Advancing Sewanee Reflections on Joel Cunningham’S Decade As Vice Chancellor

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Advancing Sewanee Reflections on Joel Cunningham’S Decade As Vice Chancellor ATLANTA BISHOP BECOMES 23RD CHANCELLOR n SEWANEE IN THE ’70S SPRING 2010 ADVANCING SEWANEE Reflections on Joel Cunningham’s Decade as Vice Chancellor New Uses for Old Ideas Sewanee Alumni Live the Liberal Arts Adventure Editor Buck Butler, C’89 Associate Editor Pamela Byerly in this Graphic Designer Susan Blettel ISSUE Assistant Editor Heather Walsh, C’12 Photographers Stephen Alvarez, C’87, Jennifer Covington, Woodrow Blettel, Buck Butler, Wolf Hoffman, Josh Norris, Maurice Taylor, Lawson Whitaker, C’73 Sewanee is published quarterly by the A Decade of Service As he prepares for retirement, University of the South, including the Vice Chancellor Joel Cunningham leaves an impressive legacy: a College of Arts and Sciences and the campus transformed and a University strengthened by thoughtful School of Theology, and is distributed without charge to alumni, parents, planning and constant advancement. PAGE 10 faculty, students, staff, and friends of the University. © Copyright 2010, Sewanee. All rights reserved. New Uses for Old Ideas Thomas Lakeman, C’86, talks to a wide range of Sewanee alumni — including Send address changes to: Office of University Relations homeschoolers, military officers, a painter, a talent agent, a 735 University Avenue submarine pilot, a one-time female boxing contender, a former Sewanee, TN 37383-1000 acrobat with Cirque du Soleil, a designer of custom-made skirts, Phone: 800.367.1179 E-mail: [email protected] the owner of a salmon fishery, and more — to answer a single question: What part does a Sewanee education play in the lives of Write to us: We welcome letters. its graduates? PAGE 18 Letters should refer to material pub- lished in the magazine and include the writer’s full name, address, and telephone number. The editor reserves the right to determine the suitabil- ity of letters for publication and to edit them for accuracy and length. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the University. DEPARTMENTS Write to: Sewanee Magazine Marketing and Communications 735 University Avenue Vice Chancellor’s Corner 3 Alumni News 30 Sewanee, TN 37383-1000 On the Mountain 4 Class Notes 31 E-mail: [email protected] History 24 In Memoriam 46 The University of the South does not discriminate Theologia 26 Afterword 50 in employment, the admission of students, or Sports 28 in the administration of any of its educational policies, programs, or activities on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran/reserve/ national guard status, or religion (except in the School of Theology’s Master of Divinity program, where preference is given to individuals of the Episcopal faith and except for those employment positions where religious affiliation is a necessary qualification). The University of the South complies with the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the I.R.S. Anti- Bias Regulation, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation ON THE COVER: Joel Cunningham. Photograph by Wolf Hoffmann. Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Provost of the University of the South, Dr. Linda Bright Lankewicz, 735 University Avenue, Sewanee TN, 37383-1000, 931-598-1000, is the person responsible for coordinating the University’s effort to comply with these laws. 2 • SEWANEE MAGAZINE • SprING 2010 VICE CHANCELLOR’S CORNER Dear Sewanee Alumni and Friends, This is my last Vice Chancellor’s Corner letter. On July 1, having turned in my office keys the day before and hugged many of my longtime colleagues, I will join Trudy and many other Sewanee community members as we joyously welcome John McCardell as the University of the South’s 16th vice chancellor in a brief changing-of-the-guard service in All Saints’ Chapel. John and Bonnie McCardell will give great leadership and service here, as they have at Middlebury College throughout their 34 years there. John’s gifts as a distinguished historian, a highly respected leader in American higher education, an extraordinarily effective president of one of the country’s outstanding liberal arts colleges, and a most gracious man will serve Sewanee remarkably well, and Bonnie’s energy, grace, and devotion will also be deeply appreciated. It will be a special pleasure to watch the University move ahead spectacularly well in the years of the McCardell administration. As has so often been the case over the last 10 years, my main message in this last let- ter is one of warm thanks. Being Sewanee’s vice chancellor has been an honor and a joy. Trudy and I are indebted to many, many people, including Chancellors Wimberly, Parsley, and Alexander; former Vice Chancellors Ayres and Williamson; Regent Chairs Beecken, Adams, Lines, Babson, Scott, Nielsen, and Humphreys; trustees; regents; faculty; staff; administrative colleagues; students; parents; donors; alumni; community citizens; and