
Numerical in higher dimensions

Gregory Beylkin* and Martin J. Mohlenkamp

Applied , University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309

Communicated by Ronald R. Coifman, Yale University, New Haven, CT, May 31, 2002 (received for review July 31, 2001) When an algorithm in dimension one is extended to dimension d, equation using only one-dimensional operations and thus avoid- in nearly every case its computational cost is taken to the power d. ing the exponential dependence on d. However, if the best This fundamental difficulty is the single greatest impediment to approximate solution of the form (Eq. 1) is not good enough, solving many important problems and has been dubbed the curse there is no way to improve the accuracy. of dimensionality. For numerical analysis in dimension d,we The natural extension of Eq. 1 is the form propose to use a representation for vectors and matrices that generalizes separation of variables while allowing controlled ac- r ͑ ͒ ϭ ͸ ␾l ͑ ͒ ␾l ͑ ͒ curacy. Basic linear algebra operations can be performed in this f x1,...,xd sl 1 x1 ··· d xd . [2] representation using one-dimensional operations, thus bypassing lϭ1 the exponential scaling with respect to the dimension. Although not all operators and algorithms may be compatible with this The key quantity in Eq. 2 is r, which we call the separation rank. representation, we believe that many of the most important ones By increasing r, the approximate solution can be made as are. We prove that the multiparticle Schro¨dinger operator, as well accurate as desired. One way to use Eq. 2 is to fix the functions ␾l as the inverse Laplacian, can be represented very efficiently in this { i(xi)} from some (basis) set and try to solve for the coefficients form. We give numerical evidence to support the conjecture that sl. This option includes the use of a tensor product basis as well eigenfunctions inherit this property by computing the ground- as configuration interaction methods. Although a wise choice of ␾l state eigenfunction for a simplified Schro¨dinger operator with 30 functions { i(xi)} may reduce the number of degrees of freedom particles. We conjecture and provide numerical evidence that necessary to discretize the problem in each direction, N, it does functions of operators inherit this property, in which case numer- not affect the exponential scaling with the dimension. A second ical operator calculus in higher dimensions becomes feasible. option is to substitute Eq. 2 into the original equation. Unfor- ␾l tunately, the resulting equations for the functions { i(xi)} are n almost all problems that arise from physics there is an generally intractable, since the equations are strongly coupled. Iunderlying physical dimension, and in almost every case the There are many variations on these two approaches within algorithm to solve the problem will have computational com- computational quantum mechanics (e.g., see ref. 2). Our ap- plexity that grows exponentially in the physical dimension. In proach is distinct from both of these traditional approaches. other words, when an algorithm in dimension one is extended to Analytic consideration of Eq. 2 raises two questions. The first dimension d, its computational cost is taken to the power d.In question is, what class of functions can be represented efficiently this paper we present an approach that, in several important in this form? One can, for instance, characterize a class based on the mixed of order k, for which the approximation cases, allows one-dimensional algorithms to be extended to Ϫkd͞(dϪ1) d dimensions without their computational complexity grow- error is O(r ) (3). Along the same lines, the ‘‘sparse- ing exponentially in d. In moderate dimensions (d ϭ 2, 3, 4) grids’’ (e.g., refs. 4 and 5) methods identify classes of functions our approach greatly accelerates a number of algorithms. In compatible with certain representations. For these functions, reduction in the computational complexity from O(Nd)to higher dimensions, such as those arising from the multiparticle dϪ1 Schro¨dinger equation, where the for p particles O(N lnN) can be achieved, but the complexity is still expo- has d ϭ 3p variables, our approach makes algorithms feasible nential. Clearly, classes of functions in multiple dimensions are that would be unthinkable in a traditional approach. extremely rich, and such approaches face great difficulties. In As an example of the exponential growth in d, consider contrast, our approach relies on properties of physically signif- ordinary –matrix multiplication. In dimension d a matrix icant operators. has (N2)d entries, and matrix–matrix multiplication takes (N3)d The second question is, how does one find the representation operations. Using a ‘‘fast’’ one-dimensional algorithm does not in Eq. 2 for a given function? Optimized separated representa- help: a banded matrix has (bN)d entries, and matrix–matrix tions such as in Eq. 2 have been studied for more than 30 years multiplication takes (b2N)d operations. This fundamental diffi- for statistical applications, and we refer to refs. 6–8 and the culty is the single greatest impediment to solving many real- references therein. Since the problems considered for statistics have as input a dense d-dimensional data cube, their applications world problems and has been dubbed the curse of dimension- ϽϽ ϭ ality (1). have been limited to small dimensions (d 10, mostly d 3). In problems in physics where the underlying assumptions Summary of the Paper permit, separation of variables has been the most successful approach for avoiding the high cost of working in d dimensions. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we present a Instead of trying to find a d-dimensional function that solves the computational paradigm. With hindsight it is very natural, but given equation (e.g., the multiparticle Schro¨dinger equation), this perspective was the most difficult part to achieve, and it has one only considers functions that can be represented as a far-reaching consequences. In our approach, we use the natural extension of separation of variables in Eq. 2 but neither fix the product: ␾l ␾l set { i(xi)} nor try to find and solve equations for { i(xi)}. We ͑ ͒ ϭ ␾ ͑ ͒ ␾ ͑ ͒ f x1,...,xd 1 x1 ··· d xd . [1] use Eq. 2 simply as an approximation technique for functions and operators and try to minimize the number of terms at each step By substituting Eq. 1 into the original equation, one often can produce a system of d weakly coupled one-dimensional equa- ␾ This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office. tions for the functions { i(xi)} [e.g., via Hartree or Kohn–Sham formulations (2)]. By iteratively solving the equation in xi for the Abbreviation: SVD, singular value decomposition. ␾ function i, one obtains an approximate solution to the original *To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

