revival of Roth well, all-conference last year, either quarterback or halfback is Coach Jones will be looking for the old Porter Cup, which was heads a smaller but, nevertheless, David Gilbert, who was all-city in outstanding leadership from several awarded to outstanding athletes strong defense. Returning with him Chattanooga last year. skilled players. Shaun Gormley, at Sewanee from 1919 to 1939. It a are 225-pound Larry Dickerson, a The pass receiving corps, led by senior left wing and co-captain, was revived by two former Porter senior Orlando, from Florida; tight end Mallory Nimocks, is scored 12 goals last Cup winners, William M. Cravens, year. He was Steve Blount, another Orlando skilled and experienced. named to the Tennessee Intercol- A'25, C'29, of Winchester and senior, and Trey Bryant of Sewanee. After September engagements legiate Soccer Association team and Charles H. Barron, C'31, of Colum- In the backfield are veterans against Illinois College, Hampden- all-conference team. bia, South Carolina, Hunter Keller, a Birmingham junior; Sydney, and Millsaps, the Tigers Robert Clemmer, a senior full- Erling Riis of Mobile, Alabama, and will host Centre October 4 for back and all-conference performer, Greg Worsowicz, a junior from homecoming, and Southwestern is another captain along with Gary Jacksonville, Florida. Promising October 11. They then travel to Rowcliffe, a senior goalie. Richard The center of the offensive line Principia October 18 and Wash- Garbee, a sophomore center half- got diplomas last May, and by his ington and Lee October 25 and back, was outstanding enough as a graduation, Ricky Dale Harper left Grid return home November 1 against freshman to make the CAC squad Year a big hole in the backfield. But Rose-Hulman. The season will end and is expected to be a major talent is still to be found. The afternoon humidity settled like November 8 at St. Leo College in boost to the team this year. D. J. Reina of Tampa, Florida a wool blanket over players and Florida. The schedule includes five is back from a fine season at run- coaches. They swayed uncomfort- home matches in October, begin- ning back. Jeff Morris, a sophomore ably in the afternoon sun of the ning with the annual alumni game from Cincinnati, was looking good practice field. The hardiest among at 9 a.m. October 4. at fullback. them had trouble keeping to the The Tigers went through an Harriers task at hand—getting ready for ambitious off-season weight pro- Cross country for both men and Sewanee's earliest opening date in gram that is expected to pay divi- Top Athlete women promises to hit a new peak several years. Even the Mountain dends. The fanfare, however, was this season because of some out- was hot this year. given to the new passing attack. standing returnees. Ricky Dale Harper, C'80, a four- Coach Horace Moore fussed and Dewey Warren, the former Uni- Matt Ligon, a senior from year football letterman from Cross- fumed: look terrible." "We The versity of Tennessee record breaker Marietta, Georgia; Mike Ball, a ville, Alabama, is the winner of usually optimistic assistants, Yogi with the pass, helped install the Fairfax, Virginia junior, and John the Barron-Cravens Cup as the Anderson and Sam Betz, worried new system, and Coach Moore Beeland, a Rome, Georgia sopho- outstanding athlete of the year excessively over pages of plays and said the Tigers will be going to the more, for 1979-80. led the Tigers to a third air more often. place in the regionals last year and Harper is the second leading "111 let you know how things ground gainer in Sewanee history, are going about mid-November," Continued on next page _24

Sports (Continued)

a berth in the national champion- ships. Alumni Affairs All three are back, only to be challenged by some of the best " The first of her successively harriers Sewanee has ever had. larger restaurants was called "Clara's Jackie Scott, who was third in Homecoming Dine and Dance." It had six stools the regional championships last fall, and two tables and was held to- is back with the women's squad. gether by the determination of this The St. Petersburg, Florida senior '80 pretty little mountain girl. is leading a spirited group of lower- Later Clara's restaurant in classmen. Homecoming October 3-5 will have Monteagle had a special place for The big test will come in the an unusually crowded schedule as students called the "Sewanee regionals November 1 at the Univer- the Alumni Association plans a gala Room." Alumni from the '30s and sity of Virginia. After that: the welcome for returning alumni. '40s remember that, and there are national championships November The weekend will begin with scores of stories about Clara and 15 in Seattle, Washington. dinner Friday night at the Bishop's her "boys" from the college. Even Common and a dance in the old with Men's Basketball the natural antagonism among gym of Juhan Gymnasium. The Through December students, truck drivers, and miners plans are to make it like the old Alumni Game Nov. 22 frequenting Clara's, there was no German Club dances. real Pillsbury Tournament trouble. As one observer noted: On Saturday the class agents "There was something about Clara at New Albany, Ind. . . Nov. 28 will meet at 9 a.m. The alumni- that made act like at Georgia Tech Dec. 2 men gentlemen." varsity soccer game will begin on Baptist University Dec. 4 She also owned and operated Clark Field the same time. Emory & Henry Dec. 4 at Claramont Castle near Sewanee and The Andrew Lytle bust will be Clara Shoemate Orlln, HA*66 Carolina Wesleyan Dec. 8 for several years was business mana- dedicated at duPont Library at ger of DuBose Conference Center. Women's Basketball 10:30. Several fraternities will also Miss Clara's official service to Through December have parties under way in the late the University began in 1957 when morning. Special Day Johnson Bible College .... Nov. 21 she became the first manager of Milligan Nov. 22 The annual meeting of the Asso- the Sewanee Inn. The University Tennessee Temple Nov. 25 ciated Alumni will begin at 11 ajn. did not even decide to build the inn and will be followed about 12:30 at Atlanta Christian Dec. 5 for Clara until Clara agreed to run it. There by the alumni luncheon at the at Georgia Baptist Dec. 6 she remained until 1965. (Her first Bishop's Common. at Bryan College Dec. 9 "Miss Clara" will be back for home- husband, Thomas B. Shoemate, The football game with Centre coming. died in 1964.) College will begin at 2:30 p.m. , She will be a guest of the Asso- In 1965 she was made an hono- Hockey, The late afternoon and evening will ciate Alumni and will be honored rary alumna by the "boys" she had be devoted to class reunion parties. at halftime of the Sewanee-Centre seen through their Sewanee years. All alumni should register upon football game. The classes from Soon afterward she moved to their arrival. Registration desks will 1940 to 1950 will honor her with Atlanta to be near her son, Thomas Volleyball be set up at the Holiday Inn in a special reception on the back E. Shoemate, A'56. She made a Monteagle and in the alumni office lawn of Rebel's Rest. gift to the University of Claramont Half the field hockey team consists in Thompson Hall (the old student "Miss Clara," as she is known to Castle, which was valued at $158,218. union). of newcomers this fall, but Coach Alumni whose classes are thousands of Sewanee men, is now It has been some time since not having reunions are to Nancy Bowman is depending on asked Mrs. James Orlin, and she makes she was in Sewanee, partly because some "young" veterans to lead attend a party of a neighboring her home in Santa Monica, Cali- of poor health. But Miss Clara has victories. fornia. Only alumni from the 1930s always remembered her friends Top returnees include three remember Clara when she was from the Mountain. They certainly Texans, Sarah Coke and Kate really a Miss, when she operated a remember her. Belknap, a pair of sophomores small diner on Highway 41 below from Dallas, and Sally McSpadden, Monteagle. a Houston sophomore. The team will have about ten matches before the regional cham- pionships November 7.

The volleyball squad has several freshmen in a rebuilding year under Laurence Alvarez. The Tigers are competing against an increasingly strong array of area teams. Some will compete in the Sewanee Invitational October 17-18. Division III competition begins November 14.

Golf Tourney

Eight college and university teams will be competing in the 36-hole Sewanee Fall Invitational Golf Tournament September 26-27. Fellow class agents seem to be giving the "third degree" to Alex McPher- The schools, in addition to Se- son, C'55, during an agents' seminar July 18-19 in Sewanee. From left wanee, will be y Southwestern, Union, are Stan Burrows, C'29; Frances (Ashcraft) Bridges, A 7 5; Leonard Wood, Shorter College, Georgia State, C'54;Bill Kimbrough, C'57, and McPherson. Christian Brothers, Bethel, and Alabama at Birmingham. 25

tioned as to whether or not they New Life in would be- willing to work and put time in for solicitation of students in this area, and all gave a definite Old Clubs answer of 'yes'." Caroline Hopper, C'81, a stu- dent trustee, was the main speaker. revitalization meeting A of the Se- With the originator of the Dobbins wanee Club of Washington June 21 Trophy (the award given to the reaffirmed the active interest of most outstanding club) as a charter Sewanee alumni from the nation's member, there is a very real possi- capital, Virginia, and Maryland. bility we will hear much more Fifteen alumni gathered at the from the Denver Club.

home of Bascom D. Talley , C'64, to select a slate of officers and com- A group of Sewanee people met mittees. May 31 in Seattle, Washington's Those present included Alumni Sherwood Inn to discuss the pos- Director Beeler Brush, Carol Gas- sibilities of forming the Sewanee kins, Beverly Grail, Bill and Club of the Pacific Northwest. Knowles Harper, Ruth Heimburg, Robert C. (Bink) McBride, Melanie Kersey, Clendon Lee, Mar- wA Ifciji C'66, oversaw a work session which garet Mankin, Kimberly Matthews, concluded with the unanimous vote Harry McPherson, Enjoying a recent Atlanta Eugene Morris, Club gathering are, from left, Morgan Robert- to continue with the formation of son, C Louis Dit and Susan Talley, Bill Thrower, 69; Rice, C'SO, and Louis Rice HI, C'73. the club. A goals session was sched- and Lucy Young. uled for the latter part of June Plans were laid for at least four at which priorities were to be set, social events; a University recruit- officers were to be elected and ing drive, including the establish- the values we carry from a liberal many other volunteers the party committees were to be formed to ment of systematic bestowal of the arts education. would never have taken place. implement the club's plans. Sewanee Award for Excellence; Those in The Washington Club also had If you missed it, don't worry. attendance heard career and employment assistance a party in honor of retired Dean You'll have another chance next from two students presently en- for students and alumni, with John Webb and recent graduates year. Such a fun-filled occasion rolled in the College: Barbara special attention to be paid to August 15 at the home of the Hon- as the "Humongous Event" has to Tennant and Mark Robinson, both internship opportunities in Washing- orable Eugene Morris, C'49, and his be repeated. of the class of 1981. Barbara and ton; and an effort to increase the wife, Gwen, in Great Falls, Virginia. Mark discussed how things are amount of giving to the University Over 160 alumni accepted invita- The Sewanee Club of Central South now on the Mountain and answer- from the Washington area. tions. Carolina played the Washington & ed questions. Preliminary discussions center- A large contingent of Washing- Lee Club of Columbia in a Softball Another meeting has been ed on the possibility of reforming ton-area alumni will also be travel- game May 18 and won by the score scheduled for the late fall. Some the present Sewanee Club of Wash- ing to the Washington & Lee game of 6-2. The victory evened the of the other people who braved ington into a coalition of Virginia October 25. The annual dinner series at one game each. the wrath of Mount Saint Helens (Richmond), Maryland (Baltimore), has already been scheduled for Winning pitcher, Oliver Craw- to attend the meeting were Jim and Washington Clubs. April 4 at the Touchdown Club in ford, C'73, also made the play of Varnell, C'65; Marshall J. Ellis, The club's annual dinner was Washington. the day. At the top of the ninth C'41, T'43; Richard Matthews, held the same evening in the Con- inning with Sewanee ahead and in C'70; Peter W. Robinson, A'48; ference Center of the Carnegie The Atlanta Club, in a strong bid to the field, Washington & Lee had and Donald S. Brown, C'66. Endowment for International Peace. retain the Dobbins Trophy for an men on first and third bases with Fifty alumni The Sewanee Club of Houston came from all over unprecedented third year in a row, no outs. A long fly ball was hit to the region. gathered its forces 1 for its geographic Dit Talley, hosted a nationwide Sewanee party, left field, and Duvall Spruill, C'67, May club president own brand celebration. for 1979-80, and his "The Humongous Event." caught the ball for an out. The run- of May Day wife, Starting in the Susan, prepared a marvelous Over 100 people from New ner at third advanced toward home late afternoon, dinner with the George's-on-Washington Restaurant assistance of a York to New Orleans showed up at plate. Spruill relayed the ball to host of served as a meeting point for after- alumni, resulting in a very the Atlantic Steel Pavilion on George Lafaye, C'63, who threw a special, work relaxation and conversation. truly Sewanee party. June 14 for an afternoon and lightning strike to Crawford. Craw- Included in attendance were The new officers elected at the evening of bluegrass-country rock, ford was covering the plate for Bob Walker Johnson dinner meeting are: Kimberly barbecue, and beer. The party some unknown reason. Neverthe- Newson, Anne and husband Chris, Palmer Kelly, Mike Matthews, C'77, president; William started at 5 p.m. and continued less, Crawford assumed a Johnny Fagan, Kathy Bemal, and Mr. and R. Harper, C'78, vice-president; until well after midnight when the Bench-like position and there was a Mrs. John Todd. Also involved were Clendon Lee, C'72, finance chair- band finally refused to play any terrific collision at the plate! After Bev Laws, Bill Hopkins, Allan King, man; Beverly Grail, C'79, career more. Previously the band had the dust settled, Crawford arose Charles Turner, and Maurice Benitez. chairman; Martin Eugene Morris, played one encore for free, been with the ball in his possession and George Ayres, Mark Lowes, Eugene C'49, social events chairman; financially induced to play a the out to his credit. This deflated Smith, Gene Mechling Hogwood, Knowles Bonin Harper, C'79, mem- second but declined a third be- the Washington & Lee attempt for and Robert and Debbie Clark bership chairman; Melanie Kersey, cause as one band member put a comeback and Crawford pitched helped round out attendance along C'79, and Margaret Mankin, C'78, it, "Man, we're picked out. Tired. out of the inning for the win. It with officers of the club Boyd Park- welcoming chairmen; Lucy Young, And just want to go home." should also be noted that, while all er and wife Nancy, Steve Hogwood, C'76, news chairman, and Bascom The "Humongous Event" was members of the team did well, and Jeanne Glenn. D. Talley, C'64, fundraising chair- the brain child of Montague L. Hugh "Brooks Robinson" McAngus, Major topics of conversation man. (Cosmo) Boyd, C'74, the Atlanta C'72, did an inspiring job at third during the evening included Boyd Harry McPherson, C'49, form- Club president. It was hailed by er special legal counsel to President some to be "the party of the year" Parker's recent return to the Moun- tain. While here, he participated in Lyndon Johnson, was the guest and certainly rivaled the statewide On Friday evening, August 11, the the alumni meeting and developed speaker. He entertained everyone party held in March in Columbia, groundwork was laid for the Se- new plans for increasing Sewanee with his wise and humorous remarks South Carolina (the Drifters played wanee Club of Denver, Colorado. Club activity. The response to based on his long political career that one). "Cosmo" was delighted A meeting was held at the home of Boyd's suggestions was extremely in Washington. He eloquently re- with the party but pointed out George Hopper, C'51. About 20 tentative plans for minded young and old alumni of that without the help of Louis people attended the "Formation positive and informal meetings were set. Rice IH, C'73, the secretary of the Party." According to E. Ragland future These arrangements are to be firmed club, Morgan Robertson, C'69, Dobbins, C'35, it was "quite an vice-president of the club, and enthusiastic bunch. Each was ques- Continued on next page Alumni Affairs (Continued) Hinkle, C'70, and Strohl. Their ment this year. A bus trip to the to alumni interested in taking a up at the meeting of the officers desire is to draw many others into Mountain is being scheduled for a more active role in the workings of and board later this month. active leadership roles in the club. fall football weekend. Many alumni the Mobile group. The committees The group stayed together in are looking forward to the oppor- and their chairmen are: recruit- full force for several hours before Spring marked the beginning of a tunity to serve as tour guides for ment, Marcia McFadden; University bearing off in different directions revitalization of the Mobile Sewanee interested high school juniors and liaison, Amy St. John; finance, for dinner and further Sewanee- Club. The following new officers seniors from the Mobile area. The Peter C. Sherman; entertainment, based conversation. were elected at the annual meeting: Associated Alumni, the University's Melissa Egbert; membership, Joel T. Daves IV, president; Thom- admissions office, and the Mobile J. Brooks ChampUn. Work is moving forward to build a as S. Rue, vice-president; John D. Club will make the trip possible. strong Sewanee Club of Lexington Peebles, treasurer. They have, with The Summer Party was held on The Nashville Sewanee Club held (Central Kentucky). Many of the the recently-appointed executive July £6. Dean Douglas Paschall was its annual summer picnic August 21 alumni have been active in recruit- board, begun to plan several activi- the honored guest, and he greeted on the grounds of Belle Meade ing. Three Sewanee Awards were ties and projects designed to re- alumni and friends of the Univer- Mansion where box suppers were presented last year, and there are kindle alumni commitment to the sity who gathered on Washington served. plans to increase that to six this University and to spark the interest Square for an evening of hamburgers, Among those gathered for the coming year. President Tim Strohl, of prospective students. beer, and camaraderie. Other so- event were Phil Carpenter, Debbie C'67, has pointed out that Sewa- Sewanee Club Awards for Ex- cial events are on tap for the near Guthrie, Alex Buchanan, Pete nee enjoys a fine reputation in that cellence were presented by repre- future! Stringer, Tim Toler, Ann Bailey, area, and local schools have his- sentatives of the Mobile Club to The recent party gave the new Beth and Bill Koch, Allen Wallace, torically sent some fine people to high school juniors in the Mobile executive board members, who also Elizabeth Durham, Debbie and the Mountain. area. serve as chairmen of various com- Randall Dunn, and Dr. Joe Cush- The club has an executive com- The club plans to take an even mittees of the club, a chance to talk man, Dr. Doug Paschall and Beeler mittee consisting of John Milward, more active role in student recruit- Brush, down from the Mountain. C'73; Tom Dupree, C'78; Buckner

H. Ward Ritchie, C'28, was honored on his 75th birthday with a publication entitled Ward Ritchie, Printer: A Seventy-Fifth Birthday Class Notes Salute on June 1 5, 1980. An exhibit of his work as a designer/printer and publisher was held at the University Research Library at UCLA, the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, and the Occidental College Library this past spring and summer. These were sponsored by Friends of UCLA Library and the Library Patrons of Occidental College.

Engineers. He is now a branch office 1968 manager with Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Academy Ouade and Douglas, Inc. in Ne,w Orleans. ROBERT DOUGLASS, A, owns a See, there is life after the Academy! new bridal and men's formal wear shop in Oklahoma City. He and his wife, 1944 1950 Susan, have two children. 1972

DEAN GILLESPIE, A, C77, recent- WILLIAM C. FILLMORE, A, is re- DR. CHARLES FULLERTON, A, 1969 ly Asso- tired from the National Aeronautics and was featured in an article in the New took a job with Tomlinson and C. A, is stationed at ciates, a forestry consulting firm in Space Administration in Washington and Mexico Magazine in June of this year. BRUCE BAIRD, Fort Belvoir, Virginia after a stint at Cherokee, Alabama. is currently engaged in farming, construc- The article dealt with the roundabout tion, real estate, and other business way he became director of the Cloud Mainz, Germany. He and his wife, SANDY have son, Bruce 1973 ventures in Tarboro, North Carolina. A Physics Observatory in Hilo, Hawaii after (SANDERLIN), C'76, a U.S. Naval Academy graduate, he served obtaining his Ph.D. in geophysics at New Matthew, who will be a year old in H. FORRESTER, A, and in the Navy for nine years. He and his Mexico Tech in Socorro, New Mexico. November. WILLIAM his wife, A'74, wife have six children. FRANKLIN T. LILES, JR., A, was NANCY (NICHOLSON), 1962 married May 24 to Sue-Gray Coller in have a baby boy, William HI, born in 1946 ceremonies at Christ Church in Green- February. They are stationed at Fort WARREN J. RAMIREZ, A, and his ville, South Carolina. The couple are Benning, Georgia. wife, Martha, have three children, Warren making their in York City JAMES G. GLENN, A, is president home New Joseph, of W. T. Greene Oil Company in Washing- ten, Harvey Edson, eight, and where Franklin is a senior management 1974 ton, North Carolina. He has been with Dennis Michael, six. In May of 1970 consultant for the Chicago-based Plan- the firm for 27 years, though he writes Warren received his business administration metrics, Inc. After his years at Sewanee, SARAH GOODSTEIN, A, is in that he has done a bit of commercial degree from the Inter American Univer- he was graduated from North Carolina graduate school at the University of sity in aviating and scuba diving on the side. He in San German, Puerto Rico. State University at Raleigh and received Missouri. She is a graduate assistant and his wife, Jennifer, reside in a cottage, an M.B.A. from Babcock Graduate English. on the Pamlico River and do some sailing. 1963 School of Management at Wake Forest JAMES GOODWIN, A, a recent His daughter, JEANNE, received a bach- University. The bride, a Phi Beta Kappa cum laude graduate in sacred music at elor's degree from Sewanee in 1977 and PETER R. WALTER, A, C'67, is the and magna cum laude graduate of Memphis State University, is the organist now lives in Houston, Texas. His son, director of a tennis camp in Cataumet, Randolph-Macon Woman's College, also and choirmaster at Bishop Otey Church James G., Jr., is a graduate of the Naval Massachusetts. studied at the University of Reading in in Memphis. Academy and is a Navy pilot. After his England and received a master's degree graduation from the Academy, James was from the University of Virginia. She is an 1975 graduated from Davidson in 1950, was assistant secretary in the corporate plan- a paratrooper and company commander WILLIAM W. TURNER, A, is assis- ning department of the Manufacturers TERRY W. HARRIS, A, is in gradu- in the 82nd Airborne Division, also served tant professor of surgery at Southwestern Hanover Trust Company. ate school in chemistry at Vanderbilt in a special forces unit, and retired from Medical School in Dallas, Texas. WILLIAM E. McLAURIN, A, C74, University. the Army Reserve as a colonel, is program assistant for Catholic Relief Services in Kigali, Rwanda. He and his 1977 1947 wife, Annie, met while they were Peace THOMAS F. STOVER, A, is a busi- Corps volunteers in Gambia. Bill has WILLIAM COCKE, A, a history started Ever wondered what happened to ess manager for Bill Edwards Oldsmobile a Sewanee Club in Kigali along major at Washington and Lee, is the HARRY W. LOMBARD, A? Well, he i Charlottesville, Virginia. with BOB GRIBBON, C'68, who is recipient of the Robert E. Lee Scholar- entered West Point in 1947 on an honor deputy chief of mission at the American military school appointment from S.M.A. Embassy. Visitors welcome. and graduated in 1951. He retired from LUPTON V. "CHIP" RAINWATER, the service in July of 1977 as a colonel, A, an Oldsmobile dealer in Ruston, having served in the U.S. Army Corps of Louisiana, is on the board of directors of Ducks Unlimited. 27

Digest's Most Unforgettable Characters. . .,," said Coach Hall. "He was a LEGENDS AND OLD STORIES promoter, a competitor; he was knowledgable about basketball and dedicated to coaching,"

Hall said Coach Varnell probably had the toughest coaching job in the country. The Sewanee schedule included teams in the Southeastern Conference.

Hall lived in Varnell 's house in one of three upstairs rooms reserved for basketball players. Bob Logan and Vernon VVaddy roomed up there, he recalled, and Buck Caine was Hall's roommate the second year. Sewanee ran the "Kentucky offense," which Coach Varnell learned while he was Rupp's assistant; so the Sewanee Tigers used a fast break like the Wildcats to the north. Hall, who played two years on the Moun- tain, broke a single-game scoring record with 29 points and was team captain. His life at Sewanee was by no means all basketball. Since Hall had to work to stay in school, he lined up about five jobs with Coach Varnell's calculated assistance. One job was a paper route, which was really Varnell's paper route, every afternoon and Sunday mornings. He also had a dry-cleaning agency in the dormitories. He sold popcorn from Varnell's popcorn machine in the theatre, and he sold apples. Once a week he bought a crate of apples from Mr. Hawkins at the Supply Store for $4 and left some in each dormitory with a change box. By selling the apples for 10 cents each, Hall cleared $3.20 a week in his apple business. He collect- ed for the apples as he made the rounds on his dry-cleaning route. Despite this hectic schedule out of class, Coach Hall said the academics at Sewanee had the greatest impact on his life. "I had been more ball oriented than academics oriented," he said. "The smallness of the classes and the atmosphere had their effect. I Joe B. Hall, C'51, right, talks with an old Sewanee teammate, the Rev. really liked the professors." Robert N. Lockart, C'52, during the Southeastern Conference Basketball Not surprisingly, he had trouble finding time to study, and his advisor, Tournament in Birmingham last March. Charles Harrison, agreed to help him set up a schedule. "He couldn't believe I was involved in so many activities," Coach Hall said, "but he did help me organize my free time into study time." There are plenty of jokes in show business about following a good act. He recalls the intensity of the classes and some great professors- And everyone is a bit wary about trying to follow a legend—be it in Arthur Dugan in political science and Eugene Kayden in economics. politics, business, or sports. A clear exception to the jinx is the emergence highlight of his basketball career at Sewanee was the summer of JoeB. Hall, C'51. The tour of Europe and North Africa in 1951. Hall, you remember, followed the inimitable Adolph Rupp as head "You remember the story of the 1899 football team. Well, we were coach of Kentucky basketball. While few people, least of all Joe Hall, will the iron men of basketball," he said. "We played 56 games in 58 days forget Rupp, fewer still can overlook the new coach. He has solved his and won 52 of them." identity problem by becoming something of a legend in his own right. When his basketball eligibility was over, Hall left Sewanee and later, Since Hall became head coach at Kentucky in 1973, the Wildcats in 1955, finished requirements for his B.A. degree. He began coaching the have won outright or tied for the Southeastern Conference title four times next year at Shepherdsville High School in Kentucky. He was football, and in 1978 won the national championship. Despite his relatively short basketball, and baseball coach for two years. His cage team won con- tenure, Hall is already the second "winningest" coach in UK history. ference and district titles both years, though the school was not thought Nothing succeeds like winning. of as a powerhouse before, and finished eighth in the state one year. Hall's success, however, involves more than his style on the basketball Next he was at Regis College in Denver, Colorado, moving from court, more than his style with his players or recruits. Viewing him in assistant to head basketball coach and athletic director. He was then head the environs of Memorial Coliseum and the athletic offices, one is inclined coach for a year at Central Missouri State College before becoming an to say of Coach Hall something like what he said about Rupp: "He would assistant coach and head recruiter at Kentucky in 1965. have been a success as an executive of a huge corporation." He found that his friendship with Adolph Rupp and his knowledge Hall leaves no doubt that Sewanee played a big part in cultivating his of the Kentucky program were major factors in his success at UK. active life and business savvy. The education was enhanced by Lon "When people compare me to Coach Rupp, I consider it a compliment Varnell, Hall's coach and "general manager" at Sewanee. even when it's negative," he said. Hall was a student at Kentucky and trying to play basketball behind Coach Hall does not seek publicity, but he stays active. His speaking Rupp's "Fabulous Five" in 1948 when he heard Varnell on a Louisville tours carry him around the world. This month he is in Chile. Last year radio station saying he was in the area to recruit guards. What especially he was in Poland, Sweden, and England. interested Hall was that a player could transfer and play immediately. He and his wife, Betty Sue, have a home in a wooded section of south He went to Rupp, who knew Varnell and could recommend Sewanee. Lexington about seven minutes from the UK campus. They have two By the start of the spring semester of 1949, Hall was on the Mountain. married daughters, Judy, an accountant, and Kathy, a nurse, and a son, "Lon is like one of those guys you would read about in the Reader's Steve, a junior at UK.