friends. Although I cannot possibly thank you all individually, I want to take the privilege of thanking one person in particular. Rob Pearigen, C’76, has been an exemplary servant leader since he returned to the Mountain as dean of men in 1987. He led the College’s Student Life Division as dean of students until 2005 and has been vice president for University Relations for the last five years. On July 1, he will become the president of Millsaps College, a blessing for that institution but a loss for his alma mater. Rob and Phoebe will be missed greatly here. They have inspired students and colleagues deeply, given generously of themselves, worked harder than any of us could have asked, and made a tremendous difference for good. Rob stepped in as University Relations vice president at a critical time in The Sewanee Call Campaign, and its success owes much to his devotion. His achievements for Sewanee, as dean, vice president, and professor of political science, will continue to benefit the University for many genera- tions to come and will be remembered with deep gratitude. All of us who love Sewanee join in thanking the Pearigens and wishing them all the best as they begin their new responsibilities, and we congratulate Millsaps College on its outstanding new president. Of the several mementos that I will take with me from the vice chancellor’s office, none is dearer than the collection of drawings that members of Ann Seiters’ third-grade Sewanee Elementary School class gave me after having come to watch the procession into All Saints’ Chapel for the Opening Con- vocation for Easter Semester in 2001. Here is one of those drawings that seems especially appropriate as I make my exit with gratitude to so many. Blessings to all of you who love this Mountain. SprING 2010 • SEWANEE MAGAZINE • 3 on the MOUNTAIN Leadership Transition Begins with Installation of New Chancellor mont, as Sewanee’s 16th vice chancellor. McCardell’s election was the result of a national search that began in February 2009. Alexander was elected chancellor at the October 2009 meeting of the University’s Board of Trustees. The chancellor is elected from the bishops of the Univer- sity’s owning dioceses for a term of six Vice Chancellor-elect years and serves as chair, ex officio, of the John McCardell Board of Trustees and a member of the Board of Regents. Before his election, Alexander had served on the University’s Board of Re- gents since 2005 and as a trustee since 2001. He was the Norma and Olan Mills Professor of Divinity at the School of Theology from 1997 to 2001, and received an honorary doctor of divinity degree from the University in 2002. He Bishop of Atlanta n a ritual nearly as old as the University earned a master of divinity degree from J. Neil Alexander Jr., itself, the sounds of ancient Latin filled Lutheran Theological Southern Semi- (center) is the I University’s 23rd the vaulted spaces of All Saints’ Chapel nary and a doctor of theology from the chancellor. during Opening Convocation in January General Theological Seminary. Alexan- as Bishop of Tennessee John Bauerschmidt der was ordained bishop of the Diocese presented the Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander, of Atlanta in 2001. bishop of Atlanta, for installation as the Alexander succeeds the Rt. Rev. Henry 23rd chancellor of the University of the N. Parsley Jr., bishop of Alabama, who South. The installation is the first of two had held the position since May 2003. ceremonies this year marking the chang- During Chancellor Parsley’s tenure, ing of the guard in the University’s top two Sewanee enjoyed record applications leadership positions. to the College, growth in the influence Less than three weeks earlier, the Uni- and reach of the School of Theology, versity’s Board of Trustees had announced and increasing recognition as a leading the election of John McCardell, former national liberal arts university. Parsley president of Middlebury College in Ver- is an alumnus of Sewanee’s class of 1970 4 • SEWANEE MAGAZINE • SprING 2010 ON THE MOUNTAIN Students Helping Students in Grundy County and received an honorary degree from the University in 1998. Sewanee volunteers are changing John McCardell’s appointment is study habits and students’ lives in effective July 1, when he succeeds Joel an area high school. Cunningham, who will retire after 10 years as vice chancellor. When he was elected, Free snacks are always a plus, Leadership Transition Begins John McCardell was a professor of history but on Monday and Wednesday at Middlebury College who had served as afternoons at Grundy County with Installation of New Chancellor Middlebury’s president from 1992 until he High School, it’s the opportunity stepped down in 2004. A Maryland native for individualized homework and 1971 graduate of Washington and Lee help and good conversation that University, he pursued graduate study at keep students in the classroom the Johns Hopkins University and then at after the last bell rings.
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