10246–10251 ͉ PNAS ͉ August 6, 2002 ͉ vol. 99 ͉ no. 16 www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.112329799 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 of the algorithm. Second, we start the development of a theory f in dimension d is a f : Rd 3 R from d-dimensional that demonstrates that separation ranks are low for many Euclidean to the real numbers. We write f as f(x1,...,xd), ʦ problems of interest. We show here that certain physically where xi R. A vector F in dimension d is a discrete represen- significant operators have small separation rank. tation of a function in dimension d on a rectangular domain. We ϭ ϭ Operators can be represented in a form similar to Eq. 2, write it as F F(j1, ..., jd), where ji 1,..., Ni. A linear operator A in dimension d is a A : S 3 S where S r is a space of functions in dimension d. A matrix ށ in dimension ϭ ͸ l   l A slB1 ··· Bd. [3] d is a discrete representation of a linear operator in dimension ϭ ށ ϭ Ј Ј ϭ l 1 d. We write A(j1, j1;...;jd, jd), where ji 1,...,Ni and Ј ϭ Ј Ј ϭ ϭ ji 1,...,Ni. For simplicity we assume Ni Ni N for all i. We observe that many linear algebra operations can be per- Definition 1 (separated matrix representation): For a given ␧,we formed while keeping all objects in the form of Eqs. 3 or 2.We ށ ϭ Ј Ј Ј represent a matrix A(j1, j1; j2, j2;...;jd, jd) in dimension can perform operations in d dimensions using combinations of d as one-dimensional operations and so achieve computational com- plexity that scales linearly in d. We then solve the original r equation directly by some appropriate algorithm while main- ͸ s V l ͑ j , jЈ͒V l ͑ j , jЈ͒ ···V l ͑ j , jЈ͒, [4] taining the intermediate functions and operators in the forms of l 1 1 1 2 2 2 d d d lϭ Eqs. 2 and 3, with adaptively chosen r. The same approach 1 applies to computing functions of operators, in particular poly- Ն ⅐⅐⅐Ն Ͼ ޖl where sl is a scalar, s1 sr 0, and i are matrices in nomials, exponentials, inverses, and sign functions, which form dimension one with 1. We require the error to be less than ␧: the foundation for a numerical operator calculus. Although each linear algebra operation leads to an object in r the form of Eqs. 3 or 2, the result will have larger separation Ͱށ Ϫ ͸ s ޖl ޖl  ··· ޖl Ͱ Ͻ␧. [5] rank. If we allow r to grow uncontrollably, then the represen- l 1 2 d lϭ1 tation will quickly become untenable. Therefore, at each step of the algorithm, we seek to minimize the separation rank r by We call the scalars s separation values and the integer r the ␾l l adaptively changing the coefficients {sl} and the functions { j} separation rank. The smallest r that yields such a representation while maintaining the required accuracy. We present a numer- for a given ␧ is the optimal separation rank. ical algorithm to perform this reduction. We note that our When possible, it is preferable to use the ; algorithm is similar to an algorithm used in statistics (e.g., ref. 8). otherwise the Frobenius norm is used. The definition for a vector In our approach, however, we never handle a d-dimensional ޖl l is similar, with the matrices i replaced by the vectors Vi. cube. In dimension d ϭ 2, the separated representation in Eq. 4 We have observed that the reduced separation rank produced reduces to a form similar to the singular value decomposition by our algorithm is typically optimal or nearly optimal. It is an (SVD), and in fact we can construct an optimal representation interesting question if such algorithms can, in general, guarantee using an ordinary SVD algorithm but with an unusual pairing of optimality. For our purposes optimal representations are desired indices. Instead of separating vectors in dimension 2 in the input but not required. coordinate (jЈ, jЈ) from vectors in dimension 2 in the output In this paper, we prove that both the multiparticle Schro¨dinger 1 2 coordinate (j , j ), we separate matrices in dimension 1 in the j operator and the inverse Laplacian can be represented with 1 2 1 separation rank r ϭ O(log d). We feel strongly that the class of direction from matrices in dimension 1 in the j2 direction. Thus, operators with low separation rank is much wider than we can common matrix operators that have full rank as operators may demonstrate at present. still have low separation rank. For example, the identity is