MARY ROSE GILCHRIST, A, of 1928 1938 Sewanee has received a B.S. degree in of JAMES W. HILL III, C, retired from equestrian science from Salem College in LEWIS C. BURWELL, JR., C, and Bradstreet in 1975 and is now West Virginia. In June she received her Collej Pinehurst Airlines recently retired as Dun is assistant director of the Louisville Area "H-A" rating from the U.S. Pony Club chief executive of that company. He over to his son and Chamber of Commerce metro ridesharing in trials held in Oklahoma City. Of turning the company program. He reports that the program has equestrians from throughout the country will remain active by assuming the chairmanship of Pinehurst. been quite successful with a 27 percent who entered, only half passed the diffi- 1926 population participation. cult test, which is the "horse" part of the 1937 coveted "A" rating. THE REV. J. HODGE ALVES, C, 1939 BRIAN THOMAS, A, is a student at celebrated his 50th anniversary as a priest THE REV. EMMET GRIBBIN, C, the University of Alabama, Huntsville, by celebrating the Holy Eucharist at St. C, is is on the Bishop's staff in the Diocese of WALTER L. McGOLDRICK, majoring in electrical engineering. Paul's in Mobile on June 8. It was in this Alabama, edits the Alabama Churchman, working with a newly-formed theatre church that he was ordained a priest on Performing Arts and is administrator of the general group, the Windward 1979 June 5, 1930. ordination examinations taken each year Theatre. He directed the play "How the opened July almost all Episcopal seminary seniors. Other Half Loves" which ELIZABETH ANDRESS, A, is a by 26 at the Windward Community College. student at Vanderbilt University in Nash- ville, Tennessee majoring in business administration. The Rt. Rev. C. FitzSimons Allison, C'45, H'78, rector of Grace Church in New York City, has been elected bishop-coadjutor of the Diocese of South Carolina. The Columbia, South Carolina native served churches in his home state before going to New York. He has taught church history at Sewanee as well as at the Virginia Theological Seminary. He is noted for his books and articles and his preaching on radio in the Episcopal series of the National Protestant Hour. He has served on the board of the Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation. Bishop Allison received an M.Div. from Virginia Seminary after leaving Sewanee and later received a Ph.D. from Oxford University in England.

1942 1953 throughout the year to the Mountain' for JAMES WEATHERS GRIST, C, alumni-related activities, ranging from the works in the jobber sales-accounting E. CRESS FOX, C, is very proud of DAVID G. JONES, C, T'57, has a Atlanta Alumni Club meeting in May of department of Darsey Oil Company of his eight children and one ward. They are management consulting firm, Sentient 1979 to the business and economics sym- Albany, Georgia. into everything from television and Systems, Inc. in Santa Cruz, California, posiums in September 1979 and April of OLIVER R. HEAD, JR., C, is a movies to teaching in Australia. Quite an which works in worldwide organizational this year. project engineer for ICI Americas, Inc. interesting family! development. in Wilmington, Delaware. He and his wife ARMISTEAD I. SELDEN, C, former 1961 Maggie and son Paul, six, reside in Chadds Congressman from Alabama and ambassa- 1957 Ford, Pennsylvania. dor to New Zealand, recently announced THE REV. JOSEPH SCHLEY, JR., JOHN E. HUNTER, C, staff curator his candidacy for the U.S. Senate on the THE REV. CANON JOHN T. MOR- C, recently became rector of St. Nicholas' for the Midwest Regional Office of the Republican ticket. The seat is currently ROW, C, is celebrating his 20th anni- Church in Midland, Texas. National Park Service, has been elected to held by Sen. Donald Stewart. versary as an Episcopal priest and his a three-year term as councilor-at-large 15th year as rector of St. Luke's Church, 1962 of the American Association of Museums. 1943 Gladstone, New Jersey. He thus becomes a member of the govern- DR. MARVIN SINGLETON, C, of ing body of the association, which has WILLIAM B. ALLISON, C, has been 1958 Joplin, Missouri is married to the former headquarters in Washington, D.C. Sta- named president and chief executive Anita Clark, and they have one son, tioned in Lincoln, Nebraska, John has officer of A. T. Massey Coal Company's THOMAS H. ELLIS, C, is living in Mitchell. Marvin is physician a special- been the Midwest curator since 1972. affiliate, Tennessee Gainesville, Consolidated Coal Florida where he is an assis- izing in ENT and related allergies. He is Company. tant director of the Southeastern Forest president of the Missouri ENT Association 1966 THE REV. W. ARMISTEAD Experiment Station. and a member of the Executive Council BOARDMAN, C, founding vicar of St. We enjoyed a recent article of the Missouri State Medical in the Association. CHARLES R. JR., Matthias' Episcopal ALLEN, C, is Church in Monument, Daily Princetonian about JOHN V. He ranches and raises Arabian horses and now practicing law in Roanoke, Virginia. Colorado, received a Doctor of Ministry FLEMING, C, his Pilgrim polled Herefords. and Press, J. degree HODGE ALVES III, C, is a partner from the Miff School of Theology which consists of two turn-of-the After twelve -century years abroad in the in the law firm of Hand, Arendall, in Denver. He is also the chaplain to the letterpresses. John has produced eight Far East and down under, DONALD E. Bedsole, Greaves, and Johnston in Grand Lodge of Colorado, a high Masonic books, numerous posters, and other SNELLING, C, has left Exxon Corpora- Mobile, Alabama. smaller items at his home, where he tion to take a job with U.N.C. Resources. THOMAS WINSTON BROADFOOT, BERKELEY GRIMBALL, C, was assembled the presses and taught himself Donald will serve as a vice-president for C, is the father of a little girl, Amy Noel, recently honored by having the new fine much of the printing art. John is a pro- the Falls Church, Virginia firm which is bom January 7. He and his wife arte make center at Porter-Gaud School in fessor of English at Princeton. the largest nuclear in the company United their home in Wendell, North Carolina. Charleston, South Carolina named after THE REV. DUFF GREEN, C, is States. WILLIAM H. ELLIOTT, C, has now rector of St. Paul's Church in taken the stage name of Elliot Street Columbus, Indiana. 1963 and is president of the oldest repertory 1945 LT. COL. O. WEMPLE LYLE, C, company in Los Angeles, the Company was recently assigned to the Ballistic THE REV. CHARLES A. SUMNERS, of Angels, Inc. Bill is a free-lance actor, DOUGLAS A. SMITH, C, senior Missile Office, Norton AFB, California. JR., C, has resigned as director of com- director, graphic artist, and photographer. vice-president of Multimedia Broadcasting He is the chief of the electronic systems munications at St. Bartholomew's Church THE REV. RICK FLYNN, C, is a Company in Greenville, South Carolina, division in charge of designing and in New York to direct the activities of father for the third time. He and his has been elected a director of Southern developing the MX missile weapon the Episcopal Television Network. wife have a boy, Thomas Bradford, Bank and Trust Company in Greenville. system. bom December 31, 1979 in Knoxville, Douglas is also general manager of WFBC 1964 Tennessee. Television and a member of the board of 1959 JOHN DAY PEAKE, JR., C, of directors of Multimedia Broadcasting. SAMUEL G. DARGAN, C, was Mobile, Alabama, is pacing the floor Actively involved in community affairs, DR. BENJAMIN "BERNIE" married in February to again. he has Katherine Anne This time a daughter bom March 7. been president of several Green- DUNLAP, C, was recently featured Rowe. They reside in Florence, South ville organizations. He has served on the in an article in The State Magazine Carolina. boards of the 1967 Greenville Little Theater, (Columbia, South Carolina). He teaches DR. ROBERT G. DILLARD, C, Chamber of Commerce, Civic Chorale, at the University of South Carolina and has been Green Valley promoted to associate pro- DAN ANDERSON, Country Club, Greenville is the host of the C, is a manager Emmy-nominated fessor of pediatrics at Bowman Gray Urban League, and Advertising with Prudential Insurance Company Federation Cinematic Eye. He is a former in Rhodes School of Medicine of Wake Forest of America, and he has served as chair- Scholar. Los Angeles, and recently received his University. Also, he is co-director of the man of the South Carolina Arts Com- M.B.A. He used his Proposition 13 money JOHN McCRADY, C, is senior engi- Intensive mission. Care Nursery at North Carolina to He and his wife, Ina Rose, who neer at Recognition buy a little cabin at Lake Arrowhead. Equipment in Dallas, Baptist Hospital. is an artist, have He is slowly getting used to two children and three Texas. He is the father of two sons, mud slides MICHAEL H. MOISIO, C, St. grandchildren. of around the area. His wife, Virginia, Edward Heath, born February 2, 1973, has Louis, Missouri is a vice-president with him and John Waring, bom June doing one lap around the kitchen 12, 1976. Vertex Chemical Corporation. Vertex 1949 table for exercise, and will increase to will be opening a new plant in 1969 Arkansas two laps next year. near Memphis this fall. THE HON. MARTIN FRANK A. GREEN, C, received EUGENE MOR- HAYES his RIS, C, will A. NOEL, C, has formed his M.A. in creative represent the University of ROBERT L. GAINES, C, has joined writing from the Uni- the own trading firm on the floor of the versity South this fall at the inauguration of the national advertising of Florida in December of 1979. staff of the News- American Stock Exchange. the new president He and his Presently he is working of St. John's College, paper Advertising Bureau, Inc. as vice- with the National wife, Patricia, are expecting their Annapolis, Maryland. president and account first Federation of Independent Business and executive special- child in September. Hayes thinks it will teaching izing in household products. creative writing in an adult be girl. 1952 a continuing ROBERT OWEN C, and his wife. education program while he v works on Pat, have "fallen in love with Sewanee 1965 a multi-volume series of short JOHN S. story anthologies LONG, C, is a free-lance again." They spent their summer on the with critical analyses. technical writer living in Cupertino, Mountain along with their three chil- California, HENRY G. CARRISON HI, C, has playing a little tennis and dren, April, Eric, and Amy. April and been named a happily married senior vice-president of for 22 years. He and Eric were enrolled in Summer School and the North Carolina National Bank of his wife Susanne have two daughters: Amy participated in the Summer Music Greensboro. JANINE, C82, and Stephanie. Center. The Owens' summer at Sewanee was the culmination of over seven trips '

PAUL W. KNEEDLER, C, is an HENRY M. HODGENS, C, of Juno, JAMES W. SAVAGE, C, entertained independent insurance agent THE REV. DAVID JOHN TILLMAN, in Natchez, Florida is a materials engineer for the HAYNES ROBERTS, C, and his wife C, was ordained to the priesthood of the Mississippi. He and his wife, Del, have Materials Engineering and Technology Betsy in New York City early in the Holy two children— son, Paul Orthodox Church by the Rt. Rev. a H., seven, and a Group. He and his wife Terri are expect- summer. They took in Broadway and Kyrill, Bishop of Pittsburgh, daughter, Cary Noble, five. ing their on June 15 first child any day now. celebrated their 30th birthdays. THOMAS HARRY NOYES, C, has had quite DEE WOODBERY HI, C, CHRISTOPHER JULIAN, C, writes GEORGE J. "JERRY" TURNER, C, is a father. a year. He was commissioned Evan Case Woodbery was born as an Army he is alive and well and living in South and his wife TONI (WILLIAMSON), Reserve captain, May 30. Mother and father are both became the father of a Texas. He is vice-president of Advertir, C'75, live in Waycross, Georgia where adjusting boy, Frederick Nicholas, fairly well to the joys of parent- and won a Inc., an advertising agency is in McAllen he director of business services at Way- hood and $500 prize in have learned to live easily on «n essay contest on draft Texas. cross Junior College. They have one son. two to three hours of registration. The article will be published sleep at a time. Dean Patrick, born August 28 of last year. in June in the Association of Naval 1971 Since graduating in 1972 WILLIAM Aviation Journal. 1975 L. WOOLVERTON, C, has received his RICHARD W. OBERDORFER. C, of THE REV. JOHN M. BARR III, C, Ph.D. in pharmacology, married Jeanne Virginia Beach and his wife, Wanda, have has CAROLINE BOWLES, C, is a spring accepted the post of rector at Christ Goetz, finished a three-year research graduate of Rice University, a son, Michael Nathan, bom May 9. It Church, working Mobile, Alabama. He and his fellowship at Medical College of Virginia, this summer for Texas Instruments, is their first child. wife, Laura, moved the and first of May from and is about to embark as a research asso- entering law school in the fall. P. R. WALTER, A'63, C, is directing Sumner, Mississippi. ciate in pharmacology and psychiatry a tennis camp in Cataumet, Massachusetts. ELIZABETH GREER EDWARDS, ROBERT C. DAY, JR., C, and JANE at the University of Chicago. C, married Warren D. Broeme] on MATTHEWS DAY, C, are the proud April 1968 26. The couple lives in Nashville where parents of a boy, Robert C. Ill, born 1973 she works as a planner April 7. with the Tennessee State Planning Office. Greer is also in DOUGLAS CAVERLY, C, was THE REV. LOGAN JACKSON, C, RANDY BRYSON, C, and his wife, the process of married June 18 to Leodolinda Barolini, married finishing her master's in Mary Lyman Scott of Nashville JUDY (CAMERON), C'76, have moved planning at who is an assistant professor the University of Tennessee of Italian on February 8 at St. John's Church in to Durham, North Carolina. She is work- in Knoxville. at the University of California at Berkeley. Savannah, Georgia. ing as a researcher at the University of BILL GREEN, C, and his wife are ROBERT E. GRIBBIN, C, and ERLE JACKSON NEWTON, C, North Carolina. Randy plans to begin his the proud WILLIAM E. McLAURIN, A'69, married Marie parents of a son, William C'74, Donna Privitera April 12 Ph.D. in psychology this fall. Presently Michael, born May 31. The baby weighed announce the formation of the Sewanee in Atlanta. A host of Sewanee people he is teaching at the Durham Academy. seven pounds, Club of Kigali, six ounces. It is Bill and Rwanda. Anyone in the were in attendance including BOYD B. JOHN EDGAR III, C, has just Deta's first child. area is welcome to visit. "Bob is deputy PARKER, C71; HERBERT EUSTIS, completed his final year of graduate HARLEY LEE, chief of mission the C, is working in of American Em- C'71; GEORGE ARCHER, C'73; school at L.S.U. and will begin work on Washington, D.C. as a consultant for the bassy. He has been in Rwanda since HAMILTON REYNOLDS, C'79; and his M.L.A. in landscape architecture. At Department of Energy. His field is solar July 1979 with his wife Connie and sons SAM MURRAY, C'70. present he is working for the Capital energy. Matthew and Mark. Bill (wife Annie) WARNER A. "PETE" STRINGER Region Planning Commission as a JOSEPH PORTER, C, finished his is the program assistant for Catholic III, C, was recently promoted to vice- planning aide. M.B.A. in August of 1979 and worked Relief Services. president of Commerce Union Bank, an HATCH D.S. GRANDY, C, has briefly on George Bush's campaign staff. MORGAN HALL, JR., C, has been affiliate of Tennessee Valley Bankcorp, returned to Virginia from California He now works for the Barnett Banks of promoted to number two man in the Inc. in Nashville. with a wife and two children. After six Florida. real estate department at the Hibemia J. TIMOTHY "TIM" TOLER, C, has years on the West Coast he has packed KATHLEEN RICHARDS, C, married National Bank of New Orleans, Louisiana. been named a vice-president with the up and moved to Richmond, where he Steve Ginestra in February of this year. TRACY LIGHTCAP, C, was awarded First Tennessee Bank in charge of the works for Thalhimer's Department Stores She and Steve live in Fort Lauderdale. a Ph.D. in political science from Emory metropolitan department for the develop- as a finance division training coordinator. LT. C. CRAIG SARGENT, C, gradu- University at the end of the spring quarter ment of business in the middle market GEORGE W. JONES III, C, is now ated from the University of Tennessee 1980. business segment. in school at West Virginfa University in and was commissioned an Armor Officer JAMES J. ZELESKEY, C, is prac- Morgantown, West Virginia studying in the U.S. Army after graduating from 1969 ticing law in Lufkin, Texas. He and his mining engineering. His primary interest Fort Knox armor officer's basic training. wife Terri have two children, James, Jr., is surface mining. He then attended Fort Benning Airborne DR. SANDERS M. BENKWITH, C, two, and Jenny Lee, seven months. JACK H. LEFLER, C, and his wife School and U.S. Army Ranger School is the father of a baby girl born in MARY "TWEETIE" (CLARKSON), C'74, and graduated. Presently he is stationed Montgomery, Alabama on April 25. 1972 have a daughter, Laura Ciarkson, born in U.S. Army-European Command (3rd CHARLES R. CHESTNUT III, C, July 20, 1980. They are making their Armored Division) as a platoon leader. and his wife Carolyn have two children JAMES H. CHICKERING, C, is an home in Loudon, Tennessee. ANN E. "BETSY" SELLARS, C, and another on the way. He has given instructor at Morven Park International THE REV. JOSEPH LESLIE PACE, married David B. Foutch in August of up his law practice to enter the Dallas Equestrian Institute in Leesburg, Virginia. C, was ordained to the priesthood on 1977. They are living in Birmingham, Theological Seminary. BARRY EDWARDS, C, has been Trinity Sunday, June 1, at St. Luke's Alabama and have a daughter, Christine WILLIAM R. GRANGER, C, and accepted into the doctoral program of the Church, Jackson, Tennessee. THE RT. Blair, born April 4. his wife, Louann, are living in Tonga, department of human development at REV. WILLIAM E. SANDERS, T'45, CYNTHIA LEVI SPRATLEY, C, South Pacific where he is the co-director Peabody/Vanderbilt. He will begin this fall. officiated. and her husband have an eight-month- of the U.S. Peace Corps. They will be DAVID E. FOX, C, was recently ENS. CRAIG R.SCOTT, C, after old boy, Albert William Spratley II. They in the Kingdom of Tonga for the next elected chairman of the Chattahoochee two years with the U.S. Naval Regional reside in Pensacola, Florida. two years. area March of Dimes as well as president Dental Center at Subic Bay, the Philip- G. STUART THORP, C, and his JAMES O. KEMPSON, C, of Walter- of the pines, will Sertoma Club of Columbus for report for duty in October to wife, Kay, live in Selma, Alabama. He is boro, South Carolina is 1980-81. the proud father He and his wife, HAZEL the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery in a plant manager for the Becher Sand and of a soon-to-be four-year-old daughter, (RUST), C'75, live in Columbus with Washington, D.C. Gravel Company at their Tyler plant. Jennings K. Kempson. their two sons. JOHN A. WEATHERLY, C, was RUFUS BROWN WATSON, C, ARTHUR E. MALLORY HI, C, CATHERINE HAMILTON, NSF, recently awarded a Merit Fellowship married Rhonda Kaye Brown July 19 of LaGrange, Georgia, has qualified chairman of the science department at Award by the Episcopal Evangelical in Loudon, Tennessee. without opposition for the position of Hall High School in Little Rock, has Educational Society. From the land of the rising sun district attorney of been the Coweta Judicial selected to receive the American TOSHIMASA YAMAMOTO, C, is work- Circuit for the State of Georgia. Art Chemical Society's "Outstanding Chemis- 1974 ing at Tokyo YMCA where he is in charge and his wife, Nina, have three children, try Teacher's Award" for the Southwest of their outdoor program. If he shows Markette, seven; Bo, five; and Judson, region. The award will be presented at MARTHA CLARKSON LEE, C'74, for his fifth reunion this year he will the society's meeting in December in and her husband, Peter, have a daughter, surely have traveled the farthest. WALLACE "WALLY" B. McCALL, New Orleans. Mrs. Hamilton studied in Elizabeth Marie, bom March 24, 1979. C, is now a partner with the law firm of Sewanee's Institute for High School CYNTHIA BOATWRIGHT HEJNA, 1976 Johnson and Bakst in West Palm Beach, Teachers of Science and Mathematics C, is in her second year in Columbia Florida. DAVID DELANEY, C, and his and earned a Master of Arts in Teaching. University's English graduate school, KEMPER W. BROWN, C, is working wife, Elanie, are the godparents to Wally's WILLIAM McCREARY, C, is teach- where she is busy making intricate link- as a data processing hardware coordinator second son, Hunter, born January 11. ing marine studies and ecology at Miami ages in obscure Bohemian literature. for Georgia Power Company, and his

Bom to C. WINSTON SHEEHAN, Palmetto Senior High in Miami, Florida. When not in night school she is the wife, ELIZABETH (McCLATCHEY), JR., C, and his wife, Katherine, a son, EARL MORGAN, C, was chosen chief Eastern editor for a large business C'73, has just started to work full time Charles Winston, May 1. "Outstanding Young Man" by the Dyers- magazine. on a master's in plant protection manage- burg Chapter of the Jaycees at their M. WILLIAM "BIMBO" MOSS, C, 1970 annual Distinguished Service Awards received a master's degree in world DONALD S. CHAPMAN, C, is Banquet in May. religion from Florida State University in married to Holly Mott of Jacksonville, GEORGE W. BISHOP, C, is a partner DR. J. H. MULLINS, JR., C, after December, 1979. Presently he is director Florida. They are making their home in in the law firm of Waller, Lansden, finishing his residency at the University of admissions at the Patterson School Jacksonville. Dortch and Davis in Nashville, Tennessee. of South Alabama, will be moving with in Lenoir, North Carolina. Recently he ROBERT C. CLARK, C, and his wife He and his wife, ELLIOT (WALLACE), his wife, Kathy, and two children to was elected the Episcopal Young Church- DEBORAH (ROSS), C'77, are alive and C'73, have one child, Allison, age two Baton Rouge, Louisiana to begin private men's diocesan advisor. well and in Houston. They plan to make and a half, and were expecting another practice in OB-Gyn. it back to the Mountain for homecoming in May. in the fall. The Rt. Rev. Maurice M. "Ben" Benitez, T'58, H'73, of Houston, Texas is the new bishop of the Diocese of Texas, elected on the eighth ballot at a specially called meeting of the diocesan council at Christ Church Cathedral in Houston, Bishop Benitez has succeeded the Rt. Rev. J. Milton Richardson, who died in March. He was selected from a field of 16 nominees.

A graduate of the U. S-. Military Academy at West Point, he served six years in the Air Force before entering the School of Theology. He is firmly committed to church renewal and is recognized for his creative ministry at the Church of St. John the Divine, where he was rector at the time of his election. Ordained in 1959, he served Florida churches in Lake City, Jacksonville, and Ocala until 1968. He was rector of Christ Church in San Antonio from 1 968 to 1 974 when he became rector of St. John the Divine. He is a member of the national Executive Council

D.C. They are making their home in LISA TRIMBLE, C, took a commis- NANCY JANE LEE JONES, C, DEAN GILLESPIE, A'72, C, is ton, and Associates, Alexandria, Virginia. sion in the National Oceanic and married NORTON G. "CHIP" PRITCH- employed with Tomlinson Atmospheric Administration last October. forestry consulting firm in Cherokee, RALPH F. HOWE, JR., C, will enter ETT, C, in 1977. Chip is an account a General Theological Seminary in New In December she began her tour on the executive for Channel 27 in Lexington, Alabama. married York City this September. ship Fairweather, a hydrographic survey Kentucky, and Nancy teaches school and SUSAN HAINLIN, C, sails the waters in the Gonzalez June and will be DAVID JACKSON, C, and MARI- ship which Alaskan studies sculpture at the University of Alberto on 1, were married summer and the Hawaiian waters in the Kentucky. living in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. ANNE WILKERSON, C, winter. When not on ship she lives in ALLAN GORDON MATHIS, JR., C, JEFFREY CARTER LOWE, C, was on June 6. They are residing in Dallas, Southern Seattle. and CATHERINE MARY FOX, C'77, graduated June 6 from the Seminary in Louis- ANN JORDAN, C, and were married August 9 at Grace Church Baptist Theological REBECCA ville, Kentucky. CAMERON JOSEPH WELTON, C, 1980 in Alexandria, Virginia. ANDERSON "ANDY" were married June 21 at All Saints' MARIAN McCLURE, C, is traveling FRANK C, was married May 26, 1979 Chapel in Sewanee. ROBERT A. AYRES, C, and MAR- to Haiti this academic year to study the PHILIPS, Decatur, Georgia. C, married GARET ANNE BOWERS, C, were relationship between the administration to Jill Chancey of MARY FARRIS LYNCH, Graham-Naylor Agency, C'79, married August 2 in All Saints' Chapel in of economic development projects and He is working for CLARK WALKER STRAND, May Decatur, selling surety bonds and Pulaski, Tennessee. Sewanee. They are making their home rural social structure. The research is Inc. in 26 in insurance. in Santa Monica, California where they being funded by a Fulbright grant. When property and casualty KATHRYN MESSENGER, C, was M. SCHUPPERT, JR., C, married May 10 to THOMAS QUATTLE- are working with the social outreach it is completed, Marian will return to KENNETH year at Carolina. project of St. Augustine's Church. Harvard to write a Ph.D. dissertation in has just completed his second BAUM, C'75, in Charlotte, North year he C, MOLLY PENNINGTON, C, and political science, Cumberland Law School. This SANDRA LOUISE MITCHELL, DANIEL B. MYERS, C'78, were married ROBERT T. McPHERSON, C, has was co-author of a piece that appeared is planning to do graduate work in June 14 in the Church of Christ in joined the computer programming depart- in the American Journal of Trial Ad- religion this fall at Claremont. publication of which P. WHITEHEAD, C, joined ment (group systems division) of the vocacy, a law review ALLAN Trenton, Illinois. A substantial group of National Life and Accident Insurance he is the writing editor. the Navy in October of 1979 and was Sewanee friends were on hand, and some C, recently commissioned an ensign at Company in Nashville, Tennessee. PAMELA SMOTHERMAN, was took part in the service. The best man Pensacola, Florida. MATTHEW KERR NEWTON, C, is married to A. Gibert Kennedy in Sep- the Naval Air Station, was HOWELL HERRING, C'78; the currently employed by the Charter tember 1979 at Sewanee. They are both TIM and KATHLEEN (JACKS) groomsmen included JOHN BALL, C'78, Company and writes that "New York students at the University of Tennessee. WOLFF, C, are living in Tallahassee, and TOM WILKES, C'81, and the brides- an M.B.A. Florida. Tim is working as a computer City is a far cry from the woods around Pamela is working toward maids included LEE ANN SHIRLEY, State Florida. Sewanee." You know he's right; there which she will receive in December. programmer with the of C'79. The couple are making their home Kathy will enter Florida State Law School really isn't much to do in New York. ALEXANDRA "SUSAN" WILSON, in Manhattan, Kansas where Danny is an The Second Coming, the new novel C, has just graduated with honors from this fall. organist and choir director. by WALKER PERCY, H, is being highly the University of Texas Law School. acclaimed by the critics. Most of the Beginning in August she will be clerking 1979 action occurs in North Carolina, but there for a judge of the U.S. Fifth Circuit BAILEY, C, are allusions to Sewanee. Court of Appeals in Austin. MARY FERRISS married William Cubberley on July 8. JOE TOWSON, C, is working as a stockbroker with Smith, Barney, Harris 1978 ALLEN BRIDGFORTH, C, and W. C, were married and Upham. He and his wife SUSAN MARGARET FORT, Seminary in Blowing Rock, North (PENNELL), C'75, live in Spartanburg TIMOTHY K. BARGER, A'75, C, on August 9 and are very active in the Sewanee Club. graduated from Hendrix College with a Carolina. JAN ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, C'76, B.A. in 1978. JETT FISHER, JR., C, is attending 1933 was married to Robert Joseph Evridge NANCY BELL, C, married MICHAEL the University of Georgia this fall. July 26. They are residing in Knoxville, McALLISTER, C'77, in Shreveport, MARGARET LEE FLOWERS, C, THE REV. CANON S. Tennessee. Louisiana on July 5. married MICHAEL SCOTT FERGUSON, THOMAS RHODA BETHANY, C, married C, at All Saints' Chapel in Sewanee TISDALE, T, writes "Officially retired 1977 Donald K. Brechin of Birmingham, Ala- June 28. but serving as chaplain for five hospitals. This is bama on May 10. They both work at JAMES McCROREY HILL, C, is the a happy and fruitful ministry without vestries, meetings, committees, KATHRYN DEMPSTER, C, gradu- University Hospital in Birmingham. father of a boy, Darien McCrorey, six etcetera. It is considerably ated from the University of Tennessee PAT BOSWELL, C, will go the Uni- pounds, eleven ounces, born June 3 in easier minister- ing to horizontals rather than verticals." with a B.S. in business and then married versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sewanee. It is Jim and Ruth's first child. Stephen Hall in August of 1978. Pres- in the fall to work either in the M.P.A. or CATHERINE ELIZABETH "BETH" 1942 ently she is working in the marketing M.B.A. program. INGLE, C, of Lander, Wyoming married department of the First American Bank RAY BROWNE, C, is working as a Walter Whittier Cumming April 26. THE REV. TRACY H. LAMAR, JR., in Knoxville, Tennessee and expecting financial analyst for Bristol-Myers in Walter is the son of JOSEPH BRYAN T, has retired as rector of the Church of her first child in December. New York City. CUMMING, JR., C'47, and the brother of the Holy Cross in Tryon, North Carolina. DAVID FUNK, C, and his wife EDWARD D. COLHOUN, C, has ANNE B. CUMMING, C'78. He now lives in Saluda. LESLIE (APGAR), C'78, are living in returned to Winston-Salem, North Caro- W. SPERRY LEE, C, is the director

