History of Williamsburg Church, and Is a Most Treasured Volume in Many Public and Private Libra Ries
HISTORY OF WILLIAMSBURG Something A hout the People oi William sburg County, ^ til Carolina, from the First Settle ment bu Europeans About 1705 until 1923. BY WILLIAM W ILLIS BODDIE COLUMBIA, S . C. THE STATE COMPANY 1923 COPYRIGHT, 1 823. BY WILLIAM WILLIS DODDIE ^£?S I NTRODUCTION Preparing w hat I have called the History of Williams burg has given me great pleasure. It was designed to give statements of fact to one who cares simply for such, as well as to lure the student who wants to learn something of Williamsburg's place in the world. Prac tically everything herein contained is based on ancient documents or official records. mI a very grateful to Mr. A. S. Salley, Jr., Secretary of the Historical Commission of South Carolina, for his sympathetic patience with me while gathering material from his office and for much aid given me; and, likewise, to the authorities in the office of the Secretary of State and the Charleston Library. Miss Mabel L. Webber, Secretary of the South Carolina Historical Society, gave me many helpful suggestions. Judge of Probate W. E. Snowden and Clerk of the Court John D. Britton, of Williamsburg, Judge of Probate Frank M. Bryan, of Charleston, and Judge of Probate Thomas E. Richardson, of Sumter, were always very kind and helpful when I worked in their offices. .Mr. B E. Clarkson allowed me the use of the Confed erate War Diary of his late father, William J. Clarkson; Mr. E. C. Epps furnished me a copy of the Retaliation War Prison Diary of his father, the venerable William Epps; and Mrs.
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