R R ⅐⅐⅐R APPLIED We conjecture that functions associated with such operators trivially represented as I1 I2 Id, with separation rank one. MATHEMATICS inherit low separation rank. We know, for example, that if the Ͼ Green’s function and the initial͞boundary condition have low When d 2 this representation is not unique even when r is separation rank, then it follows immediately that the same holds the optimal separation rank. The optimal representations for ␧ for the solution of the equation. We conjecture that eigenfunc- different values of are not nested, so we cannot simply add or ␧ tions inherit a low separation rank from the operator. We present delete terms from Eq. 4 when changes and retain a represen- ޖl numerical results for the computation of the ground-state eigen- tation with optimal separation rank. The numbers sl, matrices i, ␧ function of a simplified model of a 30-electron Schro¨dinger and separation rank r all will change as changes. Issues related operator using the power method, with accuracies ranging from to such generalizations of the SVD have been studied extensively 10Ϫ2 to 10Ϫ7. Using a direct method this computation would be (e.g., see refs. 6 and 7 and the references therein). impossible, since it would require on the order of 1080 opera- To illustrate many of these issues for d Ͼ 2, we consider a sine ϩ ⅐⅐⅐ϩ tions, but with our approach it took a few hours on a desktop wave in the diagonal direction, sin(x1 xd), and attempt computer. We conjecture that functions of operators inherit a to represent it in the separated form using only real functions. low separation rank and present a numerical example of the We can use the usual trigonometric formulas for sums of angles computation of a sign function. to obtain a separated representation, but then we will have r ϭ Finally, we note that some problems considered in statistical 2dϪ1 terms. The numerical algorithm described below, however, analysis and other applications can be recast as scattered data uncovered a trigonometric identity in d dimensions, using exactly interpolation in d dimensions, which is feasible with our ap- d terms. proach. Although the implications of this observation are very interesting, we do not address them here. LEMMA 1.

The Separated Representation d d d ͑ ϩ ␣ Ϫ ␣ ͒ sin xk k j In order to emphasize the underlying physical dimension, we ͩ͸ ͪ ϭ ͸ ͑ ͒ ͹ [6] sin xj sin xj ͑␣ Ϫ ␣ ͒ , sin k j define operators and functions in d dimensions. To avoid jϭ1 jϭ1 kϭ1, k j confusion between, e.g., a ‘‘vector in two dimensions’’ and a ␣ ␣ Ϫ ␣ ‘‘matrix,’’ we clarify our notation and nomenclature. A function for all choices of { j} such that sin( k j) 0 for all j k.