Norman, Oklahoma. David is a petroleum lina after two years in Gainesville, of tennis at the Glade Springs Resort in 1945 engineer with Long, Benton and Asso- Georgia where he taught school and did Daniels, West Virginia. Recently he won ciates tn Oklahoma City, and Leslie some coaching. He is planning to attend the men's singles title at the Southern THE REV. ERIC S. GREENWOOD, teaches French at George Lynn Cross graduate school in January at U.N.C. West Virginia Open. Academy. WILLIAM RISQUE HARPER, JR., LINDA MacDONALD, C, of Pensa- T, recently retired rector of Christ Church, Nashville, Tennessee, C, and MARGARET KNOWLES BONIN, cola, Florida is a service representative has been C'79, were married June 28 in Washing- for Manpower Temporary Services. made diocesan program coordinator and an honorary canon of the Cathedral Church of St. Mary. 1954. 1961 1969 Stuttgart, Arkansas to be vicar. He and his wife, MELINDA (KECK), C'78, THE RT. REV. CHRISTOPH KEL- THE REV. have WILBUR R. SCHUTZE, THE VERY REV. RODERIC LA- a year-old son, Allen LER, JR., T, H'67, II. bishop of the Diocese T, retired in September of 1979 and FAYETTE MURRAY III, T, is dean of of Arkansas since 1970, has been elected moved from Michigan to Nashville, Ten- St. Andrew's Cathedral in Jackson, 1980 to the board of trustees of Washington nessee. He says: "Enjoying the beautiful Mississippi. and Lee University. state and shorter, milder winters." THE REV. DOUGLAS J. TUCKER, THE REV. KONRAD KELLEY, JR., 1970 T, will be the assistant chaplain to the T, is vicar of St. James' Church, Austin, 1965 College during the 1980-81 Texas. academic THE REV. THADD RUDD, T, has year. He was ordained to the diaconate THE REV. PHILLIP C. resigned CATO, GST, as rector of Zion Church, on June 7 at Trinity Cathedral in Daven- 1957 was awarded an honorary Doctor of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. port, Iowa, his hometown. Doug served Divinity degree by St. Paul's College, as an assistant to the chaplain this DAVID G. JONES, C'53, T, owns Lawrenceville, Virginia, in May of 1980. 1976 summer and will continue to work closely a management consulting firm, Sentient with the athletic teams this year. He Systems, Inc. in Santa Cruz, California. 1966 THE REV. ROBERT R. McGEE, T, helped form chapters of the Fellowship FATHER WALTER B. PETERSON, is assistant to the rector of Christ Church, of Christian Athletes last has year in both T, been ordained a priest in the Raleigh, THE REV. MICHAEL T. FLYNN, T, North Carolina. the College and Academy. The Quad-City Antiochian Orthodox Church and is will be directing a 22-day tour THE REV. PADDY POUX, DM, Times in Davenport published a feature currently rector to the ofSt. Andrew the Apostle former rector Holy Land this fall. His wife. Sue, will of St. Luke's Church in about Doug just after his ordination, Orthodox Church, Eustis, Florida, a accompany him. They have four sons and New Orleans, has been named superin- tracing his career from super school-boy western-rite Orthodox parish. tendent live in El Monte, California where Michael of District Three for the Council athlete and college football player, on Aging. He will continue to reside through Air Force 1958 is vicar at Immanuel Episcopal Church. in and FBI service to THE REV. HOLLIS R. WILLIAMS, New Orleans. the seminary. Doug and his wife, Cheryl, have JR., T, rector of St. Philip's Church in three children. THE REV. WILL D. HENDERSON, 1978 Jackson, Mississippi for several years, has T, a priest at St John's Church, Roanoke, moved to Lake Charles, Louisiana to 1981 Virginia, ministers to the needs of the become headmaster of the Iveson B. THE REV. ALLEN L. BATES, T, aged and shut-ins. At 84, he comforts Noland Day School. after a year's service at St. Luke's Church, EDWARD BERRY HANSON, T, and them by letting them know, "I am one of North Little Rock, as the assistant rector, JOHN ROBERT THROOP, T, were is moving to St. Alban's Church in recently awarded Merit Fellowship Awards by the Episcopal Evangelical Education Society. Deaths

EDWARD E. MURREY, JR., A'32, ALFRED W. NEGLEY, A'43, an C'36, on March 6. He was vice-president active rancher and corporate executive of Security Federal Savings & Loan of San Antonio, Texas; August 12, in Association in Nashville, an officer in San Antonio. He was founder and chair- other business enterprises, and an active man of Texas Tex-Pack Express, presi- member for many years of the Sewanee dent of Texas Film Company and Valley Club of Nashville. Film Service, managing partner of Paisano Cattle Company, and sat on the boards JOHN S. VARLEY, C'40, of of several other corporations. Wheaton, Illinois, a retired bank officer; on August 3, at his home. The family CLINTON G. FURUHOLMEN, asks that any memorial gifts be made to A'45, of Manhattan, Montana, a mainte- the University. nance supervisor for Ideal Cement Com- pany for many years; on May 19, at STEPHEN BLAKE McINTOSH, C'43, his home. William S. Motse Donica Baugh-Smith chairman of the developmental psychol- ogy department at Western Carolina CHARLES L. JENNINGS, C'53, College in CuIIowhee, North Carolina assistant professor of English at Vanier JAMES L. KEMPER, A'17,of Mayo, MILTON H. BATES, C'33, of and former University trustee; on March College in Montreal, Florida; Quebec; on April 23. on December 16, 1979. Trussville, Alabama; on February 2. An 17. Professor Mcintosh received advanced An editor of the Purple at Sewanee, he owner and executive in finance firms degrees from Peabody College and the went on to do graduate work at Louisiana JOHN A. STEEL, JR., C'17, retired in Birmingham, Mr. Bates was also an University of Indiana and taught at Kent State University and the Universities of civil engineer; on May 14 in Knoxville, active civic leader for many years, being State, but he spent most of his very North Carolina and Pittsburgh. He taught at one time president of the East End active career at Western Carolina. at McGill University in Montreal before Chamber of Commerce. joining the faculty at Vanier. DR. HENRY W. PEARCE, SR., C'18, WILLIAM S. MOISE, C'43, of a practicing physician in Orange, Texas JOHN A. ADAIR, A'30, C'34, Hancock, Maine, whose paintings hang THE REV. H. BRUCE SHEPHERD, for almost his entire career; on August 12 president and chairman of the board n many galleries and private collections JR., GST'56, chaplain 1979. at Duke University of the Exchange National Bank and n the U.S. and abroad; on August 6, since 1965 and former rector of St. Trust Company in Atchison, Kansas; in Hancock. A cum laude Sewanee gradu- Matthew's Church in Bogalusa, Louisiana; RALPH H. McBRIDE, C'29, of on July 23 in Atchison. In addition to ate, he did advanced work in fine arts at in October 1979, Dallas, Texas, an independent oil opera- his widow, he is survived by two alumni the Cooper Union Art School in New tor; on April 18, in Dallas. sons, JOHN A., JR., A'60, and PAUL H., York City and the Teachers College THE REV. HARRY W. THOMPSON, C'67. of Columbia University. He taught for T'60, on March 31, in Bakersfield, Cali- THE REV. GEORGE W. GOODSON, several years before settling permanently fornia. He was a former associate priest T'31, retired rector of Grace Church in HOWARD J. SEARS, C35, of in Hancock. He was widely known and of the Church of the Good Weslaco, Shepherd in Texas; on February 9, in Wes- Chattanooga, retired county manager respected as an abstract expressionist, Augusta, Georgia, a former assistant 'aco. After his ordination in 1932, he of Hall County, Georgia; on May 28, in and he also published a book about art professor of psychology at Augusta Col- served several rural missions in Tennessee. Chattanooga. He had also been manager in 1970. The major part of his collec- lege, and a licensed marriage counselor. He became rector of Grace Church in of Charleston County, South Carolina, tion was purchased by Joe Levine and 1944 where he remained until his retire- Glenn County, Georgia, and Hamilton the Avco Company in 1971, Mr. Moise DONICA L. BAUGH-SMITH, C'76, ment in 1975. The survivors include his County, Tennessee. He had practiced helped operate an inn, which also served formerly of San Antonio, Texas; on June son, THE REV. MERCER LOGAN law in Chattanooga and had been a as a gallery for his work. 29 as the result of an auto accident in GOODSON, A'48, C'52. special agent for the FBI during World Nashville, Tennessee, where she was a War II before entering county govern- restaurant employee. STUART A. MITCHELL, C'31, of ment. He was a Phi Beta Kappa Sewanee Mountain View, California; on February Mrs. Lee (Ethel) Porter, assistant University registrar; on August 15.

FRANK P. MATTHEWS, C'32, of Tegucigalpa, Honduras; on June 26. g CD

1 CD

TheSewanee N^\s 77ie University of the South / Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 (ISSN 0037-3044)


1 News 3 College 4 Dean Patterson Interview 5 Academy 6 Theology 7 Gift List 23 College Sports 24 Alumni Affairs 26 Class Notes 31 Deaths . TheSewanee News DECEMBER 1980

Kenan Grant McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, the Jour- To Sewanee nal of Parasitology, and the Journal of the Tennessee Academy of The University of the South has Sciences, He has authored a chapter been named the recipient of a in a famous reference work, Fresh- $750,000 William R. Kenan Pro- Water Biology by Ward and Whipple. fessorship and has chosen one of Yet he once expressed his its own most distinguished profes- appreciation for the low-pressure sors, Harry C. Yeatman, to be the atmosphere of Sewanee by saying, first Kenan Professor at Sewanee. "A scientist or other scholar works The announcement was made best from inner drives and not from by Vice-Chancellor Robert M. a 'publish or perjsh' whip." Ayres, Jr. at the Founders' Day His other research, done from convocation on October 13. Mr. the joy of investigation and dis- Ayres spoke of the great pleasure covery, has involved such diverse in sharing the news with the Uni- topics as ornithology, mammalogy, versity family. The grant is not only herpetology, archeology, protozo- a significant addition to the perma- ology, and parasitology. He is a nent endowment but represents member of the scientific advisory recognition of Sewanee's worth by committee of the Tennessee Field a most prominent foundation. Office of the Nature Conservancy. The trustees of the William R. He was an invited participant in a Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, in their 1960 scientific expedition, spon- recent report, stated that "the sored by Woods Hole Oceanographic largest proportion of grants. . . has Institute, which covered much of been designed to enhance the the Atlantic Ocean. In 1972 he was quality and effectiveness of teach- tapped for honors in Outstanding ing and the teacher-student rela- Educators of America. tionship at the undergraduate level Professor Yeatman is a native through direct grants to privately of Ash wood, Tennessee near Colum- supported, well-established univer- bia. Leonidas Polk, a principal his sities and colleges in the United founder of the University, was States which are highly regarded great-great-uncle academically." He received his A.B., M.A., and Kenan Professorships have been Ph.D. degrees in zoology at the created at such institutions as University of North Carolina, where Amherst, Brown, Dartmouth, Duke, he also taught before coming to Sewanee. He is a member of Phi Harvard, and Stanford. Virtually all Rawlston, Newt-Free Press Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Omicron the endowed grants have ranged Harry C. Yeatman Delta Kappa, and Blue Key honor in size from $500,000 to $750,000. societies a Fellow of the Ameri- Mr. Ayres noted that Professor and cies which he discovered and can Association for the Advance- Yeatman meets particularly well identified has been for him. named ment of Science. He is a charter the criteria for the Foundation's Yeatman Is His students include more than member of the Society of System- desire to support a scholar-teacher the Sewanee undergraduates of his atic Zoology and of the Society of of distinction. Woods Lab classes. Young scientists William Rand Kenan, Jr., the Limnology and Oceanography, and First Kenan from as far away as Thailand, Fiji, man for whom the professorship is a member of half a dozen other Samoa, and Africa have written is named, was concerned throughout scientific societies. for his advice and consultation. his life with the advancement of The appointment of Harry Clay In awarding Sewanee the Among them are Sewanee graduates education. Even though he became Yeatman as the University's first $750,000 grant, the Kenan trustees who have realized an almost unex- one of America's most prominent Kenan Professor was hardly a sur- stated : "Of great importance is our pected value to science in the special encourage industrialists, he began his career prise to his colleagues and students. wish to support and a knowledge of the personable pro- enthusiasm as a country school teacher. He is appreciated and loved by all scholar-teacher whose fessor. learning, commitment to teach- In his will, which left most of for his attitude toward his calling— for Professor Yeatman's published sincere personal interest his million estate to endow a teacher first and foremost. Yet ing, and $100 research has been receiving greater students will broaden the learning the Kenan Trust, he wrote: "I over his thirty-year career at Sewa- in attention in recent years because of effective con- have firmly that nee, he has distinguished himself process and make an always believed a the discovery that copepods and tribution to that college's under- good education is most cherish- as a scientist far beyond the confines the their parasites may hold the key to ed of his classroom. graduate community." gift an individual can receive, the defeat of some of the dreaded, and His work in both freshwater The Kenan Professorship is it is my sincere hope that (the of tropical debilitating diseases ultimate recognition Kenan sub- and marine biology has made him a practically an Trust) will result in a countries. He has been called upon world authority on copepods, the for so fine a professor as Harry C. stantial benefit to mankind." to identify copepods for the Re- almost microscopic relatives of Yeatman. A native of Wilmington, North search Unit on Vector Pathology Carolina, Mr. Kenan earned a B.S. lobsters and shrimp and the indis- of the World Health Organization. pensable inhabitants at the base He has published many articles of the food chain. copepod spe- Continued on page 31 A in publications that include the News

contemporary art, both paintings and sculpture as well as other forms. Fire Siren The first show will be paintings on unprimed canvas by Carolyn Gold- Smith of St. Andrews. Following Winds Down will be a "Lucky 13" exhibition of work by thirteen selected students in all media. The Sewanee fire siren has been The gallery is silenced. It has been replaced by the project of Marianne Exum, modem technology in the form of a College junior from Reidsville, belt "beepers" of the kind worn North Carolina who is majoring in art history by doctors. The siren, while it and psychology. She is a will be still be tested each Saturday on work-study project under at noon, will no longer blare out sculpture professor informing the whole town of Ron Jones to turn the old refrigera- tor emergencies. Mid-day fire alarms room of the building into a gallery, will cause student firemen to and her jobs have included painting scramble more quietly from classes. the room and installing the lighting. Midnight fires will no longer awaken scores of Sewanee resi- Though the new gallery is loca- dents with the siren's alarming ted away from the main campus, it note, causing the police switch- is on the way to Lake Cheston and board to be jammed with calls is near the football and soccer fields. for information. The art department hopes to make Among many disadvantages to it a recognized stop for art lovers the old siren, no transmitting could in the area. be done by the police dispatcher for the three-minute duration of the blast. In addition, no informa- tion about the location and severity Symposium of the emergency could be given before firemen arrived at the sta- tion. With the new equipment, in April a voice message automatically fol- lows the beep; beepers can also be Cap and Gown The second annual Sewanee Eco- used to listen to the police/fire Sewanee fire siren nomics Symposium will be held frequency by turning a switch. silenced April 2-4. Other advantages of the new The theme will be "Continuity alarms—installed at a cost of Breslin Tower announced a fire. new system, he concludes with the Versus Change in Southern Eco- around $7,000—they can be heard Back then, the firefighters included beeper's one disadvantage—he has nomic Development: A Multidis- anywhere on campus (strange as it every college man who responded found no place to carry one with a ciplinary Perspective." may seem, there were places the to the call. Townspeople also re- three-piece suit. Marvin Goodstein, the sym- siren could not be heard); and sponded and stood by to cheer the posium director, said: "Our over- they work even in power failures- courageous men to victory. Fires all objective will be to examine the there is a back-up encoder in the were community events, adding to inter-relationships between eco- fire engine. Sewanee's atmosphere and the Colloquium nomic development and the When the fire department was prestige of the firemen. insti- tutional and ideological character- active in the 1920s the bells atop Student firefighters today The eighth annual Sewanee Mediae- istics of the South." (the department has also included val Colloquium will be held April 10-11. Among the speakers will be women in its ranks) go through William Parker, a Yale University rigorous testing to get in and The colloquium will honor the economic historian; William weekly training to develop their life and work of Eugene Vinaver. Havard, Mrs. Jr., a political scientist at Vander- TheSewanee News skills. Today there is also a com- Vinaver, the wife of the late bilt University; Lewis munity division, formed so the author and professor of French and Simpson, editor of Southern Review, town will have fire protection dur- Mediaeval literature, will be the and Latham W. Davis, Editor Patricia Beaver, director ing vacations when the students are guest of honor. of the Beeler Brush, C'68, Alumni Director Center for Appalachian Studies. Gale Link, Art Director gone. It is a volunteer fire depart- The principal lecturers will be Jean Taliec, Editorial Assistant ment, with the students who serve D. W. Robertson, Jr. of Princeton The public is invited, and Uni- getting free room at the college. University and Walter Ullman of versity alumni are especially wel- Student fire chief Erling Riis Trinity College, Cambridge. come. Further information may be is pleased with the way the beepers The colloquium will have the obtained by writing Professor Good- theme stein in care Published quarterly by the Office of work, though he dislikes being "Mediaeval Monarchy: Ideal of the University. Information Services for the "married" to his and thinks they and Reality" and is being directed by UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH take away from the prestige of the Edward King, professor of history. Including SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, firemen. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Music Center SEWANEE ACADEMY Dr. Timothy Keith-Lucas, asso-^ ciate professor of psychology, is A gala twenty-fifth j New Gallery anniversary sea- Free Distribution 24,000 university fire service training son of the Sewanee Summer Music Second-class postage paid at officer and chief engineer of the A new art gallery for Sewanee will Center is being Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 planned for next community division. He is in charge open in December at the old Uni- summer. of equipment, versity dairy, and masterminded now the sculpture The five-week program will Cover: Students in the Oxford pro- the switch studio. Called to the beepers. After "The Alternative begin June 20. Preparations are gram found Edinburgh Castle an naming all the advantages of the Space at Sewanee," it will have being made by Martha McCrory, exciting stop in their summer travels. shows of non-conventional forms of the SSMC director fot its entire life. by January 1. He said the University can order and receive the duPont shelving all the University Archives is currently seeking collection a further grant in time to move the books during in one place," said Watson. of about $225,000, mainly to pur- A stair- the summer vacation."' He said way will connect the new Archives chase 300 sections of stacks to the move would open up space for with the Rare Books Room. accommodate the St. Luke's Li- the theology Third Floor library, currently When the seminary brary, which will be library is moved from about 70,000 volumes, to grow for moved, it will its present location be merged with the Construction has in St. Luke's the next fifty years, begun on a at the present duPont collection Hall. He said the shelves in the 100's and $300,000-phase of finishing there rate of expansion. the Provision is 200's in the Dewey cannot be moved because they are decimal classifi- third floor of the Jessie Ball duPont also being made in the project for cation. The St. Luke's coUection tiered stacks; that is, they are an easy expansion Library at the University, planned of the Archives in the remaining integral part of the building and subject areas will for library expansion when the when it outgrows its new space. be are "holding merged with the appropriate up the floors." "This will building was built in 1965. be the first time ever portions of the "We hope to get the grant by present duPont The present construction will that we have been able to organize coUection. January," said Watson, provide a new 3,300-square-foot "so we University Archives, more than three times the size of the present Special Collections area currently housing both rare books and archives. The new archives provides stor- age space adequate for ten to fifteen years' growth in the archives col- lection, along with an archivist's office and separate reading and exhibit room. The new archives also includes its own separate cool- ing, heating and dehumidifying system in order to maintain proper climate control required by archival collections. The present Special Collections area on the second floor will be remodeled and given over entirely to the University's rare book collec- tion. The construction was made possible by grants from the "Pew Memorial Trust, the Booth Ferris Foundation, and the U.S. Steel Foundation. Librarian Tom Watson said he expects the archives and a section University librarian Tom Watson, right, and associate librarian Ed of new faculty carrels to be finished Camp check plans in the midst of duPont third floor construction.

Sewanee Summer Seminar July 12-18, 1981

join with people of varying Letters backgrounds for a relaxing, thought-filled week on the beautiful Sewanee campus.

/ write to you concerning an article It can be quite easy to confuse that appeared in the Sewanee News, the terminology that exists among lectures, discussions the September edition. The article the various denominations. There

concerned the new dean, the Rev. is, though, a big theological differ- W. Brown Patterson. ence between a minister and a literature In paragraph four, the Rev. Mr. priest. Hence, I believe you should politics Patterson is referred to as an "or- be aware of how use of the term is bonuses fine arts dained Episcopal Minister." The put into effect. biology concerts Episcopal Church, according to Keep up the excellent work as history what it teaches, does not have editor of the paper. fi | ms ministers who are ordained as like golf our Protestant brethren. We do The Rev. John R. T77 swimming Neff, have lay ministers, those who are New Brighton, Pennsylvania complete day care program not ordained. But ordained people for younger children fall into three classes: Bishop, Priest, Deacon. It has been this way for the last 1,400 years. Mr. Patter- tuition $225 tuition/room/board»$140 dependents»$95 only son is an ordained Episcopal priest $50 deposit according to the ordinal found on page 524 of the Book of Common Write Dr. Edwin Stirling, University of the South, Prayer. Sewanee, Tn. 37375 College

employers to serve as a staff resource New Slant for the most current job market and new opportunities deserving exploration. Also, by the summer on Careers of 1981, the staff would like to see a summer externship program instituted. Four hundred and The office of Career Services at seventy-one underclassmen have Sewanee has undergone major registered with the office expressing changes in both personnel and an interest in participating in such operations during the last few a program in a field of interest months. to them. Charles B. Roberts, as director To aid the office in their new of financial aid and career services, programs, please fill out the follow- oversees the entire operation. ing form and send it to Barbara Hall Barbara F. Hall, appointed in July in Career Services. as assistant director of financial aid and career services, has responsi- bilities in the area of financial aid and has been charged with "direct Purple Stays ." operation. . . John Bratton also came into the office in July as the full-time career services associate, responsible for the day-to-day Keyed Up operations of career services. The office, with strong backing The Sewanee Purple has gone by the administration of the Uni- through its annual metamorphosis. versity, is operating the on premise It's now a bi-weekly rather than a that as students at Sewanee increase weekly or monthly, published on their knowledge, wisdom and under- newsprint rather than slick coated standing through a high quality paper, and the staff seems to be liberal arts education, it is the duty larger. Purple people are everywhere. of the University to afford them Yet has the Purple really the opportunity of translating their changed? intellectual attainments into mar- The Purple staff, as if cultiva- machine (the current counterpart ketable knowledge and skills to ing. She has been a "stringer" for ting a fever, slaves to the last mo- of the old hot type linotypes of the take into the "working world." ment the Chattanooga News-Free Press of the deadline. . . and be- University Press). Mild profanity With this in mind, the office has and a darn good one. Though yond. . . to the wee hours of the (though it is) is reserved for mis- nothing, it already begun to implement chan- night and morning. seems, could prepare her placed headlines and jumbled ges. All students—seniors and under- for the Purple, she brings profession- Were you on the Purple staff? galley proofs. alism to classmen—have been given the Do you remember the job. it? Nevertheless, a new editor opportunity of registering was "There has been with the Too harried and a tendency in exhausted to found to sacrifice grades and office. Individual counseling on the past for the staff to take the worry about split infinitives or health. business and graduate school oppor- Purple too seriously," she palm prints on photographs, the said. Her name is Judy O'Brien. She tunities has been increased. "We're trying to do as well as A staff turns its attention to such we has a background in newspaper- career services column appears in can, but if something goes wrong, things as malfunctions in the IBM each issue of the Purple informing we just do better next time." students of current trends in busi- Judy is pleased with the advent ness and graduate school admissions, Career Service Information of some good new writers to go recruiters who will be on campus with the experienced hands like and other pertinent information. Andy Kegley, last year's Purple Workshops on resume writing and editor. A few of the editors are interviewing skills have been sched- freshmen and sophomores. uled at regular intervals throughout "I was intimidated by the Pur- the academic year. The career ple my first year or two," said Judy, services library is being updated and "but we're encouraging stu- expanded to better serve Sewanee Occupation dents to write and work on the students in their quests for the staff." right employment or graduate Employer As for editorial policy, the school. Because the choice of a Purple covers the waterfront—sports, career does not "just happen," Telephone contact may be made weekdays during the following academics, and the extracurricular various career planning courses and hours at gallimaufry. Let the reader beware. workshops are being researched for Big stories this fall have included a possible implementation at Sewa- "quickie" feature on party week- nee during the second semester. end as it might appear from the -would not be interested in exploring the The establishment of a greater, possibilities floor of a fraternity house; a non- of employing a Sewanee student for the summer as an more effective expose network of alumni, introduction for him/her to the field of_ on a Monteagle massage parents and friends who are willing parlor (Clara, we need you); plenty to assist our students in their choice of essays on the national -would not be interested in having Sewa- election, of a career is being sought. nee and an intriguing, Initially, graduates who wish to locate in my geographic area notify me in-depth feature the office is seeking to establish for possible referrals. on the Sewanee Review, so in depth an advisory board composed of stu- that most of it had to be printed in dents, faculty, alumni, parents and eight-point rather than the usual would not be interested in serving on a Career Services advisory board ten-point type. Theology

