July 23, 2007 the Regular Meeting of the St. John's Municipal Council Was Held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, at 4:30
July 23, 2007 The Regular Meeting of the St. John’s Municipal Council was held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, at 4:30 p.m. today. His Worship the Mayor presided. There were present also Deputy Mayor O’Keefe, Councillors Colbert, Hickman, Hann, Puddister, Galgay, Coombs, Ellsworth and Collins. Regrets: Councillor Duff The Chief Commissioner/City Solicitor, Associate Commissioner/Director of Corporate Services and City Clerk, Associate Commissioner/Director of Engineering, Director of Planning, and Manager, Corporate Secretariat were also in attendance. Call to Order and Adoption of the Agenda SJMC2007-07-23/401R It was decided on motion of Councillor Ellsworth, seconded by Deputy Mayor O’Keefe: That the Agenda be adopted as presented with the following additional item: a. Memorandum dated July 23, 2007 from the Chief Commissioner and City Solicitor re: MacMorran Community Centre, St. John’s Community Alliance Centre Inc. Adoption of Minutes SJMC2007-07-23/402R It was decided on motion of Councillor Ellsworth; seconded by Deputy Mayor O’Keefe: That the Minutes of the July 23rd, 2007 meeting be adopted as presented. Kilbride Concept Plan Under business arising, Council considered a memorandum dated July 19, 2007 from the Director of Planning regarding the above noted. SJMC2007-07-23/403R It was moved by Councillor Collins; seconded by Councillor Hann: That the following Resolutions for Municipal Plan Amendment Number 49, 2007 and Development Regulations Amendment Number 409, 2007 be adopted as - 2 - 2007-07-23 presented, and further, that a public hearing be scheduled on the amendments to take place on August 13, 2007, and that Mr.
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