Beylkin and Mohlenkamp PNAS ͉ August 6, 2002 ͉ vol. 99 ͉ no. 16 ͉ 10247 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 This identity illustrates several key points. First, the ‘‘obvious’’ The estimate in Eq. 10 implies that, as long as ʈBʈd͞␧ ϽϽ 1͞␮, (analytic) separated representation may be woefully inefficient. the separation rank is O[log(ʈBʈd͞␧)]. Thus, for fixed ␧, the Second, even when ␧ ϭ 0 and r is optimal, there may be entire separation rank grows only as log(d). Another implication of families of separated representations. Third, among these these estimates is the restriction ␧ Ͼ ʈBʈd␮ on the accuracy separated representations, some may have large separation attainable using the form of Eq. 12. Note that if we choose to values, leading potentially to cancellations and, hence, poor approximate with relative precision and assume ʈAʈ Ϸ dʈBʈ, conditioning. then the separation rank is independent of the dimension. E The Multiparticle Schro¨dinger Operator For , we use a similar theorem and construction. We consider the Schro¨dinger operator H for a d-electron system ϭ͚dϪ1 ͚d THEOREM 3. Let A iϭ1 mϭiϩ1BiBm, where Bi is the bounded and show that the separation rank of an appropriate approxi- operator B acting in direction i. We can represent A to within ␧ in H mation of grows only logarithmically in d. Without changing the operator norm with separation rank the basic in formalism in Eq. 4, we choose to use three- dimensional operators as our elementary building blocks. The log͑d2ʈBʈ2͞␧͒ operator H is equal to Ϫ⌬ ϩ N ϩ E, where the Laplacian ⌬ is r ϭ Oͩ ͪ. [13] log͑1͞␮͒ Ϫ log͑d2ʈBʈ2͞␧͒ defined by ⌬ ϭ ͑⌬   ͒ ϩ ϩ ͑   ⌬ ͒ Proof: With G defined in Eq. 11, note that GЉ(0) ϭ 2A͞ʈBʈ.We 1 I2 ···Id ··· I1 ··· d , [7] can thus use the same approach as in Eq. 12, simply substituting a second . the nuclear potential portion N is defined by To use this result for E, we first symmetrically separate a single 9 ϭ ͑   ͒ ϩ ϩ ͑   ͒ term in Eq. to obtain the representation N V1 I2 ···Id ··· I1 ··· Vd , [8] K␧ Ͱ W Ϫ ͸ W kW k Ͱ Ͻ␧ [14] and the electron–electron interaction portion E is defined by im i m kϭ1 dϪ1 d E ϭ ͸ ͸ W , [9] for some separation rank K␧ and collection of (multiplication) im operators W k. This can be accomplished using, for example, the iϭ1 mϭiϩ1 i SVD. We then substitute Eq. 14 into 9 and exchange the order

where Vi is the operator that multiplies by the nuclear potential of summation to obtain function v(x) in the (three-dimensional) variable xi, and Wim is multiplication by the electron–electron interaction (Coulomb) K␧ dϪ1 d Ϫ ͸ ͸ ͸ k k potential w(xi xm). Since any numerical treatment must be on W i W m, [15] a finite domain and use a finite step size, we state our results for kϭ1 iϭ1 mϭiϩ1 an approximation to H that has been suitably limited in space and in wave number. We choose a fixed but arbitrary precision which gives a separated representation with separation rank ␧ to which to approximate H and assume that we are working in K␧⅐d(d Ϫ 1)͞2. For each value of k, however, we apply Theorem finite precision arithmetic with roundoff error ␮. 3. Since K␧ is independent of d, we conclude that the separation The following theorem provides bounds on the separation rank of E grows only logarithmically in d rather than quadratically. rank for ⌬ and N, and its proof provides a construction for their separated representations. The Inverse Laplacian It can be shown (9) that for 0 Ͻ ␦ Ͻ y Ͻ D and any ␧ Ͼ 0, there d THEOREM 2. ϭ͚ ϭ ͞ ␦␧ ␣ ␶ Ͼ Let A iϭ1Bi, where Bi is the B exist M O{log[D ( )]} numbers l, l 0 such that acting in direction i. We can represent A to within ␧ in the operator norm with separation rank M 1 Ͱ Ϫ ͸ ␣ exp͑Ϫ␶ y͒Ͱ Ͻ␧. [16] log͑dʈBʈ͞␧͒ y l l r ϭ Oͫ ͬ. [10] lϭ1 log͑1͞␮͒ Ϫ log͑dʈBʈ͞␧͒ We can use this approximation to construct a separated repre- Proof: Consider the auxiliary operator-valued function of the sentation for the inverse of Ϫ⌬ on part of its spectrum. Similar real variable t arguments can be made for other classical Green’s functions. d ␦ Ϫ⌬ ͑ ͒ ϭ ʈ ʈ  ͑ ϩ ͞ʈ ʈ͒ THEOREM 4. For the interval [ , D] of the spectrum of , we have G t B Ii tBi B , [11] ϭ i 1 r Ϫ Ͱ Ϫ⌬ 1 Ϫ ͸ ␣ exp͑␶ ⌬͒Ͱ Ͻ␧. [17] and note that GЈ(0) ϭ A. Using an appropriate finite difference l l formula of order r, we approximate lϭ1 ϭ ͞ ␦␧ r r d with separation rank r O{log[D ( )]}. GЈ͑ ͒ Ϸ ͸ ␣ G͑ ͒ ϵʈBʈ͸ ␣  ͑I ϩ B ͞ʈBʈ͒ For functions with supported in the annulus 0 j tj j i tj i , [12] d 2 1/2 ͌ ͌ (͚ ϭ ␰ ) ʦ [ ␦, D], we thus have a separated represen- jϭ1 jϭ1 iϭ1 i 1 i tation for the Green’s function: thus providing a separation rank r approximation for A.Aswith r d all finite difference approximations, the error bound for an order 1 ␮͞ ϩ rʈ (rϩ1)ʈ ͸ ␣  ͑Ϫ 2͞ ␶ ͒ r formula has the form h h G , where h is the step size. l exp x 4 l . [18] ͱ4␲␶ i The bound on r follows by optimizing over h. lϭ1 iϭ1 l