Lectures on Mission

The Rt., Rev. Stephen Neill, noted missionary and church historian, will be the guest speaker for the annual Samuel Marshall Beattie Lectures February 3-4 at the School of Theology. The former bishop of the Church of South India, which he helped establish, Bishop Neill cur- rently resides in Oxford, England. His topic will be "The Mission of the Church" in a series of lec- tures over two days. Bishop Neill began his career as a teacher in Germany, and later served as a missionary in India. He has since written several books about the history and theology of the Anglican Church. The chairman of the lectures committee is the Rev. Peter Igarashi, The audience begins to assemble in Grosvenor Lounge for one of the professor of New Testament DuBose Lectures by the Rev. James F. Hopewell. The general subject theology. was the parish ministry. One participant described the lectures as "heavy but most enlightening." The lectures coincided with Saint Luke's Convocation and the annual alumni meetings. Wider Appeal group will have a "facilitator" who about $10 to $15 a module de- Faculty Notes has at least two years of study pending upon the training of the for TEE through EFM. facilitator. As with EFM, there are reading Interest among the parishes is The Rev. John M. Gessell, professor materials, which provide the back- high. Mr. Killen said the initiation of Christian ethics and editor of Bairnwick is expanding. ground for group sessions. The of the program provides an oppor- St. Luke's Journal, has been elected No, the famous old stone Sewa- reading materials include an intro- tunity for church members to get chairman of the National Executive nee house-is not getting an addition, ductory and eight topical involved in a Lenten program for Committee of the Episcopal Peace program (TEE), module but the extension Fellowship. Also Professor Gessell modules, each of which may be their parish. Interested persons may so closely associated with Bairn- used independently and take about write to Bairnwick Center in spent part of the summer in Flor- wick, is getting one. ence, Italy as a supply minister at six weeks to complete. The cost is Sewanee. addition is Christian Aware- The St. James' Church, the American ness is to complement Lathun DtvU and meant church in Florence. the very successful Education for Ministry (EFM). Christian Aware- The Very Rev. Urban T. Holmes, ness is an adult course in religious dean of the School of Theology, education rather than theological will be on sabbatical leave beginning or seminary education, and is January 1. During his leave he will aimed at the lay person who may be serving as Theologian in Resi- not be ready for the commitment dence at Kanuga, the Episcopal required by EFM. retreat center in North Carolina. David P. Killen, executive direc- While at Kanuga he will be working tor of the Bairnwick Center, said with spirituality for the clergy. Christian Awareness is meant to fall After leaving Kanuga he will spend between the nurturing of faith on the months of June and July teach- the one hand and theological ing at Lincoln Theological College analysis on the other. It is meant in Lincolnshire, England. to arouse interest and make students aware of the implications of their The Rev. Dr. Donald Armentrout, Christian faith in their lives. professor of church history in the "Often the college educated School of Theology, will be on person to explain his Chris- tries sabbatical leave from January 1 tian faith on the basis of childhood until June 1. He and his family will religious education," Mr. Killen the Alumni Council of the School of Theology turn Members of be away from Sewanee during that said. "This is the kind of person we their attention to Peyton Craighill, assistant dean (back to camera), time. He will be working and re- want Christian Aware- during a meeting in October. Clockwise after Mr. Craighill are Edwin to reach with searching baptism in American " ness. Coleman, Leo Frade, Richard Bridgford (partially hidden), Carl church history. Dr. Armentrout course is a parish- Hendrickson, Robert Abstein, Dean Urban T. Holmes, John Janeway, The new plans to use this study as the foun- Trimble, and Gedge based group program, and each , Walker, William S. Brettmann, William Jeffrey dation for a volume on the subject. Gayle. Academy

Byron, whose favorite subject The son of a retired Navy com- pool of under-utilized labor—its is English, is president of the Cum mander, Chitty Changing has lived in such faculty and students. Five minutes Laude Honor Society and received far-away places as Hawaii, Iceland, was cut from several between-class the M. F. Jackson Medal for schol- and California, as well as Washing- periods, and the school day started arship his junior year. He is a mem- ton, D. C. His parents are Mr. and fifteen minutes earlier, gaining half the ber of the varsity soccer team. Mrs. Calendar Charles M. Chitty, Jr. of an hour in the day for the cleanup Beaufort. work. "Less is more" according to Sewa- Byron's academic standing has Mr. Welles said the results have nee Academy innovations this year. allowed him to take courses in the been not only an improved campus Students will be spending less College both time last year and this year. appearance, but increased pride and in Sewanee the by calendar, though decreased littering on the part of there will be the same number of the students. Now the professional academic days and credit hours. staff can concentrate on the heavy Thanksgiving vacation was elim- Students work—students are not allowed to inated and Christmas and spring use dangerous machinery in their vacations lengthened, were and the jobs. "The custodians had time to Master-Students Pitch term, though cher- In wash the windows in Cravens Hall ished by many, is a thing of the past for the first time since I've been The Sewanee Academy is cleaning this year, a victim of heating bills here," said Welles. and its up its act. Students are pitching in own success—it took up too Coordinating the program with much extra time and energy to with mopping, waxing, washing the maintenance department is organize. blackboards, and picking up litter physics instructor John Wendling, Headmaster Roderick Welles on the campus in a "Self-Help" who has been named school engin- said the goals of the changes are program that started this fall after to eer. Wendling and a representative conserve energy, both human and three years of preparation. of Southern Products Corporation, material; to create a healthier Headmaster Roderick Welles a distributor of custodial equip- balance among academic, non- said that in the last fifteen years ment, went through the school academic, and leisure time activities; the school's maintenance and custo- "inch by inch," doing each job and to provide the most service for dial staff was cut from twelve full- themselves to see how long it took. the educational dollar. time people to five, while the school They multiplied by one and a half The opening and closing dates added two large buildings to its to allow for lesser motivation on of the school are approximately the physical plant. In light of the the students' part—though some same, but the actual time spent in well-known fact that finances are teachers say their students arrive Sewanee will be less by fifteen days. increasingly difficult for private early and rush the job through in Classes will be held on nine Satur- Neale Parkinson, A'81, educational institutions, the Acad- of Stone record time in order not to impinge days during the year. Mountain, Georgia pushes emy decided to bring in a large a mop in on their leisure time. Mr. Welles said the abolition of the Academy self-help program. Each teacher is in charge of a the short Thanksgiving holiday cleaning crew. James R. Miller, will save parents travel costs and history teacher, coordinates the also save energy in a peak travel work force. Equipment is laid but period. He also expects the lack of by the janitors, and students spend a break at that time to have a good the twenty minutes at the end effect on academic performance of classes for the day doing their on the mid-year exams. The Christ- appointed jobs, which are to be mas vacation will be nine days rotated among everyone. Only longer and the spring vacation half the students are working in will be longer by four days. any given month. He said that despite many The cleanup jobs are treated as virtues, the interim term was not required appointments, with an universally understood or support- absence treated as a disciplinary ed by the Academy's constituency. matter for the dean of students. In addition some projects had extra Among other long-neglected jobs, costs that made them prohibitive for some students. the students assigned to Quintard Hall are getting rid of several years' accumulation of dirt in the rug— "when they first started sweeping,

no one could stay on the floor—it Latest Merit was like a dust storm."

Welles said the program is Byron Rhoads Chitty, a four-year working "rather well," though he boarding student from Beaufort, Four Sewanee Academy cited a few examples where im- South Carolina, is a semifinalist in students who spent last year studying in provement is needed, foreign countries such as assign- the National Merit Scholarship compare notes on geography after their return. ing day students to parts of Left to right, Emily and the Program and thus is the latest Charles Puckette and Rebecca and in a Suzanne campus they use instead of Flynn locate the Iuory to long line of Merit scholars from the Coast, where the Puckettes spent the year with dormitories. Academy. their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Puckette, and where Dr Puckette taught during He is one of 15,000 students his sabbatical from the University The Flynns, daughters competing for the 1981 Merit of Dr. and Mrs. John Flynn, spent the past year m Brussels, Belgium Scholarships—a group that consists where Dr. Flynn was doing research. Dr Flynn is an associate professor of history of less than half of one percent of at the University and Dr Puckette is a professor of mathematics. All the nation's graduating seniors. four students took their classes in French while away from Sewanee. Bill Royer Remembered

The following story about William B. Royer, A'49, is taken from a story published this fall in the Houston Chronicle.

The sister of William B. Royer, one of the fifty-two American hostages in Iran, has received a letter from her brother describing the dreary day-to-day existence for the hostages. Mrs. Darrell W. Stevens of Katy says she received the hand-printed letter last week from her brother. Royer, 48, is the son of Dorothy Royer of 2806 Plumb in West Johanna Granville, center, is flanked by teammates prior to the University Place. He was a teacher start of a cross country meet this season. employed by the U.S. International Communication Agency in the Royer said he and the other He said dinner—' 'usually soup"- Iranian-American Society Cultural Volleyball hostages "arise leisurely at 9 ajn. comes shortly after 9 p.m. Then, volleyball squad put Affairs Center, when the U.S. The Academy breakfast" and take he said, the hostages are left with Embassy was taken over on No- for continental together a truly outstanding season, turns being led blindfolded to the little to do. closing with a 17-6 record and vember 4. out toilet. On rare occasions, the hostages berth in the region toumey. The letter, written on heavy a After breakfast, he said, the have been shown television movies against much larger typewriter-style paper, was the first Competing hostages are returned to their such as Laurel and Hardy features, word Royer's family had received schools most of the season, this "pallets for additional rest." Royer wrote. He said the evening of young women was runner- from him since Easter, when they squad He said lunch comes about 1:30 hours sometimes are spent listening up in the district to Franklin got a brief message relayed through p.m. and afterward, "the main to student demonstrations "outside County, their nemesis throughout the Red Cross. social events tick off like a country our building." the fall. The letter began: He said his day usually ends attributable "Dear Marianne, A miracle fair." The fine season is He said the hostages play card about 2 a.m., when he is "tired to the work and planning of Coach recently occurred. In two days I games such as solitaire and hearts, enough to go to sleep." received more letters from my Donna Wallace extending back to and read books, of which he said Mrs. Stevens said the letter was mother than in the previous six last season and before. are few good ones left. the first she has received directly months." there The team's captain, Irene Royer wrote that the hostages from her brother. The last letter Royer said that since "day 136" Finney of Chapel Hill, North Caro- are allowed to exercise, such as Mrs. Royer received from her son All-Region (in mid-March) he has been in a lina, was named to the running in place, but that he waits was on January 8. small room with two other hostages. Team and was named the most for his shower days to exercise. district. Julia He said, however, that he had only valuable player in the He said he has "special dispensa- recently been allowed to talk with Cart of Charleston, South Carolina tion" to shower three times a week and Alicia Wendling of Sewanee his roommates. Great Year two times "We obviously thought things instead of the normal were named to the All-District might be winding down," Royer because of a rash. Team also. she has never wrote. "Instead we got the Iran Mrs. Stevens said have a rash in Sports around." Mrs. Stevens said the pun known her brother to Cross Country of humor. of any kind. Johanna Granville of Tampa, Florida is typical of Royer's sense Soccer was the top runner on the women's The Academy soccer team came in cross country team that finished like lambs this year and went out fifth in the twenty-two-team Mid- like Tigers, winning the Mid-State State Conference. District Championship before Johanna, who was team cap- hosting the State Tournament in tain, took fifth place in the region which they finished second. championships and tenth in the The core of last season's team— conference. Her best time over a the team that won the state and two-mile course was twelve minutes, Dixie Conference titles—was mostly thirty-six seconds. lost to graduation. During the regular season, Payne Coach Phil White worked some Breazeale's Academy team ran no of his magic once again, and the worse than second in any meet Tigers posted a 5-2-1 record in the and was first three times. The com- regular season. petition often included large publ c Led by their captains, Forrest high schools. Weatherly of Anniston, Alabama The best news of all may be and Tom Cross of Sewanee, the that the entire team, including Tigers defeated such nearby rivals Johanna, is expected to return next as Saint Andrews and Webb, fall. The members include Lisa struggling only against some of Meeks, Lisa McCrady, Rebecca the larger opponents from Chatta- Flynn, Emily Patterson, Emily nooga. Then they knocked off Looney, Trisha Miller, Tracy Spaul- Hixson 3-1 for the mid-state title, Jamie Perkins Jasper, Texas and Cheryl King of Scottsboro, ding, and Sandy Lossmann. of with Frank Wendling getting a pair Alabama, students at Sewanee Academy, look over the signatures of early goals. Goalie BUI Thrower schoolmates on the oversize card sent to Academy alumnus of had twelve saves in that game. William B. Royer, who is one of the hostages in Iran. A World of Classrooms

Aside from its basic College curriculum, Sewanee has developed in recent years some significant opportunities for students which take them away from the Mountain. On these pages are several short features about these off-campus programs.

European Institute

Becoming a "well-rounded person" is a basic requirement for gradua- tion at Sewanee, and for many stu- dents, this includes experience abroad. One of the finer European study programs open to Sewanee students is the Institute of European

Studies (IES), of which Sewanee is one of thirty-six select affiliated universities. The institute, well En route to y known for the academic excellence Oxford this summer, Mary B. Cox, C 81, and Cacky ,

, Sullivan, C 82, enjoy a ride on the Thames. of its programs, has seven centers for study scattered throughout England, France, Spain, Germany, and Austria. Perhaps the most educational Oak Ridge spring at Oak Ridge working in the (Students need not be limited aspect of the IES program is trainee- Fusion Energy Division of the to IES cities. Some spend a junior ships, which give a student on-the- Semester National Laboratory. Given a year or semester abroad by con- job experience in such fields as choice of several areas of study, tacting universities directly. The business, government, international Andy chose to write computer pro- Of particular value to a liberal arts faculty liaison in these cases is affairs, economics, and teaching. grams and plan interfaces for undergraduate is an opportunity James Davidheiser, associate pro- Often providing academic credit, experiments that could not be to do some specialized study and fessor of German, who also is the these internships are arranged by performed manually. The problems research in a favorite field. When advisor in the EES program.) the center's program director, concerned research on the control who that study is done in one of the As one might expect, Sewanee is usually of fusion energy. a native of the area. most advanced scientific students mostly laboratories seem to prefer the Lindsay Coates, a College "Working at Oak Ridge not senior, in the world, the experience be- English centers, although admission only gave an opportunity held a particularly enviable trainee- comes invaluable. me to there is much more competitive. ship during her stay at view scientific research in a very the IES cen- Such is the opportunity Of the seven Sewanee students Sewa- ter in London. She a research sophisticated laboratory, it allowed was nee students have in the Oak Ridge sent abroad last year by the IES, me to meet some interesting assistant for the junior Spokesman Science Semester. five studied at centers in England. for Defense in the British Parlia- people," said Andy. "I also talked Initiated in the early 1970s, the Students may spend either a with people from I ment. The job not only provided study program schools where semester under the Southern or an entire year at most her am considering doing graduate with first-hand experience with College University Union has been centers, though some such as Lon- British politics, but a trip to Paris work." taking three to six Sewanee stu- don have only one-semester As a result of his work last as well for a week-long Western dents a year. programs. European Conference. spring, Andy was one of a selected Most participating students are The IES centers provide courses group of students who entered the Although the Institute expects juniors and seniors majoring taught in by European professors, a high level of perform- summer Research Participation Pro- academic biology, chemistry, physics, engin- many of whom have visited the gram at Oak Ridge. The summer ance, it balances classroom learning eering, mathematics, and economics, United States and are familiar with with practical experience. program is sponsored by the U.S. Many though students majoring in social the differences and difficulties an students participate in field studies, Department of Energy, as is the science disciplines may also be American student might encounter Science Semester. which augment concurrent class- eligible. in Europe. A student may also take room work, Far from a semester of obser- or in recreational group Andy Arbuckle, a senior from courses at the hosting university outings during extended vacations. vation and note-taking, the Oak Columbia, Tennessee, spent last if he chooses. Of course, there are plenty of Ridge Semester requires of its stu- The IES considers housing an individual trips as well, depending dents a schedule of work and pre- important factor in integrating the on the structure of the particular determined goals. student into the community and IES center. "It's no piece of cake," said arranges housing at as many of its Most returning Sewaeee students one research assistant. "It's a centers as possible. Accommoda- feel their time in Europe was full 40-hour-plus work week." tions do vary, however. One Sewa- worthwhile and challenging. Lind- The students receive hands-on nee co-ed recalls sharing a London say observed that "going away experience and academic credit flat with four other girls, whereas from Sewanee was valuable. I learned as well. The Oak Ridge Semester- another helped with the regular I could do well outside a very including research participation, household duties of her hosting secure environment. It can be pain- one resident course (or independent French family. ful, but you grow a lot." study course), and the seminar —Terrie Sutton, C'82 series—is considered equal to one full term's work, or a of 16 semester hours. Barbara Walton, an employee taught by TV—was amazed that eyebrows the by ordering a pint of beer in Environmental Science a professor could even be like that." (it isn't ladylike to order Division who was an advisor to a pint; Several of the students from you're supposed to order a half, Sewanee's Ed Maggart in 1979, larger universities seemed to feel pint). explained the rewards to both that Sewanee retains on this side Anne was ' researcher impressed with the and student: "First, I of the Atlantic a little of the special opportunity to see find answers to problems "pubs where I don't feeling they had in Oxford, and somebody sat, like T. have time to research myself. S. Eliot, or they visited here on their way back a whole room full of Hogarths Second, with respect to the pro- that to school this fall, and even came I had studied about in art jects assigned to Ed, I'm not under history. to party weekend and homecoming. We felt like experts after that." pressure to reap immediate results. There are differences, though. Dr. Reishman was pleased to be His findings may be exploratory a different sort: "There was some The dormitory attendants (called able to show his students the in nature, suggesting new ideas kind of electrical storm, and when "scouts") who look after the stu- actual places they hear for research." about in we got near the cannon all our dents make their beds and act as class. "English literature can get In his semester Maggart was hair stood on end." waiters at meals. "We were used to pretty abstract in this country," investigating the effects of acridine, Erling Riis, a senior who went Gailor— we weren't used to sitting he said. They went to Bath, Salis- a chemical by-product of coal to Oxford last year and was back down and being served," says Anne. bury, and Winchester, and are read- conversion, on insects. this year as an assistant, had high She said the scouts consider theirs ing a novel where the characters John Bordley, associate pro- praise for the program and for its a profession and take a lot of go on the same journey. "It was fessor of chemistry at Sewanee, and dean, Yerger Clifton, A'48. "Dr. pride in their jobs. "But you still fun to show them the real thing," Sherwood Ebey, professor and Clifton gets the best speakers of see a lot of class system over he said. chairman of the mathematics de- any of these programs over there," there," she said. The food fills a place in every partment, have each been resident he said. (It is .sponsored by the Wes Andress had friends in student's memory of the trip. faculty in the program, studying Southern College and University England, a retired banker and his Steak and kidney pie, fish and and doing research while there. Union, an eight-school consortium family, and some students stayed chips, tea, even a home-cooked They are the campus representatives of which Sewanee is a member.) a while with them and got informed English meal still occasionally left for the program and assist students Erling went early last year, and opinions on the British economy the students homesick for ham- with their applications. with Bill Inge and Tom Edwards as well as many other subjects. burgers, and soft drinks with ice. Final selection is not only based traveled by Brit-Rail pass from "English people just love to talk," —Gale Link on grades, which are an important one end of England to the other said Erling Riis. Anne Newell factor, but on whether the student's before the British Studies program agreed. "The people were really background experience fits the began, not knowing he would get friendly, except an occasional one scientist's current research needs. a chance to return. This year as an with a prejudice against 'Yanks'," assistant he has had a good look she said. The Southern students Coventry at the backstage side (assistants are hotly denied being Yankees, anyway. on scholarships in for Every summer a select return help- She said London is really too number of ing with logistics) and had some cosmopolitan to seem very English, students from all over the world Studies at Oxford speculation on why the illustrious and some of the students who travel to the industrial city of lecturers are Coventry, glad to speak at the weren't very used to big cities even England to participate British Studies program, ¥Dr. in this in a ministry of reconciliation. Cultural shock, jet lag, and other country were somewhat Clifton entertains them so well," They are international student features of modem travel could not taken aback by "weirdos with he said. "He fixes up a room with guides, and for the past three years, dampen the enthusiasm of the safety pins in their cheeks and pink his own antiques, down to carpet Sewanee has sent at least one stu- Sewanee students and professors hair. In some places we were glad and doorknobs, and gives them real dent each summer to participate in who attended this summer's British we were in a big group." old-fashioned hospitality." the program. Studies at Oxford program. The language barrier was felt Riis said Dr. Clifton also gets These guides are part of the Junior Anne Newell represents especially in the different slang. top students for the program, many out-reach programs sponsor- the complete novice to foreign "We shocked a few people by which gives six hours credit. "The ed by the Community of the Cross study—she and her girl friends ar- accident," said Anne. "They shock- one down the road run by the Uni- of Nails, a world-wide organization rived in England and "plopped our- ed us a few times too." The Sewa- versity of Alabama had a speaker for reconciliation and Christian selves down in the middle of Lon- nee girls raised a few English only twice a week, and they got renewal, which has its base and don and said 'what now?' " She seven or eight hours credit." said they felt conspicuous wherever Continued next page He said some of the speakers, on they went, whether hunting for the like the Countess Jellico or the cheapest bed-and-breakfast in town France* Kitchens director of the Victoria and Albert or imitating statues at Stourhead. Museum, "won't speak for any of "You could tell the Americans any- the programs but ours." where—their clothes matched. Riis also talked at length about There was a lady wearing a gorgeous the camaraderie, both among the kilt with a pink polyester blouse. students and between the students She was wearing it like we would and the faculty and speakers. "The wear a denim skirt—they're much professors that go over there are more casual about it over there." great," he said. "Dr. (John) Reish- They met an Oxford resident man and Dr. (Robert) Benson on the plane over, and she took would gather us on the steps every them to tea and showed them night and say 'which pub do you sights unknown to tourists, like a want to go to this time?' like the country thatehed-roof village "so Pied Piper. One guy from the small you could smell the horses." University of Texas—where he had Other new friends "took us by the been in a freshman class of 1,000 hand and showed us how to ride the 'tube'." They picnicked on the beach at St. Andrews, Scotland, and "made a spectacle of ourselves by riding the donkeys that were meant for children of about six." Edin- burgh Castle was an experience of "Making a spectacle" in St. Andrews—Sewanee and VanderbUt stu- dents enjoy a digression from their Oxford studies. .

origin at Saint Michael's Cathedral, cathedral staff understands the Coventry allure of a foreign country. The Approximately twenty students students are given plenty of time live together for eight weeks, for short trips and to make a few working in the cathedral, a brass excursions as a group. r ibbing center, a hostel run by the How do the student guides feel cathedral, a coffee house, and a about their summer work? Elise

center for young people. Their replied, "When I got back, I wanted principal duty, however, is to give to tell the world about it!" guided tours of the cathedral and -Terrie Sutton, '82 to answer questions about its bombing, reconstruction, and ministry. The student guides' week begins at 7 a.m. each Monday morning with corporate communion follow- ed by breakfast, a staff Bible study, and staff meeting. Afterward they disperse to their separate duties, but keep in close touch throughout the week by various "get togethers" and evaluation sessions. As well as work, the students' ministry also includes study. They spend many evenings with the cathedral's clergy, learning about each one's special field of ministry Seminar and about the cathedral's history. For those interested in a particular in Germany field of study such as the cathedral's Located on the North Sea coast, Benedictine roots, a tutor is avail- Kiel, Germany, is a port city of able to guide them in their work. some 400,000 people. Known for Although there is much to be its excellent sailing conditions learned, study is conducted in a throughout Europe, Kiel served casual friendly atmosphere, which as the site for the 1972 Olympic Cacky Sullivan, one the Sewanee students helps draw the guides into the of who sailing competitions. The modern participated in the cathedral community. Oxford studies program this summer, facilities constructed for this event samples typical London weather. Terri Griggs, a College senior today form the regional center for and student guide in 1979, summed sailing activities which attract up her experience with the com- from living in a co-ed student from around the world. Those Europeans to Kiel during the warm- dormitory munity by describing the hospital- with German students to countries represented in 1979 were er summer months. ity and concern shown the students. staying with local families. By Norway, Sweden, Finland, Den- In the summer of 1979, five Students were often invited to special request the five Sewanee mark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sewanee students joined fifty-eight parishioners' homes, and once some students were placed with families, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Eng- students from around the world in of the American students threw a usually rooming with other students land, Ireland, Scotland, the United an intensive seminar in Kiel at the on the Fourth of July party to show their program. States, Japan, and Northern Africa. Christian-Albrechts-Universitat. friends what American food was One of the most rewarding The available free time was Under the guidance of Dr. experiences really like. of the four-week pro- spent on the beaches, sailing, wind- Reinhard Zachau, professor of Ger- The international character of gram was the ability to meet other surfing or trying out the different man at Sewanee, Johan (Chip) the program also has its rewards, Europeans where often the only German beers while getting to Manning, Nona Peebles, Leslie Ly- says Elise Bullock, a junior just re- language in common was German. know other students from different den, Jennifer Baringer and Randy turned from a summer in Coventry. It was by no means an "American" backgrounds. Anderson were the first group of "It was the best experience I summer program, involving people —Randy Anderson, C'81 Sewanee students ever had. My bunk-mate was from to take part in the thirty-second year of the pro- Poland. It was a real experience gram. The breaking the barrier." summer theme, which Frances Kitchens varies every year, was "Germany According to Elise, there is and its Neighbors." nothing quite like the close quarters Intensive of the rooming-house to teach language courses in patience and understanding. the mornings were complemented by Both Elise and Terri were political and cultural lectures in quick to point out that the program the afternoons. These were given by guest was not all heaven and holy water. speakers from around Ger- many such Terri had particularly vivid memo- as the German author Walter ries of the rough kids in the neigh- Kempowski. borhood coffee shop. Also offered in the afternoons were special courses in the "They would come in and buy different dialects of Germany. tea, and just sit around and smoke Wednesdays cigarettes and Saturdays were scheduled for and say things. . . to try to shock you." However, she did group excursions within Schleswig- learn to adjust. "The rough people Holstein to cultural and historic centers are part of Coventry," she ex- of importance. plained. Trips were also made to Ham- burg Elise had similar memories: as well as a day excursion to Denmark "You really have to be able to by ship. These excursions work with people you don't always were led by well-trained guides agree with." of the area and were conducted in German. Taking in the sights Bath, on the itinerary There is plenty to keep the of of the Oxford program, are Edward Creason, guides busy in Coventry, but the The accommodations varied C'83, and Professors John Reishman and Robert Benson. On &off the Mountain

A Celebration of Sewanee Other more famous poets (for now) Honorary Degree Sewanee Classic Before he began to read, Richard have read in Sewanee without Robert S. Lancaster, former dean The University Press is publishing Tillinghast recognized aloud for us such success. The Irish poet, Seamus and professor of political science, a new edition of the Sewanee classic the significance of reading his poem Heaney, drew an appreciative group received an honorary D.Litt. degree Men Who Made Sewanee, which in Convocation Hall. It is easy to a year or two ago, but nothing like October 24 from Hampden-Sydney was first published for the seventy- sense that all of Sewanee's history this. College, his alma mater. Dean fifth anniversary of the University is somehow deposited in that great Because of its size and attentive- Lancaster already holds an hono- by Moultrie Guerry. Victorian Gothic structure. What ness, the audience made the reading rary degree from Sewanee. Arthur Ben and Elizabeth N. those paneled walls have not absorb- a celebration of Sewanee. Those Chitty, University historiographers, ed directly, they have absorbed who were there became aware, as Golden McCradys have added sketches of GaUor, secondhand, much as they would perhaps they had not fceen before, Former Vice-ChanceDor and Mrs. W. A. Guerry, Bishop Juhan, Alex- that night from the art of Richard of the deep-running associations Edward McCrady celebrated their ander Guerry, and Edward Tillinghast. and feelings we all have for this fiftieth wedding anniversary this McCrady to those in the first and

