Westside Seattle 7-7-17
FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2017 | Vol. 99, No. 27 Westside Seattle Your neighborhood weekly serving Ballard, Burien/Highline, SeaTac, Des Moines, West Seattle and White Center SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE GET OUTSIDE!See West Seattle Summer Fest Schedule » P. 11 Photo by Kimberly Robinson Photos by Patrick Robinson See our listings on page 14 4700 42nd S.W. • 206-932-4500 • BHHSNWRealEstate.com © 2017 HSF Aliates LLC. 2 FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2017 WESTSIDE SEATTLE FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2017 | Vol. 99, No. 27 Borderlines (revisited) Editor’s note: Here is an offering by last Saturday and quoth, “The kids have and on arriving he organized us into a Lee Robinson, who my four brothers and I been bugging me to take them fishing work crew. While we were spreading called Mom, from one of her periodic col- Sunday and I don’t really want to go my- out camp in a lovely gravel pit, he dis- umns. This one from Aug. 15, 1962. There self but you know how it is. They’re little appeared, as was to be expected. But was a family rumor that Mom often wrote for such a short time.” we didn’t mind, we had food, the sun Ballard News-Tribune, Highline Times, West Seattle Herald, Dad’s weekly column, Borderlines, after he We have heard this blarney so often we was shining, the river rippled peaceful- Des Moines News, SeaTac News, White Center News fell asleep in the chair when he had typed a just went about our duties and said noth- ly and all was right with the world for single word, then groggily schlepped off to ing.
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