10248 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.112329799 Beylkin and Mohlenkamp Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 For periodic problems it may be more natural to restrict the wave Finding ‘‘Optimal’’ Representations ͉␰ ͉ ʦ ͌␦ ͌ number to the ‘‘cubic annulus’’ max1ՅiՅd i [ , D], in The key to the success of our approach is finding a separated which case the approximation (Eq. 17) needs to be valid on the representation with low separation rank for matrices of interest. interval [␦͞d, dD], and thus the separation rank grows as r ϭ We assume that ށ is given to us in the separated representation O{log[d2D͞(␦␧)]} with the dimension d. but with larger separation rank r than necessary, as occurs, for example, when we multiply two matrices to form ށ. We have Basic Linear Algebra found the algorithm described here to be effective in practice, The main point of the separated representation is that the although it is not guaranteed to find the optimal representation. elementary objects on which we operate are one-dimensional, so This algorithm uncovered the trigonometric identity (Eq. 6) and that linear algebra in dimension d is performed using only the derivative formulation (Eq. 12) for the multiparticle Schro¨- one-dimensional operations. The computational complexities dinger operator and produced the numerical results described are linear in d rather than exponential. below. Although it is a problem of ongoing interest to find the We assume that all objects have been discretized using N optimal separation rank (e.g., see refs. 6–8, 11, and 12), it is not points in each direction, so a vector in dimension d has Nd required for our approach. In fact, a suboptimal representation entries. In d dimensions, a dense matrix has (N2)d entries, is preferred when it has better conditioning or can be obtained whereas a banded matrix has (bN)d entries. In the separated faster. For example, when d ϭ 2 we find it much more efficient representation (Eq. 4), we will need to store d⅐r⅐N2 entries if the to use a faster algorithm that produces a suboptimal solution, ޖl ⅐ ⅐ matrices i are dense or d r bN entries if they are banded. The even though the SVD is available in this dimension. banded case demonstrates the effect of combining the separated Our overall strategy is to find the best approximation with representation with a fast one-dimensional algorithm. separation rank r˜, beginning with r˜ ϭ 1, and then increase r˜ and Addition of two matrices in d dimensions takes (N2)d opera- try again until the residual is less than ␧. This strategy allows us tions if they are dense and (bN)d if they are banded. In the to take our solution at one value of r˜, add another term (obtained separated representation the addition ށ˜ ϩ ށˆ is merely the e.g. by a power method) and use it as our initial approximation merging of two sums and then resorting. Thus addition is for separation rank r˜ ϩ 1. Although the best representations of essentially free but yields a matrix with separation rank r ϭ rˆ ϩ r˜. different separation ranks are not actually nested, this strategy Multiplication of matrices is the most important operation for provides us with a good initial approximation at each r˜. Other the applications we have in mind. In d dimensions, multiplication initialization strategies exist (see also ref. 11). takes (N3)d operations for dense matrices and (b2N)d operations Before starting, we reduce our search space by rotating each for banded matrices. In the separated representation, multipli- direction into an efficient basis. For each fixed direction i, the ޖl r 2 cation can be done using only one-dimensional operations: matrices { i}lϭ1 each have N (or bN) entries and span a vector Յ 2 space of dimension Mi min(r, N ). By computing a basis for ˆr ˜r the span, we can express the matrix ޖl in this basis as a vector Vl ˆ ˜ ˆ ˜ i i ށˆ ށ˜ ϭ ͸ ͸ ˜͑ޖˆ lޖ˜ l͒   ͑ޖˆ l ޖ˜ l ͒ ށ sˆˆl s˜l 1 1 ··· d d . [19] of length Mi. The matrix is thereby expressed as the vector ˆl ϭ1 ˜lϭ1 r ϭ We have r ˆrr˜ pairings, each of which costs d one-dimensional A ϭ ͸ s Vl  Vl  ···  Vl . [20] ⅐ ⅐ ⅐ 3 l 1 2 d matrix–matrix multiplications. Thus, we need d rˆ r˜ N operations lϭ1 if the one-dimensional matrices are dense and d⅐rˆ⅐r˜⅐b2⅐N opera- tions if they are banded. The resulting matrix has separation rank We will reduce the separation rank of A and then undo the r ϭ ˆrr˜. change of basis to recover the matrix ށ. For simplicity we will ϭ Several other operations are also efficient in the separated assume Mi M for all i.