Tillinghast, C'62, recent mem- place on the Mountain^ . past summer, and the occasion second editions—Otey, Polk, Elliott, ber of the faculty, now teaching It is important to know that drew all the McCrady children, Quintard, Hodgson, Fairbanks, creative writing at Harvard, was this kind of event still happens. grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and Kirby-Smith, DuBose, and others. about to serve up in a most unusual An effort is being made to pub- perhaps a few cousins from their An index and some new pictures have also way some slices of Sewanee history. lish the poem at the University far-flung homes. been added. All alumni should have re- It was to be in lines of poetry, more Press so that it might be available Dr. and Mrs. McCrady are in ceived announcements order than 700 lines, divided into five generally and sold at St. Luke's England this Advent semester while and forms. Copies be purchased parts. The title was "Sewanee in Book Store. A note in our March Dr. McCrady is directing genetic may for (hard cover) or Ruins," and for the sake of history, issue will say whether that effort is research in Sussex at the invitation $10 $7.50 (soft cover)', plus $1.50 for packing and the night was this fall, October 20. successful. of an English research institute. The postage, from St. Luke's Book Professor Edwin Stirling, in work is concerned with finding out Store in Sewanee. his introduction of Tillinghast, said Bishops' Visit why human fetuses are not rejected facetiously he had tried to per- Almost 100 of the 170 bishops by their mothers, whereas the hu- suade Richard to call the poem attending the 1980 interim meeting man body normally rejects foreign Thirtieth Year "Yea, Sewanee's Right!" without of the House of Bishops in Chatta- tissue. The findings could be sig- The Emerald-Hodgson Hospital thirty success. The title, "Sewanee in nooga were guests October 5 at nificant in organ transplants and Auxiliary celebrated years of service this Ruins," does strike a slightly sensi- the University. cancer research. organized volunteer of that, tive nerve .somewhere within us. The bishops, many accompanied year. In partial recognition Though the underlying theme by their wives, attended a brunch Loyalty and Love the organization awarded a $100 at the home of Vice-Chancellor long-time resi- Mary Phillips Kirby-Smith Scholar- is, in fact, a contemplation of Mrs. Henry Gass, a a Franklin County High Sewanee being in ruins, the poem and Mrs. Robert M. Ayres. Follow- dent of Sewanee, was honored ship to ing the brunch and a brief tour of halftime of the School senior. Mrs. Kirby-Smith is more than that. In it the major recently at the the association's first president. and minor players in Sewanee's the domain, they attended the varsity football game with Rose- was organization's main pro- past are raised out of their dusty Sunday Eucharist Service in All Hulman for her support of football The continues to be the operation archival graves and given personali- Saints' Chapel. and basketball during more than ject of the Hospitality Shop. Funds ties. Washed in poetry, Tillinghast's fifty years. She is also remembered lived raised from this and other activities at least, they achieve believability Lytle Fund by many students who have are used primarily for the hospital. and credibility. Andrew Lytle, author, professor in the Gass home at the corner of

Tillinghast's words thereby strip emeritus of English, and a former University and Texas j Sewanee Review, was Sewanee of its ill-worn mantle of editor of the he University October 4 self-importance, while making it honored by of bronze seem to his listeners and readers with the dedication a Latham Davis of Mr. T ytle in duPont Library. more important still. bust Certainly to those who were The bust was sculpted by Maria Sewanee and Phila- there that night, history is impor- Kirby-Smith of Pennsylvania. tant, as important as poetry, and delphia, crowd in excess of 100 of Sewanee history is important. A Mr. Lytle's colleagues, former stu- There is a great curiosity about Sewanee's curious history. The dents, admirers, and friends filled lounge of to help evening proved that. For there the front duPont Sewanee's crowded into Convocation Hall to pay tribute to one of literary figures. hear Tillinghast the largest audience most distinguished of the high- ever to attend such an event in The dedication was one Sewanee. That was the confident lights of homecoming weekend. briefly with his speculation of those, who note Mr. Lytle spoke usual perceptiveness and humor. such things. Chairs kept being said had never been request- brought in to the rear of the hall He he pose for anything before and until the crowd had spread to the ed to asked by Maria west-end door, and some students recalled that when if he would pose for propped themselves in the inviting last winter the weather windowsills. her, he had asked if chilly. Tillinghast has given readings wasn't a bit In conjunction with the dedi- in Sewanee" before, but nothing cation, a permanently endowed academic divisions has approached the popularity of It was at historic first when the heads of the three book fund was created in Mr. Lytle's Chapel. the reading of "Sewanee in Ruins." recently co-celebrated at the Sunday Eucharist in All Saints' name to which gifts may be made headmaster; From left are the Rev. D. Roderick Welles, Academy for the duPont collection. Theology, the Very Rev. Urban T. Holmes, dean of the School of and W. Brown Patterson, dean of the College. Stability and a Future

by Arthur M. Schaefer

The beginning of a new decade is 1) Restructuring and strength- as good a time as any to review the ening the management organization events of the past three years in in critical areas together with the

the life of Sewanee ; to take stock, development of a professional and so to speak, of where we were and competent management team where we are in order that we may 2) Revision of budgetary poli- thereby identify reference points cies so that budgets would reflect for a clearer perspective for the agreed-upon priorities, represent future. realistic and attainable estimates of The state of the University in income and expenditure, and there- July of 1977 needs little reitera- by become genuine operating plans tion. Budgetary and consequent for a given fiscal year cash flow problems were so serious 3) Establishment of fee and that it appeared unlikely that the pricing structures consistent with University could continue to meet the needs of the budget, with the its financial obligations. Effective competitive and economic climate, leadership at the top was lacking, and with reasonable expectations of and the University's assets, physical income from other sources such as and financial, were declining. gifts and endowment The consequence for Sewanee 4) Institution of rigorous stan- at that time, as it has been and is dards of budgetary control and for other institutions of higher discipline education faced with similarly 5) Improvement of cash flow serious administrative and financial via appropriate budgeting, budgetary problems, was a collapse of morale control, and revision of fee and and loss of administrative credi- pricing structures That progress has led to bility opera- endowed, and because they have internally. This was accom- 6) Review of the mission and ting surpluses over the past three been able to capture the imagina- panied by the development of performance of each operating antagonism, years of $341,000, $328,000, and tion and resolve of those whose hostility, suspicion of division or subdivision, in terms effecting intrigue and deception, $334,000, thereby a active support is essential to the and anxiety of its contribution to the overall reduction of regarding the future. the accumulated endurance of a University. An purposes of the University as well deficit from $1,207,000 in 1977 All of these develop easily and enormous amount of work remains as of its financial impact on the to quickly on a campus under $204,000 in 1980. to be done to ensure that Sewanee such University with the objective of As a consequence, cash flow conditions. If allowed continues to meet these require- to persist, either restructuring and upgrading has materially improved, the threat ments ever more fully. they ultimately destroy the very performance or divesting, if such of insolvency has receded, fiber of an educational and a Enduring efforts must be made institution were necessary and consistent with net savings in interest cost of in devising by diverting the energies of its ways to deal with the the University's goals approximately faculty $100,000 a year ravages of inflation and in assessing members from their primary Institution 7) of in-depth has been realized. roles of teaching the impact of demographic change and research, by analyses of particular operating But the most significant impact on Sewanee and formulating meth- discouraging intellectual activity, problems in order to formulate of the progress made is the creation ods to assure a continuing stream and by undermining that will to consistent and rational policies and of these conditions prerequisite to a of highly qualified applicants. strive for excellence so essential procedures to for their solution successful capital, funds campaign. We must continue continued academic and moral 8) Re-establish morale and to strengthen We may undertake that great and the vigor and growth. Inevitably, also, credibility on campus financial foundations of the and with the crucial effort with assurance, sus- University. the effects of unwholesome con- University's external constituencies tained by the realization that We ditions on campus spill over and 9) Anticipate future directions must critically examine the internally the University's house is infect the external constituencies in the social environment University's purpose and clearly and in rapidly approaching of good order articulate an educational institution—alum- economic, demographic, and gov- the meaning and signifi- and, externally, confidence ni, and cance a friends, donors, school coun- ernmental trends in order to of value-oriented liberal credibility have been re-established arts selors, and current and prospective prepare the University for their education in a world pre- in the mission, purpose, and viability students; all those whose continued expected impact occupied with technical vocation- of Sewanee. belief in and alism. Programs support of the institu- 10) Improve faculty and staff must be designed The new decade, by all ac- tion are so vital to its ongoing coi, sensation to enhance the worth of the Se- and institute a counts, existence will be one of the most wanee and development. rational program for staff compen- experience and perhaps difficult in the history of higher Among the extend it beyond measures deemed sation based the immediate on job evaluation education in this country. Economic necessary to reverse the boundaries of the campus. Efforts course of 11) Establish the conditions and demographic factors will not the University, the administration must also be made to cope-with for and plan a capital funds cam- be considered conducive to the survival of the massive the following most paign growth in government- adequate to sustain the institutions of higher education, important: al regulations and to effect solu- strength of Sewanee in the coming especially those in the private tions to other decades problems of equal sector. Many are expected to perish. impact. While the full achievement of Those that do survive will do so Sewanee's basic strengths, if all these objectives would not be because they are recognized for properly nurtured, should possible suffice in the short spac^ of three their excellence, because they offer to place it high among those years, the University has initiated an educational experience Mr. Schaefer, professor of economics, that is institutions of higher education measures to achieve them all, and perceived as unique and distinctive, was named University .provost in which will emerge from this has made decade 1977 but remains substantial advances because they are managed in a a member of the with ever greater luster than they teaching toward the realization of many of manner sufficient to faculty. command high entered it. them. credibility, because they are well Faculty Notes

Henry Arnold, associate professor of English, is on sabbatical leave for the fall semester. He will be spending most of his time in Sewa- nee doing research on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Keats' Lamia, and Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury,

The Episcopal Church committee Richard O'Connor, assistant pro- for the New Prayer Book in French in fessor of anthropology, is spending met New York last May, and the year abroad studying urbaniza- among the ten translators was tion in Southeast Asia under a J. Waring McCrady, associate pro- Fulbright grant. He and his family Hart fessor of French. As liaison officer teaching will live in Singapore, and he will in England to the Standing Liturgical Com- mission, travel to neighboring countries in James N. Lowe, professor of Professor McCrady had a connection with his work. The chemistry, has received special assignment to keep the a $16,200 Maynes, a late 14th century quasi- research is being done in coopera- grant from theology true to the standard book. the National Science chivalric romance and one of many tion with the Institute of South- Foundation for the purchase of a tales contained in a codex housed east Asia Studies of the University scanning An article by Patricia Auspos, assis- fluorescence spectropho- at El Escorial just outside Madrid. of Singapore. Professor O'Connor tometer. tant professor of history, will be The new equipment will Professor Spaccarelli plans to tran- published has already done extensive traveling be used in research soon by the esteemed concerned with scribe all the works in the codex Journal British in the area in connection with his the preparation flavin of Studies. of analogues so that he can continue his research anthropological studies. to be used to affinity label the in Sewanee. During the summer flavin binding Charles S. Peyser, associate pro- site of enzymes. Two he completed a critical edition of Jane B. Fort, assistant professor students, Jim Sherman fessor of psychology, has been and Eden Noble cuento, working under a of Spanish, will spend Thrower, appointed to a two-year term on most of her were working on the stipend from the National Endow- the eight-member year on sabbatical leave in Madrid, research this summer. alumni advisory ment for the Humanities. He also updating rewriting committee to the national board of and an analysis received a post-doctoral research Frank Hart, directors of Lambda Chi Alpha. of the contemporary novel of associate professor of grant under the auspices of the Spanish America, which she began physics, is on sabbatical leave this Treaty of Friendship between Spain year Laurence Alvarez, professor of as a doctoral dissertation. Spain to teach at the University of and the U.S. which will help support mathematics and coordinator of has become the center of publica- Salford in England. Professor Hart his sabbatical research. planning and budgeting, tion and home for many of the will be a Visiting Fellow in the completed the grueling eight-mile Spanish-American novelists. School of Electrical Engineering, Mount Wash- ington Hampshire) working on the electrical properties (New Road Race 15. John V. Reishman, associate pro- of plants. June His son, Stephen, a fessor of English, and Dale Richard- sophomore at the Academy, beat son, chairman of the English Edward Carlos, chairman of the his father in the 4,725-foot climb department, were tutors during the fine arts department, spent part of up the mountain road with a time of 1 hour, minutes. British Studies at Oxford program the summer studying at the Uni- 43 Professor Alvarez finished the course in 2 July 13 through August 19 at St. versity of Minnesota under a grant hours, John's College, Oxford. from the National Endowment for 12 minutes. The race began the Humanities. The subject of his in 80-degree temperatures and Kenneth W. Jones, professor of work was the recurrent images of ended in 35-degree weather. French, attended a two-week Dionysus in art history. seminar early this summer at Vanderbilt University. "The Renais- Thomas Spaccarelli, assistant pro- sance Discovery of Perspective in fessor of Spanish, is spending a Science and Art" was the topic of semester of sabbatical leave in the seminar, which was sponsored Spain doing research on romance by the Mellon Foundation. Fifteen in medieval Spanish literature. Of Goldberg professors from the Southeast particular interest to him is the researching Russian history attended. Noble cuento del enperador Carlos

Harold Goldberg, assistant profes- sor of history, will be on sabbatical leave this year doing research supported by grant funds from the

Mellon Foundation. He is continu- ing work on a biography of Maxim Litvinov, Soviet commissar of foreign affairs from 1930 to 1939. During summer research at Colum- bia University in New York City, Professor Goldberg had an article accepted for publication by the Modem Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History entitled "The Jones Assassination of Count Mirbach." Arnold attended seminar The editors have asked for two sabbatical in Sewanee more articles. Books

First Family, by Patrick Anderson, Christian Believing (Volume I, the dogmatism comes face to face with Genero usly interspersed C'57. Simon & Schuster, $9.95.) Church's Teaching Series), by a narrow scientific dogmatism. throughout the text are eyewitness Urban T. Holmes III and John H. Christian Believing is a good accounts and contemporary reports Although a lot of publicity attend- Westerhoff III (New York: The book. It is not an easy book and which add a flavor of you-were-there ed the 1979 publication of First Seabury Press, 1979) would best be studied in small authenticity to the book. Family, we somehow missed taking groups under the leadership of a This is not just a book for Believing provides an note of it in the Sewanee News. Christian well-educated layman or clergyman. singers, or musicians, or even music been reporter introduction to all the volumes of Anderson, who has a The issues it raises cannot be lovers, but one for the nostalgia for the Nashville Tennessean, the Church's Teaching Series, not ignored the serious, by thinking buff and the social historian as well. speechwriter for President Carter, because it attempts to summarize Christian person. Furthermore, a Marvelous tid-bits of information administrations of or preview what is to follow but and aide in the careful study of this book will emerge to remind us that human Kennedy and Johnson, has written because it provides the reader with enlighten rest the of the journey nature is basically the same over the insider's political insights into what happens when a "the ultimate through the superb exploration of years. Besides the abundance of novel." Its publication aroused person is engaged in the act we call the Christian faith that is provided Jenny Lind pictures, hats, gloves, Washingtonians "believing." speculation among by this new Church Teaching Series. soap, sheet music, stones, and (and Washington watchers) on who Religion always expresses itself singing tea kettles offered to the provided the model for which within a specific history and cul- Excerpted from a review by the public by enterprising merchants, character. ture, using the forms of that culture Rev. Dr. Robert Giannini in The a real chuckle is elicited when we Anderson's President Painter as the means of expressing faith. Diocese of Central Florida. Re- hear that mules in Memphis are combines facets of both Carter and So, today, we express our faith in printed by permission. said to have sported "Jenny Lind Johnson, and presidential aide twentieth century, American, mostly blinders." Time and again we see Hamilton Jordan was rumored to middle-class ways. Handbook on Orchid Photography, accounts of the singer's genuine be the inspiration for his colorful Yet there is always the danger by Grenville Seibels II, C'43 (Amer- concern for less fortunate souls but sometimes embarrassing right- of allowing the central truth of ican Orchid Society, Cambridge, shown by the thousands of dollars hand man. The book's central our common experience of the Massachusetts, $5.95) she gave to charitable causes. character, the president's wife, gospel to become enslaved to par- Besides all this there are insights doesn't bear much resemblance to ticular forms of expression. By This book combines three of into many other areas such as her recent political wives, being gentle, exploring basic religious experiences Gren Seibels' talents—journalism, relationship with Barnum, her sensitive and not much interested this book attempts. to open us to orchids, and photography. Written marriage to Otto Goldschmidt, her in politics. Her emotional collapse the ways in which we use language, with renowned orchid photographer deep religious faith, and passion for under the pressures of politics ritual, logic, and moral codes to Charles Marden Fitch, the volume nature. Of special interest to mu- provides Anderson with the vehicle express our basic religious experi- has many color illustrations to sicians are references to other for making his point about the ences. inspire and instruct the photog- prominent musicians of the day, effect of public life on the private Hence, although their starting rapher of these fascinating plants. the use of the "new" clarinet, and lives of people in high places. place is different, Holmes and Gren and his wife took up growing Miss Lind's use of vocal ornamenta- Despite President Painter's strong Westerhoff seek to achieve the same orchids at their Columbia, South tion. Extremely helpful is the sense of morality his White House thing that Barth and Brunner sought Carolina home in 1972 and now inclusion of photographs, sheet becomes "a pressure cooker of in their generation: namely, to have over 2,000 orchids. music covers, and sample programs. intrigue." allow the Gospel to cut through the These programs show that The First Lady's psychiatrist layers of cultural accretion and P. T. Barnum Presents Jenny Lind, Jenny Lind averaged only about six puts the dilemma in perspective speak its prophetic truth afresh to by W. Porter Ware; A'22, C'26, and numbers per concert, the remainder when he points out that "If you the new age. Thaddeus C. Lockard, Jr. (Louisiana supplied by orchestral or instru- leave aside history and pretty furni- We are a generation that has State University Press, 1980) mental selections, or vocal numbers ture and all, and look at it ob- accepted the scientific method as from a baritone or tenor. Not a jectively, you're living in a fairly the one intellectually respectable Although the phonograph demanding program vocally, con- small apartment in a large govern- method for knowing reality. For arrived too late in history to cap- sidering today's standards of V-h- ment-office complex, and it's got a example, Christian people who are ture her voice, W. Porter Ware and 2 hours of concert singing by such fence around it to keep out the arguing these days for "scientific Thaddeus C. Lockard, Jr. have in artists as a Fischer-Dieskau or an creationism" are often trying to their crazies. . . . and all the while you latest collaboration—P. T. Elly Ameling, but variety concerts have reporters watching every move show just what good science reli- Barnum Presents Jenny Lind— were the norm in that era, and by you make— I mean, there's no way gion can be. They make the hidden turned back the clock and present- all reports, those six selections were you could call this life normal." assumption that religion will be ed us with front row seats for an of exquisite artistry. Thanks to Pete The fictional president is from more acceptable if it is shown to unprecedented look at the Swedish Ware and Thad Lockard we are able Tennessee, and several references be another form of science. Nightingale. to share in that experience which to real-life Tennessee places are Christian Believing, on the Their book comes from the moved so many, so long ago. found in the book. Anderson, an other hand, makes a strong and 1850-52 American tour which Lind —Susan Rupert old Washington hand, surrounds cogent case for the integrity of gave largely under the management his characters with authentic details, religious knowing in itself. Chris- of America's premier showman, but the mechanics of policy-making tians, it claims, do not have to see Phineas T. Barnum. From the very Dearest Andrew: Letters from V. or insights into national issues are a conflict between science and first page, the reader becomes Sackville-West to Andrew Reiber peripheral to the main theme of religion or between religion and involved in the negotiations, logis- 1951-1962, edited by Nancy Mac- the tics, and day-to-day book, the effects of power on the intellectual community, nor peaks and Knight. Charles Scribner's Sons, . the people that wield it and on must religion be forced to define valleys which faced Jenny Lind and $8.95 cloth. their close associates. itself in any other terms but its her entourage of musicians and As the New York Times Book own. God is the author of both singers as they journeyed in a literal We Americans possess a naivete blaze Review stated, "Anderson. . . makes reason and revelation. Ultimately of triumph around the country. which convinces us that the great a convincing case that the White there is no quarrel; the quarrel is of this world ought to be and are House is apt to leach the humanity found only when narrow religious from anybody." loving craft as a means of discovery which owes itself to Sewanee j&nd the South. Tillinghast's vivid realizations of scene are not mind-dogged with palpable designs on the reader. They are clear and bright; yet never divorced from the swelling heart and active mind of a living persona. The first lines of the collection's opening poem, "Return," are charged with the delight of an active, outward eye.

Sunburst cabbage in grey light summer squash bright as lemons red tomatoes splitting their skins five kinds of chilis burning in cool darkness, sunflower lion's-heads in the blue Chevy pickup.

These are not merely horticultural reports, however. This persona does not sit quietly with its observations. With gathering urgency, this eye colors and judges, delineating the possibilities of the heart involved. Tillinghast skillfully chooses adjectives and comparisons which build to a natural disclosure.

Richard W. Tillinghast, C'62, and Andrew N. Lytte, A'20. Dark trees stand and watch his old truck bump down the hill.

Behind him; star-fall he's not sure he saw, immediately accessible to us. The gardening as much as she did and bone-chill flute remarkable discovery we sometimes wrote with an engaging neighbor- certainty of dawn. make is that the great of this world liness that could not be denied. are just that, accessible. Lea Reiber Vita was hooked and continued the There is a gathering awareness of possibility, or lack thereof. could have had no idea that his correspondence until her death in admiring letter to the renowned 1962. The fisherman he could almost be Vita in March 1951 would initiate Their letters shared homey de- lets down nets into dark water a literary friendship which would tails of gardens and dogs, the last for more than a decade. weather, incidents of everyday and brings up the trout-colored dawn. Something in Reiber's first life. Though this volume reprints letter sparked Sackville-West's imagi- Sackville-West's letters only, it is Tillinghast has learned the symbolist's lesson more from painters than nation. She could not know that easy to reconstruct a warm, happy from poets—to his advantage. Imposing demands are easily denied. The she was beginning a correspondence correspondence. There is none of demands of these poems are quietly consequential. Yes, they explore with a man whose life had moved the haughtiness of Sackville-West's many persistent twentieth century themes. They seek to understand the from a plantation in Bunkie, Louisi- public pose here. She is genial, shadow which falls between viewer and viewed, actor and action; but they ana to an -eighteenth century indeed loving, entirely at ease with do so without flourish or compulsion. The vivid eye makes its demands; cottage on the windswept coast a man whom she had never met, but here, there is no unleapable gulf between that eye and its wonderii^ of Maine at Cape Splipt. Nor could and would never meet. This stun- mind. Significances arise of natural consequence: From 'Legends abol t she know that this Andrew Reiber ning fact in itself makes the letters Air & Water": had appeared in some thirty-six good reading. They are an amazing stage plays having made his debut testament to the mystery of She leads you like yourself as a child at Le Petit Theatre de Vieux- kindred souls enjoying one another. where the mountain torrent Carre in New Orleans, or that he "A good read," as an English re- tosses her hair had sampled the offerings of at viewer has said. like bright water rainbowed and swift as wings least five universities including -Don Keck Du Pree, C'73 over rippling gold in sand. Sewanee. What she discovered was a man who loved gardens and And tonight you know you would rather be the little blue bowl at her feet

Other Poems, by Richard Tillinghast, C'62. 1980, Wesleyan The Knife and —as she looks down the valley from her cabin door— University Press (distributed by Columbia University Press). $8.00 cloth, $3.95 paper. than, over her head, the starry sky. There has been much this fall to remind Sewanee of its share in the literary heritage of the twentieth century. In October, this University eternal nature of There is, in these poems, willingness to accept the honored Mr. Andrew Lytle for his achievement as author, critic, and words the world without foregoing the faithful commitment that with beloved teacher-editor on this Mountain. More recently, Sewanee students discoveries. The we may occasionally part the veil to look beyond, make and faculty joined in the fiftieth anniversary of the southern manifesto I'll the shadow title poem "Knife" traces one of those occasions when Take Stand, held on the campus at Vanderbilt. This retrospective view My between actor and action fell less darkly. of the Agrarians and their cause evoked memories of the Fugitive-Agrarians and their many Sewanee associations. I see in its steel publication of a new volume of poetry by Richard Tillinghast The the worn gold band on my father's hand that literary associations are vital, not merely retrospective. reminds us our the light in those trees and Other Poems The Knife the look on my son's face a moment old poet, The Knife and Other Poems is an important volume by an alumnus, his literary roots on this Mountain. These who happily acknowledges like the river old like the rain love of craftmanship and language which Tillinghast poems proclaim a older than anything that dies can be. heard celebrated in the classes of men like Charles Harrison, Andrew confident poems, southern in the best sense, of Tilling- Lytle, and others. These are The quiet commitment to language of these poems is a part Without being derivative, these poems remind are exciting poems, a without waving that banner. hast's Sewanee inheritance, our inheritance. These mentor, Robert Lowell, himself a this reader of Tillinghast's Harvard substantial contribution to our literary heritage. student of a-southern Fugitive-Agrarian, Allen Tate. -Don Keck Du Pree, C'73 doubt, There is a freedom of composition in these poems which, no of owes much to Lowell; but there is, more importantly, an understanding lb College Sports ' ,?2W«) »S53^!S«*KWMC Jones New Head Coach

