Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.13, 2019 GIS Based Monitoring Tool to Analyze Inland Waterway Accidents in Thailand Kanisa RUNGJANG a, Pattarapong PAKPOOM b a Department of Civil Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand a E-mail:
[email protected] b Faculty of Engineering at Kamphang Saen, Kasetsart University, Nakhon Pathom, 73140 , Thailand b E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: This research aims to develop Geographical Information System (GIS) based monitoring tool to analyze vessel accidents of Ayutthaya inland waterway during the logistics growth period of Ayutthaya. Nationwide statistics along with this focus area in Thailand crucial commercial and passenger waterway route are studied and analyzed. As for the analysis of the inland waterway transportation by Chao Phraya and Pa Sak rivers within Ayutthaya is high risk according to index of International Maritime Organization (IMO), traversing by ships is now even more vulnerable. The analysis shows that the principal cause of accidents is human error. According to the records, the city has been growing while inland waterway logistics activities arises in last decade of Ayutthaya. The result is a combination of GIS tool and accident analysis. The government can manage inland waterway, monitor traffic accidents, and develop safety policy in Chao Phraya River and Pa Sak River to reduce accident. Keywords: Waterway Accident Analysis, Inland Waterway Safety, Urban Logistics, GIS 1. INTRODUCTION One important aspect with respect to the vessel traffic safety is risk analysis. This research is to analyze risk of inland waterway of Ayutthaya. As for the main inland waterborne logistics distributor of Thailand, Ayutthaya, the center of Siamese kingdom in 1350-1767 located in central plain of Thailand, is main region of inland waterway transportation system.