representation, in particular the computation of inner products, APPLIED Alternating Least Squares Frobenius norm, trace, matrix–vector multiplication, etc. We will MATHEMATICS not discuss these, since they follow the same pattern as matrix– For a given separation rank r˜, the best separated representation matrix multiplication. It is also possible to solve a linear system is that which minimizes the error (Eq. 5), i.e. solves the nonlinear in the separated representation by posing the problem as a least-squares problem. To make this problem tractable, we least-squares problem and then doing a variant of the separation exploit the multilinearity of the problem and use an alternating rank reduction algorithm described below. least-squares approach. This approach is also used in statistics The following are examples of algorithms that use only matrix (e.g., see refs. 8 and 11). Besides a few technical details, the key and vector operations that can be done in the separated repre- conceptual difference in our approach is that our input is a vector sentation with computational cost linear in d. in the separated representation rather than a dense data vector d ϭ ށ in dimension , and thus we can consider much larger values of 1. Power method (Fkϩ1 Fk) to determine the largest eig- N and d. ށ envalue and its eigenvector for a matrix . In the alternating least-squares approach one starts with an ނ ϭ ނ Ϫ ނ ށނ ށϪ1 2. Schulz iteration ( kϩ1 2 k k k) to construct . initial approximation ށ ϭ ށ Ϫ ށ3 ͞ ށ 3. Sign iteration [ kϩ1 (3 k k) 2] to construct sign( ) r˜ (10). ˜ ˜ ˜ n 2n ˜ ϭ ͸ ˜ l  ˜ l   ˜ l 4. Scaling and squaring ([exp(ށ͞2 )] ) to construct the matrix A s˜˜lV1 V2 ··· Vd [21] exponential exp(ށ). ˜lϭ1 5. Inverse power method (ށF ϩ ϭ F ) for computing the k 1 k to A in Eq. 20, and then iteratively refines it. We loop through the smallest eigenvalue and its eigenvector for a matrix ށ. directions k ϭ 1,..., d. For each direction k, fix the vectors in ˜˜l Since the basic linear algebra operations increase the separation the other directions˜ {Vi}i k and then solve a linear least-squares ˜ l rank, after each step in these algorithms we reduce it using the problem for new Vk (and s˜˜l). Repeat the loop in k iteratively until algorithm in the following section. In all our experiments we convergence is detected or ʈA Ϫ A˜ʈ Ͻ ␧. Although it is easy to observe that the final and intermediate matrices have low prove that the norm of the residual (ʈA Ϫ A˜ʈ) decreases at each separation rank, and we conjecture that this is true for a wide step, in general this process is not guaranteed to converge to the class of problems. best representation with separation rank r˜.

Beylkin and Mohlenkamp PNAS ͉ August 6, 2002 ͉ vol. 99 ͉ no. 16 ͉ 10249 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 2 ؍ This linear least-squares problem naturally divides into sep- Table 1. Run times in seconds for a sign iteration in d arate problems for each coordinate. For fixed direction k, form Ordinary Separated the matrix ނ with entries N Dense Sparse Dense Sparse ͑ˆ ˜͒ ϭ ͹͗˜˜l ˜ˆl͘ B l , l Vi , Vi . [22] 8 1.4⅐100 1.4⅐100 2.2⅐100 4.4⅐100

i k 16 9.8⅐101 7.9⅐101 1.3⅐101 2.3⅐101 32 2.9⅐104 3.1⅐102 9.2⅐101 7.7⅐101 Then, for a fixed coordinate j , form the vector b with entries k jk 64 (est.)⅐106 2.2⅐103 7.3⅐102 2.3⅐102 128 (est.)⅐108 (est.)⅐104 4.9⅐103 7.8⅐102 r ⅐ 10 ⅐ 5 ⅐ 4 ⅐ 3 ͑ˆ͒ ϭ ͸ l ͑ ͒͹͗ l ˜ˆl͘ 256 (est.) 10 (est.) 10 (est.) 10 3.0 10 bjk l slV k jk Vi, Vi . [23] ϭ l 1 i k Observed order N6 N3 N3 N1.5