Rick Jones, who came to Sewanee last year as soccer coach and assis- tant basketball coach, was named head basketball coach in September. He replaced Jerry Waters who resigned to accept the head coach- ing job at the University of South Carolina at Spartanburg. In two seasons as head coach at Sewanee, Waters compiled a 20-29 record, with a second-place finish last year in the College Athletic Conference. Walter Bryant, Sewanee athletic director, said the basketball players came to him and asked that Coach Jones be named head coach when -i^aWR they learned that Waters was leaving. "We have all been impressed with the enthusiasm and know-how of Rick, and I'm confident he will keep our program going up," said Lyn Hutchinson Gary Rowcliffe, a senior goalie Ridge, Coach Bryant. from Oak Tennessee, makes a save during varsity soccer action this fall. The Tigers Jones said he does not anticipate completed their best season ever in soccer. any major changes in playing style for the Tigers. "I like to play a lot of people. "The key was that they all good play by the Tigers. We'll fast break on Sewanee offense and run raced to their potential," said came back to tie the score 2-2 a full-court press on defense," in he Cameron of his teammates. "If Fall Was the second half, and the match said. anyone had let up, we wouldn't went into overtime. Southwestern have won." took the lead again, when with Picking up points mostly from a Thriller 1 :40 remaining, Sewanee scored to third, fourth, and fifth place Canoe send the match into a penalty finishes, Sewanee piled up 297 Soccer kickoff, postponed because of points. Western Carolina University Sewanee reached a peak in soccer darkness. was a paddle-length behind at Champs this season, winning the conference The next morning, Sewanee 291V4, and Georgia State, last championship, placing second in kickers made five goals in five year's champion, finished with the state, and compiling an overall attempts from the penalty line, and Sewanee has recaptured the South- 255%. record of 12-2-3. Southwestern missed one. The eastern Intercollegiate Canoe Cham- The other teams in order of The events were particularly Tigers were on their way. pionships, using a combination of finish were Appalachian State, surprising because last year the Using the momentum, Sewanee lower classmen and "old" hands William and Mary, Old Dominion, took an easy 5-0 from Tigers had only a single victory in victory over Rose- the faculty to swamp thirteen North Carolina at Chapel Hill, soccer. Hulman and went into the third other teams. UNC at Charlotte, Western Pied- The work of coach Rick Jones match with a tough Principia team. The Whitewater championships, mont Community College, Elon, is another in a long line of success Sewanee scored first in the Sewanee's eighth such title in nine George Mason, Converse, Furman, stories in Sewanee athletics. When second half of that match but was years, came on October 4 on the Gennanna Community College, and Jones took over last year, he was tied 1-1 before the end of regula- Catawba River near Morganton, East Carolina. beginning tion time. Neither could North Carolina. his first experience in team score Doug Cameron and Mary Barr, college coaching. Early this in overtime; so for the second time It was a critical Novem- year. Last fall a freshman from Huntsville, Ala- ber he in three matches, the Tigers Sewanee lost the was named coach of the year were title for the first bama, teamed up in the C-2 mixed by his fellow coaches in the Tennes- in a kickoff. time in eight years as other schools slalom event for Sewanee's only After became stronger see Intercollegiate Soccer Associ- five kicks, the score was and more ex- first place. Joining them and the perienced. ation. tied 4-4, and the suspense grew in other faculty to score points in Doug Cameron, The Tigers' championship in the the second kickoff when Sewanee a bit shaken by wildwater and slalom were Kat College Athletic Conference was kickers missed their first three the defeat after assuming the O'Neal, Ginny Lux, Debbie Self, attempts, coaching duties from their first conference title ever and and Principia led by a Hugh Caldwell Bill Lacy, Hale Nicholson, Charlie last season, joined came after four straight victories goal with two attempts remaining with returning Atwood, Lee Killinger, and Ben in for each team. Sewanee "coach" Steve Puckette to gather Gandy. the CAC tournament that ended tied the together the season. score, then won when Robert an unusually young squad The team now has moved from At least two of Sewanee's four Clemmer punched one in and of students and some faculty, open canoes to kayaks and decked notably Caldwell, matches were the kind of battles Principia missed a final effort. Stephen Puckette, canoes for the winter and spring and Carrie Ashton, that make soccer one of America's So tough had been the over- the new Outing seasons under the watchful eye of Club director. Sewanee fastest growing sports. time matches that Sewanee's final was also Olympian Carrie Ashton. This will outnumbered. In the first game of the tourna- 4-1 victory over Centre was almost The prospects were be the first formal team training not particularly ment, Southwestern jumped out to anticlimactic. encouraging. in these disciplines at Sewanee. a 2-0 lead by the half despite the Coach Jones credits team play for the success throughout the fall. The disappointment came in The high scoring players, Eddie the College Athletic Conference McKeithen of St. Petersburg, Flor- Championships in which Sewanee ida, and Shaun Gormley of Fair- finished third. But Coach John field, Connecticut were each named McPherson noted that the quality to the all-conference team. Mc- in the conference is exceptional Keithen was voted most valuable in for Division III, and Sewanee was the CAC and was named to the not at full strength. All-TISA team. Four other seniors In other meets, Sewanee has contributing were Clemmer, Steve done well even against Division I Poss, Chris Miller, and Gary Row- and Division II squads. The Tigers cliffe, the goalie who took charge had two first places, a second, and in the overtime victories. two third places in regular-season, multi-team meets. Football Senior Pat Rakes, captain of the Sewanee's. football team did not team, and two sophomores, John meet pre-season expectations, Beeland and Tom Selden, were which were high after last year's strong contenders throughout the conference championship, but it season. Several good freshmen are demonstrated what fragile hopes moving up fast. dreams are often made of. Injuries were probably the single Field Hockey The Sewanee defense closes in on a Centre College runningback leading cause of the Tigers' 4-5 The Sewanee field hockey team during homecoming action this fall. Among the Tigers are Trey season. Two or three starters were posted a 4-3 record this year de- Bryant (50), Marcus Bailey (62), and Mark Cotter (82). lost the first game, and six starters spite key injuries and inexperience. were gone by the third. The high scorer was Cynda York and Bo Watson on the side- Starting quarterback Tim Ten- seemed a promising trend, but Cavin, a freshman from Dallas, lines. het went out in the sixth game Tenhet went out with an injury Texas. She had her best perfor- The ground attack was a prob- when Sewanee was still fighting for just as Sewanee was about to turn mance against Centre College when lem again the next week when the conference title. A loss to Rose- to two of its toughest opponents. .she scored five goals. Sewanee lost to Millsaps 33-7. Hulman in the eighth contest The Generals of Washington Sophomore goalie Sara Coke Tenhet passed to Mark Lawrence ended even those slim hopes. and Lee closed down the running led the defense, claiming two for the only Tiger touchdown. It was a strange season of ups game, piled up 350 yards in total shutout victories, but was injured and downs. The first high came in The slide continued at home- offense, and won 20-14. before the final-season, 3-1 loss the opening 21-14 victory over coming when Sewanee fell 27-20 The next week Sewanee fell to Vanderbilt. The Tigers had Illinois College, the newest con- to Centre College despite a lead in behind Rose-Hulman early and defeated Vandy earlier in the fall. ference member. Tenhet passed for total yards of 413 to 367. failed to get any big plays in a Coach Nancy Bowman pointed 38-7 234 yards and three touchdowns In the following game against loss. Hopes of even a share of out that the team should have all Southwestern, the Tigers began to the conference title were gone. to make up for a sluggish round of its starters returning for next attack. climb back into the conference The season ended at St. Leo season. The next week, the Tigers lost race. D. J. Reina scored two touch- College where the Tigers took a 20-10 at Hampden-Sydney despite downs, one on a 55-yard run, and 42-14 victory. The defense held the Volleyball Tenhet passed for another. Floridians to minus 250 yards passing. Middle guard a 31 yards The varsity volleyball squad, with upsurge continued with running. Robert Steve Blount, who underwent knee The a Holland completed mainly inexperienced players this 17-0 16 of surgery after the game, joined Jon victory over Principia. The 31 passes for 204 yards, and year, struggled to a 5-27 mark balance of running and passing Mallory Nimocks, Sewanee's leading before ending the season in the pass receiver, scored his first touch- Division III playoffs in November. Lyn Hutchinson down of the season. Three freshmen were among the starting six along with one senior, Women's Basketball Sharon Bonner, and two juniors, Another year of improvement like Louisa Walsh and Ellen Russell. last year and the women's basket- Laurence Alvarez, the faculty- ball team should have a division coach, said the team should have an championship. excellent season next year with five The Tigers finished the 1979- starters returning. 80 regular season with a 14-8 record. They had only one victory Women's Cross Country the year before. The women's cross country team Five promising freshmen join completed its season with a sparkling five of last year's lettermen for fifth-place finish in the regional the new season. championships in November. Cynthia Hinrichs, a sophomore Cross Country from Jacksonville, Florida, led the Despite the steadily growing strength Tigers by finishing 11th. Her time of opponents, large and small, of 20:11 over three miles qualified Sewanee moved up a notch in her for the national championships cross country this season. in Spokane, Washington. The Tigers were expected to do Nancy Reath, a junior from well in the regional championships Weens, Virginia, finished 27th in where they were third last year. the regionals. Young runners are making the Highlights of the regular season difference. were first places in the Centre Invi- Mike Ball, a junior from Fairfax, tational in Danville, Kentucky and Virginia, won the state champion- in an invitational at Southwestern. ship with a time of 25:29. Mike Coach Marian England said also set a record in the Centre Invi- Sewanee will lose senior Lee Free- tational, covering the five-mile land for next year, but everyone Richard Garbee dribbles the ball away from Hurley Lee, C75, course in 24.45 to lead the Tigers else should be back for an outstand- during the varsity-alumni game October 4. The varsity took the to a first place ahead of 16 other ing season. victory this year in the annual homecoming clash. teams. Alumni Affairs

Latham Da vis revitalization of an old club, Key Message organization, Sewanee awards and recruitment, career services, and social functions. for Alumni The top club in any category is awarded five points (doubled in the revitalization category), the The Associated Alumni met on next four points, and so on homecoming Saturday, October 4 best down to one point. The club obtain- and heard reports by alumni vice- ing the most points wins. This presidents, met W. Brown Patterson, year Washington was edged out by new dean of the College, and heard only one point, 22-21. Chattanooga a short talk by Vice-Chancellor got twelve points. Robert M. Ayres on the state of the University. The Associated Alumni meeting is also the occasion for the award- ing of Exornati keys, the Dobbins Trophy, and class appreciation gifts. Reunion Mr. Ayres' report was generally optimistic, but he noted that Sewa- nee is faced with two growing prob- Alumni were greeted by this purple and white banner over University Reflections lems: inflation and a declining Avenue when they returned to the Mountain for homecoming this of college-age young people number fall. The banner was a gift of Frank D. "Shine" Peebles, Jr., C'47, by John W. Boult, C55 from which to draw students. of Decatur, Alabama. He said he believed that "the Sewanee's most recent homecoming quality of what we are doing here ful homecoming weekend. for the third consecutive year was saw the arrival of about twenty- and the message we are able to give Reports were made by Ed- the Sewanee Club of Atlanta. five members of the class of 1955. to the world about this place and ward W. Hine, C'49, vice-president The Dobbins Trophy was pre- As one of that number I have the help alumni can give is going for' admissions, who reviewed a sented at homecoming to the pondered the question of why we to keep this place full." successful year in admissions and Atlanta Club by the originator of came— some over great distances He announced a surplus from suggested ways for alumni to help the award, E. Ragland Dobbins, and some for the first time in the past fiscal year of $330,000 and with recruiting, and Allen M. A'31, C'35. A scholarship will be twenty-five years. a reduction in the accumulated Wallace, C'64, vice-president for presented to a worthy student in Perhaps a part of the answer lies deficit to the point where the Uni- classes, who reviewed the efforts the name of the winning club. in the fact that we arrived on the versity is virtually debt free, except in alumni giving. Mr. Wallace said Because they had scored more Mountain in 1951 with little or no for some long-term debt. that in 1979-80, 23 percent of the than ten points in the competition, awareness of the sittings and Mr. Ayres also expressed excite- alumni gave $382,118 in unrestrict- the Washington and Chattanooga winnowings of this ment about the approach of a world—and we ed funds, short of the goal. The clubs were each awarded certifi- departed four years later not capital funds campaign. with goal for the current year is $420,330, cates. Kim Matthews, C'76, accept- much more. In this sense we were Enrollment in the College is with 35 percent participation. ed for the Washington Club, and not entirely prepared for the next 1,063 full-time students, of which John Janeway, C'64, T'69, vice- Lawson Whitaker, C'72, accepted quarter-century, because each of us 57 percent are men and 43 percent president for church relations, was the Chattanooga Club. women. The Academy enrollment for during those years, in our peregrin- unable to attend but left word Other clubs should take note of ating pursuit of our own personal is 193, divided equally between men and women. that he would mail his report to the criteria used in selecting the goals, has surely found somewhat all class agents, Sewanee club winner. There are six categories for more than bargained for. Of the 80 students in the he presidents, and bishops. Formation of a new club, seminary, 89 percent are married. judging: Mr. Brush read a report of The average age is 38, and 15 per- Jack Stephenson, C'49, vice-presi- cent are women. dent for regions, about increased The Vice-Chancellor referred to activities among Sewanee clubs the student body as a "tremendous around the country. group of young people." He said Walter Bryant, Sewanee athletic that visiting at faculty homes is director, spoke briefly about the taking place but with less frequency successful efforts in today than in the past because of of Sewanee providing a athletic changes in circumstances and the good women's program, is natures of students and faculty. one that ahead of the The strong relationship between the national norm. He said that alumni wishing receive newsletter students and their teachers, he to the noted, continues uninterrupted. Tigergram, about the Sewanee sports program, should Other signs of strength on the send him a card. campus are that two-thirds of the Mr. Rice also announced that next fall College students participate in var- homecoming will be held October 23-24. sity and intramural athletics. Stu- The Alumni Council will 9. dents also believe in and continue meet May to administer the Honor Code. Louis Rice, C'50, president of the Associated Alumni, presided Dobbins Club at the meeting and praised the work of Vice-Chancellor Ayres. He It was a "bam burner" to the end, also expressed his appreciation to E. Ragland Dobbins, center, A'frl, C'35, originator the Dobbins and the Sewanee Club of Washing- of the alumni officers for their help Trophy, helped award it this year to the Sewanee Club of Atlanta, ton was coming on like "gang and complimented Beeler Brush, represented by Robert Owen, right, C60: At left is Beeler Brush, busters." But in the end the winner the alumni director, for a SUCCeSS- Sewanee alumni director. the terminal screaming, "Bon To be sure our lives have been voyage!" blessed in full measure with joy, with laughter and with love. Yet we have not been spared those encoun- ters of a different kind—those Class Gifts revelations and discoveries stark and unforeseen. We have walked An annual event at the Associated amid that aimless crudity and Alumni meeting on homecoming

banality so rampant in the land; we weekend is the presentation of class have been overtaken by the ravages appreciation gifts to the Vice- of human appetite in all its forms; Chancellor. we have seen some of our most Representing the 50th reunion cherished dreams become precisely class of 1930, Dr. Roger Way, C'30, that and nothing more; we have presented Mr. Ayres with a check watched some of the magic and for $13,206. Robert Cherry, C'55, the mystery of life turn sterile and representing his 25th reunion class, mundane; we have learned in a presented the Vice-Chancellor with painful way something about the a check for $15,365. folly of expectation; and we have Particularly because they come fallen victim to that peculiar, fore- from alumni, these unrestricted boding kind of frustration and un- contributions represent an impor- fulfillment which the writers call tant addition to the Million dollar were "angst." Among the Academy alumni returning for homecoming this fall Program of the University. A'l left, and Everett Tucker, A*30. Mr. Tucker presented Perhaps it was because of these Bill Ware, 7, his cadet cap to display in the Academy museum. He -things that we felt the need to be the school with the class 1930 at homecoming. *&M reminded of the time we spent in was one of six members of of that unique and hallowed place in Tennessee, felt the need to ex- So if you don't want to miss them join you for a great adventure amine and touch once more the London, Canterbury, Winchester, at a great price. rare gift bestowed upon us there. Salisbury, Bath, the beautiful Cots- More specific information will For it was at Sewanee that we were wold district, as well as Oxford, be published in the next issue of given the freedom, given the chance, you'd better start making your the Sewanee News, however, bro- given the encouragement, and given plans now to be part of this delight- chures and applications are avail- the wisdom to comprehend, and fully affordable jaunt to "Jolly able now by writing to Beeler Brush,

the good sense to cherish , everything Old England." Associated Alumni, Sewanee 37375. in this life which is good, and Make it a real holiday. Call a Spaces will be limited. So make beautiful, and passionate, and true. number of old friends and have certain you won't be left behind at If by coming to Sewanee, and if by gathering together however briefly, we succeeded in brushing some of thedust from that treasure, then our journeys were truly worth- while. Charles Hammond, A'16, C20 Then, too, I think our return had something to do with friend- ships—friendships touched with a special meaning because they graced an earlier time in our life. And the Award Honors importance of these friendships is most beautifully stated in the words of Willie Morris—a writer Alumnus who is fast becoming the voice of commencement exercises our generation. He said about During Steve Malonee of Chatta- friendship: last May, nooga was presented the first annual Charles Hammond Memorial "We are all terribly alone in this Some of the "old crew" back for homecoming crowd the steps of the Award. The award, in the form of life, I fear. It is a part of our Phi House in October. Alumni on the front row, from left, include silver but without stipend, y J a cup, mortality and there is really not David Babbit, C 69; Chris Williams, C'65; Harry Babbit, C 64; Allen is "for excellence in scholarship and much we can do about it. The Wallace, C'64;Joe Owens, C'64;Jim Price, C64, and Arthur Sey- best all-around in all fields of awful armor of our isolation is mour, C'64. Also in the group are John Hagler, C'64; Webb Wallace, college activity, including athletics." pierced only by those fragile Taylor Wray, C'62;Peyton Bibb, C'63, and Bill Weaver, C64. C'63, Malonee, who graduated near loyalties of friendship which we the top of his class, was also an pray will abide." outstanding basketball and tennis player for the Tigers. The award was established by Alumni Pack Mrs. Mary Hammond Fulton of Memphis and her son, Dr. Pren- tice Fulton, Jr., C'52, of Chatta- Britain nooga as a memorial to Mrs. for Fulton's brother, Charles B. Ham- C'20. Is your passport in order? Get your mond, A'16, Mr. Hammond established an bags packed. Sewanee is going to record while at the England in the spring. excellent won a scholarship to The Associated Alumni, in con- Academy and his graduation. junction with Clark Cruise Travel the College after While at the College, he was presi- Agency, is planning a wonderful dent of both his freshman and two weeks of sightseeing, shopping, Eric Newman, C'70, left center, Bob Murfree, C*70, and their wives sophomore classes and was vice- visiting historic places, and staying get reacquainted during the homecoming dance in the old gym president of his senior class. He in comfortable first-class hotels. October 4. .

was a member of the Honor Com- mittee, the Senior Thalian Club, and the Senior Ribbon Society, and he was a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity. In athletics, he was a blocking back and punter on the football team and captained Sewanee's Southern Championship track team in 1918 and 1919. Largely for his achievements in track, he won the Porter Cup as outstanding athlete of the year in 1919. While a student, he made his home in Griffin, Georgia, but later he moved to California. There he entered radio and was for a number of years a writer on the staff of the National Broadcasting Company production department. Later he was industrial relations assistant with General Telephone Company of California and became personnel administrator for the company before his retirement. His home at the time of his death last year was in Santa Monica, California. Premiere of the Union

by Tony Griswold, C'28

I entered Sewanee in the fall of 1926 as a junior, having transferred from St. Stephen's College, New

York (now Bard College). If 1 re- member correctly, there were then approximately 400 students in- cluding the theologs. There were possibly 150 cadets at Sewanee Military Academy. At this time, Major MacKellar, known to all of us as ''Major Mac," was head of the department of speech and was in charge of Thomp- son Hall, where his students in the Top left: Clara Shoemate Orlin, Debating Society and members of HA'65, waves to the crowd at the Purple Masque rehearsed and homecoming where she was being practiced honored by the Associated Alumni On Saturdays, and occasionally Louis Rice, C'49, association presi- on a Tuesday, Major Mac would run dent, escorted Clara and presented silent movies. If we wanted to see a her with a crystal bowl. late release, we had to go Winchester Middle left: Marion Bell, a fun o. or Chattanooga. from Shreueport, Louisiana, was As there were very few cars on named homecoming queen at half- time the Mountain at that time it meant of the Sewanee-Centre game. a long six -mile hike to Monteagle or She is escorted by Key Coleman, a an even longer one, down the Moun- senior from Birmingham, Alabama. We were off on a new adventure. tain to Cowan and then over to records would be sent with each Bottom left: Trey Bryant (50) and Meanwhile Major Mac had re- Winchester. can of film. There was a white dot Erling Riis (48) enjoy a brief respite leased some of his authority at During my first year at Sewanee, on the record which the projection- after the defense stopped an op- Thompson Hall, and we began ist had Dr. Ben Finney, then Vice-Chancel- to synchronize with the ponent during grid action this fall. nightly showings of motion pic- lor, brought in Harold Flintoff of proper form of film. It had been re- Top right: One of the many couples tures, using the auditorium on the Richmond, Virginia to head a fund- ported that in some locations, back for homecoming put some second floor. The number of pro- raising campaign for the University. where theatres were built on a steps on the floor of the old jectors gym in the movie booth was in- main He remained on the campus and thoroughfare, a heavy truck during the alumni dance in Juhan creased to two, and within eventually became administrator of a year could throw the needle on the Gymnasium. we installed newly developed sound record the Emerald-Hodgson Hospital. out of whack, and the Bottom right: Frank D. Peebles, Jr. equipment. sound One day I met Mr. Flintoff, would come either before or joined scores of alumni to greet When we did this, we had a after then better known as "Hank," and the scene appeared on the film. Clara Shoemate Orlin at the special tough decision to make. When Dr. asked him what he thought about Finney, Mr. Flintoff and reception for Clara at Rebel's Rest. sound first came out in 1927, there using one of the large downstairs Major Mac agreed with me it would were two systems: Fox Movietone rooms at Thompson Hall to start be more logical to install the Fox and Warner Vitaphone. a sandwich shop. We needed money. In the Movietone system. We saved over former the sound was on the film. $1,500 Hank asked "Uncle Ben" to ap- on the installation. Within In the latter the sound was on a short prove a grant of $800, which he did. time the Vitaphone system records. With Vitaphone, two Continued on next page was abandoned by all major film producers. With this introduction of sound, movies began to prosper, and we were drawing not only students but residents from the nearby towns of Monteagle, Tracy City, Cowan, and even Winchester. Dr. Finney had moved the post office facilities from Walsh Hall to Thompson Hall. From that time Thompson was called the Union. Within a short time work began on the construction of the theatre, an annex to the main building. Samples of the stone to be used in the construction of the interior were sent to the U. S. Gypsum Company to determine if the stone were sound-absorbent or if it would produce echoes arid could not be used. The report was returned with the terse comment: "It can be used." All work was done by Mr. Johnson, Dr. Finney's nephew, Left to right: Doug Milne, C'65, Fred Miller, C'64, and Hank Bonar, manager of the University Farm, C'63, with two sons each, spent a weekend at Sewanee this summer and supervisor of all construction playing basketball, swimming, hiking, etc. people from throughout the Middle on the campus. Georgia area, including Macon, The new theatre was opened Fort Valley, Thomaston, Warner C'50; Dr. Jim Brittain, on Christmas Night of 1928. No C'67; and Robins, Marshallville, and Tarvers- in President Stevenson. The other di- students were the audience, but Clubs Make ville. rector, the house was filled with curious Tommy Moon, C'67, had a On November 12, 1979, the local residents. The opening film previous engagement the racquet club held a reception for prospec- was "Madame X" with Ruth ball court. Sparks Fly tive Sewanee students in the Civic Chatterton. It was a gala and very Plans were made for a mid- Room of the Macon Federal Build- successful opening. November dinner and cocktail ing in downtown Macon. This This has been a good year for the Prior to 1933 Tennessee law party, and the plans came off reception was coordinated with a Sewanee Club of Charlotte. While had decreed that no movies could successfully. Douglas Paschall, asso- recruiting visit by Bebe Vann from there is always excellent camaraderie be shown on a Sunday. When that ciate dean of the College, spoke at the admissions office. Additionally, between members on an individual law was repealed, there was still the gathering November 14 at the the club had Dean Paschall come basis, some of the joint efforts are Myers Park Country Club. the question : Would the University down from Sewanee and speak to worth mentioning. permit movies on a Sunday? I re- those attending the reception. In January a wine and cheese quested such permission from Dr. Middle Georgia The club has been successful party was held at the home of Finney. He referred me to Dr. Four official gatherings were held in its recruiting efforts and claims Dr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, C'48. George Myers, then acting dean of in this organizational year, begin- at least partial responsibility for the Dr. Mitchell's daughter, Anne, is a the School of Theology. He referred ning with the kick-off meeting at fact that three students from sophomore in the College. the matter to Bishop Mikell of the the home of Lynn and Mike Cass, Macon entered Sewanee as fresh- In the spring, under Dr. Mitch- C'63. William Atlanta Diocese, also Chancellor of D. Harrison, C'68, men in the fall of 1980. Though all ell's direction, the Sewanee Club the University. When Dr. Myers was elected president, Felder Fred- three students have outstanding Award was presented at eight area erick, received his answer from the Bishop, C'61, vice-president, and records, two of them received high schools. President of the club, David Linholm, C'56, secretary- he came to the Union to see me and awards from the Macon Telegraph Thomas C. Stevenson III, C'73, said the Bishop's answer was a treasurer. and News as the top students in presented the award to Ned Dehaven The active roster of the member- simple one: "If it is not wrong on the entire Middle Georgia area in of Providence Day School. The ship numbers approximately forty their Monday, why should it be wrong respective fields—Kelly award was accepted in the midst on Sunday?" But there was one of generous applause, not only for more obstacle. the recipient but for the spirit, There was a tradition that dedication, and reputation the members of the faculty would be University commands in the Char- at home Sunday evenings to greet lotte community. student callers. The problem was Club recruiting efforts, while solved by having movie showings not formalized, resulted in securing at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. but no several area students to attend showings in the evening. the University, among them the In the new theatre a rear sec- son of the headmaster of Charlotte tion was reserved at all perfor- Latin High School. mances for the black residents of In the spring, President Steven- the Mountain. In the old audi- son attended the Sewanee Club of torium, the right side of the hall Columbia's statewide dance and had been reserved for them on cocktail party in Columbia, South Tuesdays and Saturdays at the Carolina and reported plenty of 9 p.m. shows only. good fun to match a strong turnout. After graduating from the In August the Board of Direc- college in 1928, I went on to the tors met for the annual meeting seminary, receiving my B.D. degree to discuss the general state of the in 1930. I remained at Sewanee club and to decide on the upcoming until 1942 when I went into year's events. military service. Beverly Grail, C'79, left, and Kim Matthews, C'77, try to keep the Those attending were Stuart blood flowing during the Sewanee-Washington and Lee grid battle in Childs, C'50; Dr. Fred Mitchell; October. More than 20 Sewanee fans traveled with the Sewanee Club Jock Tonissen, C'70; Gilbert Lee, of Washington, B.C. to cheer the Tigers. clogging, and those who could not " McBride in English and John Evans buckdance did the jitterbug anyway. in biology. Dean Webb was the very spirit of the club's re- The success of decorum upon being presented efforts is even more evident cruiting with a pipe by Club President Kim it is considered that in the when Matthews and was predictably past five years only two or three gracious in his thanks. But he students from this area have gone showed his true colors when he to Sewanee. admitted to relishing the thought The club met again in February of being able to dress as he pleased at the home of its president, Billy in his newly retired state. He Harrison. At this meeting, the mem- grinned, rocked back and forth on bers adopted a set of by-laws and his heels, and allowed as to how the had a rousing question-and-answer University was going to have him session with Beeler Brush, the back for at least part of the year alumni director. when he begins teaching one or The final meeting of the year two courses in January. was a summer picnic and outing on Memorable glimpses such as a bright Sunday afternoon in May these, and more, shared by Dean on Felder Frederick's family farm Webb served to remind those present in the Fort VaUey-Marshallville of the challenge facing a liberal arts area. All of the students Who had Bryan Starr, C*68, swings for the fences during the annual Atlanta college these days and of the reality been accepted at Sewanee werein- ;', Softball game between Sewanee and Washington and Lee alumni. that the oDvious success of this vited to attend and bring their The umpire is Jack L. Stephenson, C'49, just in case Starr cannot particular college was both of parents. There was a large turnout hit. In the background are other Sewanee alumni. importance and due in part to each for fishing, swimming, boating, and person there. general relaxation. As guests one by one took Of particular interest was the their leave, the ringing echoes of attendance of the Rev. Don Mitch- our yesterdays gave way to merry ell, T'52, and his wife, who are anticipation of a Saturday afternoon both in their mid-eighties, and of yet to come spent watching the the Honorable Giles O'Neal, who Sewanee Tigers' grid battle with is a city councilman in Macon and the W & L Generals, during the the father of Kathleen O'Neal, club's next scheduled outing in currently a student in the College. October. Plans were made for a similar (Report by Lucy Young, C'76) itinerary this year, and it is hoped recruiting efforts will pay even Mobile larger dividends. It is also hoped enthusiastic alumni and the club may within the next year h Many * friends attended the summer party or two begin to help solicit con- Twelve Oaks on Washing- tributions for the University, July 26 at ton Square and welcomed some though currently its activities are distinguished guests. fairly well restricted to recruiting. Bringing down the latest word Washington from the Mountain was Dean special guest The Sewanee Club of Washington, Douglas Paschall, our from Sewanee. Former Ambassador D.C. held its first-ever (make that Armistead Selden, C'42, who was a first annual) barbecue, beer, and Senate in bluegrass party on Friday, August candidate for the U.S. 15. Periodic bursts of torrential Bryan Starr, C'68, is flanked by Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hall, C'68, Alabama's Republican Primary this rain could not keep 100 of the during the president's reception of the Atlanta Club in August. year, also attended. For a summer area's Sewanee fans from enjoying party there was summertime fare^ the hospitality of the Honorable hot dogs, beer, etc. and Mrs. Eugene Martin Morris, The Mobile Club, in an enthusi- the dry wit of Dean John Webb, astic effort to encourage local and the plain fun of getting together high school students to consider off the Mountain. the University, organized a bus trip' Judge and Mrs. Morris were to Sewanee for the weekend of kind enough to open their Great November 7-9. The purpose of the Fails, Virginia home to an assembly trip was to give prospective stu- of University alumni, current and dents an opportunity to sample newly entering students, and parents first-hand what student life on the of both. The crowd gathered in Mountain is like. Among the club honor of Dean Webb's retirement members accompanying the group this August. Classes of 1936 to were Joel Daves, C'73, and the 1984 held their own as people came Rev. John M. Barr, Jr., T'51. from beyond Baltimore and North- ern Virginia to spend an evening Central South Carolina with the Dean and friends from A late summer party—a hamburger University days. cookout at the Quail Lane Racquet a "terrific The executive committee fur- Club in Columbia—was rep*brts Stanley, nished willing workers and desserts, success," Ernest marvelous while the Morris family pitched in C'71. In addition to a to provide more food than even speech from Dean Douglas Paschall, this Gailor-weaned crew could the club "finally" made a bit of Mr. Mrs. handle. A three-man bluegrass band, and Bill Rogers, C'49, and Jack L. Stephenson, C'49, money on a summer party. gather at playing old favorites, inspired a few the president's reception of the Atlanta Club. The reception The party was a proper follow- was held brave souls to brush up on their at the home of Dean and Mrs. David C. Collins. up to the March party and dance, which drew almost 200 alumni and .