The normal equations for the direction k and coordinate jk become Computation of a Spectral Projector. For a diagonalizable matrix ށ ނ ͑˜͒ ϭ ށ cjk l bjk, [24] with real eigenvalues, we can compute sign( ) using the follow- ing recursion: ˜ ˜ ˜ which we solve for cjk(l) as a vector in l. After computing cjk(l) ˜l ށ ϭ ށ͞ʈށʈ ˜ ϭ ʈ ˜ ʈ ˜ ϭ ˜ ͞ ˜ 0 2 for all coordinates jk,welet˜sl cjk(l) and V k(jk) cjk(l) ˜sl, where 3 [25] the norm is taken with respect to the coordinate jk. ށ ϩ ϭ ͑3ށ Ϫ ށ ͒͞2, k ϭ 0, 1, . . . 2⅐ ⅐ k 1 k k For fixed direction k and coordinate jk, it requires ˜r d M ނ ⅐ ⅐ 3 operations to compute , ˜rr d M to compute bj , and ˜r to solve Using the sign function, we can compute spectral projectors (10), ނ k the system. Since and the inner products in bjk are independent which are useful for computing electron densities, in some of the coordinate jk, computing for another value of jk has wave-propagation problems and in model reduction. incremental cost rr˜ ϩ ˜r2. Similarly, many of the computations We now give an example of the computation of a sign function. ނ involved in and bjk are the same for different k. Thus, one Here we test the principle of using a separated representation to full alternating least-squares iteration costs O[d⅐˜r(˜r2 ϩ r⅐M)]. compute functions of matrices. We compare the run times using Because this algorithm uses inner products that can only be the ordinary representation with dense matrices and sparse computed to within roundoff error ␮, the best accuracy matrices in wavelet coordinates and the separated representa- ␧ ϭ ͌␮ ޖl obtainable is . tion with dense and sparse one-dimensional matrices i. We have found it prudent to monitor the conditioning of the We compute sign(H Ϫ 50I) for the Hamiltonian matrix ނ in Eq. 22 by detecting small pivots during the linear ϭ Ϫ⌬ ϩ ͑ 2 ϩ 2͒ solve of Eq. 24. If a small pivot is detected, it means the set H 20 cos x1 x2 , [26] ˜˜l R ⅐⅐⅐R ˜˜l ށ˜ of vectors {V1 Vd} that make up have become nearly ϭ linearly dependent. If the separation values are large, it signals on a periodic domain in dimension d 2. This Hamiltonian is a legitimate but poorly conditioned representation, in which case a simplified single-atom independent-electron model for a crys- we should raise ˜r to alleviate the conditioning. If the separation tal. The shift 50 separates out the five eigenfunctions with lowest values are not large, we can instead discard the vector corre- eigenvalues. Even in this dimension the computation is very sponding to the small pivot and reduce ˜r by one. expensive. The sign function does not have an explicit solution and cannot be simplified by separation of variables. We perform Ϫ Numerical Examples 30 iterations (Eq. 25) and truncate the sparse matrices at 10 5 In this section we provide numerical evidence to support our relative precision. Table 1 gives run times on a Sun Ultra2 with a 300-MHz processor, thus demonstrating that the separated conjectures and to demonstrate that our approach can be used ϭ successfully. representation removes the dimension d 2 from the exponent. Computation of the Smallest Eigenvalue via the Power Alternating Least-Squares Tests. In the first series of tests we Method in Dimension 30 20 generate a random separated vector of norm one (Eq. ) and ށ then look for a representation (Eq. 21) with the same separation For a diagonalizable matrix , we can compute the spectral ␳ ށ rank using our algorithm. On a typical run with d ϭ 30, M ϭ 100, radius ( ) with the power method. Beginning with a random and r ϭ 100, the residual decreased steadily but slowly as ˜r was vector F0, we compute ⅐ Ϫ2 ϭ ϭ increased and was still 2 10 when ˜r 99. At ˜r 100 the error ϭ ށ ⅐ Ϫ8 Gk Fk dropped to 2 10 , the best obtainable in double precision. The [27] entire process took 2,900 seconds on a 360-MHz Sun Ultra10. F ϩ ϭ G ͞ʈG ʈ, k ϭ 0, 1, . . . . ͚d k 1 k k The second test is to find a representation for sin( jϭ1 xj), ϭ dϪ1 ʈ ʈ ␳ ށ starting with the separated representation with r 2 terms, The norm Gk will converge to ( ), and if the corresponding obtained via ordinary trigonometric formulas. When started eigenvalue is distinct, then Fk is the eigenvector. with ˜r ϭ d, the alternating least-squares algorithm quickly finds For the operator, we choose the Hamiltonian separated representations with ˜r ϭ d terms, thereby generat- ing an instance of the trigonometric identity (Eq. 6). When d d d Ͻ ϭ Ϫ⌬ ϩ ͸ ͑ ͒ ϩ ͸͸ ͑ Ϫ ͒ started with ˜r d, however, it pursued poorly conditioned H 2d cos xi cos xi xk , [28] representations. iϭ1 iϭ1 kϾi The third test is the proton-type potential (Eq. 8), which nominally has r ϭ d. In dimensions d Յ 100, our algorithm found which is a simplified single-atom interacting d-electron model. representations of the correct form (Eq. 12), which was unknown We discretize H to form the matrix ވ. Since the smallest to us at the time of the experiment. It did not, however, find truly eigenvalue of ވ corresponds to the lowest energy state, we apply ށ ϭ މ Ϫ ވ Ϸ optimal representations and occasionally encountered badly the power method to Cd for a suitable shift Cd conditioned matrices (Eq. 22). ʈވʈ͞2 to determine that eigenvalue. Usually the power method

10250 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.112329799 Beylkin and Mohlenkamp Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Table 2. Computation of the smallest eigenvalue for a model For this example we choose dimension d ϭ 30 and a Schro¨ dinger operator in dimension 30 one-directional discretization with N ϭ 20. These choices make ʈވʈ Ϸ ⅐ 4 ϭ ⅐ 4 ވ ␧ Iterations r(Fk) Time, sec 8 10 , so we choose Cd 5 10 . The matrix has apparent separation rank 2d ϩ d(d Ϫ 1) ϭ 930 using trigonometric Ϫ 10 2 521 1 2.7⅐101 identities, but we represent it with separation rank r ϭ 22 using Ϫ 10 3 2,557 2 1.4⅐102 the derivative formulation in Eq. 12, accurate to relative preci- Ϫ 10 4 4,130 5 1.5⅐103 sion ␧ ϭ 10Ϫ7 in the operator norm. We iterate until the norm Ϫ 10 5 5,230 6 6.4⅐103 ʈ ʈ Ϫ7 Gk has converged within 10 relative accuracy and use this as Ϫ6 ⅐ 4 10 6,160 11 2.0 10 the correct value for ␳(ށ). We then examine earlier iterates that Ϫ7 ⅐ 4 10 6,368 12 2.2 10 are accurate to within ␧, for various values of ␧. In Table 2 we vary ␧ and present the number of iterations needed to obtain that precision, the separation rank of Fk, and the run time in seconds is not used to compute the smallest eigenvalue, in particular due on a Sun Ultra10 with a 360-MHz processor. to the large number of iterations required. However, it provides Although we did not enforce antisymmetry in this example, it a simple demonstration of the ability to compute in higher is possible to guide the iteration to a fermionic rather than dimensions. bosonic eigenspace. We plan to perform computations with the The initial vector F0 is chosen with separation rank one. After full Schro¨dinger operator, including the antisymmetry condition, each iteration, we reduce the separation rank of Fk using FkϪ1 as and will present results as they become available. the initial approximation in the alternating least-squares algo- rithm. For small values of k, Fk does not have the properties of This research was supported partially by National Science Foundation the target eigenvector, and so it may have large separation rank. Grant DMS-9902365 (to M.J.M.), Defense Advanced Research Projects To prevent the power method from slowing down, we use an Agency Grants F49620-98-1-0491 and F30602-98-1-0154, and University ␧ adaptively changing accuracy k. of Virginia Subcontract MDA-972-00-1-0016 (to G.B.).

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Beylkin and Mohlenkamp PNAS ͉ August 6, 2002 ͉ vol. 99 ͉ no. 16 ͉ 10251 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021