Nashville An enthusiastic group enjoyed a Satsuma box supper August 21 on the grounds of Belle Meade Mansion.

Baton Rouge The club welcomed Dean and Mrs. Robert Lancaster to an old fashion- ed barbecue October 23. The host for the club was Andrew Gay, A'37, at St. Louis Plantation on the river in Plaquemine, Louisiana. Dr. Bob Holloway, C'68, helped organize the event, which was a grand success.

Chattanooga The club threw a summer party at the American National Bank Lakeside Club on Chickamauga Members of the Sewanee Club of Nashville pause during the club's Lake. The party was a great success, summer party at the Belle Meade Mansion. From left are Phil Carpen- with a large number of in-coming ter, C'78; Tim Toler, C'71;Pete Stringer, C'71; Debbie Guthrie, freshmen, their parents, and current C'77;Randy Dunn, C'76;Peppy Presley, C'72, and his wife. students attending, as well as alumni and their spouses. The meeting helped to build interest friends. Another such party is Central Florida in homecoming weekend. planned for 1981 A festive victory party for the The Sewanee Awards were pre- football squad, coaches, alumni, sented this year to students in and Sewanee friends was given by five area high schools. the club after the Tigers-St. Leo A parents' committee was start- College game November 8. ed this year to encourage the par- The dinner party was held at ticipation of parents of current the St. Leo College campus boat- students. The success of this is not house and lakefront picnic area. what we had hoped for, but we Eric Newman, C'70, was the recep- believe will get more support from tion chairman. parents as time goes on. It is interesting how many of The club's annual meeting will Sewanee's current gridders—at least be held January 9. a dozen—come from the Central Florida area. Houston The annual summer gathering of Atlanta the Houston Club was held August A Founders' Day Dinner was held 9 at the home of Bill Bomar, C'52, October 30 at the Ansley Golf and his wife, Ramona. After a meal Club. The guests from the Moun- of grilled hamburgers, everyone set tain included Doug Paschall, asso- off for the Astrodome and the ciate dean; Mary Sue Cushman, Astros' baseball game. Their seats dean of women, and Walter Bryant, were reserved, and the club was athletic director. Dennis Hall, C'69, given notice in the scoreboard lights. was one of the organizers of the The annual Autumn Banquet dinner. was held October 21 at the Hous- Leonard Pogue, C'80, was one of the former students of Andrew dedication in October. ton Country Club. Robert S. Lan- Lytle who greeted the author at the Lytle bust caster, former dean of the College, was the guest speaker for the evening,

Greenville An autumn party was held Novem- ber 6 at the home of Ned Sloan, A'46.

Birmingham The annual Founders' Day Ban- quet was held October 21 at the Highland Racquet Club. Dean Pas- chall was the guest speaker from the Mountain.

Spartanburg A Founders' Day Cookout was organized by the Spartanburg, South Carolina Club and held October 12. Ted Stirling spoke to alumni and spouses about the latest state of things on the domain. The informal gathering was held at the Academy class 1 930 gather a place called Floyd's Cabin. Most of the visiting members of of here at the annual homecoming reception in September. From left are Carlos Morris, John Kirby-Smith, Sam Powell, J. Fain "Doc" Cravens, and Everett Tucker. ) Class Notes Academy


Edward M. Overton, Jr., Class Agent 1301 Placid Drive Strawbridge Estates W. PORTER "PETE" WARE, A, Sykesville, Maryland 21784 C'26, has a new book published—P. T. Barnum Presents Jenny Lind—which he SAMUEL WALL VAN LEER, A, is the co-authored with Thad Lockard„(See the headmaster at the Springwood in Point, Georgia. review elsewhere in this issue. School West


W. Ferris McGee, Class Agent P. O. Box 891 Flagler Beach, Florida 32036

Louie M. Phillips, Class Agent Robert P. Hare, Class 400 Union Street Agent 3919 Haven Road Nashville, Tennessee 37219 Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343

J. Fain Cravens, Class Agent P.O. Box 1280 Stewart P. Walker, Jr., Class Agent Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35403 3130 Oxford Road Augusta, Georgia 30904

Rutherford R. Cravens, Class Agent 3133 Buffalo Speedway John Adams, Class Agent Houston, Texas 77006 3518 Lenox Road Birmingham, Alabama 35213


John W. Spence, Class Agent 1565 Vinston Ave. The Rev. H. Fred Gough, Class Agent Memphis, Tennessee 38104 St. Paul's Church Box 755 1939 Clinton, North Carolina 28328

1959 CHARLES M. LINDSAY, A, of Gainesville, Georgia is engaged in selling Louis Walker, Class Agent textile chemicals with Lutex Chemical 3033 Bransford Road Corporation of Chattanooga. He has Augusta, Georgia 30904 served on the vestry and been senior warden of Grace Episcopal Church in HUGH Z. GRAHAM, 'A, is senior Gainesville. He and his wife, Jane, have vice-president and director of trust for two children and two young grand- South Carolina National Bank in children. Colum- bia, South Carolina. Recently he served 1940 as the chairman of the Old Exchange Building Commission in Charleston which dealt with the restoration of that building. George Wood, Class Agent 1744 Cherokee Terrace 19G0 Louisville, Kentucky 40205

Albert Carpenter, Jr., Class Agent 1011 Fourth Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 Charles H. Randall, Class Agent 310 Canterbury PRESTON C. San Antonio, Texas 78209 CLAYTON, JR., A, is an attorney and municipal judge in Eufaula, Alabama. J. DEXTER EDGE, JR., A, is an attorney with Henkel and in George F. Wheelock, Class Agent Lamon Atlanta. P. O. Box 10544 Birmingham, Alabama 35202 1961

O. H. Eaton, Jr., Class Agent 355 East Semoran Boulevard Robertson McDonald, Class Agent Altamonte 850 Overton Lane Springs, Florida 3270I Nashville, Tennessee 37220 DAVID COULSON, A, soon due to be a grandfather, is spending the year as artist -in -residence at the Jewish Com- Latham Darts munity Center in Houston, Texas. He was Morton Langstaff, Class Agent Jon York of Atlanta mirrors Sewanee's troubles this grid year after on the Mountain for homecoming and 400 North View Terrace going down with an injury early in the season. Injuries was wondering what became of all the kept key Alexandria, Virginia 22301 members of the class of players on the sidelines. 1961. He'd like to hear from you. Please write him at: P. O. Box 34773, Houston, Texas 77034. A deep interest and commitment to educa- tion led Jack Wright, C'54, to a new professional plateau when he was named this year the head- master of The Masters School, Dobbs Ferry, New York. He served as a faculty member and administrator for twelve years at both boys' and girls' boarding schools and twelve years at day schools. Many Sewanee residents remember Jack when he taught at the Academy in the middle and late 50s. In 1 968 he became headmaster of The Gill School, a girls* day school in Bernardsville, New Jersey, and four years later became head of the merged coeducational Gill/St. Bernard's School Jack and his wife, Winston, who is active in education and child welfare organizations, have four children, a son John at Amherst Col- lege and three younger daughters.

In case you have missed the sharply rising career of STEVE WILKERSON, A, C*65, Steve is currently vice-president John Gay, Class Agent Miss Sharon Homich, Class Agent for development. at Boston University. He 2147 Oleander Street 11 Belmont Blvd. and his wife, Margaret, have two children, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 Elmont, New York 11003 Frances, age 10, and Margaret, 8. TILDEN BARGER, A, is attend- 1962 ing school while also working as an Thomas E. Hargrave, Class Agent announcer and producer for two Little George Elliott, Jr., Class Agent 328 East Main Street Arkansas Rock, radio stations, KLRE-FM 3336 E. Briarcliff Road Rochester, New York 14604 (public radio) and KARN-AM. He is an Birmingham, Alabama 35223 honor student at Arkansas College of

WILLIAM C. "CHUCK" BUSCH- Technology where he is studying bio- ARDT, A, is president of the American 76 medical equipment technology. In 1977 CHARLES DUNCAN CONWAY, C, Hose Company and is a paramedic with and 1978, Tilden attended Hendrix and his wife Madeleine celebrated their the Houston, Texas Fire Department. College. He was married last year to 50th wedding anniversary on July 19, GRADY H. JONES, A, joined the Stephanie they have a Gammel, and 1980. IBM Corporation in 1967 after a four- daughter, Vanessa Lorraine, born Octo- DAVID R. FITE, A, is presently year stint in the Navy. During his career ber 6. attending the University of Tennessee with IBM, he has lived in Miami, Atlanta, C. C. (POWELL) MEIRDMG, A, at Knoxville and working in a psychiatric and Chicago and is now in Green Bay, and her husband, Jim, live in Sewanee hospital. Wisconsin where he is an IBM field mana- with their two children, Molly and Joseph. ANNE CATHERINE MARSH, A, ger. He and his wife, Ann, have a four- They are presently building a solar home. is three credits short of being a senior year-old child. LEE LAWSON STOCKDALE, A, is at the University of St. Thomas in in the Army in Germany and will get out Houston, Texas where she is a French 1963 in March of 1981. major. She has won numerous prizes in The Rev. Ralph Kendall, Class Agent the reading of that language. After she 13 Brookside Drive John R. Alexander, Class Agent 1971 finishes at St. Thomas she plans to enroll Wetumpka, Alabama 36092 Greensboro Daily News in school in Washington and later pursue Davie and Gaston Streets Mr. and Mrs. B. Humphreys McGee, Class a career in the Diplomatic Service. Greensboro, North Carolina 27402 Agents 302 Willeroy 1979 William Shaw, Class Agent 1964 Leland, Mississippi 38756 513 Shady Circle Drive Symmes Culbertson, Class Agent Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27801 Monte Skidmore, Class Agent BENJAMIN D. MARTIN, A, has left 128 -A Rich burg Road 2726 Athens A. G. Edwards and Sons, Inc. in Nashville Greeneville, South Carolina 29607 Houston, Texas 77005 and moved to Dallas, Texas to join his father in a manufacturing company which specializes in a new type of transport refrigeration. Mary Pom Claiborne, Class Agent Brooke S. Dickson, Class Agent 6811 Sherwood Drive SW 4616 Prytania Street 1972 Knoxville, Tennessee 37919 New Orleans, Louisiana 70115 Charles E. Thomas, Class Agent BAYLY F. TURLINGTON, A, 200 Fairview Avenue, Alta Vista married Rebecca Ann Six in Sewanee on Greenville, South Carolina 29601 September 6, 1980. Rusty Morris, Class Agent College North and Clark Streets Pass Christian, Mississippi 39571 John M. Crawford, Class Agent John F. Gillespy, Class Agent 33 Bay View Drive 880 John Anderson Portland, Maine 04103 Beach, Florida 32074 Ormond The Rev. H.N. Tragitt, Jr., Class Agent Joseph E. Gardner, Jr., Class Agent P. O. Box 343 P. O. Box 6409 WILLIAM J. COCKETT, A, gradu- Sheridan, Montana 59749 Corpus Christi, Texas 78411 ated from the University of Tennessee William C. Schoolfield. Class Agent School in the spring and married Dr. Law COL. JOHN W. RUSSEY, C, cele- 4518 Roland Avenue, Apt. No. 3 Sharron Stafford on August 2, 1980. brated his 50th wedding anniversary Dallas, Texas 75220 A, WILLIAM WALL RICKARDSON, on May 20, 1980. Robert T. Douglass, Class Agent is married to Joanne Smith and lives in P. O. Box 25944 Little Rock, Arkansas. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73125 1974 Malcolm Fooshee, Class Agent 30 Rockefeller Plaza Tedfred Myers, Class Agent New York. New York 10020 Henry and Barbara Bedford, Class Agents 6021 West 13th Street 573 Huntington Pky. Gainesville, Florida 32601 John M. Ezzell, Class Agent Nashville, Tennessee 37211 4302 Estes Avenue James M. A vent, Class Agent Nashville, Tennessee 37215 KATHRYN (COCKETT) PALMER, Natural Bridge Road A, is the mother of a baby boy, Christo- Mrs. Frances Ashcraft Bridges, Class Agent Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 pher, bom May 4, 1980. P. O. Box 32 Pope, Mississippi 38658 6

The Rev. J. Willard Yoder, GST'56, continues his successful career in the narcotics rehabilita- tion program at Discovery House on the grounds of Marlboro State Hospital in New Jersey. The success of the program is attributed to what Mr, Yoder describes as a "supportive environment" rather than the use of psychiatric drugs. While remaining active in the work of the Church, the Rev. Mr. Yoder has taught psychol- ogy at William Paterson College and Fairleigh Dickenson University. He is listed in Who's Who in the East, the Directory of American Scholars, and Who's Who in Religion. He has the unique distinction of having taught in the School of The- ology before receiving his Master of Divinity degree from Sewanee.

The events were sponsored by the South THE REV. ALLEN W. JOSLIN, C, Carolina American Revolutionary Bicen- T'44, is now living in Salisbury, North Julius French, Class Agent tennial Commission. Carolina. George W. Hopper, Class Agent 4435 Sarong Street 2418 Prudential Plaza Houston, Texas 77096 1050 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colorado 80265 Augustus T. Graydon, Class Agent W. Sperry Lee, Class Agent 1225 Washington Street P. O. Box 479 In 1972, W. COTHRAN "COT" Columbia, South Carolina 29201 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 CAMPBELL, C, left his thriving Atlanta advertising firm to convert a lifelong hobby into the full-time business of 1934 buying and racing horses. Today his James W.Hill III, Class Agent George Albert Woods, Class Agent Dogwood Stable, of which he is president, R. Morey Hart, Class Agent 514 Emery Road 2200 Trowbridge Road leases from twenty-eight different Dog- Hart Realty Company Louisville, Kentucky 40206 Albany, Georgia 31707 wood limited partnerships involving 125 P.O. Box 12711 people, forty-two horses in training, mares. Last year, Pensacola, Florida 32571 THE REV. JAMES SAVOY, C, WILLIAM R. McKINLEY, C, re- and twenty brood was joined at Homecoming this year by cently retired from teaching after 29 horses sold by Dogwood Farm grossed 1935 LESTER CHISHOLM, C'40, and WIL- years as a kindergarten through eighth $2 million. LIAM C. DUCKWORTH, C'39, who grade instructor. The Rev. Edward Harrison, Class Agent flew in for the day from Pittsburgh. 1952 P. O. Box 567 1945 Rock Springs, Wyoming 82901 1939 R. Andrew Duncan, Claw Agent 203 Roy Strainge, Class Agent 100 Madison St. Bldg., Suite ROBERT W. DANIEL, C, married Lt. Col. Leslie McLaurin, Class Agent 1918 Funston Street Tampa, Florida 33602 Dorothea Rountree Wolf on October 18, Running Knob Hollow Road Hollywood, Florida 33020 1980 in Monteagle, Tennessee. The Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 LUCAS MYERS, C, presented a former Mrs. Wolf was head of the career one-act play, Cracked Canines, at the services department at the University 1940 "No Smoking Playhouse Festival" in of the South. Edgar L. Sanford, Class Agent New York this past July. The Rev. F. Newton Howden, Class Agent Fort Worth Country Day School THE REV. WILLIAM TRUESDELL, 1936 Trinity Episcopal Church 4200 Country Day Lane S.J., C, is a Jesuit priest and has been Chicago, Lime Rock Fort Worth, Texas 761 1 teaching at St. Ignatius School in James D. Gibson, Class Agent Lakeville, Connecticut 06039 Illinois. He is very active in the charis- 3025 Las Pal mas matic movement and spends a good deal Houston, Texas 77027 1941 of his time engaged in hospital visitation. James G. Cate, Jr., Class Agent H. HENRY LUMPKIN, C, professor Dr. Manning Pattillo, Jr., Class Agent 2304 North Ocoee Street 1953 of history at the University of South 1571 Windsor Parkway, N. E. Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 delivered Carolina and a noted author, Atlanta, Georgia 30319 Robert J. Boylston, Class Agent the address at last spring's ceremonies in 2106 Fifth Street, West Charleston commemorating the bicen- 1942 Palmetto, Florida 33561 tennial anniversary of the fall of that city Dr. Fred Mitchell, Class Agent to the British during the Revolution. The Dr. O. Morse Kochtitzky, Class Agent 2332 Vernon Drive RICHARD MITCHELL, C, has a involved theme of the ceremonies actually Frist-Scoville Medical Group Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 new book out entitled Less Than Words a rededication to the ideals of America. P.O. Box 24810 Can Say. For years Richard has been Nashville, Tennessee 37202 recognized as a noted grammarian. ' WILSON W. STEARLY, C, has been John P. Guerry, Class Agent appointed a trust officer with the Union Fiftieth Year Honor First Federal Savings & Loan Association Trust Company of New Haven, Con- Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402 necticut. He will be responsible for The Rev. Francis D. "Frank" Daley, C'28, was honored with a coordination of estate planning and trust THE RT. REV. CHRISTOPHER business for eleven Union Trust offices special service and reception earlier this year at Saint Mark's Episco- FITZSIMONS ALLISON, C, was ordained in the greater New Haven area. pal Church in Starke, Florida. The occasion was the observance of Bishop Coadjutor of South Carolina on the 50th anniversary of Frank's graduation from the School of September 25, 1980 in Charleston. 1954 Theology. harry c. Mcpherson, jr., c, the legal counsel for the rules The program was arranged by the seminary in cooperation with served as The Rev. W. Gilbert Dent III, Class Agent committee at the Democratic National 17 Hurd Road the Rev. John Flynn, rector of Saint Mark's, where Frank frequently Convention. Belmont, Massachusetts 02718 assisted with services. THE HON. MARTIN EUGENE evening with Thanksgiving, The began a great service of at which MORRIS, C, represented the University GILBERT Y. MARCHAND, C, has Frank celebrated Holy Communion. A homily was delivered by the of the South at the recent inauguration been appointed vice-president of account- Rev. William Hethcock, Sewanee's director of field education, who of the new president of the American ing and systems for Hamilton Brothers Petroleum Corporation of Denver, represented the Dean and Vice-Chancellor. University in Washington, D. C. Colorado. At the reception which followed, the Rev. Mr. Hethcock present- 1950 LEONARD N. WOOD, C, vice- ed Frank with a special testimonial diploma to mark the occasion. president and trust officer for the Third Cards, gifts, and good wishes were also given by the parish and Richard B. Doss, Class Agent National Bank of Nashville, Tennessee, Frank's many friends. 1400 South Post Oak Road, Suite 701 delivered the legislative committee report at the Tennessee Bankers Trust Conven- Prior to the evening activities, about twenty Sewanee alumni and Houston, Texas 77027 tion in October of 1980. their spouses held a get-together at the Holiday Inn in Starke. a

Nathaniel D. Owens, C'70, was elected Ala- bama district court judge from Calhoun and Cleburne Counties in a September general elec- tion. Appointed earlier to the position, Nat became the first black ever elected to an Alabama judgeship from a predominantly white district. He was back in Sewanee for homecoming October 5 and still looks fit enough to run over a few linemen from Rose.

A new book by ROBERT K. BARN- KIRKMAN F1NLAY, C, the mayor HART, C, The Second Barnhart Diction- of Columbia, South Carolina, received J. Alexander McPherson III, Class Agent ary of New English, was recently pub- some very good news in October— Douglas J. Milne, 1225 Springdate Road lished by Harper and Row in Class Agent New York. twelve million dollar federal Urban Anderson, South Carolina 29621 2825 Eldorado Avenue Development Action Grant for Columbia. 1957 Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Attorney TALBOT D'ALEMBERTE, 1959 C, W. GRAHAM a partner in the firm of Steel, Hector, William A. Kimbrough, Jr., Class Agent HANN, C, now lives in Fort and Davis of Miami, Florida, has been 4675 Old Shell Road Pierce, Florida where he is work- Anthony C. Gooch, Class Agent elected by the American Bar Association Mobile, Alabama ing for Indian River Community College 36608 Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen and Hamilton members in Florida £o at the Okeechobee School for Boys. represent them in One State Street Plaza the House ABA of Delegates. The House DR. BENJAMIN J. BERRY, C, a New York, New York 10004 19£6 of Delegates is the 380-member policy- Fellow in the American College of Obste- making body of the ABA, the largest tricians and Gynecologists, has been RICHARD FOSTER, C, has been voluntary professional association named John Day Peake, Jr., Class Agent in the vice-chairman of the California promoted to manager of the cooler 159 Roberts Street section of the American College of department of the Los Angeles Coca-Cola Mobile, Alabama 36604 Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Bottling Company. 1956 THE REV. GARY D. STEBER, C, 1958 CHARLES R. ALLEN, JR., C, is T'79, has become curate at his home practicing law in The Rev. Edward Salmon, Jr., Class Roanoke, Virginia. L Agent parish, All Saints' Church, in Mobile, THE REV. RICHARD M. "RICK" Church of St. Michael and St. George Thomas Black, Class Agent Alabama. Interesting also is that he is 6345 Wydown at Ellenwood 1506 Saunders Avenue FLYNN, C, his wife Jan and son residing in an 82-year-old home of the St. Louis, Missouri 63105 Madison, Thomas live in Brownsville, Tennessee, Tennessee 37115 Mobile Historical Society. where Rick is vicar of Christ Church, Brownsville and Immanuel Church, 1960 Ripley.

WILLIAM McKEACHIE, C, is Howard W. Harrison, Jr., Class Agent spending several months with Old Saint 435 Spring Mill Road Paul's Church in Baltimore, helping the Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085 parish, which is the "mother church" of the Diocese of Maryland, evaluate its 1961 ministry and programs in light of the renewal of Baltimore's downtown. Bill T. S. KANDUL, C, is practicing was one of three finalists being consider- pathology at the St. Mary Medical Center ed earlier this, year for the post of liaison in Evansville, Indiana. He and his new officer between the Anglican Communion wife, Debbie, have a son, John Martin and the Vatican, which would have Kandul. entailed virtually his full-time presence in Rome. He regards his conversations 1962 there as among the highlights of his life. Professor Howard Root of the Church W. Landis Turner, Class Agent of England, former Oxford Bampton 556 Park Avenue, North Lecturer and a member of the interna- Hohenwald, Tennessee 38462 tional Anglican-Roman Catholic Com- mission, accepted the appointment and was, according to Bill, the best qualified for the post. Jerry H. Summers, Class Agent JAMES WALTHALL MIMS, JR., C, 500 Lindsay Street received his law degree from Samford Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 University in Birmingham, Alabama this past May. DR. THOMAS A. GASKIN, C, is the associate director of medical educa- 1967 tion at the Baptist Medical Center and has a private practice of general and Peterson Cavert, Class Agent vascular surgery. Also, he is clinical First Mortgage Company assistant professor of surgery at the Uni- Box 1280 versity of Alabama in Birmingham. Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401

1964 After a promotion JOSEPH ALLEN KICKLIGHTER, C, is now an associate Allen Wallace, Class Agent professor of history at Auburn University. 111 Gil man Avenue DR. ROBERT LEE MAYS, C, has Nashville, Tennessee 37205 accepted an appointment as assistant professor of accounting in the department FRANK O. "SKIP" HANSBERGER of business administration at Trinity III, C, lives with his wife Francoise and Hue rity. his two boys Daniel and Pierre in Marly- JOEL A. "JODY" SMITH III, C, le-Roi, France where he is the Maitre de has been elected senior vice-president and Conferences d'Anglais, Ecole Nationale named Columbia regional executive for d 'Ad ministration, professor of English Bankers Trust of South Carolina. and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. MAJ. JOSEPH E. STURTEVANT,

JR., C, is currently stationed at the Marine Corps Air Station at Yuma, Arizona. Playboy 's sports editor Anson Mount, 0*50, left, and University of Kentucky coach Joe Hall, C51, take time out during a photo session with players named to Playboy's 1980-81 Preview All-America Team. Joe Hall was also named Playboy s Coach of the Year. 1

Kyle Rote, Jr., C'72, says he gained a new perspective on world hunger and lost ten pounds in the process on a five-week trip to Southeast Asia and India. The trip was a part of a mission program for the Church and left him emotionally

DAVID W. AIKEN, JR., C,Ms in his third year of residency in orthopedic Thomas S. Rue, Class Agent Pendleton Rogers, Class Agent surgery in New Orleans. 121 Williams Court 7 East Fourteenth Street, No. 928 WILLIAM S. CALDWELL, C, is Mobile, Alabama 36606 New York, New York 10003 currently attending the University of Wisconsin in Madison where he is in

DAVID BEECKEN, C, is now in LEWIS '.'SAM" and PATRICIA graduate school working toward his Chicago working for Smith, Barney, {MOODY, C'75) AGNEW, C, are living Ph.D. in organic chemistry. He and his Harris, and Upham. in Scottsdale, Arizona where Sam recent- wife, Cecilia, have a one-year-old daugh- CRAIG V. BLEDSOE, C, is a flight ly completed an advanced commercial ter named Laurel Shann. safety officer for the Airline Pilots Asso- credit training course with the Valley ROBERT BROOKS DAVIS, C, ciation and has been busy coordinating National Bank of Arizona. Sam is a received his law degree from Samford testimony for a public hearing before commercial loan officer with the bank University at the end of May, 1980. Congress on airline safety and the FAA and is involved with the United Way of CHARLES B. EMERSON, C, is an Remember GRANT M. "LASH" Le- Arizona, serving on the agency budget associate manager and staff member of ROUX, C, who started in 1959 and after and review panels. the Foreign Affairs Studies Department sometime in and sometime out graduated HARROLD H. CARSON, C, is the of the BDM Corporation in McLean, in 1968. Well, Grant has graduated from proud father of a baby boy, Benjamin Virginia. His wife, Anne, is working on Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, Andrew, born April 23, 1980. her Ph.D. in economics at the University been ordained a deacon in the Diocese of WILLIAM G. DODDS, JR., C, was of Maryland. Both are active in the Pittsburgh, and will be ordained to the married to Ferdinan Legare Stevenson on Washington, D.C. Sewanee Club. priesthood on December 13, 1980 in Wednesday, July 16, 1980 in Charleston, MIRIAM "MDVH" KISER, C, was Pittsburgh. Presently he is serving as South Carolina. recently appointed to the nursing staff rector of the Church of the Epiphany in VERA AUKES MOOR, C, received of Lakes Region Community Health Pittsburgh. her law degree from Samford University Agency in Laconia, New Hampshire. CAPT. DAVID C. LULL, C, is John P. Stewart, C'69 in Birmingham, Alabama this past May. She is currently pursuing a B.S. degree currently stationed at McGuire Air Force MARK CALVERT "CAL" SIMS, C, at New England College. Base, New Jersey. and his wife, Linda, are the proud parents SAM MORRIS, C, now works as a JOHN P. STEWART, C, has been of a little girl, Eileen Michelle, born on systems programmer with Burroughs recently promoted to sales manager, cor- 1969 May 19, 1980 in Ramstein, Germany. Corporation and has plans to start work porate services, in the community THE REV. JEFFREY H. WALKER, on a master's degree in computer science banking division of the First National Jesse L. Carroll, Jr., Class Agent C, has been named rector of Palmer at the University of Michigan. Bank of Atlanta. He has been with First Morgan, Stanley Company Memorial Episcopal Church, Houston, CHRISTOPHER PAINE, C, former Atlanta since 1973. In addition, John is 1251 Avenue of the Americas Texas. He and his wife Elizabeth and director of the Bishop's Common, among enrolled at Georgia State University. New York, New York 10020 their three daughters spent part of their other duties with the University, is a r Sewanee. 1970 at first-year law student at the Walter F. We have a note that DERIC BEIL George School of Law at Mercer University. III, C, has established his own publishing 1973 JIM received his Jock Tonissen, Class Co-agent PALMER, C, M.A. business, the Sandstone Press, in New in English 2821 Hillsdale Avenue this summer and started his York City. Julian L. Bibb III, Class Agent Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 seventh year of teaching and coaching at DR. A. MELTON "BUD" BLACK, 219 Franklin Road Randolph School in Huntsville, Alabama NSF, Gaston County Commissioner and Franklin, Tennessee 37064 Jess Womack, Class Co-agent this fall. He was joined on the faculty first vice-president of the North Carolina 236 Blue Bonnet this year by his wife, Debi. They have Association of County Commissioners, STEVEN C, and his wife, San Antonio, Texas 78209 GRAHAM, two sons, Alan Scott and Ryan Christo- has been named to the National Associ- Mary Jane, have a son, Allen Taylor, pher. All are doing well. _ ation of Counties Criminal Justice and born on March 30, 1980 in Birmingham, WILSON G. RUSSELL, C, will be Public Safety Steering Committee. Alabama. Steve and his brother, MIKE, moving to Winston-Salem, North Caro- 1975 CHARLES H. BLANCHARD, C, C'76, have joined their father in a real lina in March of 1981 to accept a new has a son, Charles, Jr., born June 6. specializing in com- position with the Forsyth Memorial estate partnership Robert T. Coleman III, Class Agent RUTHERFORD R. "RUDDY" mercial and industrial real estate. Hospital in pathology. The Liberty Corporation CRAVENS, C, is a partner in one of DR. BYRON H. LENGSFIELD HI, P. O. Box 789 Houston, Texas' newest restaurants, 1971 C, and his wife Karen have moved to Greenville, South Carolina 29602 Harvey's. He and his wife. Donna, are San Jose, California where Byron has a there Tuesday through Sunday in the research grant from and Ernest H. Stanley, Class Agent postdoctoral IBM CAPT. JOHN P. BOWLER, C, is evenings. That's a hard way to make a P.O. Box 11705 is working in their San Jose research lab. deputy director of transportation at Columbia, South Carolina 2921 GEORGE "PETE" PETERS, JR., Dobbins Air Force Base, Georgia where SCOTT FLEMING FONES, C, has C, will finish up his MBA at the Univer- he was recently awarded the Meritorious been awarded a master's degree in sity of North Carolina-Greensboro in DR. R. BRUCE BASS, JR., C, is Service Medal. He and his wife, Georgina, engineering from Pennsylvania State now practicing with the Mobile Urology December of this year. reside in Marietta with their daughter, University. DR. CHARLES THOMAS "TOM" Group, P.A., in Mobile, Alabama. One of We have a note that TODD A. HODGES, C, is currently a development his partners is Dr. William H. Cooner, RINGLAND K. "REX" BRAY, C, GEORGI, C, was married last year to biochemist in the clinical systems division the father of JOHN COONER, C'82. married Michele Hahn this summer. Nebraska. They Mary Wagner of Scotia, of the DuPont Company. He and his in TRICE FASIG, A'67, C, is a tax The couple honeymooned Bermuda are residing in Crete, Nebraska where wife, Susan, have a two-month-old daugh- auditor with the I.R.S. in Nashville, and then returned to Athens, Georgia Todd is teaching and bearing administra- ter, Mary Kathryn "Katie" Hodges. Tennessee where he works on the review where they will live while Rex finishes tive duties at Doane College. Mary ANNA (DURHAM) WINDROW, C, staff. He is presently about to finish up his graduate studies at the University of teaches high school English, speech, and is now in the field of residential real his studies for his C.P.A. He and his Georgia. debate. estate with Joel Riggs and Company, wife, Kathy, have two children, Amy, age EDWARD C. BREWER III, C, and Better Homes and Gardens Realtors. seven and Jacob, age eighteen months. his wife, NANCY (MARTIN), C'76, will She works in their Green Hills office in MARIA J. KIRBY-SMITH, C, recent- be moving to Atlanta in 1981 where Ed Nashville, Tennessee. ly donated her portrait bust of Andrew has a job with the Federal Court of Nelson Lytle to the University of the Appeals and Nan will be studying in 1974 University's physician associate South. At present she is working for the Emory Franklin Mint in Philadelphia. She has program. Their three-year-old daughter, William N. Coppedge, Class Agent had numerous commissions and is con- Katherine, has started ballet lessons. Walters sidered an exceptional sculptress. 1509 Avenue Northbrook, Illinois 60062 FRANK DREAPER CUNNINGHAM, On June 28, 1980, JAMES R. C, received his law degree from Samford SPEARS, C, married Gayle M. Reid of University at the end of May, 1980. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. James and ANNA "MISSY'* DOSWELL, C, is a Gayle live in Gainesville, Florida where first-year law student at F.S.U. She would James is attending medical school at the like to keep in contact with as many University of Florida. people in her class as she can. Please write her at 1946 Portland Avenue, Tallahassee, Florida 32303. JOHN M. GLENN, JR., C, married Mary Warner, Class Agent Susan Staub in Richmond, Virginia on 1493 A Druid Valley Drive June 28, 1980. The couple will live in Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Atlanta, Georgia.

MICHAEL AND NANCY (BELL, MARK ANDREWS, C, is a student in C'78) MCALLISTER, C, graduated in the MBA program at Tulane University May with MBAs from Tulane University and sends word he is beginning to like

and are now living in New York City. New Orleans and his new life, though it BECKY HALL, C, is still pursuing an took some adjustment.

M.A. in intercultural communication RICK COLE, C, is teaching physics specializing in translation and interpreta- this year at Battle Ground Academy in tion (English -French). She has finished Franklin, Tennessee. His extra duties her course work at the Monterey Institute include working with the photography of International Studies and is working on her thesis. LEE BRADFORD GUERRY, C, AVIS (BRANNON) WILLIAMS, C, is a first-year law student at the Univer- Capt. John P. Bowler, C'75 and her husband, Larry, now have two sity of Virginia. daughters, Charts and Lyra. Larry is in CLIFFORD BARRON HAYES, C, his third year of medical school and Avis is now in business school at the Univer- DAVID P. C, is ANN E. "BETSY" C, CORDTS, entering SELLARS, is managing a 32-unit apartment complex sity of South Carolina. his fourth year as a social studies teacher was married to David B. Foutch on in West Virginia. JAN KIBLER, C, is working on her at Enloe High School as well August 27, 1977. She and David recently as coaching MBA at the University of Chicago. the soccer team and advising the student had a daughter, Christine Blair, born 1978 JOHN T. OLIVER HI, C, is a broker council. In his spare April 4, 1980. time he teaches in with the Hand Investment Company in the CYNTHIA (LEVI) International Studies Program of the SPRATLEY, C, Thomas H. Williams, Class Agent Birmingham, Alabama. He concentrates and her husband, Albert, are Enloe Government and International the proud 1764 Carruthers primarily on buying and trading municipal Studies Market Program. parents of a baby boy, Albert W. Memphis, Tennessee 381 12 bonds. Spratley II, born February 2, 1980. LINDSEY LOGAN III, C, is married LEONARD F. POGUE III, C, was to Deborah Kay Hall and lives in Holly- ELIZABETH J. TURPFT, C, finished SALLY STEVEN BURTON, C, honored by the Alpha Tau Omega wood, her course work on her master's degree Florida, where he works as a in married Allan Walton in Orange Park, National Fraternity by being one of those general assignment art history at George Washington Univer- reporter for the Florida on June 12, 1980. awarded their Thomas Arkle Clark Award sity and is working Hollywood Sun-Tattler. now as an intern LIZANNE MARIE COX and JOHN for outstanding character, leadership and at the Gallery CINDY (FOSTER) and JERRY Corcoran of Art in Wash- L. DAVIS, C, were married September 20 scholarship. ington, D.C. "JEFF" OTWELL, C, have a daughter, in Otey Memorial Church in Sewanee. MARY WARNER, C, moved from Arwen Francis, THOMAS P. WHITAKER, JR., C, is born February 12, 1980. They are making their home in Nashville. Atlanta to Sewanee in October to accept Jeff still enjoying an illustrious works in the Civil Service attached bachelorhood CAMERON PIERCE HAAR, C, and the position of assistant admissions while to the U. S. Navy as a management pursuing a degree in law at Stetson NANCY CAROLYN BOATWRIGHT, director for the University of the South. analyst. Cindy has full-time University in St. Petersburg, Florida. a job with C'81, were married on November 1, 1980. THOMAS A. H. WHITE, C, is Arwen Francis. BARR KEENER, C, is presently enrolled in the Owen Graduate School of 1976 working as a cook at the Rathskeller Management at Vanderbilt University Restaurant in Raleigh, North Carolina. where he will receive his MBA. Billy Joe Shelton, Class Agent Before working in Raleigh, he was travel- 4710 Norway Drive ing out West and throughout Canada Jackson, Mississippi 39206 with a short stint aboard a sailboat out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. CLAIRE ELIZABETH ADAMS, C, Brother's Joke THOMAS RAND, C, spent the sum- married David Randall Brannen on with the Appalachian Stu- Seminary mer working August 30, 1980 in Trinity Episcopal dent Health Coalition in medically Church, Columbus, Georgia. To the Editor: underserved areas in Tennessee and Ken- SARA (BAILEY) FITZSIMONS, C, I would like to call to your tucky. This academic year he will be 1926 had a baby boy in September. He is attention an error printed in doing research in infectious diseases at named Hugh Asa Fitzsimons IV. issue of Vanderbilt before continuing with his Earlier this year THE REV. FRAN- the September 1980 G. GRUBB, C, has become JOHN clinical training. CIS B. WAKEFIELD, JR., C'23, T, was the Sewanee News. It was mis- a member of the Atlanta law firm of ALBERT G. "BERT" STOCKELL, awarded the honorary title of Rector that Marianne McDaniel, Chorey and Taylor. takenly reported C, is now at the University of South Emeritus of All Saints' Church in Mobile, C, a staff writer Wilkerson (C'78) and I were JAMES HARPER, Carolina pursuing a Master of Interna- Alabama, which he had Berved as rector for the St. Petersburg Times, did a married this past summer. tional Business Studies degree. for 20 years until his retirement in 1965. writing masterful job of investigation and The honor was presented at the Holy This is not true and I would in a recent series of articles about the 1979 Communion Service on April 13. Mr. appreciate a correction being plight flight of refugees from Cuba. and Wakefield is the father of FRANCIS B. printed in the next issue. MARIAN McCLURE, C, a graduate Tara Secley, Class Agent WAKEFIELD HI, C'52, and has two science at Harvard, You will probably be in- student in political Sewanee Academy grandsons, MICHAEL S. and BRYAN E. is studying in Haiti this year under a terested to know that I've Sewanee, Tennessee 37375 WAKEFIELD, currently enroUed in the Fulbright-Hays grant. College. discovered the source of this received HELEN GREER MINIC, C, MICHAEL D. HAYES, C, is teaching misinformation to be a prac- her law degree from Samford University high school English at the Webb School 1944 tical joke-playing fraternity in Birmingham, Alabama this past May. and reports that he has "yet to meet or brother of mine. JAN ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, C, make Great Fortune." THE REV. ALLEN W. JOSLIN, C'42, married Robert Joseph Evridge on Other than the puzzled JAMES M. HILL, C, and his wife, T, is now residing in Salisbury, North Saturday, July 26 in Nashville, Tennessee. Ruth, were blessed with a son, Darien Carolina. looks which were received at McCrorey Hill, born June 3, 1980. Homecoming when friends 1977 ADDISON HOSEA III, C, is working 1945 learned that the "bride and for Mart Sporting Goods as a manager in William DuBose III, Class Agent groom" live in Austin, Texas their Hazard, Kentucky store. THE REV. ARCHER TORREY, T, 1502 Whitaker Drive and Tulsa, Oklahoma, respec- ROBERT C. JOHNSON, C, is work- has temporarily left his work at Jesus Carolina Columbia, South 29206 ing for the North Carolina Employment Abbey in Korea to spend a year in the tively, no harm has been done. Security Commission as an employment U.S. He and his wife, Jane, and children But I would like to have the E. C, recently JOANNE BOYD, interviewer. He lives in Forest City, North have a home in Charlotte Court House, from the University of Ala- record set straight for the graduated Carolina. Virginia. On a recent trip to Charlotte, school and is now clerking for benefit of those who feel bama law CHARLES ORR, C, recently moved North Carolina, Archer spoke eleven Judge J. Foy Guin at the Federal District eight days at three Episcopal snubbed at not receiving a from Atlanta, Georgia to Charlotte, times in Court in Birmingham, Alabama. three North Carolina where he is teaching in churches, a Lutheran church, and wedding invitation. A. C, is an JAMES BRADFORD, the Charlotte Latin School. trans-denominational meetings. His associate with the law firm of Balch, WILLIAM A. SHOLTEN HI, C, will column, "Letters from a Mountain David E. Jackson, C'78 Bingham, Baker, Hawthorne, Williams marry LESLIE BRANDT KIMBROUGH, Valley," in the World of Faith, the in Birmingham, Alabama. is Tulsa, Oklahoma and Ward C'80, on June 27, 1981. largest religious magazine in Korea, well into its second year. 1975 1948 1962 cans of Royal Descent. The group met in the Capital Hilton Hotel near the White THE REV. D. MARTIN, T, THE REV. JOHNSON HAGOOD FRED LEE MEYER, T, writes that PAUL House in Washington last April. The mem- is now assistant rector of St. John's PACE, JR., T, has moved from Jackson- he has become permanently disabled and bership, international 'in character, is Church in Charlotte, Carolina. ville, Florida where he was rector of has moved to his retirement home on North The made up of direct descendants of the last we had heard he was serving as curate St. Luke's Church to St. Marys, Georgia. Route 1, Eatonton, Georgia. ruling houses of Britain and Europe. Dr. of St. Philip's Parish He is now vicar of Christ Church, St. Church in Norbury, Walling traces an unbroken descent to London, England. While Marys and of St. Mark's, Woodbine, 1966 there, he writes, King Edward III of England through the he married an English lass, and they now Beauchamp, Berkeley, and Mowbray have a son of seven months, Seth Mac- THE REV. J. M. McGINNIS, T, and families. Dr. Walling is rector of St. Laughlin. 1949 his wife Cathy were blessed with a son, Alban's Church near downtown Houston, David Paul McGinnis, on May 25, 1979. Texas. THE REV. EMMETT M. WAITS, T, 1977 is director of pastoral services and medical 1978 social work at Gaston Episcopal Hospital THE REV. WILLIAM R. BUICE, T, and his wife have moved to Pass Christian, in Dallas, Texas. He also works in several THE REV. ROBERT J. BOYD, JR., THE REV. MORRIS J. LENT, JR., Mississippi where he is serving St. Patrick's capacities for the American Cancer GST, is rector of Trinity Church in Fred- T, has recently become rector of St. Church. Society, including president of Area V ericksburg, Virginia. James* Church on James Island, South THE REV. of the society's Texas Division. Earlier JOHN NEFF, T, was Carolina. Previously he was assistant this year, he instituted as rector of Christ Church, received a Doctor of Minis- 1969 New minister at St. Michael's Church in try degree from Southern Methodist Brighton, Pennsylvania on October 26 by Charleston". Un jity. THE REV. RICHARD L. STINSON, the Rt. Rev. Robert Appleyard. GST, led a retreat this fall at Sevenoakes, H. KING OEHMIG, T, and his wife 1979 1957 Kent, England for the Fellowship of Margy have a son, H. King, Jr., born August 10, 1980. The family lives in Contemplative Prayer. He is secretary of IRENE HUTCHINSON, T, is Jackson, THE REV. JOHN PAUL CARTER, the fellowship's American branch and has Mississippi where King is a interim minister for the Ashland Terrace T, H'76, is associate rector St. canon on the now of conducted retreats in the United King- staff of the Cathedral of Christian Church in Chattanooga. John's Church in Ellicott St. Andrew. City, Maryland dom, Ireland, and the U.S. Currently THE REV. GARY D. STEBER, near Baltimore. His classmates and friends THE REV. DR. C. rector of St. James' Church in Mount ALBERT WALL- C'59, T, has returned to Mobile to be- would like to know that although ING II, GST, one of the six original he Vernon, Virginia, he has also been recent- come curate at All Saints' Church, his suffered a heart attack last graduates of the Joint Doctor Ministry March 23 he ly appointed chaplain with the Fairfax of home parish. Among the delights are has made an unusually recovery. program, was recently elected chaplain good County Police. living in his 82-year-old Mobile Historical A major change in his routine is that he general of the National Society of Ameri- Society home. is walking a lot more now than before. 1972

THE REV. JEFF BATKIN, T, has recently become vicar of St. Francis of JAMES D. LITTLEJOHN, T, is Assisi Church in Chapin, South Carolina. teaching the sixth grade in the public schools of Beaufort County, South Caro- 1973 lina, serves as associate editor of Island Events Deaths magazine, and operates a small THE REV. ROBERT E. ALLEN, public relations firm called the Little- GST, and his wife, Tracey, are the parents john Company. Last spring he published of a daughter, their first child, born

a book of Southern humor about two April 16. Her name is Katherine Eliza- low country shrimpermen entitled The beth. Bob is currently serving the Church H. WILLIAM HINDSON, A19, of JOHN L. DuPRE, C'33, of Victoria, Pride of Pooler, which has received of the Holy Apostles in Memphis. Orleans, died New earlier this year. He Texas, died in March after a long illness. some good reviews. Jim is active in the attended Georgia Tech and the University work of St. Luke's Church on Hilton 1974 of Illinois, served in the Signal Corps in JOHN S. Head where he makes his home. VARLEY, C'40, Chicago World War II, and then worked for banker, died August 3 at his home. After THE REV. MICHAEL P. OLLIE, THE REV. THOMAS C. DAILY, T, Consolidated Vultee, Inc. A member of graduating from JR., T, has been named Diocesan Mission- recently earned Sewanee he attended the his clinical membership the board of directors of the National graduate school of business at the er of St, Stephen's in St. Stephen, South as a transactional analysis therapist with Uni- Archery Association, he was Louisiana versity of Chicago. His family Carolina, St. James', McClellanviile, and the International Transactional Analysis asked that State target champion in 1943. He was any memorial gifts be made to the Uni- St. Francis', Huger. He and his family Association. Tom is the rector of St. the first member of the Louisiana Archery versity of the South. live in St. Stephen. Paul's Episcopal Church, Henderson, Association to be elected to the Hall of Kentucky, and serves on the Diocesan Fame of Louisiana. THE REV. FORDYCE E. Board of Trustees and Council. EAST- BURN, GST'41, personnel counselor JOHN for RUSSELL PrTNER, JR., C'19, the Episcopal Diocese of California, died of Chattanooga, died April 2. After on August 24 in San Francisco. retiring from the State of Tennessee De- partment of Finance, he had worked in JOHN E. BOGLE, C'49, of Mont- the head teller's office of American gomery, Alabama, manager of Crawford National Bank. He was a 52-year member and Company, died last May. of F & AM Lodge and a Grand Lodge iifer THE REV. JEAN HENRY CHANCE, A MINISTRY T'63, rector of Trinity Church in Apa- IN DALLAS WENDELL F. WREN, C'20, of De- lachicola, Florida, died October 10. Before catur, Georgia, died in February. He had entering the ministry he had worked for The ministry of the Rev. William been in the life insurance business. Muniz, T'79, in the Hispanic communities the State of Florida Treasurer's Office. of Dallas, Texas is attracting the attention of many people within and without the Church there. HORACE LEE STEVENSON, C'23, EDWARD T. FOSTER, JR., C69, of Jacksonville, Alabama, died August 13. died March 19 of A recent article about William in the magazine section cancer. A lifelong resi- of the Dallas He had been a high Morning school athletic direc- dent of Hollywood, Florida, he was an News illustrates how he has become the only voice of tor for some hope for 20 years and more recently operations manager in the family business, many Hispanics where the taught history at government and other agencies are absent or Jacksonville State Meekins, Inc., and was active in several too Teachers College. slow to act on many individual and social problems. civic organizations, serving as president of Of Hispanic the Hollywood Rotary Club descent himself, William is the director of Hispanic and Engineer- FRANCIS COBBS NIXON, C'29, of ing Contractors ministries of the Diocese of Dallas. Association of Florida. Jacksonville, Florida, died July 28 after As the article relates: "The Rev. William Muniz spends Monday a short illness. He was a CPA and one of STEPHEN ELLIOTT PUCKETTE III, through Saturday on the streets the original partners of Mexican-American neighborhoods in in the firm of Smoak, C*79, of Johns Island, South Carolina, Dallas and surrounding Davis and Nixon. He neighborhoods. Only on Sundays does he celebrate was a board member was killed instantly Sept. 6 when the car of the a conventional Mass." American Red Cross, was active in he was driving was struck by a reckless the Boy Scouts, and was He officiates past senior driver police were chasing. He had been a at the Holy Family Episcopal Church in McKinney, warden of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. football captain and Wilkins Scholar which is the only Spanish-speaking at Episcopal church in the Dallas area. A World War II veteran, he was a retired Sewanee, and was a graduate student in "But his main work takes " on a more ecumenical configuration the Air Force colonel. forestry at Clemson. article continues. "Its external form is a silver Ford Fairmont, kno'wn to THE REV. some who await its arrival as 'the cathedral on wheels.* " ERNEST P. BARTLAM, His work C'32, T'35, retired rector who served involves everything from family consultations to drug-abuse churches in Texas, Hawaii, Mississippi, counseling. Those he helps include illegal aliens. and Arkansas, died on March 23 at his While he is concerned with the day-to-day physical needs of his home in Pomona, California. people, William says his ultimate gift is bringing Christ to others. Fundraising

Kenan Mr. Kenan's great-grandfather, ". . .Few men have done more for The fund was established by Continued from page 1 James, became a member of the the glory of God and the good of Mrs. McGee in 1943 in memory of first Board of Trustees in 1790, men than this able, devout, and James W. McGee, Josephine Wheeler degree from the University of and five members of the family devoted layman. His influence will McGee and Oliver McGee and pro- Carolina in 1894. While a North have served in a similar capacity; continue to bless his fellow men." vides scholarship money for a student, his professor, he and Eight of James Kenan's descendants The Patten bequest was one of worthy student in the College. P. Venable, discovered and F. became major donors of books, 18 bequests received this year for a The bequest of Katherine T. identified calcium carbide and scholarships, student loan funds, total of $898,908. Chase of Clifton, New Jersey was formula for producing developed a and funds for professorships to Another one of those gifts, made to the University in honor acetylene gas from it. UNC. William Kenan, Jr.'s own similar to the bequest of Mr. of a living Sewanee alumnus, the The welding and cutting of contributions to UNC included a Patten, came to Sewanee from the Rev. Carl E. "Chuck" Nelson, metals with the use of the oxy- stadium, support of the university estate of Louis W. and Charlotte T'55. Miss Chase, a communicant an acetylene torch has become press, and publications for the Niven Alston. This year, upon the of Saint Peter's Church in Clifton, construction essential part of the library. death of a life tenant, an additional died in 1979. In her will she left and manufacturing industries. installment of almost $100,000 was the University 244 shares of In subsequent years, Mr. Kenan received from one of the estate Texaco common stock. active as chemical and became a trusts. Of interest also is the bequest mechanical engineering consultant Deferred Residents of Morganton, North of Alma S. Hammond, a devoted and was responsible for the installa- Carolina and Baltimore, Maryland, member of the old Saint Paul's tion of several important plants the Alstons were active members Church in New Orleans. Her good for the carbide and acetylene in- Support of the Church, through which they works became known beyond her dustry in the United States, Aus- discovered Sewanee. No record own parish and city. The Univer- tralia, and Germany. Z. Cartter Patten, upon his death in exists of their ever having visited sity is one of several beneficiaries Soon after the turn of the 1948, left a substantial estate, the campus. of her estate. century, Mr. Kenan joined Henry M. which has continued to accrue over The University was also the Other bequests received by the Flagler as a consulting and con- the years to Sewanee, making Mr. beneficiary of a bequest in the will University during the fiscal year struction engineer. Mr. Flagler, one Patten one of the sixteen most sig- of Louis T. LeMay, C'25, who was came from the estates of Elizabeth of the founders of the original nificant benefactors the University killed in an automobile accident Brinkley Currier of Memphis; Standard Oil Company, was en- has had. in 1965. Early in his career, Mr. Nettie Fitch of Winter Park, Florida; gaged at that time in the develop- This year Sewanee received LeMay had taught physical educa- Sophia Home Hyatt of Atlanta; ment and construction of enterprises $315,293 from the Patten be- tion in the Houston, Texas public William D. Jones of Fayetteville, along the East Coast of Florida. quest. schools and continued his interest North Carolina; Will S. Keese, Jr. Among his other accomplish- This latest portion was a life in athletics even after he entered of Chattanooga; Leon Lastinger of ments, Mr. Kenan developed Flori- interest left in trust to Mr. Patten's business. Statesboro, Georgia; Amanda da's first power plant. From 1924 daughter, Dorothy Patten, who At the time of his death, he Lastinger of Beaufort, North Caro- lina; Nancy B. Murphy of Bartow, until his death in 1965, he was pres- died in 1975. - was vice-president and treasurer Florida, Julia H. ident and part owner of the Flagler Mr. Patten was head of the of Jones-Cox Mortgage Company and Edward Florida; Anna T. System companies, which included Chattanooga Medicine Company in Dallas, Texas. His interest in Nation of Orlando, of Athens, Georgia; Donnie the Florida East Coast Railway and and its associated interests for his alma mater continued through- Owens of Winston-Salem, the Florida East Coast Hotel Com- many years. He was recognized as out his life. Lula Roper North Carolina; Hattie Saussy of pany. well for his wide-ranging work as a An additional bequest has pro- Savannah, Georgia; Dorothy H. Throughout his life, Mr. Kenan civic leader and philanthropist. vided approximately $90,000 for Treakle of Savannah, and L. Kemper maintained a close relationship with The University Board of Trus- the Rewella McGee Scholarship Williams of New Orleans. the University of North Carolina at tees passed a resolution in 1948 Fund. The bequest is from Mrs. Chapel Hill. His interest in and expressing sympathy to Dr. and McGee's estate. support of UNC carried on a Kenan Mrs. Alexander Guerry on the family tradition of service that death of Mr. Patten, who was an THE UNIVERSITY began in 1735 with the arrival of the uncle of Mrs. Guerry. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT FUND? first Kenan family from Scotland. The resolution read in part: POOLED INCOME

Reduction of Tax for Couples Making Contributions to Pooled Income Fund

$1000 $5000 $10,000 $100,000

85.59 $ 427.95 $ 855.90 $ 8,559 121.31 606.55 1,213.10 12,131 169.07 845.35 1,690.70 16,907 229.92 1,149.60 2,299.20 22,992 305.76 1,528.80 3,057.60 30,576 396.49 1,982.45 3,964.90 39,649 498.74 2,493.70 4,987.40 49,874 59,941 599.41 - 2,997.05 5,994.10

*Assuming male and female are same age.

Payout** this year to couples for gifts of: $1,000 $5,000 $10,000 $100,000

Frederick W. Osbourne of Dallas, Texas join Vice- 10,000 Mr. and Mrs. Payout this year 100 500 1,000 Chancellor Robert M. Ayres at Founders' Day Convocation this fall. During their visit, the Osbournes stated they have included the **PresentrateislO%. University in their estate plans for a sizeable gift. (/)



TheSewanee News The University of the South / Sewanee Tennessee 37375 (ISSN 0037-3044)


1 News 4 College 5 Seminary 6 Academy 8 Summer Programs 11 On and Off the Mountain 12 State of the University 13 Faculty Notes 14 Books 16 Sports 18 Alumni Affairs 24 Class Notes 30 Deaths 31 Fundraising

Green's View, a campus overlook